Brad said on 5/Sep/08
I'm still howling over 5' 11" for Colin from the height expert. He'd be 6' 1.5" in everything. Can you imagine him in cowboy boots with a wedge? File under Nas/Willis/Sly then shred.
Manimal said on 30/Aug/08
His wax work model is quite short and Cruises makes him look 5ft9!
Lmeister said on 25/Aug/08
Farrell never ever looks taller than 5ft10-5ft11 in movies. I think he is 5ft9 and a bit in the morning without shoes. Ewan McGregor was listed 5ft8.5-5ft9 before he hit Hollywood. Just take a look at legit 5ft10 like Thomas Jane and Doug Savant these guys can easily look 6ft on screen.
Brad said on 23/Aug/08
Customs are expensive footwear actors worth tens of millions have specially built to increase height. 2.5" is the norm, but Stallone has 3.5' and up. If you think Farrell does movies at 6' 1.5" that's crazy. Frank2 says 5' 9" in person. Glenn says 5' 11" in person.
leonari said on 23/Aug/08
Brad: what so you mean by customs? Lifts? Boots? Regular Dress shows have 1.25 inch heel. A huge majority
Frank2 said on 22/Aug/08
I don't know. I'm still laughing.
Brad said on 21/Aug/08
Glenn said 5' 11" and in zero lift indian shoes. That makes him 6' 1.5" in customs. The laughter is all over.
Frank2 said on 6/Aug/08
Why bother? Many simply believe what they wish to believe.
If Pit wears lifts it's to make himself appear taller than some of the near 6' leading ladies out there and believe me, there are a lot of them.
dural said on 5/Aug/08
Pitt wears lifts constantly and the difference between 5'10" and 5'11" isn't big.
Leung said on 4/Aug/08
Frank2, you should also tell about your Brad Pitt encounter on the Pitt page because there are fools trying to claim 5
Frank2 said on 3/Aug/08
I've seen Pitt up close and he looked to be my height or 5'11". Farrell is about 5'9", no more. I've seen him in person and Val Kilmer is also my height.
dural said on 2/Aug/08
Complex. I know he upgraded many celebritys, but thought Brad Pitt was closer to 5'10" who's listed 5'11" here. 5'8" for Farrell would make Cruise closer to 5'6" and Ewan McGregor also 5'8". I always thought Colin is 5'10" but he is probably closer to 5'9".
HeightDetective said on 1/Aug/08
I have the proof that confirms that colin is nowhere near 5.11 , go to ,and put this number on the search bar 51758988,and this one 51758981 and this 51758966 there you got val kilmer with Angelina Jolie ,and colin farrell sitting doing an interview , you can cleary see their footwear ,val is wearing flat shoes and colin is wearing enormous boots , the funny thing is in the next photo number:51759366 they are standing side by side ( kilmer and colin farrell) and colin is still shorter than kilmer. Or kilmer is 6.2 or colin is not 5.11. ,i dont put the link to the photos since is a flash site and doesnt allow me to copy the link to the images go to the site and look for yourself , now that glenn is gone we can start downgrading colin to a more realistic height ,wich IMO is between 5.9 and 5.10 ,from that we can discuss wheter is right or not.
Frank2 said on 1/Aug/08
Well, I don't claim to be an expert, but when I saw him he looked no more than 5'9". And he might have been wearing height increasing shows.
Complex said on 31/Jul/08
Glenn...The height expert, LOL-ROFL! Glenn saw every celebrity higher than they were, he saw them higher than they even claimed themselves! Want an explanation, Glenn is no where near 5'8, more like 5'6-5'7 max, to make up for the few inches he claimed, he upgrades literally every celebrity, honestly, someone find one celebrity that Glenn said was the same height or shorter than listed on here, there isn't, one, he pegged them all way higher, lol! Cracks me up! Glenn would prolly think i'm 6'4 :) hahaha!
Brad said on 31/Jul/08
Glenn saw 5' 11". The height expert.
Complex said on 31/Jul/08
5'8 for Farrell, 5'9 max, probably counts his hair as part of his height, never looks over 5'9!
dural said on 23/Jul/08
and wax figures aren't reliable.
dural said on 23/Jul/08
Colin Farrell looks about 2in taller than Tom Cruise in Minority Report and Cruise wears elevator shoes.
locosucio said on 22/Jul/08
colin farrel is not 5'10"! In the movie Minority Report in which he starred along with Tom Cruise he looks to be clearly shorter than Tom. We all know that Tom Cruise is no where near 5'10"
ryanm said on 16/Jul/08
i met his wax figure and it was 5'7 or 5'8. i think they are built to proportion but some celebrities can ask to be built a few inches taller.
Anyonymous said on 11/Jul/08
I think because glenn was lying about his real height , he mantained his posture of colin being 5.11 .he cleary wasnt. he wears cowboy boots amlmost all the time.if you are a true 5.11 you dont wear cowboy boots with bigh heels that often.and because coling looked taller than glenn and glenn wasnt 5.8 he said that colin was 5.11 to match up with his 5.8 fantasy listing.
c-note said on 3/Jul/08
my height is like 5ft10 inshes tall maybe i dont know can be taller.
c-note said on 3/Jul/08
lets get this over whit colin is a solid 5ft11 tall.
glenn said on 24/Jun/08
i guess your blind.on the right pic im wearing boots,and its the angle.on the left,theres the real colin and me.i see 5-11.and in the flesh too.he is leaning in and bending.i have a stick up my ass.
ACG said on 23/Jun/08
ed: yes he pushes 5'11 with a good set of shoes. if by that you mean moccasins with zero heel whatsoever!! if you read previous posts by glenn, colin looked(and was) 5'11 in footwear that gave him no help at all. he might as well have been barefoot. and it's been established ad nauseam that he can LOOK 5'9 on screen. but that doesn't mean he is.....
ed said on 23/Jun/08
always looked like a 5-9 guy in his films...put a good set of shoes on him and he pushes 5-11.
glenn said on 18/Jun/08
i guess im 5-4.
paige said on 18/Jun/08
bgf saw him in nyc recently..she said he was riny...but very handsome...more like 5ft 7
Brah said on 31/May/08
In the movie "Intermission", he looks 1 inch shorter than Colm Meaney, who Rob lists at 5'11".
glenn said on 29/Apr/08
yes.alot of that going around.
glenn said on 29/Apr/08
i thought the guy was 5-9 myself.and was rudely awakened.
glenn said on 27/Apr/08
true james.
glenn said on 26/Apr/08
thanks for backing me mk.the proof was there all along and pic on top left.on the right im wearing boots.
