Anonymous said on 6/Mar/08
She looks about from 5'2"-5'4" to me and no she isn't curvy,but still pretty as heck.If you really think,a lot of women are'nt that curvy,even models.
lizzz said on 4/Mar/08
she looks 5'6 and 115.
Alex said on 1/Mar/08
Alba is thin and in great shape but she's not really curvy.
I'd say 5'6 110lbs sounds right for her.
Eva Longoria isn't really curvy. Shes just very petite and thin.
Mendes is more curvy. Biel has a bit more muscle but not that muscular though.
C. said on 29/Feb/08
I don't think anyone has ever thought of her as curvy in the first place. But she'd look better with them. There's nothing particularly appeasing about a stick figure, as there's enough of those in Hollywood.
Rachelle said on 28/Feb/08
Jessica is by no means curvy. . If she was, I wouldn't envy her. She does NOT have an hourglass figure. Yeah, she has a bit of a perky butt, but she is not curvy. I have an hourglass figure and wish I looked like Alba, more svelte. She doesn't really have curvy hips, more staight. Her waist and hips seems to be the same width, her waist could be a tiny bit smaller, but she is not curvy as she claims to be. Curves and hourglass figures are overrated. She's got perfect looks, I wish she'd stop complaining.
DKCali said on 26/Feb/08
Seriously Guys
I used to work at Sports Club LA, where I would see Alba,
let me tell you we all thought she was a hottie, when we first heard she was in the building we were excited to see this quote & quote tall curvy latina, To our sad surpise we saw a super thin- no shape- i mean anorexic slim-plain body, Pretty Face but my god that girl had to has been like 110 and defit between 5'5-5'6 1/2 maayyyybe 5'7.
Im glad the girl is pregnant , the eating and gaining weight will help her.
Eve Mendez, Longoria and Biel defit have more curves and athletic bodies.
As a trainer - I just wanted to feed Alba, get her off the treadmill and tell her to do some squats.... poor girl.
; )
My best friend went to High School with her " Bonita HIgh" in La Verne, where her family lives-still i think, and apperantly she was a nice kid.
Little bit snobby about being half Mexican- supposedly she used to rant on on how she didnt consider herself Latina or Mexican because she didnt even speak spanish or anything. Lol so funny now... she is on the covers of a bunch of Latina- Magazines... I guess the latin thing works to her advanatge now since it's trendy now lol
C. said on 25/Feb/08
She looks taller than 5'5". And she does not weigh 110 lbs.
me said on 24/Feb/08
jessica alba is my good friend and she is 5'5-all celebs say they are taller.but she has peferct physical portions and she weighs 110 lbs
Alex said on 14/Feb/08
Glenn, yea I can believe that since she was much younger.
nah said on 14/Feb/08
What did you hear in the early '90's, Glenn?
glenn said on 14/Feb/08
she might be nice now.but thats not what i heard in the early 90s.
Alex said on 13/Feb/08
Glenn, really? She always came across nice to me in those interviews I've seen. Also some fans have told me before that have met her. But like with many celebs their attitude can change by the day.
Alex said on 13/Feb/08
Leung, I kinda thought Alba was more of an ectomorph but I was probably wrong. You're right if she does not workout she can get more soft. A true ectomorph is like Paris Hilton.
Yea Biel is def a mesomorph but she't in between thin and thick too.
I think I am mostly mesomorph as I can get into muscular shape kinda fast. When I was younger I was more ectomorph with some meso at the same time.
Alex said on 11/Feb/08
Alba isn't a bad actor. I just prefer the other 2 over her in looks and acting.
Leung said on 11/Feb/08
Alex, Alba is not a naturally thin person, she has to really work hard and watch her diet because her body type is slightly endomorph, she looks in between mesomorph and endomorph which means that if she exercises hard and diets then she can look good but when she stops exercising she can easily put on weight and start looking a little soft, not fat but just a bit padded if you know what I mean.
Biel on the other hand is very much a mesomorph body type, it
glenn said on 11/Feb/08
alyssa was known to be not nice actually.maybe she changed.
Alex said on 11/Feb/08
Both are in good shape but Biel is average body frame with some muscle while Alba is more thin with a bit of muscle. Most people tend to favor Alba though.
Glenn, I hear Alyssa Milano is pretty nice in person.
glenn said on 10/Feb/08
biel is way hotter and was way nicer.i heard biel is foul now too.
brapp/mooie said on 10/Feb/08
nooooo C.!! the world average for women is still 5'4"!! if you average the height of women of all the countries with the info available it still comes out as 5'4"
And it still is in England, but in the late teen - mid twenties age range its 5'5 but in other adult ages its more like 5'3" and thats recent info and the average it still 5'4" =]
Alex said on 10/Feb/08
C, my personal favorite is probably Alyssa Milano. I love that woman. Biel is 2nd based on just actresses.
C. said on 9/Feb/08
I also like Biel more than Alba. She's always struck me as the snobby and stuck-up kind, and now I know it to be true. Women can always confuse people with heels and those trendy ugg boots. But she truly doesn't look more than 5'6". Eva looks 5'5" even (especially her page), but she could be shorter. However, it's not going to take that much for a 5'5" woman to look taller than a 5'6" woman in heels now would it? No.
brapp/mooie says on 2/Feb/08
why does everyone say 5'6" is average height??? its 2 INCHES ABOVE AVERAGE!! but if someones 2 inches BELOW average theyre describes s tiny!!!
Because it is quite average. Women have gotten taller too, you know. 5'5" is more so the average than 5'4". So 5'6" would only be an inch taller. If you're two inches below, you are quite tiny. 5'2" was never the average to begin with.
anonamous said on 8/Feb/08
omg! i luv luv luv her. i really want to see "the eye". sooooooooooooooooo bad.
shes not that short . only 2 inches shorter than me. i ges im really tall
Alex said on 6/Feb/08
Rachelle, she does sound like a b*tch kinda from that, but thats only one situation. I'd wonder if she is like that more often.
Alex said on 6/Feb/08
I personally like Jessica Biel more than Jessica Alba, but thats me. I am sure plenty of others would argue that.
Mendes as low as 5'4, maybe. 5'5 would be my exact guess probably. She was taller than Alba in that shot but obviously must have had bigger footwear.
bernadet said on 4/Feb/08
check this out:
Click Here its her photo with michae chiklis who is 170cm and plz find find our more photo of this event which you will see jessica has a really tall will guess so....
glenn said on 4/Feb/08
same thing as rachelle.thats why i dont go meet people like that and waste my time.
nah said on 3/Feb/08
What have you heard about Alba, Glenn?
glenn said on 3/Feb/08
you can also ask me why i didnt go meet alba.rachelle knows.wish i could see the pics.usually i keeps freezing on me with my smartphone.
