How tall is Brad Pitt - Page 11

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Average Guess (1435 Votes)
5ft 10.62in (179.4cm)
Pierre said on 3/Aug/17
@Rising =the shoes you show to Rob are not looking the most massive elevator shoes Brad could wear imo =Click Here this are looking better elevator shoes=very probably longer than his feet with good vertical angle just after the toes and very probably very high shoes over his feet
Michael said on 2/Aug/17
180 is a nice height for a man.
Anon2 said on 2/Aug/17
5'10.5'' to 5'11''
Pierre said on 2/Aug/17
@rising=Of course Rob's shoes are 3"8' so 9.56 cm!I talk about 7/8 cm.They are not the same shoes! You take the extreme.And i have never say Rob's shoes were the better elevator shoes in the world for the discreet.One more time you have no more proofs Brad isn't in 2"7 shoes.His shoes seem to be sometimes long and his feet can be easily shorter than his shoes and so take a big vertical angle just after the toes(like woman shoes) because his shoes are looking very vertical so the angle can be more discreet = Click Here =Only his external heel give him at least 3 good cm + insole + lifts = 2"7 inches is always possible imo.Of course i have not absolute proofs and you know very weel i can not have more proofs(And what i say -when i say 2"7'is possible- is only suppositions)Then you too you have not absolute proofs when you say he can have 2 inches shoes.Same examples with this=Click Here Click Here =very long and vertical shoes.
Editor Rob
long shoes doesn't really mean fact the reverse is true. When you put the foot up by 1-1.5 inches, the overall length of the foot becomes smaller, so the length of the elevator is smaller so the foot doesn't slip.
Rising - 174 cm said on 2/Aug/17
Rob, since this is probably the best pic I've seen to judge Pitt's boots, would you say these are normal or elevators? Click Here
Editor Rob
that shoe looks pretty normal, although as we always say, a half inch lift is far harder to spot...
Rising - 174 cm said on 2/Aug/17
@Pierre: No, because 1.5"-2" shoes can be proven by the heel on Brad's shoes. 3"+ shoes requires a lot of assumptions and a burden of proof that it's even possible to look like Pitt with them. My estimate for Pitt's shoes is based on what we can prove. It's not up to me to disprove a negative as I told you. That last part is not up for debate. The size of Pitt's shoes is a debate, but not about burden of proof and disproving a negative. You don't establish something exists simply by proclaiming it and then proclaiming it can't be disproven. Otherwise, the debate on God, afterlife, ghosts, psychics etc. would be over.

Here's Rob with elevators that give 3.8": Click Here
The closest I've seen to that from a big name would be Burt Reynolds: Click Here

You can think whatever you want, but if you want to convince others, you'll have to offer proof.

Here's a couple of examples of the type of boots Pitt wears
Click Here Click Here Click Here
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here

These are examples of the boots Pitt wore on the red carpet and probably caused Rob to mention his footwear in the first place. At the first event at Cannes, Pitt looks to have about 1.5" heels, but does look to struggle to even reach 6 feet at times if Jolie is 5'9" in heels and I'm not sure how big the heels she wore were when she was that far along in her pregnancy. At the second event, we see she does have big heels - possibly 8 cm - while Pitt has 1.5" type heels again. I can tell you I wear Cuban heels and then put lifts inside, never less than a 1" lift and at times, even a 2" lift and I measured myself the other day and was no more than 181 cm in 7 cm Cuban heels with an extra 2.5 cm lifts inside. Why is this relevant you ask? Well, the front of Pitt's boots are no thicker than mine - not more than 3/8" thick - so his boots aren't capable of anything physically that mine aren't. On top of that, his heels are smaller. When I measured a few years back with 2" Cubans and 1" lifts, I was only 5'10.75". Pitt doesn't have 2" on the outside heel, much less the aforementioned 2.75" I have. And for a 1" lift, you'll see signs of it in the boot, except for maybe if you get it 2 sizes too big because even when I wear 1.5 sizes too big, I can still see the difference the lift makes inside my boot. If Pitt had a custom elevator boot, it'd be shorter in length than normal, but I doubt that's the case because a normal thickness in the front would be counterproductive to that end. And if he's using inserts, he'd need to buy a bigger size than normal to fit over 1" comfortably.

Like I said, that style is pretty typical for Pitt and it seemed to come around the time he was most concerned with his height. Now Pitt has worn bulkier styles at times with a thicker sole, so those are worth being examined, but as a Cuban heel + lift wearer myself, I'm confident in times like these he's not wearing a lift big enough to give him near 3".

