How tall is Dalip Singh - Page 3

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Average Guess (289 Votes)
Peak: 7ft 0.85in (215.5cm)
Current: 6ft 11.8in (212.9cm)
Vegas said on 4/Feb/11
Rika; lex luger is not in that photo, the guy that looks a bit like luger there is mike sanders, i never met o'haire but i did meet jindrak and he looked ~6'5 to me in 2004, interesting in that photo o'haire looks inches taller, however in the ring i always thought jindrak edged out o'haire so he was probably 6'4 range

sims was listed 6'8 against bobby lashley so thats as tall as the guy is, he looked what 5 inches at most taller than lashley in that staredown so i suspect the 6'8 listing is generous too
Anonymous said on 2/Feb/11
Singh I believe is like 7 ft 2 or 3 he's really big nobody doubting that he's def a lil over 7 ft when he first entered the wwe thye said 7 ft 4 he;s def well over 400 pounds hes got tons of muscle Steve Carel in Get Smart said Singh was 7 ft 5 and 456 pounds the weight idk about but he's def about 7 ft 2 or 3
linke said on 30/Jan/11
Rikikashiku,I do follow mma but not as much as wrestling.But yeah,most of the times they have insane listings.They have diego sanchez at 5'11 and that guy is 5'8 tops.
Rikashiku said on 29/Jan/11
Good point. But wait, so does that mean Wes Sims is actually 6'8" and not 6'10" or is it the other way around?

What times am i supposed to be looking at?
linke said on 28/Jan/11
MMA listings are as bad as pro-wrestling.

He was never 6'6,didnt have 2 on palumbo.
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Against kennedy 5'11
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Rikashiku said on 28/Jan/11
His MMA and Kick Boxing profiles has him at 6'6" and he is taller than 6'4" Chuck Palumbo and 6'3" Lex Luger.

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linke said on 27/Jan/11
sean o haire,is not legit 6'6.His mugshot has him at 6'3 and i dont know wheter he is wearing shoes or not.

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Clay said on 22/Jan/11
64 inch chest and 24 inch arms on this guy, christ.
ajay said on 19/Dec/10
how can we elongate our length by the help of exercise
abf said on 1/Dec/10
his weight is 156kg not 190kg as measured in big boss indian version of bg brother
Clay said on 30/Nov/10
Click Here

He was obviously beefier here than he is now, this is mid 2006.
Clay said on 21/Nov/10
Anonymous says on 19/Nov/10
khalis heaviest weight was during his bb days when he weighed 380lb, he has always been about 360lb in wwe, when they weighed him for that match with hornswoggle 2 years ago nearly sure the scale said 360 something before switching off

Id disagree with that. He was visibly thicker and larger in 2006, gradually lost mass as the years went on.
Anonymous said on 19/Nov/10
khalis heaviest weight was during his bb days when he weighed 380lb, he has always been about 360lb in wwe, when they weighed him for that match with hornswoggle 2 years ago nearly sure the scale said 360 something before switching off
Clay said on 19/Nov/10
I believe Khali at just 160-165 kilo's (, he has lost some mass since his debut 4 years ago...where he was a monsterous legit 400 pounds.
Rikashiku said on 17/Nov/10
The physical camera was 4 inches away from the wrestlers....right.
linke said on 17/Nov/10
Clay,he's 161.5 kgs to be precise according to the video,thats around 355-360 lbs.

here's the video

go at 27.20
Click Here

Rob maybe you should add him on celebweights.
Clay said on 17/Nov/10
Khali is 190 Kilo's or 160, which one? 80 kilo's is 180 pounds so Khali is 370ish pounds? Freakishly huge and muscular upper body anyway you want to sice it.
linke said on 16/Nov/10
They measured khali's weight this week and his weight is actually just over 160 kgs.I'll post the video.Rob maybe you should add this guy on celebweights.He is built at 190 kgs.And claimed to be 180 kgs.
Michael said on 15/Nov/10
khali is 7 feet 1 and could bench press raw more than 440 pounds, front press 265 pounds for 8 repetitions , 660 pounds raw squat, 265 pounds barbell curls and chin ups with his 375 pounds body weight, and could throw shotput for 17 meters.

I am going to go back to an archived post in the summer. I hope that some of you understand leverages. Khali's are as long as a gorilla's (I'm joking obviously), but his arms are exceptionally long arms, so his ability to bench and overhead press sucks. But a 440lb bench and 265lb overhead press for 8-10 reps is VERY impressive considering the angle of pull/push this man has to face. I if his arms were 2-3 inches shorter, he would be benching in the mid 5's with EASE. It's all bio-mechanics and physics. His ability to throw a shot 17 meters (roughly 56-57ft), and I'm sure if he worked more on that, he could easily throw 70ft and would be because...again...from his LEVERAGES. Khali has a deadlifter build, because his arms are so long and his torso being average is guess (its really not that long fellas), he is built to pull extreme weights. He is an easy 800lb deadlifter. When it comes to lifting and throwing and all that fun stuff it all has to do with leverages.
swarupb said on 6/Nov/10
Rikashiku, some of your heights are not proper. For Example, Kevin Nash is considerably atleast 3-4 inches shorter than the BigShow. he is 4-5 inches above
Brock Lesner who is actually 6.2. This Hulk Hogan is also 6.2 as he is Brocks Height. But always he wants to make his height taller! He is too obsessed with his height!
Sal said on 3/Nov/10
Rikashiku, I disagree with some of your listed heights, but at least you're a reasonable person. The person I disagree most about was Giant Gonzalez as he was once measured at 7'7 1/4" in 2000 and like 7'6.9" once for his national team or something.
Sal said on 30/Oct/10
I'm so tired of liars on here acting like Shaq has 1" thick sneakers.
Shaq is AT LEAST 7'1" barefoot, and his sneakers are over 2 1/4" thick.
That kind of shows you how tall Khali is in his flip flops or whatever he's wearing in that alleged photo.
Here's PROOF that many taller basketball players have 2" and 2 1/4" thick sneakers. Shaq has bigger feet than all of them, so his sneakers are even thicker.
Look at these links and look at the heights of these NBA players with and without sneakers.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
CaptainSpaulding said on 6/Jul/09
Dalip Singh has 2 inches on the 7 foot Big Show, idk why he would be listed at 7'1". Its virtually impossible for there to be just an inch between them.
kinggollum said on 29/Jun/09
Clay says on 28/Jun/09
They should turn Khali back into a monster and team him with the Big that is something that would draw ratings for him. The biggest tag team in history. And am I missing something here, or is Khali taller than Silva in that picture.

I agree with you on the monster Khali. They need to make him into a face that comes out every now and then and smashes the heel. Kinda like Andre of the 70s.
Clay said on 28/Jun/09
They should turn Khali back into a monster and team him with the Big that is something that would draw ratings for him. The biggest tag team in history. And am I missing something here, or is Khali taller than Silva in that picture.
kinggollum said on 27/Jun/09
Vegas and Big Show I see what you mean, but do you understand where I am coming from, Silva is taller and better wrestler plus can speak good english, where khali can't. When it comes to wrestling Big Show has all of them beat including a young Andre.
Vegas said on 27/Jun/09
Big Show says on 26/Jun/09
Btw the reason they still have Singh in the WWE is purely for marketing purposes. He's somewhat of a celebrity in his homeland of India, which is a huge potential market for the WWE. Plus Khali appears in Hollywood movies and gives the WWE some mainstream publicity.

this is correct, in india and pakistan pro-wrestling is still seen as real, look at the crowd khali attracts when he returns to his homeland, they threw a huge celebration for him in mumbai like he was a rock star or something, on the other hand nobody cares about silva in brazil or reis in america thats why neither of those two are employed by vince

on the subject of tenta, he claimed 6'7 for himself, 6'7 for hogan too, i would take stuff he says with a pinch of salt, tenta is struggling with 6'5 next to 7'1 ron reis in big shows video posted a few weeks back, i think silva is taller than wight by about 2 inches but i wouldn't use tentas claims as proof
Big Show said on 26/Jun/09
kinggollum says on 25/Jun/09
go to wrestle crap Big Show (poster) and find Tenta shoot. Also if that were the case they would have never hired khali who Kurrgan and Silva are superior to in the ring.

