Canson said on 8/Mar/17
@Christian: Thanks!! You're close enough (6'4.33) at my lowest if no gym. I'm front loaded on my height loss. You look like you lose 1/8" more than me (7/8" vs 3/4"). Ice is just being childish because he thinks I downgraded Barkley (when his teammates and coaches and other fans have all said he's the height I put him at) and Ice is insecure about his own height. We see how his has changed from 6'1" to 6'2 to 6'2.5 to 6'3" and he always says he feels short and wishes he were taller. He even said he wants to be 6'5 or 6'6 before.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 8/Mar/17
Ice said on 4/Mar/17
@Canson youre probably under 6'3
You have no proof of that. He has said he's 6ft4.38 enough times already. Why would he lie about his height? (he may be 6ft4.13 or 6ft4.25 at his lowest, since he says he's 6ft4.38 around afternoon)
Canson said on 5/Mar/17
And the inflation continues now he's up to 6'5.33. That's 3/4" or more too high.
Ice said on 4/Mar/17
@Canson youre probably under 6'3
Canson said on 3/Mar/17
@S.J.H: you're one of the smartest people here. I don't pay attention to half of these people saying he's 6'5-6'6 honestly. Face it the whole world goes by shoe heights which is why Conan Obrien is listed 6'4". He is clearly 1.5" shorter than Kobe and 1-1.5 shorter than Barkley. At most Conan is 6'3.25 prime. Funny how every 6'4" guy on his show is taller than he is and like one guy on his page said it he always goes out of his way to ask people around his height or taller how tall they are and hopes that they will say 6'5" I've seen it with Haysbert Mangianello Neeson and Selleck and lithos edged him out. He always says to the legit 6'4s "you must be 6'4/6'5 and to the stronger 6'4s like Liam 6'5. He does that to make himself believe he is 6'4". Conan while I love his show and respect him as an entertainer always makes reference to how tall he is and embellishes it. He even went as far in a large 7series BMW to make it sound as if the car was too small for him when I have an Audi A6 and it's more than roomy for me (smaller than a 5 series)
Canson said on 3/Mar/17
@S.J.H: thanks!!! Everything you said is spot on! Refreshing to know someone else understands how the system works as well!
Canson said on 2/Mar/17
@Ice: do me a favor. Go through the list of 6'5 and 6'60 guys on this site. I haven't commented on all of them. And I surely haven't downgraded them all since I haven't commented on them. Lol this coming from the most insecure loser
troll on this site. You say at "6'2, then 6'2.5, in a few months it'll be 6'3" that you feel short. Nobody takes anything you say seriously and everyone knows you lie about your height which is why you inflate these guys here. So until you can point out where I have downgraded every 6'5 or 6'6" on this site and I want you to go list by list and not include any 6'4.75 or 6'4.5 guys I want 6'5 and over. Don't make another comment until you do.
And by the way Charles Barkley was 6'4 5/8 at the olympics which is what I said so I agree he's actually a weak 6'5 (worst case is he drops to 6'4.5) like I said. Kobe is 6'4.75 as listed and Jordan as pat Riley said is 6'4.5. But You want these guys to be taller to keep believing you are taller than you are (using your shoe height).
S.J.H said on 2/Mar/17
Ice said on 27/Feb/17
Canson did not downgrade everyone's height if going with specific logic espcially charles barkley height. Barkley is 6'4.75-6'5 he claim possibly measure in the morning like most people and still is and kobe bryant too, so if he is a strong 6'4.5 logically if he didn't lost any height by afternoon which is then no way. If he was 6'5-6'6 therefore rob would have change his listing long ago. I can tell you a fact because those celebrities singer,actor etc are mostly claiming an inch higher and fool others include rob there is why michael jordan, kobe bryant and barkley three of them tend to look in the 6'6-6'5.5 range but that was just the height with shoes they look not barefeet height. I can assurd 6'5 claim joe manganiello will look a flat 6'4 with them which i'm not surprise
Ice said on 27/Feb/17
Canson , the secretley most insecure poster on celebheights . Exclusiveley downgrades every guy who is around 6'5-6'6 to be his height or shorter .
Ice said on 27/Feb/17
There is no way he ever falls under a very strong 6'4.
Eagles said on 27/Feb/17
6'5.75"-6'5.5" no shoes
Canson said on 26/Feb/17
@Sanky: Kobe doesn't claim "barely" 6'4. He said that in response to people assuming he's 6'7" when he said it to the kid. His wife measured him 6'4 3/4. That's what he actually is. He's not as tall as Rick fox who's 196-197cm and practically the same as Kareem Rush who is 6'4 3/4 or 6'4 1/2. I'd say rush is the latter and Kobe is 1/4" taller. Barkley at 6'5.5 is impossible as he's shorter than Dan majerle and majerle and ainge have along with other NBa players said Barkley isn't even 6'5. 6'4.5. Like Rob said and Johnson the mugshot pic is no good. Depending on footwear Barkley may be 6'6" in shoes and stand 6'4.5 or 5/8 like he was measured is as high as I'd give him to be getting people saying he's 6'4 otherwise they'd peg him as 6'5 anything inside 1/4" isn't really noticeable enough to anyone to distinguish a difference from 6'5
Johnson said on 25/Feb/17
@sanky look my mugshot in the page of Rob Paul. If the camera is not taller than your eyes you look 1 inch taller in a mugshot.
RisingForce said on 25/Feb/17
Looks at least the 6'5.5" he once claimed or even 6'6". This is an instance where I think he downplays his height a lot.
Canson said on 25/Feb/17
@Arby: finally someone with sense. My solid 6'3" friend said he wasn't "noticeably" taller than I am and I come down on a normal day to 193.9
S.J.H said on 24/Feb/17
i agree it. I've see a legit 6'6 guy took a picture with barkley, barkley does look 1.5" under 6'6 so 6'4.5 legit and he can only be 6'5 in the morning and conan o'brien is the same height as you a real 6'3 :)
Arby said on 21/Feb/17
No he isn't 6'7. Or even 6'6" or 6'5.. I stood right next to him at Phoenix sky harbor international airport many times as I work there. I'm 6'3-6'3.25 and he's only about an inch to inch and a half taller than me. 6'4 1/2 is what I'd give him. That's his height and his true one
piero said on 20/Feb/17
200 cm barefoot 203 cm in basketball shoes
very accurate listing
sanky said on 13/Feb/17
On his
Mugshots he is 6'7" or 6'8" how do you guys explain that ? I think he downgrads himself, don't know why but he does just like Kobe who claims barely 6'4" while he is clearly taller than 6'5" measured Cam newton or 6'4" Conan O'Brien
Chuck said on 10/Feb/17
6'5.5" years ago 6'5" now
orpheus said on 4/Feb/17
Barkley looks 6'4.5 with 6'2 measured Shawne Merriman on his instagram.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 4/Feb/17
Canson said on 3/Feb/17
@S.J.H: not quite sure. I'm 6'4 3/8 (solid 194cm) by 5-6 hrs on my feet.
I don't mean to change the subject, but if you're 6ft4.38 after 5-6 hours, doesn't that mean you're shorter after 16-18 hours on your feet (right before bed)? It's normal to lose 1/8th-1/4th inches from noon to nighttime, so shouldn't it put you at 6ft4.13-6ft4.25 at your lowest? (I'm 6ft5.38-6ft5.5 at noon, and drop to 6ft5.25 right before bed.)
S.J.H said on 4/Feb/17
I also think MJ apear more likely to be 6'4.5 than kobe and barkley. I always felt kobe would be nearer to 195cm than other two. More chance barkley and MJ had loss a few mm by now and kobe might holding fraction over 194cm through a mid day although i think his 6'4 only claim might just be a little downplay easier to say 6'4 rather claiming than 6'4.5-6'4.75 , i would've say on a good day kobe is more like 6'5 than MJ and Barkley can look. To be more specific i don't think barkley and MJ could be taller than you visibly but kobe might be small fraction taller than you.
Canson said on 3/Feb/17
@S.J.H: not quite sure. I'm 6'4 3/8 (solid 194cm) by 5-6 hrs on my feet. I honestly don't know if Barkley is as low as I am. He measured 6'4 5/8 in the olympics so not sure time of day. I do know that looking at Kobe MJ and Charles Kobe appears the tallest and is likely 195cm at his lowest or 194.9. MJ appears 6'4.5 and is according to enough people who have described him 6'4/6'5. Barkley measured 6'4 5/8 and is often described maybe 6'5 so my guess is he's around MJs height
S.J.H said on 3/Feb/17
Atually if charles barkley was measure 6-4 5/8 he is few mm shine of 195cm and furthermore till noon/night he should be just your height strong 194cm guy just like kobe himself claim he is only 6'4 and other time he have say 194cm only myth is that how kobe wife measure him 6'4-3/4 whether in the morning, afternoon or evening that make a 0.3" difference from his lowest claim and i would say a real 6'4 guy can give impression of 6'5 easily especially they're not overweight and quite slim in body build and kobe bryant give more impression like 6'5.5 so he is 194cm. Just reference for others how 2 real 6'4 guy frame look below
Click Here Ki-Woo Lee (tallest guy)
Click Here Ki-Woo Lee
Click Here Ki-Woo Lee
Click Here Ki-Woo Lee (similar to Pablo schreiber proportion)
Click Here Kwang-Soo Lee (overall easily look like 6'5 actors)
Click Here Kwang-Soo Lee (totally look taller than all 6'5 actors who gets downgraded by rob)
Canson said on 2/Feb/17
Click Here

Editor Rob
seems an honest estimate from Dan.
Canson said on 2/Feb/17
This is why using pictures is not always the best way to judge. Barkley according to every teammate he's had (including Dan Majerle below) is "maybe 6'5" probably 6'4" range albeit 194-195 range (6'4 1/2 or 5/8) but doubt 3/4 as he would look a full 6'5 at that point and don't think Majerle would say he's 6'4 if he's 3/4. This also goes for Jordan as he's also commonly described 6'4/6'5. Again 195 cm would get him 6'5". The only one out of the 3 who has a legit shot at 195cm at their lowest Berta is Kobe. You likely are at least 2cm taller than Jordan and Barkley if you're 196.5 and 2.5 over Kobe
andre said on 31/Jan/17
why he towers over the rock in their picture ?
