How tall was Chris Benoit

Chris Benoit's Height

5ft 9 (175.3 cm)

Canadian Wrestler. In 1995 said "My height was a problem also. I'm about 5-9 or 5-10".

How tall is Chris Benoit
By Bbsrock at English Wikipedia [GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons

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Add a Comment283 comments

Average Guess (93 Votes)
5ft 9.06in (175.4cm)
bmb said on 12/Nov/22
I would debate maybe 5'9 1/4" for Chris, since there are times the height difference between him and Kurt look barely noticeable.
ChaosControl1 said on 18/Feb/22
Click Here

Interestingly these guys were calling for a 5’9 175lbs guy for a documentary on him
MichaelMyers said on 14/Sep/21
I remember this site listing him at 5'8". I'm glad it was changed to 5'9".
Slim 6'1.5" said on 19/Aug/21
I think 175cm

Obviously chaos control, all billed wrestlers have taken performance enhancing drugs
Alex 6'0 said on 5/Aug/21
No way 5'11 lol. 5'10 kurt angle always had an inch on him. No more than 5'9. Wouldn't rule out just under 5'9
viper said on 20/Jul/21
Just more proof that height on autopsy reports are not accurate.

I wonder why

Why did Tupac get a 6-0 listing
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 18/Jul/21
@James autopsy measurements mean nothing. The way in which Benoit died may have also stretched the length of his neck too, plus your spine decompressed after death
James King said on 17/Jul/21
Chris Benoit's autopsy report, 2nd page near the bottom states "5 foot 11 inch, 224 pound".

Click Here
Chaos 6'2.5 said on 7/Jun/21
Click Here Surely Benoit must’ve been a solid/strong 5’9 at least and if Eddie was 5’7.5 because that’s more than a 1.5 inch difference
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 20/Jan/21
@Slim roid rage comes into it too. You don’t carry 100kg of muscle on a frame his size naturally
slim 6'1 said on 16/Jan/21
175cm he likely did those things before his death due to brain damage while wrestling
6'3 Julian said on 30/Sep/20
@Nick the reason Kurt Angle was just considered a little guy is because he was an Olympic gold medalist. That was way better for a wrestling character than another short technical wrestler. BTW Benoit was probably almost 5’9, like 5’8.75 as I can’t see him being under 1.5 inches taller than Eddie Guerrero. Also what haters are you speaking of?
Nick Pastorino said on 27/Sep/20
Kurt Angle said Chris was only 5'8" in an interview. I think that's true. Kurt was always noticably taller than Chris and not by just an inch. The autopsy reported him as being 5'9", not 5'11" like people on here claim. I imagine he gained an extra inch in his death from, well, you know what. Chris was considered one of the 'vanilla midget' wrestlers and Kurt wasn't, so I don't think they were as close in height as people think. People on celebheights are actually really generous with height predictions unlike what some haters think of this site.
Keith Bacchus said on 18/Jun/20
I think hes taller than 5 foot 9 maybe near 5 foot 11
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/May/20
I don't think those people are deifying him or justifying what he did, rather, it's more of paying a tribute to him for his career and accomplishments.
Canson said on 23/May/20
@Harry Sachs: you’ve got other celebs who’ve done questionable or even notable things.
Harry Sachs said on 22/May/20
This guy killed his own child and you still see people saying RIP Benoit or something stupid like that. Some people need to prioritize their life better. This guy being a good pro rassler doesn't over ride him killing his own child
Kartik 5'9 said on 13/May/20
I had met him in 2004. also i am 5'9
And when i met him i was like 20. He was only 1 inch or a half inch shorter than me. But that guy body was big and muscular and he's my favourite wrestler
Rileychev said on 31/Mar/20
@Jozef I think because WCW’s ring was smaller than WWE’s “the land of the giants” wwe’s ring is 20x20 feet I think wcw’s ring was 16x16.
Paul 7'11 said on 25/Mar/20
Yup, this height is spot on. He's always looked an inch under 5'10 Kurt Angle and has 5'7 Eddie Guerrero by 2 inches.
Street Fighter said on 19/Nov/19
Hey rob! What happened to Owen Harts page in Celebheights? He was listed here sometime ago as i cannot find it now
Patrick McPhie said on 28/Jun/19
Benoit is 5'11 ! His autopsy report confirmed it.
Legit6footer said on 4/Feb/19
Hes not more than peak 173cm.
I would say before he died he was like 171cm max height.
tree said on 26/Jan/19
Also at 4:19-4:25 Click Here
Rob u think he may had small lifts in them?If not he was a bit over 5ft9
Editor Rob
It is hard to really tell if there were lift in the boots.
tree said on 26/Jan/19
Looked 176cm with Lashley Click Here At 2:35 u can see his boots look normal to me
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jan/19
I think Benoit may have been a strong 5ft9. He was honest enough. Surprised he didn’t claim 5ft11 which is what WWE billed him af
Patrick|1.76m said on 12/Nov/18
Hard to guess the wrestlers. Keep the page up, rob. He was a good and well known one.

