Slamo said on 26/May/23
5-9.75. And as natural as a kool aid. Lol
Jonjo said on 17/Mar/23
Besides of that, bodybuilders who go on stage get measured very accurately so most of the height information found on the internet referring to bodybuilders might be correct.
Jonjo said on 14/Mar/23
That's unlogical. He is way taller than his old gym bud Alon Gabbay who is 5'9 or 176cm. Next to him Jeff Seid seems to be like 2 inches taller. So Jeff is at least 5'11.
berta said on 26/Jan/23
this guy have better genetics than 99,9 procent of the population. I agrre that he have taken stufff. but its something very little just before contest is my guess. He is not huge in any way. But have extremmely good genetic to burn fat and that makes him look bigger than he is. I think he is natural 95 procent of the time, only my guess. But with good genetics and hard work you can look like this. But probably not all year around like him. No idea on the height.
Mickie said on 21/Jan/23
"Natural" bodybuilder. lol
Original said on 30/Nov/22
I still think Jeff Seid is around 5'10.5".
Malcolm Oliver said on 3/Oct/22
Jeff is not 6’, but Zyzz could be (or at least near it).
Seid 5’10
Zyzz 5’11-6’
2pacalypse wow said on 13/Sep/22
Zyzz was no less than 183cm. I think it's laughable how some people argue he was 5'11". He was definitely a lanky guy with great bodybuilding genetics.
Ivan169 said on 6/Sep/22
A legit 179 cm man looks tallish even taller than Jeff. People understimate how tall really looks a legit 5'10 and 5'11 man. Jeff is 5'10 earlier in the day. Listing is perfect I meant the 5'9.75
Iv9 said on 30/Aug/22
He looks around 177-178 cm, while Chestbrah is probably 175-176 cm.
Ivan169 said on 23/Aug/22
Okidoki said on 22/Aug/22
I agree 100%. 174 cm fo Jeff is just stupid. He is at least 176 cm and max 178.
Ivan169 said on 23/Aug/22
Jeremy Lemon said on 22/Aug/22
Jeff is not short at all. He has a pretty decent height and 5'9-5'10 is the perfect height and more for an athlete. I'm a solid 5'9.5 guy and I'm happy people always say I'm at least 5'10. Your 5'8.5 is out Stop please... Jeff is at least 5'9.5, probably closer to 5'10
Ivan169 said on 23/Aug/22
Jeremy Lemon said on 22/Aug/22
Jeff is not short at all. He has a precent decent height and 5'9-5'10 is the perfect height and more for an athlete. I'm a solid 5'9.5 guy and I'm happy people always say I'm at least 5'10. Your 5'8.5 is out Stop please... Jeff is at least 5'9.5, probably closer to 5'10
Okidoki said on 22/Aug/22
@Ivan169 I mean, take a look at Orlando Bloom's proportions for example, he is around 179 cm. Chestbrah's body looks well shorter than his, i do agree around 5'9, though i'd say Jeff looks more than a half inch taller. Look at this picture:
Click Here Look's atleast 2 cm taller, if not a full inch.
Click Here I also posted this video of them 2 when Jeremy said he is 5'8.5, because they are posing here in normal footwear and besides people, you can clearly see that Jeff is taller than 174 cm by just posing around people here and from seeing his body. Even in this video, i think Jeff looks close to an inch taller than Chestbrah.
Also, Rob has worked 20 years with this, he won't make a mistake by 4 cm.
Ivan169 said on 21/Aug/22
Okidoki said on 20/Aug/22
No man. The video is a joke. A legit 179 guy is much taller than ChestBrah. He is a tricky guy obsessed to be taller. He is a 175-175.5 guy who did it well and play good to measure 5'10.5 on the video. It's easy to fool a solid inch on that video. Look at his hand how he goes up and play with angles. If this guy was really an honest 5'10.5 he would claim 6'0 and actuallty would measure 6'0 on camera. I know him he has ego and he is obsessed with height. If you follow him you know what I'm talking about. So this guy being around 5'9 makes Jeff a solid 5'9.5
Ivan169 said on 21/Aug/22
Okidoki said on 20/Aug/22
Ok I see you said 3/4 inch. Yes I agree no more... Jeff is the typucal 176-177 guy while Chest brach is a typical strong 175 guy.
Ivan169 said on 21/Aug/22
Okidoki said on 20/Aug/22
You are wrong Chestbrah is taller than you think. He is actually very similar to Jeff's.. Just look at all videos on social media. You gotta be kidding saying there are 2 inches between them. He just 1/2 inch shorter than Jeff. Jeff is about 5'9.5 and Chest 5'9
Okidoki said on 20/Aug/22
@Jeremy Lemons I respect you're opinion man, but 5'8.5 for Jeff is not realistic. Rob is a height expert, he won't make a mistake by 4 cm.
I think 5'9.5 is quite arguable for him though, around 5'10 is for sure the maximum he could be. Look at this video:
Click Here
Among people there, he doesn't just look like a 174 guy, he has taller proportions than that. Him and Chestbrah seem to wear normal footwear there it seems.
If Jeff Seid is strong 5'9 range, then Chestbrah can't be only strong 5'7 range. To me, usually Jeff looks around an inch taller, possibly 3/4.
Rob honestly looking at the video and the body proportions, are you sure that Chestbrah is around 176-177? I understand that the measurement videos looked convincing.
Ivan169 said on 19/Aug/22
Jeremy Lemon said on 19/Aug/22
Stop with the 5'8.5 guess. I'ts just absurd. I'm the first who thinks Jeff is much shorter than what he claims. Saiyng 5'8.5 means you don't know about heights. He has taller proportions and he is just not that short he is in the 5'9 range and probably closer to 5'9 than 5'10.
Ivan169 said on 17/Aug/22
@Jeremy 5'7.5 is too short for Chest brah, 5'8.5 is closer to reality and Jeff is around 5'9.5.
Ivan169 said on 15/Aug/22
@jeremy Lemon said on 13/Aug/22
A bit exaggerate man. I agree both are much shorter, but 5'8.5 guess for Jeff is a just a good joke. He is 5'9.25 at least 5'9.75 max! Chest Brah is max 5'9. 5'7.5 lol.
al001 said on 13/Aug/22
@Jeremy Lemon
Well I stand by what I said, he could very well have been 5’9 flat in that video and still have been in that competition, just my opinion.
I also don’t think it’s even possible to stand 3 inches taller on your tippy toes, and Jason blaha is a doofus compulsive liar that could very easily *think* he’s the same height as Jeff.
I’m not even remotely a fan of Jeff btw I just think people are way too harsh when guestimating heights sometimes.
al001 said on 11/Aug/22
@Jeremy Lemon
Man you put the top of the blue line like at least 1.5” shorter than the top of his head lol.
Also Jeff was 18 in the video and still looks at least as tall as Palumbo.
That would also make zyzz no more than 5’10-5’11 which is definitely not true either
Okidoki said on 11/Aug/22
@Rob So what would you list Chestbrah as, in you're opinion Rob? Personally, i haven't entirely ruled out 177 cm range for Seid, but what is interesting is that he really did compete in a competition for 5'8-5'9 guys, which is the biggest argument i would say going against you're listing here, but i think proportionally he seems taller than that though.

