Gerald S said on 5/Dec/24
Rob, who is more likely sub 5’5” now out of Pacino and Dustin Hoffman?

Editor Rob
If either have dipped under, it's only by a fraction.
John jones said on 26/Nov/24
Best estimate from comparisons I could make
Legend 177 cm said on 25/Nov/24
Closer to 5'4" now
Gerald S said on 2/Oct/24
5’4” range today, Rob?
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Jun/23
You don’t say, Arch? How fantastic! I’m sure that child will have the best of everything!
Arch Stanton said on 31/May/23
Al is to become a father at 82!! However short he is now, he makes up for it in other areas. ;-)
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Apr/23
I hope Al had a lovely Birthday!
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Apr/23
🎈🎂🎁🎉 Happy Birthday Al! 🎉🎁🎂🎈
A Very Happy 83rd Birthday to a great Al Pacino! Have a wonderful day, Al, and a joyful, healthy year ahead. XXX
Andrew Lawrence said on 18/Apr/23
I've seen Al Pacino from about 10metres away and he was much smaller than 5'6
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Apr/23
I’m watching the first Godfather movie and couldn’t help but notice that Simonetta is SMALLER than Al, so 5ft6 goes straight out of the window for this beauty.
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Apr/23
⭐️ The girl who played Al Pacino’s short-lived wife in The Godfather, Simonetta Stefanelli, who was cast as Apollonia, was only 16 at the time the movie was shot. She is now 68 years old and her height is 5ft6.
Kaiser Wolf said on 11/Apr/23
Pacino may be a short man, but he is a Giant of acting skills....Tony Montana forever.
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Apr/23
I meant “Say HELLO….” 😂😂😂
Sandy Cowell said on 6/Apr/23
There was a question on Tipping Point as to a quotation from Scarface. It went as follows: who did Scarface say “Say bellow to my little….” to?
The alternatives were:- dog, brother or friend. The answer was friend. I thought, “That rich coming from you!”
Mind you, Scarface was powerful in other ways, not unlike his parts in The Godfather and Donnie Brasco. Sometimes, you don’t need to be tall!
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Mar/23
They seemed to be partial to having a Christmas shoot-out in the Godfather films. The odd thing is that they were religious, but it was the other gang who triggered the shootings.
I loved Al Pacino in Donnie Brasco, and his fondness for animals.
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Mar/23
“…. he worried out loud to me that his height might negatively affect his acting career”.
Well, that’s about as likely as the facial scarring on Oliver Reed’s face, that had initially worried him after a pub brawl
in the early 60s, affected his career! Al Pacino got his powerful roles because he didn’t half do them justice.
His short height has never made him wimpish and unattractive.
Peak - 5ft6 and 5ft5 today. I always read 5ft6 for Al - never 5ft7.
Herbert said on 10/Dec/22
Rob, could Al get 5’5.75” peak and/or Ellen Barkin 5’6.25”?
I could have sworn Ellen was taller than Al in Sea of Love, when both were barefeet.

Editor Rob
For me, it was too tricky to really say for sure, although it may well be she is the stronger 5ft 6 in the film.
Hyper said on 27/Sep/22
I’ve seen him in an opera, once. I didn’t get up close to him but I’ve seen him perform in an opera, in person.
greg laflare said on 20/Sep/22
I have a strong feeling al may be under 5'5 today at his current age of 82. Some people ignore the fact that his hair gives him a strong 1 inch illusion. Barefeet with flat hair would for sure put him under 165cm. Al is still one of the best actors of all time despite his height & will always be a perfect example how excellent acting will always come first than height.
Sandy C said on 29/Jul/22
The new KFC advert makes me want to listen to Chopin, and then I want to watch The Godfather trilogy! 🎼🎶🎵
Peak height for Al - 5ft6
Now - 5ft5
Sinclair said on 29/Jul/22
Rob, at 1:15:50, Ellen Barkin seemingly edges out Pacino. I’d therefore suggest a quarter upgrade for Barkin and a quarter downgrade for peak Pacino.
Click Here

Editor Rob
The angle did favour Ellen, so I could see how she looked taller.
Sinclair said on 14/Jul/22
Rob, maybe 5'5.75" is actually a better peak for Pacino?
At 5:00, see Pacino with Lorraine Bracco. Even taking her heels into consideration, Pacino looks 5'6" maximum, especially if Bracco is only a flat 5'7".
Click Here
JamesBond said on 27/Apr/22
Happy birthday legend!
One of the greatest actors of all time.And for me the best!
Wehrmacht180 said on 4/Jan/22
Young 167 cm
Today 165 cm
Okidoki said on 21/Dec/21
One of the greatest, his acting was special, a combination of humor and tragedy in Scarface especially. I guess 5'6 flat was the most he could have been, Rob?
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Dec/21
Whoah! That little guy who wants Donnie Brasco to remove his shoes in order that the gang can get something to eat at his restaurant, as it's custom, isn't even as tall as Al, yet he gets beaten to a pulp - outrageous!
Johnny Depp's character (Donnie) is disgusted, but ends up joining in.
This has to be one of the most violent gangster movies ever, but Al's big-hearted, animal-loving Lefty is very easy to like. 🦁
5ft6 peak; 5ft5 now.
Bradley said on 4/Dec/21
As listed for decades.
Helena Goodyear said on 2/Dec/21
Could he be 5’4 ?because look here
Click Here lady Gaga is probably wearing very tall heels and looks 3-4 inches shorter than Jared Leto while he looks 4-5 inches shorter than lady Gaga

