How tall is Dalip Singh - Page 5

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Average Guess (289 Votes)
Peak: 7ft 0.85in (215.5cm)
Current: 6ft 11.8in (212.9cm)
Jason said on 23/May/08
I bet it wouldn't be an unrealiable photo if Khali looked over 7'0'' with them...
Clay said on 22/May/08
Khali is standing behind those cricket players, not a reliable photo Jason. JT even drew the line too low on his head next to that 5'9'' dude and he still came up to 7'1''. I think its obvious he is over 7'0'' by now.

He can bench 600 ibs for reps, and maxes out at near 700 pounds I've heard. As well as a 350 pound shoulder press.
Anonymous said on 22/May/08
I think Khali is between 7'1" and 7'2". He doest realy tower over the Undertaker and Big Show, but he is clearly taller.
Does anyone knows's how much Khali can bench squat and deadlift?
Jason said on 22/May/08
Actually, none are. The shortest bloke (Raviraj Patil) is 5'2''.

Click Here

Khali isn't looking 7'0'' there.
mike said on 22/May/08
no doubt he does look the 7,2" he claims.
JT said on 22/May/08
With some Indian cricket players Click Here You figure one of these guys has to be at or close to 6
mike said on 21/May/08
even with those herman monster shoes ,theres no way kane even comes close to being a 7 footer,kane is no more than 6,7" possible 6,8".
mike said on 21/May/08
khali i,d have to agree besides the big show are the only two athletes in the wwe to be pushing 7 foot.kane the seven foot monster,c,mon that billing is just crazy,mayve they could bill him at 6,9" that would be more believable.
mike said on 14/May/08
khali is probably around 7,1" 385 1bs imo ,maybe 400 1bs tops.
Clay said on 14/May/08
Its weird with Singh. Next to people of average height he looks close to the 7'2'' he claims, but when we see him in the ring next to Big Show and Undertaker he looks barely 7'1'' more like a smidge over 7'0''. Perhaps a footwear advantage for Show? I cant see him anything under 7'1'' he simply towers too many 6'3/6'4 men.
JT said on 12/May/08
Click Here (the ceiling will be at least 8
Alex2 said on 11/May/08
I don't think Kane is 6'7" I highly doubt it, more 6'8-6'8.5" when he stands straight.
dits said on 11/May/08
khali is a genuine 7 footer,it's possible that he could be 7'2,but he's closer to 7'1.he is probably the only WWE wrestler who actually is 7 foot,unlike others like Kane (who was absurdly listed at 7'1 when he came,but today no one speaks of his height) and big show (who did look 7 foot at one point,but today he seems like a solid 6'11). undertaker's theory is the best.when he first came into WWF,he was listed at 7 foot.but there was a taller band of wrestlers back in that time,including andre the undertaker was billed down to 6'10 to make his height more realistic and the difference between him and the taller wrestlers is relatively difficult to differentiate between a 4 inch and 6 inch difference,but very easy to notice the difference of an inch or two.
Vegas said on 10/May/08
well its 5 inches anyway and here it looks close to 6 inches difference Click Here

now if kane is 6'8.5-6'9 in gear which most reckon he is (he certainly looks 6'8.5 next Big Ben including footwear given that Ben himself is 6'6ish in shoes) that means khali is between 7'1.5-7'3 in gear depending on how tall kane is and the difference between both me e.g. a 6'9 kane in gear + a 6 inch difference would equal a 7'3 in gear khali
mike said on 10/May/08
khali 7,1",big show 6,11.5
mike said on 10/May/08
judging from those pics kane looks no more than 6,7".khali has kane by 6 inches at least making khali a legit 7,1".
Alex2 said on 9/May/08
One thing I have noticed with Kane, he seems to NEVER be standing completely straight these days as for example in Big Show's pics hes bending his knees in all shots.
Big Show said on 8/May/08
Some comparison pics of Kane & Khali:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
JT said on 7/May/08
Vegas says on 7/May/08
....shave off khalis big head of hair or give big show his WCW head of hair back and the difference would barely be noticeable Click Here Click Here

True, especially if Big Show can straighten his neck like Khali does. Big Show tries here and the difference looks real close. Click Here Still not sure if Big Show does this since Khali is billed 3 inches taller or if this is from an injury or just Big Show's particular anatomy. The footwear in the Backlash stare down looked almost identical.
Alex2 said on 7/May/08
I think 7'0" is too low for Khali, it is possible Show is still around 7'0" but id say Show: 7'0" and Khali 7'1"
Vegas said on 7/May/08
khali has close to an 8 inch forehead if there is 2.5 inches between them, shave off khalis big head of hair or give big show his WCW head of hair back and the difference would barely be noticeable Click Here Click Here
mike said on 7/May/08
there is definitely more than just a one inch difference.khali has show by at least two inches maybe 2 1/2 inches most.big show i believe is just barely scraping the 7 foot mark,supposively at wrestlemania he was legitimately measured at 6,11.5".
OOFatman said on 6/May/08
Khali has Show by an inch TOPS. Show ~6-11, Khali~7-0. However, I do believe Show used to be a legit 7'0" however.
Gollum said on 6/May/08
I must say there is at least and I mean the very least inch between the two giants. With Khali coming out taller. I figure Khali and Ron Ries would be around the same height.
hs2008 said on 3/May/08
Alex2, I agree there's no more than an inch between Khali & Big Show.
Ghost said on 2/May/08
I certainly think it's a 1 inch difference.

Khali 7'05
Big Show 6'11,5 today and 7'05 prime
Alex2 said on 1/May/08
Delux says on 30/Apr/08

More like inch and a half.

What? No way, just look, 1 inch absolute max and more like 0.5"
Delux said on 30/Apr/08
Alex2 says on 29/Apr/08
Last night at Backlash, Show and Khali had a staredown and I could see 0.5" max between them (very close in height) though Show's shoes looked a little bigger though. I still think its safe to say Show is around 7'0" since he measures up to Khali so well.

More like inch and a half.
Alex2 said on 29/Apr/08
Last night at Backlash, Show and Khali had a staredown and I could see 0.5" max between them (very close in height) though Show's shoes looked a little bigger though. I still think its safe to say Show is around 7'0" since he measures up to Khali so well.
Vegas said on 28/Apr/08
Anonymous says on 28/Apr/08
Ron Reis 7'2. Paul White (Big Show) 7.0 Andre The Giant 6'10. I am married to one of them. Promise this is correct. Have fun in your debates!!!

lol, of course you are, well its not big show as you spelt his surname wrong, its wight btw not white, andre was never married and is now dead 15 years so by process of elimination you must be married to reis, i wonder how many here believe that :)
Anonymous said on 28/Apr/08
Ron Reis 7'2. Paul White (Big Show) 7.0 Andre The Giant 6'10. I am married to one of them. Promise this is correct. Have fun in your debates!!!
sweet said on 25/Apr/08
big show looks out like 6 feet 10 3/4, and great khali like 7'0
stupid -Guy said on 25/Apr/08
big show looks out like 6 feet 10 3/4, and great khali like 7'0
Gollum said on 24/Apr/08
Or go back to the 7'2 billing of Big Show. They could even say 7'1 and 7'3 for the two but 3inches is not believable.
Alex said on 24/Apr/08
I do think Khali is an inch taller than Big Show and now they should probably stop the 3 inch difference. Just say Khali 7'1 and Big Show 7'0, if they're gonna say Khali is 7'2 then say Big Show is 7'1.
Alex2 said on 20/Apr/08
Jabez, do you have any proof or links? Thanks.
Jabez said on 20/Apr/08
I was listening to a sports talk show a few years back and the guest that nite was Big Show. He said his real height (at that time) was 6'10 475 pounds
MK said on 18/Apr/08
Gollum says on 16/Apr/08
How can anyone see less than one inch on Big Show for Khali. There is a bigger difference in Khali and Show than Andre and wilt.

