little sue said on 26/Sep/23
Mimi they had Osteoporosis, very round shouldered at the end, my Mom 87 and she gone from 5ft 1 to 4ft 11 but she not round shouldered, she took HRT for years which may have helped her bone structure
Mimi said on 23/Sep/23
@littlesue - they must have had severe kyphosis in their 90s. Too lose that much height. My grandma died at age 96 and was around 4'10 but probably 5'1 in her youth.
Jtm said on 23/Sep/23
wouldn't almost 5'6 make her more 5'5.5-5'5.75?
little sue said on 21/Sep/23
MIMI MY Nan and her 2 sisters all lived till 93, were 5ft 2 in their youth and all 3 ended up around 4ft 6/7
Arch Stanton said on 20/Sep/23
Doris could often look 5 ft 7 range but I've seen her barefoot or in flats in some films and I think a strong 5 ft 6 is accurate. I think she'd had enough of the industry by 1968 and vice versa, things were really changing by the mid sixties, and somebody with her image would have been poorly suited to the increasingly perverted films of the 70s! She had great chemistry with Garner, not just Rock, you can tell that they genuinely got on well.
Mimi said on 18/Sep/23
"One has lost about 3 inches, the other (taller one) about 8 inches."
Wow that's a lot of height to lose Rob! I get that it's normal for people in their 90s to lose as much as 3 inches but 8 inches is like a whole head of lost height. 😲

Editor Rob
Yes, spine badly curved.
Mimi said on 16/Sep/23
Rob how tall do you reckon she was when she died in 2019 at age 97? 5'3ish?

Editor Rob
Likely down to 5ft 2 range. From seeing photos, not a massive loss like some women.
Interestingly there are 2 old neighbours I know who are in 90's now. One has lost about 3 inches, the other (taller one) about 8 inches.
Arch Stanton said on 15/Jun/22
Can you add "and singer" Rob, I think her version of Autumn Leaves is better than many of the jazz singer versions
Click Here , that's a great album "Day by Day" and every bit as good as others by jazz singers from the same period. Underrated as a singer in my opinion. Sadly she suffered from a dowdy image that became synonymous with everything rock n roll loving youth back in the 50s and 60s hated about Hollywood. Could pass for 5 ft 7 or 8 in some films with tall male actors but 5'6.5 seemed to fit best.
Arch Stanton said on 16/May/20
She could look a very decent height in heels with six footers on screen. At times could look taller but generally this looks accurate. I don't watch many films these days, I avoid the putlocker type sites like the plague now, they gradually got more dangerous over the years to the point I felt like even entering a site I could be hacked.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Apr/20
Doris Day was born 98 years ago today. I only recently found out that she died last year - by reading one of Arch Stanton's comments.
5ft6.5. 😁💐
RIP Doris XX 🕯️
Mon said on 19/Jul/19
Like a lot of photogenic people she had a really large head giving her the proportions of a short person.
Arch Stanton said on 14/May/19
Best "remembered" Rob. RIP Doris. I've seen all of her films I think! Pillow Talk, Teacher's Pet and Calamity Jane are real classics!

