Hicars said on 30/Sep/24
Rob how tall would you say Shane looks with strowman? I would say he can look 6'1.5
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Editor Rob
That could be the right figure for him.
Canson said on 28/Nov/23
@HICQS: this could be his low 6’6.5 and lunch maybe 6’6 5/8-3/4
(Hicqs) said on 28/Nov/23
I can see 6'6.75
Canson said on 19/Sep/23
This is about right. Worst case he’s 6’6.25” perhaps but he could be this too
Kimbo said on 15/Sep/23
Around 6.6 or 6.7 on a good day!
Alex 6'0 said on 8/Apr/23
At worst hes still a strong 6'6 but hes not 6'7.
Alex 6'0 said on 5/Apr/23
Omos looked 7 inches on Braun. If we go with this 6'6.5 listing than omos is pushing 7'2.
Ares_02 said on 20/Mar/23
He looks like 2.00 m , 2.01 m no more no less.
184guy2 said on 19/Feb/23
Little ? Lol
He looks 7in shorter than Omos
berta said on 26/Jan/23
its funny he was in one of these " asking bodybuilders their height and weight" videos. he claimed 6´8 like he always does but when the guy wanted to measure him he looked like a scared little girl and suddenly wasnt that nice to talk to anymore. He clearly is atleast 199cm and i think 2 meter could be what he is.
Panxo said on 7/Jan/23
Braun is a little smaller than Omos, but he is physically stronger than him.
Slamo said on 29/Dec/22
Next to Orton he doesn’t looks that much more. 2”
berta said on 25/Dec/22
at worst 199cm at best the full 6´7. Of course 1/4 over or under that is possible also but i wouldnt bet money on it. Bang on 2 meters could be about right.
miko said on 12/Dec/22
He can honestly look anywhere from 6'5 to 6'7.
Ahmed mohamec said on 9/Dec/22
Braun strowman real height 196.5 cm
Daniel Lee 173 cm said on 7/Dec/22
@Rob How much bigger are the boots of Strowman than the casual wrestler's shoes on WWE?

Editor Rob
Seen a couple of pairs he's worn, one with a heel was maybe 1.3-1.4, another combat style didn't look much more than 1-1.2 inch range.
1984here said on 23/Nov/22
6-6. He isn’t over that barefoot imo.
Daniel Lee 173 cm said on 15/Nov/22
He deserves a downgrade
Click Here
Glady said on 9/Oct/22
He is no more than a flat 6.6 his personal claim of 6.8 is just hoax.
1984here said on 5/Oct/22
Next to Orton he looks maximum 6-7. I’d say under 6-7 personally
Sabastian said on 11/Sep/22
I think he is 6 7 3/4
201cmDave said on 10/Sep/22
Szerintem 202cm
Most Legit 6'3 said on 10/Sep/22
He looked to have almost a foot on 5’8 Chad Gable, so I think he would measure at at least 6’7. Truly a monster among men.
Sabastian said on 7/Sep/22
I think he is 6 7 1/4
Journal said on 6/Sep/22
Not much clue about what was going on, but he looked no more than 6'5 flat today on his recent return. Possibly seems to have shrunken.
6'5/ 195.58 cm said on 19/Jul/22
6'6 and a fraction.
Abdul-DK said on 17/Jul/22
200 cm
Chaos's Other Throwaway said on 15/Jun/22
I think he’s one of those guys who’s definitely 6’6 but the question is how much over it
Berkay said on 13/Jun/22
I think , braun can be 6’7
Daniel Lee said on 12/Jun/22
6'6.25" is a better guess than 6'6.5" because he doesn't look over it. i would go with 199 cm on the nose easily.
Undertaker Frank said on 8/Jun/22
I think Braun can be 6ft 5.5 Aaron Judge looked more than an inch taller than him 6ft 6 max??
Rsingh said on 28/May/22
Devon is no more than 6'4.5" that makes Braun 6'6 at most.
Vincent Caleb said on 8/May/22
6’6 3/8” maybe
Duhon said on 5/May/22
Way more than an inch"
Robbe said on 1/May/22
Looks more than just an inch taller
Click Here
Pallav said on 29/Apr/22
He is no more than 6'6" There is a video of him arm wrestling devon larratt who is a solid 6'4 ¾" And he only looks an inch more than him
Click Here
Rsingh said on 20/Apr/22
He never looked taller than kane or Undertaker who are shrunked.
SER AYOUB THE TALL said on 26/Mar/22
I think he is 198.6 at max And he maybe At the night 197
Canson said on 18/Mar/22
@mojeime: yea I can see them doing that but it could also be an exaggeration. On the official record I think 6’8 has been consistent but maybe he got a 6’9 before somewhere along the lines
mojeime said on 17/Mar/22
I remember they at first billed him at 6'8, then Cole started referring to him as 7' for some time. Prob after he started wearing those big boots. They wanted him to appear taller so they can bill him taller but they gave up quick and went back to 6'8
ChristianPerkins said on 15/Mar/22
Not sure if he became bigger post-WWE. Looked slightly more jacked in his recent indy appearances.
Canson said on 13/Mar/22
I’ve never seen him billed above 6’8”
ChaosControl2 said on 13/Mar/22
John Morrison described him as 6’9, that’s the closest I can think of to an official listing. But Morrison is a lot shorter and Braun’s billed 6’8 so I can imagine he was exaggerating further for the storyline
Robbe said on 12/Mar/22
Braun looked dfinitely shorter than 6'7 Aaron Judge when they met.
Click Here
Braun is closer to the camera there and still looks like an inch shorter.
ChristianPerkins said on 12/Mar/22
@Mike Voorhees
I don't ever remember a 6'9" official listing, though he has been described at nearly 7ft by commentary on a number of occasions.
Mike voorhees said on 22/Feb/22
WWE billed him at 6-9. Lol. 6-6.5 max imo
Daniel Lee said on 11/Dec/21
@Rob Erick Rowan next to Strowman in a video. They are the same height there, however Braun has a cap.
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Editor Rob
yeah they could look very similar
He1ghtexpert49 said on 30/Oct/21
@Devon Tuck
Where is the picture of Braun looking 6'7.5" next to Taker cos all I see is Taker looking taller than him if you compare them side by side in a clear video.
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Robbe said on 28/Oct/21
Same 6ft guy with Braun and 6'11 Joonas Suotamo
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James B 171.5 said on 20/Oct/21
Cansont said on 17/Sep/21
i think 200 cm for him, at least peak.
Canson said on 16/Sep/21
I doubt he’s lost that much height. He’s probably always been a weak 6’7” to strong 6’6
MichaelMyers said on 14/Sep/21
6'7" peak, 6'6.5" currently. He has quite a tall head, which makes him always look shorter when standing next to people with shorter heads.
Robbe said on 1/Sep/21
Braun looks 6'7.5 range with Enes Kanter
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Braun wearing his wrestling boots, but Kanter's sneakers looks pretty thick too. My guess is there is max 0.5in difference in their shoes. That would make Strowman around 6'7.
Riccardo89 said on 24/Jun/21
Strowman 6'6.25
Fury 6'7
Kane 6'6.25
Undertaker 6'5.5
Drew 6'4.25
Chaos 6'2 1/2 said on 17/Jun/21
Devon tuck said on 16/Jun/21
Well, if we look at pictures of Braun next to Tyson fury (6’9) Glenn Jacobs- kane (6’6.5) and mark callaway- undertaker(6’6), who he looks 2 inches taller then and barely shorter then. I’d take a safe bet saying Braun is 6’7.5-6’8
But Tyson isn’t 6’9, he’s 6’7.5ish
Devon tuck said on 16/Jun/21
Well, if we look at pictures of Braun next to Tyson fury (6’9) Glenn Jacobs- kane (6’6.5) and mark callaway- undertaker(6’6), who he looks 2 inches taller then and barely shorter then. I’d take a safe bet saying Braun is 6’7.5-6’8
Duhon said on 2/Jun/21
Former WWE athlete now.
James B 171.5 said on 31/May/21
I think strowman build can make him look shorter than he is
Leesheff1985 said on 29/May/21
Tyson fury is 6ft 7 1/2 though so 6ft 6 1/2 is bang on
Hotspots said on 22/May/21
Shorter than Tyson fury. I’d say 6-6
Hafthor Bjornsson said on 12/May/21
He is 6’6.