I'll look for that John Tenta shoot. There's a John Tenta forum there and Tenta even posted there himself up until he sadly passed away a few years ago. One remark from him did state that The Oddities might have been cut by the WWE because Big Show allegedly didn't want any other giants in the WWE.

Btw the reason they still have Singh in the WWE is purely for marketing purposes. He's somewhat of a celebrity in his homeland of India, which is a huge potential market for the WWE. Plus Khali appears in Hollywood movies and gives the WWE some mainstream publicity.
Big Show said on 25/Jun/09
kinggollum says on 24/Jun/09
john tenta even stated that silva had show by two or three inches in 1999 and that is why after show came there they let go of silva and well kurrgan too.

Do you have any proof of that? The reason they let Silva go was because he was absolute crap in the ring (there's a reason they kept his singles matches to a minimum in the WWE). The Oddities failed to connect with the crowd and when they disbanded the Oddities, they really had no use for Giant Silva or Kurrgan anymore. Especially since they had just hired The Big Show who was a far better wrestler than either of them.
Clay said on 25/Jun/09
Danimal says on 24/Jun/09
Clay says on 24/Jun/09
Silva is not taller than Singh. LOL.

Yes he is.

Explain the clear-as-day picture where Khali is taller then...?
drk said on 25/Jun/09
kinggollum says on 24/Jun/09

Either you are the one who is blind or delusional? Khali is doing his normal very erect stance that he does well, all the time. If Khali was an inch taller than Silva would be about 7'0, or big shows height and that is not the case because john tenta even stated that silva had show by two or three inches in 1999 and that is why after show came there they let go of silva and well kurrgan too.

BTW, next time keep the O in your name drk!


Lol... BS. LOOK at the picture fool. His legs are bent CLEARLY. Maybe we can't figure this out by one picture but don't give me this crap that you think Silva is taller based on THIS photo. You don't have a leg to stand on. Nice comment on my name... lord of the rings fan call me a dork? hahaha.
Danimal said on 24/Jun/09
Clay says on 24/Jun/09
Silva is not taller than Singh. LOL.

Yes he is.
Clay said on 24/Jun/09
Silva is not taller than Singh. LOL.
kinggollum said on 24/Jun/09
drk says on 24/Jun/09
kinggollum says on 23/Jun/09

Silva has his head tilted back and bent kneed, while khali is standing streight up. If silva would stand straight, he would have well over an inch on Khali. So clay, I say and logic says it isn't so.

Khali is huge just not a good wrestler and like I said Silva is not only taller but a better wrestler. Also he can speak good english for WWE


You must be blind. Look at Khali's legs; they are just as, if not more bent, than Silvas. And tilting your head back is a way to make yourself appear TALLER. So your arguments are useless. Khali is clearly the taller of the two by an inch or so.

Either you are the one who is blind or delusional? Khali is doing his normal very erect stance that he does well, all the time. If Khali was an inch taller than Silva would be about 7'0, or big shows height and that is not the case because john tenta even stated that silva had show by two or three inches in 1999 and that is why after show came there they let go of silva and well kurrgan too.

BTW, next time keep the O in your name drk!
Paul said on 24/Jun/09
drk, I recall seeing both of them on Youtube in a match. They appeared virtually the same height. Both 7'1 ?
drk said on 24/Jun/09
kinggollum says on 23/Jun/09

Silva has his head tilted back and bent kneed, while khali is standing streight up. If silva would stand straight, he would have well over an inch on Khali. So clay, I say and logic says it isn't so.

Khali is huge just not a good wrestler and like I said Silva is not only taller but a better wrestler. Also he can speak good english for WWE


You must be blind. Look at Khali's legs; they are just as, if not more bent, than Silvas. And tilting your head back is a way to make yourself appear TALLER. So your arguments are useless. Khali is clearly the taller of the two by an inch or so.
Paul said on 23/Jun/09
Khali is 7'1. Clay and Anonymous are as mad as a hatter though.
kinggollum said on 23/Jun/09
Clay says on 23/Jun/09
Say it isnt so...Khali looking taller than Silva with a good camera angle.

The beating Khali takes around here is a joke, the guy is huge just aknowledge that.

Silva has his head tilted back and bent kneed, while khali is standing streight up. If silva would stand straight, he would have well over an inch on Khali. So clay, I say and logic says it isn't so.

Khali is huge just not a good wrestler and like I said Silva is not only taller but a better wrestler. Also he can speak good english for WWE
Clay said on 23/Jun/09
Say it isnt so...Khali looking taller than Silva with a good camera angle.

The beating Khali takes around here is a joke, the guy is huge just aknowledge that.
JT said on 23/Jun/09
Speaking of Giant Silva and his boots:
Click Here
Click Here
Those are probably close to 2 inches. The camera angle favors Silva big time with Akebono, though he is obviously much taller.

There was a ~ staredown between Silva and Singh though I
kinggollum said on 22/Jun/09
Big Show says on 22/Jun/09
kinggollum says on 19/Jun/09
You wanna see an Andre and Khali match, Look up Silva vs Khali on youtube.
I never understood why WWE didn't just bring back Silva, he is taller than Khali and much better wrestler.

I haven't seen a single good staredown between Silva and Singh as of yet. What I have seen are Silva's gigantic boots (similar to the ones Kane use to wear). Singh wore Nike Airmax type sneakers (a 1.34" boost). Silva's boots must've give him an inch more in height. So if Silva is taller barefoot he must be noticably taller in those boots. Couldn't really see that in the videos I've seen of them both. They looked around the same height to me (but again we need a staredown to confirm that).

I've seen a video of them walking side by side in street cloths on the travel channel and Silva is clearly taller. I'll go to youtube and try and find it.
Clay said on 22/Jun/09
Anonymous says on 22/Jun/09
Clay says on 3/Jun/09
He was listed 7'1 396 ibs by the Indian BB people, sorry champ. I would like to see a link to a 6'11 listing.

Clay says on 21/Jun/09
A 6'11'' Khali results in a 5'11-6'0 Batista you half-wit.


Im not even going to waste my time with someone, such as yourself, who clearly has mental disabilities.
Big Show said on 22/Jun/09
kinggollum says on 19/Jun/09
You wanna see an Andre and Khali match, Look up Silva vs Khali on youtube.
I never understood why WWE didn't just bring back Silva, he is taller than Khali and much better wrestler.

I haven't seen a single good staredown between Silva and Singh as of yet. What I have seen are Silva's gigantic boots (similar to the ones Kane use to wear). Singh wore Nike Airmax type sneakers (a 1.34" boost). Silva's boots must've give him an inch more in height. So if Silva is taller barefoot he must be noticably taller in those boots. Couldn't really see that in the videos I've seen of them both. They looked around the same height to me (but again we need a staredown to confirm that).
Anonymous said on 22/Jun/09
Clay says on 3/Jun/09
He was listed 7'1 396 ibs by the Indian BB people, sorry champ. I would like to see a link to a 6'11 listing.

Clay says on 21/Jun/09
A 6'11'' Khali results in a 5'11-6'0 Batista you half-wit.

Clay said on 21/Jun/09
A 6'11'' Khali results in a 5'11-6'0 Batista you half-wit.
Anonymous said on 21/Jun/09
kinggollum says on 19/Jun/09
You wanna see an Andre and Khali match, Look up Silva vs Khali on youtube.
I never understood why WWE didn't just bring back Silva, he is taller than Khali and much better wrestler.

If thats true the WWE roster is gonna get scared if Silva comes along. Khali at 6'11 was scary enough thank you. He beat up 6'7 Kane and Undertaker something severe and probably gave Big Show a bad stomach.
kinggollum said on 19/Jun/09
Anonymous says on 11/Jun/09
both Big Show and Andre drank beer, which is why they had big bellies, Khali could've beaten Andre back in the day if Khali were a wrestler then.

You wanna see an Andre and Khali match, Look up Silva vs Khali on youtube.
I never understood why WWE didn't just bring back Silva, he is taller than Khali and much better wrestler.
Anonymous said on 11/Jun/09
both Big Show and Andre drank beer, which is why they had big bellies, Khali could've beaten Andre back in the day if Khali were a wrestler then.
The Seth said on 5/Jun/09
if Khali is 7'2" then I'm 5'10"
No he's not seven-two. And I'm 5'9"
... said on 5/Jun/09
yeah like that..Big Show drinks beer and Khali protein drinks...

