How tall is Brock Lesnar - Page 12

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Average Guess (749 Votes)
6ft 2.23in (188.6cm)
BigZ said on 16/Jan/15
Height183 is just a troll. don't get mad WWE.
Alex 6'0 said on 16/Jan/15
Rob, In this pic Lesnar does look 6'2 or a bit less. I can possibly see 4 inches here but its hard to tell 3.5 from 4 inches sometimes. How much do you see here?
Click Here
Editor Rob
you could argue either 3.5 or 4, sometimes these video cameras can make the image look different than if they were posing for a photo.
Alex 6'0 said on 16/Jan/15
I base some of my estimate on Brock's height with pics of him and 5'10 Kurt Angle who ive met who didn't look over 5'10 in person and in our pic even if he had good posture. Angle typically looks at best 4 inches shorter than Lesnar
Height183 said on 16/Jan/15
@wwe: It's only a cm! Lol. Any 6'1.5'' guy can look 6'2'' - 6'2.5'' at times. If you think Brock is 6'2'' then that's cool, I can see where you're coming from. I don't think he is 6'2'' though.

Goldberg is what I call a proper 6'2'' and he is clearly taller than Brock.

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Now don't start saying Goldberg is 6'3'' Lol, coz he ain't!

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I don't think I need to post the pictures of Brock Lesnar looking 186cm next Cena again because you guys have seen them :) I think I've proved my point.

Have a good day :)
Height183 said on 16/Jan/15
@wwe: Wow buddy, it looks like you've vented it all out!! congratulations.. Would you like a glass of water? Do your fingers hurt? :)

@Clay: Bless you kid. A losing battle? Pahahaha.. I'm just showing pictures to back up my opinion. Just like you are. I agree in some pictures he can look 6'2'', I'm not denying that at all. Most pictures/vids to me he looks 6'1.25'' - 6'1.5''
Clay said on 15/Jan/15
Click Here

Brock and 6'3-6'3.5'' Overeem, both dude's barefoot. Inch diff max. 183 - it's clear you're fighting a losing battle, laugh all you want. :)
BorkLaser said on 15/Jan/15
I might have to revisit the SmackDown segment of Reigns and Seth to compare it to Seth and Lesnar. It looked to me like Brock looked taller compared to Seth than Reigns did, but I'll have to double check that.
randomdude said on 14/Jan/15
actaully I thought Lesnar only looked about 2cm taller than Seth WITH full posture I was expecting him to actually visibly be taller than Rollins by abit,and Rollins is billed at 6'1 and we all know WWE normaly add an inch to a few inches to billed heights,I still think he's 6'2 though and at Hugh G unless he had a very very late growth spurt he's not 6'3 because he was measured OFFICALLY at 6'2 by the NFL.
The Anomaly said on 14/Jan/15
Lesnar was not standing straight when eye to eye with Rollins,yet was taller by 2-3 cm...Lesnar is always two inches taller than Cena and at times even more... we don't know the footwear in most of the pics tho,When Rock & Cena came face to face for the first time, there was only a solid 2cm diff,So is Cena 6.2 no??So,it all depends on footwear unless you measure all of em side by side barefoot to know the truth... which obviously ain't possible .......
BorkLaser said on 13/Jan/15
Brock looked a solid 6'2"-6'2.5" with Seth. I think 188cm is at worst his height. Wouldn't be surprised if he's 189cm either.
randomdude said on 13/Jan/15
The Annomoly Lesnar was measured at 6'2 by the NFL and K1 how many times do I have to tell you he's not 6'3 also 6'2.5 Goldberg was also visibly taller than him.
Height183 said on 13/Jan/15
I can buy 6'1'' for Seth. Obviously Lesnar is not low as just 6'1''. I could see a 2cm difference between them. Lesnar couldn't maintain a proper solid inch on Seth. 6'1.5'' for Lesnar seems more fair than 6'1.25'' I guess.
miko said on 13/Jan/15
Surprised Lesnar was looking down on Seth, I actually thought Rollins would have stacked up to him better given how tall he's been looking next to Reigns, Hogan etc recently. Seth is 6'1/6'1.25 and Brock is as always, 6 foot 2.
The Anomaly said on 13/Jan/15
if Trips is 6.2 then Lesnar should be 6.3....lesnar dwarfs him by an inch. .
Height183 said on 12/Jan/15
I saw a good 2cm difference between Seth and Lesnar. What about you guys?

Click Here
Height183 said on 12/Jan/15
Hahaha Clay, you really do make me laugh...
James B said on 12/Jan/15
In the first pic Cena looks 6ft tops

With angle lesner looks a legit 6'2.
Clay said on 11/Jan/15
183, do you have anything other than those pics with Cena and Angle that keep resurfacing?
Height183 said on 10/Jan/15
@randomdude: That's great, but I don't. I just think he's slightly under 6'2''. I don't think he is a Legit 188cm guy barefoot though. No way.

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randomdude said on 9/Jan/15
height183 I actually kinda agree with Loser aswell
miko said on 7/Jan/15
@wwe Nice post dude!
Height183 said on 7/Jan/15
Hey Loser, I asked him nicely Loser.
loser said on 6/Jan/15

The world doesn't revolve around you m8. I found his post to be very informative.
Height183 said on 3/Jan/15
@wwe: Please keep your posts shorter, if you don't mind. I couldn't read all of that.
randomdude said on 1/Jan/15
yup he looked about 2 inches taller BUT he was said to be wearing high footwear so I would put that at 1.5 inches and that's on a good day.
Clay said on 28/Dec/14
randomdude says on 25/Dec/14
I agree Clay I don't think Lesnars under 6'2 he is what the height he was measured at in the NFL combine which is just about 6'2.5 but then again James Toney is no way 5'10 he's 5'9 at best.

Have you seen 5'8 Rob's pic with Toney?
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Dec/14
Vegas says on 26/Dec/14
rob has andre the giant off by 2 inches from what i think he was (and what he was billed in the late 60s)

Andre was still growing during the 60´s and he was also billed 210cm, 211cm, 212cm and 214cm until the time Andre said he stopped growing in height and we have a vid of him claiming 214cm a year after he stopped growing.
That also fits with Frenchy Bernards claim of a 7´0.5" measurement of Andre in japan during the same time.

I think that´s the best we have for Andre´s peak, of course it could be a morning measurement but I take it as a legit measurement/ peak height for Andre.

Rob listing him 7´0"peak is pretty spot on, he´s at worst an inch off regarding evening height.

Andre was still around 6´10" as he had about 2 inches on 6´8"Tyler Mane and 6´8"Giant Baba when he was visible broken down in his last years.
Height183 said on 26/Dec/14
''Vegas says on 26/Dec/14
do you think he is under 6'2? rob has him goldberg at 6'2.5''

Rob also has Vince Mcmahon at 6'0.5'', so what's your point? If you think Lesnar is 6'2'' then that's fine Vegas. It's your opinion, it's what you think and that's fine. I don't think Lesnar is 6'2''. I believe Lesnar would no doubt measure under 6'2'' barefoot on a Stadiometer in the afternoon. No doubt to me. I guess we'll have to leave it at that..
Vegas said on 26/Dec/14
Height183 says on 26/Dec/14
That right there, says everything I need to know. Thank you Sir. Now I can 100% believe that Lesnar is under 6'2''.

goldberg was about an inch shorter than rock in 2003, do you think he is under 6'2? rob has him goldberg at 6'2.5.. 6 minutes 15 seconds onwards Click Here

all this effort over a difference of opinion of half an inch or so. those guys (cena/rock/lesnar) are listed close to the heights you think they are and you argue day after day over like 1cm. rob has andre the giant off by 2 inches from what i think he was (and what he was billed in the late 60s) but its his site so he can list him whatever he wants..even if its not correct :D
Height183 said on 26/Dec/14
''Vegas says on 25/Dec/14
its funny that lesnar was an inch shorter than the rock in a staredown about a week or so later on tv''

