Mohammed 170cm said on 8/Feb/22
180 cm
Bigggggggdan said on 28/Dec/20
Donot care how tall she is, she. A Stunning lady
Hulk.23 said on 8/Aug/20
I think she is 5’11/180cm or maybe 5’10.75...She looked a tad shorter than a strong 5’11 Uma Thurman...
Karin Marie said on 23/Jul/20
Carlos Tdad, Stacey Williams was never a supermodel; she was a model. Elle, was a supermodel. Gorgeous and I'd say 6'in her prime.
anca said on 28/Apr/20
Taller than Claudia with at least 4 cm
Nik Adhton said on 18/Mar/20
I would love to see a photograph of both Elle and Missi Pyle!
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 30/May/19
@Bradley You're met her with more footwear. Shes more like 5'11 1/4 not 6'0 and never was.
Duffer 5ft 11 said on 20/Mar/19
We met back in the 90s and she looked close to an inch taller than me, so yeh round 6' peak, maybe a little below that nowadays. That gorgeous smile never leaves her face:)
Bradley said on 10/Jan/19
Met her years ago, 6 flat easy.
Tall girl said on 10/Jan/19
I think these comments are so funny. I am 5’11 barefoot and Elle is every bit of 5’11-6’0. You can just tell. 100%. And as for her weight... she’s a model and very very thin. I think 140 lb range is very believable. I’m an inch shorter and when I was a teen I was briefly under 140 and that’s very very thin but as a model... they ARE very thin. Elle would not lie about her height. She’s the real deal. Love her!
PAN BERRY said on 9/Dec/18
Looks 6 feet barefoot tbh, gonna give her 181.5 cm or 5’11.5”
kiki said on 21/Jul/18
hi rob
how tall Elle in these heels?
Click Here

Editor Rob
They'd give her over 3 inches comfortably, more in 3.5-3.7 range I'd expect
Susie said on 21/Jun/18
Im sure that the ones griping and offended about Allys smoothie drink replacment are all the fat girls trying to fit in again...take her advice and drink those drinks big girls or, stay fat and and quit hating the thin beauties...
anca said on 11/May/18
taller than claudia schiffer-1.78
CarlosTdad said on 12/Feb/18
Agreed Pedro.... I believe that would put her around 5'11" or thereabouts. She is very beautiful and tall, but not that tall when she stands next to other tall women. In the video posted here on May 9th, 2016 if you look from around 58:30 you would see that only Miss India was shorter than her.... Miss Venezuela and Miss Greece were much taller than her and Miss Puerto Rico and USA were around the same height as her. Then shortly after when she stood beside Naomi Campbell there was almost no difference. Less than an inch I would say and they both had on similar heels. So the models and celebrities of today who tower over Naomi would also tower over Elle. The only pics publicly available are those with Karlie Kloss and Karolina Kurkova.... but there are so many more models who would make Elle look short. Most of the pics you see are her next to short women... They should post some of her next to her native Australian women's basketball team. Imagine seeing her with Elizabeth Cambage who is 6'8"...
PedroA said on 11/Feb/18
CarlosTdad...elle problably between 178 - 180...and im very generous ;))))))
CarlosTdad said on 7/Feb/18
I would say 5'11" is probably believable compared to the 90s supermodels. I love the comparison pics next to Karlie Kloss but I wish I could see her next to the other KK.... Karolina Kurkova. She would be taller than Elle also. Tiiu Kuik, Michelle Buswell, Erin O Connor, Erin Heatherton, Ana Hickmann, Ana Beatriz Barros, Julia Stegner, Hana Soukopova, Oluchi Onweagba, Lais Ribeiro, Jade Parfitt, Adriana Sklenarikova, Natalia Bush, Delisa Varik and so many others. Those would make some pretty cool comparisons for Elle.....
Don Julio said on 13/Jan/18
Nah 180-181 cm max
Junior said on 19/Dec/17
Might be dipping into 5'11.25" and 135 pounds.
Nona said on 18/Dec/17
Will give her an even 6’0” and 155 way is she only 130 lbs
Carlos Tdad said on 2/Dec/17
She was not the tallest supermodel of the 90s. Stacey Williams was 6’2” and comfortably taller than even Elle
MaryAnne said on 25/Nov/17
According to some resources her Leg length is 1,23 cm. Can it be true,Rob? As she has never been named as the model with the longest legs. She was always referred one of the tallest ones but her legs were not a talk of the business even though they are extremely long I have not seen her legs were referred to the longest ones.

Editor Rob
nearly 48.5 inches is long to the hip, but not impossible for near 6ft women.
MaryAnne said on 14/Nov/17
When I was a kid I had an idea which was lingering my mind that Elle was the tallest supermodel.
I was quite surprised when I learn that she was not even full 6'0.
RuiCosta said on 26/Oct/17
she was the tallest model on the 90's
Barberboy said on 7/Oct/17
I seriously doubt this listed height I was watching a old episode of friends and she appeared similar height to 5'9 Matt le Blanc.
Farhan said on 4/Aug/17
135 lbs? give me a break. the number one thing women lie about is their weight. If she was in the 130's at that height she would look much slimmer. Id say she is like around 150.
even said on 24/Jul/17
your answer : out of bed = 5'11.75" , after working for 18 hours = 5'11"
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Feb/17
5ft11.5! Hmmm! Do you think she could spare a couple for me? 😖
pedro said on 8/Sep/16
And what you conclue Barney ???
People please...see the video Miss Universe 2001 Elle and Naomi after Ricky of the best proves that...she isnt 183...ahahah...
Alex said on 17/Aug/16
Never been sure if I believe 6' for her, she never looked much taller than Matt le Blanc on friends, I'd say 5'10"-5'11" range
Carlos Tdad said on 15/Jul/16
Yes Pedro those pics were shocking! Especially for me who grew up idolising Cindy Crawford and Elle when I was a teenager. They're both still super gorgeous for their age.... Elle still has an amazing body and skin. Elle was usually the tallest in any pic.....But today's supermodels are clearly taller. I really had to do a double take when I realised it was Elle next to Karlie in that pic.... crazy! A lot of the models now, although shorter than Karlie.... she doesn't tower over them as much as she towers over Elle.... So Ana Beatriz Barros, Jourdan Dunn etc are all taller.... Frida Gustavsson, Ireland Baldwin and the list goes on. Like I said though... Elle is still hot like fire!!!!
Carlos Tdad said on 13/Jul/16
Yes Pedro I noticed the shoes! When I first saw those pics I couldn't believe that it was Elle being dwarfed like that in heels 😳😳😳
I literally had to look twice to believe it.... Boy is Karlie tall! If they were both in flats the difference may have been even more crazy... It would be interesting to see Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell and the others line up against Karlie, seeing as Elle is taller than all of them. On a side note Pedro.... Have you seen Elle next to L'Wren Scott???? Insane!
Barney said on 6/Jul/16
Spot on. She walked into a ritzy department store in nyc using revolving door and I was right behind her. 1997. My exact height- 5 11 1/2 midday. Didn't know it was her right away. Super skinny. Oh and she was wearing flats. Cheers
Pedro said on 3/Jul/16
And even more shocking the picture of Elle and Karlie Kloss... do you notice their shoes??? The shoes of Elle are platforms heels more tall, than the shoes of karlie...again ... reputation crasched...ahaha
Carlos Tdad said on 11/Jun/16
OKay 5'6" or 5'7" is ridiculous. The woman is tall..... One of the tallest supermodels of her era. Which is why it is crazy seeing those pics of her next to Karlie Kloss! Boy oh boy does Karlie make tall people look short! I would say Elle and Claudia Schiffer are around the same height.... 5'11"....and that was very tall back in the day but these supermodels today are making them look small in comparison. Besides Karlie, there are other tall women these days that would shrimp Elle.... Sharapova, Lauren Jackson, Toni Garrn (who looks as tall as Karlie), Natalia Bush just to name a few. The supermodel Oluchi Onweagba is well over six feet as well. But I still love Elle and I still think her body is on point, even up to this day she could outclass many of today's VS models. Seeing her next to Karlie was a real WOW moment.... Elle used to make everyone look so short (and still does) so I loved seeing Karlie absolutely tower over her :-)
charlie said on 13/May/16
I don't think her natural height is 6 ft. The 6 ft height listed is her height with heels on. She strikes me as very tall but then she is wearing vry tall heels. Take those heels off and she will be 5 ft 6 to 5 ft 7. I will say she is 5 ft 7 inches flat feet of course.