@Hijopotamus: I do agree he's probably about 6 feet in boots there.
Pierre said on 2/Aug/17
@Rising= To resume you say Brad's shoes can be 2"0' max and i say Brad's shoes can be 3"0'=then i have nothing to proove more than you,you must proove his lifts can be 2"0' if i go with your logic....but you will never prove that you say,you have never measured Brad's shoes...
Hijopotamus said on 2/Aug/17
Montana, there are other pics of him and her that same photo shoot and Pitt looked clearly taller. I'd say he stands 6 feet tall with shoes on.
The thing is that who knows what footwear advantage Brad was using.
Rising - 174 cm said on 2/Aug/17
Actually, Claudia claimed 181 cm in metric and then 5'11" in feet/inc hes. Pitt looks a strong 6 feet there if you ignore posture, but she's bending her knee a lot and slouching. Here's a better photo of the two and Brad honestly isn't much taller: Click Here

She's almost barefoot, while his boots have a pretty good heel on them as usual. Ultimately, he looks more how a 5'11" guy would look in a typical shoe when she stands a little better as he looks to reach about 6' or so in those boots.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 2/Aug/17
Rampage is known for inflating most celebs. I wouldn't be surprised if Rampage genuninely thinks that Claudia is a legit 6'0"
Montana said on 1/Aug/17
Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

He looks the same height as her while her knees appear to be on a higher level lol
Montana said on 1/Aug/17
@Rampage: Looks a very strong 6ft w/h Claudia Schiffer!

Strong? Looks really weak to me. Claudia claimed in the 90s to be 1.78 m on german TV, which is like 5'10. In this pic with Pitt, not only is she slouching, but she wears the flattest shoes for a woman and she is pregnant. Yet Brad standing tall with better posture, thick boots and wearing a cap barely manages to look taller than her at all
Pierre said on 1/Aug/17
@Rampage=Claudia is maybe not exactly 5"11' she's in a very relaxed posture which make her lose lots of height,Brad is very straight like a I and has a good advantage of shoes and maybe lifts
Rising - 174 cm said on 1/Aug/17
Pierre said on 1/Aug/17
@Rising say on 31/08/17="That's as unscientific as anything i've ever read.The burden of proof is on you to prove he has worn them".
Imo what you answer to me is the proof you have no real arguments to prove the opposite :)

What part of "you can't disprove a negative" don't you understand? You can't prove to me you're not a serial killer. Of course, the burden of proof isn't on you to disprove it. This would be just about lesson #1 in a logic class. I'm not trying to be rude, but I'm really stunned.

@Dan: I don't think people who haven't worn lifts realize just how big a 1" lift is, much less over that. To prove lifts, we really need shots of Pitt sitting down with his ankle visible and too high. The absence of that doesn't mean he doesn't wear them, but until then it will be conjecture.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Aug/17
Looks a very strong 6ft w/h Claudia Schiffer!
Hijopotamus said on 1/Aug/17
Click Here

If he hasn't packed big lifts inside those shoes then he has the weirdest looking feet ever
Slim 182 cm said on 1/Aug/17
Rising - 174 cm said on 31/Jul/17
Pierre said on 29/Jul/17
@Rising said on 28/Jul/17=@Hijopotamus:there's no real proof Brad has worn 2.7" type elevator.
And there's no real proof Brad has not worn 2.7" type elevator .

That's as unscientific as anything I've ever read. You can't disprove a negative. The burden of proof is on you to prove he has worn them.


Pierre said on 1/Aug/17
@Rising say on 31/08/17="That's as unscientific as anything i've ever read.The burden of proof is on you to prove he has worn them".
Imo what you answer to me is the proof you have no real arguments to prove the opposite :)
Pierre said on 1/Aug/17
@Rising say on 31/08/17="That's as unscientific as anything i've ever read.The burden of proof is on you to prove he has worn them".
Imo what you answer to me is the proof you have no real arguments to prove the opposite.
Dan said on 1/Aug/17
I absolutely believe Pitt has gotten 2.5"-3" in boost from boots and inserts. Several of the big boots he's worn have 1.25"- 1.5" heels and thick midsole. Throwing 1.25"-1.5" lifts inside will get you over two inches
Pierre said on 31/Jul/17
The estimation of Jon Berthal's height is very difficult,in the first pic next to Rob he look like 6"0' in the second like a weak 5"10'...then give a height to Brad next to Jon (and both in shoes...) seem very hard to me
Rising - 174 cm said on 31/Jul/17
Pierre said on 29/Jul/17
@Rising said on 28/Jul/17=@Hijopotamus:there's no real proof Brad has worn 2.7" type elevator.
And there's no real proof Brad has not worn 2.7" type elevator .

