Scarlett Rose said on 25/May/17
I have dug out my old Star Wars scrapbooks. In one, there are the profiles of six of the major stars of the Star Wars saga at the time they were published in a British magazine (1982). They were Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, David Prowse (Darth Vader), Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) and Kenny Baker (R2-D2). This is what it said about Harrison Ford...
Birthdate: 13 July 1942
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
Birthsign: Cancer
Height: Approx 1.83m (6 ft)
Weight: 63kg (approx 139 pounds)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Education: Attended Ripon college in Wisconsin
Home: Somewhere up in the Hollywood hills
Hobbies: Carpentry
Pets: Two cats and two dogs
Married: Separated from [first] wife Mary
Children: Two sons, Benjamin and Willard
Fav. food: Steak
Fav. drink: Wine
Car: Porsche
Previous jobs: A buyer in a department store, a rigger on a yacht, a tree trimmer and a carpenter: "I became an actor because I wasn't good at anything else!"
Previous films: American Graffiti, Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Heroes, Force Ten From Navarone, Hanover Street, The Frisco Kid, Apocalypse Now, Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Likes: Reading, living in California where it's hot
Dislikes: Being famous, being called a 'star' and coping with crowds
If you want to read about the other five stars of Star Wars, seek the pages dedicated to them. 😊
Tim said on 23/May/17
He looked about 6 ft 1 in A new hope next to 5 ft 7 hamill, 6 ft 0.75 seems right
berta said on 23/May/17
now that we have wenthworth miller and dominic purcell down on 184 , i think its pretty safe to say that ford wasnt taller than any of them. they look taller than what he did. atleast 1/4 downgrade
Spencer said on 21/May/17
184 peak. 180 now.
berta said on 21/May/17
HI James. Its a hard photo. The angle is probably not the best and the hats makes it even harder. But looking at the eye level and also where theirt shoulders are. And basically just looking at their body structure i would say in that photo i would have thought COnnery 188 and ford barely 184. It could be about 4,4 cm beetween them. You see that connery eyes are mutch higher up for example. But i dont know Rob is the professional here :P haha But that basically what i would have thought by looking at that photo 188 ish vs 183,6. I think we have enought evidence everywhere to see ford was a 184 guy at peak. I think more chanse of ford being little under 184 than over it.
Pierre said on 19/May/17
Click Here Click Here =Harrison and Ben Kingsley.Ben Kingsley is listed 172 here.If he's really 172 Harrison's current height is probably not 5"11',more 5"10'
shiva182cms said on 19/May/17
He looked over an inch and half maybe two shorter than an old Connery in Indiana Jones the heights described by articles is quite specific I'd give him 6'.25 maybe 6'.5
today he looks 5'10.75ish after plane accidents but in 2010's he looked 5'11+
Scarlett Rose said on 18/May/17
Hey, Danimal - what was Harrison Ford doing in your work boots? LOL. 😅
Scarlett Rose said on 18/May/17
How did Luke Skywalker manage to find a stormtrooper's uniform to fit him in Star Wars, when he was shorter than the average stormtrooper (who were said to be at least 5 feet, 11 inches tall - and I'm talking about the character, not the extras whi played stormtroopers)? 😕
Edge said on 17/May/17
I don't think he was ever taller than 6 feet he just never looked it. 5'11 today and 6 feet when he was young. And he never looked anymore than 4 inches taller than Mark Hamill who I think was 5'8.
James said on 17/May/17
Hi berta! I would LOVE to know your opinion. What do you think about this pic?
Click Here
James said on 17/May/17
Click Here
Harrison looked 6 ft flat next to 6' 1" Rutger Hauer in this Blade Runner pic.
I think Harrison Ford was 1.84 at most at his peak.
Klapperschlangensindgeil21 said on 16/May/17
I really do think Harrison Ford looked at least very close to a full 6ft. 1 in. in Star Wars and the Indiana Jones films. He was 6 ft. 0.5 at least, probably just a hair under 6 ft. 1 i. first thing in the morning.
Scarlett Rose said on 15/May/17
Officially Harrison was 6 feet, 1 inch tall at the peak of his career in the early 1980s.
berta said on 15/May/17
when will we get the 184 cm lisitng rob :P i have noticed that you listen sometimes to my suggestions i rally think its time to give him 184. I mean if he also was described as " littel over 6 foot" then ther is a possibilty that he wasnt even 6 foot half inch. but overall i think that is maybe the best listing to give him.henry cavill was not shorter than ford a peak. And think of chris pine too and cena. all those guys would edged out ford at peak. I belive you will change the listing sometimes in the future and today is a good day to do it :P haha
Klapperschlangensindgeil21 said on 7/May/17
Hey Rob, is it possible Harrison Ford was a full 6' 1 in. back in his prime?