Editor Rob
Based on his 2 videos trying to measure, realistically he did enough to suggest he measured 5ft 10 range. How long out of bed is another matter.
Wehrmacht180 said on 10/Aug/22
177 cm
totty said on 8/Aug/22
@Seahawksr said on 6/Aug/22
This is the proof that Jeff seid in not a legit 5'10 maybe strong 5'9.5 and angles on tht photo helps the indian guy to look taller. It's funny because I've seen photos where this indian guy was a good solid inch taller than Chest Brah who is a lier claiming 5'10.5 lol. He is 5'9! but he uses good footwear and has a stretch posture to look taller than he really is
Jimmy_ESB_182 said on 8/Aug/22
@Seahawksr I rarely see male models below 6ft. Sahil could be a weak sixer at least
Seahawksr said on 6/Aug/22
Looks shorter than Indian Fitness Icon Sahil Khan who is commonly listed at 5’10 in the picture below. If Jeff is 5’10 then Sahil Khan should be 6 feet. Rob you should take a look and add Sahil Khan. He’s a famous Indian Fitness YouTuber and model.
Click Here
Becheese said on 6/Aug/22
Massive ego. Sadly it doesn’t rise to 6-0 lol. Weak 5-10 if that.
berta said on 31/Jul/22
another guy famous for taking drugs. his body can make him look taller walking by himself. i think the average 177 is to low. maybe closer to 179.
Johan Gf said on 29/Jul/22
MikeyB said on 22/Jul/22
I agree he is closer to 5'9 than 5'10. A legit 5'10 guy can look/be judge tallish. Liers who inflate their heights are the problem because the mayority of the population who are really 5'9 claim to be 5'10. I hate this... I know some guys who are 178 cm and they look tall. Jeff looks to be a strong 176 guy weak 177. Chest brah didt it well to lie and claim 5'10.5 with a camera, but I can see he is about 5'9.. about Jeff's height of halh an inch shorter.
al001 said on 28/Jul/22
I really do think chestbrah could be a solid 5’10 after his measurement postings on tiktok. With that said, zyzz definitely looks around 2.5 inches taller in the photos they’re together in to me, so I’d put zyzz at 6’0.5, there’s an argument for 6’0 and 6’1 but 184 range is what I’d say personally, he looks it proportionally as well.
MikeyB said on 22/Jul/22
He is NOT natural lmao. Uses tons of steroids. Also I would guess he is closer to 5'9.
Okidoki said on 19/Jul/22
@Rob So Rob, i remember you said that you think 5'11 is impossible for Jeff and Jeff has always seemed taller than Chestbrah. So what do you think, are you now thinking about the possibility that they are the same height, as you said he may well could look in 5'10 range? Maybe you were kinda joking with that.
Click Here Posing together, you can see their shoes too. What do you think here? Both stand at their tallest in the video.

Editor Rob
He can look taller than chestbrah.
jk78 said on 6/Jul/22
Voorhees Myers said on 5/Jul/22
That's also my guess. Actually I know 2 legit 5'10 guys who said they were eye to eye at expos and said Jeff was a bit shorter. Jeff looks 5'10 max just discount his hair
Voorhees Myers said on 5/Jul/22
Imo he’s 5-9.75 max. 6-0 is just stupid lol
jk78 said on 4/Jul/22
@Rob maybe you are right and 5'10 is the highest I could give to Jeff ;
jk78 said on 3/Jul/22
@Rob I've been watching Chest brah again on Youtube after the measurement and I really think he is a classic 5'9 guy maybe 5'9 1/8. (175.5 max). He looks shorter due his proportions and I honestly thought he was 5'8.75 before watching his measurement but now I think he is slightlty taller.
It's easy to trick 3 to 3.5 cm just with angles, hair, raising his hand and his head. And he is gaining 0.5 inch more raising his hand a little bit more at the end. Just pause and watch 0.29- 0.30 seg.
Click Here
It's probably at morning and my eyes don't lie. He looks a classic 175 guy. 175.5. Even 176 is hard to believe. Jeff Seid looks 2 cm taller than him.

Editor Rob
For me, based on his tiktoks, 5ft 9.5 would have been the lowest I could attempt to argue...even then I ain't sure I'd list him that low!
As for Jeff, I think I'm finding it harder to argue sub 5ft 10 nowadays.
jk78 said on 2/Jul/22
Okidoki said on 2/Jul/22
It makes sense and I agree. I always think Jeff current listing is fine no more and Chest Brah 5'9.
There's like 1/2 3/4 inch difference between them no more. Overall the funniest and unreal claim is Jeff's claiming 6'0 lol
Okidoki said on 2/Jul/22
@Rob Yeah, like you said. But i don't believe Jeff is just about a cm taller, it looks more than that. Which is why i think 5'9.5 is too high, to me, physically it looks too high aswell. Could Jeff be like a strong 5'10? I doubt that, but about 5'10 is possible. I think Jeff is an example of a real 5'9.5-5'10 guy in my opinion.

Editor Rob
maybe Jeff is taller than currently given.
jk78 said on 2/Jul/22
If you watch it again and again is funny because and the end he raise his hand to clear his claim and his nose hits 66 inches. We can't see his feet and obviously he is tricking. He is about 5'9 no more.

Editor Rob
I didn't spot anything to suggest he was rising up on toes...I mean he was raising his eyes up more than an inch, but in reality, we're talking 1/8th of an inch, which I tested 10 years in a video.
Redd said on 2/Jul/22
Correction: Zyzz claims 6'1 at 1:26
Click Here
This is the correct video, not the one previously posted
Apparently only 5'11 at 18 years old though, and you can see that from videos back before he started working out, that him and Chestbrah were the same height. In a couple of years later though he was visibly taller than his older brother. What do you think Rob? Was Zyzz laser measured at 186.7cm like he once claimed on a forum?

Editor Rob
Ronaldo was laser measured at 185.1, the idea Zyzz got 186.7? Find it hard to believe, maybe he had shoes on!
Okidoki said on 2/Jul/22
@Rob I usually don't do this, but can i ask you, would you allow me to use this website to answer him on his TikTok explaining height of different times at the day, his pictures with Jeff, Jeff's real height and height averages around the world for each age groups and for his ethnicity?
I will be very civil, he said that he will make another measurement now to prove he is 5'10 range.

Editor Rob
It would be interesting if he got 5ft 10 with a can...let's see if he does a follow up without a comb which he did get over 5ft 10 with 🤨
jk78 said on 2/Jul/22
I agree. Overall I think he could be 5'9.25 max!. I did the same and I could trick easily even 2 inches for a video, angles, tricks, etc. How ever Jeff is somewhere half to 3/4 inch taller than him. Jeff again 5'10 max. We must also remember that peole who met Chest brah said he is 5'9 max and that Jeff is not even 5'10...

Editor Rob
It would be interesting to see a proper measurement of these guys like Jeff Seid/Cavalier etc...
Okidoki said on 2/Jul/22
@Rob But Rob, looking at the pictures between him and Seid, he almost always looks near an inch shorter. There is also a video clip of them 2 on Instagram running towards the beach together barefoot, if you want to check that out, not that you like looking at male bodies but :P
At times depending on angles, positions and posture, he can look almost the same height as Jeff, but usually, looks near an inch shorter. The only way i can see for him being near 5'9.5 like you said in the video, is if Jeff is a comfortable 5'10 range. That's doubtful.
I know you analyzed his measurement fairly, but based on the proportions, i personally can't see much over 175 cm too. Besides Jeff, i even thought considering somewhere in the 174 range was fair.
For sure, Jeff is not less than 5'9.5 and not more than a comfortable 5'10 in my opinion.

Editor Rob
Jeff generally looks taller than him, how much exactly is the question.
jk78 said on 1/Jul/22
Hi Rob:
What do you think on Chest Brah's measurement? I think it's tricky and he is 5'9 max.
Click Here
I think he is tip toe. He is hidden his feet. This guy is tricky and trying to probe he is 5'10 lol.

Editor Rob
I mean it's not great, but it's not abysmal like some people have posted on youtube.
Even considering the video, I think he's going to clear 5ft 9...will he be near 5ft 10 flat? Trickier to tell.
He should have used a can of course!
aikoudo said on 30/Jun/22
chestbrah claiming 5'10.5/179cm, measured on his tiktok
Ral said on 12/Jun/22
hi rob, if u check this photo, it may reconsider this whole height stuff about jeff and chestbrah
* look at chestbrah stories on instagram*
Mohammed 170cm said on 10/Jun/22
@Rob- Would you make a page for Zyzz someday?
2pacalypse wow said on 7/Jun/22
This is the video actually, I linked the wrong video, my bad. Timestamp is 1:26.
Click Here
Rob, do you think it's a fair claim?

Editor Rob
It's not a bad claim
2pacalypse wow said on 7/Jun/22
@Giv, Agreed. I think 178cm (5'10.25") for Jeff Seid is fair because more often than not, he's pulled it that off. Big Rob may have low-balled him here.
As for Zyyz, I'd go with 184cm (6'0.5"). You can see he claimed 6'1" here (Timestamp 1:26), a few months prior to his death. And I don't think he was too far off his claim.
Click Here
I hope Big Rob adds him one day as he's a popular, iconic, former Bodybuilder.
Giv said on 5/Jun/22
Jeff seid id say at 177 178cm chestbrah is still shorter then him while standing on his toes lmao chestbrah no more then 174 175
Zyzz was def 183 184
Adam Mikayel said on 27/May/22
In my opinion the heights are like this;
Chestbrah 175cm with a morning height of 177cm (he has claimed 5'10 on instagram)
Jeff Seid is 178cm with a morning height of 180cm
Zyzz is 184cm with a morning height of 186cm
Nathaniel Mahgerefteh said on 25/May/22
Click Here hes literally in the 5 8-9 division, and also he looked 1/2 inch shorter than Palumbo who is 5 9
Click Here
Okidoki said on 17/May/22
On a side note 6 feet tall, well, not quite. A lot of these bodybuilders inflate. Cavaliere is another example of the around 2 inch "club". When Kanevsky wanted to measure Kai Greene on camera, he insisted he was 5'8, i don't think you agree Rob :P 5'6.5-7 range.
Okidoki said on 17/May/22
Like some here stated below, his posture is unbelievably good really, do you sometimes see the chance of a full 5'10 Rob? While Chestbrah generally seems in the 5'8 range to me, maybe a strong 5'8, do you think the late Zyzz was 5'11 range?

