Editor Rob
20's have went by very fast!]
Frank said on 15/Sep/06
Happy Birthday ROB :O)
Jordan said on 15/Sep/06
Ok cyclops
listen if your refering to me getting pushed around
1.no one on the face of this planet pushes me around
2.I know Danimal by now
3.if you were not referring to danimals post to me --then my fualt i getting mixed up by your last comment.
Jordan said on 15/Sep/06
are you from SI. becasue what you stated is tru about the school. I play football there and the school is getting cleaner. The real bad kids dont really come to school.I year ago my freind was an ass and wore pink ( Baby Blood) and was white and got beaten bad but now Port is getting better . Tottnville as you prolly know is are biggest rivals.
Warlord said on 15/Sep/06
I agree with you on Taker. Reread my past comments. My brothers friend also said he looked 6 foot 9 and definitely was over 6 foot 8.
Cycklops said on 15/Sep/06
You trying to push someone around there, buddy?
Derek said on 14/Sep/06
Jordan- they did a job of cleaning up Port Richmond. It used to be a troubled school but they got a new principal a few years ago and it's a nice school. They don't tolerate any ****. Tottenville on the other hand is becoming worse and worse each year. There was a gang fight 4 years ago where the principal got decked and a dean was injured.
Jordan said on 14/Sep/06
Thanx Glenn. I take it into consideration. I'll prolly email you and Daniamal
Frank said on 14/Sep/06
Thanks Rob...Can you post the picture i sent on this page ??

Editor Rob
Paul said on 14/Sep/06
Yeah Frank I thought it was 44.
Glenn said on 14/Sep/06
Yeah,I had very small tears in arm muscle.possibly microscopic tears,but very painful at the age 14.went to the hospital.
Glenn said on 14/Sep/06
All are invited,so keep in touch Jordan!
Danimal said on 14/Sep/06
Don't worry about it Jordan. A little word of advice if I may, get back into it slowly. Don't make the same mistake I did recently and try to go to heavy too fast, because you'll injure something. Muscle has memory and will get back up to your personal best in no time at all. Just be patient and don't get frustrated with yourself because you ain't as strong as you once were!
Jordan said on 14/Sep/06
Thanx danimal. I apprecait it. I think i'm gonna get back into lifting after football. By the way I play for a team in Staten Island called The Port Richmond Red Raiders.
Speaking of new York, I am from Jackson Heights queens( now I reside in S.I) so New York is home to me as well. To Bad i'm bascially younger then u's guys but I would assume u's are meeting up in Manhattan.
Ola said on 14/Sep/06
Danimal i respect you after all, and asking you do the same for me. or atleast... respect my opinions
Glenn said on 14/Sep/06
I think my max was around 230-240.I think.for sure over 200.
Glenn said on 14/Sep/06
Yes,Frank,we should have a little height convention where we sit discuss height and maybe go celeb spotting! how was your birthday?
Danimal said on 13/Sep/06
Ola, I've been on this site for 2 years. Keep your mouth shut. I've provided SO much to this site in terms of proof WELL before your time. I NEVER came on here like you and shot my mouth without backing it up with MANY pictures. Don't talk unless spoken to from now on. Rob, don't delete this one. I think it's important that the newbies respect the veteran's on the site (such as myself) who have contributed a lot in the past.
Viper652 said on 13/Sep/06
My Max bench is 250 when I was 6-1 180 pounds. I consider that to be pretty good. I always thought I could do more If I didnt have such long arms.
Paul said on 13/Sep/06
How did he know that ? Well happy b'day anyway. I won't say how old I think you are.
Frank said on 13/Sep/06
Thanks Glenn :o) One day all of us New Yorkers have to hang out
Danimal said on 13/Sep/06
Ola, I'm just ignoring you from how on. Your foolish and a waste of my time.
Jordan, if you were able to put up 3 plates on the bench for a max rep, only a year ago, I say your a MONSTER. Dude, at 17 I couldn't bench more than 185 for a MAX rep. Between 19-21 I was up to 3 plates for reps. Your still young man. s***, I wish I was 17 again. I'm 28 (29 next month). You're not even in your prime yet in terms of your strength and muscular development potential. Keep at it paisan!!!
Glenn said on 13/Sep/06
Ola said on 13/Sep/06
Jordan no iam not atlethic, just lifting little junks. but no seriosly training at all. about 100 kg in bench press, but havent training for over a year
Jordan said on 13/Sep/06
I see Danimal. thats still in great shape. I mean i'm 5'10 1/2 240 but never got any measurments taken. I do know that at 16 I MAX becnhed 315. I dont know what I can do now at 17 but I think I might have gotten weaker since I was 253 when I was 16 and now i'm 238-240. I might have lost strength.
Ola-you said you were 280 right. Did you use your size for football or any sports??. In other word are you 280 and atlethic.
Ola said on 13/Sep/06
Jordan, iam 28. 6'1 1/2 tall (chest girth of 48 inch)
Ola said on 13/Sep/06
320-330? HAHAHAHAHA! (is it april 1th today?) that was a well known lie in a desperate attempt from wwf to trying to make him bigger than "incredible hulk" (lou ferrigno). Hogan has never been heavier than 300 pounds. not even close dude! imo, he was never even over 280. since all weight of the big guys is up- billed with 10-20% or more. (vader is a good example; 350 lbs upbilled to 450)And ofcourse Hogan looked almost as tall as 6'7 john studd, becouse of his 2 inch lifts.
Danimal said on 12/Sep/06
Between the age of 19-23 I was at my absolute peak, both in sheer size and strength and pain NEVER stopped me. I'll be 29 next month. I'm still in good shape and getting back up there. I only weigh about 176-178 today and my chest is MAX 44", legs 24.5", neck is just over 17". Arms are still about 17" pumped. If I devoted myself to weights like I used to, I would get back up there, but it's harder to achieve that same level the older I get. My body isn't as resiliant as it used to be!!! Think about this, Arnold hit his peak in his late 20's. Dorian hit his in his early to mid 30's, then again, they were far from natural.
Viper, Hogan was a MASSIVE man and I believe the 6'6" measurement for him and in 1979 he was between 320-330 pounds. He lost weight for Rocky III. At times in 1984-1985 he looked as tall as 6'7" Big John Studd. Like Andre, he's a shadow of his former self.
Viper652 said on 12/Sep/06
A 19 inch neck is insane.
Jordan said on 12/Sep/06
Wow danimal you are in shape but how long ago was your "prime" ??.
Viper652 said on 12/Sep/06
You know, after watching that old 1979 match of Dibiase and Hogan I think Hogan might have been 6-6 in his prime. He did look huge. Id say maybe taller than anytime I saw him as a little kid in the 80s.
Danimal said on 12/Sep/06
Since we're listing our measurements, I was 5'10" 204 pounds, with a 47" chest, 27" thighs, 17" bicep and 19" neck at my peak.
Danimal said on 12/Sep/06
Tiny was listed at 6'7" as well. Thing is Tiny wore crazy boots, much like Kane wore and Hogan wore normal looking boots when they had face offs in 1989. I say that they were probably the same height then or Hogan may have even been taller. It's hard to tell because of the footwear Tiny had on.