That right there, says everything I need to know. Thank you Sir. Now I can 100% believe that Lesnar is under 6'2''.
MD said on 26/Dec/14
I don't know what you consider drawfing, Clay. In that picture, while there is a clear height difference, it is nowhere near enough to be considering "drawfing" Couture. Still, I'm of the opinion that Couture is more between 5'10" and 5'11" than he is between 5'11" and 6'0".
randomdude said on 25/Dec/14
I agree Clay I don't think Lesnars under 6'2 he is what the height he was measured at in the NFL combine which is just about 6'2.5 but then again James Toney is no way 5'10 he's 5'9 at best.
Vegas said on 25/Dec/14
Height183 says on 24/Dec/14
Everything is useless for height comparison to you ain't it buddy? If it doesn't match your opinion

ok so clearly the camera giving no advantage to hhh Click Here now rock has grown to match takers height.. Click Here

backstage vids like that with shoulder mounted camera so close to individuals are useless, i could post a dozen more but i won't bother..i figured this out years ago as many others did (go talk to JT or RoelC over on Andres page and they will say same thing). No need to get all hot and bothered over it :D

btw if wwe were trying to make lesnar super big at that time its funny that lesnar was an inch shorter than the rock in a staredown about a week or so later on tv. i was at summerslam 2002 very close to both guys when they spilled into the crowd. hogans had trouble unbending his knees since about 1999, thats just the way he has been standing for years.
Alex 6'0 said on 25/Dec/14
Angle was nothing more than 5'10 when I met him but he was surely not in the 5'9 range either. 5'10 or a hair below. In that video it does look between 3 and 4 inches but some parts of the video looks 4 inches between the 2.
Clay said on 24/Dec/14
Click Here

Forgetting Wrestling, here's Brock dwarfing 5'11'' Couture (listed at 5'11.5 on this very site) while both are barefoot. Thats what we're after after all aren't we, what people are barefoot. Not what they are in wrestling boots which varies immensely. Brock under 6'2=impossible, unless we're going to downgrade Randy Couture to 5'9.5 (again impossible, as he was taller than 5'10'' James Toney).
Height183 said on 24/Dec/14
''Vegas says on 24/Dec/14
people should stop linking wwe backstage vids as they are pretty much useless for height comparison.''

Everything is useless for height comparison to you ain't it buddy? If it doesn't match your opinion.

Dude, can't you clearly see how Hogan has his knees bent and how much height he is dropping to make Lesnar look big? (The Next Big Thing)

Lesnar is standing as straight as he can, even then he is STILL shorter than Hogan.

The whole purpose of that match was to make Lesnar look super big and strong anyway as it was the ''summer of Brock''. Everyone was trying to put him over at that point in any possible way they could.
Vegas said on 24/Dec/14
people should stop linking wwe backstage vids as they are pretty much useless for height comparison. the shoulder mounted camera gives a huge advantage to the person its closest too

use mounted hard camera examples or examples where the shoulder camera is equidistant and at least 10-20 feet away from the competitors. in your video the only time the camera guy moves from behind angle is 2mins 8-9 seconds and then moves back over angles shoulder again

height181, 182, 182 what does hogan (at age 48) look next to lesnar at 27 seconds Click Here imo you should be focusing your energies towards the guy in red/yellow in that clip or do you believe that a decade or so earlier the top of lesnars head would barely reach hogans eyeline..
randomdude said on 23/Dec/14
no Clay more like if you think there's more than 3 OR 4 inches you're slow.
Height183 said on 23/Dec/14
Mighty Brock Lesnar looking ALL of 6'2'' here next to 5'9'' - 5'10'' Kurt Angle LOL

Click Here

Just start watching from 51 seconds or watch the whole video and see the truth.

Rob, please downgrade this guy. I've been saying this for a while that he isn't a proper full 6'2''. You also know that Alex has met Angle, so he is nothing more than 5'10''.
Clay said on 22/Dec/14
More like if you think there's possibly just 3 inches between Lesnar and Jericho you are a real life idiot.
randomdude said on 22/Dec/14
no its not 5 inches lol,look at the staredown again if you think that's nearly half a foot you're an idiot.
Vegas said on 22/Dec/14
The Anomaly says on 22/Dec/14
Lesnar and Rock are the same height

rock is taller than lesnar
randomdude said on 21/Dec/14
He was taller than Mir,Cain,Couture,Carwin but Dos Santos was a little taller VV yes Lesnar actually looks the same height as JDS in the pictures BUT Lesnar has long spikey hair Dos Santos is bald the hair probably gave Lesnar an inch in apperance
Height183 said on 21/Dec/14
@randomdude: You have to excuse some of the Huge Brock Lesnar fangirls on here.
randomdude said on 20/Dec/14
5 inches? calm down there with 5 lol,it was about 3 maybe 4 at most no way was it 5.
Height183 said on 20/Dec/14
Brock can look close enough to 6'3'' in footwear at times. It's not impossible for Brock to be 6'2'', I still don't think he is from everything I've seen.
The Anomaly said on 18/Dec/14
He looked 5 inches taller than 5.10 Jericho last Raw..dwarfed him a lot, Brock was tilting..
Clay said on 17/Dec/14
Shave Jericho's head, get him out of those boots and into sneakers and you have a 5 inch height difference between him and Bork.
Height182 said on 17/Dec/14
Vince has never been over 6'0.5'' to me. That's his peak height for me. Maybe back in 2003 he lost more height. Today I have Vince at 5'11'', He's a solid inch shorter than Cena.
Vegas said on 17/Dec/14
taker, brock and vince from circa 2002 Click Here
Height182 said on 16/Dec/14
Lesnar once again showed he is under 6'2'' on Raw. He only was 4 inches taller than Jericho. Jericho is around 5'9''. Alex 6'0'' from the site has also met Jericho and said this. Anywhere from 186cm - 187cm is my best guess for Lesnar. Honestly I'd put him at a solid 6'1.5''
miko said on 16/Dec/14
Lesnar was looking close enough to 6'2 on RAW last night.
BorkLaser said on 14/Dec/14
So when Brock was listed at 1.89m (6'2.5") everyone was just eager to say he's actually 1.88m (which is fair because his photo with Billy Gunn shows it). But now that he's actually been downgraded to 1.88m, everyone is pushing for 1.87m. And I'm sure if he gets downgraded to 1.87m then everyone will keep saying he's no more than 6'1" and push for 1.85m~1.86m, and so on. Don't just expect him to get downgraded because you met him or you know someone who did, or just compare to someone you know. Provide full body proof then you can argue.
Height182 said on 5/Dec/14
I have a good couple of LEGIT 6'2'' friends. Trust me, Brock is not 6'2''. He is shorter. Not too much under it though, but still under it. My measured friends will absolutely look more taller than Cena and Angle compared to big Brock.
Alex 6'0 said on 5/Dec/14
With 5'10 Kurt Angle he looks max 6'2 and more 6'1.5 in pics from 2002-2003 but pics don't always tell how someone would measure. They can measure a bit different than they look in pics. 6'1.5-6'2 does appear his range
Clay said on 2/Dec/14
Danimal says on 30/Nov/14
Clay says on 28/Nov/14
He's not 6'3''..

Definitely not. Was shorter than my 6'3" friend when we met him in Vegas in 2010.

Haven't you described your buddy as 6'3.5 as well?
Height182 said on 2/Dec/14
Danimal, you said Brock was 6'1.5'' right when you seen him in Las Vegas?
Katatonia said on 1/Dec/14
if Brock Lesnar is 6'2 flat then Undertaker is 6'6 MAX. Brock was about 1.5 inches above his eyelevel
Danimal said on 30/Nov/14
Clay says on 28/Nov/14
He's not 6'3''..

