Daniel Lee 173 cm said on 29/Dec/22
Bad proportions even for a 6'4 guy
Hyper said on 17/Sep/21
He’s shorter than Pete Holmes, with Conan.
Conan slouched with Henry Simmons while Conan literally jumped with Pete Holmes.
Sulu2021 said on 18/May/21
His height is quite a bit more like normal stature for a full-grown young adult man at his peak than 5ft 3.
OriginalAnon said on 30/Apr/21
6'3.75'' and normally on the Bayer hot sauce, but is certainly off cycle in the photo.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 13/Dec/20
One thing for sure is that his long arms aid him in appearing taller. His wingspan could be 6'10" like you said, being that he also has wide shoulders and big hands.
Lomax said on 11/Dec/20
Looks like a guy whose weight could effect his height. Does look 6’4 at times possibly 6’3 5/8
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 29/Oct/20
He had a huge wingspan looking 6'10 to me not judging by one picture from PR Photo but watching NYPD Blue in the past.
Blanc said on 11/Jul/20
This guy looks super imposing, very tall and proportions that look like it too.
Sotiris Gravas said on 8/Feb/20
Dream said on 2/Nov/19
To also further destroy Sotiris’ claim.
Click Here
Maybe Pete is tip toeing, but I can’t see him at 6’4” flat.
Dude, if the Allied forces destroyed Nazi Germany the way you apparently were able to "destroy" my argument... we'd all by speaking German right now.
Nik said on 21/Nov/19
Henry was born on the 1st July 1970, he has two sisters and one of his sisters is his twin sister!
It is very interesting that Henry once earned a basketball scholarship to Franklin Pierce College and also it is fascinating that he once portrayed Detective Baldwin Jones on the ABC police drama NYPD Blue!
I have seen him listed as 6’5” (195.58 cm) on an online site! It’s great to give this gentleman his 70th comment!
Dream said on 2/Nov/19
To also further destroy Sotiris’ claim.
Click Here
Maybe Pete is tip toeing, but I can’t see him at 6’4” flat.
Canson said on 29/Sep/19
@Dream and Sotiris: while I used to be a proponent of 6’3 for Boris, I did say 6’3-6’3.5 when I first started commenting. 6’3.5” is the absolute most he is. I agree with Dream
Dream said on 28/Sep/19
Then John would be 6’5” and Cam 6’6”.
Unfortunately for Henry and Boris, John is listed 6’3” and Cam 6’4 7/8”. Cam also looked shorter than 6’4 3/4” Kobe Bryant.
Dream said on 28/Sep/19
Then John would be 6’5” and Cam 6’6”.
Unfortunately for Henry and Boris, John is listed 6’3” and Cam 6’4 7/8”.
Sotiris Gravas said on 18/Sep/19
Here's Simmons w/ guys according to Editor Rob's listings...
W/ 6'2" Brett Dalton (2015)...
Click Here
W/ 6'2" Forest Whitaker (2007)...
Click Here
W/ 6'1.25" Roger Cross (2007)...
Click Here
W/ 6'0" James Pickens Jr. (2006)...
Click Here ,
Click Here
W/ 5'11.5" Steve Harris (2004)...
Click Here
W/ 5'11.5" Jimmy Fallon (2004)
Click Here ,
Click Here
W/ 5'9" Anthony Anderson (2017)...
Click Here
While I usually don't agree w/ Rob's listings (like 5'11" Fallon), one can easily see why I think Simmons looked all of 6'4" in these pics.
Dream said on 8/Sep/19
Even with 6’4 5/8”, at a lowest for Cam, Boris and Henry would be 6’3.5”, at best.
Honestly, when I looked at the pictures of Conan and Henry, noticed how Conan’s legs are spread apart and bending, not to mention his neck is arched. Henry is standing with great posture (9/10), not to mention Henry is a lot closer to the Camera.
Dream said on 8/Sep/19
Even with 6’4 5/8”, at a lowest for Cam, Boris and Henry would be 6’3.5”, at best.
Canson said on 5/Sep/19
Dream said on 4/Sep/19
For the record, John is at least an smaller than Cam Newton, who was supposedly measured 6’4 7/8” and had a footwear disadvantage and posture disadvantage. If anything, this also proved Henry isn’t the easy 6’4” you thought him out to be.
