Canson said on 29/Nov/18
@RP: combines actually start around 6am (that’s Rise and Shine). But you’re right about an hour after waking. It said in 2006 that they got drug tested then got their physicals (measured etc). The measurements (based on that) along with the comparisons to Senior Bowl and Pro Days points to about 1 hour out of bed. I saw where Johnny Manziel tweeted at something like 730 or 8 am after his physical. A 6’6.5 for Corbin could potentially mean (in my opinion) 6’6 or 6’6 1/8. 6’6.25 would be an absolute most for him but probably between the former.
Canson said on 29/Nov/18
@RP: combines actually start around 6am (that’s Rise and Shine). But you’re right about an hour after waking. It said in 2006 that they got drug tested then got their physicals (measured etc). The measurements (based on that) along with the comparisons to Senior Bowl and Pro Days points to about 1 hour out of bed. I saw where Johnny Manziel tweeted at something like 730 or 8 am after his physical. A 6’6.5 for Corbin could potentially mean (in my opinion) 6’6 or 6’6 1/8. 6’6.25 would be an absolute most for him but probably between the former
Americandream said on 28/Nov/18
Why you don’t list erick rowan ?

Editor Rob
There's still a fair amount of wrestlers to consider.
RP said on 28/Nov/18
Well, Tom Pestock aka Barry Corbin does have a documented barefoot height measurement 6’6-1/2” from the NFL Combine. Just google Tom Pestock nfl draft scout. Of was officially 6’6-1/2” & 300 lbs. yes, NFL Combine measurements taken in the morning between 8am & 11am..medical .physicals start @ 8am. And they go in position groups in groups of about 20-25 and you go in alphabetical order. So, your measurements will take place between 9am & 11am typically. That being said...that would give him a late evening low of 6’6” ..
6’6-1/2” morning
6’6” night
JamesB172cm said on 27/Nov/18
Rob he looks dead on the same as Corbin here and Braun is in wrestling boots.
Click Here

Editor Rob
I'm not sure if they would be exactly the same.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Nov/18
If Drew's 6'4.75", then Strowman and Corbin would have to be nearly 6'7". I see him as more 6'4.25"
Xpac99 said on 25/Nov/18
Click Here
How tall is erick rowan ? Over 6ft 6
miko said on 25/Nov/18
Corbin is a very solid 6'6, could even be a bit over it.
Strowman is 6'6.5/6'6.75. Given how heavy he is his height likely fluctuates quite a bit. He could wake up at 6'7.5.
Canson said on 22/Nov/18
@Dan Trojan: that’s precisely where I have him today. 6’6 and change
184guy2 said on 19/Nov/18
Looked again pretty close to Baron Corbin , a fraction taller in the reality
6'6.5-6'6.75 might be on the money while Corbin looks a legit 6'6
Drew Mcintyre is closer to 6'5 than 6'4 . 6'4.75 would be a great listing if he gets a page .
FrankR1 said on 19/Nov/18
Noticeable “height loss” before the age of 40 is extremely common for tall people who have weighed more than 300 pounds for over a decade. Excessive body weight, gravity, and injuries gradually shrink very heavy people. I think that Adam Scherr was probably around 6’7” (peak), then he lost about an inch of height over the last 10 years or so, which would make him right at 6’6” today.
Barrett said on 19/Nov/18
A lot of these guys are a lot lot shorter then you think if we had them bare foot they would be...
Stroman 6'5
Drew Mc 6'3
Brock 6'1 and a 1/2
Hogan 6'2
NASH 6'8
Kurt Angle 5'8
HHH 6'1
Cena a weak 6 foot
Big Show 6'9 and a 1/2
Taker 6'5
Kane 6'6
And when they put foot ware on you can add almost 2 inches in height to all of them but don't for get a lot of these guys are older they have lost height over the years.
Dan Trojan said on 17/Nov/18
Yeah well what I don't get is how everyone can believe he is that tall which he is but not believe the undertaker is in that range when he's clearly taller than Braun strowman just something to think about
tree said on 16/Nov/18
Dan Trojan said on 15/Nov/18
I was close enough to Braun at a wwe event earlier this year and he was definitely in the 6'6" 6'7" range by my estimation
Cool but we already know he is in that range :D
Dan Trojan said on 15/Nov/18
I was close enough to Braun at a wwe event earlier this year and he was definitely in the 6'6" 6'7" range by my estimation
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Nov/18
3-4mm is barely noticeable, so it's not a big deal.
Xpac99 said on 14/Nov/18
Click Here
6ft 6 1/2 for strowman ??
tree said on 14/Nov/18
The inside of the ring in not exactly straght there are some parts that sink a bit more but a little amount 3-4mm
Canson said on 13/Nov/18
@Christian: agreed
FMExTREME said on 13/Nov/18
@ Nick
I don’t know I watched the segment and Strowman looked taller this time, even in that photo if you look at the top of the image to the top of each their heads Strowman looked taller, maybe Strowman does have half an inch on Corbin.
Sometimes though they do look same in height but most of the time Strowman edges Corbin, saying all that though if Kane is billed at 6’7 then Strowman looks barely 6’6, Kane looks at least an inch taller maybe more, could be down to footwear, Braun with his big boots look only 4 inches taller than (IMO) 6’2.5 Lesnar when Lesnar is in his regular trainers so 6’6 flat for Strowman is not out the question and 6’5.5 for Corbin.
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 13/Nov/18
@Nick Cantan Strowman looks taller there but he could have a slight footwear advantage and he's raising his head a bit. Barefoot they'd probably measure quite close although I'd say Corbin gives a taller impression due to his build and smaller head.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 13/Nov/18
@Nick Cantan
Strowman only looks 1/4" taller than Corbin, and it's possible that Strowman has a slight footwear advantage as well.
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 13/Nov/18
@GS1981 When he looked taller he had lifts and was standing better than Kane. That was when he first arrived in 2015. After that he started wearing a boot which was not as thick so from then onwards he didn't really look taller than Kane. The highest I can see Strowman is probably 6'6.5" as I don't think Kane is too much under 6'7" today (maybe only a 1/4" if at all).
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 13/Nov/18
I believe 6'9.5" today is alright for him.
GS1981 said on 13/Nov/18
He looks different heights every time i see him, originally he looked like 2" taller than Kane, then later on he looked a inch shorter, then about the same height, sometimes looking bigger than Taker, others the same height, the same with Corbin, i'm guessing he is 6ft 7 but he could easily be a bit less.
I think as far as Kane goes, sometimes Kane has bigger heels depending on how hes booked or who he is booked with, in the recent segments with Taker he had about 2" in height over him, i think Strowman had bigger heels at the beginning in his early segments with the Wyatt family..
Height Ali said on 13/Nov/18
Search for the picture of when Big Show returned to ring with slimmer body. Big Show can still look 7" if he can stand straight like in this case. He looked a good 5" taller than Strowman. Show might have slight shoe advantage but Strowman was tip toeing most of the time.
michael loughrie said on 12/Nov/18
I think Braun Strowman is 6' 8" in those boots he wears. Barefoot I'd say he is 6'6".