Bleemo said on 12/Sep/06
I'd say lister is a full inch taller, if you look at their shoulders you can see he is looking down slightly. The weird thing is when he first hit the acting scene he was billed as 6'5. He was also barely taller then that Tony Todd in the film "Butter," Todd really looks his billed 6'5 though.
I really do think that Hogan was 6'5 at the most, they were worse for exaggerating height back in the day and they sometimes billed him as 6'6 so I do he was ever actually that height. Wow I'm starting to become the sites Jason! du duh duh!!!
Paul said on 12/Sep/06
Frank, Tom 'Tiny' Lister was genuinely massive. Built like a brick house and at least 6'6 maybe 6'7. No wrestling skills though.
Viper652 said on 12/Sep/06
Hogan actually only lookes 6-2 at times on his television show to me.
Frank said on 12/Sep/06
Lister was wearing Big heels that were so obvious
Glenn said on 11/Sep/06
Amongst white and black men I feel short.everyone else I tower or match in height.
Alex said on 11/Sep/06
If Tiny Lister is 6'6 then Hogan looks 6'5.5 probably there.
Alex said on 11/Sep/06
I am 6'0.5 195lbs and got good size too. 14.5 inch arms unflexed with a 42 inch chest and 24.5-25 inch thighs with a 33.5-34 inch waist across the belly button.
Richard said on 11/Sep/06
If you watch the match it's clear that lister wore lifts. His feet looked like Kane's lol.
Ola you're really grande :D
I'm 6'2.5 and 243 pound. But I carry a bit more weight than I should, usually I'm comfortable at 220.
Jordan said on 11/Sep/06
WOW ola-280
I'm only 17 still and are 240. How old are you??
Ola said on 11/Sep/06
Bleemo, yes 6'5 + lifts. like i always have said, hogan was never taller than 6'5!
Bleemo said on 11/Sep/06
Well Rob has Tiny Lister at 6'6 and he is listed at that in most places. Here is a photo of he and Hogan during their famously bad match together....
Click HereLooking at that photo -from 1989 mind you- I doubt he was ever over 6'5.
Danimal said on 11/Sep/06
You weigh 280 pounds Ola??? How tall are you?
Frank said on 11/Sep/06
You guys are Big Boys.. Im 195lbs at 5ft11 1/2 Not bad for a 44 year old :o)
Viper652 said on 11/Sep/06
Yeah Glenn, I was born on the last day of Summer, or sometimes the first day of Fall.
Ola said on 11/Sep/06
only 240? iam at 280
Jordan said on 11/Sep/06
Glenn you live in new York so this might relate to you as long as u's were talking about average heights. When I often get on the subway I seem about average height, maybe taller then average and I am 5'10 1/2. I do know this, when the subway is crowded i have a hard time with my 240lb frame. People use my stomach as a cousin when I have to stand. lOL
Glenn said on 11/Sep/06
Thats still Virgo,correct Viper?
Viper652 said on 11/Sep/06
Mine is the 22nd of this month.
Frank said on 11/Sep/06
Glenn my Birthday is on the 13th
Anonymous said on 10/Sep/06
On tv he's definitely around 6-3, almost 6-4. I'm sure at his peak he was 6-6 though. I guess that's where his daughter gets her almost 6-0 figure from.
Glenn said on 10/Sep/06
Alot of my ex girlfriends are between the 12 and 15th.3 of my closest childhood friends are Virgos.most of my friends are overwhelminly sagittarius,and all,no matter when they were born,were 5-7 to 5-9.Im April 10th.same day,but not height as Steven Seagal,Warren Demartini from Ratt(5-11),Omar Sharrif(5-11?),Max Von Sydow(6-3?) and possibly that other priest in the Excorcist,and I think Rod Steiger(5-8),the priest in Amityville Horror.and a day apart from Satanic Bible writer Anton Lavey(6ft).creepy,but cool.and the rest of you guys? I could probably tell you who has your birthday and for sure,your sign.Im an expert on that too.
Glenn said on 10/Sep/06
Not 5-11 Viper.thats fine.5-10 on down your in trouble.God bless Sly.mercy on his height.
Glenn said on 10/Sep/06
When are your B-days Frank and Rob? yeah,thanks for agreeing Alex.sad but true.I also knew people didnt know how tragic these wrestlers passed.its spooky.
[Editor Rob: 15th this month, what about you?]
Viper652 said on 10/Sep/06
How could under 5-11 be considered short in hollywood? Wouldnt that be tall for them?
Danimal said on 9/Sep/06
I got a year a month and 15 days left of my 20's!!!!
Alex said on 9/Sep/06
Glenn, true its different in media and industry. So yea under 5'11 they consider short then.
theheightguru said on 9/Sep/06
Wow Danimal,
I had no idea so many of the wrestlers I grew up watching ended up dying so early. May they rest in peace.
Glenn said on 9/Sep/06
I agree Alex.but in the media and industry thats short.I once read Deniro describe as short and 5-10.I went, huh? thats short?
Frank said on 9/Sep/06
Glenn lets take a picture together before i die!!! I will turn 44 next week :O(
[Editor Rob: man, we all get old, i've got a week left of my20's.]
Alex said on 8/Sep/06
Glenn, I don't consider 5'10 to be short. To me if you're under 5'9 you're short.
Danimal said on 8/Sep/06
Yeah and of all thing at the wheel on the way to his daughters school rehearsal.
Paul said on 8/Sep/06
Yeah Chris Candido too.
Viper652 said on 8/Sep/06
I didnt realize Junk Yard dog died. Man, that is a sad list.
Frank said on 8/Sep/06
Glenn i had 5ft 9 guy's tell me they seen him and that he was shorter than them
Somethings Fishy here....Im alittle under 6ft and people consider me tall..Too many people claim he's real short so those sandels must have had a good heel on them because he looks about 5ft 11 with you
Glenn said on 8/Sep/06
5-10 is still considered short by many Frank.the pic to the right,he was in sandles.
Glenn said on 8/Sep/06
Thanks JT and Danimal.can someone tell me a list of the deceased wrestlers and causeof death?.there seems to be curse with some of these older dudes.and everyone,who are your faves,old school and new?.
Ola said on 8/Sep/06
Thats absolutely right Kiat! there was only 2 1/2 - 3 inches between them. let me explain this out... like i have said before, lets say hogan was 6'5 (6'7 with all his lifts) and UT 6'8 1/2. (close to 6'10 in shoes). That will be nearly 3 inch of diffentent between them. and there was around 2 1/2 inch between Hogan and justice. from that time, I put sid at 6'8 top. and taker at 6'8 1/2 atleast. If you watched hogan vs taker at backlash 2002, there was nearly 5 inch between them
Glenn said on 8/Sep/06
I trust you Danimal.you always supported me.and I back you.you live in NYC?
Kiat said on 7/Sep/06
Ola, if the Undertaker is really 6'8 and a half or 6'9 (billed as 6'10 and a half by the WWF) in his prime in Survivor Series 1991, then Hulk Hogan should be at least 6'6 (billed as 6'8) in 1991 since there are only 2.5 to 3 inches between them. Moreover, if Sid Justice is really 6'8 (billed as 6'9 by WWF)and he is just a little shorter than the Undertaker (maybe half an inch), then Hulk hogan should be 6'6 since there are no more than 2 inches between Hulk Hogan and Sid Justice. I don't know why you keep downgrading Hogan's height.
