How tall is Harrison Ford - Page 2

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Average Guess (437 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 0.47in (184.1cm)
Current: 5ft 10.85in (180cm)
CDS said on 13/Apr/19
@James the real one: not an unpopular opinion, and doesn't say anything to denigrate Ford. I'll do you one better, and guestimate his peak height as 6'0.25", end of day, barefoot. Maybe this listing is his mid day or morning height.
James the real one said on 12/Apr/19
I will state an unpopular opinion, which not everybody will agree with. I think many people here lack objectivity because they project Harrison Ford as an idol, the ultimate movie superhero, the man, etc. Thus, they want to believe Ford is 6' 1" (1.85). However, a closer analysis of the pictures/videos shows Ford is 6' 0.5" (1.84) in his prime. Nothing wrong with being 1.84, it doesn't make Ford less of a role model man.
Jtm said on 6/Apr/19
i think the video has been posted here a while ago. i thought he was still shorter than ford considering he was closer to the camera but that supports the 6'2 peak for hackman imo. i wouldn't go as low as 5'11 peak for ford but i doubt he was this close to 6'1. i guess the bit over the 6'0 mark like 6'0.25 in his younger days i could buy. i wonder if he actually did claim that height. he probably did because it was so specific.
CDS said on 3/Apr/19
@jtm: I haven't watched, the conversation, in a long time, but I'll take your word for it. I'd still say though, if Ford was wearing the 70s style platform shoes you described, that's still an argument for his peak being 6' barefoot minimum, since from what I recall in that film, he and hackman looked about dead even. So lets assume genes shoes had about an inch heel, and gene is 6'1" barefoot, 6'2" in shoes, and Ford was getting around 2" from his shoes, putting him at about even with gene. I just can't see his peak as low as 5'11". He completely towered over 5'7" Mark hamil in, star wars.
Jtm said on 2/Apr/19
Ed(1) said on 20/Apr/08
I just recently rewatched The Conversation with Ford and Gene Hackman, and I was able this time to slow certain scenes down to see the difference between the two of them. I was always puzzled as to why Ford looked so close to Hackman's 6ft2 listed height, and now I know why. In the film Ford wears borderline Three's Company platforms to Hackman's flat soled dress shoes(with maybe 0.5-0.75 inch lift). Ford is still around an inch shorter than Hackman, with what looks to be an easy 1.5-2 inch lift in the heels.

The shoes are golden brown, and stand out very easy if you slow-mo the shots they are in together. Once again this only reinforces to me that Ford was 6ft, maybe a bit more tops, in his youth. With these heeled shoes he was probably near 6ft2 easy, along with his super slim build at the time which made him look even taller.

i just saw the scene on youtube and it's true. i have seen the film so many times but i never paid attention to the footwear . ford was wearing very suspicious footwear in conversation. i think that proves he really wasn't over 6'0 peak . if hackman was just 6'0-6'1 peak like a lot of posters think he was then ford was 5'11 peak at the very most!
CDS said on 1/Apr/19
@billionaireslayer: I would not rule out 5'10" for Ford now either, just thinking he might measure taller if he stood up straight, which he seems to rarely do. As far as Eastwood, we're in complete agreement, since I never thought he was the 6'4" peak listing. Yes, closer to a barefoot 6'2.5" peak, and now id guess barely 6'. He and Ford, along with Burt Reynolds, kirk Douglas, etc.. All seem to have lost significant height among the great stars of our time.
billionaireslayer said on 30/Mar/19
@CDS: I could see Ford being around 5'10 now pushing 80, but I still can't believe he was over 5'11 n half peak. I was watching Unforgiven and Hackman early 60's barley looked taller than what I believe a 5'11 n half Richard Harris who was the same age both with cowboy boots on. Harris might use lifts as he did look to have about an inch on Ford in Patriot Games, and Harris claimed to be 6ft. I also do not believe in Eastwood ever being 6'4, but around 6'2 n half peak. 6'4 with his big boots from the old spaghetti westerns. Hackman was also shorter than strong 6ft possible weak 6'1 Will Smith in late 60's by about half-to 1 inch.
CDS said on 25/Mar/19
@billionaireslayer: I wouldn't rule it out completely, but Ford has always had bad posture. I would agree on the 5'11" to 5'11.5" by the time he reached his 60s, with the height loss. Now, I would actually say closer to 5'10.5" , lower than this site has him at, including the average votes. As for gene hackman I Defintely wouldn't rule him out at 6'1" peak height. In fact, that was my guess over the 6'2" listing he's always had.
billionaireslayer said on 24/Mar/19
@CDS:only my opinion but I have seen a lot of his earlier movies such as the Conversation/and American Graffiti. I still see him being around 5'11-5'11 n half, He also wears boots in a lot of his films, I also think Gene Hackman was only around a strong 6ft maybe scraping 6'1 peak. Gene Hackman has always been older did not get big in films till he was around 40.
berta said on 23/Mar/19
Rob 6 foot 1/2 inch is really the best peak height. I dont believe Ford was taller than a guy like chris pine ore JOhn Cena, I could believe that they would edge him out.
CDS said on 20/Mar/19
@billionaireslayer: I guarantee Ford's peak height was well over 5'11.25". I suggest you watch some of Ford's early films from the 70s and 80s. And you'll see he holds his own comfortably with tall actors like 6'2" gene hackman. I'd say you're around an inch too low, although I do think the peak listing for him on this site is too high. I would say his peak barefoot height should be somewhere between 6' and 6'0.5"...
billionaireslayer said on 20/Mar/19
weak 5'11 to 5'11 n half prime
Spencer Dobkin said on 2/Mar/19
I agree with James. In Star Wars he really only looks 184 cm tops next to at most 171 cm Hammil. 6'0.5" peak at most.
Canson said on 27/Feb/19
Lol. Guess that’s what we have to look forward to later in life. Height loss. I would say 1.5” more than 1.75. Maybe 6’0.5 to 5’11
Nathan Drake said on 25/Feb/19
Hey Rob, when approximately do you think Harrison started losing height?
Editor Rob
I think in early 40's it is likely a small fraction and by age 50 a decent fraction lost.
Jamestherealone said on 21/Feb/19
He was never 6' 0.75" at his prime. That is too much. He was 6' 0.5" at most in his prime. 6' 1.5" in shoes and 6' 0.5" barefoot is the most he ever was.
Spencer said on 10/Feb/19
6'2" with shoes on peak. 6'0.75" barefoot.
Sotiris Gravas said on 3/Feb/19
@Philip Gaskell Probably b/c he's right next to the camera and Snipes is way back in a different time zone. Unlike this... Click Here
Philip Gaskell said on 1/Feb/19
Camera angles are everything Click Here. Looks quite a bit taller than Mr Snipes there.
Sotiris Gravas said on 29/Jan/19
He was never 6'0.75" peak height. That's ridiculous. Here's Ford back in '93 looking very short next to 5'8.5" Wesley Snipes... Click Here

Also, how in the world can he still be 5'11" when he barely looks taller than 5'8' Alden Ehrenreich when not standing w/ perfect posture? Seriously... Click Here

