Jawilder said on 10/Apr/23
Griffith said on 8/Apr/23
Wow hes roughly your height Rob...baffled why he would claim "almost " 6ft...

Editor Rob
Certainly had one of the more interesting 'height proof' videos.
It didn't add up though...over 5ft 10 makes no sense.
Savagetez said on 7/Mar/23
Hello Rob how tall does Jey Uso look with Jeff Cavaliere who is 5'8-5'9 (5'8.5 is probably is what he probably is though)?
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
Could be near 4 inches taller there.
ADD said on 28/Feb/23
Rob there’s a video of him with Ryan Seacrest. They look pretty similar but hard to tell but it’s on athlean X Instagram page

Editor Rob
Didn't look over 5ft 8 in the clip.
Griffith said on 27/Feb/23
Rob, he listed himself 5"8 on his stats, you have him a 1/2 more quite generous 😂👍
oguz said on 21/Sep/22
Probably not even 5'8". More like 171-173 cm
Philip Z said on 13/Aug/22
Click Here
5ft 8.5 still too much for him. Antonio Brown has more than just 1.5 inches on him. 5ft 7.5 is the most I'd give Jeff, probably closer to 5ft 7.25 or even a flat 5ft 7.
berta said on 31/Jul/22
can look 173,5-175,5 i gouess 174 is about right. I wonder what drugs he take to be able to stay ay his extremmely low bodyfat for his age. It may be just hormone replaem4nt therapy.
ChristianPerkins said on 13/May/22
At least this website has his height down way more accurately than his 5'10" "measurement".
Click Here
Quis said on 15/Apr/22
He's a weak 5'9 nd no more.
Okidoki said on 25/Jan/22
It's interesting how he seems so professional in his videos, but then still inflates his height by around 2 inches, if not a bit more. Is he ashamed of being 5'8 or does he think his audience expects "more"? :P
Canson said on 10/Jan/22
5’8” best case. We aren’t sure if Antonio Brown is really a solid 5’10” afternoon height. He may be a 5’9.5-5’10 guy next to Brady
CloseTheDeal said on 8/Jan/22
Chaoscontrol. said on 16/Dec/21
Thing about steroids is you can tell from looking that someone is on them but you can’t tell from looking that they’re not
ADD said on 14/Dec/21
@Roots4828 yea he def uses fake weights lol. Steroids? Not sure about that he’s not very big but at his age to look that shredded it’s up for debate.
ADD said on 12/Dec/21
Rob only reason I could slightly believe this is because Antonio Brown is taller than 5 ft 10 plus Russell Wilson but I think it’s still a bigger gap with him and Jeff
Michael187BarefootInTheMorning said on 3/Dec/21
5'11 my arse!
Roots4828 said on 1/Dec/21
@ADD Jeff lies about his height like he lies about how much weight he can lift and his steroid use.
ADD said on 30/Nov/21
Rob you should try getting a pic next to Jeff. Expose his possible fake height claim lol

Editor Rob
Jeff definitely needs an independent measurement.
Adam W said on 2/Nov/21
Seen here with 6'0 listed Bill Clinton:
Click Here
Both look younger here so maybe Clinton is 6'1, and of course we cannot see their footwear. Having said that, unless Clinton is wearing 4 inch stilettos...
James B 171.5cm said on 14/Oct/21
Whoops sorry rob forgot you already mentioned above he measured 179cm

Editor Rob
yeah I made a video talking about Jeff last week
Here...actually it was made a few months ago.
James B 171.5cm said on 14/Oct/21
Rob me measures 5’10 1/2 here
Click Here
Fernandou said on 3/Aug/21
174cm with shoes on. 170cm shoes off and before bed time.
Pathfinder said on 30/May/21
No way he’s this low. He holds up too well everywhere I see him. I’ll go 5’10” lowest, but he looks to 5’10.5”. Just an honest opinion on one of the best in the fitness industry.
Badar said on 26/May/21
Upon rewatch, he didn't hold up well with Antonio Brown, i can see a case for 5'8 flat. I really like Jeff, no idea why he'd shamelessly promote himself as 2 inches taller. There was also that fake weights scandal last year.
gr8m8 said on 25/May/21
Yeah it looks like he's a weak 5'8 at best. I'm pretty sure you'd get measured taller than him on a medical!
gr8m8 said on 15/May/21
Hey Rob,
Don't you think he might be in the 5'7" range? There is much more difference than an easy 1.5 inch between him and Antonio Brown.

Editor Rob
doesn't look that short, although I can see with Brown that he was struggling with 5ft 8
Badar said on 1/May/21
People in the comments of his video are so gullible to believe he's actually 5'10 lol.
5'8.5/174 cm.
2pacalypse wow said on 26/Apr/21
Scott Herman is 5'8.5" range too. He claims 5'10" though but clearly isn't. He was a good 2 inches shorter than 5'10.5" Austin Dunhman in their video together.
Mickie said on 1/Mar/21
@Vincent Caleb - Agreed. The fake plates are IMO are an even bigger knock on his credibility than adding 2" to his height claim, especially given what he does. But I do think he's a knowledgable guy and has some really good workout information. He just tries to puff up his own image, probably because a) he thinks it makes him more marketable and b) it flatters his own ego.
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 17/Feb/21
He is supposedly 175lbs in the video, which seems strangely low for someone supposedly 5’10.5 yet clearly bigger than my 5’11 175-180 jujitsu instructor. I think he’s downplaying his weight as well as inflating his height
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 27/Jan/21
Nice shoes and hair boost he had in the video. I’ve got long hair, guess I could get 6’8 if I styled it up right, 6’10 if my studs were on
Vincent Caleb said on 26/Jan/21
He also used fake plates for a couple of his videos and got called out for it. He gives out good advice for fitness, but not necessarily the most truthful person out there.
Canson said on 26/Jan/21
@Vinz: but it diminishes his credibility
Vinz said on 23/Jan/21
Fine if he lied about his height, I think he did it too, but common that doesn't matter in the slightest, this guy has provided us with awesome fitness tips and valuable knowledge for years, for free! Sure he tries to sell things but the raw information is completely free in his channel. This guy is a legend and doesn't matter to me if he lied 10 inches.
JCBS said on 15/Sep/20
I think he's currently a strong 5'9.. maybe a bit under 5'10 in his younger days, and being shorter than an athlete who is measured at 5'10... I think the discrepancy might be due to the fact that clinics and hospitals use the weighing scale with the pull out height measurement ruler that is off by a few centimeters. (Test it out and compare your results with the wall, book and steel tape method) I've been measured at 165cm with these clinical weighing sclse with pull out rulers recently but I am a strong 168 with the wall + book+ carpenter's steel tape measurements... (used to be 169+cm about a decade ago)
Annonymous said on 8/Sep/20
Jeff is no hero lol. Uses fake weights and fakes a height measurement. who does that.
Yharnamman said on 5/Sep/20
Rob its great to see you have a page on Jeff. I've watched the guy for 5 years and immediately watched that height and weight video when it first came out, since then I've been constantly thinking he looks nothing like a 5'10" guy. Must've been some tape measure trick. Jeff also claims his arms are 17"(absolutely huge for a 5'8"-5'9" guy ), I do think that is true though. Still the guy has given me lots of lifting knowledge and I recommend his channel to everyone.

