Johan said on 12/Oct/16
Peter 179cm said on 11/Oct/16
@ Johan and hijopotamus: Pitt is clearly taller than Claudia in the pic above on flat ground(although she had bad posture and very flat footwear).If you argue under 5'10 for Brad,then the same can be said for Claudia Schiffer right?
All things considered, his footwear advantage and better posture it would be close. I still believe that barefoot she would be noticeably taller.
My estimate for Pitt is 179-180 cm. - 5'10.5"-5'10.75". Has been for years I have never argued a sub 5'10" Pitt. Thats nonsense.
hijopotamus said on 11/Oct/16
Rob, what about those pics of Schiffer in heels beside 5'9" Luke Perry? Luke appears taller in some pics.

Editor Rob
I thought Claudia wasn't standing great in some of them
Rent said on 11/Oct/16
Hijopotamus, yes I totally agree, Slater looks tiny, I'm not sure that he's just 5'7 but 5'8 is the more I can give him, it was just to be at the same listing to this site. Anyway, he's somewhere about that, and BP really doesn't look much taller than him in True romance, solid inch or weak couple, I was very surprised. Maybe it was the camera's angle who gives this seems, but I don't think that 'cause they was close to be face to face. Perhaps Slater wore lifts.
Peter 179cm said on 11/Oct/16
@ Johan and hijopotamus: Pitt is clearly taller than Claudia in the pic above on flat ground(although she had bad posture and very flat footwear).If you argue under 5'10 for Brad,then the same can be said for Claudia Schiffer right?
Johno said on 11/Oct/16
Schiffer borders around Crawford and Campbell's height; possibly an edge and they are both not over 5'9, Crawford being around 5'8.5 and Campbell being a few inches shorter than Tyson; ~ 5'8.5.
Schiffer would be around 5'9.5, maybe 5'9 although she is listed at 5'10.
Allen said on 11/Oct/16
Dan your lies about magazine stories will not help him become taller. I remember once you said on this page that you are 5'10 then the other time you claimed 5'8! I bet Rob can find older posts and everyone here will know what kind of a liar you are. You are the biggest
troll on this site and the most biased, making up stories to prove your imaginations.
Dmeyer said on 11/Oct/16
Even if Pitt has better posture And footwear And angle et times than 181cm Claudia they have to be very close in height both near enaugh 180
hijopotamus said on 10/Oct/16
Heylo, true, I made a mistake. I realised aftet posting. You said 5'10 Damon, ok.
I never said Pitt wore cubans but he did wear cuban heels anyway.
The fact is that discussing about lifts and shoes in pics is not a serious way of knowing the facts so lets just stick to barefoot pics besides someone else barefoot too.
Ok, 5'9 max Gwyneth looks taller that Pitt about that one?
BTW Slater is 5'7ish.
And Schiffer said she was 5'10"
Dmeyer said on 10/Oct/16
Claudia claims 181cm and Pitt has no lifts or max 0,25in the foot pose is complitly normal
Johan said on 10/Oct/16
Claudia Schiffer claimed 181 cm. Pitt is just shorter by few cm.
Johno said on 10/Oct/16
Christian Slater is a bit below 5'8.
Pierre said on 10/Oct/16
By the comments at his page in this site, people who were standing next to Christian Slater give him around 5"5 or 5"6'
hijopotamus said on 10/Oct/16
Rent, Slater is tiny, 5'7" max.
HonestSlovene said on 9/Oct/16
178-180.5 cm range is debatable for him IMHO.
hijopotamus said on 9/Oct/16
Once again, Claudia Schiffer said she was 5'10" herself.
And Pitt has lifts inside his shoes.
Heylo said on 9/Oct/16
**Sorry, I was wrong about the sneakers thing**, he was wearing what looks like some kind of hike boot:
Click Here
Click Here
Looked taller than 5'10.50 listed Orlando Bloom. But of course, they could be very similar barefoot.
Why would Brad wear lifts before he was famous in a b movie about two sprinters for example? In Across The Tracks with Rick Schroder (177cm) Brad looked taller by 1 or 2cm, sometimes they looked very similar if not the same height.
Look at the trailer and try to compare their heights:
Click Here
What do you think?
I think he looks 5'10. In 1989 Brad wasn't famous at all, he was a struggling young actor wanting to pay his bills.
Heylo said on 9/Oct/16
Hijo, Haha I didn't say that Matt was 5'11, you manipulating m/f. What I did say though was that Brad was within an inch from Matt in one event. But to my estimate he looked a tiny bit taller. So If Matt damon for example is 177-178, then Brad could likely be 178 (if matt is 177) or about 179(if matt is 178). I don't think they are the same height but could be 1-2cm from each other which could look very similar depending on shoe wear.
And Brad doesn't wear cuban heels everywhere he go so your argument is too weak. He looks taller than Orlando Bloom in sneakers. You can't question that ;)
Rent said on 9/Oct/16
In True Romance, where Brad is with Christian Slater, -who is listed here at 5'8-, he looks maybe two inches taller than him. Maybe... Definitely 5'10 tops for Brad.
Anonymous said on 9/Oct/16
5'11" looks tall
CS said on 8/Oct/16
Would love for Rob to meet this guy so he can prove he's not under 179 cm. This 5'9" and under stuff is completely absurd.
Dmeyer said on 8/Oct/16
Its hard to imagine Pitt smaller than Claudia , rob at peak do you think Claudia will measure near 1cm taller than Pitt , as you list him 181cm And Pitt 180cm
Dan said on 8/Oct/16
Lol Allen you're such a
troll. You're the one who makes me laugh. If I tell you that's what I read then that's what I read. How the hell should I know why he's foot conscious? You're tone is so obnoxious that it oozes off the page lol. I didn't say he said it in a video interview. It was one of those teeny bopper magazine bio things.
hijopotamus said on 8/Oct/16
Dan, you can mask 2 inches all your life if you are a celeb. Same as wearing a wig or being in the closet etc.
2 inches taller could be a cuban heel and a lift inside. Simple as that. Its only 1 inch cheat. And one inch will not make you look or walk ridiculous at all.
5'9" for Brad and 5'11" when he is out of his house.
Allen said on 7/Oct/16
why would he say that in an interview? Lol some of you guys make me laugh
It is obvious that for more than 20 years he has had his feet lifted up in his shoes and boots and that is the most observant feature about him. What you have just said about his claim in an "interview" made me laugh so loud. Matt has shared pictures of him being barefoot. I know for a fact that Brad Pitt is straight so there is no chance for him being feet-conscious. LOL
Sheldon Stephens said on 7/Oct/16
To me he seems like 6' or 6'1"
Dan said on 7/Oct/16
@heylo. Totally agree with what you said about him not being able to mask 3" for 20 years without looking ridiculous or it showing in his walk. If you guys look at pictures of Brad's feet, you'll see they're very small and curved. In a magazine interview they asked him what is a part about him he'd be willing to change or Didn't like and he said his feet. I think he's self consious of his feet and that's why he doesn't like being barefoot.
hijopotamus said on 7/Oct/16
Heylo, Mat Damon is not 5'11" dude. He is more like 5'9"ish.
...and Brad has been seen SAME height as Damon in some pics.
Guys, when you see someone look 6' and the next day he looks and stands 5'10 its because he is not 6' obviously. You cannot grow when you are in your 40s, hello! We should always check where he stands the shortest and not the tallest.
BTW have you ever heard of the grow 4 inch shoes? We are talking about AAA+++ celebs that image is all for them...unless you are Jack Nicholson or Paccino.
hbode said on 6/Oct/16
5'11" is right.
Viking190 said on 6/Oct/16
Even in the pictures above it is obvious that Brad's wearing weird shoes as always. His footwear has always been obviously big and irregular. If you watch his movies in early 90's you will see how short he is. He is very likely to be under 5'9. Hollywood has been using Pitt as its beautiful image of a man and that is why they insist on his height to at least look taller than what it is. a real 5'10 guy would never wear these shoes and if he does he'll be 6'3 in these shoes. Just bother to do the math.
matt said on 6/Oct/16
180cm people
Gregor said on 5/Oct/16
William Hague is 5'11"?
Always thought he was a just wee guy, turns out he's got 4 inches on me!