Editor Rob
Sometimes he does look it with others
Vincent Caleb said on 21/Apr/22
As listed
Tilon kluh said on 26/Mar/22
Fernando Solis Castillo said on 1/Mar/22
This guy (Jeff Seid) is more natural than you can imagine... and more than 80% of those fitness guys. Of course he has used drugs but I believe low doses. He was an IFBB and they all use, some more others less.
But he has great genetics, he has been natural long periods
Adam Mikayel said on 22/Mar/22
Big Rob could you guess Zyzz and Chestbrahs height? Zyzz looked at least over 6'0" and Chestbrah looked about 5'8-5'9 in pictures and videos of them.
Wehrmacht180 said on 5/Mar/22
177 cm
Daniel Lee said on 3/Mar/22
He1ghtexpert49 said on 21/Apr/21
"natural bodybuilder"
Jeff is on roids clearly because he had a very big neck at 12 years old and now he is smaller.
Fernando Solis Castillo said on 1/Mar/22
Natural bodybuilder ? C mon ... He has used trem and testo at least. 3D shoulders and 5% fat are not natural.
Jeick San said on 9/Feb/22
However, Rob guess Billy Gunn might be 6'3.5 nowadays then Mike O'hearn could be 6'1.5 range. Knowing this info Calum Von Moger might be 6'1 to 6'1.25.
Jeick San said on 9/Feb/22
Last video from Mike 0'Hearn's channel posted 2 days ago with his friend Billy Gunn Listed 6'4 (193 cm)
Mike O'hearn is clearly 2 inches shorter than Billy Gunn. So Mike is 6'2 max
Click Here
Jeick San said on 1/Feb/22
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jan/22
Just compare him with Billy Gunn. 189-190 is just impossible. Mike O'hearn has described Billy Gunn as being a huge mountain and being taller than he thought in person. Billy Gunn is listed at 193 cm and probably he is 192 cm. Well he has 4-5 cm on Mike. So Mike is a strong 187 cm just as he's been listed his whole career in the Bodybuilding championships.
Jeick San said on 27/Jan/22
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jan/22
Jeick San said on 24/Jan/22
Hi Rob. Can you tell me how tall is Mike O'hearn? Here with Billy Gunn who's 6ft.4 (Rob you are very lucky to meet this legends)
Beggining of the video:
Click Here
I always believed he was 6'1.75 but people still think he is 6'2 and 6'3.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jan/22
O’Hearn I think is 189-190cm zone at worst. Can pull off 6ft3 at times. 6ft2 is too low for him. He edged out Terry Crews and was taller than Calum
Guys a legit genetic freak
Okidoki said on 25/Jan/22
@Rob Chestbrah has in comments said he is a solid 5'10 and is listed 5'11 on many sites but is noticeably shorter than Seid. Do you think he could actually be a 5'8 flat guy?

Editor Rob
Could be 5ft 8-9
Jeick San said on 24/Jan/22
Hi Rob. Can you tell me how tall is Mike O'hearn? Here with Billy Gunn who's 6ft.4 (Rob you are very lucky to meet this legends)
Beggining of the video:
Click Here
I always believed he was 6'1.75 but people still think he is 6'2 and 6'3.

Editor Rob
Could be 6ft 2.5
Batar said on 8/Jan/22
Big Rob could u do zyzz's and chestbrah's height? They're very famous within the body building community.
Jaime.B said on 13/Dec/21
Okidoki said on 4/Dec/21
Yes I full agree. Chestbrah seems 5'8.5 to me.
thatmanoverthere said on 5/Dec/21
I consider anything from a quarter of an inch under a mark to a quarter of an inch over it to be in its range
But yeah, claiming to be over two inches taller than you really are is pretty dumb as many people who know their actual heights will see that you are lying
Okidoki said on 4/Dec/21
@Rob His friend Chestbrah has said a couple of times that he is 5'10 and 5'11, what would you have guessed for him? He seems under 5'9 to me.

Editor Rob
5ft 10-11 seems an inflation
Tryan Crey said on 4/Dec/21
Can we have a page for Matt Ogus as well? That guy is notorious for lying about height. If Jeff Seid is esatting by 2 inches, I love to see the real height of Matt LOL.
Jaime.B said on 3/Dec/21
thatmanoverthere said on 30/Nov/21
But this guy is 5'9 range not 5'10 range. His claim is stupid.
thatmanoverthere said on 30/Nov/21
Super common to hear a guy in the 5’10” range claiming to be 6 feet. I am a solid 6 feet myself (184.3 cm in the morning and 182.6 cm at night), and I have never met someone who claims to be 6 feet actually be the same height as me.
Meltdown said on 8/Nov/21
Jeff Seid 5ft 11
Chris Bumstead 6ft 0
David Laid 6ft 4
Westbound on Olympic said on 28/Aug/21
His 6-0 is hilarious. Saw him at a expo few years ago. I’m 1.90m he was seriously shorter than me.
2pacalypse wow said on 27/Aug/21
@Freeman, That's Dylan McKenna there with David Laid. He's listed 5'8" all over the internet and I'd say that's pretty legit. As for David Laid, he seems at least 6'2" and I've heard him claim that before. I haven't seen heard him claim 6'2.5" but I'll take your word for it. For reference, you can see him looking a good 2 inches taller than Chris Bumstead, if you search it up. And he's been measured at 6'1", in shoes. He claims 6'0" though.
Freeman said on 21/Aug/21
Rob, you have to cover David Laid, his height is debated in the bodybuilding community a lot. He has claimed 6'2.5 before, however, people accuse him of rounding down because it makes his weight and weightlifting numbers look better.
What could be the other guy's height in this photo Assuming Laid is around 6'2.5 like he says?:
Click Here

Editor Rob
can seem a good 5.5 inches between them.
2pacalypse wow said on 6/Jun/21
Zyzz was about 184cm or 6'0.5" I believe. He claimed 6'1" as that's what he has on his profile.And I don't think he was far from it. So he probably just rounded up. He also claimed 6'0" at 17.
Chestbrah is about 174cm or 5'8.5" and Jeff Seid I believe is about 178cm or the full 5'10" as they look about 1.5 inches apart.
2pacalypse wow said on 18/May/21
@Rorz,yes they'd round you up to 187cm, also, if your low is 186cm then you're a strong 6'1" and should probably claim 6'1.5" since your range is a little tricky because you'd don't even hit 6'2" in the morning.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 21/Apr/21
"natural bodybuilder"
John Moore-162cm said on 23/Mar/21
@Rob- This page is my favorite page on CH, I check it everyday !
It was an amazing add to the forum.
carlospe said on 9/Mar/21
John Moore-162cm said on 7/Mar/21
He is below 5'10 without doubt. His hair helps to look 5'10 but he is clearly a 5'9.5 guy.
Badar said on 9/Mar/21
I'd be embarassed to claim i'm 2+ inches taller than i really am. He's 5'9-5'10.
khaled taban 5ft9 said on 8/Mar/21
Hi Rob. Do you think Jeff would be taller than Ian Somerhalder ? If so, is the difference noticable?