Canson said on 12/Nov/18
@Christian: Show’s height is hard to pin down. I saw a pic with he and Kevin Durant and he still looked close to an inch taller. I would’ve still guessed 6’10” based on that picture. I can’t find it now unfortunately and not sure when it was taken. It’s very possible Show is a weak 6’10 these days
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Nov/18
Khali's 6'11.5" IMO. He was listed as 6'11.5" and 6'11 7/8" as a bodybuilder. That would put Big Show at max 6'10", and that was nearly like a decade ago. Nowadays, he probably dropped to 6'9.5", which would put Strowman at max 6'6.5". Even in the suit pic, they look 2.5" apart, so I have no reason to believe that Show wears lifts in the ring. He could've probably just had a footwear disadvantage in the suit pic.
tree said on 12/Nov/18
Almost as tall as Corbin??
Braun is clearly taller
Annonymous said on 11/Nov/18
Christian...I believe big show may pack lifts in his boots in the wrestl
Ing ring, that would explain the barely 1.5 inch height difference between him and the 7'0.5ish Great Khali, that also makes sense as he looks taller next to braun in the ring than in their suits there and dress shoes. Wight 6'10 nowadays, Strowman a few mm's over 6'7.
kr0t0n said on 11/Nov/18
Strowman is a bulky 6'6 man. He is slightly taller than McIntyre and almost as tall as Baron Corbin, but much heavier and bulkier, due to weightlifting career. 6'6 1/2 is my guess. But no way of being 6'8, as billed by WWE, or even more so, 6'10 as "measured" by some announcers. Big Cass was legit 6'8, but he was lanky, awkward, not much talented and mentally unstable, so they retired him. Strowman is currently the most promising big man among the new generation giants. Cass was retired, Corbin is boring to watch, there is also Babatunde - 6'8 or 6'9 man, but he is still a green rookie and not a main event material.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 10/Nov/18
Why is 6'6" flat for Strowman impossible but Show at 6'9" isn't? There's very easily a 3" difference, as I've shown you in the pic.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Nov/18
The Nikes that the baller wore looked no thicker than Air Force One's, which is proven to be 3cm thick by Rob.
Click Here The boots that Braun's wearing look 4cm thick, which typical for those types of boots. So Braun has around 1cm footwear advantage.
Click Here
tree said on 9/Nov/18
I saw enough fom Strowman i would not put him 6ft6 flat
And Show right now as of november 2018 can be as short as 6ft9.i wonder if he is depresed about loosing height so fast.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 8/Nov/18
That would question Big Show's height as well. Chances are that he's not 6'10" anymore. Maybe 6'9.5" range.
Annonymous said on 8/Nov/18
B-baller wearing some thick nikes so I doubt there is much of a footwear advantage for either guy there. You're scrambling to make your estimate still seem valid here christian...kanter just 6'9 and strowman footwear advantage.
He looks 6'7.25 next to big show and kanter anyone looking subjectively would agree.
tree said on 8/Nov/18
With Show in the ring that is 3 inch the most,i would rule out 6ft6 easily,6ft6.25 has a chance.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 7/Nov/18
Strowman looked 3.5" shorter than Big Show in the ring. I wasn't referring to their recent pic with suits on.
Click Here Btw, Strowman had footwear advantage over that 6'9" basketball player as you can see.
Click Here so a good 2.5"-2.75" difference. I'm not saying that Strowman's only 6'6" flat (even though I wouldn't rule it out), but there's a better chance he's 6'6.25"
tree said on 7/Nov/18
Dude Christaian stop downgrading Storwman to 6ft6 its IMPOSSIBLE he is a 6ft6.25-6ft6.75
And if u see in the recent pic more than 3 inch between him and Show u need to change your opinion there.
Show is stretched there and looking up still not much over 2 inch
That basketball guy could be just 6ft9 afternoon but it would still make Strowman over 6ft6
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 6/Nov/18
It's not a cop out, these are facts. The vast majority of NBA players are measured in the morning. And it's not that I want or don't want him to be under 6'7". I just see him being under 6'7" in most pics. Speaking of Big Show, Strowman looks easily 3.5" shorter than him, and he's listed 6'10".
RP said on 4/Nov/18
Braun 6’7.25”
Big Show 6’10.25”
Kane 6’7”
Erik C. said on 4/Nov/18
Do you think that Braun strowman might be very similar or identical to strongmen Robert Oberst and Brian Shaw?
Both strowman and shaw were listed similarly as strongmen and seeing him taller than baron corbin, about the same as Kane, and barely shorter than big show, do you think strowman might deserve an upgrade back to 6 ft 7 or near 6-8?

Editor Rob
I would still say Shaw can look taller than Braun.
Annonymous said on 4/Nov/18
Christian, that seems like a cop out saying it was prob a morning measurement for the basketball player. Maybe he's 6'10 and a few mm's right out of bed then was down to 6'9.75 at the combine. Either way, that pic was bad news for those of you that want this giant Strowman under 6,7 barefoot.
Andre, it's ridiculous sometimes...what now big show is just 6'8.5 now? Hahaha.
Agent Orange said on 4/Nov/18
Do agree that someone of Strowman’s size will lose at least an inch during the day. Probably wakes up at a strong 6’7.
Andre1983 said on 2/Nov/18
I agree Annonymous the downgrading on this site has got out of hand 6ft 5-6ft 6 estimates for Strowman were always crazy based on the fact he was listed 6ft 8 in strongman and same height as Brian Shaw in events.
Strowman only looks 2 inches shorter than that basketballe
juggernaut said on 2/Nov/18
Look at this latest pic of Strowman, Show and Kane in Saudi Arabia probably..
Here Strowman looks like only 2 inches shorter than Show while Kane is a little behind both men but should be taller than Strowman.. Surprisingly Show doesn't even look 6'10'
Click Here
JamesB172cm said on 1/Nov/18
Rob how would Strowman look next too a Prime Sid?

Editor Rob
I would expect him to look very similar in photos.
tree said on 1/Nov/18
He looked exactly 2 meters with Brock and Baron Corbin,his boots looks normal 1 inches
Click Here
Canson said on 31/Oct/18
@Christian: I can almost guarantee that’s a morning height for Enis Kanter unless he was measured overseas prior to coming to the States or unless he grew.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 30/Oct/18
I highly doubt that that basketball player's legit 6'9.75" at his low. Almost always they're morning measurements.
Annonymous said on 26/Oct/18
6'7.75 out of bed, 6'7 evening. Based on the photo with the 6'10ish basketball player he needs to be fixed back to a 6'7 listing. Some proof there that downgraders get too extreme.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Oct/18
Yeah, he could've been around 6'6.5" peak and 6'6.25" today.
RP said on 24/Oct/18
Christian 6’5 3/8”
Correct on Braun (Adam) in 2012 (6 years ago) I personally witnessed Adam (Braun) get measured in the morning at 6’7-1/2” & 402 lbs! There’s no question being a 350 pound to 400 pound man that he will lose At least 3/4” during the coarse of a day. Possibly even a full inch, considering the majority of his days involve extremely heavy weightlifting...and now taking hard bumps in the wrestling ring. And that was also six years ago, so, it’s very possible if not likely he’s lost 1/4” of his peak height. Considering he has spent the last 10 to 12 years of his life walking around at anywhere between 340 to 420 pounds at his heaviest ... and constantly lifting extremely heavy weights ... and now he’s working in an industry that probably creates and accelerates height loss more than any industry or sport known to man...other than coal mining.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Oct/18
Doesn't look under 6'7" assuming Kanter's 6'9.75", but that may be a morning measurment. Kanter could be 6'9" and Strowman 6'6.25" at evening.
