Frank2 said on 26/Aug/08
Grant was described as being 6 feet tall in BACHELOR AND THE BOBBY SOXER.
Most stars are listed taller than they are or were. Grant was quite thin, probably no more than 165 lbs. in his prime. I met him when he was older and he was hardly any taller than me and I'm 5'11". By then he had put on some weight. I did see him one day at Universal way back when he had an office there. At the time he was in his sixties and looked to be a solid six feet.
Frank2 said on 3/Aug/08
Wayne looked about two inches taller than Mclaglen in THE QUIET MAN. Wayne was a solid 6'4". I met him a couple of times when he was at Universal doing ROOSTER COGBURN. One day he was wearing moccasins and he towered over me. And this was when he was older. Wayne was a big man! Big in every way. We sure don't have stars like him any more. Really a shame.
Ed(1) said on 2/Aug/08
Frank2, if Mclaglen was only 6ft2, then Wayne must have been 6ft3 tops around the time of The Quiet Man! I could see that!
Frank2 said on 2/Aug/08
Richard Nixon was 5'10". Cary Grant was 6' or just slight taller, maybe by half an inch. Victor McLaglen was around 6'2". Now, Victor's son Andy who's been a successful film director is huge. He's up there in height with Michael Crichton. I think Andy is 6'7" and Crichton is 6'9" making then the tallest directors in Hollywood.
BK_Daniel said on 23/Jun/08
For some reason I was thinking of the word "sean" while spelling "seem". I want to make sure everyone understands that the word I meant was "seem". Thank you.
BK_Daniel said on 22/Jun/08
He lookes a good 2 inches shorter than Jimmy Stewart. He's a slim guy and has and may look 6'2" at times but doesn't really seam to tower over guys like James Mason. I think he is 6'1" flat. The reason James Stewart looks closer to Grant's height is because he is very thin and his width would be that of an average 6'2"er.
Ed(1) said on 15/Jun/08
I don't know what kind of camera trickery they used in Gunga Din, but Grant was nearly identical to Victor Mclaglen(6ft3),who was virtually the same height as John Wayne(6ft4) in The Quiet Man? Grant wears vintage style British Calvary boots from the late 1800's, which have a heel like a cowboy boot(1.5-2in). He had to have been at least 6ft1 to pull off looking the same height as Mclaglen, but what I don't get is how come Mclaglen wore the same boots but wasn't still 2 inches taller then Grant?
Sam Troy said on 16/Apr/08
He is 6'1" or 6'1.5" because he seems about two inches smaller than James Stewart who was 6'3"
Anonymous said on 7/Mar/08
look at elvis photo with president nixon he looks elvis is considerebely taller and nixon officialy was 182cm.
observer said on 26/Feb/08
I read something very interesting in the travel section of the Sunday paper about a Cary Grant movie that was filmed in Malibu Creek State Park. The movie, filmed in 1948, is "Mr. Blandings Builds his Dream House." The Blandings House was built at seven-eighths scale so that Cary Grant would appear taller. Mr. Blandings House is now a park office.
Cary Grant looked to be about 6'1" in his movies. Maybe things in many of his movies were scaled down to make him appear taller than he really was.
anonymous said on 20/Aug/07
In the movie 'His Girl Friday', he looks at least 5 inches taller than his costar Rosalind Russell & she was at least 5'7" plus.
TJ said on 6/Jun/07
In that clip with Elvis, he wasn't a couple of inches shorter. They were about the same height - Cary possibly a tiny bit smaller. Elvis wore boots with heels in that period though.
lrua said on 5/Jun/07
I don't think he was ever 6'1", that was pure hollywood fantasy, probably 5'11" and looking even shorter later in life, there is a clip of him bak stage at one of Elvis Presley's Vegas shows, looking a couple of inches shorter that Elvis.
Josh said on 29/Apr/07
Brah said on 23/Feb/07
Rob, in this article, "Cary Grant responded to the "How tall are you?" question with, “Six feet and a half inch tall.”
