Glenn said on 2/Feb/07
Exactly Viper.and Im standing with a stick up my ass.he is bending to take one.
Lmeister said on 2/Feb/07
His height is an enigma. He can look anything from 5'9''- 5'11'', but not shorter...
Viper said on 2/Feb/07
Actually, you could argue If Colin stood fully straight he might even hit the 6-0 mark in the picture to the left. It looks like he has 3 inches on Glenn with a pretty good slouch. Not saying the picture is totaly right but thats what it looks like.
dean said on 1/Feb/07
i think hes 5'8 max a photo of him with gary stretch who is 6'1 is towering over colin farrell
Lmeister said on 1/Feb/07
Check out my heels a la Burt Reynolds...
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
4)Colin with Ewan McGregor
Click Here
I'll send more pics later on, but
Click Here has hell of a lot of good material...
There more candids I see the more i believe he is a bit shorter than we think...
Viper said on 1/Feb/07
He may look 5-8 or 5-9 in movies, but he certaintly looks 5-10-5-11 with Glenn. Strange.
dmeyer said on 31/Jan/07
i thought colin was 5'8 when i saw minority report but cruise in lifts can can look a 5'9er from 5'8.5 to 5'9.25 174 to 176 depends on how big the lifts are
brazilian guy said on 30/Jan/07
he is 2 or 3 cms higher than cruise im minority report, if cruise is really 172, farell is 175 tops, cruise looks 170 for me, so farrell is 173-174 tops, no taller than this, he does never looked 178 as you put him rob, i´m sorry
glenn, what kind of shoes was him wearing?
i can´t belive 5'10"-5'11"
The Horse of FUNK said on 30/Jan/07
no way, 5'8 is out of the question. Bugger off with the ridiculous claims. Watch Tigerland sometime. His best bud in the movie is a legit 6'1 and throughout the entire movie Colin comes off as a regular 5'10 guy.
dmeyer said on 26/Jan/07
i think colin is more 177 than 178 to me he looks the same as dempsey or shorter
EuroGuy said on 26/Jan/07
I would say 5'9.5 during the day and 5'10-5'10.25 mourning. I'm 5'10 mourning, 5'9.25 night,and during the day 176.7-176.3 cm. With normal footwear (0.75-1 inch)I look solid 5'10. With good boots I could look 5'11. I think he's about my height. Besides his boots look quite suspicious (great pic jmjegomocs)and in miami vice difference beetwen fox and farrel(175)is 0.5-0.75 inch
Leung said on 24/Jan/07
The Horse of FUNK, 5’11.5” that’s my height too. Most people estimate my height around 6’. I totally agree with what you say about Brad Pitt. And yeah there is too much talk of magic shoes, plenty of people here seem to be suspicious of everyone in Hollywood.
The Horse of FUNK said on 23/Jan/07
I think Colin's a solid 5'10, a definite 178cm. I mean hell, Sly's a solid 5'10 (not the 5'9 he's listed here) and look at how large he can appear in pics (Sly looks 6' - 6'1 in Glenn's pics!). I guess people sometimes forget how tall a 5'10 - 6' person can appear when they know how to carry themselves well. And you don't need magic shoes. I don't wear magic shoes, the idea has never crossed my mind, and yet I'm a sturdy 5'11.5 and everybody thinks I'm like 6' or 6'1 or something (which is also a reason why I believe Brad Pitt is at least 5'11.5).
dmeyer said on 23/Jan/07
i think he wears lifts since his boots loook weird his ankle was going too mush for a 1 in heels thats how i cut cruise he had 1 in heels but his feet was in a position like he had 3 in on
dmeyer said on 21/Jan/07
through the all movie they looked the same height sometimes 1 inch for farrell who might have had bigger heels so 5'10 max for farell and possibly 176 for jamie
Ball-A-Hallic said on 16/Jan/07
in miami vice he seemed an inch smaller than the 5'9 jamie foxx(unless foxx is taller)
Glenn said on 12/Jan/07
Im wearing 2.25 inch heels on the right.he was in Doc Martins(1.5 inch?).on the left Im wearing 1.75 soled shoes,and him the flatest mocassins,half inch.
TJ said on 10/Jan/07
He looks one inch taller than Glenn in the pic on the right and maybe two if he stood up straight in the pic on the left. He looked much smaller than Beckham in their pic together though. I think he appears 5'10 with flattering footwear, but is more likely 5'9.
dmeyer said on 9/Jan/07
bruce was waiy taller than him in in harts war like 3 inches so dont judge height by movie premieres are more acurate
dmeyer said on 9/Jan/07
he probably weared lifts in miami vice because i me colin he looked just shi of 5'10 like 176 177 cm and jamie was aleast 5'9 to 5'9.25 175 to 176 cm they looked similar height to me if he was 179 it means he would have been 1 to 2 cm shorter than me but he was more 3 to 5 cm shorter since he is around 5'9.5 with inch lifts can look almost 5'11
Anthony said on 8/Jan/07
5'10.5 I think is the safest bet at this point. No less than 5'10 flat IMO. Anything below is pushing it.
derbi said on 8/Jan/07
I've also seen miami vice just recently and I have to say that if you look exactly farrell doesn't look taller in that film. What makes him look taller is his hair, when jamie foxx has like no hair... That can make him look 1 or 1.5 inches taller. Also in one scene there was a pic of jamie foxx and then of colin farrell next to a height chart, and there wasn't something you could read their heights off, but you see that if you cut of farrells hair then he fo shore wouldn't be taller...
the shredder said on 8/Jan/07
just saw Miami Vice a few hours ago ! he really does look taller then Jamie Fox ... so he has to be about 5'10 !
Glenn said on 7/Jan/07
Again look at my photo on the left.I find that place silly.nothing against you.
derbi said on 6/Jan/07
Like I told I was at Mme. Tussauds and there I saw also colin farrell and took pics with him. Now we now he isn't a lift wearer, so he can't be bigger in realy life than at tussauds... And I have to say he was smaller than expectet, really not more than 5'9! (possible 5'9.5 but I don't think) Glenn, I know you say 5'11 but he really wasn't near that height. I know, you saw him in realy i just saw a figure :-) But have you ever been there?
Anonymous said on 3/Jan/07
Nothing - wow my minus 2" from what celeb say is true then, crazy! I think farrel is around 5'10. He is about 2" taller than Glenn and you got to figure Glenn has on shoes too. He certainly isn't under 5'9.
nothing said on 30/Dec/06
I am an actor in Hollywood, (who bares resemblance to Farrell, besides the point) and people are always saying go two inches up on my resume. I'm 5'8" and advice is ALWAYS to go 5'10". I am more inclined to go 5'9" because I just dont want to push it but people are like "NO, you can say you're 5'10"!" I figure with shoes, (I wear thick insoles anyways, not necessarily to gain height but because I need an orthotic for my malformed arches,) I am 5'9" anyways, so people might pass me for 5'10".