Vegas' said on 19/Oct/18
With 6'9.75 barefoot measured Enes Kanter
Click Here
ced said on 11/Oct/18
@Agent Orange, I agree.. Braun does wear some big platforms that give him about 1.5 inches to his overall height. I think in his boots he's about 6'7.5 give or take a quarter inch. Without them, he does seem 6'6.25
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 10/Oct/18
Actually they looked 1.75" apart. Drew's posture wasn't that great.
Agent Orange said on 10/Oct/18
Yeah 6’6,25 could be closer to the truth as barefoot height. His footwear advantage could account for the perceived height difference with Drew tbh.
RP said on 8/Oct/18
Braun & Drew McIntyre finally had a good legit eye to eye staredown tonight in the ring on RAW. And Braun was 2.25” taller.
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 7/Oct/18
A little over 6'6 is fair for Strowman. Looks closer to 6'6 than 6'7 a lot of the time.
Xpac99 said on 5/Oct/18
Rob do you think onestly that strowman is 6ft 6 1/2 like sycho sid and viscera ?? I don’t see difference when he faced 6ft 2 guy like reigns and lesnar. Almost 6ft 7 seems to much

Editor Rob
6ft 8 looks too much, 6ft 6 too low, I think 6ft 6.5-7 range is quite arguable. Anywhere in that.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 3/Oct/18
@Agent Orange
Drew honestly looked around 1.5" shorter than Strowman. If Drew's weak 6'5" (6'4.5"-6'4.75"), that puts Strowman at max 6'6.25"
Agent Orange said on 23/Sep/18
Drew looks a weak 6’5 tbh so Braun could be 6’7. Just saying!
Armando said on 19/Sep/18
I think he's 200 cuz he stands next to Brian Shaw and he looks shorter. Shaw claimed to be 203.
184guy2 said on 16/Sep/18
Drew is somewhere around 6'4.5-6'4.75
Xpac99 said on 16/Sep/18
Click Here
1:40 Drew is over 6ft 4 for sure... 6ft 3 is a joke for this big guy
John barrett said on 16/Sep/18
Drew with 6 foot Bret Hart - Bret could be a little shorter maybe?
Click Here
John barrett said on 16/Sep/18
Guys I'm not lieing @tree @christian I have a photo of Drew next to my Daughter she is 5'1 I will try to add it here but not to sure how to? if I can't add photo can someone tell me how, so you all can see pic thanks
tree said on 12/Sep/18
Drew is iver 6ft4,if someboy meets him and say he is 6ft3 its a lie or a really bad guess
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 10/Sep/18
@John Barrett
Drew's no shorter than 193-194 range. Maybe 6'4.25" or so to be exact.
John barrett said on 5/Sep/18
After watching Raw this past week Braun was next to Drew McIntyre in the ring. Now I got to meet Drew early 2018 in the U.k to me he was a good 6'3 maybe 6'3 and a half but after seen him next to Braun I was surpised, Braun didn't look no more then 6'5 I was really shocked thought he was 6'6 or a little more he really is a bit shorter then we all think.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Sep/18
I agree. 6'6.25" could be the max. I used to think he was 200cm but I was a bit naive.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 1/Sep/18
Should get a 6'6.25" listing, especially since now that Big Show's listed 6'10". Plus he looked 4" taller than 6'2.25" listed Roman Reigns.
Click Here
QM6'1QM said on 1/Sep/18
On the last episode of "Monday Night Raw", Braun looked 4 inches taller than Roman Reigns. He was also not taller than Baron Corbin, which is 6'6.
Therefore, my opinion is that the "Monster" is 198 cm / 6'6 or 6'6.25".
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 16/Aug/18
192.5 is the most that Orton looks with 186 current Triple H. I used to think Orton was solid 6'4", maybe even 6'4.25" but he seems to be under than over. As for Strowman, one visitor here met him and said he looked 6'6", plus he looks about 6'6" with 6'7.75" listed
Hafthor Bjornson whom Rob met. Strowman could be 6'6.25" but not 6'6.75" or 6'7".
Xpac99 said on 14/Aug/18
@Christian 6'5 3/8"
I don’t think that orton is 192,5... today he looks 6ft 4/ 4.25, however in the past he possible looks 6ft 4 1/2 at time...
Strowman is 2 m tall, 198,5 neither in the worst case i think
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Aug/18
Orton's more 192.5 and Strowman 198.5 IMO.
Angel7 said on 2/Aug/18
Rob, people say that strowman is only 1.98m, but I believe that if orton is 1.93 / 1.94m strowman seems 2 m tall...
Click Here
arobbhj said on 30/Jul/18
Looks a weak 6'6" with 5'6" varun dhawan. google their pics
AKK said on 25/Jul/18
Looks every bit a solid 2m tall. That match against a post-peak Big Show when they collapsed the ring, he was almost eye to eye(with a slight footwear advantage) And generally measures up equally well to a peak Kane, both in height and physique.
Ali said on 25/Jul/18
Hello Rob, if Braun is 6'6.75 how tall does that make Finn Balor, Hideo Itami (fka Kenta) and NXT's Lars Sullivan?
Click Here
Click Here
What do you say Rob? Anyone?
Many thanks,
tree said on 21/Jul/18
Looked 200cm with 6'2 Henry
Click Here
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 15/Jul/18
@heightchecker34 I've seen another video with another angle and taker does look around 3 inches taller. I think it's because when he's having the staredown he's tilting his head down a bit and he doesn't have the best posture either. As for that specific video it could just be the camera because it's shooting from a lower angle and slightly towards the left.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Jul/18
I can't see Undertaker being over 6'6.25" today so the most I'll give Strowman is 6'6.25" as well. Maybe that one visitor was right when he met Strowman and said he looked 6'6".
heightchecker34 said on 12/Jul/18
Rob, in that video below... how is Roman Reigns the same height as Taker? It looks like Roman is 6'6 all of a sudden! Is he standing on a box or wearing huge lifts? Even video angles or lighting cannot explain this one. A 6'2 guy should not be able to look at a legit 6'6 man in the eyes.

Editor Rob
Yeah he didn't seem that much shorter, generally you expect more
This distance
James B 171.5cm said on 12/Jul/18
rob is 6ft6.5 possible?
tree said on 12/Jul/18
Rob Taker is taller than Strowman,what do u think about that
Click Here
Strowman is defeinitley not taller there,even if we take into account a small angel tilt in takers favour.

Editor Rob
They look quite close, enough that it would probably need a measurement to say for sure.
juggernaut said on 12/Jul/18
Undertaker looked like half inch taller than Taker in MSG.. Taker is still 6'7' in wrestling boots, Strowman too might be 6'7' in boots but looked a slight shorter than Taker..
Xpac99 said on 9/Jul/18
At madison square garden braun strowman seems no taller than the undertaker... maybe 6 ft 6 1/2 even for braun
tree said on 2/Jul/18
Rob how can a 5ft9 guy Finn Ballow reach his mouth are that would make him only 6ft5 range
Click Here
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 26/Jun/18
@Christian 6'5 3/8" Yeah even the giants they have aren't 'larger than life' enough for them. I mean Andre was 7'0 and they still had him stand on a box while being interviewed to make him appear taller. Yeah I believe Show was billed at 7'2 in WWE back then.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Jun/18
It reminds me of how The Big Show's billed 7'0" nowadays but during his WCW days he was billed 7'4" or something like that, and even when he was in the WWE long time ago he was billed higher than 7'0".
