Andrea said on 28/Nov/23
I don't know if that's due to conversion, like it sometimes happens when they convert feet to cms and just go with the integral part, hence 6' becomes just 182 cms, but in this Italian Guinness World Records show she gets described as 182 when they say she's on record for being the tallest leading actress:
Click Here
What she actually claims in cms would be interesting, although she doesn't seem to disagree with that figure there!
Abdulrahman said on 30/Jan/23
Yehor said on 5/Dec/22
No height is too tall or too short overall, Adbul ))
We don't really choose it
For certain purposes? Yeah, but everything has got its pros and cons, for sure
) Within the realm of the general norm, at least
There’s is definitely some examples of heights that outnumber any certain average, that’s just common sense.
She is definitely equaling to be 6’7 for a man.
Yehor said on 5/Dec/22
No height is too tall or too short overall, Adbul ))
We don't really choose it
For certain purposes? Yeah, but everything has got its pros and cons, for sure
) Within the realm of the general norm, at least
Abdul-DK said on 15/Jun/22
Too tall for a female height
Dmeyer said on 15/May/22
She is précise as she Saïd Sly 174-175 and Murphy 176-177cm 5-9,5
Halb said on 19/Nov/21
Just looking at a still of her and AhNold side by side and she looks like she edges him out, this is from Red Sonja.
Rising174cm said on 25/Jan/21
Her typical claim over the years was 6'1" such as here:
Click Here At about 11 seconds she's asked her height and says "6-1 without the heels." It's always good when an actor/actress specifies they mean without shoes. But the more recent quote above suggests to me that when she said 6'1" and also the one 6' claim, she really meant somewhere in between the two figures. I'd guess she was probably 6'0.25" and now at 57, maybe 5'11.75".
She does have a good perception of height. Her calling Sly 174-175 cm and Eddie Murphy 5'9"-5'9.5" is really spot on. That's why I still want someone to ask her how tall Dolph and Arnie were specifically around 1985.
Rapha said on 9/Jan/21
Do you think she was as tall as 185 cm during her peak morning height ?

Editor Rob
in her prime, out of bed I'm sure would have measured her 6ft 1.
Peter Sun said on 25/Sep/20
My first impression is that she is a solid 6 ft 1, I have seen photos of her and movies like Red Sonja. She is a giant woman indeed. Very tall women usually under-claim their heights cos they want to be popular among men. There could be a chance that she happens to be 'almost 6 ft 1' as she claims, but maybe just a few millimeters under and she can just round it up, which is totally fine.
Alir?za said on 11/Aug/20
There's a very tall lady I know. I thought she was at least 185 cm maybe 186 cm but she said she was 183 cm. But I am sure she is taller clearly than 183 cm, probably she is 185 cm. Very tall women sometimes tend to claim them height is a bit under.
I think brigitte claims a little less than her height too. I think she is 184-185 cm
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Jul/20
💐🎁🎂 Happy Birthday Brigitte! 🎂🎁💐
Many Happy Returns to Brigitte Nielsen, who today celebrates her 57th Birthday. I saw her in 'Cobra' at the pictures with Sylvester Stallone and she looked very tall, gorgeously slim and wore the most fantastic variety of wigs!
A strong six foot. In fact, I'll give her 6ft0.25 😀🎈
Andreas Andreadis said on 29/Jun/20
Eddie Murphy said that he is very taller than him and sure she is 6'2" or 189 cm at the shots of "The Beverly Hills cop 2.
Alex 6'0 said on 23/Jun/20
6'0.5 for her back then wasnt impossible as she claim shes almost 6'1.