Editor Rob
just not as convinced on a full 6ft 1 for him in the 70's.
RichardSpain said on 5/May/17
According this website Harrison was (6ft 0.53 in) or 184.2cm in peak. You can vote too.
Oscar said on 4/May/17
What is peak height?
RichardSpain said on 4/May/17
Are you sure James??? we don't know if Harrison wears shoes in that pic it is not clear! I think he was barefoot. Because if he was with footwear in the mugshot Harrison is more smaller than 183/184 cm.
berta said on 4/May/17
yeah 183 is likely to low but 183,7 could be spot on i think 183,7-184,3 is 90 procent chanse he was in that range
James said on 3/May/17
@Johnson Don't forget he was likely in shoes in that pic.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/May/17
183cm is too low peak.
Johnson said on 2/May/17
In the mugshot of the Fugitive he appears no more than 183. Look at his eyes
Click Here
It meets Puppet's law
Richardspain said on 2/May/17
@James Brad Pitt wears elevator boots. And I don't understand why he wears heels because he is tall (180 cm) so for this reason he is similar than Harrison in many pictures you share here.
Also I agree with you that Harrison was 184cm in peak barefoot no more. Maybe out of the bed 184cm is reasonable and he was a solid 183cm at all times. He always looked me 183cm but maybe 186 cm with footwear. And nowadays he look 180cm barefoot.He is old.
RisingForce said on 1/May/17
I'm fine with 184 cm as well, but I wouldn't go any higher personally. I think he could have lost near 2".
James said on 1/May/17
@Richardspain It depends on the footwear. He could reach 1.87 in sneakers.
@Mark(5'9.25 In my opinion, Keanu always looked slightly taller than Ford. I remember Keanu in Dracula and he looked 1.85/1.86. Harrison Ford in Blade Runner looked no more than 1.84.
We don't know if he did lost height or how much did he lost after the Temple Doom. Nobody measured him.
54 years old Harrison looks no more than 1.82 next to 1.80 Pitt:
Click Here
Click Here
Also, look at 53 years old Harrison with 1.87 Kevin Kline:
Click Here
Kline makes Ford look no more than 1.81/1.82. In my view, this pic should make us skeptic about the assumption that Ford was 1.85 at his peak.
I think 1.84 (6 ft 0.5 in) at his peak is more reliable. Also, that is what most people think with almost 100 votes.
Richardspain said on 1/May/17
I agree with you @James about Harrison
His peak between 183-184cm.No more but no less
185cm in peak with footwear is posible and nowadays he looks 180 and maybe 182cm with footwear. Well this my opinion
davey said on 30/Apr/17
Mhhh... he looks short in ep VII. I think he's 179/180 cm at 74. In his prime, an easy 6'1
Mark(5'9.25 said on 30/Apr/17
I would say similar Ford peak was similar to Keanu Reeves. Both 6'0.75".
Danimal said on 30/Apr/17
Realsurf said on 5/Apr/17
Really? No eyewitnesses?
It's not like Harrison is a hermit or anything...oh well.
I worked at his house in '91. He hung around (he used to be a carpenter). I'm 5'9", my guess for him at that time would be about 6 foot. In my work boots he was a little taller than me.
Cool story. One of the few on this site that I genuinely believe occurred.
James said on 30/Apr/17
Click Here
In this pic, a 53 years old Ford looks 1.82 next to 1.87 Kevin Kline. And I am not sure he had lost height being only 53, maybe he had lost 1 cm at most. Maybe he had a bad posture with Kline... or maybe he never was as tall as a weak 1.85. I think the whole "he lost height in the temple doom" is an excuse to avoid the refutation of the weak 1.85 guess. Nobody measured him after the Temple doom so we don't know if he lost height or how much did he lost.
In my opinion, Mr. Ford was 6' 0.5" (1.84) at his peak.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Apr/17
I think 184/185cm range peak is more believable than 183/184cm. A 6ft0½ listing isn't unreasonable but it's the lowest I'd argue. He was probably identical in his prome to Cavill if not a fraction taller. He did look like 6ft+ guy in the 70's
sausage said on 27/Apr/17
Easily 6'1 in the 70s only have to see him with actors like Gene Hackman, Carl Weathers, 3 inches taller than Robert Shaw still looked that height in Raiders, but I think the injury he had to his back during the filming of Temple of Doom had a significant impact going forward on his height.
Richardspain said on 27/Apr/17
He was a strong 183'5cm( around 6 ft) in peak no less.
The famouse 185cm I think with footwear.
Because Harrison is a bit shorter than many actors range 185-188cm. Nowadays he is a solid 180cm/181 cm no less.
James B said on 26/Apr/17
the tallest he's looked to me was as Han Solo in the old Star Wars film.
berta said on 26/Apr/17
i still just think like this john cena would have 1cm on ford at peak
RisingForce said on 22/Apr/17
I'd go with 183.5 for Ford looking at him with 5'11" Billy Dee Williams as well as Snipes and Gibson in 1993 as the poster below mentioned and he couldn't have lost that much by the Devil'S Own with 179-180 Brad Pitt. My cousin grew up with the Baldwin's(he's Stephen's age). Alec was a 5'11" flat guy, more 180-181. He looked taller than he was on screen, but that's made me suspicious of footwear.
Karol said on 16/Apr/17
Harrison with standing loosely Hayden Christensen who is 183cm looks at 181-182cm
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Apr/17
Baldwin: 182.5cm
Ford: 184.5cm
Like I said, they shared no scenes in Working Girl but compared to the likes of Joan Collins and Melanie Griffith it's clear that Harrison has more height over them than Alec does
mister_lennon said on 15/Apr/17
I think than baldwin was 181-182 peak and harrison 183-184 peak.
berta said on 13/Apr/17
i am one of the few who think baldwin was 182/183 peak not 180 as many seems to believe and ford barely 184. so i guess if ford had low shoes on and baldwin had boots on he thought he was 1 cm taller than ford.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Apr/17
But Rob, do you he was taller than Baldwin at peak?

Editor Rob
I do think Harrison was taller, especially in 70's than a 1980's Baldwin.
Pierre said on 12/Apr/17
I doubt he was 6"1' peak because he don't look 4 inches taller than Wesley Snipes in old pictures(Wesley is listed 5"9' )=
Click Here Click Here
berta said on 12/Apr/17
rampage have you read the quot in the book? COuld you tell us the exact words he discribes him in? i still believe ford was a almost 184 guy he was not short. shortest possible for him was 183 peak but was probbably more in the 183,8 range. But on thin is for shore ryan reynold is listed 188 and if he really is that height then ford could have been as short as 182,5 peak. but he wasnt. the 3 main height is would like to see different listing on this site is ford 184 cm ryan reynolds 189 cm and bill murray strong 186 guy with a pretty decent chanse of have even been close to 187 on good days.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Apr/17
Rob, do you believe Baldwin's story?

Editor Rob
about Ford being short and scrawny...maybe some people expect a taller man and discover the person is shorter, so exaggerate it.
Other times it's meant as a bit of a dig, a bit like Freddie Prinze calling Kiefer 5ft 4...
Kansas Jack Blake said on 8/Apr/17
Alec Baldwin, in his book NEVERTHELESS described Harrison Ford as a scrawny 5 ft 4 inch person. I guess Baldwin still thought he was on SNL.
Canson said on 8/Apr/17
He was described in the Fugitive as 6'1" when they had the APB out on him. Best guess is he was 6'0" at worst and a strong 6' who woke up at 6'1" or a hair over at best
RisingForce said on 7/Apr/17
I know, but Stallone was probably not taller than 174 cm barefoot by the time that film was made. It means Ford may have only been 5 cm taller than Stallone barefoot by that time.
RichardSpain said on 7/Apr/17
@RisingForce, Stallone wears elevator shoes in that picture sure. Remember, Harrison is 180cm or 5'11 today, Stallone maybe 175cm and with his elevator shoes 179 /180cm.
If you looking for in Google ," stallone and Arnold" you can see Arnold (183cm today) not taller than Stallone.
Click Here
RisingForce said on 6/Apr/17
LOL, Harrison Ford was at least an inch taller than Baldwin ever was. With that said, a bit over 6 feet probably meant 6'0.25", which I can buy. It explains why he's been looking below 5'11" by the Expendables 3. Stallone in the righr footwear was even looking neae his height!
Click Here
Realsurf said on 5/Apr/17
Really? No eyewitnesses?
It's not like Harrison is a hermit or anything...oh well.
I worked at his house in '91. He hung around (he used to be a carpenter). I'm 5'9", my guess for him at that time would be about 6 foot. In my work boots he was a little taller than me.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Apr/17
Funny how Alec Baldwin describes him as "short and scrawny" in his new book.
Bobby said on 3/Apr/17
I'd say he was at least a solid or reasonable 6'1 when he was a young man, he looked close in height to Sean Connery who was 6'2. I feel today, he might be close to 6ft at 5'11.5 or so.
RichardSpain said on 3/Apr/17
Harrison great actor! my country loves him.He has here many fans.
I think his height today is around 182cm but..180cm is possible too. He lost height from 63 or 64 years old. Young Harrison maybe 184 cm.
Rory said on 29/Mar/17
I'm not sure why people are always so keen to downgrade Ford. A 1970s Ford did look a pretty tall guy do I don't see why there's always this clamour to downgrade him as if 6'0.75 is ridiculous. To me it looks pretty close for him.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Mar/17
I think 184/185cm is dead on for a 70's Ford
Canson said on 25/Mar/17
@Agree with Rampage never looked strong 6'1 but did look around a full 6'0" peak. Very near it. He's lost height now tho you can almost tell
mister_lennon said on 25/Mar/17
Berta, agree. I think that peak murray had 1 inch over peak ford.
183-184 peak ford
186-187 peak murray.
berta said on 24/Mar/17
rob dont you think bill murray really would have almost 1 inch on harrison ford at their peaks? ford 183,9, murray 186,2

