Danimal said on 2/Sep/08
Magnusson's first WSM competition was in 1995, where he weighed 271 pounds. He did not compete for 2 more years and when he showed up he was up to 298 pounds. The man still looked THIN compared to a prime Hogan, who had a lot more sheer mass/bulk that Magnusson did at around 300 pouds. I read that Magnus went up to 330 pounds in late years and possibly more, but overall, Hogan was well over 300 pounds at the same height as Magnus (6'5"-6'6"), with larger arms, chest and legs in his younger days (PRE-1987).
Vegas said on 2/Sep/08
Big show; you are sounding like Viper or Danimal lol, we don't know anything for sure, we all have our views but nothing is concrete; the police say he is 5'11, maybe he is, maybe he ain't, i don't know as i haven't met the dude and unless i measured him i still wouldn't be 100% sure; anyways austin 2 inches taller than a 5'11 santino would make austin 6'1 (which he claims for himself), i don't think marella is less than 5'10 looking at him, he has a number of inches on 5'7 listed beth phoenix who herself towers over 5'4 listed mickie james by 5 inches
here is santino next to 5'10 listed Kevin Pereira on attack of the show, gives you an example of his "supposed" 220lb there too next to an ordinary person, marella is a very large man he makes pereira look like a skinny kid, i wouldn't doubt 220lbish looking at him there but its next to impossible to eye someone on camera and estimate their weight to an accurate degree, i wouldn't have estimated flair at 230lb+ until i met him in person
Click Here
Big Show said on 2/Sep/08
Vegas says on 1/Sep/08
marella was recently arrested and booked at 225lb Click Here look how big he looks next to cousin sal who is an obese man himself Click Here lots of wrestlers have been booked at that station in the last year or so including test who was listed at 270lb there despite being billed in indie wrestling these days at 300lb (he was billed at 310lb at a show i attended in february) and Mikey from spirit squad who is billed at 230lb in wrestling but booked at just 215lb Click Here
Marella is also listed there at 5'11 which he ain't either. Austin had him by like 2 or 3 inches. Marella is billed at 227 lbs and Carlito at 220 lbs (to me Carlito looks to be the bigger of the two).
Marella is also not a very muscular guy either. He's not skinny or anything, but he's not that big either. You think Marella weighs more than Arnold Schwarzenegger did in Terminator 2? He claimed a weight of 220 lbs on the set of Terminator 2.
Danimal said on 1/Sep/08
Ola says on 1/Sep/08
Dan, swedish strongman guy magnus samuelsson was a legit 320-330 lbs guy and he is way bigger than hogan ever was. he is also bigger than kane (not taller but heavier)
and the 280 lbs fralic didnt look smaller than studd imo
Actually, you better dig up some old school pics of Hogan then, if you think Samuelsson was way bigger than Hogan, because Hogan from 1978-1987 was one HUGE MOFO and was averaging 305-310 until about 1986. Watch Hulkamania 1 and you'll see how huge he was and btw, John Studd had an easy 40-50 pounds on Fralic. Everyone sees that but you.
Alex2 said on 1/Sep/08
Big Show good point actually lol, John Morrison is no way near that.
Steve said on 1/Sep/08
Atoadaso is right, I have known guys in my gym around 6'4 = 6'5 and most are around 260 lbs and dont anywhere near hogans size in sheer bulk. They look alot leaner and thinner. Wrestlers weights are no where near as important as their heights, especially the average to larger wrestler, who really cares if they are 240 or 250 lbs? WWE had no real reason to over bill wrestlers weights as no one really cares. Hogan was easily 300lbs which is not alot for someone his size, samuelsson was around 330lbs minimum and isnt way bigger than hogan, maybe slightly larger.
You got to realise a guy with legit 23 or 24 inch arms (hogans have been measured at that) has to have a A LOT of bulk on the rest of their body.
Clay said on 1/Sep/08
Ola how do you know the weight of Smauelson? He could have been 340/350 for all we know.
Clay said on 1/Sep/08
Santino is at least 215 pounds. Close enough to 227.
Cobra said on 1/Sep/08
@ Big Show,
Mark Henry and Big Show are weighing what they are billed. Kane and Khali are pretty close. It`s not always the case, but in Hogan`s case, it is. I always wondered why they billed him as just 294 at WM3. I think Hogan was probably 275 at that time.
Vegas said on 1/Sep/08
marella was recently arrested and booked at 225lb
Click Here look how big he looks next to cousin sal who is an obese man himself
Click Here lots of wrestlers have been booked at that station in the last year or so including test who was listed at 270lb there despite being billed in indie wrestling these days at 300lb (he was billed at 310lb at a show i attended in february) and Mikey from spirit squad who is billed at 230lb in wrestling but booked at just 215lb
Click HereOla; studd had 50lb+ easy on fralic in that video just by looking at the two of the together, just look at studds upper body compared to fralics, studd has a big bloated belly on him while fralic looks lean, studd and hogan were huge men and btw samuelsson was 345lb legit at one stage not sure if he is still that big today
Anonymous said on 1/Sep/08
John Studd was billed at 6'11 388 at one time. Obviously 6'6 +/- 325 +/- was more the deal. He had his hands full with 6'5 280 Fralic.
Atoadaso said on 31/Aug/08
Hogan could easily be 300 pounds. I'm 6'5" and 240, and i'm not especially big at that height. Hogan is significantly bigger than I am. He is (was) one big, thick dude.
Big Show said on 31/Aug/08
Alex2 says on 30/Aug/08
Ola says on 28/Aug/08
Steve if you really believe that a BILLED 303 lbs wrestler weighed 300 then its your problem! If hogan was even CLOSE to 300 lbs irl then he would have been listed as 350 to say atleast
Not always, WWE actually arnet that far of with Weight, its the Height they inflate.
9 out of 10 times the weight gets inflated more than height. Some examples
Edge: billed at 250 lbs (yeah right)
Gregory Helms: billed at 215 lbs
Jeff Hardy: billed at 225 lbs
John Morrison: billed at 219 lbs
Santino Marella: billed at 227 lbs
CM Punk: billed at 222 lbs
Chris Jericho: billed at 226 lbs
None of these guys are even close to the weights they are billed at.
Alex2 said on 31/Aug/08
Ola, yea I remember they used to but today I wouldnt say they do. I cant think of anyone that isnt close to their weight listing accept Brian Kendrick who is listed 184 lbs who looks 160lbs tops to me.
Alex2 said on 30/Aug/08
Ola says on 28/Aug/08
Steve if you really believe that a BILLED 303 lbs wrestler weighed 300 then its your problem! If hogan was even CLOSE to 300 lbs irl then he would have been listed as 350 to say atleast
Not always, WWE actually arnet that far of with Weight, its the Height they inflate.
Clay said on 28/Aug/08
Thats a rare occurance of a 50 pound inflation for the billing.
Anonymous said on 26/Aug/08
Hogan was 6'5+ maybe 6'5.5 and logically/normally rounded up to 6'6. Just like now he is 6'3+ maybe 6'3.5 and would round up to 6'4. Most guys who are just over a certain height are going to round up to the next inch. I just can't go up to a legit barefoot 6'6 for Hogan because he was just to much shorter than a weatherd 6'7-6'8 NFL legit Ben Davidson. But he was in the neighborhood and was no less than a solid 6'5. Davidson was put at 6'8 about 75% of the time and 6'7 about 25% of the time which means he was a big 6'7, probably 6'7.75 and after being retired for about 12+ years could have easily been down to about 6'7.5 Davidson had a clear cut 2 inches on Hogan, no less.
Clay said on 26/Aug/08
Hulk has lost both height and size and TODAY he looks to be 275-280 (straight from the mans mouth: 'Im 6 foot 5 285'...year 2007).
Halb said on 26/Aug/08
Even if you only think that Hogan was 6'4
Chaz said on 25/Aug/08
Ola your are mistaking muscle and size for weight,Arnold Schwarzenegger was every bit as big in size as Batista in the 1970s in fact his arms and chest were Bigger,22''and 58'',but his top weight was only 255lbs.It,s bulk that makes you heavy,muscle and fat,If Arnold had bulk up say take he's fat up to 15+% he would have been 300lbs,and if you want to see what that looks like look at the WCW fights of 6'2.5'' 335lbs Bill Kazmaier.
Clay said on 24/Aug/08
Batista looked 290-300 in his first years in WWE. Ola Hogan in his day was about 3 inches taller than the Batista of now. He was surely 300+ legit.
Red said on 24/Aug/08
I see Hogan at arround 310 lbs peak during the eighties, he wasn
Viper said on 23/Aug/08
"6'3 3/4 barefoot measured dwayne wade and snoop, maybe wade lost 5 inches in height since the draft lol, its the only logical explanation"
6-2 Kerry Rhodes is taller than Dwayne Wade as well.