Gh22 said on 4/Mar/20
Hey @ Rob i think she is 6'1.I saw her films in which she looks 6'1 or 73 inches. Just wanna know how she look with almost 5 inch heels. 5 inch heels without platform will increase only 3.5 inch height so
73+3.5=76.5 inch which is 6'4 or 1.94m
If shes is 6ft or 72m then
72+3.5=75.5 inch which is 6'3 or 1.92m
Do you agree with me ? Please reply
Also please check this picture with her husband also who is 1.68m tall and shes wearing heels with him and really towering him. What do you think her height is in picture. Thanks
Click Here

Editor Rob
Well she claimed almost 6ft 1, so I'd rule out 6ft 1
Costa said on 21/Feb/20
This chick has to be at least 6’1”. I’m watching the disastrous Red Sonja and every scene she has about an inch on Arnold and pretty close to the supposed 6’4” Paul Smith. She doesn’t look like she’s wearing high heel boots.
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 9/Jan/20
@Rising very tall and even tallish girl usually have the opposite syndrome of average/short males :
their declared height is usually below their real height because they can't deal with it/accept it.
If I got 100 dollars each time a girl 5'10 or over told me she was 1 or two inches smaller I would be a rich man.
As for Brigitte 184ish range peak seems correct.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 15/Jan/19
At worst shes 6'0 1/4 peak and 5'11 3/4 now or i"ll rule out 182.5cm now.
Rising - 174 cm said on 21/Dec/18
Interesting she now claims "almost" 6'1" since she's said just six feet in the past, 6'1" "without the heels" and now "six feet, almost 6-1". I can believe she was a fraction over 6' peak, but there's a very good chance she's lost height now, though I don't know how much.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 15/Jul/18
I'm kind of believe she put down half inch was ever 6'0 1/2 peak and 6'0 now.
Rising - 174 cm said on 12/Jun/18
Mugshots and height charts for movies and TV can't be trusted. Brigitte has claimed 6'1" most of the times I've seen her interviewed, but since she also said 6'0", I suspect she's just slightly over 6'. Probably exactly 6'0.25" like the average guess, imo. Of course, that would be peak while I'd say she's probably a bit under 6' today. Likely 182 cm range give or take in her 50's.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 19/Dec/17
Editor Rob: with a painted chart, it's never quite sure if the person doing it has made 6ft right in the middle of the thick 1 inch mark or not.
That´s true, but could even lower Brigittes height since I was asuming that the 6ft mark begins with the line and the end is about the 6´1" mark.
To back this up, we have max 5´11" Kristanna Loken in footwear ~5´11.5-6ft reaching just the beginning of the 6ft line.
And in comparison Brigitte (without Gittes high hair), Kristanna looks very equal with possibly less heel.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 18/Dec/17
Vivica A. Fox, Brigitte Nielsen, Nicole Bilderback, Tiffany Panhilason ,Zoe Bell, Kristanna Loken
Click Here
Look at 1:41 when Brigitte crushes the wristwatch, if she wears these heels in the heightchart pic, she´s under 1,80m in 2014

Editor Rob
with a painted chart, it's never quite sure if the person doing it has made 6ft right in the middle of the thick 1 inch mark or not.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 18/Dec/17
RisingForce said on 27/May/17
She says she's 6'1" "without the heels" at the 10 second mark in this interview: Click Here
I think she was 1,82m peak and is 1,80m today.
Click Here The mugshot in footwear clearly shows she´s only 6ft in shoes. 6ft1in in footwear and at the top of her hair...
"without the heels" can mean in normal footwear.
Rob do you think she´s still near enough her peak height?

Editor Rob
today she could have lost 1cm...I believe on the far right of that photo is Kristanna Loken and beside her zoe bell.
Rising - 174 cm said on 4/Aug/17
I'm bad at guessing weight when it comes to women on the tall side, but I'd say she easily cleared 130 pounds. Even back in the 80s, she was slender as a model will be, but never looked too thin. My uncle saw her and Mark Gastineau both wearing mink coats in the 80s. My uncle was near 5'10" back then and even dated a 6'2" woman and fwiw, when I asked him, he had no doubt Brigitte was over 6 feet. My uncle has a pretty good perception of heights, even seeing them on screen. He believed Gastineau's 6'5" listing seemed right and it does look believable seeing Mark with Joe Klecko. Brigitte could measure up pretty well to Mark in medium heels.