Rachelle said on 2/Feb/08
Jen - I am 5'6"
Nah - as I said in a previous post, I was going to ask her for a picture, but somewhere in my mind I knew it wasn't going to happen, word on the street is that she is a c*unt, exact words from people I know who've met her. Anyways, I had never seen her before so I was kind of in awe when I saw her so I froze...I didn't say anything. But the guy next to me in the pics was asking her for a picture for me and she used the lame @ss excuse, " I'm on the phone! " And he was like, Oh, come on, that's the oldest trick in the book (which it is, ask Glenn), and then she started laughing, because she knew it was true. Celebs pull that trick when they don't want people coming up to them, so they pretend their on the phone. He also asked her for an autograph as well, but just kept going on her way.
nah said on 2/Feb/08
Nice pictures, Rachelle. Did she ever say anything to you?
Jen said on 2/Feb/08
how tall are you Rachelle? just curious
brapp/mooie said on 2/Feb/08
why does everyone say 5'6" is average height??? its 2 INCHES ABOVE AVERAGE!!
but if someones 2 inches BELOW average theyre describes s tiny!!!
nah said on 2/Feb/08
I never believed the 5'7" claims from her. It's weird that she'd want to lie about her height. Hitting somewhere around the 5'6" is just fine.
ana said on 1/Feb/08
Jessica is definately bending back a bit in the picture with Mendez and Longoria, but I still say she is 5'5". The slight bend can only knock off a couple of inches. 5'5" is a good height and she is also very slim and has a long torso...that makes her look longer. I have never seen her in person, but she has never struck me as tall or med/tall. Just average.
Rachelle said on 1/Feb/08
5'6.25" could be a slight possibility, but Her hair was poofy when I was up to her, but I think Rob has her about right.
nah said on 1/Feb/08
How tall would you say she was, Rachelle?
Rachelle said on 31/Jan/08
I saw her a few different times the other day, I got right up to her. I got into some paparazzi shots, and am waiting for this guy to send me them. I had never seen Alba before, so when I saw her I stopped and I was just in shock, lol. She really is a stunning beauty. I was kinda surprised at how average height she is. She is about my height, maybe a tad bit taller. We both had UGGS on. She doesn
Anonymous said on 29/Jan/08
i've also seen the picture.. jessica is blending and wearing snickers.. eva mendes is wearing heels and so is eva longoria.. that explains it..
Vickster said on 28/Jan/08
RE: Croat girl says on 26/Jan/08
I think Alba is 168cm, thats slightly over 5'6", 169 tops. I am 167-168 and she looks about 2 cm taller than me.
this pic is totally confusing to me with Eva Mendes and Eva Longoria, Click Here
Eighter Mendez wears huge heels and jessica flats, or jessica is no more than 5'5"
I have seen this picture uncropped and Jessica Alba is actually bending for the photo so she can be at the same height as Eva Longoria.
Jessica's exact height as per her agency is 5'6&1/4" so 5'6" pretty much. No need to debate about it.
nah said on 28/Jan/08
And a 5'5" person next to someone who claims to be 5'6.6" wouldn't make her look "huge" at all. That's absolutely ridiculous. An inch and a half isn't going to make her look as though she's some giant.
nah said on 28/Jan/08
Whoever said that must be lying, Rachelle. Because Alba has taken plenty of pictures with people way shorter than her, and she also said this (exact quote):
Croat girl said on 27/Jan/08
rachelle, thats not true, no way, because I remember that Alba said she would like to be taller like models, she maybe dont want to take pics with someon 5'5" because she is also 5'5" or something.
Rachelle said on 27/Jan/08
I also just read on a website that someone who encountered Alba, asked her for a picture with her, and she said that Alba said no and that she doesn
Rachelle said on 27/Jan/08
OK, I just realized 5'3.5" seems to low. I'm going with slighty under 5'4"
Rachelle said on 27/Jan/08
Mendes is not 5
Alex said on 26/Jan/08
Interesting picture because Mendes is 5'5-5'6 and she looks much taller than Alba. Possibly shes in big heelswhile Alba is in sneakers or something. Also Longoria is 5'0.
Croat girl said on 26/Jan/08
I think Alba is 168cm, thats slightly over 5'6", 169 tops. I am 167-168 and she looks about 2 cm taller than me.
this pic is totally confusing to me with Eva Mendes and Eva Longoria,
Click HereEighter Mendez wears huge heels and jessica flats, or jessica is no more than 5'5"
Linds said on 23/Jan/08
and also I was watching never been kissed and she it tall than Marley Shelton in every scene I saw and she is listed 5'5.5" on this site. No way is she under the 5'6" mark in my opinion
Mimi said on 16/Jan/08
5'6 ? seems for right for her
Realheight 88 said on 15/Jan/08
In my opinion she's 5-6.25.
dmeyer said on 15/Jan/08
5'6 flat seems right for her
alex said on 13/Jan/08
i dont get why she was downgraded to 5'6. i'm 5'6.5 and she seems the same height as me. i say i'm 5'7 because all my friends who are 5'5.5 say they are 5'6, and it makes up for the height everyone adds on
Alex said on 11/Jan/08
I like Jessica Biel better than Alba, thats just my opinion.
Linds said on 6/Jan/08
To the pictures with brittany murphy: I have several pictures with my 5"2" sister from homecomming when shes in about 3 inch heels. I was in ballet flats and our height differnce was about the same. (Like i said before im between 5'5 3/4" and 5'6"
and i get the "lean" thing it makes sense. I think she looks even taller than 5"6" sometimes
nah said on 3/Jan/08
Rachelle, that was Jessica's high school. She moved a lot before then. She didn't go to El Roble when she was in middle school.
C. said on 3/Jan/08
Alba also wears heels/boots, but Britney Murphy really is short. But Jessica looks 5'6" at the most.
@ Linds: She's lean-- 5'6" can look even taller with her proportions, heels, and the right camera angles.
anonymous said on 2/Jan/08
the only way to explain the pic below is that brittany had heels and jessica flats or she's bending. maybe brittany is not that short
bernadet said on 2/Jan/08
hey friends check this out:
Click Hereand then check this out:
Click Herehighest heels could 10cm right????be logical
Rachelle said on 31/Dec/07
Umm, according this to website, Jessica went to El Roble Intermediate School
Click HereI think she is what she first claimed, 5'6.5"
Viper said on 31/Dec/07
Oh man, I wish I went to high school with Alba.