Time for a downgrade perhaps?
Click Here

Editor Rob
link to other interpretation
daver said on 25/Jan/07
i think cary grant LOOKED 6'1-1/2" in his films definitely-whether he actually WAS is another question
he always looks very tall by himself but when he was with women in his films (i.e. grace kelly in 'to catch a thief') he always makes the woman look very tall (i thought grace kelly was about 5'10 when i saw her next to him)
what im saying is that he gives the appearance of being 6'1.5", maybe even 6'2" but in reality, he was probably a very well proportioned 6 footer (maybe 6'0.5"ish)
Gonzalo said on 27/Sep/06
That pic with Moore proves nothing. Grant is behind him. Grant was 6`0 or 6`1, that`s clear. In his early films he looked very tall but when he was in his fifties he looked 6 feet even
Anonymous said on 27/Jun/06
I'd say from my viewings of his movies he was 6' or a little over. I've also read biographies where he was described as 6'2'' and this surprised me a little as he never came across on film as that big. He just doesn't look like a 6'2'' guy. I've seen the film with Mitchum that frank2 mentions and my recollection is in agreement with his, Mitchum was a little taller than Grant.
Frank2 said on 21/Jun/06
That photo looks like he's with Roger Moore and is at least three inches shorter. Grant is standing behind Moore making him look like he's four inches shorter. The funny thing is I ran into Moore one day in Beverly Hills and he was just aout my height or 5'11", maybe a half an inch taller at most. By then he was getting up there, possibly already in his mid-seventies. He was also quite smashed!
Mario said on 21/Jun/06
I have never seen a 6 feet listing for Cary and Cary himself did state in the 30s that he was 6 ft 1.5. What does it matter that he says 6 feet in a movie? And from what I know Paramount did also list him as 6 ft 1.5.
Also let's not forget that Cary was was big Sloucher.
In this pic, he's in 82 years old and he doesn't look more than 5 ft 11.
Click Here
Frank2 said on 20/Jun/06
As far as I know, Cary never did lie about his height. In the film The Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer they listed his height as being six feet. Paramount publicity listed him at six feet. Then in the 1980's we started reading stuff like when Richard Schickel wrote in his book Cary, a Celebration that Grant was 6'2". Then I started reading he was even 6'3"! Utter nonsense!
I met Cary when he was in his early sixties. He was about an inch taller than me. I'm getting up there myself and haven't lost any height. I know several people who are way up there such as producer AC Lyles who haven't lost height as they've aged. Cary was never more than possibly just over 6'.
Look, I have The Grass is Greener, just double checked it and in the back-to-back shot, Mitchum is an inch taller. That's the best check of their height variance.
Have you ever watched Operation Petticoat? In it Cary is visibly shorter than Dick Sargent. Dick was about 6'2" or slightly under. I know since I met him as well. Watch the film and then tell me that Cary isn't at least two inches shorter than Sargent. Then watch the film Destination Tokyo and notice that Cary is shorter by at least two inches than 6'2" John Ridgley. Cary is also as short when standing next to Ridgley in Arsenic and Old Lace. In that same film, Cary is two inches shorter than 6'2" Jack Carson. Both Ridgley and Carson play policemen in the classic Capra comedy.
Mario said on 19/Jun/06
Most of the time they look the same height, sometimes Cary looks taller other times Mitchum. We also don't should forget that Cary was 56 years old when this film came out, so it's pretty normal that he has lost an half inch by this time.
Cary Grant peak height: 6 ft 1.5 (based on his movie's of the 30s and 40s)
Cary Grant height in the late 50s, early 60s is 6 ft 1
Cary Grant height in the 80s, hmmm difficult, I don't know?
Really this man dind't have any reason to lie about his height, he was a legitimate 6 ft 1.5.