Heylo said on 5/Oct/16
Hijo, There's no photo of them standing absolutely straight, I believe that with excellent posture and a better angle, Brad would look a little taller yes. But I mean, if you think he looks the same as Gwyneth, then I respect that. But then Brad wouldn't be more than 5'8-5'9. So you mean that Brad could mask a 3 inch difference for over 20 years in all various types of shoes? Most people on this site could be about 1-1.5 inches minus what they really are but over that and it becomes very hard to look a certain height consistently without it being obvious that there's something weird about the walking style and/or shoes. I look at Rob who put some elevator shoes on besides his girlfriend (?) and it's very obvious that he has special shoes on, at least for us who enjoy analysing others' heights.
We have seen Brad with special shoes on rare occasions or on big budget movies like Inglourious Basterds, once was the Oceans 13 premiere where he looked much taller than 5'10
Matt Damon but back in the early 00s when they stood next to each other, they looked only within an inch from each other, obviously, the early 00s example is more close to the real Brad Pitt in shoes with a possible small 0.5inch lift.
Dan said on 5/Oct/16
@heylo. Perfectly said.
hijopotamus said on 4/Oct/16
Heylo, I never said Pitt was in the 5'6ish Tom Cruise category.
Ok, so you really see Gwyneth 2'54 cm taller than Pitt in those pics?
Rent said on 3/Oct/16
In Ocean's eleven, he doesn't look at all near four inches on Don Cheadle, solid couple but no more. Maybe Cheadle is a lift wearer.
Dan said on 3/Oct/16
@ justanotherguy. Those are vans alomar in grey wool from 2011 season. I own them they're very flat. Of course, you can fit 1-5" lift inside, but anything bigger and you'll have issues walking or standing for too long.
Heylo said on 3/Oct/16
Hijo, Brad doesn't have stilts on his feet when he's standing next to 5'11 people, therefor he can't possibly be under 5'9.
You act like Brad is within Tom Cruise's height range. Tom was forced to have on lifts to look closer to Brad in Interview With A Vampire. Now if Tom is forced to use lifts to look closer in height, then we can pretty much assume that Brad is at least two inches taller than Tom.
If 1000 people looked at that Brad and Gwyneth photo objectively, a majority would say that he looks taller. You also seem to think that you can stuff in 4 inches lifts in sneakers. If Paltrow is about 5'8, Brad is at least 5'9.5.
And yes, I know that 1 inch is roughly 2.5 cm and not 1cm. You interpreted my last comment weirdly.
Viking190 said on 2/Oct/16
Yeah Rob, But in some of those pictures they are face to face, kissing, and shoulder to shoulder, so whatever the angle is, one could be sure about the difference because their bodies are pretty close to each other and the angle affects both figures equally.
Agreco4l said on 2/Oct/16
Can look 6 foot or over sometimes, probably around weak 5'11."
Pierre said on 2/Oct/16
@Justanotherguy=But we doesn't know the real height of listed celebrities around Brad,we doesn't know the inside of Brad's shoes.Martin sheen is listed 5"6':at his page some people who say they have really seen him give him 5"6' and some people who say they have really seen him give him 5"3'.
hijopotamus said on 2/Oct/16
@Justanotherguy, keep it simple. Why complicating things ASSUMING heels, lifts, angles etc??
Why close to Jen he looked shorter than a 5'10" guy?? Do you think Gwyneth is 5'10.5"?
Please revert.
Justanotherguy said on 2/Oct/16
Don't know if those are vans or not but they definitely look like they would give less heel. Doesn't explain how he doesn't manage to look more than 1 CM taller than Kevin Bacon and hes closer to the camera. If you don't think that matters why don't you take a look at 5'6 Martin Sheen standing to the left and see what a difference it can make.
@hijopotamus The picture we are talking about is has been discussed before.
Click Here for the picture with footwear. How is my 5'10.5 claim ridiculous when the average guess after nearly 50 votes is 5'10.5? Its a half of an inch from Rob's 5'11 and there is plenty of evidence to suggest hes within this range. I never claimed he was wearing lifts in the picture (I don't believe he is). I believe he sometimes wears lifts because he can easily appear to be 6 feet tall next to other actors in this range, yet he also sometimes appears to be in the 5'10 range like in picture that I linked. I guessed that if he does wear lifts than they can't add much because hes at least 5'10, and if he were shorter his lifts would be more obvious. 3 inch lifts are pretty obvious just look at Robert Downy Jr If you don't believe me. All in all I wouldn't be surprised if he was really 5'11, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was 5'10 either. Either way Rob is pretty close to the truth. Just my opinion.
Viking190 said on 2/Oct/16
Rob, based on naked photos of brad pitt and gwyneth paltrow, if brad pitt is 5'11 then why don't you upgrade paltrow's height to 5'10.5 5'11?

Editor Rob
the shots are taken on a long lens higher up, I'm not sure they reveal the exact difference between them.
Allen said on 2/Oct/16
I remember exactly when Brad was listed 6'0, Gwyneth was listed 5'8. I don't know about Rob's website but I'm pretty sure about google's listing. And now after Corden Paltrow picture it is obvious that she is no more than 5'7.
Dmeyer said on 2/Oct/16
Justanotherguy do not forget Pitt has Vans 0,6in compare to 1in shoes for bacon and Clooney has boots over 1in , Pitt looks 179cm in the pic but has 1cm less shoes so 180cm in that pic
Dejavu said on 1/Oct/16
He can only anywhere from 5'10.5 to 6'1.
CS said on 1/Oct/16
Interesting poll results. I think the truth is somewhere 5'10.5 - 5'11. I don't know for sure where though.
hijopotamus said on 1/Oct/16
@Justanotherguy, you base it on a not very reliable pic at all. You cannot be serious...
You dont know what shoes they wear and the size of the lifts is something to be guessed.
So you basically think that Gwyneth is 5'10.5"?
HonestSlovene said on 1/Oct/16
@Justanotherguy 100% agree.
Justanotherguy said on 30/Sep/16
5'10.5 is my guess here judging largely by the picture standing next to 5'10 Kevin Bacon.
Click Here
I believe Brad Pitt wears lifts because sometimes he can look like hes 6" but I have yet to see any definite proof of his lift wearing. He does wear a lot of boots though. If he is wearing lifts they must be modest (under 2 inches) which brings me back to the 5'10-5'11 range. I think if he was in 5'9 range his footwear would be more obvious like Robert Downy. Cool new feature Rob!
Johno said on 30/Sep/16
I can't think of an actor who has a wider range of height estimation than Pitt.
You can make a case for Pitt of a height at a 4-inch range and be cock-sure your respective estimation is right but who is right?

Editor Rob
I'm interested to see over time what all the big names settle on.
hijopotamus said on 30/Sep/16
A few years ago Brad was officially 6'
...I wonder what height was Gwyneth back then, just curious.
Viking190 said on 30/Sep/16
Rob I agree with you. There might be few listings that represent a listing of 2 inches lower than yours. But, Brad Pitt is an exception. I personally had no idea that Gwyneth Paltrow's height is that low. So this makes Pitt even shorter. And now I understand why Brad stuffs his big shoes with big lifts. I'm pretty sure now that he is below 5'9.
John said on 30/Sep/16
Original, I agree.
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 29/Sep/16
178 - 179 cm range to me. He's known for footwear advantages.
Bobby lad said on 29/Sep/16
Good addition Rob
Allen said on 29/Sep/16
James Corden is 5'7, Paltrow was almost the same height is Corden, though Corden was slightly taller like 0.25". Brad Pitt was also the same height as Paltrow that we discussed here before. So Brad Pitt cannot be any taller than 5'7.5! That's his peak.
Johno said on 29/Sep/16
Some new features on this site i see Rob.

Editor Rob
yes, but just be honest with estimates. There's only 2 inches above/below what my own listing is. I think there would be very few listings - personally - that would be more than 2 inches off ;)
HonestSlovene said on 29/Sep/16
Nice little feature you made there Rob, anyway I would guess 5'10.75" although maybe closer to 5'10.5" now since he is 52 y.o. .
Dan said on 27/Sep/16
If you go to the Instagram of Joe Goossen tengooseboxing_gym you'll see a really really
Rare short clip of Brad training with Joe for Snatch. He looks tiny and not tall at all, but standing next to Joe Goossen, he appears to be only an inch or 1.5" shorter. Goossen is listed at 6-0. And it really doesn't look like Pitt was wearing lifts. So even if Goossen is 5-11, then Pitt can't be shorter than 5-10 or 5-9.5
Dan said on 27/Sep/16
Matt. He's only barefoot in one pic lol.
