Dream said on 23/Dec/18
if you want to use your linked video as the gospel (
Click Here ) let’s analyze it.
Conan walks in. Actually, Pete still looks taller than Conan, if you want to talk about eye level and top of their heads. Also, Pete has a visible ‘footwear disadvantage’ (I didn’t mistype that). Conan happens to be in favor of the camera for ‘most’ of the video. At the end of the video, Pete’s eyelevel and top head is higher, and Conan raised a lot to make himself look closer, yet he still looks shorter.
Now, let’s look at the next video I linked and analyze it —
Click Here
At the end of the second video, Pete is clearly and visibly taller than Conan. How much? Over 1 inch for sure, but not exactly a ‘solid’ 2 inches. Whenever I mention nearly 2 inches, I mean like ‘1.5”-1.75” inches. So yeah, nearly 2 inches (1.5-1.75” inches). Also, Conan jumped ‘just’ to make himself ‘look’ taller. @Canson even said that Conan did the same thing with David Hasselhoff.
@Mickie has met Conan and did say they were the same height.
Dejavu said on 23/Dec/18
He looks an inch taller than Liam Hemsworth and many argues that Liam Hemsworth is above 6'3. Conan looks 6'4 to me.
Canson said on 17/Dec/18
@Michael 5’10: Mickie has met him and Mickie himself at a low is 6’3.25. He said Conan looked the same as him. Same could mean anywhere perhaps 6’3-6’3.5 since we can’t see 1/4” that easily. Judging how he looks with those guys and Barkley and Kobe he doesn’t look more than 191. 191 is prob fair. It’s a hell of a lot better than trying to upgrade another legit 6’4” guy just to make Conan 6’3.75 which is what a lot of people do here. It goes without saying when he claims 6’4/6’4.5 but that’s in shoes. Of course people take his claim as gospel but not someone like Howard Stern or Charles Barkley
Michael 5'10", 178 cm said on 16/Dec/18
I don't think Conan is the full 6'4", but I will give him the benefit of the doubt because Conan is still obviously a tall guy, he's at least 6'3". Many people seem to agree with me that he might not be the full 6'4" because when he stood next to the other 6'4" celebs on here, he looked shorter standing next to Liam Neeson and David Hasselhoff. He is probably a weak 6'4" at best and a strong 6'3" at worst. Conan doesn't give as tall of an impression as the other 6'4" guys on here, I'm sorry.
Canson said on 16/Dec/18
@Christian: I would say 191 imho. But 191-192 is possible. However I would say closer to 191 if anything
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Dec/18
I have Chris at 190 and Conan at 191-192 range. 191 is a worst case for Conan IMO but I can't see 190.5
Canson said on 14/Dec/18
@Mickie: the low for the day is the standard for Celebrity Heights. Not saying an extreme low which is only something you see once in a while (like me seeing 6’4 1/8 or a mm or two over 6’4) but the afternoon height which would be 6’4.25ish for me and 6’3.25 for you
Mickie said on 13/Dec/18
Sticking with my eye sight on Conan. 191 - 192 cm range. I can vouch for 6'3.5" as a very reasonable estimate but I caution don't dismiss 6'3.25" (at his low for the day, anyway). That's around the zone I saw for him. I'd be quite surprised by a full 6'4"+ barefoot since I'm 6'3" and change I can gauge fairly well at that height.
Canson said on 12/Dec/18
@Christian: I have Liam at 6’3 minimum and 6’3.25 max. Chris looks shorter by half inch than him as well (maybe a CM). Rob’s listings line up for them. Possible that they’re both 1/8” or 1/4” under the listings. I think for Conan 6’3” flat (although he even can look that) may be low but 6’3.25 is decent. Now his peak, I’m not sure he didn’t lose height. He may have but doubt much. If anything prob mm’s. Even way back when, he never looked much taller.
@184guy: I can also appreciate how he can look 6’4 or near it as well. However, I have always taken his 6’4.5 claim as a shoe height for him. I remember he said he was 6’4/6’4.5 once that’s likely him in shoes. I won’t completely rule out 6’3.5 especially at his peak. But to me looks 191. But what Mickie indicated 191-192 is the absolute most I could see for him. I saw him with a 195cm guy like Kobe and that was the kind of height I saw with him as well
Canson said on 12/Dec/18
@Dream: he did the same to match Hasselhoff when they stood back to back. Hasselhoff was clearly the taller of the two
184guy2 said on 12/Dec/18
I have already seen these videos and to me Pete is near 1 inch taller , not over that . I also recently watched an full episode of Conan (not on yt) where he stragenly looked taller than Pete Holmes , both wearing dress shoes . 2 inches is too much . Max 1'' IMO . I can buy Conan just under 6'4 and Pete just under 6'5
Dream(5'9.5") said on 11/Dec/18
We’re not being fooled. Pete is clearly taller than Conan, by nearly 2 inches.
Click Here
Click Here
If you don’t believe me, the source is this video with Pete Holmes and Conan (A different video of them, unlike the one you sent). —
Click Here
At the end, it’s clear as day that Pete is visibly taller than Conan, who actually jumped a little bit just to match Pete in height.
184guy2 said on 9/Dec/18
I can aprecciate and alredy commented for you how Conan looked for sure shorter than Hasslehoff and Neeson but he also at times looked pretty near 6'4 , like when he met Jared Padalecki and Zach Levi
Click Here
Zach is standing further away than the others 6'3er listed guys but he for sure looks to be the taller one . Rob met him a few times and used to list him at 6'3.25 and later downgrade him for 6'3 . This for sure the bare minimum for him
Click Here
Now look him beside Conan . I know that Conan probably had half inch more footwear , but Conan looks to be well taller , like 4 cms , maybe 5cms ( accounting with the half inch more footwear)
Click Here
Taking this advantage off , he's likely 1inch taller . So I personally really can't se Conan as low as 6'3 or 6'3.25 like you have suggested . (unless he uses suspicious footwear , which I particurlary don't think is the case). The very wors for him in my opinion is 6'3.5 but anywhere between 6'3 5/8 and 6'4 is fine for me , so roughly 192-193cm . He has claimed 6'4.5 also and is very easy to see him measuring that when younger out of bed . Probably at least 6'4.5 but didn't bother that he could lose a couple of cms so anyway , he is pretty fair in his claim . Others would try to bump up to 6'5 .
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 8/Dec/18
Maybe it was a 2cm difference but no more than that. I can't see a full inch difference though, as Chris had better posture but not "military".
Canson said on 7/Dec/18
@Junior: that angle with them wasn’t good for gauging height. I believe Padalecki is listed quite appropriately here. He’s a legit 193cm (6’4) but think he would edge Conan by at least 1/2 maybe more like 2cm. Conan looked shorter than Liam Neeson and admitted that he was shorter. He said “I’m 6’4 so you must be 6’5”. He called Selleck 6’4/6’5. Hasselhoff was also clearly taller.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 7/Dec/18
@Christian 6'5 3/8" Conan pretty relax on upper body and tilt down his head more than Chris, Chris had military posture fully straight on his upper body there he is dead on 6'3 max or a low 190cm. If carefully look at top of head it's like solid 2cm and if Conan back up his posture better he would be full inch taller. 6'3 3/4 would be a low for Conan from that picture. Remember when Jared Padalecki hand shake with Conan that scene that to be Conan taller by 1/4 which Jared had a 3/8 looking less footwear which mean we know Jared is 6'4 at his honest claim and Conan is more like 6'3 3/4 and sometime he look lower like 6'3 because he hunch a little with his guest.
Canson said on 6/Dec/18
@184guy: to be fair I’ve never seen the pic of Conan with him. And I don’t know how tall Hemswoeth is. Tom Welling was listed 6’3” as well but turned out not to be. Other celebs Rob has met weren’t either. Going off of what I see with Conan/Selleck, Conan/Hasselhoff, Conan/Barkley, Conan/Kobe, Conan/Neeson, Conan/Klitschko, Conan/Lithgow, all appear taller than him. To me Conan looks like he could be a strong 6’3. He looked at least 4” shorter than Magic Johnson did too. Now I wouldn’t be surprised at 6’3.5 but also would not be if he turned out to be a flat 6’3 is what I should’ve said really. Mickie said when he met him that they’re the same height and Mickie gets to 6’3.25. He said give or take 1/4” so that could go either way. I would be beyond shocked if he turned out more than 6’3.5 honestly (at a low). I’ve also looked at how Conan has inflated most of those names such as Wlad (6’6/6’7), Selleck 6’4/6’5, Neeson 6’5. To me his 6’4/6’4.5 claim is in shoes not barefoot. He’s 6’3/6’3.5 barefoot imho which points to 191cm

Editor Rob
Welling was always on 2.75
Canson said on 6/Dec/18
@184guy: looking at him with Liam Neeson, that’s how tall he looks. Neeson is listed 6’4” and Conan is minimum 2cm shorter. Kobe also edged him by min 1.5”. He looks close to what Mickie guesses him (around his height of 191-192). 6’3 is a worst case but I’ll lean more toward 191 because of his hair.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 6/Dec/18
Conan looks around a half inch taller than Chris in this pic
Click Here
184guy2 said on 5/Dec/18
How could Conan be only 6'3 if he looked a solid inch taller than 6'3 listed
Chris Hemsworth ( who is at worst a 6'2.75 guy ) ?
Canson said on 4/Dec/18
@Mickie: with Barkley Kobe or the slew of legit 6’4 guys he looks around 191 if not maybe 190.5 (6’3) imho. His long hair and limbs are deceptive. I would personally go with your stats or similar. Maybe 6’3 7/8 out of bed or 6’4 flat and 6’3.25 at a low. His 6’4/6’4.5 is a shoe claim
Ian555 said on 28/Nov/18
I’m gonna go with Rob’s listed height. He seems to look that way next to 6’ 3” Liam Hemsworth, 5’ 4”
Kevin Hart who he absolutely dwarfed and looked about 1-1.5 taller than 6’ 2.5-6’ 3” Will Ferrell.
Mickie said on 28/Nov/18
I don't discount the possibility of 192 cm for Conan, but having seen him in person and reviewing clips next to guys who are 193, 194, 195 cm range - I don't think he's more than 192 cm. 191 or 192 cm is okay for me, but I would be pretty surprised by above or below that.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 27/Nov/18
@184guy2 I didn't underestimate Conan like many here. I always thought he get a 6'4 measurement in a mid morning by his doctor. I agree 6'3.75" like your guess as he looks it with 6'4 Jared Padalecki as Rob met a few times in person knowing he is this low. Pete i might underestimate a little could be 6'4.75" max as Bo really might be a strong 197cm guy confuse whether to claim 6'5 or 6'6 and recently came out 6'6.