James B 171.5cm said on 12/May/21
After looking at more photos of McIntyre and strowman squaring up to each other he really does not look over a flat 6’6.
James B 171.5cm said on 12/May/21
Rob do you agree in this one particular photo strowman looks 6’5.5 compared to drew?
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Editor Rob
could say not much over 6ft 6
Hammad Raza said on 29/Apr/21
He looks a legit 6'6 max 6'6.5 clearly has two inches on drew who is a legit 6'4.5
Ben Bell said on 16/Apr/21
6’6.5. Wow, I presumed he was taller. Ask me about anyone pre 2010 and I’m good with heights. These new guys not so much.
Had a friend who met Drew and said he was 6’4.5-6’5.
Duhon said on 15/Apr/21
If he came through in the 80s or 90s WWE would he likely have been listed at 6'10"?
Vegas CH said on 14/Apr/21
Definitely more than 1.5 inches. Strowmans ~6'8 in gear as we have seen next to physically measured athletes...
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juggernaut said on 13/Apr/21
Looked nothing more than 1.5 inches taller than 6'4'5 Drew McIntyre, don't know footwear difference in both but he's 6'6' nothing more.
Pierre said on 10/Apr/21
Clearly not around the same height as
Hafthor. around 6"7' is too high .
He's 6"5.5' no more.
Canson said on 5/Apr/21
Similar in size with Kane
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Apr/21
Possibly, but his very long beard throws people off.
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 2/Apr/21
@Christian a backstage interviewer (can’t remember the name) when he was feuding with Miz and John Morrison last year. Morrison also called Braun 6’9
Resurrection of Edwards said on 2/Apr/21
dude,i think shane at 6 feet 1/4 and strowman at 6’6 1/4.a 6 inch difference between the two.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 1/Apr/21
IDK about that, it looked more like a solid 6" difference.
Who are those people?
Dred__ said on 28/Mar/21
Rob in your opinion a 10.5 inch head for strowman is believable ?
Seems to have a pretty big head even bigger than kane or undertaker
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Editor Rob
seeing him without a beard gives a better idea, his beard always makes his head seem 11 inches at times, but maybe it could be to chin over 10 inches a bit.
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 16/Mar/21
I know they’ve made people stand barefoot while he’s in boots to make him look taller
Annonymous said on 14/Mar/21
Average guess is correct. 6'6.75 evening.
miko said on 9/Mar/21
Looked around 5.5' between Shane and Braun last night which is pretty much spot on.
Braun at 6'6.5 and Shane at around 6'1, footwear for both seemed fairly equal.
Pierre said on 5/Mar/21
184guy2 said on 25/Feb/21
Braun is clearly looking down and Triplw H is at his eyeline , not his eyebrows
At that moment looks an 5'' gap so 6'6.5 and 6'1.5 it's pretty plausible
I just see I forgot the pic on 16/Feb=
Click Here
Braun isn't particularly looking down next to Triple H.And triple H by a line is around as high as Braun's eyebrows in my pic.
If you got this way then
Hafthor does not stands perfectly straight next to Triple H who himself just tilts a bit his head
In this video(since 1:10) you can see in fact Triple H next to Braun stands in a funny posture and isn't at his max height too
Click Here
184guy2 said on 25/Feb/21
Braun is clearly looking down and Triplw H is at his eyeline , not his eyebrows
At that moment looks an 5'' gap so 6'6.5 and 6'1.5 it's pretty plausible
Resurrection of Edwards said on 23/Feb/21
agreed.orton also looked 3 inches shorter than kane maybe a year ago.
Pierre said on 16/Feb/21
Triple H around same height as Braun's eyebrows here =
Click Here (I don't take in consideration Braun had probably a fraction more shoe )
Triple H around same height as
Hafthor's lower nose here =
By this comparison with
Hafthor 6"7.5' Braun is around 6"5.5'.
Joe W said on 9/Feb/21
Not sure on this one but going off the video of him face to face with Undertaker and shaking his hand they looked same height so would say 6”6.5’ max but if Taker is apparently only 6ft now it will have to come down. Video of this is a house show and is on YouTube.
Canson said on 3/Feb/21
@James B: I would say he was always under. 6’3.75 maybe 6’3.5 today
Dred__ said on 3/Feb/21
I think he looks 6ft6 1/2 with fury
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 2/Feb/21
Rollins didn’t even reach Strowman’s eyelevel in the Rumble. Not even close. Either Braun is under listed or had lifts on, and I’m sticking with lifts
184guy2 said on 1/Feb/21
Actually the faceoff is from 2016-2017 and I'm pretty sure that at the moment Orton was using a bit different boot , which gave him an extra boost and he looked pretty near 6'5 beside Wyatt Family ( Braun , Rowan , Harper ) all these guys 6'5+ so he wanted to not look shorter beside them .
The times Braun used a higher boot was facing taller guys like Fury, Show , Kane
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 1/Feb/21
Yeah he definitely sneaks lifts. Looked towering next to 6’1 Rollins
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 31/Jan/21
Doubt it. Braun’s probably sneaking lifts
James B 172cm said on 30/Jan/21
maybe orton could be dipping a bit under 6'4 these days?
rikashiku said on 29/Jan/21
Dred__ said on 27/Jan/21
I freakin loved that moment. A lot of people realized how tall Randy Orton really is. It also brings me to the showdown with Orton and Drew McIntyre, who was very clearly an inch or more taller than Orton, so that makes me wonder what the height difference would look like with McIntyre and Strowman.
I recall before he debut on Raw, Strowmans personal Instagram had him with athletes who were claimed to be 6'5" and 6'7". Most saying he is around 6'8" or 6'7".
6'7" seemed most likely. I think he's a weak 6'7". In early NXT photos, he's about the same height as Baron Corbin, who is often listed at 6'6"(billed 6'8"). I think there was a combine listing him at 6'6.5".
Looking for these 2013-2014 pictures, I have now found a very deep rabbit hole of height comparisons. Holy moly, the pictures I have found are very revealing and much better to use as references.
I'm not sure I cna use tinyurl on a work computer.
Dred__ said on 27/Jan/21
Interesting comparison between strowman and orton here
Click Here
Strowman looks at least 6ft6 1/2 in the full segment
Andree said on 20/Jan/21
Jhon Cena descalzo no mide 1,84 menos debe medir 1,82-1,83 fuera de la cama en zapatos llegara a 1,84-1,85 si es 1 par de cm mas bajo que Seth Rollings que es un legitmo 6'1
Sneha Pahadi said on 20/Jan/21
Always looks a little shorter than Kane so he must be 6'6½
recapa said on 15/Jan/21
199cm at worst.this listing works just fine.
rikashu said on 13/Jan/21
Before he got into Pro Wrestling, his height was usually announced between 6'8" and 6'7". There are images of him with his real name used where he stands with 6'5" listed athletes. He could be a solid 2 Meters, but certainly not 203cm, the gap between him and athletes who are listed at 6'5"/195-196cm isn't that big.
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 13/Jan/21
@Mike thanks I thought he was 5’10
Mike Sui said on 11/Jan/21
I don't know this man so i can't really tell but i can atleast tell you that he's no less than 6'5.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 31/Dec/20
Click Here Interesting comparison with
Tyson Fury. Rob listed them accurately. Braun previous 6'6 3/4 was more a morning 10-11am measurement.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 27/Dec/20
Harper should be a prime candidate for an addition on here, especially now that he passed away recently (RIP). Probably somewhere in the weak 6'5" range.
K.A said on 27/Dec/20
For goodness sake now even his look alike mate Luke harper is gone .
Dred_ said on 26/Dec/20
Definitely 6ft6 1/4 is a better guess for big Braun he doesn’t look over than that with a lot of Guy includiing tyson fury who edge him by over an inch and big cass Who is more 2 inch taller than 1
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Dec/20
Not necessarily. Some wrestlers do get billed at crazy heights. While I wouldn't say that the average wrestler gets inflated by 4", 2" range seems to be pretty typical.
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 24/Dec/20
@LeoP the only accurate guess there is Cena. Also Angle’s quote was comedic exaggeration, taking a shot at how he was billed 6’2
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Dec/20
Except for Cena and Owens, most of your guesses are a bit too low IMO. Only one I 100% agree is Keith Lee, anywhere from 184-186 is possible, as I have him at 185 range. Cena and Owens could be 183 and 177 respectively.
