Tino said on 12/Jul/06
To everybody if you think she is 5'7 compare her to nicky hilton a true 5'7 and you will see that alba is not even 5'6.5 i know that she is 5'5
quitecute said on 10/Jul/06
omigod sianna i totally agree. jess was starting to look, like, scary thin. but i think she looks better toned than all flabby. not to sound harsh but she really isn't thin anymore. she's starting to look chubby. i hope she slims down, cuz in something like a tight dress, she would look fat, with all her flab on show. ive seen more pics, and in 1, her fat coming, like, a few inches away from her pants. eeewwwwwww!!
amanda said on 10/Jul/06
she's definitely 5'7. at leat. maybe 5 '7 1/2
sianna said on 10/Jul/06
i think she could have had to gain the waeight coz shez doing a movie..i mean alot of actors put on weight for movies..and even if she hasnt mwho cares! she was starting to look WAY to thin...like seriously im not just saying this i saw a pic of her n she was as thin as keira knightly...so i think its ok if she puts on sum weight but yer i agree with u quite cute...she looked the best with her toned body..not semi anorexic or chubby
Leung said on 9/Jul/06
quitecute, Jessica’s hot body that you see in her movies is the result of months training in the gym and health dieting. When she is having a break from movies and not doing grueling exercising then it would be normal for some weight gain. It’s similar to professional atheletes gaining a little fat in the offseason. But you’re right, Jessica is great looking, my speed.
quitecute said on 9/Jul/06
wat do u guys think, no one is posting back.
quitecute said on 8/Jul/06
yup, ive seen some more pics and im positive i was right. if jessica used to be 110 lbs, she's probably about 125 now. she better watch it!
quitecute said on 7/Jul/06
ok, now i think jessica is a beautiful, fit, thin person, and she is in very good shape. im really into magazines, so i see a ton of really recent celeb pics. and not to sound critical or anything, but jessica has definetly put on some weight. of course, she is still beautiful, and thinner than average, but in a pic where she was wearing a bikini, her formerly flat stomach, didn't have the amazing muscle tone that it used to. and in a shot where the wind blew her shirt up a bit, her stomach was going over her pants, plus the pants looked too small. her thighs look a bit bigger, and a lot of her muscle is covered by a little bit of body fat.for her height, she is still considered ahealthy weight, but she is definetly a higher number than before. another picture showed her in a tight shirt, and when she bent down, you could see a bit of body fat spilling over her pants. now, i still think she's beautiful, but i think she would look even better if she could drop a few pounds off her tummy, hips, thighs,and arms and return to her prettier shape. i think she might have gained anywhere from 10- to 15 lbs, which for her height isn't quite so thin anymore.
sianna said on 1/Jul/06
its pretty hard to tell with her...sometimes she can look 5'6 5'7 but other times she can look fairly petite..a bit lyk her weight...she always comments on how she has this curvy body with lyk big hips...in reality the girls as thin as a stick..i mean shez on this strict as diet...i rekon she should go down to 5'6..just coz everyone lies a little :)...i do lol... well not exactly..im 5'3.5 but i say im about 5'4...it makes you seem taller...seriously
Rumi said on 29/Jun/06
I've seen her in person, she is the height she states: about 5'6". She does not look small and has a medium frame. She does not look small whatsoever.
Abe said on 27/Jun/06
Famke is at least 5'10 I see what tony is saying next to famke at mtv awards wearing sandals jessica was really short and she was wearing high heel if she was 5'6 she would be the same heigh so tha's makes her in range of 5'4 to 5'5
Leung said on 19/Jun/06
tony, Famke Janssen is nearly 6' so obviously Jessica Alba is going to look short next to her. Jessica stands at least 5'6"
tony said on 16/Jun/06
next to famke on sandals, jessica wearing high heels she was 2 inches shorter she is 5'4
JessicaFan said on 12/Jun/06
Nop, i havent seen the show yet, but do you know where i can download it??