RIP Chris, i hope you will been forgiven.
Zampo said on 1/Nov/18
I think this listing is OK. He looked somewhere between 5'8.75-5'9.25 to me.
Iril said on 25/Oct/18
Why am I the only one thinking that he was around 5'9.5 (177cm). He was almost the same height as Kurt Angle back then and over 2 inches taller than Eddie who was 5' can check out all the segments on youtube if you don't believe me.
Viktor said on 7/Sep/18
Chris Benoit was 5'8,75. Slightly below 5'9
Fida Khan said on 26/May/18
Rob why didn't you put him in the wrestlers categoey
Editor Rob
He is now!
Jozef said on 27/Feb/18
I believe at his peak Benoit was 5'8.5 but towards the end of his life he was a tall 5'7
Kane666 said on 12/Feb/18
sorry rob but benoit in many photos with eddie you can clearly see that it is 5 cm higher or more ... what is wrong?
Jozef said on 4/Feb/18
He was 5'8 nothing taller or shorter
andre said on 3/Jan/18
benoit was 173cm with shoes what a crazyness rob benoit was 173cm with shoes no more and eddie was 169cm
Jozef said on 29/Dec/17
I'm sure he was 5'8. But is it just me or did Benoit look taller in WCW than when he was in WWE
Jozef said on 28/Dec/17
I saw this interview on YouTube where he interviewed Kevin Sullivan (Former WCW Booker) and Kevin said how do you tell Sid Vicious you're putting a title on a 5'7 guy (Chris Benoit). What's your thoughts Rob? Could that be proof that Chris Benoit was 5'7.
Anonymous said on 13/Dec/17
Chris Benoit was 5'8 tops. What do you think Rob?
Editor Rob
unless he wore a lift, I think he generally could look 5ft 9 more often than 5ft 8.
edge said on 7/Dec/17
Was never taller than 5'8
Jozef Jaki said on 28/Oct/17
5'8.5 was probably the tallest he was 5'8 the shortest
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/17
He's 5'8.5 tops
Anonymous said on 21/Oct/17
Not at all 5'10, he was 5'9 at the highest. In stampede wrestling he was billed ad 5'8
Jinx said on 18/Oct/17
He was 5'10" in his prime,Eddie Guerrero was 5'8",Perry Saturn was 5'10" and Benoit was equal to Perry Saturn.

5'10" for sure no shorter than that.
andre said on 15/Oct/17
chris benoit was 173cm with shoes without lifts how much did he weighted rob from 83 to 105 kilos tell me your opinion by looking into his body ?
Jozef said on 12/Sep/17
Benoit was 5'8
Andre said on 10/Sep/17
How much did benoit weighted rob from 83 to 93kilos tell me,?
hardguy said on 6/Sep/17
really tall there should be higher guessable bars
Joker said on 27/Aug/17
Kurt's peak:5'10
andre said on 15/Aug/17
eddie guerrero was a strong 167cm barefoot and benoit was 170cm barefoot
andre said on 14/Aug/17
benoit was 170cm barefoot
Jozef said on 9/Aug/17
He was 5'8.5 peak

Around his death 5'7.75
Jozef said on 6/Aug/17
Rob are u gonna change it to 5'8.5
Jozef said on 26/Jul/17
His height when he debuted in stampede wrestling in 1985.

Kurt angle even said it on The Ross Report that benoit was under sized and said he was only 5'8 so yea id say about 5'8 nowhere near 5'11.
Jozef said on 24/Jul/17
Rob do you think you can change Chris Benoits height to a strong 5'8
Jozef said on 26/Jun/17
Benoit looks very small like when you watch him on tv like he looks a solid 5'7
Blake said on 24/Jun/17
Rob, I know you are unlikely to change his listing but I think Benoit was a solid 5 ft 8 rather than 9 I know you can't see the footwear in this picture Click Here. Jericho I reckon is closer to flat 5 ft 9 than 5 ft 9.5.
Ken said on 9/May/17
5ft 9 peak, 5ft 8 near his last years
jozef said on 8/Apr/17
actually a booker who worked for WCW kevin sullivan said when he maid chris benoit WCW world heavyweight champion he said he was taller the chris benoit and kevin is only 5`8
frvbgf said on 31/Mar/17
Was always 5'9", he could look 5'10.5" with Angle. But the heels on his boots looked about two inches thick.
Alex Jenua said on 13/Mar/17
at a staredown in a match with nathan jones (205 cm), benoit top of the head was just at jones chin level, so no more than 5'7" for him, maybe even less.
TK 723 said on 13/Jan/17
174 (5.8 1/2).
Tarinator said on 23/Nov/16
He is significantly taller than Eddie Guerrero by at least 2 to 3 inches so 5'10" sounds about right.
Cameron said on 8/Nov/16
My honest guess is somewhere around 5ft 8 - 5ft 9 I mean people can change height by an inch over time loosing or gaining depending on posture or back problems.Taller people probably would loose more inches but I would say accurate guess he was very heavily built in arms and torso
Rei said on 16/Sep/16
5'9.25 probably, was just a fraction shorter than kurt angle
AKK said on 2/Sep/16
Could his body have stretched out a little from dying? Could the weight of his body pulling on his neck have given him an extra inch? I also recall mention on this site or elsewhere, that height while standing is usually a little shorter than length while lying down, due to various factors(chief among them, your spinal discs get compressed as soon as you stand, and there's only so much you can counteract this through stretching your muscles to stand straight)
Proof of height said on 23/Jul/16
Click Here

Page 1 of 5 (not the cover page) of the autopsy says Chris Benoit was 5'11"...
Nobody said on 24/Jun/16
5'9 sounds right, on the February the 16th edition of Raw Benoit faced Shawn Michaels and Michaels had two inches on him during their staredown.
andre said on 28/May/16
New japan says he is this height 5ft 7.41inch

Click Here

what you think rob if so this mean he is shorter then you and 5ft7 barefoot
Editor Rob
they've screwed up the conversion.

I guarantee he will be stored as 175cm in their database and displaying the English, they have converted it wrong. 175cm = 5.741 feet, so they've mistakenly put 5ft 7.41in.