MK said on 25/Apr/08
Yep, iv'e passed him many times on the street and 5'11'' seems right, could even pass for 6'0'' when in boots.
glenn said on 25/Apr/08
he was blind.thick glasses might distort images a bit.
Daniel said on 24/Apr/08
It seems Frank2 likes to downgrade everybody, don't you think?
glenn said on 23/Apr/08
for awhile here,the majority felt 5-9 for,in the last few months,people are finally coming around to what i was saying all the least the 5-9 is out the its debating 5-10 or 5-11.frank2 said a ridiculous 5-8.5.
ACG said on 23/Apr/08
in the zach braff pic, it looks as though his knees are bent, even though they are not visible. and zach is kinda pushing him down wish his arm around the shoulder.
Anonymous said on 12/Apr/08
Farrell with 6' Zach Braff and 5'11 Donald Faison:
Click HereLooks closer to 5'10 to me there, though I've never met the man.
mr.Taurus said on 5/Apr/08
Yeah, met Colin last year, we talked about 10 minutes and I was little bit taller then him, I'm 5ft11 with my footwear and he had tennis shoes so I think he is 5ft9,5.
glenn said on 2/Apr/08
did he? he was correct on alot too.but too many wrongs.
Viper said on 1/Apr/08
Well Frank also overestiamted some as well.
glenn said on 1/Apr/08
im glad people are coming around to what i was saying all along.his boots usually have small heels.frank2 said he was 5-8.
bam said on 31/Mar/08
he is 5'10.5. He looked half an inch shorter tops in the scrubs clip next to faison. A full 5'11 in the morning is possible. His body is too long to be just 5'10.
leonari said on 31/Mar/08
He was a guest star on scrubs...Was as tall or taler than Zac braff...Ok he was wearing Cowboy Boots but still. The man is 5'11" or 5'10.5" minimum.
joe45 said on 31/Mar/08
he is 5'9.5 at the absolute minimum i think and 5'11 at the max
glenn said on 30/Mar/08
you tell them hugh.only people who see him dont talk bull.
Hugh said on 28/Mar/08
About 5ft11. Met him Dublin a few months ago. 179cm maybe.
glenn said on 27/Mar/08
glad you agree gton and james.anonymous-people here swear he is 5-9.and even 5-8.
Anoymous said on 15/Mar/08
In the movie he did with Al Pacino , where he plays a FBI agent ,at one part he is being chased by a police officer ,and the officer says his description to the headquarters and he says " a 5-10 male" , and then when he is exiting the scene they say again his description throught the speakers " a 5-10 male" .
Why they are gonna put him down when he is 5.11 ?
gton said on 4/Mar/08
Omg glenn your the man,,,,, glenn says on 28/Feb/08
colin is 5-11.look at top left pic. Me and my brother were discusing this b4 u posted that comment and my bro said hes 5-11 ish also and i agree with that glad you posted that comment and im glad we agree on Sly as well hope his height gets changed lol
chris175 said on 1/Mar/08
i know its not really the best for height judgment but he did look 5-11 when he was on scrubs next to donald faison and zach braff (whom i believe are both 6-0). but then again some people would say that donald is on 5-10?? and zach is 5-11?? check out this link from youtube: at 17 seconds and 22 seconds hes standing next to donald and i think donald is half an inch taller
Click Here
dmeyer said on 28/Feb/08
then if you sleep day then you might be 5'7.5 in picture or if you take a pic 1 hour after you got up 5'7.75
dmeyer said on 28/Feb/08
2 cm loss during the say is very average ,rob mentioned 1.5 to 3 cm is normal under 1.5 cm would be for a 4 ft men and over 1.25 in would be a lot ,on a very good day i am 6 ft out of bed and 5 ft 11 at night so that is a full in loss also i paid atention every time i seat on a coush to watch a movie even in regular seating position i gain 0.5 to 1 cm so i am oftenly 181 at night for a lidl wile
glenn said on 28/Feb/08
colin is 5-11.look at top left pic.
chris175 said on 28/Feb/08
gsp i am the exact same
Marcelo C. said on 28/Feb/08
Glenn: When C.F. came to Argentina, he went out for dinner invited by former world soccer star Diego Maradona (C.F. loves soccer, and his father used to be an Irish National Team player). They were photographed being both on the pave, outside the restaurant, apparently with similar heels (dress shoes for both). Considering Maradona is 5
GSP said on 27/Feb/08
I lose .05-1 full inch at 5'9.5 morning height.
Leung said on 27/Feb/08
Dmeyer, you said between morning and evening you lose 0.75
glenn said on 27/Feb/08
i sleep days dmeyer.
dmeyer said on 26/Feb/08
i respect glenn he is a good estimate that i estimate celebritys from my evening height of 5'11 and he estimates from his morning of 5 ft 8 but to me he is a 5 ft 7.25 guy wish is 0.75 in under 5 ft 8 ,if i judge celebs from my 5 ft 11.75 height then everybody on this site will be 0.5 to 0.75 in taller ,also rob estimates from his 5 ft 8 evenng height so if he see colin at 5 ft 11 than means 5 ft 10.25 ,willis at 6 ft 1 that means 6'0.25 ,i guess you guy get my point
Leung said on 21/Feb/08
the truth, you are full of it. Some people just prefer to avoid the talk show/interview stuff. If Jack Nicholson was so concerned about his height then he would not have co-starred with a tall guy like Morgan Freeman in Bucket List.
the truth said on 20/Feb/08
do your research...his height constantly changes...when he wasn't a big movie star he barely looked 5'8''. Don't fall for the celebrity hype!!!
It's all an illusion. Jack Nicholson never appears on talk shows -- he wants to always be thought of as being larger than life -- more $$$.
the shredder said on 14/Feb/08
Did Colin Farrell ever claim 5'10 ? ... If not then I can buy 5'10.5 !
snakevega said on 13/Feb/08
I met Collin Farrel at Bruges when they wer making the movie: in Bruges.
I'm 173cm, i was right next to him. I think he's about 179cm. He was wearing shoes with heels.
glenn said on 4/Feb/08
colin looking close to if not 5-11 in those pics.