Linds said on 30/Dec/07
anything under 5"6" is crazzyyy! im near 5"6" myself and in far away pictures she doesnt look any shorter than I do. Height is so hard to judge i have MANY pictures with my 5"2" sister and we look near the same height where neitehr of us appear to be bending at all. its strange.
previous classmate said on 30/Dec/07
Jessica and I went to the same junior high school, Ramon Middle School in Pomona, and I had seen her from almost up close and at a distance before I found out that she was a model when we were both 13 years old. I am now between 5'7.25' very late at night and and 5'8.25' after a very good rest in the morning. Jessica Alba was the same height as me back then and I think we were both past our growing years. We are both 26 years old now. I was slightly under 5'7' then and I think she is at least 5'6.5' and not taller than 5'7' depending on how she is measured.. I wish I had her slim skeletal frame though. I am much more hard boned and filled out than she is, which sucks, but people tell me I am pretty too.
Alex said on 11/Dec/07
I don't think 5'7 but she is closer to 5'7 than 5'4 though. 5'6 is most accurate for her.
Realme2007 said on 10/Dec/07
Really just think she's 5'5 1/2, and maybe 5'6" on a good day.
C. said on 9/Dec/07
It's the heels in combination with her frame. Nontheless, she's never looked 5'7" to me.
Alex said on 8/Dec/07
C, she can look as tall as 5'7 sometimes because of her build I'd say but most likely is just 5'6.
C. said on 7/Dec/07
Hmmm. Her height doesn't perplex me. She obviously looks slightly above average height for a woman, but no way is she 5'7". Heck, she may not even be 5'6". She quite thin, but she doesn't look all that tall. Her heels (and Dark Angel/superhero gear) make her appear if she could pass for 5'7" but having been that height once as an adolescent, I clearly can tell that's not her height. Both her and Hale Berry have similar body types, so I guess they think they can get off with pulling the 5'7" card because they are thin, but they apparently can't convince most people of this. After all, Alba's height here has been stated from 5'4" to 5'6"+. She can't possibly be 5'7".
Lila said on 7/Dec/07
Her height really perplexes. She's a difficult one. In one photo, she's taller than (168cm)Beyonce and (168cm)Terri Hatcher but is then the same height as 5'7 Wilmer Valderrama with massive heels on. Confusing much?
C. said on 2/Dec/07
Personally, I find her looks overrated (as well as her acting, or lack thereof). She's 5'5" at the minimum and no more than 5'6" max. Seriously, who is she trying to fool?
5' 10 said on 23/Nov/07
I saw at our airport in The Bahamas and she looked 5'5" to me. I'm 5'10" in case you all are wondering.
Mimi said on 15/Nov/07
She was on TRL with Alicia Keys...they had similar heels on and they looked pretty much the same height. So whatever Alicia measures, that's alba's height as well.
Alex said on 14/Nov/07
Lowest for Alba is 5'5.5 and highest is 5'6.5.
sweetchari said on 5/Nov/07
I think 5ft6 is her true height and recently she lost weight it looks like, she is really skinny now so perhaps she could get away with looking 5ft7in but she is not...
Ness said on 23/Oct/07
The lowest it could be is 5'4, but no more than 5'7.
mesh said on 17/Oct/07
she look 168 though, but i never see her in movies where she show her leg, so i dont realy know??
cos 165 cm, even make sense??
Alex said on 16/Oct/07
Alba is 5'6 and Paul Walker is 6'1.
Lina said on 12/Oct/07
here she is with cameroon Diaz. and they look the same height but jess was vering huge heels
nah said on 10/Oct/07
Here are more of Jessica with Dane Cook - obviously a height difference.
Click Here
Click Here
I don't see the big debate over her height - she told Rolling Stone and a lot of other reporters during fan sessions that she was 5'6.5", and then suddenly decided to up herself half an inch (not that big of a deal, really) while saying she "wishes she were taller." I think it's obvious that she's somewhere in the 5'6-5.6.5" range - no shorter, no taller.
Realme2007 said on 9/Oct/07
Jessica Alba next to supposedly 5'11" or 6ft Dane Cook. He is slouching a bit, but this picture is still very cofusing. They almost look the same height. She must have on some giant heels. Here is the picture:
Click Here
Viper said on 5/Oct/07
Yeah, shes the cream of the crop.
cluedin said on 4/Oct/07
great pic, but too hard to tell with sand involved. Ashley Scott is listed at 5'7.5 and comments have her even taller. Obviously she's leaning in but still, she doesn't dwarf Caan like she should
carla said on 4/Oct/07
Yeah, seems OK. Wow! perfct height, perfect looks...! Every guy in my class loves her.
Anonymous said on 3/Oct/07
she does look about an inch to an inch and a half bigger than caan, making her in the 5'6-5'6.5 mark like she says. looks it enough. holds her own next to giant walker. lol.
dmeyer said on 1/Oct/07
paul waker didnt lok the 6'2 plus he looks usaly in into the vlue looked closer to 6 ft maybe 6'1 in some scene caan looks only 5 in shorter
Viper said on 1/Oct/07
That makes Paul Walker 6-0 at best as well.
Rachelle said on 30/Sep/07
Okay, I’m sure the guys will enjoy this pic:
Click Here here she is with Scott Caan, which I am assuming they are all barefoot, but not sure on the ground level.
nah said on 26/Sep/07
... And that is a perfect example of why I don't believe people about meeting a celebrity on this website unless they have a picture or it's Glenn and/or Rob telling the story, haha.
Well, I was rereading Jessica's 2005 Rolling Stone article, and they ask the celebrity for their height. Here is what they said, I just thought it may be of interest to some of you:
"She is five feet six and a half, 34-25-34, and weighs 120 pounds, depending upon her training schedule."
misst said on 26/Sep/07
my best friend JUST met her on a set and jessica was barefoot.. my best friend is about 5'5.5 and she said jessica was a bit taller than her, about the exact same height as me.. and i'm 5'6.5.. so there you go lol
JK said on 26/Sep/07
I think she is 5'5''
Viper said on 26/Sep/07
The absolute lowest you can go on Alba is 5-5.
Dunken said on 25/Sep/07
the lenghts people go just to make someone shorter...
lara said on 25/Sep/07
my uncle is her producer ,it was an private photo ,they told me not to send them on internet anyway,i'm so sorry.but be sure about what i said because i asked my uncle aswel and he said its true.because of effect and this stuff she looks taller.

Editor Rob
You're from Tehran. The only Jessica you've seen is Jessica Rabbit.
Mimi said on 24/Sep/07
Lara, would you post your pic? If you're worried about privacy, maybe you can blur your face out?
lara said on 23/Sep/07
i saw her one week ago and i took a picture with her,i'm 5`4 with flat shoes, and we were the same.she was with flat shoes as well. be sure you guyz its true.i always thought she is taller than me but she is not.
Mimi said on 20/Sep/07
One of the bloggers I read daily saw her last night at the Good Luck, Chuck premiere and took a picture with her. When I asked him, he responded that she seemed 5'7"-5'8" max IN heels.