Cam measured 6’5” flat. But in the morning. He may be 6’4 5/8” really
Dream said on 4/Sep/19
Not to mention Conan’s posture is much more looser. Their ear levels are the same.
Of course, Pete Holmes even looks taller than Henry and Conan, especially when Conan had to jump, just to get even with Pete in height. despite jumping, Pete still looked taller than Conan.
Unless @Sotiris can prove John is 6’4” or above, (which is unlikely, considering he’s well over 1 inch smaller than Cam Newton, who has a footwear and posture disadvantage), Boris ain’t 6’4”, and Henry is likely even under 191 cm, maybe.
For the record, John is at least an smaller than Cam Newton, who was supposedly measured 6’4 7/8” and had a footwear disadvantage and posture disadvantage. If anything, this also proved Henry isn’t the easy 6’4” you thought him out to be.
Canson said on 26/Aug/19
@Dream: not to mention a young Conan I could’ve seen at 192cm and they look similar. Henry doesn’t look any taller than him
Canson said on 26/Aug/19
@Dream: Interestingly enough, Mr.R claimed to have met both Boris and Simmons and said the former was about 191 the latter 6’3”. I don’t buy a full 6’4” for Simmons, either based on the pics I’ve seen but 6’3” looks a bit low. I would’ve said more 6’3.5 which is also still a possibility for Boris although at times as Rob has even said he can look 6’3” just as he can 6’4”. I’m actually surprised that Sotiris thought Simmons was 6’4 being he usually guesses below Rob’s listing when he’s likely not one of the ones who is listed appropriately here. There are other 6’4” listed guys in their primes such as Hasselhoff Padalecki and Neeson who were all 6’4” peak guys
Sotiris Gravas said on 25/Aug/19
I'm noticing that there's way too many drama queens on this site suffering from emotional immaturity.
Clearly, you're the one who thinks he knows everything...
Good for you.
Dream said on 24/Aug/19
Oh look! Boris Kodjoe extremely similar to Henry Simmons!
Click Here
Click Here
And people have said Boris is 192 cm in person.
Oh look. Measured 6’4.75” Kobe Bryant (with footwear disadvantage) and Boris Kodjoe —
Click Here
Supposedly 6’3” John Utendahl even looks taller than Henry Simmons, with Boris Kodjoe —
Click Here
A supposed 6’3” guy still looks taller than Henry Simmons, with a 192 cm guy.
Like I asked. the truth stings, doesn’t it? Henry Simmons isn’t a legit 6’4”.
I’ve seen a real 6’3” guy, up close, and he gives a taller impression than Henry Simmons, despite wearing nothing but slippers.
Dream said on 24/Aug/19
Someone’s salty. Hey, going by John Mulaney and Pete Holmes, Henry Simmons is more 6’3” or even 6’2.5”, at best.
Let me tell you something. The picture you used was where Conan’s legs are spread apart. Henry Simmons is standing much better.
Oh and Pete Holmes still looks a lot taller than Henry Simmons, Going by comparison with Conan, especially when Conan stands much better with Pete than with Henry.
Unfortunately, you never account posture, so I can’t really get that through your thick skull.
At least there was an actual videos, for evidence.
Oh, by the way, Here’s a measured 6’4.75” Kobe Bryant With Conan and Strahan.
Click Here
Click Here
That’s right. Kobe was measured 6’4.75”, yet the differences are big.
Here’s the ‘little difference’ between Henry Simons and Michael Strahan.
Click Here
Heck, going by the top of their heads, Michael still looks taller. He doesn’t even look 6’4”, at times.
This is where Henry doesn’t even look, 6’3”.more like 6’2.5”, at best.
I’m sorry pal, but it seems your ‘lols’ are a mechanism of rejecting the truth, here.
Oh. One more thing. You use your pictures as holy grail and call them facts. I’lll use pictures, and videos as much as needed, so long one isn’t losing posture or such.
You think you’re Mr. Perfect all the time. You think you’re flawless? You already said, you were never a part of the problem, meaning you find yourself flawless. Not in this case. Honestly, I don’t think you’re going to win this debate, not even close.