Andre and Big Show where two fat boys and non of them was a legit 7 feet man..
Andre 6'10.75 or maybe 6'11
Big Show was 6'11
Danimal said on 3/Jun/09
Clay says on 19/May/09
Khali did edge out Shaq by .5 by the way.

No he didn't.
Anonymous said on 3/Jun/09
says on 3/Jun/09
Clay says on 3/Jun/09
He was listed 7'1 396 ibs by the Indian BB people, sorry champ. I would like to see a link to a 6'11 listing.
6'11 sounds sensible. Huge guy. No wonder he owned the Undertaker and most others. Big Show is 6'10 but less muscular. Khali drinks protein drinks. Big Show drinks beer.
said on 3/Jun/09
Clay says on 3/Jun/09
He was listed 7'1 396 ibs by the Indian BB people, sorry champ. I would like to see a link to a 6'11 listing.
6'11 sounds sensible. Huge guy. No wonder he owned the Undertaker and most others. Big Show is 6'10 but less muscular. Khali drinks protein drinks. Big Show drinks beer.
Clay said on 3/Jun/09
He was listed 7'1 396 ibs by the Indian BB people, sorry champ. I would like to see a link to a 6'11 listing.
ClassOf2009 said on 1/Jun/09
Khali was mentioned to be 7'4" by JR, he must have his cowboy hat on tight. Cutting off the circulation to his head.
T said on 31/May/09
nick says on 9/Jan/09
Click Here

At Backlash with the Great khali. This video is a little hard to get a hold of because it isnt on youtube.

I have to give show 6'11.5-7'0

btw I really think khali wears lifts because I was looking at some old info when he was a body builder and he was listed at 6'11
Danimal2009 said on 29/May/09
Big Show's height is 6 ft 11.5 in (212 cm)
peak height was 7 ft 0 in (213 cm)
Khali looks an inch and a half taller so yeah 7-1 is dead on.
hs2009 said on 25/May/09
Thanks for that vid Clay! Khali looks HUGE there.

I remember Tony Jones as well from Beyond The Mat :D He was a good worker, just not muscular enough for WWE.
Clay said on 24/May/09
Click Here

Here's Khali debut in pro wrestling at some low end circuit. Pretty cool to see, this was just after his BB career he looks absolutely freakish here.
Atoadaso said on 22/May/09
Khali edged Shaq in that picture slightly. Pics with higher contrast and a horizontal line showed it; somebody posted it. Khali looked to be in his wrestling gear as well so with his flat soled shoes Shaq probably also had the footwear advantage. He seems to often wear large footwear off and on the court. I believe Shaq is 7'1" barefoot, so Khali would be between 7'1" and 7'1".
James S said on 20/May/09
Shaq IS 7ft 1 dead on, and Khali IS pretty much dead on, that makes Khali 7ft 0.5- 7ft 1, I think theres enough info to back him being 7ft 1, but as tall as he is, 7ft 2 is out of the question.
topdweeb said on 19/May/09
Clay says on 19/May/09
"Khali did edge out Shaq by .5 by the way."

No he didn't, I put that pic in Photoshop and they both were dead on the same.
Clay said on 19/May/09
Khali did edge out Shaq by .5 by the way.
topdweeb said on 15/May/09
"topdweeb2 says on 14/May/09
these heights seem pretty accurate, except I would downgrade Big Show to 6'11.5" (212 cm). Khali is as 7'1" as Shaq. No argument there. Big Show would be 214-215 cm peak in his WCW days."

How hard is it to think of an original user name? Come up with your own.
Anonymous said on 15/May/09
I saw him at a Smackdown taping. This guy is 7'1 easily, maybe even 7'2
topdweeb2 said on 14/May/09
these heights seem pretty accurate, except I would downgrade Big Show to 6'11.5" (212 cm). Khali is as 7'1" as Shaq. No argument there. Big Show would be 214-215 cm peak in his WCW days.
topdweeb said on 14/May/09
Danimal says on 10/May/09
"NO, YOU'RE NOT............You and your 2 other personalities have been doing this for how long now???????"

This is exactly how trolls get to you and why they stick around. You give them the EXACT attention they crave. Who cares about Jeremy, what he posts, or anything. He's a loser with absolutely no life and is probably a real life 40-year-old virgin. Just ignore him. I do and I hardly even know he exists.
topdweeb said on 14/May/09
Big King says on 12/May/09
"Well, he looks 7'1.5"/217cm to me."

Have you seen Khali stand next to 7' 1 Shaq? I challenge you to show how Khali is .5" taller than him.
Tony said on 13/May/09
Nice man. Have seen him once in non-wrestling attire. He has impecable posture - stands ridiculously straight. Easily around 7' or so mark.
Big King said on 12/May/09
Well, he looks 7'1.5"/217cm to me.
Danimal said on 10/May/09
ROB, is Jeremy now pretending to be Cyclops or is OLA back?????????

Editor Rob
jeremy gets confused with identity I think.
Cycklops said on 10/May/09
MK, they promote by exaggerating. What Jeremy said is accurate.
Danimal said on 10/May/09
Jeremy says on 9/May/09
i'm 7'0.5" (2.15cm) but I don't bill myself 7'2 7'3 or 7'4", WWE exaggerates wrestlers people, it's their way. I do however pass for 7'1" and I only occasionally go with that.

NO, YOU'RE NOT............You and your 2 other personalities have been doing this for how long now???????
MK said on 10/May/09
Jeremy says on 9/May/09
i'm 7'0.5" (2.15cm) but I don't bill myself 7'2 7'3 or 7'4", WWE exaggerates wrestlers people, it's their way. I do however pass for 7'1" and I only occasionally go with that.

Why would anyone 'bill' themselves, its a promotional tecnique used in the entertainment business, furthermore the wwe doesn't 'exaggerate' wrestlers they promote them, and bigger is obviously better.
Jeremy said on 9/May/09
i'm 7'0.5" (2.15cm) but I don't bill myself 7'2 7'3 or 7'4", WWE exaggerates wrestlers people, it's their way. I do however pass for 7'1" and I only occasionally go with that.
said on 9/May/09
On Friday Night Smackdown, Jim Ross claimed Khali is 7'4", what a complete exaggeration, just like it was with Andre the Giant. And Big Show in his early days of WCW as "Giant". All have been billed 7'4" at some point. Khali is no more than 7'2".
kinggollum said on 4/May/09
Sorry, but a Khali today is taller than a peak Show and Silva is taller than both at peak and now even.
Clay said on 1/May/09
Thanks Dweeb...I guess.

BTW annonymous, I think its fairly obvious Khali has acromegaly, just like Kiel.
topdweeb said on 28/Apr/09
musaib shabeeer wani: your post was so incoherent, that I don't even know what you were trying to say. I see that you quoted one of my posts without ever actually stating that you did so. I don't even know what is written by you and what is quoted by others. You think next time you can put a little more effort in making your posts more readable?
Anonymous said on 24/Apr/09
Doug says on 22/Apr/09
Singh is 7'1" he was measured barefoot by the Indian Bodybuilding Federation clearly. Looks every inch of it, he would have made a good Jaws in James Bond, acromegely giant! He is actually quite a cool dude in real life, wears trendy clothes and shades and a nice girlfriend, not really freaky just gigantic thats all. I've often wondered when the day will come that the WWF genetically engineer a wrestler to reach 8 feet. Freaky

Why do people assume Khali suffers from acromegaly when he DOSEN'T. Get your facts right before making such a comment.
topdweeb said on 23/Apr/09
miko: I felt that way too, that Big Show was at times, within .5" of Khali's height. But the problem is, the nutritionist who worked with Big Show described Big Show as nearly 7' so he's not quite 7'. Khali looks dead on with 7' 1 Shaq, so Khali's 7' 1 status is pretty much safe for now. So, that means Big Show can't be within .5" of Khali and not even 1" in fact. So I think Clay is right, which sucks to admit because I gave him a lot of crap about him saying Khali is 1.5" taller than Big Show... but hey, if he's right he's right.
miko said on 23/Apr/09
In some pics when Big Show really forces his posture, he's got to within 0.5" of Khali, if he had hair like he had in the 90's he'd look the same height as Khali, with the top of Khali's head being a fraction higher.

I don't really agree with the Big Show having massively bigger footwear than Khali, perhaps 0.5" at the maximum.
topdweeb said on 23/Apr/09
Clay: I guess I have to agree with you since I don't think Big Show is quite 7' anymore. So I guess I'd say you're right, that Khali might have a solid 1.5" on Show. Putting Show at 6' 11.5 and Khali at 7' 1.

