Sandy Cowell said on 5/Jun/23
The make-up and special effects on AHS are quite staggering. How can someone as beautiful as Jessica be made to deteriorate in the series so drastically?
It’s not possible to judge Jessica’s height by comparing her to Emma Roberts because Emma is always in such high, high heels!
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Apr/23
I love Jessica’s film Tootsie: it’s very, very funny!
I also thoroughly rate Cape Fear, but that’s not funny at all! 🥀
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Apr/23
🎂🎁🎈🎉 Heppy Birthday Jessica, one day late 🎉🎈🎁🎂
A very happy birthday to Jessica for yesterday. I could never forget it as it was my Dad’s too.
5ft7.5 peak and an inch left today.
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Jan/23
I’m very excited to have seen an advert for a film called Bonneville, which stars not just Jessica, but also her friend from American Horror Story, Kathy Bates.
The actresses must be great mates! I’ll definitely be checking this film out…..
Peak height - 5ft7.75 and 5ft7 today. 😁👌🏼💐
Damselflies said on 1/Oct/22
A solid 5’7”. 1m70
Sandy C said on 24/Jul/22
I’m so pleased to see that ‘Frances’ is listed among Jessica’s credits. It’s on tonight on the Talking Pictures channel; I caught the end of it the other week and have been waiting for it to show again and tonight it is. It looked astounding and is
a real life story.
Made in ‘82, it’ll show Jessica at her peak height, but it doesn’t matter how old this actress gets, as she’ll always be stunningly beautiful. 👸💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Apr/22
AHS Coven:
Something terrible has happened to Fiona’s daughter, in episode 5. She’s had acid thrown in her face and is in hospital. Fiona, BTW, is the part Jessica is playing in Coven.
Fiona is sitting by Cordelia’s bedside and realises that she’s run out of pills. She heads for the hospital’s medication room to find the door locked. Little did the hospital bargain for witchy woman, Fiona, to be coming along, for she proceeds to get in anyway and help herself! 🤣🤣🤣
Then she does something really special. Guilt-ridden that she should have been a better mother to Cordelia, Fi-Fi homes in on a weeping woman whose newly born baby has died, and she comes in to comfort her. She tells the woman to hold the baby girl and tell her how much she loves her, which she does after some initial reluctance.
The baby is brought back to life with Fiona’s powers, and the nice lady witch walks out without taking any credit. 😇
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Apr/22
I did!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Apr/22
My Daddy would have loved the ‘Lana Banana Dance’!
It would have been his birthday today as well. 😢
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Apr/22
🎂🎈🎁🎉 Happy Birthday Jessica! 🎉🎁🎈🎂
A very Happy Birthday to one of the loveliest actresses to ever grace our screens.
I think I shall celebrate with the Lana Banana Dance!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Apr/22
Oh, hooray! I am watching my dodgy copy of AHS Asylum and I thought I’d missed what I call ‘The Lana Banana Dance’, which is set to the 60s song ‘The Name Game’, by Shirley Ellis.
Check out Jessica’s dancing skills, and also those of Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters - very sexy!
Peak - 5ft7.75 and today - 5ft7. 😄👍🏼💐
Fabrizio said on 13/Jun/21
Jessica is 172 cm in il postino suona sempre due volte
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Feb/20
I think so much of this lovely lady that I even dreamt that there was a doppelganger of her in my hospital ward! When I asked the lady whether she gets compared to Jessica Lange, she replied, "If only I had a pound for the times I've been compared to her!"
Beautiful Jessica gets 5ft7.5 for her peak and an inch less for today.