That's as unscientific as anything I've ever read. You can't disprove a negative. The burden of proof is on you to prove he has worn them.
Slim 182 cm said on 30/Jul/17
Does it really matter if this guys 5'10 or 5'11?
Being taller or shorter than brad pitt isn't going to change your life.
Rising - 174 cm said on 29/Jul/17
@Peter175: I think Lerman looks the 5'7.5" Rob lists him at. The average guess on his page is 170.5 cm, which is probably low unless he really does wear lifts, but he looks just 1 cm taller than 5'7" flat Michael Pena to me and remember, Tom Cruise was clearly taller than Pena. In fact, Cruise in pretty normal looking footwear looked taller next to Pena than Lerman does. With enigmatic heights like Pitt, Stallone, Cruise, Gibson, Diesel etc., I really think you have to take anything other than full pics and video with a grain of salt. I can find pics no worse where a weak 5'9" Sly Stallone looks like a 6'1" man and numerous ones where he looks 6'0" or taller. In reality, I don't think he passes for taller than 5'11", maybe 5'11.5" on some occasions. In Pitt's case, I don't think he wears 2.5"-2.7" type like Stallone use to and I think he passes for a solid 5'11.5", maybe even 6' on occasions. I'd be surprised if he pulled off much taller in full photos and video. I haven't seen much of either where he looks taller than 6'. Burt Reynolds was a roughly 5'11" man who really could pull off 6'1". Vin Diesel would be another, though I think he may be more the 5'11.5" Rob lists him at. I think there's a good chance Pitt is shorter than both, though he might be as tall as Reynolds was, but he doesn't wear the type of shoes either do.

@Johan: I was not suggesting Pitt's boots with Gosling were elevators, only that his heel looks a fraction bigger to me.

I can agree on 5'10.75", but I still think he's more 179 cm next to Bernthal, Lerman, Shia and in the early films like Across the Tracks and Thelma and Louise. Remember, if Geena Davis is 6'0.25" in flats then Brad looked 6' at best in cowboy boots, which don't add less than 1.6" and if Rick Schroder is 5'9.5" and already was that height by Across the Tracks then Pitt looked 5'10.5", though I'd be lying if I said Schroder didn't give a shorter 5'9" flat impression to me. Pitt did look more a flat 5'10" with Christoph Waltz in Berlin as well. And while I'd say too much is made out of one barefoot pic with Paltrow, seeing them together a bunch of times in various footwear, Pitt does not look like he'd be 2" taller to me all things equal. Pitt did look much shorter in cowboy boots than Michael Rapaport in the early 90s as well.
Hijopotamus said on 29/Jul/17
Peter175, Pitt didn't use any tricky advantage with Gosling? Really? looool
Pierre said on 29/Jul/17
@Rising said on 28/Jul/17=@Hijopotamus:there's no real proof Brad has worn 2.7" type elevator.
And there's no real proof Brad has not worn 2.7" type elevator .
Peter175 said on 28/Jul/17
Rising I don't think Pitt is getting any more height from shoes than gosling in that clip maybe 1 cm. It looks to be about 3-4 cm difference; similar with Floyd mayweather and McGregor. I don't honestly think 4 out of 10 guys would be taller than him in the UK or even the USA for that matter. Gosling is clearly a tall guy who would be taller than 8/10 guys on the street. My cousin is 6ft0.5-75 range similar to Gosling and he's def top 10-15% in height. Maybe 2 out of 10 guys are his height or taller

Logan Leeran has looked a decent near 5'8 to me and pit looks at least 3 inches taller. But then again brad has a slim build and a smallish head so can benefit in that regard. Also he clears 6ft in his heels/boots easily Hijopotamus. He can look a near 6ft1 guy in them, see the pic with him and Norton in 2012

Anyway I can't see anything less than a weak 180cm for him. Norton and Pitt look close,Click Here Dicaprio and Pitt look close, Click Here and of course he had more than 3 inches on our boy Tom Click Here

I think weak 5'11 or 5'10.75 is the lowest you can go for him
Johan said on 28/Jul/17
Both their shoes ( Gosling and Pitt) look normal there but as you say Pitt does have a 1/4 advantage in footwear. Gosling is over 6'1" in shoes though so Pitt clears 6 foot there and with normal footwear albeit possibly 4 cm shoes. So again I think around 180cm on the nose is a great guess. I think 181 and 179 could be ruled out now if Gosling is a solid 6 footer.

