Marcustheswede said on 22/Nov/08
I think Jesper Blomqvist has the truth about Bales Height.I think also he is max 181-82 centimeters.Kul se en till Svensk h
Hitch said on 22/Nov/08
Bale is at least 6'1. Worked with him on a film. Bigger guy (larger upper body) than expected. A solid 6'1, maybe even reaches 6'2.
BruceWayne said on 21/Nov/08
mID, now I guess you're right. I'm the Batman;-)
mId said on 21/Nov/08
well batman.. I was in berlin and they just did'nt strike me as tall from memory (not saying there weren't any).. that's why I was shocked to hear tallest in europe.. but like I said, I'm wrong.. moving on :)
BruceWayne said on 20/Nov/08
mID, no, most statistic evidence refers to people of the Netherlands as the tallest (by nation, as JesperBlomqvist pointed out). But there are also sources which claim the German people are taller. The Nilotic peoples of Sudan such as the Dinka have been described as the tallest in the world, with the males in some communities having average heights of 1.9 m (6 ft 3) and females at 1.8 m (5 ft 11) but this does not refer to a nation. Nevertheless it is simply nonsense that you were in Germany for a couple of days and nobody was taller than 5'10. Even in the 8th grade you find kids who tower over 5'10 there. I know that because my cousins live there.
mId said on 20/Nov/08
I'm not joking with what I said. if someone told me germans were tall in general I would'nt belive it because they did'nt strike me as tall from memory.. I belive I was there for a couple of days.. 2-4. but I'm not trying to argue with anybody.. I must be wrong since statistics and people from germany say so.. I just said I found it very strange that they were supposed to be tall on avergare because I just never seen them as a tall country. netherlands on the other hand I did. sorry if I offended anyone? why would you lie, so I guess they are tall and I just did'nt notice it when I was there. I know there are some tall germans (famous people) but I just never figured they were tall in general. but I admit I must be wrong then. would be funny if I found some old photos from the trip and people around on all photos were like 5'10.. then you would know where I'm coming from ;) but like I said.. I can't be right then and memory must be playing tricks with me. Are they really supposed to be taller in average than holland too in europe? I'm sorry, I just find that hard to belive.. statistics really show that?
leonari said on 20/Nov/08
mId: joking right? Germans are really big. Even taller than austrians who are also fairly tall. But if you were in restaurant for an hour your statement is possible. If you spend a week there you would realize they are tall
mId said on 20/Nov/08
and JesperBlomqvist.. of course there are short people in sweden too.. I said that.. but I said that I would say that the average here is 6 feet.. like I said.. I'm not tall in sweden at all.. I'm considered average.. And I bet good money your'e not 6 feet.. because if you were measured in the military you can take away 2 cm from that measurement.. I measurerd myself correctly and were 2 cm shorter than what they said. And don't tell me you are The Goju kai Jesper.. in wich case you are 5'10 tops hehe :)
mId said on 20/Nov/08
about the germany thing.. I said I did'nt remember anyone over 5'10.. ofcourse there has to be.. I just pointed out that when I was there.. yes it was a couple of years ago now.. I don't remember them as being tall.. and they would have to be if they were supposeed to be the tallest in europe.
Leung said on 19/Nov/08
mId, you never saw anyone over 5
BruceWayne said on 19/Nov/08
Well, it depends which source you refer to. This one claims 181 cm average for German men which would be more than the 180.1 cm of the Netherlands:
Click HereAnd I have also read scientific articles claiming 184cm average height for German men. But I know most data suggests that people from the Netherlands are the tallest. But mID, I don't know what you mean. I'm 6'3, and the majority of my German friends is taller than me, one is 6'8. Are you sure you weren't in the kindergarten?
JesperBlomqvist said on 19/Nov/08
By the way, the tallest people in Europe are as follows:
By nation - The Netherlands (average height 180.1 cm)
(second is not Germany - not by far - but Norway).
By ethnic group - Croatia (Dinaproesk Mountains - Average height 181 cm)
By social group - Norwegian Conscripts (ages 16-21, average height 180.4 cm)
Norway is the up and coming country to look out for where tall people are concerned. Old Norwegians are actually much shorter than old Danes and old Swedes, but they started growing tall one generation ago, along with Holland, whereas we are growing tall now, in this generation. In other words, when the currently old people die and the current 40 and 50 year olds become old, Norway will be the tallest in Europe, beating even the Netherlands. For a while, they may even be the tallest in the world, but that will be shortlived, because genetic studies have shown that, in 30 yrs time, the tallest people in the world will hail from South Korea, the tallest Asians who are already 10 cm taller than they were only two decades ago, and 8 cm taller than their North Korean counterparts (who are the same genetic stock). Interesting stuff!
JesperBlomqvist said on 19/Nov/08
MID is actually wrong - our average height here in Sweden is not 182.88cm (6 feet), it is actually 177 cm, and that is based on self-reports. As a medical doctor, I can confirm that self-reports are always a little higher than they should be, even humble people like the Swedes add a few centimeters! The problem here is perception, and that's why many people reading this would disagree. You see, the younger people would have a higher average than the real average, and everyone would be shocked to read the real average because older people are less seen, and we are surrounded by youngsters. Also, it is a proven fact that people remember tall people, whereas short people are forgotten. It has been proved in psychological tests that people who are between 174-176 cm are completely forgettable, whereas everyone remembers someone who is 190 cm, which is almost 6'3 as being notably tall. Perception affects a lot of judgements, and even more studies have shown that people are very bad at calculating things such as national averages. I was amused to read that here in Sweden, a survey showed that more than 80% of our people think the fattest people in Europe come from Italy. Again, it is a question of perception - the correct answer was our neighbours Finland, who are also the leaders in Europe for Cardiac Diseases. People just don't realise certain things, but that doesn't make them less true!
By the way, I met Christian Bale at a dinner, and he is no taller than 181 cm at most. My army papers show that when I was 18 I was 183 cm and that is what he is according to this site, but something must be wrong because standing face to face with him, he was a good inch shorter (maybe we had different heels, but still, he is no taller than 181 for sure) than me.
mId said on 19/Nov/08
that's weird you say germany have the tallest because when I was there for a few days and I can't remember seeing anyone over 5'10 my whole trip. and I was in big shopping-mall's and stuff.. weird huh :)
BruceWayne said on 18/Nov/08
I recently read that the tallest people come from the Netherlands (Man average height 6), directly followed by German people (man average height 5'11.5). Some sources also say Germany has the tallest people in the world. American average height for men was 5'9.
mId said on 18/Nov/08
oh, just have to add one more difference.. american football and baseball and basketball are not as big here as they are in america obviously.. I would say basketball is the most popular here out of the three. we have soccer (we call it football here) instead of american football. even though you can watch the superbowl and stuff and some people play it here.. but it is not a big sport at all here. our version of baseball is translated burn-ball.. and is not a real sport or televised.. and is played more for fun. you strike and if you don't make a homerun or are are safe you can get burned (similar to baseball) but like I said we play it more for fun sometimes (college-students) and we add drinking.. so translated we call it drunk-burn-ball.. basicly it's drunken baseball ;D later man!