Alex said on 10/Jun/06
I didn't see too much of the movie awards but some of it I did. Jessica Alba was looking fine as hell in a nice dress and heels so it was a bit tough to compare her height to others. Anyone else catch her on the show?
Alex said on 9/Jun/06
Trish, many people will actually get measured in shoes which is going to make you 1-1.5 inches taller and they say that as their height and then some just add onto it as well.
Trish said on 8/Jun/06
I used to think I was 5'7 (for like 3 years! haha). Then I had my medical last week and they say I'm 5'6. When people asked me before what my height was and I would say 5'7, they'd think I was taller. Wonder what they'll say now when I say I'm 5'6. Anyway, I bet she really is around 5'6 and not lying about it.
Alex said on 5/Jun/06
Jon, many people think they are taller than they really are. Its not too much where someone just lies about their height on purpose. Its mostly they don't know how tall they are and think they are taller than they really are.
Alex said on 5/Jun/06
Jessica Alba will be hosting the MTV movie awards this Thursday night at 9PM I believe. You know many celebrities will be on the stage so if shes close enough to some then you can use them to measure her up or even them.
jon said on 4/Jun/06
5'7 seems right to me. I'm not saying she's grown of course! People can get their heights wrong-up and down. I thought i was 5'11-I'm 5'10 or so my pyschical said. who know? It's a guessing game-fun to play. hey-even measuring instruments vary-especially the low tech one's used for nonimportant things like height.
JessicaFan said on 30/May/06
In Jay Leno: Tonight Show With Jay Leno - 26-09-2005 - Jessica Alba, Julian McMahon, Buddy Guy . She said that she was 5`2 when she was 9 years old and adding with saying "almost as tall as i am now" So i mean that jessica alba is 5`3 or 5`3.5 . No taller than that. Go and watch the show!!
anonymous5 said on 29/May/06
if jessica is really 5'6" why does she complain about her height? Especially as many models are not all that much taller than her? Fishy....
Alex said on 29/May/06
I was watching some of the MTV video music awards 2005 replay on TV today and Jessica Alba was presenting an award with Dwayne Wade who is 6'4? and Shaq who is 7'0. She was much shorter than Dwayne but it didn't look 10 inches though, more like 7-8 inches or so but I am sure she had on big heels or something but even with that there was no way she would be under 5'6 barefoot.
ForensicNYC said on 27/May/06
Jessica Alba with 6'0" Chris Evans, 5'11" Ioan Gruffudd and 5'8" Michael Chiklis...(Chiklis wears Sly shoes here...)
Click HereAnother angle with the F4...
Click Here
ice said on 13/May/06
Actually the pic that rob posted is tilted in Alba's favor. If you look at the background, it shows this.
Alex said on 10/May/06
Rob thats weird, one picture Alba looks only 1/2 to an inch shorter than Fox then in the other its 2 inches. With those heels she has on though they do look a good 3 inches so shes going to be 2-2.5 inches taller. So say shes 5'6 barefoot then now shes 5'8-5'8.5 in heels. Say Fox is 5'9 barefoot with sneakers so now hes 5'10-5'10.5 in them depending on the sneaker heels which is 1-1.5 inches. They look 2 inches apart in the pic Mimis posted so the pic Rob posted someone must not be standing up straight or something.
And WOW Alba is looking good there too! LOL
Alex said on 9/May/06
Fox looks 2-2.5 inches taller than Alba. Fox I am not sure how tall he is though. Anywhere from 5'8-5'9 which puts Alba at about 5'6 again.
Anonymous said on 8/May/06
She seems 5'5.5" (166 or 167)
Mimis said on 7/May/06
Oops sorry, I forgot to add the link to the picture:
Click Here
Mimis said on 7/May/06
Look at this picture of her with Jamie Foxx...now, if he is 5'9" as most people have commented and he himself has said, this would make Jessica smaller than 5'6". Although you can't see her shoes, it would seem that she's wearing heels with her outfit, which would bring her up closer to Jamie's height. However, she still looks about 2-3 in. smaller than him. I'm thinking Jessica is about 5'5" or a tad bit smaller. She looks about 5'6.5" in the pic. Whatdya think?