Anonymous said on 2/Feb/08
He looked just as tall as Tom Cruise in Minority Report. But I think Tom Cruise was wearing lifts or rather high heels.
glenn said on 26/Dec/07
yup.i had 2 friends just like that.swore 5-7,yet they were an inch taller than me!
dmeyer said on 25/Dec/07
i agree with glenn since a friend of mine is 5'9 and claims 5'7
glenn said on 25/Dec/07
thats what i was hoping to ask.but he is gone now im sure.i think.even if he told me 5-10 id still wouldnt believe it.some people dont know there height.
Jendrix said on 25/Dec/07
See this..
Click HereBeckham(the guy next to colin) is 180cm...
5'9 said on 24/Dec/07
Glenn ask him his height if you get a chance.
glenn said on 19/Dec/07
colin is in now.almost went to meet him.too busy.maybe today.
dmeyer said on 17/Dec/07
2 years ago you had farell at 5'9.5 ,wath happened
Anonoymous said on 16/Dec/07
"I bet my life he is at least 5-10.25"
We are talking morning height here I assume?
Also he is listed at 5' think his publicists downgraded him?
glenn said on 12/Dec/07
kevin spacey is also 5-11.ask d-ray who also met him.i use to feel spacey was 5-10.but lately he has been looking close to 5-11 on the street.not a chance is he 5-9.spaceys posture is one of the worse in hollywood.
glenn said on 12/Dec/07
im glad you took a second look at him.he can be an enigma and look shorter.thanks leonari.
Viper said on 12/Dec/07
Colin has longish looking legs and arms.
leonari said on 11/Dec/07
I agree Glenn. My mistake. Just recently I saw a movie with him running on the beach , I think it was SWAT. He looked tall. Long arms, long legs. I was surprised. 5'11" for me is the mark where you start to "look" tall even if real tall people are in the 6 feet department.
Paul said on 11/Dec/07
i recently watched ordinary decent criminal and he seems to be the same height as kevin spacey in these scenes:
Click HereClick HereClick HereNow it depends on Spacey's height. I'd say 5'9".
glenn said on 11/Dec/07
i dont agree leonari.i saw this man in basically slippers(moccasins in reality),with his ankles exposed,no room for lifts and nothing fishy.he was 5-11.thats not 5-10 on the top surprised at you.he can look almost 6ft if he stretched out there on top,considering my too straight posture almost on the verge on tip toes.viper here agrees with that photo.
leonari said on 10/Dec/07
Collin appears 5'11" because of his nice built and good proportions and the fact that he likes Cowboyboots. But he is totally average and Rob has him 100 % perfect at 5'10". 178 cm on the dot.
glenn said on 10/Dec/07
i thought colin was 5-9 until i met him.
dmeyer said on 10/Dec/07
at fist i thaught colin was 5'8 ,since he apeared 1 in on cruise in minority rport then ,i realise cruise can apear 5'9 ,since i saw it ,and also i have seen behin the scene of that very same movie and cruise seemed 1.5 in taller than spoelberg ,so colin 1 in taller thats 5'10 ,i met farrell before i met cruise ,and i was shocked i thaught colin would be 5'8 ,but colin was 5'9.5 wish means very average ,my 5'7 friens was here and me at 5'11 he was slighly closer to my heigt than to my friend height so almost 5'10 he could be a full 5'10 but no more ,i mean i use to think he was 5'10.5 to 5'11 but i thaught i was 6'1 at the time so that means 5'9 ,but after looking at pics ,and also the fact that i met him i think he is 5'9.5 to 5'10 ,maybe his postue wasnt good ,but i totaly believe glenn he can apear 5'11
sue said on 28/Nov/07
hummmm... Colin is a tricky one!!! but all those people that keep denying the fact that Glenn has met him numerous amounts of times and swears up and down that he's in the flattest moccasins on the left pic then as much as I want to believe like the rest of you that Colin is 5'9 or so it's prob cause he doesn't care to "stretch" out like brad and others so he slouches alot and prob really doesn't care much if he looks tall so props for colin for not giving a you know what :o) he's at the very least 5'10 but if he stretches to his full hight then he's prob closer to 5'11.
glenn said on 23/Nov/07
im wearing heels on the right.bumped into him there.
Raion said on 22/Nov/07
He's 5'9" - 5'10" On the right pic he's about the same height as Glen and on the other one he looks 2-3inches taller than Glen but I judge his height based on the right one, the one on which he's about the same height as Glen why? Because if he's taller on one pic it's because he's wearing something that makes him look taller, it's pure he's 5'9" - 5'10" for sure.
Jewfro said on 15/Nov/07
Hey Editor Rob, I was wondering how u decide on the heights. Are you going for morning height, evening height or a combined height that they'd be at most of the day??
glenn said on 3/Nov/07
not kidding you bet you all ive got that im right.almost always right over you.
dmeyer said on 2/Nov/07
you gotta be kidding glenn ewan is no more than 5'9.5 farrell looks roughly 0.5 in taller but colin has bigger shoes and pavemant advantage so colin is max 5'10 ans likely slightly under the mark
Bad Radio said on 31/Oct/07
looks 5'9ish
glenn said on 29/Oct/07
ewan mcrgegor claims 5-10.5 and can very well be.5-9.5 is with a slouch.those pics prove colin is 5-11 and can look 6ft in that one pic.
Kian Nugent said on 29/Oct/07
i was sitting down and looking str8 on they were same height definitley,i work in a hospital i measure people daily for 1 thing or anotha and my judgement is fairly good but neway no sleepless nites lads im sure we can all agree on 1 thing the chap is a ****e actor
dural said on 28/Oct/07
he always gave me the 5'10 impression compared to other actors. maybe glenn is right and colin is 5'11. If he is in mocccasins on the left pic he definitely looks it.
If Ewan McGregor is 5'9.5 it's hard to belive Colin is under 5'10
Click HereClick HereClick Here
glenn said on 28/Oct/07
i do have an attitude problem.for starts on this site everyone has established here tall men arnt good at good at judging height.maybe not as bad as women though.look at my pic on the 5-8.he is in moccasins.there is no way he is below 5-10 and im saying gets frustrating.