mId said on 18/Nov/08
I was reading further down on the page about height in sweden.. I'm a legit 6' feet. little more most of the days (this is night of course I'm 6-1 out of bed). I live in sweden and I feel short here. my father is my height. my brother is 6-1 and I am the shortest out of all my six male cousins (two of them are over 6-3). some females call me tall but men call me short ;D average anyway.. most guys here are 6 to 6-1 it feels like. you see 6-3 guys everywhere and I alone have two friends who are 6-8. I think out of my friends only two are under 6 at 5-10. of course there are short people here too but if you are 5'10 maybe even 5-11 you are considered short here. If you look at my classphoto from college I guess you would call it I'm one of the shortest.. most people are 6-1 and then of course there are some 6-2 to 6-3 people in it. I wish I was atleast 6'1 because I do a little mixed martial arts and people always have reach on me it seems. funny being 6 feet and feeling like mike tyson when it comes to reach :P /greetings from sweden
Anshelm said on 16/Nov/08
On the parents' influence to your growth: I'm 180 cm (5'11"), my dad's 164 cm (5'4
Josh said on 14/Nov/08
Oh In some pics he looks 5'11.5 (182cm) so hes 6'0 max.
Josh said on 14/Nov/08
Looks exactly 6'0.5 (184cm) so 6'0 is right for him.
Hugh said on 12/Nov/08
Bale looks over 6ft a lot of the time.
Dr. D said on 11/Nov/08
thats strange.. well I always kinda thought that the dads height had more influence on the childs height. for example I have a female friend who is like 5.7 oder 5.8 but her mother is a scary 6-1. her father is a little shorter than me hes like 5.9 I guess. well youll never know
glenn said on 10/Nov/08
interesting james.
glenn said on 8/Nov/08
thats crazy.
BruceWayne said on 7/Nov/08
My guess for him is 5'11. In the dark knight, he does not really look like 6 in many scenes. 6'1 Heath Ledger looks clearly taller. Actually, I know nearly every movie of him but, at least to me, he always looks like 5'11. I'm a huge fan of him though.
Anonymous said on 7/Nov/08
I've met him in nyc. I'm over 6 foot 3 and I'd say he is 6ft
glenn said on 6/Nov/08
he is kinda calm.calm before the storm though.kinda like no doubt.
Anonymous said on 5/Nov/08
Bale is a great actor. And he was perfectly cast in American Psycho. But he looks like a guy with opinion.
glenn said on 5/Nov/08
no,he snapped at someone in front of the street.
RobertJ said on 4/Nov/08
Hey Glenn, the incident your referring to about Bale, was it when he was shooting Batman?
Hugh said on 4/Nov/08
With good posture I'd say closer to 6ft1.
glenn said on 4/Nov/08
not really.he can sign alot but never poses for pics.he can have an attitude about him but doesnt mind if you snap a pic next to he isnt so bad.but seeing him explode on someone which id rather not get into detail here shocked me.
glenn said on 31/Oct/08
i walked blocks with guy.he is 6ft.looks less with horrible posture.i have a photo standing behind him coming one day.
Da Man said on 31/Oct/08
Yep, and I would say Bale is a meso-ecto. He's not a true ectomorph, that much is obvious. A "classical ectomorph" is a bean-pole with narrow shoulders and chest and wider hips, and a near inability to put on much fat until much later in life.
Most people are mixtures of body types, and Bale is hardly your classic case of an ectomorph which is almost a caricature.
Click Here
Maribel said on 31/Oct/08
I agree with Richie, need a downsize. Bale don't look as tall as many sources say. He looks at least 5,10.5 or 1/3 at the most.
dits said on 24/Oct/08
viper: yeah,thats what i mean,just cuz you have broad shoulders and chest,it doesnt mean you're a mesomorph. on the other hand, you could have medium framed shoulders and chest and still be more of a mesomorph than an ectomorph. its related to more on how you put on weight, where you put it on, how eating affects you etc.
Viper said on 24/Oct/08
Ive got very broad shoulders and chest, yet Im still more of a natural ectomorph.
Fern said on 23/Oct/08
Bale is a ectomorph.. But he can seriously bulk up when he desires. Here's a photo of him bulked, where he is far from lean.
Click Here
dits said on 23/Oct/08
yes i could agree to bale being a meso-ectomorph,but i wouldnt classify him as an ectomorph.i know what an exact ectomorph is like,as i was one all throughout my younger years before i did something about it. i wouldnt agree to bale being an ectomorph because he never looked like one even when he was younger.
Zach said on 23/Oct/08
According to Arnold Schwarzenegger's Bodybuilding of Encyclopedia 'narrowness in chest and shoulders' is actually a sign of an ectomorph. True there are many different combinations of body types, but Arnold himself classified himself as a meso-ectomorph. If you compare his bone structure to Bale's there's a massive difference. Too many times people just see muscles and get dazzled into thinking the individual has the classical superhero mesomorphic frame, when a lot of the times its just an illusion. I agree James, Brad Pitt is also an ectomorph. And dits, despite the masses of muscle Stallone has put on, he is also an ectomorph or at least a meso-ectomorph, he even admitted as such in an 80s interview that he doesnt have a great bone structure typical of a bodybuilder (mesomorph).
The Horse of FUNK said on 23/Oct/08
I hate to spoil all this somatotype discussion but these theories are very unreliable by today's scientific standards. Bodybuilders still use the terms as an easy way of classifying people's bodies. In reality, considering how the somatotype system is flawed and its creator was more inclined to behavioral studies than physical, most people can actually be MIXES of the three types. Like I could pass as an meso-ecto or ecto-meso.
As for Bale, I think he's a legit 184-185cm guy. He's hard to tower over. Probably 186cm 6'1" in the morning.
Viper said on 23/Oct/08
Bale is an ectomorph for sure. Hes got a natural lean frame.
dits said on 23/Oct/08
an ectomorph is somebody like jon heder.i could give more examples of ectomorphs but none come to mind.
bale is not an ectomorph.if you look at his younger pictures you'd know that he naturally had some build which he's added onto now.his shoulders may not be the broadest but ectomorphs and mesomorphs aren't distinguished by shoulder width,but by their natural overall body build, along with metabolism and stuff,which we cant possibly know of bale.bale keeps himself looking slim in a suit, because his waist is probably around 32 inches, and because thats what most of his roles demand. even stallone looked slim in a suit in the 80s, but he was in no way an ectomorph.
Zach said on 22/Oct/08
Trust me he's an ectomorph. Just because he's muscular and ripped doesnt mean he's an mesomorph. A mesomorph has broad shoulders and solid joints. Look at Bale in a suit, he's a very slim man, classical ectomorphic build.
dits said on 22/Oct/08
lol bale is a mesomorph for sure,not an ectomorph.its just that he lost 60 pounds for the machinist,otherwise he has a solid build.
Zach said on 21/Oct/08
He does have a carefree posture and walk about him. His frame also doesn't help him. Although with some people a slim body frame makes them appear taller, Bale's very ectomorphic build combined with sloping shoulders makes him come across as a small guy.