That could only be compared if Big Show was'nt wearing those heels. There's been god knows how many pics shown on here to prove that there's not more than 0.5'' between them (ring gear).
Gollum said on 16/Apr/08
How can anyone see less than one inch on Big Show for Khali. There is a bigger difference in Khali and Show than Andre and wilt.
brother_h said on 15/Apr/08
bigshow is wearing bigger boots. so the pics dont count. the pics of show and khali cant be real coz bigshows shoes mustve been elevated to. stupid idea if they still want khali to be 2 or 3 inches tallr.

how come they downgraded bigshow to 7'0 anyway? he used to be billed at 7'2.
Atoadaso said on 15/Apr/08
They should just upgrade Big Show. 7' is pretty much Show's real height, and since he's a giant you'd think they would play more into that angle. I would have thought Khali would have been billed more than 7'3" as well, since he can easily get away with it considering what some other wrestlers are billed. I would have expected WWE to come up something with Big Show at 7'4", and Khali 7'6".
AN said on 14/Apr/08
Ron Reis is 7'2" confirmed. I worked as a talent agent in Atlanta and stood right next to him (have photo).
topdweeb26 said on 14/Apr/08
Alex2: no, it's just that they know they can't bluff 3 inches between him and Big Show, and I'm not giving him any more than an inch over Big Show.. and as far as I'm concerned, even an inch is debatable.
Nelssoni said on 14/Apr/08
Lol he was billed somewhere 7'4, freaking joke.
Alex2 said on 12/Apr/08
WWE are starting to occasionally say Khali is 7'2", like last week on RAW "This 7'2" Khali", maybe they are referring to his real height?
Jake Is Back said on 12/Apr/08
I question that this guy is really even 7'.
Alex2 said on 12/Apr/08
I think if you have Yao Ming at 7'5 then its easy to say Khali is 7'1-7'2
Alex said on 12/Apr/08
If Khali is 7'0 then Big Show is 6'11. Still they're giants.
dicksock said on 9/Apr/08
I have no idea how tall those guys are with hogan. I would assume that they're all over 6'3. All I know is there is undeniable evidence that Hogan, in his prime, was AT LEAST 6'5 1/2 or 6'6.
JT said on 8/Apr/08
dicksock says on 8/Apr/08
cycklops, do you really believe Andre the Giant was under 6'10? He was as tall as Wilt Chamberland for gods sake! Hogan only 6'3-6'4?! How do explain the fact that he was equal in height with Zeus aka Tiny Listor who is about 6'6 with no shoes? Hogan has literally said that he WAS 6'7 in his prime and now after many surgeries and old age he is about 6'4. Oh yeah he WAS also only like 1 inch or so shorter than the Undertaker. And Baba 6'6? Are you out of your mind?

Baba was listed at 6'6" and also 200 cm (~ 6'6 3/4") in baseball. Click Here It's possible he grew a bit more if these measurements were when he was still in his late teens.

On Tiny Lister's website, he said he's 6'5".

How tall do you think these other three guys are with Hogan in his prime (age 33)? Click Here
Alex2 said on 8/Apr/08
Actually Giant Baba was only around 6'6 I believe but the rest of cycklops estimations are way off.
dicksock said on 8/Apr/08
cycklops, do you really believe Andre the Giant was under 6'10? He was as tall as Wilt Chamberland for gods sake! Hogan only 6'3-6'4?! How do explain the fact that he was equal in height with Zeus aka Tiny Listor who is about 6'6 with no shoes? Hogan has literally said that he WAS 6'7 in his prime and now after many surgeries and old age he is about 6'4. Oh yeah he WAS also only like 1 inch or so shorter than the Undertaker. And Baba 6'6? Are you out of your mind?
Alex2 said on 8/Apr/08
Why is everyone getting this thing with Khali saying hes 7'0? Is it even true to start? Anyways If you are like 7'1-7'2 you might just say 7'0 as it is the nearest whole number to the height or he could have said it as an impression, LOL, hes not below 7'1 for sure.
Blue Man said on 8/Apr/08
That link at the top of the page, "this Indian bobybuilding federation page" i think added and updated on khali. If someone can read hindu maybe it can tell us his real height. But 7'1'' is the truth i believe.
Ghost said on 7/Apr/08

You think Big show is only 3 inches taller than taker?
Dave said on 6/Apr/08
To Cycklops: Khali is at least as tall as Ron Reis and under 7'0 for Khali is stupid, also show is more than 6'10 and probably around 7'0, he looked at least 3 inches on 6'10 Nathan Jones and Kevin Nash so 6'10 range for show is well out and 6'11 range for khali is equally too low, you're patting yourself on the back for wrong reasons.
Jake Is Back said on 6/Apr/08
That list looks good except I think Andre was taller than that.
Cycklops said on 6/Apr/08
I had Big Show at 6'10.5" and Khali at 6'11.5" before they ever faced off, since there was about an inch difference b/w them in Khali's favor when they did face off, I'll pat myself on the back for that one.

Giant Gonzales 7'6"
Ron Reis 7'1"-7'2"
Great Khali 6'11.5"
Big Show 6'10.5"
Andre The Giant 6'9.75"
Kevin Nash 6'9"
The Undertaker 6'7.5"
Big John Studd 6'7"
Giant Baba 6'6.5"
Hogan 6'3.5"-6'4"
OOFatman said on 5/Apr/08
FINALLY, more people are seeing the light with Khali having UP to 1" tops on Show. When both stand straight it looks less, like 1/2 an inch. Remember Khali has hair which makes him appear even taller compared to Show's bald head.
Alex2 said on 4/Apr/08
7'0 is rediculous for Khali, hes at least 7'1
Alex said on 3/Apr/08
On you have some up close face shots of Big Show and Khali and its just an inch difference. They want us to believe a 3 icnh difference and even with some camera angles it still doesn't look more than 2 inches.
Anonymous said on 2/Apr/08
Khali appears to be about 7'0 and big show is about 6'11. Keep in mind that these arent their peak heights. Each was probably an inch or too taller, but carrying 400+ pounds around will do that to you. I was also amazed at how much more muscular the great khali looked. His arms are huge compared to the big show. I actually think he weighs more now.
Jordan said on 1/Apr/08
Lets remeber SHow prolly has a .25" SHoe Advatage when he faced off with Khali. Khali appeared an inch taller but in Reality could be 1.25" taller.
miko said on 1/Apr/08
All camera angles in favour of Khali, no more than 1" between them in reality.
Viper said on 1/Apr/08
Just because you dont agree with Mattiew's estimates doesnt make him a troll. Some of those are spot on, or at least close to it. Hell, hes closer to being right than a lot of you guys with that list. The only ones where he's way off on are Bret The Hitman Heart and Randy Orton.
Anonymous said on 1/Apr/08
I say Show is about 6'11 nowdays. If you watched RAW tonight Khali got into Show's face and had him beat by about 1 1/2" to 2" and it looked like Show's shoes were slightly bigger.
JT said on 31/Mar/08
Jordan, Big Show was never listed at 6'11" in college to my knowledge. No one on this site has ever backed up that claim or the claimed 6'11.5" listing for Khali either. It was almost always 7'1" with an occasional 7'0" for Big Show. These are newspaper articles about Big Show at the time (around age 19-20) Click Here Click Here If he grew since then, it probably wasn't that much. Even with a pituitary disorder, most still stop growing around that age. Robert Wadlow was an exception.
zrinkill said on 31/Mar/08
Kali looked a good 2 inches taller than Show in the ring on raw tonight.
Mattiew_- said on 31/Mar/08
Khali 6'11"
Big Show 6'9.5"
Kane 6.8"
UnderTaker 6'7.5" (mustav been 6'8" in his peak)
Thats the tallest few, now for some other big names
Hulk 6'3"
Randy Orton 6'2"
HHH 6'1.5"
Bret the hitman heart 6'1"
Cena 6'
HBK 5'10"

Lol at Show only being 1.5 inch taller than Kane and 2 than UT .
Both are 2 inches smaller than Nash at least and Nash is 2" smaller than SHow in his prime (at least , WCW days ) .