Jtm said on 23/Nov/19
I always had doubt about her height since comparing her with Hoffman in Tootsie and other films I have seen her in . I just watched crimes of the heart and now I have another reason to question her height. There is a scene she is barefeet and not sure if Diane Keaton was wearing slippers or normal shoes but she was noticebly taller than Lange. That would make Lange 5'6.5 peak max. I would actually give her 5'6 max especially since Keaton was more 5'6.5 peak imo.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Nov/19
When asked in AHS 'Apocalypse' by the witch and the warlock who have been sent back in time, 'Return To Murder House', episode 6, Jessica replies, "I'm Constance Langdon and this is my f***ing house!" 😂😂😂
Jessica still looks an impressive model-girl height.
5ft7.75 peak, and 5ft7 now. 💓
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Sep/19
That final episode of AHS 'Asylum' is one I had never seen before. I am now the proud owner of two copies, one of which has '****ed' written upon its front cover so that I can differentiate! How they managed to age Jessica so convincingly in one Season says a lot for their special effects department, but more for Jessica's acting, I feel.
She looked beautiful in this, but that's because she is! I worked out that she'll have been 65/66 while making this, and she can still dance like a woman in her 30's - even at the very end. When she's left to decay in that dreadful asylum, you can tell how many years have passed from her hair growth - and the long hair suits her.
I've decided to go for 5ft7 for today's height and 5ft7.75 for her peak. To be fit enough to be able to dance like that nullifies any thoughts that she could possibly have lost any more. 😘💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Sep/19
Actually, AHS 'Asylum' is based in the 60's. I am watching it at he moment and realising how much I missed out on because my old copy kept jumping. I had to get a new one and I am on episode 12, which I shall continue after 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?'
I can certainly see why Jessica won an award for her performances. Magnificent would be an understatement.
Back later....
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Jun/19
Weren't Nuns harsh in the 50's and 60's when they were put in positions of power? Such behaviour can be clearly seen by the sadistic teachers in the fact-based Peter Mullan film 'The Magdalene Sisters' and to a lesser degree by Jessica's character in AHS 'Asylum', based in the 50's. But Jessica's character is racked with guilt after she knocked a girl over while drunken driving and fled the scene. Yes, asylums those days were very cruel, and the aversion therapy for homosexually and other things that were considered wrong really did happen.
However, I don't see Jessica's nun as totally bad, which is more than can be said for that played by the huge James Cromwell and his son, 6ft8, John, as his younger self, who carried out barbaric experiments in Auschwitz.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Jun/19
I have just started 'Freak Show' and Jessica Lange's German accent is better than my Mum"s! Mind you, my Mum had been in this country 13 years before I was born.
She says to the Sarah Paulson twins "Mein Liebchen' as well as my Mum could!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Jun/19
When you think of what Jessica looked like in her prime, and STILL DOES now, is it surprising that this gorgeous lady won an award for her part in AHS? She appears as a hairless figure of her former self at the end of 'Coven'.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Jun/19
I did see 'Tootsie' yesterday, and very funny it was too! I can credit Jessica as 5ft7.75 (5ft8+ in the morning) in her young days, yes, and 5ft6.75 now. In AHS she wears high heels!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Jun/19
I have just found out that Jessica has a son and two daughters. Isn't that fantastic? 😁👧👧👦
I have received my copy of 'Tootsie' and really look forward to watching it. I can compare her height to those of Dustin Hoffman, Geena Davis and plenty more besides.
If only 'American Horror Story' wasn't so addictive! I started 'Coven' again this morning and there is just SO MUCH to get into, even if you've seen it before, which I have.
However, I wish to leave the boxes blank because I bought 'Tootsie' in order to have a good look at Jessica's height in 1982, and report back! Added to that, there's the trifling little matter that I have a girl crush on her! 💕
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Jun/19
@ Nik - One major advantage of becoming 18 is that you can legally change your name. I've known quite a few people who loathed their names as kids but grew used to them by the time they reached maturity. If you still find your name excruciating and burdensome when you are grown up, there's only one thing to do - take a trip to the Deed Pole office! Stars do it, so why shouldn't we?