Click Here
Chaz said on 22/Aug/08
Ola,your weight estemates are way out,i was over 250lbs 10 years ago when i was in heavy training,and I was no Hulk Hogan,180cm(morning)not 6'5''+Hogan must of been over 300lbs in the 1980s,
Anonymous said on 21/Aug/08
Hogan was 6'5.5 1978, 6'4.5 halfway through 1993, 6'3.5 today. Give or take 0.25 inch on all. Realistic 1.5-2.5 inch loss, age 25 to 55.
Big Show said on 21/Aug/08
Click HereHas anyone ever seen some recent pics of Randy Savage. He looks like Santa Claus these days.
miko said on 21/Aug/08
I don't care if Hogan was 150 lbs, he was still 6"5+ and thats all that matters.
Big Show said on 21/Aug/08
Ola says on 20/Aug/08
the wrestler in china olympics jalmar sj
Lawrence said on 21/Aug/08
Ola,you are forgeting one thing, when you talk about weight in the good old days,Dianabol,deca,Anadrol,Test,I will say no more.
Red said on 21/Aug/08
general93 says on 20/Aug/08
yeah the pic at the top wud give hogan 6'7" hogon today is about 6'4"
The pic at the top sucks because Greg never proved his height - Greg looks like a 5
Clay said on 20/Aug/08
Snoop Dogg has looked as high as 6'6'' and as low as 6'2'', lol.
general93 said on 20/Aug/08
yeah the pic at the top wud give hogan 6'7" hogon today is about 6'4"
Red said on 20/Aug/08
Hogan lost 2 inches for sure, I give him a peak 6
Anonymous said on 20/Aug/08
Hogan and Taker first stared down at Saturday Nights Main Event. Taker looked 3 inches taller.
Alex2 said on 19/Aug/08
Thanks Tuga and Clay, Also In my video I posted on Taker's page, Taker has 1 foot easily on 5'9" minimum Teddy Long.
tuga said on 19/Aug/08
Click HereNot the best to judge but in your pic there
Alex2 said on 19/Aug/08
Im not suprised Hogans lost so much height, he has like fake knees, fake hips etc, such a shame really.
Alex2 said on 19/Aug/08
Snoop is 6'3.5-6'4" Danimal.
Vegas said on 19/Aug/08
6'3 3/4 barefoot measured dwayne wade and snoop, maybe wade lost 5 inches in height since the draft lol, its the only logical explanation
Click Here
Danimal said on 18/Aug/08
tuga says on 14/Aug/08
Ok, so this is hogan and inoki yearsssss ago:
Click Here
This inoki and hogan now: (don
tuga said on 18/Aug/08
Take a look at taker
Clay said on 18/Aug/08
Red Hogan was 6'6'' then AND he wore lifts. Peak Taker was definitely 6'8/6'8.5.
Alex2 said on 18/Aug/08
You know from all of Sid's staredowns ive seen, He doesnt even stand completely straight, his legs are spread apart, I think Sid could have actually been a weak/legit 6'8" guy.
Lawrence said on 18/Aug/08
Mark Henry is not over 6'1''he was nowhere nere as tall as Zydrunas Savickas who is 6'3''when Henry was the ref in the 2004 Arnold strong man classic,and he was no taller than Arnold when he won it and picked up the trophy,he's not being under billed the others are being over billed,It's like all that take up wrestling they grow 2''over night.
Red said on 18/Aug/08
Great pic JT!
Peak Taker looks 2" - 2.25" taller than 1992Hogan. I don
Alex2 said on 17/Aug/08
I think Batista is a legit 6'3" or better, last night on ECW Henry actually had 2" on 6'0.5" Matt Hardy in a backstage segment. Matt claims 6'0.5" I believe that.
Ghost said on 17/Aug/08
I remember Henry being an inch shorter than Batista, who is just under 6'3, making Henry just under 6'2.
Cobra said on 16/Aug/08
Mark henry got described as 6ft3 as well. Maybe a measurement with shoes one? But I would say Henry is more 6ft1,5 to 6ft2 flat.
Clay said on 16/Aug/08
Yeah Henry is a rare case of being underbilled like Christian, Spike Dudley and a couple others. I would bet on him being his 6'3'' listed in weightlifting over 6'1'', although he is probably 6'2''.
lawrence said on 16/Aug/08
Ionki was the at least the same height as Ali in 1975,go on youtube and see the fight,at the end when thay hug,or the press conferance,Ionki may be 6'1''now he's over 60,but he was mostly billed as 190cm.and Ali and Ionki were both billed at 6'3''for the fight.
Ghost said on 15/Aug/08
The fact is Vader and
Mark Henry were very colse in height. Van anybody find the picture?
Henry is atleast 6'1 and Vader atleast 6'2.
Alex2 said on 15/Aug/08
Ola says on 15/Aug/08
Viper, mark henry was the same height as vader. Henry is more like 6'2 atleast very close to it
Agreed, thankyou thats very true :) Dont understand why WWE billed him 6'1" and Batista 6'6" when they are very close in height lol, Viper thats rediculous hes over 6'1" he was listed 6'3" in Weightlifting.
Frank said on 15/Aug/08
Inoki was shorter than Ali and i read Inoki was listed @ 6ft 1 but could have been 6ft ??
tuga said on 15/Aug/08
Ghost says on 15/Aug/08
c'mon, in that first picture Hogan is alot closer to the camera. Let's not be desperate.
Click HereIs hogan a lot closer to the camera the whole match???
Hogan TOWERED inoki.
miko said on 15/Aug/08
The Inoki photos show a clearer than clear height loss. It's so obvious the guy has lost well over 1" from his peak.
Viper said on 15/Aug/08
I even have my doubts on Henry being a full 6-1. He might be more 6-0 1/2. No way is he taller than his listed 6-1 height.
Ghost said on 15/Aug/08
c'mon, in that first picture Hogan is alot closer to the camera. Let's not be desperate.
Viper said on 15/Aug/08
Isnt that
Mark Henry in the video next to Rock? Rock only looks an inch taller than 6-1 listed
Mark Henry.
tuga said on 14/Aug/08
Ok, so this is hogan and inoki yearsssss ago:
Click HereThis inoki and hogan now: (don
Big Show said on 14/Aug/08
Not sure if these pics have been posted here before as they're over 1 year old.
Here's a 2007 pic of Hogan & Rodman. I don't see much height difference compared to 10 years before. If anything, Hogan looks taller here. It's unclear what type of footwear both were wearing, but my guess is both were in sneakers.
Click HereHere's a pic of Hogan & Snoop Dogg from 2007.
Click HereBoth have a slight lean, but Hogan looks to be leaning a little bit more. Not sure about Snoop Dogg's footwear there, but Hogan is in sneakers.
Does anyone have any good pics of Hogan & Inoki from 2007. I saw some on that photodatabase beginning with a W, but they're too small to make any judgments on their height difference.
Alex2 said on 14/Aug/08
Danimal says on 13/Aug/08
Ola says on 12/Aug/08
Danimal i dont buy those weight claims in hogans book. he never looked above 300 just compare him to batista, hogan had thin legs and he wasnt big as batista at the shoulders either. batista at his heaviest was easly 20 lbs heavier than hogan at his heaviest - if not more.
Alex no way, bundy wasnt even close to any 6'4! MAYBE 6'2 1/2 - 3/4
Snuka III said on 13/Aug/08
10 years ago hogan was shrinking haha. he was 6 foot 8 at his peak height. he is more like 6 foot 4 now
Rikashiku said on 13/Aug/08
Godfather by 2-3 inches.
but like i say every post.
all Wrestelrs wear them. all of them are different than others.
Danimal said on 13/Aug/08
Ola says on 12/Aug/08
Danimal i dont buy those weight claims in hogans book. he never looked above 300 just compare him to batista, hogan had thin legs and he wasnt big as batista at the shoulders either. batista at his heaviest was easly 20 lbs heavier than hogan at his heaviest - if not more.
Alex no way, bundy wasnt even close to any 6'4! MAYBE 6'2 1/2 - 3/4
Ghost said on 13/Aug/08
I'm just saying Ventura might have actually been closer to 6'2. I remember an interview segment where Zeus almost towered him and Zeus was 6'6 max.
Monsoon could have been close to 6'5 in his early years, but in the 80s he was shorter than Bundy who I believe was max 6'4.. Monsoon also seemed to have 4-5 inches on Bobby Heenan who was 5'10 I believe.
Robby said on 12/Aug/08
U guys watch the video and tell me who is taller Godfather or The Rock
Click Here
Danimal said on 12/Aug/08
GHOST, if Jesse was wearing his infamous high heels and yet was STILL the same height as Monsoon and you give 6'3" for Jesse barefoot, what does that make Monsoon? Minimum 6'4" and imo closer to 6'5" peak, seeing he had AT LEAST 2" on Muhammed Ali in the 1970's.