Amazing too how they use camera angles in films. In The Dark Knight when Batman is 'interrogating' Heath Ledger (joker) it's almost as if Bale is a foot bigger than him the way that he is tossing and throwing him about, holding him up against a wall etc whereas in reality Ledger is (or was) at least an inch taller.
Hugh said on 21/Oct/08
6ft0.5 giving the illusion of 6ft2.
glenn said on 21/Oct/08
james-horrible posture this guy has.some of the worst ive seen.leaves him barely 5-11.stretched out it isnt that much actually,but the way the guy walks is hunched.
dits said on 20/Oct/08
he acts with a lot of taller co-stars.thats why he never really looks 6'0,but really he's around that height.5'11.5 is the LOWEST he could probably be.
Anonymous said on 19/Oct/08
He's 6 feet. C'mon.
Ange said on 19/Oct/08
He has never looked 6'0 to me. NEVER. But I'm not going to argue with the listed height.
glenn said on 14/Oct/08
i have a pic where im standing behind him.6ft.bad posture even in the street.
mikec said on 13/Oct/08
the lowest this guy is 5'11.75 and the highest 6'0.25. in the batman movies he has got pretty big arms and a figure that might make him look a little shorter. the guy is most likely a legit 6fter.
Leung said on 11/Oct/08
anonymous, BUT if you look at Bale in comparison to Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine who are both well over 6' then you should still come to the conclusion that Bale looks 6' easily in your photo.
Anonymous said on 10/Oct/08
Actually more like one inch
Click HereI guess Bale is like 5-11 and 3/4.
Maribel said on 10/Oct/08
He's about the same height as Aaron Eckhart, 5,10.75.
Click Here
Brotha said on 7/Oct/08
People, Freeman is 6'3" not 6''2". I've seen him in loafers and he towered me at 5'11.5".
howie day said on 6/Oct/08
I agree with james
bale is one actor that only works with talls actors...thats why he never look tall..
he wroked with
samuel jackson, freeman, caine, ledger, aaron eckhart, josh lucas
dits said on 2/Oct/08
good to see all the 6 foot supporters come out.i strongly believe he's 6 foot,dont get me point was that he isn't 5'10 or any of the other heights being mentioned around. its weird because even with russell crowe he's definitely taller by about 1.5 inches, and i've seen crowe at a distance of a meter and he's really about 5'10.5 because im the same height. if bale was 'short' then he wouldn't be 1.5 inches taller than him.
Lenad said on 2/Oct/08
okay folks I'd say he is 182-183cm in height...No more.
Anonymous said on 1/Oct/08
He's a strong 6'0". It's evident when he's standing next to Morgan Freeman in The Dark Knight.
dits said on 25/Sep/08
i dont know why people arent willing to believe this guy is atleast over 5'11.he may be a weak 6 footer,but man, he's not 5'10,5'9 or any of those other heights being spoken of.
Alex B said on 23/Sep/08
I agree- watch shaft (2000) bale looks like 5'11 next to a 6'2 samuel l jackson.
Slim said on 23/Sep/08
You probably won't believe this but I work in a grocery store in CA and Mr.Bale came up to me to ask where something was- I am 6'2 and he was a good 3-4 inches shorter than me-I know what I saw...
Hugh said on 21/Sep/08
Bale looks 6ft2 in Batman Begins. When he straightens up to Neeson he looks about 2 inches shorter.
Hugh said on 20/Sep/08
I don't think he's less than 6ft.
Anonymous said on 20/Sep/08
I'd guess 6ft, perhaps a fraction under. Medium frame judging from the way 180 lbs looks on him.
Lynn said on 18/Sep/08
Watched Batman begins yesterday night.
The impression is 180 cm ( 5'11" ) max.
dits said on 16/Sep/08
johnny: yup that picture shows bale is a solid 5'11.5 atleast,he has about 1.5 cm over nolan.don't go by nolan's hair. your second picture is a little weird to judge by, as bale has a weird angle and is leaning forward a bit too.
i believe that the best judge for bale's height are his pictures with russell crowe.bale isn't lying about being 6'0,he may be 5'11.5, but thats about as low as i see him go.
Johnny said on 15/Sep/08
I know it is overstating, but just look at the evidence! David Ayer is 6'2 or 6'2.5 and here, he looks like Andre the Giant with Bale and Freddy Rogriguez:
Click Here
Johnny said on 15/Sep/08
Anyone thinking Bale is 6' think again - see this photo for proof, Nolan is a max of 5'10.5 or 5'11, this is behind the scenes, face to face, no camera tricks, no red-carpet lifts etc:
Click Here
Johnny said on 15/Sep/08
I had this disagreement with people about Leonardo di Caprio - they constantly figured his height to be lower than 5'11 but from press junkets and interviews, I knew he looked a solid 5'11. Bale is the exact same height. Look at the pics with Crowe (who is a max of 5'10 on a good day)at the premiere and in Batman he wears huge rubber boots. Compare 5'11 Speedman to 5'8 Dafoe in Anamorph and Bale to Dafoe in American Psycho and you will agree that Bale doesn't look 6'1 standing face to face with him at all.
Big King said on 15/Sep/08
Bale looks almost four inches shorter than 6'4" Liam Neeson. 6'2" is definitely a joke! Bale's peak height is 6'1". I would agree with 6'0 1/2" too.
dits said on 15/Sep/08
johnny: nah man,he's pretty much a 6 footer,might be 5'11.5,but he's closer to 6 foot than he is to 5'11. photographic evidence is what shows it.
Johnny said on 12/Sep/08
Bale is 5-11 barefoot, end of story. Photographic evidence is overwhelming. My dad is a sold 6' and with dress shoes he goes up an inch or an inch and a half. Crowe was wearing sneakers, Bale dress shoes so Bale had an advantage, an there was still hardly a difference (maybe 1" or 1/2"), almost 6' not quite.
dits said on 12/Sep/08
yeah roger he was made to be leaner to make him look like his batman life took a toll on him somewhat. in batman begins it was shown how he missed his sleep n stuff, and in dark knight it's shown that it's taking a toll on him,because no matter how much of a superhero he is,bruce wayne's still a human.
thekiddd said on 11/Sep/08
Caine is a tiny margin over 6'1" these days. He is 6 foot, maybe a little bit less. But nothing less that 5'11 1/2" IMO.
Roger said on 11/Sep/08
If you check out photos of him and Katie holmes at various "batman begins" events, you'll find that he, while wearing normal Adidas sneakers or regular shoes (I guess) always has at least half an inch on Katie - who wears high heels in most photos. So 6' straight - as he says of himself - seems right on the money.
Did any of you notice he appeared a little leaner - less bulky - in "The Dark Knight"?
Hugh said on 9/Sep/08
Now James, 6ft2 doesn't sound on the lol side of things. He can look it. At the premiere of the first Batman he looks no more than 1cm shorter than Caine.
mojo2004 said on 4/Sep/08
This link contains a picture of Bale with Maggie Gyllenhaal. She's 5'9 and wearing heels.