S.J.H said on 30/Jan/17
@Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25)
In fact it look more like:
Barkley 195cm
Kobe 195cm
Jordan 195cm
Manganiello 193.5cm (high chance at least 1.5cm shorter than 3 195er)
Conan 191cm (looking dead on 4cm shorter than kobe and barkley)
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 28/Jan/17
Barkley: 195-195.5cm
Kobe: 195cm
Jordan: 194.5-195cm
Manganiello: 194.5cm
Conan: 191-191.5cm
S.J.H said on 25/Jan/17
To be honest on the conan o'brien show Joe look about 2cm taller than conan but we have see barkley and kobe few times look easily 4cm taller than conan on the show, unless barkley and kobe have more footwear than joe apearence then i think joe is good 6'4.5 if not both 195er might just making joe a legit 6'4 guy
berta said on 20/Jan/17
taller than kobe and the same height ore little taller than jordan and made dwayne johnson look about 6 feet- he must be 196-97. if he is 197 then dwayne jhonson is around 6 foot 2
Canson said on 18/Jan/17
@S.J.H: I can see Joe as the same height as the other two at 194/195. If anything I see Kobe as the most clean or closest to 195. Judging from people I know who have met MJ and Barkley both 6'4.5ish. Don't know anyone who has met Joe but have heard someone that met Kobe that he's 6'5ish so don't see him much below a full 195 and Kobe has described Jordan as not being 6'6@ before. I'm thinking Kobe got his 6'4.5 basing himself off Jordan since they're close in height but Kobe is taller than him by a hair most likely
Canson said on 18/Jan/17
@S.J.H: I can see Joe as the same height as the other two at 194/195. If anything I see Kobe as the most clean or closest to 195
S.J.H said on 18/Jan/17
I agree it. Kobe was the tallest and barkley same height as michael jordan while joe manganiello fall behind 3 of them
Canson said on 15/Jan/17
Wouldn't surprise me if Kobe were the tallest of the 3. Of course we aren't talking by much as all 3 are over 6'5 out of bed
184guy said on 12/Jan/17
Rob,why you keep listing Joe Manganiello at 6'5 when you have Kobe and Charles at 6'4.75 ?
I definitely agree that Joe is 6'5 for a chunck of day but Kobe and Barkley also are.In my opnion,there's no way that Joe is taller than both ( except if you take the hair he will look taller).

Editor Rob
all 3 have the ability to measure roughly near 6ft 5, it certainly would be interesting measuring these guys to see which was truly the tallest.
Thereel said on 11/Jan/17
Guys don't believe his lies this guy downgrades himself to make his accomplishments at his already under sized position more impressive, on Conan he looked significantly taller, in his prime he was 6'5 3/4" nowerdays he is still 6'5 1/2" at the very least. DON'T LISTEN TO HIM HE Has A Few Inches On The Rock For CHR*** SAKE.
Thank you for your time.
berta said on 10/Jan/17
to me his guy looks strong 196 guy made the rock looks about 184
Chris said on 9/Jan/17
6"5.25 during playing days for sure.
Bricks said on 16/Dec/16
Tiger Woods' height changed over the years in PGA Tour Guide from 6-2 to 6-1.
Canson said on 15/Dec/16
@Danimal: bad angles. I saw a pic with Amare Stoudemire and Carmelo Anthony where they were appearing the same (similar to that pic) but in truth Amare is 2+ on him in every other pic. No question he looks taller than he is meaning Barkley but looking at him next rob danny manning who is 6'9 and next to Ainge who is 6'4 he looks about as tall as
Michael Jordan would be. This is my opinion
Danimal said on 15/Dec/16
Come on people, he's easily 6" taller than 6'0" Dave Grohl and is equal in height to 6'7" Krist Novoselic!!! NO WAY is or was he only 6'4"-6'5". NO WAY!! A case can be made that he actually looked closer to 6'7" back then in 1993.
Click Here
Click Here
Canson said on 5/Dec/16
@Christian: tough call there! I agree In that he looks taller or can. But I also have seen pics with Kobe where he edged him out (2 recent ones) and have seen several with him edging out MJ but also MJ edging him out. Honestly if I had to choose I'd say all three can dip below 195. Jordan maybe at 6'4.5 and Barkley 6'4 5/8 then Kobe maybe around 6'4.6-.7. Kobe imho looks 6'5 almost all the time where as Jordan can look 6'4 range next to others and Barkley as well next to some of his past teammates like Majerle and Ainge. Kobe really only looks under 195 if he's next to maybe Rick Fox or Ron Harper
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 4/Dec/16
Canson said on 1/Dec/16
@Christian: meaning neither is 6'5 if Barkley measured 6'4 5/8
I don't know, Canson. Barkley doesn't look as low as 194.6cm. And the average guess here currently is 6ft5.27in (which in my opinion is too high), but he doesn't look like a guy who would dip under 195cm, unlike Jordan and Kobe. I would pick Barkley as the tallest one out of the three, and Jordan and Kobe are tied.
Canson said on 1/Dec/16
@Christian: meaning neither is 6'5 if Barkley measured 6'4 5/8
Canson said on 1/Dec/16
My opinion:
Out of bed 196-196.5
Before bed 194-195 (194.3-194.6 specifically).
Dan Majerle and Danny Ainge have both said he's maybe 6'5 likely closer to 6'4 meaning 6'4.5. Guys around his height one 6'4 the other 6'5.5 roughly have an easier time telling how tall he is not to mention they have seen the meadurements having been on the same team and played with him
Peterson188cm said on 30/Nov/16
my opinion:
Charles Barkley Height: 6'5 (196cm)
Out of bed: 197.5cm
Morning: 196.9cm
afternoon: 196cm
Night: 195.5cm
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 30/Nov/16
"Charles Barkley's Height is 6ft 5in (195.6 cm)"
Jordan is not taller than Barkley, if anything, it may be the opposite.
Canson said on 22/Nov/16
@S.J.H: The difference with rock and Barkley looks between 2-3" once the pic is blown up. They have one that is a bit larger in view and gives better perspective. Rock from what my buddy told me is at most 6'2. He has a pic with him too and while the diff looked more than an inch he conceded it was about that. My buddy is exactly 6'3. I guess there is always a shot for 6'1 7/8. He has also met Barkley in person and says that the latter is "my height". I'm 194 at my lowest so maybe he has me by 1/4" but tbh I wouldn't be surprised if he came down to 6'4.5 either. Barkley IMHO if measured at 6'4 5/8 at the olympics like he was is around 2.5-2.75" taller than Rock most likely. The problem is (and you see the posts below), other than Bobby3342, people always want to upgrade Barkley because they don't want to admit the other celebs aren't as tall as advertised. I mean I see posts claiming now "he wasn't measured in the olympics and they knocked 3cm off". That doesn't make any sense because it would make him 195 which is over 6'4 3/4 let alone a very specific measurement of 6'4 5/8 not to mention he was one of the few measured it mentioned.
Animus said on 6/Nov/16
Here is a recent photo of Barkley with Jordan:
Click Here
Jordan looks taller than Barkley. It's obviously hard to tease out the influence of posture, footwear, camera angle and heighy loss (they are 53 years old), but it's definitely interesting.
S.J.H said on 2/Nov/16
"[When] Barkley questioned [Tiger] Woods' listed height of 6-foot-2, Woods responded by saying, "every program said you were 6-6. you're no more than 6-4 on a good day."
Lol i just notice this above. Tiger woods must have slap himself for this joke. If Barkley is 6'3.5-6'3.75 and 6'4 a good day then woods is no more than 5'10.5 on a good day and is just a 5'10 guy
The One said on 31/Oct/16
I found this video today when Barkley played Jordan. Barkley looks a lot taller than Jordan in this TV footage. Yes, Jordan stands somewhat behind Barkley, but even side by side, Barkley would've been taller.
Click Here
Ice said on 29/Oct/16
6'5" with Jon Jones
joe### said on 28/Oct/16
sometimes he seems to look 6'5
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 27/Oct/16
Barkley was measured as 6ft4 5/8ths in Beijing at one point. So even if that was his evening low height, he can't be more than 6ft4.75 during noontime. I don't get why the average guess vote is over 6ft5.
Ty said on 20/Oct/16
But on 2k 16 it show different heights
S.J.H said on 18/Oct/16
@Canson said on 3/Oct/16
Atually barkley look right slightly over 3" taller than rock somewhere 7.5cm to 8cm. Maybe rock is 6'2 like you say and barkley having a good day at 196cm like he look on the picture suggested any normal day he stand at the correct listing here at 6'4.75
Canson said on 3/Oct/16
No Chris he isn't 6'6 or 6'7 and no he didn't say it to sell a book. Look below and you will see other people who have met him as well as teammates say that. He isn't 3-4" taller than the Rock. 2-3". And rock is 6'2 not 6'3
Chris said on 1/Oct/16
Firstly, look at his police
Mugshots - he's 6'8 in shoes.
Secondly, look at the pictures of him with Dawyne "The Rock" Johnson, and he's at least 3 inches taller than the guy.
As I said, I think Barkley just said the "I'm only 6'4" thing to get attention for his book.
All evidence suggests he's over 6'6
Chris said on 1/Oct/16
You're crazy if you think Charles is actually 6'4. I think he was just playing around, to get headlines to promote his book.
I've seen him with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson before and he's at least 3-4 inches taller than him!
The Rock isn't 6 foot tall. His 6'3 listed height is very genuine. He was listed at 6'5 in college football, for example.
So it's very likely Barkley is over 6'6. He looks between 6'6 and 6'7 in ever picture I've seen of him
S.J.H said on 22/Sep/16
Hardly believe that charles barkley is only 6'4 like some site stated. If his only 6'4 he really make tiger wood look 5'11 , the rock look 6'1 , gabrielle reece look 6'1 and even lisa leslie look 6'3 with him
S.J.H said on 21/Sep/16
Gabriel Macht look at least 5.75inch lower than barkley , if his 6'0 then barkley couldn't be lower than 6'5.75 not 6'4.75
Rodrigo said on 21/Sep/16
Here is a photo of Charles with Gabriel Macht - who says he's Six Feet -
Click Here
Dave said on 19/Sep/16
6'4.75" for Barkley is laughable... The lowest we can go is 6'5.25"
Canson said on 18/Sep/16
@Truth: out of bed or in the morning. His teammates described him as being In the 6'4 range
S.J.H said on 17/Sep/16
Kobe 195.25cm
Barkley 194.75cm
Jordan 194.5cm
Just a metric estimate a noon/evening height
Truth said on 16/Sep/16
Chuck back in the day was 6'5.25" barefoot. Chuck now is 6'4.5" barefoot.
Dejavu said on 15/Sep/16
Looks 3 inches on Hugh Jackman.