@Rob: No offense, but I've never seen you get someone so wrong... I can't see how Ford is more than 5'10" next to 5'8" Ehrenreich... Click Here
JustForFun said on 15/Jan/19
Rob why do you think he was 3/4 over 6'0". The guy himself claim just a bit 6'. 1/4 Would be a better listing and If Harrison really was 3/4 over 6' he just would claim 6'1
Editor Rob
I don't know if he actually claimed the figure, it was a description of him without a quote...of course it may well have came from him, it did seem specific. A bit like Tommy Lee Jones - he had some specific figures and they were from his publicity/resume.
James the real one said on 7/Jan/19
Harrison Ford was 1.84 (6' 0.5") at most.
Michael 5'10", 178 cm said on 31/Dec/18
I think he was slightly over 6'0" in his younger days, but never looked as tall as other 6'1" guys did on screen. I don't think he was ever the full 6'1". He looked a flat 6 feet in Regarding Henry next to Annette Bening, looking only 4 inches taller. He might've been a weak 6'1", slightly under 6'1" as he was edged out a decent amount by Sean Connery in the Last Crusade. Harrison was at least an inch and a half shorter. I think he was 184 cm peak, more like 5'11" today since he didn't look too much taller than Daisy Ridley or John Boyega in the Force Awakens.
Rising - 174 cm said on 23/Dec/18
@CDS: Yeah, Nolte can give a taller impression, but Nolte has been very clear with his height saying he's 6'0", but taller in the morning and that the boots make him look taller. How many would admit that? Nolte is also known to have worn lifts for Mullholland Falls so at least in that case we know why he looked tall. Nowadays, Nolte and Ford both might be around 5'10.5", imo. In Ford's case, it depends on how soon after Temple of Doom he lost height considering his injury filming that.
berta said on 23/Dec/18
I think Nolte and Ford was closer in height than they are listed. Could be Nolte 183,5 and ford barely 184. Pretty mutch the same height but if one is taller then i would think Ford but i wouldnt bet alot of money on it.
Judd said on 20/Dec/18
@CDS, actually i think Nolte is one of the most honest actor if we talking about height.
I think a 6'/183cm mark is reasonable for him until the beginning of 90's (I think in Another 48hrs [1990] he was still 6').
maybe seemed taller than Ford because he usually wore heels under his shoes (for example in 48 hrs he seemed a legit 6'1/185cm next to Brion James but he visibly wore a pair of cowboy boots) but I will bet that if you will measure a peak Ford and against a peak Nolte then the chicagoan will be a fraction taller...0.5" is what i think but maybe even 0.25"...definetly 6'0.5/184cm peak for Ford and 6'0/183cm for Nolte are two reasonable estimates...
CDS said on 18/Dec/18
Nolte is another one for me that was a bit of a shocker, when I got to celebheights,, this should probably go on his page, but I always thought he was a good 6'1" or 6'2", and at that time, I would've expected him to be taller than Ford,,, which we all know now that was never the case, in fact, if anything, Ford at peak height, would've easily edged him out.
Judd said on 18/Dec/18
i think in 2002 (next to Ben Affleck) he was a 182cm guy (5ft11.75). Today he's a weak 5'11 while at peak was a legit 6'0.5/184cm.
Rising - 174 cm said on 16/Dec/18
@CDS: You would think, but Mitchum did still look an imposing strong 6 footer in the mid to late 70's. As for Cape Fear, if anything Mitchum looks taller in their first scene together, which is indoors although Mitchum is walking in front of Nolte so he might be closer to the camera. After that, there's not a real clear shot, though I got the impression Nolte was taller. There are promo pics and stills, but it's hard to tell because posture and angles are all over the place Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here and they're outside so ground level is an issue. From what I've seen, I doubt there was a big difference either way by that point, but Mitchum was 73.

I don't agree with Rampage on Ford's peak, but I can see his point regarding The Conversation. Ford didn't seem that much shorter than Hackman.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Dec/18
He still looked 6ft 18 years ago so that should be safely ruled out for his peak.

6ft0½ absolute worst peak. Still think the current peak is spot on. American Graffiti, The Conversation and the first Star Wars provide better representation than mid-late 80’s
CDS said on 11/Dec/18
@rising, you would think by then mitchum had lost height? I would've expected Ford to look taller at that time. How did mitchum look next to 6'(listed here) Nick nolte in the 1991 "cape fear" remake, does anyone recall?
Rising - 174 cm said on 5/Dec/18
Here's a 43 year old Ford and a 68 year old Robert Mitchum in 1985: Click Here Some of that could be the angle, but you wouldn't think Ford was taller there. Mitchum is listed here at 6'0" peak, but I really don't think he looked shorter than Ford. Both could have been 6'0.25", imo. I'd say Ford was still a solid 5'11" when he did the last Indiana Jones a decade ago, but doesn't really look it to me any more.
Gracian said on 5/Dec/18
Here are the pictures of Ford next to Ben Affleck from 2002:
Click Here
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Seeing Ford at the time I would guess about 6 feet for him. Rob, do you think Ford at the age of 60 could have been six feet tall?
Editor Rob
He might have been reasonably close to that mark around 2002
Michael, 5'10" 178 cm said on 26/Nov/18
Harrison was barely 6’0” tall in the 70s and 80s, he didn’t look much taller than Sigourney Weaver. He is definitely a bit under 6’0” today, you can tell by how much shorter he looks in TFA and all the old actors, like him, Mark Hamill, and Carrie Fisher clearly have all lost height since the early 80s. He didn’t look over 4 inches taller than Daisy Ridley or 3 inches taller than Boyega. I’d say that he was 6’0.5” at peak, 5’11” currently.
berta said on 23/Nov/18
it would be interesting to know about those articles " that describes him little over 6 feet" if he claimede 1/8 over 1/4 ore 1/2 inch over 6 foot to them. We can al agree that it isnt the listed height because then you would say " almost 6 foot 1". I would go for 1/4 over 6 foot could be 184 flat on good days.
JamesB172cm said on 21/Nov/18
Yeah just 6ft looks believable for his peak
Mark Harrison said on 16/Nov/18
He was never 6'1" at his peak. More like six foot even.
TheBat said on 10/Nov/18
6'1" peak and 6'0" currently.
Yang (5ft 8 Chinese men) said on 4/Nov/18
Current height is presumably solid 5ft 11 180cm while his peak height during filming indiana jones back in early 1980s would be 6ft half 184cm or so. Lost 1.5 inch heights so far...
berta said on 31/Oct/18
i wouldnt bet money on FOrd being 185 cm peak. 183,7 ish peak and 178,5 today seems realistic. Maybe 179 still
James Keffer said on 8/Oct/18
Seems to be 181 barefoot. 183-184 was his peak though.
Johnson said on 3/Oct/18
In El Hormiguero a few years ago he looked legit 5'11 gurufans!!
Scoobydoo said on 2/Oct/18
Never 185cm

Between 183-184 was his height.

Nowadays 179cm barefoot I agree with Berta
James the real one said on 10/Sep/18
Peak 1.84 (6' 0.5").
Benny said on 7/Sep/18
Peak is 6’1. Current is 5’11.5
MAD SAM said on 10/Aug/18
Peak would be easy 6’1” at 185 cm, currently probably 5’11.25” at 181 cm
Rising - 174 cm said on 28/Jul/18
@Ross Mc Cartney: Connery was pushing 60 by that time and I believe he had already lost some height since he was shorter than Kevin Kline at the 1989 Oscars and Kline is listed here at 6'1.5".
berta said on 28/Jul/18
the guy was weak 184 guy and 179 guy today. He wasnt 185 cm :P many just want him to be that because of his iconic roles.
James B 172cm said on 25/Jul/18
rob in the early 90s was harrison ford a 6ft guy who often looked 5ft11 because of posture?
Ross Mc Cartney said on 24/Jul/18
I know he was 1,85 cm. 3 cm less than Sean Connery, as we can see in the movie "Indiana Jones and the last crusade"
Rising - 174 cm said on 23/Jun/18
He did measure up pretty well to Gene Hackman in The Conversation, but I still think 6'0.25" peak or 6'0.5" max and I agree with 5'10.5" max these days. He's been looking around the 5'10" mark(with bad posture) for years now when you remember him with Daniel Craig and Sly Stallone, but I think he's lost a bit more seeing that video.
Ulrik600 said on 18/May/18
I agree with the others here recently. Harrison Ford doesn't look anything above 5'10.5 these days. I see him as anything from weak 5'10 to 5'10.25. I'm convinced you have him too high Rob.
berta said on 17/May/18
yeah beside 173 Alden Ehrenreich he doesnt look a mm over 178. more like strong 177. But i give him 178,5 still
CDS said on 17/May/18
I saw Harrison next to Alden and recalled Alden standing next to woody harrelson at the Cannes film festival. From my estimates that would make Harrison currently only about an inch taller than woody, so 5'10.5" current height.
Movie Fan said on 14/May/18
It’s interesting. Harrison Ford looked not much taller standing next to Alden Ehrenreich.Click Here
Scoobydoo said on 11/May/18
Next to Ryan Gosling ( 184cm) , uncle Harry seems 178/179cm nowadays not strong 180 cm. If you see the pic that @6footTom sharing us. Anyway maybe Harrison Ford has a bad posture he is older.
CDS said on 10/May/18
Rampage makes a very good point, like with brad Pitt, who you have to go back to his early career pre-lift days to show he wasn't that tall, with Harrison Ford you have to go back to his early career pre-shrinking days to prove he actually was easily 6 ft plus back in the 70s and 80s, and maybe even early 90s? I don't know that I would give him a solid 6'1" barefoot peak height but certainly at least 6'0.25" to 6'0.75", depending on the time of day of course. And today, probably between 5'10" and 5'11". The 1st time I noticed his very visible height loss was the 2006 film "firewall" where Paul bettany easily had 4 inches on ford, so I'm thinking Paul is like 6'5". Then I check online and see that he's only 6'3"...
Jordan87 said on 8/May/18
I'd put him closer to 6' even. He had Billy Dee by around an Inch and Williams was around 5'10.5 in his prime ( He as a picture with Rob at his age now and is 5'9.75). 5'11.5 to 6'.