Editor Rob
I do think he has a good chance of measuring taller, but in photos I would say they could look indistinguishable, especially since Somerhalder is a fan of hats. But then, Jeff sometimes rises up slightly to enhance his height too...
OriginalAnon said on 6/Mar/21
LOL "natural" bodybuilder.
I would've pegged Seid at about 5'10''.
John Moore-162cm said on 4/Mar/21
I agree that he is 176-177 cm, he looks tall in most of his pictures though. I believe being very muscular helps a lot. Jeff got a perfect proportions, plus he has the best posture I've ever seen. I mean if you haven't seen him with other people who are taller than him, you would never know that this guy is sub all
carlospe said on 14/Feb/21
@Rob. This dude is a lier. Yesterday he posted a photo claiming again 6'0 and 210 lbs. He has lied his entire life. I was looking to the comments and people agree he is 5'9 range.
I'd be ashamed claiming 3 inches over my height.
He is about 5'9.5 and 195 lbs. I wouldn't rule out 5'9-5'9.25
rAndy31 said on 3/Feb/21
Dilo 185.5cm said on 1/Feb/21
Stop joking please. 187-188 cm guess for Zyzz is jusy disrespectful for legit 188 guys. Do you even know how tall is a real 188 man? Zyzz neve looked neither close 185 cm. He always looked as a classic 182 guy. Just compare him next to other guys. He was max 7-8 taller than his brother who is 175 max. tops. Funny he claimed 5'11. He is shorter than Jeff seid.
Here his older brother with Jeff Seid
Click Here
Jeff is arounf 176 177 tops and chest brah like 175
rAndy31 said on 2/Feb/21
khaled taban 5ft9 said on 18/Jan/21
Zyzz was 6'0 barefoot max a fraction over 6'0. Maybe 6'0 1/4 who knows, but I think he claimed 6'2 and some people think he was 6'2 but that's not true. He just looked 3 inches on his older brother ChestBrah who is around 5'8.5 5'9
Dilo 185.5cm said on 1/Feb/21
Zyzz was measured at 186.7cm by laser during a medical test when he was 20, he said he was a late bloomer and was only 180cm at 18.
Here is the link of him saying he was measured:
Click Here
Since he died at 22 we can assume that he was still growing a little bit near the end.
My personnal guess for zyzz is solid 187-188cm RIP
Lancaster said on 21/Jan/21
David Laid is only 187 cm and Jeff Seid is 178.
khaled taban 5ft9 said on 18/Jan/21
@Rob-If Jeff is 5'9.75" , how tall was Zyzz ?
ALEXIZ/180cm said on 7/Jan/21
175 cm max.
Linke said on 20/Dec/20
Sahil could be 179 cms in that case. He has recently claimed as being 220 lbs.
Linke said on 22/Nov/20
Saiyan Rahman, you're spot on with Sahil khan. Next to generously listed 5'9 Tiger shroff, he struggles to look 5'10. I do think his posture at times isn't good but Sahil isn't over 5'10. Jeff I recon is a 176 cms guy.
KP said on 6/Nov/20
How do you know this about Zyzz’s laser measurement??
Saiyan Rahman said on 10/Oct/20
Jeff is most likely to be around 5'9
Just check out his pictures with sahil khan
He looks an inch shorter than sahil khan
Sahil khan is about 5'10
So jeff can't be more than 5'10
He is most likely to be 5'9
Resurrection of Edward said on 28/Sep/20
5’9.5 for seid at most.dont forget that the guy has insanely thick hair and is also known to wear lifts and pose near camera to appear taller.even so,rob gave me taller impression than jeff seid.
Original said on 27/Aug/20
I can see 179 for Jeff Seid, but not 177. I think he is taller than most people think here.
TheBat said on 7/Aug/20
He should be lowered back to 5'9.5" like he was originally at.
Sean95 said on 1/Aug/20
If the guy measured
Vin Diesel I don't think he would have the nerve to ask him to take his boots off haha. It's good that there's a measurement so you can compare to other fitness influencers because there's some inflation in the fitness industry. Kenny KO has consistently claimed 6'4 and he described The rock as 6'5-6'6 and in a old video Jeff Seid 6'1!
Click Here 3:01. Connor Murphy use to claim 6'2 but then upped it 6'3 and showed a jump cut height measurement of 6'3 at the gym but he's a bit shorter than Kenny in person
Click Here 9:48
Sean95 said on 31/Jul/20
Hiya Rob, there's a video of a Youtuber measuring people at the fitness expo but in shoes.
Click Here 11:02 Kenny KO got measured under 6'3 in converse shoes, and Kenny Ko is taller than people like Connor Murphy, Bradley Martyn, David Laid and a lot taller than Jeff Seid
Click Here

Editor Rob
yeah, it was an interesting video. Imagine trying that with
Vin Diesel!
Eagleeye said on 26/Jul/20
Can you add to David Laid? He is very famous
holyman175 said on 20/Jul/20
Rob ban this comment please:
Alir?za said on 17/Jul/20
I was thinking he is at least 6ft
This guy must be drunk or blind

Editor Rob
Well if someone was saying 6ft 2 or 5ft 6, that would be unbelievable, but I suppose some folk probably would estimate him as tall as 6ft.
Alir?za said on 17/Jul/20
I was thinking he is at least 6ft
176cmGuy said on 16/Jul/20
Phil heath is honest guy and he is legit 5’9 confirmed by himself aswell. Then look cutler next to heath. Max inch difference so cutler is legit 5’8 no less. Josie is then legit 5’9. That makes jeff 5’10-5’11 range
holyman175 said on 13/Jul/20
176cmGuy said on 11/Jul/20
You have to count his hair. I agree 5'9 and 5'9.25 is too low but trust me that this listing is accurate. A real 5'9.75 guy with Jeff's prportions and hair can pass as a 5'10-5'11 guy. Overall I'm sure he is closer to 5'9.5 than 5'10. 5'10 is the absolute highest mark I'd go.
hairlinecel said on 11/Jul/20
Hi Rob!
What do you think, how tall David Laid is? He claimed 188 and 190cm if I remember but he doesn't look that tall in this video
Click Here (3:28)
Guy from the right side claimed 180cm. I know that David had worse perspective but even with better perspective I won't give him more than 186cm.

Editor Rob
187 at the most there.
holyman175 said on 9/Jul/20
Greg said on 6/Jul/20
Well said dude and full agree! Jeff max at 5'9.5
holyman175 said on 6/Jul/20
176cmGuy said on 4/Jul/20
Need glasses man. Ask those guys who met Jeff and they would tell you he is 176 range. I know a guy who is 178 cm (american 5'10) and he was taller than Jeff. Don't be fooled by his hair and tricks. This guy said his eye level was just over Jeff eyebrows.
Look on the last commment the photo with Carlton Loth. Jeff is always with a great posture trying to look taller because he would like to be taller. I remember once he had on his instagram bio:
"Goals: 200 pounds 8% body fat and height 187 cm"
This was so funny because having a goal on your height doesn't makes any sense. He has always claimed 6'0" and people and his fans always laugh on his claim.
176cmGuy said on 4/Jul/20
Hey again rob, i just wonder why u dont trust that Josue guy who posted earlier? There is no excuse that he is 5’9 so on that picture with Jeff u can clearly see that even Jeff is closer to camera that he is atleast inch taller than Josue. Jeff has to be atleast 5’10. I know that over 5’11 is too much but 5’10 is clear shout!

Editor Rob
He could look 5ft 10 with the other guy.
heightguesser1 said on 27/Jun/20
Hello Rob. I found a pic where Carlton Loth is posing with Jeff and I know this guy is like 187 cm range. He is legit and I know he claims 6'2. This guy is the real King of Aesthetics and Jeff Seid looks like a fan next to him. Another proof showing Jeff is 5'9 range no more. What is your guess here Rob?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Would give Jeff 5ft 10 range there if that guy was 187
Jkiller said on 22/Jun/20
For sure around the 5'9.5 range, 177cm is probably spot on
madhair said on 19/Jun/20
@Rob.Thank you for your reply. As always or usual welldone on this listing. 5'9.5 range
madhair said on 15/Jun/20
Hi Rob your listings are usually your highest guess? I mean what's the lowest stimation on Jeff's height and how tall you'd say is right after bed?