Could she have been a bit over 6'0" or measured 6'1" in the morning? One reason I mention it is the sheer amount of times she's claimed 6'1" and specifically saying without heels. Since she's also said 6', I'd think there's a decent chance she's between the two heights.
@S.J.H.: She actually said 5'9"-5'9.5" and I do think he's right in between at 176 cm, or possibly 5'9" flat. Then she said 174-175 cm for Sly and I think he could have been right in between at 5'8.75" or possibly the full 175 cm. Either way, she seems quite good at estimating heights so I'd love to see how tall she thought Arnold and Dolph were back in the 80s. I think Sigourney Weaver was also very accurate with
Mel Gibson at 5'9" so these really tall actresses seem to wind up with a good perception of height. Now all we need is to ask Geena Davis how tall Brad Pitt is!
Test111 said on 3/Aug/17
181 mark my words, 183 right out of bed
even said on 19/Jul/17
6 feet tall and a minimum 130 pounds
RisingForce said on 27/May/17
She says she's 6'1" "without the heels" at the 10 second mark in this interview:
Click Here
That's what I've usually seen her claim so I'm surprised she also went with the regular 6 foot at one point. Either way, I'd agree she's probably closer to 6'0" than 6'1".
Martin 6'2 said on 11/May/17
Either way she's obviously around the 6'0" mark, I always remember in Beverly Hills Cop II, "what if I told you guys there's a 6 foot blonde working here" lol
RisingForce said on 30/Mar/17
She's also claimed 6'1" many times. Worth mentioning because with very tall women, it's not always the case that the shortest claim is their max. This listing is fine, but 184 cm peak wouldn't surprise me at all.
Lak said on 16/Feb/17
With arnie back in the 80's
Click Here
jennifer moorman said on 24/Nov/16
at her age she has lost one and one forth inches so she is 5 feet 10 and three forths
S.J.H said on 11/Nov/16
Like honest 6'0 Brigitte Nielsen say Eddie Murphy is 5'9.5
Josh Jeffords said on 2/Nov/16
Was super hot and tall in 80s not sure how tall.
She did tower stallone but that is done 5 11 or better.
Has better build than Geena don't think she's over 6 ft.
S.J.H said on 8/Aug/16
5'11.5 now and 6'0 peak is possible
Bruce 5'11 1/2 said on 14/May/16
She might have grazed 6'1 in her younger years still very tall for a woman.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Apr/16
Arnold was definitely taller than her
Isa Tomboy said on 25/Jan/16
She really looks Amazonian and I would guess 185 cm at least (let's admit she's always the tallest in films and shows... and wherever she is!!!)
Judd ISR said on 18/Sep/15
i actually think she never been measured by GWR, also because she isn't and wasn't the tallest actress alive...
Personally i think 182 cms (my choice) and 183 cms are both reliable, while 181 cms and 184 cms much less, 180 cms or 185 cms are out of my mind!
184.3cm (Night) said on 3/Sep/15
I believe her claim of 6 foot. Maybe she would drop a quarter inch under at worst but she seems to know height pretty good.
Judd ISR said on 31/Aug/15
As I said before, I don't know why they wrote 6'2"...I just remember to have watched the TV program and Brigitte was in the TV studio...the host of the program (was a lady) gave her the trophy and said that "with an height of 182 cms" she was at times the tallest actress...
The language wasn't English but unfortunately I not able to find the video, at time...the program took place I guess not less than 3-4 years ago or more...
I think 5'11.75"-6' is a good listing for the Danish actress, 6'1" is generous (because I think if she's lucky she reach 6'1 just woke up after long rest) and 6'1.75-2" is a nice gift!
184.3cm (Night) said on 24/Aug/15
I dont agree either with 187cms Judd but that is what it says in the link posted by Jonah so its not good evidence.
Judd ISR said on 31/Jul/15
184.3cm says on 14/Apr/15
I know its an old post (feb 6, 2014) but i need to correct that error. Your link says that Guinness measured her at 6ft 2 / 187cm not 182 cm . Maybe read it properly next time jeez.