For the record, I don't think Big Show was ever a legit 7' 1 even though he was listed as that in college basketball. I think that measurement was in shoes. Barefoot, I think his max height was 7', if he lost any height at all.
Doug said on 22/Apr/09
Singh is 7'1" he was measured barefoot by the Indian Bodybuilding Federation clearly. Looks every inch of it, he would have made a good Jaws in James Bond, acromegely giant! He is actually quite a cool dude in real life, wears trendy clothes and shades and a nice girlfriend, not really freaky just gigantic thats all. I've often wondered when the day will come that the WWF genetically engineer a wrestler to reach 8 feet. Freaky
JimmyDavid said on 17/Apr/09
I wonder how Khali would compare to this new guy i heard about "Zhao Liang". He's said to be a solid 8 footer.
Clay said on 14/Apr/09
James S says on 31/Mar/09
Anonymous says on 30/Mar/09
Khali is taller than Big Show ever was.

No way, Khali is same or 0.5 Inches taller at the most, its all hype.

In ring gear...

Khali - 7ft 1 at most
Big Show - 7ft steady

I'll maintain right now between them theres at least 1.5 inches barefeet.
James S said on 4/Apr/09
Sorry, I cant work out how to link pics, honestly I think Show looks taller or at least as tall but Khali looks taller because he has hair, If you imagine Khali bald aswell they are EXACTLY the same...

If you type in "Big Show Khali height pics" in google one of the ones you see is Show and Khali staring down eachother and look at it THERE IS NO HEIGHT DIFFERANCE.
Clay said on 4/Apr/09
Big Show at his peak possibly comes within .5-.75 of Khali right now barefoot IMO.
mike said on 3/Apr/09
according to that height chart i,d have to say taker would be 6,9" ,the top of takers head came up to khalis i say 6'9" for taker.
Anonymous said on 3/Apr/09
James S says on 31/Mar/09
Anonymous says on 30/Mar/09
Khali is taller than Big Show ever was.

No way, Khali is same or 0.5 Inches taller at the most, its all hype.

In ring gear...

Khali - 7ft 1 at most
Big Show - 7ft steady

Barefoot Khali has over an inch on big booted Show.
James S said on 31/Mar/09
Anonymous says on 30/Mar/09
Khali is taller than Big Show ever was.

No way, Khali is same or 0.5 Inches taller at the most, its all hype.

In ring gear...

Khali - 7ft 1 at most
Big Show - 7ft steady
Anonymous said on 30/Mar/09
Khali is taller than Big Show ever was.
James S said on 29/Mar/09
I cant buy more than 7ft 1 for Khali.

Barefoot: 7ft
Casual: 7ft 0.50
Ring gear: 7ft 0.75 or 7ft 1
hs2009 said on 25/Mar/09
When Taker stands up straight he still looks like a legit 6'8" man IMO.
nick said on 24/Mar/09
Click Here
the red line is 6'8 and it goes up to 7'1 khali's height. Taker always is comfortably 6'8 when comparing to khali, Alex is right khali has about 5 inches from his brow to the top of his head and 5.5 eye level to top of head. Taker comes a little past his eye level. The lines for inches i made makes out khali to have a near 1 foot head
Alex said on 23/Mar/09
Khali's eye leve has gotta be around 5.5 inches from the top of his head. UT was about up to his eye level.

A normal person's eybrow is 3.5-4 inches from the top of their head so Khali's gotta be like 5 then the eye level is over 5.
hs2009 said on 23/Mar/09
I love it when people tell you that wrestling is fake, like it's some sort of revelation! We all realise that it's not legit fighting :D

'Fake' is such a harsh word though, it's very dangerous & physical. I bet the people that go around saying how 'fake' it is couldn't get in the ring & actually wrestle 220+ days a year.

Back to height, I do think that Khali is legit 7'1" & Big Show probably just a shade under 7'0" these days.
nick said on 22/Mar/09
clay, its only a 5 inch difference on all encounters
musaib said on 22/Mar/09
i was in america i saw that they were mesuring khali's height it was 7foot3. khali he is one of the abnormal guy i have his bio-Khali has a slight lean towards Knoxville (6'0.5" per Rob), so he again would probably come out around 7'2" in his boots. Hogan and even HHH both looked significantly taller next to Khali than Knoxville does.
its a bigest fake in the world u guys dont even know that its all fake
Clay said on 19/Mar/09
mike says on 18/Mar/09
i have to stick taker at 6'8" taker is about an inch under khalis brow ,which is about 5 inches.

...Lord knows Khali has a normal skull.
mike said on 18/Mar/09
i have to stick taker at 6'8" taker is about an inch under khalis brow ,which is about 5 inches.
mike said on 18/Mar/09
big show comes out to around 6'11" or so imo next to khali.
Anonymous said on 17/Mar/09
"We have a security guy there who is a legit 6'8" and he had a good 2 to 2.5" on the undertaker"

i suspect that security guard would have 4-4.5 inches so on 6'8 listed mma fighter tim sylvia so
Danimal said on 16/Mar/09
HMVer says on 14/Mar/09
I work in HMV in london. I had the privilege of seeing the undertaker in our store a while ago. We have a security guy there who is a legit 6'8" and he had a good 2 to 2.5" on the undertaker. One of my friends who is 6'1.5" also saw randy orton standing outside a hotel. He got a picture with him and they were the same height within about 0.5". I dunno why they make out wrestlers are so much taller than they are. 6'5" sounds impressive but then again 6'2" isn't exactly your average dwarf. p.s. dalip singh is 7'0.5" big show shrunk in height when he lost the weight. he's 6'11.5"

Big Show lost weight when he lost weight???? HAHAHA.. Do you even know what you just wrote? People don't lose height when they lose weight. They can lose height by being TOO HEAVY though. I can by 6'6"-6'6.5" for Taker TODAY, but Randy Orton is AT LEAST 6'3" imo.
hs2009 said on 15/Mar/09
HMVer says on 14/Mar/09
I work in HMV in london. I had the privilege of seeing the undertaker in our store a while ago. We have a security guy there who is a legit 6'8" and he had a good 2 to 2.5" on the undertaker. One of my friends who is 6'1.5" also saw randy orton standing outside a hotel. He got a picture with him and they were the same height within about 0.5". I dunno why they make out wrestlers are so much taller than they are. 6'5" sounds impressive but then again 6'2" isn't exactly your average dwarf. p.s. dalip singh is 7'0.5" big show shrunk in height when he lost the weight. he's 6'11.5"

HA! I guess Triple H is 6'0" MAX as well & Jericho is like 5'7" :P Sorry, don't want to be rude at all but I have a hard time believing that.
HMVer said on 14/Mar/09
I work in HMV in london. I had the privilege of seeing the undertaker in our store a while ago. We have a security guy there who is a legit 6'8" and he had a good 2 to 2.5" on the undertaker. One of my friends who is 6'1.5" also saw randy orton standing outside a hotel. He got a picture with him and they were the same height within about 0.5". I dunno why they make out wrestlers are so much taller than they are. 6'5" sounds impressive but then again 6'2" isn't exactly your average dwarf. p.s. dalip singh is 7'0.5" big show shrunk in height when he lost the weight. he's 6'11.5"
Clay said on 13/Mar/09
Knoxville is a full 6'1 as he was towering Santino earlier in that segment.
JT said on 13/Mar/09
Click Here Khali has a slight lean towards Knoxville (6'0.5" per Rob), so he again would probably come out around 7'2" in his boots. Hogan and even HHH both looked significantly taller next to Khali than Knoxville does.
nick said on 11/Mar/09
taker being so close to khali's height proves to me factually that khali is just 7'1. 5 inches taller, it actually makes you wonder if takers height can even be debated under his given height on his page.
hs2009 said on 11/Mar/09
I'm not sure how tall Shannon Moore is, I think about 5'8" but I'm not sure.

He was as billed at 5'9" in WWE, but I don't think he's quite that tall.
Atoadaso said on 11/Mar/09
Shannon Moore is pretty small. Surely no taller than 5'8".
Clay said on 10/Mar/09
7'2 next to Papajohn. How tall is Shannon Moore? Those guys look like action figures next to him.
Ghost said on 10/Mar/09
Clay says on 9/Mar/09
Ghost says on 9/Mar/09
Clay says on 5/Mar/09
Khali looks 7'2 easily next to PapaJohn in this new picture posted by Rob.