6'1 is too much for Ford.
berta said on 1/May/18
look at the heels he had when walking with gene hackman. there was just over 1 inch beetween them and then fords shoes gave atleast 1,5 cm extra in heihgt.that is 4 cm difference, gene was 188. ford was 184 and if gene was 187 as many believe then ford could have been 183. the shoes he had in that scene was almost like lifts. The conversation is a good example for a 184 listing. he was 100 procent still at peak.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Apr/18
No berta, it's just most people here are so biased by focusing just on the 80's onwards when his height loss started. Go back the 70's and you will find plenty of evidence to support Ford once being about 6ft1. In American Graffiti, he's like the second tallest guy there and towers over just about everyone. In The Conversation was looking about eye to eye with Hackman in some scenes, no more than an inch...pretty much identical to how Costner looked beside Hackman a decade later in No Way Out.

This guy in his 30's would have edged out Gosling and been similar to Keanu Reeves
sausage said on 26/Apr/18
Enough with the downgrading lol he's 75 years of age ffs he might be might be near 5'10 now , but in his earlier years was easily 6'1 or very nea1ry 6'1, 3 inches taller than 5'10 Robert Shaw , simalair to 6'2 Gene Hackman, at least 5 inches taller than Mark Hamill and an inch to 2 inches taller than Billy Dee Williams and he never wore lifts or big heels.
haxxx said on 24/Apr/18
Rob I think it's time for a downgrade to 5'10.5 currently. look at him next to legit 5'11 people, 5'10 people and 6'0 people.
berta said on 23/Apr/18
same height as peak tommy lee jones. Rob i think youre spot on with most listings but ford is pretty clear that he was no shorter than 183 and no taller than 184,5. never looked taller than 184 in any indiana jones movies not the first one either. most guys here would agree if the listing would go down to 184. I think many would like him to be 185 guy because of his iconic rolls.
Scoobydoo said on 23/Apr/18
I'm still thinking that Harrison never was more taller than 183 cm in peak barefoot. He always had good look in his movies, thin, big hands... all this helps to seem taller.
Deacon Ashworth said on 21/Apr/18
I knew he was somewhere around 5’11, he didn’t seemed like a strong 6’1 in films.
6footTom said on 21/Apr/18
Doesn't really look over 5'10" these days, especially when he's standing next to Ryan Gosling.

Click Here
John Book said on 17/Apr/18
Hey Rob, how tall do you think he was at the time of Witness (1985)? That was his only Oscar nomination.
Editor Rob
Not impossible he lost a fraction by then through initial injuries in early 80's films, but he generally didn't seem above 184 by late 80's.
sulu2018 said on 9/Mar/18
Smaller than Gerard Butler, Garrett Hedlund, Mark Pellegrino, and Stone Cold Steve Austin all his life.
Newman said on 1/Mar/18
Would have to say 5ft 11 above is bang on. Lots of magazines used to mention him being 6ft or 6ft 1 in the 1990s but he never looked it. Probably helped that most of his co-actors in films like Star Wars and Indiana Jones were short.
berta said on 23/Feb/18
john cena is 80 procent chanse taller than peak ford.but ford could have been very close 6 foot 1/2 he was a tallish guy peak
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Feb/18
No in the 70's he was near 6ft1, I certainly wouldn't argue anything less than a rock solid 6ft0½ in those days. It's obvious he was only an inch below Hackman in The Conversation, sometimes even less. Did he start to lose height early? of course but people are focusing a bit too much on the early 80's onward. He didn't quite look 6ft1 in Witness or Working Girl...and by Patriot Games and The Fugitive you could argue he was down to 6ft even.

What Rob has him on at peak is perfect.
Dmeyer said on 16/Feb/18
If they Saïd à lidl over 6 FT in the 80s that means max 6'0,25-0,5in maybe l'ESS AT 6'0,75 he would have been described 6'1-2
CDS said on 12/Feb/18
I don't think Ford looked a whole 2 inches shorter than Connery in the movie. Maybe an inch and a half. Which means if Sean was 6'1.5" peak height Ford could easily have been 6 ft when that movie was made when he was only 46.
James the real one said on 10/Feb/18
A 47 years old Harrison looked 5 cm (2 inches) shorter than a 59 years old Sean Connery:

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Of course, people will now put the excuse that Ford had suppousedly lost height because of his back injury during the Indiana Jones 2 movie. But that's an irrefutable and untestable assumption. Nobody measured him those days, and we cannot know whether he did lost height because of the injury.

I can accept Ford could have lost 1 cm at most at age 47 due to the back injury (untestable assumption). But then we should also accept that Connery could have lost 1 cm at age 59 due to his advanced age (another untestable assumption).

If Connery was still 6' 2" (1.88) Ford looked 6 ft (1.83). If Connery was 6' 1.5" (1.87), Ford looked 5. 11.75" (1.82).

Either way, it puts Ford in the 6 ft peak range, since he looked 5 cm shorter than Connery.
James B 170.8cm said on 8/Feb/18
Not completely sure why this guy was popular with the ladies. Hes no george clooney is he?

Maybe his height bailed him out somewhat or the fact he looks like a normal bloke in hollywood who can act in many diverse roles.
Junior Hernandez said on 2/Feb/18
Losing 1.75" thats alot at early 70s of age. my paternal side grandpa now at 85 only drop off from 5'7.25" to 5'6.25".
Tall Sam said on 31/Jan/18
I'd say he's a great Hollywood star, maybe not the greatest actor, he's kind of a throwback to . If Tom Hanks is the Jimmy Stewart of the 80s onward, I guess Ford is the Gary Cooper or Henry Fonda of 70s onward, I actually like him better than Cooper lol, even if Ford comes off as a cranky older man. Ford is very good in movies like Witness, Blade Runner and The Fugitive at getting you on his side and expressing emotions with very little dialogue.
Hannah said on 30/Jan/18
He’s tall. With Carrie Fisher he even looked taller. I assume 6’1 for his peak height. Well, at least he’s the coolest dude in the galaxy (and even Earth because of Indy??) Impossible to hate him...probably the best actor ever in the Hollywood industry.
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 25/Jan/18
He’s in that 183-185 zone. The man is tall.
Mark said on 16/Jan/18
Six foot at his peak, 5'10.5" today.
popo said on 10/Jan/18
180.3 cm morning height
179 cm at night/lowest
James said on 9/Jan/18
Ford never looked more than 6'0" in the 1970s.
Anonymous said on 8/Jan/18
People who are using '80s movies to guess his peak height need to learn his biography. In 1983, he herniated a disc in his back and had surgery while filming Temple of Doom (the elephant ride followed by picking up the stunt man in the bedroom fight). Filming had to stop for months. He lost an inch in that one injury alone. Go back to Star Wars and you'll notice he was taller before (he was also very lanky before he beefed up for Temple, but he absolutely towers in the famous set footage of him walking with tiny Mark and Carrie). He looked every bit of 6'1" in the '70s, but after 1983, it's obvious he was 6' flat (he visibly shrinks between Raiders and Last Crusade). He's definitely 5'11" tops today. You can see that his torso was longer pre-herniated disc/back surgery.