Editor Rob
the 6ft 0.5 mark for Ford isn't an impossibility, it's always a figure I think a lot of people would guess for him...
James B said on 22/Mar/17
I'd say as Han Solo he looked 6'1
Adijos said on 19/Mar/17
Harrison Ford is 6'1.25" tall is peak, and actual is 5'11.25" height.
berta said on 17/Mar/17
S.J.H i think driver could be 188,5 guy and michael shannon maybe 190,5 guy. ford these days could fall down to 179 with a 183,8 peak in the late afternon
HonestSlovene said on 14/Mar/17
Weak 184 cm peak and weak 180 cm today. Never was near 6'1" but he easily cleared the 6'0" mark in his early days though and was most likely between those 2 (6'0" and 6'1").
berta said on 9/Mar/17
i wonder howe mutch people think htere would be beetween ryan reynolds and harrison ford at peak?i think it was 2 inches.have ford ever looked a real 185 guy? this means he was 187 in the morning :O i can belive he was maybe 185,5 in the morning and just under 184 in the evening but not more
Canson said on 8/Mar/17
They described him as 6'1" in the hospital scene of the Fugitive. Maybe not at his lowest but I easily buy a strong at worst a good 6'0" if not 6'0.5 prime and there's a chance in his prime of 6'1"
Bambi said on 27/Feb/17
6 ft-1/2 inch (1.84 m) morning at his peak, 6 feet flat mid-day(1.83m)in the 1970's. The top of 5 ft 7 inch Mark Hamill's head, was almost eye level with Ford in the '77 Star Wars film. 5 ft 11 tops for Ford nowdays, having lost the usual 1-to 1-1/2 inches, by his 70's...yet remarkably maintains his same lean, strong 175 pound frame of his early days.
Rory said on 25/Feb/17
No looks a 2cm difference between them there, but Ford had probably lost half an inch by then, so peak Ford 184-5 cms and Costner 185-6cms is fine.
berta said on 24/Feb/17
yeah to me costner was 0,75 inch taller than harrison ford peak
James said on 22/Feb/17
Click Here
Ford looks under 6 ft next to 6' 1" Kevin Costner. I think he was in his late 50s in this pic so old enough to have lost 1 cm.
183.5 at his peak
berta said on 21/Feb/17
i visit harrison ford site now and then just to see if he will get that 184 listing i been waiting for :P 6 foot half inch is good listing. he was probably 2 mm under that but thats fine
Ramualdo said on 14/Feb/17
Peak was 182, now he's 177
mister_lennon said on 9/Feb/17
183-184 at peak.
James said on 8/Feb/17
@berta That's a very good guess. I also agree he was not a full 1.84, but very comfortably in the 1.83 range, a very solid six footer.
berta said on 7/Feb/17
in the last indiana jones movie he was in he was not over 181 beside the cast. that mean he had lost 4 cm at age 65. not a chanse. i can belvive little over 2 cm. and that is mutch for that age. 183,8 peak
Fog5'11 said on 30/Jan/17
A solid six footer, but more 6ft 0.25 -6ft 0.5 i think, for peak height.
berta said on 30/Jan/17
yeah beside kevin kline he loosk almost 2 inches shorter. although i think kevin could have been very close to 188 at his peak but if he really was 188 that would still make ford at best 184 in those photos. i think he could have lost littel already at that time and was down to 183
James said on 26/Jan/17
Click Here
Ford looks under 6 ft next to 6' 1" Kevin Kline. I think he was in his late 50s in this pic so old enough to have lost 1 cm.
Click Here
Click Here
These pics are from March 1, 1996. Harrison Ford, being 53 years old, looks 1.82 at most next to 1.87 Kevin Kline.
1.83 peak
1.80 at most now
berta said on 24/Jan/17
184 is fair peak he could look that. 183 may be to short. today i have a hard time see him being measured 180. could fall down to 179 range
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Jan/17
Never looked a strong 6ft1 guy...
kurtz said on 11/Jan/17
6 ft peak. 5 11 now
MadDrummer said on 9/Jan/17
I'd say he was a strong 6'1" at his peak, and 5'11" today.
James said on 7/Jan/17
Next to 1.72 peak Steven Spielberg, a 39 years old Harrison Ford doesn't look over 1.83:
Click Here (Watch first 20 seconds)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Jan/17
Anything less than 184cm peak is a joke
kurtz said on 7/Jan/17
i don't believe 185 cm. his peak.
Anything above 180 and less than 185 his peak is reiliable.
weak 180 today
berta said on 4/Jan/17
a guy like kevin costner looked about 2-2,5 cm taller than ford in the 80´s . ford 184 and costner 186
Sandy Cowell said on 29/Dec/16
Thank you 123 - I like you too! It's ridiculous just how the young overestimate heights!
Mais, pardon me indeed, I was fully grown! Just short myself, and, my oh my, that seems to reflect on how tall I think people are! 🙊
Scott said on 28/Dec/16
He definitely was six foot one. Just over 5'10 inches now.
123 said on 28/Dec/16
hahahaha I like you sandy yh your right six-foot is tall infact even today I would say it is still. Average height for a man 20-44 years old is most likely 5'9 1/2"-5'10" tops, probably a hair under 5'10". And yeah when i was growing up I too thought he was taller i mean his proportions just screamed tall like 6'2" or whatever i thought, but what I didn't no was that 6'0" WAS 6'2" my perception was just warped (like most peoples)
berta said on 28/Dec/16
183,8 peak and now 179
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Dec/16
I thought Harrison to be at least 6ft2-3 at the onset of his career!
When, as a young adult, I started finding my feet, friends and independence, I was surprised how relatively small 6ft is, but that was rubbish because as soon as I drew a huge 6ft mark on my wall (rented accommodation - ha-ha!) I could see just how many 6 footers were not 6ft at all when they would pile in from a night out to watch 'The Young Ones' etc! Many were 5ft9-10, and they thought that, because I was 5ft2.5 - 3 (those were the days!), I wouldn't suss them out, but I did, and then some!
I found it all extremely entertaining! It's like girls bulls****ing about weight matters! I did have a particularly honest girlfriend called Sue, who was my height and, though considerably heavier, she still looked great with her curvaceous proportions and naturally blonde hair! It was down to her honesty that I could detect how many other girls were lying! We were good confidantes in one another and I used to phone into her college with an authentic-sounding excuse when she needed a day off! (I was 4 years her senior and worked as a secretary!)
Well, Mr Harrison Ford is therefore a sizeable male height as he was a REAL 6 footer who would have passed my secret little test with flying colours!
Shredder said on 24/Dec/16
No way is he 5'10 flat and no way did he lose 3 full inches. 6'0.5 peak , 5'11 now is more realistic.
Danimal said on 23/Dec/16
6'1" peak
5'10" today
He has lost serious height over the years.
James said on 20/Dec/16
Click Here
Looks 182./1.83 still at his peak with Sean Connery. Unless he had lost some height because of his back injury during the filming of Indiana Jones 2, but we cannot be sure that he did lost height because of that. Maybe in Star Wars he looked over 6 ft because he was skinny and surrounded by very short actors. In Blade Runner also looked around 6 ft.
It's only my opinion.
Anonymous_1 said on 11/Dec/16
185 peak, 178 today
berta said on 7/Dec/16
he was skinny back then close to 184 is my guess could fall under it by 3-4 mm in the evening
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Dec/16
He genuinely looked 6ft1 in the 70's
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Nov/16
I'd still lean toward 184/185cm over 183/184cm for Ford...
berta said on 24/Nov/16
the general belief sems to be that he was barely 184 tall. i think that is ecxactly right
Shrugster said on 2/Nov/16
I think he was probably not much over 6 feet in his prime; I would guess about 184cm out of bed as a youngster. Still a tall fellow, but not exceptionally so. I think this site exaggerates the loss in height of a lot of younger stars; not everyone loses a fixed amount of height as they age. Usually you only lose any significant amount of height as you get very old and start to be unable to stand-upright... Maybe I'm wrong, just the way it seems to me.
Jack said on 29/Oct/16
Sometimes looks 6'1" , sometimes looks 5'10.5". On an average day now is is about 5'10" ish
Mike said on 16/Oct/16
5ft 10.75 today, 6ft 0.75 peak.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Oct/16
Rob, did I actually give Harrison a 6ft3 vote?
I forget...