.741 of a foot is almost 9 inches as we know.
AJSherick said on 21/Apr/16
New Japan says 5'7
Click Here
David said on 20/Apr/16
Hey, Rob can you do a celebheight page on Scott Chong from Tough Enough 3
Gary said on 23/Mar/16
He looked much taller than Kurt angle in ecw.
Mat said on 29/Jan/16
Something over 5'9
Jobber777 said on 9/Oct/15
I met Benoit a few years back, we had a long conversation about traveling, few hours later we shook hands and headed for the exit. I believe he was 5'8.5 w/ footwear, 5'7 barefoot. Cameras change our perception to reality.
Ghode said on 29/Sep/15
he looked 5'8" ... great wrestler.. such a shame
memememe said on 18/Sep/15
the wrestlers that knew chris, have all stated in interviews that chris benoit was only 5'8". larry zbysko, kurt angle, kevin sullivan, i forgot who else.
FM said on 25/Jul/15
Just heard Jim Ross' podcast with Kurt Angle. Ross said Benoit was undersized, and then Angle followed up with saying he was 5'8". You can hear it on YouTube or I think he was closer to 5'8", as Angle said. And I think Jericho is right on par (even though Jericho claims to be 6'.
Duncan said on 1/Jul/15
Jim Ross mentioned to Jim Cornette on his Podcast a few months ago that he had trouble trying to sign Chris to the then WWF because he was only 5'9".

So 5'9" must be right.
ewan said on 27/Apr/15
no way was he 5'8, 5'9 barefoot and 5'10 in wrestling boots/footwear.
nayhole said on 28/Mar/15
Probably a solid 5'9. IDK why his autopsy says 5'11. He had to be shorter. Angle is slightly taller then him and hes not 5'11.
Smoosh said on 14/Mar/15
5'8 half to 5'9 for Benoit, no doubt
Alex 6'0 said on 16/Jan/15
Looked 5'9 with 5'10 Kurt Angle. Could be a little less than 5'9 if we did have bigger boots.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Jan/15
I don't agree with the 5ft11 descriptions either. I'm just stating a fact his autopsy listed it as his height. I do think he was 5ft9 range though.
TheMasterX said on 25/Nov/14
Chris was never a 5' 10 - 5' 11 guy
Why the autopsy would list him has 5 foot 11. He is only from 5' 8 to 5' 9. Having described his height as 5' 11 on the autopsy is total BS. Do you agree with me rob?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Nov/14
Rob, are you still ok with this guy having a page?

We had a similar discussion about Rolf Harris
Editor Rob
if people stop visiting the page then it would be a candidate for deletion...
Amazing spider Y2J Man said on 9/Oct/14
I thought benoit was the same size as triple h but when i saw them face to face triple h towered benoit by about 6 inches
Jesse36 said on 6/Oct/14
But is it possible for him to be 5'9 becaus he looks around 5'8 or 5'7 but it is possible for him to be 5'8.5 or 5'7.75 but 5'9 kind of does work for his height
Clay said on 21/Sep/14
I thought he probably had some decent heels in his boots reaching 5'10.5-5'11ish.
Jesse36 said on 6/Sep/14
Same height as eddie
mikael said on 31/Aug/14
5'9 flat
5'10 in boots maybe
Alex 6'0 said on 16/Aug/14
5'9 is prob fair for Benoit but a chance he's a little less. Def. not more than 5'9. Didn't he wear lifts at times?
Jesse36 said on 14/Aug/14
He is 5'9 or 5'11 or 5'10 or 5'8 in boots barefoot he is 5'7
Alex 6'0 said on 12/Aug/14
Could Benoit be 5'8 flat? Maybe
Jesse36 said on 9/Aug/14
Benoit is shorter than eddie barefoot he looks taller becaus benoit had bigger boots
Jesse36 said on 9/Aug/14
Now I know eddie gurrero is is 5'8 with boots and 5'7 9 inches barefoot chris benoit is 5'8 with boots and 5'7 8 inches barfoot
Jesse36 said on 9/Aug/14
I know now eddie is 5'8 3 inches chris is 5'8 7 inches
Attitude said on 5/Aug/14
They had a match on raw in 2000. Benoit looks barely an inch taller. He seriously looks the same height and build as taz.
Jesse36 said on 5/Aug/14
I think this is the correct height he was 5'8
Alex 6'0 said on 2/Aug/14
Tazz was 5'7. I don't remember Benoit and Tazz together. Benoit looked 5'9 usually on TV
Attitude said on 22/Jul/14
Barely taller than Taz if not the same height
Giuseppe said on 31/May/14
Watch this video Click Here
stop it at 2 'and 20 " will notice the difference between the great Chris Benoit (5.9) and Punk
Clay said on 4/May/14
Eddie was 5'7ish.
Alex 6ft 0 said on 15/Apr/14
Benoit could be 5'9 but that's the most he'd be I think. Was always shorter than Kurt Angle who was 5'10 and at most 5'9 Jericho's height
ck82 said on 26/Mar/14
Benoit was probably close to 5'11" in boots barefoot he was 5'9.5" maximum
killingjoke said on 26/Mar/14
Met Lance Storm a couple years ago. He said, "Benoit wasn't any more than 5'8. Guerrero was 5'6." Lance also said he went to the doctor earlier in the day and was measured at 5'11.75.
mass and class said on 25/Mar/14
Its hard to tell since wwe lies about weight and height.
Cnut the great said on 25/Mar/14
he looks 5'9"... You cant go by comparing him to Eddie Guerro because Guerro is probably inflating his height as well
Rikashiku said on 18/Mar/14
Looking back on some old videos, he gives a 5'10" impression. He's clearly taller than 5'8" Eddie Guerrerero, but maybe 2 or 2.5" shorter than Cena.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Dec/13
"about 5-9 or 5-10"