My point is, it is entirely feasable that Colin is fibbing, because it's the norm in Hollywood. He does afterall always wear those boots. Those with a little lift inside would add a good 2 inches.
Martin, Dublin said on 20/Dec/06
He was in McDonalds on Grafton Stree in Dublin last Saturday Morning wiht his mother or aunt. He is about 5.8 same height as me for sure, he is no way 5-10
dmeyer said on 16/Dec/06
in person looked 5'9 to 5'10 he had high cut dr marteens type with 1 to 1.2 inch heels 177 make sens
Glenn said on 16/Dec/06
Even if Frank had a photo,I STILL know the truth.
the shredder said on 15/Dec/06
I actually would like to see a pic with Frank2 and Colin Farrell ! he does look 5'11ish with Glenn ! theres no doubt that he can look 5'11 , but personally I think he is truly 5'10 though !
Frank2 said on 14/Dec/06
He's no more than 5'9". Recently I stood right next to him. He was at least two inches shorter. He and Jamie Foxx are the exact, same height. And Foxx isn't 5'10" either.
Glenn said on 13/Dec/06
Thank you Jason and Viper.exactly MD.
Viper said on 13/Dec/06
At this point I think giving him 5-10 1/2 would be fair.
MD said on 12/Dec/06
Well, if you throw enough darts randomly at a dart board you'll eventually hit a bullseye, that's the only reason they are ever correct.
Chris said on 11/Dec/06
In "The Recruit" he is decribed as 5'10''.
Glenn said on 11/Dec/06
Ill buy 5-10,5-10.5,5-11.nothing smaller or taller.
Jason said on 11/Dec/06
Must be about 5'10 1/2'' going by Glenn's encounters. The first time I watched Miami Vice I had no idea how tall he was and thought he looked 6'0'' in parts. Though I realized he wasn't comparing him to Jamie Foxx.
Anonymous said on 10/Dec/06
Maybe he's 179-179.5 cm and while most would claim this as 5'11, I suppose some would claim 5'10. This could explain Glenn saying he's 5'11 yet Colin still claiming 5'10. Also, Foxx did look close to his height in Miami Vice but I would bet he wore lifts. I've read he has a HUGE ego.
Glenn said on 8/Dec/06
He has a horrible autograph though.slop.maybe he will sign the football top better.he is such a sweet guy.and I SWEAR 5-11.some people,believe it or not dont know their own height.they just guess.or how about when Depp told me,he didnt know,he forgot.weird.
Glenn said on 7/Dec/06
Exactly Rob.I was just going to mention Keifers Colin moved.but he knows me.when he returns,I will tell him about the site and comments,and what is his true height,and why does he always look 5-11 to me.if he states 5-10 that is.

Editor Rob
I should send you a spare football top, get Farrell to sign it with his height ;) I mean he used to play soccer and be a goalkeeper, goalies really should be tall, so I dunno, maybe that's a line to get him to reveal honest answer about height...
Glenn said on 7/Dec/06
He was wearing flat mocassins on my pic on the left.until you meet him,dont jerk off to movie stills.he lived here for 6 months and was always smaller than eyes dont decieve me.take it from someone who met him.I never met Kiefer.maybe he is 5-9.5.and Colin has weird posture.

Editor Rob
actually with Kiefer, I think the roles are reversed, in that shot he is in boots and farrell maybe isn't...its true on posture, I think that's a source for the lowballing of Colin.
Viper652 said on 7/Dec/06
That is whats baffling. His height fluncuates it seems.
Glenn said on 6/Dec/06
Again in plain english.Colin is smaller than 5-10.good one Cool J.yup.he is 5-8 next to me.
dmeyer said on 6/Dec/06
if he was 5'11 he would have looked tall since he is slim plus the cowboy boots he didnt look that tall
CoolJ said on 5/Dec/06
I saw this previously mentioned in the thread.. but his character's profile on Miami Vice does state that he is either 5'8 or 5'9. Same for Foxx.
It looks like Colin's is 5'8 and Foxx is 5'9.
Glenn said on 3/Dec/06
Thank you Viper.on the right,Im wearing heels.which I rarely do,next to sneakers.
Viper652 said on 3/Dec/06
He really does look 5-11 on the left, with a slouch no less.
Glenn said on 1/Dec/06
I read,believed 5-9 as well.even looks it in a film or person,he was a shocking 5-11 in flat soled moccasins.the proof is im my photo on the left.if I said he was 5-8,would everyone say,"no he isnt,he is 5-11 in your pic".I dont get it with some of you.its like a weird form of reverse psychology.
Anonymous said on 30/Nov/06
i remember websites back in 2003 had his height at 5ft9 or 5ft10. Of course with fame this figure increases.i think glenns picture is a good indicator of his true height.
Brad said on 18/Nov/06
Frank2 said he was taller than him (5' 11" for Frank2)by a significant amount. I'd go with 5' 9.5" and lifts. I love the photo of Willis & Shepherd Frank2 posted where it is a production shot with tape marks on the floor and Cybill in bare feet. Somebody told me years ago she did that show with no shoes. Now I know.
Glenn said on 14/Nov/06
Very possible Viper.
Viper652 said on 14/Nov/06
Glenn, do you think Foxx wears lifts to look close to Colin's height?
Glenn said on 12/Nov/06
Colin is no smaller than 5-10.75% he is 5-11 cause I saw look this in very flat soles.
Felix said on 12/Nov/06
But Glenn I can understand you that he could be 5'10 because Colin is taller than Al Pacino in The Recruit and Johnny ain't that much taller than Al in Donnie Brasco, so I think Colin is taller than Johnny by an 1 inch maybe.. Johnny 173? and Colin 176?
Glenn said on 11/Nov/06
What about the photo where Colin is 3 inches taller than Foxx at a premiere? and Colin was a hair taller in the movie.and inch the most.Foxx is around 5-9.Colin is 5-10 min.
Felix said on 11/Nov/06
anonymous2 yeah I think they're the same height :P I think Colin is 175-176 and Jamie is 174,5-175,5 :P
anonymous2 said on 10/Nov/06
re the pic Felix posted on 6/Oct/06 showing Colin barefoot next to 5'8-5'9 Jamie Foxx. if Foxx wasn't wearing sneakers wouldn't they be the same height?
Amsterdamguy said on 8/Nov/06
Collin & Brad, same face features , same height +-5`9. Notable film Industry finding. Also any of them can act.
Glenn said on 7/Nov/06
He's actually 5-11.but Frank2 said 5-8.
Viper652 said on 6/Nov/06
Colin "physically" looks like he would be a 5-10 guy minimum actually. He has longish arms and legs.
Anthony said on 4/Nov/06
I think Colin is 5'10. In movies, he sometimes does shorter, but films aren't always the best way to judge. In reality, I think he's a solid 5'10.