LMAO at Bret Hart being 3inches taller Shawn Michaels , if anything Michaels was one inch taller ...

I call the troll ...
Jordan said on 31/Mar/08
I dont think SHow was ever 7'0 unless his condition made him grow another inch from his 6'11 College days. SHow was listed at 6'11 once in College basketball, I dont know if he grew another inch to make him 7'0 or over. To play it safe I say Show is 6'11 and Khali is 7'0 (Even thought Khali was listed at 6'11.5 once_ he could have growth due to his condition as well.
Pacman said on 28/Mar/08
OOfatman you are insane Singh is more than a half inch above the Big show
Gollum said on 26/Mar/08
Edit my list at will. Oh and also 7'7 peak Gonzales
Gollum said on 26/Mar/08
I figure now with current things adding up recently,
Andre The Giant 7' peak
Big Show 7'-.5 peak
Ron Ries 7'1 peak
Khali 7'1 peak
Silva 7'2-.5 peak
Nash 6'10 peak
Morgan 6'9
Jones 6'10
Undertaker 6'8
Kane 6'9
Hogan 6'5.5
Sid 6'7
Kurgan 6'10-11
Viscera 6'6
One Man Gang 6'6.5
MK said on 12/Mar/08
Gonzales would have a minimum 5'' on Khali, lorcan was obviously born AFTER pro wrestling was a two horse race.
Mr_6'5 said on 10/Mar/08
lorcan, your remedial. everyone who is a wwf/wwe fan knows that george gonsalez aka giant gonsalez was the tallest ever, at 7'7''
Alex2 said on 10/Mar/08
I think Khali is a maximum of 7'2 and a min of 7'0, hes certinaly not below 7'0.
Hulk Fan said on 10/Mar/08
lorcan says on 3/Mar/08
"i think that dalip is 2 inches taller than 7ft1...i'd say hes's the biggest in the history of wwe/wwf"
Even if Khali is a full 7'2 which is debatable he is still at least 4 inches shorter than Giant Gonzalez who stood at about 7'6 - 7'7.
Alex said on 4/Mar/08
A 6'7 Kane would equal a 7'0-7'0 1/2 Khali. Kane could be 6'8 tops anyway. Sure Khali said he was 7'2 on Conan I think it was. I don't see him taller than Shaq. He's at most as tall as Shaq by looking at him.
lorcan said on 3/Mar/08
he's around 7ft2.5/7foot3.even kane is is smaller than him at 6foot7
lorcan said on 3/Mar/08
i think that dalip is 2 inches taller than 7ft1...i'd say hes's the biggest in the history of wwe/wwf
Alex said on 3/Mar/08
Actually on a wrestling site they said Khali is actually a legit 7'0 1/2. I can actually believe that putting Big Show at 7'0 flat or 6'11 1/2 at the least. Very possible I think.
MK said on 28/Feb/08
Thats just the problem tho, no decent photos with Big Show or Shaq. Giant Silva is listed at 7'1'' in mma and they were both billed 7'2'' in njp so maybe it is 7'1'' who knows
Atoadaso said on 27/Feb/08
I see Khali 6" over Kane, who has a definite shoe advantage. I see close to 7" between Khali and Viscera, who is about 6'7". These pictures make him look 7'2", however there are other pictures such as when he meets Big Show, and when he stares down Undertaker at his debut where he looks about 7'0.5".

There is no way he is under 7'0". I'd put him at 7'1.5". Too bad Shaq didn't get in the ring when he was wrestling Hornswaggle at some PPV... that would have been a really good staredown.
OOFatman said on 27/Feb/08
JT, there most definitely is NOT a 6" difference b/w Kane and Khali. As far as the McMahon pic, McMahon is 6'0" flat IMO; although he could have scraped 6'1" back when he was younger.
OOFatman said on 27/Feb/08
Vegas, I see what you're saying about the college ball listings. However, no one knows for sure if they were measured barefoot or in shoes. I believe Khali was measured @ 6-11.5, which is close enough to 7'0". After all, height changes throughout the day, so I won't argue he could be 1/2" taller @ some point. It seems we are in the same ballpark as far as our height estimations on him.

supes78 says on 19/Nov/07
The man is minimum 7'1" but could very well be the 7'2" he stated on the Conan O' Brien show.

supes78, your credibility speaks for itself LOL! Oh, btw, where is this photographic evidence showing that he could very well be 7'2"? LOL
topdweeb26 said on 27/Feb/08
Vegas: well the reason for the Reis thing is because Reis was taller in WCW when he was the Yeti, but then again, he was wearing that thing on his head which made it tough to tell.
Vegas said on 27/Feb/08
no but 7'1 was big show's college ball listing, 6'10 was nash's college and pro ball listing, i suspect kane and taker were listed at 6'8 in college as JT found a 6'7 listing for kane while playing high school ball at 16.

if you are going to take one listing as gospel then wights and nash's listings should be taken as legit too, you just can't go picking and choosing as you see fit, college basketball is probably more legit than bodybuilding after all tim duncan was listed at 6'10 in college and the nba often upgraded him to 7ft, and then to 6'11

i have been saying khali is 7ft flat for a while now (saying 6'11.5 or 6'11.75) is really picky imo

it would be funny if khali was actually shorter than big show barefoot (i would love to see that staredown actually), here in this video just after khali slaps show he looks shorter Click Here

the whole video Click Here

most people here have ron reis at least 2 inches taller than big show in their estimations yet here in this piece both are listed at the exact same height in college ball Click Here
OOFatman said on 27/Feb/08
Vegas says on 26/Feb/08
not a great idea linking that website OOFatman as Paul wight is given at 7'1 there Click Here nash at 6'10 Click Here kane at 6'8 Click Here undertaker at 6'8 Click Here

i agree he is in and around the 7ft mark, but there is no way anybody would be able to tell the difference between a 7ft guy and a 6'11.5" guy

Once again, just because they have Khali's legit stats doesn't mean they have everyone elses! This just proves that they too have seen his listing at 6-11.5, and that I'm not just making up it up. It WAS a good idea to link that site, b/c hardly anyone on this board believed me.
JT said on 27/Feb/08
So Singh is 6
supes78 said on 26/Feb/08
OOFatman's credibility is zero right now. Not only does he give a random site with a height listing that contradicts itself on the same page, but offers no photographic evidence to support an under 7 foot listing for Singh. The man is over 7 feet according to most sources and evidence.
Vegas said on 26/Feb/08
not a great idea linking that website OOFatman as Paul wight is given at 7'1 there Click Here nash at 6'10 Click Here kane at 6'8 Click Here undertaker at 6'8 Click Here

i agree he is in and around the 7ft mark, but there is no way anybody would be able to tell the difference between a 7ft guy and a 6'11.5" guy
Gollum said on 26/Feb/08
OOFatman, like the name btw. He also claimed 7'2 on that site.
OOFatman said on 26/Feb/08
Wow, I cannot believe some people think Khali is near 7-2. IMO He's 6-11.5, which he was listed at as a bodybuilder. It all adds up to me.
Khali: 6-11.5
Show: 6-11
Kane: 6-7
Taker: 6-6.5

BTW, here is a site that also has his 6-11.5 listing Click Here
MK said on 25/Feb/08
If Big Show stood as straight as Khali that would indeed be the case. Good call OOFatman
Vegas said on 25/Feb/08
richie you really believe randy orton is only one inch taller than bret hart and shorter than hulk hogan!!!

you better downsize kane and taker if you have big show at 6'9, those guy both need to go down to about 6'5
Alex2 said on 25/Feb/08
Wellif its true that Khali has Giantism then he may well have grown a little.
OOFatman said on 25/Feb/08
Alex says on 25/Feb/08
JT, I'm thinking now Khali may only have 1/2 inch on Big Show. I still think he's def. taller but may not be by an inch.

Exactly as I see too Alex. The only thing I see different than you is a 6'11" Big Show instead of a 7'0" Show.
Richie said on 25/Feb/08
The page u listed has him pegged at 6'11-11.5" barefoot!
I can read hindi :) im an indian!