Definitely not. Was shorter than my 6'3" friend when we met him in Vegas in 2010.
Height182 said on 30/Nov/14
I can see Brock being 6'2'' in the morning right after waking up, but that's about it. That still doesn't make him 6'2''. Brocks build doesn't fool me. He is under 6'2'' for sure.
miko said on 29/Nov/14
He's likely 6'2.5/6'2.75 fresh out of bed and drops down to a flat 6'2 later in the day. A hair under 6'2 late at night isn't impossible, but unlikely.
Clay said on 28/Nov/14
Well, 6'3ish out of bed and parts of the morning, but thats sac-religious around here.
Clay said on 28/Nov/14
He's not 6'3''..
Fran77 said on 28/Nov/14
Brock Lesnar has the physique of a legit 6 feet 4 inches guy AT LEAST; but A) HE has no neck (its not an visual effect due to His traps: his chin is half an inch over His chest). Having no neck dramatically affects to your height. B) HE has a massive developed body With hanging shoulders and terrible posture. IF you see him from the side you will notice His turtle back. So he has the frame of a taller guy. He´s a 6 feet 4 inches compressed into 6 feet 2 inches guy
Height182 said on 27/Nov/14
Lesnar at 6'3''. I think I've heard it all now LMAO
randomdude said on 26/Nov/14
he was clearly measured at 6'2 by the NFL and by K1 dynamyte he's not 6'3 he's a strong 6'2 thats what I'll stick to.
The Anomaly said on 26/Nov/14
I think its just BS we keep arguing about somebody's height..there are several pics of comparing heights on the net but we dont know the footwear in most of the pics..the camera angles etc..but,i will stick to Lesnar being 6.3 as he is clearly seen an inch taller than Trips with the same footwear..
Height said on 25/Nov/14
Pictures are not good enough evidence for some of hear clowns. There is clearly no tilt in his pic with Cena an anyone who sees a "tilt" is just trolling. Now someone tell me the cameraman in this video is tilting so I can laugh my ass off. 2
Clay said on 25/Nov/14
Height182 says on 25/Nov/14

@Clay: Sorry If I downgraded your favourite wrestler. Please do carry on posting your rants on here. They give me a good chuckle.

Ranting?! It's all in good fun here. I understand you seeing Lesnar at 6'1.5 in front of Cena and some other wrestlers - at the same time you should understand the folks who see him at 188-189 CM.
Height182 said on 25/Nov/14
At least 2.5 Inches on Lesnar, if not more If Billy stands straight. Click Here

@Clay: Sorry If I downgraded your favourite wrestler. Please do carry on posting your rants on here. They give me a good chuckle.

@Tuga: Yeah it is my opinion and it's 6'1.5'' Max. 6'1.25'' isn't impossible either.
Clay said on 24/Nov/14
Hahaha who is the one trolling? You need to take a close look in the mirror because you compltely ignored Vegas's barefoot evidence with Dos Santos and Overeem, and then you go on about bad camera angles and post a horrendous one with Brock and Velasquez. Don't think Rob is going under 6'2 - but keep trying I guess.
Tuga said on 24/Nov/14
Height182 says on 21/Nov/14
LOL at ''tilt''. Please show me the tilt in this picture Click Here

Lol? The other 2 pics you posted are clearly tilted, now that one "show me" did I post that pic?? Its good for me that one, I didn´t mention it...

"Just accept that your Big Bork isn't a proper 6'2''."

My "Big Bork" what?? You´re really taking it personal on brock´s height, no one is just accepting or not, its your opinion, some think under 6'2, some flat 6'2 and also others over 6'2, estimates and opinions may differ from your own, now you accept that.
The Anomaly said on 23/Nov/14
If Billy Gunn is a legit 6'4' then Brock should be 6'2.5' or 6'3',Goldberg looked half an inch taller than Lesnar at,i doubt the footwear of both..and also Goldberg looked identical with Austin who is 6'1' in recent pics..
My guess
Triple h-6.2
Height182 said on 22/Nov/14
Rob, could there be a chance of downgrading to 6'1.5''? Next to wrestlers, it looks that is his exact height.
Editor Rob
I'm not convinced he's be just that short
miko said on 22/Nov/14
Brock doesn't seem someone who is too fussed about his height, and at 6'2 I wouldn't be either, but will on occasion stand on one foot in staredowns, like he did with Hogan not so long ago.
The Anomaly said on 21/Nov/14
Lesnar if not 6.3 is atleast 6.25 and his front hair makes him legit 6.3,dude looks taller than Cena by 2 inches,and Triple H by almost an inch..Lesnar looked only 3 inches shorter than 6.7 Taker at WrestleMania 30..and Lesnar's boots have thin soles.. 6.25-6.3 imo..
Height182 said on 21/Nov/14
@Tuga: In the picture you posted, Both men can be on uneven ground. We don't know If the stage ground is even or uneven. In the picture I posted both men are on an even grounded ring, both barefoot and you can clearly see the height difference.

LOL at ''tilt''. Please show me the tilt in this picture Click Here

Just accept that your Big Bork isn't a proper 6'2''.
Tuga said on 21/Nov/14
Height182 says on 20/Nov/14
@Clay: Click Here Yes, UFC staredowns do.

Pic is tilted in velasquez favor, pretty clear about that...just look at the sign in the back, there much better pics:
Click Here

See the background? No tilt.

Same problem with your kurt angle pic, notice the tiles lines and smackdown sign.

Tilt in lesnar´s favour:
Click Here
Height182 said on 20/Nov/14
@Clay: Click Here Yes, UFC staredowns do.

I still don't understand you properly. You seem to ignore all the pictures with Kurt Angle, Cena and Cain Velasquez, yet you are a fan of the bad angled pictures. There's just something not quite right with your posts. If you are trying to troll, you need to try a LOT harder.
The Anomaly said on 20/Nov/14
I Would love to see Rock and Lesnar face to face in the same footwear..back in 2011,Lesnar looked half an inch shorter Than Dwayne,and He was on barefoot while Dwayne was on snickers maybe..Batista looks around 6.25 to me today..back in OVW,2001 Lesnar and Dave were identical in height in their only match..
The Anomaly said on 20/Nov/14
Triple H is a solid 6.2 and Lesnar looks an inch or half an inch taller than Trips,Rock is a legit 6.3 or 6.36 though he claims 6.5 which is funny..
Kourosh said on 18/Nov/14
brock lesnar is a solid 6'2 nothing less.
Lesnar has strong solid easy inch on triple h. The guy was almost as tall as 6'3 hulk hogan with his sneakers on.
Anything below 6'2 for brock is hideous
Clay said on 18/Nov/14
Height182 says on 2/Nov/14
1. Awful pictures of Lesnar and Hovan online. No way height should be compared with pics like that.

2. I don't believe Hovans ''reported'' height.

Just my take on it though.

Yeah, of course. Brock the same height as 6'2.5 measured Hovan doesn't fit with your plans now does it. Just as the UFC staedowns don't either.
randomdude said on 18/Nov/14
Overeem is a legit 6'3 and he looked atleast half an inch shorther than him,dudes not a legit 6'3 easily a legit 6'2
The Anomaly said on 14/Nov/14
Imo..judging on his matches with Cena at NOC & summerslam..he has 2 inches over Cena..and quite frankly looks a legit 6.3 same as Rock and both are taller than HHH..
The Anomaly said on 14/Nov/14
Rob,You're downgrading Lesnar's height by almost an inch..the guy was measured 6'2.35 by NFL and 6.3 by UFC,and ur giving him 6.2? Funny..and u didnt measure him right?
Editor Rob
we need a link to this 3/8ths mention.
Height182 said on 5/Nov/14
After looking at many pics and vids, it's fair to say Brock is very close to 6'2'', but still not quite there. 187cm looks spot on for Lesnar. He is still a tall guy.
RP said on 2/Nov/14
I searched Brock Lesnar & Chris Hovan pics...and 3 good pics pop up right away. And in every pic Brock looks 0.5" taller than Hovan. Despite them both being measured barefoot @ 6'2.375"...Hmmmm?
Height182 said on 2/Nov/14
1. Awful pictures of Lesnar and Hovan online. No way height should be compared with pics like that.