Danimal said on 12/Aug/08
IT is stated in Hogan's own book that when he first got involved in wrestling in 1975 he weighed 230 pounds soaking wet and the following year one of his old friends saw him and said "what happended Terry?". He supposedly went up to 295 pounds in a year and then continued to gain weight and hovered between 320-330 pounds until he left the WWF to wrestle in Japan. Upon his return (1983) he was down to 305-310 pounds and maintained that weight until the late 80's.
TELLEM said on 12/Aug/08
Ghost monsoon was much taller tahn vader...watch that vid with him and vader again...monsoon was mostly slouching but he was atleast 2 inches taller than vader...
Alex2 said on 12/Aug/08
God why do people not think Bundy was 6'4" He was EASILY a legit 6'4" END OF STORY!
Derek said on 12/Aug/08
Ghost- Monsoon was still taller than Vader, even in 1996.
Red said on 12/Aug/08
I see Charles at 6
Ghost said on 12/Aug/08
Danimal says,
WRONG. Hogan had 2" on Ventura in 1981-1982 (it's on youtube). Ventura was NO LESS than 6'3". Monsoon was minimum 6'4", seeing Jesse was the same height as Monsoon when in HEELS and King Kong Bundy was 6'4". SO THERE!!!!
Oh, please... WRONG!!! Please try to act your age.
Hogan 2 inches shorter than Ventura? Why not. Hogan 6'5 and Ventura 6'3 MAX.
Vader was in my view around 6'2-6'2,5, since he looked no taller than
Mark Henry and Monsoon was the same height as him in the 90s. He could have been 6'3 in the 80s but no more and he was also shorter than Bundy.
Steve said on 12/Aug/08
Hulk Hogans weight was easily true, who ever questions Hulks weight whether in prime or out needs to go back to school. 303lbs for Hogan in his prime is not that much for a guy who was around 6'5 and had the bulk he has. I'm 6'2 and about 260lbs and I can tell you I look alot smaller than Hogan. He had a lot of muscle as well as fat covering it. He was no bodybuilder who was ripped to shreds with little bodyfat.
Red said on 12/Aug/08
Ola says on 11/Aug/08
...he has almost a 2 inches footwear advantage over undertaker...
Steve said on 11/Aug/08
Ola some of your heights are not far off at all, but you need to add around 2 inches to a few of them...
Danimal said on 11/Aug/08
Ghost says on 10/Aug/08
Jesse Ventura certainly wasn't 6'4. He wore big boots and was no taller than Gorilla Monsoon who was max 6'3 in his older days (he was shorter than King Kong Bundy and same height as Vader who was probably under 6'3, since he looked very close in height with
Mark Henry.)
And Big John Studd is now 6'7 minimum? More like 6'6 max. He was no taller than OMG. Explain his staredown with Bill Fralic.
Some PEAK heights in my opinion
Andre 6'11,5
Hogan 6'5
Studd 6'6
Bundy 6'3,5
Monsoon 6'4
One man gang 6'6
Vader 6'2,5
WRONG. Hogan had 2" on Ventura in 1981-1982 (it's on youtube). Ventura was NO LESS than 6'3". Monsoon was minimum 6'4", seeing Jesse was the same height as Monsoon when in HEELS and King Kong Bundy was 6'4". SO THERE!!!!
Danimal said on 11/Aug/08
Ghost says on 10/Aug/08
Jesse Ventura certainly wasn't 6'4. He wore big boots and was no taller than Gorilla Monsoon who was max 6'3 in his older days (he was shorter than King Kong Bundy and same height as Vader who was probably under 6'3, since he looked very close in height with
Mark Henry.)
And Big John Studd is now 6'7 minimum? More like 6'6 max. He was no taller than OMG. Explain his staredown with Bill Fralic.
Some PEAK heights in my opinion
Andre 6'11,5
Hogan 6'5
Studd 6'6
Bundy 6'3,5
Monsoon 6'4
One man gang 6'6
Vader 6'2,5
WRONG. Hogan had 2" on Ventura in 1981-1982 (it's on youtube). Ventura was NO LESS than 6'3". Monsoon was minimum 6'4", seeing Jesse was the same height as Monsoon when in HEELS and King Kong Bundy was 6'4". SO THERE!!!!
Danimal said on 11/Aug/08
TELLEM says on 9/Aug/08
why would hogan lose height after 1989? he was STILL in his 30s lol
Kid, you haven't been on here long enough to realize that Hogan has been quoted in a 1993-1994 magazine (promoting a movie) that he lost 1 1/4" in 1990 from a back surgery.
Robby said on 11/Aug/08
Alex you have to take in consideration that Ola thought the 6'3" Will Ferrell is 5'11". Ola you need pay attention to what I said. I said Godfather is no less then 6'4". I cant even buy 6'3.5". Minimum 6'4" max 6'5". you said he is 4" smaller then Taker. Taker=6'8"-4" = 6'4". as far as you saying the footwear advantage I watched the match between Taker and Shango and I would say Taker had soles that were 1" and Shango had 2" soles. in the pic Taker looks to be 3" taller and Shango barefoot would be 4" shorter. also Shango was bald. he would look even taller if he was the Godfather with the braids. so I say Shango is a strong 6'4". its funny on WWF TV back in the day. the announcers had Shango at 6'8" 330( we all know that Wrestling and Sports exaggerate on heights) and then in Sega Genesis Royal Rumble video game he was listed at 6'5" 330. which is believable. same thing with Kane being listed at 7' on tv and magazines and then in the video game WWF Warzone he was listed at 6'9"
Halb said on 11/Aug/08
"Halb, no he didnt. not even 300 lbs 19 times"
I watched it on Primetime. Now you might say that some were false weights. But I doubt it. The bar was bending and he said he could do 20. He failed, but got 19, Slick said he had a cold:D
miko said on 11/Aug/08
All this talk about guys having 2" footwear advantage IN the ring is rubbish.
The average guy wrestling will have about 1.5" of heel. I seriously doubt any of these guys would walk around let alone wrestle in 3.5" heels.
The absolute maximum a wrestler could have in footwear advantage is an inch, otherwise there would be a lot of broken ankles.
Alex2 said on 11/Aug/08
I see around 3" between Papa Shango and Undertaker, myabe Shango wore lifts.
Ola says on 10/Aug/08
Some PEAK heights in my opinion
Andre 6'9 3/4
Hogan 6'4
Studd 6'5
Bundy 6'2 1/2
Monsoon 6'3 1/2
One man gang 6'4 3/4
Vader 6'2
Ventura 6'2
WRONG on ALL occasions! That list is laughable!
Robby said on 11/Aug/08
The Godfather has to be no less then 6'4" he measured very well against the Undertaker when he was Papa Shango. I believe Taker to be 6'8" at his peak.
Click Here in this article is more information about the godfather talking about his height and how he got into the wrestling business. he says he is 6'5".
Click Here
Halb said on 10/Aug/08
Warlord benched 500 19 times on PrimeTime, I can believe Hogan could do 2 at 550.
Red said on 10/Aug/08
Prime Hogan could press 500+ for sure
Lawrence said on 10/Aug/08
I don't like to agree with Ola,but I don't think Hogan could bench 550lbs for reps,he did not have the build to be a good bencher,long arms no lats pore pecs,not meny powerlifters in the 1980s could bench over 550 for one rep,more like 450lbs for reps.
Alex2 said on 10/Aug/08
Since when was OMG MAX 6'6"? More like MIN 6'6"!
Steve said on 10/Aug/08
Hogans could bench 550 legit, believe it or not, he was a very big and strong guy in his prime, full of juice obviously. I have a friend in the states who use to train in a gym hogan went to a few times, this was back in the mid 1980s. He told me that he saw hogan bench 550 for a 'few reps' i dont know how many that is.
I believe my friend as he isnt into heights/strength or any records.
Ghost said on 10/Aug/08
Jesse Ventura certainly wasn't 6'4. He wore big boots and was no taller than Gorilla Monsoon who was max 6'3 in his older days (he was shorter than King Kong Bundy and same height as Vader who was probably under 6'3, since he looked very close in height with
Mark Henry.)
And Big John Studd is now 6'7 minimum? More like 6'6 max. He was no taller than OMG. Explain his staredown with Bill Fralic.
Some PEAK heights in my opinion
Andre 6'11,5
Hogan 6'5
Studd 6'6
Bundy 6'3,5
Monsoon 6'4
One man gang 6'6
Vader 6'2,5
TELLEM said on 9/Aug/08
why would hogan lose height after 1989? he was STILL in his 30s lol
Halb said on 9/Aug/08
Never heard of the 555 claim, but I could well believe it.
Derek said on 9/Aug/08
Ola says on 9/Aug/08
"Dan, do you know what hogan's LEGIT bench press was? i would bet my money at around 400 or just over, i dont believe the 555 claim."
I know NBA player Ben Wallace maxed out at 420, so Hogan had to have been able to do more than that. He bodyslammed Andre the Giant in 1987, who was a good 500 pounds at that point. The 555 may have been exaggerated, but I can believe he was able to do 500 for at least a few reps.