Somewhere between those two figures...
Jay said on 21/Nov/13
I had a picture taken with Benoit years ago. He was wearing regular running shoes, and so was I.
We are the same height in the photo, and I am 5'8" tall.
bulba said on 6/Nov/13
I guess he might of been about 5'11" when he died because i read a story online that his father said he was 5'10.5" not 5'8".
Powerhouse said on 3/Nov/13
Rob, like other people have already pointed out Chris Benoit had more than 1 inch on Eddie Guerrero. As a matter of fact if you look at picturesor videos of Benoit and Guerrero together there is at least a 2.5 inch difference between them. So either Benoit needs a upgrade or Guerrero needs to be listed shorter. I actually met Benoit and can say he looked about 5'9.5 but he was wearing cowboy boots.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Sep/13
Rob, could he have been 176cm?
Daniel Rivera said on 16/Sep/13
My view is closed, I think these are the correct height:
Eddie was 5ft8 (173c.m), Benoit was 5 ft 10 (178c.m), chris jericho is 5ft10 (178c.m) and kurt angle is 5 ft10 (179c.m)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Sep/13
I think he may have been nearer 5ft10 if Guerrero was 5ft8
Daniel Rivera said on 12/Sep/13
Chris was 5ft 10in, he always had more than 2 inches eddie, on television seemed to be more because eddie always Hunchback
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Aug/13
The autopsy described him as 5ft11
vegas said on 13/Jun/13
with ~5'2 mysterio Click Here
Hardcorowo said on 18/May/13
Never met him.Although i saw some old post with some people meeting Benoit and they all said 5 ft 8.
Conti said on 15/Jan/13
Kurt Angle in the WWF in the early 2000's was always said 6'2,but now everyone is saying he's 5'10 in TNA.I thought he was the same height as Steve Austin,but you know they probably are still the same height.Chris Benoit was 5'8.5 so that means it's still 5'9,but I would say without wearing boots was 5'8.
Alex said on 28/Aug/12
Danimal, you think Benoit is below 5'8? He looks like he wears lifts but I would have pegged him from 5'8-5'8 1/2. Jericho I did meet in person and he was only a few feet in front of me and looked a legit 5'9.
Witchdoctor said on 7/Aug/12
he was always clearly taller than late Eddie guerero 174cm is the absolute shortest he could have been.
Danimal said on 7/Aug/12
Alex says on 4/Aug/12
Benoit at 5'11 is total bunk. Honestly I use to believe that and almost every other billed height LOL. If he were to hit 5'9 barefoot I'd be suprised. Hes more of a 5'8-5'8 1/2 guy legit

Yeah, he was 5'7 3/4" imo and Jericho is a 5'8" guy with boosted footwear (a la HBK).
Alex said on 4/Aug/12
Benoit at 5'11 is total bunk. Honestly I use to believe that and almost every other billed height LOL. If he were to hit 5'9 barefoot I'd be suprised. Hes more of a 5'8-5'8 1/2 guy legit
jesse said on 24/Dec/11
kurt angle said that you're always billed atleast 3 inches taller in pro-wrestling. in wwe, angle was billed 6'2", in the olympics he was billed 5'11". benoit was billed 5'10" so in real life he must be 5'7" tall.
hs2011 said on 20/Dec/11
At both the 1994 & 1995 Super J Cup tournaments in Japan, Benoit was listed at 175cm and 100kg which was legit for him IMO.
sean said on 14/Dec/11
i think the reason talk about his height is because he wasnt 6' 10'. in real life hes not really short. hes actually over the average height. he was actually a pretty big dude
Mike said on 6/Dec/11
I met Benoit in 2002 and took a picture with him. Hes just a bit shorter than me. I am 6 ft tall so he would have to have been 5 10 or 11..
Beastman said on 27/Nov/11
Why did he say his height was a problem? Did he think he was too short or something?
Tman said on 19/Nov/11
this guy sometimes wore lifts
Vegas said on 11/Nov/11
in 1996 early 1997 roddy piper was about 2-2.5 inches taller than benoit
Alex said on 6/Oct/11
Angle- 5'10
Jericho- 5'9
Benoit 5'8 1/2
Eddie- 5'7
Slayer666 said on 30/Sep/11
Click Here

Benoit listed as 5'8" on this site
Jon said on 29/Sep/11
Rob, if you google his name and see the autopsy report, you see that it says he's 5'11. i doubt it since the photo evidence proves he's 5'8.5'' -5'8.75''. would you say that the autopsy report on his height is 100% correct?
Editor Rob
autopsy lengths might be wrong and right, it depends how good the guy measuring is ;)
Vegas said on 29/Sep/11
Legend says on 26/Sep/11
They try to get as close as they can to their billed heights

that makes no sense, kurt angle never looked close to his 6'2 billing in boots and was 3 inches shorter than cena who was billed at 6'1, batista billed at 6'6 was always shorter than 6'4 billed randy orton in boots, hhh billed 6'4 was always 2 inches shorter than orton in wrestling boots, sheamus billed 6'6 is clearly shorter than 6'5 wade barrett in wrestling boots, 7ft billed kane is nowhere near 7ft billed big show in boots Click Here
Legend said on 26/Sep/11
Of course those boots lift all of them up Clay. They try to get as close as they can to their billed heights.
Clay said on 21/Sep/11
Looking 5'10'' next to Chavo in multiple shots but he was in those boots which lifted him up surely.
Alex said on 12/Sep/11
I wouldn't put Benoit at over 5'9. Maybe 5'8 1/2 but I wouldn't go as low as 5'8 for him.
Danh90 said on 8/Sep/11
Benoit is listed on various websites as tall as 5'11" and as short as 5'8". My best bet is that he was either 5'8.5" or 5'9" max like this page says.
Legend said on 8/Sep/11

