How tall is Christian Bale - Page 3

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Average Guess (458 Votes)
5ft 11.7in (182.1cm)
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 20/Apr/15
Bale IS 179 MAX
Sam said on 20/Apr/15
No, Harrelson does not really look taller than Bale.
Click Here
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 19/Apr/15
Rob I am the real Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP, that 3/Apr/15 comment didn't come from me, someone must be impersonating me. Bale IS 179 MAX though, I agree with the comment.
mike 1.82 said on 17/Apr/15
1.77 cm listed Woody Harrelson looks 2cm or more taller than Bale. Out of Furnace movie. Maybe because Woody Harrelson uses boots with lifts. Bale is 1.79 barefoot maybe i say maybe 1.80 in the mourning. Be REALISTIC PEOPLE
TJ said on 16/Apr/15
Solid 6'0". No more no less.
6 foot guys always get mistaken for 5-11 the same way 5-11 guys get mistaken for 5-10.
If you want to see what a 5-11 guy looks like, look at DiCaprio.
Bale's wife is also 5'8".
Bale's father was reported to be 6 foot 5, so it's not surprising that he is at least 6 feet tall.

He's also very health concious and knows how to maintain his weight so there is a strong chance that he will be 6 foot until he's in his mid 50's before he starts going down to the 5-11 or 5-10 range.
Appe 6ft 0.5 said on 15/Apr/15
Just finished to rewatch American psycho for its 15th birthday , in this Bale looks to me in the 180-182 range. Don t think he is even a flat 183
Judd said on 12/Apr/15
Lorne??? says on 11/Apr/15

"Christian Bale's height is 5ft11.75in"

A big 6 footer just doesn't look the way he looks with other people.

I mean Joseph Gordon Levitt can look barely 176 at times, yet bale looks maybe 2.5 inces taller. At least 2 inches shorter than guys like Freeman and Caine, and with Jackman's downgrade it becomes even more apperant this guy dips under 6ft...

Finally, he was viably a tad shorter than Robert Sean Leonard, who's lucky if he's 6ft himself.

I mean, does anyone here think Bale would be the same height as a David Duchovny? With that said, 5'11(and some saying even less) is silly, but I do maintain he is a fraction under 6 feet. He's close enough to honestly claim 6ft though...

One day that'll be his listing. He could be as low as 5ft11.5, but 11.75 is just fine.

i agree, too
Lorne??? said on 11/Apr/15

"Christian Bale's height is 5ft11.75in"

A big 6 footer just doesn't look the way he looks with other people.

I mean Joseph Gordon Levitt can look barely 176 at times, yet bale looks maybe 2.5 inces taller. At least 2 inches shorter than guys like Freeman and Caine, and with Jackman's downgrade it becomes even more apperant this guy dips under 6ft...

Finally, he was viably a tad shorter than Robert Sean Leonard, who's lucky if he's 6ft himself.

I mean, does anyone here think Bale would be the same height as a David Duchovny? With that said, 5'11(and some saying even less) is silly, but I do maintain he is a fraction under 6 feet. He's close enough to honestly claim 6ft though...

One day that'll be his listing. He could be as low as 5ft11.5, but 11.75 is just fine.
Judd said on 11/Apr/15
JJF says on 9/Apr/15
Concerning the Bale / Bradley Cooper comparisons - Bale is 1.82m and cooper is 1.84m, any more visual difference is footwear and/or posture.

i agree.
Peter said on 11/Apr/15
JJF said on 9/Apr/15
Concerning the Bale / Bradley Cooper comparisons - Bale is 1.82m and cooper is 1.84m, any more visual difference is footwear and/or posture.
Amaze said on 7/Apr/15
How can he be 5'10 range guys don't be silly he's a 6 ft guy
Bishop said on 6/Apr/15
Yep, he's a good 6 ft. At worst, a fraction under it. Don't know where all of these absurd 5'10" range comments are coming from.
mike 1.82 said on 30/Mar/15
1.80- 1.81 bale. Copper 1.83 max hugh jackman 1.85- 1.86 max.
b-mint1994 said on 26/Mar/15
He looks close enough to 6 foot to keep him there. At worst I think he's 5'11.75".
Dave618 said on 20/Mar/15
Bale seems like a legit six footer and Cooper seems like a legit six one. And these are the heights they claim, so there shouldn't be a wide divergence of opinion on the matter.
Judd said on 15/Mar/15
burtmacklin says on 12/Mar/15
Wrong. Cooper is very height conscious and is always trying to appear taller whether that be by his posture or the fact that he's a chronic lift wearer. In the hangover helms and cooper seem to be about the same height, give or take 1cm. Bale doesn't seem very height conscious and often has poor posture. He's a solid 6 footer, if cooper is taller at all its not by more than a cm.

I do not agree
Dave618 said on 15/Mar/15
Bale is playing Travis McGee, a famous literary character who is six four and 205. Bale is probably going to be very good it in, he starts with peter Dinklage as Meyer, his buddy. I think they are still calling the film Deep Blue Goodbye but it looks like its about to go into production.
burtmacklin said on 12/Mar/15
Wrong. Cooper is very height conscious and is always trying to appear taller whether that be by his posture or the fact that he's a chronic lift wearer. In the hangover helms and cooper seem to be about the same height, give or take 1cm. Bale doesn't seem very height conscious and often has poor posture. He's a solid 6 footer, if cooper is taller at all its not by more than a cm.
Judd said on 2/Mar/15
I personally think that there's not much difference between a 182 and 183 guy...I am telling you only that between Bale and Cooper there're at least 2 cms...Cooper in the most of the pictures does look taller than Bale by 0,75-1"...
If actually Bale is 6' and Cooper 6'0.5" that's mean that there won't be much relevant difference between they.
It's the same topic between Bradley Cooper and Ed Helms: in the 90% of the pictures Ed Helms appears 1" shorter than Bradley Cooper...

IMO Chris Bale is a proper 5'11.5-11.75" guy (or 182 cms) so he's "almost 6'" but not a full one...I don't believe that he's as tall as legit 6' guys like Duchovny, Hayden Christensen or others...
Arch Stanton said on 2/Mar/15
Joe says on 1/Mar/15

Models are people who can NEVER lie about their height and weight because their job relies on their appearance and ability to wear
clothes and convey a look.

Well that's false for a start, a lot of models lie about their height. Cara Delevingne claims 5'9.5 I think and is barely 5 ft 7. Modelling agencies tamper with listings all the time, especially if they're over 6 ft. Quite common for a 6'1 range lady to be listed at 182 and a 6'4" guy to be listed at 6'2-6'2.5. 182 is possible for Bale but I agree that he generally pretty much looks a proper 6' guy.
Judd said on 2/Mar/15
Joe says on 1/Mar/15
Modeling agencies tend to be very serious about two things, a model's height and their weight, and they measure them barefoot with measuring tape, not on a doctor's scale, but usually against a wall using a tape measure. Models are people who can NEVER lie about their height and weight because their job relies on their appearance and ability to wear clothes and convey a look.
The current Superman actor was a male model for a while, and was measured at 184cm which is 6 feet and 4/10ths of an inch in American terms.

never heard them! In Fact there's a lot of models who have more height listings, distant 1" or more one from each other!
Joe said on 1/Mar/15
Modeling agencies tend to be very serious about two things, a model's height and their weight, and they measure them barefoot with measuring tape, not on a doctor's scale, but usually against a wall using a tape measure. Models are people who can NEVER lie about their height and weight because their job relies on their appearance and ability to wear clothes and convey a look.
The current Superman actor was a male model for a while, and was measured at 184cm which is 6 feet and 4/10ths of an inch in American terms.
Judd said on 1/Mar/15
Joe says on 28/Feb/15
I laugh at all these claims of Bale being 5'11, his wife is a model, models are measured barefoot, she is 5'10" and he has at least 2 inches and a bit more on her in every photo that they are together, Bale is a solid 6 feet tall. It was no wonder early in his adult acting career he got away with claiming to be 6'2", I recall that is what he claimed his height to be when Batman Begins was released, they said he was the first Batman actor since Adam West to stand the same height as the Batman actor but it became clear he was not that height and then he was downgraded to 6'1" and then in 2012 downgraded to 6 feet but people seem to down grade him further, but in reality it was his public relations people that were exaggerating his height, he was always 6 feet even, he even said it himself.

