How tall is Eden Taylor Draper

Eden Taylor Draper's Height

5ft 2 (157.5 cm)

English actress best known for playing Belle Dingle in the ITV soap opera Emmerdale.

How tall is Eden Taylor Draper
Photo © / Steve Vas / Featureflash

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Add a Comment22 comments

Average Guess (20 Votes)
5ft 1.8in (157cm)
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Dec/22
Belle’s telling Chas off in last night’s Emmerdale was entirely justified.

She’s just a baby in Classic Emmerdale! She’s grown up in seemingly no time!……

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Jan/22
Eden's character in 'Emmerdale', Belle Dingle, said in a recent episode, "The first word I said was PIG!" 🐷

Well, no doubt the ultra young infantile Belle would approve of the words that I heard as I turned up the volume of my TV a minute ago. They were as follows: "She (a porky pink pig) is waiting for the pitter patter of tiny trotters!"


Yes, I have an animal programme on, having been attracted to the grunts, moos, bleats and neighs that emanated from my TV while awaiting my midday 'Medium'!

Young Miss Eden can have 5ft2. 👱‍♀️👌
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Nov/21
What a sensational new photo you've found of Eden, Rob! You couldn't have found a better, more detailed one to show off Eden's height, not to mention her lovely figure.

She looks a STRONG 5ft2.

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Nov/21
I noticed Eden's newly blonder hair immediately in today's episode. It doesn't make her look any taller (obviously!) but my mind was rather too busy concentrating on her light flaxen colour to so much as think about her height, so 5ft2 it is - AGAIN!

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Aug/21
Well done to Belle for standing up for young Liv and emphasising that she's a vulnerable young woman. I'd call her a girl, but there you go!

5ft2. 😀💐🥇
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Mar/21
Eden's Belle Dingle was kicked out of Court this morning in the classic version of 'Emmerdale' for being noisy.

She's a new born baby and was crying!

Eden grew to 5ft2. 😉👍💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Nov/20
It's gone from bad to worse and the girl is hallucinating people who stress her out. So unfair.

5ft2 👱‍♀️💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Oct/20
Poor young Belle is so stressed out that she's hearing voices again. How sad. I hope she gets help soon.

(Re: Emmerdale, for those of you who don't live in the UK).

5ft2 for Eden. 👱‍♀️💐
Nik said on 20/Jan/20
🗣 "5 2"!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Jan/20
I'm most fond of Belle Dingle's new gingery brown bunnyrabbit, a present from her boyfriend!

🐇 - Gingery brown.

Eden, who plays Belle, shall get 5ft2.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/May/19
Ah! This girl had me in tears tonight.

Nik said on 20/Mar/19
I like her name! 5'2" seems to be a popular call for her height!
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Jan/19
@ Gladstone Screwer - Yes, she has really come into her own on the acting front for the few short years that I've been watching the Soap. One can definitely see that Eden has grown up and her maturity as a sensible young woman helps you stop wondering whether she's old enough to have stopped growing. I couldn't say that about her two and a half years ago, but I can now.

Another thing most noteworthy is that Sam's new other half makes Eden's Belle Dingle look really quite tall!
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Jan/19
How lovely that Sam bought Belle a new pretty pink piglet to cheer her up! "It always used to work when one of us was down!" said Belle.


After having suffered as the result of being the object of killer Lachlan White's affection, Belle has at last had the closure she needed, after the monster, who isn't tall but very well-built, was terrifying the poor girl from behind bars by using his father to do the dirty deeds. 😝🖕

I think Eden has settled at 5ft2.
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Oct/18
⭐️ I'm so glad to say that Sam Dingle survived after all! Hooray!

Eden's Belle is back to full health, and I look forward to her finding a thoroughly decent boyfriend now, who is worthy of her.

Sandy Cowell said on 4/Sep/18
As if Belle doesn't have enough to worry about already...

This morning while I was checking into Google, the latest Soap opera stories hit me, and everyone is up in arms about the slaying of Sam Dingle at the hands of Belle's 'boyfriend', serial killer Lachlan White. Isn't that Belle's brother? Good Lord, what on Earth is happening on this Soap? It's like a horror story, but it brings in the viewers because things like this are inconceivable to the normal, healthy mind.

Lachlan looks a well built 5ft8 next to the petite 5ft2 Belle, aka Eden Taylor Draper.
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Jul/18
That poor girl has no idea what she's in for when she finds out the true nature of evil Lachlan White who she's been devotedly dating and supporting since his family were killed in a car accident deliberately caused by him, and his best friend died in an 'accident' - a rock over his head manoeuvred by White himself. What a sick rotter he is and the sooner he gets caught the better! He isn't tall - I have just seen him standing next to the 5ft2 Eden, or Belle, as she is called in 'Emmerdale'. I reckon he is 5ft7 or 8, but heck, is he powerfully built OR WHAT? He came out of prison all muscle bound and then the evil thoughts turned into reality.

I just pity poor young Belle Dingle when the emotionally fragile youngster finds out. Just as well she has a big brother, Cain, just under 6ft and about as hard as they come, who is more than capable of sorting out that horrid boy!

Eden gets 5ft2.
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Mar/18
The lovely Eden is truly growing up now! Maybe that's particularly noticeable because there's a younger girl, 'Liv', on the scene in 'Emmerdale', who I think is 15 - and definitely shorter than Eden's 5ft2!

Today Eden gets 5ft2, as before!
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Mar/17
Nina - Oh, I see! I thought she was 17! Thanks for the info!
I'd be surprised if she grew at 16 or 17, let alone 19! So it seems her growing is complete and 5ft2 is her height, unless she's one of these unusual exceptions Rob speaks about.

@ Rob - Would you be able to hazard an educated guess as to the percentage of girls who actually still grow as late as 19? Now that would be beyond interesting, seriously!
Also, percentages at ages 16 and 17 would be fascinating for us to know!
Nina said on 2/Mar/17
Sandy, Eden is 19. I think she's a little old to be growing.
Editor Rob
Nina, it is very unlikely, but I have read some people (girls) claim to have gained height at 19...very rare though!
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Jan/17
Yes, 5ft2 seems about right for this young lady!
I think that Eden's still young enough to grow another couple of centimetres, who knows?
Csimpson 6ft said on 22/Dec/16
Shes very hot, yeah looks 5ft 2

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

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