Editor Rob
I doubt he's quite that short, but with his posture today, maybe he looks near 5ft 4-4.5 at times.
Mr.bean said on 19/Oct/21
One of the tallest short man in the world of acting.
Muscular said on 15/Oct/21
Looks like peak was 170 cm in 70s and today looks like 167 flat.
One of the best actors in the world.Glad to watch him.True inspiration.
Brn2bjd said on 30/Aug/21
Definitely not taller than 5’5”. I’m a woman and am 5’5’ with no shoes, and he was in line right front of me at the checkout at Ralph’s grocery store in Malibu. I was wearing tennis shoes. There is no way he is taller than me. And, note that he was wearing boots with very large heels and his hair was dyed a blue-black color. He had on a black suit and looked very mafioso. Anyway, I would actually say that he is probably 5’4”. In addition, there is no way he weighs more than 130 lbs.
Greg Sanders The Gr8 said on 25/Aug/21
Google has him at 5'8 now lol
Anonnymous said on 26/Jun/21
Seeing him next to Willem Dafoe made me wonder if Pacino is still at 5'6". Or was it because Dafoe is in actual a 5'6"?? Please answer.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/May/21
In the picture up top with the 5ft9 Mr Robert de Nero, you'd be forgiven for thinking that Al could pass for 5ft7, but I know he's 5ft6 - peak height - having seen him enough times on the small - and big - screens.
Peak height - 5ft6; today - 5ft5.
MaskDeMasque said on 6/Apr/21
@Trey rago
5'6 is short in basically every western country, where you from? I find it odd you rarely feel towered, a guy would only need to be like 5'10.5 to tower over you.
em97 said on 2/Apr/21
I always thought 167 cm fit him very well at his peak
JamesFreakingBond said on 26/Mar/21
I think 5'6 in his peak seems about right, he looked that in The Godfather Part 1 and 2, as well as Serpico. By the 90s, he looked more like a strong 5'5 and a weak 5'6, like in Godfather 3, Donnie Brasco, Scent of a Woman, and Heat. Rob, do you think Pacino could have reached a flat 5'7 with the right shoes?
Ian C. said on 12/Feb/21
He played a police detective in Sea of Love, and there was no attempt to make him seem taller than he was. In fact in one scene another character actually calls him "little." A point is made about how good he is at hand-to-hand combat, which was probably necessary to explain how he beats the much larger bad guy in a fight at the end.
In spite of his obvious lack of size, he was still very convincing as a policeman. Guy can really act.
wateverrr said on 11/Dec/20
rob, al needs a downgrade to 5'4.75". 5'6" peak is also incorrect.
Click Here
Blackened said on 23/Nov/20
About 5-6. Just watched Cruising. A great movie.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Sep/20
I watched the second half of 'Scarface' yesterday night, a film I first saw at the pictures in November 1983. I enjoy it more now because I understand it that much better, but I must admit to finding Al's Tony Montana an irksome, coked-out little fool. I liked him in The Godfather Trilogy though, otherwise I'd have said that he's a man who's got better-looking with age, but I still do think that. He's such an adaptive actor, and I'm so terribly excited to see that he's starring in the latest Quentin Tarantino masterpiece, 'Once Upon A Time In Hollywood', my copy of which arrived yesterday. I always thought, "When's Al going to star in one of Quentin's films?" Now he's broken the mould and DONE IT. HOORAY!
When I've seen the 155-minute, 2019 movie, I'll fill in Al's boxes.
✳️ I found out last night that Al has 19-year-old boy and girl twins with the gorgeous Beverly D'Angelo, who starred in the superbly creepy 70s film 'The Sentinel'. The teenagers share my birthday, the 25th January, and with parents like that, I bet they're intelligent and stunning! 👏🎬
Tray rego said on 20/Sep/20
He is not short. We have a distorted sense of height because people constantly measure themselves with shoes on and round up as they please. I am a dead 5'6" and It's very rare that i get towered over. (4"+) so can we stop pretending the average is 7'0. Even wrestlers listed as high 6s and low 7s have been caught at weak 6'4"s.
Bradley said on 26/Aug/20
5-5 today.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Aug/20
This Superstar just goes to show that you don't need a huge great height to excel in your line of work. You 'merely' need talent, and Al Pacino has that in abundance, coercing me into thinking that people into thinking that there's a soft side to absolutely everybody, regardless of his profession.
When he told Johnny Depp that he loved him, in the most respectful of ways, when Johnny refused to leave the hospital when his son had overdosed, I was welling up all over. In fact, I'm doing so again just at the thought of that scene.
Yes, that film has everything; emotional turbulence, excitement, the affect that the 'brotherhood' can have on its members and those involved on the family members - yes, everything. I rate it more highly than I do 'The Godfather' trilogy, which I bought one Boxing Day, because some TV channel happened to be showing the trilogy during the course of three days. I was so impressed with the first one that I simply knew that the others wouldn't be a let down. They certainly weren't.
I saw 'Scarface' at the cinema when I was 22, but I didn't understand it one iota. I should have done my homework first!
5ft6 peak; 5ft5 today for this ACE actor.
Keith 5'10 said on 21/Aug/20
Pacino looks like a weak 5’6” for me in Serpico and Dog Day Afternoon.
Also in The Godfather with Diane Keaton, he looks flat 167cm.
Click Here
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Jul/20
Well, Mr Stephenson, I find him very attractive and a brilliant actor!
5ft6 peak; 5ft5 now. 😁👍
M.P.R.Stephenson. said on 2/Jul/20
Five foot five,and ten stone wet through,ordering everyone about; just about sums up Pacino !
Angus said on 24/Jun/20
he was 172 cm peak 169-170 cm now
Keith Bacchus said on 9/Jun/20
5 foot 7 maximum and no shorter
Nik said on 4/Jun/20
@ Sandy Cowell - True, but a man of 5'7" is average in some areas and a woman of 5'2" is also average in some areas! You live in a tall area!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Jun/20
5ft7 is below average, and short in my area! It's just like saying a woman of 5ft2 isn't petite...
The great Al gets 5ft6 peak and 5ft5 now. He's definitely an actor for whom his height, or lack thereof, did absolutely nothing in preventing him from achieving the badass roles, and doing them full justice.
My favourite films include The Godfather Trilogy, Donnie Brasco and The Devil's Advocate.
Nik Ashton said on 30/May/20
5’7” ain’t short!
Nik said on 29/May/20
@ Anonynon - Too true!
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 27/May/20
Noticed Al already lost half inch in year 2002 Insomnia and in 88 Minutes (2007) and Righteous Kill (2008) already drop to his min height now 5'5. Not sure if he still holding well at 5'5 now or shorter.
Charles McClintock said on 24/May/20
Without the 4 inch lifts he is 5'2. I have seen him in person.
Realist said on 21/May/20
Willis Christian Macaraig this guy was probably 5'5 at 24 years old and is now like 5'4 i seen him in a movie and he has looked 5'2 before I don't know how he looks so close to 5'7 Deniro
random reply99 said on 8/May/20
Willis Christian Macaraig if you look at his body proportions you can tell that he never was 5'8
he was 5'6 at his prime. its a straight fact
texluh said on 8/May/20
He's 5 ft 7.5 in the custody mugshot in the Irishman. Presumably in a suit with dress shoes on, rather than lifts. On a small man (shoe size 8 or less) I can't see the heel being more than 1.5 inches. Lifts for the shot? He looks 5 ft 4 to 5 ft 5 against other people in the rest of the film. Interestingly Di Niro looks 5 ft 9.
Willis Christian Macaraig said on 28/Apr/20
My guesses for Al Pacino's height
Current: 5'7" or 170 cm
Peak:5'8" or 173 cm
Willis Christian Macaraig said on 15/Mar/20
My guess for Al Pacino's height
I think he is 5'7.5" or 171.45 cm or 171.5 cm or 172 centimeters tall.
Daniel T. Wells said on 18/Jan/20
Click Here
How tall would you say the fella who played Sosa was Rob?