Halloween said on 25/Nov/18
Rob, can you make a guess about Mystery's height? Is 6ft5 possible.
Click Here

Editor Rob
In the clip he seemed taller than that.
Canson said on 23/Nov/18
@Mickie: he’s not as tall as Homme or Holmes. I agree. My basis for Holmes being under 6’5 is how he stood with Burnham. I would’ve put him around 6’4.5 even there and this is before I even laid eyes on the video with Conan.
Canson said on 23/Nov/18
The difference with Conan is that he never looks 6’4 with guys like Barkley and Kobe or other 6’4 guys like Hasselhoff and Lithgow and Selleck. And to Judy’s comment yes that’s exactly what happens here if you are going back to about last year people realized Conan wasn’t as tall as listed. So instead of 6’4 he became 6’3.75. Then people said well there’s only 1/4” difference between he and so and so. Too bad you can’t see 1/4”. Thus instead became the other 6’4 guy may be 6’4.25 instead. That sale thing happens with barkley. In reality, Mickie’s estimate of Conan seems most logical and fits the best next to all of those celebs (191-191.5)
Canson said on 23/Nov/18
@184guy: Bo had on more casual/dressy shoes not sneaks.
Canson said on 23/Nov/18
@184guy2: I saw a footwear advantage with Bo. But it’s more because Bo doesn’t have on as much footwear not so much because Pete has on a lot
Dream(5'9.5") said on 22/Nov/18
We’re not being fooled. The top of Conan’s head is massively (more visibly) shorter than the top of Pete’s head.
Bo still had a footwear disadvantage. It’s not obvious at first, but when you see it, it’s there. Also, Bo is leaning and Pete is standing a bolt, and Pete still looks up to Bo.
@Canson When I first saw Bo Burnham’s height, I didn’t think he would be massively tall. I just thought the fanbase exaggerated his height. However, when I looked more into Bo Burnham, (Bo edging out Pete Holmes, MCW and Kobe Bryant, and even Owen Benjamin. Bo making 6’2” range Thomas F Wilson looking 6’0”. Bo ducking under many doorways, even in his old videos) I realized “holy sh!t, so this isn’t an exaggeration about Bo being so tall!”
@Junior if Bo was only 6’5” flat, a s@#t ton of celebrities would need a massive downgrade. After seeing more of Bo, I can definitely see 6’5 3/8ths” for Burnham.
Mickie said on 22/Nov/18
@Judy - No, not in the case of Josh Homme. He didn't stack up against him. My estimate for Josh is 194 cm and he looked a solid inch taller than Conan. I've looked at the video several times and frankly I think any other conclusion is incorrect. In the case of Pete Holmes, well yes I think Conan looked tall next to him. I do suspect if you measured them, the difference would be a bit more than it looks in that clip (although I can't swear to that) but personally I don't believe he's a solid 6'5".
Mickie said on 21/Nov/18
@184guy2 - Look.... I really don't think it's a quarter inch between Homme and Conan
Click Here
That's a lot closer to 3 cm than a quarter inch. Not going just by the eyelines, but also by the top of his head. Personally, I think there is one rock solid inch between the two men.
184guy2 said on 21/Nov/18
At the end of this video , Conan greets Pete . At times Conan looks taller , others Pete . Generally Pete looked taller . I believe he got's conan By a good half inch . And their shoes looks a typical 1 inch heel.
And NO , Pete doesn't look that shorter beside Bo . I can easy buy Pete a weak 6'5 and Bo a strong one . Certain not 1 inch between Pete and Bo and also certain not 3cms between Pete and Conan . You guys understimate Conan because his hair but forget that almost no one has a flat hair with Conan .
Pete DIDN'T HAD the footwear advantage over Bo . Their sneaks looked pretty close even .
And again , I believe is very hard to see Conan at 6'3-6'3.25 with guys like Zachary Levi ,Sacha Baron Cohen and others legit 6'3 guys . I can buy 6'3.75 tho
Judy said on 21/Nov/18
So, the better Conan stacks up against Holmes and Homme (which he certainly does) the shorter they get pegged. That is exactly the same as those same commentators endlessly lamenting about "making others taller" to make Conan look bigger.
Canson said on 20/Nov/18
@Dream: yea Bo looks taller than a lot of claimed 6’5 guys even gives the appearance of being taller than a solid 6’5 guy could. He’s a textbook example of a 6’5 and change guy especially when he came out with the quote that he’s 6’5, 6’6 on a good day
184guy2 said on 20/Nov/18
@Dream @Canson @Mickie
You are allowing the fact that Conan has a big head and low eyelevel fool yourselves . He has a clearly at leas 10' head an possible more and his eyeline is like 12-13cm . He did looked shorter than Pete Holmes , but not by 3 cms lol and Pete DIDN'T had footwear advantage against Bo Burnham . Their sneakers looked pretty close and Bo didn't looked 1 inch taller than Pete . I can buy Pete just under 6'5 and Bo just over . Josh Homme didn't looked also 3 cms taller . The fact that Conan's eyelevel is shorter make him look that low . Josh Homme is listed 6'4.5 but I think this is a bit overestimated . He's probably 6'4 and Conan in my opinion at worst 6'3.75 Just look him with legit 6'3 ( maybe a little more ) Zachary Levi,who Rob's met . Now Zach is what u call a legit 6'3er and Conan is taller than him . He also had a good inch or more on
Chris Hemsworth who looks at worst a 6'2.75 guy but possibly more 6'3
Please , PAY ATTENTION to the size of Conan's head and his eyeleve . These facts are fooling you for a long time. A guy with a 4.5-4.75 typical eyelevel will look taller than a guy with a 5-5.25 eyelevel
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 20/Nov/18
Click Here Pete look 6'5 in end of this clip if Conan claim 6'4. I guess truth lies in Bo Burnham first 6'5 claim that destroy many tall comedians..
Dream(5'9.5") said on 18/Nov/18
Pete Holmes also visibly edges Conan out at the end of the video.
Click Here
@Canson and @Junior explains it: I doubt Pete is even 6’5” with 6’5.25” Bo Burnham (who had the ‘footwear disadvantage’) at 0:32 seconds. Bo Burnham’s eye level is higher, the top of Bo’s head is higher (when you discount Pete’s thicker hair), and Burnham is leaning. Pete Holmes is standing with military posture, he has the footwear advantage, and he still looks up to Bo.
Click Here
Dream(5'9.5") said on 18/Nov/18
Pete Holmes also visibly edges Conan out at the end of the video.
Click Here
I doubt Pete is even the 6’5” with Bo Burnham.
Canson said on 16/Nov/18
@Mickie: agreed. At times I can see 6’3 flat like with Magic for him but others 6’3.5 then 6’3.25. I have always had him 6’3.25ish
Mickie said on 14/Nov/18
@Canson - For sure he's not far from where you've got him pegged. I tend to measure in inches so there's some rounding with fractional mms in the figures I mention but 6'3 7/8" to 6'3 1/4" is my normal high to low and 6'3 3/8" is where I am typically if I measure during the bulk of the day so that's the height I claim. When I say that I saw Conan at 6'3 3/8" / 191.5 cm I'm calling that as his mid day height too. If we go by his low, I'll guess him the same as you do at 6'3.25". However, I don't discount that in his 50s he could be a quarter inch or so less than he used to be, so I'm fine with guessing him at 6'3 5/8" peak mid day height or 6'3.5" peak evening height. On tv he can look like a solid 192 cm guy sometimes and 191 cm guy other times. There have been occasions such as with Zach Levi and Pete Holmes that he even could "appear" 193 cm but I don't think he is, especially having seen him in real life.
Mickie said on 14/Nov/18
@Canson - For sure he's not far from where you've got him pegged. I tend to measure in inches so there's some rounding with fractional mms in the figures I mention but 6'3 7/8" to 6'3 1/4" is my normal high to low and 6'3 3/8" is where I am typically if I measure during the bulk of the day so that's the height I claim. When I say that I saw Conan at 6'3 3/8" / 191.5 cm I'm calling that as his mid day height too. If we go by his low, I'll guess him the same as you do at 6'3.25". However, I don't discount that in his 50s he could be a quarter inch or so less than he used to be, so I'm fine with believing him at 6'3 5/8" peak mid day height or 6'3.5" peak evening height. On tv he can look like a solid 192 cm guy sometimes and 191 cm guy other times. There have been occasions such as with Zach Levi and Pete Holmes that he even could "appear" 193 cm but I don't think he is, especially having seen him in real life.
VelikiSrbinn said on 14/Nov/18
He always looked 6'4 to me, maybe a fraction under now at 55 years old.
Canson said on 14/Nov/18
@Mickie: Josh definitely is taller than Conan which is consistent with how he looks with other legit 6’4” and strong 6’4” guys. His true height (that you saw him at) always shows in those pics and videos. I mentioned 6’3.25 specifically based on how he looks with others and also because you mentioned he was your height give or take 1/4”. I used to think he was just around a flat 6’3” which is still possible if you go down to 191.2, he may be 190.6 possibly. I don’t completely rule out 6’3.5 although that looks high next to Magic Johnson. Magic never looked much over 6’7 (not as high as 6’7.5) maybe 6’7.25 (201) peak and especially next to Shawne Merriman or
Michael Jordan even Kurt Rambis. Magic towered Conan. Conan really just looks 6’3 next to him
Click Here
Canson said on 13/Nov/18
@Mickie: that’s exactly how I have pegged him as about 191. Maybe 6’3.25 with Kobe or Barkley etc
Mickie said on 13/Nov/18
@ Judy - really? I thought it looked at least an inch between them in Josh's favor, and I can see an argument for a little more.
Click Here
Click Here
Mickie said on 12/Nov/18
@Canson - Yeah Conan and I are pretty much identical from what I saw. On a normal day first thing in the morning is around 192.7 and last thing before bed is 191.2 cm (so yes maybe it could be flat 191 on a highly active). That makes for a practical, afternoon height of around 191.5 or close to that.
Personally I say he was within a quarter inch one way or another, i.e. his mid day height 190.9 - 192.1 range (6'3 1/8" - 6'3 5/8") and last thing at night could be more like 190.6 - 191.8 (basically 6'3" - 6'3.5). I think it's been almost 3 years since the time I crossed paths with him.
Judy said on 12/Nov/18
@Mickie, now also looking at your video clip of Conan and Homme two things are evident : (1) Conan may even be taller (2) eyesight seems to be failing one of us.
Dream(5'9.5") said on 12/Nov/18
Conan would be closer to 6’3”. Holmes would be more a good 6’4.5”, and Burnham is more of a strong 6’5.25” as listed. (There’s good evidence Bo what he’s listed at.)