Red said on 9/Aug/08
Danimal, there was no heightloss before 1990. We had enough proof (pic
miko said on 9/Aug/08
I would think Hogan could have bench pressed about 450 at his strongest. Which is still a good weight.
Alex2 said on 9/Aug/08
Ola told me he's 6'1.5" if im correct?
Danimal said on 8/Aug/08
Red says on 8/Aug/08
Hogan was never taller than Tenta! Tenta was measuered at 6
Red said on 8/Aug/08
Hogan was never taller than Tenta! Tenta was measuered at 6
adam said on 8/Aug/08
My dad is 6-1 and saw Hogan in 1986. He said that Hogan looked very tall. At least 6-5, likely 6-6. My dad also said Hogan had a small dick.
Derek said on 7/Aug/08
Hogan- 6'5.25"-6.5.5"
Hillbilly Jim- 6'5"
John Tenta- 6'5.75"
Warrior- 6'2"
Eric said on 7/Aug/08
Hogans was defintely 6'6 in his prime. Hillbilly jim lives in the same town i do and he still looks 6'5. Id say hogan had more than an inch on him. Id say hogan is 6'4 now.
lsu alum said on 7/Aug/08
out of curiosity,ola how tall are you.your always downgrading all these wrestlers.
Alex2 said on 7/Aug/08
Danimal says on 6/Aug/08
Alex2 says on 5/Aug/08
Danimal, do you think Hogan could have been a little over 6'6" prime? Like 6'6.5-6'6.75" since he WAS taller than tenta.
I think he could have been as high as 6'6 1/4". The way I see it, is that Hilbilly Jim was slightly taller than 6'5 3/4" Tenta (on Hibilly's website) and Hogan was about an inch taller than Hilbilly Jim in the 80's, so NO WAY was Hogan only as low as 6'5" in the 1980's. It is just not logical. Today, Hogan is lucky if he is 6'3"-6'3.5" today (compared to how he measures up to Hilbilly Jim in 2004-2005 (again on Hilbilly's website).
Thanks Dan, ill check that out ;)
Red said on 7/Aug/08
miko, right but look careful at Hogan-UT matches, the sole-advantage goes to Taker.
miko said on 7/Aug/08
Click HereHogan looking 3.5" taller. Which puts him at 6"5-6"5.25.
miko said on 7/Aug/08
Hogan had dropped below 6"5 when he fought Warrior, and was 6"4.5, and was still 2.5 - 3" taller than him, which put's Warrior at 6"1.5-6"1.75, which he was at the time.
It's fairly obvious, and I will never claim Hogan was over 6"6 (more likely a 6"5 guy), then again, it's fairly ridiculous to start claiming he was under 6"4 at his peak.
If Hogan was 6"3, he could have not looked 2" shorter than 6"7
Sid Eudy and 6"7.5+ Undertaker! It's impossible gain anything more than 1/2 an inch on others whilst wrestling, so footwear advantage was tiny. (Remember, the other guy's in the ring are wearing boots too!)
miko said on 7/Aug/08
So really, Hogan had just under an inch on Hilbilly at his peak, and Hilbilly was over 6"5 - of course Hogan possibly had footwear advantage, but then again Hilbilly was never barefoot himself - so at most Hogan would have had 0.5" advantage under his feet.
Hogan was taller than Hilbilly at his peak, but whether it was a 1/4 an inch or more I'm not sure.
I do think Hogan was closer to 6"6 than to 6"4 at his tallest.
Vegas said on 7/Aug/08
Ola says on 4/Aug/08
vegas help me find the pic at hillbilly jim gallery when jim has hogan by 2 inches... i cant
he sees 2 inches here
Click Here
Danimal said on 6/Aug/08
Alex2 says on 5/Aug/08
Danimal, do you think Hogan could have been a little over 6'6" prime? Like 6'6.5-6'6.75" since he WAS taller than tenta.
I think he could have been as high as 6'6 1/4". The way I see it, is that Hilbilly Jim was slightly taller than 6'5 3/4" Tenta (on Hibilly's website) and Hogan was about an inch taller than Hilbilly Jim in the 80's, so NO WAY was Hogan only as low as 6'5" in the 1980's. It is just not logical. Today, Hogan is lucky if he is 6'3"-6'3.5" today (compared to how he measures up to Hilbilly Jim in 2004-2005 (again on Hilbilly's website).
JT said on 6/Aug/08
Click HereClick Here (likely cowboy boots for Hogan since the height gap is too much even for Hogan marks)
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick Here(Hogan from 1986 in both)
Alex2 says on 5/Aug/08
Danimal, do you think Hogan could have been a little over 6'6" prime? Like 6'6.5-6'6.75" since he WAS taller than tenta.
Care to post some pics to support this statement?
miko said on 6/Aug/08
I'll try and predict Hogan's height over the last 20 years:
1988: 6"5
1993: 6"4.5
1998: 6"4.25
2003: 6"4
(When Hogan had hip surgeries and other large surgeries)
2008: 6"3.25
This would show that Hogan had lost an inch by the time he was in his late 40's, which is highly possible for a man of his size (on average men lose an inch by the time they are 50). Then after around the year 2000, major surgeries take place, which chop another inch or so off his height.
Chaz said on 6/Aug/08
Big Show,I would say they are about the same height,Brunzell's head looks a little bigger,in the Hogan pic,and Hillbilly gim is not standing upright,
Big Show said on 6/Aug/08
If you take Jim Brunzell as a reference Hogan edges out Hillbilly Jim a little bit.
Click HereClick HereClick HereIn the pics at Hillbilly Jim's site we don't see Hogan's footwear and we all know he loved to wear cowboy boots. In the picture with Jim Brunzell we can't see his footwear either, but we can see he's in wrestling gear, so he's not wearing cowboy boots there.
Anonymous said on 5/Aug/08
No way was hogan 2 inches taller than the rock, they had stairdowns galore, they were the exact same height to a tea. That would mean a 6'3 Hogan cb2978.
Alex2 said on 5/Aug/08
Danimal, do you think Hogan could have been a little over 6'6" prime? Like 6'6.5-6'6.75" since he WAS taller than tenta.
Clay said on 5/Aug/08
Yeah a lot of posters have some sort of vendetta out to get Hogan. I dont think he would tell that big of a fib unless he really did lose some height after surgery! I think 6'6'' peak and 6'3.5/6'4 today.
marlins3 said on 5/Aug/08
I do believe he was 6'6" to 6'7 " in his prime. I also believe 100% he lost 3" from surgeries. wrestler Superstar Billy Graham was a legit 6'4" in his prime and now is about 6'0" due to double hip replacement surgery.
Danimal said on 4/Aug/08
miko says on 4/Aug/08
Hogan was still in good condition until about 2000 onwards, it's only in the last 8-9 years or so that any height loss has been noticeable (co-inciding with the bigger surgeries he has had).
DEAD ON MIKO. I can't agree enough with that statement. I remember watching the very last days of WCW with Hogan in 2000 and he still looked long (tall) and healthy and then I saw him 2 years later when he came back to the WWE and I was like WTF!! He totally looked like he was physically compressed (he was noticeably shorter than only 2 years before and it showed when he stood next to 5'11"-6'3" men and looked barely taller then them, when only a couple years earlier he actually looked like a tall man. In 2002 his neck was shorter and his lower body looked strange (hip replacement/knee replacement). Since 2002, he seems to have gotten even worse.
miko said on 4/Aug/08
Hogan was still in good condition until about 2000 onwards, it's only in the last 8-9 years or so that any height loss has been noticeable (co-inciding with the bigger surgeries he has had).
Hogan still looked a strong 6"4 (6"4.5) guy in the mid nineties, but from 2000 onwards he slowly approached and possibly dropped slightly below 6"4 (6"3.75). Although when standing straight he still can pass for 6"4.
Danimal said on 4/Aug/08
For crying out loud....VEGAS has always been biased when it comes to Hogan. Go to Hilbilly Jim's web site. Hogan had him by 1" in both pics from the 80's and Hilbilly has Hogan by at least 2" circa 2004-2005. The pics are there for ALL to see!!!!!!!!!!!
tuga said on 4/Aug/08
Ok Vegas, how tall do you think hogan is/was?
I agree hogan is still 6'4 today when he adopts good posture, he has lost height, up to max 2 inches if he was a full 6'6 peak, if he wasn
cb.2978 said on 3/Aug/08
In th picture Hulk looks at least five inchs taller then the 6ft 0.5 Greg.I have watched all hulks matchs he was 6'5 to 6'7 back in th 80's and 6'4 to6'5 now.Look at his match with the Rock the Rock is 6'3 and the Hulk had about two inchs on him.That would be 6'5 do the math!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rikashiku said on 3/Aug/08
Yea i remember a guy saying he was 6'5, saw Hogan pass him and said he was taller than hogan.
this is impossible since the padding adds 2-3 inches for the people walking on it and then there are the boots which ar 1-2 inches thicker.
so if Hogan is 6'3.5, add 2 inches of padding and 1 inch from the boots he'd be 6'6.
and about the 100 surgeries thing.
i didnt mean hogan. another guy said some dude had 100 surgeries and is still tall and alive.
i doubt that, he should be dead or disabled.