"models are always measured barefeet"?
are you sure about that??? the most of the models claim to be taller than their actual height! For example, Elle MacPherson, Alessandra Ambrosio, Miranda Kerr...
For a model height is important so i guess there're a lot of chance that they lie about their height. The only celeb who i met in my life until now is Bar Refaeli and when i met her she had heels on but i thought she was in the 5'8-8.5" range because she was very close in height with similar shoes to a girl who i know that barefeet is in the 5'8" range...
For Bar 5'8" is maybe a tad underestimate, 5'8.25-8.5" is perfect, 5'9" is overestimate...
I remeber that years ago she claimed to be in the 5'9.5" range...
Actually i think models are never measured barefeet, never...

About Chris Bale, also Hayden Christen passed at first for a 6'1.5" guy, but he's clearly shorter...For Hayden 6'0" is the best listing i guess, while for Bale 182 cms would be better...I agree he's taller than 5'11" but not a full 1"!
Dejavu said on 1/Mar/15
A bit under 6'0 is closer
Danimal said on 28/Feb/15
Didn't look a full 6'0" in American Psycho. He actually looked shorter than 5'11.5" Josh Lucas.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Feb/15
5ft11 is ridiculous for Bale.
Joe said on 28/Feb/15
I laugh at all these claims of Bale being 5'11, his wife is a model, models are measured barefoot, she is 5'10" and he has at least 2 inches and a bit more on her in every photo that they are together, Bale is a solid 6 feet tall. It was no wonder early in his adult acting career he got away with claiming to be 6'2", I recall that is what he claimed his height to be when Batman Begins was released, they said he was the first Batman actor since Adam West to stand the same height as the Batman actor but it became clear he was not that height and then he was downgraded to 6'1" and then in 2012 downgraded to 6 feet but people seem to down grade him further, but in reality it was his public relations people that were exaggerating his height, he was always 6 feet even, he even said it himself.
Shamrock said on 27/Feb/15
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP says on 25/Feb/15
He's 5'11" MAX.

yet he edges out 5'11.25 listed christopher nolan...
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 25/Feb/15
He's 5'11" MAX.
Judd said on 24/Feb/15
I agree with Axaros! 182 in cms!
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 24/Feb/15
He's 5'11" MAX.
Hypado said on 23/Feb/15
For me:

Bradley Cooper - 6ft 0.5in , 184.2 cm
Christian Bale - 6ft 0in, 182.8 cm
Axaros said on 22/Feb/15
he seems same height to Mattew Mcconaughey (5'11'). In my opinion he's 5'11.5" max 5'11.75"
CDS said on 19/Feb/15
I just don't see 6' for this guy; I'm going to say 5'11"-5'11 1/2" barefeet, but not quite a solid 6'.
Judd said on 16/Feb/15
grizz, it's hard to see just one cms between to people...i think it's likelier there is 1" than 1 cms, looking the first picture that i posted.
my young cousin is 182 cms and his brother, my old cousin, is 183 cms (similar size as alex) most they look at the same level and for sure the difference isn't the same difference between Bale and Cooper...
grizz said on 15/Feb/15
I don't really see 2 cms of difference between them. Seems more like 1cm of difference. But you never know with them. Both of them usually carry a loose posture.
Hypado said on 15/Feb/15
Christian Bale's height is 5ft 11.75in (182 cm)

A weak 183 cm.
Judd said on 6/Feb/15
Joe, please pay attention. At first, Bale has best posture than Cooper.
Second: look at the written "Berlin Festival"...for each written, the distance between them and the floor it's the same. Now, Cooper is as tall or maybe a tad taller than the written (considering his hairs) while Bale doesn't reach it. The distance between the camera and the two actors is the same because they are on the same line.

Here others pictures:

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

In the 90-95% of the picture Bradley Cooper does look VISIBLY taller than Bale, so that means that there's more than 0,5" between they.
Now if you think that Bale is a legit 6' guy, then Cooper can't be shorter than 6'0.75", with a good chance to be 6'1".

In cms i think Cooper is a legit 184 cms, while Bale is 2 cms shorter, so a legit 182 cms...IMO his perfect listing would be 5'11.75".
Joe said on 5/Feb/15
This is a photo of both Bale and Cooper and the director American Hustle standing together, you can tell Cooper has some really thick heels on his shoes. Bale's are not so much.
Click Here
Joe said on 5/Feb/15
There is no way Bale is under 6 feet tall, by the his wife Sibi was a model and she is 5'11", and Bale appears to be over an inch taller than her. So he is definitely a good solid 6 footer. He appeared shorter than Chris Cooper in American Hustle only because he was bending and hunching over but in reality the two are roughly the same height. I really think Bale is over 6 feet tall.
Judd said on 3/Feb/15
Joe says on 3/Feb/15
I think Bale might actually be a bit bigger than 6 feet tall, if he is only 4cm shorter than Jackman who is 6'2" that translates into 1.5" inches, in other words he is 6'0.5" tall, so he would be the same height as Henry Cavill, Man of Steel Superman. Christian Bale's public relations representives listed him as 6'2" when Batman Begins was released and when it became apparent that he was not that tall, he was downgraded to 6'1" and remained there for 4 years, when Dark Knight came out he was listed as 6'1", and then when Dark Knight Rises was released he was listed as 6' feet even, but I think he might be bigger.

i am not sure and i think that the fact he was listed before at 6'2" doesn't mean anything!
In all pictures with equally conditions, Chris Bale does look a weak inche, so likely 2 cms, under Bradley Cooper.
Cooper is a legit 6'0.5" guy for sure...I think 5'11.75" would be an honest listing for Bale, not a full 6'!
Sam said on 3/Feb/15
Even with bad posture you can tell he is a fair bit taller than 5'10, proportions and all. Looks 182cm to me.
184.3cm said on 3/Feb/15
Come on..he is not the same height as Henry. He has a large forehead so i can believe that people would think he is 5'11 range but he is around 6' even. I would bet on him dropping under the mark in the evening than being above it.
Joe said on 3/Feb/15
I think Bale might actually be a bit bigger than 6 feet tall, if he is only 4cm shorter than Jackman who is 6'2" that translates into 1.5" inches, in other words he is 6'0.5" tall, so he would be the same height as Henry Cavill, Man of Steel Superman. Christian Bale's public relations representives listed him as 6'2" when Batman Begins was released and when it became apparent that he was not that tall, he was downgraded to 6'1" and remained there for 4 years, when Dark Knight came out he was listed as 6'1", and then when Dark Knight Rises was released he was listed as 6' feet even, but I think he might be bigger.
Judd said on 2/Feb/15
Joe says on 1/Feb/15
He is not 179cm tall, he is a full 6 feet, Christopher Nolan who is the director of the Dark Knight films stands 180cm tall, and Bale stands about an inch taller, Bale actually is more than an inch taller, I think he might be more than 6 feet tall. The bare minimum for Bale is 6 feet.