Editor Rob
listings can cover a range, and there are a lot you could say might be the upper end of a possible range. In Jeff's case, it would be interesting if he got a proper measurement.
Darred1 said on 15/Jun/20
Click Here
just look at this photo no tip toes, short hair and normal shoes , he is clearly 5'9
176cmGuy said on 4/Jun/20
@174cm spaniard
Yea that guy is 180cm but Jeff is clearly atleast 5'10.25 there. That one guy aswell comments below who was legit 5'9 and met him said that jeff is 5'11 range. I have looked lot of evidence and that guy just cant be under 5'10. That is absolute lowest that anyone can argue. Jeff is 5'10-5'11 range.
jerton179 said on 4/Jun/20
174cm spaniard said on 2/Jun/20
I know Jorge Table and he is 177-178. 5'9.75-5'10 . It's common guys witrh this height claiming 180= 5'11. What a surprise seeing Jorge taller than Jeff. My thoughts werre correct. Jeff is 176 = 5'9.25
174cm spaniard said on 2/Jun/20
In this video you can se him next to Jorge Tabet a spanish youtuber who claims a legit 180cm (5ft 10 and 3/4). Jeff seems to be 178cm or weak 5ft 10in.
They are in second 11 to 15:
Click Here
2pacalypse wow said on 25/May/20
@MD, I think he really is a 5'9.5"-5'10" guy so anywhere in that range I can understand people arguing. I think he's a tricky guy though and can even seem a bit above that at times more often than 5'9" flat,in my opinion. He has good proportions too.
peaky4 said on 25/May/20
176cmGuy said on 22/May/20
I guarantee you Jeff is around your height. Know some folks saying he is 5'9.5'9.5. He is tricky guy who can pass as a 5'10-5'11 guy due to his hair and posture. Trust me! Jeff is 5'9.25 range!
MD said on 24/May/20
The fanboys seem to be having a difficult time, lately...
Rob was right before the upgrade, and yet some of you are still trying to boost him.
176cmGuy said on 22/May/20
Rob i just dont get this listing. Look picture him with calum von moger.
Click Here. Okay, Calum have little bit looser posture but u have Calum here 6'1 and half. There cant be more than 3 inches between them. Jeff is clearly between 5'10.5 - 5'11. Give him atleast half inch upgrade!

Editor Rob
He can look over 5ft 10 in that photo.
Original said on 13/May/20
5'10" imo.
Liam Smith said on 27/Apr/20
@Rob if I wake up at 5’9.0625” and sleep at 5’8.375”, how much would you say Jeff is taller than me by? You have him listed at 5’9.75” but I’m not sure if that’s his morning height or his night height.

Editor Rob
I'd say 3cm taller
pgjtftkwnbczmp said on 21/Apr/20
You also believe in santa claus?
bedic96 said on 19/Apr/20
There are quite a few pics of him standing next to the 185.5 cm tall Simeon Panda. He looks just a little shorter. 183cm or 6'0 if you ask me
counterman said on 15/Apr/20
Another great listing. @Rob we have the same perspective haha. I've always thought this guy was 5'9.5 but I could buy 9.75 at best. He is a height tricky and he claims 6'0 haha. Too much ego. I started watching his videos on youtube in 2013 when he was 18-19 and he has more ego those days.

Editor Rob
Jeff is a tricky guy actually, I think 5ft 11 seems impossible, but many would give him 5ft 10 range...I'm not so convinced he was that tall.
Reee said on 16/Jan/20
"Natural bodybuilder"
edwards said on 30/Dec/19
5'9.5 would have been better listing.
actionboy said on 29/Dec/19
Greg said on 29/Dec/19
Yes so my after bed is 5'10 and 7/8 without doubt I actually have an stadiometer at home. My father is a doctor has a private room for guests. I live in Spain and we use cm so I was exactly 180.2 cm a hair under 5'11 today but I sleep nearly 10 hours. When I sleep 7-8 hours I'm 180.0 cm I have measured myself like 10 times to make sure I'm exactly180.0 cm and today was record being 180.2 cm. These days I'm really sleeping a lot.
actionboy said on 29/Dec/19
Greg said on 29/Dec/19
Oh you are right Greg! I thought 180 cm (my regular after bed) was 5'10.75 and I see 180 cm = 5'10 and 7/8!. Today I was 180.2cm maybe because I slept like 10 hours lol holidays
actionboy said on 29/Dec/19
Greg said on 29/Dec/19
Today I measure myself just 2 min after bed and I was a hair above 5'10.75. I was aexactly 180.1 cm. Before bed I'm a hair above 5'10.25 exactly 178.5 cm so I drop 1.5 cm and 1.5 cm is a little more than half inch. A half inch is 1.27 cm and I drop 1.5 cm. My absolute lowest ever was 178.2 cm after being awake 24 hours (hair under 5'10.25)
actionboy said on 26/Dec/19
TheBat said on 25/Dec/19
Greg is my height and I agree him. I think he can hit 5'11 after bed but I hit a 5'10.75. oerall he goes down to my low (5'10.25)
actionboy said on 26/Dec/19
TheBat said on 25/Dec/19
Yes I know this guy since 2012 from youtube and when you are around same height you could be a good height guesser. Honest people around 5'9.5-5'11 I guess know what is talking abot. I'm 5'10 and 3/8 at lunch 5'10.75 after bed and I know 100% I'm taller than this guy like a full inch. Overall he has good proportions and pretty average on height.
TheBat said on 25/Dec/19
Jeff is no doubt 5'9.5". Greg, edwards, Canson, actionboy all share the same guess like me.
actionboy said on 25/Dec/19
edwards said on 24/Dec/19
I guess Jeff will be bald in 15 years
Canson said on 25/Dec/19
@Greg: at 5’10.25-.3 I think you would be maybe 2cm. I agree with Edwards 5’9.5”
actionboy said on 18/Dec/19
Justin Macho said on 17/Dec/19
5'10 is not pretty short. What are you talking about? Overall Jeff is shorter he is 5'9 range 5'9.5. 5'10 guy is above average. The problem here is people usually lie about heights but a legit 5'10 guy barefoot is sometimes tall and 5'9 is good too. The problem is when 5'7 and 5'8 guys claim to be 5'9. This is a reason why some think 5'9 is short what a joke. People need to learn to be real and honest.
Justin Macho said on 17/Dec/19
hes pretty short. Next to Kenny KO he looked a good 5 inches shorter, so Im going with a solid 5'10 height.
actionboy said on 17/Dec/19
@Rob lol :D. You are right and maybe sounds weird but I've just realized what I did seeing now all the comments. I have confused myself wtf.
Yes I refreshed cookies and I did it a coupe of times and the site asked my for another mail. I'll be actionboy.
Have a good day Rob

Editor Rob
It's easier for me to talk to the one person 😉 It makes things simpler...
actionboy said on 15/Dec/19
@Rob is the site deleting comments? I posted a link where a youtube fitness guy who met him and knows Jeff said he is 5'9.5.

Editor Rob
The site generally won't, unless it triggers a few automatic rules.
But I certainly will, if I spot spam, deceptive comments, links to dodgy sites etc.
For instance, you replied to jeremy5ft8, but both you and I know that actionboy/jeremy are one and the same person 😄
Be careful, as that kind of thing is a reason to get
Banned. Better sticking to the one name on here 👌
actionboy said on 13/Dec/19
@Rob what's your lowest and highest mark you'd go on Jeff? Mine is 5'9 to 5'9.25 . I'm curiose If we agree. I'm learning to guess heights better thanks on this site ;

Editor Rob
9.25 to 9.75 for Jeff is the kind of range I've thought for him.
edwards said on 9/Dec/19
@ no way in hell is he more than max 5'9.5, wouldnt be surprised if he was even jut flat 5'9.known to wear lifts and very thick boots,have thick hairstyles and poses near camera to appear taller.the upgrade wasnt really necessary at all tbh.
actionboy said on 8/Dec/19
176'sh guy 5'9.25-5'9.5 nothing less and nothin taller
actionboy said on 4/Dec/19
@jeremy5ft8 I agree @Rob Calum's height 6ft 1.5 might be the most I'd go more like a solid 6'1 guy. I think he is not over 186 cm. 6'1.5 might be his morning height. In my opinion his height is pretty like Arnies peak. Overall I guess Calum is 1.5 cm 2 cm max taller than Arnold's peak.
Calum 186 cm 6'1 1/8
Arnold 184-185 cm 6'0.5-weak 6'1
jeremy5ft8 said on 30/Nov/19
@Rob. What about Calum Von Morger ? He deserves a page here much more than Jeff Seid. He is more famous and has reached the movie industry too. I think he is 6'1.5 barefoot he claims 6'2. Thy say he looks like Arnold in his youth