Alex2 said on 3/Aug/08
Wasnt Hasselhoff 6'5" peak?
JT said on 3/Aug/08
Tenta was not shorter than HBJ
Click Here Plus, we can
Danimal said on 3/Aug/08
Legit 6'4" David Hasselholf is taller than Hogan today. Hogan was taller than Hilbilly gym who was taller than 6'5 3/4" Earthquake. You do the math. If you are too lazy, go to Hilbilly Jim's website. Check out Hogan next to him in 1985 and 1989, where he was a good inch taller than him and then check them standing next to each other in 2004-2005 and see how Hogan is at least 2" shorter than him. 1" height loss is B.S. Hogan had 4-5" on Vince McMahon 28 years ago and had about 1" on him in 2002-2005. Hogan had at least 4" on Ed Leslie in the 1970's/1980's and is the same height as him today. 1" height loss is B.S.
Anonymous said on 2/Aug/08
I still can't get over how Bill Fralic sized up with big john studd. He is almost the same height, he is less than 1 inch shorter, Fralic was listed by the NFL as 6'5 And studd was getting 6'11 Hogan was having matches with studd at that exact same time in the mid 80's and he did not size up as well with studd. Studd was getting 6'11-6'10 and hogan was getting 6'8-6'7 which seemed right at the time because studd was 2-3 inches taller than hogan. Whatever Fralic's true height was it was at least an 1.50 inches more than hogan, I have always been the first one to say that Hogan must have been at least 6'5.75 in his prime, but that video makes me think he was way less, the only thing that would make a little sense would be if Fralic was 6'6 and that would at least maybe give hogan 6'4.50. I saw a pic of Fralic with HBJ who is always put at 6'5.50 and he is at least as tall and thats including HBJ FRIZZED out hair, pics with hogan and HBJ show about the same thing. I'll give Legit heights of 6'5.75 for Fralic 6'4.50 for Hogan and 6'4 for HBJ without the finger in the light socket hair.
tuga said on 2/Aug/08
Ola says on 2/Aug/08
tuga haha you prefer THAT pic instead of the pics i posted?! in your pic gene is much closer to the camera
No more closer than in your 1985 pic...you
Robby said on 1/Aug/08
Ola your pics from 1986 is actually from 1992.1986 and 1992 are the same interview. Hogan had that shirt in 1992. watch the 1992 Royal Rumble when Hogan came in and eliminated Undertaker and Berzerker. Mean Gene has less hair in your "1986" pic then he does in 1987 and 1990.
tuga said on 1/Aug/08
What nice pics Ola!
I also have nice pics:
Click HereDo the lines thing with the 1985 pic you have, in both they are POSING to the camera.
Lets not forget mean gene IS NOT at his peak anymore also...
Proof Ola?? where have you been?? I won
Derek said on 31/Jul/08
Ola- Hogan was slammed on his back on a daily basis for about 20 years and then some after that. I'm willing to bet he's wearing lifts or standing on something in the later interviews with Gene Okerlund. Danimal is right, you're a
troll, now get lost.
Lebowski said on 31/Jul/08
I find it hard to believe that hogan has lost 2 - 3 inches either, but all the pics that have been posted here do actually proof it. Hogan was AT least as tall as Tiny Lister (I'd even say .5 to 1" taller than him, as seen in the staredown when they are the same height, but Lister wears heels on his boots). Lister was at least as tall as Ralph M
Danimal said on 30/Jul/08
Ola says on 30/Jul/08
Most af hogans so called surgeries was scripted, and some were excuses. FOR SURE he didnt lose almost any height at all from the very few he had! and he couldnt lose much heigh couse of age either... so i rest my case! he didnt even lose 1 full inch. PEAK 6'3 3/4 and today 6'3 1/4 sounds good. thats a half inch, i dont believe he lost anymore than that! (no one should) since its impossible
miko said on 30/Jul/08
Hogan didn't lose all of his height through surgeries, he lost most of it due to terrible posture, the guy is basically bent forwards! He can't straighten himself out - just look at his knees.
Peak 6"5.5
Today with surgeries 6"3.5 (+ poor posture 6"3)
Rikashiku said on 30/Jul/08
Science isn't always right. theres theory and then theres experience.
and i didnt mean Hogan having 100 surgeries someone below my comment said some dude had 100 surgeries and is still tall and alive.
you have to agree he shouldnt be alive mate.
But it is true that some men over 6'2 can lose height at a early age. some men have even lost height in their twenties.
this just goes to show that not everyone is the same.
and now back to Hogan. i remember a guy saying he himself was 6'5 and saw hogan walking by him at summerslam. this is obviously false.
because hogan would be wearing his big shoes and the padding around the ring and the concrete behind the barracade give an advantage to the wrestlers when they walk by. making it seem like people around the wrestlers are almost 5'0.
the height difference with the padding and concrete is 3 inches.
Danimal said on 29/Jul/08
Rikashiku says on 29/Jul/08
wtf if that guy had 100 surgeries then he shouldnt be alive no matter what. he shouldnt have legs or arms or a neck.
all men. and i do mean all men will begin to lose height pass the age of 35. this rule especially applies to men over the height of 6'2 and men who suffer stress and high blood pressure.
by 50-60 a man would have lost between 2-4 inches in height yes this is possible.
The scientific evidence points towards a loss of 1 1/4" for men by age 70 and 2" for women by age 70. As each passing decade men and women alike loose another full inch per decade. Your 2-4" height loss by 50-60 is absurd and has NO scientific basis towards it. Furthermore, Hogan has not had 100's of surgeries. Another extreme exageration from you. He has had a few back surgeries, a few knee replacements, an entire hip replacement and a neck fusion. There is a reason the man doesn't wrestle anylonger and walks as though he were a zombie and of course has appeared to have lost a solid 2.5-3" of height since 1990 and no, I have not even accounted his age into the equation.
Rikashiku said on 29/Jul/08
wtf if that guy had 100 surgeries then he shouldnt be alive no matter what. he shouldnt have legs or arms or a neck.
all men. and i do mean all men will begin to lose height pass the age of 35. this rule especially applies to men over the height of 6'2 and men who suffer stress and high blood pressure.
by 50-60 a man would have lost between 2-4 inches in height yes this is possible.
Danimal said on 29/Jul/08
Vegas says on 28/Jul/08
moeller describes himself as 196cm on his official website Click Here
196cm = 6'5.2, which is what he looked next to lister who himself is given as 6'5 on his site Click Here
Well, that is what he may officially be today, but I have muscle and fitness and FLEX magazines dating back to 1981 where he had competed in many competitions dating back as early as 1982 where he had been described as 6'6", 6'7" and 6'8". IFBB is not the WWE. Anyways, he must be older now and surely has dipped below 6'6" if he is claiming his current height to be 6'5.2"
Derek said on 29/Jul/08
Ola says on 28/Jul/08
"Derek and mike, so only WRESTLERS lose several inches? lol when will you guys wake up and realize that the wwf was/is a world of lies?! ppl realize how short they really is, and thats where the excuses comes in the picture, like excuses?
swedish former nhl player borje salming havent even lost a TAD! he is 56-57 yrs old and still 186 cm today like he was when he played. and he have had well over 100(!) surgeries all over his body! now compare that to hogan(3 surgeries?) you dont lose height couse of surgeries! thats a stupid excuse"
If you were slammed on your back day in and day out for 20+ years, you are going to lose height. That hockey player was not slammed on his back daily for 20 years and I'm willing to bet most of his surgeries were not on his neck or back.
Bj25492008 said on 28/Jul/08
I don't understand why the Hulk thinks his daughter is 6 foot when she obviously isn't. He towers over her so much, so you would think he'd downgrade her and not upgrade her.
Anonymous said on 28/Jul/08
Hogan gets slighted on this site, he might have schrunk up to about 6'3.75 in his old age but back in the 70's he must have been about 6'6. he was about the same height as tiny lister in the late 80's and that's tall, Lister was about the same height as ralph moeller who is always put between 6'5+ and 6'7 so I can't see how a about 1978 Hogan (25yr old) would not be all but 6'6. To many people try to judge a guy's height in there old age and not there prime, I see on the Burt Reynolds sight where people are looking at a recent pic of him and saying he does not look as tall as he has said, the man is like 83yr old. he was 25 in like 1950.
tuga said on 28/Jul/08
Moeller is no taller than tiny lister as seen in the picure they
Lebowski said on 28/Jul/08
Ola = Troll!!!