Pedro said on 9/May/16
PEOPLE GO SEE THIS VIDEO...after Ricky Martin in the beguining of the show...naomi campbell is 5.8 (according to articles of magazines in Paris) ....
Click Here
John said on 6/May/16
There are many pics of her on gettyimages in that outfit and she is clearly in flats
J.Lee said on 4/May/16
John how do you know
J.Lee said on 4/May/16
Rob you said there is not much between Elle and Brooke. Would you say Brooke is an inch taller in the pic?

Editor Rob
depends on posture and whether the camera is helping one side or the other.
john said on 3/May/16
Elle is in flats in the picture below
J.Lee said on 2/May/16
Rob, does Elle look shorter than Brooke in this pic?
Click Here
Could she be shorter than 5 ft 11.5?

Editor Rob
not sure how much brooke's shoe is there, but I don't think there is really much between them
john said on 29/Apr/16
I'm changing my mind again after seeing Karlie taller than Caitlyn Jenner on wireimage. I'm convinced Karrie is 6-3 so Elle is 6 feet
Pedro said on 26/Apr/16
John ... is Pedro again...i forgive
John said on 19/Apr/16
I agree 100% that she should be downgraded to 5-11. Elle's top of her head comes past Karlie's eyebrows so I think she is 3 inches shorter but I am convinced that Karlie is a true 6-2. Notice that Gisele didn't even reach Karlie's eyes and Klum didn't reach her nose so you need to downgrade Gisele to 5-9 and Klum to 5-7 as well. Even shorter if you are convinced that Kloss is 6-1. I will stop saying that Elle is 6-0 or 6-1 as this clearly proves she is not.
James said on 18/Apr/16
Another reputation crashed! Go to, typ in: "Karlie Kloss Elle Macpherson", and see that Elle can't be taller than the 5'9 / 5'10 range. Footwear of both ladies is more or less the same. Downgrade, please.
charlie said on 7/Apr/16
I just saw The Edge great movie with her in it. She did not appear That tall compared to Anthony Hopkins and she was wearing heels in the movie. I will say her height flat feet is 5' 6" inches. with heels she appears 5 foot 9 to 5 foot 10 inches. She was just a tad taller than Anthony who is probably 5' 7" inches. Elle Macpherson is 5' 6" barefoot and 5' 9" or 5' 10" with heels on. Many of these so called 5' 10" actresses were measured that height while wearing heels.
John said on 25/Mar/16
I disagree 100% that is all I'm saying
Pedro said on 12/Mar/16
John ... please see the video of Miss Universe 2001 after Ricky Martin song...Naomi and Elle...same shoes- good angle...of course that Elle is more taller than Naomi...but not the enought to have much do you give to Naomi ??? Here in France a article said that Naomi was 5'8 ...a portuguese magazine said that she was smaller...John do you really belive that the Guiness Book doesnt lie...everybody lie...specially in the "Era" of the super-models ...people have to create the idea that Elle was the super one ... because she sells a lot...and thats why she need marketing in that time to create her image...there isnt any proof that she as 183...the Guiness Book is not a valid proof...problably the editors of the Guiness Book received money each time someone use the book to promote their selfs...(im not saying that s the case) - id say 178 179-180 max. ...and because im very generous.
John said on 7/Mar/16
way to totally avoid my question...why the hell would Guinness book of records care about marketing? There is proof in the world record book as a 6-1 model.
Pedro said on 3/Mar/16
John ...its all marketing trust the business they are... they have to lie a lot...if she was 1.83 why they didnt show as a proff...i think you agreed with me that Naomi is small ??? ok 1.74 cm its not small...but for a runway model it is...i live in paris and trust me ... the models here are very tall and extreme slim like 1.83 1.84...thats why they are not to youtube and see the Miss Universe 2001 after Rick Martin can she have 1.83?? if Naomi have 1.75 she couldn t have 1.83...and thats a good proff because...they have the same shoes - same posture - same floor and you can see everything...iam just saying that elle is around 178 179 180...but dont forget the angles camara never...there is models in the world much more heighter than elle... and with better body lololololol....
John said on 1/Mar/16
1 question Pedro..Why was she listed by Guinness Book of Records as being the tallest supermodel at 6-1? Do you think they actually measured her or do you think Guinness records are all made up? I am really interested in how you will try to explain away the 6-1 measurement.
Pedro said on 27/Feb/16
John with all the respect...i think you are very influenced by the photos and marketing illusions that you see on the internet.... because i had already saw your comments and some photos that you post and i think you analyse the thinks in a very bad way...You have to see many many many times diferents photos, you have to put attention to their shoes they use, the angles, their posture saw once a comment that you post on a event called Fashion Cafe about Naomi, Claudia and Elle and... in that photo Elle was towering very much over the two because the angle and elle was in a first other photo of the same event ...they were almost the same +- height...Elle was bigger but not so much...but here you can see... that the angles and the lents make illusions and magic....after your comment on that photo... iam sorry Jhon ... but i dont give to you credit ***
John said on 19/Feb/16
Pedro is insane
Did you watch her get an award on TNT for sports illustrated? She towered Chrissy Teigen who is listed here at 5-8 (even though she is probably 5-7) and she was at least 2 inches taller than 5-11 Rebecca Romijn (who also towered over Teigen).
Allie said on 17/Feb/16
If Tyra's 5'9 so is Gisele and Adriana because they always looked like the same height.
I think Elle is probably no shorter than 181. She was taller than Claudia who I doubt is no more than 179-180 max and if Rebecca's 5'9 that would make Famke 177-178 cm as was always an inch taller and she's not. She claims 182 cm, looks it in pics and is not dwarfed by taller guys and people who have seen her said she looks near 183 cm.
Pedro said on 4/Feb/16
The video of Miss Universe 2001 on YouTube, after the Ricky Martin apresentation, comes Naomi and Elle....My goodness Elle Lies So Much... after this proof... here some tips...about the height of Rebbecca Rominjin and Tyra Banks...check this video ...
Click Here ... surprise hein ...
Ya Rebecca Rominjn is problably 175 - 176 and its ok ...because she is + - the some height of Jhon Stamos (175) check photos of their marriage and also because she is a little bit smaller than Tyra Banks...people from here (2 persons minin) have allready saw Tyra WITHOUT shoes and they confirm that she is 1.75 the same height of those people that saw Tyra...and is correct because in the begguining of her carrer Tyra Banks was tagged by her agency as 175 cm....ok...
let s be very generous problably 176- 177---BUT DEFENITLY bigger than Rebecca...
And now ...check the video 2006 of Sports Illustrated - Rebecca and Elle...uaaauuu amayzing ...Rebecca and Elle almost the same height....problably Elle a little bigger (178-179), but not to have 182... NEVER ...and i belive...why??? because there was some people here that saw Elle in a event and they confirm that she was 176 177 barefoot...ok... we have to be in accout mistakes and optical illusions and opinian 179-180 Maximm of Maximum for elle...
The height of poor Naomi is esyear...
1) She is always the most smaller of all...
2) Check videos of Victoria Screet shows and compared Naomi with Heidi (172 173 174 maxim) Naomi is always smaller (give to Naomi 173 - with shoes problably 175-176 but + - the same height of Heidy --- almost the same.... ) lololol...
3) check the video of Naomi and Tyra show ...Tyra(176 -177) is bigger than Naomi 173 of course...