Editor Rob
I can't remember, but I think you have been closer to your views with guesses you have given the last week, I appreciate that.
josh jeffords said on 9/Oct/16
Tall guy great actor played some great roles.
Cant say I've ever seen him look under 6 ft.
Often stands near tall guys never looked short.
He has had a change in posture over the years but height is maximum.
Brion James was bigger than him also Rutger Hauer looked bigger..
berta said on 7/Oct/16
the other day people thought he was just over 6 feet in guesses and now he is up to 6 feet half inch:O. Rob is someone guessing people like 2 inches taller than they are just to makke they average guess vote higher? :P

Editor Rob
the voting option is only like 8 days old, it's early days. I think you need a good amount of votes to negate the few high/low guesses.
That's why I say just enter your own estimate, forget anybody else's.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Sep/16
184-185cm peak and 180-181cm today is fine
HonestSlovene said on 23/Sep/16
183 cm peak and 179 cm now sounds right.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Sep/16
Rob, is 179cm even up for debate now?

Editor Rob
I can see him looking barely 5ft 11 at times today.
Shredder said on 10/Sep/16
5'10.5 is better nowadays
James said on 8/Sep/16
In Blade Runner he was still at his peak.
Danimal said on 8/Sep/16
5'10" today. He needs a downgrade Rob.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Sep/16
I think mid-late 80's, probably around the time of IJ: Temple of Doom/Witness was when he began to lose some height.
Johan said on 7/Sep/16
He had 5 inches on Mark Hamill at peak. Funnimy enough nowadays it looks more 3 inches.
6 foot strong peak 183 cm
5'10" range today 179 cm.
Click Here
Click Here
Shredder said on 6/Sep/16
He was actually 37 going on 38 in Raiders , it was filmed in 1980.
Jack Han said on 6/Sep/16
What is your problem here ? We get shorter as we get older. I used to be 6' 5".
The important thing to note is that we are all the same height when we are horizontal,
Judd said on 4/Sep/16
Canon i've never watched the fugitive with original sound-language but only dubbed in Hebrew language.
I remember that in all movie nobody described Ford as a 6'1 guy, instead I remember a paper with his description (entitled "wanted") where it was written he was 6'0.
Everybody thought he was 6'1 when he played Richard Kimble because there's a mugshot where he does look a weak 6'1...the matter is that with all chances when that pic was took HF wore shoes on so had an advantage of at least 1,5-2 cms and that means he might have been a strong 6' at times...
I always thought (and I still think) HF was an honest 6'0.5" guy when he was 20s-30s and in the beginning of his 40s...when he played the raiders of the lost ark I think he was still 184 cms and 39.
Then he drop to 6'/183 at the end of 80s and for the most of 90s and then he lost a good inche from 1997 until now, becoming the 5'11" guy that we can see now
Canson said on 2/Sep/16
I remember in the Fugitive that the police officer said "6'1 185 brown hair". "Every time I look in the kiddo pal". I agree with James. He was probably at worst 184cm in his prime because he could give a 6'1 appearance at times
James said on 30/Aug/16
Peak 184 cm. But I think today he is 180 cm.
Click Here
Looks 2 cm taller than Craig with relaxed posture, while Craig is forcing his posture.
berta said on 29/Aug/16
184 ore 2 mm under at peak and 179 now. he almost looks short today. like he was down to 178
Jim Hopper said on 25/Aug/16
And today hes taller than arnie...Go figure.
mister_lennon said on 18/Aug/16
In the fugitive, Both Ford and Tommy Lee Jones looked about the same height. maybe Jones slightly taller, but almost the same height. both solid 6 footer at that time.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Aug/16
I'm trying to remember if he edged out TLJ in The Fugitive...He definitely looked a bit taller than Jerome Krabbe so couldn't have been under 6ft. TLJ was 46 then so most likely still at his peak.
Rob, do you think Ford had lost a fraction by the early 90's?