Seems like, someone cares about himself, don’t ya think? You’re just like moe, and it shows you dug your grave.
By the way, this site is meant to have a discussion. Yeah yeah. We will disagree. However, to say you were never part of the problem, is the biggest problem. You think everyone should listen to you and you shove it down their throats. That’s your flaw because all you care about is yourself and no one else.
This isn’t the first time I’ve dealt with people like you. It will happen again and again and again.
Dream said on 24/Aug/19
Someone’s salty. Hey, going by John Mulaney and Pete Holmes, Henry Simmons is more 6’3” or even 6’2.5”, at best.
Let me tell you something. The picture you used was where Conan’s legs are spread apart. Henry Simmons is standing much better.
Oh and Pete Holmes still looks a lot taller than Henry Simmons, Going by comparison with Conan, especially when Conan stands much better with Pete than with Henry.
Unfortunately, you never account posture, so I can’t really get that through your thick skull.
At least there was an actual videos, for evidence.
Oh, by the way, Here’s a measured 6’4.75” Kobe Bryant With Conan and Strahan.
Click Here
Click Here
That’s right. Kobe was measured 6’4.75”, yet the differences are big.
Here’s the ‘little difference’ between Henry Simons and Michael Strahan.
Click Here
Heck, going by the top of their heads, Michael still looks taller. He doesn’t even look 6’4”, at times.
This is where Henry doesn’t even look, 6’3”.
I’m sorry pal, but it seems your ‘lols’ are a mechanism of rejecting the truth, here.
Oh. One more thing. You use your pictures as holy grail and call them facts. I’lll use pictures, and videos as much as needed, so long one isn’t losing posture or such.
You think you’re Mr. Perfect all the time. You think you’re flawless? You already said, you were never a part of the problem, meaning you find yourself flawless. Not in this case. Honestly, I don’t think you’re going to win this debate, not even close.
Seems like, someone cares about himself, don’t ya think? You’re just like moe, and it shows you dug your grave.
Sotiris Gravas said on 22/Aug/19
"Massively taller"? It's funny how you think those pics w/ Conan back up your opinion.
I suggest you take another look, only this time, try not confusing big hair for height:
Click Here Also, give another look-see at the recent pics of Simmons and Haysbert I posted?
Here's Holmes not not even looking 6'4.5" w/ 6'0" John Mulaney...
Click Here
Looking short w/ 5'9" Henry Rollins...
Click Here
You cling to Conan pics as if they're your Holy Grail, lol. So, no, no stinging whatsoever.
Not agreeing w/ Rob's estimates doesn't make me a downgrader. It means that in many instances, Editor Rob is off on his listings, and I have no qualms about pointing that out... and more importantly, backing it up. In other words, I was never part of a problem, but your mentality certainly is. What's funny is when ppl who don't know what they're talking about try to make others the butt of their jokes.
Importer said on 21/Aug/19
Physically looks like a stretched Chris Evans..:) if that makes any sense..
Importer said on 21/Aug/19
At some point I remember he was listed 6’3 3/4”. With his proportions/posture/full cut hair, he’s going to look way taller to many anyway..:)
Dream said on 21/Aug/19
Pete Holmes looks massively taller than Henry Simmons, with Conan. Pete isn’t even the full 6’5”.
Pete Holmes and Conan. (At 6:27 seconds, Conan jumps, just to get even with Pete in Height. Despite such, Pete is still taller than Conan. The rest of the video, Pete is massively taller than Conan.) —
Click Here
Conan and Henry Simmons (Despite Conan slouching and Henry standing closer to the camera, Henry doesn’t look much taller.) —
Click Here
The truth stings, doesn’t it? Pete Holmes isn’t even the full 6’5”, yet he looks much taller than Henry Simmons, with Conan.
184guy2 said on 20/Aug/19
Sotiris is not trying to downgrade someone
Sotiris Gravas said on 18/Aug/19
Ppl are saying he's shorter than 6'4"...
Reminder: this was Simmons w/ Dennis Haysbert (2017)...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Canson said on 18/Aug/19
The thickness of the hair gives the appearance Conan is taller than he is
Dream said on 18/Aug/19
Btw, Pete doesn't even look 6'5" flat, yet Pete looks much taller than Henry Simmons, with Conan.