Editor Rob
I just think the tape goes further down and the edge of the astroturf...rather than Jeff pulling a 'miracle growth' trick like what I did with the tape measure (splicing out 2 inches).
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Aug/20
Nobody's perfect. I don't believe that a mere claim of one's height defines their overall character. But Cavaliere going as far as faking a video measurement is a bit of a different story, I'll agree with you.
Peyman 5' 10.25" said on 12/Aug/20
don't get me wrong dude
I'm not someone who makes an idol of anybody.
the guy just spreads a lot of information on his YouTube channel and it is valuable in my opinion.
Canson said on 7/Aug/20
I’m sorry but He isn’t a hero if he made a video where he purposely
lies about his height
Peyman 5' 10.25" said on 6/Aug/20
how about a chris heria page rob? is 5'9" a true estimate?
Peyman 5' 10.25" said on 6/Aug/20
Jeff is undoubtedly a real hero
he is a great motivation in these corona days for many people
but why the hell he lied about that measurement? what is wrong with being 174ish?
he still has an awesome physique
Ali183 said on 12/Jul/20
Click Here
looks 5’7 with 5’9 finn balor
Linke said on 7/Jul/20
He looks 5'7.75 with Aamir and the NFL player.
c-mo 176.2cm said on 3/Jul/20
isnt it possible that the NFL player got undermeasured and is rather close to 6'0 ?

Editor Rob
I don't believe he was undermeasured...by that much, though imagine he got 5ft 10.5-10.75, that is a figure he's pulled off a lot.
Oguz Efe said on 2/Jul/20
Rob, how tall do you think Jeff looks in this video?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Jeff can look in 5ft 9-10 range at moments in the video.
Scandinavian178 said on 15/Jun/20
At first I thought he was on the taller side because to me he has that tallish head. But after watching his videos he is clearly short, short limbs especially stand out. The 179cm (5ft10 1/2) measurement he posted definitely seems inflated.

Editor Rob
I wonder if Jeff would ever agree to a stadiometer measurement 🤨
cdcd said on 13/Jun/20
Here's a video of Jeff standing next to Aamir Khan, who is listed as 5ft 5:
Click Here
Judging from the rest of the video, Khan is wearing basic sneakers similar to Jeff's. Jeff has barely 2 inches on Khan, which would put him at 5ft 7 at the very most.
Jackson W said on 13/Jun/20
In this video :
Click Here
Jeff is looking at least 6 inches shorter than Jinder Mahal, who is listed on this website at 6'4.25". I do understand that head sizes are different, and footwear is different, but for the most part the top of Jeff's head lines up around the bottom of Mahal's nose, indicating a rough 6 inch difference. The height difference makes Jeff look to be in the 5'9.5"-5'10" range in my opinion. I don't think with the way Jeff is built, he would be at all under 5'9"
sam maggs said on 11/Jun/20
He was recently busted for using fake weights. He's a sneaky guy always trying to sell something and is clearly comfortable with lying to the public. He also routinely censors comments that challenge him. So he'd have no problem lying about his height too.
Roots4828 said on 8/Jun/20
Looks 5’10” next to Sheamus.
Fidus said on 8/Jun/20
As Canson below me has pointed out, Jeff has been shown to use fake weights in his videos. It's safe to say that if he has lied about something as serious as that, he's more than capable of being vain and deceitful enough to lie about his height as well. So I wouldn't take any of his own measurements seriously.
Canson said on 5/Jun/20
BobbyCurls said on 4/Jun/20
Jeff has been suspected of using fake weight plates to increase the appearance of his lifts.
I don't think this is a big deal if true, but it lends to the theory that he faked his height measurement as well.
5'8 flat.
I doubt he’s over 5’8” either the more Ive seen
BobbyCurls said on 4/Jun/20
Jeff has been suspected of using fake weight plates to increase the appearance of his lifts.
I don't think this is a big deal if true, but it lends to the theory that he faked his height measurement as well.
5'8 flat.
mrtgy said on 24/Apr/20
He seems inches off 5'10.5'' with Jinder if he was that tall, he would around his nose level.
Andy Glish said on 19/Apr/20
Seems to be more in the 5'7 range than the 5'8 range. My guess is 5"7.25 maybe 5"7.50
Dean Dean said on 9/Mar/20
Theres no way Jeff is 5"10.5 or theres no way Brown is 5"10. Jeff looks 5"5 or even 5"4 in the photo. I'm 5"8.5 and my brother is 5"10 1/4 and I look taller than him sometimes. I doubt Jeff is 5"10.5
Canson said on 1/Mar/20
@Peter175: not so sure if it’s the proportions or if it’s that he consistently gets towered over or at worst edged out by other guys in the 5’10 range
Peter175 said on 29/Feb/20
In the strong 5'8-9 range but has weird proportions so I can see why people will think he's a weak 5'8 or 5'7
Canson said on 11/Feb/20
I doubt Antonio Brown is 5’11. Cavaliere is overlisted
Canson said on 10/Feb/20
@Rob: if you go 1:00 in Antonio Brown looks to tower over Cavaliere and that’s the case a lot. If Brown is even just his listing 5’10 1/8 Cavaliere is 5’7 range. 5’8.5 is too high. Prob just should be 5’8” here