joe, probably there is no a picture where Bale is just one inch taller than nolan.
On the average the look at the same level, but sometimes nolan does look an hair taller and others bale, but i never seen 1" between they!
indeed I've read past comments and also rob thought, at first, that nolan was slightly higher than a straight 6 'guy.
Danimal said on 1/Feb/15
Joe says on 30/Jan/15
Bale is a solid 6 feet tall, he stands about an inch taller than Nolan who is 5'11". I have no idea why people keep downgrading his height

It's the nature of this site. Most people have an inherent desire or more so need to lower other's height as a means to make themselves feel bigger and better. It's easy to spot those types of posters. There are some people on here who are objective and just call it as they actually see it and not how they think or want it to look.
Joe said on 1/Feb/15
He is not 179cm tall, he is a full 6 feet, Christopher Nolan who is the director of the Dark Knight films stands 180cm tall, and Bale stands about an inch taller, Bale actually is more than an inch taller, I think he might be more than 6 feet tall. The bare minimum for Bale is 6 feet.
Krazy Jap said on 31/Jan/15
Bale is a solid 179cm tall.
Judd said on 20/Jan/15
S.J.H says on 17/Jan/15
He look a solid 5'11.75 and Hugh Jakman a solid 6'1.75 they just round up by the few mm to nearest mark

I agree! I think Jackman is as tall as me, so 187 cms (6'1.65-1.75") and Chris Bale is even 2" shorter. I think that if my young first cousin, who is 182 cms tall, will meet Bale, they would be at the same level (eye-to-eye)!
Judd said on 4/Jan/15
I think between Bradley Cooper and Christian Bale there're about 0,75-8", or solidly 2 cms if you prefer metric system.
If Cooper is 6'0.5" then Bale can't be taller than 5'11.75".
As Dmeyer said before, that's his perfect listing.
S.J.H said on 3/Jan/15
He look like a solid 5ft11.5 and could be 6ft on a good day
cole said on 1/Jan/15
Looking 4 cm shorter than Hugh Jackman here: Click Here
Joe said on 31/Dec/14
Affleck might be the same height as the comic book character but when you think about it, I seriously doubt he will be able to match Bale's performance as Batman. Bale is 6 feet tall, I think that is good enough to portray Batman, his muscular and athletic build also helps make him credible as a superhero. Gary Oldman told the press that Affleck has "big shoes to fill" referring to Bale's exceptional performance as Batman. I got to agree with Gary, there is no way Affleck will eclipse Bale.
Sam said on 31/Dec/14
Despite having at least 2 inches on Bale, I doubt Affleck in shape for the role is that much more substantial or imposing in build than Bale was in Batman Begins, admittedly Bale had a thiner look in his two subsequent Batman films. I rate Affleck's talent as a director as greater than his as an actor.
MrTBlack said on 29/Dec/14

Bruce Wayne in the comics is 6'2". Ben Affleck is the new Batman and he's a little over 6'2" so I think he has more of the height and build of Batman than Christian Bale does allthough it's beyond me how someone like Michael Keaton would be considered for Batman. He has nothing that resembles Batman/Bruce Wayne in the comics.
Joe said on 25/Dec/14
In his early years Bale was listed as 6'2" up until Batman Begins was released, and it was said he was the only actor to stand the same height as the comic character since Adam West. Then his height was downgraded to 6'1" and then 6 feet tall. He himself interviews has said he is 6 feet tall, I would buy that. His successor Ben Affleck is an actual 6'2" but I seriously doubt that Affleck will come close to being as good a Batman as Bale.
Mike 1.82 said on 20/Dec/14
I just Saw the movie Exodos. Bale is 3-4 cm taller than Joel. both uses hidden heels sandals, pay atte ntion. Its very hard to discover, both looks smaller. Aaron paul listed 1.69cm next to bale 7cm bale looks 1,76cm for real. Somethimes in other movies bale loooks, 1.79 cm, 1,81 and 1.82. never a solid 1.83
Mike 1.82 said on 18/Dec/14
Bale 1.80-81 Cooper 1.83 max
jamie179cm said on 4/Dec/14
@cole i thought cooper would be atleast inche taller
cole said on 3/Dec/14
@jamie179cm: Cooper is never 3-4 cm taller than Bale.
jamie179cm said on 1/Dec/14
i think bradly cooper is a legit 183cm guy as for bale i say 179cm to 180cm max i think bale could be the same height as me
Dmeyer said on 30/Nov/14
5'11.75 Will be perfect listing
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Nov/14
He can 5ft11½ at times but can also look nearer 6ft1. In the Bat Suit he was probably at least 6ft2. He's still looks a bit taller than Nolan...
Dejavu said on 27/Nov/14
He really looks 5'11.5 often.
SAMMY DERRICK said on 25/Nov/14
1.Lewis G.Wilson-unknown,unknown.
2.Robert Lowery-6'1(185cm),unknown.
3.Adam West-6'2(188cm),6'2(188cm).
4.Michael Keaton-5'10(178cm),5'9(175cm).
5.Val Kilmer-6'0(183cm),5'11.5(182cm).
6.George Clooney-5'11(180cm),5'10.75(180cm).
7.Christian Bale-6'0(183cm),6'0(183cm).
These are the heights of all the Batman actors.The first part is the answer I get from any search engine and the second part are the heights from this website.The average height of a Batman actor is 6'0(183cm)/5'11.25(181cm).
Christian Bale is ideal Batman at 6'0 with chiseled features he truly portrays the character PERFECTLY!!!
Darren510 said on 25/Nov/14
Agree on Batman begins. Bale is about 4 inches shorter than Neeson. Bale is 6ft...At the very least he is 5'11.5
Lebensdorf said on 24/Nov/14
He is 6 feet even. This is what a perfect 6 footer looks like. In Batman Begins, Liam Neeson does not really tower over him that much, no more than 4 inches. They stand next to each other and they fight. Bale is not dwarfed, the way a 5'10 guy would be. Give the guy a break, people.
Dejavu said on 22/Nov/14
I think he is 6'0. Although he can often look under it
rmv said on 20/Nov/14
183 looks spot on. a solid 6 footer
Joe said on 18/Nov/14
Bale said he is 6 feet tall, for many years he was listed as 6'2", and when Batman Begins was released in 2005, there were articles that stated Bale stood the same height and weight as the comic book Batman which is 6'2" and 210 pounds. Then the 6'2" was downgrade to 6'1", then finally to 6 feet even. Still probably the best actor to portray Batman. Ben Affleck, his successor might be around the same weight and height as the Batman comicbook character, but Bale is the definitive on screen Batman.
Krazy Monster said on 18/Nov/14
I agree with ali.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Nov/14
I agree with Jake.
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 13/Nov/14
Legit 6ft guy, I tend to believe.
ali said on 8/Nov/14
179cm max. Tall for an actor. 6'0 in his dreams. Standard hollywood height= real height +4cm.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Nov/14
He's one of those guys who can appear both ½in over and under 6ft at times...
1.79 cm guy said on 31/Oct/14
i'd say he is definitely between 5'11''- 6'0'' mark. just not so quite sure about that he's a full 6'0'' guy. (could be like 5'11.5'' i think.) but he's taller than average for sure.
Njp said on 31/Oct/14
Strong 5'11". I've stood close to him on several occasions now. The first few times I wasn't conscious of his height but since he seems marginally taller than me, both in dress shoes. I'm 5'10" flat in the evening.
Sam said on 29/Oct/14
I just don't buy 5'10"-5'11" range for Bale, the lowest I'd go is 5'11.5". I'd think 5'11.75"-6'0" is what he usually looks. I'd he can look pretty close in height to 5'11" range guys like Christopher Nolan, Matthew McConaughey and Joel Edgerton but I think at times he also can seem around a cm taller.
SantaMonican said on 20/Oct/14
I saw him in a restaurant in Santa Monica a few years ago with his family. He was very wiry in build (not stocky at all), and although I was sitting down, he did not strike me as particularly tall--5'11" max. Ordinary looking guy in person, but he sure photographs great--saw trailer for Exodus last night. My guess is he's 5'10-1/2" to 5'11" max.
5ft10guy said on 19/Oct/14
I Like this guy's role as batman but I have to agree with grizz when I look at him I dont thiink tall and in batman he looked luke a 5ft11 guy Morgan and even the actor who played alfred we're a bit taller
cole said on 11/Oct/14
@Celebheights 188cm: Wouldn't bet on any of those guys being taller than their listed heights.
Judd said on 7/Oct/14