Editor Rob
yes I believe by 90's he already had damaged his body and lost a fraction.
James said on 15/Aug/16
In terms of height, Harrison Ford reminds me of Zinedine Zidane. Both listed as 185 cm, but being 184 cm in my opinion.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Aug/16
6ft0½ minimum peak.
Dmeyer said on 9/Aug/16
I have never seen.a pic or film where hé looked over 182-3cm
berta said on 8/Aug/16
i say it one more time. Always looked strong 6 footer never 6 foot 1. do you guys really Think he was taller than terry o Quinn in his peak? 183,5-184,3 ish
James said on 3/Aug/16
Harrison Ford in 1981:
Click Here
Probably 6' 0.25" at his peak. Maybe 6' 0.5" but no more for sure.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Aug/16
185cm flat is okay for his peak
Shredder said on 21/Jul/16
Strong 6'0 peak , barely 5'11 now.
James said on 11/Jul/16
184 cm flat at his peak
Even as Han Solo he didn't look taller than contemporary 184 cm guys like Bradley Cooper or Gareth Bale
Just compare him with the 59 years old 6' 2'' Sean Connery:
Click Here
Click Here
Looks 182-183 cm range in these pics.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Jul/16
184.5-185cm peak
James said on 3/Jul/16
@berta No less than 184 cm in my opinion.
James said on 3/Jul/16
@Rampage I respect your opinion, but I highly doubt Ford was as tall as 185 cm weak. He sometimes looked 6 ft flat in Blade Runner. And certainly he never looked taller than 184 cm guys like Gareth Bale. I think he was a legit 184 cm man, but no more.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Jul/16
Finally he's starting to look his age with a white beard! Still looks bloody good for 73 though, I'm sure most guys wished they looked as good at 73!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Jul/16
184cm minimum peak and a weak 185cm is most likely spot on. You really need to go back to Star Wars and earlier to get a good look at his height. He really did look 6ft1 or thereabouts.
berta said on 1/Jul/16
i rally Think he was about Tom hanks height at peak. 183,4-184,3
hijopotamus said on 27/Jun/16
Taller than Brad Lift as clearly seen in that movie
Rob, something is wrong here, right?
Hanz said on 12/Jun/16
First with Vic Armstrong(listed 6ft some places) in an Indiana Jones film in the 80s, the latter is with Armstrong in the 2010s. We can definitely confirm the theory that he has shrinked more than most people around his age. I'd say 5' 10-11 today, probably a weak 5'11"
Click Here
Click Here
berta said on 8/Jun/16
Rob do you really Think he was a 185 man more than a 184 man? I Think like this there is no way 0 % chanse he was 186 but i can se like 25 % chane that he was 183,5 nightime. And 184 is what he Always looked. In some shots in First star wars Movie he could look 185 but he was skinny.

Editor Rob
either could be argued.
berta said on 7/Jun/16
peak 183,5-184,5 and now 179-180
James (Benzema is 182 cm!) said on 5/Jun/16
@Rampage what are you talking about? 6 ft 1 inches is equivalent to 185,4 cm. There is no evidence that Ford was so tall...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/May/16
Looked a solid 6ft1 in The Conversation. No more than 1in below Hackman.
Judd said on 26/May/16
James is precisley what i always thought: in my opinion Ford was at peak a decent 6'0.5" guy like Bradley Cooper, Henry Cavill and Channing Tatum, and today at 74 is 5'11" my opinion he lost 1,5" which is a big chunk. In 1989, when the last crusade was filmed, he was 6'-6'0.25" I believe.
berta said on 25/May/16
I Think the chanses that he was 183 is as big as 185. 6 foot and 1/4 inches tall peak. I love Indiana jones Movies and wanted him to be taller than he was when i was younger. But i have never though he looked 185. Just a Little taller than Bruce willis. Today he can sometimes look weak 179.
20 % 185
55% 184
25% strong 183
James said on 24/May/16
@Judd What world do you live in? Harrison Ford 186 cm??????? That's impossible.
Compare 47-year-old Harrison Ford with 59-year-old Sean Connery (probably 187 cm):
Click Here
In this pic he looks 182-183 cm.
Ford never was taller than 184 cm. Have you seen him in Blade Runner? Even when he was younger, he never looked over 184 cm.
James B said on 24/May/16
Rampage- he looks better than clint Eastwood put it that way
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/May/16
Rob, at what stage do you think Ford began to look shorter than 6ft?

Editor Rob
maybe 15 years ago he could at times look a weak 6ft
Judd said on 24/May/16
Max: 6'1.25"/186 cms
Min: 6'0.5"/184 cms
Max: 5'11.5"/182 cms
Min: 5'11"/180 cms
(Max-Min is the daily shrinkage)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/May/16
Other than those injuries which somewhat come with the job, he's in good shape for 74. Could pass for early 60's
HULK said on 14/May/16
This guy was 6ft max in his prime, Just look at his pictures with Mel gibson and Wesley snipes,
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/May/16
@Snoke: Possibly still at least 6ft. Some guys in their 70s lose barely anything…
berta said on 10/May/16
Peak 184 now 180 maybe 179
James B said on 8/May/16
A bit over 6ft translates to 6ft 1/2
James said on 4/May/16
185 cm for Ford is literally impossible.
I generally agree with all the listings on this page. But this is an exception. IMO: 6 ft 0.5 in (184 cm) PEAK , 5 ft 11 in (180 cm) TODAY.
In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Ford looks 6 ft next to 6 ft 2 or 6 ft 1.5 Sean Connery:
Click Here
Most importantly, in Blade Runner he was at his peak and he looks 184 cm MAXIMUM. Even as Han Solo, Ford never looks over 184 cm.
Rob, are you completely sure Harrison Ford was taller than Gareth Bale at his peak?

Editor Rob
in the 80's there was a couple of mentions that he was a bit over 6ft, whether it came from him or was the journalists estimate is harder to tell...
jervis said on 4/May/16
If you google Steven Seagal Harrison ford images,6ft4 Seagal has about 5 inches on Ford,intact Seagal has to look down on Ford he is so much taller.Somebody needs a downgrade or upgrade,IMO Seagal always looked taller than 6ft4 more 6ft5 peak.
Snoke said on 29/Apr/16
Hey Rob, what height do you think he'd be at today without all his injuries and what not?

Editor Rob
I think over 5ft 11 near 6ft
musket said on 28/Apr/16
He lost a lot of height and is at a weak 5'11
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Apr/16
Ford looks at least 1in taller than TLJ.
Click Here
berta said on 25/Apr/16
looked at the fugitive yesterday. He and tommy lee jones looked about the same height but i thought tommy was the taller one. So he was about 183 in the fugitiveore a very very weak 184
truth said on 25/Apr/16
A little over 6ft0 peak and a little over 5ft11 today.
Aravind said on 13/Apr/16
Harrison Ford,a.k.a Indiana Jones is 5'11 due to 73 years of age.
Ziggy said on 30/Mar/16
Rampage i hope you don't sleep with him:) That green scarf cracks me up.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Mar/16
Rob, would it be fair to say that Ford gave a shorter impression beside Melanie Griffith in Working Girl than Alec Baldwin?
Click Here
Click Here
I'm sure Harrison is/was taller than Alec. But I take James's point. He does not look over 6ft in it.
James B said on 26/Mar/16
rob do you think by the time of working girl he might have not been any taller than a solid 6ft? I think the injury sustained in the temple of doom made him lose a fraction.