The 7'1" is jus the caption given to the photo, but the text pegs him at 6'9-9.5 when he started bodybuilding and 6'11" when he finally left!

I dont think that hes grown since then! The growth, thus, can be attributed to the WWE propaganda machine which could rival the Germany of yesteryears :D

Which btw tells you a lot about the height of all the other wrestlers in the WWE, considering Dalip (aka khali) TOWERS over them all!

So heres a list:

Khali 6'11"
Big Show 6'9.5"
Kane 6.8"
UnderTaker 6'7.5" (mustav been 6'8" in his peak)
Thats the tallest few, now for some other big names
Hulk 6'3"
Randy Orton 6'2"
HHH 6'1.5"
Bret the hitman heart 6'1"
Cena 6'
HBK 5'10"

and so on, downsize everyone else accordingly!

dave said on 25/Feb/08
I dont think thewy put Khali in chunky heels because he isnt mobile enough as it is...and yes, he is a monster with any shoes on. He is 6 inches taller than Kane and I think 1/1.5 inches on Big Show.
Alex said on 25/Feb/08
JT, I'm thinking now Khali may only have 1/2 inch on Big Show. I still think he's def. taller but may not be by an inch.
JT said on 24/Feb/08
Alex, Kane is below Khali's eye level when they are face to face so there is still at least a 5 inch difference. I think Vegas also posted a pic of this on Kane's page. It's strange how Taker came up to roughly Khali's eye/eye brow level, Kane is below Khali's eyes in these massive boots, and Kane in these massive boots is clearly taller than Taker. Requires a little more investigation into the footwear of everybody. Khali has worn these same boots since he entered the WWE. It
Alex said on 24/Feb/08
JT, also Kane to Khali looks very similar to how Kane compares to Big Show.
Alex said on 24/Feb/08
From further distance Khali looks to have 5 inches on Kane but when they are closer to each other it looks more closer to 4 inches.
JT said on 23/Feb/08
Click Here
Click Here
These are Kane
Alex said on 23/Feb/08
Last night Khali had like 5 inches on Kane. For some reason it appeared that he had a bit more on him than UT but I could be wrong. And I believe Kane to be 6'7.5-6'8.
dave said on 20/Feb/08
JT that says more about Kane's height than Daddy V's or Khali's there. Khali has 6 inches approx on 6'7'' Daddy V - and as we see he is very close with Kane.
Alex2 said on 15/Feb/08
JT that's a good point, in Taker's staredown with Khali he had when Khali debuted, it lookedlike Taker was easily 6'9". Myabe if Khali does have giantism and hes still growing? I dunno but im still going with around 6'8" for Taker today.
JT said on 14/Feb/08
Alex2 says on 14/Feb/08
JT i say a solid 6'7" for Daddy V, you?

He's around that height. He was basically the same height as 6'7" Max Starks of the NFL. (Click Here). V usually wears boots with pretty good heels but Starks and 6
Alex2 said on 14/Feb/08
JT i say a solid 6'7" for Daddy V, you?
JT said on 11/Feb/08
Click Here
Click Here

Keep this in mind Click Here
Ray said on 30/Jan/08
Yeah, around 7' Show and 7'1" Khali seems right.
Alex said on 26/Jan/08
I'd still say 7'0 for Big Show and 7'1 for Khali. Its that or either 6'11 for Big Show and 7'0 for Khali.
Alex2 said on 23/Jan/08
7'2" is spot on for Khali, he needs an upgrade.
danimal said on 22/Jan/08
Khali is actually 7'2" how so? it's been listed many times
Alex2 said on 21/Jan/08
There is a chance Big Show may be a legit 7'1" but no more.
Red said on 19/Jan/08
In ringgear Big Show looks as tall as Khali, maybe higher boots?!
Alex2 said on 19/Jan/08
Alex, what do you think about that claim from Percy Pringle (Paul Bearer) saying Taker is 1" taller at a legit 6'8? If youve seen it.
Alex said on 18/Jan/08
Kane has an inch on UT really even without lifts. I remember in lifts he had closer to 2 inches on UT.
Alex2 said on 14/Jan/08
Yea from looking at his staredown with Khali he looks 6'8-6'8.25" in my eyes, i still think Kane saying 6'8.5 makes him sound alot smaller as what Mark was saying.
brother_h said on 13/Jan/08
khali was said to be 6'11 on a magazine. but he says 7'2. he even looks 7'2.
and undertaker is not 6'6. more likley 6'8. coz if he was 6'6, then that'll make giant gonzalez 7'4
Mark said on 13/Jan/08
Alex 2, not sure date of magazine, I've read that it said it (I'm sure Vegas or someone will have seen or heard of it). I realise that not being able to provide a link to it devalues my line of debate but sure it can be found by someone. Can't see a magazine lying really, everyone can get something wrong however. Regarding Kane lying, it's not really lying but they cant really as such be totally accurate. Imagine Kane the 7ft monster admitting to people that he was in fact 6'7, one it would shatter the 'monster' illusion and cant imagine WWE officials being too pleased. Remember Glen Jacobs is well paid to do what he does, why blow a god thing? Anyone like Singh (just shy of 7ft) imo will be almost impossible for an average/normal (even under 6'5) person to accurately predict. When next to Taker/Kane he looked 5/4 inches taller respectively.
Alex2 said on 13/Jan/08
Mark i doubt that magazine was telling the truth, when was this? As he may have grown since then maybe? And cantstop, i also wonder why we can't have Kane at 6'8 or more since hes 2" taller than Viscera and admits in person hes 6'8.5, i dont think Kane would lie.
cantstop25 said on 13/Jan/08
ck how can you have nash at 2 inchs taller then morgan when morgan looks taller then him on impact
Mark said on 12/Jan/08
Singh in a bodybuilding magazine a while back was said to have been measured at 6'11 1/2. Realistically that's so close to 7ft no one would notice, add that to boots potentially adding 1 1/2 inches would be 7ft-7'1 (ish), add the usual 2 inches (at least) which is added to billed heights that would give you your 7'3. He's approx 5 inches taller than a 6'6 1/2-6'7 Taken and around 1 inch (at best) higher than Wight. When that tall it's so difficult to guess height. A guy who visits my work is a giant and people guessed his height at at least 6'10, some said 7ft or over. My guess was 6'9 but turned out he is 6'8, he has to duck under door frames.
Alex2 said on 10/Jan/08
Sorry about sid, i was referring to his absolute peak :). And Silo Sam was a giant in AWA check these videos out of him, hes huge! I maybe consider him being even more but have your say, Click Here Click Here
brother_h said on 9/Jan/08
Who's silo sam?!
and u got sid at 6' wouldnt taker be taller? sid is older than taker so he should have lost more height.
andre is weird but algud.

nice estimates.
Alex2 said on 9/Jan/08
My estimates:

Khali: 7'1.75"
Big Show:7'0"
Nash: 6'10.25" peak 6'9.5" now
Nathan Jones: 6'9.75"
Taker: 6'8.25" peak 6'7.5"now
Kane: 6'8.5"
Sid: 6'8"
Matt Morgan: 6'8.75"
Albert: 6'7.25"
Test: 6'6.75"
Giant Gonzales: 7'6.75"
Viscera: 6'6.5"
Edge: 6'3.75"
Silo Sam; 7'3.5"
Andre the giant: 6'11
Big John studd: 6'6.75"

Thats all i can think of for now
brother_h said on 8/Jan/08
nice estimates. but I say