Liam Neeson: 6'3.5" (6'4" peak)
Morgan Freeman: 6'1.75" (6'2.5" peak)
Heath Ledger: 6'0.75"-6'1"
Bradley Cooper: 6'0.5"
Christopher Nolan: 5'11"
Christian Bale: 5'11.5"-6'0"
Leonardo DiCaprio: 5'11"-5'11.25"
Tom Hardy: 5'9"
Tom Hanks: 5'11.5" (6'0")
Nicolas Cage: 6'0"
Judd said on 6/Oct/14
John, same thing for tommy lee have the proof? You took a picture with him?
It's hard for me believe Chris is only 5'11...he looks taller
cole said on 5/Oct/14
@John: Post it.
John said on 5/Oct/14
I'm 5'10" and one half inch ON THE DOT. Stood next to Bale for a picture at a theater in Hollywood- he had about 1/2 inch on me, IF THAT. The guy is 5'11", period.
MaskDeMasque said on 25/Sep/14
An inch shorter than cooper in American Hustle. 5`11.5.
jamie179cm said on 20/Sep/14
grizz 6ft isn't tall imo because young people are so tall nowdays but yeah bale could be as low as my height
Arch Stanton said on 14/Sep/14
Rob can you add Empire of the Sun as well? Well, he wasn't 6 ft in Spielberg's Empire of the Sun :-) Talented actor from a young age though.
Rell said on 10/Sep/14
It look like at least three inch differential between him and Freeman in all the Batman movies. Freeman is listed at 6'2".
Josh said on 27/Aug/14
That's more to do with body type and proportions. Bale doesn't have long legs and is actually quite stocky when he's not losing insane amount of weight for certain roles. He doesn't 'seem' like a tall guy, but I can easily see him being 182~183cm.
grizz said on 20/Aug/14
He never seemed to me like a tall guy. He's 181-182 cm tops. A legit 6ft guy really stands out of the crowd most of the time - take a look at Bradley Cooper, David Duchovny and Channing - first thing that pops to your mind when seeing them is "tall". Looking at Bale, "average" springs to my mind.
cole said on 11/Aug/14
@jamieorr4: Didn't say he was always right either. There is no right or wrong answer unless you witness an exact measurement. But of course there is a certain range celebrities can look, and in that regard I don't think Rob is wrong very often. Like with Christian Bale, he'd say 5'11.5 - 6'0 is what he can look. Feel free to argue whatever you like, but Christian Bale is taller than 179 cm, and you won't get much support on a statement like that from any of the users on here with common sense and a real knack for estimating height.
jamieorr4 said on 7/Aug/14
cole i don't think rob is always right
Sam said on 7/Aug/14
I know that bending your back can cause back soreness after spending just a few hours working in my basement where I can't stand at full height but then a few weeks later I really did a number on my back stupidly using poor form while doing some deadlifts...I'd be surprised though considering Bale's was 39 when he filmed Hustle that he "damaged his spine" permanently from just slouching down, although I'm sure curving his back for days while filming would result in him needing stretching, rest and maybe some physical therapy.
Editor Rob
he'll spend money on a good chiropractor who will help him realign his posture and try to get it natural and feeling relaxed but straight.
tankman said on 5/Aug/14
He's actually shorter now he damaged his spine while filming American Hustle and lost a few inches
Somebody's Problem said on 4/Aug/14
He seemed to be in the 5'11 range in American Psycho.
But after watching Harsh Times, as he towered 5'6 Freddy Rodríguez...
6 footer, not a doubt
SaveUsY2J said on 28/Jul/14
182-183cm. Nothing more, nothing less.
David F said on 28/Jul/14
He's definitely shorter than that- I make this judgement by weight: if you look at these weight change images online- such as []- trust me, as a gym guy, someone with as much mass as him in batman begins@6'0 will weigh WAY more than 190. That picture for Batman begins looks like a typical jacked 5'10"-5'11" dude weighing 190 if we trust those weights.
James B said on 27/Jul/14
It could be because he was stocky and bulked up but in batman begins looked like a typical 181cm (5'11) guy.
Amaze said on 26/Jul/14
I looked at him and bradley cooper together. He looks 1cm shorter. I think bale is a weak 6' but hes defo still a 6' guy he looks taller than 5'10-11 guys for sure. He drops to 182 before bed i think. 5'11.5-75 before bed is his low. 6'0.75 is high. Hes a 6' guy. Anything lower 5'11.5 is wrong. If you think he is 5'11 or anything lower like 5'10 range then that is absolutely ridiculous. Nothing below 182 at his low. Hes 183. Love it if rob could get a pic with him
Amaze said on 26/Jul/14
Rob so many people think he is not 6' i cant believe it. Rob do you think he is a strong or a weak 6'? Maybe he is 184 out of bed 183 during day and 182 before bed? I cant see anything lower than 6'. Below 5'11.5 is pushing it. He has had bad posture in films but i do think he is a 6' guy.
177cmGuy said on 20/Jul/14
Bale is 182cm which is close enough for 6'0. People who think that he is 5'10 forget that he had bad posture in American hustle. This guy is a method actor it doesn't surprise me that he was slouching to potray the character in a really accurate manner.
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 17/Jul/14
He looks 182cm to me.
I can't buy anything smaller than 181 for this guy.
pad said on 2/Jul/14
so many idiots claim this man is 5'10 because of a movie where the camera made him look that way.
6'0 for christian bale.
cole said on 29/Jun/14
@Jamieorr4, Big B, Jamz:
Rob Paul getting a celeb's height wrong by 2 whole inches? Are you having a laugh? Dear lord.
SaveUsY2J said on 29/Jun/14
@Realist: Because neither of them look under that mark? Because Hardy is listed as 5'9" and Rob actually saw him in person years ago? Oldman is listed as 5'8.5", yes, which is the mark he's likely heading towards in the next couple of years, but back in 2012, when he and Bale were photographed together at the TDKR premiere, he was still holding onto his peak height of 5'9". There's not a chance in hell that Bale is as low as 5'11, and 5'10 is farcical. He might be a fraction under 6ft, 5'11.75 perhaps, but no less than that.
Balrog said on 28/Jun/14
5'11.5". Hardy is defo a legit 5'9" if not a bit more. Oldman is under 5'9"
Realist said on 25/Jun/14
@SaveUsY2J Who said Tom Hardy and Gary Oldman are a full 5'9 ? This guy is definitely not 6'0.
jonas said on 20/Jun/14
Realist says on 21/May/14
Minimum: 178 cm nowdays due to his posture could dip lower but peak height was about 182. I think hes more 180-81 nowdays. I cant believe that i am talking about a 40 year old guy like this.