Wallace said on 8/Sep/16
Never met him but I have a six five friend who played golf with once and he says he's lousy at but hilarious and cool in person. He said he was nowhere near listed and that he was even shorter than him in person. Says he could see over his head by some
Canson said on 5/Sep/16
@Agreed Joe. I'd say his low is right where I am or maybe he's 1/8-1/4 taller (weak 6'5) 6'4.5+
joe### said on 4/Sep/16
you look at it with 6´7.75 calais campbell and will see that he's not 6'7 or 6'6
Canson said on 28/Aug/16
@Boss: he and Jordan are the same height. MJ has also said it. Barkley looks taller against many due to his build but the consensus in the league was that he was 6'4 and change. My 6'3 friend met him in person and said he has the same difference with him as he does with me (194cm-6'4 3/8 at my lowest). Maybe 6'4.5 as his lowest but I doubt hes much more than that when he was measured 6'4 5/8 at the Olympics. People construe him saying he was 6'4 when in reality he was 6'4.5 as downplaying is the issue
Canson said on 22/Aug/16
@Rob: not so sure that's his lowest. Many ppl who have played with him call him 6'4. Doubt he's that low but there's a chance he falls to the lower 194 range
Animus said on 19/Aug/16
Rob, do you believe Barkley is shorter than
Michael Jordan?

Editor Rob
they may well fall into the same zone, and it is Barkley who is giving his lowest measurement he got.
Canson said on 11/Aug/16
@Shane: I agree. That one wasn't the best. There was another pic with Kobe and his wife that Barkley was in too, and he looked only marginally shorter (like 1/4"). That is more realistic. If I had to guess MJ Barkley and Kobe are all very similar between 6'4.5-.75.
The Man said on 8/Aug/16
Boss said on 5/Aug/16
So you're implying that Barkley's 6'7"? Give me a break. He can't be over 6'5". That pic made Barkley look 6'6", not 6'7", and that was because the two were standing on uneven ground, giving Barkley over an inch height advantage.
Boss said on 5/Aug/16
Barkley liked to downplay his height because he wanted people to base his talents on skill and not his height. He is almost always slouching or tilting his head down in pics.
Click Here
He is around 2" taller than Jordan here standing side by side in equal footwear.
Click Here
Shane said on 5/Aug/16
@Canson: my friend, Kobe is closer to camera in that image and photographer also close and seemingly much shorter so i dont read much into that image. I think photos are rarely very,helpful unless people are on exact same plane exactly same distance and angle from camera and in same shoes. Very rare to get all those things and even the slighest deviation can cause a big difference in how tall people do or do not look in photos.
Canson said on 4/Aug/16
@Anthony: well your opinion is your opinion but people attempt "call me on mine as well" so I don't see an issue with it. And if you believe people can run circles around me intellectually than that's fine with me. I obviously don't care what people think of me if I post the way I do. I have my convictions and so do you
Anthony said on 3/Aug/16
@Canson — can I ask you an honest question? Do you spend all of your days sitting in front of a screen commenting on each of these celebrity heights, or just most of the day? I wouldn't have even thought to post this, but after looking through a handful of these celeb height pages, it's obvious that you've not only commented and analyzed many of these individuals (I have only checked on athletes, and that's where I've seen your many posts, so perhaps you just focus on them), but – that being said – you've been audacious enough to blatantly point out others' stupidity, going so far as to label others. Not to mention your posts which point to others' lack of logical thought/reasoning, and then arguing over a difference in .15 cm (in re your post from 23 July 2016). I just find it rather...bizarre, to say the least. But you have your opinions and I certainly have mine - each his own, I guess. Just keep in mind, there are plenty of people (not only myself) who could [probably] run circles around you intellectually. Unfortunately, I must use the word "probably," as I don't know you
Canson said on 28/Jul/16
Click Here
Looks well under 195 with Kobe.
Canson said on 24/Jul/16
@Height: to add to the previous post as well @Dawkins: you are assuming when you say "out of bed" "at their lowest" that the height listed is their lowest. Most NBA players are measured in the morning you do know that right? im sure some are some aren't. So how could their listed heights be their lowest?
Canson said on 23/Jul/16
196-196.5 out of bed 194-195 before bed same height as Jordan and Kobe
Canson said on 23/Jul/16
Sorry Dawkins. But you obviously haven't met him and you appear to be talking out of the side of your mouth on all of your estimates as many are just hypotheses. I agree they did knock off 3cm for the players but that would've put Barkley at 6'4 3/4 (195 cm is 6'4.77 not 6'4.625) And this person has as have all of his teammates such as Danny Ainge Dan Majerle Moses Malone (see my video below). Now why would Malone say he's 6'4 when he's near 6'6? And if you see pics with Barkley and Danny Manning in Phoenix it's clear that a 6'9 guy like Manning with a 194-195 guy is there.
Click Here
Canson said on 23/Jul/16
@Height: I agree with what you said about the Barcelona measurements but Barkley and Magic were supposedly measured as others weren't supposedly. Barkley's is pretty specific while they didn't give one for Magic they just said closer to. As for Dawkins, he or she is talking out of their you know what and just putting heights out for everyone. Dawkins has guys like Steph curry losing more height than some of the centers do and more than Jordan and Barkley And his initial posts for Barkley and Jordan before were 197-198 out of bed for Barkley and 196 at night then 196-197 in the morning for Jordan and 195 at night. Dawkins is using an educated guess for all of them I hope but it does seem like it's just throwing out numbers and not actually a true measurement. Now Barkley pulling off or giving the 6'5 impression may be possible but him being 199 out of bed and 197 at night 6'5 5/8 would mean he's near 6'6 at night and that doesn't add up with all the stuff I've heard everyone else say over the years. Never seen one person describe him as over 6'5. Also see the link from my last post where someone met him in person
Canson said on 22/Jul/16
@Height: I know you aren't inflating him. You have always made great points and I know you are objective. That's my opinion on Mason just like it is yours. Honestly Mason could look bigger than 6'6 at times (he looks almost as tall as Pippen at times). I've also seen in your case where you make a good judgment to downgrade when necessary. As I've said before you are objective and see what you see and are balanced in thinking!
Height said on 21/Jul/16
I'm not inflating Mason, if you check footage of him for comparison you will see that I have a point.
About Barkley's claim, he has also claimed 6'5.5" and 6'5" several times... so 6'4.75" is not his only claim.
Canson said on 20/Jul/16
@Height: it's possible but seeing him against taller guys and how he has been described as low as 6'5-6'6 before its inconclusive. Mason just like Barkley (we see how many have described Charles taller) is built oddly. Both along with Jordan look taller than they are. If I didn't know better I'd prob give all 3 their listed heights based on how they look 6'6 and 6'7. But truth is 194-195 for two and 198 for the other look very tall. I say what I say because I have gotten "you look as tall as so and so who is a 198cm friend of mine who is built differently than I am. But no he's clearly 1.5-2" taller than me in reality. If you look at what the taller people here like KROC Bobby3342 Ali Baba even Shane have said we see almost the same thing. Even Shane who I commend for his honesty saying he uses an out of bed height but still isn't inflating these guys he says at their lowest that's what he sees them measuring.
Height said on 19/Jul/16
@ Canson
You should check footage of Mason next to 195 cm guys. To see how he edges them by more than 3 cm., again you should also check him next to players who are in the 199 cm - 200 cm range like Glen Rice or Dennis Rodman. You'll see that Mason is very similar in height, he is more of a 199 cm guy.
Canson said on 19/Jul/16
Click Here
Once again Pucko, Moses Malone says it here. So it's more than likely that he is. Now it's more than likely he's a strong 6'4 or weak 6'5 (in the afternoon) and that these other people aren't as tall as they claim
Canson said on 19/Jul/16
@Pucko: are you implying I'm downplaying Stern's height? When I said he's 6'5? Or are you saying Barkley is downplaying his height? He was measured 6'4 5/8 at the Olympics. Oh and btw look below. He isn't downplaying anything. And don't say this person doesn't know because he is right in line with what everyone else who has met and described him has said. I don't give a rats A$$ how you all keep saying he looks against "unmeasured celebs who self proclaim their heights". come on. I'm waiting to hear an excuse now as everyone else provides when someone says Barkley's actual height.
Click Here
Canson said on 18/Jul/16
@Height: Mason may be 6'6 flat tops. He doesn't look as tall as Rodman to me and in some pics doesn't look much taller than Vince Carter if at all. Carter is around 195 most likely
Canson said on 18/Jul/16
@Height: he also claimed Barkley was 6'4 1/2.
Canson said on 18/Jul/16
@Height: he has claimed 6'4. I've never heard him claim 6'4.5 or list himself as 6'4.5 with the exception of when he said "he and Charles Barkley were the exact same height about 6'4.5". Barkley I can believe around there but Danny to me at least solid 6'4. He doesn't look like he's lost much if he has. Other thing is if we're going off claims then that'd make Charles what he claims since he's said he's 6'4.75 and others have described him 6'4 range as well
Pucko said on 18/Jul/16
He's downplaying it, just like Stern
Height said on 18/Jul/16
On your response to Dawkins. He does have a point, and still to this day there is no actual proof that players where really measured at Barcelona 92. The alleged measurements by sports illustrated all seem 3 cms less than the players height with shoes (like the video posted on Kobe's page).
- Magic 205 cm (NBA) - 3 cms = 202 cm which is "closer to 6'7"than to 6'9" "
- Barkley 198 cm (NBA) - 3cms = 195 cm which is "more like 6'4 5/8 than 6'6" "
Dawkins said on 18/Jul/16
None of the Barcelona dream teamers where measured. They knocked off 3 cms from NBA listings.
199 cm out of bed,197 cm at night.
Dawkins said on 18/Jul/16
199 cm out of bed,197 cm at night.
Height said on 18/Jul/16
Sorry, but Danny Ainge has claimed 6'4.5"many times (one in the interview I posted) and he looks that as a player. Never a flat 6'4", he may be a flat 6'4"now in his late 50's though (he turns 60 in 2.5 years)
@Shane you should check Mason in game footage, he is pretty much the same height as a Dennis Rodman or even Glen Rice. 6'5.5" is an exaggerated low for Mason.
Canson said on 17/Jul/16
@Height: Danny Ainge is not 6'4.5 like you mentioned. I saw pics with Keith Bogans and Bogans is "clearly" taller at 6'4.25. My guess is maybe Ainge dropped a fraction under and was never more than 6'4 flat
Canson said on 17/Jul/16
@Shane: that looks legit with Oak and Mase. I agree. I had Oak around 201-202 and that adds up with Mase at 197+. Mase looked big on the court because of the absurd muscle he had on him but next to taller guys you could see the difference
Canson said on 17/Jul/16
@Shane: to be honest I can see that too. I've heard Mase classified as 6'5-6'6 before. I saw a pic with he and Larry Johnson and if Johnson didn't lean they'd be similar in height.