Thomas45 said on 27/Sep/16
Matt your second picture is the most confusing of all. People who have seen Jennifer Aniston say she is 5'2 5'3 and in this picture Brad is 10 cm taller than her at most. Then Brad Pitt is 5'7 5'8 I guess according to your second photo.
hijopotamus said on 27/Sep/16
Heylo, an INCH is not one cm...
Brad and Gwyneth same height whatever their height is.
Heylo said on 27/Sep/16
Matt, you're right, he definitely doesn't look tall when he's buff. I am 177cm myself and look quite similar in build to the second photoshoot. My legs can look a little short in certain clothing styles just like Brad's. His build is quite similar to Daniel Craig except for the fact that Brad has much thinner calves and wrists which easier gives the illusion of being taller.
Even though you personally might think he looks only 5'8, I don't think that's his actual height. We can all look a certain height based on body proportions and body type.
Jude Law is one person not many thought was below 5'11, and guess what, he was downgraded a full inch by Rob when he said in an interview that he was 5'10. Brad could be the same.
Original said on 27/Sep/16
I'm pretty sure that he is 5.5/5'5.75" inches taller than Jen Aniston (for me about 5'3.75), with Fallon "Breakdance episode" (Fallon is 5'10-5'10.25" for me, he's about 0.5" taller than Gisele), Brad looks little shorter prob. about 0.5" (no lifts here) with David Beckham (5'10.5" - 5'10.75") and with lifts he looks 6'1. No way that one 5'7.5" with whatsoever shoes look like 6'1. For me he's strong 5'9. Prob. 5'9.5".
I'm going with 5'9.5-75" peak.
5'9.25-5" now.
Original said on 27/Sep/16
Jennifer - 162
Angelina - 165
Brad - 175-176
Greg said on 27/Sep/16
@Matt I mean not really, a legit 5'11 guy wouldn't look too much shorter next to a 6'0 guys as it's just an inch, most 5'11 range guys claim to be 6'0 anyways lol.
Chase Witherspoon said on 27/Sep/16
Another Hollywood height enigma; reckon 178cm is the reality here..
Matt said on 26/Sep/16
ok guys found few photos on the web where he stands barefoot or on the flat sole,and they are a lil bit confusing :)
Click Here - here in monotone jeans
Click Here - with Aniston
On previous two he looks thin. may give him over 176 easy. But what i found next confused me. On the next one (one of his photosets), he get bit muscular and literally looks like 5'8 guy :D
Click Here
S.J.H said on 26/Sep/16
Therefore george clooney never over 177cm , damon 174.5cm chris pratt 185cm , jonah hill 166cm LOL
what!!!?!!! said on 26/Sep/16
Lol, Allen, justin bieber 5.7, and brad pitt only 5'7.5 ??? Justin is max 1.69 for me, as for brad pitt he can really be 1.75 in reality. But not shorter than that. Charlie sheen is 1.75 and he doesn't look taller than brad. Maybe without his lifts, brad is just like him, 175. I really believe that ;]
Dan said on 26/Sep/16
5-7 lmao!!!!
Johno said on 26/Sep/16
There is about 1-inch difference between Paltrow and Pitt.
Vibram said on 26/Sep/16
He was never over 178cm (afternoon height), Correg.
Heylo said on 25/Sep/16
He often reaches 6ft in shoes, this is a fact. He's been standing next to Bruce Willis and other celebrities around 6ft and looked around their height. He is not only 5'11 in shoes.
That's why under 5'9 or shorter barefoot becomes a problem. But the photo of Paltrow and Corden definitely makes me consider Pitt being in the weak 5'10 range while Paltrow is strong 5'8. This is really logical considering their nude photos. Brad looked a solid inch taller. That makes Brad 5'9.5 or 5'9.75 which could be seen as a weak 5'10 or strong 5'9. This is a possibility.
I personally see him at 177-178 because he managed to look only 2cm shorter than 183cm Edward Norton in Fight Club and that was in shoes that with lifts could give him 4-5cm. Norton had regular shoes on. So Norton was without a doubt 185.5cm in his shoes, while Pitt looked a solid 183 This isn't possible if Brad is 5'9 or shorter barefoot as some of you claim.
Joe### said on 25/Sep/16
178-179 in real live
hijopotamus said on 25/Sep/16
Rampage, so Gwyneth is what? 178? 179? thinking that "a joke" is a miserable one cm for you...
Make some sense, dude.
Allen said on 25/Sep/16
Justin Bieber 5'7
James Corden 5'7
Gwyneth Paltrow 5'7
Brad Pitt 5'7.5

Editor Rob
now that's Taking The Pitt!
Allen said on 25/Sep/16
He is definitely not in 178 cm range. If he was , with those 10cm boosting lifts he was going to be nearly 6'3. He is 5'7.5-5'8 in his peak if he's lucky.
Correg said on 24/Sep/16
Sometimes, he seems more than 180. I think he is not under 180.
Arch Stanton said on 24/Sep/16
Hehe Harold, yeah I know what you mean, he was standing 35,000 ft tall recently anyway ;-) Seriously though, imagine something like being read by millions of people the next day. There is a very very negative side to fame, can swing from one extreme to the other, don't envy that side of things. A 12 year relationship in Hollywood is sort of like 48 years to normal people isn't it?
Ah so Paltrow is now 5 ft 7 and Pitt 5'7.5 LOL!
HonestSlovene said on 24/Sep/16
@Matt Completely agree Matt, he looks similar to me which is a strong 5'10.
Harold said on 23/Sep/16
Media manipulation of his height is the least of his worries these days...
Allen said on 23/Sep/16
That's exactly what I'm talking about. He appears 5'11 with those kind of heels and lifts so there is no chance for him to be 176 cm barefoot considering his heel size and the thickness of his lifts. More like 171-172 cm barefoot.
Allen said on 23/Sep/16
Aren't you convinced that Paltrow is not 5'9 but 5'7 from the Corden Paltrow pics?
what!!!?!!! said on 22/Sep/16
i dont think that 177 is joke, its a real heigh
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Sep/16
177cm is a joke aswell
what!!!?!!! said on 21/Sep/16
lol, imagine if brad is really only 1.74. And what hollywood can implement in our heads... I wouldn't rule that out.
Mat said on 21/Sep/16
Editor Rob: I thought he was just bending his foot a bit there, I don't know how big a lift he might have.
He's bending his foot for sure, but he's got lifts/elevators too. His ankle wouldn't be that high up if he didn't. To be fair I still think he's 178-179 cm range, not in the 173 - 176 range like others are saying. But those are totally lifts or elevators in that picture.
hijopotamus said on 21/Sep/16
Peter179, be serious, please. Those celebs you talk about have been seen barefoot or wearing a 1 cm saldal. We only have seen Brad barefoot once and besides a barefoot 5"9" girl who Gwyneth is AND he was NOT taller than her!
Jeeeepers...! Some of you are delusional.
Peter 179cm said on 21/Sep/16
The lowest range i would argue for a barefoot Pitt is 176-177cm (5'9.5),if he's really 173 max then alot of other celebrities heights should be downgraded atleast 3-4cm (and some of them are already reduced).That means Beckham is like 171-172, Eric Bana around 180 maybe,Claudia Schiffer 173 at most
Clooney at 170-171 Damon around 171 also and the list goes on and on... Clearly he's atleast 5'9.5 at his low otherwise all the other listings don't make any sense in comparison.
Matt said on 21/Sep/16
Rob, look what ive got here :
Click Here.
Look at the bend of his foot and that giant heel. Bend is so huge that it indicates that there is 3.5-5 cm insole here. + heel that is around the same height as insole, makes him 6-10 cm taller than him standing barefoot. I think he is somewhere in 173.5-176

Editor Rob
I thought he was just bending his foot a bit there, I don't know how big a lift he might have.
Johno said on 20/Sep/16
On a side note, the Pitts have broken up and it is very tragic; for me they were like an ideal couple similar to Becks and Posh but the only thing positive about it is, instead of me having a one-in-a-billion chance with Jolie, it is one-in-ten-million now :D
Anyway, i just can't see Pitt as short as some people say on here and as tall as some people say on here.
Brutus anderson said on 20/Sep/16
No wsy he could be 5 foot 11. Claudia schiffer listed as 5'11" and she is in flats whereas brad pitt is in elevators. And she is still a cm taller than him.