4) and now the height off Rebecca 176 and Heidi 174...of course...Rebecca is more taller... dont forget ALWAYS to see shoes ALWAYS and camera angles...
But Naomi (173 ok... lets be generous 174) is ONE of the keys to discover the heights of many celebrities because she is in all the photos with them...and people...dont be surprised by the photos of the internet...You ill see many contradictions... but look ALWAYS to the shoes and camera angles**********
Pedro said on 3/Feb/16
I ll show one of the Best Proof that Elle Macpherson LIES about her heigh so much...and after this video many people from this site will be surprise ... one of the secrets to reveal the true height of elle is to know the height of naomi campbel...naomi campbell is short... compared to the other models even compared to heidi klum, naomi is a bit smaller...i think that naomi have 173 174 ...problably her maximum 177. NOW CHECK THIS VIDEO...
Click Here ....miss universe 2001 its on youtube...heres a tip...after ricky martin be attention to their shoes and the height of their sholders, eyes and head. .... how can elle have 6 not even 180...ahahah...
Judd ISR said on 18/Sep/15
IMO Elle is for sure not under 5'11" but not 6' for sure at night.
everywhere between 5'11 and 5'11.5 is fine...
M said on 18/Aug/15
@Andrea very good calculation and notification..If she is in heels then she is 5'10" and it is just strong proof how much do they lie about height..How she can be 1.83m and Nadia Auerman who is really taller then she is 1.83m?
John said on 14/Jul/15
Look at the recent pics of her on a yacht in St. Tropez. She is easily over 6 feet. At least 6-1 if not a little more. Look at how long her legs are and how long her upper body is. No other model has an upper body that long. You are way off listing her at under 6 feet
John said on 24/Apr/15
Did anyone see her on Meredith on NBC? When she walked out, the audience was shown and at least 5 people mouthed I can't believe how tall she is.
irshgrl500 said on 23/Mar/15
Bishop "Rob, why do you think she was listed as 6'1" in the Guinness World Records book? Seems strang"
Actually, she is listed in Guinness' book at 6'1", as the tallest model or Supermodel. It was a special edition of Guinness Book of Records, and it was released about 15 years ago (I have it packed away, somewhere.) It also contains many other unusual records. But I think these figures are since outdated, as I believe Karly Kloss is a bit taller than Elle.
Lastly, this publication isn't strange, at all. People are obviously intrigued, if not fascinated by such information.
Judd said on 3/Mar/15
Tunman says on 8/Feb/15
Probably that she had less shoes Andrea.If she was in heels that would make her 5'10 or under.But we can't rule out 180-81 possibly.
did you ever listened any girl that got married with ballerinas on, in the christian ritual? If that guy is actually 6'2" then she can't be over 5'11".
Arch Stanton said on 28/Feb/15
Was it the 1997 article? And of course it's not as if by that stage she really had a reason to downgrade herself, she'd long been famous by then.

Editor Rob
I think it is more likely around the height in that article
Arch Stanton said on 28/Feb/15
Rob what convinced you on the downgrade? I suppose she can look both 5'11 and 6' range at different times.
Tunman said on 8/Feb/15
Probably that she had less shoes Andrea.If she was in heels that would make her 5'10 or under.But we can't rule out 180-81 possibly.
Andrea said on 6/Feb/15
Well, that guy is an italian actor and gets listed at 188 in many sites! I wouldn't put him over that mark since he was shorter than an other guy claims 189 himself! He looks 3 good inches taller than Elle, maybe she's got less shoes than him? If she's in heels, there's noway she's 5'11.5!!!
Andrea said on 5/Feb/15
Rob, how does this guy look next to her?
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
depends what she is in, but he could be somewhere in 6ft 2 range if she is in non-heeled footwear.
pierric said on 29/Jan/15
PEDRO IS RIGHT ! All GOOD pics proove than she's around 179 cms. She's never had been more than...
Judd said on 24/Jan/15
5'11-11.5" is right. Is what she did look next to Uma Thurman!
John said on 18/Jan/15
The fact that she has been listed at 6-1 in a book for records and that she listed at under 6 feet is crazy. This same site has Heidi klum at 5-9 when people who have seen her say she is 5-7. Alessandra Ambrisio and Miranda Kerr are also 5-7 and they are listed at 5-8.5 and 5-9. Kelly Rutherford is listed at 5-8 and in recent wireimage pics next to 5-6.5 Emma rossum, Kelly is an inch SHORTER. Crazy stuff. Elle has been described in articles as freakishly tall and superhumanly tall. That is not something someone would say about a 5-11.5 women. Very tall at that height but not freakishly tall
pedro said on 18/Jan/15
if Naomi Campbell is 175 or maxium of maximum 177...Please see the miss Universe 2001...compared Elle with Naomi Cambell....HOW CAN SHE 6 FOOT...HOW ??? they have the same shoes ...and they are pratically the same height...of course elle is more taller...but not the enought to have 6 foot...maximum elle as 179 180 maximum...compared naomi campbell with claudia schiffer and eva herzigova on the docce gabanna parfum campaingn photos...more less i dont see much different betwen them...tape elle macpherson and fiat on google...the proportions between her and the car can give more less an idea of her height...not impress??? see elle macpherson on bali with tim jeffries, it sems they are in the same height ??? now tape on google elle and tim jeffries...they have a big difference of heights even when she use hells...angles of camera they do magic...its all marketing*****
Bishop said on 16/Jan/15
I think it was a list, but I don't remember since the book was quite a while ago. I guess you have a point on the last part LOL!
Bishop said on 15/Jan/15
Rob, why do you think she was listed as 6'1" in the Guinness World Records book? Seems strange...

Editor Rob
I've no idea the context, was it a list of tall models or just description of them.
didn't Guinness put that guy Moustafa Ismail in their book with having biggest biceps when a blind man could tell his biceps were pumped up with synthol. What's worse is that guy got on talk shows and interviews...
John said on 4/Dec/14
You guys are insane by listing her under 6 feet. She was just at an event in miami and the Miami herald paper said she looked 7 feet tall in heels. I know she was not close to 7 feet but just by saying that she is about 6-6 in heels.
FlameBoy said on 25/Oct/14
Absolute beast i have to say she is still Attractive but unless if i was tall myself i would have to take her down least 2 Grades in my book
John said on 16/Aug/14
Do any of you doubters for a second think that Guinness book of records measure before thy put someone in their book? She was listed at 6-1 in the book. I'm sure they MEASURED her with a RULER before giving her th title of worlds tallest supermodel. As far as friends, Leblanc always wore high heeled workbooks and he more than likely wore lifts. She was always slouching and wore ballet fats in almost every scene.
Calv said on 14/Aug/14
How can she be 6'0... She is at a push 1inch taller than Matt Leblanc in friends wearing flat shoes... And he is listed as 176 cm? She has to be like 178-179cm surely
Click Here
Realist said on 7/Aug/14
Rob how tall is her Amsterdam model and how much heels does it have ?

Editor Rob
which one, the wedged one? Wouldnt give more than 3 inches
John said on 19/Jul/14
Elle macpherson and karlie kloss are the only 2 models that have very long torsos to go along with their long legs. All the other models, who are not taller than 5-8 even though they are listed at being 5-9 and over have long legs and tiny torsos. I don't dispute Uma probably being taller than she is listed but Elle is over 6 feet tall .
Guigne said on 6/May/14
I still think Uma and Elle's heights should be swapped. I don't care what anyone says on here. Those pictures with Thurman prove that Uma is the true 6 footer who plays down her height while Elle is probably around 5'11(and a bit) trying to play up her height. And let's be honest people she's not slouching in most of those pics with Uma.
John said on 11/Apr/14
If you really think she is under 6 feet you are crazy. Remember all of her agencies say she has a size 8.5 or 9 shoe but it has been proven shevisca 12
John said on 20/Mar/14
I know this is about height but will you take a look at the size of her feet...