Click Here Clearly he's 6 ft easy.Not to mention standing next to caine & Freeman he has to be at least 6 ft.
little one said on 4/Sep/08
having seen the photos provided by dits i retract my statement below...
little one said on 3/Sep/08
just watched 3:10 to Yuma. He stood no taller than 5'11 Russell Crowe. Certainly not noticeably so, anyhow.
Hugh said on 27/Aug/08
He looked near to Michael Caine in the Dark Knight. 6ft0.75 maybe?
Taylor said on 20/Aug/08
probably 6'0" but a very weak 6 footer... maybe only 5'11". just watch Batman Begins. He's quite a bit shorter than 6'4" Liam Neeson in most of their scenes together.. by a margin that looks a little more than 4 inches
dits said on 19/Aug/08
thought i'd do a little bit of thinking myself.
Click Hereno problem with either of their footwear.seems to give them both a similar height boost. now this.
Click Hereim a strong believer of russell crowe being about 5'10 as i've seen him,and there's a difference of about 1.5 inches between both of them,.that puts christian bale at 5'11.5. if 5'10.5 is believed for russell crowe,then bale's at 6'0.
5'9 for christian bale?lol.seems like everyone secretly hopes he's shorter than he really is.
Rick said on 18/Aug/08
No more than 2 inches shorter than Morgan Freeman in the Dark Knight. And, no more than an inch shorter than Caine. Look at him with Ledger? You folks that have him 5'9 to 5'11 must be reading Jonathan Swift or something. Wake up! He is six foot or slightly taller. End of discussion.
balita said on 18/Aug/08
6 foot sounds correct, not too tall, but still noticeably tall :)
Charlie23 said on 17/Aug/08
I think he is closer to be a 5'11 than a 6.
Tony said on 16/Aug/08
sorry BB , its relly hilarious.....Bale 5'9.....LOL I meet C.Bale once a Month hes no way on earth under 6......
Anonymous said on 10/Aug/08
Hugh Jackman is between 6'2 1/2" and 6'3". Morgan Freeman is 6'2". The same height as Jim Carrey. Who I DO believe is 6'2"
Batboy said on 9/Aug/08
he is taller than 180cm in any case. is it 181, 2 or 3 hard to say but in that range.
Patrick said on 8/Aug/08
If his height is more from his spine than his legs then it would explain the variations in sightings as he'd shrink more through the day than a long legged person, surely? He also has terrible posture, I'm sure that can't help
Daniel said on 7/Aug/08
I agree with you, yoney
Malone said on 7/Aug/08
I knew a girl who worked on 'Begins and asked her about Bale's height. What she said was a little contradictory. She stated, 'oh not too tall actually, about 5'8-9" I think, a little taller than you (at 5'10.5?)', and pointed above my head (at the 5'11" mark). I think perhaps she was a poor judge of heights. Indeed, the guy she was with was a giant (like 6'5 or 6"). Still, Bale often looks a solid 5'11-6', unless next to Freeman where he looks decidedly shorter than him (particularly in 'Begins).
yoney said on 7/Aug/08
Both in the Prestige and the dark knight, he didn't look more than 6 ft. he should be around 182-183 cm.
maximus said on 6/Aug/08
No offense bb but I have to agree with dr. no ... Bale does not seem below 6'....he doesnt have the appearance of someone who is 5'9 1/2.....or shorter...
dr. no said on 5/Aug/08
@BB: in your dreams he was shorter. You are basically saying he is just 5'8 - 5'9. This is pure nonsense unless he was barefoot and you were walking around in your seventies-disco-dance-high-heels again! He is a solid 6 footer.
BB said on 5/Aug/08
Well just to put this to rest. I played college football and was measured for pro day at 5'10 3/4. Most of my friends claiming to be 6' are actually a 1/2 inch shorter than I am. I met Bale one time. He' was no doubt an inch or more shorter than I was.
dits said on 4/Aug/08
rikashiku: look for bale and hugh jackman together. yeah,i about 5'11 and there's these guys who're 6 foot and shorter than me.but one thing i've noticed about women, the number of them wearing heels has declined drastically. i see flats everywhere. now is the time when you'd think that women stopped caring about height lol.
balegirl said on 4/Aug/08
Does anyone know how tall Sam Worthington is? He's playing opposite CB in the new T4. Just saw a photo still from the movie where he and CB are nose to nose and he is taller. Not by much but maybe 1/2 an inch.
Rikashiku said on 3/Aug/08
Click Herewith 6'0 1/3 Ken Watanabe. not the best pic but the only one i could find with Bale and another guy taller than he is.
i was trying to find pics of him with Liam Nelson but no luck =[
But since 1999-2004, Liam has been looking less of 6'4 and more 6'2-6'3
hes got abit of height over Bale.
dr. no said on 3/Aug/08
@maximus: I agree. Everything from 6'0 and above is considered the tall side of mankind everywhere in the world. And I also know all these 6 - 6'1 guys that are half a head smaller than me at 6'1 barefoot. It's funny. But with women it gets even worse. Most of them think their real height has to be measured in their high heels. So they are very surprised if you ask them to take off their shoes when they get measured.
maximus said on 3/Aug/08
I don't believe 6' is average height.....several people on this site calling six foot average height.....I believe 5'10" is average and thats not short.
dits said on 2/Aug/08
yeah he is lucky isn't he.if he was 6'5 he'd never have landed the batman role lol.
oh well,all this batman hype..drivin me crazy.
maximus said on 2/Aug/08
I agree...thats definetly true. You have a lot of guys out there claiming to be 6'1" to 6'2" and they are actually 5'11"......with thick
G-MANN said on 1/Aug/08
Apparentely (according to some news articles) Bale's father was 6'5", but it seems his son didn't inherit all of this height.
maximus said on 31/Jul/08
alfredmcluvian said on 30/Jul/08
See this one:
Click HereChristian Bale is 6'0 tops next to Hugh Jackman, who's considered to be 6'2
rob roy said on 28/Jul/08
i first saw him in the movie "3:10 to Yuma" with russell crow and i was really impressed by both actors. of course russell got the "star" of the show then. and my "focus" then is not on chris. much more, i was thinking about the star the late glen ford who starred on same movie. christian bale is definitely going up as "the dark knight" movie soars. and i can see in him that he could play any role. good luck.
Leung said on 27/Jul/08
You are deceitful about your height, and people that are perceived as untruthful tend to get lied to more often because people are reluctant to open up with someone that is deceptive, that
SuperAnonymous said on 27/Jul/08
Just watched Dark Knight last night. Next to 6'2.5" Morgan Freeman and 6'2" Michael Cain, Christian Bale looked a solid 100% 6 foot guys. Although, I think he should have weighed about 15 pounds more with muscularity to make him look intimidating as Batman.
Anyway, fabulous movie. Undoubtedly, the best movie of the year and the best comic movie ever made. Definitely, one of the best movies of all times.
anon said on 27/Jul/08
his father is 6'5. i expected him to be taller
Roger said on 27/Jul/08
Guys, claims for Christian Bale being 5'11 or under are pure nonsense. Check out, type in "Holmes Bale", and you'll find enough photos of Bale in flat shoes (sneakers) standing next to Katie in high heels from various "Batman Begins" premiers. He has around an inch on her. And she's almost 6 foot in heels.