Vegas said on 28/Jul/08
moeller describes himself as 196cm on his official website
Click Here196cm = 6'5.2, which is what he looked next to lister who himself is given as 6'5 on his site
Click Here
Danimal said on 28/Jul/08
Sorry, but Ralph Moeller was nothing under 6'6" and most likely taller. In bodybuilding he had a 6'8" height listing. 6'5.5" is just too low for him.
Peak Hogan - 6'5.5"-6'6"
Current Hogan - 6'3"-6'3.5"
miko said on 27/Jul/08
Ola most people have lost some height by the time they are 50. Rob will clarify this, some people lose millimeters, some lose a couple of centimeters.
Hogan's surgeries and years of wrestling have worn his body down, combine this with his terrible posture (basically bent forwards), and 2 inches isn't as huge a loss as it sounds.
I can easily go from 6"0 to 5"10 by bending my knees slightly, and leaning forwards.
I remember that Hogan recently looked within 6-7 inches of the 7"1 Great Khali in a staredown, that would have put Hogan around 6"5. He obviously isn't that tall nowadays, but he was standing fully straight (for once) - and looked tall.
Derek said on 27/Jul/08
Ola says on 27/Jul/08
"No one in his 50's is losing 2 inches. peak 6'3 3/4 - 6'4 and today 6'3 or a tad over"
If you were constantly getting slammed on your back and having countless surgeries, you'd lose 2 inches as well.
Derek said on 26/Jul/08
miko says on 26/Jul/08
"Simple facts, 6"5.5 peak, around 6"3.5 today".
Peak height, I agree with. I think his current height is a bit lower, more towards a flat 6'3".
miko said on 26/Jul/08
Simple facts, 6"5.5 peak, around 6"3.5 today.
tuga said on 26/Jul/08
Ola, all you saw was lister in plataform boots!! What DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND???
Terrible angle? WHAT? Lister not having plataform boots that
Lawrence said on 25/Jul/08
I think Danimal and Viper are spot on here,Lou Was 6,4.5''peak,and both Hogan and Lou are 6'3'' now,but I belive Hogan was 6'5.5''peak,and Vagas is right,hogan may not have had the chest or pecs,of Ferrigno,but he was at least 300lbs in the 1980s,and we all know what he was taking then like most others then.
tuga said on 25/Jul/08
Ola, you just don
Frank said on 25/Jul/08
Mark, Hogan wears a Cross and he is Italian and something else he said it on a show one time but i forgot the what he said
Viper said on 24/Jul/08
Ferrigno physically looked 6-4 1/2 at least in Pumping Iron. Wearing street clothes and shoes. Look how tall he looks at the beginning of this video on the escalator.
Click Here Really cool video btw.
I think both Ferrigno and Hulk are actually the same height today. Both being 6-3 at best.
Mark Goldman said on 24/Jul/08
I have always wondered this; is Hogan jewish?
Real name Terry Gene Bollea.
I suspect he is. Because Nick definately has those facial features.
I know so many pro wrestlers though. Arabs love wrestling in general, and even more so when it's glamorized as it is.
Danimal said on 24/Jul/08
Ferrigno was measured and weighed in 1994 (just before the Masters). He was 42-43 years old. His stats for the show was slightly over 6'4" and weighing 298 pounds (down from 325 from the previous year). I had the article in Muscle and Fitness in 1994. Was that his PEAK height? It was probably the 6'4.5" he claimed and that was rounded to 6'5". SO, if he was slightly over 6'4" in his early 40's, which I believe he was (seeing he had a clear 2-3" barefeet on the 6'1"-6'2" Paul Dilett at the 1993 Mr. Olympia), the question is, HOW MUCH has he shrunk since 1994 (14 years)? I say he is still over 6'3", but by how much?
Anonymous said on 23/Jul/08
The co-star with Hogan in Thunder in Paridise was Chris Lemon who is said to be 6'2-6'3. If thats true Hogan was a good 2 inches taller than him but no more than that. Making him 6'4-6'5 at most in the early to mid 90's. So maybe 6'5.75 late 70's for Hogan.
Anonymous said on 23/Jul/08
What the photos show is that they are the same height. In a couple of them Hogan likes like he is a half inch taller and in a couple Lou looks a half inch taller.
tuga said on 23/Jul/08
Ola, fact for fictions? Are you serious? You claim hogan shorter than ferrigno but hogan is even taller TODAY.
Your 6'4 claim for a peak hogan is way off, if you bothered to check all the evidence here there is more than enough proof that a peak hogan was not below 6'5, NO WAY, the FACTUAL discussion is if he was 6'6.
Anybody that went to lundgreen
JT said on 23/Jul/08
There's a slight camera tilt in your pic Ola (look at the "E" symbol). Hogan is clearly taller with the tilt eliminated.
Click Here Another decent camera angle with Ferrigno.
Click Here Hogan clearly looks taller though we can't see the footwear. Hogan looked to have normal dress shoes on with Stacey Kiebler (~ 5'11") in heels and he somehow towered over her. I still think he could be around 6'4" today unless he's wearing lifts.
Big Show said on 23/Jul/08
Click HereHere's a video of Hulk returning to the WWF in 1993. He has cowboy boots on and being interviewed by Vince McMahon in the middle of the ring. Depending on the camera angle, the difference can look from 1 inch up to 4 inches, but I'm thinking it's more like 2-3 inches. I believe Hogan had more height on Vince in the 80's, but the difference looks about the same as what it was in 2002.
Frank said on 23/Jul/08
The Black guy on the tv show King of Queens is 6ft 5 (I met Him) And Lou was shorter than him so he is not 6ft 5 and i dont believe he ever was
wolverinejoe80 said on 23/Jul/08
hogan would look bigger than lou in their peak. hogan had way too much fat.
wolverinejoe80 said on 23/Jul/08
lou had about 2-2.5 inches on arnie. lou isn't over 6ft 3.5 IMO.
JT said on 22/Jul/08
Click HereAround 5 years later:
Click HereClick HereHogan had pretty narrow shoulders, unlike guys like Sid, Nash, Lesnar, Warlord, etc., so he never appeared that huge (except his arms). At his peak (steroid) size, he could still probably hold his own mass-wise with most others, including Lou.
miko said on 22/Jul/08
Hogan wasn't as big body wise as Ferrigno - but this site isn't about muscles, simply height - he was, and still is taller.
Probably 1.5" taller in the 80's and perhaps 0.5" nowadays.
To say that Ferrigno is taller than Hogan is pure stupidity.
Steve said on 22/Jul/08
Ola your smokin crack again! Hogan is clearly taller than Lou in every photo out there with the 2 together. They both have dress shoes on, no advantage or disadvantage to either one....the photos are from the 5th Annual Taurus World Stunt Awards on September 25, 2005.
Hogan has about 1 - 1.5 inches on lou, depending on which photo you see. If you look through the many photos they have together from that night, hogan is taller in EVERY photo! Even if Lou was 6'3 in 2005, hogan would be minimum 6'4 - 6'4.5, which i say he is today...no less than a solid 6'4
Hogan was a big man, easily 303lbs as billed in peak condition. Hogan just carried more fat than Lou. Hogan wasnt a bodybuilder, Lou was, that simple. No point comparing the 2 weight wise as they have totally different professions/lifestyles...
Vegas said on 21/Jul/08
hogan was huge back in the 1980s weight wise and to say he wasn't even close to ferrigno would be incorrect imo, hogan certainly wasn't anywhere near as defined or cut and hogans body and ferrignos were completely different so comparisons are pretty pointless; batista 2004 (when he was at his biggest) and ferrigno at 320lb would be a more appropriate comparison, i met batista in person in march of 2004 and he was huge then
hogan was in the ring in 1986 with a bigger man than ferrigno in john studd who was 330lb minimum and hogan didn't look small next to him
tuga said on 21/Jul/08
Ola, hogan got his nickname when they saw him next to ferrigno, have you checked that?
Even in his "thin" wcw days he made shaq look like a toothpic...
Your hate for hogan takes the most out of your credibility, leave it alone.
ernie arfenfarker said on 21/Jul/08
Where did you hear about the planned "Incredible Challenge"???????
Lawrence said on 21/Jul/08
Ola Iv,e never said Hogan was 6'10'',Haystacks was 6'10'',and you are right,Hogan would not dwarf Lou in size he had a 60''chest and real 23''arms,and much less body fat,than Hogan,so that would say to me that Hogan must have been taller on the TV show,for the presenter to have said you are bigger than the Hulk,unless he was in big cowboy boots,and yes Lou was 320lbs in the early 90s,but this was about 1978.
tuga said on 21/Jul/08
LOL Ola...
Take another one:
Click HereWell Ola, for you everybody dwarfs hogan, maybe it is hogan who is hornswaggle
Anonymous said on 21/Jul/08
I don't buy 6'10 Ola but 6'8 yeah why not, peak anyway.