Frank2 said on 18/Jun/06
I have the film and just checked it. Grant is an inch shorter than 6'1" Mitchum when they stand back to back. Grant is also an inch shorter than 6'1" Martin Landau. I also met Cary and being 5'11" I noticed he was only an inch taller than me.
piwo81 said on 18/Jun/06
He was the same height or max 1 cm shorter then Robert Mitchum in "The Grass Is Greener" from 1959. There is a scene in which they are dueling and stand back to back. There is almost no difference between them in other scenes.
David said on 5/Jun/06
Having met Cary Grant, and myself being 6ft. 1 1/2", I can safely say that Cary Grant was at least 6ft. 2".
Ramiro said on 5/Jun/06
The same useless controversy here. You can discuss for lightyears about somebody's height that you appreciate in pictures, cinema' shots or even if you saw the man, but you'll never be able to give the exact and accurate height. Regarding Elvis, his height was measured in barefoot in the army with all guarantee and with many eyewitnesses including the press at 6'1/2'' and of course I trust more in that than in an rough appreciation made by the so fallible human eye with all the many factors that distort this appreciation including that everybody wear shoes and boots with different heels and probably lifts. In the case of Elvis we don't have to discuss nothing about his height because WE HAVE IT without any doubt. And today we know another thing for sure: Elvis never wore lifts as Graceland Archives said to me some time ago (they have Elvis' original boots and shoes to see).
Picture said on 8/May/06
Frank2 do you realise that you are the first guy that claims to have met Cary Grant and that says he is 6 foot?
I have never seen him listed under 6 ft 1.
Frank2 said on 7/May/06
Well, that must have been another Cary. The one I saw was never that tall. In his prime he was 6' and later when he got a lot older became slightly more than 5'11". Now a taller actor who didn't lose a centimeter in height was Ray Milland. I met him only six months before he died and he was still 6'1".
And Tiger, I'm not the first to claim Cary was six feet. In The Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer he's described as being six feet. In early Paramount publicity with Mae West he's described as being six feet.
Anonymous said on 5/May/06
I've read 6'2'' for Grant but he never looked that big to me. I'd say 6' to 6'1'' at most.
talker said on 26/Apr/06
Cary Grant was tall,he looked tall in his movies and i believe the original listing of 6'1.5".I believe J.Stewart was 6'3.5"he really looks very tall in all his movies,taller than other 6'3" guys but he seemed uncomfortable with his height and rarely stood straight.Check Cary next to 6'4"Randolph Scott,an actot who stood straight,he really looks more than 6'1".
Gonzalo said on 6/Apr/06
Grant was probably 6`0 as Frank2 has mentioned but he is´`t going to convince us with pics taken from The Philadelphia story. I have seen the movie and the pictures and I only see a two inch difference. Maybe it was a trick to avoid JS towering over CG but from what we see Grant is not 6`0.
Stewart was 6`3 and a half, that is 1`92. He did look that tall
Tiger said on 2/Apr/06
You know, there is much debate about Grant's height all of the sudden. I know that Grant is stated at most locations (web or written) as 6-1 1/2. I have never seen 6-2, nor have I seen anything below 6-1. Frank2 is the first to mention 6-0. Of course, where do we find it? Based on the photos that Picture has submitted, Grant is definitely 6-1 at least. Stewart is mainly listed at 6-3, but there are some 6-3 1/2 listings, including my reference 'Hooray for Hollywood' (like a 'stats' manual, if you will, as one would see in sports-a huge 'trivia'-type book). I just always thought of Stewart as closer to 6-4. He, like Duke Wayne, towered over people in films. Stewart may not have been 6-4, but he sure could pass for it.
Picture said on 30/Mar/06
Grant and James stewart (in this one stewart is closer to the camera but look at there shoulders)
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick HereStewart official height is 6 ft 3.5 and he looked it.
Picture said on 30/Mar/06
Bad Picture frank2 unless James Stewart has a head of 35 cm.