Alex said on 5/May/06
When she said 5'7 maybe she was taking morning height and shes maybe 5'6-5'6.25 in the evening and then said 5'6.5 to take the average?
Alex said on 5/May/06
Yea, that chart doesn't mean much to me really. Those charts don't take into account muscle mass. I am overweight going by that and BMI which is another thing that doesn't make much sense.
But Alba is def in ideal shape. Her build can make her look about 5'7 at times, but shes more in the 5'6-5'6.5 range. She doesn't look anything under 5'6.
Kats said on 5/May/06
Hey pete. I scanned the page so you can check out different frames.
Click Here Of course, this is info similar to what you can find on a zillion websites, but I'm still into books. This is from Time Life's "Medical Advisor" (1997). I do think these charts can be misleading though. Alex, you're a good example because I know a lot of guys that are considered "overweight" by these charts, but they aren't at all. Muscle mass changes things a lot. I think Alba has an ideal shape, definitely. I'd actually rather weigh more and have better muscle tone, like she has.
Sian, that's pretty much how I have felt with Alba too. Her build makes her look around 5'7, but I think it's misleading and she seems more like 5'5. I still feel like Paul Walker is around 6'1 though, so she does seem around 5'6 compared to him...
pete said on 4/May/06
Hey Kats,
What does is the average weight for a person who is 5'4 according to your book?
sian said on 30/Apr/06
i watched "into the blue" a while ago and i thought if John walker is 6ft.2 then jessica alba must be 5"7 at least. unless he's less than 6ft and she's 5"5 at the most. she looks very petite and i'm surprised that they state her at 5"6.5 when she doesn't look that tall (esp. when she's quite skinny.) i say 5"5 at the most.
Alex said on 27/Apr/06
I am 6'0-6'0.5 range and I'm 200lbs. I am considered overweight by a fair amount, but I workout and have muscle so it doesn't matter.
Alex said on 27/Apr/06
Well the book says that. Kinda accurate though. 130lbs sounds medium for 5'6. Alba is thin, not medium but shes amazing though. Actually I like medium and thin about the same. Don't like too skinny but not into thick girls either, rarely would I unless they are toned. Chunky, fat and more is a def. no no.
Kats said on 27/Apr/06
Yeah, 103 for my height is considered underweight, but I definitely don't think I look too thin. I have skinny bones.
You like more medium framed girls you say... you don't consider Alba medium do you? For 5'6 the medium frame in one my books says weight is 130-144. Small frame 120-133. Her build looks small framed to me, regardless of weight.
Alex said on 26/Apr/06
Kats, you're pretty petite. Thats fine though. I like more medium framed girls the best but thin is fine too. 5'4.5 103lbs is underweight going by charts but it seems to be ok with most girls. Most girls today 5'4-5'5 weigh like 150lbs! lol
Kats said on 26/Apr/06
Well, the thing is, I am still not convinced she is quite 5'6. But assuming she is...I thought she looked so thin at an award show (can't remember which one) this past winter. I thought maybe she had lost muscle I had seen her have before. I'm 5'4.5 and weigh 103 and look as thin as her, maybe even less thin. But I'm sure she has more muscle than I do, and since that's going to weigh more it's probably not best I compare us. She could very well weigh 115 or more. Like I said, I'm bad at weights. :)
Alex said on 24/Apr/06
Kats, just say she is 5'6 then 110lbs would be thin for that height. But shes not an unhealthy thin girl. Shes in very good shape and toned. Shes amazing. With these actresses and actors their weight varies a little up and down with movie roles, but Alba doesn't have seemed to vary much. 115lbs I'd give her though. 5'6 115lbs is fine for a girl anyway.