Johno said on 19/Sep/16
I wouldn't say Brad gives off a 6'0 foot impression with lifts or not.
Viking190 said on 19/Sep/16
Yeah the recent photos are just downgrading Brad Pitt inch after inch. He is one of the fewest actors who has never been honest about his height. Constantly wearing biggest lifts and shoes a celebrity could afford. I do not know wether he himself wants to look many inches taller than his real height or he is forced to. And he is not for sure a full inch taller than Justin Bieber, I wouldn't be surprised if they are the same height either.
Antonio said on 19/Sep/16
I have met a lot of celebs. I was on a Morning TV Infotainment show where I met many of them. I,ve found that most of the folks that Rob's guesstimates are usually 1" taller than they should be. Some that I have met 2"+. I think Brad is 5'9.5" to 5'10". Didn't meet him, but I am assuming Rob is an inch or so off, as usual. All of this, from my experiences only.
Dmeyer said on 18/Sep/16
Brad many Times apears 5 ft 11,5 or near 6 ft because of thick footwear and exelent posture , i am surprised hé wasnt able to look as tall as Tom Hanks recently who is just 5 ft 11,5 today , of course Pitt that night had just 1in shoes
Allen said on 17/Sep/16
We have provided enough evidences here to prove that Pitt is 5'8 at his best. The picture of him (without lifts) with Aniston. Pictures of him (barefoot) with Paltrow. Rare photos that prove he always is wearing lifts to be 5'10. And now that 5'7 Corden appears to be the same height as Paltrow. From this point anyone who thinks that Brad is 5'10 is only denying the truth for whatever reason. Avoiding the truth really doesn't help changing this actor's real height.
Allen said on 16/Sep/16
I would love to see Brad Pitt and Justin Bieber barefoot together. This is just getting even mote interesting!
hijopotamus said on 16/Sep/16
Greg, you don't know why some people want to downgrade Pitt? ...seriously????
You are a funny guy or are you Mr Pitt?
Your figures are ridiculous. Have you measured him before bed or after waking up??
We just say a 5'11" guy does not stand same height as a 5'9" max girl that Gwyneth is.
So simple to understand.
There are many pics that prove Pitt is not 5'11", just read all comments, dude!
Allen said on 16/Sep/16
Because He is as low as 5'8. Look at the pictures that Pitt and Paltrow are naked together, and then look at Paltrow and Corden who is 5'7. You'll know that there is no way for Pitt to be even close to 5'10. Pitt has always been wearing thickest lift shoes and cuban heels to appear around 5'10, 5'11. But he is not taller than 5'8 in real life.
Filippo said on 16/Sep/16
Ahaha sorry guys, but there are absolutely no reason to downgrade Pitt to as low as 5'9, nor to elevate him at 6'.
The guy is a common 5'10 man, maybe a tiny bit more. Not a full 5'11, IMHO.
As every person his height, he could appear in the 6' range in a good day, with good shoes and perfect posture, and a solid 5'9 in other occasions.
Absolutely normal for a 5'10 (and maybe something) tallish average man.
He is perfect, his height is too.
D said on 16/Sep/16
I don't know why some celebs are so sensitive about their height, and lie, wear lifts... Tell us your real heights because the lifts are obvious and its just bad to lie about it. As for pitt , he probably wakes at 1.79.7 and his evening height is 1.78.2
Mark said on 15/Sep/16
The only solid 5'11" person who I think is taller than Brad Pitt is Rowan Aktinson.
Allen said on 14/Sep/16
They could not be closer to each other in the photo I posted here, you are the most biased commentor among all the commentors I have seen here. You deny a photo that is very plain to the senses that They are both the same height. Even in the pictures and video clip sometimes Corden appears to be taller. You know what it means that a person is closer to the camera than the other? None of them is closer to the camera than the other. It is so obvious that you are biased. The most biased here. Sorry. Brad Pitt, Corden and Paltrow are all within the same range of height. 5'7 or 5'8 tops.
Viking190 said on 14/Sep/16
LMFAO, just because you have used the word Honest in your username, it doesn't mean that people will think you are honest haha
1.) Corden's footwear has a much thicker heels while Bieber's is more like a van.
2.) If you are living in US I will introduce you to a very experienced eye doctor. He will heal your vision I guarantee. Afterwards you'll come back to this website telling everyone that NOW you see Corden closer to camera not Bieber.
3.) The picture I posted shows that bieber is an inch or an inch and a half taller than Corden because of his shoes. Meaning that they are the same height. Plus bieber is not a lift wearer, he is pretty comfortable with his height and this shows that he is much more of a man than many other height conscious celebrities (ehem!)
No! I'm not going to call you neither biased nor ignorant as you were so polite to call me! Of course when you are going to call a person ignorant, they are going to call you something like biased!
Brad Pitt is 5'10.5 in his lift shoes not barefoot. There are rare photos of him not wearing lifts and in them he seems to be under 5'9. If he was open about his height he was to appear with normal shoes and without lifts everywhere he goes. But he keeps appearing around 5'11 with big shoes not normal shoes. This has one meaning and that is that he is hiding his real height in those big shoes and heels.
Pierre said on 14/Sep/16
In the video you can clearly see Gwyneth Paltrow isn't taller than James Corden(it's my opinion)exactly the same height( and why not James a little taller?He seem have a higher forehead,he has flat shoes)
Johno said on 14/Sep/16
@Honest, you can argue whatever height you like with whatever celebrity or video you want for Paltrow but for that particular Corden video ------ nah, Paltrow don't look taller than Corden ------- nah, she don't taller than him but the same at best. For me, the cat is pretty much out of the bag. Corden's height has been argued at 5'8 and between 5'7-5'8.
HonestSlovene said on 13/Sep/16
@Allen Gwyneth is leaning and Corden is closer to the camera. Also she still looks to edge him out just slightly by 1 cm, maybe 2 cm, Corden is no less than 173 cm.
HonestSlovene said on 13/Sep/16
@Viking190 LOL, you really are ignorant.
1.) In the first pic both Corden and Bieber are on equal ground and more or less equal footwear; 2nd pic no ground on which they are standing on can be seen.
2.) In the first pic they are clearly walking beside each other: 2nd pic Bieber is closer to the camera.
3.) I guess I have found a full body picture from that event which picture you have posted: Corden is BAREFOOTED and Bieber is WEARING DRESS SHOES. He even could be wearing a small lift/insole inside for all I care:
Unlike most people here that have biases and write me that I am biased (just like the Spanish user TheDude, oh the irony!) I am one of the most objective posters that has a thorough analysis of heights before posting claims about them. Also I guess people's height within 1 cm usually before knowing their height 99%+ of the time.
Pitt would probably have easy 2 inches on Corden. So Bieber is 5'7, Corden is 5'8 and Pitt is 5'10.5.
Viking190 said on 12/Sep/16
It really makes me laugh when you post such a picture! In the picture you have posted Corden is closer to camera. It is not theoretical discussion that you accuse people of lying. People have eyes and they can see that Corden is not only closer to the camera in the photo you posted but also has a thicker footwear. I dare you to post the full lengthed image instead of this one that you have posted. Everyone can search it online! He is closer to camera. But they are both the same height. Bieber and Corden.
Pierre said on 12/Sep/16
I don't see Gwyneth taller than James Corden
Allen said on 12/Sep/16
Click Here
It's really funny how you guys still keep denying that Paltrow is shorter than 5'9! Haha!
As you see in the picture or if you have seen the video clip and you are sane and not brain damaged they are (Corden and Paltrow) the same exact height! And Corden might be half and inch taller if anything. I'm very happy that you always finally come to my point that Pitt is 5'8 tops!
D said on 12/Sep/16
More like, Pitt weak 1.79, Damon weak 1.77. Just took a look at the ruler 1.80 is too tall. But hey that's just my opinion. Rob is the proffesionalist.
HonestSlovene said on 11/Sep/16
@Viking190 LOL when do the lies stop?
Click Here
Not even a comment is needed how sub-par your height gauging is.
hijopotamus said on 11/Sep/16
Dmsyer, Brad had lifts inside those shoes in Troy. He was supposed to use what everyone was using BUT we all know what...
Anyone that sees Brad 2'54 or even 5 cm taller than Gwyneth is those naked pics is delusional. Funny how I even see Gwyneth 1cm taller. In any case, as Viking 190 says Justin Bieber cannot be 5'10, can he??
Johno said on 11/Sep/16
Pitt is taller than Paltrow.