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 24/Jun/18
@Christian 6'5 3/8" WWE aren't exactly known for consistency. I think they're just pulling numbers out of their rear end at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if he is 6'11 next week, 6'9 the next and then bumped down to 6'8 again. 😆
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Jun/18
Why don't the WWE make up their minds? Is he gonna be 6'11" next week?
Mel said on 23/Jun/18
Rob, how tall do you think his dad is?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Might be a good 3 inches smaller.
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 23/Jun/18
Lol now all of a sudden he's 6'10 he lost 2 inches in a week! 😯
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Jun/18
Wrestlers have always been exaggerated by several inches. You have some moderate ones like Cena, Reigns, Lesnar, Orton and Rollins but the majority are billed at least 2-2.5 inches higher.
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 20/Jun/18
@tree Wrestlers nowadays aren't as big and tall as they were back in the days so that probably explains why they're billing the few modern day wrestlers who are tall at 7'0 (like Strowman and Cass). Atm in wwe all of the modern day wrestlers are below 6'8 with the exception of Cass who measures in that range. So if anything I can sort of understand them doing it now but in the 90's it was unnecessary (some of them were already larger than life).
tree said on 19/Jun/18
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 17/Jun/18
It's gone to the point where 6'6"-6'7" wrestlers are being called 7'0" now. What's next, Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar are 6'9"?
It's intresting from 2010 and than they started to bill them only 1-2 inch taller,now they are doing the same sh*t again like in the 90's and give them 3-4 inch?
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 17/Jun/18
It's gone to the point where 6'6"-6'7" wrestlers are being called 7'0" now. What's next, Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar are 6'9"?
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 15/Jun/18
@Christian-6'5 3/8 Well he's only listed 1/4 inch away from 6'7 which isn't even noticeable really so 6'7 is probably a fair bet and this is just an estimate aswell after all. Nash and Cass have a better chance of getting away with it because of their proportions i think. I used to think Nash was very close to 7'0 when i was younger and Cass I guessed at around 6'9. I think his long legs do give a tall impression imo so he looks nearer to 7'0 along with Nash than someone like Strowman.
tree said on 15/Jun/18
Nowadasy almost everybody knows heights are exagerated giving him 6ft8 is enough.
I bet they would a monster who is 6ft11 and muscular and moves like Strowman but near 7ft guys are just not that agile,Strowman at 6ft7 is fast for someone his height and size.
Plus being near 7ft makes your back,ligmaments and bones more fragile when u are slamed
U cant be 7ft tall big and move fast in the same time,Big Show was the qutie good when he was much younger,but thats rare,and still not as agile as big Braun.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 15/Jun/18
At least guys like Kane, Nash and Big Cass are over 6'7" so they probably could've gotten away with it to a degree. But Strowman isn't even 6'7" so it's a really stupid billing.
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 14/Jun/18
@ced Yeah i always wondered why they never billed Strowman at 7'0 considering they did with Kane and they're both in a similar range. It's ridiculous anyway because even in his boots he's nowhere near it. Clear example when he stood with Drew McInryre (billed at 6'5) and he only looked a couple of inches taller. That's also when the commentator said he's 7ft and i just laughed.
ced said on 13/Jun/18
@Christian, for the description of 7 feet for Strowman.. I guess they figure if they could do it for Kane and Undertaker all these years, they could do it for Strowman as well.. But they should have gave him a 6'9-'6'10 billing from the get go and then could say "almost 7 feet tall".. Strowman does wear lifts - about 1.5 inches internally, so if he's 6'6.75, he's exactly 6'8.25 in them + the 2 inches the cameras give you = 6'10. They could have easily billed him taller
Slim25 said on 27/May/18
Babatunde was listed 6’8 in football. He’s a good 2” taller than Strowman.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 24/May/18
But you said he's 6'6" though.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 22/May/18
I've noticed that the commentators are now describing him as 7 feet tall, which is stupid because he's always listed 6'8". They're not fooling anyone.
Juggernaut said on 10/May/18
Braun Strowman might just be closer to 6'7' in the morning and dip down to 6'6'5 in the evening..
miko said on 7/May/18
He's that heavy that he's probably about 6'8 first thing then drops to just under 6'7 later in the day.
Santino Rossi said on 2/May/18
he looked about 6’7 at the GRR
Gazz said on 1/May/18
Babatunde looks half an inch taller than Strowman below. Be interesting to see him next to Kane and Cass
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 30/Apr/18
Actually that Babatunde guy was listed 6'8" when he played football
Click Here
Razors said on 29/Apr/18
Staredown with 6'9'' 370Lbs. Babatunde Aiyegbusi during The Greatest Royal Rumble. Strowman looks at least 6'7'' here.
Click Here
KenC said on 25/Apr/18
The problem with this photo is you can not compare footwear. If Braun is wearing flats and Mountain is wearing nike air, they would be the same height
"in this photo strowman is next to The Mountain (from GOT), Thor is a legit 6.8 and Adam (Braun) looks 2 inches shorter.
Click Here
In this video rori mc cain (the hound..a legit 6.6) have a staredown whit the mountain and looks 2 inches shorter
Results: Strowman is a solid 6.6"
Boba Fett said on 21/Apr/18
It's a bit surprising that WWE hasn't listed Braun as 7 feet tall, they usually over exaggerate a lot more with monsters, as we all know. 6'8" is believable for him, even though he's probably a little bit under it.
Juggernaut said on 16/Apr/18
Strowman is closer to 6'7' but not 6'7'..He might be 6'6'5 on early morning but dip down to 6'6' by the evening..
Xpac77 said on 15/Apr/18
Sorry rob, barefoot kane vs barefoot strowman i meant...
Because kane is taller but he has more footware advantage.
My question is: both man barefoot, for you rob kane still taller ?
I think that strowman is taller.
Click Here

Editor Rob
I wouldn't have guessed there was much between them that moment.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 14/Apr/18
But Strowman has a large head and Bray's standing a bit closer to the camera. That's about a 5.5" difference.
Xpac77 said on 9/Apr/18
Rob do you think that kane without wrestling boots still taller than braun ??

Editor Rob
I doubt Kane would be taller barefoot versus a boots-wearing Braun.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 1/Apr/18
Click Here
If Bray is 6´1" than Strowman isn´t ver 6´6"...
Rob, Eric Rowan actually looks taller than Braun there.
allornothing said on 24/Mar/18
Was a good 5 or so inches taller than 6’2ish triple h not too long ago on raw so this is spot on
Dream(5'9.5 said on 22/Mar/18
Even if he's nearly 6'7", he's still a massive dude.
Sarah said on 21/Mar/18
Close to 6'7"
Mayfield said on 14/Mar/18
Click Here
If Strowman is near 6'7, this would have to put Bray Wyatt around 6'1, looks small compared to Braun
Danimal said on 5/Mar/18
mike said on 31/Dec/17
Thor the Icelandic giant was listed at 6'9",that puts Braun at about 6'7" if he,s 2 inches shorter.
Thor The Icelandic giant is NOT 6'9". He's about 6'7.5" barefoot.
