Sandy Cowell said on 18/Apr/23
“You know, Michael, now that you’ve so respectable, I think you are more dangerous than ever you were. In fact, I preferred you when you were just a common Mafia hood!”
Taken from the third Godfather movie, said by Kay to husband Michael.
Diane gets 5ft7 and 5ft5.5 for today.
Anonnymous said on 28/Jun/21
I still wonder what her current height and peak height are. She edges out a lot of her co-stars in general. And besides, her heals at times are ridiculously large.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Jan/21
🌹🎂💝🥂 Happy Birthday Diane! 🥂💝🎂🌹
Congratulations to Diane Keaton, who celebrates her 3/4 Century Birthday today! My favourite of her films HAS to be The Godfather trilogy. 7️⃣5️⃣ today!
5ft7 peak; 5ft5.5 today 😃👍🍰 XX
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Jan/20
💐🎂🕯️🎈 Happy Birthday Diane! 🎈🕯️🎂💐
Wishing the enigmatic actress, Diane Keaton, a fabulous 74th Birthday today. I got interested in the Godfather trilogy particularly late in life, and was so taken aback by it that I invested in a boxset as soon as the shops were open after the Christmas I first saw the films.
Having only really seen Diane in comedies, I was mighty impressed to see her playing a Gangster's Moll. She was taller than Al Pacino, that's for sure!
5ft7 peak and 5ft5.5 nowadays. 😁👍💝
Nik Ashton said on 29/Sep/19
Woody Allen is cool and so is Diane Keaton and her hat!
KH said on 5/Oct/17
I don't think this listing is correct. Do people really lose 1.5 inches in height in this day and age by the time there 71 if they are generally in good heath and have been for there entire life? I don't know I believe that. So if she is 5'5.5 now I can't see her any more then 5'6.5 or so peak. She has probably lost about an inch. This sight is awesome but the two things I think are exaggerated the most is how much height you lose over the course of the day and how much height you lose with age. Its so variable and can vary quite a bit with different people.

Editor Rob
height loss is quite variable, some escape with a fraction by 70, others might lose 1,2 or 3 inches.
Jtm said on 29/Aug/17
I thought she was clearly taller than hawn in the ending but then again I doubt hawn was ever taller than 5'5 and probably closer to 5'4. I thought she was the same height as streep in Marvin's room or maybe a hair taller. The 5'6.5 peak she was listed here was more accurate IMO.
Lee168cm said on 21/Jan/17
Do you think she could have started shrinking 20 years ago in first wives club as she wasn't taller than Goldie hawn at any point iin that film. Maybe she was 5'5 and a half in that

Editor Rob
maybe by mid 50's she would have started a bit of shrinking.
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Jan/17
If Diane was 5ft7 when young, that might explain why poor old Al Pacino was in lifts in 'the Godfather' trilogy! Not that it matters a jot to me!
Anyway, Diane still looked at least as tall as Al in those films.
Now, of course, it makes sense that she has shrunk a bit! 5ft7 for prime, 5ft5.5 now I think is fair enough!
Jug said on 11/Jul/16
Woody Allen was about 5'5 at peak, maybe slightly taller, and Diane Keaton was probably 5'6. Women can easily claim to be an inch or so taller, because women usually wear shoes with higher heels, and no one has it down to an exact science the way Rob does :) I think 5'6 is more likely. Sometimes she can look a little taller than Woody, sometimes a little shorter, depending on footwear. My mother is 5'6. She has sort of the same proportions. Sometimes she seems quite tall with heels, even next to me, and I'm over 6 feet.
Arch Stanton said on 24/Jan/16
@Rob, can you squeeze in Looking for Mr. Goodbar, Love and Death and Father of the Bride?
Arch Stanton said on 1/May/15
Rob can you add a photo? About right, about an inch on Streep in Marvin's Room.
Sam said on 4/Dec/14
Perhaps it should go without saying but maybe it's worth citing that she's referring to Woody Allen in that quote.
Arch Stanton said on 22/Mar/14
Can you also add Reds, Marvin's Room and Something's Gotta Give?
Arch Stanton said on 22/Mar/14
Ah, stage, that explains it I was going to say! In Manhattan she looks near 3 inches taller than Woody although might have footwear advantage,
Arch Stanton said on 25/Sep/13
Rob, are you sure it was a 1969 edition not a 1979 edition? Keaton didn't start working with Woody until Play It Again Sam which was early 70s, her career only began in 1970. Also there's two superfluous i's in the quote, can you fix? Can you also add her notable films like The Godfather Trilogy, Annie Hall, Play It Again Sam, Reds, Marvin's Room and Something's Gotta Give?

Editor Rob
yes it was from 1969...they worked on the Play it Again, Sam theatre production that year.
Arch Stanton said on 20/Sep/13
Strange but Woody looks a bit taller to me in Annie Hall.
Ian C. said on 3/Aug/13
Wait a minute. Diane Keaton is taller than Woody Allen? Nah. I've seen Annie Hall I don't know how many times, and I thought he was taller.
Arch Stanton said on 13/Jun/13
Mmm. In all honesty I thought she looked a strong 5'7" weak 5'8" next to Al Pacino in Godfather part III. She had on pretty flat shoes and looked about 1.5 taller.
Anonymous said on 5/Mar/13
she is a solid 5-7 watch the photo with Mandy Moore and she is 5-9
Dmeyer said on 2/Sep/12
Around 167-8cm in something gotta give
carnegie said on 11/Dec/11
5ft5 she looks today in this days
Anonymous -15 said on 20/Sep/08
Rob , I think you should change her peak height , she was definetely taller than Al Pacino in The Godfather , so she must have been at least 5' 7" , if not slightly more.
lee said on 9/May/08
In first wives club, goldie hawn was taller than her and she is 5 foot 6 so diane must be about 5'5" tops. Who agrees?
Tuesday said on 16/Feb/08
I agree with andrew. She may well be 5 ft 5 now as people shrink when they get older but in her youth she looked about 5 ft 7. I was actually just watching the Godfather and she looked taller than Al Pacino.
andrew said on 10/Jan/08
She looks quite tall in Annie Hall compared to Woody Allen even in flat heels. Probably was a proper 5'7" in her youth.
Joan said on 4/Jan/08
I just saw her in a department store in Los Angeles today. She wore totally flat shoes and appeared no more than 5'5", and quite thin. Looks great though.
clint said on 22/Aug/07
Five 8 is her height. She towered on me when i met her a few months back. I am no taller than 5ft 5.
Jeff said on 27/Jan/07
From Diane Keaton's 1977 Time cover story:
"She [Keaton] worried that she was too tall. He [Woody Allen] worried that he was too short. They took off their shoes and measured, back to back. She, at 5 ft. 7 in., was three-quarters of an inch taller. Close enough."
Editor Rob said on 12/Sep/06
Found a quote by her, back in The Times Recorder, a 1969 edition, talking about woody:
"It was him looking like a little mole that I was i afraid of. I I thought surely I would be too tall for him. I'm 5-7. I don't know how tall he is, I mean how short he is"