The guy was 6 ft 1.5, please Rob put him back at his original height?
Those pictures that Frank2 has posted are to bad for words.
Frank2 said on 29/Mar/06
Only an inch and a half difference?:
Click HerePleeeeeeeeeeeeze!! Get real!
And once more, here's Cary with 5'10" Pat Boone:
Click HereHe doesn't appear to be more than an inch and a half taller.
With Jack Nicholson who is far from being 5'10":
Click HereWith 5'8" Ingred Bergman:
Click HereAnd no, she wasn't 5'9-1/2".
With 5'10" Rudy Vallee (my godfather):
Click HereGrant was an even 6'. Not 6'1", not 6'1-1/2", not 6'2".
Frank2 said on 28/Mar/06
So what? That makes it correct? Grant NEVER claimed to be 6'1-1/2"! Studio publicity listed him back in the thirties and forties as 6'. In Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer his character is described as being exactly six feet. Those shots of Stewart next to Grant show a much greater difference than an inch and a half. But believe what you want. After all, Hollywood is the land of make beleive and if they didn't have so many suckers buying their stuff they'd have folded years ago.
Picture said on 28/Mar/06
I agree with Sam. Grant is only 1.5 inch shorter than stewart.
Bad argument Frank2, I don't like Grant movies but it's obvious that he was the 6 ft 1.5 he claimed.
Frank2 said on 27/Mar/06
Height is in the eye of the beholder. We see what we want to see. Look at the photos and tell me Grant only looks to be an inch and a half shorter. Then go grab a tape measure and look at how small an inch and a half really is. An inch is pretty small, so small that in a film I doubt anyone would notice the difference except rarely. In fact an inch is almost exactly the width of a bottle cap! I have a few friends who are 6' yet when we have our pictures taken together it's hard to see the difference. It takes at least two inches in a film for it to register. Cary was three inches shorter than Stewart. I've seen numerous photos taken of them together at parties on on the set. Grant was also about as short when compared to his 6'3" buddy Randolph Scott.
sam said on 27/Mar/06
Frank, Grant doesn't look 3 inches shorter than Stewart in Philadelphia Story. In most of the film, Grant looks 1.5-2 inches shorter. In a scene where Grant follows Stewart into an office, the difference doesn't look all that great.
Frank2 said on 26/Mar/06
Here's Cary with 5'10" Charles Coburn:
Click HereGrant with Jimmy Stewart:
Click HereGrant with Marilyn:
Click HereSo let's say for argument purposes, if Marilyn was truly 5'5-1/2" then Cary looks no more than six feet tall standing next to her.
Frank2 said on 26/Mar/06
Grant was about three inches shorter than Stewart in all of the long shots. In nearer angles they appeared much closer in height. That was done more for aesthetic reasons than for making Grant appear taller. The key in judging heights of actors is watching for the widest angle possible where you can see their feet. That's when it's almost impossible to make shorter actors look as tall as truly tall actors. In most of Alan Ladd's films, we never see his feet when he's standing next to another actor. That is unless the actor was shorter than 5'6" Ladd. In the case of Grant and Stewart, both were tall for their time. Being just 6' meant an actor usually towered above almost everyone. Most actresses were under 5'5" and most leading men were no more than 5'10". Character actors were usually quite short. And with Stewart, he did slump a lot whereas Grant tended to stand up as straight as possible giving him the appearance of looking even taller than he was.
Here's a shot taken from The Philadelphia Story:
Click HereAs you can clearly see, Grant is three inches shorter than Stewart.
And here's another one:
Click HereIn this one Grant looks four inches shorter.
Gonzalo said on 24/Mar/06
What a difference between Nicholson and Grant. Today`s stars (Nicholson is still a star despite his age) cannot be compared with the stars of the forties.
The difference in height between Stewart and Grant in Philadelphia Story was less than I had expected. Just a couple of inches. Or maybe it was the posture. Stewart used to slouch and Grant was always very straight (is that the right word? Straight? Stretched? stiff? Help me with my english!)