Editor Rob
Yeah he did ok in Bigger and 6ft 1.5 might be the most I'd go.
Jesse Dumont said on 28/Nov/19
Anywhere from 5'9.25" to 5'9.75" for sure. No shorter or taller. Might just be 5'9.5" though. In the middle is probably the best guess. Also, where's David Laid on this website? I'd really like to know his height and what everyone thinks. He claims 6'3" and looks 6'2" max. I believe that's being generous too. I'd really like him on this website. Surprised he's not on here actually.
edwards said on 2/Nov/19
no matter what,i dont see this guy over max 5'9.5,even flat 5'9 is possible.
@the bat
lol agreed dude.
edwards said on 28/Oct/19
there was no need of upgrading his height.i still dont see this guy over max 5’9.5,i wouldnt even rule out flat 5’9 for this guy.always tiptoes,wears lifts and poses near camera to appear taller.also has such a thick hair.a real measured or legit 5’10 guy looks easily much taller than seid.a measured 5’10 guy also gives much taller impression than jeff seid.he has a proportion of 5’9 flat matter what i dont see him above 5’9
Hijoputamus said on 26/Oct/19
@Josue, I’m back to let you know that you might be right. I said Jeff was 5ft9 but I saw a video of him with someone I know that stands 180 on the dot and they are same height. Maybe Jeff was wearing lifts I don’t know but his proportions were the same as my friend.
Sorry for not taking you seriously. Cheers!
Luke anderson said on 9/Oct/19
This is accurate, I am exactly 5”6 3/4, 5”7 out of bed in the morning.
I meet Jeff at the Brisbane fit expo 2017, we were both in wearing the exact same converse shoes and it was exactly a 3 inch difference between us making him 5”9 3/4 to 5”10.
He kept trying to get in front of me for the pic and out angle me, standing on one foot in most of the pics with fans.
unvui said on 8/Oct/19
He is about my height 5'9.5 and I'm usually guess at 5'10-5'10-5 range.. People judge height wrong and overstimate 1 inch. I'm 5'10 out of bed...
TheBat said on 7/Oct/19
He can definitely be 5'10" out of bed and I agree he gets edged out by true 5'10" and 5'11" guys. And Josue's 5'9" estimate for Christian Guzman is way off as well, he was slouching badly in that picture.
TheBat said on 4/Oct/19
Don't know why Rob now has Jeff listed at 5'9.75". 5'9.5" was totally fine.
Josue said on 28/Sep/19
And Arnie is most likely 5'10".
Click Here
Josue said on 28/Sep/19
@Greg, Calum is not 6'2".
Bradley shorter than 6'1.5" Logan Paul.
Click Here
Calum shorter than 6'1" Bradley (claims 6'3".)
Click Here
rando182 said on 28/Sep/19
Jeff is not standing noticeably closer to the camera than David. Even if he was that's not a 4+in difference. That's roughly 3 in, maybe slightly more.
You say Calum's a legit 6'2.
Click Here
That's definitely not a 4+in difference either.
Also Jeff never competed in the 5'8 - 5'9 category. He competed in the 5'9 - 5'11 category that's already been debunked. Those pictures are either fake or there's a typo. One of them even says "Women's Physique" on it.
edwards said on 27/Sep/19
i 100% agree on all of what you said
edwards said on 24/Sep/19
Are you smoking something?jeff seid being 6” and david 6’3
RYD said on 22/Sep/19
David is 6'3. Jeff is 6'0. He is not 5'9 LOL anyone who has met Jeff irl knows that he is above average height. Also Jeff always wears flats/vans to these expos so he's at a disadvantage of height.
Blecawty said on 21/Sep/19
David isn't 6'2 he is 6'1.5 max ,
affaq ahmad said on 21/Sep/19
too mucch spelling mistakes in my previous comments lol,. this website should do more and more bodybuilders and instgram stars. thanks
affaq ahmad said on 19/Sep/19
. jeff exactly looks like 3 inches smaller than david laid here in this pic , and rob can you do height measurement of instagram stars like alex mapeli and henrique lima both are know for beauty and handsomeness. and whata about other bosybuilders like ulisses junior and sergi constance and lazar angelov. you should focus more on instagram stars
rando182 said on 18/Sep/19
Jeff looks more like 5'10-5'11 in that picture if David is 6'2.
edwards said on 18/Sep/19
Out of bed he maybe 5’10 but the listing of 5’9.5 was accurate.sometimes he may look over it while other time he may look under.
Ratman said on 17/Sep/19
Click Here
Here's a photo of him with David Laid, who is listed at 6'2, looks about 5'9 5'10
affaq ahmad said on 15/Sep/19
i always followed jeff seid since 2012 when he become famous at that time. but i always doubt his hands proportions. still he is good looking and famous and gets more comments
Josue said on 14/Sep/19
@Janito, I've met Calum before and compared with Jay I think he's only 6 feet max.
Click Here
Jeff compared with Calum, I see 1.5 inch difference. 5'10.5" height for Jeff.
Click Here
Janito said on 13/Sep/19
Josue said on 13/Sep/19
Wrong!Steve Cooks's real height is 6'0 he was measured 6'0 before Ifbb but this fitness models upgrade their heights they always lie. Calum Von Morger claim to be 6'2 but people say he is 6'1 and has almost 2 inches on Steve Cooks.
Jeff is 5'9.75 at most more 5'9.5
Josue said on 13/Sep/19
Jeff Seid with Steve Cook listed as 6'1"
Click Here
Confirmed 6'1" Steve Cook with 6'7 3/4"
Hafthor Bjornsson.
Click Here
Both Jeff and Steve Cook are both barefoot. Jeff is no shorter than 5'10.5". @Rob
MD said on 11/Sep/19
I basically agree with you on this one, but you didn't need to make four consecutive posts; you could have addressed the issue in a single post.
Janito said on 11/Sep/19
edwards said on 10/Sep/19
I agree man. @Rob 5'9.5 was the best listing!
rando182 said on 11/Sep/19
Relax dude. Even Rob said Josue looks 5'9. Cutler has a clear posture advantage on him and Josue still looks taller.
Look at the average guess. There's plenty of people that disagree with you. There's also plenty of guys that have met Jeff and said he looks 5'10+. But you don't pay attention to those guys because you disagree with them.
edwards said on 10/Sep/19
no way in hell is this guy 5'9.75,this listing dosent make any sense.this guy always has thick hair,wears lifts and always poses near camera to appear taller.the upgrade wasnt necessary at all.the listing of 5'9.5 was quite reasonable.
Janito said on 10/Sep/19
@Josue Christian guzman relax and chillin and Jeff always with militar posture nd closer to the camera looks shorter. I've seen 2 more pics on fitness instagram pages but I honestly can find now.. where Christian guzman was easily taller than Jeff Seid.
Janito said on 10/Sep/19
@Josue you can see Christian guzman has one inch on him and I've seen 2 more pics but I can't find now.. Without any doubt Christian guzman is taller than Jeff Seid.
Janito said on 10/Sep/19
@Josue you are a funny guy. Jeff 5'11"? I've never heard a guess more unreal than yours:
Click Here
Jeff is 5'9.25-5'9.75 at most. People who know him knows just ask. You are 5'8.5 barefoot max.
Janito said on 9/Sep/19
@Josue stop with this: We've seen you are not a legit 5'9 guy. You are like a solid 5'8", a chance of 5'8.5. Jeff is closer to the camera and look at your eyes and his. Jeff looks 1 inch taller than you maybe 1,25 at most.
@Rob. Josue is as tall as Jay or just over. Jay Cutler is 5'8 just visit Josue's Instagram. A lot of fellows who met jeff are saying he is 5'9. 5'9.5 is the highest I'd honestly go strugging at 5'9.75.
Janito said on 9/Sep/19
Ey @Rob I thought 5'9.5 was the best listing however 5'9.75 is the highest I would really go. What made you change the old listing?

Editor Rob
I think almost 5ft 10 isn't unreasonable from all that's out there of him.
Josue said on 8/Sep/19
Click Here
@Rob, please correct the listings for Christian Guzman and Jeff Seid.
Click Here
when I met Christian he was wearing these shoes
Click Here
and I had these shoes
Click Here
Me alongside Jeff with visible footwear.
Click Here
Considering I'm 5'9", posture, and footwear in the photos; Christian Guzman has to be 5'9" and Jeff Seid 5'11".
Thanks Rob.