Johno said on 11/Sep/16
#Truth, Paltrow does not look taller than Corden, Corden looked the taller of the two but ever-so-slightly. This especially makes sense because Corden is almost Damon and i cannot see Paltrow as tall as Damon or taller. The video is clearly HD and you can easily zoom in to compare the two.
Viking190 said on 11/Sep/16
James Corden is the same height as Justin Bieber when they stood near each other. Are you guys saying that Brad Pitt is the same height as Justin Bieber, considering that Paltrow was also the same height as Corden?
Johno said on 10/Sep/16
@Truth, screen capture the bit where you saw Paltrow looking the height you say she is with Corden.
Paltrow did not taller than Corden to me, he seemed to have edge if anything and this makes sense because he stands almost eye-to-eye with
Matt Damon and i very much doubt she is tall as Damon.
Corden has normally always been estimated between 5'7-5'8.
truth said on 9/Sep/16
@Pierre Gwyneth Paltrow is roughly 1 inch taller than James Corden, at least that is what she looked in the video next to him that you guys desperately want to show as the "proof" of her being shorter than 5'9 (which, like always, fails monumentally lol). Can you show me where she was listed at 173 cm though, all I can find is 175 cm and as far as I can remember some listings before 2010 ish or in 2007-2009 had her at 177 cm, which I think is slightly too high but most likely her height first thing in the morning.
Pierre said on 9/Sep/16
If Gwyneth is 5"9' James Corden is 5"9',but i have personally never seen a 5"9' celebrity being listed 5"8',it's rather the contrary
Heylo said on 8/Sep/16
Hijo, you are coming with ridiculous statements as always. You claim others to have an agenda for Pitt but you truly has something against him yourself because you're never commenting on photos of him like an objective observer. Objectively, he looks slightly taller than the 5'9 listed Gwyneth Paltrow. Brad does NOT look 5'9(counting in the fact that Paltrow is listed at 5'9). Show us some photos of him looking 5'9 where the angle is normal and non illusionary.
If not, show some photos of Gwyneth being shorter than 5'9. If you can't prove anything with other than words, you're a loser.
heightchecker34 said on 8/Sep/16
People need to stop downsizing Pitt, he is a comfortable 5'11ish guy. 5'11 is a great height for a guy, you'll hardly get mistaken for short unless you are surrounded by NBA players. I'm 5'9 and wish I was at least 5'11, because it is considered the "upper average" range of "average heights" (5'9-5'11). He always looks taller or in the range of many of his co-stars, and unlike Stallone or RBD, he has a loose posture and doesn't feel the need to stand ramrod straight to elongate his figure. I can't see him dropping under 180 cm for a long while.
hijopotamus said on 7/Sep/16
josh jeffords, Brad did not wear sandals as everyone else in Troy. He wore a different kind of shoe more like a boot so to hide his lifts. Funny he did not take them off at all and nobody ever saw him barefoot...
HonestSlovene said on 7/Sep/16
@hijopotamus But he did not look exactly Gwyneth's height, he looked about 1-1.5 inches or about 3 cm taller. Still if she is 5'9 or 175 cm (based on other pictures of her with other celebrities I think she is) then he must be 5'10.25 range minimum. Pitt's height is 100% in the 5'10.25 -5'11.25 range, as the user Dingus pointed out he is most likely between 5'10.5 or 5'11, which is 5'10.75 to be exact and that is also the height I personally peg him at. If I was an up grader I would say he is 5'11.5 or 6'0 but I think he must be somewhere in the upper 5'10 range as he never looked short and always looked upper average/above average next to the average US man, who is 5'9.25. Why the downgrading and deceiving though, what do you have from it exactly? I am curious to know.
James said on 6/Sep/16
He looked tall, at least 6 ft in Ocean's Eleven. No less than 5' 11'' for this man. One of the most legit 180 cm guys of this site.
jamie179cm said on 6/Sep/16
hijoptamus, i agree i don't know why pitt feels the need to wear lifts
Alucard said on 6/Sep/16
As i said many times, Paltrow's picture is all the evidence someone need... She herself has always been around 5'8, fairly tall woman, Pitt not over 5'9 in his life, ever...
Dmeyer said on 6/Sep/16
From 5 ft 11,25 wearing à 1-1,5in you can look tall , Pitt is oftenly wearing 1,5in that brings him near 184cm shoes on so hé looks 5 ft 11,5
steve said on 6/Sep/16
what would be the absolute lowest brad could reach with no sleep and dehydrated ? He looks like a guy who could hold 5,11 no matter what his body goes through hahah
Dingus said on 5/Sep/16
He seems to be in the 5'10.375" - 5'11.125" range. His picture with Jonah Hill makes him look fairly tall. Even if Jonah was as low as 5'06.00" and Brad had 3.5 inches worth of extra heigh in heel and lifts(in addition to the shoe) in this picture he would still be taller by a few inches.
josh jeffords said on 5/Sep/16
Gotta say iv seen pitt and would usually say he looks 6ft meaing 5 11 or so barefoot.
I have seen him look average to low in some movies he looked tall in sandles in troy next to many 6ft+ stars.
hijopotamus said on 5/Sep/16
Rob, you said James Corden stands 5"8" when some people claim 5'7", what do you think about those pics beside Gwyneth? theres no way in the world Brad can look exact same height as Gwyneth and be 5'11" as this site rates.
Pics with dance flat shoes or barefoot is the ones that should matter and be relevant. Who cares what Pitt stands on whatever shoes he wears?? tricky customs lifts etc is not a serious way to measure someone. The barefoot oics with Gwyneth are the key. Nobody can deny that.
Cbbnc said on 4/Sep/16
If he was 5'11, he would definitely be listed at 6' or 6'1 at most other places since they ALWAYS do that and for the most high profile actor they definitely would. The fact that he is listed at 5'11 and not 6' ANYWHERE means he is 5'10 maybe 5'9
Pierre said on 4/Sep/16
Gwyneth next to listed 5"8' James Corden is about the same height as him.
Pierre said on 4/Sep/16
Gwyneth next to listed 5"8' James Corden is about the same height than him.
hijopotamus said on 4/Sep/16
Jamie179, that's right. People love to autoconvince themselves of what they want reality to be. Sorry guys, but Pitt is not taller than Schiffer or Paltrow.
By the way, Claudia said she was 5'10" in a tv interview. There are a few relevant pics of Brad that leave no doubt. Pics with Gwyneth, Alliston, Clooney (he seemed to forget his lifts and was clearly shorter) ...
Nothing wrong being 5'10".
Adamz said on 3/Sep/16
179 is more likely than 181 cm. 180 could be good tho.
Heylo said on 3/Sep/16
I agree with Dan, I think he's a strong 5'10. But close enough to 5'11 to be confused with one many times. With a small lift, there is possible to look like a legitimate half inch taller than you are consistently. He also doesn't look 5'11 next to 5'9 paltrow in those candid nude photos, he looks closer to 5'10.
jamie179cm said on 2/Sep/16
do people forget that pitt is barely taller than paltrow both in barefeet, so even if shes a legit 175cm, pitt Can't be more than 178cm
Dan said on 1/Sep/16
I am a huge fan of Pitt guys, and I have always said he's way over 5-8 and 5-9, but considering I know all the shoes and boots he's ever worn and the height he is when wearing them, I really can't see him being over a strong 5-10. His height varies too much between different shoes. 5-11 is like Dicaprio and Ed Norton. If he was a legit 5-11 guy, he'd be like 6-1 when wearing boots, an he never looks that tall in his personal life.
Joe said on 1/Sep/16
AT worst he could be a hair under 5'11". He didn't wear any elevator shoes in Fight Club. He's a solid 5'11"
mike said on 31/Aug/16
he either 5'10.9999999 or 5'11.00000001. never 5'11... ;)
Dmeyer said on 30/Aug/16
Peak 5 ft 11,75 morning now 5 ft 11,5 morning night 5 10,75-11
TJE said on 29/Aug/16
I'd go as far to say that Brad is overall a fraction under 5'11.
Omar strong 5'11 said on 27/Aug/16
Rob could he be 5'11.25 inn the morning and 5'10.75 at night

Editor Rob
I think he could shrink a bit more than half inch, but a little under 5ft 11 at night is never impossible for him.