Editor Rob
by then I'd say a fraction would have been likely.
James B said on 26/Mar/16
He didn't look that tall in working girl too me.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Mar/16
Out of bed: 186-187cm
Before bed: 184-185cm
Out of bed: 182-183cm
Before bed: 180-181cm
berta said on 24/Mar/16
6 foot and 1/4 inch thats his peak height. At best 1/2
richie said on 23/Mar/16
Ford's peak height was 6'1.5".Check out Force 10 From Navarone, he towered Robert Shaw by at least 3 inches and edged Carl Weathers who was 6'1", peak height was close to 6'2"
Anonymous1 said on 21/Mar/16
He was shorter than Connery in "Last Crusade", and as far as Connery goes, I go by whatever site has that article by or about the Bond tailors, who had him at 6'1.5. I'm 6'1 out of bed, and a bit over 6 at night. So, if we really want to get nitty gritty, we'd have to know at what time of day Ford's height was based on. I don't, at all, think 6 even, during his morning, is impossible.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Mar/16
Me neither. It's just some on here are adamant that the guy was another victim of the 2in rule in Hollywood. 6ft1 is hardly a joke for him. He probably was that for a portion of the day and then dipped a tad under it.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Mar/16
Working Girl is another memorable role
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Mar/16
Rob, how likely is 6ft flat for his peak?

Editor Rob
I wouldn't go that low for him.
Judd said on 9/Mar/16
Of course rob this is may be the situation where an actor has lost more than 1" at 74, however there're a lot of people here on this site who think Ford is more 5'10" than 5'11" today.
Personally I think 6'0.5" would be a safe mark, because I doubt at peak (until 40s) he was under that line...6'0.75" is maybe more optimistic...I think he was more like Bradley Cooper in height!
However I don't know who is the stuntman that said he and Ford were at the same height, but I know that for a long while Armstrong was his stuntman and Ford was in a couple of pictures a little over him, also if we don't know what kind of shoes they were and I have always known that Armstrong was listed at 6', not a little over that...
5ft 9.25 said on 9/Mar/16
He never measured 6ft .75 in his entire life! Not even 'out of bed'...
Judd said on 4/Mar/16
Actually Rob I don't see a lot of injuries which could generate a bigger loss than the average...yes of course he has more than one injuries but his back seems to be fine...

Editor Rob
when filming Indy he did actually damage his back. Sometimes effects over years can accumulate.
Damage one disc and others around can be effected. He's an actor who did more physical stunt work than most.
I'm sure he busted his knee on The Fugitive.
We know he done in his ankle/leg on Force Awakens.
Then his last crash done some more damage to pelvis etc.
Judd said on 1/Mar/16
Rob Harrison Ford doesn't show particularly problems at his back, so it's hard for me believe he has already lost almost 2" in height.
When he was young in my opinion he always looked a strong 6' (I will never trust Ford under 6') but actually never a solid 6'1" guy.
Any chance he was 6'0.5" at peak?

Editor Rob
184 range is always arguable, but a guy like Ford has had numerous injuries and I think moreso than your average man. So I'd expect he would have lost a bit more than average.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Feb/16
185cm peak is fair because technically that is a hair under 6ft1 while 185.4cm is 6ft1 on the nose. It's kinda pointless to debate decimals but if Ford was a solid 6ft1 guy like Kevin Costner or Richard Harris he'd easily look closer to 6ft2 which he never did.
tumac66 said on 20/Feb/16
I think his peak height was closer to 6`1 and a half. He looked slightly taller than Carl Weathers and john Rhys Davies, And they are both listed as 6`1. People do shrink with age. I think you got his current height spot on. Oh and before everybody starts with the" those other guys are not that tall, Carl Weathers looks about 5 inches taller then Rob in their pic.
Spencer said on 19/Feb/16
He doesn't look more than 5'10 today..maybe 5'10.5 I don't think he was much over 6 at peak. Maybe 184 cm at most.
Johno said on 15/Feb/16
About 1.5 inches taller then John Boyega so about 5'10 now. Had nearly 2 inches on Brad Pitt in Devil's own so in his lates 50s and 60s he was still keeping stature.
Phis38 said on 10/Feb/16
If Harrison Ford was below 6'1 at peak then Mark Hamill is about 5'4 and Carrie Fisher is sub 5 foot, but seeing him in a lot of films late 70s early 80s he was easily over 6 foot .
Jedi Master 5' 11 said on 5/Feb/16
If you put this man in Han Solo boots he can look well close to 6' 2". He's a good 6' 0" in most shoes now, so 5' 11" is fair here. His posture has gone to ****e though, from old age and other things.
Z187 said on 4/Feb/16
I'm light of rampage clovers comment. Rob what would you say was the maximum range of someone's height was, not just the usual daytime changes, like, their max out of bed compared with a min low.... 3cm?

Editor Rob
for most people under 6ft 2 I'd say 3cm range...with some exceptions of absolute lows taking it to 3.5 range...for over 6ft 2 and upwards it is something I'm quite curious about finding out - especially those guys in 6ft 8-7ft zone.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Feb/16
Rob is 187cm out of bed peak possible for Ford?

Editor Rob
it's quite probable, unless he was only 184cm...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Jan/16
Ford does look 6ft1 in The Conversation w/h Gene Hackman (underrated movie and underrated performances from both men).
amaterasu said on 19/Jan/16
Rob, maybe 6'0.25-0.5" is closer ? Since it is just over 6ft. Do you really think he was nothing under 185cm at his peak?
Danimal176 said on 9/Jan/16
Looks a little over 5'10" today. As for his peak, he was close to 6'1".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jan/16
A 4-5cm loss is feasible.
berta said on 8/Jan/16
this seems about right. i would lay my Money on 184 peak and 179 now
Sammy Derrick said on 6/Jan/16
In the movie,The Fugitive.His character is described as 6'1,180lbs with brown hair and brown eyes!!!This was in 1992
jervis said on 4/Jan/16
He had a good 3 inches on 5ft10 Robert Shaw in Force 10 from Navrone in 1978.
James B said on 3/Jan/16
Doubt he gives 2 ****s about his height loss
jtm said on 3/Jan/16
he wasn't much shorter than hackman in conversation but that's because he was closer to the camera.
1,8288 m said on 2/Jan/16
I thing Ford is 1,81 m now
He was 1,845m peak
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Jan/16
You finally did what was necessary Rob.
the shredder said on 30/Dec/15
Looking at pics from the early 90's , he looked barely 6 ft.
James B said on 29/Dec/15
Do you agree rob ford is aging better than someone like clint Eastwood? Harrison ford still looks very fit and robust whereas clint looks quite frail.
But I guess there is a 12 year age gap........
Clint I think has not aged too well he looks a little weird actually like a skeleton