Lmeister said on 28/Oct/06
...but I guess Colin is taller than Jared Leto (5'9'') unless Jared is shorter ( I really doubt that)...we just gotta believe that Colin truly is 5'10''. Heck he can be even 5'11''...
MD said on 12/Oct/06
anonymous2 makes a very good point. 5'10" regularly get listed as 6'0" in Hollywood. It would seem that he'd at least be listed from 5'11" to 6'0" if he was really 5'10" don't you think?
Viper652 said on 12/Oct/06
Colin is taller in the picture on the right as well. Its just at a weird angle.
tim said on 12/Oct/06
in your photos you look less than an inch shorter.. also what shoes were each of you wearing
Glenn said on 12/Oct/06
Im slightly tip toeing on left.he is in mocassins.on the right,Im in heels.and notice the angle.and he was in boots,not much heel.
anonymous2 said on 11/Oct/06
i dont understand why he doesn't get listed at 6 ft elsewhere if he is 5-10 or more. he is listed at 5-9 here:
Click Here
Glenn said on 10/Oct/06
Yes.5-11 everytime.even in mocassins.well,we know he is 5-10 at least.he claims that.AGAIN EVERYONE,STOP IGNORING MY PHOTOS.
Anonymous said on 10/Oct/06
i think colin and jamie are the same height within 0.75 in
dmeyer said on 10/Oct/06
i am 5'11 to 5'11.5 and he did look aleast 1.5 inches smaller 5'10 at the tallest and 5'9 at the shortest if he was 5'11 he would have look mush bigger in premiere he dosnt even claim more than 5'10
dmeyer said on 10/Oct/06
when i met colin he didnt look 5'11 and if he is 5'11 then bruce is 6 feet 1 also he would have look similar with kilmer in boots but with the right shoes on he might look it since he is close to 5'10 barefeet
Viper652 said on 10/Oct/06
Glenn, did he look that height every time you saw him?
anonymous2 said on 9/Oct/06
I don't know. they appear the same height in the pic on the right. can't explain the pic on the left. maybe Glenn can explain about Colin's footwear again
dmeyer said on 9/Oct/06
in make sens colin is 177 or 178 since cruise is 174 175 in good lifts so that whi he is only 1 inch smaller than farrell in minority i met both colin and jamie they are both 5'9 to 5'10 so about 177 both
Viper652 said on 9/Oct/06
As a matter of fact hes slouching in the pic to the left and looks between 5-10-5-11. This guy is a height enigma.
Viper652 said on 9/Oct/06
Then how does he look bare minimum of 5-10 with Glenn?
anonymous2 said on 6/Oct/06
great pic. Jamie is supposedly 5-8 to 5-9, so yes, I'd say 5'10 is unlikely for Colin
Felix said on 6/Oct/06
Click HereColin is barefoot and Jamie is wearing regular sneakers, jamie looks 1-1,5 inch taller than Colin? If Colin was 5'10, Jamie would almost hit the 6 foot mark here, 5'10 impossible for Colin? any comments?
dmeyer said on 28/Sep/06
in person he looked 1.5 in smaller than me so 177 could be it 176 to 178 range
zarosnietacipa said on 28/Sep/06
hahahaha even he says that he is 5-10??? wow, if he says it, now i believe it, he could not LIE ;D
Chris said on 27/Sep/06
My friend saw Colin and Jamie Foxx in person when they were doing publicity for Miami Vice in Leicester Square, London. She said Colin was "short". I don't know why she would say that if he didn't make a specific impression on her as being so. Especially as I'm 5-11 and she doesn't consider me short (as far as I know). In fact she said I was tall. I dunno.
Glenn said on 23/Sep/06
Thank you fact he looks 5-11 to me in person.
Cassie said on 22/Sep/06
I have his REAL myspace, he even says he's 5'10" so get over it and accept it!! So many people here are trying to go in to the smallest details, when the man himself says he is 5'10", its been stated on numerous occasions. What does it take for you to accept it and move on?? Stop making randpm guesses & like i said move on.
Leung said on 20/Sep/06
anonymous2, there are some Doc Martens that can give a couple of inches but they are the big chunky style
Leung said on 20/Sep/06
UNK is correct with his comments regarding Doc Martens. I have two pairs of Doc Martens and they are the same height as my regular dress shoes and trainers. Also, Doc Martens tend to be made with very firm leather so it’s very unlikely that you would comfortably fit any lifts in them.
UNK said on 19/Sep/06
Dr Martens really don't give you that much more height than trainers, dress shoes, or work boots. I have seen a number of times on this site people acting as if Dr Martens are like lifts...believe me they are not.
You get about 1.5" tops in most standard docs.
Jason said on 19/Sep/06
He looked 5'10'' opposite Jamie Foxx (5'8 1/2''?) in Miami Vice.
anonymous2 said on 18/Sep/06
5foot7 says on 8/Sep/06
saw him on letterman recently and his footwear was questionable
read somewhere he wears Doc Martens. they might give him a couple inches
Height Detective said on 10/Sep/06
Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx looking the same height
Click Here
5foot7 said on 8/Sep/06
saw him on letterman recently and his footwear was questionable
80's Man said on 1/Sep/06
I can definitely see Colin at around 5'10", i dont know why some cant except that. However, 5'10" is definitely the most. I mean if he was taller he would look way over 6" in his boots and would always look the same or taller than Val.
anonymous2 said on 31/Aug/06
Farrell does appear to be about the same height as
Kiefer Sutherland (175cm) in that photo. 175cm seems far more likely than 180cm.
prawdziwykutas said on 29/Aug/06
if glenn is 5'8 and colin looks almost the same, why the hell is he listed 5'10 at this site????? look at their eyebrows line, that shows that colin is at most 5'9, at a good day 'cause he probably was wearing those cowboy boots that always
DMeyer said on 28/Aug/06
if he was 5 11 he would have looked very tall with the cowboy boots
DMeyer said on 28/Aug/06
in swat he barely looked 5'10
DMeyer said on 27/Aug/06
dont forget thet cruise look 5'9 in lifts thats whi farrell look only 1 inch taller in mynority also when i met cruise he looked 5'9 + he was wearing 1 inches heels on the outside probably lifts inside but he was runing all night they must be comfis
ForensicNYC said on 27/Aug/06
"Tom, can I go now?...Paramount just called me..."
Click Here"Dont ever tell them about my lifts..."
Click Here
Ed said on 26/Aug/06
Just saw SWAT the other night and Farrell looked tiny in that movie. At least 4 plus inches shorter than Samuel L. Jackson and LL Cool J, not a whole lot taller than Michelle Rodriguez, and shorter than the 5ft11 listed Josh Charles. Plus he's pretty much identical to the 5ft9.5 listed Jamie Fox in Miami Vice. I say he's in the 5ft9 range with Fox, and favors the big heels, like so many other actors, (Orlando Bloom comes to mind).