James B 172cm said on 23/Dec/20
yes agreed I would guess 6'6 flat but I highly doubt that he would dip below it even after a long day on his feet.
corbin might have a higher chance measuring a whisker under 6'6 on bad day.
Dred_ said on 23/Dec/20
6ft6 1/4 is arguable, i doubt he looks as tall as 6ft6 1/2 with many superstar incouding Tyson fury
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 22/Dec/20
6'6.5" is still possible but that's the most I'd give him.
LeoP said on 22/Dec/20
BRAUN barefoot ; 195 / 197 MAX !
BRAUN in ring ; 199 / 201 MAX (médium lift)
Drew barefoot ; 191 / 193 MAX !
Drew in ring ; 195/197 MAX (medium lift)
Orton barefoot ; 190 / 192 MAX
Orton in ring ; 194 / 196 MAX (big lift)
Sheamus barefoot ; 186 / 187 MAX
sheamus in ring ; 190 / 191 MAX (BIG LIFT)
KEITH Lee barefoot : 184 / 186 max
Keith lee in ring ; 187 / 189 MAX (medium lift)
Roman reigns barefoot ; 185 / 187 MAX
Roman reigns in ring ; 189 / 191 max (big lift)
John cena barefoot ; 184 / 185 max
John cena in ring ; 186 / 188 max (sneakers)
Kevin Owens barefoot ; 179 / 181 MAX
Kevin Owens in ring ; 182 / 184 max (médium lift)
Brock lesnar barefoot ; 186/ 187,5 MAX
BROCK in ring ; 188 / 190 Max ( little lift)
The rock barefoot ; 185 / 187 MAX (6’5 big liar)
The rock in ring ; 189 / 191 MAX (big lift)
Triple H barefoot ; 185/186,5 MAX
TRIPLE H in ring ; 188 / 189,5 MAX (Médium lift)
Batista barefoot ; 186 / 188 MAX
batista in ring ; 190 / 192 MAX (big lift)
Big show barefoot ; 204 / 206 MAX
Big show in ring ; 208 / 210 MAX (big lift)
Kane barefoot ; 194 / 196 max
Kane in ring ; 199 / 201 MAX ( big lift in the game)
Kurt angle ; every man in real life is 4 inch’ smaller than is wwe listing billed height....
Majority of wwe superstar is 175 / 188 cm ...
Resurrection of Edward said on 22/Dec/20
i still doubt 6’6.5 for strowman.i feel he is 6’6.25,he attimes could look exactly similar to baron corbin and at the same time has footwear advantage over corbin.
RP said on 21/Dec/20
@ SavageRonin,
Kane had/has the biggest ring boot heels in the history of pro wrestling. At one time, 2.75” !! Tom Lister’s as Zeus were not even that big.
Peak Kane was 6’7.25” barefoot @ 6’10” in his super thick heeled Kane boots. Strowman’s (Adam’s) are much like a typical 1.75” work boot.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Dec/20
I remember his initial listing as being 6'7", then lowered to 6'6.75", and now 6'6.5"
Canson said on 18/Dec/20
@Christian: I would surely not go above his current listing. The previous one was too high
SavageRonin said on 16/Dec/20
Kane is taller than Strowman but, in a segment strowman was looking an inch taller than kane, and both had same footwear!I think strowman is 6'8 in the ring with those huge boots and kane is 6'7 with those boots!
Dred2 said on 15/Dec/20
He does look the 6ft6 1/4 range, even Sometimes only 6ft6 flat
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 13/Dec/20
I'd lower his listing to 6'6 1/4", but that's just me.
Dred1 said on 12/Dec/20
It isn’t 2 inch of difference and strowman is fully standing straight
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And i doubt drew is any taller than 6ft4 1/2
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Do you still go with 6ft6 1/2 for Braun ?

Editor Rob
a lot of listings could be seen as plus or minus a fraction...including braun.
Dred1 said on 12/Dec/20
He looked only 1.5 inch taller than drew
Canson said on 19/Nov/20
@Editor Rob: although a 6’6 flat listing is very realistic and fair (lunchtime would be a worst case), there’s a fair chance he could dip to that if he only Measured 6’6.5 at the combine. Depending on when he was measured, if it’s only 1 hour after waking, and depending on the rate at which he loses height, there’s always that possibility. He could’ve been 6’6.75 out of bed or 6’6 7/8 and only have come down to 6’6.5 and dip to 6’5 7/8”. However even at 6’5 7/8” afternoon height, 6’6” would be lunchtime and fair enough for a listing
Canson said on 18/Nov/20
@J2Frenzy: I could certainly see him losing the full inch especially with the weight he carries on him
James B 172cm said on 18/Nov/20
sorry rob the 6ft5 7/8ths question was meant to be posted on the baron corbib height page

Editor Rob
I don't think I'd list Corbin any shorter than 6ft 6
J2Frenzy said on 18/Nov/20
Maybe his extreme low is sub 6’6 but that’s it. He seems like he could maybe lose an inch over the day
PLk4521 said on 17/Nov/20
There isn't really any camera advantage to anyone over here in this video that was posted and Taker for sure looks the taller of the two men
Click Here
I do struggle to see Strowman being half an inch taller.
Canson said on 16/Nov/20
I think the added weight and his proportions make him seem smaller than he is which is why he can look less than 6’6 at times but the reality is 6’6.25 or 6’6.5 with a really outside chance of sub 6’6
Resurrection of Edward said on 16/Nov/20
dude,i always knew that there wasn’t 1/2 difference between corbin and strowman.if you exclude strowman’s footwear and ponytail type of hair when he face corbin.both guy’s are similar maybe strowman is 1/4 taller than corbin at most.another person who met corbin and strowman also said both guys are similar.
Kan said on 15/Nov/20
I don’t know if he is only 6ft6 flat but remember him with undertaker in 2017
Click Here
And I even doubt that taker is much over 6ft6 flat here he looked barely the same or even shorter than corbin in 2014 like you Said.
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Click Here
Click Here
I think this is enough to put him under 6ft6 1/2. He never looked that with too many wrestler: orton, drew mcintyre, corbin, undertaker, kane, Tyson fury, big cass.
It’s time to downgrade in 6ft6 1/4 territory
Kan said on 14/Nov/20
This is a video made by my italian friend
Click Here
Despite in this video he seems far from them, he said that he was very close to them and even said they are the same height. In person if corbin is 6ft6 flat strowman is 6ft6 flat. He even said if anybody meausered taller is probably strowman 1/8 to 1/4 against corbin at most. He is sure that 1/2 inch of difference is too much between them, instead he confirmed that drew edge out orton and even confirmed that the differente between corbin and strowman is clearly less than the difference between orton and McIntyre . I’m not surprise because he looks 6ft6 flat with orton
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And 6ft6 flat even with drew McIntyre
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Editor Rob
You can see the case for 6ft 6 flat at times.
Robbe said on 14/Nov/20
Strowman is as listed. The guy on the left is Stefan Solvi Peturssen, who is not under 6'4. Looks easily 2.5in shorter than Strowman.
Click Here
Stefan is also closer to the camera there. Thor is also closer to the camera, and doesn't look much taller than Strowman. Current listings for Thor (6'7.75) and Strowman 6'6.5 are pretty much bang on in my opinion.
James B 172c, said on 13/Nov/20
Rob 6ft5 7/8ths possible?

Editor Rob
I don't know if I'd be happy with that low an estimate, but it's not as if he hasn't at times looked 6ft 6ish.
Canson said on 9/Nov/20
@Edward: yep I remember it only being a slight difference. Ali had an aggregate then of about 6’5.75-6’6 range. Taker max was 6’6.5 back then or maybe 199. Ali classed him as anywhere between 6’6 and 6’7”
Resurrection of Edward said on 7/Nov/20
i’m sorry.sadly i’ve had a memory loss at times.i mean to say taker with ali baba in 2013/14.i mistakenly said 2020.i apologize.
Resurrection of Edward said on 7/Nov/20
@canson and christian
do you dude’s remember how undertaker looked next to ali baba in 2020,baba said he was 6’6 and taker at most was half inch taller but that was 6/7 years ago.
i wanna show y’all how undertaker looked next to corbin in 2014 if i’m not mistaken.a 2014 undertaker looking similar to corbin,remember guy’s this is 2014 undertaker next to corbin.it was 6/7 years ago.imagine how short taker would look next to corbin in 2020.i would put my whole life in the line that corbin in 2018-currently is taller than undertaker.no doubt,corbin might even be 1/2 taller than taker in 2020 but i will still lean towars 1/4 and i would have said corbin in easily 1/4 taller than undertaker.
undertaker and baron corbin back in 2014.