Click Here
John said on 9/Mar/14
How the heck do you know where they are standing? If Elle is not at least 6 feet, than all the other models are under 5-8
rachela said on 8/Mar/14
Elle 183 ??? One inch taller than Hugh Grant ? LOL
Click Here
John said on 23/Feb/14
I guess you guys are going to say its just camera angle but she TOWERS over Naomi Campbell. I know Elle's shoes are a bit higher but she is so much taller.
Click Here
miss_earth2003 said on 18/Feb/14
You have to understand the context of models and their height. Models under 5'9" usually exagerrate their height to be tall enough for runway, but models over 5'11" say they're shorter than they actually are so designers will hire them. This is because the acceptable height for runway is around 5'10" and designers prefer all the show's models to be about the same height.
Cat girl said on 19/Jan/14
Hey Rob do you think that 67-68kg is a good estimation for her weight on this photo or could you tell me a range (with just 2 possibilities if its possible)?
Click Here ;thanks rob and i loooove your website:)

Editor Rob
I wouldn't have guessed as much as 67kg but 65-6
Carlos said on 19/Jan/14
The photos provided by Maio provided concrete evidence that Uma is at least an inch taller than Elle! Two of the photos were full length and showed footwear clearly. Uma's was flats (so was Elle's) and Uma was not standing straight although Elle was.... Still Uma was clearly taller than her. This was the case with all the other pics.... Uma was clearly taller in all so there is no arguing that. They are both majestically tall women. Not sure if Elle has started to shrink (she is only 49) but she is at least one inch shorter than Uma Thurman!
john said on 25/Nov/13
Explain hos she is only 6 feet? Melissa Odabash has been pictured next to 5 foot 10 Whitney Port and is taller when both are in heels. She is in heels and is almost the same height as a bare foot 6 foot 2 inch Jodie Kidd. Elle is towering over her by at least 3-4 inches in this picture and they are both wearing the same style boots. Don't anyone say its a camera angle.
Click Here
Silent d said on 3/Nov/13
6 foot. I still don't get the 6 foot 1 claims in the guiness world records. That doesn't make sense. Don't they have to clarify their claims?
The Truth said on 11/Sep/13
True 6 footer. And one of the most stunning women in person I have ever met. Knicknamed "The Body" by the modeling industry, they got that right. Other model were in awe of that super long torso.
John said on 7/Aug/13
3rd colum, 3rd pic. Elle is finally not slouching and is taller
John said on 7/Aug/13
Type in Elle McPherson (not macpherson) and Uma.
Jewel said on 6/Aug/13
pierric, elle towers over 5.11 Claudia schiffer in that pic
Click Here
because of perspective. read about it here
Click Here
rick said on 5/Aug/13
John it's a joke ? You should have eyes troubles....tape elle macpherson uma thurman on is ALWAYS shorter...Rob please help me...

Editor Rob
it is possible elle drops a bit more posture with Uma and then can look a bit less, they may well be both 181-2cm range barefoot
John said on 5/Aug/13
Here is the pic that shows Elle is taller than Uma.
Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 3/Aug/13
Rob, how tall his her new hubbie
Click Here 6'3"?

Editor Rob
would seem a decent guess
tiny said on 25/Jul/13
Elle "the body" macpherson is 6'0" & 143 lbs. Would be nice to see a comparison pic of her with the latest Aussie supermodel Robyn Lawley who is 6'2" & 185 lbs.
John said on 24/Jul/13
Explain how Elle towers over 5 foot 11 inch Claudia Schiffer and the are both in heels.
Click Here
John said on 22/Jul/13
There is a pic with Uma in which Elle is clearly taller. In most of the pics she is slouching and Elle is clearly wearing flats. I can't find the pic but I saw it
pierric said on 22/Jul/13
Click Here
Hugh Grant must had mega heels lol
pierric said on 22/Jul/13
ok John but in this case, Uma Thurman is definately 6'1"...
John said on 21/Jul/13
Go to wireimage and search her with Kathy Ireland. Ireland has said that she is 5 feet 11. Both are in heels and Elle is 3-4 inches taller. With them is 5 foot 10 Rachel Hunter and she is shorter than Ireland. Elle slouches and wears flats a lot
pierric said on 20/Jul/13
Why why why we NEVER had seen a good pic that proove she's 183 cms. Why she's ALWAYS looks around 179 cms in a lot of pics ? (With Uma Thurman, Matt Leblanc........)
John said on 10/Jul/13
In her recent harpers bazaar article, she says her son is 6 foot 1 and they share riding boots. She is in small heels and he is in sneakers. She is about 3-4 inches taller than him in small heels. She is at a minimum 6 foot 1(maybe taller) and the reason she looks shorter sometime is bc she wears flats when others next to her are in heels and she slouches all the time to hide her height.
Silent d said on 22/Jun/13
I don't understand guiness world records saying she is 6 foot 1. I don't think you can estimate those things. Guiness is really professional, they will have to measure everything and check if records have been broken. So I find it weird that she appears shorter than uma thurman. Is she really 179cm?
john said on 2/Jun/13
do you really think that "tiny" heidi klum is only 2 1/2 inches shorther than Elle? Elle has been said to be 6 feet 3 by Stephanie Seymour. Remember, Seymour was the first to say that Elle wore a size 12 shoe before it became public that she actually does.
mark said on 25/May/13
over 6 feet EASY ? I doubt...She is too proportioned for being over 6 feet . Especially for a woman...6 feet is accurate for her, and it's REALLY tall for the female gender .
Chiara said on 19/Nov/12
Her arms look really ugly and she has giant hands. I wonder how she got to be a supermodel
Steven said on 7/Nov/12
Her co host from British top model was recently quoted as saying she is enourmous, referring to her height. I would say easy over 6 feet
Silent d said on 31/Oct/12
6 foot. Those uma photos are weird. I remember long time ago uma was listed as 6 foot but she later said she was close to 6 foot. Elle always says she's 6 foot. Size 12 is alright for a 6 foot girl. One of the real supermodels.
Shaun said on 24/Oct/12
Click Here
Damien Aspinall is 6 ft 3 I think. I remember seeing him in pics with Donna Air and always thought he looked 6'3"-6'4" range. I doubt she's 6'1".
Shaun said on 24/Oct/12
maio says on 4/Sep/12
sorry, how can be possible Uma Thurman 5 ft 11 in/180 cm (right for me) and Elle MacPherson 6 ft 0 in/183 cm if Uma looked taller than Ellen?
Look there Click Here Click Here
I'd say Uma 5 ft 11 in and Elle 5 ft 11-10.75 in/180 cm, no more...
Can you see their footwear?
Larc-186.7-188.6cm said on 7/Oct/12
Yeah, something is not right here Rob, she looks all the time shorter than Uma Thurman, and Uma is almost barefoot in those pics.
Steven said on 22/Sep/12
Do you really think she is only 2 inches taller than Cindy Crawford? She is over 6 feet easy. She dips her legs and head in every picture
Steven said on 7/Aug/12
She has already lied that she wears a size 9 shoe when it was proven on tv that she wears an eye popping 12. She was listed in Guinness book of records at 6 foot 1. Honestly, she is at least 6 foot 1 if not taller. Notice in every picture she takes with another person, she always slouches or poses with her legs bent and her head down. She is hiding her true height
queenie said on 6/Aug/12
i think 6' 0" is spot on for elle. also, my 18 year old cousin has recently got signed to a top london model agency. barefoot, she's a strong 6' 1", but she's listed as 5' 11.5" on the website as shaun is right, you don't really want a female model to be over 5' 11", as in 4 inch heels, they're becoming a little too tall.
Shaun said on 5/Aug/12
Remember that 5 ft 10 -5 ft 11 is more desirable for a female model. If she was just 5'11", even 182cm I think she'd claim 5'11". The evidence points to her being actually a smidge above 6' and rounding down to 6'0. They do the same thing with male models over 6'2". They list Schenkenbourg at 6'2 when I think he's around 192cm range.