2. I don't believe Hovans ''reported'' height.

Just my take on it though.
Vegas said on 31/Oct/14
i haven't seen one for lesnar either, all his other stats like weight, bench, 40 yard dash were reported by i can't find his barefoot measurement.

however chris hovans barefoot height was reported (6'2 3/8th) and there are a number of photos of lesnar with hovan during practice
Height182 said on 30/Oct/14
Just for you miko pal Click Here I suggest you take out a measuring tape and see what 4 inches really looks like.

Now I'm just waiting for the bit where you say Kurt Angle was standing on a step ladder.
Alex 6'0 said on 29/Oct/14
Ive never seen any combine height listing for Brock yet. The 6'2 listing can mean anywhere from 6'1.5 to 6'2.25. Usually NFL players are rounded up but ive seen some rounded down to but with 5'10 Kurt Angle he looks between 6'1.5 and 6'2. One of the pics I posted it looks 4 inches but the other 2 it looks more 3.5 range. 6'1.75 may be spot on for Brock IMO
Height182 said on 29/Oct/14
Rob, Are miko and Clay the same person?
Editor Rob
from different continents.
miko said on 28/Oct/14
It's on average 4.5/4.75 or so from the eyes up to the top of the head.

So even if Angle is slightly above Lesnars eyeline it will put the difference at a rock solid 4 inches, add to that Angle in his prime was a very solid 5'10.
Height182 said on 28/Oct/14
Once again, another picture showing Lesnar is under 6'2'' Click Here I can keep posting these all day!
Height182 said on 28/Oct/14
I would really love to see the pictures or video of Brock getting measured 6'2'' by the NFL. I really would. How do I not know they just threw some extra height there to round his height up? Or to promote him as a Solid big guy. Some people are just SO SO NAIVE!!! They will believe just about anything. It truly baffles my mind Lol.
Clay said on 27/Oct/14
Im sorry but I see 4 inches between them in every one of those. If Brock's 6'1.5'' evening, then Kurt's 5'9.5''.
RP said on 27/Oct/14
Rob...Brock was officially measured barefoot @ 6'2.375" by medical staff employed by the NFL & The Minnesota Vikings in 2004. Why are you not giving him his full true barefoot height of 6'2.5"?? Or 6'2 3/8" to be exact?? Are you assuming he has shrunk 0.25" to 0.5" in the last 10 years ?? Which is very possible!?? He also weighted 286 lbs in his underwear at this same 2004 measurement. This proves that "some" billed weights by WWE are pretty close to accurate. Just before leaving WWE for his football tryout Brock was getting billed anywhere from 284 to 295 lbs @ 6'4" by the WWE.
Editor Rob
if I can see a reference for the 3/8th I'll mention it at the top.
Alex 6'0 said on 26/Oct/14
Brock and Kurt usually looked 3.5 inches apart but sometimes pics can show slightly different than a guy would measure. If Kurt was below 5'10 it would have been barely. 5'10 fair for him which makes Brock solid 6'1.5. is 6'2 out of the question no but looks like he'd measure a bit short of it.
Height182 said on 26/Oct/14
Nice pictures Alex. I have been saying this all along. He just isn't a FULL 188cm guy. Kurt angle could be slightly shorter than 5'10'' too for all we know. Yes of course Brock can look 6'2'' at times. Any 6'1.5'' guy can, but that doesn't mean they are.
Alex 6'0 said on 25/Oct/14
Here are a few shots of Kurt and Brock. First 2 are good shots the other not the best angle but Brock does look more 6'1.5 here with 5'10 Kurt Angle.

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here
Height182 said on 22/Oct/14
@Michael: There is no point Michael. Even if Lesnar measured at 6'1.5'' on the Stadiometer and there was a clear picture of it, The guys on here will still say he is 6'2''! LOL
Michael said on 20/Oct/14
Click Here
Lesnar is only 1,87 max.(6-1,5) or Cena is 1,85/86 m min.(6-1) if Lesnar
is 1,88 (6-2).
Alex 6'0 said on 14/Oct/14
Next to 6'2 guys I only feel they're a bit little taller. 6'4-6'5 range is when I start to feel the difference is bigger but 6'2 to guys who are shorter will be very tall
Dave1989 said on 6/Oct/14
Rob, How tall do you think Josh Barnett is? I Know he's listed at 6'3'', but it seems to me he could be slightly under that...
Sorry about this offtopic question but I didn't know where else to put it...
Editor Rob
probably between 6ft 1 and 2 versus a 6ft 3 listing!
mike said on 5/Oct/14
Rob, if you agree he doesn't dip under 6ft 2 wouldn't 6ft 2.25 be a better listening?
JordanLear_207 said on 3/Oct/14
I'm 6'2", Brock is 6'2" and Donald Trump is 6'2", accept it, don't try to say you're 6'3", I don't. Shoes do not count! it counts from head to toe barefoot.
Height181 said on 2/Oct/14
Lesnar can look 6'1.25'' next to a solid 6'2'' guy like The Rock. I'd still say Lesnar is a good 6'1.5''.
James B said on 1/Oct/14
6ft2 is kinda towering
New Visitor said on 29/Sep/14
I stood 10 feet away from Brock Lesnar at a fan Expo in Las Vegas in 2009 and people trying to chop him down here are just sad. He's one of the largest humans I've ever seen, I mean he's not really that towering but the build on him was incredible. I would have believed 6'3 if I didn't know any better, and he's easily at least 6'2 in his barefeet. :) I'm 5'11.5 so you'd think it would be pretty standard for me to tell wouldn't you.
James B said on 26/Sep/14
Well the rock looked around Randy Ortons height at the RAW 2012 anniversary and when he feuded with CM punk. Rock towered CM Punk by 4 inches I'd say.
Clay said on 24/Sep/14
Alex 6'0 says on 23/Sep/14
Clay, Viper has always had Brock at 6'1-6'1.25. Currently he has Rock shorter than Brock! His last post he said 6'1 max for Rock and said 6'0.5 looks most accurate!

Rock being shorter than Brock is ridiculous, thats Vipe's problem he's so quick to try and uncover people being smaller and downgrade them, it throws off all of his other estimates like a ripple effect. Dwayne is a few mm's taller, he's still holding on to 6'2.5'' today.
jasperwazup said on 24/Sep/14
if Lesnar is 6'2'' than Tim Sylvia is 6'7'' range.
Kourosh177cm said on 23/Sep/14
anything less than 6'2 for brock lesnar is nonsense.
Alex 6'0 said on 23/Sep/14
Clay, Viper has always had Brock at 6'1-6'1.25. Currently he has Rock shorter than Brock! His last post he said 6'1 max for Rock and said 6'0.5 looks most accurate!
SaveUsY2J said on 22/Sep/14
@Strale: And you'd be definitely wrong.
Clay said on 22/Sep/14
Height181 says on 22/Sep/14
@Clay: I have no problem with you thinking he is 6'2''. That is fine. I think he can look around 190cm in shoes. I think his barefoot height is 6'1.5'' though, and yeah I'm not arguing over an cm. I apologise if I overreacted a little. Pictures with Cena, Cain, Rock and Triple H show that he is not a full 6'2''. I'm not sure on Coutures height, but I'm sure he's a lot smaller than you think he is.