Khali 7'1.5
Big Show 7'0
Nash 6'9
Nathan Jones 6'10
Matt Morgan 6'9.5
Undertaker 6'7.5
Kane 6.8
Sid 6'7.5
albert 6'7
test 6'5.5

like i said, jus wat i say.
ck said on 7/Jan/08
I'd say
Khali 7'1.5"
Big Show 7'0"
Nash 6'10"
Nathan Jones 6'9"
Matt Morgan 6'8"
Undertaker 6'7.5"
Kane 6.7"
Sid 6'6.5"
brother_h said on 7/Jan/08
actually big show was an inch shorter than khali.
Jared said on 6/Jan/08
A legit 7'1" seems very believable. He was several (approx. 3) inches taller than the Big Show during their appearances in ECW together.
cantstop25 said on 1/Jan/08
yo farzaan could you link the interview please?
Alex2 said on 23/Dec/07
I totally agree with Foley being 6'3 but i always think Rock is more like 6'3.5
Viper said on 21/Dec/07
Rock and Foley are the same height, when Foley stands up straight. If you have Rock at 6-3, you gotta have Foley at 6-3 as well.
brother_h said on 21/Dec/07
well, if he always has been 6'2 then that'll make kane 6'7....hmm and BS 6'11...ok its starting to make sense
Viper said on 20/Dec/07
Batista didnt shrink 2 inches. Thats absurd. He looks taller because of his boots and lifts. The dude has always been 6-2.
brother_h said on 20/Dec/07
Fred ennis thats cool, wat if ur like his twin brother or somethin 0.0

anyway. Khali is a big dude and we all know that by now. and out of all the wrestlers hes the only one who never has a bad posture, even in his movies he stood up straight. like a big piece of hard wood....ew dirty thoughts =/

KHali 7'2
Hogan 6'6 peak 6'3 now maybe.
BigShow 7'0 and im happy hes choosing to lose weight.
umm im gonna stich with rock being 6'3.05, he is taller than mick foley and shane mcmahon. and mcmahon had 2 inches on stone cold so that'll make steve 6'0-6'1. mcmahon can get away with 6'2. foley is 6'2 aswell and i just wanna add that foley is a really good person.
Kane 6'7 now 6'8 peak
UT 6'7 now 6'8-9 peak
HHH 6'1.05 now 6'3 peak, HHH is a no neck, so maybe thats why he looks so short
RKO 6'4
Batista 6'2 now 6'4 peak, this guy used to look huge in the OVW vids and the old wwe days. i saw the match of him against BS and batista didnt look much smaller. like 7 inches shorter.
Fred Ennis said on 12/Dec/07
I met Hulk Hogan once and I have to say 6-8, 6-7, even 6-6 my ass! the guy is 6'4" like David Hasselhoff or Dr. Phil, I'm actually taller than Hogan i'm 6'5" same as Jake the Snake Roberts, whom I also met at a house show in Dallas, Jake and I are the same height, same age, same region of Texas, what a coincidence
cantstop25 said on 12/Dec/07
I think there is more of a 10 inch difference there considering the length of khalis head and that there is a difference between standing face to face and side by side. I wish the other tall wretlers had khalis posture....I also wish khali could wrestle like the other tall wrestlers
Big Show said on 11/Dec/07
Click Here

Khali looks about 8 inches taller than Hogan.
JT said on 11/Dec/07
(Click Here) (Click Here) Hogan
Atoadaso said on 10/Dec/07
Jeremy, are you a wrestler yourself at that height?
Mike G. said on 8/Dec/07
I was there live at the Survivor Series last month, sitting just 3 rows away from Shaquille O Neal, who just happened to be there live as well, I went wild when Khali was in the ring the crowd started chanting: we want shaq, because if he and Khali would have gone face-to-face that would have answered a lot of questions about both men
JT said on 8/Dec/07
Singh with ~ 6
cantstop25 said on 8/Dec/07
that kid is taller then hogan, and dwarfs cena. I bet he is 6'4"-5" range. Is anybody else surprised at how tall mike knox is?
Morgan and Ryan Wilson are the same height both have a good 5 inches on the kid just based off the picture. Im actually surprised ryan is that tall seeing as I remember him being barely taller then lance hoyt where as morgan towered over lance on a recent impact.
Click Here
cantstop25 said on 8/Dec/07
I honestly think khali only has 1.5" MAX on big show. more likely 1" remember big show has a huge head so khalis eye level was higher(not to mention the fact that he had his head raised up in the air) but measuring from the tops of their head they were almsot the same height
Dave said on 5/Dec/07
no hes not 7'3, but he could easily pull off 7'1

Hes no way under 7 feet, its just not really a possibility, meeting him yesterday has cemented my opinion. he was a full head taller than me and then some, i was about up to the bottom of his neck max, and im 6'1!!!
johny said on 4/Dec/07
he's definately not 7'3, he's like 7' or 7'1.
Dave said on 4/Dec/07
just saw khali tonight in belfast ireland (my home town) the man is simply gigantic, my cousin in england is a legit 6'7, and khali was at LEAST a half foot taller, he was amazing to see.... a clear 7++ id say 7'1, no way under 7'.... no way. He was wearing small soled converse style shoes and i had boots on, he was just SO much bigger. i could hardly believe my eyes.
Alex said on 2/Dec/07
Khali is without question taller than Big Show buts its not way 3.5 inches. Its just an inch difference.
D-Lurker said on 1/Dec/07
i can remember that encounter. there was a scene where the 2 giants double choke slam Undertaker, the camera was directly behind them. and Khali had about 1.5 inches on Big Show..though there were differing postures and certainly the feet weren't in the shot.
JT said on 1/Dec/07
htownjoe, which stare down are you referring to? This one (Click Here) or this one (Click Here)?
Big Show said on 1/Dec/07
htownjoe show us one pic or vid where Khali is 3.5 inches taller than Show. They only had 3 segments together in the WWE, and in all three of them they looked roughly the same height. And Big Show was well over 440 lbs in 2006. He's 420 lbs now and looks a lot leaner compared to 2006.
htownjoe said on 30/Nov/07
never saw him in person, but ive seen show and know in boots big show is 6ft 11 in boots maybe 6 ft 10 in shoes, and 430 or 440. i paused video when they did a stare down and their boots looked the same and big show was right at his forehead about an inch past his eyes! so assuming he had a regular head for a giant i would say he was a good 3.5 inches over show. so i would say he is 7 ft 2 and a half in boots and maybe 7 ft 2 in shoes, 7 ft 1 barefoot. he looks to be about 370 or 380, he is one of the few guys who is actually as tall as wwe lists them, andre was 7 ft 1 when he was in his prime, but wwe listed him as high as 7 ft 5! i remember gorilla monsoon saying andre is 7 ft 5 when he and hulk had a staredown in wm 3! hogan was 6ft6.5 and if andre was 7 ft 5 that would put hulk at andres chin level! hulk was right at the top of andres nose which would put andre at around 7 ft or 7 ft 1 at most! kahli is 7 ft 2 as far as i am concerned, and cut too
Jason said on 30/Nov/07
I saw him just in July. I guess he looked 225-230.
Alex said on 30/Nov/07
Jason, Masters was huge before he went off the steriods and lost 30lbs. Wrestling sites said he got off and lost around 30lbs.
When did you meet him though? He was suspended sometime after WM 22. Maybe you saw him when he was off the steriods. He was still a big guy even off them but an obvious difference from when he was on them.
Jason said on 30/Nov/07
Yeah, Masters wasn't that big. Thirty pounds? I never noticed that much of a difference.
JT said on 29/Nov/07
Singh standing behind a Chevy Uplander, which is 72 inches (6
Alex said on 29/Nov/07
And you already know Masters had lost 30lbs after coming back after being on steriods. He went from 260lbs to 230lbs in his return. He actually gained a bit of it back before getting released.
Jason said on 28/Nov/07
The article isn't mid 90's, it says 6 time Mr. Olympia - i.e. after his bodybuilding career wrapped up.
Vegas said on 28/Nov/07
that shot looks to be mid 1990s
Jason said on 28/Nov/07
He looks around 7'0'' in that one. Though Yates isn't 290lbs ... he's been retired since 1997 or 1998 and trimmed right down for his health.
JT said on 28/Nov/07
Singh with Dorian Yates, who
Jason said on 27/Nov/07
Outside the hotel part. He was out there bare foot.
Alex said on 27/Nov/07
Where did you see him barefoot at?
I can believe the 6'2 1/2 though.
Ghost said on 27/Nov/07
Ryan Wilson is obviosly leaning foward in the picture, he could easily be 6'9-6'10 if he stood up straight. Matt Morgan looks like a legit 6'9 guy.
Jason said on 27/Nov/07
He appears to be an autograph dealer, like Glenn.
Jason said on 27/Nov/07
I saw Chris Masters in bare feet and he only looked 6'2 1/2'' tops.
JT said on 27/Nov/07
There is a camera tilt in many of this guy
Alex said on 26/Nov/07
Compared to Kurt Angle he looks 6'3, 6'3 1/2 max.
He makes Chris Masters look barely 6'3 if that.
Alex said on 26/Nov/07
Anyway someone can find out how tall he is by asking him? Once thats one then we get get a better estimate but its debatable whether he is 6'3 or 6'4 though. He can look anywhere in the range in the pics.
Its insane he got to meet all those wrestlers. I wish I could do that.
Alex said on 26/Nov/07
He does look 6'4 in most pics. The pics with HHH and Kane are interesting ones.
Jason said on 26/Nov/07
Vegas says on 26/Nov/07
''Jason; you did say the major brothers were 6'2 Click Here''