Josh Homme is someone I have to look at. I think Pete Holmes did visibly edge out Conan O’Brien even with a ‘footwear’ disadvantage. Not sure on Josh though he did edge out Conan too.
Canson said on 11/Nov/18
@Mickie: you said you dip to 191 at a low? It’s possible Conan is dead even with you?
Mickie said on 10/Nov/18
I can go with:
Pete Holmes - 194 cm
Josh Homme - 194 cm
Conan O'Brien - 191.5 cm today, 192 cm peak height
Keep in mind Josh Homme is dropping height in the photos with Conan, and looked a full inch taller on video when they shook hands and then stood side by side. Also keep in mind Pete Holmes is at a footwear disadvantage and camera angle disadvantage in that vide, and may well be rounding up his height with his 6'5" claim.
Canson said on 10/Nov/18
@184guy: I could see Holmes as 6’4.5. Bo Burnham edged him out even with a footwear disadvantage. He agree with Rob on Bo as I actually was one (along with Dream) that said Bo looked 6’5 and change as opposed to 6’5”.
Mickie said on 9/Nov/18
Josh Homme is absolutely about one full inch taller than Conan. He's slouching in that picture, here's a video which shows a fairer comparison:
Click Here
Judy said on 9/Nov/18
The pics with Homme and Holmes absolutely and decisively prove that Conan is at leat 6ft4.
184guy2 said on 8/Nov/18
Conan and 6'5 listed Pete Holmes :
Click Here
Canson said on 8/Nov/18
@Mickie: I agree. 191-192 peak 191 today
184guy2 said on 8/Nov/18
Not the best pic but I have a very hard time to see Josh Homme 1'' taller like some of the users suggests :
Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 7/Nov/18
I completely agree, 191-192 range.
184guy2 said on 6/Nov/18
Conan and 6'4 listed Anthony Bourdain :
Click Here
Mickie said on 4/Nov/18
Anything from 191 to 192 cm is a reasonable argument, under or over those marks would really surprise me.
Canson said on 2/Nov/18
I agree with you Christian. Looks 191ish in that pic
Deepesque said on 29/Oct/18
He looks like a 5'4" guy, sitting behind his desk.
184guy2 said on 24/Oct/18
Yeah I know , tons of guy do that all the time on the site , I just said to you and Canson because you two are one of the most actives . But it's really not a big deal , just my observation
Canson said on 23/Oct/18
It’s funny that people bring up that he said he’s 6’4 1/2 and use that as evidence that he actually is “just because he said he was”. Number one, he never said he was 6’4 1/2. He said he’s 6’4/6’4 1/2” which implies between the two. We all know that’s not possible for him to be that height barefoot when he’s clearly 2cm (minimum) shorter than Neeson who claimed 6’4 and a wee bit. The funnier part is the people who say that always accuse other celebs of downplaying their heights in their claims
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Oct/18
Looks around 6'3"-6'3.5" next to 5'9" listed Pewdiepie
Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 22/Oct/18
Our discussion about Conan's height merely branched off to aother discussion. It's no big deal. You see posters here do that all the time.
184guy2 said on 21/Oct/18
I'm just suggesting . Don't take me wrong . Talking about other subjects in the page of one famous make the discussion about his height a bit in vain .
Canson said on 21/Oct/18
@Burn: I’ve always maintained that he’s closer to 6’3” than 6’4”. I started posting here I believe in Fall of 2015 and I used to say 6’3” flat now maybe give 6’3.25-.5 as a potential for his peak. 184guy to be fair has provided logic as to why he could look closer to his listing but all of us forget (including myself early on) that Conan has thick hair and appears taller. In addition, you see above that people often overestimate him due to his long limbs when they assumed he was 6’5-6’8”. However he said he was 6’4-6’4 1/2 not a straight 6’4 1/2. This points to a shoe claim especially being he also gauged Selleck as 6’4-6’5. Now Rising has made a point that Selleck had a footwear advantage on Conan which is why he appeared that much taller that day but even without I would still say Selleck is taller than him based on how Conan stacks up against Hoff or Kobe or Barkley or Lithgow and especially Neeson. It’s possible Neeson’s claim Of 6’4 and a wee bit is an earlier measurement and that he dipped to 6’4 all along. Neeson has approximately 2cm on Conan like Christian said and both are wearing dress shoes
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 19/Oct/18
@Canson I've seen a pic with him and Hasselhoff. He looks noticeably shorter so it's possible he's closer to 6'3.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 18/Oct/18
Sorry, but when were you ever the owner of this site? Why are you telling us what we can or can't say here?
Canson said on 17/Oct/18
@184guy: I still believe he’s 6’3.25ish based on how he looks with guys like Neeson and Hasselhoff Selleck Haysbert etc
Canson said on 17/Oct/18
@184guy: I apologize. It came up actually in relation to Mickie who we were comparing in height to Conan as he’s met him in person.
Canson said on 17/Oct/18
@Mickie: you likely could come down less than that. A lot of people here lose 1/8” or 1/4” more from their normal evening lows. That could also Include Conan O’Brien. Maybe he is your height at a low and comes down more if he’s compressed. This includes being on His feet after several hours of already reaching his normal low for the day which constitutes an extreme low
Mickie said on 17/Oct/18
I would like to correct about my statement of my own height, when I said "absolute low" I meant at bed time on a normal day. Maybe my spine could eek down a couple more mm if I measured after a taxing evening gym session, but I've never measured under such circumstances.
As for the possibility of Conan shrinking - I think if he did the absolute most it could've been is about a cm and I wouldn't even bet on that. Personally I don't think he was ever more than half a cm taller than he is today, and it's possible the difference is 0.
184guy2 said on 17/Oct/18
@Canson and @Christian
With all the respect , I suggest to you two to talk about yours height and boosts in the general height page. Here we are supossed to debate about Conan height . You two already gave yours thoughts saying that he is somewhere in the solid 6'3 range but any further image/video is welcome .
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 16/Oct/18
I wouldn't be surprised if the NBA boosts 1/4" to the measurements for many of the players. Butler may have measured just 6'6" flat and was added 1/4", if we assume he's 6'5.25" at his low.
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 16/Oct/18
Definitely looks under 6'4 from what I've seen. 6'3.5" is more accurate.
Rising - 174 cm said on 16/Oct/18
I don't think Conan has lost much or anything. He doesn't have big bones, but he'd be less prone to height loss with a lot of his height in his legs as opposed to someone the same height with a longer torso, he wouldn't be a guy to do heavy lifting or probably have any serious injuries to contribute, he's never been overweight, he has pretty good posture for his height and he doesn't look shorter than he use to. He measured up pretty well to Jared Padalecki recently and I don't think he use to look taller with 6'4" guys than he did in that case. His exact height depends on how much extra hair he has in reality. What kind of head size and eye level does he have? That could partially determine whether he's likely to be measured more at the high end of what he's guessed at or the low end.
viper said on 16/Oct/18
Tony Hawk is 6-2
viper said on 16/Oct/18
37 inseam is the most I can buy.
Canson said on 16/Oct/18
I still agree with Mickie’s assessment. Mickie said he and Conan are practically the same height in person (no visible difference) meaning it may be up to 1/4” in each direction. I still have Conan as 191cm today. He gives a taller impression in part due to his hair. In addition, a lot of celebs on this site are overlisted. If you see Conan in his prime vs a peak Liam Neeson or a peak Tom Selleck, a peak John Lithgow, or a peak David Hasselhoff, it’s clear he’s not really 6’4”.
Canson said on 15/Oct/18
@Christian: that’s about right! I think in football if they play by the rules you would prob get 6’5 7/8 and me 6’4 6/8. If that were the NBA we may get 6’6 and 6’5 tho since they boost more especially if you’re a mm over a mark. That’s crazy tho lol. You may be listed at 6’8 like Kenneth Faried (who is likely close to your height) and me at 6’7” when in reality we are both close to 3” shorter in the afternoon. Even jimmy butler is now listed at 6’8 since going to Minnesota yet he looks 6’5 pretty often and other times 6’5.5. He supposedly measured 6’6.25 but that seems hard to believe. He looked small next to Scottie Pippen and with Taj Gibson and Boozer Wiggins KAT etc
184guy2 said on 15/Oct/18
Conan and 6'4 listed Anthony Bourdain :
Click Here
Jojo01ptd said on 13/Oct/18
This guy is all legs.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Oct/18
If I was a football player, I'd likely be measured 6'5 7/8" at the combine. Maybe 6'4 6/8" for you since you lose faster.
alabamafr said on 10/Oct/18
No wonder Little Wayne looks angry in the picture. Conan is just huge. His head alone is huge sized. He's the proof that size alone doesn't matter. He's huge but still weird looking. I don't see many girls being attracted to him.
Canson said on 10/Oct/18
@Christian: your loss equates to what some guys at the combine measure an hour after waking
Canson said on 9/Oct/18
@Christian: activity levels play a factor too. Some days I can maintain 195 after an hour if not as active. I’ve never been anything more than 194 range in the afternoon however. I’ve been close to 6’4.5 some days in the afternoon if not very active but never over it
184guy2 said on 9/Oct/18
Conan and 6'3 listed Tony Hawk
Click Here
184guy2 said on 8/Oct/18
Conan and 6'3.5 listed John Cleese
Click Here
184guy2 said on 8/Oct/18
Conan and 6'4 listed Zach Woods ( closer to camera and better posture )
Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 8/Oct/18
Apparently you shrink faster than I do. I don't typically lose 1cm until after at least 1.5-2 hours out of bed, whereas you lose it in an hour. I can sometimes hold near 197cm at afternoon even if I'm on my feet for hours, whereas you drop to your lowest by then.
berta said on 7/Oct/18
conan is 55 years old now. He is not that well built ( not big boned guy ) i can believe at peak he really was legit 6 foot 4 and was measured at 6 foot 4 1/2 early in the day. but today maybe 6foot 3 3/4-6 foot 3 7/8 Probably 6 foot 3 7/8 is what he is today. A guy like hasselhoff was probabaly close to 6 oot 4 1/4. Hasselhoff and Goldblum looked same height peak. While liam neeson was 1/8 over 6ffot 4.
Canson said on 5/Oct/18
@Junior: it takes me an hour to lose 1/4-3/8”. I’m 195.7 out of bed and 194.8-.9 after an hour of being awake and that’s if I’m on my feet showering etc
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 4/Oct/18
Out of bed height atually don't last for more than 5 minutes with a 1/4 change and some people lost 1cm before the clock tickling half an hour upon out of bed some people could hold a strong fraction lost within an hour upon waking up from a good sleep. From 11.30am-12pm is the 95 percentile lowest from morning out of bed and maybe losing another 1-3mm within afternoon mostly no difference from a height from night time or before bed measurement.