Danimal said on 7/Sep/06
Glenn, Monsoon was I believe a legit 6'6" man in his younger days. Maybe 6'5" and change at the very least. He was only slightly shorter than Pyscho Sid at the '97 Slammy Awards and he was already over 60 years old at that point. JYD was 6'2"-6'3" and weighed between 260 and 305 pounds.
Danimal said on 7/Sep/06
Glenn, if you knew how little Ola knows about heights, you wouldn't be with him. TRUST ME.
Frank said on 7/Sep/06
Glenn i know Stallone looked taller than you but was he wearing shoes or sandels?? I talked to people who said they seen him and said he was very short?? And he said on a show he was bot blessed with height
Anonymous said on 7/Sep/06
It must be noticable he has shrunk. Because you notice that when Randy Orton was mocking him, he brought someone to the ring that was about 3 or 4 inches shorter than him and said it was hogan.
Jordan said on 7/Sep/06
I would have to agree with what Rob has him at. His Peak height 6'6( 6'5 1/2 at the lowest) and 6'3.5 nowadays. This seems the most accurate since I think 90% of us belive that Hogan has def. lost height over the years.
Ola said on 7/Sep/06
Give me a break! hogan has never, ever never, and i mean NEVER, been taller than 6'5
Kiat said on 6/Sep/06
Hulk Hogan has really shrunk a lot since his WWF days. As we can see, in the 80s, Hulk Hogan looked really tall and with boots, he could really be 6'8 tall. His height was listed as 6'8 in most of the WWF magazines back then and by commentators and the media. Maybe he is really close to 6'7 (Let's say 199 -200 cm). I believe Hulk Hogan when he said that he used to be around 6 ft 7. As there are so many Hulkamania fans (millions of them) who idolized Hulk Hogan (including me), definitely he will not deceive his fans who have supported him all these years. Now he is really only about 6ft 4. Maybe with 3 inch lifts, he could still pass off as 6'7 which is now what WWE has listed. I still feel sad that Hulk Hogan has shrunk so much as he used to be so big and strong then and he was also a hero to all. He could size up to even the largest guys.
Danimal said on 6/Sep/06
Frank, I wouldn't make that claim on Stallone's page if I were you. Have you not seen the pic of Glenn standing next to Stallone, who I might add was wearing sandles and who dwarfed 5'8" Glenn who was wearing dress shoes??? Stallone is not 5'7", that's for sure.
Danimal said on 6/Sep/06
Yeah Glenn, it wasn't bs. Hogan was HUGE in the 80's. Well over 300 pounds and at least 6'6". He made Donald Trump, Jesse Ventura, Muhammed Ali and even Goerge Foreman look short pre-1990.
Glenn said on 6/Sep/06
Frank,Im surprised at you.how does a man look 6ft in low cut casual or dress shoes? you cant fit elevators that big in low cuts.and he can appear as big as 6-1.5.only a 5-10 person can do that.
Ola said on 6/Sep/06
the rock = "rocky" ...not stallone
Viper652 said on 6/Sep/06
Frank, you really think Sly is getting a 5-6 inch boost? I mean, Glenn says he can look 6-0 in sandles. I dont know, Sly is a robot I guess.
Frank said on 6/Sep/06
Ola, Stallone i believe is between 5ft7 to 5ft 8 barefoot but he wears the Elevator shoes to make him look near 6ft at times....
Viper652 said on 6/Sep/06
Randy Orton looks no taller than 6-3 to me. How Hogan had an inch on him, I dont know.
Glenn said on 6/Sep/06
True Frank.I thought that 6-7 stuff was BS Danimal.so it was true?
Ola said on 6/Sep/06
really? orton taller than rocky? hogan taller than orton?... well, did we see their foots? i think hogan was wearing lifts as usually. orton is probarly taller than both hogan and rocky barefooted
Kiat said on 6/Sep/06
It is quite difficult to estimate the wrestlers' heights. As you can see, when Hulk Hogan and the Rock were standing face to face, they were almost the same height. Then when the Rock and Randy Orton were standing face to face, Randy sememed to have an inch over the Rock. However when Hulk Hogan stood next to Randy Orton, Hogan seemed to be taller by half an inch to an inch. This is very strange.
Danimal said on 5/Sep/06
Glenn, Hogan used to claim he was 6'6" in interviews (probably post 1990). In 2004-2005 he claimed that he has officially lost 3" in height, going from 6'7" to around 6'4", due to all of his surgeries over the years. Thing is, he was probably only about 6'6" in his prime and under 6'4" today.
Warlord, don't encourage Ola. PLEASE don't encourage him!!! ;)...lol. No way is Taker 6'8.5" today. Kane isn't even that tall and Kane is taller than Taker. Taker is at most 6'7.5"-6'7.75" and that's being very generous.
Frank said on 5/Sep/06
Glenn i believe Sly's lifts make him taller than 5ft 10 and remember he has alot of money so he could have a guy make him lifts any size
Warlord said on 5/Sep/06
I think Ola is correct on the Taker (wrong on Hogan though). My first hand account I posted from a friend (scroll down) says he's definitely not shorter than 6 foot 8 and that was only about 2 months ago. How can you say not even close to 6 foot 8? Remember, this friend is 6 foot 3 and also has met my brother's other friend who is 6 foot 10. He knows the difference between over 6 foot 8 and barely 6 foot 7. I say Taker was at least 6 foot8-1/2 and possibly 6 foot 9 in his prime and is still at least 6 foot 8 today. I also think Hogan is about 6 foot 4-1/2 today (I say 6 foot 5-1/2 or 6 foot 6 prime). For one thing, his boots appear to have thin soles. Probably because he can't move around much. Also, they pump up McMahon's height on occassion. He looks taller compared to other wrestlers too, not just Hogan. I'd say the difference bewteen Taker and Hogan today is 3.5 to 4 inches.
Ola said on 5/Sep/06
UT towers over hogan with all his lifts back in 2002...
Glenn said on 4/Sep/06
I never saw the guy.but if was 6-7,and is now 6-4,then how is Sly 5-7? clearly Sly is 5-10 with big lifts.didnt Hogan say he shrunk to 6-2.5 once? Im confused.
Danimal said on 4/Sep/06
Ola, your claims are ridiculous. Wrestlers are known to exagerate all the time. UT has never been taller than 6'8". He's nowhere near that today.
Ola said on 4/Sep/06
if hogan is 6'4 then the rock is 6'4 1/2
Richard said on 4/Sep/06
If Glenn said 6'4 for Hulk, I think it's time to up the Hulkster half an inch again. Frankly Hogan looks 6'4 even today, when he stands straight that is. He has very bad posture sometimes.
During the match with Orton Hogan looked shorter until he stood erect , then he was taller.
Ola said on 4/Sep/06
UT was 6'9 according to himself. today, i give him 6'8 1/2. the man is very tall, everything under 6'8 is ridicoulus
Alex said on 4/Sep/06
I think UT was 6'8 at his prime and no more. Today he could be 6'7 but at least 6'6.5 though. I strongly believe he's taller than 6'6 flat.
Glenn said on 4/Sep/06
My Friend said 6-4.