Editor Rob
he's had a fair amount of injuries through his career, but does look good for a 73 year old man.
Sam said on 27/Dec/15
Yeah I think more 183cm-184cm was his peak... strong 6 footer. Nowadays he looks 5'11. Arnold has definatley lost more in my opinion that's why. Probably no taller than Ford is today.
Elias said on 25/Dec/15
Ford has lost about the same amount of height as Arnold, but contrary to arnold, his body does not seem compressed.
Juan Z said on 22/Dec/15
If John Boyega is 5'9 and Daisy Ridley is 5'7, then Harrison Ford is 6'.
grizz said on 20/Dec/15
I forgot to give my estimate on his height. I think that he was 6'0.5 at his prime which perfectly fits his "a little over 6foot mark" claim. 6'0.75 is closer to 6'1 and it's pointless to downgrade himself instead of upgrading.
Nowadays he's lucky if he pulls out 5'11.
1.5 inches of height loss is understandable, though, given his age and a number of physical injuries.
Chuckie Cheese 2 said on 16/Dec/15
Harrison Ford is still 6 ft 1 and 175 pounds, according to this new interview of Men's Journal Magazine.
Click Here
Certainly a strong 6 footer in the 70's-80's.
Big C said on 14/Dec/15
Rob do you think Mark Hamill looked 5ft 8 in Star Wars? Or do you think he was still 5ft 7 range then like you have him listed at now?

Editor Rob
I think he looked 5ft 7ish in the movie, just like his own claim really.
Anon2232 said on 13/Dec/15
Looks sub 5'11 today, I bet he was right near 6'1 at his peak, if not the full 6'1". In a movie he starred in with Gene Hackman (who is widely regarded as a legit 6'2) called The Conversation, he was eye level with Hackman. He maybe looked an inch shorter at most. I don't imagine Hackman straying far from the 6'2 mark in that movie either. What do you guys think?:
Click Here
Big C said on 12/Dec/15
Rob how tall did you think Darth Vader (David Prowse) looked in Star Wars with Han Solo? (Harrison Ford)I thought Vader looked in 6ft 4-6ft 4.5 range no way he was anywhere near 6ft 7 or 6ft 8, dont get me wrong he still was a big guy but he just didn't look that tall and how many inches do you think he had on Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill)? 8-9 inches maybe?

Editor Rob
I think he looked close to 6ft 5...but a guy like Prowse could have lost height by early 40's...
Spencer said on 11/Dec/15
184 cm peak..180-81 now.
The shredder said on 10/Dec/15
He honestly looks 5'10.5 range nowadays ,.
grizz said on 7/Dec/15
He looks so debonair with that scarf :D
A living legend. Too bad many injuries took a hit on his height. Although physically he looks better than many youngsters.
Brad said on 7/Dec/15
Just over 6 flat peak, as listed today.
Big C said on 7/Dec/15
Rob I thought Harrison was more 184cm at his peak than 185, don't you think he was more 6ft 0.5 than 6ft 0.75?

Editor Rob
184 can be argued for him
mike said on 2/Dec/15
I saw him at ucla theatre while his wife was performng. 5'11" to 6 feet
MaskDeMasque said on 29/Nov/15
imo 6' prime, 5'11 now.
Z188 said on 17/Nov/15
Was taller than Brad Pitt in 'the devils own', 184 peak I would suppose.
Sam said on 6/Nov/15
Rob, would you please add Witness, Working Girl, Air Force One and 42 to his credits?
the shredder said on 25/Oct/15
I think 6'0 is better than 6'1 peak , now he looks no more than about 5'10.5 , thought that is age/posture.
Axaros said on 25/Oct/15
Nowdays Ford looks around 5'10''
Sonny Black said on 25/Oct/15
Lol @ "Muk!" That's the worst angle possible for height comparison...
Jim Hopper said on 23/Oct/15
Never 6-1" prime. 6-0" prime now 5-11" max
Muk said on 22/Oct/15
Check the picture of Harrison Ford with David Blaine. Blaine looks approx. 2+ inches taller than Ford. Blaine is billed at 6'0". Being conservative, it could be Blaine is wearing shoes and Ford is not - since it's his house and kitchen. But I'd guess shoe-less Blaine would still have Ford by an inch. Also, given actors tend to be billed as taller than they are I might question Ford's 6'1" billing.
Click Here
Chuckie Cheese 2 said on 11/Oct/15
6'1" in 1975, 6'0 in the 90's, 5'11 flat today. A 1980's Harrison has almost identical measurements to the 1980's Kevin Costner, based on auctioned off costume measurements: 34 x 34 pants, 34 sleeve, 16 neck, 38-40 chest jacket, size 10-1/2 boot, a size 7-1/4 hat., ranged from 165 -180 lbs. 34 is a pretty decent inseam, landing him in the 6 foot and up club for sure when he was younger.
Chuckie Cheese 2 said on 2/Oct/15
Rampage: I admire your dedication. I think though, for the majority of sedentary people don't like working out...I'd argue becoming "fit", say 15% body fat for men, and 20-25% body fat for women are realistically attainable goals. Having a 1970's Harrison Ford build may not be the same as being stacked like Dwayne Johnson or today's body builders, but it is arguably healthier feeling and looking than being pre-obese where most Americans today are heading towards -- Fitness is sort between the 2 extremes -- ultra ripped, and obese.
Judd ISR said on 2/Oct/15
Rob what's your estimate for his peak height (when he was twenties)?
A) 187,0cms/185,0cms
B) 186,5cms/184,5cms
C) 186,0cms/184,0cms
D) 185,5cms/183,5cms