Danimal said on 5/Mar/18
Mike1979 said on 8/Feb/18
There is an interview with glen jacobs where he clearly states he is 6'6 but cant remember the exact one' wwe always hollywood heights for wrestlers' I am 188cm and met a few of the wrestlers at the midland hotel in manchester uk when Raw was in uk years ago' i was stayimg their at the same time' probably 90% of them were the same height or smaller than me' i think only jacobs' orton (only by. Hair line) and big show were taller than myself and i would say 6'6 is correct for him. Hhh is at most 6'1.5 as I had half an inch to an inch on him. I was not impressed with the size of moat of them and can easily say wwe big their heights up for show.
Kane WAS 6'7" at his tallest (same as Undertaker). It is quite possible that he's down to 6'6" these days, considering Taker is about 6'5.5" today.
miko said on 2/Mar/18
6'8 in wrestling gear, a hair under 6'7 barefoot.
rikashiku said on 1/Mar/18
Do people still forget the change in footwear every so often?
Click Here at beach with 6'3" listed Riddick Moss likely 6'2" Juice Robinson, and 5'10" listed Dash Wilder
Click Here Baron Corbin listed 6'8", set at 6'6" here. Matt Bloom likely 6'6". NExt to 6'3" Konnor.
Click Here 6'3" claimed
Mark Henry
Superman said on 23/Feb/18
Rob please add rowan.. for me he’s slightly taller than big braun .
Click Here
Jek said on 22/Feb/18
Add rowan rob
JamesE said on 15/Feb/18
Kane has never said he's 6'6 and If Kane is only 6'6 then that makes Braun 6'5.5, Randy Orton 6'3 etc which is too low
Lyle said on 11/Feb/18
@Mike1979 I've seen an interview where he claims 'around' 6'8" but never 6'6" I I would love to see it if you could try find it? Would definitely put his height to bed.
Mike1979 said on 8/Feb/18
There is an interview with glen jacobs where he clearly states he is 6'6 but cant remember the exact one' wwe always hollywood heights for wrestlers' I am 188cm and met a few of the wrestlers at the midland hotel in manchester uk when Raw was in uk years ago' i was stayimg their at the same time' probably 90% of them were the same height or smaller than me' i think only jacobs' orton (only by. Hair line) and big show were taller than myself and i would say 6'6 is correct for him. Hhh is at most 6'1.5 as I had half an inch to an inch on him. I was not impressed with the size of moat of them and can easily say wwe big their heights up for show.
widdlyscudds said on 1/Feb/18
People don't know how tall 6'6 is. 6'6 is really tall. I knew a guy who was 6'9 and he was YUUUGE. I'm 5'10 and people my height say they're 6'1
Darque said on 14/Jan/18
I'm watching some old NXT episodes and Braun is a rosebud for Adam Rose....he really doesn't look 6'7" in these skits....unless everyone around him, including the girls are all 6'7" as well....just check any episodes from about 201-220
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 11/Jan/18
Brian Shaw in my opinion isn't more than 200cm or absolute highest 6'7".
A Man said on 8/Jan/18
@ Tree, he doesn't look taller than Brian, he is standing closer to the camera.
Logan said on 7/Jan/18
Braun is the same height as Erick Rowan 6'7"
Annonymous said on 5/Jan/18
6'4 Swagger? That dude is 6'5-6'5.5.
Undertaker Frank said on 5/Jan/18
I meant an inch or more shorter than Judge !!
tree said on 5/Jan/18
Its wierd that he looks taller than Brian Shaw but shorter than Thor
Click Here
Undertaker Frank said on 4/Jan/18
He looked about an inch or more than Arron Judge whos listed @ 6ft 7
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 4/Jan/18
197-198 might've been a bit of an undercut for Kane, but I don't think he's 6'7"+ either, at least not in recent years. Next to 6'4" listed Jack Swagger he looks about 6'6"
Click Here and 6'5.5" next to 6'4" listed Orton
Click Here although Orton may had footwear advantage with his wrestling boots. I put Kane at strong 6'6" range today similar to Undertaker roughly 198-199
Click Here
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 3/Jan/18
RP has a really good point. Kane during his "corporate" gimmick when he wore dress shoes, looked at most 6'6", such as when he looked max 5 inches taller than Seth Rollins
Click Here
Kane could just be 197-198cm today and wears lifts to look taller than a 199-200cm Strowman.
anyonmious said on 2/Jan/18
a downsize to 6'6" should be done
Ricky said on 2/Jan/18
I don't think he is downgraded good enough,now he must be listed at 6'6.5".
Then probably it will make a good estimate.
RP said on 1/Jan/18
Anonymous is 100% correct on everything he said! WWE have put Kane in larger lifts to make him seem as meansacing & huge as he used to be! The Corporate Kane run in 1" dress shoes is all the proof you need!! Braun (Adam) was actually 0.5" taller than Kane (Glenn) back in his Wyatt Family days! Several stare downs to prove it! Adam has a morning barefoot measurement of 6'7-3/4" & 402 lbs from a Strongman competition back around 2012-2013. Morning 6'7.75"...evening 6'7.25"...I guess @ 350-400 lbs he could lose 0.75" during s long day & hit 6'7" even?
184guy said on 1/Jan/18
Eric Rowan is at least 6'6.5
He had The Rock by at least for 4'' easy
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 1/Jan/18
Might as well lower Kane too, Rob. Barefoot they may be the exact height.
mike said on 31/Dec/17
Thor the Icelandic giant was listed at 6'9",that puts Braun at about 6'7" if he,s 2 inches shorter.
Annonymous said on 31/Dec/17
Strowman was slightly taller than Kane while with the Wyatt family when they were going at it with the other family of destruction (Kane and the Undertaker), so unless Scherr was in lifts its safe to say they're both around 6'7'' evening height.
Randy Orton is at least 6'4'' this has been proven over and over.
Acid Cry said on 6/Dec/17
Click Here
in this photo strowman is next to The Mountain (from GOT), Thor is a legit 6.8 and Adam (Braun) looks 2 inches shorter.
Click Here
In this video rori mc cain (the hound..a legit 6.6) have a staredown whit the mountain and looks 2 inches shorter
Results: Strowman is a solid 6.6
He does not look 2 inches shorter than the Mountain at all, try maybe 1. Camera angles people.
Annonymous said on 31/Dec/17
Strowman was slightly taller than Kane while with the Wyatt family when they were going at it with the other family of destruction (Kane and the Undertaker), so unless Scherr was in lifts its safe to say they're both around 6'7'' evening height.
Randy Orton is at least 6'4'' this has been proven over and over.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 30/Dec/17
Kane only looks taller than Strowman because of his thick wig and thicker boots.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 30/Dec/17
Xpac said on 15/Dec/17
Rob... Is eric rowan taller than strowman??
Editor Rob: not so sure on erick!
Rob, how about Big Cass?
Click Here
Will you give him a page? He looks like Monsterbootet Kane or Nash facing peak Big Show and about an inch taller facing Strowman.
Do you still think 6´7" is ok for Braun or is it downgrade time, I mean Orton needs to be in BIG lifts to make Strowman 6´7"?

Editor Rob
I think a fraction under 6ft 7 is safe enough to give Braun.
Gaz said on 29/Dec/17
I think after the recent video evidence on RAW Kane and Braun's heights need to be reassessed. There is no way they can still be listed as the same height now.
