How tall is Daniel Brocklebank

Daniel Brocklebank's Height

5ft 8 ½ (174 cm)

English actor, best known for playing Billy Mayhew on soap Coronation Street and appearing in film Shakespeare in Love. He had himself listed as 5'9" on Spotlight.

How tall is Daniel Brocklebank
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Add a Comment22 comments

Average Guess (12 Votes)
5ft 9.1in (175.5cm)
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Jan/23
When Daniel’s lovely vicar character, Billy, was talking to that awful Stephen in yesterday’s Street, I was hoping that God would perhaps give him second sight and he’d be able to sense that he’s the scum of the Earth.

Maybe later…..
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Dec/22
That poor little stepdaughter of Billy’s is suffering virtually in silence, having lost her baby and she feels beholden to raise the money for her boyfriend’s horrible drunken father. She has no baby to offer the desperate couple now, but feels it’s HER duty to pay for the man’s rehab.

If this happened to be a real-life situation, the NHS would help, but this problem drinker of a father needs to WANT to recover, or it ain’t gonna happen!

Daniel gets 5ft8.75.
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Oct/22
I’m agreeing with 5ft1 for Harriet Bibby, Rob. She can’t be 5ft2; I’ve had my eye on her all week, and 5ft1 is the most I
would give her.
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Oct/22
So the Big Bish DID get the munchies, expressing the desire to buy a kebab on the way home! 🤣

“I haven’t felt so good in ages!” he said, “…. I feel all my worries have just melted away!”

I think it’s time for Gareth Pierce to have a page. I love him as Todd Grimshaw. He’s not as tall as the former Todd or Daniel but it was hardly noticeable with the Bruno Langley switch.
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Oct/22
Correction Moan! 🤪

That should have been, ‘were it to get out’, and it WAS my silly old autocorrect, as it tried that one again!
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Oct/22
Billy and Todd put the comical effects down to the herbal tea; herbal cakes, more like!

The Bishop said he’d be giving some to his wife, expressing that he hadn’t felt so good for ages!

I don’t think Billy could lose his job over this, we’re it to get out, as it was down to kids being kids - but it would have been better to drive the Bishop safely home, or at least accompany him.
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Oct/22
Today’s Coronation Street:

I don’t believe it! Billy’s Bishop has come round after Summer and her super-tall boyfriend have eaten ‘space cakes’ - and the Bishop was about to eat the last one, when Billy and Todd stopped him as a matter of urgency! Then the Man of the Cloth admitted that he’d already had one! What’s going to happen now?

Put some Hawkwind on, Billy! 🎶


5ft8.75. Actor Daniel looks taller.

PS - The Bishop can’t stop laughing! 😂😂😂
Nik Ashton said on 30/Jul/21
He looks at least as tall as Gareth Pierce!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Jul/21
Oh blast! It was Todd who suggested the REM song!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Jul/21
The lovely 'Coronation Street' preacher has excellent taste in music, suggesting that Todd's and his theme tune should be the REM song 'Losing My Religion', adding to Todd and Summer, "I'm glad my vocation is a constant source of amusement to you!"

Good sense of humour too!

5ft8.75. 😁👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Jun/21
I take that RIGHT BACK, having just looked at a nice and plentiful array of pictures of Harriet, Daniel and Gareth Pierce, who plays the new Todd Grimshaw.

If anything, Ms Bibby is less than 5ft2 IMO, not forgetting that of Britain's Number One Height Expert! 😁
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Jun/21

I don't doubt 5ft2 for Summer, having just watched 'Coronation Street', and possibly even more.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Jun/21
Oh dear! I've been trying to find out the height of the new actress who plays Summer, having taken over the role at the end of last year. So far, I've found 'almost 5ft' for 23-year-old Harriet Bibby and also 168cm. I can't see either being right.

I'll have an extra hard look on the Soap tonight and get back!
Editor Rob
she linked to her spotlight page on her twitter bio, where she has 5ft 2 as her height. From a glance, 5ft 1 range might have been what I'd guess, but you've seen a lot more of her on the show.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Jun/21
I was thinking at LEAST 5ft9 for Daniel in yesterday's episodes. He can't be any less - surely not?

I'm going with 5ft9 for Dan, who plays the caring vicar and adoptive father to young Summer. 😁👌
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 11/May/21
"Since when is stealing cars acceptable on any planet?"

Well said, Billy, and when one crime, that of car theft, carries off the young passengers who then go on to commit a crime that can never, ever be undone, I feel that Billy has everything it takes to raise young Summer into a model citizen, with a conscience that will rub off well with everyone she comes in contact with.

5ft8.75. 😃👌
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/Mar/21
Daniel's character, vicar Billy Mayhew, has worked wonders bringing up young Summer, the daughter of his late friend. He's continued with her upbringing in a way his mate would be proud of.

All teenagers have problems, and the young lass, Kelly, who took the dangerous ecstasy pills, is fatherless, like Summer, until Billy adopted her, and Asha has split up with her girlfriend, but Summer is the sensible one who has an ambulance called for Kelly. Well done Summer, and ditto to Billy for raising her to be such a responsible little lady.

Billy, who looks so tall next to Paul,
(5ft5, tops?) can have 5ft8.75.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Oct/20
Daniel's lovely vicar character from 'Coronation Street' should take no notice of his spiteful ex, Todd. 😝 Tell the ex NOTHING, for he will twist and contort it, especially if it's about his new boyfriend, Paul, who's at least a decent, honest young fellow. 👍

Daniel can have 5ft8.5.

⭐ ...and another (rather silly!) thing: Paul makes Daniel look tall! Did I just write that? Apparently so, I nincompoop! 🙉
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Feb/20
That bit of stubble ages him, which is highly unnecessary. He should either grow it right out - or shave it all awf!


5ft8.5 for Coronation Street's handsome vicar. 😁👍
CD said on 11/May/19
This is bang on what I guessed for him. Looks a tad shorter than 5’9ers in Corrie but then he’s about 3 inches taller than a guy like Jack P Shepherd.
khaled taban said on 7/May/19
The tallest 174cm man I've ever seen!
Nik said on 4/May/19
Great add Rob! He always comes across as being far from small so half way between 5'8" and 5'9" is fine for Daniel Brocklebank!
Editor Rob
His 5ft 9 listing isn't that bad, but generally he looks a bit less than that during his career. He never claimed 5ft 10 of course, was always down as 5ft 9 in his spotlight page.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/May/19
YEEEAAAAAHHH! Look folks! He's here -the lovely, soft-hearted vicar from 'Coronation Street'! Thanks Rob!

I can see him springing out of bed at 5ft9 and an eighth, going down to 5ft8.5 later on.

I'll go for the latter option of 5ft8.5, which looks pretty tall compared to many other male cast members.


Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

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