Dmeyer said on 25/Aug/16
Claudia is 180cm plus 0,5-1cm shoes 181cm Pitt looks 183cm shoes in while those give lesS than 3cm more 2,5cm style
Dmeyer said on 22/Aug/16
To me when Claudia around 180,5-1cm balarina on Pitt looks 2cm taller when in equal posture so Pitt is 6 ft in those boots who dont look under 1in or over
The Kaiser said on 22/Aug/16
Rob how come Claudia Schiffer's 181 cm and Brad still looks taller!!
Dmeyer said on 21/Aug/16
I use to think Norton was 5 ft 11-11,5 but 5 ft 11,75-6ft seems closer
Sam said on 21/Aug/16
Can't get my head round when usually height-honest people are immediatley given the downgrader label. Save those for the 5'9 guesses for Pitt not 5'10. 5'11 is his maximum but there's a strong chance he measures a good fraction or two below as well.
hijopotamus said on 21/Aug/16
Rob, Claudia is 5'10" and Pitt is not 3 cm taller thsn her plus then you add he had shoe and posture advantage. Just do the math...or do you have a dog in this fight? Brads payroll? Dude...
Simon said on 21/Aug/16
Dan. Yeah, I see whatW you mean. I did find one picture, though, where the legit height difference between them is shown.
Click Here
I don't think Brad really qualifies in the "tall guy"-range, i.e. 181-182 (Right where Norton and DiCaprio belong). The actor whose height reminds me the most of Pitt's legit height would probably be Andrew Garfield at 179.
Jake Gyllenhaal, I think is at least 1 cm taller than Pitt.
CS said on 20/Aug/16
@Simon Dmeyer thinks there's a good chance Norton is under 6 ft.
MJKoP said on 20/Aug/16
People love to downgrade Pitt out of jealousy. It seems unfair to them that with his looks, fame, wealth, and success that he's also comfortably above average height.
Dan said on 19/Aug/16
Simon. Norton looks to be 5-11 or maybe a week 6-0. Brad Pitt is looks to be 5-10. When Brad wore his biker boots which have about 1.25" heels he'll get to 5-11 easily, possibly a bit more. Add a 1.25" or 1.5" insert and he's a six footer. Add his great posture from having a really strong and lean core and that's how he looks taller than Norton. That's not considering any tricky standing tricks Brad could be doing like the standing on his toes kind of thing. But 100% Brad is shorter than Norton. Brad is also shorter than Dicaprio too.
Simon said on 18/Aug/16
Here's what bothers me. Brad is usually listed in the 5'10-5'11 range while people pretty much agree that Edward Norton is a legit six footer. Yet they both seem be around the same height in virtually every picture they're in together, and in some pictures Brad is even taller. Does he really wear heels that gets him into the 6'-6'1 zone that often?
T said on 18/Aug/16
If he himself put down 5"10 then he's proably mm's under 5"11 but who honestly cares about mm's he's 5"11
J.Lee said on 17/Aug/16
Rob is Claudia Schiffer taller than Brad? How much taller is Brad in the photo above?

Editor Rob
he might looks a good 3cm or so taller, but he does have more shoe and possibly she is dropping half inch in posture.
mike said on 15/Aug/16
he looks 5'11 in almost everything. people like to over scrutinize everything.
shiva 181 cms said on 14/Aug/16
Brad pitt's height is (5'11 in his peak and 5'10.75 today-
Sam said on 9/Aug/16
You could argue 5'10 as much as you can 5'11 being as he's most likely in that range, the latter is probably more true judging by his build and the fact he struggles pulling off a legit 5'11. Generally he looks more upper average than above average so 5'10 is hardly an outlandish estimation but I wouldn't say he's under that either.
Dan said on 3/Aug/16
Can someone explain to me how to upload pics here ?

Editor Rob
can you use to upload photos or to shorten a link to an image.
hijopotamus said on 3/Aug/16
Funny how even upgraders admit Pitt is not 5'11"

Editor Rob
at worst I think he would be a fraction low as 5ft 10 I just can't see it.
truth said on 3/Aug/16
@175 cm The absolute lowest you can argue for him is 178 cm flat. Do you need to bring any solid average guy to your below average height?
heightchecker34 said on 29/Jul/16
Well, I'm 5'9, and always wished I was a bit taller. In my dreams 6'1-6'2 would be perfect, but if I'm being reasonable, I would settle for 5'11. It's a underrated height with everyone talking about being 5'10, 6'0-6'2. 6'4. 5'11 is definitely on the upper side of average and you will never appear short in public unless you are surrounded with 6'5 + people. What I'm getting at is Brad Pitt is 5'11 for sure and will never get mistaken for a small man. End of story.
The Man said on 28/Jul/16
Greg said on 27/Jul/16
I know right, I don't get why tall guys feel the need to exaggerate their heights. There's one 6'2" guy I know that claims to be 6'5". I know a true 6'5" guy when I see one.
truth said on 28/Jul/16
Wakes up at a weak 5'11.5 (5'11.25-5'11.5) and goes to bed at 5'10.5-5'10.75.
Jackson said on 26/Jul/16
I am 5'10.5-5'11 for most of the day and get guessed at 6 foot and 5'11 mostly and 5'10 being less frequent
Which makes me think Brad is about the same exact height. In some settings I feel I can look 5'9 ish which is why some people guess him at that
Dan said on 25/Jul/16
Tom, in films he does wear elevator shoes. Yea in the big short they intentionally made Pitt tower Finn and the other guy. It's for character purposes. They just want Pitt's characters to be tall. They did it in meet joe black, basterds, Moneyball, and the big short. Those are a few films where they intentionally made him look like 3-4 inches taller than he is.
tom said on 23/Jul/16
Watching the Big Short, it's crazy how tall they make him look, he towers over Finn Wittrock, who in real life is 2 inches shorter than him.
James said on 23/Jul/16
Brad Pitt is even taller than Jonah Hill. It's irritating.
D said on 22/Jul/16
1.79 is accurate. Not an millimetre more
Peter 179cm said on 21/Jul/16
@ GUK So true,although i disagree on the short part,but it depends on proportions.
truth said on 21/Jul/16
5'10 in his case applies to the 5'10 range or between 177.5 cm to 180.5 cm. He looks my height or slightly taller (I am 5'10.25). 5'10.5-5'10.75.
truth said on 21/Jul/16
@GUK Agree, I also see him around that range.
GUK said on 20/Jul/16
If I had to bet Brad's height it would be on 179 5ft 10.5. I am that height and have been guessed as anything from 5ft 9 to 6ft 1. At 179 you can look average or tall, sometimes even short. You can't pull off 6ft impressions if under 5ft 10.
Dmeyer said on 20/Jul/16
Even thaugh i think Pitt is 5 ft 10,75-11 hé can look 5 ft 10 near Paltrow And Tarantino but can also look 5 ft 11 with them or near 6 ft when in shoes advantage
hijopotamus said on 20/Jul/16
Rob, time to update Brads height. A slim 180 guy with elevators wouldnt look short beside Quentin Tarantino.
Abc said on 20/Jul/16
Of course Pitt can look shorter next to a genuine 5´11. A genuine 5`11 guy stands 6 - 6.025 in shoes, Pitt can look 1 inch shorter when not wearing his special elevators.
Compare the pictures of him next to Bernthal where he wears normal dress shoes "only" with shoe inserts
Kevin K. said on 20/Jul/16
I once read that Brad Pitt, before he got famous, listed himself as 5'10" on a call sheet. If that's true, then he's no more than 5'10" and possibly up to an inch shorter than that. (I think he's 5'9.5".) He looks taller than he is because he's so slim.
Peter 179cm said on 19/Jul/16
Ok Pitt is really 180 with shoes on...Does that satisfy you,downgraders? Lol...
Dan said on 18/Jul/16
Tulip, I very much doubt that Pitt was 1.5" shorter than 5-11 at a film premiere. Doubt that. And no, you can't have custom chuck Taylor's with 3-4 inch hidden insert and have them look like regular chuck Taylor's. Sorry. Chucks are soft canvas shoes. You can't throw four inch lifts inside them.
Tulip said on 16/Jul/16
Been next to him with my then boyfriend at a premiere. My ex was 5.11, Pitt seemed to be at least 1,5 inches shorter.
Dmeyer said on 16/Jul/16
In the shots where jolie has à heels that should give near 5 in even if she is 5 ft 6 that Will make her 5 ft 11 he looks easy 1in over her so about 6 ft shoes on and Pitt has low cut 1inchers
hijopotamus said on 15/Jul/16
Also you can find shoes that boost you up 7 cm.