peak height? are you joking?! He's 40, he's still in his peak height!!!!
In american hustle he had bad posture but he hasn't still lost anything!!!
SaveUsY2J said on 10/Jun/14
Jesus, this page would benefit from being locked. He's taller than 5'11" guys like Christopher Nolan and has a good three or so inches on 5'9" guys like Gary Oldman and Tom Hardy, yet the amount of idiots on here who sincerely think he's as low as 5'10" is staggering.
jamieorr4 said on 6/Jun/14
Ted your right but i do bradley cooper is the legit 6ft guy here and bale is 510.5 imo, 511 isn't short but its also not tall. i say tall starts at 61
Adam said on 6/Jun/14
Rob, he is 5'11. Just watch any of his scenes with 5'9 Casey Affleck in Out Of The Furnace for proof.
jamieorr4 said on 5/Jun/14
Big B well i guess 510 is the lowist i would go for him
Big B said on 4/Jun/14
He's 5'10. Take a look at his earlier films and it's obvious. This place is the most charitable site on the web. So many of these guys are way shorter than what they are listed at here.
jamieorr4 said on 2/Jun/14
i agree with jamz a legit 6ft guy imo is bradley cooper and hayden christensen not bale and bale is probably 179cm to 180cm
Realist said on 21/May/14
Minimum: 178 cm nowdays due to his posture could dip lower but peak height was about 182. I think hes more 180-81 nowdays. I cant believe that i am talking about a 40 year old guy like this.
James B said on 9/May/14
Most of the looks 5'11 in his movies
jamz said on 30/Apr/14
I personally think he could be as short as 5'10.5". He's never seemed 6'0" to me.
Certainly around the 5'11" mark
James B said on 17/Apr/14
He did look 185cm in the machinist but that was only because he was rake thin for the role.

Bale is quite large framed so that might be why in some of his movies like batman begins he looks 5'11.
cole said on 16/Apr/14
@SaveUsY2J: That's because people find no reason to doubt his claim - he (Duchovny) actually looks it consistantly. But I agree with what you're getting at. Most celebs listed around the 6ft mark get a lot of people saying 5'10-11, which in most cases is quite rediculous.

Bale I don't think would turn out to be a legit 6 footer at his low though, but I doubt he'd be just 5'11, that's too low a guess. Imo he's probably somewhere in the 181,5 - 182,5 cm range, still closer to 6ft than 5'11.
SaveUsY2J said on 14/Apr/14
@chris- Except for David Duchovny. He seems to be the only 6-footer on here people will unanimously accept.
League of Shadows said on 12/Apr/14
I agree with Teddy.
Bale's no more than 5'11".
chris said on 11/Apr/14
I think it's a rule on this site for actors listed as 6'0 to have people saying he's 5'10 or 5'11.
SaveUsY2J said on 9/Apr/14
Hilarious how some people actually think he's 5'11" or lower when he's visibly taller than Christopher Nolan.... who is 5'11.
Sam said on 7/Apr/14
Agreed, Rob, could you add The Fighter and American Hustle due to his Oscar win and nomination for those parts?
League of Shadows said on 7/Apr/14
I agree with Teddy.
Bale's no more than 5'11".
Lorne said on 6/Apr/14
Shouldn't you add The Fighter? I mean he did win an Oscar for it, and I think it is good to list those things
Ted said on 6/Apr/14
Bale's no more than 5'11".

You can see plenty of premiere photos of Bale standing next to 6'0.5" Bradley Cooper, and consistently looking about an inch and a half shorter.

The exception is when Bale is standing closer to the camera in order to look taller... which he seems to do a lot, LOL. I think he worries about his height, which is silly, he's not short.
James B said on 3/Apr/14
Funny in batman begins bale gave me a 5'11 or 181cm impression whereas Liam Neeson looked 6'3 1/2 or 6'3. Michael Caine looked 6ft in the film also. Morgan freeman however seemed a legit 6'2.
chris said on 3/Apr/14
SMH, the things people say on this site. If he's under 6'0, I'm a cheese sandwich.
Sam said on 25/Mar/14
"yeah crazyjap reincarnated into the crazy devil lol, one and the same, but bigger, meaner and crazier than before." Does that also go for axis of evil and fsd? Is Rob getting lax with the multiple user name policy?
Editor Rob
it's one and the same, although I deleted a few of the recent posts as it's the same old 179-80 argument
fsd said on 18/Mar/14
bale is a weak 5'11 ft which makes him a strong 5'10ft
MD said on 13/Mar/14

Can you block out this "the craziest devil" fella? He's a return of "CrazyJap".
Editor Rob
yeah crazyjap reincarnated into the crazy devil lol, one and the same, but bigger, meaner and crazier than before.
Batman said on 12/Mar/14
Christian does look 6 foot but due to his role gaining weight in American Hustle, Bale did mention in an article or something i forgot, that he loss three inches to his height. I wonder if its true and if its possible to gain his height back, he is getting old.
jim said on 11/Mar/14
Bale is either a strong 5'10" or weak 5'11" People just want him to be taller because Batman can't be that short.
Connor 184.5-185cm said on 9/Mar/14
@Maio Sam Neil was a legit 6 footer back in the 90s in films like Dead Calm and jurrasic Park he had 2 inches on 5ft 10.5 Nicole Kidman in Dead Calm for sure now hes probably 182cm as listed on Celebheights,Christian Bale i think is at least 6ft though 5ft 11.75 isnt impossible.
Connor 184.5-185cm said on 7/Mar/14
@the craziest devil dont...please dont be like that guy "CrazyJap" its a bit strange why he kept constantly posting the same comments "Bale is 179cm" eight times in a row. But Bale is no way 179cm he is at very least just about 6ft-182.9cm and just over 5ft 11.75 at worst 5ft 10.5 IS crazy, BTW we dont need any more of the same comments repeating over and over again because its very unusual!.