Thats fine. Im not so arrogant, he could dip to like 6'1.5 at night. At least you're calling it the way you see it, Viper probably has him at 6'0'' max now!
Strale said on 22/Sep/14
I think he is about 6ft1...he is definitely not over!
Alex 6'0 said on 22/Sep/14
Guys need to calm down LOL. We are arguing over 1/2/-3/4 inch here! Brock was listed at 6'2 then 6'2.5 and now back at 6'2 here. I do think 6'2 is fair but he could drop a hair below like 6'1.75. He's taller than HHH today who doesn't look anymore than 6'1.5. Back in 2002 HHH and Brock looked the same but today Brock a bit taller. Shows HHH has shrunk a fraction in his mid 40s
Height181 said on 22/Sep/14
@Clay: I have no problem with you thinking he is 6'2''. That is fine. I think he can look around 190cm in shoes. I think his barefoot height is 6'1.5'' though, and yeah I'm not arguing over an cm. I apologise if I overreacted a little. Pictures with Cena, Cain, Rock and Triple H show that he is not a full 6'2''. I'm not sure on Coutures height, but I'm sure he's a lot smaller than you think he is.
Clay said on 21/Sep/14
Height181 says on 21/Sep/14
@Clay: Downgraded after ''your'' evidence posted??? Are you straight up delusional? When Rob downgraded him it was because of ME!!!! only myself and Alex were talking on the page at the time. He downgraded him after I posted that Cain pic. You can even ask Rob if you like. You are such a troll man, I don't know why i'm even replying to you. What a Liar.

Ok, you need to calm down. We're arguing over a less than an inch like Alex said. Brock towered Randy Couture who's 5'10.5-5'11ish as we know based on his fight with James Toney. I don't agree with you that he's under 6'2, and not many do by the way. Deal with it.
James B said on 21/Sep/14
With Test I'd say Brock looked 6'2.5 but maybe test was not standing well.
Height181 said on 21/Sep/14
@Clay: Downgraded after ''your'' evidence posted??? Are you straight up delusional? When Rob downgraded him it was because of ME!!!! only myself and Alex were talking on the page at the time. He downgraded him after I posted that Cain pic. You can even ask Rob if you like. You are such a troll man, I don't know why i'm even replying to you. What a Liar.
Alex 6'0 said on 20/Sep/14
We're arguing between 6'1.5 and 6'2. Some of our opinions are different but at least its in the same 1/2 inch range. 6'1.5 and 6'2 is close to call. Impossible to tell that 1/2 inch difference by just looking at someone.
Clay said on 20/Sep/14
Height181 says on 16/Sep/14
@Clay: You are one of the worst height guessers I've ever come across on this site. So it doesn't surprise me that you would think that.

At his worst in the evening, I think he would be barely 186cm. Lesnar is a very big guy and yes I do agree that he can look 6'2''. That's where you're being fooled. Any 6'1.25'' - 6'1.5'' can look 6'2''. I don't think 6'2'' is his real height though. Yes he does look about 6'2.75'' in his running shoes. Height in shoes is not your real height.

6'1.25-6'1.5 is indeed tall, but he's a smidge more than that. Whatever you say guy - should we all hail you as the greatest height estimator in the world? You do know Rob had him at 6'2.5 for the longest time, after seeing some of MY evidence that was posted, and then switched him back to a safer 6'2'' recently. He wouldn't dare put him at a ridiculous 6'1.25.
Height181 said on 16/Sep/14
Rob, you should think about banning trolls on this page.
James B said on 16/Sep/14
Probably very close to 6'3 out of bed
Height181 said on 16/Sep/14
@Clay: You are one of the worst height guessers I've ever come across on this site. So it doesn't surprise me that you would think that.

At his worst in the evening, I think he would be barely 186cm. Lesnar is a very big guy and yes I do agree that he can look 6'2''. That's where you're being fooled. Any 6'1.25'' - 6'1.5'' can look 6'2''. I don't think 6'2'' is his real height though. Yes he does look about 6'2.75'' in his running shoes. Height in shoes is not your real height.
Clay said on 15/Sep/14
Height181 says on 15/Sep/14
6'1.5'' at best is Lesnar.

At worst, in the evening, after coming home from the gym. Even then I don't think Lesnar ever dips under 6'2''.
Height181 said on 15/Sep/14
6'1.5'' at best is Lesnar.
James B said on 12/Sep/14
Height181 says on 12/Sep/14
James B: You said The Rock was around 6'2''? on The Rocks page??? Now all of a sudden he is 6'3.5'' to you?? I can't take you seriously anymore man. I think you're trying to troll or something.

Next to a 6'2 guy that rob posted a picture of I just thought that the rock looked 189-190cm range.
Height181 said on 12/Sep/14
James B: You said The Rock was around 6'2''? on The Rocks page??? Now all of a sudden he is 6'3.5'' to you?? I can't take you seriously anymore man. I think you're trying to troll or something.
Clay said on 11/Sep/14
Lesnar must be 6'0-6'0.25!!!!

Are some of you sniffing gas? He was barefoot in his locker room while Dwayne was in dress shoes in that infamous picture.
James B said on 11/Sep/14
Heigth181- in the first pic brock is barefoot I think.

Brock is 6'2 and the rock looks 6'3 1/2 in your second pic
James B said on 11/Sep/14
On a different note I am trying to figure out Jack Swaggers height?

Here with 6'2.75 Edge he looks a legit 6'5 1.96m

I think Swagger is between 6'4-6'5 personally and his hair is making him look taller in that clip as well.

Swagger looks 3 inches taller than a guy look brock lesner as well.
Height181 said on 11/Sep/14
@James B: You have The Rock at 6'2'' - 6'2.5'' right?? Do you finally believe Lesnar is slightly under 6'2''? Click Here Click Here

In the first picture Lesnar also has hair advantage over The Rock.
James B said on 11/Sep/14
There only looked 2 inches between lesner and test because like rob said taller guys don't stand as tall in staredowns.
Citizen Cain said on 10/Sep/14
You've got to remember he has a 81 inch arm span. Do you really think that would be possible if he were below 6'25 or 6'2. Some of you claiming 6'1 is just crazy. Especially with his kind of proportions.
Height181 said on 10/Sep/14
Once again Lesnar looking under 6'2''! Click Here I don't even see an inch here!

I can't wait for the ''Cena was standing on top of a box'' comments..
Vegas said on 10/Sep/14
rob has two photos with Chaske Spencer and there is a photo of lesnar standing with spencer so you can work from there.
James B said on 10/Sep/14
Rob do you think john cena might wear lifts? I am just dumbfounded how he could look barely 1 inch shorter than lesner who you think can't be anything less than 6'2.
Editor Rob
at times it might look not much difference, but because of staredowns a taller guy sometimes doesn't stand as tall as the smaller?
Guy B said on 10/Sep/14
I still can't figure out Lesnar's height. They labeled him 6'4" in WWE in his first stint with them, then he was 6'3" in UFC. However, they labeled both him and Frank Mir at 6'3" but Lesnar actually looked slightly taller than Mir. If I had to put a guess on it, I would say 6'2" 1/2, maybe 6'3" because everyone knows that Mir is not quite 6'3".
Height181 said on 9/Sep/14
@James B: Cena didn't pull off 6'1.25''. He is just tall as he says he is, which is 6'0''. His height never changed for goodness sakes Lol. It's just Brock isn't as tall as you think he is.
James B said on 9/Sep/14
I don't know how Cena managed to pull of 6'1.25 with brock lesner over 10 years ago?
Height181 said on 9/Sep/14
@miko: There is no attitude or anything here man. I was just saying Cena knows his height better than you do, which is the truth. Cena claims only 6'0'' for a guy who looks 6'1''', so most likely he knows his own height and he is exactly that.
James B said on 8/Sep/14
True but with Cena there's only 2cm between them in some of there past stair downs
Citizen Cain said on 8/Sep/14
How the hell is Brock Lesar 6'1.5, hes 6'2 flat. According to you guys Frank Mir is 6'0, which we know is rubbish.
Clay said on 8/Sep/14
LoL because randoms on twitter know what it up! I guess Randy Couture is 5'9.5 then (not in the realm of possibility).
miko said on 8/Sep/14
Loving the attitude on here Height181, you seem such a nice guy.