Mickie said on 3/Oct/18
@Canson Yeah about 5/8" is my max difference. You're probably more typical than me. Especially for someone of your height. I have a 35.5 pants inseem (36 length jeans and if I care about them, I'll hem them half an inch). I'm only a 34 inch waist though, So it's not like I fit in at the big & tall store
Canson said on 2/Oct/18
@Mickie: you don’t lose much at all! I lose a full 2cm some days and others like 1.9. An extreme low for me is 2.5cm or 2.6. I lose a full inch at that but that’s very rare and is late night when I don’t sit for hours after reaching the 6’4.25. The lowest I’ve measured as an adult is 193.1cm one time I believe. Then 193.2 others
Mickie said on 1/Oct/18
@ Canson - For me it's 6'3 3/8" in the middle of the day. Early in the day I'm about 6'3 3/4", maybe more 7/8 if I measured immediately out of bed. Never a full 6'4". And If I drop to a an absolute low maybe 6'3 1/4". I don't really seem to fall lower than that. I guess I don't shrink as much as some, maybe because I'm very leggy. Conan is close to me, it's possible I edge him out or vice versa.
Andrea said on 1/Oct/18
True that, Christian, but that could also mean that you might overestimate Conan's hair and that it adds less than you think.
Canson said on 30/Sep/18
@Mickie: the real question with Liam is was he measured at the “wee bit” over 6’4” earlier in the morning? I could see something like my height perhaps max or maybe 1/4” shorter at a solid 6’4. When I gauge celebrities it’s at their low just like my low is around 6’4.25 maybe give a mm some days but I’m 6’5 out of bed. I could buy Conan being “roughly” your size if you’re 6’3 3/8 he may be 6’3.25 imho. Is 6’3 3/8 your normal low or is that late morning? I’ve seen people claim both here on this site. Also what are you out of bed?
Ian555 said on 28/Sep/18
Hey Rob if both of them stood next to each other completely straight who do you think would most likely be taller Conan or Anthony Bourdain?
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 28/Sep/18
Some hairstyles are deceptive though. It can be a bit difficult to exactly locate where the crown of the skull is, if you have a hairstyle like Conan's.
Duhon said on 28/Sep/18
You can see in this dance-off with Shaq Conan has some odd proportions where it looks like 75% of his height is purely in his legs
Click Here
Mickie said on 28/Sep/18
I wouldn't disagree that the difference between Liam and Conan may have been more like .75". It was at least .5" and yes maybe .75" could be closer. Conan is around my height, so that would suggest a likely height for Liam could be 6'4" and a wee bit like he claimed.
Andrea said on 27/Sep/18
Christian, again, I never include hair when it comes to height comparisons, and head sizes/eyelevels. Conan's hair could even be 1 foot thick, and it wouldn't change a thing, as far as I'm concerned. That being said, his eyelevel does seems at least 5 inches long (and possibly even a bit over), which is certainly lower than average, even for a guy of his height.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Sep/18
Conan's eyelevel actually isn't that low for his height and head size. His thick hair and his long forehead gives off the impression of him having a lower eyelevel.
Canson said on 24/Sep/18
@Bobby: 6’2.5 seems low for him. I have him at a solid 6’3” today maybe 6’3.25. Peak maybe 6’3.25 or 6’3 3/8 max
Andrea said on 24/Sep/18
Besides the fact that I'm not even sure that Conan admitted to Liam being taller than him, like you say, Christian, as I said to Rising, even if he did, that doesn't necessarily prove that Conan is shorter than Liam because it totally depends on Conan's perception of height, and having a low eyelevel like his certainly doesn't help it (especially if you aren't that height aware, and you look at other people's eyelevels to determine who is the taller one, like the majority of people do). Going by that logic, Alexander Skargard should be listed noticeably taller than Michael Strahan, considering than the latter claimed to feel short next to him, although when they stood next to each other, there was barely any difference between the two... And again, how did you calculate that Liam is exactly 0.75 inches taller than Conan? From that clip, if anything, Conan holds his own pretty well next to Liam, and that's with Liam having the camera advantage. And Conan's hair has nothing to do with it, considering that I never take it into consideration and I always try to imagine where the tops of people's heads are when it comes to height comparisons.
Canson said on 23/Sep/18
@Christian: a 6’7” Magic puts Conan around 6’3” all things considered. I can safely rule anything above 6’7” maybe 6’7-6’7.25 range out for Magic based on how he stands with Kurt Rambis, Jamal Wilkes, Kareem, Kobe etc. certainly isn’t 6’7.5 at a low. Karl Malone also edged him
Click Here
Andrea said on 22/Sep/18
Agreed, 184guy2.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Sep/18
Then why did Conan admit to Liam being taller than him? Is it because Conan just had a bad perception of height? Or is it that Liam's 6'4.75"?
Canson said on 19/Sep/18
@Christian: if we fast forward to :40 both Conan and Liam acknowledged who was the taller of the two and yes the illusion is because of Conan’s hair that it’s not much. It’s actually a good 2cm difference like you said
Canson said on 18/Sep/18
@Christian: I’ve been saying that about his hair for the longest time
Canson said on 17/Sep/18
@Viper: I’ve driven a 650i before but never been in the back. My car doesn’t appear to have a lot of room in the back but decent when I have the drivers seat all the way back. I’ve never been in the back Other than to clean it as I always drive when I go somewhere (even when we take my wife’s Highlander).
Canson said on 17/Sep/18
@Christian: I see that Liam is taller as well. Not to mention Conan acknowledged that Liam is the taller of the two. This goes along with Conan being shorter than Lithgow and Selleck and Hasselhoff to name a few. He also called Selleck 6’4/6’5 when, like Rising mentioned before as well, Selleck claimed 6’3.5 once. I know also that Mickie met Conan here and claimed that he and Conan were roughly the same height Mickie is 6’3 3/8. He said if anything there could be 1/4” difference max because it isn’t noticeable but that the 1/4” could go either way
kraj76 said on 17/Sep/18
He was absolutely towering over everyone in every country he went to in his show
Alex B said on 17/Sep/18
I think he is about 6.3 ft or maybe 6.4 ft if he stood-up with good form. In this Video see him next to The Rock who claims to be 6.4/6.5 ft
Click Here
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 17/Sep/18
@Mickie Agree that is max 1/2 inch there not much but those camera angle fool many people.
Canson said on 17/Sep/18
@Mickie: it’s more like 2cm difference
Andrea said on 16/Sep/18
I wouldn't say so, Christian.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Sep/18
But Conan also has thicker hair than the average guy, which gives him the advantage.
Canson said on 15/Sep/18
@Tall Sam: something like 2cm. A 6’4 Neeson makes Conan 6’3.25 probably maybe 6’3.5. People underestimate Conan’s hair thickness
Canson said on 15/Sep/18
@Christian: Conan even acknowledged that Liam was taller than him when he said “I’m 6’4, you must be 6’5”. So he knew
Mickie said on 14/Sep/18
Oh no no no... Liam Neeson didn't tower over Conan, but you guys are off for saying it isn't obvious who was taller. Both Liam and Conan acknowledged that Liam was taller. I think it's reasonable to say it might have only been .5" or so but to pretend that half inch isn't there isn't correct.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Sep/18
You can still tell that Liam edges Conan out.
Tall Sam said on 14/Sep/18
I'd agree without the camera advantage for Neeson there's scarcely a noticeable height difference between him and Conan.
184guy2 said on 13/Sep/18
Guys , like Andrea and other have already said :
Conan has a big head , and a low eyelevel so in his perception he will guess others guys in the same range taller .
And the most important thing . From 1993 to 2009 the Cam was always in the same perspective , which Conan was always being in disvantage .
From this perspective, we can say that Rock is taller than Conan:
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Sep/18
Anywhere between 6ft3½-4
Andrea said on 11/Sep/18
Considering that the camera is clearly on Liam's side, that's a pretty bad clip to draw any conclusion from, Christian, but if anything, I would say that Conan doesn't look much different than him when Liam isn't raising his eyelevel, DESPITE the camera disadvantage:
Click Here
Andrea said on 11/Sep/18
Not only they wind up looking very close, Rising, but Conan can even pull off looking a bit taller than Jared there, so even if Conan has say 0.5 inches more footwear than Jared (the most he probably has), they must be quite close barefoot. If Conan really is 191, Jared can't be much more than that either, which I highly doubt.
As for Neeson, "Conan's reaction and guessing Liam 6'5"" doesn't necessarily prove that Liam is (or was) easily taller than him because it totally depends on Conan's perception of height and height differences. I remember Michael Strahan claimed to feel short next to Alexander Skarsgard, and he even joked that he had to go on his toes when the latter went to his show (which certainly suggests that he genuinely thought that Alexander was comfortably taller than him), yet they're supposed to be around the same height and they actually didn't look much different when they stood next to each other to see who was the taller one. All of this (that's just one example, but I could give many) to say that you can't always go with other people's estimates/reactions when it comes to height because most of the time they prove nothing.
Canson said on 11/Sep/18
@Christian: yea Conan is about 191 if Liam is 193. Liam may be a wee bit over earlier in the day but a solid 6’4 at a low. Best case 6’3.5 peak for Conan 6’4.25 for Liam but Conan never looks that tall when he’s next to Barkley or Kobe. Kobe could look 2” taller to be honest
184guy2 said on 10/Sep/18
Let's be honest
Conan was in a 2inch elevator shoes ( inside lifts because outside was a normal heel) and Jared in a 0.2in thin sneaker
The truth is that Conan is 6'2.25
Right folks ?
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Sep/18
They're about 2cm apart in this clip.
Click Here
Canson said on 9/Sep/18
I think he is 2cm shorter than Neeson as well. 6’4 for Liam and 6’3.25 for Conan
Rising - 174 cm said on 8/Sep/18
Some dress shoes at the large end are indeed 1.2", though I don't think Conan's heels look as big as that as far as I can tell. I thought most Converse add around 0.6", but I can't remember if they're less when worn. I also thought I remembered Rob saying some Vans won't add much more than half an inch. There are quite a few popular sneakers around 0.7" nowadays. Regardless of the brand Jared has, I wouldn't guess them much or any more than that. In any case, Jared and Conan wind up looking very close, but posture isn't perfect. I can't tell the exact difference with Neeson, but Conan's reaction and guessing Liam 6'5" made it obvious he's taller.