Editor Rob
Could look a bit over 6ft
Keith 5'10 said on 24/Nov/19
Just under 5'6
Bradley said on 31/Oct/19
He wore those Cubano heels in Scarface. He didn't care if they were in shots. That's Al.
Mon said on 22/Oct/19
Never 5'7''. There was at least two inches between him and the 5'8'' Marte Keller.
Nik said on 13/Jun/19
Short = cool.
khaled taban said on 10/Jun/19
Some people here was talking as If being short is a fault!
179cm guy said on 31/May/19
Peak: 167cm
Current: 165cm
Mister lennon said on 6/May/19
Never more than 165-166 peak.
RichardSpain said on 4/May/19
169 cm peak
166 cm nowadays
Short to be a first actor
Nik said on 29/Apr/19
@ Sandy Cowell - Your current and peak height estimates for Al Pacino are fascinating!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Apr/19
🎂🎈🎁 Happy Birthday Al! 🎁🎈🎂
LOVE your films! Peak height 5ft6.5, now 5ft5.
billionaireslayer said on 18/Mar/19
Strong 5'4 look at any pics of him from the Godfather he is tiny even though he is still wearing high heeled shoes, the same as Scarface, Carlitos Way, Him and Dustin Hoffman would be a very close call, Can appear as a decent 5'7ish with his heeled shoes.
Under5'7"Claim5'7" said on 2/Mar/19
Pacino looks short, but not unusually short. They put him with Pfeiffer in Scarface and he did fine with her and she was about same height. Those cuban heels helped him out in that film though, you could see it clearly in some scenes.
Mister lennon said on 16/Dec/18
I think that he could be 5'4 today.
Strong 5'5 peak.
Anonynon said on 15/Dec/18
@ B M ... "Even 5'4" sounds a little generous".
You serious? I get he's short, but he's standing next to a 5'7.5" man, and there ain't a 3.5 inch difference.
B M said on 28/Nov/18
5'5 current height? I greatly disagree. Even 5'4 sounds a little generous, but I'll put that as my guess to not go far off the average. He does have bad posture and a wide frame, so that may add to his short appearance.
Rising - 174 cm said on 27/Nov/18
@Anonynon: I think you misunderstood me. I agreed Al was in the 5'5"-5'6" range in his prime and I said he still looks closer to 5'5" than 5'4" to me, but I only guessed it was possible he's slightly below 5'5" at 78 since he didn't look much above it a decade ago. However, I agree that he still looks like he'd measure around 5'5". That's why I noted that some short men don't lose that much height.
@Angus: Come on, that's only the height he claims. De Niro was barely 5'8" a decade ago, if that. Nowadays, De Niro is no taller than 5'7.5" and he's still got at least a couple of inches on Pacino last year:
Click Here A currently 5'6.5" Roberto Duran is much closer to De Niro's height than Pacino is. The height difference could vary in pics 10 years ago when they did Righteous Kill:
Click Here
Angus said on 22/Nov/18
He is almost 5'7" and was 5'7" peak he is almost as tall as de niro (currently 5'8")
Anonynon said on 19/Nov/18
@ Rising - 174 cm
In your previous comment you are saying he is in the 5'4"-5'5" range in his old age - I don't think that's true. Plenty of pics online look 5'5" - 5'5.5" to me. He's only below 5'5" with loose posture, and he rarely stands upright, and that's what might be throwing you off. I am almost 100% sure he would measure over 5'5" even today. Trust me, I know 5'5" when I see it.
Spencer Dobkin said on 19/Oct/18
5'6" in the 70s
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 19/Oct/18
Heading down to 5'5 recently but pr photo with De Niro still hold about 166cm.
Rising - 174 cm said on 14/Oct/18
Most people aren't saying he was below 5'5", but he could definitely look 5'5" range. Gene Hackman was tall at around 6'2", but he truly looked enormous next to him in Scarecrow and I suspect the difference was often minimized. Good film, btw with great performances by Pacino and Hackman.
Anonynon said on 14/Oct/18
I would disagree with anyone who says Pacino was below 5'5". He was definitely in the 5'5" - 5'6" range. Short height, but not a height that will kill you. I think this listing is correct for the most part. I give him upper 5'5" in his peak, good enough to get to 5'7" with the correct shoes. There's no way he would get his roles if he was below 5'5". His height is borderline, but still normal... and it worked... thank you for Scarface and Godfather, sir.
Rising - 174 cm said on 7/Oct/18
@Leonari: I've always agreed that Al likely fell shy of the full 5'6". 5'5.75" would be a good downgrade. While he's definitely not above 5'5" flat today, he hasn't lost a ton of height. Here he is with 162 cm Jessica Chastain in heels in late 2014:
Click Here Click Here She always wears heels since she admits she wants to be taller and her shoes that day weren't completely flat on the front so I'd bet at least 8 cm. Al did go up a bit on one foot for some photos:
Click Here Click Here but his boots don't look unusually thick or look to have lifts to me and his posture isn't great so I still think he'd measure closer to 5'5" than 5'4". Some men well below average do at least maintain their height well as they age.
Leonari said on 2/Oct/18
Same as with Marc Anthony. Never was a full 5‘6“ but a flat 167 cm. Look at his movies in his prime. I would downgrade him 0.7 cm.
Sacred said on 6/Aug/18
Peak height 166 cm
Current 164 cm
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 22/Jun/18
5'7 wasn't short. The describe of Al peak being about 5'7 was def a shoes height. 5'6 or a tap below is the start of being short for a men. Despite my shortest friend was 5'4.5" and nothing having the confidence like a 6'0 guy. Lol..
Gracian said on 31/May/18
Al Pacino 6 years ago in the movie "Stand Up Guys" looked like a dwarf next to Christopher Walken. In addition Al had thicker shoes than Walken:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
I respects Al no matter his height. I think quarter inch over 6 foot for Walken in his peak really looks better. Rob, what do you think about these photos?

Editor Rob
Al can look near 5ft 5 flat at times in recent years.
MJKoP said on 11/Feb/18
Anonim said on 24/Jan/18
"Orlando said on 21/Jan/18
Pacino's 1961 official arrest record lists him at 5ft 7in, but maybe he had his shoes on: Click Here"
The height in the police is measured in shoes. So this is incorrect data.
Yes, I don't think I've ever seen a police report NOT listing a celeb as comfortably taller than they are. Bieber 5'9", Jackson 5'11", Chris Kattan 5'8", etc....
Gabe said on 2/Feb/18
Thought this was interesting, not sure if someone else has posted this before, if so I apologize. It's a costume worn by Pacino in Danny Collins. Not sure if this is a good indication of his height more recently and what his max height would've been.
Sport Coat measuring 16 in and the pants are a size 28x26.
Click Here
Rising - 174 cm said on 25/Jan/18
I can't speak for 1961 as I wasn't even born yet, but in more recent decades, I've never heard of police actually measuring someone even once. Usually, they ask you or take it off your driver's license, but they might stand you in front of a height chart and guess, but you'd almost always have shoes on in that instance. 5'7" happened to be Pacino's "official" height and probably his claimed height, which is likely where the arrest height comes from, but as much as I like him, he's simply never looked it. He was shorter than Ellen Barkin in Sea of Love even when she didn't have heels and John Goodman looked 8+ inches taller in that film. He already looked closer to 5'5" a decade ago so it's highly doubtful he's taller at 77 years old. Weak 5'6" range peak is probable, maybe even 5'5.5".