That's not true! I ve watched a video years ago where Brigitte Nielsen was guest to the GWR show...
The video was in a different language but translated to Israeli and I remember that the host gave to Brigitte a prize and said that, with a statute of 182 cms, she was the current tallest actress in Hollywood!
184.3cm said on 14/Apr/15
I know its an old post (feb 6, 2014) but i need to correct that error. Your link says that Guinness measured her at 6ft 2 / 187cm not 182 cm . Maybe read it properly next time jeez.
Judd said on 23/Mar/15
182 cms IMO.
184.3cm said on 14/Mar/15
As listed. 6 foot on the nose.
M said on 12/Mar/15
Yes she is really very tall women 1.85m.
jim said on 4/Sep/14
5ft 11 is the best estimate for her as she is shorter than arnold in the movie and arnold now has shrunk from 6ft 1
zyber said on 6/Jul/14
overall,height estimation in here, is far from reliable and there really is no way to validate or debunk without actually measuring. for one, uma thurman is clearly taller than elle macpherson but their estimated heights here shows otherwise. arguments here are really of no use. brigitte appears very tall in all her movies. i find it incredulous that she is estimated here as below 6'1.
john said on 3/Jul/14
she looks more 185cm rob
avi said on 8/Feb/14
@Jonah says on 6/Feb/14
rob, in this article is written that she was measrured in the Guinness World Record at "6 ft or 1.82 m".
Because the show took place in Europe where they adopt the international system maybe she was measured at 1.82 m and they wrote simply 6 ft instead 5 ft 11 3/4?
yeah she is closer to 5'11 than 6'0
Jonah said on 6/Feb/14
rob, in this article is written that she was measrured in the Guinness World Record at "6 ft or 1.82 m".
Because the show took place in Europe where they adopt the international system maybe she was measured at 1.82 m and they wrote simply 6 ft instead 5 ft 11 3/4?
Click Here
kevin78 said on 13/Jan/14
always looked 6,3" at least with heels to me
Bob said on 31/Dec/13
She was in the movie "she's too tall".If they were going to make a movie about a tall woman you would think she would be at least 6ft right Rob? I think she is 6ft!
Soupeman said on 18/Nov/13
The red sonja and conan picture cant really be used as a ref. She is clearly stranding on a rock! Some of you guys never cease to amaze me! Taller than arnold Come on! In Danish interviews she is always described as 182cm the metric way is more accurate!
Nelson said on 27/Sep/13
There is no way Brigitte is 6'1". I (6'0.5) stood beside her at a restaurant and was taller than her. She is very slight. Perhaps this give the illusion of being taller.
Jeremy said on 20/Sep/13
Brigitte is 5'11'' 180 181 cm
Tim said on 18/Sep/13
She is 1,82 / 1,83 / 5.971 / 6' 0 . Ronnie 6'0
Click Here
Yaspaa said on 22/Aug/13
@Arch - I'm not being fooled by her hair, you're being fooled by her posture. There's barely anything between them.
avi said on 11/Aug/13
no Rob has it right she appears more often a weak 6'0 BAREFOOT then over 6'0. she actually may be my height exactly just 6'0 flat.
Jewel said on 6/Aug/13
she is 6.1.
thomaskim said on 21/Jul/13
This need to be rectified.
She's 6'1 barefoot by her own admission
Click Here
NIckyV said on 11/Jul/13
Saw her tonight at the Traders Joe's in Toluca Lake. She is still at least 6 feet tall if not a bit more. I am a hair over 6'1" and we each had similar running shoes on and I had her by just over an inch. She was wearing a ball cap but it was pulled close to her head so that wasn't skewing her true height. Still a tall lady with very long legs and in better shape than you might think.
shorty said on 8/May/13
am 19 yrs old and oly 5'4 feel a bit embassing when i go out wit my gal she's 6'1...can anyone suggest how 2 grow tall by 5-6 inches
Arch Stanton said on 21/Apr/13
Eh, Arnie looks 6'1" range in that pic, don't be fooled by Brigitte's puffy hair!