Jordan87 said on 27/Dec/17
I do not think there is much more than an Inch between Kane and Braun. I could be wrong b/c Kane usually has thicker Shoes, but If Strowman is 6'6, Kane is 6'7, 6'7.25. tops.
Rahul shah said on 27/Dec/17
Hey rob, what is the real height of randy Orton in cm?does he same height with Braun strowman?

Editor Rob
Randy Orton is a few cm's shorter than Big Braun
ClicK here
I think Randy at times can seem 193-4cm, Braun can look as short as 198cm sometimes too!
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 22/Dec/17
How can you put Strowman at only 6'6" yet in the same breath put Kane at 6'7.5"-6'8"?
Gaz said on 21/Dec/17
Check out this weeks RAW just gone, there was a tremendous prolonged camera angle that demonstrated a clear at least 1-1.5 inches differences between Kane and Braun and Kane was slouching. I would go with Braun 6'6 and Kane 6'7.5 - 6'8.
Jordan87 said on 18/Dec/17
From what I am Reading below from you guys, Strowman is closer to 6'6 than 6'7. Still a undoubtedly huge man. Imagine him coming at you with bad intentions in a real life situation? I know I know, everyone and their mother knows MMA nowadays.....ain't gonna work on a Mofo this size.
Xpac said on 15/Dec/17
Rob... Is eric rowan taller than strowman??

Editor Rob
not so sure on erick!
Chad said on 15/Dec/17
Strowman is a solid 6’6. Kane is 6’7 today. Taker is 6’5.75 today. Luke Gallows is 6’4.75. Big Show is 6’9.5 (prime was 6’10.5) Kevin Nash is 6’7.5 (today, was 6’8.75 prime). Sid in his prime 6’6.75. Prime Undertaker: 6’7. Prime Kane 6’7.5. Bradshaw: 6’4.75 prime. Today: 6’4. Big Cass: 6’7.75. Matt Morgan: 6’7.5. Test: 6’5 prime.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 14/Dec/17
@Chris Huber
Did you pay attention to his footwear when you met him?
Chris Huber said on 12/Dec/17
Hes Not 6 foot 7. Im 6 foot 6 and hes the same height as me or a tad shorter. Met him in person. Those professional strongman competitions in ontario where im from always exaggerate height. Im 199.5 cm and hes probably 198.
Acid Cry said on 11/Dec/17
The mountain from GOT is listen in this site at 6.8, not a 6.9, and this photo with Brian Shaw (6.8) confirm that theory
Click Here
Logan said on 9/Dec/17
Top 10 tallest people in wwe in 2017
1 Big Show 7'0"
2 Big Cass 6'10"
3 Braun Strowman 6'8"
4 Kane 6'8"
5 Erick Rowan 6'8"
6 Baron Corbin 6'7"
7 Undertaker 6'7"
8 Luke Gallows 6'7"
9 Luke Harper 6'5"
10 Goldust 6'5"
Acid Cry said on 6/Dec/17
Click Here
in this photo strowman is next to The Mountain (from GOT), Thor is a legit 6.8 and Adam (Braun) looks 2 inches shorter.
Click Here
In this video rori mc cain (the hound..a legit 6.6) have a staredown whit the mountain and looks 2 inches shorter
Results: Strowman is a solid 6.6
Ricky said on 5/Dec/17
Nothing under 6'7".
Canson said on 3/Dec/17
@Christian: if i has to guess he’s similar to what Lebron is. Lebron could edge him by a hair but nothing noticeable
Erik said on 2/Dec/17
I'm extremely doubtful that Braun Strowman is anywhere above 6'6. Now in shoes that's a different story. In shoes he might get about an inch to 1.5 inches making him 6'7 or 6'7.5 in shoes but highly unlikely barefoot. And Strowman being 6'9 is ridiculous. He isn't even 6'8 I know a guy who is 6'8 or 6'9 and he puts that case to SHAME. Even Kane probably isn't anywhere over 6'7.5 nowadays and Kane seems to edge him out by a marginable fraction. He's about head-to-head with the Undertaker who I'm confident is in the 6'6 margin nowadays and at maximum 6'7.5 or maybe even as much as 6'8 in his youth.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 2/Dec/17
At best 6'6.75", I'm betting that he's 6'6.5" or 199-200cm range.
Annonymous said on 2/Dec/17
6'5.5 is just sillyness that needs to stop. This guy got really famous because of what a cool giant he is...6'5/6'6 guys just dont stand out as larger than life as Braun Strowman does. The dude is about 6'9'' in wrestling boots and a freaking goliath in build. Thats a fact.
Chad said on 1/Dec/17
Braun - 6'6. Kane - 6'6.75. (Peak Kane was 6'7.5 + 1.5 inch lifts = 6'9). Undertaker peak - 6'7. Big Show Peak - 6'10.5. Today - 6'9.5.
People need to realize that guys who are 6'5, usually are billed at 6'7 or 6'8 (i.e. Abyss)
The only one I'm surprised about is Luke Harper, as to why he is not billed at 6'8 when he can easily pass for that on camera.
Canson said on 30/Nov/17
@Ricky: I really can’t buy this guy near 6’8” he looks exactly what Christian said tbh. His pics he posted are good
Ricky said on 30/Nov/17
6'5.5" or 6'6"!!
Even at night measurement he won't be less than 6'7"
He's over 6'7".
His height is possibly 202 cm.
A guy over 6'7.5" can easily claim himself 6'8" which is round-figured.
Philip McMullin said on 29/Nov/17
Erik Taker is 6'6 nowadays, kane is about an inch and a half to two inches taller than taker CURRENT day
Erik said on 28/Nov/17
It's hard to tell who's taller bc Kane and Strowman are both in motion. But it seems kinda ridiculous that Strowman is ''''taller'''' than Kane. That's kinda pushing it. He's sure as hell not 6'8 and probably not 6'7. Nowadays at most I'd estimate Kane at 6'6-6'6.5 mark. An one could argue that Kane is maybe half an inch taller. So I give him a strong 6'5.5 or 6'6.
Markus said on 26/Nov/17
He looked 5 inches taller than Triple H on Raw. 6'7" seems right.
A Man said on 26/Nov/17
The pic of Thor and Strowman is interesting, makes you wonder how Big Show and Thor would stack up against each other. I think Show would barely be any taller.
tree said on 26/Nov/17
Canson said on 24/Nov/17
@Tree: it’s relevant if we are comparing him to Mane in terms of height
Whhy?They were never face to face
Jeffry said on 26/Nov/17
i think about 6.6m
Ricky said on 24/Nov/17
He may not be 6'8" but he's over 6'7" for sure
Canson said on 24/Nov/17
@Tree: it’s relevant if we are comparing him to Mane in terms of height
tree said on 23/Nov/17
But why we talk about Tyler Manes height on Strowmans page?
He never met Kane or Strowman.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 23/Nov/17
Braun at 6'9" is even more laughable than a legit 6'8".