Shane said on 16/Jul/16
@Canson I agree 6'6" flat for the late Mason. I believe, however, 6'6" would be him early in the day. I can see him dropping to 6'5" 1/2 easily. @Height I actually think your photo with Mason by Oakley makes Mason look around 1.5 inches shorter than Oak even with slight camera advantage.
Canson said on 16/Jul/16
Fast forward to Moses malone's comments. Yet another teammate or former teammate who describes him as 6'4 range. funny how all over this site people post "oh Derek Theler or Blake Griffin or so and so said they were such and such" and it's deemed "holy grail" "no bs" valid proof but someone who was as close as it comes to the person, a teammate, their word is no good. Oh well that's the way it is. Guess we are all about making people taller and raising the average height for the population to help boost people's egos and security
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Pucko said on 16/Jul/16
Rob, isn't there enough proof now to atleast give 6'5 for Barkley?

Editor Rob
he can look that range, but the man has insisted he was almost 6ft 5. It may be that is the lowest he's measured and he liked giving a low mark.
Canson said on 16/Jul/16
@Dawkins: Lol. Don't know how he was measured 6'4 5/8 when he's 197 (6'5 5/8) at night
Canson said on 13/Jul/16
@Height: in shots with Miller and Rose on TV from the Espys (both Miller and Rose are listed 6'6 on their predraft measurements so I doubt either is any taller than that) Barkley can look closer to 6'4. However don't know if he was standing straight. Worst case is both have a strong inch like 1.25-1.5 on him
Canson said on 12/Jul/16
@Height: great pics. I'm not sure how much difference he has on Howard honestly. To me it looks more half inch than nearly an inch. Howard is prob 6'9 flat while Hakeem is likely 208 which is 2 cm like you said. Durant can look taller than Howard (from some pics I've seen honestly). As for Mason, to me at least he looks 6'6". Some people have put him as low as 6'5 range but I know he definitely isn't that small. I've heard commentators once say 6'5-6'6 and 280 lbs But I agree he was 6'6". Oakley looks 202 to me
Height said on 11/Jul/16
Hakeem is closer to 209 cm than to 208 cm. Considering that Howard is a little closer to the camera, the difference there is about 2cm, if Hakeem was at the same level as Howard it would be more like 2.5 cm -3 cm :
Click Here
Again Elie seems to be thinking on the higher end of 6'9" (208cm), which is a good estimate, but somewhat underrated.
As for Anthony Mason, a flat 6'6" is too low for him, 199 cm is the very least for him as he was always about the same height as Dennis Rodman and no more than 1 inch shorter than Charles Oakley (Mason is barely in front of Oakley making him appear about 1.5 cm shorter, if you put them at the same level it would be 2 cm - 2.5 cm):
Click Here
Check him out next to 199 cm/200 cm players like Dennis Rodman or Glen Rice.
Canson said on 10/Jul/16
196.5 out of bed/ 194.5 at night
Canson said on 9/Jul/16
@Height: you may have Dream too high. He doesn't look much taller than Howard if at all. If anything maybe 1/2" and Howard really is 6'9 flat (like he was when he came in). Mario Elie says it here. Now I doubt Hakeem is really a flat 206. He's prob more 6'9.5-6'10 but he mentions 6'9 ranfe for him
Click Here
Canson said on 9/Jul/16
@Height: I'm not sure when Anderson was measured but poss that's not his lowest but I see prob still around 194 (6'4.25-.3). He and MJ can look the same height honestly so it could be that he is 6'4.5 too. One thing I have noticed about MJ is that his body (long and thinner) than others makes him appear taller
Canson said on 9/Jul/16
@Shane: that's a good estimate. Starks is 6'2" like you said! And Ewing is 6'10. I'd put oak around 6'7 and Mase (Rest in Peace) 6'6 flat absolute most. Side note Biggie had a song referencing a "6'5" Knick and that song was apparently about Anthony Mason.
Canson said on 8/Jul/16
@Height: you're right about Anderson. I always thought he was only 6'4 flat. He never struck me as a 6'4.5 guy.
Shane said on 8/Jul/16
Those Knicks teams had some very liberal height listings such as Starks being close to 6'2 barefoot with a 6'5 listing, Ewing in the 6'10 range etc. I always felt Mason clearly looked more 6'6 than 6'8. Not sure on Oakley... keep in mind Oakley had some NBA years with a 6'9 rather than 6'8 listing. Id say the roughly 6'7 barefoot estimates are solid for him.
Height said on 6/Jul/16
Thanks For the article! Perhaps it's a typo and they meant to put half inch taller? The article also list Nick Anderson at 6'4.5".
Agree that he is as tall or maybe a tad taller than Pippen! I still see him just a hair under a flat 6'8" though at about 202 cm - 202.5 cm or even a flat 203 cm (6'7.94") like I initially stated.
You are coming up with good material, keep it coming.
Height said on 6/Jul/16
Thanks For the article! Perhaps it's a typo and they meant to put half inch taller? The article also list Nick Anderson at 6'4.5".
Agree that he is as tall or maybe a tad taller than Pippen! I still see him just a hair under a flat 6'8" though at about 202 cm - 202.5 cm.
You are coming up with good material, keep it coming.
Height said on 6/Jul/16
@Canson although the norm was to list inflated heights and most commonly, 6'5.5" was listed at 6'7", that did not necessarily happen all the time. Many 6'5.5" guys were listed at 6'6" for example (Thinking Dan Majerle, Mark Aguirre or even Dr J in the ABA).
Olajuwon is 6'10" (actually like 6'10.25" - see him next to Dwight Howard) and Ewing has always been from 1 cm to 2 cm (about half inch) taller than Olajuwon, so Ewing is closer to 6'11". The problem with that picture is that Oakley is not next to Starks, and Ewing is the closest to the camera so that makes Oakley appear a little shorter.
Trust me when I say that Oakley is no less than a flat 203 cm guy. Pause at the start of this video, he is next to Pippen who is about 202cm and both have dress shoes, he is just a tad taller:
Click Here
Canson said on 5/Jul/16
@Height: this is where I got the info about Oakley but it says he measured 1/2" shorter than Randy White (who is 6'6.75) making Oakley 6'6.25. I thought it say they were the same. i don't buy Oakley being this small. I think he'd be 1/2" taller. I don't think he's 6'8 barefoot but I would say he's 201-202. He didn't look any (noticeably) taller than Pippen did imho from pics i saw. I mean if we saw them back to back possible oak would have him by maybe a 1/4" or 1/2" but otherwise couldn't see it. And was about 3" shorter than Ewing.
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Canson said on 4/Jul/16
@Danimal: if he were 6'5.5 he'd be listed at 6'7. Remember he was a power forward. They listed Julius Erving that and he played small forward
Canson said on 4/Jul/16
@Height: see pic below. John Starks is 6'2" no way Oakley is 6'8 barefoot. Ewing is 6'10 range
Click Here
Canson said on 4/Jul/16
@Danimal: stern has always said he was 6'5. Sure he could've been 6'5.25 or so like Rob has him at his lowest but doubt he was any taller than that. People below who have met him (with the exception of Goose who notoriously has added 2" to every celebs heights including the shorter ones) has said Stern is 6'5. I would bet my life savings Barkley is not 6'5.5 I take the word of guys who have played with him that say he's 6'4 or "not even 6'5". Doubt he's 193 cm guy but he's between 194-195 maybe 195 flat.
@Height: I've always heard Mason was 6'6. I can't find any link that says he's 6'6.5. But maybe he was since he was listed 6'8 Later in his career. Oakley I agree he isn't a 6'6.75 guy but an article when he was in Chicago did say that (not making it up). But I'd say he's 6'7 ranfe. He isn't 6" taller than John Starks and Ewing has a few inches on him. I'd say 6'7.5 for him
Pucko said on 4/Jul/16
His dad is 7'0... There is no way this guy is under 6'5.5
Canson said on 4/Jul/16
@Rob: do you think he wakes to 198 (I saw your reply to Height below in regards to losing 3 cm)? He doesn't look that tall at least in my opinion. I'd have said 196.5/193.5 if he really loses 3 cm at most maybe 197/194. At 198 out of bed, He'd be as tall as Klitschko at the size or Dr J (his former teammate) who was taller than he is and has said as such before. He looks shorter to me esp compared to other basketball players who I know how tall they actually are like Karl Malone etc. not to mention he is always classed 6'4 or under 6'5 by all of his former teammates. Do you think that he looks taller because he loses so much per day?

Editor Rob
you might find some guys who lose 3cm...he may well have a 6ft 6 to 6ft 4.75 range, it is a lot, but then these guys are 9 inches above average.
I think most agree he typically looked taller than his lowest claim or the supposed measurement.
Danimal (176-178cm) said on 2/Jul/16
Canson said on 30/Jun/16
Howard Stern is taller than Barkley Jordan or Kobe and he is a solid 6'5 himself. Enough people have seen Stern in person to say 6'5. Enough have seen the other three 6'4.5-.75
Stern WAS closer to 6'6" than 6'5". Due to age and terrible posture he has lost height in the last decade. Furthermore, are there ANY pics of videos of Howard standing next to Charles? NO, there isn't.
Danimal (176-178cm) said on 2/Jul/16
Alex said on 27/Jun/16
He is a solid 6'4 barefoot IMHO..
He's 6'5.5" barefoot.
Height said on 2/Jul/16
Thanks for the info and the links, I have read them before but it's always good to have them. Chambers is close enough to 6'10" trust me and Majerle is more a 6'5.5"guy than a 6'5" guy.
Your guess for Charles Oakley is inaccurate. Oakley is no 6'7" nor 6'6.75", he is a legit 6'8" guy (most probably at about 6'8.25 - 6'8.30" or 204 cm) look at him next to Anthony Mason who was 6'6.5" or next to the likes of Allan Houston (6'4.76" edges him by about 10 cm).
Canson said on 2/Jul/16
@Height: not sure on Ceballos. He was listed 6'6 when he first came in. If I had to guess 6'5 1/2 like Majerle maybe a full 6'6 but they look close. Dumas was listed 6'6" though barefoot when he was drafted.