Cena is clearly 6'0.5 range as Rob has him listed on here, he always looks it. Who knows maybe he's 6'0 and tip toes in every single photo, or wears lifts in the ring that would break his ankles....
James B said on 7/Sep/14
Rob do you think 6'1.5 is unlikely for lesner?
Editor Rob
I'd be surprised at it
Height181 said on 7/Sep/14
@BorkLaser: I have talked to people on twitter and forums who have met Lesnar. They have all said he is 6'1''. I still would give him 6'1.5''. No way he is a full 6'2''.

@miko: I think Cena knows his own height better than you do.
miko said on 6/Sep/14
Cena is around 6'0.5/6'0.75 and Lesnar is 6'2, and at worst a hair under it.

Rock had a solid inch on Lesnar back in 2002, as he's 6'3 that makes sense.
Height181 said on 6/Sep/14
@James B: So I'm guessing then you think Cena is 6'1'' - 6'1.25''?? Click Here
James B said on 6/Sep/14
No more like 188cm max than 187cm max for lesner. He is very close to the 6ft2 mark.
Height181 said on 6/Sep/14
No way Lesnar is low as a flat 6'1''. 187cm Max is more accurate from all the picture/video evidence.
James B said on 5/Sep/14
6'1 for Lesnar is BS.
Height181 said on 5/Sep/14
@Clay: It only P*sses you off because you have been proved wrong. Your ego has been hurt a little, because you wanted to be right. Go have a cookie, it should cheer you up a little.
Height181 said on 2/Sep/14
@Clay: I am also basing it off barefoot evidence next to UFC fighters and also basing it off him standing next to wrestlers who know their own height.

Here with 6'0'' max Cain, barefoot in the ring, camera angle fair for both men. Click Here Brock barely looks taller.

Here he is with 6'0'' John Cena. Click Here Cena has definitely measured himself at 6'0''. I believe it anyway. He always claims it, so most likely he's measured himself at that. Brock only looks an inch taller, Cena also had his legs spread out in this segment, dropping height.
Clay said on 1/Sep/14
Height181 says on 1/Sep/14
''I think he's 188-189 CM..''

I don't agree with you at all, but good for you.

Thats great, im basing it off of actual barefoot evidence next to UFC fighters who we have a pretty good idea on their dimensions. What are you basing it on?
Height181 said on 1/Sep/14
''I think he's 188-189 CM..''

I don't agree with you at all, but good for you.
Clay said on 31/Aug/14
Height181 says on 31/Aug/14
I don't believe in those NFL listings. I can only believe what I see with my own eyes. From what I've seen Lesnar is no more than 187cm. If you guys think he is 6'2'' thats fine. I'm not arguing over a cm. As long as we are guessing around the same area, I'm cool.

I think he's 188-189 CM..
James B said on 31/Aug/14
Triple H looked 186cm IF Brock Lesner really is 6'1.75.

I agree about NFL listings since Roman Reigns does not look his 6'2.5 listing,
Height181 said on 31/Aug/14
I don't believe in those NFL listings. I can only believe what I see with my own eyes. From what I've seen Lesnar is no more than 187cm. If you guys think he is 6'2'' thats fine. I'm not arguing over a cm. As long as we are guessing around the same area, I'm cool.
Alex 6'0 said on 30/Aug/14
Lesnar was listed 6'2 in NFL. At worst he would be 6'1.5. Any less then he'd get listed at 6'1. 6'1.75 is possible though
Height181 said on 30/Aug/14
I think Lesnar is more of a solid 6'1.5'' than just 186cm. One thing for sure is, he isn't 6'2''. He is about 190cm in footwear though.

Goldberg looks 6'2.5'' next to 6'1.25'' Triple H doesn't he?? Yeah... coz that makes sense.. Click Here Click Here
James B said on 30/Aug/14
Looks at least half an inch between Goldberg and Lesner here

Click Here

Next to triple h lesner does not look any less than 6'2. My only conclusion is that Cena must have been wearing lifts in his shoes in that video?
James B said on 30/Aug/14
SaveUsY2J says on 30/Aug/14
186cm is impossible for Lesnar. If he was listed 6'2 by the NFL then the lowest he could possibly have measured is 6'1.5. And I don't even believe that he's that low, he was barely shorter than 6'2.5 Bill Goldberg.

Then explain the small difference between Lesner and Cena in that video?
SaveUsY2J said on 30/Aug/14
186cm is impossible for Lesnar. If he was listed 6'2 by the NFL then the lowest he could possibly have measured is 6'1.5. And I don't even believe that he's that low, he was barely shorter than 6'2.5 Bill Goldberg.
Height181 said on 29/Aug/14
@James B: Lesnar has more footwear advantage! He is wearing running shoes. Cenas legs are also spread out more, so he is dropping more height. That is what a Solid inch looks like, NO MORE than that. Its not that Cena is 186cm - 187cm. It's Lesnar that is 186 - 187cm. Lesnar is 6'1.5'' tops, and looks 6'2.5'' in shoes.
mesi said on 28/Aug/14
lesnar 6'2.5
hhh 6'1.5
rollins 6'1.5
cena 6'0.5
James B said on 28/Aug/14
At 2:44 Cena looks 186-187cm next to Brock Lesner

I suspect that Cena has footware advantage cause there is no denying he looks over 184cm in that clip. Unless of course Lesner is only 186cm.
Height181 said on 27/Aug/14
Brock at 6'2'' would make Cena a legit 6'1'' minimum. For me Triple H is around 186cm Max today. Can even look 6'1'' because sometimes he is the same height as Seth Rollins. Brock is no taller than 6'1.5'' at best, Of course in footwear he is near 6'3''.
dylan hulme said on 27/Aug/14
Brock looks 3 1/2 inches shorter than Undertaker so Undertaker must be 6ft5 1/2 which makes big show 6ft7 which is stupid so i dont know
Alex 6'0 said on 20/Aug/14
I disagree. Lesnar 6'2 and HHH 6'1.5. If anything Brock's footwear may be 1/4 inch more tops. Dress shoes usually give a bit over an inch and Brock's sneakers I doubt give over 1.3. Those are not Nike Shox
BorkLaser said on 19/Aug/14
With Triple H, Steph, and Heyman: Click Here
But taking a look at their footwear: Click Here confirms the current listings
James B said on 19/Aug/14
Alex 6'0 says on 18/Aug/14
Brock looks anywhere from 6'1.5 to 6'2. Fact he was listed at 6'2 in NFL makes him minimum 6'1.5. If he were any less he'd be listed at 6'1.

James, I agree 6'8-6'8.5 for Nash today is possible. What do you give him peak? Not saying he was def. 6'10 but def. passed for 6'10 on TV. Minimum 6'9 peak

At wrestle mania 1996 Kevin Nash for sure looked over 6'9. Today I wouldn't put Nash under 6'8.5. Remember rob said that 6'9 still seemed ok for Kevin.

Today 6'8.5.

As for his peak? Not sure cause in wcw could look 6'8-6'10 range.
Alex 6'0 said on 19/Aug/14
Lesnar looked taller than HHH last night. Lesnar in sneakers and HHH in dress shoes so prob about the same footwear. Brock 6'2 HHH 6'1.5 looks to be accuate
Alex 6'0 said on 18/Aug/14
Brock looks anywhere from 6'1.5 to 6'2. Fact he was listed at 6'2 in NFL makes him minimum 6'1.5. If he were any less he'd be listed at 6'1.