He's had insane amounts of injuries over the years. These go back to the car crash in 1962 that broke his nose, which now leans sideways, and scarred his chin. He knocked out all of his front teeth when he fell on a rifle butt on the set of Gunsmoke in the late '60s (they're dentures). His body is busted all over. He just had two broken legs from the Falcon hydraulic door (he's limping in TFA in some shots) and his most recent plane crash with a new scar on his forehead (he's had a few plane crashes). But before that, he also had an out-of-control plane run over his now-replaced knee on the set of Raiders (the shot where it happened is in the film when he goes down on his butt and the wheel is headed for his knee), which he didn't get medical attention for because he didn't want to submit to Tunisian medical care. That's why he's dropped more than an average man his age. It's not only age, but the fact that he's abused and broken his body in accident after accident.
Terry said on 6/Jan/18
6ft bang on in his peak.
Klapperschlangensindgeil21 said on 5/Jan/18
Harrison Ford was most definitely a solid 6 ft. 1” are peak.
CDS said on 4/Jan/18
In that photo Slim186 posted from "The Fugitive", not only does Ford easily edge out Jones, but TLJ is actually LOOKING UP AT HIM??! LOL Are we not looking at the same photo?? LOL
Mister lennon said on 2/Jan/18
He never was 6'1. Solid 6 at peak maximun.
James said on 1/Jan/18
Happy new year everybody. Harrison Ford was 6' 0.5" at his peak.
Klapperschlangensindgeil21 said on 1/Jan/18
Harrison Ford was 6’ 1” peak, end of story.
Johno said on 30/Dec/17
Jimmy Fallon and Kimmel do edge him you know
berta said on 28/Dec/17
looked at first 2 star movies this week out of nostalgia he looks like a 184 cm guy in them not a mm over that. he can look strong 184 guy in the first because he is skinny in it but in other scenes under 184. i think we all can agree tht 184 is a better lissting. there is 0 procent chanse that he had 0,75 inches on nick nolte 40 years ago. more like 0,30 inches
Richard said on 27/Dec/17
The lifts were inside his boots. Ford was never more than six foot at his peak.
sausage said on 27/Dec/17
His boots are you serious? theres hardly a heel on them at all lol.
Mister lennon said on 27/Dec/17
Sorry, but jones edged out ford in the fugitive. I think that jones was a solid 6 in that movie and ford a weak 6.
The Shredder said on 26/Dec/17
Maybe between 6'0 and 6'1 peak . He has looked weak 5'11 for awhile now.
Richard said on 25/Dec/17
His boots made him appear 6'1" in the "Star Wars" films.
Jug said on 24/Dec/17
Ford looked a strong 6'1 in all of the Star Wars films, and not more than an inch shorter than Hackman in The Conversation. He may have lost height due to back injuries sustained on the set of Temple of Doom. He looked closer to six feet even in Last Crusade. I would give him the full 6'1 for a peak.
CDS said on 21/Dec/17
I don't know what movie berta and Judd saw, but I remember (and that photo confirms it) in "The Fugitive", Ford easily edging out Tommy Lee Jones -AND- Jones' posture looking better than Ford's. Although not by much. I would say TLJ is 5'11"-5'11.5" and Ford by 1993 was just about at the 6' mark.
berta said on 14/Dec/17
i also agree with judd that tommy lee jones edged out ford. in that movie it looks like tommy was weak 184 ish guy and ford 183 ish guy
berta said on 14/Dec/17
rob please give him peak of 184 cm its not many guys that think he is 185 peak. i actually looked at indiana jones yesterday (secend one) and he looked weak 184 guy the whole movie. for fun i asked my brother how tall he thought ford was and he said " 183-184 maybe? " i then told him that he is 185 and he was like " nah i dont believe it they exagerate everythin in hollywood".
Mister lennon said on 14/Dec/17
In that picture, jones is slouching and ford is standing straigth. In their two scenes together and both standing straigth, they looked almost the same, but jones being a little bit taller.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Dec/17
Looks 186cm in that photo w/h TLJ!
Judd said on 13/Dec/17
Slim 186
the picture you've posted doesn't mean anything: HF has the best posture which he can have while the posture of TLJ is terrible...
then you've even to consider that the camera angle is not good.
If you watch the movie then you will notice that there're actually a couple of scenes where you can se HF and TLJ together and in all them HF never edged TLJ.
6'0.25" for TLJ and 6'0.5" is correct but i guess HF was still a 6 footer when he played Kimble in the Fugitive
Mister lennon said on 13/Dec/17
Jones is slouching in that picture. When they were together in the last scene of the film and both standing straigth, jones looked slightly taller.
Slim 186 said on 10/Dec/17
Edged Tommy Lee Jones in the fugitive: Click Here
James said on 8/Dec/17
He looked six foot in "The Conversation".
Klapperschlangensindgeil21 said on 7/Dec/17
Actually, Harrison Ford really does look close to a full 6 ft. 1 in the conversation. He seemed a bit shorter in the last crusade. He looks more noticeably shorter in the fugitive, patriot games, and Air Force one and he is clearly shorter in his newer films such as crystal skull, Ender’s game, force awakens, etc.
Klapperschlangensindgeil21 said on 7/Dec/17
I still think the full 6 ft. 1 in. is still arguable.
James said on 5/Dec/17
@Canson I remember my grandfather told me some years ago that he was exactly the same height at 75 than when he was young. I am skeptic lol, but I agree with you that some people lose very little height with age.
Canson said on 4/Dec/17
@Danimal: that isn’t necessarily true. My father is going to be 70 In less than a year and he is still right around 6’4 (at most he’s half inch shorter than me) so 6’3.75-6’4 and he was like 6’4”-6’4 1/8 peak. Also his brother (my uncle) was 6’3” peak and still about 6’2 1/2 today In his 70s
Scoobydoo said on 4/Dec/17
yes Hackman was nearly of the 6'2 feet mark in his peak.
Harrison near 6'1 but not strong 6'1

the conversation movie

Gene Hackman between 187/188 cm barefoot
Harrison Ford between 183'5/ 184 cm barefoot.
Jtm said on 2/Dec/17
That video with Hackman doesn't prove he was 6'1. He's clearly closer to the camera.
Mister lennon said on 2/Dec/17
Hackman was 6'2 at his peak.
Richard said on 2/Dec/17
Hackman was 6'1" at his peak.
Danimal said on 1/Dec/17
Doc said on 12/Oct/17
He looked 0.5 inch shorter than Gosling. Considering Ford was 6’0 spot on in his peak, he’s approx. 5’11-11.5’’ nowadays.

The average 75 year old man of which Harrison is today, will have lost just over 1.5" and 2" by 80 years old.
Danimal said on 1/Dec/17
sausage said on 29/Nov/17
6'1 70s , mid eighties 6 foot

He lost an inch by his early 40's (in the mid 80's)? That's not how it works.
Sam said on 1/Dec/17
He does look right on listing at least in that clip from The Conversation with Hackman, which I haven't seen in a long time. I don't see how you could argue six foot flat peak for Ford there unless you're going to claim Gene Hackman was 6'0.75" himself, you'd have to accordingly drop an inch from several of his co-star's listings.
Scoobydoo said on 1/Dec/17
Ford was 183'5 - 184cm in peak. Not more not less.

remember guys !here up the page says:

"In a few articles in the 1980's it mentioned his height as being a bit over the 6ft mark".

I understand this as he was a bit taller than 6 feet, a bit taller 6 feet could be between 183'5 cm /184 cm not a strong 6'1

184 cm peak strong 184 cm in the morning.
180/181 cm nowadays. strong 181 cm in the morning
He lost around 3 or 4 cm.
Bobby said on 30/Nov/17
I'm thinking 185cm would be a good shout for peak height Harrison Ford, but I honestly can't rule out that he was the full 6'1 in his 20s. It's possible that he was. Still a legit 6'1 at his peak height. He'd have measured 6'1.5-6'1.75 in the morning.
James said on 30/Nov/17
Ford never looked 6'1" in any film.
sausage said on 29/Nov/17
6'1 70s , mid eighties 6 foot , now lucky to be 5'11. Hes an old geezer that life hasn't been kind to in regards to injuries.
Walter Beego said on 28/Nov/17
Peak height = 5'11.5" Current height = 5'10"
James said on 27/Nov/17
Ford was 30 in "The Conversation". He was never any taller than six foot in ordinary shoes.
Scoobydoo said on 27/Nov/17
In other words, our friend big Harry was:

Nearly of the 6'2 mark when he was young

Nearly of the 6 feet mark nowadays. I see a strong 180/181 cm today.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to Rob and company!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Nov/17
Rob, is 6ft1 arguable in this clip from The Conversation?