There's enough pictures of him with guys who are 1-5 inches from his height. A comparison with a 5'9 guy is pretty much pointless, since the difference is well over a foot.

Khali has never looked 7'2 with Shaq, Taker,Show or Kane, 7'1 or just a hair under would seem correct.

Oh I would be to differ. 6'8-6'8.5 Kane came under his eyes=5.5-6 inches. And Khali was taller than Shaq going by the perpendicular lines, for the millionth time.

For the millionth time the 2 are so close in height the difference, if there is any, cannot be seen from a photo.
hs2009 said on 10/Mar/09
JT, the one on the far right in the UFC t-shirt is Shannon Moore.
JT said on 10/Mar/09
Click Here It
Clay said on 9/Mar/09
Ghost says on 9/Mar/09
Clay says on 5/Mar/09
Khali looks 7'2 easily next to PapaJohn in this new picture posted by Rob.

There's enough pictures of him with guys who are 1-5 inches from his height. A comparison with a 5'9 guy is pretty much pointless, since the difference is well over a foot.

Khali has never looked 7'2 with Shaq, Taker,Show or Kane, 7'1 or just a hair under would seem correct.

Oh I would be to differ. 6'8-6'8.5 Kane came under his eyes=5.5-6 inches. And Khali was taller than Shaq going by the perpendicular lines, for the millionth time.
Ghost said on 9/Mar/09
Clay says on 5/Mar/09
Khali looks 7'2 easily next to PapaJohn in this new picture posted by Rob.

There's enough pictures of him with guys who are 1-5 inches from his height. A comparison with a 5'9 guy is pretty much pointless, since the difference is well over a foot.

Khali has never looked 7'2 with Shaq, Taker,Show or Kane, 7'1 or just a hair under would seem correct.
Danimal said on 8/Mar/09
Clay says on 5/Mar/09
Khali looks 7'2 easily next to PapaJohn in this new picture posted by Rob.

And 7'1" next to Shaq.
Anonymous said on 8/Mar/09
Shaq 7,1"
Khali 7,1"
Show 7,0"
Andre 6,11"
Anonymous said on 7/Mar/09
Shaq 7'1"
Khali 7'1"
Big Show 6'11.75"
how's that? sound accurate enough? Show's safely got 7 inches on Edge btw.
Clay said on 5/Mar/09
Khali looks 7'2 easily next to PapaJohn in this new picture posted by Rob.
Alex said on 5/Mar/09
Like others have said the picture of Shaq and Khali the height difference is so minimal, we're talking 1/4 inch max difference. Thats if there is even a difference since both are likely dead on the same height.

I am still unsure about a peak Big Show. He's only 37 years old, just turned 37. I hightly doubt he lost any height.
Danimal said on 5/Mar/09
willy79 says on 2/Mar/09
Danimal says on 26/Feb/09
mike says on 20/Feb/09
khali 7,1",big show,6'11.5", andre the giant 6'10".

Khali - 7'1", PEAK Big Show - 7'0.5"-7'1", PEAK Andre - 6'11.5"-7'0.25.

Peak Khali 7'1.5, Big Show 7'0.5, Andre the Giant 7'1.5

KHALI - 7'1", Big Show 7'1" (PEAK), Andre (7'0 and change PEAK).
Anonymous said on 4/Mar/09
no, Andre the Giant peak also 7'0.5" , same as Big Show
willy79 said on 2/Mar/09
Danimal says on 26/Feb/09
mike says on 20/Feb/09
khali 7,1",big show,6'11.5", andre the giant 6'10".

Khali - 7'1", PEAK Big Show - 7'0.5"-7'1", PEAK Andre - 6'11.5"-7'0.25.

Peak Khali 7'1.5, Big Show 7'0.5, Andre the Giant 7'1.5
Danimal said on 26/Feb/09
mike says on 20/Feb/09
khali 7,1",big show,6'11.5", andre the giant 6'10".

Khali - 7'1", PEAK Big Show - 7'0.5"-7'1", PEAK Andre - 6'11.5"-7'0.25.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 25/Feb/09
I agree with you clay, and many others!!! the picture did kind of show it, of course I could be wrong. Again I am only stating my opinion. Sorry, only Ghost layed the lecture to me there!
ancient Aztec Guy said on 25/Feb/09
Whoa you guys are layin the leather to me! To answer your question, yeah you can't always go by what you see in a picture. You can't see their footwear, angles are a factor, and you can only see the top of their bodies. It would be pretty cool if we had a short video of them, yes. All I am saying is that in my estimation Khali would be taller, he also appears slightly taller in that pic. Then again I am not saying anybody's wrong just my opinion. I could be totally wrong just if i had to guess, judging by the evidence presented, I would say Khali is most likely taller than Shaq, maybe the same height. I am going by the horizontal line. You guys gotta Relax!!! HA HA;)
Anonymous said on 25/Feb/09
i would say silo sam is only 6'11 in those pics posted. his eye level lines with the top of the door frame, meaning 4 inch diff. 6'9 standard door frame opening, so 4 inches added to that mans 7'1, subtract an inch for his shoes an he look lik he's tilting his head up so i would go with 6'11
Ghost said on 21/Feb/09
Clay says on 19/Feb/09
Ghost says on 19/Feb/09
willy79 says on 17/Feb/09
Ghost says on 8/Feb/09
ancient Aztec Guy says on 7/Feb/09
I am sure Khali is taller than Shaq.


Well, the pic kinda showed it.

Well, I think they are so close in height the difference can't be seen from a picture, but I still see Khali as MAX same height with Shaq.

Well, the line was drawn and it hit Khali's skull with about a half an inch left. Plus we cant see the footwear of the two behemoth's.

The thing is they are so close in height we can only make educated. We certainly can't tell from the picture.
mike said on 20/Feb/09
khali 7,1",big show,6'11.5", andre the giant 6'10".
Clay said on 19/Feb/09
Ghost says on 19/Feb/09
willy79 says on 17/Feb/09
Ghost says on 8/Feb/09
ancient Aztec Guy says on 7/Feb/09
I am sure Khali is taller than Shaq.


Well, the pic kinda showed it.

Well, I think they are so close in height the difference can't be seen from a picture, but I still see Khali as MAX same height with Shaq.

Well, the line was drawn and it hit Khali's skull with about a half an inch left. Plus we cant see the footwear of the two behemoth's.
Ghost said on 19/Feb/09
willy79 says on 17/Feb/09
Ghost says on 8/Feb/09
ancient Aztec Guy says on 7/Feb/09
I am sure Khali is taller than Shaq.


Well, the pic kinda showed it.

Well, I think they are so close in height the difference can't be seen from a picture, but I still see Khali as MAX same height with Shaq.
willy79 said on 17/Feb/09
Ghost says on 8/Feb/09
ancient Aztec Guy says on 7/Feb/09
I am sure Khali is taller than Shaq.


Well, the pic kinda showed it.
hs2009 said on 17/Feb/09
Lol, 3" lifts is ridiculous.

You can tell none of you have ever worn high heeled shoes :p
Clay said on 16/Feb/09
Jake says on 15/Feb/09
Khali is wearing 3 inch lifts in his boots, that's why he's off balance all the time.

I'd give him 6'11" at best.

Jake said on 15/Feb/09
Khali is wearing 3 inch lifts in his boots, that's why he's off balance all the time.