Height said on 2/Jul/16
@Canson have to agree to disagree on many of the thing you have said. Ceballos was always a legit 6'6" (same height as Penny Hardaway) and Richard Dumas is in the 6'6.5" department. Ainge looks taller than a flat 6'4".
Canson said on 1/Jul/16
@Height: not the greatest pic here but if chambers is 6'10 it'd mean Majerle is 6'7 almost and that Oliver Miller is 6'8-6'9. Miller is 6'7.5 (as measured). Majerle is 6'5 and change 6'5 3/8-6'5.5 (although the Olympics had him 6'5 in 88) but he claims 6'6. Not sure if he rounds up or he counts his shoes. He looks like you said at least close to 6'5.5 to me as well. Mark west is 6'10 barefoot and has chambers by an inch. But A pic like that isn't always the best to judge people because if the camera is angled one way or another it can make one appear shorter or taller. So maybe chambers really is 6'9.5 as opposed to 6'9. I'll be honest too. I posted a pic earlier with Xman and chambers with dale Ellis. Not sure if Rob posted that thread but I thought 3" at first it could be 3.5 between X and Chambers. It isn't a full 4 because the crown on X's head is over chambers eyebrows. I know at one point Xman claimed 6'6 as his height and he looked it with Jordan. But with Charles Oakley and Ewing he looked shorter than that at least to me. I saw one link saying Oakley was a short as 6'6 3/4 barefoot or 6'6.5 one of the two. when he was at VUU he was listed 6'8 likely a shoe height so I deduce 6'7 from that but no higher
Canson said on 1/Jul/16
@Height: Wilkes may have been 6'6" in his prime. I was saying at worst he was 6'5.5. Even guys who were 1/2" off their listed were sometimes rounded up. To me he only looked 1/2" taller than Coop who was 6'5. And Magic looked like he had more than an inch on him. Looked 1.5-2" at times. Tom Chambers was only 6'9 when he came out of college. Maybe 6'9.5 and was rounded up. I don't see an official measurement saying he was 6'10 other than his listed height.
Height said on 30/Jun/16
Wilkes is legit 6'6" (see him next to Magic or Phil Jackson), and Chambers always has been a legit 6'10"guy (See him next to legit 6'9"guys like Sam Perkins), Pique was measured with a stadiometer barefoot like all medicals in football.
Canson said on 30/Jun/16
@Height: Ainge is listed 6'4 in Baseball (see below). To be fair he looks 6'4 in pics but not 6'4.5. Majerle is a good 1.5" taller and Jordan is taller than Ainge as are Cedric ceballos (6'5-6'6) and Richard Dumas (6'6). The latter have more than an inch on him almost as much Majerle
Click Here
Canson said on 30/Jun/16
@Height: Ainge is listed 6'4 in Baseball (see below). To be fair he looks 6'4 in pics but not 6'4.5. Majerle is a good 1.5" taller and Jordan is taller than Ainge as are Cedric ceballos (6'5-6'6) and Richard Dumas (6'6). The latter have more than an inch on him almost as much Majerle
Canson said on 30/Jun/16
Howard Stern is taller than Barkley Jordan or Kobe and he is a solid 6'5 himself. Enough people have seen Stern in person to say 6'5. Enough have seen the other three 6'4.5-.75
Canson said on 29/Jun/16
@Alex: he isn't that short now LOL! He's 6'4 and change tho I do agree with that. I notice a bunch of the older teammates. Darryl Dawkins Moses Malone said he's 6'4 cheeks said 6'4-6'5 and even Joe Klein 6'4. But back then people didn't do a lot of rounding esp taller guys. 6'4 1/2 even 6'4 5/8 if barely that when measured was 6'4 to some. But I don't see him below 6'4 1/2
Canson said on 29/Jun/16
@Height: Majerle at 6'5.5 would be 196.7. he himself said he's taller than Barkley and that Barkley is "maybe 6'5" of course Majerle said he's 6'6 too and he isn't both of us know that. But Pique isn't 192 I'd say 191.
He was likely measured in shoes as well.
Wilkes I can see a barefoot height at worst 6'5.5 but he was from the 70s where they did it barefoot. But Tom Chambers was 6'9 barefoot. Not 6'10
Canson said on 29/Jun/16
@Height: Majerle at 6'5.5 would be 196.7. he himself said he's taller than Barkley and that Barkley is "maybe 6'5" of course Majerle said he's 6'6 too and he isn't both of us know that. But Pique isn't 192 I'd say 191. He was likely measured in shoes as well
Canson said on 29/Jun/16
@Height: I can see Ainge at most being as tall as Tom Brady who is 6'4.25. Ainge really doesn't look that tall TBH. I could even see 6'4 would be his 2 hr out of bed and he can see 6'3.75. He never looked a strong 6'4 to me but not a weak one. More borderline solid. Barkley from what Ainge said is 0.5" taller and you're right )I posted below) Ainge has said exact same height "about 6'4 1/2" and also the time when Barkley had the interview in Phoenix when Ainge walked in and said "Charles I'm 6'4 and you aren't much taller than me." Ainge said he may be taller but it's at most 1/2". Ainge was listed both 6'4 and 6'5 when he played. Knowing they measure in shoes I can see at most 193. I met Dell Curry once and he is firmly 192. I had about an inch on him. I see Ainge and curry as similar with Ainge maybe having 1/4"-3/8"
Height said on 29/Jun/16
There has been 2 other times where Ainge has claimed taller heights. One was and interview where he claimed that he was 6'4.5" and that Barkley was about 0.5" taller and the other was one where he claimed that the where the same height at 6'4.5".
Click Here
Barkley always looked at least 1.5 cm taller than Ainge, the original statement I am referring to along with yours of a 0.5" difference between them, is more accurate than the one of them being the same. Ainge has always looked more than a flat 6'4", so the 6'4.5" sounds legit.
Ainge is more a 194er (perhaps more on the lower end of 194) and Barkley is more a 196er (perhaps more on the lower end of 196).
Canson said on 28/Jun/16
danny ainge charles barkley: type this in Google and go to images. Ainge called it right during the interview that he walked in on when Barkley was asked how tall he was and said he was 6'6". Ainge challenged him and said "I'm 6'4 and you're only about 1/2" taller. That makes him 6'4.5 at most he'd be what Rob has him at 6'4 3/4. Which makes since depending on when he would've measured at the Olympics as well
Canson said on 28/Jun/16
@Height: I agree partly but think some of the fooling around really is some isn't. He's inconsistent because he claimed a shoe height. When he was drafted in the 80s the sneakers weren't like today. I read an article where Al Domenico and Pat Croce (then a Sixers trainer later an owner) both said "no way he's 6'6". Croce had him at 6'5 1/2 in shoes which is what Barkley referred to. Which makes sense. 6'4.75 barefoot in a lower sneaker 3/4" would put him there
Alex said on 27/Jun/16
He is a solid 6'4 barefoot IMHO..
Height said on 27/Jun/16
I can relate to what you are saying, I have the same opinion about the pictures and can only speak of what I've seen through the years in games I've watched or tv segments I've watched.
Although Ainge comes from the "with shoes" era, in that time some listed heights were real heights (thinking Bird, Wilkes, Chambers, Nealy ) and players that came from international leagues (i.e. Petrovic) and other sports leagues that measured without shoes remained listed like that. Ainge was officially listed at 6'4.5" by the MLB and then for practical reasons was either listed at 6'4" or 6'5" in Baseball/Basketball TV transmissions. That's why I believed he was virtually a 195.5 cm - 196 cm guy because he never looked flat 6'4"....either way, 195cm is not even 6'5" flat (195.6 cm is).
Ainge has also said that he is 6'4.5" for the record on many interviews, so I think the 194 cm range is more appropriate for him since sometimes he can give the impression of being 195 cm too.
MJ (and Kobe for that matter who is virtually the same height, with the same body type) can edge legit 192cm guys by more than 3 cm. MJ being as low as 194 cm or even 194.5 cm doesn't make sense, especially if you see him next to 197 cm to 199 cm guys.
Barkley seemed to edge legit 192 cm Gerard Piqué by no less than 5cm :
Click Here
These seem more realistic:
Ainge 194.5 cm
Jordan 195.5 cm
Barkley 196.5 cm
Majerle 197 cm
Canson said on 27/Jun/16
@Height: the problem with some of this is that some of these guys such as Ainge have said he's only 6'4. He never really looks 6'5 with anyone else and if he were a legit 195 he'd be listed 6'6". By the time he was drafted they were into shoe heights. Majerle calls himself 6'6 but I agree 6'5.5 looks right. So if Ainge says he's 6'4 I highly doubt he's 6'5 esp with known inflation of height in the NBA and shoes etc. But the common denominator is that both say Barkley is shorter than Majerle (per Majerle) and only about 1/2" or so taller than a 6'4 Ainge (per Ainge). The biggest problem is there are no good pics with Majerle and Barkley where they are side by side. There is one with Ainge and Ainge is correct he doesn't even have a full inch on him. I could buy 6'4 for Ainge (193). I don't see him being as tall as MJ. He's shorter. By a cm maybe 1/2". and 194.6-195 for Barkley (6'4.6-.7). Majerle is more like 196.75-197.
Height said on 26/Jun/16
@Frank he said it in 2001 too:
Click Here
There are many discrepancies in the heights he has claimed during his career/life. He has claimed 6'4", 6'4.5", 6'4.75", 6'5" and 6'5.5"
My guess is that he has always enjoyed fooling around with people with his height and that he is actually not that short
Canson said on 26/Jun/16
@height: I'd give Kobe and MJ 194.5 6'4.5 and Ainge 193. Maybe 6'4.25 but he never looks that tall IMHO. Majerle said Barkley is maybe 6'5 and Ainge says he's 6'4.5. The thing is the pics aren't really with Majerle and Barkley. As for rivers his son is clarkson's height. Without a doubt a morning measurement so I'd call him 6'2.75 and doc rivers maybe 6'3.25
Height said on 25/Jun/16
That picture isn't that good to compare. I think the video clearly shows that Ainge is virtually MJ's height, maybe 1cm shorter at most. Barkley seems to edge Ainge by at least 0.5".
Doc Rivers is very close to a legit 6'4" he's between 192 cm -193cm, he's half an inch taller than his son who is 6'3.4"-6'3.5".
I don't agree that neither MJ or Kobe below 195cm or 195.5 cm. You can even see it when Kobe has met Kaka (a legit 186cm) that he is like 10 cm taller than him, you can see that Kobe is a legit about 3cm-4cm shorter next to Nihad Djedovic who is a legit 199 cm.