Editor Rob
She reached a good age and is well remembered for some great movies.
wishbone said on 15/Oct/18
5'7" Doris Day is one of the most beautiful singers of all time! Although Warner Brothers made some great musicals,such as My Fair Lady and The Music Man,5'7" Doris Day was the "queen" of WB great musicals. Just snagged The West Point Story,the only Day musical what had NEVER made an at bat in my video collection. She starred in that musical with James Cagney,her teammate at MGM in 1955 for Love Me Or Leave Me. One Day musical I love is My Dream Is Yours (1949.) Although Herbert Hirschmann was not a director one normally pictures directing musicals,he directed this early Day musical in which Bugs Bunny Foghorn Leghorn and Tweetie Pie pop out of Easter eggs! While I did one time mention to my 5' friend Annette Kimmett I love Day as a singer,I told her that Day's musicals were sensational and I couldn't really pick my favorite Day musical to Annette. But I did tell Annette Calamity Jane is my favorite Day movie. But here again many people today don't really appreciate true greatness with performers I grew up watching.But Day deserves a Lifetime Achievement Oscar before her voice is silenced! Great pet care advocate as well. Annette loves 5'7" Day too.
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jul/18
Was Doris Day really that tall? Goes to show how few films of hers I've seen, especially since my adulthood, when I'd have taken in her height. She was a fine model-girl height, especially for the 50's!
Miss Day gets 5ft6.5 for her fabulous heyday.
walter said on 11/Dec/17
She was tall, 1,70 m
bobby said on 24/Jul/17
in teachers pet with gable and with 2-3 inch heels on she appears to be about 2 inches shorter than gable and he was 6 even so
I say 5 7 is right
anyonmious said on 14/Dec/16
I seen articles that she was listed as 5'4" or 5"5"
Arch Stanton said on 4/Jan/15
Sinatra looked about 1.5 inches taller than her in Young at Heart. He had his feet up in one scene and I don't think he was wearing lifts, if they did have a lift in them it wouldn't have been much. Doris was in flats though. So I think 5 ft 6 range is OK. She could look 5 ft 7 in a lot of films but I've seen a lot of her films now and I think 5'6 range is safer.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Nov/14
Difficult to see a full 5'7" or more next to Ray Bolger in April in Paris, another thoroughly enjoyable musical of hers. 5'6.5 looked spot on in comparison.In heels which I think gave between 3 and 4 inches, in one scene she was stood by Bolger in leather slippers and he was a shade taller at 5'10.5 and about 1.5 inches taller in dress shoes.
Arch Stanton said on 27/Aug/14
Dunno, in some scenes Gordon McRae can look more 1-1.5 inches taller than Doris so maybe he was 5 ft 8 after all. He could look nearer 5'10" at times. I think 169 is probably the best listing for Doris.
Arch Stanton said on 27/Aug/14
As suspected, in on Moonlight Bay McRae looks 1.5 inches taller that 5'8" listed Leon Ames and Doris in almost flat shoes, looks about an inch shorter than Ames. So I'd say Ames really was about 5 ft 8, Doris a weak 5'7" and McRae more 5'9.5".
Arch Stanton said on 18/Aug/14
Oddly barely taller than Ginger Rogers in Storm Warning!
littlesue said on 17/Aug/14
Yes even though Doris says in her autobiog she was 5ft 7 I would say maybe just rounded up from 5ft 6.5.
Arch Stanton said on 17/Aug/14
I'm steadily ploughing through her films anyway. Generally she can look 5 ft 7 but in some films like Calamity Jane and Tea for Two she can look 5'6". In between might be the best shout for her.
Arch Stanton said on 17/Aug/14
I got a good look overall at the actors in Tea for Two and in some scenes Arden could look more 1-1.5 inches taller than Doris. I think she might have had heel advantage in some scenes. But if she was 5'7.5" really then I can't see Doris as more than 5'6.5". Also in the film she looked about 1.5 inches shorter than McRae in medium heels and he was supposedly only 5 ft 8! Gene Nelson I don't think really looked a legit 6 ft, more 5 ft 11 and McRae really looked a 5'9" er in the film. Billy De Wolfe looked shorter than McRae, he might be 5'8" range. S. Z. Sakall, a wonderful character actor I think was about 5 ft 6 and he was shorter than Doris in heels by a few inches.
Arch Stanton said on 16/Aug/14
Click Here That's a poster for the film and how Eve Arden looks with Doris.
Arch Stanton said on 16/Aug/14
It must be camera angles. In some scenes Arden looks only an inch taller, in other scenes she looks like 2.5 inches taller than Doris!
Arch Stanton said on 16/Aug/14
Sam any idea on McRae and Eve Arden? Eve Arden looked taller than 5'7.5" next to Doris, more like 5'9".
Arch Stanton said on 16/Aug/14
Rob is Gordon McRae worth adding? Can you find a quote or something? I think they're short changing him at 5 ft 8. Do you agree Sam? He wasn't much shorter than Gene Nelson who was near 6 ft and had looked noticeably taller than Doris. He looked more like 5'9.5" to me in Tea for Two unless he was wearing lifts.

Editor Rob
not so familiar with him
Arch Stanton said on 16/Aug/14
169 is better anyway, thanks.
Arch Stanton said on 14/Aug/14
Rob on an unrelated note how tall does the nurse look at 1 hr 08:20 to you? She looks huge. She's in heels but propotionally she doesn't look under 6 ft does she? The guy is Billy De Wolfe, not sure how tall he was but he didn't look short.
Arch Stanton said on 14/Aug/14
Rob I really think this is too low. She just looked too leggy to only be 5 ft 6. Check out 49 minutes range in
Click Here for instance. That's taller than 5 ft 6. Gene Nelson was listed at 6 ft and her footwear advantage is minimal.