Yaspaa said on 20/Apr/13
Another pic showing Arnie nowhere near 6'2. Paul L. Smith is listed 6'4
Click Here
Click Here
The guy was always about 6'0, 6'2 was and is a joke.
Arch Stanton said on 20/Apr/13
From what I've seen she's very decent at estimating the height of men. Spot on with Eddie Murphy and Sly I think. Does she have a website or something? I think we should try to contact her and declare Arnie's peak height, might shock a few of the "He was 5'11" peak" claimers.

Editor Rob
she done an event a few years ago that I couldn't go to, but I know a few people and one 6ft 3 guy who thought she still was about 6 foot.
Arch Stanton said on 20/Apr/13
I get a 6'3" impression of her in those heels.
leonari said on 23/Feb/13
Her husband is 5'7". She said it on TV
Arch Stanton said on 21/Feb/13
Click Here
Rob how tall do you think she would measure and looks in those heels? i think they're giving her hubby a hard time as they not only has those heels but pavement advantage. Her husband is probably average range maybe?
tom said on 2/Jan/13
shes was taller than arnie in red sonja,arnie cant be more than 6-0.5!!! watch film for proof.
mId said on 2/Jan/13
Click Here
In this pic she seems taller than arnold even.. she's not even standing straight with her leg. Some think Arnold was as low as 6' at his peak. 182 seems right for gitte.
thorterr said on 11/Oct/12
arnie def 6ft 2? er no hes scrapping 6ft ,,my ideal woman brigette would still be taller than arnie,,,she would be near 8ft as i would be on my knees looking up to her
TR said on 29/Sep/12
She is 6'1'' for sure, she is a huge woman, you can see it in Red Sonja, Arnold was just a little bit taller... and he is definitely 6'2''.
Td said on 26/Sep/12
She's 6'1" barefoot; 6'6" with 5' heels , believe me!
Brad said on 21/Jan/12
As listed. Sly wore monster 3.5" wedges throughout the marriage.
maio said on 19/Dec/11
i think she was 5 ft 11.25 in/181 cm during 80's. Today it's possible she lost 0,5 cm...
She's a very tall woman, yeah, but she always used heels, so she looked taller. I think she's never been a full six feet, how she claims...
Sword said on 20/Oct/11
For me, Sly stood too close to her head also with his shoes, and however she doesn't look like a 6' woman to me. I'd say 5'10.5 max.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 20/Jun/11
her son is tall too. he's at least 6'4!
Morningheight said on 4/May/11
Rob, do u believe what Nick said down there on 23/Apr/10, or was he talking nonsense?

Editor Rob
every day I walk around my town centre which is pretty big so I do see a fair number of women appearing in the 5ft 9-6ft range women, but of course many have a heel on. Compared to the amount under 5ft 9 the proportion over does seem small in comparison.
Stockyandfat said on 4/May/11
@ Nick
Either you dreamed u saw those tall girls, or maybe you just have a really bad perception. In fact, most girls never really make it to 5'8+ and a lot of them wear high heels and lifts as well as having hair advantage, so they will seem taller at times. If you're really 5'9, you would be taller than 99 % of girls out there.
Johan Cruyff said on 29/Apr/11
First, you're a typical ignorant person. As you know nothing about medicine, you don't know that the REAL HEIGHT OF A PERSON IS THE MORNING HEIGHT! Everybody lose nearly 2 cm from the morning to the night for the gravity's force existence! If you travel on space, you have always the same height: your full/morning height! I give you another example: if you go to the sea, and sunbathe, you became dark skin as you never are during winter: you could say your skin is dark, because in that moment you're dark, but your real skin is lighter! It's the same thing: you could tell everybody your height is the evening height, but your real height is the morning height!
Second, Nielsen is a solid 6ft/1.83m in the morning and 5'11.25ft/1.81m in the afternoon, no more!!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Apr/11
Looked 2 inches taller than Eddie Murphy....
