Andrea said on 28/Nov/22
Have you ever met this guy, Rob?
Click Here From a quick glance, he can struggle to look over 5'5 himself...

Editor Rob
I remember him from an MCM Expo a few years back, would have said under 5ft 6....makes Gaten look 5ft 4 at most.
Jodie said on 26/Nov/22
ehh i don't know about this rob, he looks 5'3.75 based on his difference with his other co-stars.
I'll give him shy of 5'4 but no more, he does not look 6 inches shorter than joseph but more like 7 inch, their difference looks huge.
Jackie Lee said on 12/Oct/22
Nice downgrade rob, I always felt he looked closer to 5'4 than 5'5. I wouldn't even rule out 5'4 flat for him really
Alanna said on 5/Sep/22
He’s listed as 5’1 on Google.
James Mcgee said on 10/Jul/22
Rob, are you certain that he is 5’4 1/2 barefoot? I thought he was listed 5’5.

Editor Rob
Yeah he claimed he was measured that, but the more I see him the less likely that is. Maybe he really got 5ft 5 in sneaker.
Sulu2021 said on 4/Jul/22
Hey Rob, are half inch downgrades for certain listings not too uncommon on this site?

Editor Rob
Quite a lot over the years!
Matt99 said on 2/Jul/22
I think 5’4 is closer to the truth, he looked barely taller than Natalia Dyer in vol 2 and towered by Joesph Quinn.
Shamarr said on 2/Jul/22
Use to be his height back before I had my growth spurt he’s 5’4 , he should try losing lbs and build muscle to make him look more manly
Marcus Samuel said on 1/Jul/22
To me he looks 5’4. He never looked 5’5 his hair does add some height to make him appear taller. in a new jimmy fallon video with Elizabeth Olson he looked about 5’4. He looks 5’4 1/4. He’s in the 5’4 range.
Andrea said on 1/Jul/22
If that guy really was 5'5 at the time of the photo, even 5'3 does seem optimistic to me... From a quick search, he seems quite consistent with his age claims, so I don't think he's lying about being 14 back then... Maybe he grew and didn't realize that? That's the only explanation I can think about as I doubt Gaten would be as short as that, although even with Jimmy Fallon recently 5'5 does look too much:
Click Here

Editor Rob
The link didn't work, but I presume it is
This shot. I'd have guessed in 5ft 4 range there.
Leesheff85 said on 30/Jun/22
but rob why only the half inch downgrade when you say he looks barely 5ft 3?

Editor Rob
With other cast this year I'm not sure he looks just a 5ft 3 guy...
Leesheff85 said on 29/Jun/22
cool andrea but the guy in that photo also claimed to be 14 which he clearly isn't he looks much over it. no way is he 5ft 4 to 5. that would make him shorter than me. I'd still buy 5ft 8 range going by the photo with gaten alone
Andrea said on 28/Jun/22
Just a random guy I bumped into on Twitter. Here he claimed 5'5
Click Here and here 5'4
Click Here not long before he met Gaten...
One thing I'll say about Gaten is that he looked 2-2.5 inches taller than Sadie in one of the new eps, so if she's listed correctly at 5'2.5, maybe he really isn't far off 5'5...

Editor Rob
He did look like he was struggling to look over 5ft 3 with that guy who was claiming 5ft 5...with other cast, I think it's looking likely he is under what he claimed.
Leesheff85 said on 15/Jun/22
@andrea who is that other guy? and where does he claim 5ft 5 he definitely looks like your typical 5ft 8 guy. not 5ft 4 or 5
Andrea said on 9/Mar/22
The other guy could well have a bit more footwear, but that still doesn't explain it for sure. Could it be the case of someone who is taller than they actually think? If he really is 5'5 (and as I said, he has also claimed 5'4), Gaten certainly doesn't look over 5'2!
Toby Barrett said on 7/Feb/22
@andrea shoe wear advantage or a fake idk
Andrea said on 30/Dec/21
Here he is with a guy who also claims 5'5 (and 5'4 too!):
Click Here
Toby Barrett said on 6/Dec/21
his proportions make him look 5'3
Seal said on 16/Sep/21
I think this is a perfect example of a thomas ian griffith situation. He does look taller than 5'4. But I think a weak 5'5 is liklier than a strong or a solid one. Caleb looks near 3-3.5 inches taller than him .And he's listed as 5'7.5 So I doubt he's the full 5'5. I think he's more 5'4.5 or 5'4.75. Thomas Ian Griffith would probably measure near a foot taller than this guy. What do you think Rob? Maybe he needs a 5'4.5 downgrade?