KT said on 19/Sep/07
Really Kiki? Can you give some more details? Like..where you saw her, how close you got to her?..etc etc
I do believe she's under the 5'6 mark, but 5'4 is a too low for her.
kiki said on 18/Sep/07
i sow her 5 days ago, she is 5`4`` but in pictures they always make them look taller
nah said on 2/Sep/07
She's, at the most, 5'6.6" like she once stated. I don't believe she's 5'7".
Anonymous said on 1/Sep/07
She's really tall. Like 5'7 probabaly, ont he teen choice awards she looked so tall compared to zac and i know she was wearing hells but she looked a lot taller.
cluedin said on 1/Sep/07
i agree with KT. plus the camera angle seems to favor her slightly. but always so hard to tell when walking
KT said on 31/Aug/07
I think your overestimating the amount of height his sneakers give. I seriously doubt their even giving him an inch.
I understand he has his arm around her shoulder, but he's got his head straight down in pic #2 and they look the same height. I honestly think their similar height, with her maybe being slightly taller.
talker said on 30/Aug/07
Alba looks taller than Caan in the pics,the guy is litteraly hanging from her neck,plus the shoes vs sandsals,i think she looks 1.5" taller than the guy.
Leung said on 29/Aug/07
Interesting pictures, but I think Alba is not standing fully upright because Scott Caan’s arm is wrapped around her shoulder. If you have watched Into the Blue you will see that Alba is clearly taller than Scott Caan. I haven’t seen anything to suggest that Alba is anything under 5’6”.
Maya said on 29/Aug/07
Yup, it is hard to say when people are photographed walking. But she does look around 5'6", if he's really 5'5".
yup said on 29/Aug/07
Here are some very HQ pictures that I think you guys may love. She's in the flattest sandals you can find, and she's sanding next to Scott Caan, who was said to be 5'5" on this website. What do you guys think? Just click on the link that says "Proceed to this site" to get to the pictures.
Click Here
Click Here
Leung said on 29/Aug/07
yup, yes that's very true, I read that as well.
Leung said on 28/Aug/07
Viper, I originally thought that she had good genetics and therefore had a great body naturally without exercise, but I read interviews and it is not the case at all, she admits that she must eat sensibly and exercise very regularly otherwise her weight increases very quickly. There is nothing wrong with that, it’s a good thing because it shows that she is very motivated in keeping herself fit and healthy.
yup said on 28/Aug/07
Alba has said that as a kid, she was a lot chubbier and that a lot of her family is VERY overweight and that she had to start cooking for herself after she turned 12.
Anonymous said on 28/Aug/07
Alba always seemed quite generic to me. most Hollywood actresses do.
i like Love Hewitt, great proportions, Lacey Chabert is cute as well, Eva Mendes has that "latino heat" thing going on, the small girl from Heroes is cute as well, not many more.
Biel went overboard with the muscles, Scarlett Johansson (sic) is meh, etc. singers, oh man, what's her name? Amy House, or something like that. everyone is going gaga for her, i saw a pic, she looks like a dude.
and trust me, my standarts are not that high.
Viper said on 28/Aug/07
Alba is more of a model than actress actually. Shes got model looks. And I think she's one of those who would be skinny regardless of what she ate. Shes got a small frame. I like her more than Lima actually. Though Lima is the cream of the crop as well.
Rachelle said on 28/Aug/07
Adriana is sexy and has beautiful eyes, but I'd rather look like Jessica Alba. Adriana may have the better height, but Jessica is soo natural and besides having a nice body, she has a flawless face.Jessica has the perfect bone structure.
Leung said on 27/Aug/07
Yup, that’s an unfair comparison. Alba is a popular Hollywood actress that is pretty, while Adriana Lima is 5’10” of pure hotness.
Alba has very normal genetics, if she didn’t exercise 4 times a week and follow a strict diet then her weight will easily increase just like a lot of regular people. Most people don’t realise that her good figure is the result of a lot of hard work in the gym and being very disciplined with her diet.
On the other hand, walking up and down the catwalk is probably the most strenuous activity Lima will ever do. Adriana Lima is a genetically hot.
That being said, I totally agree that Jessica Alba is no match for someone like Adriana Lima in terms of hotness.
yup said on 26/Aug/07
Yeah, Alba isn't the best looking girl on the planet, or even in just Hollywood. She's pretty, but girls like Adriana Lima are way better. She's not perfect at all. I'm not picking on her in ANY way, just agreeing with one of the posters below.
anonymous said on 23/Aug/07
Look at pictures of Alba with Dane Cook
Click Here she is wearing what looks like flats with maybe 0.25' heel and he is 6' with 1' heels beased on
Click Here there is 4.5 difference between them so her height is about right on this site. She may be a 0.5" taller but no more than that.
anonymous said on 23/Aug/07
talker post a pictures showing their shoes because they can be wearing different heels on and there you go...they may the exaclty the same height! Cluedin, post a link to the pic!
cluedin said on 21/Aug/07
beyonce has on flats in those pics and teri is barefoot (getting pedicure apparently), for what it's worth. couldn't see alba's footwear.
talker said on 20/Aug/07
Alba is taller than 5'6"Beyonce(look below) and taller than 5'6" Teri Hutcher.
Click Here
Kim said on 16/Aug/07
I'm a shorter person myself, and I know that when people are taller than me they never SEEM that much taller to me (unless it's like 8" or more so really obvious) but are actually a few inches or so taller, but people who may only be an inch or two shorter than me seem a lot shorter than that to me. People never seem that much taller when it's just a few inches, but it's always more noticeable when they're shorter than you.
Alex said on 13/Aug/07
I agree. Shortest Alba could be is 5'5.5. Most likely she's a 5'6 girl.
Dunken said on 9/Aug/07
please stop. anything below 5'5.5" for this girl is insanity and bull, at the same time.
talker said on 9/Aug/07
Alba is listed here 5'6.25" and so is Beyonce but go to this link and see that
Alba is clearly taller than Beyonce.
Click Here
SomeoneStarry said on 8/Aug/07
I met her in person more than once. I'm 5'2"...both usually in flats and she seemed my height, if not an inch taller. I really think she's 5'3"-5'4". Maybe with heels she'd be 5'7" haha!
Viper said on 7/Aug/07
5-3 looks to be impossible.
Dunken said on 7/Aug/07
5'4 is impossible for her.
thekiddd said on 1/Aug/07
She claimed 5'6 1/2" but people will respond to her by saying " Oh so your 5'6"? But they will forget to add the half inch. So probably thought to herself " Well they are saying I am an half an inch shorter than I am so I will just say 5'7". Allthough 5'6" looks pretty much it.
Rachelle said on 1/Aug/07
If you look at her other pictures, her sandals give her a little bit of height.
Click Here
I haven't seen her in person, but I have met Cash. So I compared my height from him and me in my head, and I think she MAY be what she claims, 5'6.5"
And that is my post below, don't know what my name didn't show up.