And rob dont you think theres something odd why the guy kept on posting the same comments over and over again? isnt it spamming? and this other guy "the craziest devil" is starting to be like him unless its the same guy and changed his username.
Connor 184.5-185cm said on 5/Mar/14
Rob batmans height is 6ft 2-188cm in the comics, i think Christian looks about 6ft aswell 182.9-3cm, how tall could he be in the bat suit?
Editor Rob
I'm not sure how much the shoes and the cap might actually give.
cole said on 3/Mar/14
How tall is David O. Russell? 5'9?
Ghene said on 19/Feb/14
182 is the correct listing.
Balrog said on 15/Feb/14
Why is always Cooper wearing thick dress shoes? Cooper 184cm and Bale 182cm.
MD said on 13/Feb/14
More of the recent Bale and Cooper (and O'Russell) pics:

Click Here

Click Here
Truthfinder said on 13/Feb/14
Pic is nice for height comparison between bale and bradley.. I dont see a full 6'
Click Here
JustMe said on 10/Feb/14
+/- 1.84m (honestly, who can tell it to the cm unless you get the measuring tape out)?
I am 1.76m (strong 5'9), my partner is 1.86m (genuine 6'1), and we both met him several times in a work-related fashion. He is almost the same height as my BF, there's next to nothing between them, it's a fraction. And he's very, very noticeably taller than me, and I'm not short for a woman.
I'd say his wife is roughly my height (between 5'9 and 5'10), definitely NOT the 1.80m/5'11 you sometimes find online. If she was, he'd be hitting 6'2 ;) But he's not.

Roundabout the 6' mark is absolutely accurate, rather slightly over than under...
Balrog said on 10/Feb/14
Nice pic Josh, and you're right he looks really close to Bradley Cooper there
Balrog said on 5/Feb/14
Stop spamming!
Anon183 said on 3/Feb/14
He gives a weak 6ft impression - 183-4cm out of bed, 181-2cm evening.
Sam said on 3/Feb/14
Sorry, CrazyJap, there's pretty much no way Bale is 179 cm or anything under 181 cm even when worn down by evening.
MD said on 3/Feb/14

You think you could keep this "CrazyJap" - what an offensive handle, BTW - out of this thread if the only thing he's going to do is spam it with the same sentence?
Dejavu said on 2/Feb/14
6'0 could be a tad under.
Lorne said on 2/Feb/14
Balrog is right, Bale is 182. Though our of bed he could very well hit 184cm.
Balrog said on 1/Feb/14
Keep writing it, that way it will become true.
Balrog said on 31/Jan/14
Bale is 182cm
Sam said on 30/Jan/14
If you look at all the pics with DiCaprio and Christopher Nolan, sometimes they look the same height though Nolan seems to distinctly edge DiCaprio out in others. Similarly, Bale and Nolan do seem the same range, sometimes Bale seems to have an edge, rarely does Nolan actually seem taller. Conclusion, DiCaprio is a 5'11" even guy, Nolan a strong 5'11" (a fraction over) and Bale a weak six footer, with variations in posture, they can all look about the same height, which they almost are.
Dates said on 28/Jan/14
He's a weak 6ft. Maybe 181.5 cm or 182 cm in the evening. But who actually cares? It's just height and the listing is close enough!
Anon said on 28/Jan/14
Definitely 5'11.5 or 182cm, needs a downgrade for sure.
Balrog said on 25/Jan/14
Bale 5'11.5" - 5'11.75" weak 6footer.
Cooper 6'0.25" - 6'0.5" can look 6'1" with his good posture and big footwear
Mr. R said on 22/Jan/14
But I have pics from American Hustle that show Bradley wearing boots with two inch heels. This is why you cannot guess celeb heights just by seeing them standing next to each other.
Lorne said on 21/Jan/14
I agree with Maio, 184cm range after a good nights sleep, 182 evening. I think he could be as low as 5ft11.5, but 5ft11.75 is more than fair.
James B said on 20/Jan/14
Arch Stanton says on 15/Jan/14
Yes, it is true that Cooper had 1.5-2 inches on him in American Hustle and looked 6'1.5-6'2", but as was said below, Bale's posture and physical health in that film was intended to be a shambles and was made to look shorter. I'd be interested to see premiere photographs of the two.

Well that and the fact cooper could be near 1 inch taller than bale.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Jan/14
Bale looks like a genuine 6ft. Might drop to 182.5cm late evening and wake up close to 6ft1 like 184.5cm or something. I'd put Cooper at about 6ft1 or at the very least 6ft0.75. I
CrazyJap said on 20/Jan/14
Maio, Why so serious?
You're a loopy man. ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Lorne said on 19/Jan/14
He's 5'11.5-5'11.75, a legit 182cm guy. Him with Robert Sean Leanord(identical footwear and military posture) and recently with Cooper is all the proof you need. And Freeman, JGL, etc. He just isn't a big 6 footer. But he definently clears 183cm out of bed, 184cm under ideal conditions wouldn't even be a big surprise. So his claim is honest, he's just rounding up a tiny bit. But as one of my favorite actors, I really wish he could get a slight downgrade :(
cole said on 18/Jan/14
@Maio: In my opinion, Bale can look between 5'11.5 and 6'0, Cooper can look between 6'0 and 6'0.5 (if we count his usual footwear-advantage over fellow celebs). I'd go with the former or perhaps the middle option of 5'11.75 for Bale and 6'0.25 for Cooper.

I think Rob has the difference of 0.5in more or less spot on. A 0.75in difference in Cooper's favour could also be possible.

Cooper can look taller than what the reality is because of stronger footwear and Bale slouching. I'd be surprised if there was 1in + between them.
cole said on 16/Jan/14
@Arch Stanton: Look at my post from 26th December 2013.
Pallin 186 cm said on 16/Jan/14
6 feet. Otherwise the Role of Batman would have Been out of question ..
Arch Stanton said on 15/Jan/14
Yes, it is true that Cooper had 1.5-2 inches on him in American Hustle and looked 6'1.5-6'2", but as was said below, Bale's posture and physical health in that film was intended to be a shambles and was made to look shorter. I'd be interested to see premiere photographs of the two.
Arch Stanton said on 15/Jan/14
He did actually look 6'1" in 3:10 to Yuma but he was wearing cowboy boots.
Duhon said on 13/Jan/14
Fern194cm-192cm says on 12/Jan/14
He is not 6 feet. Bradley cooper has him by 1.5 inches in American Hustle. If he is 6 feet then Cooper is 6,1.5 - 6,2 and I doubt that very much, Rob.

For that role in addition to the weight gain he adopted a hunch, which actually did some damage to his back in the end after being in that position for so long.
Fern194cm-192cm said on 12/Jan/14
He is not 6 feet. Bradley cooper has him by 1.5 inches in American Hustle. If he is 6 feet then Cooper is 6,1.5 - 6,2 and I doubt that very much, Rob.
cole said on 9/Jan/14
@Balrog: Completely agree. They are pretty close.
Balrog said on 7/Jan/14
Maio in that pic you can clearly notice how Cooper is standing really straight while Bale is more relaxed. But Cooper at 6'0"-6'0.5" and Bale 5'11.5"-6'0" fits perfect.
cole said on 7/Jan/14
@Maio: He looks 2 inches + shorter in that pic, but he's not standing straight.
Sam said on 6/Jan/14
Bale is a bit shorter than the comic book Batman, but he's the first big screen Batman I can think of to get into the kind of shape to look like he could kick one's ass. Val Kilmer might have been fit back in Batman Returns, but he didn't look imposing as Bale did in Batman Begins. Michael Keaton was too small (although he gave a really good performance) and Adam West obviously wasn't too intimidating.
NJP said on 6/Jan/14
181cm flat.
Balrog said on 5/Jan/14
Not the best shots but here he looks very similar to Bradley Cooper:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Mick said on 5/Jan/14
5'11.5" at most
dennis 184 cm said on 3/Jan/14
Bale is a weak 6 foot. 182 range , cooper is a strong SIX, 184 range. And by the way in the dark knight rises , 5,9" Bane ( Tom ? ) hade to wear Boots plus extra lifts inside dö ge would be able to face with Christian , so 5'11 is put Of the question. BTW why would they hire a 5'11 Guy to play a 6'2 range superhero .
berta said on 2/Jan/14
about 6 feet but he is probably 182 in the evening
Jarrito96 said on 1/Jan/14
That's cool, imo, "6,0" is like the perfect height for a guy, im 5,11 bit with shoes or whatever im 6 foot, hopefully o can tech out without shoes since I'm only 17
lelman said on 27/Dec/13
Not a strong 6 foot, he probably falls below it at night. 6'0.25" in the morning, maybe. Got a real strong build though, so looks like a big guy regardless.
Balrog said on 27/Dec/13
Rob what do you think of Cole's pic? It really looks that Cooper has a slight footwear advantage and great posture still the difference isn't much between them. Cooper is clearly taller the question is by how much?
James said on 26/Dec/13
Really did not 'look' over a flat 5'11 in the batman films
cole said on 26/Dec/13
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Some recent shots of Cooper and Bale. Footwear visible in the first couple of shots, and it doesn't look like one has a big advantage over the other (maybe Cooper has a bigger insole?). It seems Bale holds a poorer posture than Cooper in some of these shots as well.