Kobe and MJ are virtually the same height. So none of them I think is below 195.5cm or 195cm.
Majerle is indeed about 6'5.5" and he is very similar in height to Barkley, he doesn't have an inch or .075"on him.
Canson said on 25/Jun/16
Height: see below. No chance Ainge is over 6'4.
Click Here
Canson said on 25/Jun/16
@Frank: I never heard Barkley ever say he's 6'5.5. But yea in shoes in those days he would've been (he'd be 6'6 in shoes today or close to it). But I did hear him say he was 6'4.75 and you hear Chick Hearn say "you're not 6'6 you're not even 6'5".
Click Here
Also listen to Dan Majerle around 1:20-2:00. Majerle isn't 6'6 like he claims he is. He's shorter than Reggie Miller 1/2" and Steve Smith 1" (I'll agree he's prob 6'5 1/2 tho).but he said he's taller than Barkley
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Canson said on 25/Jun/16
@Frank: I never heard Barkley ever say he's 6'5.5. But yea in shoes in those days he would've been (he'd be 6'6 in shoes today or close to it). But I did hear him say he was 6'4.75 and you hear Chick Hearn say "you're not 6'6 you're not even 6'5".
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Also listen to Dan Majerle around 1:20-2:00. Majerle isn't 6'6 like he claims he is. He's shorter than Reggie Miller and Steve Smith (I'll agree he's prob 6'5 1/2 tho).but he said he's taller than Barkley
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Canson said on 25/Jun/16
@Height: he doesn't look as tall as Jordan is and Jordan is 194-195 not a solid 195er. Ainge himself said he's 6'4 and that Barkley is 1/2 or so taller. Also remember if Ainge were that tall (he came out in the 80s) he would've been listed 6'6 like the formers. He never looked that tall on the court and if you see him next to Doc Rivers (who is more than likely 6'4 in shoes) he is taller but barely
Frank R said on 24/Jun/16
In 1993, Charles Barkley said he was 6 feet 5 and a half. At that time he would not yet have begun shrinking, so it's safe to assume that he was between 6'5.5" and 6'5.75 inches at his absolute tallest.
Height said on 23/Jun/16
Danny Ainge has always been at least 195cm. You can see him next to MJ and both wearing nike soles. MJ is no less than 195 cm- 195.5 cm :
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Canson said on 23/Jun/16
@Height: Ainge is listed 6'4 here. Wouldn't surprise me if he's even a hair under. If he were truly 195 cm barefoot, he'd never be 6'4 on any references he'd always get 6'5 or 6'6. Dan Majerle in the interview with Dan Patrick claims that he's 6'6 (he looks shorter than normal legit 6'6s. I'd def say he's 6'5 1/2 but he's taller than Ainge by a good amount 1.5"+ and he mentioned to Patrick that Charles is "maybe" 6'5 before Patrick said "yea he's under 6'5" and Majerle agreed. It's on YouTube from about a month ago. Patrick called Barkely the size of Buddy Hield but of course you and I both know he isn't that small even if Hield were really almost 6'4 Hield is overlisted and is really more 6'3.25-.5 not almost 6'4
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Canson said on 23/Jun/16
@Rob: bird definitely isn't 6'7 but he wasn't measured at that. They only mentioned magic and Barkley as getting measured (in your quote above). The others had two inches knocked off if not given official measurements. From all of Barkley's former teammates they've described him as either "barely 6'5" or 6'4. Of course I can't see a flat 6'4 but can see him being 6'4.5 at his lowest easily. I even have a 6'2 friend who met him and a 6'3 that said he looked 6'4ish

Editor Rob
the article itself had:
"Date: July 27, 1992
Publication: Chicago Sun-Times
Page: 108
Word Count: 85
Actual heights of the members of the Team USA Olympic basketball were released, and they're lower than those in the NBA Register.
Player List Actual
Charles Barkley 6-6 6-4
Larry Bird 6-9 6-7
Clyde Drexler 6-7 6-5
Patrick Ewing 7-0 6-10
Magic Johnson 6-9 6-7
Michael Jordan 6-6 6-4
Christian Laettner 6-11 6-9
Karl Malone 6-9 6-7
Chris Mullin 6-7 6-5"
Canson said on 23/Jun/16
@Height: Danny Ainge said himself he's 6'4 (flat) and that Barkley is only half inch or so taller. Ainge isn't almost 6'5 barefoot
Canson said on 22/Jun/16
@Shane: I agree. I doubt an illegal stance. Probably perspective. Barkley is much bigger than those two in the body and at a favored angle. I can believe Richmond is 6'4 or close to it but I doubt he's more than an inch taller if even that much. I don't see how when they measured him at 6'4 5/8 why everyone wants to inflate the guy. It's so they don't have to downgrade someone other than him. It's possible it's his lowest as well but a legit measurement
Height said on 22/Jun/16
Rob do you think he often tends to look 6'5"/ 6'5.5" next to legit 6'4.5" and 6'4.75" guys, but next to legit 6'9"/ 6'10" guys he looks 6'4.75"?

Editor Rob
for Barkley if he shrinks 3cm, for a time of the day he may well look a decent 6ft 5 range to people, but could end up sub 6ft 5.
Height said on 22/Jun/16
More often than not, he tends to look taller than 6'4.5" and 6'4.75"measured people. Looks taller than Danny Ainge who is about 195cm.
Canson said on 21/Jun/16
@Rob: he was measured 6'4 5/8 at the Olympics, I figured you'd have him 6'4.5 using the 1/4" system like Colin kapernick and Tom Brady

Editor Rob
I know the quote is here and it's been mentioned, but I don't know truly enough about these supposed measurements.
I mean Larry Bird 6ft 7 range seems hard to believe.
Shane said on 18/Jun/16
Someone below mentioned measuring illegally for a taller listing. The only way i know to do so would be to stand on tip toes or in shoes. Is that what was being referred to?
Height said on 31/May/16
And I also reckon that it's not the best picture to judge their height together (Richmond and Barkley) since we can't see their feet!
Height said on 30/May/16
Canson, I'll have to agree that Jason Kidd is more a 6'3" guy than a 6'2" guy. I honestly think he is 189.5cm-190cm which is a weak 6'3". With this there still is about a 4 inch difference between Carmelo (6'6.25"/ 199cm) and him (6'2.8" / 190cm).
Here he is next to legit 6'5"-6'5.25" Jimmy Jackson and both wearing the same shoe model, I see about a 2 inch difference there:
Click Here
Richmond could be a round up and much like you, I've always seen him as a legit 6'4" but could be just a tad shorter at 6'3.8-9" or so which is 192.5cm (virtually 6'4"). But as for the difference between him and Barkley I see a 2.5 inch difference in the picture, but considering that Barkley may be standing up a little taller (I can't see the position of their legs) in my opinion it could be anything from 1.25 to 1.5 inches.
Canson said on 27/May/16
@175: I doubt illegal stances. It's more that the measurement were rounded up a lot more back then. Also some get measured in the morning. Notice no 1/4" and 1/2". And Jason Kidd is 6'2 barefoot not 6'3. They always listed people in their shoe heights when they announced them on stage at the Draft. Kidd is 4 or so inches shorter than Carmelo Anthony is! And I have met Melo he's as listed, 6'6 1/4" I also know a scout who is a friend of mine and he's said Kidd is 6'2 as well and that MJ/Barkley/Kobe/Stachouse are all strong 6'4-weak 6'5. He is 6'3 himself and has met all four. Richmond may have been 6'4 but he could've been rounded up as well from a 6'3 1/2-3/4". He does look a full 6'4 however next to some players. But the pic that Darko posted is no good. Anyone will look taller lined up like that esp Barkley and he doesn't have 1.5" on him. It's prob 1 or less
Height said on 25/May/16
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Looks in the 6'5-6'5.5 (196 cm-197cm) range next to 6'4.5 (194 cm) Danny Ainge.
Lord Beerus said on 25/May/16
Always looked tad bit taller than MJ in the NBA.
Canson said on 24/May/16
@GMAN: he almost always does. He was 6'4 5/8 at the Olympics. Customary to round. check out the interview with Dan Majerle and Dan Patrick. Patrick asked Majerle if Barkley was shorter than him and he said yes. "Charles was maaaybe 6'5. And I'm 6'6" is what he said. Patrick said he was under 6'5 so both seem in agreement. Majerle was measured 6'5 range at the 88 Olympics.
GMAN said on 21/May/16
I have met Charles at least 15 times in my life and have had a few conversations with him, mostly about Auburn football. I did ask him how tall he was and he said he was 6'5 although his head has gotten fatter so he may be 6'5.5. He said without a doubt he has always been slightly taller than MJ and Kobe. Charles is difficult to judge because you just can't put into words how massive he is unless you see him. His width and girth make him seem like he is 6'10. He truly dwarfs everyone around him.
Arnold said on 21/May/16
Should be a flat 6-5 at least.
EzioAuditore711 said on 10/May/16
The reason he looks so much taller than The Rock is simple. Dwayne isn't as tall as most people think. My guess is 6'1" - 6'1.5". Look at him next to 6'0" Cena. A 6'1" Rock makes sense next to a 6'4.5" - 6'5" Barkley.
Canson said on 1/May/16
@Height: I agree. His head the way it's shaped and tilted down. The pics here that are posted. I don't get it when he was measured 6'4 5/8 that's what he is.
Canson said on 29/Apr/16
@Dempo: the same way Dr J can appear the same height as or shorter than Jordan on occasion. It's hard to tell that little a difference.
dempo said on 28/Apr/16
Please someone tell how does a a measured 6-5 1/2 player appears to be the same height as a 6-4 3/4 one when they embrace...
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Crane said on 24/Apr/16
Very accurate list, Rob! Charles Berkeley is every bit of how a ''TRUE'' 6'4.75 would looks like!
Height said on 22/Apr/16
I think there is a reason for the "inflation", especially because of the fact that he seems genuinely 1 cm and even 2 cm taller than 195 cm /196 cm basketball players like MJ/Kobe. Barkley on a more consistent basis seems to be at least 1cm taller than both of them, and those guys aren't any shorter than 195 cm-195.5 cm (6'4.80"-6'4.95").
Canson said on 21/Apr/16
It says above he was measured at 6'4 5/8. That is more reliable than comparing him to "Conan Obrien" or some other person (especially a non athlete) who has never been measured.