Kian Nugent said on 28/Oct/07
Well its lucky im not selling the story then isnt it!7ft?yeah if im in highheels get a grip,im just giving some info that i have on him,looking thru ur posts here seems uve an attitude problem.
glenn said on 28/Oct/07 gonna buy a story from someone who is 7ft tall.
Kian Nugent said on 27/Oct/07
I'm from Dublin,saw colin two days ago in a shopping centre with his gf muireann,he's 5'8 id say,i'm 6'9 but my gf is 5'9 and i couldn't c a difference when she stood beside him,and she had on sandles and he had boots on
glenn said on 27/Oct/07
dumbforsure-if i take a barefoot shot with him or if he is in his moccasins in a fullbody shot,thatll go fuk off.
smartforsure said on 26/Oct/07
glenn, how the hell r u gonna prove it? showing us a photo with you, on the street, when nobody knows what actually is IN his shoes or what kind of elevator boots he has on? cmon you'll never know for sure, BTW if he's 511 then war in iraq ain't about oil
rills said on 26/Oct/07
In the french version of the the recruit, there's a scene, where you hear a police-description of farrell being a suspect at that point of the movie. And the voice says that the suspect is "un metre soixante-quinze" which is 175cm, but in the german version they say "knapp 1 Meter 80", which means barely 180cm. Why should they make him shorter in the movie than he really is?
glenn said on 26/Oct/07
it does give that illusion.
Viper said on 25/Oct/07
It almost looks like he could hit 6-0 If he stood fully straight.
glenn said on 24/Oct/07
people are blind and in denial.just missed colin too.checked out.almost bumped into him today.
dmeyer said on 23/Oct/07
i gotta say he realy didnt look over 5'9.5 in person maybe posture
Lisalou said on 23/Oct/07
Just saw him tonight at Young Frankenstein in NYC. Was hunched over, walking in, but i'd say not even close to 5'9". Maybe 5'8",
Lmeister said on 17/Oct/07
Guys who are around 5'10'' can give the short impression. With loose posture you can look 2'' inches shorter. I know it from my own exprience I'm 5'8'', but with my normal posture I'm around 5'6'' when I stand straight I'm bang on the 5'8'' mark...
timber said on 16/Oct/07
"Martin, Dublin" has posted twice now that he has seen Colin in person and that he is 5-8...interesting.
5'10Paul said on 15/Oct/07
Colin is 5'10 i have a 5'8 friend that comes up to the exact spot on my forehead as glen does on colin
glenn said on 8/Oct/07
i said 300 times he had flat moccasins on.he is 5-11.i know plenty of 5-11 guys that look 5-9.
dar said on 6/Oct/07
how tall do you think this guy is barefoot
jason said on 22/Sep/07
ok...everything about 5 ft 8 inches and 5 ft 9 is redicilos. this guy is hard to estimate bacause he ALWAYS wears boots or shues with heel, but hes body structure and next to other celebs makes him loock in the 177-178 cm range, hes not taller. and even in glenns pics he doesent loock more then tops 5 ft 10 inches even tho glenn said he was standing as straight as i he had a pole up his ass , but i can bet my life collin was wearing some kind of heel or boots wich gave him an advantage anyway , next to david beckham (182 cm) he locks 4 cm shorter, next to 170 ellen degeneres he locked about 6 ft 1, but he was wearing almost girl-like shues with a 6-7 cm heel and she hade converse on, the clip is on youtube "ellen kissing colin farrell". so around 178 cm, and he locks about 1-2 cm taler then 177 cm ewan mc gregor, but again collins shues have more heel,he also locked only max 2 cm taller then jared leto (175 cm) in alexander, also didnt lock as tall as 180 cm next to al pacino in the recruit but he might have wored suspect shues, maby colin to who knowns so.. sry glenn i dont think he´s 180 cm i just dont se him as being that tall no way ....
The class act. said on 18/Sep/07
5-10 is as far as I would go. And as low as I would go.
glenn said on 18/Sep/07
once again look at my pic on left.he is 5-11.
Bad Radio said on 17/Sep/07
i say 5'9. In the recruit he looked way shorter than Bridget moynahan.
Anonymous said on 13/Sep/07
I've just seen a pic from the Venetian film festival where Colin and Ewan are standing next to eachother and Colin looks an inch taller. Ewan is supposedly 179 cm, which means Colin most likely is 5'11.
Bombay Rocker said on 7/Sep/07
177 - 178, no taller.
marlon said on 7/Sep/07
He looked about 3-4 inches taller than pacino in the recruit. I say he is 5feet 9 and a half.
glenn said on 7/Sep/07
jason2-ask rob that.its his site.thanks.
Jason2 said on 7/Sep/07
Hey glen Why did you start this site anyways? Have ever tried any growing taller methods that worked?
lance said on 6/Sep/07
in the film The Recruit, Colin Farrell is no more than 3inc taller than Al Pacino
Anonymous said on 30/Aug/07
He could be between 5'8 and 5'10 depending on the shoes he was wearing in those pictures.
Ace said on 27/Aug/07
Omg lol. At this point, 5'11" is just as rediculous as the 5'8" and under claims. He's not 5'11. However, i am positive hes not 5'8", and i even doubt hes 5'9". I think he's closest to 5'10 if anything, and at the very least, 5'9" and tons of change.
stewy said on 16/Aug/07
I saw the 3-inch height difference. Had I not seen it, I'd still be saying he was 5'9".
glenn said on 14/Aug/07
thank you stewey.people here can be blind.
stewy said on 14/Aug/07
I used to think Farrell was 5'9", that is until I saw the photo of Glenn
on the left standing by him. Now I say Farrell is an undoubted 5'11". Maybe
even 5'11 1/2".
dmeyer said on 30/Jul/07
in minrity he looks 1 in taller than cruise who was 5'9 in that movie since you can see cruise looks 1.5 in over steven in the making of
jimmy said on 30/Jul/07
check dis out 2;
Click Here
Richard said on 29/Jul/07
If you have seen Minority report he looks the same height as Tom Cruise, which means he's not that tall
Mattiew said on 26/Jul/07
How can Farrell be listed @ 5'10/5'11 while he appears clearly smaller than Bridget Moynahan in the recruit and you have her at 5'9"3/4
Doesn't make sense especially considering Bridget's flat soils and Farrell's suspicious footwear .
My guess is Moynahan around 1 to 1.5 inch taller than him barefoot (she might be around 5'10.5)
glenn said on 19/Jul/07
exactly chris.thank you.