James, I agree 6'8-6'8.5 for Nash today is possible. What do you give him peak? Not saying he was def. 6'10 but def. passed for 6'10 on TV. Minimum 6'9 peak
James B said on 17/Aug/14
Barrett i think Kevin Nash could be creeping under 6'9 today
barrett said on 16/Aug/14
that picture does indeed confirm the listings on this website. hogan in footwear maybe over 6'4 mark otherwise barefoot 6'3 flat. clearly brock is in similar footwear and probably hits around the 6'3 mark otherwise a flat 6'2. and no brock is not tip toeing at all.
brock lesnar 6'2
hulk hogan 6'3
scott hall 6'4
kevin nash 6'9
ric flair 5'10
roddy piper 5'9.5
paul heyman 5'10
James B said on 14/Aug/14
Nash looks like he has lost a bit so I think he's between 6'8-6'9 today.

Scott Hall was a bit taller than hogan so I'd put him at a legit 6'4.
Kourosh177cm said on 13/Aug/14
In that picture, is brock lesnar tip-toeing ? because that what i usually do when i am standing face to face to my 183cm friend lol :)
Alex 6'0 said on 13/Aug/14
Lesnar has a bit better posture and Hogan still looks a bit taller. Hogan still looks 6'3 today which puts Lesnar at about 6'2 there or a hair less. Nash looks easily 6'8 there
BorkLaser said on 12/Aug/14
This was on last night's Raw. Hogan isn't standing straight so this does confirm the current listings Click Here
Alex 6'0 said on 12/Aug/14
Hogan and Lesnar face to face last night. Hogan edged Lesnar out but didn't even look a full inch but also had more relaxed posture.
Alex 6'0 said on 3/Aug/14
Height181, I'm really measured more 6'0 than 6'0.25. Its only a 1/4 inch so pretty minimal lol. Rob had me at 6'0 1/8 at 2pm and then a MM less at 6pm. Certain days I can get 6'0.25 midday or so but that's more on days I'm relaxed doing very little. Non work day, no gym, etc.
Miles Edgeworth 5'11.5 said on 2/Aug/14
The person on the right is 6'2". How tall is the fighter Nick Diaz (on the left)?
Click Here
Editor Rob
would have thought 5ft 11 range was possible
Alex 6'0 said on 1/Aug/14
Height181, and my username is 6'0 Alex lol so if I were claiming 184cm I'd have a 6'0.5 Alex username
James B said on 1/Aug/14
Lowest I'd argue for brock is 6'1.5
Alex 6'0 said on 1/Aug/14
Height181, I never said I was 184cm. I said certain days I can be 6'0.25 on a good day and that's really 183.5cm. Really I'm more 183cm. Ive always claimed 6'0 on here. My weight right now is 204-205 down from 215-217 in the winter. I'm not as big as Cena but I think I'm a little bigger than CM Punk
Alex 6'0 said on 30/Jul/14
I'm more 6'0-6'0 1/8 range. On relaxed days doing very little I can hit 6'0.25. We'd be pretty much identical. Maybe a few mm apart. I aint as big as Cena but I'm pretty built myself lol and that's another reason why I get estimated 6'1 or more. If I ever meet him I'll have to get him to stand for the pic! Maybe sooner than later I'll get a standing pic with him and post it here,
Also you're a legit strong 5'11 guy. Some guys who claim 5'11 are more 5'9.5-5'10 range so that makes 5'11 not seem as tall and they'll say I'm at least 6'1 based on that haha. Ive met plenty of guys who are my height or a hair above claiming 6'1-6'2
Alex 6'0 said on 28/Jul/14
Backlash 2003 they had a good faceoff and Lesnar looked maybe 1.5 inches taller. Today should be the same. Neither guy has lost height.

I wonder how a pic of me and Cena or Lesnar would look! Me and Cena are prob indentical in height or within a small fraction. I typically measure 6'0-6'0 1/8, sometimes 6'0.25 on a good day non active.
Alex 6'0 said on 17/Jul/14
In NFL if you are X height and 1/2 you can be rounded up or down. IVe seen NFL players rounded up and down so it depends.

Height 181, NFL is National Football League in the USA. They measure their players legit and round up or down or some guys fall bang on a certain height. They are measured around 11am I hear so they wont quite be their low but they'll be above their out of bed height for sure.
MrTBlack said on 12/Jul/14

No he's not under 6'2". In the nfl if you a height plus a half inch, they omit the half inch and go with 6'1". Example, if your 6'2.5" you'll be listed as 6'2" but if your 6'2.75", you'll be put down as 6'3".
Lesnar is not 6'3" but definitely not under 6'2".
Alex 6'0 said on 10/Jul/14
Lesnar was listed 6'2 in NFL so at worst 6'1.5-6'1.75 he'd be. If he were less then he'd be listed at 6'1. NFL seems honest about their listings just rounded up or down to nearest inch. Not 1-2 inch inflations like some sports
Sonic said on 10/Jul/14
I think he's billed at 6''0 simply because he is barefoot. He would proba be billed at 6'2 otherwise
Bubba said on 9/Jul/14
The Rock 6'2.5 are kidding me the guy is in the 6'3'' range.
Bubba said on 9/Jul/14
Brock Lesnar is a legit 6'2'' guy he only edges out Cena because of his footwear John Cena is around 6'1-6'1.5 max in footwear.
Marcelo 1.90 cm said on 7/Jul/14
If Lesnar is 1.88, which is the legitimate height Overeem?
Overeem looked a little bigger.
Alex 6'0 said on 6/Jul/14
Yea Rusev is huge but he seems so wide and blocky but yea being so big can make you appear even taller but sometimes when you're more fat you can appear shorter than you really are.
Alex 6'0 said on 6/Jul/14
Yea he's billed at 6'0. One of the rare guys who are their billed height or very close. Orton is his billed 6'4 height. Cena is close to 6'1. 1/2- 1 inch off. Most guys are billed 2-4 inches above their real height
Alex 6'0 said on 5/Jul/14
They bill Rusev at 6'0 too. He does look 6'0ish with Swagger who I think is 6'5 range. Honestly Rusev is just way too big and husky looking. They bill him at 305lbs and he looks close enough to it. 280-290 range or so.
Alex 6'0 said on 2/Jul/14
I use to believe he was 6'4 but that was years ago when I bought into pretty much all billed heights. Being so massive in muscle can make you appear taller at times. I have a muscular build, not like Lesnar lol but still pretty big and it seems to be a reason why I get guessed 6'1-6'2
Alex 6'0 said on 1/Jul/14
I've never met Lesnar in person. Seen him in the ring from kinda close in the crowd but can't judge by that. Guy can def give a 6'2 impression. I tried to find it but can't of Lesnar's height combine height which would be officially measured. If NFL gave him 6'2 that could mean anywhere from 6'1.5-6'2.5 depending if they round up or down. Def not saying he's over 6'2 but 6'1.5 is absolute bare minimum. If he were any less than he'd get a 6'1 listing.
Alex 6'0 said on 28/Jun/14
Height 181, Timberlake I'm not sure on but he really doesn't look 5'10 range. Fallon I am unsure of but he looks 5'11. Just 2 inches between Lesnar and Fallon I don't see unless there was some camera angle in favor but it looked 3 inches. Yea he was 1-1.5 inches taller than Cena. For NFL to list him at 6'2 he'd have to be at least 6'1.5. If he were 6'1-6'1.25 then he'd get a 6'1 listing like every other NFL player. I could see Lesnar a hair under 6'2 like 6'1.75
Alex 6'0 said on 25/Jun/14
Lesnar I put at 6'2 flat. Really bare minimum 6'1.5 for him to get listed at 6'2 in NFL but typically NFL is pretty close with their listings. All within 1/2 inch.

Height181, what do you think of him Jimmy Fallon who is listed 5'11.5 on here. Yea sometimes talk shows aren't the best for comparing but they were on level ground both in dress shoes and Lesnar looked 3-3.5 inches taller.
Alex 6'0 said on 21/Jun/14
Look at the 3:30 mark and on Lesnar looks around 3 inches taller than Jimmy Fallon who is 5'11ish.