6'3.5" at best for this guy. Pete is not even the full 6'5". 6'4.5" at best for Pete.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 16/Aug/19
I think Henry's under 6'4", but can't quite see him at 6'3" flat either.
I agree
Sotiris Gravas said on 16/Aug/19
@Christian Hahaha... me too. He's 49 now, so maybe he's under...
viper said on 15/Aug/19
I agree with Mr R's sighting of 6-3
Canson said on 15/Aug/19
@Christian: yep but he is always still a “downgrader” and he “always downgrades people” is what is said. I love when people say “always” and you pull up something like that and call them out. “Well the majority of the people”. Uh no Trick. You just said “always” but then people make remarks back attacking. It’s funny that when someone always estimate above Rob’s listing nothing is ever said to them or at least very rarely. Yet Sotiris is always hearing about his because they’re below what Rob lists them. Tbh Sotiris makes very good estimates for some of these celebs
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Aug/19
He's under 6'4" than over it IMO. I'm a bit surprised that Sotiris would give him a legit 6'4".
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 11/Aug/19
Henry Simmons inseam or armspan could have being equal to many 6'7-6'8 guy. Armspan i bet at least 6'9 up to 6'11 i had no surprise.
Dream said on 25/Jul/19
Bigger Man isn’t taller than that 7’0”+ plus guy I saw in theaters.
Sotiris Gravas said on 21/Jul/19
Did everyone read that? Bigger Man felt the irrepressible need to mention that Simmons was a little guy compared to him. Let it be known that Bigger Man claimed on Kane's page that when he was 6'11.75", 293 lbs, he was able to bench 608 lbs, even though that's virtually impossible for a guy that tall and thin, relatively speaking. First he says he met Henry a few times and then goes on to say their paths crossed many times over a period of many years.
@Bigger Man You'll forgive me if I don't believe anything you have to say, now or ever.
Importer said on 14/Jul/19
i bet he's been guessed as high as 2m by individuals whom seem to have no clue about height measurement.
khaled taban said on 14/Jun/19
Taller than Khalifa tower!
Bigger Man said on 10/Jun/19
I’ve met Henry a few times. I worked in Hollywood as a minder for many years and our paths crossed many times. Handsome guy, well above average height but a little guy compared to me. I’m 6’11. Henry looks a strong 6’4 to me
K.A 188 said on 17/May/19
Agreed with you,Henry is a solid and well proportioned 6ft4 guy I wouldn't be surprise if he edged a guy like Momoa who at time looks more like a weak 6ft4 or 191-192 range .although Momoa does not really have a good posture unlike Henry Simmons who is even 10 years older.
Sotiris Gravas said on 14/May/19
I forgot to include other supposedly 6'4" guys.
Simmons and Dennis Haysbert (2017)...
Click Here ,
Click Here
W/ Michael Strahan...
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 12/May/19
Simmons looks 6'4" to me. Here he is w/ other guys who are 6'4" or claim it"
W/ 6'4" Steve Valentine...
Click Here
W/ maybe 6'3.5" Goran Visnjic...
Click Here
W/ maybe 6'3.75" Dwayne Adway (2005)...
Click Here
W/ then 6'3.5" Conan O'Brien...
Click Here
Simmons w/ 6'5.5" Rick Fox (2008)...
Click Here
W/ maybe 6'9" John Salley...
Click Here ,
Click Here ,
This was Steve Valentine w/ maybe 6'4.5" John Corbett (2006)...
Click Here
K.A 188 said on 7/May/19
Solid 6ft4
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 24/Apr/19
I hardly see him under 6'4 in NYPD Blue and Agent of Shield. Give me an impression taller than
Jason Momoa but Hnery posture seem to be the better one.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Mar/19
Solid, muscular dude...
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 8/Jul/18
He kind of give me a Boris Kodjoe impression similar body build and probably weigh in at 220 lbs.

Editor Rob
Watching SHIELD, this man always seems very tall.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Mar/18
Somewhere between 192-193cm...