Editor Rob
I am thinking that mark might fit in with others
Rigved said on 9/Jul/21
I think he is 5'4 at season 3 in his 16 age maybhahshhdhdhdhdheehe he still have 1 or more inches to grow I would say he will be 5'7 when he finished growing well I'm 172 cm tall 5'8 I don't think I will be 5'10 but I will be 5'9 like that he would grow some inches but now I can only say he is 5'4 quarter
Progking said on 7/Mar/20
How tall do you think he looked back in 2017(season 2)? 5'3 maybe?

Editor Rob
Yeah, at most 5ft 3
Jordan silva said on 3/Mar/20
Do you think he stopped growing. It doesn’t look like he’s done with puberty’s

Editor Rob
He seemes to think he's done too, and probably is. 5ft 4.5 to 5 might be his range.
RubBenn said on 26/Feb/20
In his insta picture with Billie from green day he looks more than 2inches shorter then him I think? What do you think rob?(I ain’t good at guessing height differences) i don’t know about shoe difference but I think Billie mostly wear converse. Or is it just the hair of Billie that make him seem much taller?

Editor Rob
I can see how at times just under 5ft 5 seems very possible.
Javier said on 18/Jan/20
@Keith 5’10 That photo you have in the link with Caleb, Gaten, and Kiernan Shipka from Instagram was taken in Rome. Having been there myself I can tell you the ground is not flat all the time so maybe that could be giving Gaten a disadvantage in that photo. I don’t think Caleb is 5’8” he is probably 5’7” at the very most maybe even 5’6” range when I see him next to Finn. As for Gaten he can look 5’5” most of the time I believe for sure he dips below it at night time probably to 5’4.75”
Keith 5'10 said on 8/Jan/20
Footwear Rob? Maybe Caleb is 5'8" or Gaten is under 5'5".
Click Here

Editor Rob
I don't know if Caleb is finished growing, but Gaten's posture is poorer, though 5ft 4.5 isn't ruled out for him.
Keith 5'10 said on 19/Nov/19
Weak 5'5 maybe
Clown said on 3/Nov/19
I don't know about Caleb, maybe 5'8 but Finn is definitely 5'10 now.
ASG said on 15/Oct/19
Rob, please add Caleb. He’s 18 and looks likes he’s nearly fully matured. Finn on the other hand can wait. He looks very baby faced and young so I’m guessing he still growing. Not to to mention I saw of a picture of his dad and he looks about 6’2ish so I’m guessing Finn is gonna grow to 5’11-6’0 (He’s probably about 5’10-5’10.25 rn)
Crab said on 22/Jul/19
I reckon 5’5 at a push, I wouldn’t be surprised if he fell ever so slightly short.
@Kristian, Caleb looks about 5’7” next to Gaten. I would say Finn is about 5’9” he looks a couple inches taller than the other kids but is still roughly 2 inches under Joe Keery. Wouldn’t be surprised if he eventually ended up 5’11”-6’0”. I would guess Noah is about 5’7” too
Stranher things fan said on 18/Jul/19
He’s so cute I love him😭he looks 5’5 to me
Kristian S.D. said on 15/Jul/19
Hey Rob, have you gotten around to reviewing Finn Wolfhard and Caleb McLaughlin's heigts? They both have new listings on Google after season 3 was released.