Big Show said on 21/Jul/08
Lawrence says on 20/Jul/08
tuga,you are right,Ali was a big man,and Inoki was just as big,and Lou Ferrigno,was a Very big man,275lbs 6'4.5''in 1978 and it's a fact that Hogan was bigger on the TV show thay where both on,thats how he got the name Hulk,he was about 1 inch taller and 25lbs more in weight(fact)and the only BS on here Ola is a peack 6'3.5''Hogan.
Well if it's a fact that Hogan was bigger on a TV-show you probably won't have any problem by providing the evidence to that so-called fact (i.e. a video of the tv-show itself). As far as I know that so-called fact was mentioned by someone at a wrestling board and after that it has taken a life on it's own. Unless I get to see that program myself, I consider it a urban legend. Looking at The Incredible Hulk where Lou was huge (his bodyfat percentage was a lot more than during his bodybuilding days, so I guess he weighed more than 275 lbs at that point) and I have difficulty believing Hogan to be 'dwarfing' Ferrigno in size.
Ola says on 20/Jul/08
Even a very young and small Lou from the early/mid 70'2 (275 lbs and very thin) would have been almost at the same weight as a PEAK hogan. Lou was 6'4 1/2 peak while hogan was nothing over 6'4
You call 275 lbs very thin, you must be weighin' 500 lbs yourself then. Lou was thin before he started bodybuilding. After that he became a man-mountain. At 275 he dwarfed the competition, but size alone wasn't enough to beat Schwarzenegger who was much more defined than Ferrigno.
Anonymous said on 20/Jul/08
Obviously when Hogan was bigger/taller than Lou way back when he had his boots on. Those pics show that at worst Lou is the same height as Hogan. The boots gave Hogan a couple of inches and most of the time Lou was only about 275-280, so a 300 lb Hogan was a little bigger. Years ago, Lou was about 6'4.75-6'5 and Hogan was 6'5.
Lawrence said on 20/Jul/08
tuga,you are right,Ali was a big man,and Inoki was just as big,and Lou Ferrigno,was a Very big man,275lbs 6'4.5''in 1978 and it's a fact that Hogan was bigger on the TV show thay where both on,thats how he got the name Hulk,he was about 1 inch taller and 25lbs more in weight(fact)and the only BS on here Ola is a peack 6'3.5''Hogan.
miko said on 20/Jul/08
Even in Ola's pics Hogan edges out Ferrigno!
Today a 6"3 Ferrigno and a 6"3.5 Hogan sounds just right.
Sherley Temple said on 19/Jul/08
Hogan clearly has 1" or more on Ferrigno on this picture, and they wear the same kind of footwear!
tuga said on 19/Jul/08
Ola says on 15/Jul/08
Lawrence "we know for a fact Hogan was taller than 6,4.5''Lou Ferrgno?" BS! he wasnt.... ferrigno was always the taller one of the two
As always, Ola, you sure do a lot of research...
Click Here
Sherley Temple said on 19/Jul/08
Hulk Hogan is like half a head taller than Inoki, if this would be only 2.5 inches....well I have not seen yet many guys with 5 inch heads...LOL.
The difference is at least 5 inches, Hogan's head is maybe 2 inches away from the top of the picture, wheras Inoki's head is at least 7 inches away from it!
tuga said on 19/Jul/08
At the end of the match when ali and inoki hug it really seems they
Lawrence said on 16/Jul/08
Inoki,may be 6'1''now hes 65,but he was not 1.5''shorter than Ali in 1975'and 6'5''is the lest I give a peak Hogan,6'7-8'in he's cowboy boots.
Frank said on 15/Jul/08
Hogan does look 6ft 4.5 to 6ft 5 next to Inoki ....Inoki was listed at 6ft 1 and he did look alittle shorter than Ali
Lawrence said on 15/Jul/08
some of you are so desprate,to make a peak Hogan under 6'4''that you will make every one shorter then they are,you show me where Great Antonio is listed under 193cm,and we know for a fact Hogan was taller than 6,4.5''Lou Ferrgno,in 1978,or are you going to say he was only 6'2''.
Anonymous said on 15/Jul/08
Great Antonio wasn't even close 6'4. He was like 2 inches taller than Johnny Carson.
TELLEM said on 14/Jul/08
if scott steiner is 5'11 then samoa joe is 6'0 and christian cage is 6'1.5...i'll buy 5'10 1/2 for steiner now peak 5'11.5-6'0
Big Show said on 14/Jul/08
Anonymous says on 10/Jul/08
Hogan 2 1/2 inches taller than 6'1 inoki makes him 6'3 1/2 haha... like i alaways have said: forget anbything above 6'4!
Click HereHogan is more than 2.5 inches taller than Inoki.
Alex2 said on 13/Jul/08
You know this site would be a much better place if Rob just
Banned Ola...
Anonymous said on 13/Jul/08
Typo problem, "normal 1 7/8 inch down to the 6'3 3/4 he is now"
Anonymous said on 13/Jul/08
Hogan was about at max, 6'5 5/8". At that height he could be about 6'8 in the big cowboy boots, and still lose a normal 1 1/8" down to the 6'3 3/4" I think he is now.
miko said on 13/Jul/08
A 6"3 Inoki would result in a near 6"6 Hogan.
I have always pinned Inoki at about 6"2.25 - a fraction shorter than Ali, which would result in a 6"5 Hogan - which he clearly was.
Big Show said on 13/Jul/08
Anonymous says on 10/Jul/08
Hogan 2 1/2 inches taller than 6'1 inoki makes him 6'3 1/2 haha... like i alaways have said: forget anbything above 6'4!
Click HereHogan has more than 2.5 inches on Inoki.
Derek said on 13/Jul/08
miko says on 11/Jul/08
"I guess in Ola's world Hogan has barely and inch on Hornswoggle."
That made me laugh for some reason lol.
Lawrence said on 12/Jul/08
and if you want more proof that Inoki was 6'3'' here he is fighting 6'3.75'' The Great Antonio which turns into a real fight at the end
Click Here
Frank said on 12/Jul/08
Ali too me lookes taller
miko said on 11/Jul/08
I guess in Ola's world Hogan has barely and inch on Hornswoggle.
Lawrence said on 11/Jul/08
watch this, see the press confrence 1min10 and 1min40 there where both billed for the bout at 6'3'' but Ali was 6'2.5'' and as you can see at best they are both the same hight but Inoki looks at bit taller
Click Here whos laughing now idiot. and here is a 305lbs Hogan and as you can clearly see he is a clear 2-3 inches taller than the 6'3'' Inoki
Click Here
Danimal said on 11/Jul/08
Anonymous says on 10/Jul/08
Hogan 2 1/2 inches taller than 6'1 inoki makes him 6'3 1/2 haha... like i alaways have said: forget anbything above 6'4!
I hate ignorant people and you sir are one of them.
Anonymous said on 10/Jul/08
Hogan 2 1/2 inches taller than 6'1 inoki makes him 6'3 1/2 haha... like i alaways have said: forget anbything above 6'4!
Frank said on 9/Jul/08
Lawrence, Inoki was billed @ 6ft 1 not 6ft 3
Lawrence said on 9/Jul/08
Ola,Hogan was 6'5-6''peak,he had a good 2.5''on 6'3''Antonio Inoki in 1984,and if you dont belive Inoki was 6'3''he was the guy who had a boxing/wrestling bout with Muhammhad Ail who was 100% 6'2.5''and Inoki was a bit taller,look on youtube.and we know he was about 1'' taller then 6'4.5''Lou Ferrigno,cos thats how he got the name Hulk,he was 6'5.5''no less.
Clay said on 9/Jul/08
Ola give it a rest. Flair is in his 60's now he has obviously lost some height due to a lifetime of wrestling, and he is still about 5'11/5'11.5 today. In his day Flair was a smidge over 6'0''. A peaked 6'4'' Hogan is just laughable.
Alex said on 7/Jul/08
Flair may have been 6'0 peak and still he looks a few inches taller than Benoit. Benoit was still an inch shorter than 5'10 Kurt Angle.
Alex said on 6/Jul/08
Chris Benoit is 5'9 at most.
miko said on 5/Jul/08
The absolute lowest within reality I could take would be 6"4.75, but that is pushing it. Ola, Hogan had Flair by about 5 inches at his peak (remember he was always looking down at Flair, with poor posture) - that would make Hogan 6"5 and Flair 6"0 - that seems fair.
I personally feel he was probably 6"5.5 out of bed, and probably hovered around 6"5 during the day.
Nowadays, 6"3.75 out of bed, around 6"3.25 during the day.
That would equal a more realistic height loss of around 1.5 inches.
miko said on 4/Jul/08
I could take a 6"5 peak Hogan, any less is pure stupidity, and we have some stupid people on here.