Editor Rob
He certainly made Jeff's claim look bizarre...it's another instance that Brown looked nearer 5ft 11 than 10, if Jeff was say 5ft 8.5.
Triplescrew said on 4/Jan/20
As a huge fan of Jeff Cavaliere and Rob Paul, I think I have to go with Rob on this one. No way is Jeff 5'10.5" at midday as his video implies.
I'd peg Jeff at Rob's height or very slightly taller. Something like 5'9" immediately after waking, 5'8.5" midday, 5'8.25" before bed.
ADD said on 1/Dec/19
5’11 Greg Jennings towers over him in his latest video lol

Editor Rob
But but but Jeff says he measured 5ft 10.5!
here is the
Link. Biggest half inch you'll see in your life
Teemo said on 17/Nov/19
oooh Jeff responded pretty sure unless it's a fake but doubt it.
Jeff looks at least 5'9
Canson said on 14/Nov/19
I dont think he’s less than 5’8”
Yuval said on 13/Nov/19
His partner in all his videos Jessie claimed 5'11 and looks inch taller the Jeff. So both of them add 2 inch to themself? Sound wierd
But again that photo with clinton doesn't lie
Jeff Cavaliere AthleanX.com said on 5/Nov/19
This is inaccurate!! My video that proves my actual height is correct.
Josue said on 12/Oct/19
A fair measurement with (6'0") Mr. Clinton.
Click Here
Canson said on 15/Sep/19
c-mo said on 14/Sep/19
I dont fully understand what you guys are trying to tell me lol
ao that antonio brown guy was officially measured as at slightly over 5'10 ?
do you think they measured him correctly ? some people do get undermeasured on the doctors etc
He looks like he was accurately measured. Morning height so he prob dips under the mark but probably 5’9.75 or 5’9.875 but he looks around 5’10 mostly
c-mo said on 14/Sep/19
I dont fully understand what you guys are trying to tell me lol
ao that antonio brown guy was officially measured as at slightly over 5'10 ?
do you think they measured him correctly ? some people do get undermeasured on the doctors etc
Canson said on 11/Aug/19
@Christian: I agree with you because he was 5’10 1/8 at the combine. everyone is entitled to their opinion I’ll say that but at the same time, if that were Sotiris or someone suggesting he should be downgraded or estimating him below the mark Rob has him, you do realize that he would likely hear “Sotiris, why do you always downgrade people?”
Canson said on 11/Aug/19
@Rob: Brown likely isn’t a solid 5’10 if he only measured 5’10 1/8 early in the morning. Probably 5’9.75.
Importer said on 9/Aug/19
One of the Athlean-X videos had a thumbnail of his stats at 5'6" 190ish lbs I recall. That's a pretty good clickbait if your ask me :P
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Aug/19
If anything, Brown's a weak 5'10" since his 5'10 1/8" was in the morning.
Jeff's overlisted as it is, giving him 5'9" is ridiculous.
viper said on 8/Aug/19
Brown is a weak 5-10 at 5-10.1
viper said on 8/Aug/19
Brown is officially listed at 5-10. He's not taller than that
c-mo said on 7/Aug/19
Rob are you sure that the nfl player (name : Antonio Brown) is really 5'10 1/8 ?
here he is with Julian Edelmann who you have listed as 5'10
Click Here

Editor Rob
It's what he measured...of course there could be some errors in the database.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/May/19
Rob, maybe tweak this to 5ft8¾ or even 5ft9?

Editor Rob
He really struggled to look that tall against that antonio brown in the clip of them training, and he's a solid 5ft 10
Fuego Oscuro said on 30/May/19
It's counterproductive for him to lie about his height. His strength would be way more impressive if he were 5 feet tall than if he were 7 feet tall. His channel isn't teaching people how to get taller.
5'10ish said on 28/May/19
Please do one on chris heria from thenx. Thanks
Blake said on 27/May/19
Rob, the photo or Instagram has been removed for this page.

Editor Rob
Maybe Jeff wasn't keen on that photo remaining up on Instagram as it put into question his 5ft 10.5 'measurement'...
Canson said on 24/May/19
It is fake. He’s not 5’10” when he’s easily shorter than Antonio Brown

Editor Rob
Either it's real and NFL undermeasure players 2 inches, or the tape 'slipped' down the edge of the astroturf, adding a few cm's.
I'll chalk it down to an honest mistake from his friend who attached it to the wall. 😏
Kristian 5'11 said on 21/May/19
Might be fake though, not gonna lie
Kristian 5'11 said on 21/May/19
Jeff's measurements are actually now official:
Click Here
His height is recorded at 5'10 1/2, so I think it is time to update this one Rob ;)
Canson said on 1/Apr/19
It’s hard to say he’s as legit as they come especially if he really did fake a measurement. However, it’s unclear if he really did that
rocketman23 said on 31/Mar/19
Doesn’t strike me as anything above 5’8. Google images of him with Aamir Khan. It’s the same pic as the one which was uploaded onto his insta. You have Aamir listed as 5’5 (which imo is a stretch for him). But even going by Aamir as 5’5, Jeff only appears 2.5’ taller. Also, how do you think he made himself appear to be measured as 5’10.5 in one of his YouTube vids?
Fredddd34 said on 31/Mar/19
Jeff is as legit as they come, he runs one of the best fitness YouTube channels ever. No BS, just science.
I always thought he was 175 cm or something like that, so this listing definitely seems correct to me.
ADD said on 17/Mar/19
He has a new video with the Usos and he didn’t look a ton shorter but the camera angles were weird. They were still bigger than him tho and they are in the 6-6’1 range
Canson said on 15/Mar/19
Him looking a bit scared may have been because it was taped to the wall. But I’m thinking that the tape measure was not all the way down to the ground. Maybe that’s why it was called 5’10 but it’s possible that it was staged that way from the beginning