Chris said on 18/Jul/07
If you´ve seen "A Home at the End of the World" (2004), Colin Farrell and co-star 5'10½''Dallas Roberts look about the same height.
Martin,Dublin said on 9/Jul/07
FFS I saw him loads of times in bars in Dublin, he is 5.8 5.9 in boots I have seen them and his boots are ****ing massice heeled ones
Aaron said on 5/Jul/07
Rob, your comment about the foursome with the girls from charmed is hilarious. I laughed out loud when I read that. Alyssa is my fav.
bobidol said on 27/Jun/07
tom cruise is half an head shorter than holmes because holmes wears high heels and
colin farrell also wears lifts in the picture of somebody
robotix said on 28/May/07
For those who like to make movie height comparisons, I think a good one is S.W.A.T. with colin farell (5-10?), Sam Jackson (6-2?) and LL Cool J (6-1?)
Stiffelio said on 23/May/07
Hey Rob, I actually said something along those lines. I haven't changed height since my youth. I was measured at 174cm at the military service med exams when I was 18 and now at 51 I'm still 174cm (5'8.5") for most of the day. There's the possibility I wasn't measured accurately at that time (and I didn't check as I wasn't a height nut then!)and I might have actually been taller. On the other hand my intra-day height fluctuation is also very small. I took samples last year over a month and what I got is the following: my average height right out of bed was 174.9cm; my early afternoon height was 174cm; and my height just before going to bed was 173.8cm. So there you are, I do have an 11mm (less than 1/2 an inch) height fluctiation but this is substantially lower than what has been mentioned here.
You may want to post this in the General height page.

Editor Rob
the dropoff sounds right from afternoon to night, the vast majority by 5pm is gone and I would expect in adults the pattern wouldn't be that much different. The question is the variation in out of bed to lowest point, why some people lose more than others. Maybe their spine is better equipped to retain, I don't know, but maybe exercise regime could help.
glenn said on 22/May/07
is it possible certain people dont shrink at all?

Editor Rob
nah, about as unlikely as having a foursome with the girls from charmed.
glenn said on 21/May/07
im 5-8 in barefeet when i wake and like most people,shrink over the course of the day.

Editor Rob
there used to be one guy who insisted he didn't shrink 1mm. I want whatever substance his spine had!
SCW said on 21/May/07
glenn you say you are 5'8" tall is that with boots on or bare foot??? you tend to look shorter in photos. maybe because your heavy set?? I think bare foot heights would be most accurate since you can still wear insoles inside boots.
Maelle Royal said on 11/May/07
I´ve just been an extra in his new film In Bruges, and I was standing right next to him and he is about 5ft. 10!! And INCREDIBLY hot!!!! hehe...
glenn said on 1/May/07
colin appears taller to me than leto.
BCool said on 30/Apr/07
Glenn, something doesn't add up here. Colin's a couple inches taller than you, yet you and Jared Leto are about the same... and so are Colin and Jared Leto.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Somebody's wearing lifts here...
glenn said on 19/Apr/07
how dare you steh.just kidding.
dmeyer said on 18/Apr/07
in one of the pics you were 2..25 in heels and the other one 1.75 in those are huge heels then he is defenetly 5'10+ weird because he seemed 1 in plus shorter than me we both had 3 cm heels if he was 5'11 he would have been the same as me
glenn said on 18/Apr/07
i wasnt refering to you.its been ongoing.
Steph said on 18/Apr/07
Met him myself and I'm 6'
Now please don't bite my head off Glenn, but I would've said 5'9.5 (possibly 5'10) but 5'11 seemed like a tiny bit of an exaggeration... Just my opinion though.

Editor Rob
your head wouldn't get bitten off. People can and should estimate if they've met, they might be right or wrong, photos might disprove certain estimates as being incorrect, like dmx being 5ft 7-8 etc
Sam said on 18/Apr/07
I'm not blind. When you're questioned, you hurl insults. How about being a little nicer?
glenn said on 18/Apr/07
exactly isabella.thank you.why are people so blind and constantly ignore i saw him at 5-11 in flat moccasin shoes.
isabella said on 16/Apr/07
in the picture on the left, colin is clearly bending over slightly to pose with glenn, can't tell really in the one to the right, but i think glenn's estimate is very accurate.
Sam said on 16/Apr/07
Looking at the photos of Colin with Glenn I only see about an inch difference. Both are angled making Colin look taller.
moi said on 15/Apr/07
I saw in miami vice that he's 5'8, during his identity changing, to work in the mob. you can see a report, where it's written 5'8.

Editor Rob
They once put down Paul Blackthornes (6ft 4ish) height in 24 as something crazy like 5ft 10 on a screen
UK said on 10/Apr/07
Glenn ...I have to say that in these pictures he does not look taller than 5'9...if anything you look the same height. Was his posture so bad as to make him look so short??
glenn said on 8/Apr/07
yes, i think so brad.stop denying my proof photos and talking s***.i have real proof.nobody else does.everyone else has dvd stills or event photos.thats fine to a point,but nothing beats my pic on the left.katie is 5-9.
Viper said on 8/Apr/07
Katie Holmes is 5-8 at best, and Colin looks 5-9 1/2 there with a slouch.
Brad said on 7/Apr/07
5' 11" in moccasins means 6' 1" minimum with Katie Holmes in that, I don't think so.
anonymousxx said on 7/Apr/07
how can he 'barely' appear 5'9 when there are picsw with glenn? he looks 5''10 or so but i would put him at 5''10.5 - 5''11
Alireza said on 7/Apr/07
this pic that somebody showed again proves that he is atleast 5'10.because katie holmes is 175cm and as u see we cant see her footwear and colin is still taller than her.I think 180cm is more possible.
glenn said on 7/Apr/07
yes,he can look 5-9 in movies.
Sam said on 6/Apr/07
No, I'm just going by how he appears on screen and he doesn't look that tall. Not to me.
somebody said on 6/Apr/07
here he is with katie holmes and he is even
glenn said on 6/Apr/07
you met him in the flesh with his moccasins on like i did? 5-10 minimum.5-11 a great possiblity.
Sam said on 5/Apr/07
He looks barely five feet nine to me.
