Daniele said on 11/Aug/13
Yeah KROC, you're right. Westbrook is around 6'2, but DRose is noticeably shorter. When he came here in Milan in July I stood next to him and I was definitely taller. I'm a legit 6'1.5 man, maybe something more in the early morning, and I was surprised to see how "short" he was. He's a tall man, but not over 6'0.75
KROC said on 23/Jul/13
Russell Westbrook isn't 6'3. He's closer to 6'2. Check the pre draft reports. I always thought that Rose was alot shorter. He just doesn't look tall to me at all.
penguinboy25 said on 15/May/13
Actually Westbrook was measured at 6'2.25.
Daniele said on 26/Apr/13
Pre-draft measurements are absolutely reliable. Moreover they report player's height with and without shoes. Rose claimed a height of 6'4 whereas he isn't that tall even with shoes on.
Derek said on 25/Apr/13
6'1.5" is what he was measured at at pre-draft. Just about all NBA players are at least an inch shorter than what they're listed at.
Daniele said on 1/Apr/13
No way he is over 6ft 1.5in. He is the same of Obama who is 6ft 1in on the dot. Maybe he is 6ft 1.5in out of bed and 6ft 1in during the day. Draftexpress list him 6ft 1.5in. No way he is even close to 6ft 3in, look at some comparative pics with Russel Westbrook (a solid 6ft 3in) who is probably the only NBA player who doesn't lie about his true height. The difference is definitely noticeable: at least 2 inches.
amazing grace said on 17/Mar/13
MD I stand corrected except for the variance gravity has between rising and end of day height.
Safe to assume a mean height of 6'2.
I can vary from 6'3 to 6'2.2 from morning to evening so I just say 6'2,what do you do?
Anonymous said on 9/Mar/13
derrick rose is a solid 6 ft 1
amazing grace said on 9/Mar/13
Derrick rose is 6 2.5.Official height from NBA this is without shoes
see link here
Click Here
Tony said on 15/Jan/13
yeh i'd imagine in a sport where hieght plays a role like it does in baksetball that they'd be well aware of how height varies throughtout the day, so it makes sense they measure in the morning
Mathew said on 12/Jan/13
Height was actually the second thing they checked, you could see it had a #2 on the piece of paper at the station. They just showed things slightly out of order. I couldn't tell you whether he had lost any height by that time or not, don't now if he had showered, or how long he took to dress, wait in line etc., but it's very much possible (maybe even likely) if they did it quick that he was at or only a couple mm off his max morning height.
Vegas said on 12/Jan/13
Mathew says on 10/Jan/13
Yeah if Blake Griffin is 6'8.75" in the morning then I bet he's no more than 6'8" at night.
the majority of your morning height is lost within 1 hour of waking, now griffin in that video had to wake, probably shower, dress himself, then get wingspan, bodyfat,
Standing Reach, weight done before being measured and he also states he had to stand in line for everything and then sit down after each thing is done, so all in all i can't see him losing nearly a full inch from there
Duhon said on 11/Jan/13
I don't see a huge issue wit going by morning height. I'm sure quite a few people get themselves measured by their doctors in morning appointments themselves. I don't see why it's more accurate to list yourself per se by your lowest night height as opposed to your peak height day height?
Tony said on 11/Jan/13
Yeah he is a physical specimen though I think he weighs around 250 or so, maybe even more and at 6.9 body fat percentage!! I think at that height/weight and with all the weights he lifts, his spine is going to shrink a lot w/ age
Mathew said on 10/Jan/13
Yeah if Blake Griffin is 6'8.75" in the morning then I bet he's no more than 6'8" at night. I drop a good .75" from morning to night and he's even taller than I am, and he's far heavier too.
Tony said on 9/Jan/13
@Rob yes definitely there will be some errors, however with the size of the NBA players I would assume they probably lose a large amount of height from morning to night due to-
a)They have longer torsos
b)bigger frames, so gravity will pull down more on them?
So maybe Blake Griffin could even get under 6'8 by the end of the day?
Oh and by the way Im not sure how you choose which celebs you put pics for or what type of pics you prefer to use for the pages, but I found a pic of D-Rose similar to the one you have for Chris Paul if you would like to use it
Click Here
Tony said on 9/Jan/13
@Matthew great find man thats so cool! However I though Blake Griffin was listed at 6'8.5 in Draft Express but in the video he was 6'8 3/4??

Editor Rob
out of thousands of athletes there is bound to be some with a few small errors in measurement. Maybe that is one case, the guy wrote down 8.5 instead of 8.75?
or maybe the video is wrong, it was 8.5 but they said 8.75...
John said on 9/Jan/13
Rob, could one maybe get down near their true height (that point when your height is basically near your evening low), after only an hour or so? Maybe if you had gotten up, showered, dressed, eaten breakfast etc? How long does it take to lose most of your morning boost?
I know that I measure a hair over 187 cm right out of bed, but I measured myself at 186 mid morning which is not that far from my 185.5 cm afternoon height.

Editor Rob
I was reading one article the other day about height loss and it had women as the subjects.
The range of loss was 8mm up to 26mm...that's a big spread.
anyway, if you have 1.5cm then a good whack of it is lost first hour. Your mid morning measurement seems pretty normal range for how much you lose in total.
The first couple of hours we do lose a large proportion, and a steady decline over the next few hours. If you do some work or activity that rotates spine or puts more stress on it you could drop height faster and reach low quicker.
Mathew said on 7/Jan/13
Click Here If you watch from 2:00 to 2:40 you will get an idea. They get up first thing in the morning for their measurements.

Editor Rob
yeah, some guys will get measured earlier than others aswell.
John said on 6/Jan/13
Was measured at this, but you wonder is that close to morning? could be 6'1 afternoon/evening !

Editor Rob
with a lot of measurements, some will be done earlier than others. I've read some accounts from players and some have said they got measured pretty early.
SolidSnake said on 4/Jan/13
Can't wait till Rose is back on the court XD