Glenn said on 26/Aug/06
Not impossible to me cause I truly think he is 5-11.
leonari said on 26/Aug/06
6 feet is impossible.5'10 is reality.
Del Mar said on 26/Aug/06
His space made by his friend lists him at 6-0.
dmeyer said on 25/Aug/06
something is wrong with that pic since in the recruit he stuggle to be her height he might be 5 10 after all i doubt more
oc said on 23/Aug/06
hi does anybody know where you can get cowboy style-boots with big heels like colin farrell or others have?
oc said on 18/Aug/06
@unk - she's listed as 5'10 on this site! and looks about 2 inches more than 5'6 pacino...
UNK said on 18/Aug/06
@OC - no way that bridget chick is 5'10" (with or with out heels).. look at 5'5" pacino next to her.
oc said on 17/Aug/06
hi everybody. please explain me zhose pictures:
Click HereClick Hereyou see Bridget Moynahan (5'10) probably in heels next to colin farrell who looks higher by about 1-2 inches!
Scott said on 17/Aug/06
The truth is, I want Colin to be 5'9 cause I am LOL
Viper652 said on 17/Aug/06
He really does look 5-10 minimum with Glenn. Would be close to 5-11 or right on it standing straight.
horacle said on 16/Aug/06
jamie is 5-9 and colin is 5-9.5 at max
D. Ray Morton said on 16/Aug/06
Cruise is probably sporting serious liftage.
Felix said on 16/Aug/06
HAHA 5'11? are you kidding us man?
ForensicNYC said on 16/Aug/06
"Colin, tall are you?...really?"
Click Here"Tell me the truth! right NOW!..."
Click Here
Glenn said on 15/Aug/06
Now you see what I mean on Frank? I feel I am 100% on Colin and Sly.anything else,you got me.
Scott said on 15/Aug/06
Hell, maybe I'm wrong about Colin. I've never met the guy, Glen has and I think Glen has a good eye when it comes to heights… But to me Colin looks pretty close to the same height as Jamie Foxx most of the time (even standing straight up at the Vice Premiere), which people claim, 5'8 to 5'9 and sometimes looks 2" or more then Foxx. So I guess the jury is still out on Colin and it looks like it's a hung one :-)
UNK said on 15/Aug/06
For what it's worth - I can't stop thinking about a quote I read from Colin a few years ago. He described himself like this "I'm just a little Irish guy that likes to smoke and drink". I know that doesn't mean much, but solid 5'10" guys usually don't call themselves little.
With that said, I really don't think he is shorter than 5'9"... at 5'9" with a slight build you could consider yourself on the smaller side... I think that's the case with Farrell.
Viper652 said on 15/Aug/06
It wouldnt surprise me If Colin is closer to 5-10 at least because he does have a longish looking body and legs. Maybe thats just a product of being lean. Jamie Foxx has always looked short to me and no more than 5-8. He just looks compact.
Glenn said on 14/Aug/06
Thanks for defending me Rob.hopefully,Frank flew the coop.since he was frothing at the mouth that Im 5-6.and no,Im not 5-5 or even 5-7.Im 5-8 and Colin is 5-11 with bad posture looking 5-9 at times.I have plenty of friends that tricked me and others like that.I dont need to proove my height.and where and when do I find a height chart? let me go to the hospital and get measured for your amusement.maybe if Im bored,and Im at my friends house,not working,Ill bring the tape measure.and send the photo.
Pete said on 14/Aug/06
"Danny says on 12/Aug/06
I'm suprised noone has noticed this yet, but there's a scene in Miami Vice where the Cuban dude pulls up Farrell's profile. Even though you get a brief glimpse of it, it clearly says 5-8..."
There`s also a scene in The Recruit where the police is chasing him and he is described as 5'9", I think..
He´s probably 5'8" and 5'10" with those big boots on...
Glenn said on 14/Aug/06
Really Karen? you read and see what you want to see.I explained his footwear but you choose to ignore it.
Scott said on 14/Aug/06
Hum, I find it hard to believe that Colin is over 5'9 barefoot cause he doesn't look it and his height seems to vary a lot but this feud with Glen and Frank2 is getting a little out of hand wouldn't ya say? I believe Glen is the height he say's he is. Glen if you want to put this height thing to rest why don't you stand in front of a height chart or tape measure barefoot and have the pic show your feet?
Frank2 said on 14/Aug/06
"Frank, there's no way glenn is 5ft 6."
OK. How about 5'5"?
Frank2 said on 14/Aug/06
That's because he's 5'8".
Glenn is most likely 5'6" and has been kidding all of us. At first I was joking, but seeing how so many of the celebs he's photographed with are people I've met and I know are a lot shorter than me, he can't be 5'8". If he is indeed 5'8" then I'm 6'1".

Editor Rob
Frank, there's no way glenn is 5ft 6.
everybody has certain pics where they might not look their claimed height.
Danny said on 12/Aug/06
I'm suprised noone has noticed this yet, but there's a scene in Miami Vice where the Cuban dude pulls up Farrell's profile. Even though you get a brief glimpse of it, it clearly says 5-8...
Glenn said on 12/Aug/06
Either one of them can be wearing lifts.Im betting its Foxx.cause Colin couldnt fit lifts in that first pic.and Foxx,like Cruise, looks short.Colins body was that of a 5-11 man.I know guys with the same build that are 5-11.thanks for acknowledging the proof one else did Viper.
MD said on 11/Aug/06
Viper, I agree with your look on this. It's obvious to me that Foxx is nothing over 5'8". So, that either means Colin is wearing lifts, Foxx is wearing lifts, or they bother are wearing lifts. Point is that someone is wearing something.
Karen said on 11/Aug/06
I agree with Frank2. His estimate rings true, becasue in the movies I've seen with Farrell, I never got the impression that he was taller than 5'8 or 5'9. I think Colin looking taller in these pics must be due to lifts or chunky heels.
Frank2 said on 11/Aug/06
Foxx is no more than 5'9" and could be 5'8". Now in all fainess and to try to put this argument to bed so to speak, I'll admit that Colin just might be 5'9", but not an inch more. Several websites list his official height at 5'9" and that's what the person I know at Universal told me. He wasn't slumping the entire time when I was near him. And no way was he close to being my height.
Viper652 said on 11/Aug/06
Glenn, do you think there is a slight possiblity that Colin wears enhanced footware?? Ever since In living color Foxx has looked no taller than 5-8 to me. Im 99 percent sure he isnt even 5-9. Colin does look over 5-10 in your pics I grant you, but he also looks closer to Foxx's height in others. Or maybe Foxx is wearing lifts to close to Colins height?