Shaun said on 5/Aug/12
I vaguely recall her appearing around 6'3" next to 6'1.5"" Jonathan Ross
Shaun said on 5/Aug/12
Ricky says on 21/Dec/11
One of the biggest joke on this web site...On google, tape "elle macpherson matt leblanc" we'll could see she's not over him. Tape " Elle Macpherson Hugh Grant" and see sh'es smaller that him (
I read something once which said the Friends bosses didn't want Elle appearing taller than his love interest Matt le Blanc in friends. You'd be amazed what they can do with camera angles and footwear. She is 6'3" ish in heels I think, so wouldn't surprise me she was the same height as Kutcher in them. Kutcher is around 189cm no less. She's 183-184cm I think more likely than 178-180!! Agree silent I think she's legit 6' and can look 6'1" at times.
Silent d said on 5/Feb/12
She always wears heels. It is a red carpet event. Elle was wearing standard 3.5inch heels. I assume nancy had 5inch heels. I'm just saying elle is a solid 6 footer.
direct quote said on 25/Jan/12
How to you know Elle was wearing heels? Her dress covered them
SIlent d said on 24/Jan/12
She looked 8cm taller than nancy o'dell in heels. Nancy had bigger heels. They wouldn't put a 6 foot supermodel with daniel craig or actors shorter than 180cm. They have to find someone who is at least 6 foot 2. I wouldn't want to be towered by a supermodel on live tv. I would want to be the same height or taller. 6 foot. No argument.
direct quote said on 17/Jan/12
want more proof Elle is over 6 feet...Direct quote from her after the Golden Globes when asked why she was paired with Ashston Kutcher: "We are the same height"...Ashton is probably 6 feet 3 in shoes. Elle was exactly same height.
Ricky said on 21/Dec/11
One of the biggest joke on this web site...On google, tape "elle macpherson matt leblanc" we'll could see she's not over him. Tape " Elle Macpherson Hugh Grant" and see sh'es smaller that him (he's 5'11") and here =
Click Here
With Portia de Rosi (171 cms) and a 5'10" girl...
Elle is not over 5'10" !!!
alana said on 19/Dec/11
a elle parece bem alta ela deve ter no minomo 1,80 de altura e no maximo 183m nao mais do que isso , o que ja é muito para uma garota
Rock said on 16/Dec/11
ditch the kilograms and centimeters you pretentious fools.
Silent d said on 15/Dec/11
I knew he was wearing lifts. I looked at that photo and she looks like a hot giant. Yeh she looks 6 foot 2 in that photo. Why are people saying she is 5 foot 10? That is crazy. She looks 6 foot. I can believe 6 foot 1.
Shaun said on 14/Nov/11
@Silent D. Le Blanc was in his clumpy shoes he wore in his scenes with Jeff Goldblum. Its a mixture of footwear and camera angles. They are masters at altering heights on screen. Elle would be easily 3 inches taller.
Shaun said on 14/Nov/11
Weak 5'10", which mental ward did they get you out of Johno? More chance of 6'1" than 5'11" and more chance of 6'2" than 5'10"!! I think she's a solid 6' perhaps 184-5 out of bed?
joe said on 11/Nov/11
Here she is next to 5 foot 11 Schiffer and 5 foot 9 (no way in hell) Campbell)...Need I say anymore? Elle is at least 6 foot 2
Click Here
Silent d said on 24/Oct/11
I think friends created the illusion that she was shorter. It's all lighting and camera angles. They don't want to make joey look short. No girls on the show look tall except for phoebe. That episode was weird. Joey wouldn't date a girl taller than him. It is a power play thing. She is a solid six footer. She was same height as hugh jackman with heels on. Why would the guiness world records say she is six foot one when she says she is six foot? This is weird.
johno said on 23/Oct/11
ANDREA[ITA] says on 14/Oct/11
She looks the same height of johnatan ross, with big heels on!
You know, what i mean. To me, ross is somewhere between 6'0 - 6'0.5. Looks below 6'0, with 5'9 listed alan carr and 5'9 - 5'9.5 gary lineker (self proclaimed 5'9). Speaking of Gary, elle had similar body proportions to him in the beach set photos. Both barefooted. Honestly she doesn't even look a full 5'10 with him, more rather a weak 5'10 :|
ANDREA[ITA] said on 14/Oct/11
She looks the same height of johnatan ross, with big heels on!
Wallace said on 5/Sep/11
I think Elle "The Body" Macpherson may have lost an inch over time... she looks even with Rebecca Romijn at best, maybe marginally shorter.
Shaun said on 19/Aug/11
The 6'1" Guiness book of Records listing though. They surely always measure to prove the height I think?
Shaun said on 19/Aug/11
Big T says on 13/Jul/11
I'm just watching that friends episode and Elle is clearly SHORTER than Le Blanc (not accounting for feetwear) and comfortably shorter than Perry. How can she possibly be 6 foot?
Matt Le Blanc wore huge shoes in his scenes with Elle and Jeff Goldblum. And I noticed that Elle slouched a lot in her scenes with him. And no I dsiagree. Elle looked about an inch taller than 5'9" Matt le Blanc which is why I believed for sometime Matt le Blanc was 5'11" as he is listed at even though I disbelieved it and had originally though 5'7"-5'8". I think there was something going on with the footwear to reduce the height difference. Elle looked 6'3" range in heels next to 6'1"-6'1.5" Jonathan Ross. She is not over 6' legit but does appear to be around thr 6' mark, 5'11.5" at worst.
john said on 22/Jul/11
I don't get you people. She was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as 6 feet 1. Her model friend mentioned on celebrityshoesizes that she is 6 feet 3. Her is pic of her clearly showing she is wearing a size 12 shoe and her feet are coming off the back of the shoe. She is over 6 feet easy.
Click Here
Big T said on 13/Jul/11
I'm just watching that friends episode and Elle is clearly SHORTER than Le Blanc (not accounting for feetwear) and comfortably shorter than Perry. How can she possibly be 6 foot?
Sceptic said on 14/May/11
Click Here
If Gary Lineker is 5'9...
Silent Assasin said on 31/Mar/11
Don't be silly Rach. If Elle is just 5'10" Lineker is 5'6"!!!
Silent Assasin said on 31/Mar/11
Click Here
Looks to have 3-4 inches on Gary Lineker.. Definitely at least 6', can look 6'1".
jason said on 2/Mar/11
She was listed as 6 foot 1 in the Guiness Book of World you think they measured her first? In case you were wondering the is YES!
Rach said on 19/Feb/11
Em I wouldn't say Elle was quite 6 foot... I reckon she is more like 5'10 or 5'11, judging from past interviews and that i've seen of her, plus she's nearly always in heels which make her even taller.
Shaun said on 21/Jan/11
@ Dominic. Le Blanc wore lifts in his scenes with Elle Macpherson like he did with Jeff Goldblum so the height difference wouldn't be much.
Alisa said on 7/Jan/11
I know I tower over Elle. I agree she is too thin and I am a few inches taller. I look skinny at 80 kgs and she is around 59 kgs. Her BMI says she is underweight. Put some weight on woman and be healthier!
minni said on 25/Dec/10
she is a giant im 4'7 she towerd over me
theenforcer22 said on 9/Nov/10
Anonymous says on 6/Sep/10
Elle is 6'0" tall of which there is no doubt. The sad thing is she is just too skinny at only 130 lbs which is not a good advertisement for all the young girls out there
Too skinny? She's got a great figure! The fact is the nation's getting fatter so whatever 'advert' you're on about is clearly being ignored.