Obviously these celebs wear custom ones. They can wear custom chucks and people would think theyr wearing regular all stars chucks.
Dmeyer said on 15/Jul/16
Hijopotamus so you get 5cm from boots plus insole you will only apear near 185cm no more since à typical 185cm Guy will be 187,5ish shoes on , Brad oftenly apears 181,5-2cm Guy so even if hé gets à 2-3cm boost over normal shoes like you do with your boots hé has to be 179cm aleast , if hé was 176-177cm like some claim hé would look 5 ft 10 wearing à cuban heel And 5 ft 10,75-11 wearing an elevator , hé looks bigger than that
tk said on 15/Jul/16
Have you noticed her shoes in that photo? She might be getting nearly 5 inches from them. The platform in the front of the shoe looks easily 3+ inches, not to mention the huge heel.
Pitt is not 5'9''. Maybe he is not a full 5'11'' either but nothing under 5'10.5'', at least imo. He has short legs, longer torso and impeccable posture. This means that, even with a relatively normal pair of shoes, he can easily look around 6'0''. With a small lift or a cuban heel boot (he obviously uses both), he often looks closer to 6'1''.
James B said on 14/Jul/16
Goldberg is 6ft2
Dmeyer said on 14/Jul/16
We all know about Pitt shoes in spy game those could give near 2in , but hé usualy dosnt wear those
hijopotamus said on 13/Jul/16
joe, Dmeyer, im 182 and i reach 187 with army boots and vibram insoles. No weird walking at all.
So yes, its possible.
pauly e said on 13/Jul/16
those heels she's wearing are intense. there looks to be a 3" portion under the toe of the shoe, so they are giving her that much over a normal heel.
MJKoP said on 12/Jul/16
The guys(and gals?) arguing 5'9" tops for Pitt are going to cream themselves when they see this picture. One of the very few times he's looked significantly shorter than his true height of 5'11". I could easily see this image turning into the "naked Paltrow candids" of 2016.
Click Here
Editor Rob: to be fair, he is mid stride, she is in full stride on a road with a bigger than average heel.
Dan said on 13/Jul/16
MJKop. Dude those are like 6 inch heels she's wearing. That's the night I saw them. I was there in the theater when they walked in. That was the afi festival opening night where they premiered BY the sea.
hijopotamus said on 13/Jul/16
Dan, 6'1"? LOL
do you know Redford height??
so he was 6 feet?
sorry but looooool
Joe said on 13/Jul/16
@hijopotamus: you're wrong in saying that Dmeyer doesn't know much about height related stuff. He's been around in this website for at least 10 years.
James B said on 12/Jul/16
He's 52 now so in the next few years will probably be heading towards 5'10 1/2.
I must say so far brad has held his peak height well and I can't see him losing much into old age.
Dan said on 12/Jul/16
Hijopotamus, I do agree with you that the spy game boots are huge, but they're not elevator shoes. Google vintage Frye Campus boots. That particular boot is called campus boots. They had those huge chunky leather stacked heel. People wore that stuff in the 70's - 80's. Other than those boots and the thick boots he wore in killing them softly, he typically wears normal shoes. Inglorious basterds he wore huge elevator shoes. He was like 6-1 in that movie.
MJKoP said on 12/Jul/16
The guys(and gals?) arguing 5'9" tops for Pitt are going to cream themselves when they see this picture. One of the very few times he's looked significantly shorter than his true height of 5'11". I could easily see this image turning into the "naked Paltrow candids" of 2016.
Click Here

Editor Rob
to be fair, he is mid stride, she is in full stride on a road with a bigger than average heel.
Johan said on 12/Jul/16
Goldberg is listed here at 6ft 2.5 , I always thought his 6ft 3 claim was a decent one though as he could look taller at times than 6ft 2 guys. He is very similar to Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, another guy billed around 6ft 5 but in reality 6ft 2.5 - 6ft 3.
Heylo said on 11/Jul/16
That's right Dan, the god of proportions doesn't know heights. That's why it's mostly a waste of time looking at a certain body-part. We all look different.
hijopotamus said on 11/Jul/16
Dmeyer, you obviously dont know much about elevators, customs etc and btw, Pitt wears massive heel shoes. Have you seen that 90s movie with Redford? watch his heels and see how tall he was beside Robert.
Dan said on 11/Jul/16
If you guys wanna see how the whole short leg thing cancels itself out, go and google images of Bill Goldberg and look how short his leg is from knee to ankle. That guy is a 6-4 or 6-5 monster and when you look at his leg from knee to ankle it looks really short. Almost abnormally short. Same for his arm measured from elbow to wrist. Same as Brad Pitt. Both of them have long torsos with long arms from shoulder to elbow and hip to knee, but short from elbow to wrist and knee to ankle. Some people's bodies are just different. Built different. Like I've always said, that's why Pitt is able to use lifts and boots with skinny jeans on and he doesn't look abnormal. Point is, just because he appears to have short stubby calves, doesn't mean he's a short guy
jasperwazup said on 10/Jul/16
its time to downgrade the height to 5'9.5''
Peter 179cm said on 10/Jul/16
@hijopotamus only thing is if you look closely Brad looks near 4-5cm taller than Claudia,but if she matched his posture,lets say Brad would be around 2-3 cm taller so basically you'd have a 181-182cm looking Brad Pitt.He can't be shorter than 177-178 range (5'10) even if he's wearing serious lifts like 7cm or so...But he's not a legit 180 guy,either.
Dmeyer said on 10/Jul/16
To make it simple for a personne to apear 1cm taller than he is its simple good posture or simply wearing shoes in the 1,2-1,4in or wearing 0,5in lift , to look 2cm taller than wath you are you need somthing like à cowboy heels 4-4,5cm range , or 1-1,25in lift wich is already more noticable , but to look 4-5cm taller than wath you are like going from 177 to 182 like some claim here , you need realy big shoes and Pitt clearly never wear those
Peter 179cm said on 9/Jul/16
@ Allen Who's Chan??
Dan said on 9/Jul/16
If you guys want to see the two vans I own and boots I own the Brad owned let me know
Johno said on 9/Jul/16
I don't know about the other celebrities but Pitt being taller than Beckham is a joke to me.
hijopotamus said on 9/Jul/16
Peter179, fully agree. AND it was just some useful data that Claudia wears flats and Brad lifts. The size of the lift is obviously unknown. But that only proves Brad is under !79 BECAUSE if you are 181 you will never claim 179, right? always take the short one.
truth said on 9/Jul/16
I would say 178 cm minimum and 180.5 cm maximum. Most likely bang on 179.5 cm.
hijopotamus said on 9/Jul/16
Secret, LOL
Good try.
Brad would never ever wear sandals or flip flops unless they have a 2 inch sole.
Peter 179cm said on 8/Jul/16
@Heylo Bingo!
@hijopotamus Claudia also claimed 181 which is probably exaggerated a little. And that pics part can also be accounted for most celebrities height-comparisons in here-they are all pure assumptions and speculations,as you'd never know their exact footwear,posture,if ground level is flat etc...We're not truth seekers in here(im speaking for myself atleast),we're just estimating/guessing heights based on what we see...Correct me if i'm wrong.
Dmeyer said on 8/Jul/16
177 is impossible as he looks 181-2cm when in thick wish means hé measures near 184cm shoes on , to get 7cm from à shoe the heel/lifts in to be about 4in , And since Brad wear shoes with no more than 1,2-1,5in outside heels he will need 2,5in lifts , so the smallest arguable for Pitt is 5 ft 10,25 but even that is unlikely as he can pull off 5 ft 11 with normal looking shoes And hé can seem near 5ft 11 even when hé wears à Vans type so even if hé has à full 1in lifts inside wish give about 0,6in hé will get just 1,2in from those , you could alwais argue 178,5-181cm for him but 179,5-180,5 is most likely
Secret said on 7/Jul/16
I met him once he was wearing flip flops. I'm exactly 5"8.75 , he was around 2 inches taller (not strong 2 inches)
Allen said on 7/Jul/16
Just the same way Chan appears to be 6'3. 5'8 Pitt appears to be 5'10-5'11
Heylo said on 6/Jul/16
I respect your opinion guys but I really can't see him under minimum 177cm. Below that mark and he couldn't look as tall he looks next to other guys in the same height range. He is always, without no exception taller than 5'9 guys, always taller than 5'10 guys and have often been a smidge taller than 5'11 guys. If he's not wearing lifts, we would assume him being 180-181cm barefoot, if he's wearing lifts we could assume him being anywhere between 177 and 180 like Peter was saying. The second option is the most likely one because we know that he uses lifts but we also know that the other guys in the 5'8-5'9 category who uses lifts never looks as tall as Pitt.
hijopotamus said on 6/Jul/16
Peter, doing maths based on hypothesis is a waste of time. Put Brad barefoot besides someone barefoot too and on same ground level. The pics with Beckham were same ground level? same shoes?