Editor Rob
Or as said in the past the tape can go a bit further down below the floor. I think most folk would be shocked if barefoot he was in 5ft 10 range, so it's a mystery what happened.
For me, the least likely scenario is in socks he's a solid 5ft 10. Next likely is the tape was pushed further down (or bent).
Other options (spliced tape measure) are some things I wouldn't accuse anybody of - but if somebody wanted to fake a height measurement, it's easy to splice a tape and remove two inches.
You could take that to another level by creating a fake stadiometer with altered markings.
Canson said on 15/Mar/19
I doubt less than 5’8”
177 cm dude said on 14/Mar/19
Jeff is about 5ft7 inch and a half in morning I guess cause I saw him with my friend how is strong 5ft8 jeff little shorter than him note that both of them wear wearing sports shoe so no much of a difference there
tree said on 9/Mar/19
No way he did not knew he is much closer to 5ft9 then 5ft10,its not an honest mistake,call the cops :D
tree said on 9/Mar/19
Height fraud,he did something with the tape measure so we would buy 179 without shoes.
If u look at his face he looked a bit scared when he sad 5ft10 and half he knew he was frauding lol

Editor Rob
Maybe I sent him a miracle growth tape measure. Guaranteed to measure anybody 2 inches taller.
Canson said on 23/Feb/19
@Matt99: I don’t know how tall he actually is. At the same time, based on how he looks with Clinton or Brown, his supposed measurement doesn’t add up. Appears 5’8 with them. I will also say that I don’t want to accuse anyone of falsifying anything but it puzzles me why someone would go out of their way to make a video like that. Like some have said here, if that really did happen, it would take some credibility away from what he’s trying to sell if that is true. Now to give him the benefit of the doubt, I don’t know if he actually knows his true height because that’s the case with many but as we also know on this forum, some know their height and blatantly lie
ADD said on 22/Feb/19
He just recently posted a pic on his instagram of him and 5’5 listed here actor Aamir Khan and only looked a few inches taller.
ADD said on 14/Jan/19
We should ask him to bring back Antonio Brown and measure his height and see what they come up with lol
Canson said on 12/Jan/19
It’s still a mystery how he could honestly measure 5’10” or more and be shorter than a weak 5’10 guy or a guy barely 6’0” today. And he believes genuinely as it appears that he was at least 5’10 when he said he would take the extra half
Fisticuffs said on 5/Jan/19
@Yuval, or C.T. Fletcher isn't 5'11". Looked more 5'9"-5'10" with Stone Cold Steve Austin. Dude is almost 60 too. Possibly he's lost some height.
Canson said on 4/Jan/19
@Yuval: I don’t know but he surely doesn’t look it with Bill clinton or Antonio Brown who measures 5’10 1/8 in the morning. Clinton is no more than 6’0” at this stage and he could even be less now
Yuval said on 1/Jan/19
He had a video with CT Fletcher, bodlybuilder. Fletcher listed 5'11 and Jeff looks an inch below him. Think about it maybe he is not 5'8
Canson said on 31/Dec/18
Antonio maresures 5’10 1/8” in the morning so he’s more than likely less than 5’10”. Cavaliere looked 4” shorter than 6’0” at best Bill Clinton
ADD said on 29/Dec/18
Maybe Antonio is taller than 5’10?
Antonio brown looks taller than 5’10.5 measured Russell Wilson in some pics on google
Jeff does look a lot shorter than him tho. Something isn’t right. I’d have to see in person
Canson-6'4 3/8 said on 25/Dec/18
@Yuval: he had to have lost height a little prior to 10 years ago. Maybe not all of it but When then newly elected President Obama stood next to him it was noticeable he wasn’t 6’2 at least. But Clinton has had health issues over the years.
Yuval said on 24/Dec/18
How tall was Clinton in that picture? Maybe it was 10 years ago and he had not lost so much height?
Canson said on 24/Dec/18
@Zampo and Andrea: I also used the picture of Former President Clinton with him and he looks around 5’8” with him
Canson said on 24/Dec/18
@Frost: that’s also got to do with the fact that OBJ is likely a hair under 5’11” at a low as well. Jimmy Butler for one doesn’t look anywhere remotely close to his draft listing. He looks 6’5” range with anyone else. if the combine is held early morning like it is (I’ve also proven with other comparisons between Senior Bowls and Pro Days Etc) the person will surely dip in the afternoon. My feeling on Brown is that he’s 5’9.75 at a low which is really no different in appearance than 5’10” which is why you don’t see much difference
Frost said on 23/Dec/18
@canson I actually don't think AB drops below 5'10 in the afternoon. Combine listing aside he looks pretty much 5'10 with just about every one he's seen with. Jimmy butler, Drake and so on. Can't even really see a discernable difference when he stands next to guys like Odell and there would something noticeable if he dropped more than an inch under 5'11.
Canson said on 23/Dec/18
@Christian and Viper: my philosophy on Arnold is that he was 6’1” barefoot not 6’1.5. I think that was definitely morning. But on Cavaliere, he went out of his way to make that video to show how tall he is. If he really is not as tall as he claims after doing that, then I would definitely agree with what Christian said. It’s harder to take what he is selling seriously. Height is a basic truth or characteristic about oneself. It’s hard to take someone seriously who lies about their height honestly
Andrea said on 22/Dec/18
You're playing the devil's advocate, and I understand what you're trying to say, Zampo, but considering that you can only see a part of his "measurement", I certainly wouldn't call it "the "best" piece of evidence available". The way he looks with Antonio, who got officially measured at 5'10 1/8 (very likely sometime in the morning, like the majority of NFL players, so probably not even at his low), completely overrides that very questionable "measurement" and actually proves that the "measurement" itself was faked somehow (which is certainly not that hard to do, considering how it was filmed). And although it is true that as far as we know Antonio could be standing on something in the photo and one could certainly argue that (even if it is admittedly a stretch), the thing is that there's even a clip of them together, where you can see their feet and the ground (in some parts) and where the difference looks pretty much consistent with the one in the photo, so I would certainly rule that (already quite remote) possibility out.
Now, to be fair to Jeff (whom I've never heard of before), I should have a look at more stuff of him to have a better idea about his height, but the photo (together with the clip) with Antonio is a very good photo to draw a conclusion from, IMO, and just from that, to be generous (assuming that Antonio has a fraction more footwear and slightly better posture, and that he doesn't dip much below his 5'10 1/8 NFL measurement), 5'8 is certainly the most I can see him at...
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Dec/18
I believe the 6'1.5" measurement was legit and that guy would have no reason to lie, but it was a morning measurement and not an evening one IMO.
viper said on 21/Dec/18
Arnold's 6-1.5 measurement is more legit than this guy or Shawne Merriman.
Zampo said on 21/Dec/18
@Canson & Christian:
I agree with you guys and others. 5'8 range is what he looks, if one were to compare him with others.
Myself said on 21/Dec/18
Thanks :)
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Dec/18
I understand where you coming from. There's no 100% objective proof that the measuring tape was altered. But common sense alone would tell that it was a rigged measurement. He looks 5'8" range with too many people, including with Antonio Brown, Sheamus and Bill Clinton to name a few. Plus, he's listed as 5'8" on so many sites on the web. No 5'10.5" guy would be listed everywhere as 5'8" like that, especially in a world where height exaggeration is common.
Canson said on 20/Dec/18
@Myself: very good points!
Sakz said on 19/Dec/18
I've seen his videos briefly and they definitely seem credible. I wouldn't read too much into the height measurement because that's not really the aim of his videos. Physically he looks average height so initially I would have guessed him around 5'8.
Myself said on 19/Dec/18
I'm not sure personally that it's less than 4'. That photo was taked from below and if you would adjust the angle i think his eyes are in reality very close Jeff's top of the head. Also Clinton could have an above average eye-level.
Yuval said on 19/Dec/18
Anyone noticed he mentioned in the video Arnold being 6'3? Lol Arnold really fooled this guy. Funny he mentioned The Rock a second later being also 6'3. Also ironic, he talks about excepting yourself and your height/bone structure, and then he added 2 inches to himself.
Canson said on 18/Dec/18
Looking at him with Bill Clinton, “assuming” Clinton is the height Rob lists him, he has a chance at this listing above. That’s not 4” between them
Canson said on 18/Dec/18
@Christian and Zampo: I would like to see more pictures with he and some reliably measured athletes or other celebs where we can easily determine how tall he is. The Antonio Brown pic is one thing but if that same scenario resurfaced in several other pics then it would be easy to say what we are. On the flip side, if he ended up taller in the next pic then maybe it was a fluke of some sort. His proportions may be misleading I’ll say that much
Yuval said on 18/Dec/18
True, we have nothing besides this video. But there are pictures of him with other celebs that we know their height. So far Bill Clinton, and Antonio Brown. I believe there are more examples. So he cant be 5'10.5 doesnt matter what the tape said.
I heard he mentioned in privous video he is 5'7.5 if someone can find it he would be our Sharlock Holmes.
Canson said on 18/Dec/18
@Christian: I have never believed that. I think it was actually 6’1.75 that the guy told Rob. I could possibly believe he was 6’1” at a low as I’ve heard someone that met him in his prime that was also 6’1” say that. Now only question is was the person that told me that really 6’1” flat at a low. He’s only 5’11” today when I saw him recently