Bale with better posture in this one: Click Here
cole said on 24/Dec/13
Might I add that I seriously doubt that anyone would lose as much as 3 inches due to a herniated disc. He might have lost some height though.
cole said on 24/Dec/13
Click Here
This article claims Bale lost 3 inches of height and got a herniated disc.

Quote: "At one point I said enough already," says Russell. "He lost three inches of height, and even got a herniated disc."

What do you make of this Rob?
Editor Rob
the herniated disc could effect him a little, but I think the director is talking about the loose posture his character had and so it could make him look noticeably smaller...
Jordan said on 22/Dec/13
Bale is a strong 6'0" During the day, looks like a 6' guy to me
Ryan said on 21/Dec/13
Herniated disc where it states he lost three inches. Guess he is 5'9" now. Time for a downgrade.
mId said on 20/Dec/13
Click Here Look at the heels.. In behind the scenes photos or videos you can almost always see actors today have these elevator-shoes/extra heel boots. Why would Bale feel the need to have these kind of boots if he was a legit 6'? Especially when his co-star Mark is shorter to begin with. It's not like he's playing someone like Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers where it seems the taller the better these days. I guess they wanna look taller than they really are in the general publics eyes. Click Here Doesn't look 6' to me here next to max 5'8 Wahlberg when wearing similar shoes. I'm guessing he's a 5'11 guy tops.
Dennis said on 14/Dec/13
just saw the fighter and solid 6 foot seems appropriate but maybe he's truly in the mid to high end 5-11 range IMHO
Lenad said on 14/Dec/13
I guess his mother must be only pretty short than. When you got mixed jeans, your height can be anything.
tiktak said on 12/Dec/13
183 cm seems accurate but sometimes he has lousy posture

but at the bare minimum at least in the 5-10.5 or 5-11 range more or less
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Dec/13
I'm surprised he's not at least 6ft2 though.
His father was 6ft5...
Lenad said on 8/Dec/13
weak 6'0. Watch Batman begins, if he's 6'2 then neeson is 6'6
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Dec/13
I think he's as close to a solid 6ft as you can get.
Sam said on 6/Dec/13
You can tell how terrible Bale's posture is in previews from American Hustle, clearly one of his regular somewhat offbeat actorly choices.
Jon said on 5/Dec/13
It's been stated in numerous interviews of Bale and O'Russell that he had a constant slouch during filming, because Bale wanted his character to be towered by Cooper (it caused 2 slipped discs). We'll have to wait for the premiere pictures of them together before we can more accurately compare their heights. Right now though, I would guess Bale is around half an inch shorter than Cooper with normal posture.
Balrog said on 2/Dec/13
Cooper wears big heels and maybe lifts on that movid, that guy is a chameleon on height at times while Bale is hunched most part of the movie, Bale isn't under 181cm, he probably wakes at 6feet if not over, there are a lot of pics posted here that back up his claim.
Realist said on 1/Dec/13
Proof is in the American Hustle Trailer. He does have a bad posture there but Bradley is clearly 1.5 in taller than him. Cooper himself is utmost a weak 6'0 when compared with Ryan Gosling. Thus the conclusion is actors like Bale and Fassbender who are the future legends are 5'9.5 to 5'10.5 range but claim to 6'0.Their heights are overlooked due to their acting.
James said on 30/Nov/13
Rob do you agree that if you stood bale next to a 5'11 guy like david beckham there would be no more than half an inch between the 2 men. Hence why I think 182cm is more accurate than 183cm for Bale.
Editor Rob
Bale can look between 182 and 3 range, not every guy who claims 6 foot is of course going to be bang on it, some might be over a little and under it.
JOLLYSTOMPERUSA said on 28/Nov/13
Hands down this guy is the most diverse and outstanding actor out there. Quite frankly, the British are usually far better actors in general - and I'm from Brooklyn prior to the Yuppie / Liberal influx so don't think I am a Brit giving a favorable view to another.
Realist said on 28/Nov/13
He is 5'10 at most.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Nov/13
Most likely 184.5cm out of bed and 182.5cm at the end of the day.

Still haven't seen American Hustle. Anyone know how he stacked up next to Bradley Cooper?
Vintageous said on 23/Nov/13
Saw him at the screening they had a few days ago (I've seen him multiple times actually) and he is average height. I expected shorter but he is just average. Because of shoes my guess is between 5'9 and 5'11. I am 5'10 and 1/2 barefoot and my shoe height depends on heels.
Sam said on 18/Nov/13
Here with Forest Whitaker, he may have better posture in the shot, but they look similar height.
Click Here
Jon said on 17/Nov/13
I've looked through his Oscar backstage pics with the other winners and he looks 184cm next to 186~187cm Colin Firth, and Bale was even leaning! Perhaps Firth has lost more height than people realise, or Bale is a strong 6fter.
kevin said on 12/Nov/13
i too think he could be 0.25 in less than listed
Balrog said on 10/Nov/13
Bale next to Robert Sean Leonard, listed here at 6'0'' in the movie Swing Kids, Bale was 18-19 years old.

Click Here
Balrog said on 6/Nov/13
Well 181cm is the lowest I could argue. I think 5'11.5'' is spot on for him.
Dejavu said on 5/Nov/13
He was close to 2 inches taller than Crowe.
MD said on 4/Nov/13
Balrog, I might disagree with you a bit. I'm thinking more in the 181cm, for me. Taller than a flat 5'11", but not by much. He probably wakes up right out of bed at 183cm, though, but I don't believe that's his night height.
Balrog said on 2/Nov/13
MD I agree with you, like I comment before he slouch a lot and he looks fat for American Hustle, but Bale has always looked like a typical 182cm guy.
Sam said on 1/Nov/13
I don't know about 5'11", I think he pulls looking an inch or so taller than guys who are apparently 5'10.5" range, like Russell Crowe or Aaron Eckhart. He might really be 5'11.5" afternoon/morning, but not convinced that he is under it.
Click Here
Click Here
MD said on 1/Nov/13
From the set of "American Hustle" back in May...