Alireza said on 5/Apr/07
my friend met angelina jolie and he firmly believes that she was at least 5'7.ok so according to the pics that "brah" showed.we can understand that he is at least 5'10.thanks brah;)
radio_man said on 4/Apr/07
A friend of mine met him and told me tha he was short, dirty and not attractive as many people think, she's 5'10 and she saiad he'0s like 2 inches shorter than me!, she's a model and 5'10 its her official height, she wasn't wearing heals, so my ponit is, she's not a fan and don't care about farrell so why would she lie??..he could be shorter than we all expect
Leung said on 1/Apr/07
I don’t think that Colin Farrell is anything less than 5’10”. Even though he sometimes likes to wear serious man-heels I think it’s his style of fashion rather than trying to look taller.
glenn said on 1/Apr/07
cause someone wears heels it means their short? thats absurd.sometimes brad surprises me.kiss, after the makeup always wore ridiculous heels when i saw them,and they are 6-1,6-2. he had moccasins on in my photo on the left for the millionth trillionth time.he is 5-11.wait till i see him again.horrible posture can make for lows of 5-9.
anonymousxx said on 1/Apr/07
it still doesnt mean he's under 5'10, 5'10 isnt tall anyway, im 5'10 and i see loads of people taller than me, its just average.
as a hollywood star theure going to make him seem more than average, but it doesnt mean he's under his listed height.
Brad said on 1/Apr/07
Those heels look like 4" building blocks on his soles. How can anybody make a height guess when he wears that stuff? If he wears Jessica Simpson Texas boots, god knows what Universal had him in on screen in stealth expensive footwear.
Sam said on 29/Mar/07
Pete2 is right. Those heels are higher than what some women wear. If Colin is as tall as Glenn claims then why wear such massive heels?
Leung said on 28/Mar/07
Those man-heels are massive! Farrell must be about 6’1” wearing those beasts.
Brad said on 28/Mar/07
Pete2 with a great photo of massive heel. He'd be over 6' easy in those things.
Viper said on 23/Mar/07
Glenn's picture on the left makes a pretty strong case for Colin to be 5-10 or 5-11. Hes looking 5-10 bare minimum and hes slouching no less.
glenn said on 22/Mar/07
dmeyer,im closed.
glenn said on 22/Mar/07
he doesnt wear big heels when i saw him once a month for 6 months,last year,not to mention times from 3 years ago.stop being a pain in the ass will you.i dont want to pop off on you.
dmeyer said on 21/Mar/07
glenn i just looked at user height and you say you are 171.5 before bed so you can call yoursel 172 no problem since that is before bed so most of the day you are 172and very close to it before bed so i guess you are a 5'7.75 guy
dmeyer said on 21/Mar/07
hey glenn how tall are you at late after noon if you are 5'8 out of bed you must be no taller than 5'7.5 on late afternoon or before bed exept if you are over 5'8 in the morning because i am about 5'11 even beffore bed
Pete2 said on 21/Mar/07
glenn says on 20/Mar/07
"except he doesnt wear big heels and has no need for lifts."
Okay, these heels aren`t big. They`re huge:
Click Here
glenn said on 21/Mar/07
pete- what are you talking about? you cant fit lifts and moccasins and he lived here so i saw him once a week.i can tell what a 5-9 and 5-11 guy looks like.lifts or not.
Pete said on 21/Mar/07
glenn, take in2 account that u may be describing yourself. This is a fun place and not a PhD thesis. If Lifts are majorly used by celebs or not is something u would have to come up with after a research with over 3000 celebes, their age, the frecuency they wear them etc. asking celebs if they wear lifts would be a stupid question cuz u dont know the exact amount would lie
glenn said on 20/Mar/07
i dont like when people are so sure of can disagree,just admit maybe you could be wrong.i mean anyone in general.i dont like when one lowers my height to match what they think is right to the celebs.
Gonzalo said on 20/Mar/07
I thought he was around 5`9 until I saw him next to Stone and Kilmer and I realised he could actually be taller.
Glenn, sometimes you hate when people disagree with you. You should take it easy. If you know you are right, why fight off? Don`t mean to offend you. You have always been nice to me. Take care.
glenn said on 20/Mar/07
except he doesnt wear big heels and has no need for lifts.lifts is a very dangerous word used very loosely on this site.most celebs actually dont use them.the bigger,older names are more likely too.lifts is a cheap excuse.
MD said on 19/Mar/07
If he were 5'11", he's routinely be able to come off as a 6'0.5"/6'1" dude with the right heels and lifts, and he just rarely ever does.
D. Ray Morton said on 19/Mar/07
" Hey, don't forget I saw the Ultimate Warrior at my gym. "
At your gym?? That is awesome. I hope you didn't call him Dingo, though.
glenn said on 19/Mar/07
alot of people here was saying idiot said 5-8 and fought with me on it till he was kicked off the site.
anonymousxx said on 19/Mar/07
i personally see 5'10.5, or 5'11 in the morning if you like. he slouches, and in the first pic with gleen you can see how he could easily be 3 inches taller.
he doesnt look tall, granted, but doesnt look under 5'10 either.
glenn said on 18/Mar/07
im glad for once people are seeing my 5-11 side to colin.heels or not,a 5-9 guys body isnt going to look that long and lanky next to those can still have a bit of heel and not have it give you the boost you think it would.either way,this prooves he isnt 5-9.again guys look at my photo.that isnt 5-9.thats 5-11.
glenn said on 18/Mar/07
no,it was actually fun hearing from you.colin is 5-9 to you sf? i forgot about ultimate warrior.3 celebs and 2 of them legends,one a super legend is better than other clowns tall did clint look to you? 6ft?
dmeyer said on 18/Mar/07
in that pic with stone and kilmer he has 2 inches boots
Anthony said on 18/Mar/07
In that pic with Kilmer and Stone where they all seem to be in dress shoes, Colin looks a solid 5'11. He should be bumped up to at least 5'10.5. I think the 5'8-5'9 sightings were either him seen from a distance or slouched.
sf said on 17/Mar/07
Sorry, Glenn, I couldn't resist. I haven't posted much lately, so I had to get out at least one smart-arse remark. Hey, don't forget I saw the Ultimate Warrior at my gym. That's 3 whole
Anyway, looks about 5'9" to me...and, my maillady was pretty cute, but doesn't seem to know when to say when...
glenn said on 17/Mar/07
on the right,im wearing the heels,which is rare,he is in casuals.left he is in moccasins,im in casuals,with a stick up my ass,straight as can be.he is slouching alot.