Editor Rob
It was 6ft 1.5 the guy said he measured arnold. From a guy who said he wasn't exactly best buddies with him, I think he sounded honest about it.
Canson said on 18/Dec/18
@Zampo: you make good points. Maybe all of that is true. But as is the case with a lot of other celebs, the picture is used. To be fair, it’s often used the other way to make someone taller. At least they aren’t going and saying AB is taller than he measured. It’s possible one has footwear on and the other not but AB would still come out shorter being he’s really around 5’9.75 at a low. A stool or something could be the only way or poor camera angle
Myself said on 18/Dec/18
The best piece of evidence is that he has consistently claimed 5'8 until now at 43 years old he magically measured himself with the tape measure angled and standing on a suspicious carpet; he could have been on his tip-toes alternatively, if you ask me, and we don't even see his feet during the measurement.
If you consider that video a legit measurement proof then you probably have no idea that height is an accurate number that should be obtained accordingly (with accuracy); we are talking about maths, not about personal feelings or metaphysics. Since that measurement does not provide ACCURATE and realistic evidence, we're left only with out own objective height guessing ability and with the claims he has been making for pretty much almost 30 years.
I don't think he shouldn't be trusted in everything else just because of this though. His advices really helped me.
Zampo said on 17/Dec/18
Lets think logically about this. Technically he measured 5'10.5 and this is actually the "best" piece of evidence available. Now, when comparing him with others he doesn't look anywhere near this. However, at the end of the day, this is what the tape measure says so shouldn't visitors be entitled to make that guess, if they believe so? In fact, there is no proof that the tape measure has been altered rather all this talk has been speculation. One could argue the in the photo above, Antonio is standing on a stool or equipment of some sort, again speculation.
This whole site is based on speculation, at the end of the day he has been listed 5'8.5 which isn't even far fetched from how he looks, Rob has even stated a possible range (5'8 - 5'8.5).
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 16/Dec/18
It makes me to start question whether if Arnold actually ever measured 6'1.5" at night.
Myself said on 16/Dec/18
Yeah, if Sheamus is really that tall and doesn't wear lifts, then i can see more than 5'8.
Canson said on 16/Dec/18
@Yuval: people aren’t not taking him seriously because he embellishes his height by 2”. It’s because he “quite possibly” went out of his way to do the video to lead people to believe he’s taller than he is. Now it’s no guarantee he did that or that it was deliberate but it looks possible from that that he did
Yuval said on 16/Dec/18
99.9 % of men have insecurity about their height, and Jeff does too. I don't think people should take him less seirous from now on when it comes to fitness advice. He added 2 inches to himself, where in the fitness industry almost everyone adds 1-2 inches unless they are 6'+ and even tall guys are guilty of that sometimes.
Canson said on 15/Dec/18
@Christian: I haven’t seen much of Cavaliere other than these pics here with the video and this pic with AB. Other than that I hadn’t really heard of him before maybe recently. If the video were all I had to go off of I may have believed it but the picture with Brown severely damaged his case for being 5’10.5. If that really is the case that the video is staged and that he truly Stat frauds, it would be hard for me to buy anything else he sells. But a lot of guys who are bodybuilders and instructors etc do claim their shoes so he’s right there with him. That became apparent when one of the guys at the gym I go to I overheard him telling someone he was 6’2” and he’s no more than 6’0”-6’0.5. However, to another instructor’s credit he claims 6’2” and actually is in person
Canson said on 15/Dec/18
@Ehsan Jabar: if he officially measured 5’10.5 in the video then how is a guy that measured 5’10 1/8 in the morning a good couple inches taller than him? AB is likely more like 5’9.75 in the afternoon
Canson said on 15/Dec/18
@Christian: it’s similar to Shawne Merriman. There is undeniable evidence that he is not 6’4” yet Rob still has him listed at 6’4”. Rob admitted himself that he looked 6’3” range although that is overly generous for him since he implied more 6’3.5. 6’3” is still generous especially when you take into account that Bennett isn’t over 6’5.75 since he also measured that. Even if you Rising, Viper and I are all off on that one, it’s not gonna be anything less than 3” difference and that is very conservative and favorable to Shawne’s Claims. I think what Rob is doing here with both is protecting everyone and the site as he believes a drastic downgrade may be detrimental to him as well from the ownership perspective
Yuval said on 15/Dec/18
No way he is 179 cm tall. He doesn't have the proportion of a tall guy.
I am 5'8 and he has the same frame as mine.
Ehsan Jabar said on 15/Dec/18
He was mearsued at 5'10 and a half in his "Offical Weigh In" video with just socks on
Myself said on 14/Dec/18
I agree with Christian, honestly i'm kinda surprised Rob is doing this...
What if i was on this site and i measured myself 9'3 while standing barefoot on top of a ladder with the tape measure touching the previous floor? Would you try to guess my real barefoot height or you would just put me the same height as
Robert Wadlow? It's pretty much the same logic...
I understand that you want to be more "user friendly" to all those that after having watched his video would come here to "argue" and would feel offended if there was no option to vote for that figure, but this is an objective height guessing site, not a mindless fanbody-land...