Glenn said on 11/Aug/06
Thats more logical thinking dmeyer.thats all Frank had to say.but didnt.they arent threats of harm Frank.or threats at all.just wanting to proove you wrong.Foxx is no bigger than 5-9.I thought 5-9.5.possibly even 5-8 with lifts for the Vice movie to match Farrels at least 5-10.
dmeyer said on 11/Aug/06
colin is between 5 ft 9.25 to 5 ft 10.25 end of story he is not 5 ft 8 he is not 5 11
Glenn said on 10/Aug/06
I expressed why I was upset.cause your wrong on a handful of celebs including Colin and wont admit that maybe your wrong.I agree in movies Colin can look a little over 5-9.but in person he shocks cant be all lifts.maybe that theory on your glasses are Colin didnt tower Foxx at that event? then you need more than coke bottles.your feeding people wrong info.want to say near 5-10,then your being resonable.5-8 is insanity.5-9 is his official wrong height,as with Willis once wrong official height of 5-10.I stand by that he could possibly be 6-1.6ft min.what will you say when your proven wrong one day? if I am,90% Im not,then I want their whole wardrobe,cause it cant just be the shoes tricking me.its got to be the pants and jackets making the bodies appear longer magically.whats to be upset about is brother Larrys cancer.God Bless.
Frank2 said on 10/Aug/06
Sizemore with director Robert Dornhelm ans actor Carl Weathers:
Click Here
Frank2 said on 10/Aug/06
Sizemore with Morgan Freeman:
Click Here
Frank2 said on 10/Aug/06
"hey frank i dont think sizemore is as small as 5 10 he is closer to 5 11 posibly in the midle"
Sizemore and Hanks:
Click HereYou be the judge.
Frank2 said on 10/Aug/06
Yep. That's it in a nutshell. Height reflects power. And people who are tall or appear tall seemed to command more respect than those of us who are short.
If people saw Bogart on film without his rug and without his lifts, he wouldn't have been as popular. I saw him back when I was a kid, actually a couple of times when he was lunching at the Brown Derby. The first time was about 1955. He looked like an old man. This was before he discovered he had cancer of the esophagus. He wasn't wearing his toupee and with no makeup he didn't look like the Bogart we all know and love. The second time I saw him was after he had been diagnosed and he looked absolutely dreadful. He had to be helped in order to walk.
Had the public known that Alan Ladd was barely 5'6" I doubt they'd have taken him seriously as a tough guy.
FDR hid the fact he was crippled with polio. The press did an outstanding job of keeping it from the public.
Image is everything, both in the entertainment industry as well as politics. I seriously doubt we'll ever elect a short man for President. In the past we did, but that was long before there was a media to contend with. Today entertainment has merged with politics.
God help us all!
Glenn said on 10/Aug/06
Oh yeah,correction,I agree cage can look 6-1.alot of sites had Colins B-day for April when its in June.I asked him(cause mine is in April).the problem is,since Frank is or was in the industry,he is feeding people wrong info,and its not right cause people will believe him.THATS why Im upset.doesnt mean he is job,along with you Rob is to have this site accurate.sometimes people will ignore or forget the height on top of the page,then will read Franks estimate and pass the word around the Colins 5-8 and a handful of others he shaved off and began doing it again just now.I admire Frank alot,but enough is vote goes out for Brad.he is pretty accurate, as with me and Rob.
Bleemo said on 10/Aug/06
The only problem with Frank2 is he doesn't have many photos to back his claims. Now don't get me wrong, Frank2 has submitted a lot of info some of which rings very true and therefore I think he is telling the truth. I mean he'd have to be some kind of kook to be this eleborate a liar. But sadly people mostly like photos to look at so they can make their own estimates from there.
That's just my own opinion which isn't worth that much mind, this is of course Rob's site. I just think it would be difficult to make a section without pics is all.
funkmonk said on 10/Aug/06
Woah! Surprised with Frank2's Kilmer height!
To Rob: How about a section dedicated to sightings by Frank2? He is definately contributing a huge amount to celebheights.
dmeyer said on 10/Aug/06
hey frank i dont think sizemore is as small as 5 10 he is closer to 5 11 posibly in the midle
Glenn said on 10/Aug/06
Your so full of s**t Frank,its pathetic and getting on my shouldve stayed on your vacation permantly.VAL is 6ft.CAGE is 6ft.WILLIS is 6ft to 6-1.COLIN is no smaller than 5-10.and I STILL stand by 5-11.I have something planned that if works,will embarres you to no careful with estimates Frank.your wrong and abusing your power here.NO WAY is he 5-8.youll be laughed off this site sooner or later.unless you have the same plan,which would backfire on you anyway.Dmeyer,sorry had me wondering when you saw only an inch or 2 with Mos Def and this, pic PROOVES EVERYTHING.Im standing like theres a broomstick up my ass and Colins in mocassins, almost like slippers,slouching! thats 5-11! not to mention my near 2 inch soles! and YOU ALL still want to argue.Rob could you please throw your 2 cents in?

Editor Rob
I've no doubt frank2 saw him 5ft 8-9, I suspect it might be the bad posture farrell he could have saw. This does not mean he is 5ft 8, in fact I'd be utterly shocked if colin was measured the same height as me...
you've got a secret plan brewing, I'm intrigued...
dmeyer said on 9/Aug/06
frank2 i am glad you agree nic cage might be 6 feet 1
dmeyer said on 9/Aug/06
in harts war colin apeard 2 to 3 inches smaller than willis
dmeyer said on 9/Aug/06
frank 2 is right if colin was 5 ft 11 he would be 0.5 in diferance with me but colin seemed almost 2 inches shorter than me but with some shoes he can look it like for example cruise apeared 5 ft9 + when i met him so farrell can easily look 5 11
Frank2 said on 9/Aug/06
Well, when I saw him, not once, but twice, he and I were eye-to-eye the exact, same height. No question about it. Watch Tombstone and you'll see that he's not really any taller than Kurt Russell who granted is wearing huge lifts. Kurt is about 5'9". Val was definitely shorter than Sam Elliot and Sam is taller than me by at least an inch, possibly by two. I've met him a couple of times at the Golden Boot Awards. By the way, they're having there next shindig this weekend and will be saluting Clint Eastwood and Ann-Margaret. I just might go. If I do, I'll report on how much Clint has shrunk.
Frank2 said on 9/Aug/06
I've met Val and he's my height. Colin's 5'8".
Rufus. said on 9/Aug/06
I don't think people can go away fudging easily 3" wich such odd shoes as the other rufus said.
There are odd and must kill your feet, and after all nobody wears everytime same shoes or very smilar ones.
Frank2: I like the photo with Val, he appears to be 3" smaller, he could be 5'9.5" then, but Colin's shoes look too narrow. I guess he's wearing some kind of boots (not cowboy ones, but those that are often made of alligator skin).
I'd give Val at least 6', wich makes a 5'8.5" Colin sans boots.
Frank2 said on 8/Aug/06
This website lists Colin at 5'9":
Click Here
Rufus said on 8/Aug/06
Rufus-Hey guy pick another nick, i'm allready 184cm (maybe 0,25" less at 22:00pm)without vertical support! :)
Just said so for a laughs, very nice link, ovbiously abnormal heels.