Click Here
you guy’s need to remember that this was 6/7 years ago and corbin was a rookie in wwe having his first contract signed.imagine how short is undertaker compared to corbin in 2020.a 2014 undertaker looked similar to corbin in 2014,after 6 years.undertaker is guarded shorter than corbin.you can bet that.
Pierre said on 6/Nov/20
@Kan =Now Randy Orton closer to the camera than Shaq 7"0.25' (plus low advantageous camera for the closest guy) =
Click Here .....
Kan said on 5/Nov/20
Certanely here looks more 6ft6 flat than 6ft6 1/2
Click Here
And his posture was great in thuis segment
Click Here
Canson said on 5/Nov/20
J2Frenzy said on 4/Nov/20
@Res of Edward I’m 188.5 at least but call myself 6’2. The guy calling you out for rounding down would HATE me
No it’s fitting the narrative. The round down is unacceptable but making up heights for people to fit then berating someone else about rounding down 1/4” is acceptable. I also round 6’4.25 to 6’4
Canson said on 5/Nov/20
@Christian: definitely not under 6’6” but your estimate of 6’6.25 doesn’t look bad. I’d say 6’6.5 is the max I could buy. I think he’s more likely 6’6-6’6.5 more so than 6’6.5-6’7” range
J2Frenzy said on 4/Nov/20
@Res of Edward I’m 188.5 at least but call myself 6’2. The guy calling you out for rounding down would HATE me
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Nov/20
Nothing under 6'6" worst case.
Resurrection of Edward said on 3/Nov/20
Canson said on 31/Oct/20
Resurrection of Edwards said on 31/Oct/20
funny how he attacks me and you because we didn’t agreed with his claims.when i said a 6.025 guy to 6 feet,he called me out but he inflated 6’5.5/6’6 ali baba to 6’6.5/6’7.he inflated baba by an inch.a federal court was made out to me when i said a 6.025 guy to 6 feet.most of guy atleast most of the dudes who measures 6 1/4 will just claim 6 feet.i measured few millimeters over 183 cm and i just claim 6 feet.he has left the cat out of the bag.what is even laughable is he uses @ben bell photo to support his claims yet doesn’t agree with ben bell because ben bell claimed that undertaker is slightly under 6’6 today.he did called ben bell out.undertaker doesn’t looked more than 5” taller than 6 feet range guys yet he uses excuse by using his cherrypicked photos.lmao
as for kane,even if somebody claimed that kane was similar to taker.i still had hard time believing it.pass from my side.i personally would still put kane 1/4 or even 1/2 taller than taker.Click Here
@Edwards: Well said! And if he had just said 6’6.5 for Ali Baba in error I could understand. But it wasn’t. I bet it was said thinking no one would call it. And in my case I’d give Ali the full 6’6” or 6’5 7/8 and Taker only looked 1/2” taller and 6’6.5 back then. But what’s worse is Bros of Destruction was clear that he was 6’3.5 and now it’s (6’3.5 to 6’4) or “let’s say he’s 6’3.75”. The latter is negotiating just to fit the narrative. Not to mention, nobody is in the negotiating mood at this point with someone like that. But it isn’t taken into account that the poster himself said he is always a flat 6’3.5”. He never said anything about being 6’3.75 or less than .5”. All of a sudden the 6’4 claim on IG is used but anyone can read between the lines and see he is rounding up his height. he said multiple times that he was 6’3.5”. But if we are objective he could dip below 6’3.5 and being the site is centered around afternoon heights it would be fathomable. However for the sake of argument, he’s 6’3.5”
And I agree on both fronts. I measure .25” over 6’4 in the afternoon and evening and I still claim 6’4”. But on the opposite end, when I measured 6’4.5 when I played basketball and before I knew about height varying (this was probably 20 years ago) I used to claim 6’5” too on occasion but it was me rounding up from 6’4.5” not me being 6’5” in reality. And my 6’4.5 was likely rounded up from 6’4 3/8 at the time since I was never measured at a low in practice or it was in the morning
thanks dude.you said everything i wanted to say since a long time.
recapa said on 2/Nov/20
Kan said on 1/Nov/20
So Rob
6ft6 1/4 for strowman isn’t rule out of the question. I’m not surprise if measured that mark. 6ft6 flat is probably a bit under

Editor Rob
I don't think I'd argue a flat 6ft 6 for him.
Canson said on 31/Oct/20
Resurrection of Edwards said on 31/Oct/20
funny how he attacks me and you because we didn’t agreed with his claims.when i said a 6.025 guy to 6 feet,he called me out but he inflated 6’5.5/6’6 ali baba to 6’6.5/6’7.he inflated baba by an inch.a federal court was made out to me when i said a 6.025 guy to 6 feet.most of guy atleast most of the dudes who measures 6 1/4 will just claim 6 feet.i measured few millimeters over 183 cm and i just claim 6 feet.he has left the cat out of the bag.what is even laughable is he uses @ben bell photo to support his claims yet doesn’t agree with ben bell because ben bell claimed that undertaker is slightly under 6’6 today.he did called ben bell out.undertaker doesn’t looked more than 5” taller than 6 feet range guys yet he uses excuse by using his cherrypicked photos.lmao
as for kane,even if somebody claimed that kane was similar to taker.i still had hard time believing it.pass from my side.i personally would still put kane 1/4 or even 1/2 taller than taker.Click Here
@Edwards: Well said! And if he had just said 6’6.5 for Ali Baba in error I could understand. But it wasn’t. I bet it was said thinking no one would call it. And in my case I’d give Ali the full 6’6” or 6’5 7/8 and Taker only looked 1/2” taller and 6’6.5 back then. But what’s worse is Bros of Destruction was clear that he was 6’3.5 and now it’s (6’3.5 to 6’4) or “let’s say he’s 6’3.75”. The latter is negotiating just to fit the narrative. Not to mention, nobody is in the negotiating mood at this point with someone like that. But it isn’t taken into account that the poster himself said he is always a flat 6’3.5”. He never said anything about being 6’3.75 or less than .5”. All of a sudden the 6’4 claim on IG is used but anyone can read between the lines and see he is rounding up his height. he said multiple times that he was 6’3.5”. But if we are objective he could dip below 6’3.5 and being the site is centered around afternoon heights it would be fathomable. However for the sake of argument, he’s 6’3.5”
And I agree on both fronts. I measure .25” over 6’4 in the afternoon and evening and I still claim 6’4”. But on the opposite end, when I measured 6’4.5 when I played basketball and before I knew about height varying (this was probably 20 years ago) I used to claim 6’5” too on occasion but it was me rounding up from 6’4.5” not me being 6’5” in reality. And my 6’4.5 was likely rounded up from 6’4 3/8 at the time since I was never measured at a low in practice or it was in the morning
Canson said on 31/Oct/20
Resurrection of Edwards said on 31/Oct/20
funny how he attacks me and you because we didn’t agreed with his claims.when i said a 6.025 guy to 6 feet,he called me out but he inflated 6’5.5/6’6 ali baba to 6’6.5/6’7.he inflated baba by an inch.a federal court was made out to me when i said a 6.025 guy to 6 feet.most of guy atleast most of the dudes who measures 6 1/4 will just claim 6 feet.i measured few millimeters over 183 cm and i just claim 6 feet.he has left the cat out of the bag.what is even laughable is he uses @ben bell photo to support his claims yet doesn’t agree with ben bell because ben bell claimed that undertaker is slightly under 6’6 today.he did called ben bell out.undertaker doesn’t looked more than 5” taller than 6 feet range guys yet he uses excuse by using his cherrypicked photos.lmao
as for kane,even if somebody claimed that kane was similar to taker.i still had hard time believing it.pass from my side.i personally would still put kane 1/4 or even 1/2 taller than taker.Click Here
@Edwards: Well said! And if he had just said 6’6.5 for Ali Baba in error I could understand. But it wasn’t. I bet it was said thinking no one would call it. And in my case I’d give Ali the full 6’6” or 6’5 7/8 and Taker only looked 1/2” taller and 6’6.5 back then. But what’s worse is Bros of Destruction was clear that he was 6’3.5 and now it’s (6’3.5 to 6’4) or “let’s say he’s 6’3.75”. The latter is negotiating just to fit the narrative. Not to mention, nobody is in the negotiating mood at this point with someone like that. But it isn’t taken into account that the poster himself said he is always a flat 6’3.5”. He never said anything about being 6’3.75 or less than .5”. All of a sudden the 6’4 claim on IG is used but anyone can read between the lines and see he is rounding up his height. he said multiple times that he was 6’3.5”. But if we are objective he could dip below 6’3.5 and being the site is centered around afternoon heights it would be fathomable. However for the sake of argument, he’s 6’3.5”.