Click Here

He would have been 32 here
Editor Rob
still think a big 6ft 1 is just a bit much for Ford, anywhere in 6ft 0.5 to 6ft 0.75 I think is more probable now than 6ft 1 or 6ft flat.
Jeremy said on 25/Nov/17
@Jeremy I agree with you. 6' 0.5" should be rounded up to 6' 1", instead of being rounded down to 6' 0".

After all it's essential mathematics. How to round numbers:

"Decide which is the last digit to keep
Leave it the same if the next digit is less than 5 (this is called rounding down)
But increase it by 1 if the next digit is 5 or more (this is called rounding up)"

Source: Click Here
Jeremy said on 25/Nov/17
He has lost a fair amount.
Peak - 184-185 but rounded up to the full 6’1”
Nowadays - 180-181
berta said on 23/Nov/17
no taler than 79 todat.
berta said on 22/Nov/17
still dont believe how ford can be listed as 185cm peak and not guys like chris pine john cena and many moore.
grizz said on 21/Nov/17
@Boba Fett, it's also strange (but less strange than your case) that Indiana Jones is listed at 6ft. Given that it is Hollywood, I half-expected them to list him at 6'1.
Boba Fett said on 20/Nov/17
It's weird how Han Solo is listed as 5'11", peak Ford was definitely a bit over 6 feet tall. You'd think they'd exaggerate a bit, not be modest, lol.
Scoobydoo said on 6/Nov/17
hey friends! here uncle Harry next to Ben Affleck listed in 6'2 ( 187/188 cm)

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Peak: I think he was 184 o nearly 184 cm, not a full 185cm
Nowadays i see around 180 -181 cm to Harry
James said on 5/Nov/17
@Slim 184 In other words, 1.84 range in the first Star Wars, first Indiana Jones and first Blade Runner.
Slim 184 said on 5/Nov/17
184 range at physical peak.
Pierre said on 3/Nov/17
@Rising= Click Here another 1995 Arnold /Clint
Pierre said on 2/Nov/17
@Rising =Harrison/Clint Eastwood 1994 = Click Here + see the pics i posted(with Steven Spielberg) on 01/Nov/17 + you can see more in web
Clint /Arnold 1995 = Click Here Click Here you can see the shoes in the video.
Scoobydoo said on 2/Nov/17
In the first Blade Runner he is still young I think he was in his peak. He was 39-40 years old when the movie was filmed, Rob.
Sam said on 2/Nov/17
Ford at his peak may not have been any perceptively different in height than fellow blade runner Ryan Gosling is today, 6'0.75"-6'1" was probably Harrison's first thing in the morning height, averaging 6'0.25"-6'0.5" around mid-day/afternoon.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Nov/17
Rob, do you think he was still at or near his peak when Blade Runner was filmed?
Editor Rob
if he lost anything, we are talking a few mm's in wear and tear.
Pierre said on 1/Nov/17
@Rising say on 11/Sep/17="i don't know why people assume movies mugshot are real".
I don't say movie Mugshots are always real but can you say all the movie Mugshots are bad? Coincidence= by this mugshot Harrison is around his list ( but probably in shoes) and curiously in the pictures Harrison/Wesley,Harrison never look 6"1'.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Next to Steven Spielberg listed 5"7.5' = Click Here Click Here
Next to Mel Gibson(listed 5"9.5')= Click Here
Brad said on 31/Oct/17
As listed. Hard to believe he has a 50 year old son, he looks great. I just wish he'd stay out of non commercial planes.
Slim 6' said on 30/Oct/17
Prime: as listed.
Scoobydoo said on 29/Oct/17
He looks around 184 cm in his first movies like Indiana Jones movies, Star Wars movies ,Blade Runner, but not a full 6'1 footer and all times he was a strong 6 foot and I think he is 5'11 nowadays not less.

Peak 184
Nowadays a bit over 180 cm (5'11)

In my opinion.
Canson said on 28/Oct/17
Agree with Rob. Peak prob 6’0.5 or so today he’s 181-182
Editor Rob
I think 6ft 0.75 is the most I'd try to argue, 6ft 0.5 is typically what many would go with as a peak...far less 6ft or 6ft 1, most agree he was over 6ft though.
HonestSlovene said on 27/Oct/17
@anyonmious 0.25 upgrade for now and 0.25 downgrade for peak imo (5'11.25" now, 6'0.5" peak). Strongly doubt he lost that much (more than 1.25 inches).
anyonmious said on 25/Oct/17
there should be a 1/4 inch downsize for his peak height and a 1/2 inch downsize for his present height
James said on 24/Oct/17
@berta Even though I agree with you, I think Rob has a strong, very strong conviction on Harrison's height. Nothing can make Rob change his mind and downgrade Harrison to 6' 0.5". If over 150 votes are still not enough, nothing will change Rob's mind. We must respect Rob and his strong conviction. After all, Rob is the creator of this fascinating page.
Editor Rob
I have always said 6ft 1/2 isn't impossible.
berta said on 24/Oct/17
still waiting for 1/4 inch downgrade :P he could have been couple mm taller than gosling at peak.but never 185. 183,9 seems believeable for him. no way he was taller than guys like henry cavill ore john cena. although i can believe he and channing tatum was excact the same height .
Anonymous said on 22/Oct/17
A bit over the 6 feet mark is exactly exactly 6 ft.0.25 . In my opinion. In other words he was a strong 183'5 cm/184 cm in peak not a full 6'1 footer.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Oct/17
Anything shy of 6ft0½ peak is absolutely unacceptable...and I won't stand for it!

Saw Blade Runner 2049 and he surprisingly stood his ground with Ryan Gosling and the 82' original would have edged him out easily
Jake said on 16/Oct/17
I’d say he right now is about 6’ but he probs a little over 6’1
Anonymous said on 16/Oct/17
he was almost letterman's height in the first time he went to his show.
Anonymous said on 13/Oct/17
I don't believe that Harrison is 178/179 cm nowadays that is low for him.

If he is 178cm today ...How tall was Harrison in peak?? 181?

come on man! he is still a strong 180 cm.
Spencer said on 12/Oct/17
I disagree that he looked 5'11 in Blade Runner. I saw 178-79 at most. Gosling looks 6 flat.
Bobby said on 12/Oct/17
6'1 peak for sure, he looked it in Raiders of the Lost Ark and Twmple of Doom. Today, he can be more a solid or strong 5'11, but he's had a lot of injuries over the course of his career, enough to lose 2 inches.
Doc said on 12/Oct/17
He looked 0.5 inch shorter than Gosling. Considering Ford was 6’0 spot on in his peak, he’s approx. 5’11-11.5’’ nowadays. This picture, with Ford slouching and Gosling standing straight proves it:

Click Here
Kurtz said on 10/Oct/17
Strong 5 11 his days.
Today not more than 5 10
travis said on 9/Oct/17
he was 184cm he didn't lose that much
Matt said on 8/Oct/17
Looked 5’10.75/11 in blade runner 2049 next to comfortable 6’0 gosling.
Spencer said on 8/Oct/17
He looked 5'10" in the new Blade Runner. He looked closer to 5'11" in the Force Awakens. I don't think he was ever 6'1" more 6'0.5"
Anonymous said on 7/Oct/17

He personally made many action scene , his last injury was in the last Star Wars movie and in his private airplane.
Brad said on 7/Oct/17
Mucho spine wrecking. As listed. Looks great for his age.
Animus said on 7/Oct/17
He must have seriously injured his body over the years, either cumultatively or intensely, for him to lose that much height. It really highlights how you have to take care of your body.
Heightster said on 7/Oct/17
5' 10 3/4" currently after a lot of shrinkage from Indy Jones' and helicopter crash. Probably was 6' 1/4" at 25 y.o. Gentle soul. Under-rated actor. Ford is right: Tony Curtis should have been thought of as a "grocery delivery boy" not a movie star from that role. Met him. Shy but cool with me.
grizz said on 5/Oct/17
Melyst, I do believe he's one of the more sincere guys in Hollywood. Modest and simple (he was a carpenter until his mid 30s), even now as a multi-millionaire, one of prime examples that money only accentuates your inner-self, not making you bad as a necessity.
So his "a bit over the 6' mark" claim might mean 6'0.25 or 6'0.5.
As someone mentioned, 6'0.75 is so close to 6'1 that you would seem weird claiming "a bit over 6'" when you're there, with added height (hair and shoes), standing at 6'2 . He looked minimum 6' in the 80's and early 90's.
Dejavu said on 5/Oct/17
He looks 5’11 next to Ryan Gosling
Peter181cm said on 3/Oct/17
He was 6'0.5/1,84m at the top!
And now he is 5'10.5 - 5'11
Dreampuffe(5'9.5 said on 2/Oct/17
Both listings are fine.6’0” flat at peak is low bailing him.
Anonymous said on 30/Sep/17
To Melyst;

I agree with you. Sometimes actors and celebrities lie about their real height.

we don't know if Harrison in the 80's was measured barefoot or was measured in shoes or sneakers , also we don't know if he added his hair.
Hair can give you 2 or 3 cm extra. That's the problem, we don't know anything. That " a bit over the 6 feet mark" could be 6'0.25 could be 6'0.5 but not more and we dont't know if with shoes, barefoot....