Canson said on 7/Sep/18
@Christian: maybe at his peak 192 but I still say 191 range and today he’s surely not over 6’3.25. He never looks much over 6’3” when he’s next to a legit 6’4”. Also have to remember how thick his hair is. Lol he inflates half the people on his show to make himself taller. In the clip I posted with Magic Johnson he’s nowhere near 6’4”
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 7/Sep/18
Meanwhile i wouldn't go under 192cm for Conan but Jared Padalecki probably not a full 193cm low guy like many think. Rob claim that Jim Parrack is same height as Jared Padalecki and he look between 6'3-6'3 1/2 with Rob and having more footwear than Rob. That i can believe Jim at most 192cm in person barefoot and Jared will only be fraction over him and Conan also i"ll throw
Jason Momoa in the 192cm Club. Many estimate Jensen Ackles to be 5'11 1/2-5'11 3/4 not 6'0 but Rob met him (Jensen in thick boots) and still listed him 6'0 and i agree more looking it i"ll go with a strong 5'11 1/2 for Jensen maybe just 182cm. I now think Rob may not estimate perfectly for all celebrities height even standing close to them there will be a variation of a 1cm over estimate than saying underestimate 1cm just like most people. Jared Padalecki 6'4 1/8 guesses from many people could came out to be measurement at the doctor office in the morning and the strong 6'4 low will be someone like a peak Hoff and Goldblum both many thought they look 6'5 peak and 6'4 1/2 low that is just 1cm or a 1/2 inch over estimate. Conan can look 6'3 sometimes when he had a hunch posture shaking hand with guests on his show but with Jared it proves him easily over 6'3.
Andrea said on 6/Sep/18
Based on what do you basically say that he is (or was) 2 cms shorter than Neeson, Christian?
Canson said on 6/Sep/18
@Rising: yea I think 6’4-6’4.5 like he said in that video with shoes. I think he’d be 191cm flat (6’3.25)
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 6/Sep/18
I have him at 191 range, but to be fair, 192 is also possible for him. But I still would go for that than 193, which is a bit too high IMO. A 193 Conan would put guys like Liam Neeson at 195.
184guy2 said on 5/Sep/18
Vans give more like 0.8in than 0.5in so we can say that conan had at max 0.3 in more than Jared
Rising - 174 cm said on 4/Sep/18
@Andrea: I'm not sure whether they're Vans, Converse or something else, but they seem somewhere in that 0.5"-0.7" range. As for Conan, 191 is the absolute lowest I'd go. My guess would be more like 6'3.5" since I believe his 6'4.5" claim probably came from a shoe measurement. About 1" would be pretty typical for a dress shoe and quite a few sneakers, though many can give a bit less and some a bit more.
Visitor said on 4/Sep/18
@Canson many mid-size or even compact cars are basically the same for the driver, I've noticed larger cars mostly tend to have more leg room for the rear passengers. I don't think I've ever driven a car that was "too small".
I compared Converses and dress shoes recently... and did it again now. Converses give you 7 millimetres (0.28"), the dress shoes I have (1.0" heel) give 3.1 centimetres (1.22"). NO INSOLE. Converses are of course normally worn without insoles (it's "built-in") whereas dress shoes are worn with insoles, and they can easily have a bigger heel than 1.0".
Just your regular run of the mill dress shoes are definitely MUCH more than a half inch advantage against Chucks or other sneaker style shoes.
Andrea said on 3/Sep/18
I'm not sure they are Vans, Rising, but I doubt there would be much more than a 0.5 inches footwear difference between them. Taking that (and the fact that Conan manages to look a bit taller than Jared there) into account, it's hard to believe he would be much under 6'4. I mean, 192 I guess is still quite possible, but I have a hard time seeing him as low as 191, after seeing him with Jared (and Zach).
Andrea said on 2/Sep/18
Junior, converse shoes add about 0.6 inches, so if Conan's shoes add 1.1-1.2 inches like you say, there's no more than 0.6 inches footwear between them. And if Zach really is a little bit over 6'3 (which maybe isn't impossible, but I certainly wouldn't bet on), it makes it even harder to believe that Conan is much shorter than 6'4...
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 1/Sep/18
Most cars are alright, but planes are a nightmare if sitting in economy seats. This is why I fly business class whenever possible. It's bit more expensive, but fortunately I don't fly as often as the average person does.
Rising - 174 cm said on 31/Aug/18
@Visitor: Your friend sounds like a taller version of me in that regard. I wear 28/30, but I need a belt since they don't seem to make any smaller and even those are difficult to find.
@Andrea: That did surprise me since I agree Jared seems an honest 6'4". What is he wearing, Vans? I know those don't add much more than half an inch while dress shoes can vary from only around 0.8" up to 1"-1.1", even 1.2" range. I'd think about an inch for Conan's there, but I'm not sure. That's another talk show where Jensen looks shorter than I'd expect without his logger boots. Personally, the absolute most I could see Conan measuring would be in the 192 range while the lowest would be around 191, but he was taller than Billy Campbell, iirc.
viper said on 31/Aug/18
The other day a guy thought I had lost weight with my shirt tucked in some.
He thought I had a 30 inch waist when it's 33
viper said on 31/Aug/18
At 6-0 I could tolerate a window seat. But at 6-3 forget about it
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 31/Aug/18
@Andrea Zachary levi had a 1/2 inch converse chucks compare to Conan footwear solid 1.1-1.2" style. He is more like a little bit over 6'3 then a little under.
Canson said on 31/Aug/18
@Visitor: I have rented vehicles when I’ve gone out of town such as a Chevy Cruze etc and fit fine. Some of the medium size cars like the Camry Accord Altima Fusion seem to have as much or more room than my 5 Series does. My wife’s Murano when she had it was even roomier and comfortable. My 6’6” friend drives an Expedition and my 6’7” friend a Ford F-150 while my 6’5” friend drives an Altima (along with his F250 that he uses for work) which is quite roomy for him
Mickie said on 30/Aug/18
Planes are one of the only scenarios where I ever feel "too tall" at 6'3" and some change. Conan is 6'3" and change too. And while I wouldn't be shocked if he slipped a quarter inch or so, I really don't think he's shrunk by any particularly discernible chunk. So my guess today is 6' 3 3/8" and peak 6' 3 5/8".
Myself said on 29/Aug/18
How did you measure your inseam? Did you measure only from hip bone (without taking it into account) to the bottom of one leg or to the floor right below it? I used the latter method.
Canson said on 29/Aug/18
@Viper and Visitor: yep and that’s the reason why I particularly claim my actual height as opposed to an inflated height. What benefit would there be at 6’5 or 6’6 that 6’4” doesn’t already give me today? It’s funny because I’ve met 6’3” guys who look foolish claiming 6’5” (insecurity or ego) and then expect a guy Christian’s size to claim 6’7” when in reality they know as well that 6’7” is too tall. The cutoff now a days is 6’5” whereas back in the day 6’5” was too tall
Andrea said on 29/Aug/18
Although I haven't seen that much of him, he never quite struck me as be as being a big 6'4 guy, but he surprisingly (at least to me) looks a bit taller than Jared when he greets him here:
Click Here I know he is in bigger footwear (how much I'm not sure, but I highly doubt it's anything more than 0.5 inches), but if Jared is 6'4 (which I firmly believe he is), Conan can't possibly be much less than 6'4 either, all things considered.
Even next to Zach (who although I personally believe may well be a bit under 6'3, I certainly doubt he's much less than that)
Click Here , he does look near enough the 6'4 mark, considering that he easily looks 1.5 inches taller than him, albeit in maybe 0.5 inches more footwear, which still makes him at least one inch taller, after taking it into account.
Visitor said on 29/Aug/18
@viper I know a guy who's round about my height (182 cm) but weighs less than 140 lbs... not really that tall but ridiculously lean. Probably close to zero body fat. He has the kind of build that makes him look much taller than he is (I mean for example in pictures and/or generally where there's no clear reference point. Like an illusion.) I think he said he wears something like 28/32 but even the 28 is too big at the WAIST and he has serious trouble finding pants that fit.
Writing it down it's kind of "shocking" that I weigh over 50 lbs more than him... and I'm not "fat" either, I'm the tiniest bit "overweight", the type where you don't really notice it if I'm in regular clothes. I wouldn't even want to go below 175 lbs, I'd lose every bit of muscle along with the fat... and I don't think I could anymore if I wanted to (I've once in my adult life weighed 160 lbs and that was mega thin).
viper said on 28/Aug/18
Canson my dad drives a BMW 650i and the backseat room is enough for around town.
My head almost touches the ceiling.
Granted the front passenger seat needs to be up almost all the way
Visitor said on 28/Aug/18
@Canson In general cars have more than enough space, there's the odd one here and there. Like the one where if I'd lift my leg straight up it would hit the ignition key spot on and crack it in half. I tried searching the web for what my roughly one meter (39.37") legs (hip to floor, not inseam) actually mean but the little I found actually suggested my legs are slightly on the shorter side of average. Your thighbone is supposedly supposed to be 26.74% of your height but for me it's more like 26.0-26.3.
I don't fly or use buses that much, they're I guess adequate for me but you can definitely tell they weren't designed for comfort for anyone much over 5'11". At that height, the leg room is exactly what it sounds like, you can squeeze your legs in there but that's it. MUCH more of a problem on planes I have to say though (unless you frequently fly trips that only last 30 mins or something!)
viper said on 26/Aug/18
Being 6-3 really sucks on planes.
I have to get an aisle seat and stretch my legs out. Can't imagine being taller than myself on a plane
viper said on 26/Aug/18
32x34 pants are impossible to find. Is nobody tall and lean anymore
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 24/Aug/18
I wear a 34-35" inseam and my atual inseam measurement was 36.5" and my cousin was 1.5" shorter than i wear the same inseam as me. I guess people measure their inseam much likely in different ways somehow.
Myself said on 23/Aug/18
What about planes and buses? If i fit in bus seats it's usually by angling my legs and still most of the time my knees push hard against the seat in front...If i had a little larger inseam i wouldn't fit at all...well that's pretty much the feeling i have in planes...i hate them so much, expecially when the...(no insults on this site right?...) person...in front of me decides that he isn't confortable enough and angles his seat!
About pants sizes...i don't know exacly...i usually just buy the largest available and they fit both in length and width (i have a large hip bone). The jeans i usually wear are size 38"/34" and i haven't applied any changes/modifications to them.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 23/Aug/18
One thing. Conan atual inseam is not 36 that long. Probably measure 36 inch when he fits in an inch footwear.
Canson said on 22/Aug/18
@Visitor: I own a BMW 535I X drive at 6’4.25” and have enough room. And We just bought my wife a Highlander. Even when she had a Murano it was more than enough room (even roomier than my BMW on the inside) for me
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 22/Aug/18
I'm the opposite of you. I prefer to wear pants above the waist, because I don't like sagging. That's one of the reasons why I stopped wearing 36's, along with my ankles showing. I prefer my ankles not being shown when I wear pants.