Anonymous said on 1/Aug/07
Here is another pic of her next to the car:
Click Here
She looks like she can be 5'7" in this pic, but you can never really tell with pictures, and she is also getting really skinny, which might make her look taller. Ugh, I hate this chick!
Click Here
Alex said on 1/Aug/07
Arr, why the hell was I thinking you were saying that guy next to Alba was 4'11. But still with the car at 4'11 she comes closer to 5'7 though.
Variant said on 31/Jul/07
Some quick Gimp math puts her at around 5'6 - 5'7 with the car 58.71 inches. Obviously a lot of factors in the pic including her tilted head...
Alex said on 31/Jul/07
Ok so the guy is 4'11 and in footwear looks to be about 5'0.5 with his those boots on and Alba is in flip flops and still towers over him. Weird that she looks over closer to 5'7 there.
Rachelle said on 31/Jul/07
Whoops, 58.71 inches is what I meant to write.
Rachelle said on 30/Jul/07
Jessica standing next to her Toyota Prius which is measured at 58.7 inches. Opinions?
Click Here
Alex said on 27/Jul/07
I think she's bang on 5'6 flat.
Angela said on 26/Jul/07
Hey Variant, those pics with the huge shoes... (and what's his name is 5'11) makes me conviced she cannot be taller than 5'6 max.
Variant said on 23/Jul/07
Click Here
A couple good comparison shots. Jess looks around 5'9-5'10 here in some pretty big heels? What's-his-name maybe wearing 1 inch shoes or so.
Jess's legs = yum. :)
Alex said on 20/Jul/07
Rachelle, there are more than a couple of celebrities who are hotter than Alba. She's hot but not the hottest.
julie said on 20/Jul/07
its really good to hear that even the most gorgeous people in the world are tall. i come from hawaii and everyone is short. they are like 5'0" to 5'5" not many people are tall. but im 5'6" and jessica alba's height gives me more confidence in myself [:
Rachelle said on 17/Jul/07
If Jessica really is 5'7, I offically hate her. This isn't fair. Perfect face, skin, body, and height! There is no other girl more perfect than her!
cec said on 9/Jul/07
Is she that tall? I thought that she was tiny. Well, it's not very tall though.
leonari said on 2/Jul/07
5'5"-amazing body,even better proprtions.
Alex said on 2/Jul/07
Actually in those pictures with him and Alba they look the same height or he may be 1/2 inch taller. She isn't over 5'6 and at the lowest would be 5'5.5. He has said he was 5'6 himself so that puts her at 5'5.5-5'6.
Alex said on 29/Jun/07
We need to know how tall Michael Chiklis is first. He's 5'6-5'7 and was only a little taller than Alba. I'd put him at 5'7 and her at 5'6
Leung said on 28/Jun/07
she wore normal high heels at the Logies, not crazy platforms. My opinion is that Alba is 5'6.5", just as she states.
Mimi said on 28/Jun/07
Leung, wasn't she wearing huge platforms at the Logies? Those give you crazy height. As a girl, I can tell you that regular platforms (not the massive Spice Girls kind) will give you anywhere from 3.5 to 4 in. in height.
Alex said on 28/Jun/07
In the pictures Variant posted with Alba and Chiklis in about the same footwear, Alba looks 5'6 since he's only about 5'7.
Variant said on 27/Jun/07
Definitely hard to say. I could go for 5'5 1/2" Haven't seen too many pics where she looks "tall" in big heels like she should for someone 5'6".
Leung said on 27/Jun/07
Alba and Chiklis are nearly the same barefoot height.
In flats Alba looks similar height or slightly shorter than Chiklis but you need to account for the fact that Chiklis often wears chucky types boots.
When Alba wears heels she can have 2 inches on Chiklis, the recent Logies (Aussie award show) she had him beat easily.
Mimi said on 27/Jun/07
Jessica and Chiklis..Jessica wearing heels is about Chiklis' height. Glenn just saw him and penned him at 5'6"-5'6.5". If Jessica was 5.6", she would be about 2 in. taller than Chiklis. Even in Variant's pics, she looks a good 1-1.5" smaller than he does. The camera angle heavily favors her in the pics where they look the same or where she even looks taller than him.
Click Here
Variant said on 27/Jun/07
With Jessica Alba on TRL:
Click Here
Jess has on shoes about as flat as you can get 'em. They look pretty close.
Alex said on 26/Jun/07
If Wilmer is 5'7 like some say. Mr.R even said he looked 5'7 in person and I could believe that, but at the most he would be 5'8 as Glenn said he could have been 5'8 at most, 5'7 at minimum.
With Alba I do see around 2 inches difference though and both are in very similar, if not the same footwear. Alba at the lowest is 5'5 and tallest 5'6. Could be something like 5'5.5-5'5.75.
But Rob has Wilmer at 5'7.5
Rob, would you say there is 2 inches between the 2 in that picture below.
Anonymous said on 25/Jun/07
realme, she looks about 5'6-5'7 in that pic with wilmer! im 5'7, and my b/f is the same height as him, and that's exactly what we look like together
Alex said on 24/Jun/07
You know I actually googled it to try to find it myself and the site that it was on, won't show up. Unbelievable! Maybe it was another site for you. How long ago did you sign up for that anyway?
Alex said on 24/Jun/07
Viper, link me the site man. I have to sign up for that.
Viper said on 24/Jun/07
Alex, I signed up a "win a date with Allysa Milano" on some site. You win a trip to fly out to LA and watch a couple of Dogders baseball games with her. Id love to see the same kind of thing with Jessica Alba as well.
Realme said on 23/Jun/07
Yeah, I know, Mimi but her legs, arms, and torso don't seem that long to me. Maybe she's almost 5'6". Look at this picture of her next to 5'7" Wilmer.
Click Here
5'5 3/4?
Alex said on 22/Jun/07
Its tough to tell with up close full body shots. Its better from a further distance. But physically I think she does look about 5'6.
Mimi said on 21/Jun/07
Limb length is not always demonstrative of height. There are shorter ppl with long limbs, and tall ppl with short limbs. My ex-bf, for example, was 6'2" and had really short arms...and his legs weren't very long either.
Realme said on 21/Jun/07
Here is another picture to demonstrate her height. She is wearing running shoes in this pic. To me her legs and arms (body proportions)look short.
Click Here
Too short to claim 5'7" More 5'5 1/2-5'6"

Editor Rob
she done a barefoot scene once in Dark Angel with Jensen Ackles, did look near enough 6 inches.
Realme said on 21/Jun/07
Her legs look really short to me in this picture, but I guess you can't have long legs at 5'6" .