Which I've since said a few times was wrong.

''i knew you would try to downgrade him, i bet he claims 6'5 himself; viper will be along soon to downgrade him to 6'1 :P''

Vegas said on 26/Nov/07
Jason; you did say the major brothers were 6'2 Click Here

he looks 6'4+ next to johnny damon Click Here thats taller than 6'4 dan marino looked next to damon he has 4" on chuck liddell

i knew you would try to downgrade him, i bet he claims 6'5 himself; viper will be along soon to downgrade him to 6'1 :P
Jason said on 26/Nov/07
I think that guy is closer to 6'3'' than 4''.
Jason said on 26/Nov/07
There's a 2-page spread in the WWE mag I got today with a 100% to scale (they say) photo of Khali's hand that you can compare your own to. Comparing mine to it, I would say they're actually telling the truth for once!
Vegas said on 26/Nov/07
morgan looks taller than ryan wilson next to that dude. That surprises me because a guy i talked to claimed wilson was a legit 6'10+, doesn't look it in that photo, he looks 6'8, if that dude is 6'4 (though thats not very scientific).

he must have photos with big show and taker because quite a few are taken in the westin o'hare in chicago just before WM22 like with angle, teddy hart etc and i met show and taker inside the same hotel that weekend, though taker didn't arrive till late friday night and by that time all the wrestling fans were barred from entering the hotel
Vegas said on 26/Nov/07
he has a great full-on shot with Tarik Glenn whom the nfl list at 6'5 and 332lb Click Here

glenn is barely 1/4" taller and looks only 20-30lb heavier at most Click Here
Big Show said on 26/Nov/07
Snitsky looks around 2 inches taller than him.
Click Here

Ryan Wilson who's listed as 6'11 looks around 6'8.5 to 6'9 (around the same height as Matt Morgan).
Click Here

Sylvester Terkay who's supposedly a legit 6'5.5 is closer to the camera but looks to have 1 to 1.5 inch on this guy.
Click Here

Viscera only has him by 2 inches.
Click Here

Khali is considerable closer to the camera. But if they were on the same line, I don't think this guy would come up higher than Khali's mouth. So I'd say Khali is about 8 inches taller.
Click Here

Too bad he doesn't have any pics with Big Show and Undertaker.
Vegas said on 26/Nov/07
i thought big vis came out one of the worst there of the big guys; he barely looks 6'6 next to that dude Click Here

Compare that to matt morgan whom i pegged at just slightly over 6'8 in person Click Here

Vis doesn't look any taller next to that guy compared to tyson tomko or dan spivey or even jbl
mike m said on 25/Nov/07
viscera appears to be around 6,8" if that guy is 6,4".
Big Show said on 25/Nov/07
Great find there JT, he definately looks 6'4 with most of the wrestlers. I think this guy has the record for posing with wrestlers.
JT said on 25/Nov/07
This guy has a ton of pics with wrestlers (Click Here), including Singh, JBL, Matt Morgan, Kane, Cena, Batista, Earthquake, Rock, HHH, Angle, Hogan, Jake Roberts, Heidenrich, Snitsky, and Dan Spivey. He looks around 6
Jason said on 25/Nov/07
Probably a combination of acromegaly and his height/weight. Most people that size have issues with walking, let alone running. Imagine if he were a vampire (Romania), too ... now that'd be scary!
anonymous 1 said on 24/Nov/07
giant gozales would have 5 inches on khali.
Vegas said on 24/Nov/07
Viper says on 23/Nov/07
You should see video of Gheorghe Muresan trying to run up and down the court in his days. It was hillarious. He could barely pick up his feet.

Click Here he only weighed about 310lb so obviously it was his acromegaly causing him to run like that, not his weight
Alex said on 24/Nov/07
I've heard Shaq got up to 370lbs but never saw him listed above 350lbs on Nowadays he's looking 315-325lbs. He is listed at 325lbs too.
Jason said on 24/Nov/07
2004? Shaq was at his heaviest in 2000-2002. He's said his weight ranged to a maximum of 360lbs. You're not going to get an accurate comparison trying to visually extrapolate things like that.

Viper, I know, goes to show just how bad poor Gonzalez would have been.
Viper said on 23/Nov/07
"Giant Gonzalez ... I don't think I'd call someone who couldn't run the court a legit athlete for their athletic prowess. :P"

You should see video of Gheorghe Muresan trying to run up and down the court in his days. It was hillarious. He could barely pick up his feet.
Vegas said on 23/Nov/07
couple of interesting things i found out about this photo from the man who took it Click Here

it was taken in Hayward, California, they have (had??) a small wrestling company there and singh started wrestling there in 1996-97.

The guy standing next to him on his left with the blue beanie is 5'9-5'10, The guy with the grey sweats is 5'6, the guy to dalips right is his friend and the dude on the far right is dalip's cousin wearing the check shirt

as for height and weight, the photographer is adamant that dalip is 7'1 (having met him on numerous occasions), when he posted that photo dalip was being billed upwards of 7'7 at the time in early 2002. He claims dalips weighs 375lb (again this was early 2002) and this figure was confirmed by various members of the singh family.
Alex said on 22/Nov/07
Jason only overestimated Cena by what like 1/2 inch, lol.

Danimal, my arms are about 15 cold, 16 flexed and a little over 16, 16.25-16.5 with a pump after a workout. I actually wanna get to 17 cold and 18 flexed. I'm on a strength training routine as of late and I'm actually going up in my bench 10lbs a week over the last few weeks. Also getting stronger in other exercises too. Normally I was on a mass routine, reps of 8-12 for 1-2 minute rests. Now I do reps of 3-6 and 3-5 minute rests. I'm going to switch back over to size training once I get even more strength up. my max bench I think would be about 290lbs since I bench 275lbs for 3 reps.
Jason said on 21/Nov/07
Calvin Lane was actually an (undefeated, I think) amatuer boxer and is an expert in karate, so he can't be any slouch.

Giant Gonzalez ... I don't think I'd call someone who couldn't run the court a legit athlete for their athletic prowess. :P
Vegas said on 21/Nov/07
calvin lane would probably be awful in the ring, we already had a 7'6 400 pounder in wrestling and look how that turned out, and he was a legit athlete, lol. lane would be slower than khali and that is saying something!!!

the only two 7 foot guys i would like to see in the WWE are hong man choi and shaq. Choi could probably go at it now and shaq would obviously need a year of training but he already has charisma to spare and would be a great addition to the roster
Jason said on 21/Nov/07
Viper says on 21/Nov/07
''Thats not true Danimal. Jason is right more times than not and has actually overestimated a few. John Cena and Elijah Burke for example.''