Click Here
Alex 6'0 said on 6/Jun/14
Peak Rock? Rock is still at his peak height. He just turned 42 and if anything he may have lost like 1/8 inch. I really don't think he's lost anything
Sonic said on 31/May/14
Lol, forgot the link
Sonic said on 30/May/14
Upgrade to 6'3, just look at this comparison with Jimmy Fallon @ 3:38. Even with his head down and poor posture he still looks at least 3 inches taller than 6'0 Fallon.
SaveUsY2J said on 27/May/14
This listing is fair, 6'2.5 listed Goldberg edged him out. Also proves that a peak Rock was no shorter than the listed 6'3" and that the 6'1.5" claims are insanity.
Alex 6'0 said on 25/May/14
Clay, I have Rock at 6'2.5 which makes Brock no taller than 6'2 flat
Gerryilde said on 24/May/14
Click Here

How tall is Paul Heyman? He tends to look 5'9 to 5'10 next to Brock Lesnar and in this picture his head is near Brocks eye level
paul e said on 19/May/14
Victor is listed by the ufc at 6'0 I believe so I'd guess he is a little under that. Looks 181 cm to me.
Clay said on 18/May/14
The Rock...6'2.5/6'2.75, or a ''weak'' 6'3.
MrTBlack said on 15/May/14

I don't think Rock is under 6'3". He looked noticeably taller than Waller in fast and furious 6 if anything, he's 6'3.5" to me.
MrTBlack said on 15/May/14

I don't think Rock is under 6'2". He looked noticeably taller than Waller in fast and furious 6 if anything, he's 6'3.5" to me.
MrTBlack said on 13/May/14
Hey Rob, I saw Velasquez in person at the Cardiff in Campbell Ca and trust me when I say he is not 5'11"! I'm 6'2" and I didn't tower over him but 6' flat is possible.
James said on 11/May/14
Rob , how tall do you think the fighter vitor belfort is? Click Here
Editor Rob
he can appear near 4 inches smaller, but I think the camera angle might knock half inch off vitor there, maybe an inch actually.
Alex 6'0 said on 4/May/14
Velasquez is listed 6'1. At worst he would be 5'11.5-6'0.
Alex 6'0 said on 4/May/14
NFL seems to be pretty accurate with their listings. Usually guys are rounded up or down by 1/4 inch. Guys who are 1/2 inch between heights I have seen rounded up and down. Byron Leftwich was measured 6'5.5 but listed at 6'5
Sonic said on 1/May/14
I'm sorry I just can't see Brock Lesnar being 6'1.5 like what people are saying. He's at least a low 6'2, no lower.
Kourosh177cm said on 1/May/14
FACE, the guy is definitely not 6'0,he is probably 5'10. I'm a weak 5'10 (177cm) and thats how i look like next to my 6'2 friend in that picture. My eyes meet his lower chin exactly same as with belfort with brock lesnar in the picture.
Clay said on 30/Apr/14
Where does 5'11'' for Velasquez come from??
Lorne said on 30/Apr/14
Rob, another suggestion, I think 6ft2.25 is fair for Brock. Granted, he can look 188cm, but then other times he looks legit 6ft2.5. I mean he is always a bit taller than Triple H. If Brock is just 188cm, HHH is 187cm So I think 6ft2.25 is a fair compromise. Plus, it fits with the Vikings listing!!!
James B said on 27/Apr/14
Batista should b downgraded as well
Alex 6'0 said on 27/Apr/14
Height181, yea he needed to be downgraded to his 6'2 listing again. To get him to 6'1.5 um you'd need a lot of evidence but 6'2 I think is fair for Lesnar. With Lesnar at 6'2 Rock would be 6'2.5
Kourosh177cm said on 26/Apr/14
rob if you downgrade brock lesnar to 6'2 , its time to downgrade cm punk to 5'11 and triple h to 6'1.25.
James B said on 26/Apr/14
Yes 188cm is much more accurate. Never has he looked 6'3.
Alex 6'0 said on 26/Apr/14
Lesnar use to be listed at 6'2 on here for a while. Velasquez is listed at 6'1 but he looks 6'0 range. With 6'0.5 John Cena Lesnar does look an inch or so more. With 5'11.5 CM Punk Lesnar looked 6'2 though.
Editor Rob
he is going back to his vikings listing!
Alex 6'0 said on 25/Apr/14
James B, I wouldn't go over 6'2. He actually may measure 6'1.75 just shy of 6'2. I'm not buying him at 6'1
James B said on 25/Apr/14
6'2 flat is not impossible for lesner
Alex 6'0 said on 25/Apr/14
Rob, what do you think of the picture of Lesnar with 6'4 Billy Gunn? You met Gunn and he looks 6'4 with you.
Editor Rob
he struggles to look over 6ft 2, I suppose 6ft 2 flat is the old Football listing he had
Alex 6'0 said on 25/Apr/14
Orton is 6'4 but ive seen him look between 1 and 2 inches taller than Rock before too though they didn't have many faceoffs. I can't see Billy Gunn losing more than slight margin of height from his posture there.
Lysandre said on 25/Apr/14
Rob, How tall do you think the fighter Rory Macdonald is?
Editor Rob
not really looked at him,
Alex 6'0 said on 24/Apr/14
Ok NFL listed him at 6'2 but we don't know what he was officially measured at at by them. To get listed at 6'2 he's gonna have to be at least 6'1.5-6'1.75 minimum. I just think 6'1.5 for Lesnar is selling him a bit short.
Alex 6'0 said on 24/Apr/14
I think the Rock is over just 6'2 flat. Nearer 6'2.5 which puts Lesnar at 6'2 or a hair less. Could measure 6'1.75 between 187 and 188cm. With 6'4 Billy Gunn who looks a legit 6'4 with Rob makes Lesnar look 6'2 I think
James B said on 22/Apr/14
Triple H 6'1.75
Brock lesner 6'2.25
Veraskez said on 21/Apr/14
Rob, how tall do you think Cain Velasquez is?
Editor Rob
5ft 11-6ft range
Clay said on 17/Apr/14
6'1.75 is indeed tall in reality...but Lesnar is taller than that in reality.
James B said on 17/Apr/14
If triple h is 187cm then I don't think Brock looks 6'2.5
Zoro said on 17/Apr/14
too much for Lesnar, more like solid 6ft1.75, which is a strong and tall height when REAL and not just claimed by rounding up

in order of likelihood I would say

1) 187+ (6ft1.75)
2) 188
3) 189/187- (6ft2.5/6ft1.5)
4) 186 and other stuff like 190 cm
James B said on 16/Apr/14
Even when billy isn't standing fully straight he looks 3 inches taller than brock (take into account lesner has slight hair advantage.). But billy is closer to the camera making him seem taller.
Clay said on 15/Apr/14
James I hope you're joking.
James B said on 15/Apr/14
Lesner looks 6ft with billy gunn in that photo
Kourosh177cm said on 14/Apr/14
Brock Lesnar with 6'4 Billy Gun
Click Here
James B said on 14/Apr/14
Vegas says on 13/Apr/14
goldberg wasn't taller than hhh in any of their staredowns in 2003...

In 2003 triple h looked 6'2.5 but today I don't think he's over a flat 6'2
randomdude said on 14/Apr/14
@Bill Lesnar always seems to wear big boots which probably have atleast an inch heel on them probably more and this is coming from a massive Lesnar fan but I agree he is not anything under 6'2 and he measured by the NFL at a little over 6'2 barefoot thats what he is.
Vegas said on 13/Apr/14
goldberg wasn't taller than hhh in any of their staredowns in 2003...
Alex 6ft 0 said on 13/Apr/14
Bud, I actually can agree with most that list. Orton I think is a solid 6'4 though. With Cena at 6'0.5 it does make Lesnar and HHH look more just shy of 6'2 and puts Rock at no more than 6'2.5

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.