Anyway to me harrison looks a good person, honest, sincere... i believe maybe he was measured barefoot in the 6 feet mark. And with sneakers a bit over of the 6 feet mark....

In other words, he was a strong 6 feet barefoot but with sneakers 6'0.55

Today seems a strong 180 cm / 5'11 he has bad posture too and I don't know if is for his injuries or because is old. Regards!
Danimal said on 30/Sep/17
He's nowhere near 5'11" today. He's lost lot more height. Reminds me of Robert Plant. Both about 6'1" at their peak and closer to 5'10" today.
Melyst said on 30/Sep/17
Slim said on 29/Sep/17
Full agree..
Well I'd say, If Harrison was 6'0.7 he'd say 6'1. Everybody specially an actor would say 6'1 being that mark. If Harrison said a bit over 6 foot doesn't mean he was over 6'0 . Maybe he was 5'11.75 or 6 barefoot but with his hair or shoes he hit over 6'0. No one just him know his real height hsi medical height. However being honest he does not looked over 6 foot to me. He always looked 5'11.25 to 5'11.5 and today he is 5'10.5 he can look 178-180 range I think he was somewhere 181-183 cm range or 5'11.25 to 6'0
Melyst said on 30/Sep/17
Slim said on 29/Sep/17
Full agree..
Well I'd say, If Harrison was 6'0.7 he'd say 6'1. Everybody specially an actor would say 6'1 being that mark. If Harrison said a bit over 6 foot doesn't mean he was over 6'0 . Maybe he was 5'11.75 or 6 barefoot but with his hair or shoes he hit over 6'0. No one just him know his real height hi medical height. However being honest he does not looedk over 6 foot to me. He always looked 5'11.25 to 5'11.5 and tday he is 5'10.5
Nik said on 30/Sep/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!

We got back from Whitby at around about 11 o' clock this morning but the postings I made earlier in the day, including the one to you on Helen Worth's page, and the ones to yourself and Gladstone Screwer, on Victoria Darbyshire's page were done early in the morning at Whitby.
This page is a very busy page and it can take some time to skim through all the comments to find the one you want, although it does go through a few periods, lasting just over a week, without any comments but it's one of those pages that will always produce interest and the comments will never dry up.
Yes, drawing the mark on the wall at the 6 foot level will have opened your eyes a bit to how yourself and other people overestimate the heights of others. Finally you will have seen what the truth is really like, which involves no footwear and no rounding up too! Well done to you for that because it will have taken you away from all the falsities that are rife due to height lying! I wasn't really interested in height for that much of my life and I didn't think about it much or become interested in it until recently!
Many people, celebrities and non celebrities, claim a few extra inches of height that aren't really theirs, I am sure the "official height" that many people claim for passports, or any other purposes, is wrong and above what they really are. Some people are wildly out and also have a poor perception of how tall different heights are, and I do know quite a few 6 foot claiming men and 5 foot 6 claiming women who can be around three inches short of the height they say they are, some people also think those respective heights are average or even small too!
I think it is fantastic that Harrison Ford is very humble about himself and prepared to admit to not being very good at certain things, like you I am sure he is good at other things, but it is great to hear celebrities and non celebrities claiming not to have that much ability in different areas. It's great when people do put themselves down at times and it is rather nice like you said, I like celebrities and non celebrities to claim that they are ordinary people and not to get too arrogant in general if they have some great skills in certain areas.

Cheers! I hope you have a fab weekend!
Slim said on 29/Sep/17
A 6'0.50 downgrade is necessary. I agree with rising, if Harrison was 6'0.7 he'd say " a bit under the 6'1" mark.
Sandy Cowell said on 29/Sep/17
@ Nik - You're weren't lying with your 'few minutes' of scrolling down, in order to find my comment on this man! This is a very busy page!

Yes, drawing a 6ft Mark on my wall was definitely one of my better ideas, because before then, I thought 6ft can't be as tall as all that! I thought that I was 5ft4 or even 5 as a consequence of all this lying! I was measured in at 5ft2.5 (tops) and a half an inch less in the evenings, but I had a darn good posture, thanks to my Mum, who always told me off for slouching when I was growing up! "Stand up straight!" she'd say, "and stick your shoulders out!" Slouching became more trouble than it was worth and eventually I found that it positively ached my torso to do so!

The one time I was measured at 5ft3 and an 8th, that became my official height! I did stand up painfully straight and probably tip-toed a bit, so I knocked off the 8th, and, feeling extremely saintly, even put 5ft3 on my passport! So I am myself a tiny bit guilty of fiddling my height in the past, though not to the degree I've found that some celebrities do! When I first came here, and discovered what a 'hobby' it was among the famous bods out there, I found it nothing short of hilarious - and still do! Maybe it's because I can identify with them!

While scrolling down just now, I came across an interesting questionairre that somebody had sent in, and it included some of Harrison Ford's previous jobs. He said that he only became an actor because he wasn't good at anything else! I somehow disbelieve that! He sounds like a thoroughly decent, regular type of guy, willing to put himself down when the opportunity arises! I think that's rather nice!

Enjoy the up and coming weekend Nik!

Cheers for now! 🙋
Nik said on 28/Sep/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hey!

Ha ha ha! I have spent a few minutes scrolling down to find your postings but it was jolly well worth it!
I bet those men wouldn't have been laughing if they had seen your mark on the wall, if it had been labelled "6 foot"! Suddenly "The Young Ones" would have lost its appeal that night! I would imagine that when you marked that wall at the 6 foot level you then realised how tall it actually is, and I would imagine that the considerable majority of 6 foot claiming men would be in for a rude awakening if they had seen it!
Well you are pretty good at sussing out height and weight liars, you have cracking good methods for doing it too!

Harrison can have 5'11" for his current height, but his peak height, I don't know!

Here said on 25/Sep/17
With Gene Wilder
Click Here
Rising - 174 cm said on 24/Sep/17
6'0.5" will often claim 6'1", though. I think 6'0.25" is most likely and what I take "a bit" to mean, though it could be 6'0.5" as well. 6'0.75" is going to be called 6'1" or if anything, a bit UNDER 6'1" rather than a bit over 6'.
James said on 23/Sep/17
I have to agree with @Richardspain. If Harrison Ford were 1.85 he would have claimed to be 6' 1". To claim 6' 0.5" or "6 ft and a half" sounds a bit awkward. So probably Ford just claimed "a bit over 6 ft" implying he was like half an inch taller than 6 ft.
Richardspain said on 21/Sep/17
A bit over the 6ft, I understand it as somewhere between the 183'1cm and 184cm mark.