Editor Rob
well 5ft 6.5 might be ok for her, I can't view the video at the minute with my computer
richinkle said on 16/Jul/14
On what authority did we decide Doris Day was only 5'-6" at her peak? She always seemed a solid 5'-7" to me.
Wishbone said on 9/Jul/14
Doris is my 5'7" height. At the Trade Winds Christmas party in 2007,5'1" Trade Winds sweetheart Annette Kimmett asked me if I like Doris Day,and I lovingly said to Annette,"Just because I prefer small,petite women like you,Patty Duke,Cathy Rigby,or Sally Field,I love Day,too. She still can sing as beautifully as when she did those great 1950's WB musicals like The Pajama Game and Calamity Jane." Sure enough,I have all 4 of Day's Oscar winners,all for best song or original story. Great activist on pet care,too. Just pop a Doris Day musical or comedy she did sometime and you'll see she is one of my favorite performers! Her Doris Day Show was fun,too,but she didn't want to do it,but did.
Arch Stanton said on 19/Jun/14
Rob can you update with American actress and singer known for roles in films like Pillow Talk, Calamity Jane, The Man Who Knew Too Much, That Touch of Mink, April in Paris, It's a Great Feeling, Move Over, Darling, Lover Come Back, Love Me or Leave Me, and Teacher's Pet.
Move Over, Darling is one film BTW.
Arch Stanton said on 22/Apr/14
Calamity Jane is a great film, I've also seen it many times. That was the one film of hers where I didn't think she looked over this though!
Arch Stanton said on 18/Apr/14
It's a Great Feeling is a terrific film, one of the best musical comedies I've seen actually. Hugely entertaining. I can't remember watching a film in which I cackled so much. Much Better than On The Town of the same year.
Arch Stanton said on 18/Apr/14
Doris also had an easy 3 inches on Joan Crawford who briefly appears in a cameo role in the film.
Arch Stanton said on 18/Apr/14
In heels she's just above eyebrow level on both 6'2" listed actors in It's a Great Feeling. She's surely hitting an easy 5'10 in heels. The heels don't look like they'd give over 3 inches.
Arch Stanton said on 18/Apr/14
Watching It's a Great Feeling from 1949 now. Will see how she fares next to 6'2 listed Jack Carson.
Arch Stanton said on 18/Apr/14
Rob is there any chance of a slight upgrade here? 5'6.5" might be better. Honestly I've seen easily half a dozen of her 50s and 60s films and in nearly every instance she really looked within tall range next to big guys like Hudson and Jimmy Stewart. As Sue says she claimed 5'7 in a biography and she looked it in virtually everything I've seen her in even accounting for heels. If she was 5'6" flat Cary Grant was barely hitting 6'0. If you can try to watch films like Pillow Talk, Lover Come Back, The Man Who Knew Too Much, and That Touch of Mink sometime I think you'd agree she mostly seemed to look a bit taller than this.

Editor Rob
5ft 6/5 isn't impossible, 5ft 7 I'm not as sure about that
richinkle said on 17/Apr/14
She was at least 5'-7". Always looked like a tall woman to me - easily taller than 5'-6".
littlesue said on 21/Mar/14
Just reading Doris's autobiography and a couple of times she mentions she is 5ft 7, she looks that next to Rock Hudson
Tootie said on 25/Dec/13
I met her once and I am 5'6" and she was about my height
Lorne said on 9/Oct/13
I just saw her with Hudson the other day on TMC, definently looks closer to 5'7.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Oct/13
I think that was taken from the film Love Comes Back in which they were barefoot on the beach but I can't access it online.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Oct/13
Rob she's barefoot next to Rock Hudson
Click Here Rock is leaning over of course but I think she looks above his shoulder level.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Oct/13
Yeah it's one of my favourite Doris Day films too. She didn't look tall in that film but it was the seeing her next to Rock Hudson and Cary Grant which made me seriously question that she was as low as 5'6". She looks easily as if she's hitting 5'10" range next to them in heels which I doubt give a massive 4 inches.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Oct/13
Rob do you think 169 is possible? Watching Network yesterday though I thought Faye Dunaway looked taller than 5'7" and if she really was only 5'7" then I don't think Doris looked as tall as her. Denise Van Outen is only 5'6" but can look a lot taller, but if you see those clips with Cary Grant Rob you can see why I might think she was nearer 5'7" than 5'6".