Editor Rob
caleb has to be at most 5ft7
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/Jul/19
Gaten is only 16-years-old so he might yet squeeze out a bit more height.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jul/19
@ Mini Golf Kid and, of course, Littlelee: I have ordered the second series of 'Stranger Things' just now. Aren't they difficult to find, not to mention expensive? The only First Season I could find was being auctioned, and the current bid is £26 - quite absurd, especially as I have reason to believe that it's a second hand copy!
I shall bide my time and wait. In the meantime, I shall get my gnashers into Season Two, and insodoing, I can have a look at all the actors' heights, and have a good old scare-fest into the bargain.
You two guys are exactly the same height of 5ft6. Cheers fellas!
😁👍 X 2.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jul/19
@ mini golf kid - Thanks for that! It sounds great stuff and I am 100% sure that I'm going to get right into it! Cheers m g kid! 😉👍🏌️♂️⛳👻
mini golf kid said on 10/Jul/19
Great actor, one of the bests actors from Stranger Things. Looks like a inch shorter than me.
@Miss Sandy Cowell Stranger Things is great, probably the best tv series currently. So many inspirations from great sci-fi and horror shows from the past.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jul/19
🐽🍦 Correction Time! 🍦🐽
In my crazy, pig-based comment dated the 8th July 2019, there was an extra and completely wrong set of speech marks: (") after the word 'anymore'. 🐷😝
Andrea said on 9/Jul/19
5'5? Maybe in shoes, but barefoot? I'm not sure I would have guessed him quite that tall, from looking at recent pics and videos. A guy like Caleb McLaughlin I think looks at least 2 inches taller than him, and I doubt Caleb is much over 5'6...
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Jul/19
@ Ice Cream - Yum yum double yum!
🍦🍦🍦🍦🐖 "I think I've had too many! My jacket doesn't fit me anymore!" 🐷 Yes, I've had my sn🐽ut in more than my fair share of these! I think I'll continue - and walk about au naturel!"
Nik said on 7/Jul/19
He's so cool!
Unbewohnt6666 said on 7/Jul/19
Does he have lower than average eye level, Rob?

Editor Rob
For his height, I'd say yes.
Arslan 6'10 210 CM said on 6/Jul/19
He does look to have some form of HGH deficiency
Ice Cream said on 6/Jul/19
I'm sorry, how can a doctor predict someones height exactly? - just by his parents or..?

Editor Rob
Well parents heights can be one predictor, but there are also regression formulas/bone age used...actually if anybody wants to read some research,
this paper I would say is useful in going into the topic, athough it is a bit technical at times!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Jul/19
@ Animus - Isn't Gaten to be admired for his positivity? He could teach many a person a thing or two about self acceptance. It's such a shame that people are shrouded in the belief that they have to 'be like everyone else', and this is grounded in from such an early age. Ha ha! When I was a little kid, I wanted the same shoes and dresses as the other girls at school, but that does get phased out as we grow up into individuals and develop our own tastes. Height, however, is the one thing we're stuck with, and how it affects us is largely down to ourselves, but past negative put-downs also play a part, alas, having already crept deeply into our psyches.
There's no denying it though, that the best jobs, regardless of our sex, do tend to go to the taller among us. The ideal way to be in with as equal a chance as possible is to show as much confidence as you can, like young Gaten here.
In our early school years, good academic work is always rewarded, but even then, taller people are FAR more likely to make the sports teams. Ideally, I should have been in the netball team because my aim and goal-scoring record were both good, but my height held me back. I did make the hockey team though. I was nearer to the ball!
Enjoy your weekend, Animus! 😁👍🎶
World Citizen said on 6/Jul/19
Oh I'm sorry I didn't see that quote from him.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Jul/19
@ Mimi - It seems likely, yes, given the fact that Gaten's doctor actually estimated his expected adult height, yes! I've never known a doctor to do that unless the patient has a condition which is going to result in an either very tall or not-so-tall height, which is going to be cause of concern and anxiety to the patient and his or her parents. Have a good weekend, Mimi! 💐
World Citizen said on 5/Jul/19
Is there still a chance he will grow?, because he is still 16.

Editor Rob
He seemed to think he was finished growing.
Mickie said on 5/Jul/19
I didn't realize he was more than 5'2" - 5'3".
Animus said on 5/Jul/19
@Miss Sandy Cowell
Yes, I picked up on that too. That's an extremely healthy attitude that will carry him far. It's also completely grounded in truth. If you outgrow the height expected of you based on your parents heights, you should be grateful, regardless of where you fall on the distribution.
Mimi said on 5/Jul/19
Doesn't he have the condition that makes his growth stunted?
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Jul/19
I like that! Gaten is a full 2" taller than his doctors predicted for him, and he's grateful for that - so grateful, in fact, that he has the confidence to become an actor and brace the whole World, saying, "This is me! I'm a 65" actor and I star in 'Stranger Things'!"
That being the case, I know I will be able to sum him up for myself soon; 'Stranger Things' is my next huge Must Watch!
Redwing said on 4/Jul/19
Is he really done growing? He’s so honest too
Arslan 6'10 210 CM said on 4/Jul/19
How tall are his parents?
Blake said on 4/Jul/19
Rob, I would have thought 5 ft 3 to 4 for him. Maybe in shoes he was measured 5 ft 5?

Editor Rob
I do believe he did measure 5ft 5, but it's whether in a sneaker or not.