Bombay Rocker said on 17/Mar/07
Glenn no offence man, but on the right he looks like at the very most 5 feet 10 which is very generous and on the left he looks like 5 feet 10.5 at the very most. But i wanna ask you something what was he wearing on the right pic and what were u wearing. I think you said he was wearing heels in the right pic and you were wearing casuals and if taht's the cae then this makes no sense andproves that he might be wearing lifts since if he is looking shorter with heels in the right pic and looking taller in flat shoes as you are saying then lifts for sure but i can see him being 5 feet 10.5 at the veryyyyyyyyy veryyyyyyyyyyy most but not more than that.
dmeyer said on 16/Mar/07
all right glenn i believe you he just didnt seem that tall when i met him same think when i told my friends that cruise looked 5'9 when i met him they dont believe me but cruise is a obvious lifts wearer and he wasnt wearing mocassin also i met colin at the mels drive in he had a broken foot and on the second foot he had 1.2 working boots and he looked taller than my 5'7 friend and shorter than me so 5'9 to 5'10 he didnt have the best posture then we were watting to go to the restroom and he seemed more than 1 inch shorter than me 5
'11 but i believe you also i have seen flat elevator mocassin who gives a lidl over 2 in over barefeet but if they were normal mocassin with 0.5 to 1 incjh heels mot moccasin have 0.25 to 0.5 outside heels and a lidl coshion of 0.25 to 0.5 inside so 1 in or a lidl less but if you saw him 5'11 i believe you
glenn said on 16/Mar/07
dmeyer,dont tell me you cant judge height? why do 90 percent of the people here ignore the photo on the left and my repeated explanation s that he is in mocassins in that left one,bending alot,and im practically on my toes? you cant see he is slouching? and on the right ,im in heels.
AdamCheb said on 16/Mar/07
if someone just showed me the above pics alone, i would concur that glenn is at least as tall as colin. look at glenn's eyes and eyebrows in both pics-they are noticeabley higher than colin's.
that being said, i know that photos can be extremely deceiving, especially when it comes to height. i'm barely over 5'5 and can look from 5'2 to 5'8, depending on the pic i'm in.
so yeah, judging by glenn's testimony and just about every other pic of colin out there, i'd say colin is definately AT LEAST 5'11. what reason would glenn have to lie. he seems like a pretty decent down-to-earth guy who has a good hold on his celeb heights.
but i'll admit that if glenn had claimed colin was 5'8 this entire time, i would have believed him after looking at the pictures of him and colin.
dmeyer said on 16/Mar/07
in both pics he looks max 1.5 to 2 inches taller than you that is 5'9.75 glenn
Brad said on 15/Mar/07
Glenn gets off a ripper I haven't heard since Rickles at the Sahara in '93. Looks 1" less than Val if Val straightens his legs. Probably 5' 10" in my opinion now like listed above after an extra 1" lift over what's in Val's shoes. Val was wearing sneakers when I saw him at 6'.
sf said on 15/Mar/07
I met my mailman. Actually, it's a maillady. She used to be hot, but she's packing on the pounds...
glenn said on 15/Mar/07
i love a joke yet i met hundreds of celebrities over a 17 year period.who have you met? your mailman?
dmeyer said on 15/Mar/07
in lifts yeah but i dont think 5'11 is possible since i might be mistakin about 1 to 2 cm but i can notice when somebody is my height aron eckart hugh grant tom hanks leo they were very close to my height hanks a hair taller leo about the same and aron and hugh very close but colin didnt seem to be the same as me
Chris said on 14/Mar/07
Actually, as I've said before my friend saw Colin farrell in person at the premiere of Miami Vice in London and described him as 'short'. She described me on the other hand, at 5'11", tall. So I doubt he's 5'11" and a lot of sites have him at around 5'9"
Brah said on 14/Mar/07
A good full body shot, with Jolie in high heels. If she is 5'7" as listed here, he is a strong 5'10":
Click Here
Click Here
Brah said on 14/Mar/07
Here's some pics of Colin next to Gong Li, listed here as 5'6.5"
Click Here
It's hard to tell what kind of shoes she's wearing, covered up by pants. Either way, he's looks a good 5'10".
Click Here
Viper said on 14/Mar/07
Wow, hes looking close to 6-0 beside Kilmer.
glenn said on 14/Mar/07
and with a slouch,he can look shorter.
leonari said on 14/Mar/07
I agree. Collin seems over average. SO 5'11" is very possible.
glenn said on 13/Mar/07
looks tall enough for me in the 2nd pic.
Brah said on 13/Mar/07
Hmm, hard guy to pin down. He always has a very laidback and slouchy posture in photos, so that makes him look shorter.
He is no way 5'8". Like here with 5'9.5" Ewan McGregor:
Click Here
Or here - a rare time when he is standing up straight, With 6 footers Oliver Stone and Val Kilmer:
Click Here
5'10" is a fair estimate if he stands up straight
glenn said on 13/Mar/07
thank you surprised you one else seems too.
Viper said on 12/Mar/07
Colin looks at least 5-10-5-11 with Glenn on the left, with a slouch no less. That cant be argued. He flat out looks it there. I cant argue it because it is right there in front of my face.
glenn said on 12/Mar/07
at this point your blind and stupid.he is bending alot,you cant tell? look at his body frame.and i met him many times.if i say he is 5-11,then thats what he is.he lived in my city for 6 months.
glenn said on 11/Mar/07
what ever that articulate your words well.and your dumb.
glennumustbekkdding said on 11/Mar/07
glenn u say that your page is so great, those pictures, perfect heights and all...but now looking at this page with colin, if u really think tha he's taller than 5'9 i think.......
glenn said on 9/Mar/07
i respect what your saying,but im also the only one that met him.besides someone who thought he was willing to bet my life he is over 5-10.i always thought he was short too based on films.
guest said on 8/Mar/07
no offense glenn but it seems you are the only one still insinsting on 5.11 ... don´t get me wrong, i am a huge fan of colin too ...i like his lay-back attitude etc. but 5.11 for him is simply utopian ...
