Nik said on 5/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
Yes, our autocorrects are like Frank Spencer! They blunder as much as is possible and leave a trail of destruction in their wake! It's best to see the funny side of things or they will drive you potty!
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Nov/17
@ Nik - I was just going through the 'Latest Comments' and re-read your comment about the job centre losing patience with, 'him', that miserable little cheeky autocorrect of mine! Do you know who that reminds me of? Yes, it's got to be FRANK SPENCER!
Nik said on 4/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell
...And not changing what needs to be be changed! I think you had better find a local tip or scrapyard, unless he behaves!!! It's his choice!
Have a great weekend!
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Nov/17
@ Nik - He's been living up to his reputation this afternoon of course, changing what doesn't need to be changed, as usual!
He just wrote 'bebe changed, as useless'! 👏
Nik said on 2/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell
He can't get anything right, can he? He corrects incorrect stuff and leaves alone stuff that are faulty! Why can't he start doing his job? Then people would say nice things about him!
👍 Enjoy Emmerdale!
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Nov/17
@ Nik - You too! 👍
Nik said on 2/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hey!
I think the job centre would lose patience with him if he kept on coming back for his P45 every day, silly fool, why doesn't he learn? I think he simply needs his cards... And the old heave-Ho!
Have a great evening!
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Nov/17
🚽 Correction Time! 🚽
That should have been 'HE'D have to go and sign on again...' rather than 'he have to go...'
He did it again Nik! 📲
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Nov/17
@ Nik - Hmmmm...
If I sacked mine and he signed on and got his P45, he wouldn't ever work again for more than a day at a time because as soon as he'd start his antics up, he have to go and sign on again and retrieve his P45 anew!
Nik said on 1/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
I meant the boot as in sack, bullet, chop, I should have explained that. I would physically give mine the boot, but I doubt that is possible so I may resort to the P45 instead!
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Nov/17
@ Nik and - I would if I could, but I very much doubt that is possible!
On the other hand, I could buy a whole new phone....
I hope you heard that, you little b******! 📲
Nik said on 31/Oct/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
Your autocorrect is really taking the *! Give it the old boot!
Basem said on 30/Oct/17
hi man do you measure them with there footware or u remove it from the equation ???????????????

Editor Rob
everything is assumed without footwear.
In John's case, I think he was pretty honest about his barefoot height.
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Oct/17
😠 Correction Time! 😠
Last sentence should have read ".. but 'I'm free' to think what I want to" instead of "want I want to"!
Sozz about that! Ha ha ha! What a *r@t!
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Oct/17
Now that does surprise me! The delightful John, slim of body and exceptionally light on his feet, (part of his act, perhaps), always came over as more of an average height to me! I would have estimated that his height was about 5ft7.75 at the time his camp and infectious seventies sit-com character 'Mr Humphries' was brought to our screens in 'Our You Being Served?'
I was too young and naive to realise what being camp was all about back then! I don't think that the youngsters of today would have any difficulty whatsoever! Ben from Sweden, I'm sure you wouldn't need any explanations, would you? Well, I was about your age! And silly as they came!
Okay then, I will have to believe the 5ft6 as written here - even though it does leave me slightly startled! But 'I'm free' to say and think want I want to! So I will bung on another quarter inch! 😱 👼