Click Here
Annonymous said on 13/Jun/07
Take a look the blue carpet at the world film premiere of Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer” picture at
Click Here
Jessica is standing between Tim Story, the director (listed 5.8") and Michael Chiklis (listed on this site as 5.71/2") and she appears about between 0.5"-1" shorter then both of them. Check out her platform shoes, click on the picture to make it bigger (these have minimum 4" heals). Even if M. Story (who is wearing sneakers) and M. Chiklis has an inch added with the shoes making for example M. Chiklis 5.8.1/2" deduct 4" = 5.4/1.4 at most. Please Glen time to downgrade her. She is an "angel" but she is no 5.61/4 “angel.”
Alex said on 2/Jun/07
Lita is actually more 5'6 I think. I don't watch Dark Angel so I wouldn't have seen that episode. If Lita was shorter than Alba could be 5'6 and change but most likely Alba is 5'6 even.
Crissy said on 1/Jun/07
Really 5'6 1/2? wow, she seemed taller then Lita (Amy Dumas) on Dark Angel and lita is a leginimate (sp?) 5'7
Leung said on 31/May/07
robotix, 5'6" is a bit short for me, I think 5'9" is perfect for a woman.
Alex said on 31/May/07
5-6 inches between a guy and girl is a good range for a couple but I could care less because I see girls 4'10-5'0 that I like and would love to get with.
robotix said on 30/May/07
5-6 is the perfect woman just like 5-11 is the perfect man. 2" above average.
SCW said on 27/May/07
perfect height for a women?? Well thats in the eye of the beholder. there are a lot of good looking girls that are 5'7" or taller Christy Brinkly types but they are totally NOT my type, someone like Lucy lu, natalie portman, alysa milano are much more attractive, i would never look twice at some giant blonde girl but a cute slender asian girl about 5'2 would definitely get my attention. they are my ideal type not these giant white girls i see around frankly they are no where near as attractive as ladies who are petite, those are just the facts, peace out
Alex said on 22/May/07
I think whatever the guy's height is take away 5-6 inches and thats a good height for the girl. Say a guy is 5'10 then a girl 5'4-5'5 is good for him. Not saying for sure, but 5-6 inches is a good range between 2 people. Personally anywhere from 4'10-5'11 for a girl is ok for me. I'm not picky with height as long as they're at least an inch or so shorter than me.
lillo thomas said on 18/May/07
to me anything from 5'4-5'8 is a very good height for a girl.
**Ciara** said on 17/May/07
why do you talk about her height as if it was bad to be 5.6? why is it bad to be "smaller"? to all the guys in here: whats the perfect height for a girl? and whats the minimal height? please right back. thanks a lot xx
Alex said on 11/May/07
She is one of those girls with longer legs, but I still think can be really be 5'6.
Allison said on 10/May/07
ha ha I say the same thing
candi said on 29/Apr/07
its just that her torso is longer than her legs so when there are photos of her from the hips up she looks taller, just like paris hilton.
AAAA said on 4/Apr/07
On a side not, she has a tendency to wear her hair up and back some times. There is a pic of it in Chris Evans fourm. It makes her look taller than she really is
Alex said on 2/Apr/07
Yea arguing over 1/4 is funny. Even 1/2 is tough to tell unless they're right against each other.
Anonymous said on 30/Mar/07
From Jessica Alba strutting her stuff down 23rd Street on Friday May 6th at around midnight. She was working her thing looking at everybody with the "Ya I'm Jessica Alba, back off stare." She had a entourage of about 10 ugly guys all walking on her heels. I've always thought she was hot, but her blonde hair color is awful for her complexion. She was super tall.
click here:
Click Here
Anonymous said on 29/Mar/07
Alex: Yeah, 3-4 inches is a big range. But, what makes me laugh the most are the people arguing over 1/4 inch. How in the hell would you be able to tell the difference? LMAO
Alex said on 29/Mar/07
Ice, yea our guesses are normally 1/2 inch apart but I agree with you on some the exact same height though. With Rose and Alyssa I was 1/2 inch above what you said then I changed my estimate down 1/2 inch. But 1/2 inch is tough to tell. You got some people who argue over 3-4 inches LOL.
Viper said on 29/Mar/07
Whatever she is, shes hot as hell.
Anonymous said on 28/Mar/07
Ice Here!
Editor Rob: ..............

Editor Rob
can you send an email from your laptop to me just so I can fix the problem...thanks
6'2.5'' JK said on 28/Mar/07
Her brother Joshua Alba looks in the 6'0.5 - 6'1'' Range, look at this pic with his sister
Click Here
ice said on 28/Mar/07
Alex: It seems we are always 1/2 an inch apart, and won't budge on it either. Remember Alyssa Milano. LOL
Alex said on 28/Mar/07
Ice, that happened to me once before. Most of my comments were gone for some reason some time ago.
Maybe 5'5 and change for her but she comes across more as a 5'6 girl to me. I'm not going to argue over 1/2 inch. haha
But in that picture with Alyssa she just seems a good amount taller than her but Rob pointed out she had heels a bit bigger, plus she is a bit closer to the camera. Because I have a friend who is 4.5-5 inches taller and its bit of a smaller difference than with those 2 in that picture. I see between 5 and 6 inches between the 2 in that picture then take into consideration the heels and closer to the camera you'll get no more than 5 inches difference. I remember there was a picture with Alba and Paul Walker on here too that wasn't a bad shot either to compare.
Anonymous said on 27/Mar/07
Editor Rob: Actually, something very stange is going on. Almost all of my comments have vanished from this year. If you don't know what's going on, then I'm totally confused. Take a look around, and you'll see what I'm talking about. It's odd.
Anonymous said on 26/Mar/07
Ice here...
Alex: I think those are 4 inchers. None of my 3 inch heels look that high. In four inch heels, she would be getting around 3 inches of extra height. 5'8 minus the 3 is 5'5. At most I see 5'5.5"
Alex said on 26/Mar/07
Ice, I was saying sneakers about the picture below that Brah posted. Say Wilmer is 5'8 barefoot then 5'9-5'9.25 with sneakers on. Alba is wearing heels 3-3.5 inches and remember heels don't give you the exact heel height. So if she was in 3 inch heels they're going to give her 2-2.5 inches of height. So she looks 5'8ish with heels on or abit more. She comes across as 5'6 to me mostly though. She could get away with being a bit taller with her lean build.
Anonymous said on 25/Mar/07
Ice again!
Editor Rob: Is there a reason you deleted my comment on March 13th? I didn't say anything out of line.

Editor Rob
what comment, there was 1 on 13th, was there another one you added?