Visitor said on 21/Aug/18
@Myself could be simply that at our heights, the relative difference (should be about 5% or something) just isn't big enough to make slightly different proportions that noticeable. And you might have a bigger head also, not just the torso. Shoe sizes (actual shoes) are even more all over the place than pants, sometimes even a 42 EU can fit if it's wide enough, sometimes even a 44 is too SHORT.
Leg space is sometimes a problem even for me, mostly though only in small cars where someone tall is sitting in front of me. Although worse than any actual space is that in some cars, no matter how I try to adjust the drivers seat, I have to bend my leg awkwardly unless I want to crack the ignition key in half with my knee. Those times I think "seriously, whose idea was it to install the lock that low AND at that angle?"
Myself said on 20/Aug/18
I don't think i measured wrong because i measured it multiple times and even on a site called "bodyvisualizer" (.com), when i put 191 or 193 cm, the predicted insteam is 87 and 89 cm respectively...
It is true that i have a pretty large torso (and weigh 240 pounds now, being overweight but not obese...i actually feel good, i would only want to lose maximum 5-6 kg of fat and keep building muscle) but i wouldn't say that i have short legs either, because anywhere i go, leg space is always a problem.
My shoe size should be 47.5 EU i think (13/13.5 US?), but the last time i tried shoes that size i couldn't fit my foot inside, so i decided to try something like 48/48.5 but i couldn't find any...at the end i had to buy 49 and 1/3 (49.33, 14 US it says) with a thicker insole to fit better, and i feel comfortable.
viper said on 20/Aug/18
I can wear 32 inseam because I like it more sitting below my waist
Visitor said on 19/Aug/18
I just measured a pair of 36W/34L trousers I have that fit just right (without cuffing). The actual inseam (inside seam) is 30.3". The total length is almost 41" so I really don't know where they got the 34" from. I think they're French or something ( ;) ) as they are a bit small for their marked size. If it's jeans, it's usually 34L and I just cuff them.
My actual waist measurement (or hip, where most pants actually sit) isn't even close to what the labels say either. I don't think I have many pants the same labeled size, it's all this "vanity sizing" (and ill-fitting clothes) or whatever it is these days. It used to be that if I just grabbed a pair of 34/34's, 90% of the time they'd fit.
A bonus "supposed long legs" peculiarity... my little brother is 5'10", possibly 178 cm and wears the same size. He isn't oddly proportioned either in any way. In fact, for a long time I've wondered if I have SHORT legs for my height (182 cm afternoon) in part because of that.

Editor Rob
You will definitely find some label mistakes or those workers who didn't measure exact.
Canson said on 19/Aug/18
@Christian: I wear my pants out easily by having them too long. I have to get them tailored even at 36.
Visitor said on 17/Aug/18
@Canson @Christian : Alright, well that makes a whole lot of sense to me. The pants that you typically buy are 2"-4" longer than mine, just as I'd have expected for someone that much taller. I guess only 'Myself' remains a mystery now. 10+ cm taller and only in the torso... I'd still tend to think we measured the inseam differently in some way.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Aug/18
Same here, I buy 34"/38" in pants but the inseam has to get tailored to 37". There are a few 34"/37" pants but are rare. But my waist is no less than 34" and sometimes even goes up to nearly 35".
Canson said on 13/Aug/18
@Rising: yea that wasn’t intended for you. There is another poster who always uses the excuse that the measurement didn’t occur and throws that out when comparing Barkley to others and subsequently upgrades half the celebs he comments on. I don’t think you do that at all. Your estimates for the most are very good estimates even if we can disagree on the basketball players some
Canson said on 13/Aug/18
@Visitor: I’m 36 years old and have been roughly the same size since about 16. Maybe 1/4” or a centimeter gain but that’s all. I typically buy 36/36 and have to get them tailored both waist and Inseam. When measured I’m around 35 waste and inseam about 35/36 but closer to 35 in reality. I myself am 6’4.25” barefoot (193.7cm at my normal low in the afternoon)
Visitor said on 11/Aug/18
@Myself @Canson : About the inseam(s)... and stuff. Are we absolutely sure we're measuring it the same way? I find it REALLY hard to believe someone 10, 15 cm taller than me would have legs the same length as me. I have several friends 190+ cm, all of them have their hip level WAY higher than me. Do you guys then feel that you have short legs? I really don't look like I have long legs, at all.
On occasion I have dropped down to even 180 cm flat if I've been on my feet REALLY long (24+ hours) and carrying heavy stuff on my back, but normally I still clear 181 cm late in the evening. Pubic bone to floor is 87-88 cm (34.25"+), barefoot, as best as I can measure it. Curiously, the pants I have on now are marked 35"/30"... those always seem to be all over the place though, ones that fit are most usually 32"-34" length (I do fold the hem).
As another reference, I wear a size 10 (US) shoe, VERY wide. Just trying to make some sense of these confusing metrics. Which one is the real freak? :)
Rising - 174 cm said on 10/Aug/18
@Canson: My bad, I didn't know who else was Barkley lately, though I didn't think you'd call me an idiot so I suppose I just meant to clarify my position. I'd agree that if there were a measurement, Barkley wouldn't care enough to fake it. I agree on Lithgow being a legit 6'4" until his mid 60's and he was 59 when Conan compared height with him. I don't know of the difference with Neeson, but the fact Conan sees himself as 6'4"-6'4.5" and Neeson as 6'5" suggests Conan saw Neeson anywhere from a half inch to an inch taller than himself. I don't really suspect the Conan video was staged, but I do think it's important to note that we have no way of knowing the other guy's height so the video is only significant for showing what Conan claims, but it certainly doesn't prove he's that height barefoot. I'd go slightly higher than you on Conan barefoot since I could see him measuring 6'4.5" in 1" shoes, but I could easily be a fraction off in either direction.
Canson said on 6/Aug/18
@Rising: I wasn’t so much referring to you. I don’t recall you saying it was made up as much. It was a couple other posters here who I’ve called out already but not you and I assure you that
Canson said on 5/Aug/18
@Rising: my thoughts exactly. I think Selleck May have been telling the truth that he’s 6’3.5 at his low or could be 6’3.5-.75. While Conan could be 6’3.25 barefoot and 6’4.5 in dress shoes. Now for Neeson there’s a chance that he was 6’4 1/8 peak imho as he did appear to have closer to 1” on Conan. I wouldn’t go below 6’4 flat for him though. He’s one of the more legit 6’4”s here on this site. This is along with Goldblum and I honestly see Lithgow as possibly being that. If anything maybe Lithgow was 6’3.75 too but he looked taller than Conan. Howard Stern appeared 2” Taller as did Klitschko when they stood with Conan. Stern probably was a 6’5.25 (6’6 out of bed) peak and 6’5” today still while Wlad is probably a strong 6’5” guy like Rob lists him
Tall In The Saddle said on 5/Aug/18
@Canson - yeah, exactly my point, staged/scripted. Notice when the guy first asks "how tall are you?" Conan replies "what's that?" and after the guy repeats the question Conan acts nonchalant as if it's something he doesn't really think about too much and replies "About 6'4" 6'4.5" something like that". Like Conan isn't fixated on height and the preservation of his own claims - lol.
Rising - 174 cm said on 5/Aug/18
@Canson: My position on Barkley never had anything to do with Conan, which is why I had no problem saying Conan was below 6'4" when I looked into it despite being initially skeptical. But we don't know at all that Barkley was measured at the '92 Olympics. All it says in one article is it was "learned" he was "more like 6-4 5/8". If you want to believe that comes from a measurement, that's a reasonable assumption, but it's simply an assumption so it's simply false to state it as a verified fact that Barkley was measured at the Olympics when that's not even what the writer claimed. The writer was ambiguous and didn't even say Barkley was exactly 6'4 5/8", but "more like", which could mean 6'4" and any fraction. Falsified would only seemingly apply to a measurement we witness, otherwise if it was an inaccurate, it'd be more plausible to say it's misreported. And we both know measurements can be misreported from the varying figures for Shawne Merriman. But Conan looks comfortably shorter than both Barkley and Kobe in any case.
Canson said on 4/Aug/18
@Tall in the Saddle: we also don’t know if Conan’s video was staged. He’s always making a reference to “how tall he is”. But he clearly isn’t 6’4” but 6’3”ish next to Kobe and Charles Barkley and the others. But people here want him to be 6’4” so they accuse 6’4 1/2 guys like Barkley of downplaying their height even when he has an accurate measurement from the olympics. However that is “falsified”. You have a bunch of idiots here who say that
Rising - 174 cm said on 3/Aug/18
@viper: If you're 6'3" then 3/4" is the most I'd expect Conan's advantage to be and 1/4" the least. As for Selleck, I actually first suspected he was shorter after seeing a bunch of 1990 photos with 5'10" Patrick Swayze. Even with Selleck's slouch, I was very surprised he didn't tower Swayze. I still wouldn't go under Selleck's 6'3.5" claim, but I take his word for it and assume he's honest. He did like wearing some pretty thick boots on some talk show appearances in the 90's so that would be enough for him to hit 6'5" in footwear. Actually, he had boots when he appeared on Chevy Chase's talk show in 1993 and though you can only compare them very briefly, they look virtually identical during the greeting.
Tall In The Saddle said on 3/Aug/18
@Canson - at least that's 4 of us that have Conan at about 6'3.25". If he includes his shoes it's a deliberate fudge - especially since the line up of guests who are taller and who Conan acknowledges to be taller state their height to be exactly what O'Brien claims for himself - they're height obviously being bare feet exactly as Conan should give his.
I appreciate Danimals clip and if the other guy was in fact 6'4" bare feet then O'Brien could be reasonably guessed to be up to 6'4.5" but I don't know the other guy from a bar of soap and cannot compare him to anyone. Also was it just me or did the dialogue re height in the clip seem awfully convenient to raise the question of and confirm O'Brien's prev. claimed height at 6'4"-6'4.5" - scripted perhaps or am I being too cynical?
viper said on 2/Aug/18
Gun to my head lowest I'd ever go for Selleck would be 6-3.75, so the 6-3.5 is a surprise.
Thought he would be exactly the same height as Liam Neeskn
Dmeyer said on 2/Aug/18
If you look well at the 2004 vidéo and you consider the angle that favors Liam they are both 6'4 equal height
Canson said on 1/Aug/18
@Viper: night and afternoon shouldn’t vary much. I measure 6’4.299 at the doctor after 8+ hours awake this week and this was at 1pm and woke up just before 5am. When I measured that night without going to the Gym I was still that amount but because I didn’t do anything out of ordinary.