Samiam said on 27/Jul/08
When a guy says he is 6 feet, that means he's between 5'10 and 5'11.
I've seen too many guys who claim they are 6'2 or 6'3" and can't be more than 6 feet.
I tell people I am 5'10. I'm really 5'9".
Bale is a strong 5'10. He looks like it, 5'11 at the most.
brotha said on 26/Jul/08
Freeman is 6'3" you be the judge of Bale's height in TDK knowing that.
Rikashiku said on 25/Jul/08
6'0? really?
on the first batman movie he filmed. he wasnt that tall next to 6'4-6'3 actor. err i forget his name but he is really great as an actor.
uhhh Qui gon jin on starwars 1. bad ninja on batman.
you know.
anyone got a picture of him and other people?
and i dont believe he is 6'4 anymore. hes giving a smaller look or other people are wearing thicker shoes?
runt said on 24/Jul/08
I don't think 5-10 is in the conversation because true 5-10 guys always have 'short rumors' following them. In other words, there would be some 5-9 or 5-8 sightings. If 5-10 sightings are the shortest sightings, then this guy is a 6 footer. It's weird like that.
alfredmcluvian said on 24/Jul/08
please, see the photo posted by me on 22 July and answer me, if caine is 6'1-2 tops, how can ch. bale be 6'0 then? i would say that he is no more than 5'11.5, yet, well, im waitin for your opinion.
regards lads
Ray said on 24/Jul/08
I agree with Ed(1). I believe Bale is a little under 6'. He's slim and a strong 5'11" which will give the impression of 6'+. Michael Caine is maybe a little over 6' these days. (Caine was 6'1" peak).
Dejavu said on 23/Jul/08
In the dark knight, Michael Caine looks the same or sometimes an inch taller than Bale. I say 6ft for Bale is a good estimate.
mikec said on 23/Jul/08
i was watching the show on tv the other day and he was signing some autographs and didn't look that tall maybe 5'11 or 5'10 didn't look above average or anything like that.. maybe because he was slouching and/or was in a tallish group.
and in the dark knight he didn't look that tall, I bet he is 6' but just doesn't seem like it.
Terry L said on 23/Jul/08
Just saw the Dark Knight and did not believe Bale was over 5'10" but when I hear most of the other guys were in the 6'3" range - it makes sense.
Ed(1) said on 22/Jul/08
He really didn't look more then 6ft-6ft1 tops in his Batsuit in The Dark Knight! I'd personally peg Bale at closer to 5ft11 then 6ft barefoot, split the difference and say 5ft11.5. He looked the same height as Aaron Eckhart(5ft11), shorter then Micael Caine(5ft11.25) by close to 2 inches, and a good 3 inches shorter then Morgan Freeman(6ft2.5). 6ft is the max for Bale, but I'd guess he's shorter and rounds up.
alfredmcluvian said on 22/Jul/08
The picture below is very interesting, have a look ( the angle is weird, yet the height difference can be easily noticed and calculated ):
Click HereWhat say you?
Anonymous said on 22/Jul/08
He did look 5'11 compared to Liam Neeson in Batman Begins as well.
Possum said on 22/Jul/08
In the Dark Knight Morgan Freeman looks way taller then Bale. I seriously would put him no taller than 5'11 considering that Freeman is 6'2 and looks much taller than him in the movie.
WantingToBe6FT said on 21/Jul/08
Nothing under 6' for Christian. Doesn't look insanely tall/lanky. Perfect height in my opinion
Anonymous said on 21/Jul/08
He's at least 6'0". Freeman has about 2 inches of height on Bale in TDK.
Anonymous said on 21/Jul/08
I'm undecided on this guy. I think he is definitely between 5'11.5-6'0.5, no more and no less. I think 6'0 even is a solid estimate.
Emilie Yount said on 20/Jul/08
A crew member from the upcoming Chicago-filmed Public Enemies took a picture of he and I...I hope it will show up somewhere as I didn't get a copy...he's definitely 6'0 even!
nycgirl said on 20/Jul/08
I was just at the Metropolitan Museum of Art's exhibit on Superheros and Fashion, where they have Bale's Batsuit on display. I'm 5'11", and that suit was much bigger than me. I would put him closer to 6'1" than 5'11".
brotha said on 19/Jul/08
I also agree Bale is right at 6'05". I'm almost 6' and Freeman had me by 3" face to face.
brotha said on 19/Jul/08
Freeman is at least 6'3" standing up straight, use your judgement for guessing Bales height.
Daniel said on 19/Jul/08
He seems almost 10 cm shorter than Freeman in the Batman movies, so 1.80m - 1.82m seems accurate for Bale.
Set said on 19/Jul/08
hes definitely 6 feet at least. in batman begins hes always at LEAST 4 inches taller than katie and shes usually wearing heels.. and shes 5'8 at the very least.
Nixtrax said on 18/Jul/08
6'0 with shoes, spot on. 5 ft 11.5 barefoot.
Bateman said on 17/Jul/08
Between 6'0 and 6'1
dude said on 17/Jul/08
in the training scenes
dude said on 17/Jul/08
Bale was barefoot in that scene with neeson
gus48 said on 14/Jul/08
Hugh you couldn't be more wrong about your uncle. 6' IS tall, a 6' man is taller than 85% of the population. That is a little more than average my friend.
steph said on 14/Jul/08
yeah i always thought he was over 6 foot but everyone in batman is so darn tall, i thought he was shorter than 6 foot when i was watching the movie.
Alex said on 8/Jul/08
Still crazy that he was really down to 125lbs for a guy who is in the 6'0 range.
Leung said on 2/Jul/08
I don
THEeuropean said on 2/Jul/08
To marc (from 3rd March 08):
Mate, with all do respect, yet the pic of bale abd liam doesnt show 10cm diff. its more like 12-15cm. moreover, 4'' is not 10cm, but a 11.5cm. And finally, I do agree with you, bale is no more than 6'=182,82cm.
Regards, lads
TNTinCA said on 26/Jun/08
Did he wear lifts in American Psycho? Because I got the impression he was 6'2" in that movie. In Batman, he was clearly shorter than Michael Caine so I thought 6 foot was more likely.
Sean said on 23/Jun/08
I stood less than 3 feet from Bale when he was in Chicago last year at the convention and though he has horrible posture and slouches, he was about my height slouching and I'm 5'11 without shoes.
Hugh said on 20/Jun/08
That picture proves that Bale could be over 6ft.
DCfan said on 19/Jun/08
He's telling the truth. Bale's probably the only actor in Hollywood who tells the truth about his height. I've seen him several times in person and he is a legitimate six-footer.
Fred said on 18/Jun/08
As u can see at the picture from Robert J , chris nolan ( batman director) is standing at the right , he is 5'11 and Bale is a bit taller then him , i guess Bale telling the truth about beeing 6 foot tall
anthony said on 17/Jun/08
i saw Bale many times in santa monica and believe me guys hes way more than 5'11 iam sur 6' no doubt about it i am 5'9 and i wore boots he wore newbalance, still he was wayyyy taller
RobertJ said on 12/Jun/08
Here's Christian next to Maggie. You can't see her footwear but she's obviously wearing heels and Bale's got normal dress shoes.