Anonymous said on 25/Mar/07
For some reason there isn't a name box, but it's me, ice. Alex: Look at cluedin's pic on 13/Mar/07. Those are not sneakers. Those are heels, very big heels. I say 5'5-5'5.5"
Tim said on 24/Mar/07
5'5 based on the picture with Wilmer who is indeed no more than 5'8-5'9. Those boots have huge heels on them (4 inches) giving her about a 3 inch boost easy and she did seem close to his height (1 inch smaller if you look close) in them. Thus 5'5 with 3 inches extra put her close to the 5'8 height of Wilmer
Alex said on 24/Mar/07
Wilmer and Jessica are both in sneakers in that picture. I've heard of Wilmer being 5'8 before so I'm not too sure on his height. She looks 5'6 to me for the most part but not taller. She is a good couple inches taller than Alyssa who is 5'1.
Boo said on 17/Mar/07
She looks about 5'5.5- My height. She's not short, but she's deff. not 5'7.
Viper said on 15/Mar/07
I can buy 5-5 for her, but she can look 5-6.
KT said on 13/Mar/07
She isn't 5'6.25 people.
Where do you guys come off thinking she's tall? I've seen Sin City, Dark Angel, and Into the Blue. And in none of those did she look above average in height.
She's about 5'5 on the dot. In Into the Blue, she was slightly shorter than Scott Caan (Probably less than an half inch shorter though). But she's not 5'6.
ice said on 13/Mar/07
Are her boots flat, or is there a heel? Wilmer valderama is 5'7, so If her boots are flat, I say 5'6. If there is any kind of heel... no comment.
Anonymous said on 26/Feb/07
she is tall-def. around 5'6. always thought she was small, before i noticed her next to smaller celebs.
Brah said on 13/Feb/07
Hmm, what you do yo guys think about this pic. Makes her look shorter than usual...
Click Here
Alex said on 20/Jan/07
On her show Dark Angel by looking at her she clearly looks a few inches over the average female in height so 5'6 really is the least she looks to me which may be her real height but 5'6.5 is possible too. Rob, a lot of the time when someone says their height with 1/2 inches it kinda gives you the impression that they're telling the truth because most who lie or don't know how tall they are say a whole number.
Alex said on 14/Jan/07
How tall is Ludacris though? 5'8-5'9? I'm not sure on his height but he looks around 5'8. If he had a good couples inches on Alba then she seems shorter than she is listed but she looks 5'6 to me for the most part.

Editor Rob
she had converse, so giving up 1/2 an inch
Alex said on 14/Jan/07
Hilz, it does appear that Jessica had Alyssa by about 6 inches in that picture. Rob said that he saw that Jessica had a bit more heel than Alyssa had on so really it could be a 5-5.5 inch difference making Alyssa 5'1 which I could believe and Jessica 5'6-5'6.5 which she does look.

Editor Rob
I forget where, but ludacris had a good couple inches on alba, although I think she had on converse, at some gokarting event the pics were from
hilz said on 12/Jan/07
with that head on shot, it appears that they are 7 inches apart. I'm 5'2.5" and I look like Alyssa does only when I'm standing next to someone who's 5'9". I think Alyssa needs to be downgraded or Alba needs to be upgraded. I'm thinking that Alyssa is more a flat five foot. Many girls whom are five foot claim they're 5'2", and then I look at them and I'm like, I'm 5'2.5". You're three inches shorter than me and I know that i'm not 5'5".
Alex said on 28/Dec/06
Her head comes up to her mouth from that angle, but in the other picture where they she is standing straight her head comes to the lower part of her nose really.
Alex said on 28/Dec/06
Rob, now the picture is much better to see. You say Jessica has a bit more of heel and Alyssa comes up to the bottom of Jessica's nose. So barefoot Alyssa would come closer to the middle of her nose making is 5-5.5 inches difference. 6 at the very most but more likely around 5.5 really. That small picture makes things seem more of a difference then it really is.
Heightfan said on 28/Dec/06
Thanks Rob, I never realized that msn had all those great pics. I found the pics showing Alyssa's shoes which were a strappy sandal type with flat sole and about a 3.5 inch heel. However I couldn't find any of Jessica's shoes. PS Please check Alyssa's page for my comments concerning her pics on msn.
Heightfan said on 28/Dec/06
If you do a search on Google Images of Jessica Alba+Alyssa Milano you can find a slightly bigger picture. This a different angle and I admit that Alyssa's head does seem at Jessica's mouth, because of a different angle. Also Alyssa has a much hotter expression on her face, I would describe it as a sly grin with an eyebrow raised. I wonder if standing next to Jessica was starting to turn her on? Alex, I don't think Alyssa had short hair it is just up, creating the illusion of more height. Finally, Jessica being nine years younger around seven inches taller, and overall perfect combine to make the normally hot Alyssa look like a little old lady.
Alex said on 28/Dec/06
Heightfan, another thing its when I see Alyssa she is just smokin hot but then you put her near Jessica and she just looks normally hot. Her short hair I wasn't crazy about anyway. With longer hair she's much better.
anonymous said on 27/Dec/06
she is exactly this height. know her personally-between 5'6 and 5'6.5 very tall in heels. perfect height, i'd say. flawless in person as well.
Alex said on 27/Dec/06
Rob, how much height difference do you see in that picture with Alyssa and Jessica? Anyway you can blow that up much bigger so you can get a closer look.

Editor Rob
can't post bigger no, I saw another pic of Rose MacGowan and Shannon...rose looked to have a slight edge and no platform type shoe, so really same heels...
chance of shannon 5ft 2.5, and 5ft 1.5 for both milan/comb
Heightfan said on 27/Dec/06
Alex, I agree. Being photographed next to the flawless Ms Alba has got to be a very humbling experience for Alyssa which probably accounts for the uncomfortable expression on her face. As far as the height I agree with you about Jessica being a little over 5'6", However, from that picture I see the top of Allyssa's head (minus the hair) only slightly above Jessica's chin. Even if Jessica's heels are a bit bigger, which I doubt, that still puts Alyssa at a 5 footer as I have always believed
Alex said on 27/Dec/06
Heightfan, you know you got a point. Alyssa is def a very hot girl but compared to Alba she only looks normally hot. Amazing how Alba can make girls who are pretty hot only less hot then they really are.
About the height though. Alba could be wearing heels a bit bigger but not certain though. It wouldn't be a full head taller though. Alyssa comes to around the middle of her nose but really a little lower not counting that hair. My best estimates would Jessica at 5'6-5'6.5 and Alyssa at 5'1. I would guess close to a half of a foot not counting that hair.
heightfan said on 26/Dec/06
In the pic with Alyssa if you take into account the fact that Alyssa has her hair up( a common trick to look taller) the top of her head is about chin level with the incredibly hot Ms. Alba. Hence a full head taller and we all know how much that is. Alyssa doesnt look that happy in the pic standing next to a much hotter, younger, more talented, and taller Jessica.