Editor Rob
Whilst I'm not sure about 5ft 11, I can see why he looks in 5ft 10 range.
edwards said on 28/Aug/19
Josue said on 25/Aug/19
@Rob would you consider a 5'10.5" upgrade for Jeff? Here he is with 5'7" Kai Greene.
Click Here
Editor Rob
He can look 5ft 10 at times
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rob listing is very accurate for seid,seid has quite hair advantages in photos,if he goes bald then not even higher than flat 5'9,like rob already said he uses lift,appears and poses in front of camera and uses tricks like doing tiptoes and wearing lifts.listing is very safe.
stylus said on 26/Aug/19
Josue said on 25/Aug/19
First accept you are not 5'9. We've seen your Ig with other celebrities. You are maybe in the 5'8 range. Jay Cutler is listed by Rob at 5'8 which of course I agree Rob and you are as tall as him or with luck 1/4 inch on him.
@Jeff listing is perfect as usually Rob does in his site! Stop your upgrading does not make sense at all. Too many evidences Jeff is a 5'9-5'9.5 guy
Josue said on 25/Aug/19
@Rob would you consider a 5'10.5" upgrade for Jeff? Here he is with 5'7" Kai Greene.
Click Here

Editor Rob
He can look 5ft 10 at times
edwards said on 24/Aug/19
I fully agree with everything you said.he dosent have proportion of a 5’10 guy let alone 5’11 and 6 feet.
stylus said on 22/Aug/19
rando182 said on 21/Aug/19
I hate when pople like you are judging photos like that. This is not serious. Do you even see see their shoes, look who is closer to the camera, posture and angles. Please stop. Photos like that are a joke.
stylus said on 18/Aug/19
Those few who said Jeff is 5'11... Please pause the video 6:15 Jeff with the overweight woman
Click Here
He is clearly a 5'9 guy and he was actually 5'9 since he was bout 16 years old probably 5'8.75 those days and now about 5'9-5'9.5. He just hit puberty and developed super early.
Rob did it again with this listing and I can say is not easy at all to guess heights when you don't know a guy but I'm impressed how accurate Rob usually is..
stylus said on 16/Aug/19
@Rob found the pic of the guy with white t-shirt on that video. Here with Jeff. Still taller than Jeff and this guy is sure 5'10-5'11
Click Here
stylus said on 16/Aug/19
@Rob look at 0.55. The guy with white tshirt is 180 cm (5-10.75) and is easy taller than Jeff Seid. Here you can see his instagram.
Click Here
Overall he looks 5'10. Hard to believe these days people's height. Everyone is adding 1-2 inches to their heights (Jeff 3 lol). The guy maybe is 5'11 but looks 5'10 and in the video paused at 0.55 he is taller than Jeff
Click Here
stylus said on 16/Aug/19
@Rob look at 0.55. The guy with white tshirt is 180 cm (5-10.75) and is easy taller than Jeff Seid
Click Here
stylus said on 16/Aug/19
Jeff is 5'9 confirmed by a guy who was that day. Read all comments they say he is 5'9 and he really looks that height.
Click Here
He was chosen because he is one If not the most aesthetic fitness guy and has very good proportions. Here was huge and bulky. I think the biggest he ever has been around 215 pounds at 5'9.
stylus said on 16/Aug/19
Jeff on the right with a legit 6-0 guy on the left.
Click Here
@Josue stop
trolling and upgrading heights. You are exactly as Jay Cutler or maybe half inch o him so you are closer to the camera..and Jay is 5'8''.
Click Here
You are not a legit 5'9 guy but probably just over 5'8.. Jeff is 5'10 at morning
Ema said on 13/Aug/19
Hi @Rob , how tall is Simeon Panda here next to Jeff Seid?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Could be an inch taller, though maybe his head is slightly further away than jeff's there.
Josue said on 13/Aug/19
Click Here
You guys that question my 5'9" height can check my IG and compare my height with other celebrities that I have met. I still have Jeff at a 5'11 height @Rob.

Editor Rob
I could see Jeff at 5ft 10.5 with yourself if you are 5ft 9 (and I wouldn't really say you looked less).
triplemagnum said on 5/Aug/19
Jeff at 18 years old.
Click Here
Being honest he has amazing genetics for bodybuilding but he is clearly a 5'9 guy maybe 5'10 at morning. Great height for bodybuilding and for athletes. He looked better at 18 than nowdays. It's like he's being overtraining I don't see improvements. He started training at 12.
edwards said on 5/Aug/19
If fanboys still think seid is 5’11-6’ then post a photo where he looks that,or anyproof rather than throwing anything that comes in might.rob’s listing is 100% accurate for seid whether anybody agrees or not.
Importer said on 5/Aug/19
@rando182 I wouldn't call it hating. They are just pegging Josue's height next to Jeff Seid based on @Editor Rob's estimation, which I trust is reliable.
triplemagnum said on 5/Aug/19
@JasonTheMan said on 2/Aug/19
Good try but Rob's listing is perfect. I know Jeff is 5'9-5'9.5 nothing more. Learn first what's a correct measurement and how a real 5'9.5 guy looks.. Use a stadiometer or just let the doctor do it. The bar must be touching the highest part of your head not the hair!. Jeff is max 5'9.5
TomD said on 5/Aug/19
I've met Jeff, I was probably around 5'11" at the time (last year) and his eye level was just, just under my eye level, both wearing the same shoes.
Jeff's 5'10.5-11, although he does look shorter in videos. I'm planning on seeing him next year so I'll try go back to back with him (I'm a bit under 6'3" out of bed)
JasonTheMan said on 2/Aug/19
Funny, I'm exactly 5'11 or 180/181 and I have met Jeff at an Expo. The guy is definitely around my height, who care if he round it up to 6ft. 5'10 or even under is just laughable. You guys over here love to be living in your own bubble anyway so you probably going to call me a liar like that Josue kid. But how about you guys go to see him yourself, its not even that hard to meet Jeff, its not like he is Brad Pitt and never show up in public. He constantly show up to raves and expos.
rando182 said on 2/Aug/19
I've seen Josue's instagram. He had pictures with Jay Cutler, Anthony Pettis, and Christian Guzman. He was taller than Cutler and Pettis, and nearly the same height as Guzman. You guys sound ridiculous hating on someone who's just trying to give some honest insight. Sounds like that one guy that made 10 different usernames trying to downgrade Seid.
TheBat said on 30/Jul/19
God the average vote is way too high. I'm still seeing 5'9.5" for Jeff.
Lol! Josue (the shortest 5'9" user on this site) definitely needs a page on here. I peg him at around 5'7.5"
Importer said on 22/Jul/19
@Josue like you said Jeff had 2inches on you, so you are 5'7 1/2 barefoot. Simple math
Hijoputamus said on 20/Jul/19
Rob, Josue should get a celebheights listing.
I think he’s 5’7
thi said on 14/Jul/19
He always look to short to be 6 ft imo, nice to know he's not 6' hmm
Mr.heighty said on 13/Jul/19
Jeff is a 176ish guy or solid 5'9.25. Average Guess is generous
Mr.heighty said on 9/Jul/19
Josue said on 7/Jul/19
lol Yes 5'9 with big boots on. Please go to the doctor and measure yourself barefoot with a bar touching your head
Importer said on 9/Jul/19
He used to list himself as 6'0 tall. That's progress
Mr.heighty said on 8/Jul/19
Jeff is 5'11 right after bed and with sneakers. He is 5'9.5 listing is correct and could be 0'.25 generous. His 6'0 claim is disrespectful for legit 6 footers and the biggest joke on heights claiming alomst 3 inches more than he is
Josue said on 7/Jul/19
@Hijoputamus @TheBat I checked my height just a week ago and I'm 5'9.
Hijoputamus said on 2/Jul/19
@Josue, you can’t be taller than 5ft7, dude.
Toumai said on 1/Jul/19
TheBat said on 30/Jun/19
I struggle to guess him a solid 5'9.5 but I really think he is a solid or strong 5'9 guy. I'd say 5'9 before bed and a legit 5'9.25 guy. Lol he list himself 2.75 inches . It's a shame and absurd upgrading so much..
TheBat said on 30/Jun/19
Lol you're not 5'9" at all. Jeff is a solid 5'9.5" and you're 5'7.5".
rism90 said on 27/Jun/19
Jeff Seid is known to be in the 5'9 range. In the fitness comunity is known this due to many 5'10 guys saying Jeff is not even 5'10
rism90 said on 27/Jun/19
Jeff Seid is known to be in the 5'9 range. In the fitness comunity is known this due to many 5'10 guys saying Jeff is not even 5'10
Josue said on 25/Jun/19
Click Here I'm 5'9" so Jeff must be at least 5'11".
Josue said on 25/Jun/19
Jeff is definitely nothing short of 5'11". I'm 5'9' and I took a picture with him at the LA Fit Expo 2015 and he had at least a 2 inch advantage on me.
Hamilton5'7.25 said on 8/Jun/19
I guess yes. I'd like to change my name for the last time so I don't feel good having this nick..and finally starting since the beginning doing all right..If is possible I'd like Alberto5'9.5. as my username Rob..and I'll have just this name so is my real identity
Hamilton5'7.25 said on 6/Jun/19
Yes. Rob and really sorry. Actually I knew this time was not a good idea fraud like this.. I like this site a lot and I apologize because I know honesty is the most important.. I agree unfortunately is not true.. but when I see a guy like Jeff Seid who is about 5'9-5'9.5 and claiming like 3 inches more than he really is. Also saying he is natural and lying his fans makes me feel like this is not fair. I was not an example this time and I feel bad and I guarantee I've learnt a lesson. To conclude.. well done Rob and If you don't spam myself I'll keep visiting your site with this name of course ;D I'm Alberto from Spain yes and I'm 5'9.5.