Honestly, it looks like your estimate of Chavo might be off a little. He doesn't look much more than 5'6 to me. I'll put Benoit at 5'8.5 but that could be stretching it. He says he's "about 5'9 or 5'10", which strikes me as odd. Why would someone say they're "about 5'9" and/or a whole inch taller, about 5'10? It sounds like to me he's not even 5'9 and he's trying to climb up to 5'10 by first saying "about 5'9", then stretching it out to "or 5'10".
Vegas said on 7/Sep/11
legend, the problem with danimals estimate is he says benoit was 5'7 and then claims mene gene was minimum 5'8 (check hogans page 29/aug/11) despite the fact that benoit looked about 2 inches taller than gene every time he stood next to him in 1995-96 in wcw, youtube the two and you will see i am right

i met chavo and talked with him last year, he is about 5'7, benoit looks 5'11 in that shot obvious not that tall though Click Here

benoit noticeably taller with higher shoulders in this shot too Click Here full length Click Here
Legend said on 7/Sep/11
This guy looked 5'8 absolute max. He had a classic short man physique. Big head, short extremities. I agree with Danimal.
MBH said on 25/Aug/11
i changed my mind 174
Mr. Tempus said on 11/Aug/11
I always thought he was 5'10 and near 6'0 with the wwe boots, his billed height was 5'11, i don´t know he may be 5'8, the wwe always add some inches to wrestlers.
joes said on 23/Jun/11
To me he looks 5'6-5'7 because when we see guys who are billed at 6'4 6'5 (who are real 6'2-6'3).They are too big when they stand to 5'9-5'10,is like a big head.
Clay said on 21/Jun/11
5'9 period, another height that Danimal fudges.
Vegas said on 18/Jun/11
Danimal says on 22/Oct/10
5'7 3/4"

Danimal says on 26/Sep/10

can you post a video where he looks 5'7, ric flair didn't have that much height on him in 1996 or arn anderson either, certainly nothing like 4 inches, and mene gene always looked 2 inches shorter than benoit in wcw

benoit with mike tenay Click Here
tenay with 5'9 4/8ths barefoot measured nfl star pacman jones Click Here jones' combine stats Click Here
Sweep The Leg said on 13/Jun/11
Thats cuz guerro was like 5'7"
MBH said on 15/May/11
i'd say 5'10, he looks way taller than eddie guerrero who was 5'8 when they hug
The Big Tuna said on 12/May/11
First off benoit was a great wrestler, that had to do more to get the same respect as a bigger guy. any way he was 5'9". He looked 5'9". Some of the bigger guys just get in the ring, and just look big, and walk around, do a few simple moves, and their job is just to look huge. Benoit was the man, risky manuevers, high flying sh*t. he was better at 5'9" than most of them at over 6 feet. In the end it cost him though
Eric said on 3/May/11
Benoit had extremely short arms and legs which made him look shorter than he actually was. 5'9 was accurate even though he looked 5'6.
Clay said on 17/Feb/11
He pulled off 5'10 easily only in boots. He really was 5'8.5-5'9.
Anonymous said on 7/Feb/11
Actually, he pulls off 5'9" and 5'10" easily, what throws most people off, but what they don't realise, is how short his arms are. He has a moderately short wingspan which makes him look shorter from the distance.
Alex said on 14/Jan/11
5'9 at the very most Benoit is. I'd go with 5'8 1/2.
krazy krippled! said on 2/Jan/11
I think Benoit could pass as 5'10 on a good day, btw, Benoit is definitely the best technician in pro-wrestling history, even if he didn't have Kurt Angle's olympic experience, Benoit was that talented, and the biggest loss ever for pro-wrestling, without him ECW just couldn't help but sank anyways while nowadays WWE is even more mediocre than in the 80's.
MikeSCORPION said on 29/Dec/10
He was so tall like myself...5'9-5'10 (175-178)cm! Without the WWE boots.
Clay said on 4/Dec/10
legit 5'8 3/4'' - 5'9'' man.
Mr. R said on 29/Nov/10
Benoit was just over 5-8.
eric said on 28/Nov/10
chris was 5'11
Clay said on 23/Nov/10
Danimal says on 22/Oct/10
5'7 3/4"