Editor Rob
between a/b
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Sep/15
@Chuckie Cheese 2: I don't view it that way. I love to work out.
James B said on 28/Sep/15
I live in UK and have a friend who is 5'6 3/4 (he claims 5'8) and I am guessing he weighs 200 pounds. To join the army he said he has to get down to 140 pounds.
Naturally my friend is big boned so he would be better of at 155 pounds.
184.3cm (Night) said on 28/Sep/15
I dont want to comment on the US as it has the highest obesity rates in the western world. However in most european countries you dont really have alot of men with over 25% bodyfat (obesity). When i was younger i had a BF percentage of 17 at 83kg. Now at 34 i have a BF percentage of 13 at 94kg. We all have different frames and if you have a doctor who knows this they will also measure your wrists before giving you a verdict on your BMI.
Don't forget that the average man has a BF percentage of somewhere 18-24 percent.
Chuckie Cheese 2 said on 27/Sep/15
184.3cm: Similar in that the BMI healthy range for 6 feet is 136 - 184 lbs, and US Army weight regulation for 6 ft is 140 -200 lbs for men between 18 and 40. So 170 lbs would be right in the middle.
Chuckie Cheese 2 said on 27/Sep/15
A 236 lb man at 7% Body fat would have been seen as a god among Union Army ranks. But that type of body requires a lot of up-keep am I right? And even in this modern day, how many men have sub 10% body fat? Probably less than 1 in 10. Only 16% of the US population has gym membership, and CDC estimate 80% seldom exercise... The real question then becomes, what body type is a General looking for in his soldiers? Men who can march 20 miles, live on coffee and beans, (No McDonalds in the barracks back then) dig trenches, and sleep in the mud, and still put up a good fight-- or ultimate Dwayne Johnson types who are 3 x stronger than average and eat 3 x the food, and is 3 x the target on the battlefield? The lean hunter gatherer physique has been the rule, rather than exception in modern soldiers up until recent decades.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Sep/15
Being "fat" and being "overweight" are two completely different things. I'm 236lbs (7% bodyfat) at almost 6ft4. I'll be 40 next year and I consider myself to be in the best shape of my life, better than when I was 20-25.
184.3cm (Night) said on 25/Sep/15
Very similar? 73 kilos for war veterans and nowadays up to 93 kilo before you are deemed unfit , so long as you have in excess of 20 percent bodyfat, which means they do consider bodybuilders. 20 kilo is a massive difference.
The BMI nonsense only good for women and frail men. Any guy who lifts on a regular basis with our superior nutrition in the modern age will easily weigh 185 pounds + at 6 foot.
James B said on 23/Sep/15
Exactly I think the human body looks better when in the healthy bmi range
Chuckie Cheese 2 said on 22/Sep/15
Rampage: Before we toss out BMI completely, we should remember the US Army weight standards today are very similar. A man of 6 feet can be disqualified from service if he exceeds the 190 to 204 pound range depending on age, and his body fat exceeds 20%. The average young man in America would not qualify.
Chuckie Cheese 2 said on 22/Sep/15
Harrison was 6 feet 1 and 165-170 pounds in the 1970's and he certainly did not look emaciated. Newspapers listed him as robust and of "strong physique." He was of typical build for a man of the pre-industrial period.
I actually tabulated the average weights of men and U.S. soldiers in the period 1861 to 1944, using height and weight data of over 8 million draftees from the Civil War to World war II. For 80 years of America's bloodiest wars, soldiers kept a mean BMI of 22. This puts the weight of a 6 foot soldier at approx. 162 pounds, or 168 lbs fully clothed.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Sep/15
@James B: I disagree. That BMI model is so inaccurate and so outdated. It would categorise someone like Dwayne Johnson or John Cena as overweight or even obese.
James B said on 3/Sep/15
A small built 6'1 man should weigh 164 pounds, medium built 177 pounds and large framed 6'1 man 187 pounds.
Judd ISR said on 1/Sep/15
Starting from the point that I believe that Ford was at peak 6'0.5" instead an almost 6'1", of course in the Raiders he did look very slim and also at the beginning of his career...I think his weight, figure with high shoulder and small head and long legs contributed to make him seems taller...
Beachboy said on 29/Aug/15
Everyone has different bone structures, muscle density, leg size which can attribute to it.
A friend of mine was 6'0 120s and he looked really lean, but certainly not "emaciated". He did have good leg size for somebody at that weight. I'm 5'11 155 and I still have some excess fat.
Arch Stanton said on 28/Aug/15
177 overweight for 6 ft 1 LOL? Djokovic is about 177 pounds at almost 6'2" and look how skinny he is!
Arch Stanton said on 28/Aug/15
165 for 6'1 is very slender Magic, but not exactly "insanely skinny" which would be 130-140 pounds or something. On youtube there's a guy called the "Life Regenerator or something who preaches about raw food I've seen and he claims 6 ft 2 and 165 pounds and he hasn't an ounce of fat on him, looks like he lives on a desert island. He looks very slender and sinewy in build, healthy, but any lighter and he'd look emaciated.
MD said on 28/Aug/15
You've got some extremely warped views of what "normal" and healthy are. Even taking into account cultural differences (I'm not sure we're you're from). A 6'1" 165lbs is never going to look "big" and 6'1" at 120lbs IS emaciated-looking. My goodness.
Magic said on 26/Aug/15
My brother is about 6'1 and very overweight at 200 pounds. He would still look chubby at 6'1 177.
Magic said on 26/Aug/15
6'1 165 is a good size for most. Female? Look how big Thomas Hearns looks here at 165.
Click Here . I have a friend who is 6'1 165 and he looks "big." Insanely skinny is 6'1 130.
Nah, 6'1 177 is nearing overweight range for most people.
Rocky, how do you look emaciated at 5'9 170. I know a guy around that and he looks chubby.
Heck, I was 6'1 120 at one point in high school and didnt even look insanely skinny. 30 inch waist and the lowest . Skinny but not emaciated looking. I wore size large shirts and couldnt fit into medium.
I also know a 6'3 170 guy with a 32 inch waist and he looks real good.
If I was 6'1 160 Id look real good. 40 inch chest 32 inch waist male model proportions.
James B said on 22/Aug/15
A regular 6'1 man should weigh 177 pounds
Rocky said on 19/Aug/15
Disagreed heavily OME. 6'1'' and 165 is insanely skinny, it's pretty much a female weight. I'm 5'9'' and 170 lbs, 10% body fat or so, and I look emaciated.
OME said on 17/Aug/15
James B said on 3/Aug/15
160-165 pounds is thin for someone who is 185cm.
I'd expect a small built 6'1 man to weigh that but ford seemed medium framed to me. By the 80s he looked heavier than that for sure since he bench pressed a lot for temple of doom.
LOL no it isnt. Hell, when I was 6'1 150 I couldnt wear anything smaller than large size. Now at 6'3 185 I cant wear anything smaller than XL. And I have to wear pants 2 sizes bigger because of my legs.
Plus for most people 6'0 185 is considered overweight according to the BMI. Again BMI is good for regular people.
Axaros said on 16/Aug/15
I think Ford wasn't 6'0.75'' at peak. If nowdays he's near 5'10'' he was about 6'' at peak.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Aug/15
I reckon 200lbs solid in the 80's. He was jacked in Raiders of The Last Ark and The Lost Temple. The Han Solo years, a svelte 175lbs.
Chuckie Cheese 2 said on 6/Aug/15
James B, Yeah I don't think Ford has ever been over 200 pounds, he's always been in fit shape. Every interview and news article from the 70's and 80's lists him in the 160 to 175 or 180 pound range. His lean figure also makes his 6 ft 1 height all the more believable. His jacket from Raiders was auctioned off some years ago and it was only a 38 to 40 inch chest size -- indicating a man not over 170 or 180 pounds.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Aug/15
He probably held 6ft1 for the first half of the day then dipped slightly under it in the late afternoon.
He had a right to claim it. This listing is perfect
James B said on 3/Aug/15
160-165 pounds is thin for someone who is 185cm.
I'd expect a small built 6'1 man to weigh that but ford seemed medium framed to me. By the 80s he looked heavier than that for sure since he bench pressed a lot for temple of doom.
Chuckie Cheese 2 said on 29/Jul/15
He was consistently listed at 6'1 and 160 or 165 lbs in the "Close-up" move magazine clippings.
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I think he was 6'1" back in the day, but a full 6 feet by the 1980's -90's.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Jul/15
Arch: Harris had 1in on Ford. The scene in the bar.