Ola said on 4/Sep/06
It was atleast 4 inches between UT and Hogan in 2002. i would say it even was closer to 5 inches
Danimal said on 3/Sep/06
Louie, how can you say that Hogan is 6'4" and Taker can be 6'9". Did you see 5" difference between Hogan and Taker when they fought in 2002? I think not. Taker has never even reached 6'8" on his best day (in his prime). I wouldn't be surprised if he was under 6'7" today.
Ola said on 3/Sep/06
I could also create a myspace and list myself as 6'10. would it make it true becouse of that? Hall is no way over 6'4 1/2 today
Derek said on 3/Sep/06
for those of you who have a myspace, check out chamillionaire's space. there is a picture of him and hulk. theres about 6 inches difference i think. hogan is around 6'4".
KingNick said on 3/Sep/06
Scott Hall has a myspace and he lists himself as 6'6"
Viper652 said on 2/Sep/06
Man, Ola is a true overestimator.
Danimal said on 2/Sep/06
Frank, Hall's around 6'5" (was and is)...
Ola said on 2/Sep/06
Scott Hall never had more than 2 1/2 inch over Sting(6 1/2 ..6'2 max)
Still, he was slightly taller than hogan. Hogan back in 1999 max out at 6'4
Frank said on 2/Sep/06
Yes Paul im talking about when they fought the first time Hogan was clearly taller...Again i seen Scott Hall and he looked 6ft 6 to me in is wrestling gear
He looked bigger than 6ft 4 that i do know for sure
Danimal said on 1/Sep/06
Ola, you're doing it again. Don't say things like Hogan's nerver been over 6'5" and "that's for sure". That's not for sure and furthermore, that is YOUR opinion and most people on here now agree that he was once 6'6", including myself.
Hall was and is 6'5", or at lowest 6'4 3/4". Hogan's exact height in his NWO days ('96-'99).
Paul said on 1/Sep/06
Frank, I am assuming you are referring to Rock and Hogan from about 3 or 4 years ago. I believe Rock was 192cm, Hogan 193 maybe 194cm.
Frank said on 1/Sep/06
Ola, It looks too me Hogan is slightly taller???? I seen them have a stare down on TV and Hogan was taller not by much but he was taller....Guys help me out here
Ola said on 1/Sep/06
Why do you ignore all my pics? i would like to see YOU post some pics there we can see their foots!
Viper652 said on 1/Sep/06
Yeah, but Ola thinks the Rock is 6-4!! lol.
Ola said on 1/Sep/06
Hogan 6'4 and Rock 6'3? LOL. then explain this, when a bend down rocky is still slightly taller than hogan;
Click Here
Ola said on 1/Sep/06
Well...Danimal, Hogan has never been over 6'5 that for sure. Undertaker had him by atleast 3 inches back in 1991. (5 today...)
Frank, Hall could also has been taller back then. The guy is not so young anymore he is going to turn 48 later this year and could have shrunk 1/2 inch the past 10-15 years.
Like i said... Hogan is probarly 6'3 1/2 today. i dont know how tall he was in nitro back in 96-99. But Hall had a 1/2 inch to Hogan there.
And... I still believe the rock being 6'4 ;)
CLEMENT AUGUSTINE said on 1/Sep/06
Danimal said on 1/Sep/06
Ola, you're right about Hogan pre-1990 being taller than Hall (I'd say by at least 1-2"). Hogan was Hall's height in the NWO days (1996-1999). Today, Hall would have probably 1-2" on Hogan, sad as it is to say.
mike said on 1/Sep/06
well i can confirm 2 things guys 1) when hogan had his pic taken with donald trump and andre the giant, he had trump by several inches who is like 6'2 i think, hogan did look 6'6 there 2) I didnt meet hogan but he walked by me once before a smackdown event i had front row, he was like 2 inches taller then me i'm 6'2 had sneakers on, he had his wrestling boots, i was shocked, i thought he was going to be at least 6'6, but i can confirm he's at least 6'3, but under 6'5 now of days, but he's had alot of operations and juiced up alot i'm sure (his bone structure now of days is tiny compared to 1990's)
Warlord said on 31/Aug/06
I agree with you on DiBiase. He's definitely a good 6 foot 3. However, I have some info for you on the Undertaker that I think you will be interested in. I actually tried to post this last weekd on the Taker's page, but it didn't post. I was at my brother's house 2 weekends ago for a birthday party and his good friend (and mine too) of over 20 years came up for it. His friend works at a major US airport (I'll keep that anonymous) and was telling us that he ran into the Undertaker about a month or so ago at the airport. He actually walked over and had a 5 minute conversation with him. My brother's friend is exactly 1/8 of an inch less than 6 foot 3. He's also been a wrestling fan for 25+ years as well. He's not someone who would even care about overstimating someone's height either. Now, thinking of this board I asked him specifically how tall he looked and if he appeared taller than another of my brother's friends who stands a solid 6 foot 10. His response was that the Taker was about 6 foot 9 or close to it. When I asked him about the 6 foot 10 guy he said the Taker was not quite as tall as that guy. Then I asked him if perhaps he was 6 foot 7 or so- trying to establish a definite minimum. He said no way was he less than 6 foot 8. He still stood on closer to 6 foot 9. So, that is a recent firsthand close-up encounter that also lasted a fair amount of time. I've always attested the Taker was 6 foot 8-1/2 and this backs up my claim. I don't buy anyone who claims he's less than 6 foot 8. I've read some who post as low as 6 foot 6 and that is just an utter joke.
Frank said on 31/Aug/06
Ola i seen Hall at Madison Square Garden and i was about 8 feet away from him and he looked about 6ft 6 and i would say 6ft 5 is the shortest he could have been....He could have been wearing lifts??
Ola said on 31/Aug/06
yes, when i started to watch wcw nitro 1996, scott hall had always about 1/2-1 inch to hogan. so Hall is little taller than the rock ;) Hall looks to be max 6'4 1/2 to me.
so yes all are about the same height. max 1 inch between them all.
and i think a 6'5 Hogan from 1990 would be taller than Hall
Frank said on 31/Aug/06
Ola.alot of these guys wear lifts....I know people who met the Rock and they said he was not that tall.....Scott Hall was taller than the Rock and Hogan & all are about the same height
Ola said on 31/Aug/06
what evidence?!?!
Danimal said on 30/Aug/06
Ola, read up on the evidence WE as a VETERAN group have provided and THEN make conclusions, NOT before.
Richard said on 30/Aug/06
I'll try and cap a few pics from their match, they'll be up in a day or so.
Frank said on 30/Aug/06
Ola, i believe Hogan wore lifts back in the day to look 6ft 6 to 6ft 7
Look at there match Hogan looked alittle taller than the Rock not much taller but he was taller
Ola said on 30/Aug/06
Frank then plz show me some pics there hogan is clearly taller. from shoes and up! and dont ignore that he is wearing lifts!
Ola said on 30/Aug/06
Danimal i dont disrespect anyone, i just have my own opinions! i dont bash any veteran's at all. yes iam new here... but does that automatical make me wrong about everything?
Frank, just no way in hell! the rock is taller barefooted. about 1/2 inch atleast!
Frank said on 30/Aug/06
Hogan is taller than the Rock!!!! About an inch Ola you cant go by that picture they had plenty of staredowns Hogan is clearly taller
Trish Stratus Fan said on 29/Aug/06
I wonder if Stacy Kiebler wears high heels is she taller than Hogan. Then we know for sure if he is over 6'3
Ola said on 29/Aug/06
How can you argue against that?! watch hogans boots!