Anyway, Jessica continues to enchant and delight me in the first 'American Horror Story', as Constance Langdon, and as it's 'officially' voting time again, I have decided to give her a peak height of 5ft8 and a today's height of 5ft7. She's still slim, still walks tall and is still ever so attractive!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 11/Jun/19
Jessica won't stop making me laugh! When she opens her mouth, I dare not grab my tea in case I have to spit it out!
Just now, Jessica comes round to the 'Murder House' with a couple of cakes. Connie says "Thank you!"
Jessica retorts, "Ha! They're not for you! At your age? You might as well crazy glue a stick of butter to your ass!" 😂😂😂
Subtlety is definitely NOT her strong point!
Nik said on 9/Jun/19
@ Sandy Cowell - Yes, Jessica Lange and Liv Tyler are both beautiful, they are very elegant too!
I think there will be a lot of people about who dislike their own name, this is so unfortunate and I really do have so much sympathy for the billions of people in the world who dislike certain aspects of themself.
Jessica is a fine horror actress and you will be noticing this more than ever, her all round acting skills are excellent and she graces celebheights magnificently!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/May/19
@ Nik - I rate Jessica more than ever now that I have seen her performances in 'American Horror Story'.
A few years ago, I remember reading a Liv Tyler interview, describing how she wasn't keen on her name when she was growing up. Poor lass - it can't be very nice to harbour a disliking for your own name! Liv blossomed into one of the most beautiful women in the World; she said "When I was a kid, all the pretty girls were called Jessica!"
Well, it's certainly true with Ms Lange, but equally the case with Liv! Both ladies are tall and elegant, Liv being some three inches taller than Jessica.
Nik said on 28/May/19
@ Sandy Cowell - It must be an outstanding word if you remember using it before even though you have only used it once, I am glad that I have been able to remind you which page you used it on! Aplomb is an unusual and quaint word, you would have to use this word quite a lot to wear it out!
Jessica is very youthful and pretty! She is a real 🌟 too!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/May/19
I love Jessica's German Frauliein voice in 'Freak Show' (AHS, bien sur!), and the first time I heard it, I thought she sounded like Marlene Dietrich! Well, I think that was her 'competition'!
Bah! I'd go for Jessica every time:- far sexier!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/May/19
@ Nik - I knew I'd used it before, but there's no way I'd remembered the page. A sort of alarm goes off when I say or write a word, and I try not to use unusual ones too often. I call it 'wearing them out'!
Nik said on 22/May/19
@ Sandy Cowell - Isn't she just? Jessica turned 70 on the 20th April but she does look to be much younger! Also it must be said that she is a real 🌟, you are so right in saying this!
I like your use of the word "aplomb" in your last comment, your previous use of this word on celebheights was on the page of Vincent Price!
It is interesting that Jessica is down as being 5'8" on a number of sites!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/May/19
Hey, but she's still darned attractive, and I can see why Jessica won an award for her performance in 'American Horror Story'.
Every so often, she comes out with such funny one-liners, and I'm in hysterics! She does so with such aplomb that it makes it more amusing than ever!
Thanks to her just now, I saw that Charles S Dutton isn't as tall as I thought he was.
What a 🌟! Oh, yes!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/May/19
It's hard to believe she's same person when you see Jessica in 'American Horror Story' as the girl from 'King Kong' and 'Tootsie'!
She still looks tallish, so 5ft6.5 for nowadays and an inch more for her peak.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Apr/19
💐🎂🎁 Happy Birthday Jessica! 🎁🎂💐
Have a great one!
LOVE your films, especially your dear little innocent Anne in 'King King', the trusting friend you played with the hilarious Dustin Hoffman in 'Tootsie' and the anything but funny movie 'Cape Fear'.
5ft6.5 now, 5ft7.5 peak.