But i guess they don't draw any special atention, they look odd that's all.
dmeyer said on 8/Aug/06
hey rufus 177 is actualy wath he looked when i met him
sebastian said on 7/Aug/06
o glenn i thought you were from LA for some reason. Im from Long Island. Im living in Miami currently.
Rufus said on 7/Aug/06
Glen, I think Colin is 5'9 and possible 5'9.5 barefoot and not 5'11. I'm 5'9 barefoot and can look close to 6ft with these shoes (
Click Here) which look like they are shoes that only have a 1" sole. Anything is possible, especially in Hollywood, so I really think Colin is 5'9 or at best 5'9.5 barefoot.
D. Ray Morton said on 7/Aug/06
I think Frank might already have seen those photos. ;-)
dmeyer said on 7/Aug/06
frank you are right i met both of them they both looked 5 ft 9.5 in to 5 ft 10
MD said on 7/Aug/06
Jamie is not taller than Colin. They may be the same height, but Foxx isn't taller than Farrell. Here are some pics that I posted in Foxx's page:
Click Here2.
Click Here3.
Click HereAnd, this is about as normal shoes as you'll ever see on either. Colin looks to have low boots on, but I don't think it's enough to have Foxx be taller than him.
Glenn said on 7/Aug/06
Yes Sebastion.The Bronx.Manhattan is 90% of my pics.
Glenn said on 7/Aug/06
The difference is Cruise always looks short.Colin on occassion.people still ignore my pics.Rob agrees with smaller than 5-10.anything less is ludicrous.and I know in my heart he is 5-11.
Frank2 said on 7/Aug/06
Please explain how Colin and Foxx can be 179cm when I'm 180 and both men were considerably shorter when I saw them. With Foxx it was on many occasions.
Bleemo said on 7/Aug/06
To be honest I'm going in between on this one, this guy IS fishy and like I said before the Glenn pic on the right is tilted in his favour, but then the one on the left is not, hmm.
Frank that pic with Michael Mann and Jamie Fox is tilted heavily in Fox's favour and when untilted he is also closer to the camera then Farrell. I do think that Farrell is maybe a shade taller then Fox, but then I also think FOx is a liar about his height too.
Here's another pic of the same event, they are stood side by side and it's a flat on pic and Fox is trying Mckellen's neck grab manoevere. I'd say taking all that into account that Colin could be like a half inch taller. I think FOx is in the 5'8-5'9 range and then maybe Farrell is like 5'8.5-5'9.
Click Here
Lmeister said on 7/Aug/06
Interesting comments made by Roger Moore's son. He states that Colin is too short to play James Bond. Hmmm why is he too short, Daniel Craig is only one inch taller than Colin???
Click Here
mcfan said on 7/Aug/06
I'm not disputing Glenn here with his photos nor with the other photos, but there must be lifts at work here. He just has the Tom Cruise-thing going with too much variation of height. One minute he's 5'9...the next 5'10. Cruise is the same way 5'7-5'9.
sebastian said on 6/Aug/06
Glenn your from New York.
Glenn said on 6/Aug/06
For starter those arnt Frankenstein shoes.I SEE HIM IN THE FLESH in the boots.normal boots.not even 2 inches on them.Sk8ing,you are one of the worst judges of height on here.and for you to agree Frank is are never wrong Frank.stick around Frank,Im sure some will stick it to you sooner or later,like they did in the past.I wasnt the only one that noticed you shaved 2 or more inches off of everyone.Colin lives by me.Im not blind and I see him frequent.5-11.and that one pic prooves it.Foxx is 5-9 or so and a possible lift wearer.Colins body frame prooves otherwise.
Frank2 said on 6/Aug/06
Look at the difference between the photos of Farrell with Jamie Foxx where Colin's obviously wearing "Frankenstein" boots and the shot where he's about the same height as Foxx without them. Also, check out the photo of Farrell next to Oliver Stone on one side and Stretch on the other. As I've repeatedly stated, Stone is about my height or 5'11". Look how short Colin is next to him. That's how short he looked when I stood next to him. There is no way that Farrell is close to being 5'10".
MD said on 6/Aug/06
Where in Miami Vice does it give his height and weight?
Pik said on 6/Aug/06
He looks at least 5'10 to me on everything D.Ray Morton posted. He does not look 5'8, not a chance. If he is 5'8, Jamie Foxx is 5'6.5 or 5'7...
Frank2 said on 6/Aug/06
Thanks, Sk8 King. I'm glad somebody here agrees with me.
Anonymous said on 5/Aug/06
In Miami Vice it says he is 5'08 and 147 pounds... not a large man by any account. In the Recruit it also says he's 5'9". If stars tend to bias toward the taller side in this stuff I certainly dont think he's 5'10"...maybe 5'9" max
Sk8 King said on 5/Aug/06
Colin Farrel is 5-7, maybe 5-8 on a good day the only reason that he looks 5-10 or 5-11 is his hair. At the Miami Vice premiere Jamie Foxx's is taller and he has a shaved head.
Glenn said on 5/Aug/06
Now that your back Frank,please stay out of my way with Colin and Sly.I never intefere in your postings. and the photo of Foxx and Colin at an event prooves I was right all along.your right Frank,he isnt 5-10 or the 5-8 you claim he is.he is seem a little bored which is strange cause youve been keeping your hands full with the older legends.please Frank.even Rob didnt agree with your Sly and Colin estimates.
Glenn said on 4/Aug/06
Im getting tired of this.he is wearing very low cut shoes in the pic on the left with thin soles.mocassins maybe? on the right Im wearing heels.he is close to 5-11.Ill ask smaller than 5-10.he has long legs and arms.believe me I thought he was 5-9 until I met him countless times.
Frank2 said on 4/Aug/06
Like I've said, Colin is not 5'10". I'm 5'11" and standing next to him I was significantly taller.
Viper652 said on 4/Aug/06
I thought they looked about the sanme height in the movie.
sebastian said on 3/Aug/06
now i know you shouldnt judge an actors height from a movie so i watched the bonus features of swat and theres a scene when colin and martinez are the same height. just shows that there were camera tricks.
mcfan said on 3/Aug/06
In Miami Vice, the license says 5'8 for Crockett. He certainly doesn't look 5'10-5'11. I didn't think he looked 5'8, but more like 5'9. Jamie Foxx looked about a half-inch taller than him. Perhaps the guy wears lifts, but why would a movie "Miami Vice" put him as 5'8 if he is really 5'10 like GLenn is claiming? Maybe he wore 1-inch lifts in his shoes and fooled GLenn.