Frank2 said on 11/Mar/06
Also, next time you watch Arsenic and Old Lace notice that Cary is an inch shorter than 6'1" Ramond Massey and two inches shorter than 6'2" Jack Carson.
Frank2 said on 11/Mar/06
Cary with Jimmy Stewart and Katharine Hepburn:
Click Here
He looked to be at least three inches shorter than 6'3" Stewart.
Frank2 said on 11/Mar/06
Cary with Rudy Vallee:
Click HereVallee was 5'10".
Frank2 said on 11/Mar/06
Here's Cary with Jack Nicholson:
Click Here
Frank2 said on 11/Mar/06
The woman between Cary and Pat Boone is Grant's wife. The tall woman to Grant's left is actress Jo Ann Pflug. Jo Ann is about 5'9" barefoot. I'll bet she was wearing flats that evening.
Frank2 said on 11/Mar/06
Here's a shot of Cary with his wife and Pat Boone.
Click HereI've met Pat and he was 5'10" in his prime and has now shrunk to about 5'9". The last time I saw Grant was at the Universal Amphatheater abbck in the early 1980's for a concert given by Frank Sinatra. Afterwards there was a party and I saw both of them standing together. By then Cary had packed down to about 5'11" and Sinatra who was wearing huge lifts on his patent leather boots was around 5'9".
Gonzalo said on 10/Mar/06
Grant looked a little bit over 6-1 when he was young. But it´s true he didn´t look that tall in the fifties (North by northwest, Indiscreet, Operation Petticoat). He looked shorter than Landau in North by northwest. I have a picture of Grant with a friend of my father and he looked clearly taller than him. My friend was a bit over 5-7 at that time and Grant looks around 6-1. I will try to scan the picture and send it.
Anyway, Cary Granthe was a superb actor, one of the greatest
Gotxo said on 5/Mar/06
Dude, i don't know if you met the guys you say, but your comment on what politics ar worth for and about not making fun of scumb as Hilter was awesome.
BTW Cary grant could be the 6' you give him as he looks 4" smaller than George Kennedy in the fight scenes of charade.
Tubbs said on 4/Mar/06
I'm sorry if I offended you Frank2, I was only messing about, maybe if you have any photos of yourself with the stars, and send them to Rob, there could be another page like Glenns', as for McFly, what actually happened to him Rob? have all his comments been
blocked, due to how ludicrous they were? In mind of Cary Grant, he always looke atleast 6'1 in most of his movies.

Editor Rob
there's a certain level of ludicrousity I can take before my patience wears thin...mcfly will return one day though, no doubt.
Frank2 said on 3/Mar/06
By the way, take a look at the movie The Hunters. You'll clearly see that Richard Egan is an inch shorter than six-one Bob Mitchum.
Frank2 said on 3/Mar/06
Tell you what people, here's a little true story that just came back to me. When I worked at MGM, some of the women I knew there who were big Elvis fans and would attend all his concerts once he started them up in Las Vegas were arguing with me about how tall Elvis was. They said he was six two. I said he was just under six feet. I ended up walking them up to the soundstage where they were filming The Trouble With Girls. Elvis was in between takes and was standing next to actor Edward Andrews. Now Andrews was a big man, possibly six three. Elvis looked considerably shorter which forced one of the girls to say something like "You were right! He doesn't look over six feet." And in that film Elvis wore boots that built him up by at least two inches. True story. Take it or leave it.
Tiger said on 3/Mar/06
This page is supposed to be about Cary Grant :)
Tubbs said on 3/Mar/06
Are you sure Frank2 two isn't McFly? Apparently he's met everyone. I'm waiting for his comments on when he met Napoleon and Hitler next.

Editor Rob
McFly went crazy towards the end of his time think Frank2 is the reincarnation? I can't really comment...