Editor Rob
I believe 5ft 7 is the kind of height Al himself would have claimed.
Anonim said on 24/Jan/18
"Orlando said on 21/Jan/18
Pacino's 1961 official arrest record lists him at 5ft 7in, but maybe he had his shoes on:
Click Here"
The height in the police is measured in shoes. So this is incorrect data.
Orlando said on 21/Jan/18
Pacino's 1961 official arrest record lists him at 5ft 7in, but maybe he had his shoes on:

Editor Rob
I'll mention this at the top thanks.
Powerhouse said on 18/Jan/18
Solid downgrade for his current height, now we need to shave off a quarter inch of his peak height as he wasn't a full 5’6 in his prime in my opinion.
RZ said on 21/Dec/17
This is pretty comical:
Robert De Niro sports massive platform shoes to look taller than Al Pacino for Martin Scorsese's The Irishman:
Click Here
Ally N said on 19/Dec/17
It's kinda funny, he looks Italian of course, but can look European Jewish at times. Height, I would say 5'7" prime, maybe. 5'6" today at most.
The Shredder said on 5/Dec/17
I tried finding some pics , but He did have about a 2.5 inch heel in the book I saw.
Jtm said on 5/Dec/17
There's a picture rising posted Feb 24 and caan's footwear looks normel. He's closer to the camera and better posture but I still think Pacino was never over a strong 5'5.
Richard said on 4/Dec/17
Brando also wore lifts in "The Godfather".
The Shredder said on 3/Dec/17
James Cann most definitely wore lifts in The Godfather , He even claimed so and I saw a book that had behind the scenes footage and all the main guys shoes were clearly visible and Cann's shoes were easily a 2.5 or so inch heel and Pacino and Brando's shoes oddly looked like normal dress shoes with Pacino's ankles showing. Pacino and Brando might have had lifts or a box in a few scenes , but Cann had lifts the whole movie.
Jtm said on 2/Dec/17
If he looked 5'7 in godfather then James caan looked 6'0.
Mister lennon said on 2/Dec/17
Pacino was strong 5'5 peak. Now, about weak 5'5-strong 5'4.
The Shredder said on 1/Dec/17
I actually watched the Godfathers recently and he honestly does look about 5'7 , but maybe it was camera angles or lifts.
James said on 30/Nov/17
Pacino's official height of 5'7" was obviously with shoes.
Terry said on 22/Nov/17
I think Pacino was a fraction under 5ft 6 at his peak, at around 5.5.75 or a good 167cm.
At his peak and with the right footwear he could look 5ft 7. Today I would guess at 165.
carrtman said on 18/Nov/17
Rob ₩ho do you think was taller in is prime, Pacino or Hoffman ?

Editor Rob
hard to pick these guys apart really.
Rising - 174 cm said on 18/Sep/17
Honestly, a 49-50 year old Pacino looked shorter than a 74 year old Eli Wallach to me in the 3rd Godfather. Pacino did look at least 5'6" to me with 5'11" Joe Mantegna, but how tall was Wallach in the film? Wallach seems like he could have been 5'7" peak and when I met him closer to two decades after the film, he looked closer to 5'3" in person with a cane and then in my photo, he's around my eye level, though I'm leaning. I don't know if that gives ua any indication of his height in Godfather 3, but I'd be surprised if he was above 5'6".
Imo, Pacino likely topped out as more of a weak 5'6" guy and was probably no more than 5'5" a decade ago. I imagine he and Dustin Hoffman have always been close in size.
Rising - 174 cm said on 21/Aug/17
He was never close to 5'7" without shoes. Al is the best actor to me, but that was Hollywood height. He looked closer to 5'5" at times in The Godfather. I think it's likely he was even a shade under 5'6" in his prime, especially when you see some of the wider shots in a film like Scarecrow with Gene Hackman. He was already looking around 5'5" flat or slightly over a decade ago so a bit under that would have to be possible, though he doesn't seem like a guy who has lost a lot of height for his age.
Joe said on 15/Aug/17
Is 5ft 4.75 range possible for him currently? Also, was a peak height of 5ft 7 flat possible for him?
Rising - 174 cm said on 5/Aug/17
Well, we can fairly put Pacino closer to 5'5" by the time of Righteous Kill because at Al's AFI tribute the year before, 5'8" Sean Penn could definitely look around 3 inches taller:
Click Here You can compare them again at 7:49. And at the same event, here's a couple of full pics of Al and 5'9" Andy Garcia:
Click Here Click Here If Andy isn't getting too much of a camera advantage in both pics, then there's about a 4 inch difference. At best, I see Al in the 165.5-166 cm/strong 5'5" range then. I don't like to make too many assumptions, but if Al was even that tall then dropping slightly more in the decade since to a flat 5'5" is pretty conservative. I have a few recent Pacino films I have to watch, but I do think he could still look 5'5" with Christopher Walken when they did Stand Up Guys 5 years ago.
I also agree on peak since even Rob said that considering Al was getting a good 2" boost from his Cuban heels in Scarface, he was looking 5'6" max, which could reasonably be interpreted as a weak 5'6" and in The Godfather, Al looked more 5'5", maybe 166 cm with 5'8.75" Brando and James Caan, who was probably 176 to 176.5 cm. So 167 cm peak is fair, imo.
Canson said on 2/Aug/17
He does looks to have a mild footwear advantage on Deniro in the pic above maybe 1/4" or so based on shoe. Maybe the average height guesses are more appropriate for him although he is close to 5'6 for his peak and probably 5'5"ish today
6'1.5 said on 2/Aug/17
Peak: 5'6"
Now: 5'4.5"
even said on 8/Jul/17
peak : 5'6"
now : 5'5"
dont argue
Spencer said on 23/Jun/17
Around 5'6 peak
Lee168cm said on 23/Jun/17
I doubt your shorter than most people when thats roughly average height and the average women is 5'4" you must just hang around with very lanky people. 5'5" is short but not extremely short
even said on 22/Jun/17
he cant be over five five he is extremely short , i mean im five nine and im shorter than most people if im short he is very very short.
RisingForce said on 11/Jun/17
Yeah, I can name at least half a dozen films where Al either had a bigger heel, lifts or elevators, probably at the behest of the director like in The Godfather, but he's the biggest presence on screen in all of them. His 70s run through Scarface was truly remarkable and even his later career had some outstanding performances like Donnie Brasco.
RisingForce said on 10/Jun/17
I agree on both counts, Rob. No lifts, at least there, but then he's getting about as much as a decent elevator shoe anyway. Honestly, they don't look much different than my 2" Cuban heels. I did notice that about feeling taller too, at least at first. Boots like that or cowboys do force my posture up more.
However, I forgot to include this in my last post, but it does look like Al had elevator shoes for Frankie and Johnny with Michelle Pfeiffer:
Click Here

Editor Rob
it wouldn't be that surprising if he had some shoe help in a few films.
He's an actor at times who can make you forget he's quite short...
RisingForce said on 9/Jun/17
Here are good shots of Al's cuban heels in Scarface:
Click Here Click Here Definitely about 2" heels, not so unusual, particularly for the time, but Rob is right that Al looks 5'6" max considering footwear and Al looked more 5'5" in The Godfather. It doesn't look like Al has an extra lift in that sitting shot, but it does look like they stood Al on a higher or step or had Michelle with one foot on a lower one for the wedding photos:
Click Here They also have Michelle slouching at times during that scene. There were definitely tricks employed to make him look taller.