YaoMing said on 2/Aug/06
then why does he get listed as 5'9? glenn you should have checked out his shoes ;)
Viper652 said on 30/Jul/06
If hes taller than Foxx, then he might be closer to 5-10. Im very sure that Foxx is 5-8. Honestly Im unsure on Colin.
dmeyer said on 30/Jul/06
yes rob but i do it on the side i might have an odittion for pirates so i will take a look at all the cast bloom seemes 5 10 to 11 fron wath is saw

Editor Rob
ah, you might not be scary looking enough for a pirate ;-) good luck anyway
Glenn said on 30/Jul/06
never as low as 5-8 for Colin.I agree on occassion he can look 5-9.BUT,how many friends do I have that have even a simliar body frame to Colin,and like you say Rob,straighten out and its ooops Glenn feels dumb,he's 5-11.IM telling you he is 5-11.why does EVERYONE ignore my photo proof? especially the one on the left?
Glenn said on 30/Jul/06
Zak,I thought you said 5-8 for Farrel on the Cruise page? I see Colin at 5-11.Foxx is about 5-9.5.and yes,Cruise I buy at 5-8.
aks said on 30/Jul/06
To put all you people out of your misery/ies, i just recently saw the movie 'the recruit' , yes, starring along side the man himself al pacino. Towards the end colin shoots an cia agent 'zak', and as he's running away from one of the officer describes him as being male with brown hair and 5/9. So der u av it!
dmeyer said on 30/Jul/06
i didnt see the movie but i met both of them they similar height just about 5 10

Editor Rob
are you in california just now, getting extra work again?
Zak said on 29/Jul/06
I just saw Miami Vice... Farrell is about an inch or two taller than Foxx, who I'm absolutely positive is the same height as Tom Cruise. Thank you.
DudeX said on 29/Jul/06
I think Farrel is between 5-9 and 5-9.5. I mean he was listed 5-9 in British internet sites before his claim to fame in the US.
Plus, I don't see him being 1 inch taller than Jamie.
Viper652 said on 29/Jul/06
I think Farrell is 5-8 and change.

Editor Rob
farrell might be a guy who one minute appears 5ft 8, then when your not looking he straightens up and...
K said on 29/Jul/06
i think your giving farrell too much check out this pic with foxx
Click Here
james said on 28/Jul/06
i cant :( , but still i dont believe he is 5 10
sebastian said on 25/Jul/06
glenn you made me cry. i just know colin is under 5.8. god
Glenn said on 25/Jul/06
Then how do you explain the pic on the left? he is wearing flats.on the right Im wearing mc boots.
emmy said on 24/Jul/06
i just saw colin on TRL. colin was wearing flat shoes.he looked as tall as jamie foxx and jamie foxx is like 5'9ft.
Glenn said on 24/Jul/06
I could swear I saw the devil in my apartment! sebastian-I love when people know peoples heights without actually meeting them.if its the same chick Im thinking of,she is 5-8! I know.she wrapped her arms around me.and ran if anyone else approached her.
sebastian said on 23/Jul/06
Click Herein this pic hes only an inch and a half taller than ali larter and shes at most 5.6
Larry said on 21/Jul/06
Glenn - Austin, Texas.
Glenn said on 20/Jul/06
I try not to go out in the daytime in weather like that.though Im handling the heat better these last 2 years,cause I am better mentally,heat would kick in my anxiety disorder bigtime.where are you from again? forgive me.
sebastian said on 19/Jul/06
ive heard this was 5.6. my friend worked on the set of miami vice in the mansion scene and i asked what did colin farrel look like and he said that he was really short.
Glenn said on 18/Jul/06
Cool Chris,Im proud of you,and envy you a bit.chasing celebs is all I do.I had done work on filmsets years ago,and a little security,and photography.never had a real job.oh and record store jobs,which I sometimes do now actually.
Chris said on 17/Jul/06
Right now I´m a student, studying filmproduction. I have two more years, but during summer I work on movie set as a trainee. It is hard work but also fun. I´d like to work behind camera. If I make it in the movieindustry in Sweden I still would like to work abroad, but it so hard, but I will not give up. How about you? What do you do for a living besides meeting celebreties, which I think is very cool. A 100 degrees, that´s a lot!
Glenn said on 17/Jul/06
Its 100 degrees or more now.I hate summer.though,the ladies are nice! do you still act?
Chris said on 16/Jul/06
I´m fine, enjoying summer:)Is it hot in New York? The weather is very good in Sweden this summer and it is very nice see the girls wearing short:) All the best. /Chris
Glenn said on 14/Jul/06
Hey Chris,Im fine,you? I never met Foxx,but every that did,tells me he is around 5-9.5,which would explain my Colin guess at 5-11.5-10.5 isnt to far off.
MD said on 14/Jul/06
Jamie is not 5'9.5". Rob just hasn't taken him down, yet.
Anonymous said on 11/Jul/06
Actually, Jamie has admitted (according to someone that caught an interview of him) to being 5'8".
DudeX said on 8/Jul/06
Now that we know Jamie Foxx is 5-9, Colin looks as tall as him maybe a little shorter. Max 5-9 for Colin.
dmeyer said on 2/Jul/06
thanks frank2 because i think perry is no less than 6 feet so if he is slyghtly taller than you then is gotta be near 6 feet
SEBASTIAN said on 30/Jun/06
i know for a fact hes below 5.10. If you go to that wax museum in New York thats their real height.
YaoMing said on 27/Jun/06
collin's eyes are almost at the same level as glenns on the second picture but the hat gives him a much taller appearance
Nolifts81 said on 5/Jun/06
I don't know if Willis wears lifts or not(I think not) but he appears to be 6ft+(183cm) in public. I've seen him in person last years.I don't think that Colin is shorter than 5'10".P.S. that pic is not fair: Willis is in camera favour!
Glenn said on 4/Jun/06
I agree Willis looked shorter those days,but the smallest he can be is 5-11.looking 6ft,6-1 in public.

Editor Rob
Bruce does occasionally don
cowboy type boot, but not that big heels
dmeyer said on 4/Jun/06
hey rob 5'9.75" poushing 5'10 seems corect for colin but of course can look close to 6'0" with the right shoes on
Frank2 said on 3/Jun/06
I've seen Willis on several occasions and he's never, ever looked anywhere close to being 6'1". I had a friend who worked on Moonlighting as a driver and he swore Willis was only 5'10". Finally when I saw Willis in person I discovered my friend was close to being correct.
Nolifts81 said on 3/Jun/06
He is 4 inches+ taller than Pacino in the "Recruit" so he is a good 5'10"(178cm). P.S. Frank, Robert Downey Jr isn't 5'9" as you said; he is only 5'8".
Glenn said on 2/Jun/06
Cause Willis can look 6-1 in public.Im not saying he is 6-1.
Frank2 said on 2/Jun/06
Then explain why in every photo I've see except the one with you he looks under 5"10"? And when I saw him he didn't look just an inch shorter than me. No way. He looked exactly as short as he was next to Willis in that photo. I've heard of poor posture, but this is ridiculous!
Glenn said on 2/Jun/06
Relax Frank.Colin isnt 5-9 or under cant be right about.Ill buy Willis is 5-11.