Does that mean fat chicks like Dawn French are Roseanne Barr? No, there just being themselves. So is Elle McPherson. She's a supermodel with the body to boot.
theod said on 8/Jun/09
in my opinion she is more than 1,83 she is taller than all victorias secret angels if they were tall shoes,but i read an article where she told that she hate her self because se is too tall.i really understand her problem because i am up to 1,85 ****ing height
Phil said on 19/May/09
I have stood next to Elle McPherson in person. She is definitely 6ft tall. I stand 5ft 10in, and Elle is definitely atleast 5cm taller than me.
jake said on 17/May/09
Anyone on this board who thinks she is under 6 foot 1 is not smart...there was a recent article about her wearing flats at Michael Kors' store opening and towering over half the men. Go to gettyimages and search Michael Kors. Compare all the "tall" women next to him and look at Elle, slouching as usual, in flats and she is two inches taller. Maria Sharapova in heels looks only slightly taller, Klum in 6 inch heels is roughly the same size as Elle in flats, Klum in 3 inch heels is much shorter, Debra Messing in heels in 4-5 inches shorter than flat soles Elle....Do you think Guinness would have measured her before listing her at 6 foot 1? Yes.
Nick said on 16/May/09
Elle is definitely near 6' I can tell by looking at the length of her arms in pictures. Her arms look about as long as Bigitte Nielson's who is widely known as a 6 footer.
Ian said on 6/May/09
Some where between Matthew perry and slightly above joey who looks tall in the episodes that she is on friends.
Ian said on 6/May/09
Looks 5ft10.5 She was same height as Matthew Perry on friends. Looks smaller than Uma Thurman so logic tells me she isn't 6ft. She doesn't look it. Maybe she looks it by herself because of her tall legs but with others she looks 5ft10.5
Jon said on 3/Mar/09
Saw her up close she was wearing flats and was definitely shorter than me (5'11), I would say 5'10.
Yaspaa said on 2/Mar/09
Matt Le Blanc always had the footwear advantage with Elle on Friends.
DTA said on 1/Feb/09
In The Edge looked about 2 inches inches above 5'8.5" Anthony Hopkins and looked a shade under 5'11.5" Alec Baldwin. I'd say 5'11" max
joe said on 14/Jan/09
I wish I knew how to post images here. On there is pics of Elle recently under Elle Macpherson Time Life pics. One pic has her hugging Claudia Shiffer and Claudia comes up to Elle's mouth...The pic doesn't show the shoes but their knees are at an identical height. She is way over 6 feet.
Big T said on 9/Jan/09
Only fractionally taller than Matt Le Blanc, looked about 5'10 1/2" on Friends
anonymous said on 6/Jan/09
She doesn't look that much taller (if at all) than rebecca romijn:
Click Here
mike said on 4/Jan/09
If Elle is 5 feet 11, than famous models like Helena Christensen (who is stated to be 5 feet 9.5 on this site) can't be more than 5 feet 7, because Elle has been next to her in many photos and in heels she is 3-4 inches taller.
Sami said on 29/Dec/08
That's so funny, I just got done watching that a Friends episode with her in it & I was wonder who that actress was so I could look up her height & then noticed that Elle MacPherson looked alot like her. Hehe.
I think 5'11" or 6'0" is about right because she's taller than Joey on Friends, who is 5'9"
will said on 12/Dec/08
Victor, do you think the person who asked her about her feet was really commenting on her big feet?
Victor said on 10/Dec/08
jake: Indeed her feet were gigantic, probably the size 12 that everybody speculates. Somebody actually asked if she was worried about getting her toes stepped on by autograph seekers but she said her feet are so tough from going barefoot regularly that she doesn't worry about it.
Also her posture was perfect...she is fit but somewhat gangly. I think that might give the impression of her being taller than she actually is.
mike said on 9/Dec/08
What is considered towering over someone? The guy who in interview who said he was 6 2 and she towered over him in 3 inch heels, must have been at least 3-4 inches shorther than her, which would put her well over 6 feet. I don't know what sneakers give you only a 1/2 inch bump, but regular running sneakers are at least an inch and a half. Also, remember, Elle always slouches, always.
jake said on 9/Dec/08
Hey Victor.....can you comment about her feet size? What did you think? I only ask because some comments below talk about her huge feet
Victor said on 7/Dec/08
I met her at a Starbucks in Queensland Australia about 2 years ago. She had attracted a small crowd and was good enough to sign autographs. She was completely barefoot and I was wearing sneakers that usually bump be up from my usual 5'9 1/2 to 5'10. She was taller, but didn't tower over me...I'd peg her at 5'11 barefoot.
Keddy said on 27/Nov/08
First and foremost I'm a very big fan of Elle, for me she's the greatest supermodel ever. Some pointers why shes the greatest, made 47 million in 1997 and still holds that record, the only supermodel had her own posted stamp, praised by TIME magazine which is a big thing. but these few years I have doubts bout her heights, maybe, just maybe she lost her heights. Is it?
anonymous said on 27/Nov/08
In friends she looks 5 foot 10. I would say 182cm.
kevin said on 11/Nov/08
To Anonymous1...if you actually watched that Conan...Conan said to her "you look like you are 7 feet tall".....I guess he says that to all 6 feet woman?
anonymous1 said on 29/Oct/08
If what u say is right Kevin, why isn't Elle close to Conan o brien who is 6'4". She was in 4" heels when she appeared in conan o' brian show
kevin said on 26/Oct/08
If anyone here says she is only 6 feet or even a bit shorter, explain to me how a writer says he is 6 feet 2 and she towered over him in 3 inch heels. To tower would mean at least 3-4 inches, which would make her 6 feet 5/6 in heels. This goes hand in hand with Stephanie Seymour saying she is 6 feet 3. Also, it would also be a better indicator that Seymour is also telling the truth about Elle's size 12 feet. In every pic, she is either covering her feet with her huge hands or her toes stick over the edges of her shoes. This wouldn't happen unless her feet were larger than most stores carry.
jennifer said on 5/Oct/08
I know it's not the main topic but if i'm 5 "5" and I haven't stop growin can I become a model, btw Elle is truly one of the greatest supermodels
Wallace said on 21/Sep/08
Brooke,Uma, Famke Janssen and Rebecca Romijn are all examples of women who are actually taller than Elle. Pictures definitely prove this.Is it possible Elle may have lost an inch or so over the years? She is still very tall and quite the hottie nevertheless!!!
anonymous1 said on 6/Aug/08
I saw a pic of Elle and Uma Thurman at Uma was in 1 inch heels but she towered over Elle by at least 2 inch
J.lee said on 4/Aug/08
the one complaint i have about this is that brooke is listed shorter than elle. but why at getty images is brooke taller than elle? and why is rebecca romijin oconel taller than elle in barefoot?
Steve said on 27/May/08
this is what I find strange about these comments. This site has Liv Tyler as being 5 feet 10 and Helena Christensen being 5 feet 9.5. In ANY pics you see of both of them, Helena is clearly taller. People are questioning Elle being 6 feet (despite a supermodel friend who claims she is 6 feet 3) yet, in oics with Helena, Helena comes up to Elle's eyes.
Puge Henis said on 27/Apr/08
What anonymous is saying is true, but the opposite is true too. I just met Billy Ray Cyrus, (as if anyone cares), and when I hung around him he didn't seem that much taller than me. But my picture next to him made him look WAY bigger than me. I'm 5'9" and he is supposed to be like 6' but in the picture he looks 6'1" or 6'2". Maybe it was his boots.
anonymous1 said on 23/Apr/08
Steve explain this:
Danny says on 27/Jul/07
She was at providores in Marleybone London the other day, I am about 184cm and she was a fraction shorter and looks great for her age!!
Steve said on 20/Apr/08
Anonymous1.....what the heck are you saying? You make no sense.
anonymous1 said on 20/Apr/08
When you look at someone ,who is a little shorter, as tall and little taller than you, you may think he/she towers over you. This is due to your eye-level.