Click Here
Myself said on 4/Jun/08
He never looks the same heigh than maggye, besides in some Batman Begins premiere pictures he looks the same heigh as Ken Watanabe, and sometimes a bit taller, and also he has like 3 or 4 inches over katie holmes, rated 5'9 here as well.
dits said on 3/Jun/08
he never looked really tall.but 6 foot could be right,although he does look shorter than it at times.
diana said on 2/Jun/08
yeah in pictures with maggie gylanhaal(can't spell it) they seem the exact same height and she's spot on 5'9 so i'm gonna say he's prolly 5'11.75 if you wanna be exact
Lenad said on 28/May/08
6foot is the most I can accept for this guy. I think hes marginally under it to tell you the truth
Dylan said on 17/May/08
I dont know, I was really thinking Bale looked to be at about 5'10-5'11 after seeing both "Batman Begins" and "3:10 to Yuma". But I began to think he actually looks a bit broader in those two movies then in some of his others. Some may say otherwise, but I think when you look broader you tend to look shorter. For instance my step father is literally 1/8 of an inch taller then I am, and yet everyone I have met always acts like he is 2-3 inches taller then I am when we arent side by side. But he is fairly thin and has pretty average shoulders. I on the other hand am, at the shoulders, 14 inches larger around (measuring the shoulders all the way around that is). So from personal experience and taking note of peoples remarks I would say being a bit more filled out can actually make you look shorter. As far as average height in America goes, the lastest reports put it at 5'9 and alot of experts say that that is only going to continue to go down due to the poor diet of the average american.
balegirl said on 13/May/08
I was looking at Dark Knight movie stills on the fansite and he looks considerably taller next to caine and freeman than he did in Batman Begins. Makes me think he is using lifts to push him close to 6'1 in this movie. I think 5'11 is more like it for him.
Hugh said on 12/May/08
He's built like a 6ft2 guy.
Isaac said on 12/May/08
I have just seen on of the trailers of the next Batman movie. In some scenes Magye Gyllenhall is standing next to Aaron Eckhart, listed here as 179, and they seem to be the same heigh, maybe because she was wearing heels or whatever. How ever in the scenes with Bale he seems tobe taller than her for at least two inches. This could mean that Bale is at least two inches taller than Eckhart, which takes us to the same place: Bale is between 6ft an 6'1''
jello said on 9/May/08
He is here in Madison right now filming. I was an extra on the movie and a set worker who didn't know who Christian Bale was (what?) kept referring to him as "the tall one" compared to Billy Crudup. When I actually met Christian, he was between 6 ft and 6'1". I'm 5'10" and we were wearing the same shoes
Marco said on 6/May/08
Michael Caine migth have lost two inches as much nowadays, but anyway let's say that he's still 6ft1. I have seen a picture in which he's standing beside Bale, and yes, Bale is slightly shorter, but he isn't standing straight at all. So if we take that into consideration, we can say that they stand the same heigh, whatever it is 6ft or 6ft1.
glenn said on 29/Apr/08
hugh is correct.thats very possible.
Hugh said on 29/Apr/08
I stand by my claim. With good posture he's probably 186cm.
Marco said on 22/Apr/08
In this case, I think we need a picture of you Rob and Bale, although I strongly believe his at least 6ft tall. Don't you have one?
Hugh said on 21/Apr/08
James, I cannot see Bale being as low as a pathetic 5ft11.5 okay. To my eyes he's at least 6ft0.5.
MD said on 2/Apr/08
Off subject, but does anyone know how much Bale weighed in "Rescue Dawn"? We know he weighed something like 122lb for "The Machinist", and 190lb for "Batman", but I see no mention of his height in "Rescue Dawn", and he dropped quite a bit of weight for that movie, too.
Random Person said on 2/Apr/08
It's funny how he can go from looking at least 6 foot (if not more 6'1") in American Psycho to looking barely 5'11" in 3:10 to Yuma. I say he's telling the truth with 6 foot even.
Marco said on 1/Apr/08
Ok, so, they're considered tall, but not too tall. Thanks.
Adam Brennon said on 30/Mar/08
Average height statistics tend to vary. I have a friend from Sweden who told me the average height for a grown man there is 177cm (a hair under 5' 10"). I'm not sure where he got this figure, but I shouldn't think he'd have any reason to make it up as he's 185cm (about 6' 1" I think).
Adam Brennon said on 30/Mar/08
I never realised Bale was 13 in 'Empire of the Sun'. Very impressive how they made him look younger. He didn't look tall for his age. He must have had a dramatic growth spurt.
Hugh said on 27/Mar/08
183-184cm sounds reasonable. I was actually joking when I said Bale was 6ft2.
Tom said on 25/Mar/08
James are you Hugh's uncle in disguise? Lol I wonder.
Kevint said on 24/Mar/08
Hugh: In Holland and Scandanavia, six feet tall is probably average; in the US, it's taller than average. Average height for men is 5' 10", and if you knock off an inch for wishful thinking, it's probably 5' 9".
Out of his Batman costume, Bale looks no taller than 5' 11", max.
Hugh said on 23/Mar/08
James did I ever say I was tall? No I didn't. Judging by the way your saying things I'd say your 6ft3 tops. Your saying to be seriousely tall you have to be at least 6ft4. In that case people who 6ft and no more are below average, yes?
Matt said on 21/Mar/08
Actually 6' (which is considered "tall") guys are not very common, even less so are those over that height. 6'4" and above is legitimately "very tall". It also depends on geographic area as well too.
Leung said on 19/Mar/08
Regarding your Uncle, I think 6
thekiddd said on 18/Mar/08
he he, the maximum I can see IS 6'0 1/2" Lol.
Hugh said on 18/Mar/08
My uncle is 6ft and he claims to be tall. The other day I decided to shut him by up saying 'Your not tall, Your average. Deal with it!' When I think about it now I suppose I was being a bit harsh. And thats coming from a legit 6ft2.5 man. Bale can look 6ft2 or close to it. The minimum I can see is 6ft0.5.
Robbie H said on 14/Mar/08
i would say 6ft is at least above average, can be quite tall
Marco said on 12/Mar/08
could you tell me if nowadays a 6 ft man is considered as tall? Or just in the average.
mo said on 10/Mar/08
met him at the premiere of Batman begins. i'm 5'8'' and he's quite taller than me. that's certain. i glanced down and he was wearing normal shoes. i'd say 6ft and a bit.
RB said on 6/Mar/08
He looks little over 6' in his earlier films American Psycho and Equlibrium.
Hugh said on 6/Mar/08
Christian Bale looks about 186-187cm beside Michael Caine (188cm).
Leana said on 5/Mar/08
Can we all agree that short or tall, C Bale is HOT?
Also, can somebody tell me what color his hair is???