And the Major Brothers lol. It sure is a pity (for us) Calvin Lane didn't wrestle. Would have been awesome seeing him tangle with the likes of Big Show, Big V, Khali, Taker & Kane, etc.
Jason said on 21/Nov/07
Singh does have proportionately quite small legs.
Vegas said on 21/Nov/07
singh and some average sized people Click Here
Vegas said on 21/Nov/07
viper; john cena says he is 6'1 on a video i posted a few days ago in a shoot interview and was also listed at 6'1 in college football.

you believe his fake myspace page over this, or teds comments, or maybe teds great photo of cena and Kelly Carlson lol
Viper said on 21/Nov/07
Thats not true Danimal. Jason is right more times than not and has actually overestimated a few. John Cena and Elijah Burke for example.
JT said on 20/Nov/07
Click Here Shaq was closer to the camera than Rock.

The only way Singh is under 370 lbs. is if he literally has toothpicks for legs. (Click Here) Based on his upper body, he physically dwarfs Kane, a 300 pounder, as well as Batista. Even when he
Viper said on 20/Nov/07
I agree that Shaq has a bigger frame than Singh. Calvin Lane dwarfs both of them in height and frame size though :)
Jason said on 20/Nov/07
Where did I say Oliva was at his peak in 1960? Can you read properly? lol

And ok, Danimal, Charles Poliquin is looked up to in the lifting world and one of the world's most successful strength coaches, and trained sprint champion Donovan Bailey; other Olympic athletes; NFL star David Boston; a number of NHL players... but you know this stuff better than him.


Please at least make an attempt to be serious here.
Big Show said on 20/Nov/07
Danimal says on 20/Nov/07
Big Show, please tell me your biceps don't only go up to 14" when you train?

I've never measured my arms right after a training session. I mostly measured them in the morning. They would probably be a little bit bigger right after a training session, but it won't be that much though. I don't have that gigantic arms that's why I can't imagine Schwarzenegger to only have 5.5" on mine. His arms look like twice the size of mine.
Danimal said on 20/Nov/07
Big Show, please tell me your biceps don't only go up to 14" when you train? Jason is giving you all skewed (sp?) weights, measurements and historical facts. Oliva was NOT at his peak in 1960. He hit his peak in the early to mid 70's, under a new trainer. He was light years heavier than 12 years earlier.

Jason, why do you underestimate EVERYTHING and EVERYONE ALL THE TIME. Weight is NOT your thing AT ALL. You've never been close to pin pointing someone within even 50 pounds. I don't know what you are good at, but nothing that THIS site has to do with and that's for sure.
Jason said on 20/Nov/07
Vegas says on 19/Nov/07
''how many dwarf males do you know jason?? there is one in my town and i bet he weighs alot more than 138lb and he is shorter than hornswoggle. BTW the average weight for a 4'3 adult male dwarf is between 110lb and 155lb.''

Click Here

This 3'11'' lady weighs 87-88lbs. I sure can't see Hornswaggle having 50lbs on her! In men of average height and weight, each inch of height gives 6lbs of weight ... it's gonna be half that for them.
Jason said on 20/Nov/07
I think Shaq is taller than Singh, and bigger framed overall. Khali's got a massive head and an enlarged frame from his condition, but he's no Big Show or Andre in that department. Shaq is enormous in overall frame size, as well as height, and was 223lbs - lean - at 12 years old. Where as I've read Khali was just 90kg (198lbs) when he started bodybuilding as a policeman.
Jason said on 20/Nov/07
Arnold's arms were 19.75'' pumped, so 19'' cold ... probably around 1971, yeah. He could have put on another inch or almost afterwards, but not 3 - that's a massive difference. Arnold's arms never looked bigger at any point than Sergio's ... it's the consensus among most bb fans that Sergio had the better arms after it was all said and done. Big Show has 22'' arms (from a couple of interviews) - that's what a real 22'' arm is. I agree with you about wrestler weights.

Here's another good article about how they lie about arm size in pro bodybuilding: Click Here
Big Show said on 20/Nov/07
If Khali is only 370 lbs we can honestly say that Shaq was never even close to that weight (I believe he was billed at this weight somewhere during his career). I'd say Khali easily outweighs him with at least 70 lbs. Khali claimed a weight of 400 lbs during the premiere of The Longest Yard.

WWE exagerates weights even more than heights, but some heights look pretty close to the truth. They always billed the Rock at 275 lbs and I believe Triple H was billed at I believe 250 lbs or slightly over that mark, yet he was clearly bigger than The Rock. My guess was that Triple H was billed close to his actual weight and The Rock's weight was obviously inflated with 30 or 40 lbs. The cruiserweights are even more exagerated most of times. Jeff Hardy at 215, Hurricane at 215...yeah right.

Jason, I haven't the entire article of Arthur Jones, but does it state somewhere in which year he measured Arnie's biceps? He measured Olivia's in 1960. If he measured Arnie's in the 60's aswell, his biceps could've easily grown to that 22" mark as his best physical peak was in 1974. Olivia's peak was in 1971 during the Olympia where most experts said that Olivia was in the best shape of his life.
I would be surprised if Arnie's arms were 'only' 19.75". That means his arms are only 5.5 inches bigger than mine during my training peak.
abc said on 20/Nov/07
Khali's weight even dropped for a split-second to 355 lbs
supes78 said on 19/Nov/07
The man is minimum 7'1" but could very well be the 7'2" he stated on the Conan O' Brien show. Regardless, despite playing such a monster on TV, he has got an incredibly hot Indian wife;
Click Here
Vegas said on 19/Nov/07
how many dwarf males do you know jason?? there is one in my town and i bet he weighs alot more than 138lb and he is shorter than hornswoggle. BTW the average weight for a 4'3 adult male dwarf is between 110lb and 155lb.
Jason said on 19/Nov/07
Vegas says on 18/Nov/07
Jason says on 18/Nov/07
''That scale must have been set forward for Khali

so you think khali is less than 370lb???''

No, he didn't look as big as 370lbs. I was near Horswaggle a couple of times ... needless to say he's a legal dwarf & I can't see him being the weight of the average woman lol. They inflate weight in bodybuilding, like bicep measurements and everything else.

Click Here

Arthur Jones says he measured Arnie's bicep at a hair under 20'' in his bodybuilding days - and that was pumped. He was billed as having 22''. He also measured Sergio Oliva's at 20'' cold, when he was billed as having 23's.

Click Here

Sergio confirmed this in this interview & says Weider just inflated his stats and everyone else's. And this was back in the 70's...
Silverwolf said on 18/Nov/07
survivor series is in Miami. Shaq will be present at the event. Hopefully they can get some backstage pictures of him and khali.
anonymous 1 said on 18/Nov/07
vegas your right,i checked the video out ,it did say 372 pounds, if that,s the case then wwe has inflated his weight by 60 pounds.
anonymous 1 said on 18/Nov/07
did it really vegas?i,ll check the video again i didn,t see that.i know michael cole said " khali has been known to weigh as much as 420 pounds"
Atoadaso said on 18/Nov/07
Well considering that Singh is listed at 180kg, or 396 pounds, in that old bodybulding photo on this site, I think it's pretty clear that he's well over 372. He is clearly thicker and bigger now, if you compare his frame in WWE to those photo's - mainly his waistline.

