American singer, best remembered as part of the Mamas & the Papas. In a 1972 article it mentioned "weight is no psychiatric problem to Cass Elliot, who is just 31, 5-feet-5 inches tall and tips the scales at 238 pounds, though she has just lost 40."
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Apr/23
I’m watching a programme on Sky Arts about the Mamas and the Papas. Michelle Phillips just described Cass as “This really big girl who could sing her ass off!”
Michelle added that she fell in love with John Phillips, and they married. He was, she said, “Really tall!”
Cass gets 5ft5. Michelle looks a touch taller.
Gladstone Screwer said on 30/Jan/21
A fabulous singer, clear as a bell, particularly in Gettin Better Every Day.
Sadly, at 5’5” and 240 lbs plus, heart failure has to be likely. RIP,
Ms Cohen.
Cliff said on 21/Mar/18
I'm guessing her bandmate Michelle Phillips - who was a former model - would be around 5ft7 then?
She always seemed around two-inches taller than Mama Cass.

Editor Rob
In a 1986 news article she was certainly described as 5 foot 7 and 115 pounds.
littlesue said on 20/Mar/18
Always looked smaller than this, probably because of her rotund build.
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Mar/18
🎶 Further to my comment, Mama Cass was just 32 when she died, which was on 29th July, 1974.
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Mar/18
A sincere "Thank you" Rob!
I was listening to the 'Mamas and the Papas' (1965-1968) yesterday, and Cass had such a beautiful voice your that I just had to Google her. 5ft5 is what they came up with, and then of course, the sadness of her weight and how it caused heart failure in 1974, six years after the group disbanded, I believe.
Famous for the line in the hit song 'nobody's getting fat except Mama Cass', the lady was far from lazy, taking an active part in issues which interested her.
What a shame she died so early, either 32 or 34 I believe.

Editor Rob
She could look shorter than this publicised claim especially with the other 3 in the group...