Danimal said on 29/Aug/06
BTW Viper, we would make a much better tag team, than rivals. We have to kick these newbies in the butt and teach them so respect. Don't ya think so?
Viper652 said on 29/Aug/06
What is ridiculous is you think the Rock is 6-4. Thats ridiculous.
Ola said on 29/Aug/06
Richard, hogan did always wear hights when he was in the ring with the rock! i have a superb pic here. in fact... its so much hights that it becomes ridiculous... I give the rock 6'4. and hogan 6'3 1/2
and DiBiase is no more than 6'2. this is ridiculous!
here's the pic of hogan and rock i was talking about:
Click Here
Richard said on 28/Aug/06
Ola...Hogan definitely didn't wear lifts when he wrestled Rock. In fact he had half an inch on The Rock as most here will agree. It may be a bit generous to give Rock 6'3... sometimes he looks only slightly over 6'2.
Viper652 said on 28/Aug/06
Danimal, are you saying Dibiase looked 6-4 in person?
Ola said on 28/Aug/06
In survivor series 91 there is maybe only little over 3 inch between hogan and UT.(6'5 and 6'8 1/2) but if you watch backlash 2002, there is a good 5 inch between them(6'3 1/2 and 6'8 1/2). UT towers over hogan there.
but i cant see hogan wearing that big hights in his boots in any of those matches like he did when he faced rock(sadly for wwe, they simple recognize that the rock was taller than hogan and gave hogan alot of hights in they're matches. "immortal" hulk hogan CANNOT look to be shorter than rock, wwe wouldnt accept that). In fact... Hogan had only 1-1/2 inch to brock lesnar. Rock had 2 inch on lesnar... Hogan had only 1 inch to goldberg back in 1997/98. Rock had atleast 1 1/2 inch on goldberg. Comparing to other opponents rock looks to be taller. there's only in hogans matches with the rock he seems to be at the same height, or little taller. (due to his heights)
Chief said on 28/Aug/06
In those recent photos with his family and on his show, Hogan is looking rather short. For some it may bring a tear to the eye when they see his daughter not looking much shorter next to him. I gotta say, it must be a big let down for many of the little hulksters out there who grew up and faced reality. He's still cool though, brother. By the way, like many other wrestlers, UT had his height grossly exaggerated over the years. They used to refer to him as 7 ft. several times and of course the common 6'10. If I gave UT 6'7 peak actual height that would be a bit generous. Big Skinny Nash is taller, with 6'9 seeming logical.
Ola said on 28/Aug/06
Halb...,You KNOW that Nash is legi 6'9? how?...(i have heard he was legit 6'10) that would put Undertaker to 6'8. UT is(was) 6'9 according to himself. he could be 6'8 1/2 today
Halb said on 27/Aug/06
I know BBM trimemd down alot, but ring announcers also know diddly. I can't remember where I read/heard it, but they basically go off approximations. i remember a match once with Hulk, and G Monsoon said he had trimemd down to 270 (was mabbe the Earthquake match?) yet the ring announcer still rang out the old, '302 lb' routine.
I am amazed at that ted DiBiase height, but meetings are the best way to determine height I think.
I'll look for that Hogan tag match. As for Sid, I have him at 6 ft 6 in, cas I don't think he was 6 ft 8 in. I was mates with Bulldog and he told me how big Sid was. Kev Nash is a legit 6 ft 9 in and he has a couple inches on Sid and Undie.
Ola said on 27/Aug/06
i was send a great pic(great angle) of hogan to the admin. he was stand face to face with rock, and you can easly see that hogan wears 2 inch hights in his boots... still, rock is taller.
If would be greate if the pic could be posted here
Danimal said on 27/Aug/06
Halb, Bossman wasn't always listed at 357. Read what I wrote. As time went by, the annoucers WERE calling him out at a lighter weight starting in 1990, until he left the WWF. That was done because his whole gimmick (other than being a correctional officer) was his SIZE. When he was trimming down, they couldn't ignore that. Maybe he didn't want them to either and that's why they didn't. Same with Undertaker, who's weight loss was noticeable and hence the 328 pounds became 305 and same with Hogan's 303 down to 275 when he came back to the WWE in 2002.
Ola, met Dibiase in CT with my friend in a restaurant. My friend is 6'3" and weighs 220. Dibiase was at the table next to us. When he went to pay the check, my friend did as well. Ted looked taller and was definitely wider (at least 250-260 pounds).
Halb, go to Youtube and type in Big John Studd, or King Kong Bundy. What you'll get is a tag team match between Hogan and Andre vs. Studd and Bundy from 1985. There are better matches between Studd and Hogan from 1984-1985, but this one you can still see that Studd was barely taller than Hogan. Even Undertaker and Psycho Sid (who were both close to 6'8") were barely taller than Hogan in 1991 and Hogan already lost over an inch in height by that time.
Halb said on 27/Aug/06
I have been trying to find some of my old wrestling tapes. It should be quite easy, has anyone got a pic of Hogan next to Big John Studd? Studd was 6 ft 7 in tall. And so at that height if Hogan really was 6 ft 6 in, then the difference should be barely noticable? Anyone got a good pic?
Steve said on 27/Aug/06
hogan today may be between 6ft 3 - 6ft 4.
In his prime, i believe he was at legitimate 6ft 6. still a fairly tall guy, but not 6ft 8 for sure.
Chief said on 27/Aug/06
I'll bet just about any celebrity would at the very least try to squeeze an extra inch (usually more) when questioned about their actual height. For Hogan, he's probably about 6 ft 3 at present. In old 80's wrestling footage he tends to look taller at times compared to recent footage, but then again it varies depending on the size of the opposing wrestler in comparison. As for 6'7 peak, NOPE! Maybe Hogan can be billed at 6'8 again if he wrestles Mysterio in the next W-Mania. Of course, Mysterio will have to be stated as at least 6 ft. lol
Halb said on 26/Aug/06
If BossMan said he was 380 fine, ring announcers don't really care aboot weight that's why Bossman was always hailed as 357 even tho his weight fluctuated. Tho when he dropped down to 270 his 'ring weight' was hailed at around 310.
U can correct me with all the incorrect info you want, Bundy looked to be the same height as Reed, and shorter than Rude, he's not 6 ft 4 in.:oD
Hogan didn't look 4 inches shorter than Andre at WM3 at his 'supposed' 6 ft 6 in height. I can guess that he rounded up to 6 ft 5 when he was younger, but was prolly more like 6 ft 4 barefoot. I had a mate who met him at poolside once, he said he was not as big as he thought he would be and aboot my height but not more.
Viper652 said on 26/Aug/06
I never said Hasselhoff was 6-3. In fact he can look taller than his listed 6-4 at times. Just merely stating that Duncan looks an inch shorter.
Ola said on 25/Aug/06
Danimal ok pal! but i dont think he was more than 6'5 in his prime late 80/early 90. DiBiase is max 6'2 today. he only had a inch to IRS, who is 6'1
Danimal said on 25/Aug/06
Viper, guaranteed if you had Hogan stand next to Ted Dibiase today, that they would sadly be the same height. Ted claims he was 6'4". I believe he was at least 6'3" (he was tall) and YES, Hogan had him by at least 3" in 1979. In the NWO (1996-1999), Hogan had him by about 1.5" and as I said, if anything Hogan would have him by MAX .5" today. Sad But True.