I'd give him 6'11" at best.
Clay said on 10/Feb/09
Call me crazy but Khali came out taller in the pic. At least if you believe in what a horizontal line says.
mike said on 9/Feb/09
i personally think that if anyones taller between the two it would be shaq ,but not by much maybe 1/2 inch at most.
Ghost said on 8/Feb/09
ancient Aztec Guy says on 7/Feb/09
I am sure Khali is taller than Shaq.

ancient Aztec Guy said on 7/Feb/09
I am sure Khali is taller than Shaq.
Ghost said on 7/Feb/09
I'd say 7'2-7'3 for Silo. Definately taller than Khali, Show,Reis or Silva.
Gretz said on 5/Feb/09
The main reason for the 7'3" estimate for Harris was these 2 pics. (Click Here)-(Click Here)In the first pic harris has about 9 inches on the 6'4" guy,even if we add 2 inches for the wider stance that makes him about 7'3".And in the second pic he`s about 3 or so inches taller than door that I at least assume is 7 foot.So between 7'3" and 7'4" seems about right,which makes him tall enough to totally dwarf any 5'6" guy who happens to interview him,and justify getting away with a 7'8" billing.
Clay said on 5/Feb/09
No one to step in the ring has combined height and muscle mass like Khali, no one. 7'1 and 400 ibs of jacked muscle is just phenomenal.
Ben said on 4/Feb/09
silo sam was fatter than gonzales like he was pregnant, no way was he as tall as gonzales
mike said on 4/Feb/09
imo i would have to say silo is every bit of 7'7".imo he would be about the same height as the giant gonzales just skinnier.
Red said on 30/Jan/09
Gretz, John Harris looked taller than Andre, Khali, Big Show, Silva, Reis etc.
Gretz said on 29/Jan/09
A couple of years ago on the Wadlow page,we had a debate about John Harris (aka) Silo Sam`s true height.With the evidence presented at the time,the consensus was that Harris was probably about 7'3".
M-80 said on 29/Jan/09
can someone post a pic of shaq with khali from when shaq was backstage at raw?
Clay said on 18/Jan/09
Click Here

Khali was without question 400 pounds here around his debut in 2006, or at least very close to 400 pounds. Look at the size of his upper back, its just insane. Today I could go as low as 365-370 he has slimmed down a little bit. Hell, it cant be easy for these guys to keep the bulk on with the hectic travel schedule.
M-80 said on 17/Jan/09
Thanks Vegas.
Rodney said on 15/Jan/09
I had the pleasure of meeting this man when WWE came to to town here in Bellingham, Washington and works cant describe how big he is. I saw him in wrestling and I knew he as being hyped at a giant but you cant realize how big these people are until you see them. Somebody that tall and muscular was amazing. For the record, he said he was '' 7'2 ''. He speaks very bad english.
Vegas said on 13/Jan/09
M-80 says on 10/Jan/09
Anyone have any pics of Silo Sam? He was billed at 7'7 in Memphis wrestling,and 7'8.5 in the AWA

here be a video Click Here
M-80 said on 10/Jan/09
Anyone have any pics of Silo Sam? He was billed at 7'7 in Memphis wrestling,and 7'8.5 in the AWA.
anonymoose said on 10/Jan/09
@ mma fan...Shaq is shorter than Khali by an inch
Atoadaso said on 9/Jan/09
mma fan, you should actually look at the photo of Shaq and Khali. Khali edges out Shaq... it's not the other way around, clear as day.

All encounters of Big Show and Khali i've seen, the footwear advantage goes to Big Show in his clunky boots. Khali wears footwear reminiscent of Nash, very flat soles... almost like a slipper. Probably due to his lack of coordination.
mma fan said on 9/Jan/09
1 inch between them, got be agree 100% with bigboiFrank listing, and Shaq is taller than Khali by .5 inch.
nick said on 9/Jan/09
Click Here

At Backlash with the Great khali. This video is a little hard to get a hold of because it isnt on youtube.

Bigshow shows some good posture here because he looks amped up

pause at 3:22 3:33 3:40 3:46 3:49 3:50.

If there footwear is exactly the same the are an inch apart from one another. In the whole video there was a difference of .75 to 1 inch.
anonymoose said on 7/Jan/09
Rob plz upgrade Dalip to 7"2
anonymoose said on 6/Jan/09
@ Atoadaso....thats what I am saying Khali is surely taller than Shaq
Atoadaso said on 4/Jan/09
It just goes to show you how height is based on eye level for most, because anyone who actually measures Shaq and Khali in that photo sees Khali is taller, yet most here say Shaq is .5-1" taller (and this is based off the very photo)
yoyo said on 3/Jan/09
i bet this big guy 214 and not more. i mean barefoot.
anonymoose said on 2/Jan/09
its really funny how people have come to the conclusion that Khali is shorter than Shaq by just looking at one crappy pic where their footwear and the ground can't be seen an Khali has a looser posture than Shaq..however if u draw a line from the top of Khalis head it can be clearly seen that he is taller than Shaq.. it looks as if Shaq is stretching himself a bit... let others say what they want to but for me Khali is 7"2 and Shaq is 7"1..Shaq is an inch shorter than Khali...accept this fact or keep fooling urself
bigboiFrank said on 1/Jan/09
Silva 7'2"
Shaq 7'1"
Khali 7'0.5"
Big Show 6'11.5"
Jordan said on 22/Dec/08
If shaq is 7'1 than Khali isnt casue he is shorter.
Salva11 said on 22/Dec/08
Silva 7'2"
Shaq 7'1,25"
Khali 7'1"
Show 7'
Clay said on 17/Dec/08
Purely laughale Delux.
delux said on 17/Dec/08

Silva 7'0.5
Khali 6'11.5
Big Show 6'10
willy79 said on 12/Dec/08
Silva 7'2
Singh 7'1
Show 6'11 1/2-7'0
Clay said on 10/Dec/08
Danimal, you've said in the past Khali is a little over 7'1, and thats exactly where I see him. 7'1.25-7'1.5. I dont want him taller thats just what he is. LOL. Im not on the ''Khali is 7'3'' bandwagon.
Danimal said on 10/Dec/08
Clay says on 10/Dec/08
What is the problem with some people and Singh? Why do they want him shorter than what he is? He may be closer to the camera but look at that huge slouch he has compared to Godsey.

Why do you want him taller than he really is?
Clay said on 10/Dec/08
What is the problem with some people and Singh? Why do they want him shorter than what he is? He may be closer to the camera but look at that huge slouch he has compared to Godsey.
Da Man said on 10/Dec/08
M.o.r.g says on 10/Dec/08
"so what? ive seen him in the warrior king and his new thai film which i cant remember the name of.3 inches is not "towering" anyone.So u think big show "towers' nathan jones haha.cos he never did.and khali is only one inch taller than big show.whoop de do."

Actually, Big Show did make Jones like a shorter and smaller man. Even from wide angle shots between the two there was no doubting that Big Show is/was a much taller man than Jones.
M.o.r.g said on 10/Dec/08
Da Man says on 8/Dec/08
Actually, I've seen Jones in Fearless, Troy, and The Condemned. Khali would tower Jones face-to-face.

so what? ive seen him in the warrior king and his new thai film which i cant remember the name of.3 inches is not "towering" anyone.So u think big show "towers' nathan jones haha.cos he never did.and khali is only one inch taller than big show.whoop de do.
umassamherst said on 10/Dec/08
It's hard to say if Shaq was truly taller than Khali, because Khali does have a rather large face. Even if Shaq was taller it would be no more than 1'. Also shaq wears size 22 shoes, which gives him more than the standard 0.5'-1.25' shoes, the shoes that shaq wears are custom made and gives him an average of 1.75-2'+ extra height. So that makes him 7'3 or very close with shoes, taking that information in, Singh could still be 7'1.
Atoadaso said on 10/Dec/08
i agree with Khali being taller than Shaq.
Clay said on 9/Dec/08
I think fully stretched out Khali really is a little over 7'1''.
JT said on 8/Dec/08
Click Here [Singh is closer to the camera than Nash]
Click Here [Burt Reynolds is closer to the camera like Singh is. Reynolds is listed everywhere at around 5
Da Man said on 8/Dec/08
Actually, I've seen Jones in Fearless, Troy, and The Condemned. Khali would tower Jones face-to-face.
M.o.r.g said on 8/Dec/08
Vegas says on 7/Dec/08
khali wouldn't be much taller than jones?? based on photos with this guy 6'7 nfl listed gary godsey he has a fair bit of height on nash (who wouldn't be shorter than jones i would assume) Click Here Click Here

Big show didnt even look taller than jones.So 3 inches is nothing.
Ghost said on 8/Dec/08
I don't think Khali is over 7'1. The comparisons with Big Show and Shaq are enough to prove it. Still over 7 feet, but not much.
Clay said on 8/Dec/08
Where have you been lately Vegas? You're one of the few sensible posters around here I missed ya. Khali comes out 7'1.5-7'2 there. And look at the freakin' size of his arms.
Vegas said on 7/Dec/08
khali wouldn't be much taller than jones?? based on photos with this guy 6'7 nfl listed gary godsey he has a fair bit of height on nash (who wouldn't be shorter than jones i would assume) Click Here Click Here
M.o.r.g said on 6/Dec/08
Da Man says on 3/Dec/08
M.o.r.g says on 22/Nov/08
"Brock lesnar must be huge,there is a picture of him and that hong man choi, comparing hands and brock's are nearly the same size as his.And khali doesnt look 7 foot in the longest yard,he actually looks about 6' him to how tall nathan jones looks in films"

Khali looks bigger in both the Longest Yard and Get Smart than Jones ever has (except maybe Troy which was shot to emphasize Jones' size). Just as he should, being about 4" taller.