Still up to your old tricks.
patrice said on 22/Jun/09
Benoit was definately 5,10 or more. Look back at his matches against Triple H where the height difference is clearly in the 4 inch region. They are both wearing boots. Chris may have looked a little smaller because he was so dam big for under 6ft. Sometimes such size gives the illusion of being smaller. Him and Angle are between 5,10 and 5,11
Cossi said on 21/Jun/09
It is quite easy to see if Benoit is the same height as Angle because in most of their matches and backstage segments they stood close to one another, so close that their noses were constantly squashed together, flattened against one another in a very homoerotic way.
AKK said on 31/Mar/09
Shawn Michaels at 6' sounds ridiculous. I think I still have a wrestling card from back in the 80s when he was in the Rockers, and they listed both Marty and Shawn at or around 5'10".
VanDrak said on 15/Mar/09
Back in 2004, I worked in a nightclub. I stand 6'2". I met many of the wrestlers, including Benoit when the WWE came to town. I shook Benoit's hand, he was between 5'8" and 5'9" tall, though he was muscled up alot for his relatively small frame. When I met him, he came off as a genuine and super nice guy. He had alot of class. He actually stayed around briefly after closing time and talked with us nightclub staff. I was as shocked as anyone at the details of his death. Regardless, he was a great superstar and a class act. -And yes, the majority of the wrestlers boost their height and weight, as it sounds much more impressive. For example: What's more spectacular? A 6'2" Batista, or a 6'5" Batista? NUFF SAID.
Clay said on 16/Feb/09
Neither Benoit or Jericho were a smidge over 5'10. Short wrestlers with wrestling ''talent'' will wear lifts so they can pass as legit heavyweights Im 100% sure of that. Hell, even a 6'2 beast like HHH likely stuffs some insol help in his boots, dont think that doesnt go on.
Patrice said on 15/Feb/09
Look if Benoit was 5,9 or less then he would have been looking up at triple H like a kid. Triple H was clearly taller than him but by a few inches not a monstrous amount. He looks an inch or two less than the over 6ft shawn Michaels. Benoit was between 5,10 and 5,11. Jericho the same. No way on earth Benoit was LESS than 5,9.
Clay said on 15/Feb/09
Al that video of Eddie and Benoit backstage at wrestlemania 20 is pretty stunning but that makes me think Eddie may have been his rumoured 5'8.
Alex said on 14/Feb/09
Jericho was barely taller than Benoit and Jericho was also barely shorter than Angle so 5'9 1/2 may be right for him. But he's known to wear extra lifts in his boots so he could be more 5'9 flat.
Patrice said on 14/Feb/09
You mean to say that Benoit was 5,9 or 5,8 and stood next to guys like Undertaker, Kane, Lesnar, Triple H without looking that much smaller than them purely in height. No way. He was I think 5,10 and a half but billed as 5,11. If he was 5,8/5,9 he would have literally looked so undersized against most opponents that it would not have worked. He never did,just watch a Benoit Triple H promo or something to see he was never that small.
Clay said on 13/Feb/09
Actually Jericho is more 5'9.5 to possibly 5'10. Benoit is 5'9.
Alex said on 11/Feb/09
No way is Benoit anything over 5'9. He was at least an inch shorter than 5'10 Kurt Angle and at least an inch taller than 5'7 Eddie Guerrero. Years ago I thought Benoit was 5'11.
Patrice said on 11/Feb/09
No way, your all way underestimating Benoit's height. I'd say he was somewhere between 5,10 and 5,11. A little taller than Angle. No way was he 5,9 or less. You only have to watch Benoit wrestle against 6ft 4 plus guys to see he never looked that small really. He is same as Jericho and Jericho was between 5,10 and 5,11.
Herbertsherbert said on 7/Feb/09
He is billed higher on many articles and websites (6ft) but im willing to bet he is about 3 inches shorter than that. Quite short a full grown man, and tiny for wrestling.

His height has always been a problem for him.
Alex said on 31/Jan/09
Click Here
Alex said on 13/Jan/09
I saw at WM 20 backstage Benoit was just an inch taller but thats backstage so can't always trust that.
Clay said on 7/Nov/08
I think Benoit had 2 inches on Eddie, although Eddie was 5'7-5'7.5.
Alex said on 25/Oct/08
Also Angle always looked to have an inch on Benoit which makes Benoit no more than 5'9 and would be even less if he wears lifts that often.
TELLEM said on 15/Oct/08
Alex says on 15/Oct/08
In the ring I've seen Benoit only have an inch on Eddie and backstage as well. There is no way Benoit is over 5'9 IMO and could be as low as 5'8-5'8 1/2. Whatever he is, Eddie is an inch shorter I think. Angle had like 3 inches on Eddie I think too.

I think Benoit wears lifts at times too.

benoit looked about 5'8 from 2005-2007...he did have eddie by like an inch during that period...but prior to that he looked 5'9 next to eddie
Alex said on 15/Oct/08
In the ring I've seen Benoit only have an inch on Eddie and backstage as well. There is no way Benoit is over 5'9 IMO and could be as low as 5'8-5'8 1/2. Whatever he is, Eddie is an inch shorter I think. Angle had like 3 inches on Eddie I think too.

I think Benoit wears lifts at times too.
Clay said on 10/Sep/08
In that photo there Eddie looks 5'7 tops, Benoit more like 5'9.5/5'10 and Saturn looks 5'8ish. Benoit wasnt under 5'9''.
TELLEM said on 10/Sep/08
Anonymous says on 10/Sep/08
benoit was much taller than eddie at least in gear, benoit was the same height and sometimes looked taller than angle Click Here

i think benoit packed on lifts
Anonymous said on 10/Sep/08
benoit was much taller than eddie at least in gear, benoit was the same height and sometimes looked taller than angle Click Here
Alex said on 9/Sep/08
I also read in the paper with Beniot referred to as 5'10 220lbs but that was going by his billed height. The 5'8 221lbs is probably more accurate. 5'9 max is the most I could see Benoit at. And Benoit being billed at 6'1 is crazy, LOL.

A 5'8 Benoit would make Jericho 5'9 tops. They looked just about the same height all the time. Saturn was the same as Benoit pretty much. Eddie would be 5'7-5'7 1/2 with Benoit at 5'8 too. Malenko was around the same as Eddie.
Clay said on 28/Aug/08
Its an estimate mate, an estiate. Have any of us actually pulled these celebs aside and measured them? Its all specualtion.
TELLEM said on 26/Aug/08
prove that he was 5'4...and please don't give me no "i saw him last year"...PROOF
Clay said on 22/Aug/08
5'4'' is a TINY height for a full grown man Rey Mysterio is certainly that tall. 5'3'' at absolute least.
TELLEM said on 19/Aug/08
Rikashiku says on 16/Aug/08
Benoits height as stated on the news about his death was 5'8 and 221lbs.

and yes, Rey Mysterio is 5'3. the time he met Juventud was before all his Knee surgeries.
5'4 in 2002-2004. 5'3 now

5'4 is too high for rey..i don't buy it...he never looked it...most likely never has been
Rikashiku said on 16/Aug/08
Benoits height as stated on the news about his death was 5'8 and 221lbs.