Danimal said on 25/Aug/06
Alex, Bundy was 512 pounds in 1981-1983 (before enterering the WWF in '84). In the WWF his weight varies from 440-480 pounds.
Danimal said on 25/Aug/06
Ola, get informed!!! Hogan isn't being listed at 6'6" today. He WAS 6'6" PRE-1990. He has undergone multiple surgeries over the years and is now under 6'4".
Viper, since when is Hasselhoff 6'3"? He's always been 6'4". He's the exact same height as Conan O'brien.
Viper652 said on 25/Aug/06
Duncan looks no taller than 6-3 with Hasselhoff.
Alex said on 24/Aug/06
Danimal, I saw Bundy in person at this charity event 6 years ago. He was def around the 450lb mark and looked at least 6'4.
Alex said on 24/Aug/06
Bossman was at least 6'4, possibly 6'5. His weight was he really 277lbs in 1993? I know he lost weight but he lost that much by then. I know during his last run in WWF he was def at his leanest.
Viper652 said on 24/Aug/06
I just watched an old match of Hogan versus Ted Dibiase from 1979 on TV. It was Hogans first appearance at Madison Square Garden. Hogan looked about 3 inches taller than Dibiase.
Danimal said on 24/Aug/06
Jordan, he was 380 in 1987-1988. By 1989-1990 he was 357. 1991 he was 337, 1992 he was 317, 1993 he was 277. Listen to the annoncer before his matches. They weren't hiding or masking the fact that he was getting thinner. It was very noticeable.
Jordan said on 24/Aug/06
Well Ithought the boosman was always intoduced at 357, but if bossman said he was 380 then I believe it.
Danimal said on 23/Aug/06
No, Halb, he was 6'5" in High School, not College and NO, he hadn't lost 3" in 1990. According to him, he lost 1.25" at that point. He later lost another 1" at some point in the mid to late 90's and then yet another inch in 2000-2004. I believe that it happenend in 3 cycles.
Finally, Bundy WAS indeed about 6'4". Minimum 6'3". He was over 440 pounds and tall. Big John Studd had only about 3-4" on him.
Finally, I hate to keep correcting you Halb, but Bossman weighed 380 according to him in 1987. By the early 90's (not late), he was down to 277 pounds according to him he lost over 100 pounds and it showed. He was actually quite muscular and in great shape by the end of his life. He was 6'4" and Hogan had him by a couple of inches in interviews and in their matches.
Halb said on 23/Aug/06
I agree Bossman was prolly 6 ft 4 in. He weighed 350ish when he joined WWF and dropped 70 lbs of flab down to 270 in late 90ish.
Halb said on 23/Aug/06
I can see that Hogan was 6'5 mabbe in his prime, that's what he was in college, but anything more than that is wrestling add on. When Orton and Hogan had their first chat, Orton looked much taller to me, mabbe Hogan has lost an inch-inch half, I doubt more than that, I still go with the statement from below. Had Hogan lost 3inches when he faced Warrior in 90 danimal? Cas there isn't much height diff betwen him and the 6'2 Warriot there.:oD At WMIII there was more than 4 inches diff between Andre and Hogan, and King Kong Bundy was not 6 ft 4, look at the survivor series cover, he was same height as Butch Reed.
Jordan said on 18/Aug/06
Bossman is prolly 6'4 -6'5. He was billed at 6'6 and 6'7 but 6'4 sounds more like the real truth
Danimal said on 18/Aug/06
JT, when Bossman entered the WWF, he was a legit 380 pounds. He lost 100 pounds throughtout the years. He was never listed at 6'9". He was listed at 6'7" and then 6'6". He was a legit 6'4" guy and Hogan had him by 2" in all their matches and interviews prior to 1990.
Danimal said on 18/Aug/06
Care to take it outside Viper?
Viper652 said on 18/Aug/06
Boss man looked 6-4 to me.
JT said on 18/Aug/06
Ed, Boss Man looked around 6'5" to me. IIRC, WWF billed him at 6'9" when he made his first appearance. He was very fat too. I think they first billed him at around 390 lbs.
Viper652 said on 18/Aug/06
Yeah, Id say Im right more often than you Danimal.
ed said on 18/Aug/06
Does anybody know how tall the boss man was? Cause Hulk was more than an inch taller. Could have been lifts but i doubt it. The summerslam match with John tenta in the end when boss man and hulk stand side by side in the ring, he has atleast an inch and a half on the boss man.
Danimal said on 17/Aug/06
Viper, you like to be right, don't you? In fact, are you ever really wrong?
Viper652 said on 17/Aug/06
If Hogan has a half inch on Randy Orton, that would pretty much make Orton 6-3 flat as Ive been saying all along.
Danimal said on 17/Aug/06
What's also obvious is that when Hogan wears jeans, you can clearly see how small his legs and hips are today. That hip surgery made him look tiny and short in the legs. That and his fused neck must have been the 2 things that brought him below 6'4" from his 6'5" WCW days. It's even obvious from 2000 to 2002. I wonder how much height one can lose from new hips?
Richard said on 15/Aug/06
I think the difference was exactly the same as when they met the first time in the ring. (When Hogan was with Brook)
Hogan looked half an inch taller than Orton.
My personal view is that if both men were barefeet Hogan would be the taller of the two. To me Hogan looks very close to 6'4, just look at the photos of him and Lou Ferrigno. Also in his Show (Hogan knows best) he always wears sandals which have no heel. All people around him wear regular shoes so naturally that will make them look taller. Brook often wears high heels.
Alex said on 15/Aug/06
Hogan may have been in lifts or bigger boots. Barefoot I think Orton would be a bit taller.
ed said on 15/Aug/06
You guys happen to see Raw last night!! When Hulk faced Orton and stood up really straight, he was about 0.5" taller as Randy. So he could still be 6'4".
Alex said on 12/Aug/06
Most NBA heights are boosted 1-1.5 inches up.
Larry said on 11/Aug/06
The orthopedic surgeon who worked on me works on the San Antonio Spurs. He's a knee & hip joint guy. He said the NBA heights are IN SHOE heights. So, "fudged" by 1 to 2 inches. I can't SEE 4-5 inches!
Danimal said on 11/Aug/06
Hey Rob, when did you drop Hogan to 6'3.5". I don't doubt he's between 6'3.25" and 6'3.5", but when did you make the change and what prompted you to do so?
Danimal said on 10/Aug/06
Louie, Barkley is anything looks taller than 6'4.5" WITHOUT shoes. He isn't 6'3". You have to make claims Louie, by providing us with evidence, otherwise your claims have no credibility with us and you just come across as not knowing what you're talking about.
Viper652 said on 10/Aug/06
We know that, and Barkley isnt 6-3 lol. So you are saying NBA players are fudged by as much as 4-5 inches?
Louie John Buluran said on 10/Aug/06
cause most NBA players height are listed as incorrect barkly is 6 ft 4 1/2 now at age 43 he looks 6 ft 3..... Allan Houston admit he is 6 ft 5
Danimal said on 9/Aug/06
The sad thing Viper is that he's being serious.
Viper652 said on 9/Aug/06
How could Scott Hall be taller than NBA guys billed at 6-7? Louie I hope you are just kidding and not being serious with your posts.