Editor Rob
Maybe the 5ft 8.5 figure is objective, after all with someone like
Sheamus...he can hold up well...
And I've met and spoke to Sheamus...
Matt99 said on 14/Dec/18
Rob I do believe he’d measure 174cm at some point in the day but I strongly believe its after an hour or so out of bed. I think 5’8.25 is the perfect listing for him, it’s a pretty fair guess for him I’d say.
Canson said on 14/Dec/18
@Christian and Rob: what it sounds like to me is that Jeff believed that he was 5’10 previously. I picked that up when he said “I’ll take the half thank you”. Maybe he didn’t really believe it but he seemed to have claimed it for quite some time. That said, 5’10 lined up with 5’8” flat as opposed to 5’8.5 as he probably wouldn’t be any higher than that given the websites that list him as such as well as the evidence in the pic Rob posted with Antonio Brown.
Canson said on 13/Dec/18
@Greg: that’s fair. I’m sure at times he can pull that look off.
Mickie said on 13/Dec/18
I always thought he was one of the more knowledgable workout guys on youtube. Disappointing that he may have faked the measurement video, as it could diminish his credibility.
Canson said on 13/Dec/18
@Yuva: that almost points to him being the height he’s listed on his website-5’8”. Clinton isn’t but 6’0” max today. Some even have him at 5’11.5 today on Celebheights
To Greg’s credit, he does have 1 or 2 pics where he could appear taller but it’s hard to believe he’s over 5’8” (which is generous) next to Antonio Brown who we know likely isn’t even a full 5’10” if he measured where he did in the morning
Canson said on 13/Dec/18
@Yuva: that almost points to him being the height he’s listed on his website-5’8”. Clinton isn’t but 6’0” max today. Some even have him at 5’11.5 today on Celebheights
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 13/Dec/18
I don't think you should keep Jeff at 5'8.5" just so visitors can be able to vote 5'10.5". You should list Jeff based on how you think how tall he is.
I understand, but there are many "gurus" that are questionable and untrustworthy. I'm not accusing Jeff of being anything, but his fake measurement is a red flag. Jeff of all people, shouldn't be dishonest like that since he's a supposed physical fitness expert. It's one thing to exaggerate height by claiming taller than you really are, but it's another to go out of your way to post a fake height measurement video like that.

Editor Rob
It may or may not have been Jeff who taped the measure to the wall, but it resulted in a strange figure, which did not add up compared to other measured people...
Yuval said on 12/Dec/18
He has narrow bone structure which suits people in the 5'7-5'8 range. It is not a universal law, but usually taller people have bigger bone structures. I really cant see him at 5'10.5 so he faked the measurement. He "blamed" Jesse on the way he put the measure tape on the wall, maybe a distracton ? something tells me he wanted to make the measurement quick and with good vibe so people will not ask themself "is he really average height"?
Andrea said on 11/Dec/18
See what I mean when I say that you speak out of turn, Greg? 😊
Yuva said on 11/Dec/18
He has a picture with Bill Clinoton with 4 inches difference.
Canson said on 11/Dec/18
@Arthur: we could only see the top half of the tape measure at all in the video. He could’ve easily done what Rob said since we couldn’t see the bottom of it

Editor Rob
he implied his friend attached it to the wall, although who knows. Would have been interesting if he ever does a stadiometer measurement. I think it's rather unlikely now.
Canson said on 11/Dec/18
@Greg: I don’t want to accuse the man of falsifying his measurement but all of the websites also list him at 5’8”. The pic above assuming both have no footwear would lead me to believe he’s even under 5’8”. I know for Antonio Brown based on where he measures at the combine, he’s likely Bobby’s height where he would be around 5’9.75 maybe even 5’9 5/8. I’ll give him the former since it’s adequate for a guy who’s his size to only lose another cm from where they would measure an hour out of bed. I’d give Cavalier 5’8”-5’8.25 to start though just to avoid that drastic a downgrade for him
Canson said on 11/Dec/18
@Rob: i think he could use a downgrade. Factor Antonio Brown is more like 5’9.75. In addition, see this page where its says he’s 5’8”. Maybe not a flat 5’8 if too radical a move but maybe 5’8.25 or your height 5’8 1/8
Click Here

Editor Rob
He could potentially measure 5ft 8, 8.5 is the most I can give him to allow anybody to give Jeff his 5ft 10.5 vote...
KitKat said on 11/Dec/18
What are you seeing rob? I see like 3 inches between them in the above pic? + Jeff is standing on one leg = slight height boost? Dude is definitely smaller than you in all ways except those biceps Big Rob

Editor Rob
I would be surprised if their postures that moment were the same.
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 10/Dec/18
Why are you keep deleting the last sentence of my post? It's not a personal attack on Jeff or anything like that. Other posters here have said worse things about a celeb yet you approved their posts.