Editor Rob
I wouldn't think there was anything in Pacino's Scarface heels, they look just like a solid big cuban-heel, maybe 2 inches of actual height.
Also, when wearing a heel like that, I believe it can help you feel as if you stand taller...
Joe briefly said on 8/Jun/17
My son is 5'3 and was the same height as pacino when they met. Both wearing flat shoes. Real short actor.
RisingForce said on 23/May/17
Yeah, Al had decent Cuban heels in that film, but never really seems the official height of 5'7" despite usually having some pretty good footwear in films. I doubt he lost anything worth speaking of by Scarface as he was 42 when filming started and had just turned 43 less than 2 weeks before filming wrapped. A 1993 article appearing in many papers such as Daily Press wasn't buying 5'7":
"He is slight and shorter than the propaganda about him being 5 feet 7 inches tall; you wouldn't, however, want to refer to him as Small Al."
A 1981 article on Christine Lahti(Pacino's leading lady in And Justice For All) actually said Pacino was shorter than Richard Dreyfuss! I understand 5'6" for him, but I've always thought he fell short of the mark. Both Pacino and Hoffman seemed to do better than average with height loss.
Donatello said on 22/May/17
Hey Rob. In 'Scarface' he was 5 ft 5,5 (current) or 5 ft 6 (peak)? he was 43yo then

Editor Rob
certainly at most 5ft 6 accounting for footwear.
RisingForce said on 12/May/17
Al decided to try the old tip-toe trick!
Click Here He could actually look only 5'5" with 5'9.5" James Caan and 5'8.75" Brando in the Godfather, but I think 5'5.5" peak is fair. 5'6" would certainly be the absolute most I could buy, but he seemed similar size to a guy like Dustin Hoffman. He wore 2" Cuban heels in Carlito's Way:
Click Here He could seem similar to 5'6.5" John Leguizamo, but then I thought shorter than 5'6" Luis Guzman, certainly no taller.
Jani said on 11/May/17
I would argue that his peak was a bit lower than 168cm. Marlon Brando (who was about 174-175cm) looks about 3 inches taller than Al in pictures and in the first Godfather film.
RisingForce said on 23/Apr/17
Thanks, Rob. Here are a couple more from that photoshoot:
Click Here Click Here I think just boots with high socks now that I see other angles. Poor Al, the Daily Mail does what they do with Tom Cruise and accuse him of wearing elevators when I think he'sjust wearing a sneaker for foot support then a boot without even much of a heel:
Click Here Click Here I don't think Al walks around in lifts outside of films. He had boots with bigger heels for a lot of roles (which also happened to be in style during most except say Devil's Advocate) and undoubtedly lifts for some (Al mentioned the same exchange with Coppola about his elevator shoes verbatim in a 1979 Playboy interview)

Editor Rob
it's hard to tell if elevators or not...I think just a bigger heel
RisingForce said on 20/Apr/17
Are these lifts/elevators or is it the camera making it look disproportionate?
Click Here

Editor Rob
too hard to tell without side on view.
RisingForce said on 20/Apr/17
Can't speak for today other than he seemed to keep most of his height until at least near 70, but I agree with 5'5" range peak. Pacino definitely seemed shorter than guys like Henry Winkler and Ben Stiller. Pacino always looked well below average even with large heels in many films and had a smaller frame, but I also certainly agree he's one of the greats. Must be a thrill to see him perform in person.
GP said on 6/Apr/17
Recently saw him in a play in Los Angeles and he is not over 5'4" these days. Peak was more likely around 5'5". One of the greatest songs ever
GP said on 7/Apr/17
Correction: meant "actor", 😂
James said on 3/Apr/17
His peak height was closer to 5'5" than 5'7".
RisingForce said on 30/Mar/17
Canson, I agree, 5'6" is generous for him, but not under 5'5" either, though 5'5" is arguable for a low as you say, he typically had big heels in movies. He looks 5'5" flat here with a 5'9.5" Kevin Spacey who isn't standing straight:
Click Here Al was about 60 there so he could have shrunk a bit, but he hadn't lost much even by age 70, so he could have still been at his peak. Either way, 5'5.5" peak would be more accurate, imo.
Sonnecker said on 27/Mar/17
I completely agree, 168 cm in his youth and still a good 166 cm now.
Canson said on 7/Mar/17
@Rising Force: he looks short in every movie he's in eve with Gus around his supposed height but don't believe he was under maybe 5'5" that's probably a low for him
RisingForce said on 24/Feb/17
This pic I posted on the Brando page is an example of why I'm skeptical Pacino ever reached a full 5'6"
Click Here Wasn't Pacino also noticeably shorter than Glenn in costume for Carlito's Way, which included cowboy boots? Granted, he was over 50 so he could have lost a fraction, but I don't think he's lost that much even now, much less 20+ years ago.
RisingForce said on 19/Feb/17
I remember him wearing Cuban heels most of the time I saw his feet in Scarface, but maybe that was from after he met Frank(Robert Loggia) when he was dressed nicer. However, I'd always be wary of close shots that don't show feet in films, especially with a tall supporting actor like Bauer and a short star like Pacino. It's common practice in film to minimize the height difference with a ramp/box/crate/board etc.
jtm said on 18/Feb/17
he looked too short with gene Hackman to have been a full 5'6.
RisingForce said on 15/Feb/17
He had good sized Cuban heels in Scarface. He's my favorite dramatic actor, but I think he's always been 5'5" range since he could look really short to me in his 70's films.
HeightMan said on 14/Feb/17
5ft 5 at most.
Michael said on 9/Feb/17
He's 5'6. Looked it in Scarface.
Shredder said on 3/Feb/17
He looks at least 5'6 in Scar face.
Astaroth said on 26/Jan/17
He looks 5'4 in scarface
James said on 23/Jan/17
He was never 5'7" except with lifts.
mister_lennon said on 2/Jan/17
Morris said on 1/Jan/17
155-162 cm max.
Johnny said on 1/Jan/17
@Rob I don't want to insult you or any other visitor.....but I cannot help myself.....the word 'nanga' in hindi means naked!! And NangaParbat means naked is a mountain in the Himalayan Range....
Dr Strangelove said on 28/Dec/16
I think Pacino was closer to 5'5 than 5'6 even in his youth. A decent 5'6er wearing lifts would have no problem getting close to an average look. He always looks short. My money is on 5'5.25 inch max.
Sandy Cowell said on 26/Dec/16
@ Alex J - It must have been fantastic to have worked with Al Pacino! I really enjoyed the film 'Sea of Love' and I own a copy.
But what sort of stinkers cut out the bit-part of a young, excitable fellow? I think that was a thoroughly rotten thing to do to you! You must have copped the impression that the big, bad adult world really sucks!
I wonder if you could find it on the 'extras' of a DVD or Bluray. It's unlikely, but not impossible!
Alex J. said on 6/Dec/16
Hi All. I worked with Al Pacino in the movie Sea of Love, and had a bit speaking role that was cut. That movie I believe was filmed around 1988-1989, and I was 18-19 years old. The scene called for him and John Goodman to come up to me and ask me, as I'm riding a skateboard about a certain place or person, and in between takes, we would both be standing face to face. I have always been 5'6", and that is about how tall he seemed to me. Everything framed up perfectly, his eyes matched mine, his chin, top of his head, etc. Unless he was wearing lifts, I'd say he certainly is 5'5 to 5'6 tops!!
NangaParbat said on 6/Dec/16
Hey Rob :) curious quotation abovementioned "Get these lifts out of my shoes and I may walk straighter."
You know it happened to me as well and I would like your opinion. I used to be a lift wearer since I was 15 (now I'm in the middle of 20s) but it's been a couple of months since I gave up in using any kind of lifts. The last lifts I was using were about 1cm and half of some branded insoles but the problem was that even if they were designed for comfort (sport or work) after wearing the shoes for some hours I started to feel pain in some part of my legs and lower back as the insoles (and any other kind of lifts) creates an excessive anterior pelvic tilt. So I put them off and I just use a very thin insoles taken from a pair of nike because they are soft and good feeling and..I started to walk very straight and talk, feeling comfy in position feet on the ground..incredible Rob..I thought I would have felt the difference in height but not! I really walk straight and I feel as tall (or more) as I had still my lifts..howthis is possible? Thank you for your time and patience! Greets from Italy !!