5'2 said on 7/Dec/17
her present height is around 5'5". She was 5'7" at her prime
anyonmious said on 30/Mar/17
I say she is only 5'5" in 2017
anyonmious said on 18/Dec/16
Her peak height is 5'7" and her present height is 5'5"
Shredder said on 17/Dec/16
Whatever she was , Dustin Hoffman didn't look more than an inch less in tootsie ( as a man in low shoes )
jtm said on 11/Jun/16
when did she ever look 5'8?
big joe red said on 8/Jun/16
i say jessica lange was 5'6 135# and measurements a 36C-24-36 in the postman always rings twice , she was definitely very very hot. in ling kong she was also very very hot,she looked pretty tall in king kong.another movie where she was very hot was in frances but she lost weight through giving birth to her the mid 1980's she was supposed to be about 124#.
Jessie said on 12/Oct/15
She was definitely 173 when she was younger, may have lost a couple of cm now as she is after all 66. She never wears more than 4 in heels without platforms and still she looks tall next to most actors and even actresses with big platform shoes. Jessica is tall but not towering like Sigourney etc.
Lee said on 1/Sep/15
She's shorter than sarah Paulsen I'd say 5 foot 5
LoganNoll1996 said on 7/Aug/15
I can see 5'8 peak being possible even though I was always under the impression that she was 5'7 when seeing Tootsie and King Kong. FYI I used to have a crush on her when I first saw King Kong.
When in her 20s and 30s she was hotter than other women her age. Even in her 60s she still hotter than other women her age. Even though, according to rumors, she's had a face lift she appears to be holding up well for her age wouldn't you agree, Rob?
Sam said on 1/Jun/15
Rob, to her credits could you add?: All That Jazz, Frances, Sweet Dreams, Crimes of the Heart, Titus and her various roles in TV's American Horror Story.
sneaky said on 9/Feb/15
i say in the postman always rings twice ,she supposed to gained a few pounds compared to king kong so i say she was about 135 pounds a 5'7 and her measurements where definetly a 36C -24 -36
red said on 6/Nov/14
I say Jessica lange was about 5'6 , 135# ,and a 36C-24-36 in the postman always rings twice where she was definetly the hottest in king kong she was supposed to be 130# ,5"6
Arch Stanton said on 11/Mar/14
She looked noticeably taller than Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie and not much shorter than De Niro in Cape Fear. I can't see her as low as 5 ft 6 peak Brad. She looked a 5'7" er peak to me.
Brad said on 10/Mar/14
5' 6", same height as a 5' 7.5" Wahlberg in heels to built up lifts.
Ben said on 23/Dec/13
Thanks for responding to my questions rob. This is an awesome site, and I have great respect for your work on here.
Ben said on 22/Dec/13
Hey Rob, why do you list her as 5'8 when all the other websites list her as 5'7?

Editor Rob
well I've not looked at her for years, at 64 she does look more 5ft 7.
Sam said on 5/Aug/13
In some parts of Tootsie she looks around 1.5 taller than Hoffman, at other times (when both are wearing heels I think) they do look confusingly similar in height.
Knowitall said on 27/Jul/13
She's no more than five six. In Tootsie, Dustin Hoffman was about her height. Watch the last scene where they walk away together. She's wearing boots with what appear to be no more than two inch heels. Hoffmann is wearing tennis shoes. She looks about an inch taller.
Tomi said on 5/Jan/13
She doesn't look 5'8'' in Cape Fear next to De Niro, she's pretty tall lady though.
Chisel said on 16/Sep/12
She stood a few feet away from me a few years ago. She looked about 5'6" or 5'6 1/2" and about 110 lbs.
guyfrommars said on 15/Apr/09
In "Tootsie" 5ft5.5 Dustin Hoffman looks an inch shorter than her when both are wearing flats. When dressed as a woman, wearing heels Hoffman is taller than her. Lange is 5ft6.5 or 5ft7.
phillyflash said on 1/Dec/05
Early in her career I always saw her listed at 5'7, then 5'7
mcfan said on 23/Aug/05
She used to be close to 5'9.