Khali wouldnt be that much taller than nathan jones.Sort your head out.Big show was hardly any taller than jones. haha now we have people saying nathan jones isnt big LOL.He doesnt need anything to "emphasize" his size.And you have only seen troy so u know f*ck all.
Jordan Lear said on 5/Dec/08
Vince McMahon is not 6'2" he is 6'1.5", Donald Trump and I actually are 6'2", that's why Trump said he was 6'3" because McMahon is billed 6'2", I might as well bill myself 6'3" as well if Mr. Trump suggests I toot my own horn
Mr. X said on 4/Dec/08
willy79 says on 3/Dec/08
Big Show says on 3/Dec/08
Big Show says on 2/Dec/08
Khali is 7'2" guys, I should know I've wrestled and stood toe to toe with the guy. I still outweigh him though.

Get yourself a new username as this one has been taken for 2+ years!

Dude, I was wondering why you were saying you were like 7' now!

Big Show IS 7'0" and Khali is 7'1" people!
delux said on 4/Dec/08
No way Khali is 7'1
Jordan said on 4/Dec/08
If shaq is a legit 7'1 then Khali looks 7'0.5 to me. SAm your insane Shaq does not have 2 inches on Khali.
willy79 said on 3/Dec/08
Big Show says on 3/Dec/08
Big Show says on 2/Dec/08
Khali is 7'2" guys, I should know I've wrestled and stood toe to toe with the guy. I still outweigh him though.

Get yourself a new username as this one has been taken for 2+ years!

Dude, I was wondering why you were saying you were like 7' now!
Da Man said on 3/Dec/08
M.o.r.g says on 22/Nov/08
"Brock lesnar must be huge,there is a picture of him and that hong man choi, comparing hands and brock's are nearly the same size as his.And khali doesnt look 7 foot in the longest yard,he actually looks about 6' him to how tall nathan jones looks in films"

Khali looks bigger in both the Longest Yard and Get Smart than Jones ever has (except maybe Troy which was shot to emphasize Jones' size). Just as he should, being about 4" taller.
Da Man said on 3/Dec/08
Sam says on 2/Dec/08
"Khali is shorter not taller than Shaq. Looks at the pic, Khali's hair must be taken into account. Shaq is not over 7'1, so Khali is porlly 6'11 to 7'0."

Khali's hair is pulled into a pony tail tighter than a frog's butt in the picture with Shaq. It's adding millimeters to his height...
Big Show said on 3/Dec/08
Big Show says on 2/Dec/08
Khali is 7'2" guys, I should know I've wrestled and stood toe to toe with the guy. I still outweigh him though.

Get yourself a new username as this one has been taken for 2+ years!
Big Show said on 2/Dec/08
Khali is 7'2" guys, I should know I've wrestled and stood toe to toe with the guy. I still outweigh him though.
Clay said on 2/Dec/08
No actually its a myth, Khali aint as low as 6'11.5.
Sam said on 2/Dec/08
Khali is shorter not taller than Shaq. Looks at the pic, Khali's hair must be taken into account. Shaq is not over 7'1, so Khali is porlly 6'11 to 7'0.
delux said on 1/Dec/08
well its true, he is only 6'11.5
said on 27/Nov/08
no, khali is not 6'11.5" that's what lsu alum said about Shaq, they are both 7'1" tall, not 6'11.5"
delux said on 27/Nov/08
Khali is 6'11.5 making Big Show 6'10, like he looked when I met him. It makes since.
Clay said on 25/Nov/08
What are you smoking he easily looks his height int he Longest yard.
delux said on 25/Nov/08
Because Khali is only 6'11.5
M.o.r.g said on 25/Nov/08
What about the scene in the longest yard where sandler and khali are playing ping pong? I know its a film but he doesnt look 7 foot.
Danimal said on 24/Nov/08
Anonymous says on 18/Nov/08
i've actually met Dwight who posted on Oct 24, we went to a WWE event together, he really is a solid 6'11" guy, he is actually taller than both Undertaker and so called "7ft" Kane. Undertaker is no more than 6'8", Dwight had him by at least a couple of inches, He stood next to them.

You ARE Dwight and I smell a lie.
Danimal said on 24/Nov/08
Anonymous says on 23/Nov/08
sandler and chris rock are 5'10 and you think he looks 6'6 in that movie Click Here

Sandler is 5'9".
Richard said on 24/Nov/08
Isn't it time to downgrade him a bit after seeing the pic with Shaq? They were the same heigh.
willy79 said on 24/Nov/08
He totally dwarfs 6'5 Bob Sapp.
Anonymous said on 23/Nov/08
sandler and chris rock are 5'10 and you think he looks 6'6 in that movie Click Here
M.o.r.g said on 22/Nov/08
Brock lesnar must be huge,there is a picture of him and that hong man choi, comparing hands and brock's are nearly the same size as his.And khali doesnt look 7 foot in the longest yard,he actually looks about 6' him to how tall nathan jones looks in films.
Salva11 said on 21/Nov/08
Dwight is Dwight Howard??? LOL
Anonymous said on 18/Nov/08
i've actually met Dwight who posted on Oct 24, we went to a WWE event together, he really is a solid 6'11" guy, he is actually taller than both Undertaker and so called "7ft" Kane. Undertaker is no more than 6'8", Dwight had him by at least a couple of inches, He stood next to them.
Clay said on 18/Nov/08
What?? Where is the evidence? They're the same height.
Cobra said on 18/Nov/08
Click Here

Hong Man Choi is 7ft2 and 364 lbs. Khali is more massive. I think he is close to 400 lbs.
willy79 said on 18/Nov/08
willy79 says on 17/Nov/08
What I believe is Khali is a little more than an inch than Silva.

I meant to say Silva has at the very least 1 inch on Khali!
Salva11 said on 18/Nov/08
Silva is 7'2" 385 maybe more, Khali 7'1", Silva looks faster also than Big Show, but Show is more powerful, Silva is a 1963 year by the way...
Giant Silva is a very good wrestler, fast and coordinated for his gargantuan size, in this match Silva make very good wrestling and make the match, Khali is only a sparring partner...
I don't know the reason why Khali is in the wwe and Giant Silva not.
willy79 said on 17/Nov/08
What I believe is Khali is a little more than an inch than Silva.
Salva11 said on 17/Nov/08
look at 1:15 7'2" 385 Giant Silva is agile for his size.
Salva11 said on 17/Nov/08
Giant Silva is much better athletic than Khali, Giant Silva is a real wrestler.

Click Here
Freddy said on 17/Nov/08
Khali can't wrestle, they got him kissing ugly girls to get his ratings up now.
Drexyl said on 16/Nov/08
Taker towers Vince in that video.
Salva11 said on 15/Nov/08
Big Show is real not fake, a super wrestler, the best giant wrestler of all time and surely one of the greatest ever.

Khali is worse than 7'7" Giant Gonzales, sure.