Big Lul said on 31/Oct/20
@Kan I would say that Strowman is around 6’6-6’6.25 max. Only looks a half taller than taker and quarter inch taller than Corbin. But looks a .25 - .5 of an inch shorter than Kane. I think it’s personally like this
Undertaker: 6’5.5-6’6
Baron Corbin: 6’5.75-6’6
Braun Strowman: 6’6-6’6.25
Kane: 6’6.25-6’6.5
Any thoughts?
Resurrection of Edwards said on 31/Oct/20
funny how he attacks me and you because we didn’t agreed with his claims.when i said a 6.025 guy to 6 feet,he called me out but he inflated 6’5.5/6’6 ali baba to 6’6.5/6’7.he inflated baba by an inch.a federal court was made out to me when i said a 6.025 guy to 6 feet.most of guy atleast most of the dudes who measures 6 1/4 will just claim 6 feet.i measured few millimeters over 183 cm and i just claim 6 feet.he has left the cat out of the bag.what is even laughable is he uses @ben bell photo to support his claims yet doesn’t agree with ben bell because ben bell claimed that undertaker is slightly under 6’6 today.he did called ben bell out.undertaker doesn’t looked more than 5” taller than 6 feet range guys yet he uses excuse by using his cherrypicked photos.lmao
as for kane,even if somebody claimed that kane was similar to taker.i still had hard time believing it.pass from my side.i personally would still put kane 1/4 or even 1/2 taller than taker.
Click Here
James B 172c, said on 31/Oct/20
Rob I guess 6ft6 3/8 could be his height maybe?

Editor Rob
It wouldn't be a shock if he measured it!
Now if he were a flat 6ft 6, I'd be a little bit more shocked at that.
Canson said on 27/Oct/20
Where did Edwards ever say Taker was only 6’5? He said 6’5.75. Funny how the 3/4” is rounded all the way down to try to attack him yet Ali Baba and Brosofdestruction’s heights are inflated from 6’3.5 to 6’4 and Ali Baba from 6’5,5/6’6 to 6’6.5 when he’s never claimed that figure here. Not to mention, a federal court case was made out of Edwards rounding 6’0.25 down to 6’0”, Speaking of “supporting narratives”?
Canson said on 27/Oct/20
@Edwards: LOL. To put to bed any questions about Brosofdestruction’s height
brosofdestruction said on 7/Feb/19
- I don’t really lose anything throughout the day, so I’m a strong 6’3.5 all the time.
Lol it’s hilarious that he’s now 6’3.5-6’4 yet exception is taken to your 6’0” claim for a 6’0.25 person. That’s usually what they would claim if they’re honest with their height.
And we know Ali Baba’s height
Ali Baba said on 5/Oct/14
After a long day recently I even measured 6'5.5".
Ali Baba said on 29/Sep/15
joe @@ said on 28/Sep/15
Ali baba you are in the 6'6 flat
Very close usually. I measured at the doctor's office the other day at about an 1/8th of an inch (3.175 mm) under 6'6" flat at around 5 PM. Other days I've seen 6'5.5". Depends on the day I guess.
Canson said on 27/Oct/20
Where did Sid say he’s 6’6.25”? He didn’t. He just said the last time he was measured, he was a “hair over 6’6”. That could mean 6’6 1/8 or even less or it could mean 6’6.25 or slightly higher. If that’s excusable, along with “knowingly inflating Ali Baba by “minimum” 1/2” or Brosofdestruction 1/2” (Ali claimed 6’6 flat and said he was a hair under that mark by the time he met Taker and Brosofdestruction claimed 6’3.5) then Edward rounding Ben Bell to 6’0” from 6’0.25 shouldn’t even be a topic here. At least he didn’t knowingly “lie” about his height whereas the others are lying
Big Lul said on 27/Oct/20
@Edward I could see it now, back in there peak we know it was a max .5 inch difference between the two men but now I could definitely see a 75.- an inch difference now especially how taker barely looked taller than 6’4-6’4.5 drew McIntyre ( I do think that taker had bad posture and or Drew had a little bit of footwear advantage). But Kane could still look a sub 6’7 nowadays (6’6.5-6’6.75) especially around 6’6-6’6.25 max Braun Strowman and 6’5.75 Baron Corbin. I would go with
Drew McIntyre: 6’4.25-6’4.5
Undertaker: 6’5.5-6’5.75 (6’6 with a busted gut)
Baron Corbin: 6’5.75
Braun Strowman:6’6-6’6.25 max
Kane: 6’6.25-6’6.5 (6’6.75-6’7 in ring gear today)
NCL said on 26/Oct/20
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 27/Sep/20
T-Bar (as dumb as the name sounds) is around 6'5.5"-6'6" IMO. But I don't get why WWE had to change Dijakovic's name though. At worst, they could've just shortened it to Dijak or something. Not exactly sure yet on how tall Mace AKA Dio Maddin is, but he might be in the 6'5"-6'6" range as well, based on him next to Lesnar. Click Here
I agree!
Canson said on 25/Oct/20
@Edward: what’s even funnier is that I’m “40 years old” when he saw me say I’m almost 39. That means I’m 38 still. Exaggeration works in his favor when he wants to support his narrative such as a 6’6.5 Ali Baba (6’6 by his own admission and a hair under 6’6 (6’5.5-6’6) when he met Taker). Then Brosofdestruction 6’4 and trying to negotiate with 6’3.75”. Both guys were crystal clear about how tall they were. They said 6’6 and 6’3.5 when they posted here. That’s not negotiable. But if they had claimed that 6’6” and 6’3.5” were morning heights, I doubt the fact that the site uses afternoon heights and that they would dip to 6’5.5 and 6’3 would even be considered.
Canson said on 25/Oct/20
@Edward: I can def see that. It’s not a bad estimate and I don’t rule that completely out. I still see that type of measurement at times
Canson said on 25/Oct/20
@Edward: I can def see that. It’s not a bad estimate
recapa said on 25/Oct/20
199cm is fair for braun
Resurrection of Edwards said on 25/Oct/20
@canson and big lul
you guy’s aren’t still convinced yet.here is the another photo between taker and kane in 2020.you guy’s might disagree but personally,i can’t see just 1/2 or half inch difference between these guy’s in 2020.atleast 3/4.i can agree with rob listing them 3/4 apart.very very reasonable.
you guys need to watch this too.
here,taker is closer to camera.
Click Here
even here,taker is still closer to camera.
Click Here
you dudes might disagree but i just don’t see 1/2 difference between these guys in 2020.
Big Lul said on 24/Oct/20
@edwards also maybe that’s camera angles making Kane look that tall But guess we have to see the episode air on November 15th
Big Lul said on 24/Oct/20
100% agree @canson
Big Lul said on 24/Oct/20
@edwards I would go .5-.75 inch difference between the two men. It could sometimes be a 1-1.25 when Kane is in ring gear nowadays but I would go
Undertaker:6’5.5-6’5.75 (peak 6’7) (6’6 max busted gut nowadays)
Kane: 6’6.25-6’6.5 (6’7.25-6’7.5 peak)(maybe 6’6.75-6’7 in ring gear today)
Canson said on 24/Oct/20
@Edward: maybe not quite an inch only because of the angle favoring Kane but I do believe Kane would still be slightly taller. I can see a current Kane being nearer 6’7” Or even just 6’6.5 than Taker
Resurrection of Edwards said on 24/Oct/20
@canson and big lul
you guys might disagree with a bit.i cant see undertaker being even 6’6 in 2020.camera angles might surprise us. you have undertaker at 6’5.75 today.
i think this photo supports my claims.bros of destruction himself said the camera angles makes taker taller and bigger than he really is.not to forget he was wearing a beanie.