in hart´s war colin´s top of his head came up to willis´ eyes ... both wearing big soled military boots ... depending wheter willis is 6 or 6.1 makes colin around 5.9 as the usual difference between eyes and top of the head is about 4 inches ´
maybe we all get you wrong and you mean 5.11 with his boots on, i buy that, but barefoot ... never
you seem to forget that if he´s really 5.11 he´d be about 6.1 in his cowboy-boots and it´s quiet obvious that he´s far away from this ... a guy who´s 6.1 in shoes can slouch as much as he wants and he´ll never appear short
maybe you exaggerate (without wanting it) his height a bit because you´d excepected him to be much shorter as you said once before
i know your argument with the moccassins, but the thing is you can put lifts/insoles in every shoe with a rear heel area (even though i don´t say that colin was wearing lifts the day you met him)
glenn said on 7/Mar/07
its amazing how you repeat yourself.frank insisted the guy was 5-8.he is no smaller than 5-10.5-11 is very likely.posture,poture.
dmeyer said on 6/Mar/07
it is amazing that glenn see him 5'11 when i have seen him about 176 cm
glenn said on 27/Feb/07
ace makes the most sense.and murphy does look 5-10 in public,with lifts or not.
Anonymous said on 26/Feb/07
Click Here
second comment from the bottom..clipping photo on the right with eddie murphy
Anonymous said on 26/Feb/07
5'10?...check this photo with eddie murphy..he's sloughing a bit..but even so, definitely puts those 5'11 arguments out the window this was at a pre-VMA's party and he was wearing his whooper cowboy boots too..i think he;s closer to 5'9.25..let the dicusiion begin
Ace said on 26/Feb/07
Regardless, Colin has just as much chance of being 5"11" as he does 5'8". My point being, he is neither one. He's probly a short 5'10" who is in reality a full 5'10" when he stands strait up. However, if glenn has met him over 2 occasions i cant argue to strongly about Colin not being 5'11". However, if Colin was 5'11" than he would never appear 5'8" let alone the 5'9" that colin does appear on occasion. After seing him in plenty of movies, and next to Jamie foxx and other actors, i can only assume he is not 5'11", and certainly not 5'8".
Predah said on 23/Feb/07
I saw the movie The Recruit today and interestingly enough there were cops looking for Farrell on the movie and he was decriped as 5'9. I'm sure of this because it was translated into 175 cm on the subtitles. Don't know if this is his true height but shouldn't they upgrade actors' heights on movies rather than downgrading them? a bit odd if u ask me.
glenn said on 22/Feb/07
on the right im wearing heels.
Viper said on 22/Feb/07
I can easily tell that Colin is taller on the right, because his head and shoulders sit up higher than Glenn's.
glenn said on 21/Feb/07
timber-kennedy airport.
glenn said on 21/Feb/07
anonymous is blind and retarted.and adler is wrong on all his posts so far.
adler said on 21/Feb/07
colin is 5 foot 8 i know this from frequently spotting him.
timber said on 14/Feb/07
Glenn, where was the pic on the left taken?
Anonymous said on 13/Feb/07
i dont know how u guys can see a 3 or even a 2inch difference between Glenn and Colin. If you want to see what a real 5'10 guy looks beside a 5'8 guy, check out Glenn's pic with Michael Doughlas - thats what Colin SHOULD look like if he was 5'10...
Glenn said on 13/Feb/07
Thank you Anthony, Viper and D.Ray.
Anonymous said on 13/Feb/07
from almost ran into Colin Farrell and two other merry leprechauns keeping him company. Looked good, if pretty short, and actually smiled and said hi when he saw me do a here:
Click Here
I know it depends on how people judge, but I don't think he would be defined as "pretty short" if he was taller than 5'10...
dmeyer said on 12/Feb/07
i agree movie height listig is bs like vandamme 5'11 tyrese 6'2 walker 6'1
D. Ray Morton said on 12/Feb/07
"Here's Farrell next to 5'6 (or max 5'7) Ali Larter."
Yes, but how do we know she doesn't have 3" heels on down there? ;)
Anthony said on 11/Feb/07
Colin is no less than 5'10 an coudl be closer to 5'11, regardless of what films say. There was a movie that gave Ray Liotta who's definitely 6' or close to it a 5'10 listing.
Viper said on 11/Feb/07
Yeah, what makes it even more bizarre is Glenn saying hes only wearing mossassins in the pic to the left, and its impossible to fit lifts in flat moccasins. He might even look a full 6-0 If he stood up straight. Crazy
Glenn said on 10/Feb/07
You believe everything you see in the movies? he cant fit lifts in mocassins,which are like slippers,when I saw him at 5-11 first.
dmeyer said on 9/Feb/07
i was at a restroom with colin there was a miror he seemed atleast 1.5 in shorter than me 3 years ago he hase grown maybe
jason said on 8/Feb/07
he might be like 178,5 -179 cm. thats my guess
Felix said on 7/Feb/07
He's a bit shorter than 180cm David Beckham!
Glenn said on 7/Feb/07
I never met Foxx so I couldnt tell you.had the chance to 2 weeksago,but blew it off,as he doesnt pose for photos much.I could only tell you what my eyes see.I bet my life Colin isnt 5-8,5-9,that some claim here.I can ALMOST bet my life he is 5-11.I bet my life he is at least 5-10.25.
Anonymous said on 6/Feb/07
Glenn, undoubtedly you are good judge of height and i value your opinion alot more than others on this site. However, if you are absolutely certain Farrell is 5'11 how do you explain the photos of him and Jamie Foxx. If you look at the premier photos and the ones from TRL, it is as if the two had an agreement with each that colin wouldnt wear his big boots or do anything to give him an edge over Foxx. Granted there are some photos which give Colin an inch on Foxx , I find it difficult to find anything more than to justify Colin being 5'11.
The Horse of FUNK said on 3/Feb/07
If I was Rob I'd bump him up a little to 5'10.25 or up to 179cm, 5'10.5. That way it easily explains his ability to occasionally appear as a mere average 9'5.5 - 5'10 guy to a suitable above average guy of 5'11.
Glenn said on 3/Feb/07
No,not a hair taller than 5-11.but 5-11 it is.I was expecting him to be 5-9 and was shocked when I met him.
Viper said on 3/Feb/07
Glenn, did he look even taller than 5-11 standing straight up?
Anonymous said on 2/Feb/07
So, now Colin is 6'0". Can I get a 6'1" from anyone? lol