Canson said on 21/Apr/16
And the inflation of Barkley continues! Guess people can't accept that the other celebs in pics with him aren't as tall as they claim to be
Dark Knight said on 20/Apr/16
He's 196.5 cm-197 cm
Ervis said on 14/Apr/16
Rob is 6ft5-5.5 a possibility for Charles or is 6ft 4.75 the most you think he'd be.Theres a lot of proof supporting 6ft5 and a bit over though.
abcd said on 12/Apr/16
maybe 197 but no more
5ft10guy said on 7/Apr/16
He looks alot taller then the rock can someome explain that.
Canson said on 7/Apr/16
The Olympic measurements for Barkley come out 6'4 5/8 but Jordan 6'4 for one and 6'4 7/8 for the other. I'd go the latter as Jordan never looks "only" 193 flat. But from people who've met Jordan most likely would be 6'5.25 out of bed 6'4.5. Same with Barkley or a tad more as Jordan has longer legs Barkley a bit longer torso. Neither would be "6'5 avg" or even 6'4.75 lows
Canson said on 5/Apr/16
If he measured 6'4 5/8, hed Likely be 6'5-6'5.25 (somewhere in there) out of bed. I doubt 6'5.5, Mr TGuy
mrtguy said on 4/Apr/16
Probably 6'5.5'' out of bed
joe @@ said on 27/Mar/16
then why the hell he did not appear to look 6'4 with face nfl measured 6'7.75
Danimal176 said on 24/Mar/16
How can people ignore this height comparison from 1993???? Charles is standing next to 6'7" Krist Novoselic and 6'0" Dave Grohl. Barkley is young and thin here and has a clear 6" on Dave and is about 1" shorter than Krist. Rob, how much better of a comparison do you need?
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Rattajack said on 23/Mar/16
@Gary I know right-agreed, he looks to be almost 6' 6''. Either Charles Barkley needs to be upgraded or the The Rock Dwayne Johnson needs to be downgraded to 6' 2". In his special wrestling shoes he was billed at 6' 5", but not in real life. What do you think Rob?
Gary said on 22/Mar/16
@rattajack that picture makes Charles appear 6ft6 almost, I don't know why....
Rattajack said on 3/Mar/16
Charles Barkley is taller than most people think because he doesn't have the slim basketball body type like most NBA players. He is tall and wide with that Neanderthal build to him with a short neck, if his neck was proportion to his body length he be would taller. I met him in the 90's when he played for the Phoenix Suns and was at least 6' 5'' at his prime and was surprised by his gargantuan frame.
Barkley dwarfing 6' 3" The Rock Dwayne Johnson
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Adam said on 3/Mar/16
He is visibly taller than jordan in all videos, all gameplay footage, and most pictures of them together, Barkley needs an upgrade to 6'5" and Jordan needs to be the one at 6'4.75", the fact that people think he's 6'6" and that barkley is shorter than him is preposterous
Strale_195cm said on 21/Feb/16
I don't think that he is my height. He is taller...around 197 cm
Ichiro said on 18/Feb/16
He is at least 6’5”
Clutch city said on 17/Feb/16
Should be upgraded, he's taller than most people think. He's about half an inch shorter than Anfernee Hardaway.
Dawkins said on 15/Feb/16
196cm at his very least and he's a good 197cm/198cm during the morning!
Johno said on 12/Feb/16
Jordan is taller then Barkley.
five-elevener said on 11/Feb/16
I've seen him all his career and he was a little under 6-7 in shoes, so that would make him around 6-5 & 1/2
John said on 10/Feb/16
The only way Barkley's gonna measure 6'5.5", is if he gets measured with shoes on.
Stewart said on 4/Feb/16
"I claimed to be 6-6 when I played, but I'm only 6-5 1/2."
He is obviously taller than 6'4.75" and taller than Jordan (6'4.88")
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My guess is that his absolute minimum should be 6'5".
Canson said on 3/Feb/16
@Johno: good estimate. Thats what Rob has him, That's what he claims and he was measured 6'4 5/8 and how he looks. All of these bad comparisons to other "unmeasured" celebrities are unreliable.
Johno said on 3/Feb/16
I think a 6'4.75 estimate would be best.
Ice said on 3/Feb/16
194-195 is the height range were you start to look really big IMO
dempo said on 22/Jan/16
He was virtually the same as Majerle who is almost 6-5 & a I would say he is 6-5 flat at least.
unbiased gamer said on 22/Jan/16
canson, sorry but those pictures with Miller and Campbell are really weak. For starters you can't see their feet, so you don't know if one of them is wearing dress shoes or the other sneakers or even flip flops. And in the picture with Miller, you can't see their stance either, you cant tell for sure if barkley has his knees bent or his legs more spread out for that matter.
you bash the video posted with him and Jordan, but yet come out with weaker evidence and with a picture where Miller is a little in front of him and and more favored by the camera angle, the picture taken from the right side
Canson said on 21/Jan/16
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Reggie Miller has 1-1.5" on Barkley and is 6'6 barefoot tops (has said he is between 6'5-6'6 on more than one occasion). Charles is also the exact same height as 6'4 1/2 Lennox Lewis.
Canson said on 21/Jan/16
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So question here. Since this above pic has been posted repeatedly but seems to get slid under the rug. How much taller is Calais Campbell than Barkley? Looks at least 3" to me. Calais measured 6'7 5/8 in the draft. Charles was measured 6'4 5/8 at the Olympics in 1992.
Canson said on 21/Jan/16
@Frank: how is it wrong? Because the Rock is his claimed height?
Canson said on 21/Jan/16
@Unbiased gamer: your amazing! How the hell can you tell 1/8"? I surely can't and don't know anyone else who can.
Canson said on 21/Jan/16
Height: I think you're trying too hard here. The same video he doesn't look any taller in this one. It is a bad perspective. I agree in some pics he does but others MJ does. Guess anything is possible but this video is not very good to show it as they look the same height when settled. The person in front is always going to look taller
Frank said on 21/Jan/16
Barkley cant´t be only 6-4,75!
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His 6´4 3/4" is definitely wrong.
unbiased gamer said on 20/Jan/16
He's a flat 6-5 guy and a couple of hairs taller than Jordan who is 6-4 7/8.
Suns90sBallboy said on 20/Jan/16
Taller than most people give him credit for... He is not a weak nor a strong 6-4, he's right there at 6-5.
He was slightly shorter than Thunder Dan who was a little over 6-5.
bobby3342 said on 16/Jan/16
canson I love it ! spittin the truth , but nobody digs it.. no need to type you covered it all!!
Height said on 15/Jan/16
I still think that he is taller than MJ, not by much (1cm- 1.5cm). He has always looked taller than him when there are close together and there are more pictures that evidence that Barkley is slightly taller, as opposed to the ones that show that he is the same size.
Watch at minute 6:11
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To me MJ is 195 cm and Charles is 196.5 cm
Canson said on 14/Jan/16
I love it how the good pictures that have perspective with Calais Campbell Lennox Lewis, Reggie Miller, etc get ignored and people still want to automatically upgrade Barkley because he is taller than the other 6'4 or 6'5 listed guys here, many of which are actually 6'3 or less in stocking feet. Most people want to make Conan 6'4 like he claims because he may get insulted if we don't!!!!!! Most people don't realize how tall a true 6'3 barefoot like Conan really is. That's what distorts things. As a 6'4/6'5 guy myself I can sometimes barely tell a difference with a true 6'3 if they have even 1/2" more footwear and others sometimes cant. Most of the logic used here revolves around a person's shoe height and claimed height and is bolstered by bad pictures. It also centers around wanting to pacify the guys like Conan, etc who get their feelings hurt when someone claims their real height and is out of agreement with him being 6'4 that he claims in shoes. Keep in mind that the camera also gives someone 2" and maybe 10 lbs more.
How is Barkley 6'5 or over with a guy who measured 6'7 1/2-6'7 5/8 and has a good 3" on him? Calais Campbell? He has said himself that he is under 6'5. His peers have said it, announcers said it. Hell Bill Belichick said it when he met him. He was officially measured 6'4 5/8 at the Olympics. People ignore the good pics and the real evidence. Barkley is and has always been the same height as Kobe and Jordan and many of the other 6'6 listed (lol in Bobby's words- weak azz 6'5 guys). Jordan has admitted it himself. Kobe and Jordan are the same height. These other quote on quote 6'6" guys are 6'5 1/2-6'6 in shoes just like these 3 are. to put it into perspective, if Barkley is 6'6 barefoot, then Kobe and Jordan are too and the latter wouldn't have been guards for the bulk of their careers. They would've been too big and too slow in those days. Not to mention, didn't have a speciality and range like a true 6'5-6'6 guy like Reggie Miller did to keep them in the backcourt. Miller has said before he is near 6'6 barefoot. Miller clearly has an advantage over Barkley, Jordan or Kobe. Kobe and Jordan would've been small forwards and all 3 would've been listed at 6'7-6'8 their entire careers (Kobe's 6'7 listing for a year or two was a joke and was because of his Afro and because he played the 3 a lot when Eddie jones started there in his first two years). To put it into perspective, Barkley and Jordan and Kobe at 6'6 barefoot would make them as tall as the Underaker and close to Tyler Mane. The latter two are actually closer to a guy like Scottie Pippen now or even Magic Johnson (when they were in their primes). welcome to Hollywood like Bobby3342 says. 90% of the guys in Hollywood are listed in shoes and claim a shoe height.
Canson said on 13/Jan/16
@MRTguy: they're the same height.
mrtguy said on 12/Jan/16
Charles Barkley is taller than Kobe
bobby3342 said on 8/Jan/16
Canson I mostly agree with you but Charles barkley and danny ainge are not the same size dannys a inch shorter, He is pulling the classic oh hes only 6 4.75 that's the same as my listed height of 6'5. except it not! 1 is a barefoot height and 1 is a shoe height I see that far too many times than I care to mention(im sure you do too) being bf 6'4.5 and walking up to a 6'3 guy claiming 6'5 is not fun when you try to tell him your only 6 '4 and he's really only 6'3 if that
Height said on 7/Jan/16
Canson, I had a lengthy and detailed post with pictures. But I think Rob didn't approve it since I concentrated on Pippen and other players rather than Barkley!
Canson said on 7/Jan/16
Click Here
Danny Ainge says it best
Canson said on 5/Jan/16
He actually measured 6'4 5/8 at the '92 Olympics. But (Credit to Sportsheight on Steph Curry's page), apparently some measurements occurred,at one point, in the afternoon (think prior to '09). However, times seem inconsistent as a 20/21 year old Keith Bogans measured 6'4.5 one year 6'4.25 the next. Could be Margin of error.