5'10.75" would be a great compromise and would explain why he sometimes looks like a 5'10" guy with 0.5 inch boat shoes as he did with Clooney a few years back.
Rising - 174 cm said on 28/Jul/17
@Hijopotamus: There's no real proof Brad has worn 2.7" type elevators. That's even on the big side for somebody like Downey or Stallone. But I agree, with footwear and his posture, he doesn't pass for more than 6' and typically more of a weak 6' to strong 5'11" with boots and posture.

@Johan: Brad is closer to the camera(as usual) in that first pic with Bana and we can't see his feet. His eyes are the bottom of Bana's nose so he was probably a minimum 2" shorter. In that second pic, Pitt is looking at Bana's mouth so a good 3" shorter so with heeled boots at that photocall, he's looking around 5'11". Of course, Bloom isn't looking anything over 5'10" there, but the red carpet at that film festival may have shown better the actual difference between the two as Bloom stood better: Click Here Pitt's dress boots do look to have a bigger heel than Bloom's shoes and he looks about 1 cm taller to me. Pitt has 3.5" on Aniston in heels, which would put him about 6' in dress boots. Rob lists Bloom at 179 cm, but I think he's more 178.

As for Norton, camera and advantage and lack of feet visible again. Here's video of Pitt and Norton in 2009: Click Here You see them side by side around 6:45 and again at 8:30. They look pretty much the same height, though Norton doesn't really stand the way he would for a measurement. I believe Norton is 182 cm range. David Fincher, who may be 6' range looked taller than both that night. You can also compare Brad to Mel Gibson that night. Here's video I posted on Mel's page recently of Brad and Mel: Click Here And here's footwear: Click Here Pitt's boots are shown in the 3rd picture. Without considering lifts, I'd say Pitt's boots look more like 1.25" style compared to Gibson's 1.75" heeled cowboy boot. Pitt looks 1.5"-2" taller to me and I'd say Gibson is near 5'9", but in footwear like that, he's going to look more 5'10". Both could have lifts, but I'd say there's a better chance of Gibson wearing them as I've seen proof of him wearing them and he's admitted to it at least for a movie while there's been press reports of it. None of this is exists for Pitt, which isn't to say he doesn't wear lifts as well, but the press hasn't picked up on it if he does. Either way, if Gibson is passing for about 5'10" then Pitt looks a good 182 cm that night, which also looks about right with Norton. I do think Gibson can pass for 5'10.5", possibly even 5'11" so if that were the case that night, Pitt would look like a 6 footer, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

As for Bernthal, that's the occasion I was talking about where he's visibly slouching. Use 5'7.5" Logan Lerman as a reference in that pic and Bernthal looks 177-178 cm in comparison. Pitt winds up looking an inch to 3 cm taller than Bernthal in that photo, but he could easily lose that much with that slouch and lean. Pitt looks about 5'11" with Lerman as Lerman is about an inch above Pitt's eyes so that would be about 3.5". Here's video of that photoshoot: Click Here Bernthal keeps up that stance quite a while, but you can see when he steps out at about 23 seconds and then when they're standing around 1:17 that he wasn't any shorter than Pitt. Even though Bernthal maintains that stance the entire time they pose, there's not much of a difference at times in that video.

You can see how tall Bernthal is with the Fury cast better in this video from the Paris premiere: Click Here Bernthal looks a real 5'11" this time with Lerman, which shows how much he was dropping in posture at the other video and you can see he's clearly taller than Pitt, though I would say Pitt looks around 5'10.5" with 5'7" Michael Pena.

Pitt actually doesn't have more than 3" on Lerman in full side by side pics from the London Film Festival: Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Remarkably, Pitt suddenly looks like the slightly built average height guy he did back in his early career. Here's a full cast photo from that day: Click Here Pitt is side by side with weak 5'9" Shia Labeouf and really doesn't even look 2" taller. You can see he's shorter than Bernthal at that event as well. Not a lot shorter, but definitely shorter and compared to 5'7" range guys like Pena and Lerman, he looks more a 5'10" guy again.

And Pitt with Lerman again, this time with some thick boots: Click Here Still no more than 3" taller so he's consistently looking only 5'10.5" with Lerman. I did think elevators were possible for Lerman, but in the photos we can compare him to others, he's at least an inch shorter than Shia and only about 1 cm taller than Pena, so he really does look just about 5'7.5".