Steve said on 8/Apr/08
Explain this...I did a search Elle Macpherson heels. An article came up from March 2008. In the first paragraph the author states that he is 6 foot 2 and Elle towers over him wearing 3 inch heels. If she was only 6 feet, she would be an inch taller, which is far from towering. This is pretty good proof that she is at least 6 feet 2 or taller.
anonymous1 said on 2/Feb/08
Anon, your pics did not echo what you said.
anonymous said on 1/Feb/08
she still looks shorter since uma is bending her hips and slouching a bit. uma thurman is clearly taller than elle. I think uma should be upgraded to 6`0. There is no way that she is shorter than elle.
Wallace said on 1/Feb/08
Elle's back shoulder isn't higher than Uma's. As for Elle being "clearly taller" I don't see it as her head is upright and Uma's isn't. If Uma held her head as straight as Elle she would gain at least another half inch. At best Elle is the same height but unlikely if they are wearing similar heels.
Anon said on 1/Feb/08
No, Rob should leave her height as it is. Looking at the pic with Uma Thurman again, I think Elle is actually equal or a bit taller than Uma if both barefoot. The reason you think Uma is taller, is because at shoulder-level, Uma's front shoulder is slightly "shrugged upwards", and higher than Elle's front shoulder. But looking at their far back shoulders, Elle's is higher. The other thing is, I think the pic is tilted in Uma's favor. You can tell because both women's bodies seem not to be vertical, but tilted to the left. If you rotate the whole pic a bit in Photoshop, you'll see Elle is clearly taller. Here it is:
Click Here
Anon said on 27/Jan/08
Uma's heels look at least 1" and look how bent Elle's right leg is. I'm pretty firm on this cos I have several friends in the fashion industry who've all worked with Elle in the late 80's, early 90's during her days on the runway, and they all said she was at least 6-0, and she was barefoot most of the time except walking down the runway...
anonymous said on 27/Jan/08
If their heels were the same size, that would still make Macpherson an inch shorter. The tallest Macpherson could be in this photo is 5`11.5 and that would mean she would have to be barefoot. Dont forget, Uma is wearing half inch heels.
Anon said on 27/Jan/08
Come on guys, those pics with Uma Thurman are hard to judge. Do we know their heels are the same, and their postures aren't straight. Uma's heels are cut off in the second pic, hard to tell how much more of it lies below the page. They're def pretty close but I can still see Elle being taller.
As for Rebecca Romjin, all I can say is that she's tall and supermodels over 5-10 tend to downgrade their heights, since it's the ideal height for female supermodels, that's what complicates things. Claudia is a but over 5-11 but often lists herself 5-10...
anonymous said on 25/Jan/08
I suspect she could be close to 6`0, like 5`11.5. But next to Uma thurman, it becomes quite obvious that she is not 6`0. There is no way she is .5 inches taller than her. She looks about an inch shorter.
anonymous1 said on 24/Jan/08
I suspected that Elle isn't 6 ft when I saw the SI 2006 video.You can see any height difference btn Elle and rebecca romijn who's 5'11
anonymous said on 23/Jan/08
could she have lost a little height perhaps. She is into her 40's and women do lose height a little sooner than men do. It really wouldn't come to shock if she lost a half inch. Or it could be that uma is a little taller than 5`11.5
anonymous1 said on 22/Jan/08
anonymous,your evidence shows that she's indeed 5'11.But,I started to wonder why she towers over Claudia Schiffer, who's also 5'11.But, later on I realized that Claudia is 179 in cms according to some sources(which translates to 5'11).It could be that Elle is 181 in cms(which can also be translated to 5'11) and that explains why Elle towers over Claudia Schiffer.
anonymous said on 20/Jan/08
i think she is 5`11. In this pic next to Uma Thurman, she looks a half inch shorter
Click HerePlus, in this pic, we can see that uma thurman's heels give off a half inch max
Click Here
anonymous1 said on 10/Dec/07
If she's indeed 6'3, she should be 4 inches taller than rebecca romijn.Take a look at the 2006 to see what I mean. Perhaps some may argue that rebecca looks taller as Elle wasn't standing straight.But ask yourself can Elle stand 4 inches taller than Rebecca if she were to stand straight? On the other hand can you account for the Elle and Uma has no visible difference? Anyway,Nat, your friend may overestimate her height.I think it will be better if Elle's height is measured via the measuring tape. Her body structure makes her look taller.
Nat said on 29/Nov/07
Listen, all I am doing is passing on info I got FIRSTHAND from a model friend of hers...
anonymous1 said on 29/Nov/07
Nat, please look at the following comment.
Danny says on 27/Jul/07
She was at providores in Marleybone London the other day, I am about 184cm and she was a fraction shorter and looks great for her age!!
How much can she slouch to make herself shorter than Danny who is 184cm,especially when she's not taking a picture????
Nat said on 24/Nov/07
I just wanted everyone to know that I just had two e-mail conversations via myspace with Stephnaie Seymour's PA about Elle's true height. She told me that Elle is 6 foot 3 and wears a size 12 shoe. She told me that she and Stephanie are great friends and they still keep in touch. This may explain why Elle slouches in almost every picture she takes with other people.
anonymous1 said on 8/Nov/07
JUst look at the comments given on delta goodrem's height.Not everyone agrees she's 5'10(178cm). I would Elle is 180-182 cm. But it is still hard to justify
Elle is 182cm since she's shorter than Uma Thurman.Her body structure and her
skininess(skiny) make her look taller.
btoy said on 28/Oct/07
she is 6ft, look at the picture of her and delta goodrem, who also could be a model if she wanted to with those high cheekbones, but delta is 5'10", just google it, she is taller than than the also tall delta.
6'0 guy said on 5/Oct/07
She looks 5'11-6 foot. She is very manly in general. Very tall, broad shoulders, no curves.
anonymous1 said on 22/Sep/07
By loooking at dstrzdr comments and seeing Elle at the 2006 SI video(where she looked a little shorter than rebecca romijn), I think she's 180-181cm.
dstrzdr said on 3/Sep/07
Looks shorter than 1.83, specially next to Uma and Naomi C. on high heels (NC 1.77m + 10cm and looks like 6-8cm taller)
anonymous1 said on 27/Aug/07
I think Elle's 181cm. If you look at the comments on Uma thurman 's height, you'll notice some of the comment givers think Uma is 181-182cm. If Elle's a little shorter than Uma, then she should be 181cm.
anonymous1 said on 6/Aug/07
Danny, thanks for enlightening me. but, how much is a fraction???
Danny said on 27/Jul/07
She was at providores in Marleybone London the other day, I am about 184cm and she was a fraction shorter and looks great for her age!!
anonymous1 said on 23/Jul/07
It is known that Uma Turman is 183cm. but you can see that she's way taller than Elle.(refer to the Valentino pic)Definitely she's not 185cm.But is she really 183cm???
amanda said on 4/Jul/07
anonymous1, guys who are 3 cm taller than me usually look about my height or shorter. it might have something to do with their body shape (broad shoulders, big torso, whatever), or the fact that they're lying. the latter aside, i guess to answer your question, i guess not.
anonymous1 said on 22/Jun/07
If Elle is 182cm and I'm 185cm, are we compatible in terms of height?
steve said on 22/May/07
who are the "some"? She is listed in Guinness book of world records at 6 foot 1. That is enough proof. Famke Jannsen said that she has a few inches on Rebecca in an interview and Famke is 6 foot.
anonymous1 said on 22/May/07
Why don't you guy's go to SI website and watch the video entitled "models reunion"? Just stop the video at 1:57 and you'll realise that Rebecca Romijn is indeed taller than Elle Macpherson.By the way, there're some who thinks than Conan is only 6'2.5".
steve said on 17/May/07
when she walked out she was wearing boots with approx 3 inch heels, no more. You could see her when she was approaching him
anonymous1 said on 9/May/07
Hey anonymous, how high are Elle's heels?
anonymous said on 7/May/07
steve, have you seen how big her high-heels are?
anonymous1 said on 7/May/07
Why isn't there a big height difference btn Elle and Rebecca Romijn,who is 179cm?