Johan Cruyff said on 8/Apr/11
@ TruebloodFan
No, it's too much for her 181.5-181 in the evening! In the end of the day i think she's under 181 cm, sure!
TruebloodFan said on 7/Apr/11
181.5-182 @ night
Johan Cruyff said on 4/Apr/11
Brigitte Nielsen height's are:
Morning (out of bed)= 6' (1.83 m)
After 1,5-3 hrs= 5'11.75-5" (1.82 -1.81,5 m)
After 5-10 hrs= 5'11.5-25" (1.81,5 - 180.9 m)
Brigitte Nielsen's real height is 6' (1.83 m)
Doug said on 4/Mar/09
No I think you're 1cm too low on this. She is 184 cm, 6'0.5 for sure. Not quite 6'1" but a little over 6 flat barefoot.
RisingForce said on 4/Nov/08
Didn't she give her height as 184 cm once? That's 6'0.5" and it makes sense. She looked atleast that tall next to 6'2" Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Domo said on 22/Jul/08
she looks taller because she's going out with Jamie Cullum who's like 5ft4
Lawrence said on 25/Mar/08
I think it's the metric thing,cos in the big brother house she said she was 10cm taller than Stallone at 184cm.and she had to where slipers on there wedding day.that would explane the 6'-6'1''cos realy she is 6'.5''.
Anonymous said on 16/Mar/08
She is 5'11.5 - 6'0 barefoot. in heels around 6'3 -6'4
Hop Sing said on 20/Feb/08
She's 6' on the nose. How do I know. I stood next to her at 11 A.M. on Saturday.
dmeyer said on 16/Jan/08
5'11.75 was to short for but she does say murphy is 5'9.5
Alex said on 10/Jan/08
She could be 6'0.5 rounding down. Shes bare minimum 6'0.
Sid said on 7/Jan/08
When she was on celeb big brother the channel 4 site descibed her as 6'1" but in 1986 film cobra when the bad cop is checking her details on computer, it says 6'!
Sid said on 6/Jan/08
Yay, Rob used da info I gave!
sparti said on 9/Nov/07
i've met her 3 years ego when she came to italy, and while walking down the street she could turn everybody's had specially for the fact of being tall. she 's worn high heel shoes. i made a photo with her. at the beginning i felt embarassed of the fact that my friend had difficulty on focusing the camera of my mobile phone. she was more than a head taller than me and i am 5'7 .so she bowed her head to come at the same level as me. i murmured ''don't slouch".
''i can't do otherwise .i'm 197 cm in heels '' she said.
Zoot said on 30/Oct/07
Find the photo of Sly on his tip toes (both without shoes) trying to kiss her. She's bending over. She's 6' and he's a very weak 5' 9".
supes78 said on 27/Oct/07
I agree, she's at least 6 foot tall. She was the same height as Arnold in Red Sonja and looks absolutely gigantic no matter where you see her.
dmeyer said on 25/Jul/07
rob how tall was she at peak 184 185 cm
Alex said on 4/Jul/07
In Rocky she was around 5 inches shorter than 6'5 Drago. She's a legit 6'0 girl at least.
AL said on 14/Jun/07
I am 5ft 10 and she towered on me when i met her 2 years back in la. She was only in flat sandals so more near 6ft 2 to me.
Chris said on 2/May/07
hmm...I would say she is 6' or 6'1''
Jean-Luc said on 11/Apr/07
She definately is in the 182-184cm range which makes her much taller than Sly Stallone. By the way is your height measured in the morning your true height?
Alex said on 13/Jan/07
I was just watching the new Surreal Life game show with 10 of Surreal Life members over the series of the show and she looked to be at least a solid 6'0 girl. She was a few inches taller than 5'10 Chyna Doll but Brigette was in heels but still looks to be a good 6'0 or maybe closer to 6'1 to me.
Mr Mayfair said on 10/Jan/07
She used to claim to be 5.11 but is actually 6.1, at least. The first time we met she turned around really quick and nearly knocked me out, but not with fists...