Kats said on 21/Apr/06
Oh gosh, I am so bad at guessing weight. 115-120 does sound right though. Well, I thought she was looking quite thin the last time I saw her. Maybe 110 even?
Alex said on 20/Apr/06
I wonder what Alba weighs though? You're a girl Kats, what is your guess? 115-120lbs I'd say. Well whatever she is shes in AMAZING shape.
Kats said on 19/Apr/06
Alex, yeah, you're right about everyone being different. I've read on this site that 4.5-5 inches is average. I guessed Paul was about 5 and since she's a little under his nose I came up with about 7 inches too. I really think he's 6'1 right now, so if they are standing on level ground in the water, she does look about 5'6.
Alex said on 19/Apr/06
Kats, the top of my head to my eye level is 4-4.5 inches though, but everyone is different. Alba's head is just under Walker's nose I think so about 7 inches difference.
Kats said on 19/Apr/06
Oh, I agree Alex. I think Lopez is 5'4-5'4.5 now. I think Beyonce is 5'5-5'5.5. If Melissa has the shoes correct for Alba, she could very well be 5'6-5'6.5. I will still need more to confirm this though.
Ujane, Alba looks 6-7 inches shorter than Paul because the top of her head is below his eyes. Aren't people about 5 inches from their eyes to the top of their head? That's what I always base heights on...
MeLiSsA said on 18/Apr/06
I just saw a full length pic of jessica alba wearing that same dress and you could see her shoes and they looked pretty low def not 4 inches, i think under 3. She wasn't standing next to J Lo, so i couldn't compare her shoes or even see how high they were, but her heels are usually huge.
Ujane, Moscow said on 15/Apr/06
Well if she is abou 170 then Walker is abot 6ft not more - he is just half a head taller on the poster of Into Blue and half a head is about 12-14cm. If to take into account that it is possible Alba fudge about her height it could downgrade Paul to 5ft11in! And you got him at 6ft 2.5in perhaps you`re lookin` at the men using some lens! I don know and carry!
Alex said on 15/Apr/06
Lopez I see at no less than 5'4 though. shes in the 5'4-5'4.5 range. Anything over 5'5 is impossible for Lopez. So Beyonce is probably 5'5.5 and Alba about 5'6.
Kats said on 15/Apr/06
I just posted on Walker's page. Based on that shot, it does look like she could be 5'6-5'6.5 next to a probable-6'1 Walker. I wonder about the other shot that shows a greater difference between them though, but it's likely to be inaccurate. I still wonder about the shoes she and Lopez were wearing. It's been said below they were similar. Hmm... I definitely can say she is not only 5'3. (That was a convoluted guess when I thought Lopez could be 5'3.5 based on Beyonce who I thought was shorter than I think now). Nothing has really helped me to pin Alba better though. I need to see her more.
Alex said on 14/Apr/06
Looks 6-7 inches between the 2.
Click Here
Alex said on 13/Apr/06
Ok Alba has said 5'6.5 and 5'7 at different times now. Its possible that 5'7 height she is saying in shoes and 5'6.5 maybe her barefoot height in the morning when she is a bit taller. I don't think she could be boosting her height up by much. 5'6 flat I'd stick with for her now, but its hard to see her under 5'6 at all.
Kats said on 10/Apr/06
I know of his 6'2-6'3 listings. And I agree... he's not that tall. He's currently listed here as 6'2.5 which he only gets away with if you don't figure a lot of other male celebs are exaggerated too. I also think he's 6'1.
If there is a legit picture with him and Alba, it would be interesting to see the difference.
Kats said on 8/Apr/06
Like I said, I need to take a look at more Alba pictures, but yeah Paul Walker may be hard... just go to his page and see the conflicting opinions. But maybe they're worth looking at anyways. If Rob or anyone has them, I'll judge.