@canson and big lul
here is baron corbin looking 2” inch taller than 6’5 matt bloom.does that make corbin 6’7?we all know that he was measured 6’6.5 at a combine.what i’m saying is camera angles might surprise most of us.even if taker looked near 3 inch taller than bros of destruction that doesn’t change the fact that he is barely taller than 6’4 range drew mcintire.if undertaker was near 3” taller than bros,then i could have said corbin is 2” taller than 6’5 bloom.here is the photo.
Click Here
Resurrection of Edward said on 23/Oct/20
@canson,christian and big lul
looks like kane is an inch taller than taker in 2020
Click Here
you guys need to watch this.seems like an inch difference if i’m not mistaken.
Canson said on 22/Oct/20
@Big Lul: I’ve always advocated that Taker has bad posture. Hence Kevin Love towering him. However, Edward, Christian and I have always said he’s around 6’6” even when he was listed 6’6.5” last year. “Around” for all three of us meant he may dip to 6’5.75”. I’ve considered 6’5.5-6’6 range but always leaned toward 6’5.75 if he dipped below. Fact is, he looked max 6’6.5” with 6’6” (max) Ali Baba back in 2013/14 and 6’6 with Dan Trojan and Brosofdestruction claimed he was max 6’6” although it could look close to 3” there. Fact is if he is over the 6’6” mark it’s with perfect posture which I doubt he could do. It’s the same argument with Hulk Hogan where many here think he’s only 6’2”. I have been saying for a long time that he’s what Rob lists him at 6’3” even today and I don’t rule him being a hair over 6’3” out. I’d put money that Hogan would be 1/4” over The 6’3” mark before Taker being 1/4” over the 6’6” mark. Strowman is heavier and could lose more. I could easily buy him being a 199 cm guy being he’s taller than Corbin too by a good CM I’d say. Corbin I feel is a legit 6’6” like Rob lists him being he measured 6’6.5 early morning.
Resurrection of Edward said on 22/Oct/20
Big Lul said on 22/Oct/20
@edwards, Canson and Riky
To be honest, in the last ride documentary taker in the first 2 episodes looked at best 6’5-6’5.5 especially with guys like Roman, Orton and JBL. Then episode 3 he looked consistently 6’5.5. Then the last two episodes taker looked 6’5.75-6’6 max especially when he was around with Braun Strowman and the nxt big guys. So basically what I’m trying to say is that some times taker has really bad posture but not as bad as people say. But I will say this, he probably only looked 6’5-6’5.5 max in the first 2 episodes because it was pre 2nd hip surgery.
agreed dude.even 6’6 looks high for undertaker at times today.while he might reach 6’6
Busting a Gut but i’ll still lean towards 6’5 3/4 for undertaker today.no one can change my mind.6’6 is absolute highest that i would attempt to argue for the undertaker in 2020.he even looked and inch shorter than kane in a photo which i have already posted below.undertaker bad posture has been made an excuse by some
trolls to back their claims.i doubt undertaker has that bad posture that people keeps talking about.i have taker at 6’5.5/6’6 range today.he is somewhere there today atleast in 2020.
Big Lul said on 22/Oct/20
@edwards, Canson and Riky
To be honest, in the last ride documentary taker in the first 2 episodes looked at best 6’5-6’5.5 especially with guys like Roman, Orton and JBL. Then episode 3 he looked consistently 6’5.5. Then the last two episodes taker looked 6’5.75-6’6 max especially when he was around with Braun Strowman and the nxt big guys. So basically what I’m trying to say is that some times taker has really bad posture but not as bad as people say. But I will say this, he probably only looked 6’5-6’5.5 max in the first 2 episodes because it was pre 2nd hip surgery.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 20/Oct/20
attery6565 said on 19/Oct/20
@Ressurection of Edward
Like who? Like brosofdestruction who had this to say?
Click Here
this guy battery will now use excuse by using bros of destruction for next few years.kane is clearly an inch taller than undertaker in 2020.
Click Here
and here,
Click Here
go and find next excuse .does taker has poor posture.probably your most common excuses.
Pierre said on 20/Oct/20
Tyson Fury lots of time is tiptoeing = here is around the real difference when both guys around same posture =
Click Here (Braun's legs not perfectly aligned)Difference = under an inch.Difficult to me to see Tyson as tall as
Hafthor =
Click Here
Big Lul said on 18/Oct/20
100% agree Edward and Canson
Resurrection of Edward said on 18/Oct/20
agreed with everything you said dudester.
most of the people who encountered a peak kane and peak taker claimed that peak kane was slightly taller between the two guy’s.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 18/Oct/20
Big Lul said on 17/Oct/20
@edward, canson and Julian
I agree with what y’all said. Taker consistently looks 6’5.5-6’5.75 max today. I also won’t be surprised if him and Corbin are the same height. And Braun always looked a .5 inch taller than taker but .25-.5 shorter than Kane. Let alone struggled to look 6’6 even with 6’6.75-6’7 max Tyson fury. Also do you think that it’s likely that Kane could pass as 6’7.5 peak height. I think it’s like this nowadays. Any thoughts?
Undertaker: 6’5.5-6’5.75 (peak 6’7)
Baron Corbin: 6’5.75
Braun Strowman: 6’6-6’6.25 max
Kane: 6’6.25-6’6.5 (peak 6’7-6’7.5)
@big lul
a good estimation overall dude.i can see the arguments.talking about kane,i personally think kane could pass 6’7.5 attimes.people who met peak kane says he is defo taller than taker but we’re talking about a fraction or smidge.if peak undertaker is 6’7.25 like rob list him,then i can say 6’7.5 is possible for peak kane but mostly i would stick with 6’7 for peak taker and 6’7.25 for kane and that’s just me.just saying.
Canson said on 18/Oct/20
@Big Lul: I would peg Kane as the taller of the two. At worst, I’d say that he at least slightly edges Taker out. Even using Rob’s listing for Taker which is fair, I’d have Kane about half inch taller or maybe a cm
Canson said on 18/Oct/20
@Big Lul: I would peg Kane as the tales of the two. At worst, I’d say that he at least slightly edges Taker out. Even using Rob’s listing for Taker which is fair, I’d have Kane about half inch taller or maybe a cm
Canson said on 17/Oct/20
@Edward: I agree with everything you said. And those two fit as Rob also has them .75” apart
Big Lul said on 17/Oct/20
@edward, canson and Julian
I agree with what y’all said. Taker consistently looks 6’5.5-6’5.75 max today. I also won’t be surprised if him and Corbin are the same height. And Braun always looked a .5 inch taller than taker but .25-.5 shorter than Kane. Let alone struggled to look 6’6 even with 6’6.75-6’7 max Tyson fury. Also do you think that it’s likely that Kane could pass as 6’7.5 peak height. I think it’s like this nowadays. Any thoughts?
Undertaker: 6’5.5-6’5.75 (peak 6’7)
Baron Corbin: 6’5.75
Braun Strowman: 6’6-6’6.25 max
Kane: 6’6.25-6’6.5 (peak 6’7-6’7.5)
Resurrection of Edward said on 16/Oct/20
@canson and julian
i still feel kane edges strowman.kane is relaxed whereas strowman is tilting his head a bit and kane still looks taller.
Click Here
Resurrection of Edward said on 16/Oct/20
@canson and julian
i fully agree with everything you guy’s said.standing at military posture with chest puffed,shoulders backwards,kane still looks 6’6.5 and i’d bet he can pass for it still.i know you guys might disagree a bit on this one,i personally feel that kane is more than half inch taller than the undertaker today.i just can’t see only 1/2 difference between these guys.ofcourse i could be wrong but kane did looked almost an inch taller than the undertaker lasttime in the documentary.i think the lastride documentary did prove my point.kane looked an inch taller than undertaker.i personally think taker shrinks or looks 1/4 shorter every year.i personally have taker at 6’5.75 or 6’5 3/4 today and kane at 6’6.5 or 6’6 1/2 today.a 0.75 difference between these guy’s.just saying.
Canson said on 15/Oct/20
@Edward: yea I think so too now that I see it. Kane could still pass for 6’6.5. Braun is shaky. I see Braun still being taller than Taker though
6'3 Julian said on 15/Oct/20
@Kinwell taller how? Taller than Kane? Taller than his listing?
6'3 Julian said on 14/Oct/20
@Res of Edward from what I’ve seen Kane does edge him but it probably comes down to sock thickness
Kan said on 12/Oct/20
If you watch strowman next to Tyson fury, he looks clearly an inch short
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
I do think is even 1.25 inch short
Next to big cass looks more near 2 inch shorter than 1.5 inch
Click Here
And next to baron corbin and orton
Click Here
Click Here
6ft6 1/4 seems enough for Braun
Resurrection of Edward said on 12/Oct/20
i personally feel that kane could still edge him even today but barely.