I think only Big Show and John Cena claims their real height and wheight. By the way thei are my favorite wrestlers.
Jordan said on 15/Nov/08
I think Sigh is the most un-athletic wrestler in the WWE right now. Sure he is strong but Big show has better agility and is more entertaining.
Ray said on 15/Nov/08
Geez, people see Taker actually being tall and what, can it really be? YES! He is tall and stacks up extremely well to Show and also well to Khali and Taker actually stands tall with those two. His boots are no different in his staredown with Khali than they are right now so that is an excuse to benefit him being shorter. Also with Sid, Taker has a 1" advantage and Sid stands extremely tall in those staredowns with his head tilted up to try and be as tall as Taker - anyone can see Taker is taller and yes, he does have a high pointed head in the back so the line is up top. The pic with JBL in cowboy boots looking as tall as Taker is true but cowboy boots give a considerable advantage over sneakers. Does this information really need to be said? With all that being said, Taker was definitely 6'8" peak and he could have been a little over like 6'8.25" standing tall and fresh early in the day. He looks pretty much the same today as far as height goes but I'm open to the possibility of him losing a little like .5" or even 1" and that is stretching it. So the 6'7.5" listing could be right on but Taker could very well be 6'8" today. He just stacks up so well to the giants and he looked extremely large against Koslov last week on Smackdown. Taker is a huge man.
willy79 said on 14/Nov/08
No one in their right mind would think a peak Taker is less than 6'8.
nick said on 12/Nov/08
Click Here

3.53 4.04 with a legit 6'1 vince looks 6 to 7 inches taller
Danimal said on 12/Nov/08
JT says on 11/Nov/08
Tuga, why would you rely on pics when we can
Vegas said on 12/Nov/08
i remember that photo JT, ron simmons was in it as was booker t taker has sneakers on and jbl had cowboys and he was taller than taker.
tuga said on 12/Nov/08
JT, posture?? Lol, you are talking about me one pic or video of a staredown where sid has bad posture...and its not a full body shot but we know what kind of footware they used, you CAN NOT say the same about the lord humongus pic.

That 6'6 guy (again and again Albert...downgraders paradise...) has quite some footware advantage or please explain how he could look close to big show at times?? For the 1000000000000th time...

Taker has same boots against khali, its he
JT said on 11/Nov/08
Tuga, why would you rely on pics when we can
tuga said on 11/Nov/08
JT says on 10/Nov/08
Is Sid on his toes here? Click Here If anything, Taker
Danimal said on 11/Nov/08
Hogan was 1" shorter than Earthquake by 1990 and 2" shorter than Sid at THAT time. If Hogan would have faced Earthquake in 1985 he would have been the exact same height or fractionally taller than him and would have been AT MOST 1" shorter than Sid. Sid probably has minimum 3" on Hogan today and possibly closer to 4".
JT said on 10/Nov/08
Tuga, so how tall do you think Taker really is/was?

Is Sid on his toes here? Click Here If anything, Taker
Clay said on 10/Nov/08
Mark Henry isnt fat but he's not shredded ike Khali. And I have my doubts that he's stronger than Big Show too. Big Show has the biggest build on a mna I've ever seen...he makes Kane look like a little weasel.
Jordan said on 10/Nov/08
Big show and Henry would prolly both be able to crush Khali who ant even walk and has no skill. Big SHow moves better than Khali and he is heavier.
hug said on 10/Nov/08
William, do you realize there is much more than upper body strength? Big Show may have more upper body strength than Mark Henry (I seriously doubt this), but he is completely outclassed in lower body strength.
William said on 10/Nov/08
There is no way Mark Henry is stronger than the Big Show, his bone structure and muscle mass are in a different league than Mark Henry. It's like going back years ago and watching Big John Stud, when he benched 700lbs to match Ted Arcidi. I seen Big Show on the outside of the ring, take the Big Boss Man and pick him up over his head, then throw him over the top rope. That's just crazy.
tuga said on 10/Nov/08
Da Man says on 9/Nov/08
The WWE hasn't been known to follow a consistent line of logic on these things.

Maybe, but still in this case we know taker is wearing same boots...

JT says on 9/Nov/08
Taker back in 1992 and 1997 was no taller than 6
Anonymous said on 9/Nov/08
Mark Henry would beat both Big Show and Khali. He may not be tall like them, but he's stronger than them.
Clay said on 9/Nov/08
Exactly Big Show. Why would they give Undertaker the adbatnge there when they're trying to put Khali over.
Da Man said on 9/Nov/08
tuga says
"Now that
JT said on 9/Nov/08
When Khali first appeared, they never gave him a billed height (IIRC just that he was
tuga said on 9/Nov/08
Big Show says on 9/Nov/08
I don't think Taker was wearing bigger boots in his staredowns with Khali. And if he did it just doesn't make any sense. Taker is a well established wrestler with a dedicated fanbase. If he gets dwarfed by another wrestler it hardly hurts his character or popularity. Khali however was new to the WWF and needed to come off as a monster. The taller he looked to the Undertaker the more intimidating he was. If Taker was wearing lifts they would've created the opposite effect, making Khali look less intimidating than he is. And his size is practically his only asset, as his wrestling ability was well below par.

Now that
Big Show said on 9/Nov/08
tuga says on 8/Nov/08
The only thing he pulled off was just being tall...
Start watching wrestling, taker had same boots as always against khali, the thing is that he stood straight, it may hurt for some people taker at still around 6'8 but learn to live with it.
I posted evidence that taker didn
tuga said on 9/Nov/08
Rantsrob says on 8/Nov/08
Tuga you must be crazy man. Mark henry is one of the strongest men of all time.

Rantsrob, CAN YOU READ?? Go back and read my post, you got it all wrong...and I
Salva11 said on 8/Nov/08
tuga Shaq is a 7'1" 365 lbs man who can bench over 450 lbs, can jump like Sotomayor and run like Bolt, can dunk like an hurricane and brak the rim is hilarious???...u r ridicolous...
Jordan said on 8/Nov/08
No Doubt that Henry has SHow, Khali, and Shaq in Strength. Mark is much thicker than any of them. However im bet Shaq would rape Henry in a fight though, Shaq has the reach and speed over henry, though henry is stronger.
Rantsrob said on 8/Nov/08
Tuga you must be crazy man. Mark henry is one of the strongest men of all time.
He won the arnold strongman classic, competed in the olympic games, and holds many lifting records including heaviest unequiped squat. A magazine just put him as #2 as one of the strongest men of all time. Mark henry would break shaq like a tooth pick
tuga said on 8/Nov/08
JT says on 7/Nov/08
I noticed that too Vegas. Big Show just posted a video of the Corporate Ministry vs. Union build-up. Boss Man looked around the same height as Triple H, who again has Shane by at least an inch. Taker somehow looked at least 6'9" Click Here He must have pulled those same boots out for his first stare down with Khali.

The only thing he pulled off was just being tall...
Start watching wrestling, taker had same boots as always against khali, the thing is that he stood straight, it may hurt for some people taker at still around 6'8 but learn to live with it.

I posted evidence that taker didn
Danimal said on 8/Nov/08
JT says on 7/Nov/08
I noticed that too Vegas. Big Show just posted a video of the Corporate Ministry vs. Union build-up. Boss Man looked around the same height as Triple H, who again has Shane by at least an inch. Taker somehow looked at least 6'9" Click Here He must have pulled those same boots out for his first stare down with Khali.

As Alex and I have been saying for ages, Taker was taller up until 2001 and that proves it. Peak height was just under 6'8" and today is probably 6'6.5".
Danimal said on 8/Nov/08
jk says on 7/Nov/08
Dalip is 7'2, i've met him in person at a wwe event he is gigantic i'm 6'3 and i was like a boy to him, he is a great guy too hes pretty quiet for a huge man, top guy he was in longest yard he is the man, Dalip is strong as hell he is better than that fat **** mark henry.

That last statement threw away ALL your credibility. Mark Henry is a fat @#!???????????? Dude, Mark Henry is one of the strongest men in the world with a TON of muscle. Have you ever seen the world's strongest men events?
Halb said on 8/Nov/08
Vegas, I think that TBS is the best giant athlete to have been a wrestler, no one has moved like him in the ring at that size. I have him at 7 feet flat for his peak, and the best giant man wrestler so far...tho Andre is still my fave:D
Halb said on 8/Nov/08
"Well, strength and heavy weights are not always as tightly connected as most would assume. Sure you're strong if you use heavy weights, but are you stronger than someone who uses less heavy weights? That depends on several things, such as the number of reps you're able to perform with that weight and the performance of the exercise itself."

Good post BIg Show. The recovery time factor is also there. When I did weights I was very strict and kept to 60 seconds or 90 seconds depending on my routine (I used stopwatch), it always made me smile to see someone press/lift what they thought of as a heavy weight and then sit around for 5 minutes waiting to do the next set. The professional bodybuilder in my gym is very very strong...however, I see a lot of balloons in there who (IMO) have no strengh to speak off. The one guy who gave me a run for my money in deadlifts was also a trainer (been on the cover of Men's Health) but he was not big in any way whatsoever, and he is quite smallish (but built like a cyborg, zero fat very angular) compared to the monsters.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.