S.J.H said on 5/Nov/16
i would say 6'3.5 for simmons he just doesn't look in that solid 6'4 david hasselhoff peak range
Mark said on 25/Jul/16
Simmons Is two inches taller than Brett Dalton and has three inches over Luke Mitchell.
Hypado said on 5/Aug/15
Henry Simmons height: 6ft 4in (193 cm)
easy 193 in SHIELD series.
Lorne??? said on 24/May/15
Ha, we got a pic now! NYPD blue was such a great show, very nuanced, gritty, etc.
Lorne??? said on 20/May/15
As long as this page is up, you may as well add his recurring role on "Agents of SHIELD".
renee said on 4/Dec/08
Who cares! I with Sherri....he very tall, dark and handsome at 6'3 or 6'4.
Anonymous said on 20/Feb/08
I am a very good friend of Henry's and he is, indeed, 6 foot 4 inches.
ed2 said on 26/Dec/07
He looks more than 6ft4 next to 6ft1.5 Roger Cross:
Click Here
patrick said on 4/Dec/07
Mr.R: sorry but no way being more muscular or wider be able to make you look taller: never!
That guy looks tall because he is and very much!
Sherri said on 3/Oct/07
It doesn't matter whether he is 6'3" or 6'4" because he is tall, dark and handsome. It seems that his disposition would be just as beautiful as he is handsome. I'd love to meet him again!
Mr. R said on 14/Jun/07
I stick with my 6-3 sighting. He is so muscular he seems taller!
patrick said on 13/Jun/07
RightPhil; Yet, they are not that small, while not being very tall.
The only one to be less than 5'7 is co worker. Dennis Franz is about 5'10 or so and M.P. Gosselaar looked much smaller than SVU team in Law & Order, so I just buy he is 6'; Nevertheless being not les than 5'11, he is dwarfed by Simmons, as broad as tall!
phil said on 13/Jun/07
guy looks a head taller than every other actor on Blue
patrick said on 21/May/07
Frankly, in NYPD, he makes the others, all of them, ridculous as rarely seen in a TV show! Not only he is towering over anybody but he is also much much broad shouldered! He look like Lothar, if you remember the servant of Mandrake! A positive giant! He perhaps is 6'4, not less but i'd be inclined to think he is more;
Read what Adam Baldwin said about the difficulty inherent in being "too" tall, starting at 6'4 or so! More than 6'4, as i told many times, is awful for an actor career; Vince Vaughn is an exception !
CleverMe said on 17/Apr/07
I saw him Saturday at UCLA. My son and I took a pic with him and his friend. I believe he is as tall as my ex husband who was 6'4".
patrick said on 13/Apr/07
I buy 6'4 easily and not 6'3; I know that in NYPD BLUE he was surrounded with quite small actors but, all the same...He looked like a giant and everybody around me was telling "wow! this guy is 6'7!" 6'7, no, but 6'4, yes;
Viper652 said on 16/Oct/06
How short does a guy at 6-3 or 6-4 look to a 6-10 guy anyway?
Viper652 said on 16/Oct/06
He looks 6-3 to me.
Grewal said on 15/Oct/06
hes about 6 4 I saw him at a gym, and im 6 10 he was much shorter but at least 6 4
Mr. R said on 25/Jun/06
I saw Henry twice last week, and he was 6'3" both times. He is HUGELY muscular however, and that makes him seem bigger than he is. Nice guy though.
samsl said on 17/Apr/06
I used to be a personal trainer at the same health club he works out at. He is truly 6'4 and really built.
Anonymous said on 18/Mar/05
Yeah, I remember seeing him on The Sharon Osbourne Show, some time ago. Sharon's pretty small- 5'1"-5'2" and he towered over her. She remarked, "You're a big boy!". He replies "Yes! I am! I'm 6'4". Yet he actually looked more 6'3"-ish, so Mr. R. is absolutely correct. I also notice that he's often acting opposite significantly smaller people ... take a pretty big guy and put him next to smurf-sized people and he'll look like a giant.
Mr. R said on 18/Mar/05
I saw Henry at The Grove shopping center in Hollywood. He is actually 6'3". They added the extra inch when he started modeling, before he came to Hollywood.