Anonymous said on 22/Nov/17
Actually I say Braun is 6,9 peak. I know you might be surprised but look at him beside the 6,11.75 Big Show, Hmmm??? He also is taller than the Undertaker even with is hat on and Kane. So I say Braun at peak 6,9 but maybe 6,8.5
Canson said on 21/Nov/17
@Tree: Ali Baba didn’t actually say that. Look at the Tyler Mane page he said he’s “at most 6’7”. That’s a fair estimate esp being he met Mane before he himself (Ali) lost 1/8-1/4”. Ali even said at one point that mane may only be 6’6.5 and that he was hard pressed to see much of a difference with him given the footwear advantage he himself had. He even mentioned that he gave him 1/2” to be safe as a result. I can buy 6’7” flat but not higher and can even see 200cm for him today whereas peak he was over 6’7
Owen pierson said on 21/Nov/17
Braun Strowman is a beast, Braun Strowman is my favorite WWE wrestler in the world
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 21/Nov/17
Sorry, but I'm not buying 6'8" for Strowman. You really think WWE's gonna bill him at only 6'8", especially when they portray him to be a larger than life "monster"? If he was a legit 6'8", he would've been billed 6'9" easily. Plus he looked a lot shorter than
Hafthor who himself isn't even 6'8" (Rob met him and lists him at 6'7.75")
Click Here
Anonymous said on 21/Nov/17
Braun 6'7.5"
Kane 6'7"
Peak Kane 6'7.5"
Peak Kane was 6'10" to 6'10.25" in his custom made wrestling boots. Billed @ 7'0"
Kane is 6'9.25" to "maybe" 6'9.5" in those boots now. Kane in dress shoes is 6'8" max! Check out all of The Corporate Kane videos & pics. Glenn Jacobs was never more than 6'7.5" barefoot. And is currently right at 6'7" barefoot. Possibly even 6'6.75"...FACT! Also FACT!...Adam was measured barefoot @ a Strong Man Competion a few years ago @ 6'7.5" ...yes, it was a morning measurement & weigh-in. He was 6'7.5" & 402 lbs that day. It was when he was training with The Silver Back Crew out of Mooresville, NC.
tree said on 21/Nov/17
Ali Baba sad Tyile Mane looked at least 6ft7,and the height diference was one inch,i would not put Mane under 6ft7
Canson said on 20/Nov/17
@Christian: and Kane looks shorter than Tyler Mane at times as well a best case is they may be so close that we can’t see a difference but Ali Baba also alluded to Mane possibly being a hair under 6’7” as well when he met him. He said max 6’7” barefoot
tree said on 20/Nov/17
Strowman is taller than Kane
Ricky said on 20/Nov/17
Big Show is 6'10½" and still wears boots with thicker soles.
Otherwise,Braun is only 2.5 inches shorter than him.
Also,that picture with Kane which people called photoshopped is real.
That belongs to the time when Brothers Of Destruction had rivalry with Wyatt Family in 2015.
When Braun and Kane came close to each other,Michael Cole on commentary said "Look at the size of that guy,he's even bigger than Kane"
I really thought he will be billed at 7' but he got billed at 6'8".
In many photos like with Randy Orton or Brock Lesnar,he might not look that tall but when he stands in military posture,he looks that much for sure.
You may disagree from me but I request you to please watch that episode of Raw.
And one more thing,those hairs on Kane's head are not real!!!
I hope you are not comparing both of them without knowing that fact!
Ricky said on 20/Nov/17
Big Show is 6'10½" and still wears boots with thicker soles.
Otherwise,Braun is only 2.5 inches shorter than him.
Also,that picture with Kane which people called photoshopped is real.
That belongs to the time when Brothers Of Destruction had rivalry with Wyatt Family in 2015.
When Braun and Kane came close to each other,Michael Cole on commentary said "Look at the size of that guy,he's even bigger than Kane"
I really thought he will be billed at 7' but he got billed at 6'8".
In many photos like with Randy Orton or Brock Lesnar,he might not look that tall but when he stands in military posture,he looks that much for sure.
You may disagree from me but I request you to please watch that episode of Raw.
And one more thing,that hair on Kane's head are not real!!!
I hope you are not comparing both of them without knowing that fact!
Philip McMullin said on 20/Nov/17
@Anonymous, Kane is taller than Strowman
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 20/Nov/17
My opinion is that Strowman and Kane are both the same height, around 6'6.5" or 6'6.75" Kane just wears boots that are thicker than Strowman's so that's why he looked taller.
Anonymous said on 20/Nov/17
@Philip McMullin
Kane wears biggest lifts in WWE
Braun is taller than Kane.
You better accept the fact and move on
Philip McMullin said on 19/Nov/17
Kane currently stacks up to Big Show as much as Big Cass does! Kane is taller than Strowman! Accept it and move on!
Ricky said on 18/Nov/17
People are fans of Kane.
When they got to see that there's a guy even bigger than Kane,they are so unable to accept the bitter truth and still keep telling themselves that Kane is taller.
Some said the picture in which Braun Strowman looks taller than Kane is photoshopped.
That belongs to an episode of Raw in 2015,I have seen that episode and I thought that this guy will be billed over 7 feet but he got listed at 6'8"
At present,there are only and only two people who are taller than Strowman.
They are:-
Big Cass and Big Show.
Nobody other than these two!!!!!
Braun is 6'8".
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 18/Nov/17
Looks no more than 6'6" next to 6'7.5"
Hafthor accounting for footwear difference
Click Here I doubt Strowman's only 6'6" but who knows.
Unertaker Frank said on 14/Nov/17
He was shorter than a 6ft 7 ball player so i cant see how he can be 6ft 7
tree said on 14/Nov/17
Looks the same as Kane 6ft7,and there if somebody has thicker boots it looks to be Kane
Click Here
Chris said on 1/Nov/17
Strowman looks to be a legit 6'7". He was taller than 6'6" Corbin and looks to be about a half inch shorter than Kane
Juggernaut said on 1/Nov/17
Strowman is easily 6'7' if only Kane is 6'7'5 or 6'7'75 if not then Strowman is 6'6'5 at best..Kane was taller at every faceoff recently close to an inch..
Phenom! said on 31/Oct/17
Kane is definitely taller than strowman, but it’s not an inch difference. Kane’s hair make it seem so. Kane is only a half inch taller, if even that. Strowman is a strong 6’6.5” maybe a weak 6’7” as well.
Jordan87 said on 31/Oct/17
" Prime Kane was much bigger and taller than a Prime Strowman"
OK, Kane was billed at 326, Strowman at 385. Strowman now Admits is is down to 350. Kane never was as Heavy as Strowman and if you think so you got problems. Yes Kane was taller, but Heavier??? Nope.....Strowman even now at a Real 350 would have prime Kane by some 50 pounds.
Kane said on 25/Oct/17
There has been a past of commentators saying certain wrestlers were bigger than kane while in the ring with him even when Kane was a little taller, (viscera) they don’t mean his height they mean his size. A prime kane was much bigger and taller than a prime current Strowman.
Shuvayu said on 25/Oct/17
He is shorter than kane ...the photo shown is photoshopped .... check the latest segments at tlc
Philip McMullin said on 24/Oct/17
Kane is taller than strowman end of.
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/17
That picture is not photoshopped,that belongs to 2015 when Kane and Braun Strowman encountered for the first time.
Even Michael Cole said on commentary "This guy is even bigger than Kane".
You don't agree,see him next to Erick Rowan.
Erick is a legit 6'8" guy and they both look equal.
You can see Raw 2015 episodes,you'll get that moment.
I don't guarantee him to be 6'8" but I can say that he is taller than Kane about an inch.