Anonymous said on 8/Aug/06
Edge isn't 6'2, he's at least 6'4. I saw him one time at Best Buy and he had at least two inches over me and was the a inch shorter than my friend who was 6'5.
Louie John Buluran said on 8/Aug/06
yeah Scott Hall is 6 ft 5 barefeet and he is taller than most NBA players who are 6-6 and 6 ft 7
Danimal said on 7/Aug/06
Louie, you have NO idea what you are talking about AT ALL. Scott has stated he is really 6'5". Hogan has stated he is around 6'4". Edge has stated he is 6'2"-6'3". Hall was NEVER 6'6". Hall and Hogan were the same height in the WCW (mid-late 90's), which was when Hogan was still a shade off of 6'5". The only one you got right is Big Show. The rest, do you homework Louie, because you FAILED this test.
Louie John Buluran said on 7/Aug/06
Click HereScott Hall is 6-6 and Big Show is a legit 7-0
Louie John Buluran said on 7/Aug/06
Hulk Hogan lose his height i believe when he got surgery.... he might be 6 ft 7 in his prime and today just barely 6-4
Louie John Buluran said on 5/Aug/06
Click Here pictures of Edge and Christian
Edge is 6-4 and Christian Cage is 6-1 ft
Another picture of Edge and Hogan
Click HereHogan is 6 ft 5 and Edge is 6 ft 4 this is in 2002
Paul said on 4/Aug/06
Interesting footage here....
Click Here
Frank said on 4/Aug/06
Viper that sounds about right but i would give Hogan 6ft 5 peak height
Viper652 said on 3/Aug/06
Its possible that Hogan was 6-4 1/2 and wore lifts to look 6-6-6-7. Doesnt wear lifts anymore and only shrunk 1-1.5 inches. I think this was Jason's argument. I dont think that sounds to farfetched actually.
Jordan said on 3/Aug/06
Hogan was 6'6 IMO since yes he was taller then Ali and here you see him taller then macho man 6'0 by 5 inches and even taller then Jesse ventura 6'2 by over 3 inches.
Click Here
Frank said on 3/Aug/06
Texas Tom, If that is true then he was wearing lifts because he was more than 2 inches taller than the 6ft 3 or 6ft 2 1/2 Muhamad Ali and he was atleast 2 inches taller than the 6ft 4 King Kong Bundy???
Texas Tom said on 2/Aug/06
"Hogan's height is and has always been 194.8 cm, which is just under 6ft 4.5".
There is no way on God's green earth anyone could claim this guy's height has remained the same. Back in '85, when he was billed as 6-8, nobody but the truly saavy questioned it. But now? If they listed him as 6-8 right now it would be beyond laughable. The same goes for Superstar Graham, Piper, even Ric Flair. And wonder of wonders---of the four, three have had hip replacements. Flair, the only one who didn't, has a famously bad back and neck.
IMO, Hogan has lost between 1.5-2 inches, plus, due to his knees, may have stopped using lifts/augmenting boots.
Danimal said on 2/Aug/06
Actuallly, they had Kevin Levrone (the pro bodybuilder/actor) at 6'0", when he was only 5'9"-5'10".
Danimal said on 31/Jul/06
To put it in perspective, when Hogan was Nick's age, he was 6'5" (in High School) according to his long-time friend Brutus the barber beefcake (Ed Leslie).
ER. said on 31/Jul/06
5-9 looks correct, 6-1 is nuts.
Alex said on 30/Jul/06
Jordan, Nick looks 5'9 in the picture you just posted with him, Brooke and Hulk.
Jordan said on 30/Jul/06
Look at the photo I have posted and you will see that Brook is prolly in heels which make her 6'1. Now, Hogan has lost iches of height, he has stated this on many occasions. In My pic I posted of him and brook shows that he is about 6'4 now, maybe less. Danimal brigns up points about Hogans height and I agree that there defenityly is height loss, however I think its more like 2 inches, but add that to the photo and youll see Hogan was about 6'6 in his prime.
Longrob said on 28/Jul/06
I saw Hulk in Vegas at The Palms. His Daughter was doing a free promo so I took my wife and kids over.When I saw Hulk I was surprised at his height. I was 6'4 5/8 today with no shoes. He was about an inch and a half shorter than me. He said that he had lost some height with age and injury. 6'3 or so is about right
Paul said on 28/Jul/06
Halb, the Hulkster has had new hips and a new knee by his own admission. He has lost at least 2 inches in the last 15 years.
ed said on 28/Jul/06
I have a uncle who jused to be about 6'5". he's 55 years old now with back problems so he slouches a lot wich brings him down to about 6'3". this height los whent down in just 3 short years and he isn't even a wrestler, so for hogan to lose 3" in al those years of wrestling and all the surgery could be true.
stephanie said on 28/Jul/06
to me randy did look maybe a 1/2 inch or and inch taller than hogan
and when randy orton is announced sometimes they say 6'5
so i say around 6'4 for the hulksterr
TheMan said on 21/Jul/06
Id say Hogan is 193cm to be exact just edging 6,4. I think if he stood up straight youd see he's abit taller. The rock etc have been made to look taller IMO. But for he's full measurement height for when he's measured and standing up straight is 193cm. In he's prime he was probably around 6,6 197-198cm maybe. However i am not sure if he really was as high as 6,7 i found it hard to belive he could go from lets say 200cm to just 193-192cm. Thats like 8cm! A belivable height loss for 6,7 would be this. He would have to just barly be 6,7 in he's prime at 200cm then now he would 194 for the most but 195 in the morning.
Alex said on 20/Jul/06
Richard at a point Orton looked a bit taller then Hogan looked a bit taller then they looked the same. It was different angles which did that, but I strongly think Orton would be at least 1/2 inch taller unless Hogan is wearing lifts.
And Rob what happened to the Randy Orton page on the site??
[Editor Rob: a handful of pages were corrupted last week]
5-10chick said on 20/Jul/06
he got so short I was watching wrestling the other day when him and Orton who is like 6'4 was standing face to face and hogan was like 6'2
Danimal said on 20/Jul/06
When are they getting in the ring Richard? I didn't even know Hogan was making a return, or has he already?
Richard said on 19/Jul/06
It will be easier to see the difference when they face off. The angles can throw you off quite a bit Alex. To me Hogan looked a bit taller. But it might be accounted for by the angle, we'll know for sure when they get in the ring.
Alex said on 19/Jul/06
Hogan lost a minimum of 2 inches. He looks 6'3ish today and he was at the least 6'5 at his peak and possibly closer to 6'6.
Alex said on 19/Jul/06
It may have been the camera angle. I thought Orton was a little taller than Hogan.
JK said on 19/Jul/06
Ive met Randy Orton along with some other wrestlers, he is VERY TALL,
I am nearly a full 6'1'' myself and he Towered over my by 5 inches. Randy is 6'5''. Hogan is about 6'3.5''-6'4''
KingNick said on 19/Jul/06
Danimal, that training montage is great. Why is Jake "the snake's" music in the background? lol
Danimal said on 18/Jul/06
Guys, he didn't lose 3" in one day...lol, BUT, I still believe he lost the height in 3 time periods. His first height lost occured in 1990. His second was somewhere in the mid-late nineties and the 3rd was somewhere between 2000-2002. I believe he went from 6'6" to just under 6'5" to just over 6'3". There you have it. Pay attention to his NECK. It IS shorter since his last days in the WCW. IT's been FUSED. His hips were replaced in the early 2000's. His knees have been replaced. His back operated on several times since 1990.