With Jeremy Renner:

Click Here

Click Here

Of course, Renner has to be wearing some kind of lifts. But, maybe Bale is somewhere in between 5'11" and 6'0" than he is a solid 6'0". BTW, American Hustle was another amazing transformation for this guy; he's practically unrecognizable.
roy said on 30/Oct/13
bale is the prime example of a 5'11 man

add a lean build with a good posture and you can claim 6ft and get away with it
glynny 182 said on 27/Oct/13
no i disagree!! think this listing is spot on an christian bale is exactly 183 6ft from what ive seen.
Flabio said on 23/Oct/13
He looks the same height as Aaron Eckhart which is about 5'11".
jim said on 21/Oct/13
Looks no more than 5'11". Sometimes he even looks 5'10" (especially in TDKR)
Jason said on 21/Oct/13
He's around 6 feet tall people. Deal with it.
AG said on 17/Oct/13
He has the proportions of a 180cm (5'11") male. He can be 6' with shoes.
Kami said on 17/Oct/13
to Risingforce

Finally someone makes sense here, in the real world there's really no way of telling the difference between a 182 cm guy and a 183 cm guy, even though some people think they're 'experts'.

and there's this trend of people downgrading heights of famous celebrities in the comments, someone said 5'9"? 5'8" Really?

I also don't think that if a 182.5 cm guy says "I'm 6'", he should be put to the sword. Not everyone is as Obsessed With Height as some of us, and that half a cm really doesn't matter at all, to be honest.
pjk said on 14/Oct/13
I think Christian is a wonderful actor but 6ft ? Surely not. Have you seen him next to 6'2" Morgan Freeman in batman. He looks considerably shorter. I was exactly 6' during the course of the day ( 3 measurements) when i was younger and my friend was exactly 6'2" ( i measured him also ), and although the difference was noticeable, i did't look up to him much at all and it really wasn't a large difference in photos.

I would say the talented Mr Bale is ~ 5ft10.5"/5'11".
afka said on 14/Oct/13
Actualty he look quite tall..i think his height is beetwen 182-183 cm
Balrog said on 10/Oct/13
Nolan does wears thick dress shoes at the events, but he seems very similar in height with Bale, he might be over 5'11"
nickname said on 6/Oct/13
there's really not much difference in that bale and nolan shot.
cole said on 23/Sep/13
He's not under 5'11.5 that's for sure. I see 5'11.75 as a fairly good shout, but 6ft is just fine.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Sep/13
Christopher Nolan could be 5ft11.25/181cm.
Mr. Kaplan said on 22/Sep/13
He looks 5'11" next to Morgan Freeman.. probably 5'11.5" tops.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Sep/13
I think he's a perfect example of what 6ft should look like. He's constantly bulking and cutting for roles. Looked 6ft1 in The Machinist and The Fighter because he weighed almost nothing whereas in the Batman movies could appear 5ft11ish at times because of the extra weight.

The current listing is spot on.
Sam said on 12/Sep/13
I think Bale's honest about his height...although he could have lied and gone with the 6'2" he was listed on the internet pre-Batman, it would have been easy to see through. To me, he's 183-182 over the course of the day.
Keltoi said on 11/Sep/13
@batman107 He must wear lifts everywhere then or he's the tallest looking 5'8" guy I've ever seen.

A flat 6 footer every day of the week.
batman107 said on 10/Sep/13
Bale is 5'8 I've talked with him I was right in front of him and I'm 5'8 and we were the same height. He wears lifts in his movies just like robert downey jr. In iron man and the guy from thor actors do it live with it anything over 5'7 is a decent height
Balrog said on 9/Sep/13
I saw some pics of him with Renner in American Hustle and he looks fat for his new role and he also slouch a lot.
richie said on 5/Sep/13
Always thought Bale was over 6', certainly appears tall in his movies. Almost the same height as Michael Caine who is still over 6'.
chrisss said on 5/Sep/13
Legit 182cm guy
Dejavu said on 24/Aug/13
6'0 or a bit under
RisingForce said on 19/Aug/13
I agree with 182 cm. Not that you can really tell the difference between that and 183 cm/6 feet, but for whatever reason, I just get the impression he'd measure just under 6 feet, but close enough.
cole said on 17/Aug/13
In the movie Equilibrium (2002) he seemed about the same height or slightly taller than 183ish William Fichtner, maybe somewhere between 3 and 5 cm taller than 179 cm listed Sean Bean and a solid bit taller than 173ish Tye Diggs. There was a scene where he stood face to face with 179 cm listed (on celebheights) Angus MacFayden, and looked about 4-5 cm taller, as well.

Still I a very strong 5'11.75 is good for Bale. But let me just add that I am starting to realize that he can look 6' flat at times as well. He's about 5 cm shorter than Hugh Jackman, so if he's a legit 188 cm guy, then it's a safe bet that Bale is 183 cm. Personally I think Hugh is a smidge under that, like 6'1.75, so that's why I think 5'11.75 is more fitting for Bale. But this is just my opinion, and they are merely fractions after all. Taller than the 181 cm I thought he could be before, but not taller than 183 cm.
signora sempre. said on 13/Aug/13
No way. I do not think he is even 5'9. He was much shorter than Hugh Jackman in "The Prestige" MUCH shorter.
cole said on 9/Aug/13
@Sam: That looks like a bit more than 2 inches, and Bale is leaning. Woody Harrelson has claimed 5'9 for his height, so I'll go with that for him. Bale could look 182-183 cm in that pic, but he is also closer to the camera. I think 5'11.75, just brushing 6ft, is fair for Bale.
Sam said on 8/Aug/13
He's around 2 inches taller than Woody Harrelson, I think. To me, he's a true 183 cm guy, maybe 182 cm by evening but I don't he's ever as low as 5'11".
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5ft10 guy said on 7/Aug/13
5ft11 really freeman is much taller then him and kate is the same height in heels
MaskDeMasque said on 6/Aug/13
Looks a strong 5'11 in American Psycho. 5'11.25-5 is my guess for Bale.
cole said on 3/Aug/13
Spot on Lorne!
Balrog said on 2/Aug/13
I agree with your comment, Lorne. It's an honest claim, he's rounding up a little bit.
Lorne said on 1/Aug/13
He was 19, actually(or perhaps a few months shy during filming) so I doubt he was full grown. Of course I've wondered myself; it is possible leanord is 5ft11.75-6ft, and Bale was 5'11.5, and grew another fraction to match him. But I doubt it. I din't have an exact figure, but I would imagine 99% or close of guys are full grown at 19. And like a said, he clearly doesn't look a big 6foot guy. Look at him with Gordon-Levitt: I guess it's possible he was lifting, but then he just doesn't stack up well against Freeman and Caine. If course he can pull off 6ft at times, he is a legit 182cm guy, not less than 5'11.6-5'11.7. Remember at 5'11.75 most people will say 6ft.
Balrog said on 1/Aug/13
I agree Bale is a 182 cm guy and he probably wakes over 6 feet or around it. But you shouldn't compare him with Robert Sean Leonard on Swingers Bale was barely 18 years old.
cole said on 29/Jul/13
@Lorne: Couldn't agree more. 5ft 11.75in would be a more accurate listing for Bale.
Lorne said on 28/Jul/13
Christian Bale's height is: 5ft11.75in(182cm) He is a fraction shorter than Robert Sean Leanord, both wearing identical footwear in military posture, standing in a gym. Also, just doesn't look a big 6ft guy. Honestly looks 5ft11.5 with 176cm Joseph Gordon Levitt. And a solid 6 footer would stack up better against guys like Freeman and Caine... So he's close to 6ft, but not quite there.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.