@Peter: Pitt may seem bigger in Troy because he was at his peak physically at a lean 180 pounds. Contrast that to Fight Club, which you say he looked average in and Pitt was quite lean and in good shape again, but closer to 155-160 pounds. Also, I think he may have had more footwear in Troy than the sandals his co-stars did. As for Seven, I thought he seemed a solid height, but not that tall next to 6'2" Morgan Fr
Tonyx said on 28/Jul/17
Hijopotamus, i agree with u man.
Guys, look at the picture Johan posted. Look at Pitts knee area. Where are his knees exactly? Those jeans were per-stretched lower then his actual knee area, to make it look less suspicious while wearing custom elevator shoes. That is some next level sht. Brads small feet also help him to get away with wearing lifts/elevators.
I think Brad Pitt is 179cm tall in the afternoon on his right foot. Never been taller then that when he was younger and will creep down to 178cm by the time he is 60 years old. I think he knows how to use his facial structure, hair, POSTURE, clothes, shoes, camera angles to his advantage when it is needed and takes it very seriously. He is a magician when it comes to looking taller, no one else comes close.

Logan Lerman has been wearing lifts to events ever since he met Pitt.
Ryan Gosling has very narrow shoulders and wears thin soled footwear.
Steve Carell, ever since he finished with The Office, wears lifts to public events and talk shows from time to time and gets away with it.
Andrew Lincoln is 5ft9.5in(listed here at 5ft10in) and Jon Bernthal looked 0.75in taller then him with wider shoulders and a bigger head.
Slim 182 cm said on 28/Jul/17
179.5 - 180
Original said on 28/Jul/17
6'1 in his big boots and 5'9.75/5'10 without shoes.
Rising - 174 cm said on 27/Jul/17
Well, he did have some pretty thick boots in Iglourious. I think he'd be taller than maybe all but 4 out of every 10 if we're talking precise barefoot height, but if he had his boots and posture, then I'd say taller than all but 2 or 3, depending on the boots. I looked at video of the one event Pitt appeared taller than Jon Bernthal at and found that it was Bernthal's posture and when he stood normally, he was as about the same height as Pitt who had boots, while at the other events, including video I posted on this page a while ago, Bernthal was taller than Pitt, so with Bernthal 5'10.75"-5'11", I'd say Pitt is 5'10.5" in comparison. He actually looked under 5'11" with 5'7.5" Logan Lerman at two events for Fury as well and 5'10" range at one of those with weak 5'9", possibly 5'8.5" Shia Labeouf as well. Granted, this involves some double counting so in reality it was only 2, maybe 3 events for Fury Pitt looked 5'10" range at, but that's unusual for him. You look at past occasions he's appeared shorter at like the 2008 Venice Film Festival Burn After Reading photocall and the Inglourious Basterds Berlin photocall and it's usually a one off and then he appears shorter and then he's looking a solid 5'11" at every other event for whatever movie he's promoting. Although he was also shorter than 5'11.5" Jimmy Fallon not long ago.

The 2016 Golden Globes video is the best comparison we have of 6 foot Ryan Gosling and Pitt: Click Here

Gosling looks about an inch taller, but Pitt has a pretty big heel on his boot as you can see: Click Here I'd say it gives him a 1 cm advantage over Gosling. He passes for 5'11"-5'11.25" if Gosling is 6'0"-6'0.25", but factor in footwear and Pitt is more 5'10.5"-5'10.75", imo.
Hijopotamus said on 27/Jul/17
Peter175, 181 with regular shoes makes it 6' and with the elevators and lifts he wears he would reach the 6'2" mark which is not the case.
Brad with all his tricks to the max he reaches the 6ish mark.
Johan said on 27/Jul/17
Click Here

Big Brad with legit 5'11" Jon Bernthal on the right.
Johan said on 27/Jul/17
Click Here

Eric Bana is 6'2" look at brads smug grin. He can pull off close to 6'1" with elevators.

Click Here

Giant Brad strikes again with a guy who is close to 6' Ed Norton.

Click Here

Click Here

oops forget the lifts.

Click Here
Pierre said on 27/Jul/17
shoes make the difference
Peter175 said on 26/Jul/17
Yeah Rising, not tall tall like 6ft1 but Brad pretty much always looks above average height. In Fight Club, he seems to be just average to me. But inglorious. S7ven, Troy- all looked a solidly above average height. I think he's 5'11" at his low and can be 181 on good days