Editor Rob
As an Editor I am trying to protect the site and the posters as much as possible, so sometimes I can't let certain phrases be used.
Canson said on 10/Dec/18
Problem is Antonio Brown measures that early morning so 5’9.75 is likely as high as he would actually measure in the afternoon. That said, Jeff can’t be even 5’8.5. It won’t surprise me if he’s closer to Rob in height
Andrea said on 10/Dec/18
More than being "always in disbelief", I'm simply not naive enough to buy anything that gets said on here, like you and other people seem to do, Greg. And considering how easy it is to fake measurements (no need to tell how), even those video measurements on the User Heights page were hardly conclusive... Though I can generally tell whether this or that poster is honest, by simply looking at how they write and act on the site. It is certainly not surprising that someone like Josh turned out to be exactly as tall as he claimed to be in person, as he always seemed a very genuine and authentic poster. I certainly can't say the same for many others on here...
And again, how would I downgrade everybody? If by downgrade, you mean that, unlike you, I go by afternoon/evening heights and I simply disregard morning (out of bed) heights, then yeah, I do "downgrade" everybody, otherwise you're just speaking out of turn. Again.
Fisticuffs said on 10/Dec/18
@christian 6'5 3/8, I wouldn't say you can't trust his fitness. He's a fitness guru and I, like many others, use his advice and it certainly shows great results. But like Trevor Long said, I think he wants to appear more average so you can get simialr results to his. But who knows. Maybe it was a mistake.
vaux said on 9/Dec/18
Strange he didn't use the stadiometer (which most gyms usually have). It's disappointing he would lie about his height. Given his YouTube channel is known for being honest and one of the most accurate out there, I'm surprised he may have claimed extra height. Personally always thought he looked about 5'9. 5'10 may be believable - people can surprise you. And we do not know their footwear in the above photo. Still, even if he is "only" 5'8 (which is the worldwide average height anyway, not short) he has a physique most people will never have and a great fitness channel.
Yuva said on 9/Dec/18
Omarisuf is about 176-177 cm. He never claimed the full 5'10 and he is very honest about everything. I believe when he claimed 5'9 maybe 5'9.5. My guess 176 cm.
Elliot Hulse is a good example. They had vidoes together when Elliot was barefoot and Omar was 1-2 taller and Elliot claimed to be 5'9
Kourosh said on 9/Dec/18
Rob can you please add Scott Herman he is another famous fitness guru on youtube and claimed to be 5'10
please have a look at him and add him please thanks
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 8/Dec/18
His fake 5'10.5" video measurement isn't really surprising to me, given how so many people fraud their height. If he goes out of his way to fake a height measurement, then you really can't trust the other things he does.
ray nick said on 8/Dec/18
Looks for 5'7.5 if the NFL player is 5'10.
berta said on 8/Dec/18
haha he really must have put the tape 5 cm lower to be measured taller :P. I think 174 is max for him. Beside the 178 legit guy he looks a weak 173 cm. I think 5 foot 8 flat could be closer.

Editor Rob
It would have been interesting if he showed the tape measure from the ground up, but not even showing the whole tape...
Click Here. In my height 'trick' I made sure that Jenny panned down so the tape measure was sitting on the floor...of course I came in a fraction over 5ft 10 like Big Jeff, but everybody and their Uncle knows I am 5ft 8.
edge said on 7/Dec/18
I just watched the whole video. Antonio literally dwarfs him at parts. Maybe a camera advantage though because they look closer at the shots together at the end. Jeff look's 5'7" around the start then at the end 5'8-8.5".
edge said on 7/Dec/18
Wow, just wow!! Been watching his videos for years and I was greatly shocked when the measurement came up 5'10.5 and if you watch the video closely, the ruler was actually in an angle going downward. Looked like he could have been like 5'11.25. But anyways, never did I think he was over 5'8". He always looked like a 5'7"-5'8" guy to me. I'm a little over 5'10 when I get up in the morning and later in the day 5'9.5 and couldn't believe this guy came up at a taller height in a video. Lol but now I know why haha. Just why the heck did he lie? Jeeshe
JamesT said on 7/Dec/18
@Rob: "The more important thing for his fans - should you trust a guy who engineered a 5ft 10.5 'measurement'."
I saw that video where he recently measured himself, that video with the clickbait picture of his height being only 5 ft 6.
5 ft 10.5? No way! I guessed 5 ft 8.5 or something. No more, no less.
But perhaps I was wrong. Maybe he really is 5 ft 10!
No, I think Jeff is selling us some BS on his height.
However, does that make me distrust the content he makes? Nope. Mostly, Cavaliere is solid as a rock.
Look, height is a touchy subject. It's part of the reason why this site exists in the first place, and why the comment section is always full of people guessing the celeb's height to be one or two inches below the actual height (and why the celebs themselves tend to "overestimate" their height slightly). I wonder what the height profile of the regular visitors to this site is, but I'm guessing they're mostly on the left half of the bell curve distribution of height.
If we can't trust Cavaliere's advice on working out just because he's embellishing his height somewhat, then what about the huge amount of celebrities (and people in general) who also add one, two, or three inches to their height? "Never trust a man who
lies about his height"??
Andrea said on 7/Dec/18
Yep, it is certainly not that hard to fake measurements, especially when you show only what you want to show, like Jeff did there. And that's the reason why that even when there was the User Heights page and people uploaded their video measurements, I still didn't take their heights for granted. Let's not forget what happened with Adam... 😗

Editor Rob
Well I have made an exception with Josh, I will put some of his photos on the page because in person he actually is in 178-9 range...
Greeno said on 7/Dec/18
Rob, is he this height when he could be considered short?

Editor Rob
There are people who will consider 5ft 8-9 short, even though in America it is on the lower end of the average range.
Myself said on 6/Dec/18
Finally added!
I don't think he is taller than Rob honestly. My guess was anywhere between 5'7 and 5'8, 5'8.25 at the max.
I think i will put my money on 5'7.75.
Arthur! said on 6/Dec/18
Rob, how could he have fraud his measurement? He should have been undermeasured standing on that carpet, not overmeasured.