Editor Rob
Nanga, a small difference in footwear sometimes won't be that noticeable.
Maybe you just have a more comfy setup and can confidently walk tall.
Lifts aren't for everybody, in fact the percentage of men who wear them is still quite tiny.
heightmaster said on 29/Nov/16
Wow. I knew he was short, but it's hard to take him seriously now at 5'5.5. I used to think he was around 5'7", back then he was my favorite actor, but I now feel somewhat betrayed by him, as if he's been living a lie.
Josh Jeffords said on 17/Nov/16
Sounds right on to me he was short and wore lifts could look 5 7 with.
That makes him 5 5 to 5 6 after the 70s godfather should not be used everyone including caters wore em.
Watch him in scarface close to barefoot looked 5 5 in 80s.
I don't think it hurt his career much he is loved and done lots.
He was getting smaller by insomnia maybe under 5 5 but lots if boots in fake alaska.
I disagree on weight he was all over the place could look 140 or 120 in early days up to a solid 160 later.
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Nov/16
One enormous icon of Hollywood is Al Pacono! If he is in a film, it is a mark of recommendation. I think I have at least 17 of his films, including all of the above. I have never been disappointed yet!
I've always known he was 5ft6. I must have found out from a film of his but the fact that he is below average height does not distract from his magnificent screen presence! He is also a very attractive man to the opposite sex! He has that extra bit of 'je ne sais quoi', that 'quark, strangeness and charm' that Hawkwind sang about!
I read in the notes just now that he often wore lifts in his roles! bothers me not! He's only lost half an inch, so good on him for that!
He is one of the best actors ever and can portray any emotion - I loved him in 'Donnie Brasco!'
I raise my glass to you Al - a living legend if ever there was one!
Ron said on 1/Aug/16
Rob, What would you guess his weight to be in his prime? 150 lb or less?

Editor Rob
not that heavy, I doubt over 140.
Jings Chen said on 14/Jul/16
Al is one of the greast actors ever; his excellency in talent, sincere and typical Italian straight character and 200% professionism in art; not matter how tall he is, he's a real giant!
5'6.5 Indiana jones guy said on 13/Jul/16
Jings Chen what?He's 76 and at 76, from 5'6 He's gotta be 5'5 at least so that would make Hoffman 5'3.5-5'6.5..
Also dude,If Al was 5'6.5 in prime and 5'5.5 now that would make Ted Kramer 5'5.5 and that dude is almost 80 and at 80, he's gotta be at least 5'5 and 5'5.5 peak so that would be normal for both to be at least 5'5 now.
So Rob is it possible that today Pacino and Hoffman are 5'5?
Jings Chen said on 12/Jul/16
Al is a superstar and he's a 166 cm giant.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Jun/16
Rob, surely Serpico counts as one of his most celebrated performances?

Editor Rob
yes it would be in one of his top 10 performances for sure.
arthur keeler said on 14/Jun/16
I spoke to a very friendly Al Pacino outside the Actor's studio some years ago: There is no way he's 5:7". I'd guess 5'5 max. I wrote this before reading any of the comments below and am happy to see that the majority agree with my assessment.
5'6 Aravind said on 30/May/16
Fake height:5'6(168 cm)
Real height:5'5(165 cm)
Even,I also think his peak height was 168 cm 40 years ago and now 166 cm now.
Ewser-X said on 25/Apr/16
A short man, but a GIANT actor!!
Aravind said on 18/Apr/16
At bed:1.65 m
Out of bed:1.66 m
Lmeister said on 14/Apr/16
I think his peak height was 169cm and nowadays 166cm.
mande2013 said on 13/Apr/16
I can't buy Pacino as only 5'5 peak, unless his "presence" has something to do with it.
John said on 9/Apr/16
5ft 5 is more accurate from scarface movies net to 5ft 10s and near 6ft characters
Pitch_Fork said on 10/Mar/16
5'5''-5'5.5'' in his prime days (just watch The Panic in Needle Park).
Now sub 5'4''
Gerry Blue said on 22/Jan/16
Just watched Devil's Advocate again, final scene, wide shot, he's wearing those huge heels and looks really tiny. I'm guessing he was more like 5.5 in 1997. Tremendous actor nontheless
John said on 26/Nov/15
Regardless of what his peak height was, he's always been a badass. I always associate him with the role he had in the iconic Scarface movie. You wouldn't care about someone's height if he had that personality.
mande2013 said on 2/Nov/15
Well 5'9 Chris O'Donnell had an easy three inches on him in Scent of a Woman, so perhaps not.
mande2013 said on 30/Oct/15
Rob, is there any chance of Pacino ever getting an upgrade to 5'7 peak rather than 5'6 like you did with Ringo and Bruno Ganz?

Editor Rob
I'm not sure
Will said on 12/Oct/15
Al Pacino is now 5'4". He was 5'5" in his former days.
cup1 said on 17/Aug/15
how is tall in scarface?
Sam said on 13/Aug/15
Would be interesting to see an early 70s photo with Pacino and Dustin Hoffman, Pacino did give a slightly taller impression I think.
Here's another pretty good photo of Pacino and De Niro, in younger years.
Click Here
JoeyS said on 21/Jul/15
Wha de Fok? A good acting talent. But as good as Big Rob? You do not need talent to succeed in film.
bandet said on 13/Jun/15
senor love daddy. Don't be so absurd please. He was easily 5ft6, even close to 5ft7 in his prime. 5ft2? Don't make me laugh. Really, I mean, Really.
senor love daddy said on 11/May/15
i worked at universal studios and saw al pacino in the 90's he is 5'2" at best!!! i never saw him before and was shocked how short he was, great booming voice and talent !!! One of the best all time !!!
184.3cm said on 26/Mar/15
Maybe because that was the whole point ? He is exactly what you don't expect from some all powerful being. I always saw him as 5'6 peak to be honest and 5'4 now.
onemo said on 25/Mar/15
He came to see a house we were selling in NYC about 20 years ago. I'm 5'4" and he was definitely no taller than me.
PLB said on 3/Mar/15
I remember when I saw 'The Devil's Advocate'. I wondered at the logic of the devil - who could appear as any person - choosing to appear as such a shorty. Wouldn't he want to be tall and handsome/
In any case Pacino seems to me to be no more than 5'2" or so. I just was looking at pictures of Pacino with Sidney Lumet. Lumet is clearly taller but he is listed at 5'5".
CDS said on 20/Feb/15
"The Godfather" producer, Robert Evans, described Pacino as "5'5" in lifts". He could've been exaggerating though.
Sam said on 7/Jan/15
If Pacino was uncomfortable in lifts, too bad he wasn't around recently. Tom Cruise and Robert Downey Jr. could co-teach a course on the fine points of lift wearing.
Will said on 5/Jan/15
Pacino is 5'5" and consistently looked this height. I think he is 5'4" due to old age.
kcidrepus said on 27/Dec/14
I m 5' 7" and I've seen him about 3 time at the actors studio and he's my same height.
FlameBoy said on 19/Dec/14
kinda cool that arguably the 2 most Intimidating characters in Gangster films are both played by actors who are short and quite short.
Joe Pesci and Al Pacino
the shredder said on 10/Dec/14
Rob , does that quote at the top mean that he started to wear lifts in The Godfather but ending up taking them out ?