Alex said on 8/Apr/06
Rob, do you have any pictures of Alba and Paul Walker together. In the movie "Into the Blue" they were barefoot or in sandals together sometimes. That would be a good comparision. Also I am not too sure on how tall Paul walker reall is.
Kats said on 8/Apr/06
Okay, I am willing to take some looks at other pictures. I was going by what others were saying about Alba's and Lopez's shoes being similar, which I thought made her 5'5 at the most. Certainly when I said 5'3-5'5, 5'3 is a low estimate. I usually try to peg celebrities better than a 2 inch estimation too, so I definitely need more proof for her.
I agree that her "getting away with" 5'7 would seem crazy if she's 5'3. I can think of a few other celebrities with 3 inch increases though. I'm not going to disregard 5'4 yet. We'll see...
Alex said on 6/Apr/06
Rob, I could see her at 5'6 even for sure, but nothing under that. Find it hard that she would really be 5'3-5'4 and saying 5'6.5-5'7. She isn't going to get away with it. I am guessing she has said 5'7 maybe as her in shoe height and really 5'6 or her morning height as 5'7 meaning she is more 5'6.5. My estimate for her right now is bang on 5'6. Rob can you post the picture with her and Troy?
Alex said on 6/Apr/06
Yes, in that picture with Alba and Lopzez who is 5'4 they do look about the exact same height but I have a feeling Lopez is wearing bigger heels and Alba is in more smaller standard footwear. I say this because Alba always looks 5'6 when I see her in movies. Someone mentioned her looking tallish in the movie "Into the Blue".

Editor Rob
there's 3 or so pics of her and troy aikmen on wireimage somewhere, both in trainers...honestly, hard to see her being under 169cm unless big troy has shrunk 2 inches
Alex said on 5/Apr/06
If she really is 5'3 then its crazy how she could get away with saying 5'7. Too much of a difference. I am 6'0-6'0.5 and theres no way I can get away with saying I am 6'4-6'4.5!
She could be saying 5'7 as with shoes as some people do. Shes not over 5'6. Lowest I could go for Alba is 5'5.5.
ds said on 5/Apr/06
168 cm. Not 170. I am 172 and I am taller than all the girls in my classes except 2.
Kats said on 29/Mar/06
Haylie, lol me too! For starters, she is delusional to wish to be skinnier! She's tiny! She also does not look short, so it sounds silly that she wishes to be taller. She COULD be 5'6 and as delusional about her height as she is her weight. But for the most part, I believe she wishes to be taller because she's really under 5'6. Nonetheless, she is perfect in both areas!
Haylie said on 27/Mar/06
In last week's Grazia (UK) magazine she was describes as '5ft 6in' and yet again she said the whole thing about wanting to be taller and skinnier. . . my heart breaks for her lol
Kats said on 27/Mar/06
No, you 'come on' Alex. Evidence has put Jennifer Lopez at 5'4 at the most. Do you need to be reminded how Alba looks compared to Lopez? The pictures are not far below.
And ONCE AGAIN, someone claiming a height, even saying it over and over means nothing! Celebs pick a height to fib and they stick to it. Personally, I think a lot of these 5'6.5 claimers are choosing to bump themselves up by the standard 2 inches exactly. Making most of these 5'6.5 claimers the very average female height of 5'4.5 That makes the most sense! Hollywood would have you believing the average height for females is 5'6.5 and males 6'0. Lmao.
Alex said on 25/Mar/06
Jessica Alba can't be as low as 5'4, come on, lol. Under 5'6 is crazy. She has said 5'6.5 then has said 5'7. She could be boosting up her height like many do but she does look 5'6-5'6.5 as Rob has her.
Kats said on 22/Mar/06
So she's close to Jennifer Lopez... Well anybody who thinks Jennifer Lopez is around 5'5.5 is behind! Glenn's picture with Beyonce shows she is closer to 5'4-5'5. I'll give her 5'5. She's 1 inch taller than Lopez:
Click HereJessica Alba is around 5'4 then! If their heels are truly the same then Jessica might be less. Definitely in the 5'3-5'5 range. Another huge exaggerator we have!