If you were to take 10 random adult men I'm certain brad would be taller than all but 2 of them. Just by looking at him I'd wager he's in the top 25% of height
Spencer said on 26/Jul/17
5'11. Looks it .
Del Mar said on 26/Jul/17
Does the Brad doll look 5'11" when I am 5'11.38"? Probably a slight shoe advantage on the Brad doll
Click Here
Rising - 174 cm said on 26/Jul/17
I thought Pitt looked completely average in stuff like Across the Tracks. I do agree he can look tall, but I wouldn't say he looks 6'1", but I do think he might measure near it in some of his boots.
Pierre said on 26/Jul/17
@Rising=Elevator shoes have different appearance you know,when you look at the big external heels of Brad's shoes and the vertical angle just after the toes...Classic elevator shoes like Rob's shoes give you a good 6 cm then this shoes....7/8 cms is very possible.And it's even very possible this shoes are custom-made shoes.
Pierre said on 26/Jul/17
My opinion=barefoot 177 young in the day,now 176 in his 53.About 181 in classics elevator shoes and about 183 in sophisticated shoes.
Katie said on 26/Jul/17
Claudia Schiffer is known as 5"11. The picture above she's standing next to brad Pitt. She's wearing flats he's wearing two inch boots. He's 5"9
Mickey said on 25/Jul/17
5ft10.75... mark my words
Peter175 said on 25/Jul/17
Am I the only one who thinks Brad Pitt can look like a tall guy? At least 6'1.

And even earlier in his career he looks comfortable above average. He does 5'11 justice
Rising - 174 cm said on 25/Jul/17
@Pierre: Ask Rob if he thinks Pitt has 7 cm in that photo. If you know the shape of elevator shoes then you can tell Rob's 2.4" are elevators.

@Johan: I see Pitt in big footwear pulling off more 182 cm range, maybe looks like he's scraping 183 at times with good posture, but he passes for more of a weak 6 footer, imo and other times strong 5'11" range. I'm talking about what he can pull off in full photos with no camera advantage and videos. I still believe 5'10.5" is most likely because he looked more like a 5'10" guy in his late 20s, but 5'10.75" is pretty much as likely, imo. A full 5'11" isn't impossible, but I still doubt Pitt would have claimed 5'11" and been listed at 5'11" if he were actually that tall. Remember what Burt Reynolds said "NO actor is five-eleven." An example would be 5'11" guys like Leonardo DiCaprio and Joe Mantegna, who claim 6 feet.
Animus said on 25/Jul/17
He's at least 5'10Β½" and at most 5'11". I don't think he would measure below 180cm, even in the afternoon, so he's close enough to 5'11" to claim it.
Loeparn said on 25/Jul/17
Sorry. Barefoot*
Loeparn said on 25/Jul/17
I agree with you people saying that a boosted Pitt still won't gain much more from barefeet as compared to fellow boosted and unboosted posers. 179 cm is my guess.
Del Mar said on 25/Jul/17
I agree with that conclusion Johan
blazer said on 25/Jul/17
Here's an interesting photo. Could this be a pic of Brad without lifts? Click Here
If so it's possible that he is more 5'8-5'9 range. He could be a bigger lift wearer than RDJ.
Hijopotamus said on 25/Jul/17
Rising, Pitt can be 4 inches shorter than Tarantino and the next day he is 1 inch shorter.
Isn't that enough proof? Call it lifts or elevators, who cares...Brad is 5'10" absolutely max
Johan said on 25/Jul/17
5'9" range is just a big joke. He does wear lifts at times but he can pull off looking a strong 6 foot/close to 6'1".

Most of those elevator types that aren't crazy big give 2.25-2.5 inches so realistically he is gaining 1.5-1.75 inches max over guys with regular dress

So pulling off 184 cm he would have to be at least 179 cm and more like 180 cm. I used to think 5'10.5" was a good call but the more I look I can see 5'10.75" ALOT and maybe even 5'11" flat is actually possible.
Pierre said on 24/Jul/17
@Rising=I have look the video of Rob"Elevator shoes measurement"=with shoes which are looking very classic Rob gain 5,8cm.In the page"lifts shoes"=+2.4 inches=6.1 cm.Then with a little more sophisticated and luxury shoes like Brad seem to have and long pants 7/8 cm seem not impossible and discreet.7 cm is only 0.35 inch more than rob's shoes....
Rising - 174 cm said on 24/Jul/17
@Pierre: It's possible he has an extra lift inside(but by no means definite), but I am 100% certain he does not have one inside that gives 4 cm. Have you ever tried lifts yourself? Try a 1" lift and then try a 2" lift. You can fit the 1" lift in most shoes, but if you don't buy a bigger size, it will be noticeable in the shoes, however, with a 2"(5 cm) lift, you have to buy shoes much bigger to even fit your foot into it. I had a pair of boots 1.5 sizes bigger than my natural size, I had broken them in over 7-8 years and been wearing 2" lifts in them for months, yet it was never easy to zip them closed and one time, I was in a rush and the zipper broke just trying to zip up boots 1.5 sizes too big with a 2" lift. Keep in mind, when I say 2" lift, I don't mean a lift that actually gives 2", I mean one that measures 2". In fact, it probably only added 4 cm max to my height so that's the type of lift you're suggesting Pitt has. Pitt MIGHT have up to a 1" lift inside, but that would be one that only gives him maybe 2 cm. So even if Pitt has a 2.5 cm lift inside with those heels, he'd be lucky to actually gain much more than 5 cm over barefoot height.
Katie said on 24/Jul/17
5"9 flat footed.
Hijopotamus said on 24/Jul/17
@Rising, you cannot be serious...
I said just google "Pitt wearing lifts" and click on images.
Are you blind or just trolling?
Slim 182 cm said on 24/Jul/17
Scroll to number 3, it's very interesting!