Editor Rob
It's very simple. You can alter the tape measure orsimply bend it a bit on the ground...given that they never showed the tape measure from the ground up, it's very possible to do it.
If you are wanting to get a fake height out there, it's an easy thing to do. I did a more elaborate version of the fake height trick in that 'Miracle Growth' video, which involved two tape measures. One is unaltered, the second simply has got 2 inches removed from it.
The same trick could be done with stadiometers though it would be more expensive.
viper said on 6/Dec/18
How is Antonio Brown only 181 pounds. He looks huge there.
Andrea said on 6/Dec/18
Hmm. I would have said their footwear didn't look much different in the clip, but even if Antonio actually has more footwear, I doubt it's going to be more than a fraction, so I still have a hard time believing there's just about 1.5 inch (or even less, if Antonio is a bit under 5'10) between them...
If you look at the comments in the video, there's a bit of discussion about height and someone actually mentions that Jeff did claim 5'7.5 once, then 5'9, then 5'10 (until that, I think you can safely say, BLATANTLY FAKE 5'10+ measurement, apparently)... Don't know whether he really did or not, but somewhere nearer that mark (5'7.5) certainly seems more believable than this 5'8.5 listing, next to Antonio. Though that 5'10-5'10.5 "measurement" doesn't seem that impossible next to this 6'3.75 guy you recently added:
Click Here

Editor Rob
The more important thing for his fans - should you trust a guy who engineered a 5ft 10.5 'measurement'...
MD said on 6/Dec/18
Antonio Brown has a good two inches on him in that pic, alone. Probably just 5'8" flat, really.
maxper11 said on 6/Dec/18
Cavaliere is 5'7, put jeff nippard on celebheights, he is 5'2
James694 said on 6/Dec/18
Owell he doesn't seem 5'10 1/2 anyways even if antanio brown was 5'11 he still wouldn't be 5'10 1/2 the NFL doesn't measure people 2 inches smaller then what they're. Plus the way he measured himself is kinda dumb he could of just measured in front of the mirrior or something
Junior31 said on 6/Dec/18
If you actually watch the video there looks way more then 2 inches between them. He doesn’t look
Over 5’8 in the you tube video.
Rob did you see it??

Editor Rob
Yes I watched it, I think there is a fraction difference in footwear in Brown's favor.
John Bohn Gohn said on 6/Dec/18
I cant believe he frauded his height in that video! He even measured it and it said 5'10 and a half. Thats crazy.
Can you do otherfitness youtubers, likE Omar Isuf?
Ar2mA2 said on 5/Dec/18
I do not like the photo very much... in video you do not see as much difference as shown there

Editor Rob
I don't like staring at bare-chested muscle-bound guys either 😡 🤔
It was the only one of them together on instagram that I could embed onto this page though 😏
Ar2mA2 said on 5/Dec/18
I think it is in the range 5'8.5 - 5'8.75
Canson said on 5/Dec/18
Antonio Brown measuring 5’10.25 is also a morning height (about an hour out of bed). Meaning his true height is around 5’9.75-5’10
James694 said on 5/Dec/18
So I'm guessing the measuring tape adds two inches then or is he measuring himself wrong.

Editor Rob
Measuring tapes can be bent or pushed further down the edge of astroturf...I wouldn't rule that out.
Trevor Long said on 5/Dec/18
if you watch the video where he measures himself it's pretty obvious he is setting up his height and weight measurement to be as average as possible to appeal more to the average viewer because right after he says ''but I know what you're thinking at home : ''Jeff I'm also 5'10 175lbs and I don't look like you'', but..blabla''. so it's possible he intentionally set the tape measure 2 inches off just so that more viewers can relate to his fitness advice.e
Matt99 said on 5/Dec/18
174 flat is the max I’d go for him, it’s a fairish listing. 5’8.25 is more likely but yeah 174 max.
Matt99 said on 5/Dec/18
Thank you rob! Finally was listed, 173-4cm is a good shout, no way in hell is he 5’10 range.

Editor Rob
I just can't believe that measurement video he did. It doesn't add up with everybody he has filmed or photographed with.
His weight too of 173, with his physique, seems more a 5ft 8-9 than 10.5 guy.
Jawn said on 5/Dec/18
Wrestler Finn Balor (listed on this site 5'9.25) has roughly an inch on Jeff in this pic, footwear situation obviously unclear though:
Click Here
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 5/Dec/18
Look similar to Frank Grillo 5'8 1/2 dead on.
Andrea said on 5/Dec/18
I have no idea who this guy is, but even 5'8.5 does seem quite generous next to that NFL guy, considering that the difference between them looks more 2-3 inches than just about 1.5 inch. Not to mention the fact that the other guy's 5'10 1/8 measurement probably took place sometime in the morning (which means that he could even be more of a weak 5'10)...

Editor Rob
It is possible his sneakers were a fraction less than the nfl guy.
Yuval said on 5/Dec/18
Wow Jeff Cavaliere on celebheights! Keep in mind Jesse, his camera man is 5'11 and he looks about inche taller in their videos. So that means Jesse is also overlisted..I dont know why Jeff would lie about his height like that.
Peter175 said on 4/Dec/18
I don't think he's above 5'8. He gets dwarfed by Bill Clinton who has shrunken quite a bit and probably wasn't even 6'1 in the picture
5'7.5-8 imo
Mr. Gadong said on 4/Dec/18
Jeff Cavaliere's Height: 5ft 9.25 barefoot in the morning MAX
I believe Jeff tiptoed 1 inch high in his video. Antonio Brown is tilting his head a little upwards making him appear taller, Jeff is leaning a little forward making him appear shorter.
mike242444222422424 said on 4/Dec/18
he made a video of him getting measured recently and he got 5'10 1/2. Do you think hes frauding?
Click Here 1:04

Editor Rob
Maybe the tape measure goes a bit further down the wall and below the green turf?
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Dec/18
I like fitness gurus because they encourage people to get fit and stay that way. 💪
Standing here with the equally fit Antonio Brown, I can believe 5ft8.5 for Jeff. Good luck to the both of them for what they do! 😉👍