and yes, Rey Mysterio is 5'3. the time he met Juventud was before all his Knee surgeries.
5'4 in 2002-2004. 5'3 now.
TELLEM said on 14/Aug/08
no way was benoit a little over 5'10...his billed height was 5'10...he was shorter than legit 5'10 kurt angle...this dude was 5'9 maybe shorter
Snuka III said on 13/Aug/08
i met him a month before the murders happenned at a house show. benoit at that point in non wrestling gear street clothes was a little over 5'10, under 5'11
TELLEM said on 8/Aug/08
no way is he 5'4...i don't buy it...he was two inches shorter than 5'5 juventud guerrera
Clay said on 6/Aug/08
Ray is 5'4'' and nothing under that.
Rikashiku said on 31/Jul/08
i said at the time, 2005.

ive actually met him and hes more 5'3 now.
TELLEM said on 30/Jul/08
rey is 5'2
Rikashiku said on 29/Jul/08
Hmmmmm nah im cool.

Remember REy mysterio at that time was like 5'4-5'3. eddie had a chin on him.
TELLEM said on 28/Jul/08
Rikashiku if you downgrade those estimates by an would make much more sense
Rikashiku said on 25/Jul/08
Umm Guerrero is 5'8.

and Benoit peak height. 5'10.5, height before death 5'8 ish.

it was stated all over the NZ news he was a 5'8 wrestler at 221lbs facing off against much larger wrestlers as 6'6 test and 6'4 rocky.

Saturn is closer to 5'9 and Jericho 5'10.

also, on some sites, Benoit has been listed at 6'1.
Josh said on 24/Jul/08
WWE billed him as 6'2" which was IMPOSSIBLE!
Alex said on 5/Jul/08
Angle has a good inch on Benoit but Benoit I've heard wears lifts so Angle maybe have closer to 2 inches then. Either way Benoit is 5'9 tops.

Guerrero is 5'7 and I'd put Malenko at the same. Saturn I'd put at 5'8 and Jericho is 5'9.
TELLEM said on 25/Jun/08
saturn had two inches on eddie by the way
TELLEM said on 25/Jun/08
hey tom malenko and eddie were the same height...don't believe me check out there match watch their staredown starting @ about 2:00 Click Here
Tom said on 23/Jun/08
Benoit 5-9
Guerrero 5-7
Malenko 5-6
Saturn 5-8
Jericho 5-10
JD said on 20/May/08
you never get to see their footwear and anyway angle looks 1/2 an inch taller max in that video, any agreements?
tell-em said on 19/May/08
heres another kurt angle and benoit vid to prove how wrong u r...Click Here
JD said on 19/May/08
they are clearly the same height in the video,
TELLEM said on 14/May/08
seen the video...kurt angle looks an inch taller than benoit...there not the same height...look at their noses...look closer and you'll c
JD said on 13/May/08
Click Here look at the end of the video angle and benoit are exactly the same height, and there both wearing wrestling boots which practically give you no height at all, so again i think its safe to upgrade benoit to 5'10
tell-em said on 12/May/08
here's a clip of eddie and benoit Click Here benoit looks about 2 inches taller than eddie...benoit was probably 5'9 the most
Carl said on 11/May/08
if Benoit is 5'10" then you must prove that he is the exact same height as Kurt Angle (take into account lifts) I don't think you can do that
JD said on 3/May/08
i think its safe to update benoit to 5'10
hs2008 said on 29/Apr/08
Some sites i've read say Eddie was 5'6" and Benoit 5'9". I though that was too low for Eddie, but he was about 3" shorter than Benoit in street clothes.
Puge Henis said on 27/Apr/08
I've met both of them. I'm 5'9" and Eddie was at least 2 inches shorter than me. Benoit was maybe 5'9.5" to 5'10". But Benoit was wearing Timberland-type work boots. Not ACTUAL Timberlands, but legitimate, thick-soled workboots.
TELLEM said on 26/Apr/08
JD: according to the pic with jericho they do look the same height...jericho is 5' i'm guessing that would make benoit 5'10?
Carl Unger said on 22/Apr/08
Thanks, TV3 New Zealand though probably would have got it from just a regular source such as WWE is brings us back to square one.
JD said on 16/Apr/08
if Eddie guerrero was 5'8 then that would have to make benoit over 5'10, look at these 2 pictures, he's clearly 2-3 inches taller than guerreo and the same size as chris jericho. Click Here
Click Here
TELLEM said on 29/Mar/08
i'm sure chris benoit was about 5'9...i think 5'10 is an inch too high for him...because brian pillman was about 5'9 and they both seemed just about the same height when i watched them
brother_h said on 24/Mar/08
it was the tv3 news in new zealand. they also claimed that eddie guerreo was 5'8 aswell.
they said the 5'8 218lbs wrestler used his wrestling skills to bring down larger foes such as kane who stands 6'10 in the wwe wrestling books.
Carl Unger said on 24/Mar/08
"on the news they said he was 5'8 and 218lbs."