Unertaker Frank said on 23/Oct/17
Braun was Shorter than Yankees Outfielder Arron Judge whos listed @ 6ft 7 Go to Youtube Arron Judge meets WWE Superstars also Big Cass look about an inch taller than Judge so Cass is about 6ft 8 Braun might be 6ft 5 to 6ft 6 if Judge is 6ft 7
Nick cantan said on 22/Oct/17
This photo has been photoshopped, it’s getting stupid how many times it’s been uploaded on here! You can view the actual video on YouTube or there are other un-touched photos of the moment one and strowman went face to face.
Bare foot there’s probably an inch between them.
Ricky said on 22/Oct/17
He is taller than Kane.
Click Here
This image is enough explain everything.
His billed height is same as his real height which is 6'8".
Ricky said on 22/Oct/17
He is taller than Kane.
Click Here
This image is enough explain everything.
His billed height is same as his real height which is 6'8".
Canson said on 21/Oct/17
@Christian: I watched Judge more and more throughout the year and he could be a strong 6’7” maybe 201 possibly 202ish. I saw him with Sabathia who I believe is more like 198 or 199 he edges him out
Chad said on 19/Oct/17
Oscar, in no way shape or form was Stroman taller than Kane. They made Kane stand way back from the camera so that Stroman wouldn't appear to be smaller than Kane. Strowman was close to the camera if you go back and rewatch, but even then, you can tell by the height of the shoulders that Kane had 1 inch on Stroman.
Stroman - 6'6.5
Kane - 6'7.5
oscar 5 feet 9 said on 17/Oct/17
braun looks an inch tallrr while standing next to kane in the steel cage on raw
6'2 said on 11/Oct/17
Strowman is somewhere between 6’5.75”- 6’6.75” 380-400lbs... WWE is out of luck if they can’t find another giant to rival Strowman since Lesnar is going back to UFC. Big show hasn’t aged well and has lost like 100lbs of muscle, Khali is non athletic and wouldn’t stand a chance, Kane isn’t what he used to be. It’s these 6’1” 225lb guys running around trying to stop strowman and the wwe is out of luck if they don’t find a young and athletic giant to combat him.
Chad said on 25/Sep/17
Braun is 6'6.75, just .5 inches under the current 6'7.25 Kane. The night Braun appeared as if he was "taller" than Kane was just some camera trickery involved and Kane made sure to wear his regular boots instead of lift boots, which Braun had on 2.5 inch lifts.
Anonymous said on 23/Sep/17
He is legit 6'8",he and his former faction member Erick Rowan have same height!!!
Erick Rowan is 6'8" and Braun Strowman too!!!
His billed height is same as his real height
Mighty_- said on 19/Sep/17
@DFens So much for Scherr being 6'8 420
Now he looks "considerably" smaller than a legit 6'8ish 420 man
My guess is 6'6 to 6'6.5" depending on how thick his wrestling footwork is, and 360-370ish
There is also a picture from his strongman times floating around with Ronnie Coleman ( I met Coleman 10 years ago and he was more 177-178 than 180 which is easy to see as it is my height ) , where you can see imo, that he is not 6'8
Gianmario said on 16/Sep/17
just short of 6'7'', just enough to be in the 6'8'' range with both regular shoes (3 cm) and wrestling boots (5 cm). that explains his billed height as both a wrestler and strongmen.
2.00 m is a safe bet imo.
James said on 12/Sep/17
Looks to be 6'8 to me based on his past photos as a power lifter. Looked a bit taller than Kane who everyone always said was 6'7.5
He claims 370 lbs now and 6'8. I believe him. For those disagreeing you tell him in person he is wrong. Good luck. He will be Champion soon. A good pick to rival Lesnar who is a great all around athlete as is Braun.
RandomDude said on 27/Aug/17
@Juggernaut imo he looked atleast 4 inches if not 5 taller than Lesnar on RAW on monday
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 24/Aug/17
Aaron Judge was wearing baseball cleats which gives him footwear advantage over Strowman's thin shoes, who I guess at 6'6.75" But I still think Judge's 6'7.5" but MLB rounded him down to 6'7" because he's very tall for an outfielder which gives him a bit of a disadvantage. And Big Cass is about 6'7.75" but looks taller because he's wearing thick Jordans.
Click Here
Height said on 23/Aug/17
Looks 6'6"
Juggernaut said on 21/Aug/17
Strowman had like max 4 inches on both 6'2' strong Lesnar & Roman Reigns..I don't know if he is the full 6'7'..Could be a bit below that
Jrv said on 19/Aug/17
Looking same range as Aaron Judge. Class looking close to 7ft
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Lampy361 said on 17/Aug/17
Rob did you see Aaron Judge next to Braun Strowman? Aaron was like 1 or 1.5 inches taller than Braun and Aaron Judge is 6ft7 in
Juggernaut said on 10/Aug/17
Adam Scherr or Strowman may not be the full 6'7' if Kane aka Glenn Jacobs is 6'7'..Kane is clearly taller by at least half an inch..Braun it seems should be 6'6'75 tbh..6'7' peak morning height..
DFens said on 10/Aug/17
How tall is Thor Bjornsson?
Click Here
Juggernaut said on 10/Aug/17
In this latest pic from his IG Strowman looks shorter as well as smaller than the Mountain
Click Here
Nick cantan said on 8/Aug/17
How many times is that photo of Strowman and Kane going to be used, that's the photoshopped version where Strowman has been made larger for some odd reason, the original image taken from the footage is:
Click Here
Both have some liftage so difficult to say who's taller on this one.
Markus said on 7/Aug/17
How can Strowman be only 6-7 when he is taller than 6-7 Kane with higher boots? Click Here
Strowman is taller than 6-7 now, more like 6-7,5 or more.
Juggernaut said on 8/Aug/17
looks a bit above 6'7' with 6'3' Hogan in this pic.
If he stood straight he'd appear more taller..
Click Here
Markus said on 7/Aug/17
How can Strowman be only 6-7 when he is taller than 6-7 Kane with higher boots?
Click Here
Strowman is taller than 6-7 now, more like 6-7,5 or more.
GS1981 said on 6/Aug/17
no way is he in the 6ft 6 range, he was clearly taller than Glen Jacobs and Mark Calloway, only a fraction smaller than Big Cass and looked pretty big next to the Big Show, easily in the 6ft 8 range.
even said on 17/Jul/17
200 cm - 190 kg
Tyson said on 16/Jul/17
Rob, If you had to choose of taller to shorter between
Sid Eudy, Strowman, Viscera and Studd?

Editor Rob
might say Strowman has a better chance of measuring taller than a few of these other guys.
ma said on 10/Jul/17
strong 6'6.75 or weak 6'7
even said on 7/Jul/17
a 2000 mm man
Chris said on 5/Jul/17
Strong 6'7"
Canson said on 7/Jun/17
6'7"ish 6'6.75-6'7 range like guessed here. Totally agree with the average height guesses
The-Nemian-Lion said on 2/Jun/17
Strowman doesn't have great posture, but when he is standing straight, he is very close to the big show.
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 21/May/17
6'7 seems accurate based on pictures with Brian Shaw and other strongmen floating around...
Maybe 6'8 is his "standing as tall as possible " or shoes height
He is nowhere near 420 though, more like 370
Socrates said on 8/May/17
hes a big dude, 2,00m ± 1cm.