Glenn said on 2/Jun/06
Are you kidding?what about photo on left?
0kuma said on 1/Jun/06
5'9" then, since he is a bit taller than Glenn
Frank2 said on 1/Jun/06
You haven't explained why Willis is that much taller. And I'm that much taller as well. Colin in not 5'10".
dmeyer said on 1/Jun/06
i those pics he barely looks taller than you but i gree he can look 5'11 with the right shoes
dmeyer said on 1/Jun/06
either glenn see people taller than they are or colin grew sice whe i met him he was about 2 inches shorter than me i dont think he is more than 5'10 if he was 5'11 we would have 0.5" inch diferance and the diferance was aleast 4 to 5 cm so 5'10
Frank2 said on 31/May/06
Explain this:
Click HereWhen I've stood next to Willis he's my height which is 5'11". And when I saw Colin he looked around 5'8" maybe 5'8.5". That's exactly what you see in this photo. And please, no BS about Willis being 6'1".
Willis and 5'11" President Bush:
Click HereAnd here:
Click Here
Glenn said on 31/May/06
Thank you Brad.I can buy that over 5-8.5.he looks 5-11 whenever I see him.
brad said on 31/May/06
i am 6"4" and regularly deliver him pizza.He is about 5"10"
tyra said on 30/May/06
give me a break. i saw him once when i was in LA. he's about 5ft8. look at those pics with glenn. they r almost the same height and colin ALWAYS wears cowboy style shoes (show me a photo where he doesnt). bye
Tuan said on 20/May/06
" doesn't look short either compared to 6' jonathan plummer"
You mean Christopher Plummer and he's not 6'
wasa said on 17/May/06
yeah i think he's a little over 5'10 , i'm guessing just under 179cm , 178.5 or something
DudeX said on 17/May/06
Go to
Click Here and search for image # 2046192. Colin looks 6 feet on this photo, but wait. If you check Samuel's and Colin's legs, you are going to notice that Colin's are 3 inches longer than Samuel's. It is so obvious that he wears lift, or VERY big boots.
dmeyer said on 16/May/06
i can buy anythyng fron 5'9.25 to 5'10.25 for collin
Bleemo said on 15/May/06
Hmm that right pic is very intriguing, it's obviously tilted to favour Colin and he's wearing a hat. It's a bit like a visual puzzle, tilt your head slightly to the right, imagine the line from the top of his head and he could be about the same height as Glenn. Heck look at the shoulders, Glenn's are higher.
Why does he look really vexed in these photos?
Leung said on 14/May/06
I saw the video clip in which he shows his talent with Nicole Narain, I watched very closely thinking to myself “how tall is this guy?”. It’s not really possible to judge his height in this movie because of the poor camera work however Colin Farrell does have a very thin body, at first I didn’t think that it was Colin because I didn’t believe that he was so thin but then when he head appears on camera I realised that it was definitely him. Not a tall guy but I still think around 5’10”
Glenn said on 14/May/06
Yes,he does look 5-9 in person 5-11.lifts? who knows.
Glenn said on 13/May/06
Thanks for backing my veiws wasa and susie.
Glenn said on 13/May/06
At airports,hotels,and the 2nd pic,at Tower Records west 4th Bwdy,NYC.usually,I bump into him.first pic was planned.he lives here now to film a movie.
wasa said on 13/May/06
he does look a solid 5'10-5'11 in the new world. his upper body doesn't look short and his shoulders are quite broad. doesn't look short either compared to 6' jonathan plummer or 6'4 david thewlis, but that could be optical illusion ofcourse. great performance in that movie btw. :)
Susie said on 12/May/06
Where did u meet him Glenn?? Id say he is 5'10"... thats what websites have recorded as well.
Glenn said on 9/May/06
I think he will be cool about it and laugh.
Glenn said on 9/May/06
Your still not seeing the left photo correctly.Im practicaly on my tip toes, and he, in flat shoes and long body is slouching.=5-11.and what amazes me is that no one notices how tall he looks next to LL cool and Samuel Jackson in that posted photo.look at how LL towers me in LL page.even if he wore lifts in those flat shoes,the least he can be is reality,he is probably 5-10.dont worry,Ill ask him.Im serious when I tell you I know the guy.

Editor Rob
ask farrell???, yes, please do try to sneak it in next time you bump into the irishman ;-)
sean said on 8/May/06
no kidding glenn, in both pics, colin had on a hat. i know it sounds silly, but is it possible that the hat, his good nature, made you look at him in a 'tall light'?
The vast majority of pictures seem to imply that Colin does wear lifts (pictures next to Val Kilmer seem to vary a lot), but generally, he seems average height or maybe a little short compared to most actors.
I have yet to see Collin look "tall" next to other male celebrities.
Frank2 said on 8/May/06
Where? In the Fun House? No. I didn't stand next to him where I could look into a full-length mirror. But he was standing next to my assistant who's 5'10" and was no more than an inch taller. Stone has one of the absolute worst hair transplant jobs I've seen on the head of any celeb. He must have had it done early on when the procedure was in its infancy. There is no way way that Stone is 6'1". In fact, very few people are that tall.
Glenn said on 7/May/06
Your right Stiffelio.
Stiffelio said on 7/May/06
Frank2: did you actually stand next to Stone in front of a mirror? That's the only way to tell relative heights with another person. Even at very close range you may be tricked by the illusion of watching somebody eye-to-eye. It's a question of space geometry: just a minimal fraction of an angle from your eye could mean 1 inch difference at a distance of one foot away from you. It's happened to me many times. I'd think I'm the same height as another person but with a more accurate perpective (e.g. in front of an elevator mirror, a reflection on a glass window)this person is actually taller than me. So observations of the kind "we were about the same height" must be taken very suspiciously.
Rob, please post this comment also in Genaral Height.

Editor Rob
speaking of Stone,
she had heels, not big beside guttenberg in that police academy in one scene and was maybe near 2 inch shorter...actually gutenberg when in uniform earlier in film looked noticeably taller than her in an earlier scene...
Frank2 said on 6/May/06
The last time I saw and talked to Stone was back sometime in the 1990's. He was at Fox at the time and I cornered him in the studio restaurant. He was no taller than me. So these claims of him being 6'1" are nonsense. In fact that same day director Jim Cameron was there and he's tall! A lot taller than Oliver, that's for sure. Cameron is at least 6'2".

Editor Rob
someone said Stone was near 6ft 5...well, they mentioned it on this site ;-)
MOF said on 5/May/06
Frank, how tall was Oliver Stone, since you met him...
kevin said on 4/May/06
look what i found by searching with google.

Editor Rob
shhhh...yes, hence why both eyebrows got raised ;-) But you play with a rat for a little before squashing it...
J. said on 4/May/06
Frank2, please do tell, what were your experiences like on In Living Color? And heights of certain stars of the show???