Marco said on 29/Feb/08
Then how do you explain the 2-inches shorter that he looked standing besides Hackman in "The Prestige" premiere? I mean, if Hackman is as tall as Routh. It was 'cause the red carpet wasn
anthony said on 29/Feb/08
i talked to M.Bale a year ago on 3 rd street Santa Monica, and talked to him again last week he is no less for sure sure than 6ft !!
G said on 26/Feb/08
I saw Christian Bale in London last October and I think I agree with Johnny Boy, he does not look anything close to 6ft, I would say around 5ft 10 5ft 11 at the most.
Johnny Boy said on 22/Feb/08
Tough One - looks taller than Crowe in the 3:10 to Yuma Premiere red carpet pics but Crowe is wearing ridiculously casual shoes (not sneakers but similar) and Bale is wearing leather one with large heels so I don't know about those (plus the Carpet was not on concrete ground, but grass or something). I think Bale is 5'11.5 if he were put to the ruler.
Batfan said on 20/Feb/08
I remember that sometime ago somebody posted a link to some photos of Bale and Crowe in a movie premier. Crowe looked very short. In fact, I'd say bale had at least 5 cm over Crowe, who is claimed 179. Besides, i've seen other photos of Bale and Jackman in another premier and Jackman did look taller than bale, but just for around 5 cm as well. So, 183 is perfect to me.
saw him o said on 20/Feb/08
saw him on mtv last 2006 with brandon routh. if routh is 6'2-3" this guy must be 5'10" tops! i swear this guy isn't that tall...i think' time for a downgrade.
Richie said on 20/Feb/08
And here r a few screenies to support my claim!!!
Click HereRob, time to downsize!!

Editor Rob
Bale never claimed 6ft 2.
Richie said on 17/Feb/08
3:10 to Yuma!
Same height as Russel Crow, if not shorter! 5'10" tops! o rmayb 179cm
Also, batman Begins! Liam Nesson! Was 6'4" in his prime, now a little over 6'3"!
He has like five inches over Bale!!!
I wouldnt have done that movie with him and still claim to be 6'2" :)
I guess we can downsize him to 179!
And for all the people who think he is to well proportioned to be that short, d'you think
Mel Gibson looks as short as he is? He looks 6' and hes 5'10"!
Leana said on 13/Feb/08
Chris Bale may be 6 feet tall but I don't think he's any taller than that. In all the films I've seen him in, he seems to be average height. One thing that I notice is that his upper body seems short, so that may make him appear to be shorter than his height. He could very well be 6 feet but not any taller. Also, Michael Cane and Morgan Freeman are pretty tall guys, so even a 6 foot tall guy would be a shorty around them. None-the-less Chris is hot hot hot. My other questions is: what color is his hair? It seems darker these days but I always thought his hair was a lighter brown in past films.
dmeyer said on 6/Feb/08
bale does look 6 footer in pics for some reason he looks more 5'11 to 5'11.5 in movies
Melkor said on 30/Jan/08
A good actor (excluding Laurel Canyon, Newsies et. al). I only began thinking about his height when I saw Batman Begins, I was very suprised he got the role but then again, Batman Begins was mostly made in Britain and Chris Nolan is British himself. Anyway, in most scenes by himself, Bale seems 5'11 to 6'. But what I have the most problems with is his footwear in the film. In his Bat-suit he has massive rubber boots (see behind the scenes documentary). I don't know how many inches this adds but it seems like more than 1.5. Yet when Bale interacts with other males in the movie he seems short. The fact that he put on so much weight for the role doesn't help his height perception either. If I were to make a bet, I'd say 5'11 barefoot, maybe 5'11.5 with normal shoes.
Marley said on 17/Jan/08
You can't go by what you see in films. Camera angles and other techniques are used to minimise any noticeable height differences between the actors, and also to add height to the leading man. I say Bale is 6ft max, probably 5'11.
Boxing Fighter said on 14/Jan/08
I think he is 6ft1.
If he really is 6ft0 tall, Crowe is 5ft9.5
Johnny said on 12/Jan/08
I think 1.84m is the tallest height you can give him. He's deffinetely not a 6'2 as put on sites. 1.85m is too much to give him.
Anonymous said on 10/Jan/08
come on, the guys not proportioned like a man of anything below 6'. His torsoe in America Psycho and build resembles that of a longer, slender, body. I dont care how muscular Jeremy Pivens gets, hes not going to have that underwear model physique that only taller, leaner, men like Bale have. Looking at his body, Bales is nothing under 5'11
Viper said on 8/Jan/08
I thought he looked closer to 6-2 in American Psycho.
untamedromeo said on 7/Jan/08
clearly 6 foot! goodness me, 5'10 is ridiculous.
Adam Brennon said on 7/Jan/08
In my opinion Bale looks: 5' 0" in Empire of the Sun, 6'0.5" in American Phycho, 5' 11.5" in Batman Begins, 6' 1" in The Machinist, 5' 11" in Reign of Fire and 6' 0" in Equalibrium.
Leung said on 6/Jan/08
rock solid
Le Dude said on 6/Jan/08
Yeah, those photos do prove it. The guy looks like a solid sixer.
Anonymous said on 2/Jan/08
Looks about 6'0.5" to 6'1.5". And those photos with Crowe prove this.
Ilie A'bout Myhite said on 31/Dec/07
But wait "le Dude", don't watch 3:10 or The Prestige, look here.
Click Here
Le Dude said on 31/Dec/07
If you guys watch 3:10 To Yuma, there are many scenes where Bale and Crowe are standing next to each other, and they're pretty much the exact same height. If Crowe's listed as 5'10", then Bale must be a tad closer to that than 6'0". I'd say he's 5'11" max. Every time I watch The Prestige, he just doesn't stand up to Jackman as a 6'0" dude would.
Ilie A'bout Myhite said on 30/Dec/07
I think you guys are wrong on this one. Look at Bale here with 5ft 7 Steven Spielberg:
Click Here
170at14kris said on 27/Dec/07
he seems about 6'1 or 6'0.5
cari said on 26/Dec/07
I've met Christian Bale. I have brothers who are 6'1" to 6'-3". Mr. Bale is definitely without a doubt 6'-2".
He refers to himself as 6 foot, because it is the British way to generalize, I know. It also made many Batman fans happy that he was actually the height of the Batman from mythos. So, argue all you want, your perceptions are off if you think or assume else.
Gago said on 26/Dec/07
He's 183 or 6'0, very calm and polite person, he was saying how he's not into all "fake hollywood celebrity lifestyle", very casual, won't even valet his vehicle, parked at the meter.
balegirl said on 25/Dec/07
Look at CB relative to Jared Leto in American Psycho (he looks 2-3 inches taller) and look at Jared Leto in Lord of War with Nicholas Cage and Leto looks 3-4 inches shorter than Cage. I think Cage and Bale are maybe about the same height.