As for Conan, 3/4” seems high. He’s shorter than Goldblum, Neeson who is 6’4 Hasselhoff who is 6’4” and the list goes on. Conan looks more like 6’3.25 max with Kobe Bryant or Barkley. He may edge you by half inch if you drop to 6’2.75. Conan says 6’4:6’4.5 which is his shoe height
Rising - 174 cm said on 1/Aug/18
@viper: It's probably closer to Selleck's low than anything else. He claimed it at least twice in the 80's, though so I assume he measured it, but did say "about" in one of those claims so I'd leave open the possibility of something like 6'3 5/8" or even 6'3 3/4". Rob lists Craig T. Nelson at 6'3.25" now though so Selleck was taller regardless.
Canson said on 31/Jul/18
@Rising: Agreed! Maybe he was 6’4.5 in dress shoes and 6’3.25 barefoot today
viper said on 31/Jul/18
I think Conan would have three quarters of an inch on me imo
viper said on 31/Jul/18
Is the Selleck 6-3.5 claim his height at night.
Selleck has always looked taller to me than somebody like 6-3.5 Craig T Nelson.
Agent Orange said on 31/Jul/18
How large do you think his head looks?

Editor Rob
At times 10.5 inches, but I think his hairstyle adds a bit to overall length. Still a bit over 10 inches might not be improbable.
Rising - 174 cm said on 30/Jul/18
@Canson: You may remember I was initially skeptical about Conan being under 6'4" barefoot, but I've now come to agree. I think he's 6'4.5" in shoes and while the angle on his show can make him look shorter or taller, Conan's own words suggest he thinks of height being in shoes. As you know, Tom Selleck claimed 6'3.5" more than once back in the 80's and has never claimed more than 6'4" yet Conan thought he was 6'4"-6'5" and this makes sense since Selleck would be about 6'5" in the boots he wore that night and 6'4.5" in most other shoes. Similarly, most would agree Liam Neeson was about 6'4" yet Conan thought he was 6'5", which would again be a shoe height.
Canson said on 30/Jul/18
@Dream: I think that’s too high for Conan but I wouldn’t be surprised if he edges Boris. By a hair.
Dream(5'9.5") said on 28/Jul/18
6'3.75" or 6'3.875" seems more reasonable, but I wouldn't go lower. I think he'll edge out someone like Boris Kodjoe.
Canson said on 19/Jul/18
@Danimal: so why is that you believe that Conan is claiming a barefoot height just because he “says that he is” but don’t believe Charles Barkley is claiming one? That’s called being inconsistent and biased
Danimal 5'9 3/4" said on 18/Jul/18
At 2:29 the guy asks Conan how tall he is and Conan answers 6'4"-6'4.5". Conan was 46 years old when this was filmed, so I have NO doubt that 15 years earlier he was easily that height. The other guy claims he's 6'4" and Conan is taller than him (and YES, the guy can be seen wearing running shoes):
Click Here
Canson said on 18/Jul/18
@Mickie: i didn’t think he was much different from you as it is. I would peg Conan around the same probably from the looks about 191cm maybe 6’3 1/8 (today) or 6’3.25 but he never looks more than that imho
Mickie said on 18/Jul/18
@Canson it could, but I felt like he was very similar to my height which is 6' 3 3/8". If he's above or below that, I'd be amazed if it was by more than a half inch and I believe the difference is more likely to be within a quarter of an inch.
Canson said on 15/Jul/18
@Mickie: his hair looks like it adds to the perception of his height
Myself said on 13/Jul/18
34 inches is definitely long for your height, even Canson has a 35ish inseam and is half an inch taller than me.
Mickie said on 11/Jul/18
I don't know if he's lost height (I doubt it's more than just a fraction at most) but he didn't look a solid 6-4 to me in person. I'd say he was over 6-3 though.
Canson said on 11/Jul/18
Sorry Myself. Meant to tag Visitor. My bad!
Visitor said on 11/Jul/18
Canson: The "only 6'3" thing was a response to Junior Hernandez... I mean, I think it would be difficult to tell a 1% difference, as an inch is relatively less the taller you are. More so if it was someone who just told you they were 6'3" (don't know if the uncle he mentioned was measured at that). In Conan's case, I've just seen him on TV with a bunch of people known to be 5'10"-6'0 and he doesn't look 11 cm taller than any of them.
The 6'3 guy I know is actually 191 cm and like I said he is massive, in a photo together his eyes are completely above my head even though I'm closer to the camera and the angle is favoring me.
@"Myself": the inseam thing is tricky since there seem to be conflicting ideas on how it should actually be measured. As far as I know it should be floor to pubic bone, and for me that is 88 cm. Hip bone to floor is 100 cm and according to the charts I've seen that should be totally average for my height (181.5 cm).
Myself said on 9/Jul/18
I think you tagged the wrong user
Canson said on 8/Jul/18
Click Here
He doesn’t look more than 6’3” with Magic. And I’d have a hard time believing Magic is 6’7.5 prob 6’7” flat, today at least.
Canson said on 8/Jul/18
@Myself: only 6’3” would simply imply he’s not 6’4” Or 6’4.5 like he claims. But I concur with your estimate 6’3-6’3.5 191cm
Myself said on 7/Jul/18
Yeah i was referring to floor insteam too...mine is 88 cm, if i measured right.
It's impossible that your legs aren't long for your height, since i'm 6'3.60/70 and my floor inseam is 34.6" from what it looks like...
Visitor said on 6/Jul/18
I don't understand why you would refer to someone as "only 6'3"... I know a guy who's been measured 6'3", he's HUGE. I would have no problem believing Conan at 6'3" - 6'3.5".
I have a floor inseam of 34.25", I don't have long legs and I'm 5'11" - 6' range. Seems consistent to me as Conan himself has brought up his "long goofy legs" many times on his show, and it does look like he has very long legs.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Jul/18
My pants inseam's 37 but floor inseam's 39. I don't wear 39 in pants, that would be too long.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 2/Jul/18
I had a 6'3 uncle on my mom's side. I hardly see Conan only his height. Conan look 6'4 with
Chris Hemsworth. We can argue Chris is 190cm but Conan is not under 192.5cm.
Click Here Chris look quite a legit 6'3 we can tell it with those ladies.
Click Here This is one of the best comparison to see Conan's height. I wouldn't go under 6'3 7/8 in this picture.
Nils2 said on 1/Jul/18
I would almost dare say no chance under 6'3.5 for this guy. I think the closest guess would be 6'3.75.
It would be very unlucky for the rock if Conan measured 6'3.25..
Myself said on 30/Jun/18
You have a 39 inch(99 cm) inseam?! What the...?! Mine is about 88 cm, 34.6', 10 cm smaller than yours, but i'm 4 cm shorter! This means that i have a 7 cm longer torso!
Maybe that is the reason why i naturally weigh a good amount, even without exercising and not being too fat.
Dam, i wish i had a little longer legs, so i would have been a legit 6'4 at least!
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 27/Jun/18
@MAD SAM Because Liam Hemsworth could be 6'3 1/2. Hoping Rob will meet him one day and took a picture.
MAD SAM said on 23/Jun/18
Conan isn’t much taller to 191 cm Liam, maybe 0.5-1 cm so that brings Conan’s height in 191.5-192 cm range
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 21/Jun/18
Click Here start at 0:38 onward we could tell Howard Stern look an easy 2" taller than Conan and this video was 12 years back still in their legit peak height but not sure if Stern had more footwear. Stern is 63 now might have losing 1/4. Point was Stern could be 6'5 1/2 peak but ignore the 1/2 claim and Conan really could be 6'3 1/2 and wee bit.
Howard Stern 197cm peak, 196.3cm now.
Conan 192cm, maybe start to lose a fraction now.
Canson said on 10/Jun/18
@Tall in the Saddle: I think it could be that Conan measured in the earlier morning and that he has long hair. Other scenario is that he measures in shoes as he claims 6’4/6’4 1/2. I have a friend with thick tall hair that used to claim 6’4”. I stood next to him and I’m close to 2” taller and now he says he’s 6’3”. I honestly think his 6’4 was in shoes and that nobody called him on that until he saw a real 6’4 guy like myself (in actually 6’4 and change) do it. He looks a strong 6’2” and has almost since I’ve known him. I have a solid 6’3” friend (190.4cm at a low) who is taller than he is noticeably
Canson said on 10/Jun/18
In their peaks, Neeson needs an upgrade or Conan needs a downgrade. I’d say both do. a touch for the former and a bit more for the latter
Canson said on 10/Jun/18
I do agree that 6’3.75 may be a good start although I still think he’s less than that
Canson said on 6/Jun/18
@micky and Tall in the Saddle: I think Conan would be closer in height with Micky. Likely 6’3.25ish. He has very long hair and when he was next to neeson that was a noticeable difference. That wasn’t just 1/2” between them and Neeson is listed 6’4 here. Maybe he really was over by 1/4” but that still would make Conan max 6’3.25 or .5
Tall In The Saddle said on 4/Jun/18
184guy - agree that when guests approach from left to right of screen (placing them closest to an already lowered camera angle) it does put Conan at an illusory disadvantage. Much less often guests have approached from right to left (eg. Anthony Joshua) and Conan appears a bit better off.
Of course we try to "allow" for the distorted angle but no question it is less than ideal.
Micky - excellent clip provided. Agree Snoop looks a shade shorter. Personally I can't judge the footwear but if Conan does have a good .5" advantage in that dept. then it would flip to Snoop having the slight advantage imo but certainly not the advantage that appears in the prev. clip I linked in which Snoop is closest to camera.
Canson raises an important point re several other guests - notwithstanding what we all think we see, Conan himself has afforded various height advantage to those guests - I see a good number of people seem to want to reject Conan's own perceptions also - which in all possibility isn't failsafe but he is after all standing right next to them in the flesh without the distortions we have to factor in.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 2/Jun/18
@Editor Rob
I agree he may fully lost 1/4 and the worst i still see him at least a legit 192cm now and with 1/2 inch more footwear look fractionally taller than Jared Padalecki. I can't understand people bringing him down as low as low 6'2 3/4.
Quite true Conan have alot of disadvantage camera angle moment. Just some highlights i guess Hoff is simply strong 6'4 1/4 peak like Jeff Goldblum, peak Liam Neeson closer to 6'4 1/4 and Tom Selleck flat 6'4. Conan maybe close to 6'4 peak like 6'3 7/8 (192.6) and could be 6'3 5/8 (192) now not less.
Micky said on 2/Jun/18
Snoop Dogg actually looked a shade shorter than Conan (they stand near each other a lot in this clip) here:
Click Here
However, Conan looks to have a good half inch of footwear advantage. I think both men are between 6'3" and 6'4" barefoot.
