Slim1.75m said on 17/Aug/22
What's the lowest and highest you'd argue for britts height.

Editor Rob
Not much above this current 159cm, but not below 158cm
5'7 and a bit said on 14/Jun/22
Would never have thought she was this small. From Tomorrowland (maybe that's worth adding?) guessed her at least 5'5.
Elene said on 6/Aug/21
I think she is in the 5’2.5-5’3 range.
Nik Ashton said on 20/Feb/20
She looks about 5’2.5”!
Brandon2 said on 13/Feb/18
Rob, how much do you think Britt weighs?

Editor Rob
115 pounds might be possible for Britt Robertson's weight.
Junior Hernandez said on 4/Feb/18
I use to think she look at her claim 5'3 thats too optimistic. More look into her and trust rob listed her maybe 1/4 lower.
hal said on 12/Jul/17
5'2.5" looks right.
Anon said on 7/Jul/17
Always looks more 5'2 to me
Lucy said on 29/Mar/17
d ray and rowan's comments are about someone else
Rowan said on 12/Sep/16
I used to go to school with him, we we're pretty good pals, at the end of high school i was about 6"6, Brian was the same height if not taller than me...
towanda said on 20/Jul/14
no way. in this photo there is more than 19cm i think
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Jonathan said on 16/Jul/13
@Random: 4'11"?? Don't be silly.
She looks about 5'2" on The Secret Circle.
Random said on 28/Jun/13
Disproportionately small. Probably more in the 4'11" range
Sophie said on 28/May/08
He's cool, and tall but buckethead wears coneverse all stars they give no height, so this can be pretty close :o
Anonymous said on 22/Mar/08
he's probably closer to 7 feet with the bucket on his head, I think he's 6'3-6'4 without it.
Ryan Francisco said on 10/Dec/07
That is awesome. You are a lucky person to meet him. Buckethead is one of my idols for life. That might be weird be he's cool. (Like Me, Ha ha.) Really he is a cool guy, and it would be awesome to meet hin some day!!!
BHFriend said on 3/Nov/07
I knew BH when we were kids. When we were about 20 or 21, he said he was 6'4". Maybe since then he's grown or shrunk. Either way, he's 6'4" give or take.
Patrick said on 29/Oct/07
I hear he's 6'6" without the bucket, and nearly 7' with the bucket on
Either way, he's a tall guitarist, and he's a beast, so yeah, who cares if we don't know his actual height? He's still the 8th fastest shredder.
Saul said on 28/Oct/07
Iggy Pop says he's 6'6 without the bucket, 7'1 with the bucket.
Dave said on 8/Oct/07
looks like hes a good 6'5 if straight
Bob said on 25/Sep/07
buckethead is at least 6"6 if he stood up stright with out humping over.
Dave said on 10/Sep/07
Me and a friend mine met Buckethead a while back. My friend is a legit 6'4 and I am willing to bet Buckethead was a good inch and a half or 2 inches taller. I am guessing he is around 6'5 or 6'6. Like others have mentioned it looks like he is slouching in this picture and not standing up straight. With the bucket on his head he is probably in the 7 foot range.

Editor Rob
I think this is one page that really does need deletion from this site. Sorry buckethead, your celebrity status will be consigned to the dumpster where you got your mask from.
D. Ray Morton said on 14/Aug/07
Paul is most likely correct. I thought 6'4", but he could be slightly shorter.
I've never been especially fond of his sound or his playing, but he is a nice guy.
johnny popcorn said on 14/Aug/07
like you could really tell..he loko like a beast and he is wearin a mask so you cant really tell..
Paul said on 28/Jun/07
ok...this is getting silly. I am 6'4". I met Buckethead last year at Toad's Place in New Haven, CT. He was standing up FULLY straight and I stood just slightly taller than him. I'd say he's approximately 6'3 1/2" if not only 6'3"
Jack said on 13/Jun/07
Buckethead is 6'4. With the KFC bucket, he's at nearly 7'0 feet.
Angie said on 19/May/07
That guy creeps me out honest I don't like Buckethead and the fact that he is around 6'4'' tall ain't maken it better !
Hugh said on 5/Apr/07
I've got a picture of Buckethead with me (a legit 6'0") and with my girlfriend (who is a legit 5'8") and with my guitar buddy (a legit 6'4"). He was just a little taller (almost unnoticeable) than my guitar buddy, so I'm gonna guess around 6'4" 1/2 or 6'5".
Ade said on 7/Feb/07
I've always heard 6'6" for him. One of my favourite musicians btw.
Steve said on 16/Jan/07
Brian Carroll aka Buckethead is acually 6'7" standing up straight sans bucket.
He never stands his height around people cos he is height concious but i spoke to someone who met him who is 6'6" & Bucket was taller by about an inch.
Viper said on 12/Jan/07
Looks to be in the 6-3 range to me. He might be scraping 6-4 standing fully straight.
Darl. said on 11/Jan/07
He stepped down in front of me at a concert in Seattle and I'm 6' and looking at him I would say he is at least 6'5.
D. Ray Morton said on 16/Dec/06
Bucket and Lane looked really funny next to each other.
Anonymous said on 15/Dec/06
Blahblee, I agree. I just under 6'5" my self and when in photos I used to slouch abit to fit in photos. More so around shorter people, No offence Glenn. :) It used to make me look around 2 to 3 inchs shorter but have really bad posture. I think thats what Mr Head is doin in this picture as his posture looks really bad. No Offence Buck :)
Blahblee said on 29/Sep/06
Look, Buckethead isn't even standing up straight. He has his head slouched down totally. He's definitely 6'6ish. If he had his head straight up it would be cut off by the picture. My boyfriend is 6'5 and there's no way that Buckethead isn't taller than him.
Alex said on 11/Apr/06
If a 6'5 guy is guessed at 7'0 its normally from a kid who is like 9-10 years old. I remember when I was in 6th-7th grade there was this teacher who was 6'4-6'5 legit but before I found that out I thought he was 6'10-7'0 because I was pretty short so he seemed much taller.
Glenn said on 5/Apr/06
Did you look at my photo? he isnt 6-5 there.maybe he is and has a bad slouch.
anonymous said on 4/Apr/06
He's definitely not 6'3". Met his bass player after a show who was about my height (5'10") and when they stood together on stage, he came MAYBE to the top of Buckethead's shoulder. I'd go with an easy 6'5".
Anonymous said on 30/Mar/06
"You'd be suprised, buck fan. I've heard 6'5'' guys guessed as being 7'0''"
Edward J. Leavy said on 30/Mar/06
Just some information here that buckethead has a stigmatism about his height and moreless always wears footwear with no real lift like being bare foot, in public anyways.
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Jason said on 10/Mar/06
You'd be suprised, buck fan. I've heard 6'5'' guys guessed as being 7'0''.
buck fan said on 10/Mar/06
the "crazy fan" dude said 7 fts, rite? he was probably meaning that he was that tall, but with the bucket included
6' and 18 said on 6/Feb/06
6' 4" solid. He's not standing as straight as Glenn and his head isn't upwards fully and he still totally towers him; on the contrary Glenn is standing straight.
trueheight said on 27/Jan/06
its actually a michael myers mask :)
D. Ray Morton said on 26/Jan/06
Great pic!
I met Mr. Head years ago when he was playing with Praxis. At the time I'd guessed he was around 6'4".
Glenn said on 24/Jan/06
I agree on 6-4.but I think his manager told me 6-3.
Anonymous said on 24/Jan/06
Iggy Pop, who worked alongside Buckethead, said without doubt he is 6'6'' and seeing him stand next to many others, he is at least 6'4.5 at very minimum