Just watch the SI video and see What I mean.
anonymous1 said on 4/May/07
This comment is in response to what steve has said.Well,If Elle's 5'10", it is not true that she is the same height as Cindy Crawford. Because, if you look at the comments given regarding Cindy Crawford's height, you'll realise that Cindy is 5'8" max. Hence, by being 5 feet 10 Elle is still taller than Cindy Crawford. Elle Macpherson is definitely taller than Claudia Schiffer but I am not convinced that Claudia is 182cm.
Ben said on 3/May/07
she is definitely 6'0
steve said on 2/May/07
you guys are flat out crazy...she is at LEAST 6 foot 1. Why would Conan say she looks like she is 7 feet tall when she was on her show? She was in heels and was the same height as he was. He is 6 feet 4 and in shoes he is 6 feet 5 at least. If she is 5 feet 10, than you guys really think that she is the same height as Cindy Crawford? Every article about her starts out with how unbelievably tall she is.
anonymous said on 1/Apr/07
Elle should be less than 5'11" because if read the comments given on Rebecca
Romijn's height,you will come across someone who have watched the SI video. And since Elle can't be bending her legs throughout the video, she should be 5'10".
anonymous said on 1/Apr/07
To respond to what jake said on mar 13 2006, I want to say that in that picture,we couldn't see their legs. Elle could have stand on a higher ground or could have tip-toed.You can also take a look at the picture Elle took with
Ben Affleck who is 189cm. There was a big difference in their height, hence I am sure Elle is 178cm.
anonymous said on 31/Mar/07
I must admit that it is easy to fudge supermodels' height because they are very thin.
I don't blame modelling agencies for listing Elle Macpherson as being 6'0 tall because if they list her real height, she may not as popular as she is today.
anonymous said on 31/Mar/07
I have seen a picture of Elle Macpherson standing beside Rebecca Romijn. Both of them were bare-footed. Elle looks shorter than Rebecca, who is either 5'10 or 5'11. Hence,I think Elle is only 5'10(178cm).In fact, I have asked a few models what is their height.I notice that theyare 2" inches shorter than they claim to be. For example, the model is 5'9" tall but she claimed that she's 5'11.Hence, I believe that Elle macpherson's height is fudged.Go to the 2006 swimsuit illustrated website to see what I mean.
anonymous said on 22/Feb/07
Though not over 6`0, likely not under either.
Anonymous said on 22/Feb/07
how do you know about the heels they were wearing?
dmeyer said on 22/Feb/07
matt leblanc had 1.8 in boots when working with elle and she had 0.2 in flat
anonymous said on 21/Feb/07
she does wear high-heels a lot though. STill 6`0.
tom said on 8/Feb/07
I came across an in which a journalist described her as being "superhuman tall with huge hands". 6 feet is tall but not superhuman tall. She is well over 6 feet barefoot.
Editor Rob said on 11/Jan/07
Feb 1986 Atlanta Journal, she said: "I'm 5-foot-12"
J said on 4/Jan/07
I stood next to a the wax dummy of Macpherson at Madame Tussauds when I was younger. I am now 6'1 and even when I was younger she didn't seem that tall.
Pete said on 3/Jan/07
same height as matt le blanc in that friends show she came out
Anonymous said on 6/Dec/06
Actually, most people who have met Hurley estimate her at that. In addition, she only looks about 5'6" next to 5'11" Hugh Grant.
mike said on 2/Dec/06
Calvin, how can you dismiss the picture with Elizabeth you think Hurley is 5 foot 6?
irshgrl500 said on 11/Nov/06
Hello rr-
i read Guinness book of world records long time back amd it listed elle at the tallest supermodel at 6'1". They surely would have done some verification. PS - they listed Kate Mossas shortest supermodel at 5'6"
I have the "Guinness World Records 2000: Millennium Edition". In the chapter, "Fame", under the heading, "Supermodels", it lists Elle as 6'1", the tallest Supermodel, and Kate Moss at just over 5'6", the shortest Supermodel. Like you rr, I would tend to think such "records" to have been verified and particularly, Guinness' records. In the Publication Credits, the book states, Guinness has a very thorough accreditation system for records.
irshgrl500 said on 11/Nov/06
Hello dkko-
I was responding to Aussie's earlier comment. He stated "one" (anyone) is shorter in the mornings. Actually, people are a tad taller, when they measure themselves, in the morning after a nights sleep. (not always, but often). Aussie commented, "you are always shorter in the morning". You are actually taller. Aussie's comment:ive met elle before, we won tickets to a black tie event at star city in sydney.. i am 6'0 and was about 6'2 in my dress shoes that evening.. she had high heels and she was virtually dead on my height, if anything only acouple of cm shorter anyway im certain that at bare minimum shes 181cm, which is 5'11.5 but in the evening you are always shorter than in the morning cause im usually 6'1 morning.. so id say shes prolly abit over 6'0 in the morning.. im certain
Mike said on 10/Nov/06
I don't see it that way (not saying you are wrong). They appear to be almost touching.
Raz said on 9/Nov/06
mike, Petra is standing about a foot behind Elle. Unless the photographer used an long telephoto lens (not the case here), the difference in height will appear substantial in an image like that. It's practically useless for the purpose you intended.
dkko said on 27/Oct/06
irshgrl500, what makes you believe that Australians are the only ones who are taller in the morning, doesn't everyone? Bill Clinton for example is 6'2, but in the morning he can easily be 6'2 1/2
irshgrl500 said on 23/Oct/06
People are TALLER in the morning, not shorter! If you measured 6'1" in the morning, you are DEFINITELY NOT 6'2", through out the day.
aussie said on 10/Oct/06
depending on when you see her you right shes be about 6.05' through out most of the day and probably just under 6'0 at night
mike said on 9/Oct/06
She is clearly 6 feet 1 minimum. Listen, each time she is on a talk show, she towers over people and one topic they always bring up is her height. In today's world a 5 foot 11 inch women is not that uncommon. But, a 6 foot 1 inch women, wearing heels that make her 6 foot 4 or 6 foot 5 is uncommon and that is why she is always being asked how tall she is.
aussie said on 3/Oct/06
ive met elle before, we won tickets to a black tie event at star city in sydney.. i am 6'0 and was about 6'2 in my dress shoes that evening.. she had high heels and she was virtually dead on my height, if anything only acouple of cm shorter anyway im certain that at bare minimum shes 181cm, which is 5'11.5 but in the evening you are always shorter than in the morning cause im usually 6'1 morning.. so id say shes prolly abit over 6'0 in the morning.. im certain
jake said on 24/Sep/06
On Conan, Conan couldn't believe how tall she was. He even said she looks like she is 7 feet tall. She is most likely 6 foot 1 or 2 easy.
aerotive said on 22/Sep/06
Just a little anecdote...she was on Conan last night, said she had dated people shorter than her, taller than her, and her height. Said that she's not a "heightist". First time I've heard that term.
Al84 said on 20/Sep/06
May I say she's 6'1 cause i met her years ago in ibiza she was barefoot walking on the beach and i was wearing trainers and she was at least 3 inches taller than me...i'm5'9 by the way...very tall girl elle
johnny5 said on 14/Jul/06
Claudia Schiffer is the same height if you look on gettyimages both have flat shoes on
sam said on 12/Jul/06
Please go to and click on forums (models). There are pictures of Elle at a recent event wearing sandals. She has the biggest feet I have ever seen on a person (male or female).
jake said on 13/Mar/06
In the infomercial, Elle is barefoot and Duffy is in shoes the entire show. Also, she tends to slouch a lot to hide her real height. To respond to the SI cover...Elle is the only model not standing up straight as her legs are bent. If you go to the si website and look at her images, there is one picture with her and Rebbeca Romijn and Elle is at least 3 inches taller than her.
phil said on 12/Mar/06
There's an infomercial with Elle and Patrick Duffy. We see them side by side in bare feet on several occasions and Duffy is at least 3" taller than Elle. Duffy is listed as 6'2", but is probably taller. So 5'11" to 6' would be right for Elle.