Editor Rob
it seems that way, as I say, with lifts, unless you practice and wear them a lot you can walk funny.
Powerhouse said on 10/Nov/14
I think there is a better chance Pacino was 5'5.5 peak and is a flat 5'5 nowadays or slightly less.
Dave said on 8/Nov/14
He was towered by everybody in scarface.. he made Steven Bauer look 6'4.
michaeljrocks said on 31/Oct/14
Hey Rob, I'm not sure how to share pics on your site, but if you do a searchc for pics of Pacino with 5,6 listed John Leguizamo, you will see that John has much more than half an inch on Al. One of these listings may be a little off....
Arthur said on 10/Oct/14
Al pacino maybe 5ft6 in his peak.
Nowadays its impossible.G has a picture with him and couple of inches taller than him.
Realist said on 5/Oct/14
Yeah weak 5'5 range. No way he looks above that with 5'7 Robin in Insomnia. I miss that guy so much, cant believe his gone. A few days ago opened his page here saw peak height 5'7, current height 5'6,the next day current height is gone. Very very depressing.
John said on 2/Oct/14
Peak Height 1.66m
Present Height 1.64m
147 lbs
JcKing said on 1/Oct/14
I think the reason for him being small is because he started smoking at like 9 years old! And I believe smoking can stunt your growth.
Mike said on 19/Aug/14
For those of you people who think Pacino is 5'7", get out. He is 5'5" max.
Sam said on 21/Jul/14
BTW, Rob, what would be your guess on the difference between Pacino and De Niro in that photo? Not even 2 inches I'd say...

Editor Rob
maybe in the photo not quite 2 inches, but possibly a higher angle it might look 2
jtm said on 21/Jul/14
he was shorter than barkin in sea of love. does anyone here want to talk about that?
Sam said on 21/Jul/14
Agreed that Pacino is great in the 70s but not over De Niro, De Niro was just about as good as screen acting ever gets in the 70s and early 80s IMO...I almost always identified with his characters despite their less than stellar behavior, he was as technically good as Day-Lewis is and as electrifying as Brando was but seemed edgier than both, like he was genuinely dangerous and unpredictable...key word WAS.
I like Pacino's more internal work in some like The Godfather and Scarecrow than his more shouty later stuff like Scent of a Woman or the quite silly Devil's Advocate...Dog Day Afternoon might be his best, mostly internal with showy bits but ones that never seem over the top. Height-wise, I always thought he could edge out Hoffman but not by much.
Dmeyer said on 20/Jul/14
Dosnt look under 5'6 above
Arch Stanton said on 19/Jul/14
Jtm, lighten up!!
Arch Stanton said on 19/Jul/14
@Sam, Yeah Tracy, Olivier, Freeman and Hoffman are also among my favourites. Olivier's performance in Sleuth was one of the best I've ever seen from a film actor. Day-Lewis for me though has had some staggeringly brilliant performances which I think make him stand above the others. Obviously Brando, Laurence Harvey, Robert Ryan, and many others were great actors too. Any of those we mentioned are in my top 10 anyway.
John said on 19/Jul/14
Pacino has never been near 5'7". He is 5'5".
jtm said on 18/Jul/14
can we please talk about hs height? he was shorter than ellen barkin in sea of love.
RisingForce said on 18/Jul/14
I don't have a list, but I've always thought Pacino was the better, more versatile actor than De Niro in his prime. Both have tailed off later in their career, though with Pacino overacting from the 90's on, and De Niro seeming to mail in a lot of performances, though as for later work, I thought Pacino was great in Donnie Brasco and Insomnia.
Sam said on 17/Jul/14
A lot of people would also mention Spencer Tracy, Laurence Olivier, Dustin Hoffman, etc. as all-time greats, although it's hard to dispute DDL and peak Robert De Niro being at or near the top all-time. Arch, I'm assuming your giving the edge to Day-Lewis due to De Niro's later work. Some people may have thrown in Gary Oldman, at least until last month, and Morgan Freeman.
RisingForce said on 17/Jul/14
Pacino was wearing heeled boots, though, possibly cowboy boots in Carlito's Way, iirc. Good movie, though and great actor. I don't think he's lost much height for his age so this listing is pretty good, but it wouldn't surprise me if 5'5.5" was even his peak height considering how small he could look in some movies even in the 70's, but he could also look close to 5'7" in some shoes.
Arch Stanton said on 16/Jul/14
Agreed, Pacino is definitely in the top 5 greatest actors of all time! Top 5 greatest actors ever?
1. Daniel Day Lewis
2. Robert De Niro
3. Al Pacino
4. Jack Nicholson
5. Anthony Hopkins
Arch Stanton said on 16/Jul/14
Yeah about 2 inches shorter than Sean Penn in Carlito's Way. There's a scene in which he's stood by a group of spics and he's one of the tallest there LOL!
177cmGuy said on 15/Jul/14
At minimum I see Al Pacino at 165cm. He could have been close to 170cm at peak which is the height listed on his resume but to play it safe I'm assuming 167cm.
Sean73 said on 5/Jun/14
Top 5 actor of all time!To me he's a 7 foot giant!
Arch Stanton said on 1/May/14
Rob do you really think that any of the classics like Serpico, Dog Day Afternoon, Donnie Brasco, Insomnia and Scent of a Woman aren't worth mentioning?

Editor Rob
I think they are all great, but sometimes I have to pick and choose mentioning.
the shredder said on 30/Apr/14
Strong 5 '5 man peak 5'4.5 now
RisingForce said on 30/Apr/14
For reference, looking at listings for Pacino, it's surprising how few question his official 5'7" listing, though he's also gotten multiple 5'6" and 5'5" descriptions over the years, and there was one 1993 article that said he was shorter than the "5-7 propaganda" as they put it. When talking about casting for the Godfather, Robert Evans famously said "This kid Pacino's five-five and that's in heels."
He can look 5'6", but I've never been sold on it, especially due to how short he looked in the Godfather with a 5'9"-5'10" James Caan, a 5'8"-5'9" Brando and all 3 reportedly wearing lifts. Or this scene from The Devil's Advocate
Click Here Look how short he still looks with 6'1" Keanu Reeves and check out his shoes around 0:19. Large heels, a pretty thick front and possibly lifts. Phenomenal actor, but 5'6" is the most I could ever see and it's possible he was never a full 5'6" and more 5'5" range, though I really think he's lost very little height for a man 74, much like Chuck Norris.
jD said on 1/Apr/14
I am 5'7" 3/4 barefoot. I stood face to face with him after the broadway play Shakespeare. I am a minimum of 4 inches taller than him.
Azad said on 8/Mar/14
165/166 cm MAX!
littlesue said on 28/Feb/14
No way was he ever near 5ft 3 in his prime, look at the Godfather when he is dancing face to face with Diane Keaton who is about 5ft 6.5, hardly any diference in height she wearing small heels, even if he was wearing a small lift the 3 inches would be noticibly diferent
James Crowley Maximus Meridius said on 23/Feb/14
Rob is Al Pacino a lift wearer he looks 2 inches shorter than robert deniro in this picture he looks 5ft 7in.