Click Here
Pierre said on 23/Jul/17
@Rising= Click Here =Then why his shoes are so high if no internal lifts?=this is not logical=his ankles would be in contact with the shoes!what a comfort!And i think i'm not very generous when i give 4 cm to the external heels.
Rising - 174 cm said on 23/Jul/17
@Hijopotamus: I said 1000 pics of Pitt in footwear, including potential lifts are better than 1 barefoot photo and it's true since you get a much greater sample size. If the other conditions of even some of those photos in footwear are much better for height comparisons (e.g., posture, camera position, ground level etc.) while the barefoot photo has a dodgy angle and posture then only a fool would dispute this. I'm stunned at the failure of some to think logically. People are so overjoyed to see a photo in bare feet that they literally forget lifts are only one thing that can throw off a photo, and actually, the least common one. And post some examples you think PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt Pitt wears lifts. I'm not even taking the position there aren't any - I'd love to be able to close this debate - but if it's so obvious, then you should have no problem showing us. Barefoot photos only literally rule out lifts 100%, there are other photos you can rule them out at least 95%, especially when you can see the ankle position. Taking off your shoes doesn't make a bad angle good, nor does it eliminate posture as an important factor. Again, this is just logical. Bare feet only addresses one issue.

@Pierre: About right on external heels, imo, but absolutely no way there's 3-4 cm inside, nor is it possible he's getting 7-8 cm gain overall. The type of boots you're describing would look more like these ones Burt Reynolds is wearing: Click Here If Pitt put insert lifts that give 3-4 cm, the boots would have to be a minimum size too big and there'd be a bulge. If lifts that big were built in, then there'd be much more of a slope and the boot would be shorter than usual. Read Rob's article on elevator shoes and listen to him, instead of companies trying to sell you them.
Hijopotamus said on 23/Jul/17
" The lace area in particular will be more pronounced, the shoe will be shorter in length and the ankle will be higher. It's harder to spot insert lifts, but then the high ankle will still apply and then as opposed to the shoe being shorter, you'll typically buy a bigger size, especially for a bigger lift and for a decent lift, you can notice a bulge."?????

Just google "Brad Pitt wearing lifts" and click on images.
There you go...
Pierre said on 22/Jul/17
@Rising = by your picture 22/Jul/2017=external heels=4 cm internal lifts 3/4 cm=7/8 cm
Pierre said on 22/Jul/17
@Rising =i don't agree i'm sure when a celebrity wear very good elevator shoes(maybe very expensives too) with long pants you don't detect the real gain with this shoes.
Hijopotamus said on 22/Jul/17
It's hilarious saying it's easier to rate Brad's height when wearing who knows what type of shoes and who knows what size of lift better than barefoot.
The things you can read here are just pure comedy
Rising - 174 cm said on 22/Jul/17
@Pierre: Elevator shoes that won't be too noticeable are going to add only 1.5"-2" range so we can still give a range. If Pitt were getting 2.5"-3", there'd be no doubt as to whether he wears lifts and certainly if he were wearing 3.5"-4" as some have suggested. It's especially easy when they sit down for a talk show or something like that and you can see their ankle position. So I still have to disagree. As Rob has said, there are signs to spot elevator shoes. The lace area in particular will be more pronounced, the shoe will be shorter in length and the ankle will be higher. It's harder to spot insert lifts, but then the high ankle will still apply and then as opposed to the shoe being shorter, you'll typically buy a bigger size, especially for a bigger lift and for a decent lift, you can notice a bulge.