You should see her in high heels!
Aussie Bloke said on 19/Nov/06
She's a tricky one, because at times she appeared the same height or shorter than Sly Stallone, and that was with heels on! He must have been wearing enormous lifts on those occassions, or possibly she is not around the 6ft mark, and more around the 5ft10 mark. Like I said though, she is a tricky one!
Franco said on 10/Nov/06
she comes so much to Italy it was impossible not to meet her.
just this year in June she was in Italy shopping and she had some 2 inch sandals so i went up to her and from my personal perspective since i'm 1.93cm i can say she looks 99% around 1.82cm indeed (if you take off the sandals).
i want to add that she ain't that pretty personally but her personality is really nice if maybe i little pushed into sexual area, couldn't help noticing her scanning me up and down, i don't consider myself the most handsome man ever but i do recognize when a woman is trying to eat you alive with her eyes. :-D
so yeah, 1.82 cm is her height, great personality, not pretty face (today) although she looked sweet & sexy when younger.
TaTYtA said on 27/Oct/06
She's very tall. I think she's taller than Saffron Burrows (6'0''). Brigitte height's about 6'1''-'1.25'' (185 - 186 cm.). I saw her picture with high heels was 6'4'' (193 cm.) May be taller than 193.
somebody said on 12/Oct/06
I have seen her on tv with a famous man who is 178 cm tall (he mentioned that),
and Brigitte was in fact surprisingly taller than him. The difference between them was more than 20 cms (she was in high heeled shoes).
Anshelm said on 24/Sep/06
And some sources are just more generous than others. Check out the caption of the top right photo on this one:
Click HereI don't speak German either, but that should be clear enough all the same.
Anshelm said on 24/Sep/06
I'm quite sure Guinness hasn't actually measured these celebrities. They're very strict when it comes to absolute human height records, but with celebrities, models, athletes and the like they just include the heights they're (more or less officially) listed at. It should also be noted that they're unit conversions have been slightly off: Christopher Lee and Vince Vaughn at 6'5"/194 cm and the ladies at 6'/182 cm. And they did list Kate Moss at 173 cm/5'8" in the 1996 edition...
Dunno, 184 cm is what I've seen in Danish and Finnish media, and that seems to be the original metric figure. No idea about its honesty though. Looks huge most of the time.
frank p said on 7/Apr/06
Ok, help out the metrically challeneged here. What is that exactly is 182cm in feet & inches?
JUSTMATT said on 8/Jan/06
Rob sometimes I don't understand you...I told you that her height is exactly 182 cm and that she was officialy measured for Guinness World Records Book!! If you take the book you will find that, and the same is for Sigourney Weaver so why you still have them at a wrong height???

Editor Rob
some pages don't get refreshed straight away, but now tis updated...
Jack said on 8/Jan/06
Brigitte looks about 5'11" to me. She's always wearing such big heels so maybe 6'1" is with heels.
JUSTMATT said on 7/Jan/06
Ok Rob this is a scoop for you! Brigitte Nielsen is exactly 182 cm tall and she is in the Guinness World Record Book as the tallest actress who plays a principal role. She win the Guinness with Sigourney Weaver who is exactly the same height!
Anshelm said on 10/Nov/05
This is where I found the metric stats:
Though now I couldn't get it open, so I had to use the Google cache:
But anyway, that 184 cm (6'½") sounds plausable, since inchwise her height is usually put at either 6' (183 cm) or 6'1" (185 cm).
Yet there's a website claiming she's 189 cm/6'2½"...
Anshelm said on 23/Jul/05
Her metric height is usually given at 184 cm. One place I saw this was a Danish webpage, that also gave her weight at 67 kg. Apparently this page is down, since I couldn't find it anymore.
Smoke said on 2/Apr/05
Definately a tall lady, but if she's 6'1" then Flavor Flav is closer to 5'7". Flav is only 5'6" if Brigitte is 6'0".
tommy said on 2/Mar/05
She's tiptoeing in that picture.