6ft 0.25 or 6ft 0.50 is a bit over than 6feet.
MisterManletMick said on 20/Sep/17
I am really surprised that Harrison Ford is only 5 ft 11 and never surpassed 6 feet I thought he would be like 6 ft 3 because he looked fairly tall even next to chewie but than again Mark Hamill is shorter than we think (even Princess Leia called him out on this when he was in his Stormtrooper disguise) which could have made him look tall next to most of his co stars.
dab said on 19/Sep/17
Besides, Charles below posted a picture with Kline. Given the Kline's estimates, Ford has never been a 6'1, more like 6'0 according to that picture below. This would prove once again that ridiculous claim of shrinking almost 4 cm over the year's for him. He looks no shorter than 1-2 cm than in his prime. Besides, according to the data, men in Western countries don't shrink more than 2 cm over the years, unless they work physically during the lifetime - i.e. farmers, workers etc.
Rising - 174 cm said on 11/Sep/17
I agree Ford was no taller than 6'0.25", but it's not extremely rare to lose over 1" of height by Ford's age(75). In fact, based on a survey done on height loss, it's rather typical. The average for that particular survey was 4 cm by age 75. I know a number of men who are younger than Ford and have lost an inch or more. It varies from person to person.
Doc said on 6/Sep/17
It is extremely rare to lose over 1 inch of your height without suffering from a serious illness. Ford never looked anything above 6'0.25, so his current height around 5'11.5-6'0 seems about right
Rising - 174 cm said on 5/Sep/17
I don't know why people assume movie Mugshots are real. They're often set pieces. If Ford had actually been arrested, it might prove something. 6'0.25" for Ford's prime. I think Connery was about 6'1.5" by the time of The Last Crusade.
Anonymous said on 4/Sep/17
184 cm MAX with lucky was his peak

183 cm all times maybe starting his fifty years old.

Nowadays ( he is 75 years old) I agree with this website no more than 179/180 cm barefoot to Harrison is very possible.

He never looked a strong 185 cm in his movies and in his real life. He had advantage because was thin, long legs, big hands and powerful voice and all that made him look taller.

184 cm peak
179/180 cm today
Pierre said on 4/Sep/17
@Sausage=i have not see others pic in the 1990s years inwhich Harrison look 6"1'(barefoot next to Wesley) .With the picture of Anonymous i doubt he was this height barefoot.Here is a mugshot inwhich a young Harrison in very probably shoes is around 72.5 inches so 184 cm,then more 181.5 peak (5"11.5')barefoot which could explain he don't towered Wesley= Click Here
sausage said on 3/Sep/17
There are numerous other photos with Ford and Wesley Snipes from that event, and Ford looks easily taller just a advantageous camera angle.
Anonymous said on 1/Sep/17
people lose so much height through the years
Anonymous said on 28/Aug/17
Click Here
Tom said on 20/Aug/17
Has a slouchy posture, definitely looked 6 feet 1 inches in early movies
Rising - 174 cm said on 17/Aug/17
If anything, I see Ford below 5'11" in recent years. Possibly down to 179 cm, but I don't know how much is posture. I can see as tall as 184 cm peak, but nothing over that.
Slim183 said on 17/Aug/17
even said on 16/Aug/17
now = a solid 1,800 mm , age 25 = a solid 1,840 mm

I agree.
RichardSpain said on 16/Aug/17
Guys , I want to add that to me he looked only 1 cm shorter than Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner and Rutger was a strong 185 cm. But the problem we can't see a perfect face to face between harrison and Rutger Hauer. :-( I just guess it!

Could be 184 cm uncle Harrison in peak
And 185 cm barefoot to Rutger.

Also in "The Conversation" to me looked shorter than Hackman , maybe 2 o 3 cm. Hackman was 187 /188 in his prime. And here we have same problem there is no good plane between harrison and Hackman only we can "deduce".
even said on 16/Aug/17
now = a solid 1,800 mm , age 25 = a solid 1,840 mm
Dingus said on 14/Aug/17
In an older Francis Ford Coppola movie called "The Conversation" Harrison Ford had a minor role. He stood next to Gene Hackman a few times and often looked only 5'11.00"-6'00.00". However the camera angle was almost always tilted in Gene's favor. I think he was over 6ft in his youth but is probably more like 5'11.25"these days. His current height needs a slight upgrade.
Canson said on 9/Aug/17
6' and change peak but over 6'1 out of bed by a hair to bring him around 6'.5ish
RichardSpain said on 9/Aug/17
If he had been a solid 185 cm or nearly 185cm ( 6'2 foot)articles would say about him a strong 185 but if articles mentioned his height as being a bit over the 6ft mark well as said @Rising a bit over the 6 feet is 6 ft 0.25 o maybe 6 feet 0.50. I understand it like that.

in other words the Harrison Ford's height in peak was between 183'5 cm-184cm not more but not less.
Rising - 174 cm said on 8/Aug/17
A bit over usually seems to mean about 1/4" or a small fraction and I do think Ford was 6'0.25", which fits with a 5'11" peak Billy Dee Williams, imo. As for today, Ford has looked to be struggling with 5'11" ever since Cowboys & Aliens with Daniel Craig. Interesting he was described as that, but I'll bet it didn't come from Ford because if he did ever say he was 5'11", he'd almost surely mention shrinking as well.
Mark(5'9.5 said on 7/Aug/17
Out of curiosity rob, how could Henry Cavill and John Cena compare to a Prime Harrison Ford?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Aug/17
The Conversation is proof that Ford was once near 6ft1
RichardSpain said on 1/Aug/17
Yes friends !, as I said before , next to Kevin kline who was a strong 187 or 188 ( 6'2) Ford looks not more than 183 cm barefoot and max 185 cm with footwear.

In that picture Ford was around fifty years is possible he lost 1 cm respect his peak.

Solid 184cm to Ford barefoot in his younger in peak is very probably but not more I think

Regards from Spain!
Charles said on 28/Jul/17
Click Here

If this guy (Kevin Kline) was really 6'1.5 peak, there is absolutely no way that Ford was ever taller than 6'. In this picture, he looks almost 3 inches shorter, so hardly 5'11. I have a hard time imagining that he was really that "average" at the time, but that's what it looks like here.
James said on 27/Jul/17
I agree with @RichardSpain!

I disagree with @Rampage's guess but I respect freedom of speech, everyone is entitled to his own opinion.

I do think Harrison was a solid 1.87 at his peak... in sneakers with high platform. 1.84 barefoot.

Next to 1.87 Kevin Kline, Mr. Ford doesn't look remotely like Rampage suggests:

Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jul/17
186.8cm out of bed
RichardSpain said on 24/Jul/17
He was between 183 cm 184 cm max. I think he was a strong 184 cm younger and 183 cm during long time. Strong or a solid 185 cm is much to him if you watch him next to other actors range 188 like Kevin kline for example ...

Click Here
Click Here

Here next to actor Raul Julia 188 cm too

Click Here

And Harrison next to Liam Neeson ( 192 cm)

Click Here
Click Here
berta said on 23/Jul/17
185 is a pretty tall height if you are a true 185 cm guy in the late afternon. ford to me was at beast 184 in the evening at peak. but i think he was closer to 183,7 peak
berta said on 20/Jul/17
Andrew. ford was listed here at 183 when they made the lastindiana jones movie and when it came out he was changed to 182 cm. DOnt ask me how i now that :P i have been on this site for to long :D I perosnally think he was 181-181,5 cm 2008.
even said on 17/Jul/17
peak : 184 cm right now : 180 cm
Richardspain said on 15/Jul/17
Yes Andrew, Harrison's height sometimes is very enigmatic. But usually he looks 183cm (6 foot) maybe in his first movies like Indiana Jones or Star Wars he looks in screen 184/185 but not more. As I said in this website Directors and Producers make good casting that ours stars look taller than other people in screen and sometimes they use tricks and play with angle camera to get that one actor seems tall.
Andrew said on 13/Jul/17
Editor Rob, I find his peak height hard to be certain of. Yet I think most of the arguments guessing 184 or 185 cm are the best bet. Do you have a guess for what he stood at during 2007/8, when Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was made? I find it hard to tell there. To me, he looks 181 cm for the most part, but at times looks 180 and 182.
RichardSpain said on 10/Jul/17

I think he was closer 183 than 184 cm. Maybe he was 6'0.25" in peak,

Here with Spielberg 172 cm and Eastwood (192cm in peak) 23 years ago when harrison was around 52 years old.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

And Eastwood was sixty years, maybe wasn't 192cm in his 60 years old. Maybe was 188 /189 in his 60.
Slim 181 cm said on 10/Jul/17
Peak 6'0.5, now 5'11
Harrison was never less than a strong 6 foot in his younger days.
James said on 10/Jul/17
He should be downgraded to 1.84. "A bit over 6 ft" is 6' 0.5" at most.
Spencer said on 9/Jul/17
185 peak 181 now
Ted said on 6/Jul/17
Never looked anything over 6' 0.5''
RichardSpain said on 5/Jul/17

Maybe journalist or the intervieweer gives him 180 or 5'11 and he did'nt ask to Harrison before.