Canson said on 4/Oct/20
@Christian: yea it could’ve bordered on looking something like 1.75”
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Oct/20
Maybe 1.5"-ish I think as well, but the photo of them together looked more 2" TBH.
Pierre said on 3/Oct/20
If you prefer look at the comparisons I posted and look at their noses=here Triple H is max same height as
Hafthor's lower nose while Triple H is around same height as Braun's top of nose.Then to me again by this point of comparisons
Hafthor is no less than two inches taller than Braun.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 1/Oct/20
I agree with you that Triple H's more 6'1" range these days. But I can't see Lesnar under 187cm, neither Strowman under 198cm.
Canson said on 1/Oct/20
I Highly doubt
Hafthor has 2” on Braun Strowman, Pierre. That’s max 1.5” or 1.25” like the listings suggest
Pierre said on 28/Sep/20
Christian 6"5 3/8 said on 27/sept
Click Here here is Brock Lesnar next to Triple H
Triple H /
Hafthor =
Click Here Click Here looking around same height as his lower ears here
Hafthor's scale =
Click Here
Click Here = Triple H =same height as Braun's HIGHEST ears this time .
By this comparisons again Braun is no less than two inches shorter than
Hafthor then under 6"6'
Braun /
Hafthor sleeping on him =
Click Here Hafthor a bit more shoe probably Braun advantageous cap,in his poor posture
Hafthor still is looking taller than Braun's cap
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 27/Sep/20
T-Bar (as dumb as the name sounds) is around 6'5.5"-6'6" IMO. But I don't get why WWE had to change Dijakovic's name though. At worst, they could've just shortened it to Dijak or something. Not exactly sure yet on how tall Mace AKA Dio Maddin is, but he might be in the 6'5"-6'6" range as well, based on him next to Lesnar.
Click Here
Canson said on 27/Sep/20
Resurrection of Edward said on 25/Sep/20
agreed dude!
James B 172cm said on 26/Sep/20
Guess we can all agree then that strowman is at least 6’6 flat?
Resurrection of Edward said on 25/Sep/20
agreed dude!
6'3 Julian said on 25/Sep/20
Strowman has 60+ pounds on Sid and has been lifting weights for 20 years as a strongman, it’s possible he was naturally 6’7 but shrank down for most of his adult life
Canson said on 24/Sep/20
James B 172cm said on 22/Sep/20
Canson-strowman looks shorter than a prime Sid
I’d have thought they were the same at worst. May have to do with how heavy Strowman is. They’re built differently.
Pierre said on 24/Sep/20
Braun closer to the camera plus cap /Georges W Bush recent pic =
Click Here Click Here Braun's lower nose around same height as Georges
In 2002 =Kobe Bryant 6"4.75' /Georges w Bush probably a bit taller than this days(listed 5"11' peak and current 5"10.25') =
Click Here Click Here = low camera that advantage the closest guy
Click Here =Kobe /Magic Johnson 6"7.5'
Click Here
2007 Shaq 7"0.25' /Georges W Bush
Click Here =Georges closer to the camera
Click Here
James B 172cm said on 22/Sep/20
Canson-strowman looks shorter than a prime Sid
Kan said on 22/Sep/20
How long is strowman head in your opinion ?
Seems a bit longer than triple h or orton head, but not by much
Editor Rob
I'm still not so sure because of his beard.
Click Here
Canson said on 21/Sep/20
@James B: I would say 6’5.75-6’6 is possible for Corbin but 6’6.25 worst case for Strowman imho
James B 172cm said on 19/Sep/20
He doesn’t look over 6’6 to me.
Baron Corbin is a guy who might drown down to 6ft5.75 later on in the day
So my opinion is......
Baron Corbin 6ft5 7/8
Braun Strowman 6ft6 1/8
y2flu said on 18/Sep/20
Sorry guys but I’ve gotta disagree with you on this one. I had front toe seats at a house show and Braun was less than a foot from me, and he was about 3” taller than me (I’m 6’ 2 7/8”) ... and that’s with those big boots he had on.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 18/Sep/20
He had a 6'8" listing when he played football, and it might be a legit listing. I wouldn't put him over 203 though.
Vaskianino said on 17/Sep/20
Dabba kato looks about 2.5 inches ( 6.3 - 6.5 cm ) taller than strowman and I think this guy is legit 6’9 because he is also listed in the football team with this height but he also dwarfs everybody except strowman and that 7’3 new guy , so yes if dabba kato is in the 205-205.6 cm range , strowman is in 199-199.6 range
Pierre said on 17/Sep/20
we don't know Dabba's real height.he's listed 6"9' but lot's of time official heights are generous.Here at 26 he's listed 6"8' =
Click Here
Here Braun does not really shrink,I really doubt he's close to 6"7' next to Georges W Bush probably max 5"10' this days =
Click Here Click Here
Georges W Bush is around same height as Braun's lower ears =
Here is a distance between lowers ears and top of head of
Hafthor another tall guy with a generous head =at around 3:21
Click Here = 6"0' to 6"7.0' = 7 inches = Georges W Bush 5"10' + 7 inches = 6"5' ... here is how much big looks Braun's head next to
Hafthor's head(
Hafthor without advantageous cap)
Click Here I doubt Braun's head is really bigger than
Hafthor's head.
Kan said on 16/Sep/20
How long is strowman head in your opinion ?
Seems a bit longer than triple h or orton head, but not by much

Editor Rob
I'm still not so sure because of his beard.
NCL said on 15/Sep/20
Braun and Dabba Kato staredown pause at 1:17
Click Here
Dabba looks 1-2” taller to me
Rob, would you consider a page for Dabba Kato?
Annonymous said on 15/Sep/20
At least 6'6.5. Weak 6'7''.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 6/Sep/20
It's not insane to think that he might've a bit, considering he's nearly 40 and been lifting heavy weights for decades, and his size.
Canson said on 6/Sep/20
Hahahahajjj said on 2/Sep/20
Canson pal those are camera angles and depends on footwear its not hard to look as tall as someone who's 2inches taller.
For example wlad and Tyson fury, wlad makes himself look as tall as Tyson fury.
All these sites are pretty stupid, u know wrestling lists fake heights but these also lists fake heights being shorter
But Strowman is barely taller than Baron Corbin who Rob has accurately listed. Corbin measured 6’6.5 early morning at the combine so he’s reasonably listed. And that measurement carries weight next to 6’6.25 morning measured Rob Gronkowski. They looked the same height in the ring. Strowman was max 1/2 inch taller than Corbin. Maybe even less. And
Tyson Fury wasn’t but maybe an inch to inch and a half taller than Carmelo Anthony who measured 6’6.25” barefoot and looked about it in person
6'3 Julian said on 6/Sep/20
@Christian Strowman used to be a strongman, and I’ve heard that lifting weights can cause shrinking, plus he’s like 150lbs overweight
Pierre said on 6/Sep/20
Click Here = Braun Strowman /Drew Mc Intyre listed 6"4.5' when both have not possible advantageous wrestler shoes.
Click Here =Imo Braun's top of head a bit closer to the camera here but slouching abit more probably
Click Here Braun's top of head a lot closer to the camera
Pierre said on 6/Sep/20
Don't forget
Tyson Fury is tiptoeing sometimes = Braun Strowman when around same posture as
Tyson Fury both sneakers =
Click Here .You can see here Braun's legs are a bit less straight than Tyson's legs (Braun has a foot clearly a bit behind the other foot)then logically lose a bit of height
Now Braun /Tyson when Braun has his feet like Tyson's feet =
Click Here .You can see that in the video the first second they are face to face at around 1:20 =
Click Here .And after at around 1:27 Braun place his foot a bit behind the other foot and lose a bit height.
Difference betwen Braun and Tyson = 0.5 inch
Magic 6"7.5' /
Tyson Fury Magic in poorer posture =
Click Here
Tyson looking max 6"6' next to Magic Braun is logically a bit under 6"6' this time too
Pierre said on 6/Sep/20
Click Here = Next to Georges Bush probably weak 5"10' now. I guess Braun under 6"6'
Click Here =
Hafthor,wearing maybe 1 cm more shoe than Braun's Vans,one of
Hafthor's feet a bit closer to the camera but slouching a lot on the opposite side to the camera =then both heads about same distance to the camera= Hafhtor 6"7.5'sleeping on Braun,
Hafthor's top of head still is taller than Braun's cap.