Editor Rob
nowadays DeNiro is more a 5ft 8 guy, but at times pacino wearing lifts should never be discounted.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Feb/14
Pacino definitely looked a good inch shorter than Robin Williams in Insomnia. Pretty good? He's one of the greatest film actors of all time!!
Mr. Kaplan said on 1/Feb/14
He was never taller than 5'5". Look at him near the end of 'The Godfather', when they are in the cemetery he can be seen standing next to Abe Vigoda (listed at 6' flat) and he is a full head shorter than him.
The Exorcist said on 26/Jan/14
Walks like a typical 5'5"/ 5'6" man.
Start the video at 2:16
Click Here
PLB said on 13/Jan/14
I've never met him - but how would I know. I was 6'4" until I fell off the cliff. I could have seen him on the street but just looked right over his itty-bitty head.
I have a good friend who is 5'4". He seems bigger in real life than that. On the stage however he is revealed at his true height. My friend Ross is a much better actor than Pacino of course. Pacino is not really an actor at all. He only plays one role - an over acting Mafiosi.
He was however pretty good in Donny Brasco. He always was by nature a supporting player who got lucky when cast in the 'Godfather'. He was a natural for the role of 'third man through the door'.
Spencer said on 9/Dec/13
I don't think a true 5'6. I think solid 5'5 at peak. 5'5.5
cojin said on 27/Nov/13
Iv'e met both of them. I worked on "heat" and side to side withpacino on "frank & johnny. Al is 5-6 and deniro 5-9. Pacino must have lifters in this photo.
the shredder said on 24/Nov/13
He looks 5'5
James Crowley Meridius said on 22/Nov/13
Rob he looks about 5ft 7.5in in that picture is he wearing lifts.
mande2013 said on 7/Nov/13
I was just watching Panic in Needle Park, and even 5'6 peak seems generous judging by his appearance in that film.
Hola said on 7/Nov/13
are you sure he stood 5'6 in his prime? I always saw him as a 5'5 guy.
Lebensdorf said on 6/Nov/13
I think he's about 5'4'' now, no more. I would say that 5'5.5'' was his peak. DeNiro was 5'7'' I think.
little sue said on 28/Oct/13
Thought he was awful in Scent of a Woman, over acting!! much preferred his understated performances from the 70's. Never over 5ft 6
Arch Stanton said on 24/Oct/13
I think his performance in Scent of a Woman currently has my vote anyway! I think 5'6" is definitely the most you could argue for him though.
jul said on 23/Oct/13
In this pic, he's the same height as DeNiro, but how can that be ? DeNiro is 5'8" and Pacino is 5'5" . Why doesn't anyone ever mention his movie "Serpico"? It got 4 stars and it was as good as any one of his other movies.
jul said on 23/Oct/13
In this pic, he's the same height as DeNiro, but how can that be ? DeNiro is 5'8" and Pacino is 5'5"
Arch Stanton said on 22/Oct/13
The early 1990s had an extreme number of great films didn't it, 1992 alone had at least half a dozen films which would be worthy Oscar winners.
Arch Stanton said on 18/Oct/13
Looks 5'5" range in Serpico
Arch Stanton said on 13/Oct/13
Jonathan Pryce really looks about 7 inches taller in Glengarry. When he and Pryce speak up close they angle it so it only looks 4-5 inches but when the camera zooms out and shows them from a distance he's clearly got at least 6 inches on him, in fact it looks nearer 7-8. You have Pryce at 6' flat on here which is a little low for his peak IMO but that makes a full 5'6" dubious.
Powerhouse said on 29/Sep/13
If Pacino is 5'5.5 De Niro is no more than 5'7.5. Thats a 2 inch difference or slightly less.
Marco said on 30/Aug/13
@ Arch: Scent of a woman is one of my favorites too ! Visited NY in May and the Waldorf Astoria as well.. Hoooaaah.
Will said on 18/Aug/13
Pacino is probably about 5'5".
cole said on 31/Jul/13
Rob what do you think? If Al is 5'5.5, I'm really struggeling to see Robert DeNiro at more than 5'7.5.

Editor Rob
deniro's at an age were he can look to struggle with 5ft 8, but maybe it's just a bit of old man posture that makes him look 172 at times
Maor said on 29/Jun/13
He looked really short in Scarface even with them high heel boots on. He was probobly 5'6 during that movie.
Terry said on 18/Jun/13
I'm surprised he is this small, I expected him to be taller than what he is.
Arch Stanton said on 11/Jun/13
About 3 inches shorter than Andy Garcia in G III.
Mickavellian said on 8/Jun/13
I am 5'7" in a good hair day and stood next to Pacino outside Balthazars waiting for a cab for a good 15 minutes and although we were about the same height he was wearing a good 3 inch cuban heels , and his hair was incredibly thin. So we got lifts and a hair piece going there. He does limp but he is in great shape.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Jun/13
I've got the trilogy on DVD and watched part II the other day. He's one of the greatest actors I've ever seen, just look at his eyes in the Godfather films, deep, meaningful and dangerous, I can't think of anybody who could play his role in that and Scarface more effectively, he really is very believable as a mafia boss/drug lord.
Arch Stanton said on 23/May/13
Hehe, change seats then!
Arch Stanton said on 21/May/13
Don't know about you Rob but I get lost in her eyes
Click Here ! Like an endless pool of whirling Options hot chocolate drink, she literally hypnotizes me!! Such a shame she got blown up hehe!

Editor Rob
Simonetta Stefanelli is alluring, I have to watch when I search images though as sometimes since I work on laptop in bed Jenny can see my image searching ;)
Arch Stanton said on 21/May/13
It would have been difficult for him to have worn lifts in the street scene in the Godfather. You could see he was wearing normal shoes in the Sicily scenes and also in the street scene with Diane Keaton, but I noticed they had her walking in a ditch and him further up on the road to make him look taller. But you could see with him walking through the hospital in particular that he was 5'6 max. I think even in the wedding scenes with the ridiculously hot Simonetta Stefanelli that they had him on higher ground to make the height difference look more, but I think she's about 5 ft 4 and shorter anyway, a wild guess though. I once went to the Amalfi Coast in southern Italy and saw the hottest woman I've ever seen in my life hop on the bus to Sorrento and she closely resembled Stefanelli, the sort of girl you'd fall in love with at first site!
Arch Stanton said on 21/May/13
Yes, a quite brilliant actor, one of the very best in my opinion. Scent of a Woman is very good too. Godfather II I'll watch tomorrow...
Arch Stanton said on 20/May/13
Rob you said about prompting you to update pages with films for actors which don't mention many or any, this one badly needs it. "US Actor, known for films such as The Godfather, Scarface, Scent of a Woman, Glengarry Glen Ross, and the Devil's Advocate.

Editor Rob
yeah, a few more films listed, I think Glengarry is an excellent movie, I like Pacino in a lot of his stuff, top notch actor...well, up till maybe Insomnia, then a few dodgy ones after that.
Arch Stanton said on 20/May/13
Looks around 5 ft 6 in the Godfather.
fingers said on 10/Apr/13
Just watching carlitos way and he is taller than all of them were they all migits back then ?
BRUTAL said on 8/Apr/13
Small man, massive talent.
Alex said on 10/Mar/13
@ PLB. If you're 6'4'' then how did Gregory Peck seemed small to you? They guy was a legit 6ft3.