Denise said on 21/Mar/06
No the footwear is the same , both in 4 inchers, you can tell while they both were watching the DOLCE show
Anonymous said on 21/Mar/06
Have you seen JLo's footwear REALLY HIGH heels...
I deffinately think Jessica is about 5'7
Ann said on 18/Mar/06
I think she's taller than that. In Honey, she was almost as tall as Joy Bryant(5 ft 9)
Anonymous said on 16/Mar/06
jessica is probably 5'5.5" and says she is an inch taller. She looks J.Lo's height in the picture from judis
MeLiSsA said on 12/Mar/06
cuz i really wanna be short so then i could wear heels and i'd be a lot smaller around guys. I'm exactly 6'5 and 3/4 (169 cm)and i think this is just too tall.
asdf said on 12/Mar/06
melissa u wanna be short??? why in the world would you want to be 5'5 instead of 5'7?????????????
judis said on 10/Mar/06
wow.. this picture actually makes me think that Jessica Alba could be shorter then what is listed here and at other sites, even if jennifer lopez was wearing heals you'd think alba would stand taller...
Click Here
anonymous said on 2/Mar/06
My brother met her a few years ago in Vancouver...he said that she was wearing heels and still shorter than him, and he's only 5'7"!
MeLiSsA said on 28/Feb/06
Well Jennifer Lopez is under 5'6
Anonymous said on 23/Feb/06
She looks about the same height as jennifer lopez
MeLiSsA said on 23/Feb/06
Norise, why would you wanna be 5'7?? I'd rather be 5'5 any day
Norise said on 22/Feb/06
If I were a celebrity, I'd lie that I was 5.7(I'm 5.5) why not?
Everyones doing it!
Josephine said on 16/Feb/06
5ft 7 would be about right for her. But thow can she think she think she's short when 5ft 7 is a good couple of inches above the average height of 5 ft 4. Biend 5 ft 7 myself, I do feel tall when I'm around average sized people...
jeri said on 15/Feb/06
Starting to really dislike Jessica. How can she seriously think she is short when she is 5'6 or 5'7. I think she is one of those girls that dreamed of being a model or Miss Universe and was told she was too small so has been complaining about it ever since. She is continuously voted as one of the hottest women in the world and she's still not happy, she needs her head read. I think she needs to open her eyes and see that a 5'10 and above sterotypical woman is not the reality. How does the think she makes other women feel that a shorter than her when she isn't even happy with her body, terrible role model. And to people in these boards I find it quite discusting that you think being short is shameful and unattractive. Women are not meant to be as tall as men, that is the reality. And men to not have to be 6'3 and over to be considered a good height for a man, the majority of people are not models that are averaged sizrd people, so what makes you all think that it is better?
CelebHeights Editor said on 8/Feb/06
Sunday Mirror, recently:
"And what is your worst feature?" JA: My height. Im 5ft 7ins, but Id love to be tall and skinny like Gwyneth Paltrow"
Bizarre that she'd think of her worst feature as height...last time I checked, nearly 5ft 7 is a few inches above average!
Mario said on 6/Feb/06
Well In Sin City she looked like 5 ft 4 next to willis, But I think that Willis looks in that movie much taller than ussual (compare him to Madsen), so willis did probably wears lifts for that role.
In into Blue she looks almost 5 ft 7 next 6 ft 2.5 Paul Walker. No heels, no shoes so it's a good movie to estimate her height.
Confused said on 5/Feb/06
Short One, she really doesn't look 5'3" - 5'4" to me..I am around that height and she seems much taller, longer. What type of shoes was she wearing and what shoes were you wearing?