B said on 25/Dec/07
RobertJ why are you saying 6' 1'' maximum ? the man himself said 6 foot, sure he could be 5' 11.5 but the maximum height he could be is 6 foot.
john 0 said on 25/Dec/07
is 1.82 or 1.83................. take a look here
Click Here
RobertJ said on 25/Dec/07
Not possible richard, not to say your lying in seeing him but ALL photograph/video evidence and most encounters put him at 5'11'' minimum and 6'1'' maximum.
richard faulkner12 said on 24/Dec/07
Sorry folks, he is 6 ft 0 max, probably more like 5 ft 10. I've seen him in a film premiere in London last year, and he's noticeably shorter than me, and I am 6 ft. In most of his movies, the director of photography tries desperately to film the scenes in such a way that would make Christian look taller (you will notice this in many movies with Tom Cruise as well: the cameraman simply avoids shooting from afar without zooming and shooting from above), but unfortunately that rarely worked.
balegirl said on 23/Dec/07
fair point perhaps. i concede that CB towers over the actors in rescue dawn but who says steve zahn is 5 ft 8inch? he seems much shorter. closer to 5ft 6in in other films, namely the one where he plays an escaped convict that teaches the kids a dance routine. Happy Texas is the title maybe? his co-star jeremy northam towers over him in every scene and illeana douglas, his love interest, seems taller than him. check it out.
Billy said on 22/Dec/07
christian bale is atleast 6 foot, maybe closer to 6 ft 1 even. in rescue dawn there is a scene where 5 ft 8 steve zahn ( or however you spell his last name) is face to face with bale , both barefoot. zahn is looking up at bale, while bale is looking down at him, and bale was towering him, atleast a good 4 inches.
balegirl said on 20/Dec/07
I had already accepted that his heigh wasmore like 5'11 than taller but then i saw the Today show clip where he is shown in a scene with Aaron Eckerd (aka Harvey Dent) inthe new Dark Knight previews. And he appears to be shorter than Eckerd who is listed on this site as 5'11. I predict one year from now Bale will be downgraded to 5'10. Nothing wrong with that in my book but 6'0 seems too high. I do respect those that have met him but I can't reconcile those anecdotes with the pictures of him seeminly dwarfed by other actors. Sorry folks.
anthony said on 20/Dec/07
I shook his hand on 3rd street promenade few months ago iam 5'9 the man is a solid 6' 6'1 , the guy is impressive!
F1 said on 4/Dec/07
In Rescue Dawn, a barefoot Bale is standing in next to 5'9.5" Greg Quiyum(who I knew well in Chicago). GQ is wearing pretty big army boots and is probably hitting 5'11" with the boots on. It looks like Bale is still an inch taller than GQ. So, I'd say 6'0" barefoot is right.
joe said on 30/Nov/07
probably as close to exactly 6 feet as a celebrity is. This is no b.s. 6 foot listing like some people say who are actually 5'10. Thats probably why he looks a little over 6 feet on screen.
amazing grace said on 28/Nov/07
He is 6ft so lets not give him 6'1 that would make a mockery of this whole site.
C you are right other than B ball players and the Dutch it's not really short,however these days its no longer tall.
How tall are you or is it confidential?
In which case you are an actor
C. said on 27/Nov/07
Even if he was 5'11", since when was that considered short? I swear, people these days...
sam said on 27/Nov/07
just give the guy 6'0 3/4 or 6'1. You know if he stood his very straightest he'd clear the 6' mark...
amazing grace said on 17/Nov/07
He has always said 6 not 6'2 this was added to make him the same height as batman.
In the premier shots Chris Nolan and him are wearing the same dress shoes and Chris is at least 1 inch taller.
Michael Caine has shrunk is now more like 6'1 from a 6.25@peak.
Add Nolan at 6 feet 1
Dennis said on 11/Nov/07
That could be true Sam.
I really don't think Bale gives a crap about his height.
Leung said on 11/Nov/07
A solid 6 footer, maybe 6
sam said on 10/Nov/07
also he looks about 2 inches shorter than morgan freeman who is about 6'3. bale could be 6'1 but may have just said "i'm 6 foot, its just not healthy" to make the sentence smoother. I mean it wouldn't sound as natural to say "i'm 6 foot one, its just not healthy" problably just a matter of rounding it but I bet he could be 6'1 if you actually measured him
Dennis said on 10/Nov/07
He did'nt look short in general in The Prestige, but he did look shorter than he use to.
Then again, who does'nt look short besides Hugh Jackman in a top hat.
supes78 said on 9/Nov/07
He looks like a solid 6 footer to me. There's just no convincing photographic evidence to suggest any shorter.
Leung said on 7/Nov/07
Anonymous, Bale does not look short in The Prestige, that
Anonymous said on 6/Nov/07
He did look short in The Prestige, I think it was the clothes that made him look rather stubby.
RobertJ said on 5/Nov/07
There's no way silver, your mistaken. He's no less than 5'11'', everyone agrees with that and all evidence backs that up.
Anonymous said on 5/Nov/07
in the prestige he looks like a legit 5'11 so he can be 6'0 in smalls lifts..
silver said on 5/Nov/07
in "the prestige" he looks much shorter than hugh jackman and shorter than other of his movies. I think he's 177 cm
Shane said on 24/Oct/07
6'0 to 6'1....look at "HARSH TIMES"
GothamChampion said on 7/Oct/07
I was face to face with Bale at a comic con in Chicago this past summer. I'm about 5'11, 6' on a good day and he was about my height but he does have bad posture so he may be bigger. Definitely not 6'2 though.
Franco said on 30/Sep/07
i watched a few movies again, he doesnt look anything above 186-187cm (in movies with shoes) so 183cm or even 184cm is correct.
183cm is his average.
Da Man said on 28/Sep/07
He looked 6'0" in American Psycho, no more.
HeightMaster said on 19/Sep/07
I'd say at least 6ft, if not 6'1". Looked too big in American Psycho to be any less.
Adam Brennon said on 17/Sep/07
I don't believe Bale is any more than 6 foot.
Dennis said on 16/Sep/07
I thought this picture was interesting.
Bale with fairly good posture and somebody with not so good posture.
Click Here
Valeri said on 4/Sep/07
anonymous.hes probably using bigger footwear,justl ike they did to make jude law half na inch shorter only than caine but then at hte premiere hes 2.25-2.75in under.
Anonymous said on 2/Sep/07
Well Dennis' pic backs up D's thoughts of him being 6'1.25 as he an caine look quite close in that pic, and caine is a 185-186 type guy now a days, down from his peak of 188
Here is the pic again
Click Here
balegirl said on 30/Aug/07
the red carpet pics from the LA premiere of 3:10 to yuma (check out imd) certainly lends credence to the 6 foot claim IF you buy that russell crowe is anywhere near 5'10. Bale is clearly 2-3 inches taller than crowe in all of the pics and they are standing side by side.
Dennis said on 19/Aug/07
How do you post links at this website exactly?
All I get is a message that says I have to use

Editor Rob
it's an annoyance yes, but just put the url into the box on to get a shorter link to it. There's a reason I had to do this I won't explain, but I might have killed all links otherwise, put it that way...a necessary evil.
D said on 17/Aug/07
I'd say 6'1.25", 186 cm, but he has bad posture, so he looks 5'10", look at this picture where he's stand up strait next to Liam Neeson.
Click Here
Anthony said on 17/Aug/07
He is nowhere near 5'9-5'10. I can't see Bale below 5'11 1/2 minimum.