Can you please say which news source?
Eurohouse said on 22/Mar/08
Doesn't Benoit and Sabu stand the same height, if Benoit is 5'11" then Sabu is 5'11", but if Sabu is 6'0" (which I don't) then Benoit is 6'0"
brother_h said on 15/Mar/08
on the news they said he was 5'8 and 218lbs.

maybe thats the truth?
Hugh said on 12/Mar/08
6ft0! LOL! 5ft11 sounds accurute though. I just find it hard to beleive that someone who has been described as short 5ft8 gets described as that tall.
Alex said on 23/Feb/08
The highest you can go for Benoit is 5'9 which is possible for him but no more.
Carl said on 2/Jan/08
Does anybody have a comparison of height between Benoit and Chavo. I picked Chavo as being about 5'9" but one site lists him at 5'7" which is pushing it in my opinion.
Derboy 5.0 said on 27/Nov/07
Im About 5'9 touching 5'10 and i am sixteen.I want to be a wrestler but i only weigh in at about 130 pounds.
hannah said on 18/Nov/07
On his divorce papers filed in 2003 he is listed at 5'9".
Bumba said on 14/Nov/07
I think that back on WCW Benoit's height was 6'0" but when he came to the WWE he probably shrunk down to 5'11"
Alex said on 20/Oct/07
He looks 7'2 with Benoit but in that picture of him alone for some reason he doesn't look as tall.
Vegas said on 17/Oct/07
JimmyDavid says on 16/Oct/07
Here is an interesting thing i thought i could share. Benoit's chiropractice doctor, D. Stein, is a very tall man himself. Check him out

very tall, thats an understatement, try 7'2 Click Here
Eurohouse said on 17/Oct/07
Chris Benoit's is more like 5'11" if you compare him to Kurt Angle back on WWE.
JimmyDavid said on 16/Oct/07
Here is an interesting thing i thought i could share. Benoit's chiropractice doctor, D. Stein, is a very tall man himself. Check him out:
Click Here
hannah said on 7/Aug/07
Eric Young bills himself as 5'11" on MySpace. I know Benoit was only 18 when he started in Stampede but he was continually billed as 5'8.5" for years afterwards then he got to WCW & WWE and became 5'10" or 5'11".
Dustin said on 6/Aug/07
Dr. Entity, I got Eric Young's autograph the other day, and he was definitely under 6 feet. I'd say around 5'8".
Dr. Entity said on 31/Jul/07
Does anyone know how tall is TNA's Eric Young? He is billed as 6'0" but looks like 5'7" from far and up close he looks huge. He is probably the same height as Chris Benoit.
Vegas said on 31/Jul/07
Benoit was only 17-18 years old when he started in Stampede though in 1985.
hannah said on 31/Jul/07
He was billed at 5'8.5" when he first started in wrestling in Stampede.
Terry said on 30/Jul/07
It's too bad he died...He was a hell of a wrestler. He was way under 6 feet, closer to 5'9 when I met him. But a super nice guy. One of the classiest you could ever run into.
anonymous said on 17/Jul/07
And the reason for that is because you can't fully extend your knees while standing on two feet.

I'm 5'11 1/2 when standing with my feet as close together as possible, but when I stand on one leg I'm able to fully extend my knee and I'm 6' 1/2.
anonymous said on 16/Jul/07
If you measure a body on the floor it's longer than you would be because you are standing up. Do a simple test--stand on one foot. You are probably anywhere from 1/2 to 1+ inches taller than on two feet, even with your feet as close together as possible.
16and5'7.25'' said on 15/Jul/07
i believe benoit could've been 220 lbs. why not? how much you weigh doesn't mean your fat. have you seen bodybuilders? i'm sure some of them are around chris benoit's height and they weigh 200+ and there pure muscle
JLA said on 11/Jul/07
When he died they measured him at 5'9 and 220 LB. I forgot which article it said it in on the internet
glenn said on 10/Jul/07
jericho appeared 5-10.doesnt mean im 100 percent on 2 names.stallone and colin farrel.danimal is always cool to me.
Dan (Danimal) said on 9/Jul/07
Hey Vegas. DO NOT put words in my voice. You like to look for trouble?? Don't look in my direction. I NEVER said Glenn was wrong. I voiced my OWN opinion. If in this ONE case, it differs from Glenn's estimate, then FINE. Stop instigating and provoking. You're arrogant and that goes NOWHERE with me.
Alex said on 9/Jul/07
Maybe 220lbs is a bit too much but I wouldn't count it out for sure but I could say he was a low as 210lbs though but I doubt less than that even at 5'8.
HellBoundPower said on 9/Jul/07
Jericho was billed at 6'0". Go to and look at the Alumni section and it says 6'0" for Jericho, which means he's 5'10". Glenn said he's 5'10", he said he was 5'10".
Bleemo said on 9/Jul/07
220lbs at 5'8" Alex? I dunno, 200lbs deffo but i am 5'8.5 and I was fairly heavy at the beginning of the year, 13 stone or 182lbs and whilst I didn't look as developed as him he also wasn't 40 lbs heavier then me. If he were 5'10 I guess 220 lbs would be plausible of course, but he isn't, I'd say 5'8 and 200-210 lbs myself. His legs aren't that devloped compared to his torso.
Jason said on 9/Jul/07
You're spot on, Mr. R. Owen, bless his soul, I think was actually 5'9''.
Alex said on 9/Jul/07
Every article on Benoit said he was 5'10 220lbs. I can believe the 220lbs but he could still be that weight at 5'8.
Mr. R said on 9/Jul/07
In this week's PEOPLE MAGAZINE, the cover story is about the tragedy of Benoit and his family. In this article, there is a picture of Benoit and Owen Hart, which makes sense, given that Benoit trained with Owens father in Canada. Owen was always listed at 5-10, and Benoit is clearly at least an inch shorter. Since we know that WWE/F inflates heights, my assumption is that Owen Hart is less than 5-10, which puts Benoit between 5-8 and 5-9.
Alex said on 7/Jul/07
Actually Glenn said Jericho was 5'9.
Vegas said on 7/Jul/07
danimal you bark at me on the undertaker page; now you claim glenn is wrong. Who is being hypocritical now?? if glenn says jericho was 5'10 i'm gonna believe him until i see differently with my own eyes. glenn said the photo of him and jericho is not how it appeared in person.
Alex said on 6/Jul/07
Jericho is 5'9 at most.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.