Either way, I think I have to agree with the peers of Charles, like MJ, Tom Chambers, Mo Cheeks, Joe Klein, Dan Majerle, Danny Ainge, and the list goes on and people I know who have seem him that say 6'4 and change or a little under 6'5. Funny because Barkley calls himself 6'5 sometimes as he is (6'4.75). The consensus is pretty consistent across people who have seen him in person vs some of the fanboys here who automatically upgrade him to 6'5 1/2 or 6'6 as they think it will be a "sin" to other celebs to downgrade him as it brings them down along with him.
I can think of two NBA players under 7 feet barefoot who use their barefoot heights and it is because they are too tall for their positions, not too short like Barkley is. I'm talking Kevin durant and Garnett. If Barkley were 6'6 barefoot, he'd be 6'7 or 6'8 in shoes and would be listed that way. Why would he, the smallest power forward in the league at the time, be listed barefoot and not in shoes when all the other guys are???
Nearly Every celeb (a good chunk of the ones Rob has listed here) is measured in shoes or claims a shoe height. Very few don't. By that same logic Barkley and Jordan are 6'6- when they are in shoes!!!!! Problem is shoes aren't part of your body and when he takes them off Barkley is more like 6'4 1/2.
mrtguy said on 3/Jan/16
Maybe 6'4.75'' could be Charles absolute lowest height over the day w/o shoes. But, he still pulls of looking solid 6'5''.
Canson said on 28/Dec/15
I don't see much difference between Pippen and Melo. Maybe half inch is there but that's about it. Its possible Melo drops under 6'6 too but I doubt by much. That pic with Calais Campbell and Barkley is at least 3 inches as well where Barkley looks 6'4. To be fair, neither picture we posted is a great angle. Pippen is favored there too. You do make very good points tho and you have a good sense based on what you see and at least aren't biased. I agree with most of your assessments you have for others like Lebron and Rodman, etc. I thought the same about Pippen until I saw him next to Horace Grant, etc. Get a pic with either he or Olajuwon and Pippen looks 6'6 range with them.
We need one more like what was posted by Ozzie where they are all right next to each other from a distance and same view. In that one it clearly has Pippen barely taller than Reggie Miller and shorter than grant hill and about the same as penny. I'm not disagreeing as you may be right about Pippen but most have said 6'7 in shoes who have seen him in person. I think the key is that height varies throughout the day and depends on when we measure. Some say Jordan is 6'5 some say 6'4. Pippen if I had to guess is probably similar. Some may see him 6'7 bare in the morning and he may be 6'6 at night.
Height said on 28/Dec/15
Canson: That pic with Magic and Barkley isn't a good one. They are clearly at least a foot apart from each other, and one is in further away from the other.
About your Pip and Melo Pic...Even with the caps on, Scottie is visibly taller than Melo. That pic shows more evidence of Pippen being more 6'7"- 6'7.5"
Here he is next to 6'6.5" Glen Rice:
Click Here
Canson said on 27/Dec/15
Barkley with 6'7 Magic Johnson
Click Here
Canson said on 27/Dec/15
Not seeing an inch between Melo and Pippen. They look the same here. Pip has the hat on but I still see no neglibile difference and that is with the two of them right next to each other. If I had to guess he's 6'6.5-.75 tops. As for the diff with MJ/Barkley Pip, it's too close to call. As said before, Barkley is taller in some pics. Jordan is in some. Some are the same
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Height said on 23/Dec/15
Canson: Similar difference, but not the same as Barkley is taller than MJ.
Pippen is actually more like 6'7"-6'7.5"... he's about an inch taller than 6'6.25" Melo. He's about the same height as Magic Johnson. Pippen has always had about 2,5 to 3 inches on MJ.
Canson said on 23/Dec/15
Height: I see similar difference with Barkley and Pippen in that pic you posted as I do Jordan and Pippen between 1.5-2" tops. I see about the same with Kobe and Pip. All three are likely the same. MJ/Barkley are both somewhere between 6'4-6'5 and Pippen is really 6'6 and change barefoot. Looking at pictures of Pippen his long face, arms and legs give the impression he is taller than he is. In reality, I don't see him being any taller than Ali Baba was in his prime. He also doesn't look noticeably taller than Reggie Miller and Penny Hardaway and looks marginally shorter than Grant Hill who is said to be 6'7 barefoot. The difference that people claim there between Pippen and Dennis Rodman is also overblown. He is very close in height to Rodman like less than an inch and some pics rodman looks taller some they are about the same. It's funny when I see some of the players who I always thought were 6'6-6'8 when they played are only really my height up to maybe an inch or inch and a half taller.
Canson said on 22/Dec/15
@Bobby3342: you're right! Joe M looks a bit shorter than Strahan so chances are he may be shorter than MJ and chuck. I would've thought he was close to legit and close to the same height as those two, six four and change but now I wonder. He's 6'4 tops maybe even a weak 6'4 in some of the pics.
bobby3342 said on 21/Dec/15
face it the whole world goes by shoe height . and even these listings are supposed to be barefoot estimates but some are correct a lot are off by a1.5inches especially when you compare athletes to Hollywood. for instance tim robbins, usain bolt, joe mangiello , are not as big as barkley or Jordan. you can bank on it
Canson said on 21/Dec/15
Height: I agree that claims may not be true all the time. However, if chick Hearn who was 6'3 was able to tell he wasn't even 6'5 and Danny ainge said he was 6'4. He probably is. Not to mention Joe Klein,
Michael Jordan, mo cheeks have either said he is 6'4 or is between 6'4-6'5 which cheeks said.
mrtguy said on 20/Dec/15
Height said on 19/Dec/15
@S.J.H said on 1/Oct/15
1.94564 meters Barkley barefoot height as he mention.
So if we are taking his own admission, or what his book said, or what Chick Hearn said...does that mean that it's the truth???
Is the Rock's admission 100% truth?: Click Here
If he's 6'4", then Barkley is 6'7".... see my point? Just because they claim it, doesn't mean it's necessarily the truth
The Rock looks 6'2''. Charles Barkley is at least 6'5'' in that pic. The 6'5'' claim of the rock is absurd sorry I don't believe him
Height said on 19/Dec/15
@S.J.H said on 1/Oct/15
1.94564 meters Barkley barefoot height as he mention.
So if we are taking his own admission, or what his book said, or what Chick Hearn said...does that mean that it's the truth???
Is the Rock's admission 100% truth?:
Click Here
If he's 6'4", then Barkley is 6'7".... see my point? Just because they claim it, doesn't mean it's necessarily the truth
S.J.H said on 18/Dec/15
@Height said on 16/Dec/15
Watch the first 10 seconds of the video. He's visibly taller than Jordan who is not shorter than 1.95 m (6'4.88")
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Look at jordan movement tip down hes head and not standing properly. I would say MJ and barkley were similar in height and probably same height
Height said on 16/Dec/15
Watch the first 10 seconds of the video. He's visibly taller than Jordan who is not shorter than 1.95 m (6'4.88")
Click Here
Jim said on 3/Dec/15
Looks no taller than 6'4 with 6'7.5. Calais cambpell
Canson said on 12/Nov/15
People are always so quick to upgrade the chuckster when in reality he actually refers to himself as 6'5 (and often clarifies 6'4 3/4) while others say he is closer to 6'4. Likely that he measures in the morning or midday and that he really is in the 6'4 range. He looks taller with other celebs because they are also being billed in shoes as all celebs do. No secret there. This site is about real barefoot heights not shoe heights.
There is an excerpt from a press conference in Phoenix where Danny ainge was in his presence and challenged Charles when he told the media he was 6'6 and told him no way he was. Also, remember the interview when he was still a sixer with chick Hearn (it is out on YouTube still) where chick tells him you're not 6'6 you're not even 6'5 when describing his talent. And Charles says he is almost 6'5 and that he is 6'4 3/4 that why he calls himself 6'5/6'6. So he isn't downgrading anything it's others that see or know him doing it because they know he isn't 6'6.
also remember the slam dunk contest of 2002 or 03 where Danny ainge commented on Jason Richardson's first dunk and said he isn't 6'6, he's only 6'4 and "he's your size Charles". The video is still out their on YouTube as well. So In reality, he is not over 6'6 or a legit 6'5 like many say he is. and I highly doubt the 6'4 3/4 is his lowest since the olympics officially measured him at 6'4 5/8. He still claims and has stuck to 6'4 3/4 and rounds to 6'5. just saying what I heard him say on now multiple occasions. I've only heard him say 6'5 1/4 or 6'5 1/2 with shoes on which makes perfect since. If you want proof go onto YouTube and watch the two videos.
Him said on 24/Oct/15
196 cm at least!
Jax07 said on 20/Oct/15
This needs a serious upgrade. Barkley is visibly taller than anyone on this site that's listed at 6'4"
The Rock is listed at 6'3" and Barkley is easily two to three inches taller
He's visibly taller than 6.4" Conan Obrien
Hes visibly taller than Micheal Strahan and he is pushing 6.5" easy
Idk said on 11/Oct/15
Looks taller than tony gonzalez on nfl today
S.J.H said on 1/Oct/15
1.94564 meters Barkley barefoot height as he mention. Barkley once say that Shaq was 7foot even
james said on 28/Sep/15
I've seen a picture with Barkley and 6'3 Gabby Reese .hes more the 6'4 from their photo id say he's 6'5
Height said on 22/Aug/15
I understand, but keep in mind that is one of the many heights he has vocally claimed, other times it has been 6'5" and sometimes it has been 6'5.5. I honestly think he has liked to fool around with this all his life, he likes to downgrade his real height in order for his achievements as a basketball player look more impressing.
wingwalker said on 11/Aug/15
Barkley was vocal about silly NBA height listing is, so if he said he was 6'4.75 there's no reason to doubt that. And that was at his peak, he's 52 now so he could have lost a bit. Either way he puts The Rock at no more than 6'2, and that's with Rock standing perfectly straight next to Barkley who is kinda sorta leaning a bit.
Tunman said on 20/Jul/15
Barkley could have measured 6'4.75 at his worst like Kobe?All here agree that both players look genuine 6'5 at least
As for MJ there's always a chance for 6'4.5" but no less...always the problem of time measurement.Strange that Rob keeps Charles shorter than MJ, 1cm difference but in favour of Barkley in my opinion
Lillo Thomas said on 7/Jul/15
Maybe charles Barkley is 6'5 flat max. In that case , that's bad news for the rock. Barkley at 6'5 flat put the Rock at barely 6'2 flat.
joe 193cm night said on 6/Jul/15
6´5.5 I do not think possible