Canson said on 1/Jun/18
@184guy: that could be possible. The only thing is that with both Selleck and Neeson, Conan added on to both 6’4/6’5 and 6’5” when he guessed their heights. Same with Klitscko. Neeson at least he acknowledged was taller than him. Now the other possibility for them is maybe there was some sort of footwear advantage we didn’t see. Or Neeson May have been closer to 6’5 possibly when he mentioned the “wee bit” or maybe 6’4.5. I’ve always felt Conan when he said “I’m 6’4 but I’m not” could be close to accurate as he may be a guy who measured 6’3.5-75 in the morning and went with it. Meaning he could be a bit less in the afternoon and just always been a morning height
Tall In The Saddle said on 1/Jun/18
@Junior H - you orig. agreed that Conan self describes at 6'4" but suggested he was being polite affording Neeson 1" advantage at 6'5". You then suggested that Conan perhaps sees himself as 6'4.5" in a subsequent post to suggest Conan was only allowing for a literal .5" advantage.. All due respect but it appears that multiple valid reference points are being rejected and goal posts constantly moved in Conan's favour.
The man himself says he's 6'4", he then gives Neeson 6'5" so he's giving Neeson 1" advantage over himself and I think the 1" advantage is plain to see. Neeson then rejects Conan's "inflation" as several other legit 6'4" guests have done but gives Conan a legit "wee bit" more than 6'4' - about an extra 1/4 inch imo that Neeson generally dispenses with otherwise.
I see about 1" diff. between Liam H and Chris H. In about every shot Chris is standing as tall as possible while Liam slouches in.
@Judy - you took a snap shot of the most favourable instance in time for Conan relative to Neeson - and Neeson is still clearly taller imo. Any other point in the video Neeson is that much taller again. Freeze the clip just 2 secs prior at .36 sec and you'll see Neeson looking a bit taller than Magnum does relative to Conan.
@Canson - unfortunately I'm not up with Magic's current height - but if you say 6'7" I'll take that as a highly reputable estimate and as such Conan does appear in the lower range of 6'3" imo.
Any opinions on Snoop Dogg relative to Conan? Imo, another legit 6'4" guy (along with Lithgow, Selleck, Goldblum, Hasselhoff) who proves that Conan is somewhat below 6'4".
Canson said on 31/May/18
@Tall in the Saddle: agree with everything you said except Snoop. He’s at least an inch shorter than Kobe. But he’s still likely taller than Conan. If anything he is more of a legit 6’4 although he’s a weak 6’4”.
184guy2 said on 31/May/18
@Canson @Tall In the Saddle @Junio Hernandez 1990
The problem with Conan is that he ALWAYS have a camera disadvantage . A few years ago ,2004-2006 The Rock went to Conan and we know that he Rock wasn't over 6'3 and he looked taller than Conan because Conan was further away from the Camera. I believe Hasslehoff was obviously taller than Conan in 1995 but in the video below with Neeson I don't think so . Maybe 1 cm between than but not over.
Judy said on 30/May/18
Magnum appears taller than neeson next to conan
Click Here
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 30/May/18
@Editor Rob
Do you think Conan have atually lost height or he was never 6'4 could be at worst really 6'3.25"?

Editor Rob
1/4 inch maybe...but I can't see him only 6ft 3.25
Micky said on 30/May/18
With Magic the difference looks about 3.5" imo. But I believe Magic today isn't over 6'7" (peak 6'7.25" or 6'7.5" I can believe is possible, but I don't think anymore).
Judy said on 30/May/18
Click Here
Really nothing to choose between them.
Tall In The Saddle said on 30/May/18
@Judy - at 38 sec Conan appears closest to a relaxed Neeson's height than at any other point in the clip. However, Neeson still looks clearly taller in that moment and taller again at every other point in the clip. Let's not forget Conan himself afforded Neeson 1 inch advantage. Re-watching I also noticed Neeson mouth words to the effect of "I'm taller or I'm bigger" or something like that - Conan talks up his height but then always appears nonplussed when he pulls up short next to a pop. reported 6'4" guest who Conan then tries to inflate - as Canson has clearly illustrated many times.
Now Snoop Dogg is imo another legit 6'4" guy. This site has him 6'3.75". Snoop like Neeson is clearly taller than Conan when they greet - though Snoops footwear is a question mark.
Link -
Click Here
I've also watched several clips of Conan with reg. guest Will Ferrell. I give Will 6'3" tops perhaps a touch less. Conan is taller but there is not a lot to choose between them so I'm still comfortable pegging O'Brien at 6'3.25"
Canson said on 29/May/18
@Tall in the Saddle: Conan also looks 6’3” maybe 191cm with Magic Johnson. There are, at times, 4” between them in their video. And Conan claimed 6’4” after asking Magic how tall he was. Magic claimed 6’9” of course, his listed height
Canson said on 29/May/18
Neeson is taller than Conan. Conan acknowledged that himself
Jtm said on 29/May/18
he doesn't look over 6'3 with magic johnson.
Canson said on 28/May/18
I think AJ claimed his shoes there. He looks “a touch under” 6’6 in reality. 197.5ish
Judy said on 28/May/18
At 38 seconds into the clip, Conan and Neeson are exactly the same height.
184guy2 said on 27/May/18
Conan and Anthony Joshua
Click Here

Editor Rob
He pushed it there...6ft 6 6ft 7...
Tall In The Saddle said on 27/May/18
@Junior - Simple cross referencing does it for me.
I have Neeson at 6'4.25". You have him at 6'4.18". Near enough to say we agree on Neeson's height and in accord with Neeson's self described 6'4" and wee bit.
I have Conan at 6'3.25" and you have him at 6'3.6". Not quite the same but we both can still agree that Conan's self described 6'4" is an inflated height.
I see at least 1" diff. between Conan and Neeson. You imply you only see .6" diff. However, Conan sees same 1" diff. that I see and he also knows his audience sees same diff. SO to preserve his 6'4" claim Conan suggests Neeson to be 6'5". It's that simple.
Polite had nothing to do with it. Conan waxes on about height a lot and even comments on about other celeb guests being a lot smaller than people realise - to the point of ridicule. If anyone was polite it was Neeson who usually only claimed 6'4". After showing a good 1" advantage and after Conan's own attempt to inflate Neeson's height to 6'5", Neeson threw Conan a bone by giving him the extra "wee bit" to dilute the obvious difference between them and take some of the edge off Conan's obviously false claim of 6'4".
As to Hemsworth - he is not 6'3". Is there more than just the one pic to compare him against Conan? There are several pics which appear to show his brother Liam (IMO 6'3.5") having up to 1" advantage on him. There are also several other pics which appear to show Liam having an edge over Conan also.
Alex 6'3.25 said on 27/May/18
Conan 191 cm I think. He never was 193 cm IMHO.
Canson said on 26/May/18
@Junior: that looks like an inch between Conan and Neeson in the video he posted. A peak height maybe 6’3.5 at a low but keep in mind how long Conan’s hair is. Also with Magic Johnson, Conan looked lower 6’3” range
Canson said on 26/May/18
@Junior: that looks like an inch between Conan and Neeson in the video he posted. A peak height maybe 6’3.5 at a low but keep in mind how long Conan’s hair is
Canson said on 25/May/18
@Junior: my guess for Rock is a solid 6’2”. I can see Conan 6’3.25. He gives a taller impression due to his limbs and his thick hair. I agree on Jared. Probably 6’4 flat maybe Neeson was 6’4.25 but that’s max imho. He’s surely not less than Rob lists him and I could argue a touch more. He may be similar to Goldblum who I believe is about my height at 6’4.25
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 25/May/18
@Tall In The Saddle
Chris Hemsworth listed 190cm by his australia agency and is min 0.75" shorter than Conan. 6'3 5/8 (192cm) is absolute lowest. Conan may have just try to be polite and round up Neeson by an inch over his own 6'4 claimed. I believe Neeson peak was likely to be 193.5cm max.
Canson said on 24/May/18
We all know Magic is only 6’7” and he claims 6’9. Conan doesn’t look over 6’3” next to him
Click Here
Canson said on 24/May/18
@Tall in the Saddle: you said that about as well as anyone has! Go to :45 seconds in and it’s at least an inch. But of course you’ll see people say it’s half inch and make Neeson 6’4.25 just to make Conan 6’3.75 which is close to 6’4”. Conan has never been that tall. Now Neeson I could see at maybe 6’4.25 peak (which is pushing it a bit but not out of the realm of possibility). Yet he’s clearly an inch taller than Conan. I’ll leave it around an inch or at a full inch only because the camera may favor him a tad because with the angle it looks more than 1 solid inch. Conan is 6’3.25 however. He joked about his hair but he is 100% right because that’s why he looks taller than he does. His hair
Tall In The Saddle said on 23/May/18
Neeson on Conan '04.
Link -
Click Here
Personally I see a bit more than an inch advantage to Liam. Anyway, if Conan sees himself as 6'4" he's giving Liam an inch advantage guessing Liam to be 6'5". Without equivocation, Liam states himself to be 6'4" and a "wee" bit. Therefore, at best, that makes Conan 6'3" and a "wee" bit - exactly as I have previously estimated at about 6'3.25".
Note how quickly Conan recedes from the unfavourable height check - just as he did when he and the Hoff went back to back.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 17/May/18
@Christian-6'5 3/8 @Canson
Chris Hemsworth is min 6'2.75" and we could see 184guy2 post that Conan look min 3/4 taller than Chris also look like pushing an inch. 6'3 3/4 is really possible. Jared at most max 6'4 1/8. Tom Selleck at peak only claim once at 6'3.5" and other time was always claim 6'4 possible was 192.5cm barefoot and Neeson was probably 6'4-6'4 1/8 peak not more. Conan could be always 6'3 5/8 or 6' 3 3/4 and round up 6'4. I found out the recently clip that Rock with Conan there was 1.75" max but it looks like Conan had a thick footwear look 3/8 over Rock. Rock is more like 6'2 1/4 not more so Conan could be a flat 192cm guy.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 12/May/18
But Conan had a 1/2" shoe advantage over Jared, you acknowledged it too.
Canson said on 12/May/18
@Junior: I have to disagree. I saw Jared as taller at one stage even with a footwear disadvantage. That angle wasn’t the best however. I would really need to see a better pic but Jared looks a legit 6’4. I can easily see Conan as only 191 especially next to 195cm Kobe Bryant. The key with Conan is that he inflated Neeson to 6’5, Selleck to 6’4/6’5 when he may even have been slightly less than 6’4. Selleck once claimed 6’3.5. Conan was also shorter than Hasselhoff and lithgow both