Some say Hogan was a 6"3 peak, that would have made:
Andre the Giant - 6"7.5 (He was actually 6"10)
Undertaker 6"5 (Was 6"7.5 at the time)
Ric Flair - 5"9 (Was about 6"0.5)
Sid Eudy - 6"5 (Was over 6"7)
Vince McMahon - 5"11 (Was 6"1.5 peak)
Anonymous said on 4/Jul/08
I think those composite pics are accurate. Fralic was a strong 6'5-6'5.5 and Hogan was 6'5-6'5.25. Studd was 6'6-6'6.5
JT said on 3/Jul/08
Click HereClick HereSort of like how Bill Fralic measured up to Studd. I'm not aware of Hogan and Studd ever having a formal stare down.
dblock said on 3/Jul/08
he is atleast 6'5 man if that guy is 6.5 and hogan is like 5 inches taller he is atleast 6 5 not 6 4
Ghost said on 3/Jul/08
I think Benoit might have had a little extra in his oots in WCW. He looked suspiciously taller there than he did later. Anyway it's more like 2 inches between him and gene.
In my view Okerlund was 5'8 in his prime and later went down to 5'7, thus explaining how he always seemed to be the same amount shorter with Hogan.
miko said on 3/Jul/08
6"4 peak is possible for Hulk Ola, if he was measured with his feet cut off from the ankles.
OOFatman said on 2/Jul/08
Ola; if Mean Gene was as short as you say, what does that make Macho Man, 5-10 and change???
Click Here
bangalore said on 2/Jul/08
hulk had a lot f knee and back injuries,.,may b tats y he luk a lil short nw days.
Alex2 said on 1/Jul/08
LOL Hogan used to say 6'7 as his height, I wonder what hed say now? I think he could still be 6'4", Ola he WASNT below 6'5-6'6 at his top peak.
OOFatman said on 30/Jun/08
If Mean Gene is "struggling with 5-6", then Jimmy Hart is only 5-5 TOPS LOL @ Ola!!!!
Anonymous said on 30/Jun/08
If Hogan was willing to let himself get called 6'8 for like 10+ years when he was only about 6'5.50 then his weight must have been way off to. I bet he was like 290 when he was getting all those 302-310 listings.
TELLEM said on 30/Jun/08
ola gene really seemed real close to 5'8 if not 5'8 in the 70s and 80s (AWA) maybe now its laughable but back then wasn't...even in wcw he'd interview wrestlers like eddie guerrero and dean malenko and they were his height
Viper said on 30/Jun/08
Hulk is closer to 6-2 than 6-5 these days. He did look the same height as a 6-2 guy on American Galdiators.
tuga said on 30/Jun/08
Red says on 29/Jun/08
"... Hogan was still 6
Red said on 29/Jun/08
Click Here Hogan looks 2.5-3 inches shorter than 6
Derek said on 28/Jun/08
Viper says on 23/Jun/08
"I would laugh in Hogans face If he told me he was 6-5."
Expect a big boot and a leg drop if you do that lol.
Clay said on 28/Jun/08
Considering on that very same reality show Hogan looked no shorter than 6 inches under Big Show, him saying he's 6'5'' it is a possibility. Highly unlikely, but possible none the less.
Red said on 28/Jun/08
HaHa Danimal
Danimal said on 27/Jun/08
Red says on 26/Jun/08
Anonymous - do you really know how 2.25 inch boots would look like, Hogan was never a good athlete so he could barely walk in them - much less wrestle in it.
And forget the heightloss before 1992! That
Danimal said on 27/Jun/08
Viper says on 23/Jun/08
I would laugh in Hogans face If he told me he was 6-5.
No you wouldn't.
LV said on 26/Jun/08
Nish, I think this is the clip you're referring to (
Click Here). Why would he lie now? He didn't say he was 6'7" or 6'8".
miko said on 26/Jun/08
It would be highly unlikely that any wrestler would be able to wrestle convincingly in much more than 2" boots. Hogan#s boots at his peak would have took him from 6"5.5 to over 6"7 in the ring.
But REMEMBER, other wrestlers wore boots too, so the advantage gained would be smaller. The talk of 3" boots whilst wrestling are absurd, but out of the ring - possible.
Red said on 26/Jun/08
Anonymous - do you really know how 2.25 inch boots would look like, Hogan was never a good athlete so he could barely walk in them - much less wrestle in it.
And forget the heightloss before 1992! That
Anonymous said on 26/Jun/08
Hulk Hogan was 6'5.75 about 315 peak, 1981. 6'4.75 290 midway through, 1992. 6'3.75 275 now. Those are barefoot legit heights, In wrestling they put the big 2.25 inch boots on them and take that height, that's why Hogan got the 6'8 for so long, he was maybe just that in the big boots.
Chief said on 25/Jun/08
That is interesting Frank. That guy who worked at MSG would have an insider advantage to seeing all these wrestlers up close. Years ago I'm sure many would have doubted the words of the security guy due to Hogan's inflated billed height and popularity, but now as time goes on it is more evident that Hogan is not the giant that people were led to believe.
Frank said on 25/Jun/08
Well Chief you might be right because i was talking to a guy who work @ Madison Square Garden and he told me 15 years ago that Hogan was not that tall
and i did not believe him he work Security for MSG
miko said on 25/Jun/08
Rarely - if ever, do we see Hogan stand fully straight, he is always hunched over. See him straight, he looks a lot taller. He could still be close to 6"3.5 at full posture. No doubts he was around 6"5 at his peak, probably 6"5.5.
Chief said on 24/Jun/08
I see things are rather hillarious on this page as usual. I agree Viper. 6'5 is a joke and 285 is just as funny. I just wanted to point out that on a recent American Gladiators show that there was a man competing who was stated as 6'2, a former college football player. I think his name was Landen. Anyway, when he stood next to Hulk Hogan for the interview, Hogan appeared to have nothing on him in height. They looked about the same. I think Landen even almost looked taller at various points. When the camera evened out, they looked about the same in height and the younger man's build looked naturally(key word,lol) more impressive than Hogan's as well and with a bigger frame. It was strange seeing this, but it is just further evidence that Hogan is and was always much shorter than people thought and so are many celebrities and wrestlers that Hogan has worked with. It had been noted that some of the gladiators have dwarfed Hogan. Yet another good point. I know that Hogan's custom cowboy boots among other shoes he has worn in public over the years have given him plenty of lift but his wrestling boots may have given a good deal of lift as well. I am not gonna bother with stating an exact estimate for Hogan's height at this time, but I can barely refer to him as "tall" anymore. I'm not sure how much I'll post here or at all, but it's nice seeing you all here again. Peace.
Chris said on 24/Jun/08
Hahaha Hogan may be close to 6ft5 but he is no way 285 pounds...hahah come on...nowadays he is nothing more than 250
Red said on 24/Jun/08
He could be 6
Viper said on 23/Jun/08
I would laugh in Hogans face If he told me he was 6-5.
Nish said on 23/Jun/08
On an episode of Hogan Knows Best, hogan was hiring a bodyguard for his daughter. Interviewed one who was like 5'9 180 lbs, and he says "I'm six foot five, 285 pounds. do you think you could take me down"
so 6'5", straight from the man himself?
Gonzalo said on 23/Jun/08
Rodman looked taller than 1`98 in my opinion
Spungo said on 22/Jun/08
Hulk was an extremely tall dude in his 30's. He looks to have lost a lot of height.
Viper said on 20/Jun/08
Rodman truly looks 6-6 physically to me If you watch some old clips of him playing for the Pistons. Yes, Pippen was listed at 6-7 when he played for the Bulls.
Vegas said on 20/Jun/08
nba have pippen listed at 6'8
Click Here
Derek said on 20/Jun/08
I always thought Pippen was listed at 6'7".
Big Show said on 20/Jun/08
Viper says on 19/Jun/08
Why was Rodman listed at 6-6 in the NBA then? The NBA doesnt drowngrade.
I don't think any sports organisation downgrades their athletes heights. However NBA stats are as controversial as the ones from the WWE if you ask me.
The NBA does list Rodman at 6'6. However they also list
Michael Jordan at 6'6 and Scottie Pippen at 6'8. So someone is lyin'
Click HereIf Rodman is listed by the NBA at 6'6, he'll probably is a legit 6'6 and Jordan and Pippen both were measured in shoes, as Pippen looks to be the same height as Rodman and Jordan is clearly the shortest of the three.
Karl Malone was listed by the NBA at 6'9 and IIRC he was barely taller than Rodman when they both appeared at the Tonight Show.
JT said on 19/Jun/08
Click Here Pippen was measured at 6'7.5" when he was drafted by the Bulls in 1987. Rodman was also listed at 6'8" in the NBA. Pippen probably edges Rodman out but it would be close.
Hulk Fan said on 19/Jun/08
Viper says on 19/Jun/08
Why was Rodman listed at 6-6 in the NBA then? The NBA doesnt drowngrade.
Click HereTHis is Rodman's NBA listing. His height is listed as 6'7.
Vegas said on 19/Jun/08
theres a 1.75" downgrade
Click Here