Many people have shame to ask private things include the height.

Anyway Harrison Nowadays is older, and is very possible maybe a solid 180. I give him 181 now and 184 when he was young. Is my last guess.
berta said on 3/Jul/17
i dont think he himself have claiemd only 180 in that article. The intervieweer probably guessed him at 180. But you never know :P
Guk said on 30/Jun/17
5ft 11 in this article from 2014
Click Here
RichardSpain said on 27/Jun/17
@Hans Meiser. Yes! he seems 185cm next to Mark Hamill or Carrie Fisher but don`t Forget Mark is a short man and Carrie was a little woman. Anyway Harrison Ford was in his peak when Star Wars was filmed and maybe his boots in the movie give him 2 -3 cm extra. So we can conclude that Harrison in star wars was:

Barefoot 183-184cm

With his boots 185-186 cm but not much more.
Hans Meiser said on 24/Jun/17
He looked very tall in Star Wars next to 5'7 Mark Hamill and 5'1 Carrie Fisher.
RichardSpain said on 13/Jun/17
guys ; I understand Harrison Ford's height is very enigmatic but in Indiana Jones and the last Crusade, Harrison was 46 years old when the movie was filmed so he was in his peak sure in that movie because 46 years old is a young person!!

So in my opinion between 183 -184cm is the Harrison Ford's height in last Crusade. Barefoot. And Connery maybe 186- 187cm barefoot because Connery was 57 years old in last Crusade. Also Connery never was a solid 190cm, his peak was 188/189 cm barefoot when he was young it is true!.

Regards to everyone! fantastic website!
berta said on 10/Jun/17
if connery was still 188 in inadanna jones then ford was barely 184 if connery was neasrer 187 at the time then ford was 183. I can believe connery maybe have been 187,5 at the time and ford 183,4 ore something from a peak of 183,8 ( if he had injured his back and lost a little)
Judd said on 8/Jun/17
James actually I think in 1988-1989 (period when the last crusade was filmed) HF was in the 6'0/183cms zone...I think he was 6' because even if Connery was 6'1.5/1.75/187cm (and I think he had lost a small fraction at 59 from a genuine 6'2/188cm peak) there were 4cms among the Scottish actor and Ford...
It is since I started to make comments on this site that I support the thesis that Ford was never taller than 6'0.5/184cms...a 6'0.5 peak height and 5'11 now is the best combination in my opinion!
Canson said on 7/Jun/17
Agree with Berta
James said on 7/Jun/17
@Sam 59 years old Sean Connery was definetely shorter than 6' 1.5" (1.87) Kevin Kline:

Click Here (pause at 3:06).

Click Here

Even if Kevin Kline is 6' 2" (1.88), that would put 59 years old Sean Connery as 1.87 at most.
James said on 7/Jun/17
@Sam It is alsmost sure for Connery to have lost 1 cm at that age (59). Most men do start to lost height in their late 50s, around 57 or 58. For sure, there are more chances that Connery had lost height than Harrison. Anyhow, even if Connery was still 6' 2" (unlikely) Harrison looks no more than 6 ft in the pic. Harrison Ford peak height was 6' 0.5" (1.84).
Sam said on 7/Jun/17
It's possible that Sean could've still straightened up to a strong 6'2" in the Last Crusade, after all he was only about 59 at the time.
James said on 6/Jun/17
Click Here

An old 6 ft 1.5 (1.87) Sean Connery makes Harrison Ford looks 6 ft at most.

Harrison Ford peak height: 6' 0.5" (1.84).
James said on 6/Jun/17
@Rampage(-_-_-)Clover In shoes. Without shoes that's literally impossible.
berta said on 6/Jun/17
Houss i think arnold is still taller but in 10 years they will probably be about the same. Ford today 179,5 and arnold 181
berta said on 6/Jun/17
i think he woke up at 6 foot 1 and 2 mm more and was down to 183,8 in thlate afternon. By the wat just read he will reprise his role as indiana jones in 2020 :D he will be almost 80 years old and still do action roles :P this guy is one guy i have respect for. And worked as a carpenter when he was young
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Jun/17
I think he woke up at 6ft1½ in his prime
Houss said on 4/Jun/17
Who's taller now Arnold or ford
Mark(5'9.25") said on 2/Jun/17
6'0" flat is a joke peak. He was easily 6'1" in his prime.
berta said on 2/Jun/17
6`1 10 %
6`3/4 20 &
6`1/2 40 &
6`1/3 30 &
berta said on 2/Jun/17
yeah canson with tommy lee jones he lokked about the same height ore 0,5 cm shorter. Tommy was maybe 183,9 cm tall that makes ford about 183,4 in the fugitive. The questio is had he lost already almost 2 cm as this listing say at age 50. I dont think so let say he had very bad genes and lost already 0,7 cm at age 50 then he was at best 184 cm peak. I dont unerstand how actors can loose that mutch heoght in early age when non in my family have started lose height before 65 years old and they have worked hard with their bodys, not just sitting and be filmed couple hours a day.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Jun/17
Anything less than 6ft0½ peak is a joke.
Canson said on 1/Jun/17
Never been able to pin his height down. He was billed as 6'1" in the fugitive and looked a strong 6'0" with TLJ. He was at least 183/184 not his 5'11.5 maybe he is now tho
RichardSpain said on 1/Jun/17
@Berta I think so. Harrison young was between 183-184 cm in peak maybe 183'5 cm or 184 cm. But for a long time he was a solid 183 cm I think since age 50 years old to 65 years old he was 183 cm. Then since 60 years old he lost a bit height.
berta said on 31/May/17
i can believe 183 cm peak but i think closer to 184 is closer
Charlie said on 30/May/17
He was about 5'10 when he did Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. The Nazi Villain was a good 4 inches taller than him when they were seen side by side at the end hen they are about to find the cup of the holy grail (Cup of Life) The actor who played the Nazi was listed as 6'2 and towered over Harrison Ford.Today Harrison Ford is about 5'8 maybe even a bit shorter.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/May/17
Rob, how likely is the full 6ft1 for a young 60's-70's Ford?
Editor Rob
still arguable, but so is 6ft 1/2 inch!
Scarlett Rose said on 28/May/17
@ RichardSpain. You're welcome. Enjoy! 😀
Scarlett Rose said on 27/May/17
The link below will lead you to a website with a table, which states someone of 5ft 11in should weigh between 136 pounds and 172 pounds.

It says the BMI of someone who is 1.83m tall and 63kg is 18.8 (normal BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9.

I think Harrison Ford definitely fell into the 'normal' bracket in 1982, when the article was published in a magazine, even if it was at the lowest end of the norm.

Click Here
RichardSpain said on 27/May/17
@Scarlett Rose I know that it is not your opinion and it is only a publication of the year 1982.

When I said : " I agree with you" is about that article year 1982.

Only for me is strange in the article the harrison ford's weight in 1982 because he is tall, 6 feet is a tall person so only 63 kg or 139 pounds is a low weight for him, but maybe is true all is possible of course! , that is all and thanks for sharing us the article
Scarlett Rose said on 26/May/17
@ RichardSpain. I ask you to remember that it is a transcript from a magazine, published in 1982, not my opinion. I am not asking you to agree or disagree. I have double checked it and it's not a typographical error on my part, I can assure you. It would mean he was just over 9st.12lbs. Mind you, Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) was given as 61kg and he was 5ft.8 inches tall and Mark Hamill was given as 67kg (which is just over 10st.7lbs) and he was 5ft.7 inches tall at the time (1982). Mark Hamill had been working out as the role of Luke Skywalker was more physically demanding in "The Empire Strikes Back" and Harrison Ford looked tall and lean in "Star Wars". Just saying.

@ Rampage (-_-_-) Clover. 183cm is just over six feet tall. He's Harrison Ford, not Chewbacca! LOL

@ Hijopotamus. Whether you think it's a joke or not, that's what it said. It was 1982 and people usually gain weight as they get on a bit, except the dead, they lose it all. LOL 😉
Hijopotamus said on 26/May/17
Scarlett, 139 lbs is a joke
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/May/17
I'm sorry but 183cm is underselling him
RichardSpain said on 25/May/17
Very interesting @scarlett Rose but I don't believe that Harrison's weight was 63 kg, this is little for him!! About everything else I agree with you I've read similar things about him.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.