I know as much as you in regards to Frank2, from what he has said on here. As he said, anybody could make up sightings. Someone like Mr R has met a lot of folk yet has never produced a photo of him+celeb, but I know a bit about R, he really is who he says. Maybe Frank2 has 1 photo of him+some celeb of the golden era...
Frank2 said on 2/Mar/06
Where is it? In the grave. Egan's long dead. You'll just have to take my word on both of them. I was there and talked to both. I was there when Elvis said jokingly that he never made six feet. And he did wear boots with obvious higher than normal heels. Can't you see them? It's clear in his films that he wore them. I'm not saying he was short. Five eleven is a respectable height. Bill Holden was five eleven in his prime. Bob Wagner is five eleven....well maybe today at 75 he's five ten. I met Holden when I was about to go work on "When Time Ran Out, a horrible Irwin Allen disaster film that also starred Paul Newman. Holden had shrunk by then to about five ten.
Tiger said on 2/Mar/06
Just looking at the facts Frank2. I have been through countless resources on Elvis, looking for documentation on his height: biographies,fan magazines,reference books,internet, etc. I have looked through everything from Elvis biographers Peter Guralnick and Jerry Hopkins to friends and family such as David Stanley and Jim Curtain. Even interviews with Red West and Elvis' stagewear/wardrobe designer Bill Belew. In all of that, there was not one mention of the word 'lifts' and not one mention suggesting Elvis was anything less than 6 feet tall. If Elvis, himself, says 6 foot and a half, I believe that. If Ricahrd Egan was 6 feet even, then where is it?
Frank2 said on 2/Mar/06
I met Dick Egan when he was still relatively young and he was most definitely six feet even! Arguing this is fruitless since you simply won't accept anyone else's opinion that changes what you have fixed in your mind. I met Elvis and saw him many times while I worked at MGM in Culver City back in the 1960's. He was not anymore than five eleven. Oh well, maybe five eleven and a half if he stood up as straight as possible.

Editor Rob
Frank2, I'm sure some people might raise an eyebrow, but what kind of work did you do at these studios?
Tiger said on 2/Mar/06
I have seen 2 references stating Egan at 6-2. It is strange because most people that have met Elvis over the years have stated he is "taller than they expected". This is not something one would say to someone under 5-11. 'Love Me Tender': of course, I have a copy of the film and reference books with photos from the film and I see both men the same height. Elvis appears taller in some scenes and Egan taller in other scenes. It has been discussed on this site about camera angles and depth in movies. Hard to judge height a lot of times by viewing movies and going by just that. Not much more than an opinion is formed by watching a film. I don't know: I think, in a discussion where accuracy is important, one needs more than just personal recollections.
Frank2 said on 2/Mar/06
Well, Richard Egan was an even six feet. And I can't show you anything since what I know is mostly from my memories of being in the biz and being around these people. You can accept it or dismiss it. I fully realize that anybody can get on these forums and post nonsense so I can readily understand your reluctance to accept what I'm saying to be true. Nevertheless it is. And Elvis doesn't look as tall as Egan. I have a copy of the film and just looked at it to make sure. And I do have some publicity stills in a book on Elvis and Egan looks to be at least an inch taller in every single side-by-side shot taken. In one he looks two inches taller. Plus I worked with a fellow who worked in the Fox publicity department in the 1950's. He even picked up Elvis at the airport when he came out to film Love Me Tender. My friend who recently passed away was an even six feet and told me he was surprised to find Elvis being shorter than him.
Tiger said on 1/Mar/06
From a reference book titled 'Hollywood's Unsung Heroes' (Williams 1988): a biography of Richard Egan states: "a handsome leading man,6 foot-2 inches and a definite charmer." Two of his major roles were in 'Love Me Tender'(1956) and 'A Summer Place' (1959)
TJ said on 1/Mar/06
So Frank2, you met Elvis a few times (in passing presumably), but just happened to both overhear him saying he was half an inch under 6ft AND see him in his stocking feet?? Forgive me if I'm sceptical.