Editor Rob
she could look 5ft 7 sometimes, I don't know if she was 5ft 6.5-7 I need to examine her to see.
I must have seen Calamity Jane dozens of times over the years, love that film.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Oct/13
Rob watch 44 minutes on that clip too, seeing her walk with Grant up the stairs and that it is incredible to imagine that he's a whopping 7 inches taller barefoot. She gives the illusion of being a lot taller than 5'6", shoes and hair help of course but her body proportions seem at least 170cm IMO. She's hitting 5'10" range in heels I think, Angelina Jolie seems to reach around 5 ft 10 too, perhaps 5'6.5" would be more likely? I think she looks more a 5'7" woman in heels next to tall guys like Rock Hudson, Jimmy Stewart and Grant. She still looked tall next to Rock Hudson in those films and if you consider that Elizabeth Taylor was only 2.5 inches shorter Rock Hudson made Lizzie look tiny, but Doris still looks a tall woman even next to him and seems a good 4 inches taller than Lizzie in comparison. I don't think it's an illusion Little Sue, granted her hair and heels can make her seem taller but if you look at her proportions in that clip next to Grant they're not far off Ingrid Bergman's next to Grant in Indiscreet. Anyway, some food for thought!
Arch Stanton said on 2/Oct/13
Click Here See 15:20 -16:00 Pause at 15:44 in particular. She looks 5'10" ish to me even accounting for hair next to him. Maybe she was nearer 5'7"?
Arch Stanton said on 2/Oct/13
Rob have you got a quote from her or anything because she really generally looks a good 2 inches taller than this. In both Pillow Talk and Send Me No Flowers she looked easily 5 ft 8, and in That Touch of Mink she looks 5 ft 10 ish (5 ft 11 with the hair) in heels next to Cary Grant. Hard to imagine her being 7 inches shorter barefoot than Grant.
john b said on 8/Aug/13
She looks 5'8 to 5'10 next to rock hudson in the film pillow talk she was bare foot her head is up to his eyes ??
little sue said on 7/May/13
Very slender in the fims from the mid 50's onwards so she always seemed very tall, though 5ft 6 for a woman in the 1950's would have been seen a rather tall.
Arch Stanton said on 5/May/13
Strange as she actually looks under 5 ft 6 in Calamity Jane and she's in western boots too.
Arch Stanton said on 21/Apr/13
Looks 5'8"-5'9" in comparison to 6'2"-6'6" guys in Send me no Flowers. Does not look as low as 5'6" and holds her own pretty well in comparison to them, not in big heels either.
Bon_ said on 19/Nov/11
but you are right after all. 5'6, no more.
Bon said on 14/Jan/11
looks 5'8-ish in fact
. said on 25/May/09
she is 5'7.
ali said on 20/Sep/07
Doris day is 5'7 if any of you have read her biography it tells you everything about her,im also a huge fan of hers.
talker said on 30/Jun/07
I believe Doris was 5'7".I'm abig fan of Doris,she always looked tall in all her movies,i just saw again "lullaby of Broadway" she easily looks 5'11" with heels on,next to listed 6'actor and dancer Gene Nelson,they are face to face many times dancing.
Kris said on 21/May/07
I always thought she was tall in most of her movies. I'll watch Lover, Come Back and Pillow Talk, Send Me No Flowers, Thrill Of It All, and she'll always look reasonably tall next to Rock Hudson, who was a giant himself. I always thought she was at least 5'8", and I have checked the footwear. I guess even back then they had ways of deceiving people with some serious lifts under her slippers and heels. She always seemed to be exactly eye-to-eye with 5'8" Tony Randal. But if she was 5'6" then, I imagine she's lost some height now since she's a very old woman. I saw footage of her and Rock walking side by side in the park, and this was back during the AIDS epidemic, and back then, I guess Rock would be no more then 6'4 - 6'5 tops. And he towered over Doris. She was just a hair less at his shoulder, which would be a foot. So, I imagine her being 5'4 - 5'5. Somewhere in there.
Kyle said on 28/Feb/07
I'd say 5'7" would be more accurate. That's the heighth listed for Doris Day in
TCM's "The 50 Most Unforgettable Leading Ladies Of The Studio Era". Plus, if you compare her to Myrna Loy (her co-star in Midnight Lace), Day is definitely
taller. Loy is listed at 5'6". Also, if you compare her to Lauren Bacall (her
co-star in Young Man With A Horn), Doris is only maybe an inch, if that, shorter. Bacall was 5'8" at the time. So, logically, Doris Day's heighth appears to be closer to 5'7".
Alex said on 18/Jan/07
Hi All,
I don't dispute Frank2's accuracy but she must have been wearing some serious lifts when she was in 'Send Me No Flowers' with Rock Hudson (6'4") AND Clint Walker (6'6").
Gonzalo said on 18/Dec/06
She looked taller than that in her films. I always thought she was at least 5`8. She looked tall next to Rock Hudson and James Stewart
Editor Rob said on 9/Sep/06
In 1969 Oakland Tribune described her "Doris maintains a constant 118 pounds on her almost 5-foot-6 frame"
Frank2 said on 3/Apr/06
Doris with Rod Taylor:
Click Here
Frank2 said on 3/Apr/06
Nope. Another bogus height listed. Doris was about 5'6". Watch The Glass Bottom Boat and you'll clearly see she's considerably shorter than co-star Rod Taylor. Now granted that at 5'6" she was still tall for her time. I've seen her height listed as being 5'8" on some sites. Absolute hogwash.