Editor Rob
It's easier to stick to one name and easier for me to respond to people with one name ;)
Hamilton5'7.25 said on 6/Jun/19
@celebheights. I'm the CEO of fitplan and I met Jeff Seid in 2015. Jeff is about 5'9 yes. @celebheights I doubt he is currently claiming 6'0 but they told me he claimed to be 5'11. My morning height is 5'8 and I'm the guy with Jeff and fitapp:
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
Unfortunately it's not true of course.
You are from Spain and have used names like Baltomire5'9.5, Farres, Millano182 😼
Farres said on 4/Jun/19
The guy is nothing over 176 cm. With luck 176.25 cm. I've said a have a 5'9 and 3/4 friend who stood face to face with him and was slightly taller than Jeff saying was a 175-176 guy.
Scandinavian178 said on 3/Jun/19
After seeing this video
Click Here , I believe that Jeff Seid is easily taller than this 176,5cm listing. He is not towered by those runaway male models and seems taller than some of those girls who are in heels. He's footwear is not that suspicious either. Of course there is a possibility that those were just short models, but so what. Holy , what a beast he is!
El-m ismail said on 29/May/19
Guys how jealous can u be more than that from one's success
Jeff is defo nothing under 5'11 and he's not 6 ft he's exactly 5'11 which gives him the right to claim 6
I'm 5'10 and i'm not afraid to admit that the guy is defo taller than me
Dude's already tall ,he's successful and your words ain't gonna take from his ass .
One guy i know met him in spain's expo
Dude looks short because he has wider shoulders than regular skinny 5'11 ers
Baltomire5'9.5 said on 26/May/19
TheBat said on 25/May/19
I agree Jeff is 5'9.25 but I dont really think he is 5'10 out of bed so my out of bed is 5'9 7/8 and I'm 5'9.5 at lunch or a strong 5'9 3/8 during the day
Baltomire5'9.5 said on 26/May/19
TheBat said on 25/May/19
I don't think so. I'm exactly 5'9.25 after a hard journey or being 14 hours on my feet and out of bed I'm not a full 5'10 I'm exactly 5'9 7/8 or 177.5 cm. My low before bed is 5'9.25 or 175.8-176 cm. To be honest I think I'm still slightly taller than Jeff. My friends guess my at 5'10 5'10.5
Just a salty 5'11 guy said on 25/May/19
"natural" LOL
No more than 176 cm
Just a salty 5'11 guy said on 25/May/19
"natural" LOL
No more than 176 cm
TheBat said on 25/May/19
I still think Jeff isn't anything below 5'9.25", out of bed he would be like a flat 5'10".
Millano182 said on 25/May/19
Yes a flat 5'9 is the minimum or my lowest guess. 5'9.5 my higuest guess. So I'm sure he is 5'9.25 or 176 cm. He looks to be 5'9.25 on the nose.
Charlie said on 20/May/19
@Millano182 One moment you say Seid is 5'9 flat bc of pics, but later you say
he is a typical 176 cm guy, so then u also must realise both pics are bogus, most likley photoshop, its better if we could see a video showing the pic. In this video they confirm he competed in a class out of 6 classes, like I said class D is 5'9-5'11. So hope you realise that npcnewsonline is more legit than random posted pictures.
Click Here 0:25
Charlie said on 19/May/19
@Millano182 Besides, if you argue that he is 176 cm there is no reason to point at the pics.
Charlie said on 19/May/19
@Millano182 The pics dosnt prove jack tbh, it could could be photoshop or a misstake.
What you can do is to check some of the other guys on the list. Non of them are below 5'9, take Trent Calavan for example, def not a 5'9er. If you can show the pictures on a clip from the show we at least could tell they arnt photoshop.
I get you dont know much about about fitness competition(no disrespect). But the fact is there, Seid competed in class D.
Click Here check at 0:24 they say "6 height classes" so check the page I linked class D is 5'9-5'11.
edwards said on 18/May/19
fan boys,stop upgrading him.y'all cant deny the truth.truth is seid cant be over 5'9.5 max.
Millano182 said on 17/May/19
Overall is not hard to guess Jeff's height.
Millano182 said on 17/May/19
Because is just clear Jeff is around 5'9 5'9.5 and I hate whern people always try to remove and try to argue something is just clear...
Millano182 said on 16/May/19
Yes Jeff is not over 5'9.5. 5'9.5 is the highest I'd try to argue and 5'9 the lowest. I'd put him at 5'9.25. He is a typical 176 cm guy
rando182 said on 16/May/19
Lol you are taking this way too personally. All I did was point out why your evidence is weak, why are you getting so emotional about it? Not everyone who disagrees with you is a fanboy. You're guessing just like the rest of us.
TheBat said on 15/May/19
I don't see Jeff being lower than 5'9.25", he looks to be 5'9.5" in the majority of the day. Definitely nowhere near his 6'0" claim which is just ridiculous.
Millano182 said on 15/May/19
rando182 said on 14/May/19
I dont mind your excuses to defend a fake claim and disrespectful not only to legit 6'0 guys but to 5'11 guys too. You can see he is a 5'9 guy. Look at his proportions and compare him to other guys he met. Why so many guys are saying Jeff is around 5'9?. Fanboy detected..
Millano182 said on 15/May/19
Charlie said on 14/May/19
Ok so as I said all those guy are 5'9 guys. Accept Jeff is 5'9 fanboys
Millano182 said on 14/May/19
Charlie said on 13/May/19
yeah right.. both pictures are wrong right? I posted 2 pictures. Fanboys might stop this and accept Jeff is 5'9 and nothing more. Overall I don't care watch him next to a legit 6 footer. Accept Jeff Seid is a flat 5'9 guy I can buy 5'9 and 1/4
rando182 said on 14/May/19
A couple things to consider..
The picture with the "6'0 guy" doesn't really prove anything because, how do we know that guy is really 6'0? How do we know the guy who posted it is actually the guy in the photo? In reality it's just a picture of someone and Jeff posted by a random
Banned user on the bodybuilding misc forums.. doesn't really say much. On top of that, we can't see their footwear (not that it really matters cause of the above).
The pictures of the NPC cards are worth noting but are kind of weird at the same time. For one, the second link you posted says "Women's Physique" which is kind of sketchy. It'd be nice to see something more official than some cutoff screenshot on the misc. And as Charlie pointed out, class D in men's physique is 5'9 - 5'11, not 5'8 - 5'9.. I wouldn't trust anything from the bodybuilding misc tbh.
Charlie said on 14/May/19
No he didnt, he competed in the D class, however that class is 5'9-5'11.
You can aslo tell that the height chart wrong since its more than 1 inch dif
between tallest and shortest. So its impossible for them to compete in that shorter class.
Click Here
edwrds said on 13/May/19
yes dude,i agree with you,was also saying that.
Charlie said on 13/May/19
No that chart is wrong, it even says "womans" on it, for men class D (six height classes) is 5'9-5'11 .
Click Here
Millano182 said on 12/May/19
So those who said he is 5'11-6'0.. If he really is 5'11-6 why he would compete on 5'8.75 and 5'9 category? He did it at least twice 5'8-75 class 5'9.
Click Here
Here with a legit 6'0 who said Jeff is 5'9.
Click Here
Rob's listing is perfect as always or at least pretty accurate. Jeff is a strong 5'9 guy to me,
edwards said on 12/May/19
yes i agree on what you said Most people are terrible judges of height and don't even know their own true height to begin with. Or they'rejust straight up lying for whatever reason.but i have a friend who is quite passionate and lets say obessed in height and he is 5'11 and said he stood infront of seid and said seid looked 1.5 inch shorter than him and both were in normal shoes and both of them werent slouching ,he said me.