Mario said on 1/Mar/06
Elvis was 6 ft 0.5, probably without shoes.
Landau has probably lied about his height for some reason. Coppola said that he looked much taller Bridges who is also 6 ft 1. To me Landau looked 6 ft 2+.
Grant was in the 70s an old guy. Even in movie's as North by North west Grant was already an old guy and who knows how big Elvis boots are. I would go by movie's as Arsenic and Old Lace to estimate his peak height.
To me he looked 6 ft 1.5, and I trust him. I mean, he was for his time a very tall guy. Why would he say that he is 6 ft 1.5 if he is tall enough?
Frank2 said on 1/Mar/06
Watch Elvis in Love Me Tender. He's obviously shorter than Richard Egan. I met Egan and he was six feet tall. And Elvis was about the same height as Bill Campbell who I've met and he's no more than 5'11". Elvis was not six feet tall. He even said so! I once overheard him tell someone that he "just missed it by half an inch." During his Las Vegas concerts he wore lifts that elevated him by over three inches.
Tiger said on 28/Feb/06
The video footage TJ refers to is from 'Elvis: That's the Way It Is' (MGM 1970)Cary Grant was a big Elvis fan and often attended his shows in Las Vegas. This documentary is from Elvis' August 1970 engagement at the International Hotel. At the very end of the video, they show Elvis and Grant talking in Elvis' dressing room and Elvis does appear to be about a half-inch taller.What does it mean ? I don't know. Although I don't agree with Frank2 about Elvis' height, he did say that Grant was 6 feet even. That would make more sense in the context of the video with Elvis and Grant.
Frank2 said on 27/Feb/06
I knew Landou and he always claimed to be 6'1". He never looked any taller to me in person. just looked at the film once again and when the two actors are standing back to back, Mitchum looks to be about an inch taller.
As for Elvis looking taller than Grant, I also met the King several times when I worked at MGM and he was about 5'11" in his stocking feet and always wore lifts to boost his height to well over six feet. I only met Grant once at a party and he looked to be about my height which is 5'11" but that was only a couple of years before he died.
sam said on 27/Feb/06
He looked the same height as Mitchum to me and Landau was actually 6'2"-6'3" at his peak. He's always been listed 6'1" or 6'1.5", I believe it.
TJ said on 26/Feb/06
Are you sure about this Rob. There's video footage of Elvis meeting him in 1970 and, if anything, Elvis looks slightly taller.
Frank2 said on 26/Feb/06
Grant was an even six feet. He looked taller because he only weighed about 165 lbs. In the film The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer he's described as being exactly six feet. take a look at him in both North By Northwest and The Grass is Greener. He's clearly an inch shorter than both Martin Landau and Robert Mitchum, both six foot one.
Mario said on 9/Jan/06
He was 2 - 1.5 inches shorter than James Stewart wich I believe was 6 ft 3.5.
Here you have some pics, but I would watch some movie's in wich both stars star together.
CelebHeights Editor said on 12/Dec/05
In a Conversation with Cary Grant, one of those audience things, he did state: "I'm 6ft 1 and a half inches and shrinking..."
bill said on 6/Dec/05
In McCann's outstanding biography, 'Cary Grant. A Class Apart', his height is given as 6' 2".
sam said on 20/May/05
I thought heights were ALWAYS measured with shoes off (that's the way I've had my height measured in physicals), so I'm always assuming that heights are barefooted heights (you don't get weighed with platform shoes on, why have your height measured with them on). Obviously, there's been a lot of stars who fibbed their heights, although I do think Grant was a little over 6'1". Next to Jimmy Stewart (6'3"-6'3 1/2"), an inch and a half or two inches difference looks about right.
sam said on 17/May/05
Yeah, I've usually heard 6'1 1/2".