Claudia Schiffer claimed 179 cm herself and Pitt is not taller. She wore flats and Pitt wore lifts. Look at the front of his feet...well, he wears lifts 24`7
Peter 179cm said on 5/Jul/16
How can a 5'9 Pitt appear taller than 5'10-5'11 listed people on this site(Claudia Schiffer,David Beckham,George Clooney etc) like almost in every picture?The answer is very simple:he's taller than 5'9,and it's not really common for men,be it famous men to wear 3-4 inch lifts to appear much taller to the public eye...I mean come on there's a pic or 2 where he clearly looks atleast 2 inches taller than 5'11ish Beckham,the guy has looked around 6ft more often than not,so these 5'8 and 5'9 estimates are clearly off.Pitt is 177cm or about 5'10 minimum,and he's likely a little taller than that really.
hijopotamus said on 5/Jul/16
Dan, spot on.
hijopotamus said on 4/Jul/16
Abc, look at those shoes...and lifts inside no doubt.
Rob, this software measures anything with perspective depth angles etc from any photo. All distances.
Alex said on 4/Jul/16
I'm pretty sure he wore lifts in some movies. For him, I would say he could be 177-179 cm.
Dan said on 4/Jul/16
All BS aside fellas, I think he's a weak 5-10. That's what he looks like most, and that's would give him such a big edge with big footwear but I do believe that he can be a bit shorter. But the absolute shortest Brad Pitt could ever be is a strong 5-9. Anything under that is a joke. A 5-9 guy can still use a 1.25 insert in a pair of vans and still hit 5-10.5 or 1.25" insert in a pair of boots and jump to 5-11.5. No way ever Brad Pitt is in the 5-8 range.
truth said on 3/Jul/16
@Abc Looks still at least 178 cm with the 187 cm guy and could be 179-180 cm with better posture I'm 100% sure.
hijopotamus said on 1/Jul/16
Rob, isnt there a software used by arquitects to measure stuff in photos? Some soccer journalists use it to check offside in the game.

Editor Rob
I've never read about any software like that, although I'm sure there might be something that if you give the height of one object, it may analyse other objects...but dealing with perspective might be hard.
Johan said on 1/Jul/16
I think Jon would edge him, he stands much looser than Pitt and still looks above average on screen. While Brad always has perfect posture. I don't think more than 1/2 inch though.
Abc said on 1/Jul/16
@dmeyer (aka Pitt`s PR-unit)
I don´t think so ...
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Mat said on 30/Jun/16
Editor Rob: I think they are very close, I would like to see them barefeet together.
didn't know you had a fetish rob, that's cool bro!

Editor Rob
hey, barefeet, but fully clothed ;)
Heylo said on 30/Jun/16
Josh, to be honest, those photos at the airport sucks. You can play with those distorting angles in many photos, it's simply an illusion. Just like the Ocean's 12 on set photo where Brad looks 5'7-5'8 next to George Clooney. The same illusionary effect here. Brad can absolutely be shorter than he is listed at but those photos are horrible to use as evidence. The barefoot photo with Paltrow and the award photos next to Jon Bernthal proves that Brad could likely be under 5'11.
Look at
Jude Law, no one (or very few) people thought he was the average 5'10 that he is. Because of Jude's genuine claim in an interview, Rob put him down a full inch. The same could actually go for Brad. He looks similar to Jude in films next to other people to me. Brad could just like Jude have a discrete 0.75-1 inch lift and large heels and look noticeably taller.
Brad looks strong 6ft at his tallest and that's when he's using chunky boots and possibly lifts. Brad could very well be 5'10 IMO. If he's the weak 5'10(177) or the strong 5'10(178, border on 179) guy is the question for me at this point.
300xb said on 30/Jun/16
good photos mat , this shows that brad pitt is under 5'11 even with his lifters! i reviewed many of his photos mat. and in every single of them his footwear, shoes, boots etc are thick because of the lifters inside. same as these photos that you shared. in pictures that he does not have lifters (and those are very rare and his is around his girlfriends or he is alone) he looks like a small guy but because he has very well built body on the upper side he can only look taller.
5'9-175 said on 30/Jun/16
from the pictures of aniston and pitt though pitt still has his shoes on (maybe slight lifts inside) he looks 5'9 tops. I'm 5'9 and I look taller near 5'4 people (if aniston is really 5'4) so I say a weak 5'9 or 5'8-75, 5'8-5 or even a strong 5'8
Johno said on 29/Jun/16
Those airport pics, you could estimate the height difference between Renner and Pitt by using experience and perspective when judging heights between two people in everyday life. I would say Renner and Pitt look within 1-inch of that airport shot.
I doubt either party is wearing lifts, it is not exactly a Red carpet event.
Allen said on 29/Jun/16
It's time to upgrade Chan's height to 6'3 if Keanu is 6'1 LOL
This is exactly how Brad Pitt makes himself taller. Just like Chan.
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Click Here
Josh said on 29/Jun/16
How dare you call me that?? I wonder why Dan's comments are not
Banned because he keeps insulting everyone here. You are so agitated about Pitt's height kid! Have you ever delivered your ideas without insulting people? You sound more like a shoe seller here than a guy who wants to prove that Pitt is 5'10. You have no right to tell anyone to stay on this page or not. Your existence just proves that Brad is under 5'10. Renner never wears Lifts! Never has! And Brad Pitt is just short in those pictures as well as many other pictures that his TRUE height has been revealed.
Dmeyer said on 29/Jun/16
Pitt does look near 182ish with 187cm Guy And chan And Reeves his shoes give no more than 0,5in over the others
Dan said on 29/Jun/16
Josh are you serious? I think you better grow up or get out of this room if you think those are good photos to compare height. First, renner is 1000% a lift wearer. And second, common man, look at the angle of those pics, look at the differences in distance from the camera of Pitt and Renner.
Abc said on 29/Jun/16
Pitt only seems taller than Reeves because the guy is slouching, or never was 185.
Compare Pitt next to Alexander Wurz who is a legit 187 (height of athletes are more reliable). Pitt is noticably shorter, even in his big heeled Guidi Boots.
You do the math, he can not be taller than Reeves when he stands in good posture being a legit 185
300xb said on 29/Jun/16
brad pitt cannot wear his thickets lifters in the airport or maybe he has to hide them inside his socks.. so he looks same height as Renner without lifts. maybe 5'8 or 5'9 or something between that range?
Josh said on 29/Jun/16
Dear Dan, when we provide pictures that downgrade Pitt those are bad examples but when you provide examples they are flawless huh? You better grow up
Johno said on 27/Jun/16
To be fair, even Jackie Chan and Dempsey looked taller than Keanu in that picture. Not the best of comparisons.
Dmeyer said on 27/Jun/16
Near Keanu statham And chan hé can look 5 ft 11,25-11,5 his shoes give max 1,4in the Guy is 5 ft 10,75 at worst
hijopotamus said on 27/Jun/16
Dan, just make comments about Brad barefoot pics. Its easier and more reliable.
Dan said on 27/Jun/16
Lmao! @ josh. Worst photo example ever!
James said on 27/Jun/16
@Dan Keanu Reeves 6 ft? That's ridicoulous and simply false.
Come on he is not old to say he has lost an inch. When he was young, he always looked 185 cm or even 185.5 cm. Now he seems to have the same or virtually the same height.
He still looks 185 cm next to Benzema.
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Dan said on 27/Jun/16
Um, hello? When have i ever said Brad Pitt doesn't wear lifts to look as tall as 6 footers?
Allen said on 27/Jun/16
Haha! All of Brad's boots wrinkle! And they won't wrinkle! They do when your foot has been raised inside of the shoe! It is evident that the feet are lifted up! And he is shorter by approximately 2 cm or nearly an inch. That is when he uses his biggest boots and lifts when he knows that there are going to be taller guys around who slouch and have a poor posture!