Viper652 said on 18/Jul/06
Im still really skeptical about Hogans supposedly 3 inch height loss. Thats insane, really.

Editor Rob
just an aside:
1999 research paper on height loss with 2000 sample size, patient measurements taken in years from 1958 -> 1993, results were:
- average cumulative height loss from age 30 (when height loss began) to age 70: men 3cm (bit over 1 inch), women 5cm (just about 2 inches).
as for hogan, 2.5 inches by your 50's is extreme. But then he is not an average sized man and has not had an average lifestyle. His body might have taken more of a pounding over the years...who knows about lost cartilage or bone in his knees, is it possible his intervertebral discs degenerated, or did he ever have any compressed fractures in vertebrae, what surgeries on his back/neck occurred?
Jordan said on 18/Jul/06
There was not as much as a difference from the late 90's to now. But of course if you take from the Mid to late 80's to now it looks as it could have been 3 inches possibly.
Viper652 said on 18/Jul/06
Honestly, Hogan doesnt look that much taller to me from the late 90s Dannimal, maybe an inch taller. Id say between 6-3 and 6-4 then.
TheMan said on 18/Jul/06
Im not sure who was taller than who from diffrent angles they both seemed taller than each other. Their similer heights none the less IMO.
Danimal said on 17/Jul/06
Hogan was not 6'3" in 1998 Viper. He has visibly lost a lot of height since then (HIS NECK and lower body). He was still about 6'4.5"-6'5". Today, without souding redundant, he's 6'3"-6'3.5".
Viper652 said on 17/Jul/06
IF thats the case Richard then Hogan could still be closer to 6-4,but I doubt it.
mike said on 17/Jul/06
wow nice training video clip, danimal, i really believe hogan was 6'5 to 6'6 back in the day, but when i saw him 3 years ago, he BARELY had 2 inches on my 6'2, i'd say 6'3 to 6'4 now of days depending on his posture or how his back is doin that day, whenever he fought andre he did look 6'5 minimum
Richard said on 17/Jul/06
Hogan was clearly the taller of the two... youguys can't make the judgement based on the angle where Orton is closer to the camera.. In every shot where the angle was better Hogan was the taller of the two. Also, look at when they shake hands. Hogan has about half an inch to an inch on Orton.
Jordan said on 17/Jul/06
Orton is 6'4 minimun actaully he has 1.5 inches on Dave Batista who is 6'3 so 6'4.5 could be Orton's possible height.
hero said on 16/Jul/06
he looked 6'3.5 next to full 6'4 randy orton...orton aint under 6'4..wake up...but yeah again orton was wearing boots and hogan just sneacker,i cant tell you something until the match...
Viper652 said on 16/Jul/06
That makes sense Danimal since Hogan was at least 6-3 in 1998, and Jay is 5-10 tops.
Danimal said on 16/Jul/06
When Hogan appeared on Leno in 1998 (I have it on VHS, he still had a good 5.5" on Leno. Today is another story though. I truthfully don't know what he has been reduced to in height, but I DO know what he once was. Hilbilly was at least 6'5"-6'6" according to myself and to Rob and we know that Hogan WAS taller. He probably was never 6'7", but I wouldn't discount 6'6" and change. If I were to guess, I would give him 6'3"-6'3.5" today.
Frank said on 16/Jul/06
Alex Brooke was on Jay Leno and she was wearing high heels and she was about the same height as Jay who is about 5ft 11....And Hogan did not look much taller than Jay too be honest
Viper652 said on 16/Jul/06
If Orton was taller then Hogan, then Hogan could very well be 6-2 now. I think Orton is just 6-3 flat.
Alex said on 16/Jul/06
Also on SNME Hogan had sneakers on which will give him 1-1.5 inches of height and Brook had on heels that were a good 3-4 inches, and Hogan still had her by 2 inches. So he was probably 6'4 in sneakers while she was about 6'2 in heels.
Alex said on 16/Jul/06
Hogan wasn't taller than Orton, Orton was taller than Hogan by an inch.
Richard said on 16/Jul/06
It looked like he had an inch on Orton and still he wasn't standing completely straight. Maybe Hogan is a full 6'4 and Orton a flat 6'3? I really can't see Orton below 6'3 though.
Danimal said on 15/Jul/06
Check out how huge and strong he was back in this training video from 1987:
Click Hereand compare him in height next to Andre The Giant in this 1983 match:
Click Here
Jay P said on 15/Jul/06
Hulk Hogan has to be 6'5". He looked was about a half inch to an inch taller than Randy Orton on Saturday Night's Main Event. He was wearing sneakers. He still looks in incredible shape. I'd say he was 6'6" in his prime and now 6'5".
Alex said on 14/Jul/06
I personally think Hogan is 6'3 flat today, no shorter but no taller either. He has shrunk at least 2 inches and he was 6'5 at the least at his peak but was probably 6'5.5-6'6. So if he was 6'6 then he shrunk 3 inches which is possible. The man looks a few inches shorter than he did back then which most will agree on.
Viper652 said on 14/Jul/06
I almost take that as a compliment Danimal :). Anyway, Hogan does look 6-2ish to me on his TV show and when he appeared on Jay Leno. Im not saying hes a definite 6-2, just saying he can look that range to me at times.
jordan said on 14/Jul/06
Hogan looks 4.5 inches taller then brook who is 5'11 so 6'3 1/2 souns right for Hogan now,,,but in his day he was 6'6 or so--i'm sure of it
Danimal said on 14/Jul/06
Viper, Hogan isn't 6'2". He's still over 6'3". Looks like you're taking over where Jason and that other guy Cyclops left off ;).
Richard said on 14/Jul/06
nah... I have a hard time believing the Hulk is only 6'2, I mean I am 6'2.5 myself and there is no way I'm as tall as Hogan. He should at least have an inch on me. 6'3.5-6'4 sounds about right though.
Jordan said on 13/Jul/06
Danimal you are a smart for your last post--I always thought Hulk was about 6'6 and i'm gald you and Smoke agree with me.
Viper652 said on 13/Jul/06
I think Randy is 6-3, though Hogan could be closer to 6-2 now.
Richard said on 13/Jul/06
Wow the WWE actually bills Randy Orton as 6'4!!!
Click HereIt will be interesting to see how tall he looks next to the Hulkster.
Funny... why should the WWE start telling the truth now? lol
smoke said on 13/Jul/06
Yeah Hogan was an inch taller then rock.
Danimal said on 12/Jul/06
Hogan was still taller than the Rock in 2002 and not the other way around. I give Rock 6'2" and Hogan 6'3" and change. By 2002, Hogan had lost a lot of height due to numerous surgeries. The man's neck was even fused and that's why it appears nowhere near as long as it once was. His new hips give him a much smaller and shorter lower body and his back surgeries, took height off his spine, and then there's his knee replacements gone wrong, which cause him to not be able to straighten out his legs. Put Hogan circa 1984-1989 (his prime) against the Rock of 2002, there would be no eye to eye staredown, because Hogan would have towered over him GUARANTEED.