Short One said on 3/Feb/06
Met her in an Airport this week. I am 5'7" and she had to look up to talk to me...5'3" to 5'4" is spot on. Remember Tom Cruise listed at 5-9 and he's like 5-6 in bare feet.
Anonymous said on 29/Jan/06
Yeah, 5'6.5" seems right. Here she is with Clive Owen (6'2") in heels. She looks 5-6" shorter.
Leung said on 23/Jan/06
Come on people! Ms Alba stands a legitimate 5'6"-5'7".
Understandably, some people may be jealous of Jessica’s lusciously good looks and in their minds wish that she was shorter. Please don’t hate her just because she is beautiful.
Also keep in mind that Jessica’s great body is not the result of walking red carpets, it's the outcome of dedication and hard work in the gym.
heightgirl said on 23/Jan/06
5'6 and a half seems right - she's slighter taller than 5'6 Teri Hatcher.
"mariss", that photo is taken from an elevated position with the most part of her legs covered in skirt, so of course she is going to look smaller than she really is :p
"huh", yes I did take into account Eva is slightly bending down in those pictures, but Jessica can't possibly be any smaller than 5'5 - there are countless photos out there that will attest to this.
elle h. said on 22/Jan/06
i think everyone gets confused at jessica alba's height at some point. but if you look at her inthe recent movie she's made"into the blue" she appears not to be "tiny" next to paul walker, who at least should be around 6ft. also, because she is so skinny with skinny curves, and less broad shoulders, it makes her top (shoulder part) look as though it's slouching,facing downwards (but in fact it's not at all). so this may seemingly reduce her height by an inch or 2. i'd say: 5"5 at most. it's still hard to tell, no one said it was easy, unless you personally know her. so someone, please do and comment here. :)

Editor Rob
if I didn't 'see her in any' film and had just watched fantastic four...I'd have guessed anywhere from 5ft 5 to 5ft 7.5...height can swing so much in films, sometimes its hard to guess
melissa said on 17/Jan/06
at the golden globes she was standing next to marcia cross who is supposedly 5'10 and jessica looked about3-4 inches shorter than her even though the camera didn't go to their feet so i didn't know what kind of shoes they were wearing.
Marc said on 16/Jan/06
I agree with Huh and Mariss. I think she is more around 5'3"- 5'4". I'm watching the Golden Globes and I looked at those pics. She can't be that tall.
Anonymous said on 9/Jan/06
Considering that most celebrities inflate her height but that she looks tall anyways, she's probably 5'5.5" or 5'6". There is no way she is shorter than 5'5" or taller than 5'7". She's lean but curvy and supposedly wears a size 2 so with that said, she would not have the curves she has if she was taller than 5'6." I think Alba is 5'5.5" and boosts her height by an inch.

Editor Rob
I dunno, I think she looks around the height she says...
Ujane,Moscow said on 4/Jan/06
But still she is so sweet one! Ha-ha! She even can say she is 5 ft 9 in and, think no one of the men will doubt about it!.. Why? Because she is really IRRESISTABLE!))) Smack!
Wicked Kid said on 22/Nov/05
Er...5'2"!? She looks pretty lean and lanky. More 5'5".
Chloee said on 10/Nov/05
Anonymous said on 8/Nov/05
i kno someone who was friends with her & used tojoke that she was about a foot and a half because she was like just over 5 ft. Seriously like 5 ft 2 maybe
Chloee said on 26/Sep/05
I was soo shockd to find out she was as tall as 5'6 and a half.I am nealry 5'8 myself but always fought she lookd about 5'5 most in Honey. Obvz not if she says herslef shes taller.Totaly doesnt look tall !
CelebHeights Editor said on 23/Aug/05
Once commented, "I was 5'4", 5'5" when I was 12. I was tall and awkward"
Z2 said on 16/Jul/05
I think Jessica Alba's height came about when she was measured twice. She was probably measured at 5'7" in the morning and shrunk down to 5'6" at night. She then took the average of the two and that's why she says she's 5'6.5"