When you're in excess of 7', weight comes and goes a lot easier, so 420 now I could easily see as a legit weight, or thereabouts.
mahek said on 18/Nov/07
taller people are lucky that they can see all the things from back.
Vegas said on 18/Nov/07
Jason says on 18/Nov/07
That scale must have been set forward for Khali

so you think khali is less than 370lb???
Jason said on 18/Nov/07
That scale must have been set forward for Khali. Hornswaggle 138lbs lol. He's the size of someone's thumb...
abc said on 17/Nov/07
i'll laugh so much if WWE come up with a legit way for hornswoggle to win the match at survivor series, but it is so obvious their will be an interruption-perhaps from edge
abc said on 17/Nov/07
why the heck did the scales say 355 for khali after 372, i bet it was a worked shoot that they turned them of but it's possible someone else's foot was in it to and they took it off to early.
abc said on 17/Nov/07
WWE are filthy liers about wrestlers weights everyone is boosted by like 20 lbs at least, i mean khali at 372 that's 48 lbs less than what they say
Cobra said on 17/Nov/07
Hornswoggle @ 138 lbs? Maybe with the a jar of gold. ;)
Khali 380 lbs during bodybuilding competition sounds legit, to bad there aren`t any good pics- if you have some, please post them.
But just 372 lbs ist too low for him right now. I don`t think Khali is under the 400 lbs mark.
Vegas said on 16/Nov/07
on smackdown khali and hornswoggle were weighed, hornswoggle came out at 138lb and it said 372lb for khali before it switched off and michael cole "claimed" khali was too heavy, funny those same scales worked perfect for both big show and akebono, lol

372lb does seem legit, he was 380lb during his bodybuilding days
Da Man said on 15/Nov/07
I've seen Orton's boots look pretty darn chunky is a few matches over the past several months. The visible heel isn't all that thick, but the sole and the boots themselves are larger than the norm for wreslting boots. MVPs are as well, so are Kane's, sometimes Batista's, Benoit's and Jericho's were. Kane's boots have a rather thick external heel, but the toe area of his boots are very thin. You can see this in a recent pic with Kane being held across Big Daddy V's shoulders. All of these boots use different methods to give what appears to be about 1.25" of height boost.

Those industrial Docs I showed give a bit over 1.6" in size 14. I'm 6'2-1/2" barefoot and measure 6'4-1/8" in those boots. The soles of those boots in person make Kane's boots look thin.
Vegas said on 14/Nov/07
Da Man i doubt those doc martens even give 1.7" over barefoot height, rob has a similiar pair to those you linked Click Here and they only give 1.3"

Orton's wrestling boots have barely any heel at all, kanes heels are much bigger than ortons Click Here and Click Here as are mark henry's much bigger than ortons 2nd photo Click Here
Atoadaso said on 13/Nov/07
Nice comparison pictures. Very close in height.
Da Man said on 13/Nov/07
Show isn't getting a 1" advantage versus Khali's footwear. No freaking way. Show's boots would give only marginally over 1" over barefoot, much less 1" over Khali's boots.

Look at these boots: Click Here These give you ~1.7" over barefoot height, I own a pair. Even the larger style wrestling boots that Batista, Kane, Orton, etc. have been wearing recently have nowhere near the sole of those Doc Martens.
anonymous 1 said on 12/Nov/07
ray i do agree now that taker is 5 inches shorter than khali,taker is at least 6,8".
Vegas said on 12/Nov/07
khali's boots aren't completely flat they do have a slight heel Click Here

JT did these fantastic comparisons of show and khali
with vince Click Here
with kane Click Here
Atoadaso said on 11/Nov/07
Hard to say for sure, but I think they give 1" advantage or thereabouts. Some kind of advantage over Khali's flat soles, anyways...

If you compare Khali and Big Show with other wrestlers, Khali is seemingly taller, and he gives the impression he's maybe even up to 3" taller, but this is I think because large difference in posture. WCW Show stood taller, now it's rare unless he is with somebody like Khali himself, then he fully straightens up. So they are very close in height, but Khali I believe has 1 full inch on show barefoot.

When Khali debuted I thought he would be considerably taller when they would meet. When they did meet I was surprised.
anonymous 1 said on 11/Nov/07
if taker is a legit 6,8" in gear(wrestling boots),then that would place him the same height as a barefoot akebono 6,8".so with that it,s safe to say a barefoot big show would have a solid 3 inches on taker also.big show with the wrestling boots would have maybe 4-5 inches on taker the exact same height differenece with taker and khali,so with that being said i say that chances are big show and the great khali are the same height,both in gear.
Vegas said on 11/Nov/07
big shows boots don't even give him 1.5" (or if they do its 1.5" max) so he can't have a 1.5" footwear advantage over khali, unless khalis boots give him nothing which is just impossible :)

they look to be very similiar actually, the heels both are the same size Click Here
Atoadaso said on 11/Nov/07
Khali should wear huge soles like some of the other wrestlers, his shoes give him very little extra height at all and he is in the role of a giant. If Khali wore Kane sized boots, he would have no trouble getting to over 7'3.5" and then WWE could list him at something like 7'6" XD

I do think he is taller than big show but the equalizer there (they were basically identical heights) was in their shoes, with the 1-1.5" advantage going to big show of course.
Ray said on 9/Nov/07
anonymous 1: I say Khali has around 5" on Taker which would put Taker at 6'8" and Khali at 7'1" IMO. Taker is up to Khali's eyebrows so I'd say more of a 5" difference.
Sandeep said on 9/Nov/07
The Great Khali is an Indian and Indians don't generally lie about their heights, so i think that he must be at least 7' 2" tall.
anonymous 1 said on 8/Nov/07
i thouroghly reviewed the stareoff between taker and khali,and my estimate is that taker is about 4 inches shorter than khali.taker did appear around 6'9".
Alex said on 7/Nov/07
Khali 6'8? Please stop posting.
Viper said on 7/Nov/07
Rey Mysterio is a freaking dwarf in the end, LOL!!!!
Vegas said on 7/Nov/07
gamma_2008; how tall in your opinion are guys like john cena and batista???
Ghost said on 7/Nov/07

You make absolutely no sense whatsoever. Big Show is 6'8, Kane is 6'3,5, Vis is 6'2...

So, I suppose Mark Henry, who was listed at the olympics at 6'3 (I hear) is really around 5'9? Viscera had him by 4-5 inches. That would also make Batista 5'10, Chavo Guerrero like 5'3 and Rey Mysterio under 5 feet tall.

Did you see the picture of Big Show and Vegas's 6'4 friend?

You have no clue.
anonymous 1 said on 6/Nov/07
6,8" what the heck are you talking about? 6,8" khali is no less than 7,0".
Gamma_2008 said on 5/Nov/07
Khali is around 6'8 barefoot, level with Big show.

What is it with this 7 ft non-sense?
Anonymous said on 5/Nov/07
JLA Show is 6'10 and Taker 6'7.5.
JLA said on 5/Nov/07
Gonzales 7'7
Khali 7'1
Big Show 6'11
Kane 6'8
Undertaker 6'7
Orton 6'4
Batista 6'3.5
The Rock 6'3
Triple H 6'2
Mick Foley 6'2
Cena 6'1
Austin 6'0.5
Angle 5'10
Jericho 5'9.5
the one being said on 4/Nov/07
look people the great khali is atleast 7'0".5, and more likley 7'1" and sum change. The big show slouches but has thick boots on I would give the big show at just under 7' like 6'11".75 or sum **** but might as well say 7 feet and khali at 7"1". I mean you guys get all worked up over a fourth or fifth of an inch who cares I am 6'5".75 but I tell people I'm 6'6" big deal but I guess I should go around saying I'm 6'5" and three fourths you know cause I am not a legit 6'6" cause you know how dare I guy like big show say hes 7 foot when he is only 6'11" and six eights of an inch tall I mean what the hell! You fools.
mike m said on 2/Nov/07
i have no problem with khali at 7'1" or 7'2".
Viper said on 30/Oct/07
Umaga 6-4?
dave said on 30/Oct/07
You're out of touch on this one brother. Vince is 6'1'' today, Austin in his boots was about a half inch taller. Austin is 6'1'' and Rock is 6'3''. 2 inches.
Vegas said on 30/Oct/07
vince is more than 5'11, he had a few inches on shawn michaels last night and he looked basically the same height as 6'3 claimed Donald Trump in the ring back in Feb. Vince is 6'1 and austin was never taller than Vince in the middle of the ring.
brother_h said on 30/Oct/07
when a short guy meets a tall guy, what does the short guy do.
he stretches. khali looked relaxed in that pic. the shorter man looked like he was stretching his body up.
yes, rock 3.5 tall than austin. austin doesnt look as taller as mcmahon who looks alot shorter than 6'2. i say 5'11 for vince and austin was slightly taller than him.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.