Braun 6"5.5' big max to me.
Riky said on 5/Sep/20
Fury is taller, when at same posture and out of gear.
Click Here
Fury somehow is shorter than Magic Johnson, by how much doesn't really care to me. But he is shorter.
Now this is magic jhonson and 6'7.25 maybe 6'7.5 Kavin Love.
Click Here
Just for curiosity here Jhonson looks max flat 6'7" here with Nash and Hall
Click Here
Those are not exclusive pictures of course, we already saw them. But it seems that Strawman could be as low as a 6'6" barefoot. Fury 6'6"3/4.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 5/Sep/20
It might not make much of a difference, unless if it's a drastic weight loss like several hundred pounds.
6'3 Julian said on 5/Sep/20
Might Strowman be shorter because of his bodyweight? Isn’t he like 370? I think that might shrink him a little. It would be interesting to see how a slimmer Braun would match up to Tyson
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Sep/20
I think a 2cm difference between the two is accurate, or maybe an inch at the most, like Rob has them at.
They do look a lot closer in height in the second pic, for some reason.
Canson said on 2/Sep/20
@Christian: that along with the fact that Tyson almost always has very poor posture like Rob says. I have Strowman around 199 and Fury would likely be 201-202 range
Lover_thorn3 said on 2/Sep/20
@christian i didnt know abt footwear but in the second pic i still feel it seems if Braun stood tall they’d be similar with braun maybe being taller
Hahahahajjj said on 2/Sep/20
Canson pal those are camera angles and depends on footwear its not hard to look as tall as someone who's 2inches taller.
For example wlad and Tyson fury, wlad makes himself look as tall as Tyson fury.
All these sites are pretty stupid, u know wrestling lists fake heights but these also lists fake heights being shorter
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 1/Sep/20
Tyson had a significant footwear disadvantage in the first pic. He's clearly taller than Strowman barefoot.
Lover_thorn3 said on 28/Aug/20
Rob. Braun seems taller than Tyson
The lines drew arent perfect so there may be a few mms off but
Click Here
Braun seems solidly taller
Click Here
Braun has worse posture but they are very similar
Upgrade for braun maybe? Downgrade for Fury? What do you think rob

Editor Rob
Depending on footwear and angle, either can look taller.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 26/Aug/20
Most sports height listings are inflated, wrestling or not. And
Hafthor's more like 6'7.5", not 6'9".
Hahahahajjj said on 24/Aug/20
Braun is listed as 6ft8 in the strongman competitions which is real unlike www storylines, that's why in wwe people have billed heights and not real heights
Haftor is 6ft9 1inches taller than braun even in pictures, so how can braun strowman be 6ft6🤣🤣🤣🤣
Canson said on 22/Aug/20
@Christian: yea I was saying that the way Rob lists him currently is the tallest I would ever give him. I didn’t agree with the previous listing of 6’6.75” at all. He barely looks taller than Corbin If at all
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 22/Aug/20
Don't know if I'll even go 6'6.5" for Strowman nowadays. He seems closer to 6'6" than 6'7" the more I see him in pics and clips. But I'll still give him 6'6.25" just for the benefit of the doubt.
6'3 Julian said on 21/Aug/20
Tyson is 6’9 and clearly puffing his chest up. He doesn’t look over 1.5 inches taller. Even if he had footwear advantage (and I can’t see their feet, Tyson may have thicker shoes) then Braun is minimum 6’7
Canson said on 19/Aug/20
6’7.5 is impossible with
Tyson Fury. He’s no taller than Rob lists him
6'3 Julian said on 18/Aug/20
John Morrison said Braun was “6 foot 9, 370 pounds of muscle” on Smackdown. Even if he was exaggerating I’m sure strongman heights aren’t legit and he’s 6’7.5 at wirst
Canson said on 18/Aug/20
@Jdubbz: yea I’m thinking he’s 6’3-6’3.5”. I have Cena at 6’0” whereas I have Strowman at 6’6.5ish maybe even 6’6.25 worst case
Matt logan said on 14/Aug/20
6'5.5 max for strowman
Riky said on 27/Jul/20
Gobgghbfffcnkj said on 23/Jul/20
I think they measured him in shoes 6'7" and something rounding up to 6'8".
He does look 6'6" to a full 199cm max.
Gobgghbfffcnkj said on 23/Jul/20
I just looked up the stats from his strongman career. Says he’s 6’8. Do they fudge heights or is he really that tall
Jdubbz said on 16/Jul/20
Hi Rob, I was browsing reddit when I found this guy who claimed to be 6'5 and said that Braun was every bit of 6'8 (and that Cena was 6'2). Here are the pics he posted:
Click Here
Click Here
I'm thinking this guy is a classic 6'3 or 6'3.5 dude who claims 6'5. What do you think Rob?

Editor Rob
Would be interesting if he had other photos with celebs to see how others compare with him. I wouldn't have guessed he was 6ft 5 from those photos.
James B 172cm said on 12/Jul/20
Rob do you agree Strowman doesn’t look over 6’6 here with Tyson fury?
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
He was struggling to look above 6ft 6 when Tyson stood upright and busted a gut.
Riky said on 23/Jun/20
I think Sid peak was same height as strowman, 198.5
James B 172cm said on 15/Jun/20
Hard to believe Braun would have edged out a prime Sid
Kan said on 13/Jun/20
Overall I think an inch on orton isn’t possible. At times they look identical. If you see jbl next to orton gave a taller impression than Harper. I really surprised if he’s taller than drew
Kane99 said on 3/Jun/20
We can considerer Luke Harper as 6ft4 1/2 in your opinion ?
Click Here
Click Here
He doesn’t look a 6ft5 guy for what I ever seen, even remember jbl or wade Barrett next to orton seems to have an edge on Harper..
Click Here

Editor Rob
6ft 4.5 up to 5 is possible
Andy 5'91/2 said on 13/May/20
Hey rob. How tall would the other wyatt family members be? Ive been wondering for ages Ive seen ppl guess bray anywhere from 5’11-6’3 luke harper is 6’5 according to google and rowan is said to be 6’8 but i cant see it he didnt tower over daniel bryan

Editor Rob
I am not sure on all of them.
Marshall Kemal said on 11/May/20
He's under 200cm.He nearly has same height with Randy Orton.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 30/Apr/20
Some of the listings of the site are a bit off IMO though, but then again, I disagree with some of the listings on CH as well. But an interesting site nonetheless. I'll certainly bookmark it.
ced said on 29/Apr/20
@Kroton.. Wow, seems legit.. Just saw Kevin Nash (204 cm), Tyler Mane (202 cm), Undertaker (Now 197cm, peak 200 cm), Kane (Now 199cm, Peak: 201cm - might have been close to 202 in 97-98, but they only have him measured dating back to 2001 of which he did look a little shorter than 97-98).. And Braun Strowman (199cm), Big Show (208cm).
Crazy how much taller TV makes them than they already are (no doubt they are still huge men, but to promote someone like Taker as 6'10 and a half while he's barely 6'7 is crazy. Same with Kane as 7 Feet. I think Taker would have been fine as being promoted as 6'9 and Kane as 6'10.
Braun Strowman is 199cm in ring gear, but he does wear some thick shoes, I think he's 198cm without them.
kr0t0n said on 27/Apr/20
No. I just found that website and it seems quite trustworthy. A lot of photos for comparison. "Настоящий рост знаменитостей" stands for "real celebrity heights". Might be russian equivalent of celebheights.com.

Editor Rob
It was linked a few years back on here, I said if they wanted to use a few of my photos I wouldn't object.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Apr/20
Cool, did you create those height lines?
kr0t0n said on 22/Apr/20
It was proven, that Strowman is 199 cm at best. Before entering WWE ring, Stroman goes through series of workouts to pump muscles and stretch spine to look as big as possible. He is 1 cm taller that Corbin and sometimes they look equal.
Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 18/Apr/20
So do I. Anywhere from 6'6"-6'6.5" is most likely, so I'll go with the middle of the road of 6'6.25"
Roderick said on 17/Apr/20
@Christian Well, I do have Strowman at max 6'6.5", probably more like 6'6.25".