Alex said on 10/Dec/06
Do you think Alba is wearing bigger heels or footwear then Milano? Because she is at least 5, possibly 6 inches taller and Alyssa isn't 5'0-5'1. I peg her at 5'1.5 now after sometime now. Jessica is 5'6-5'6.5 while Alyssa is 5'1.5.

Editor Rob
yes, I think she's got a little extra
Alex said on 9/Dec/06
Rob, she towers over Alyssa, but maybe she has bigger heels but even without she has Alyssa by at least 3.5 inches. She appears like 5-6 inches taller than her there. Because Alyssa is like 5'1.5 which makes Alba 5'6 at least which is probably her height. And she has a few inches on 5'3 Rose.
Alex said on 24/Nov/06
Yea, more than often the celebrity isn't taller than Rob has them listed except for a few times.
Padraig said on 24/Nov/06
The maximum I guess is 5 feet 6.5 but 5 feet 6 is probably quite right for her.
Alex said on 23/Nov/06
I think she's 5'6 barefoot, 5'5 seems a little too short. The 5'7 she said was probably her out of bed height or her in shoe height.
Padgraid what is your estimate on her height?
Anonymous said on 17/Nov/06
Looking at the J Lo pic, Jessica Alba looks 5'5". I really think J Lo is about 5'3.5", she is the same height as Kelly Clarkson in their pictures together, if anything Kelly is taller and she is listed at what I think to be an accurate 5'3.5. My 4" heels give me slightly more than 2 3/4" in height. Therefore the anonymous who said she's 5'5" and 5'8" in heels, that makes perfect sense to me and by all the pictures on here sounds about right!
ajoe said on 12/Nov/06
how was she holding up against michael weatherly in dark angel?
Alex said on 31/Oct/06
Drea, I think she's fine. Nothing wrong with her. She's pretty, nicely lean and fit. Nice body overall.
Drea said on 28/Oct/06
I think she's cool and that there's like nothing wrong with her body.
But i can totally understand her critisizing herself, most people aren't entirely happy with their appearance.
Alex said on 12/Oct/06
For Alba to be 3 inches taller she would need heels 3.5 inches-4 inches. A lot of people think 3 inches heels or whatever the heel is gives you that height in inches. It gives you 1/2-an inch of height less than that heel height. Sneakers on the other hand give you the height of the heel.
anonymous said on 5/Oct/06
hey i personally know jessica and she stands about 5'5 barefoot and is about 5'8 in heels and she weighs about 105 lbs ..hope this helps
small fry said on 2/Oct/06
i met jessica and i was wearing trainers im 5ft 3 at best and she was easily 5ft 8 in heels so i reckon between 5ft 51/2 to 5ft 61/2 at the very most cos she wasnt as tall as you would expect in heels. shes so gorgeous in real life
teri said on 2/Oct/06
she's 5'6.5" and rounds up to 5'7" sometimes because its easier than saying .5. No way is she shorter than 5'6", if you think that than you clearly arent a fan and don't follow her
anonymous2 said on 17/Sep/06
I agree with Viper, that shes 5'6 tops, maybe 5'5.
JK said on 13/Sep/06
what the hecks going on here rob, the comment underneath i posted on the John Cena page, how come its on this page?
JK said on 12/Sep/06
He has about 3 inches on Kurt in that vid, so that makes him 6'1'' minimum.
Alex said on 11/Sep/06
I think 5'6 at least. More likely 5'6.5. Probably not a full 5'7.
Viper652 said on 7/Sep/06
Shes really 5-6 Max.
leonari said on 7/Sep/06
Rob pinned her down perfect 5'6.5 it is...almost 5'7" but not quite
VEgie said on 7/Sep/06
She is 5'7. Same height as me. I watched a show a while back (I forge what it was called) and they measured a bunch of celebrity's- Jessica Alba, Christina aguilera, Ashlee Simpson, I forget the rest. Anyways, Jessica Alba was 5'7, Christina was 5'2, and Ashlee Simpson was 5'6... These people had one of those measuring thingys that show your true height. So yeah those are the true heights of those celebs...
Anonymous said on 3/Sep/06
she is 5'6, but she has long legs and that's why she looks tall.
Danny said on 26/Aug/06
I'm sure Jessica Alba is at least 5'7 because she looks pretty tall with flats don't you think Rob?
Alex said on 24/Aug/06
Alba has said 5'6.5 and most of the time when people say the 1/2 inch or another fraction of an inch in their height then it sounds like they'll be pretty honest. Maybe she's 5'6.5 and the 5'7 claim was morning height.
Viper652 said on 24/Aug/06
J-Lo is 5-4. Alba could be 5-5.
Jake said on 23/Aug/06
Ashroid: she looks at least an inch taller than J-Lo, (who actually claims to be 5'6" though 5'5" is more realistic.) That is, she looks it if you account for posture and camera angle.
Alex said on 8/Aug/06
I don't see Alba under 5'6 at all. Looks to be 5'6.5 though, She looks to be really that and rouding up to 5'7 somtimes since she did say 5'6.5.
flimp said on 7/Aug/06
why are some people saying things like "no shes not 5'6 at all more like 5'5.5" its on half an inch people! not guna make a difference.
Anonymous said on 24/Jul/06
Well said, Viper. To add to that, I also think that American culture is perverse in that we 'justify' our worship of celebrity with the idea that they must somehow be 'better' than average people, and when we find out they're not, then we act as though we've been 'scammed', and are entitled to the right to dislike them. Now, down off the soapbox. Say, has anyone heard anymore from Frank2?
Viper652 said on 24/Jul/06
And Jamie Foxx is closer to 5-8.
Kate said on 24/Jul/06
In this picture Jessica Alba looks like she's much shorter than 5'7". Jamie Foxx is reported to be 5'9.5" and compared to him, she should be at most 5'4". It's pretty obvious that she's wearing heels in this MTV event.
Click Here
Click Here
Viper652 said on 23/Jul/06
I think the funny thing is Americans are getting fatter by the day, but it seems like we hold celebs up to very high standards.
Haylie said on 22/Jul/06
All I'm going to say is,if Jessica Alba is 'nearly fat' this is a warped world we live in!
quitecute said on 21/Jul/06
heightgirl, shes lost some weights but before she was " nearly fat" and definately not " too thin" check the internet. you' re not the only one with hundreds of people agreeing with me
coco said on 16/Jul/06
man you definitely have to see people in person cause on tv they make you look tall
Priya said on 16/Jul/06
I never thought she had an especially curvy body... I think one reason why she always says that "I wish I was taller" is because most guys want a short girl and she wants people to come up in arms to her and say "no waaaay you would be ugly if you werew taller, you're perfect as you are". She's so lame.
heightgirl said on 15/Jul/06
What the hell 'quitecute'... Jessica Alba is far from being 'nearly fat', if anything she's at the precipice of 'too thin'. Just do a search on the net, hundreds of other people agree with me.