I've been able to tell many wear lifts and elevators from Robert Downey Jr. to Burt Reynolds, Sly Stallone, Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Vin Diesel, Michael Douglas, Antonio Banderas etc. so the fact that we still don't have clear examples of Pitt with lifts inside his shoes should tell us that at the very least, he doesn't always wear lifts(I know you said not always, but it's more a figure of speech) and when he does, he's not wearing shoes that would make a 177 cm man look 182 cm for instance.

I don't rule out lifts either, but usually I can at least make up my mind like the aforementioned celebs, so Pitt is tough. What do you think here for instance? Click Here Click Here Would you say just a bigger 1.5" type heel or do you think there's an extra lift inside?

I would say that he either just has the outside heel there or if there's an extra internal lift, it must be an insert lift as the boot looks too long to be an elevator boot.

In the Gwyneth pic, we have to guess how much each of them are losing by slouching, so that's even more difficult than guessing footw4ear. Like I said, I'd guess Pitt about an inch taller in the pic, but we can't say for sure without seeing the top of their heads or with neither standing straight and a side angle rather than straight on angle. To paraphrase Rob, these photos reveal a lot, but not so much about their heights.
Pierre said on 22/Jul/17
@Rising=I never wrote Brad is always in lifts ,i can suppose he has quite a few times lifts (particularly in events), i say one good picture barefoot is always more accurate for height than a million pictures in shoes because you never know the real gain in this shoes so it's a another parameter than you can not really master.
I have no special education on elevator shoes i just look in web and i see i can easily buy shoes which seem very classic but give you easily more than 2 or 2.5 inches so i think compare heights of celebrities barefoot is more accurate.Even if we can not see the complete head of Brad and Gwyneth in the picture we can imagine the peak of their head.You don't take in consideration Brad is slouching only with his head and Gwyneth with her knees and pelvis and a little with the head so very probably lose a little more height ,and that Brad is closer to the camera.Take too in consideration Gwyneth is maybe not really 5"9' barefoot,and Robert Redford is maybe not 5"9.5' in Lions.
Del Mar said on 22/Jul/17
I could provide a proof as well, keep in mind I kept my shoes on for this measurement at the same exhibition: Click Here
Del Mar said on 22/Jul/17
Interesting pic, Brian definitely a new one with you there. Dunno if they replace those dolls around in other Tussauds or just make new one's. Looks like the one with you is boosted up a bit in height too compared to the one with me, which I think was quite correctly 5'11, but with a bit shoe advantage
Pierre said on 22/Jul/17
@Brian=Thank you.Imo this figure is Brad in good shoes if not Brad would be a good 6"0'here.
Rising - 174 cm said on 21/Jul/17
@Pierre: One photo is never enough to make a solid judgement. You can only get a general idea. You assume Brad always has lifts. We don't know this with any kind of certainty. He may just wear dress boots with a little extra heel some of the time and I wouldn't say 1 is better than 1000 regardless. If you're educated about lifts then you'll get a general idea how much they actually give or can give If you want to say judge him mostly by his early appearances late 80s/early 90s then fair enough - I've mentioned myself Pitt looking only 5'10" range with Rick Schroder and Geena Davis - but to fixate on one photo taken from a side angle with both of them slouching and even the tops of their heads cut off from the frame is a bit silly. Besides, Pitt looks an inch or so taller anyway. For proof, just look at how his hairline is nearly at the top of the frame or look at how his eye is higher.

@Hijopotamus: Redford appeared with Tom Cruise six years later. You can shrink a lot from 65 to 71. Redford was about 5'9.5" during Lions for Lambs so I'd say near 5'10" during Spy Game. He's 5'9" nowadays at age 80 - about 4 inches shorter than Obama. 5 years back, he was still taller than Shia Labeouf(check Shia's page for a good picture) and Shia is a weak 5'9" or maybe 5'8.5". And lifts or no lifts, Tom could only be taller if Redford slouched or Tom had a camera advantage. Here are two good pictures: Click Here Click Here Redford looks an easy 2"+ taller in the first pic and about 1.5" in the second. But you see how height difference can vary in 2 solid pics on the same day, this is why it's always best to look at a series of pics, or video, if possible.
Brian said on 21/Jul/17
To complemente Del Mar post, here I am standing with Brad figure from the same Madame Tussauds Amsterdam, although being what it looks like a different figure from the one he posted. I'm 5"10.25" exactly, barefoot, I had 2 cm shoes.
Click Here
Richard said on 21/Jul/17
Rob you didn't answer the before post but I will try again.
You listed Matt Damon at 5'9.75" and George Clooney at 5'10.75". Look at these pictures they have stockings while Brad Pitt is in shoes:
Click Here
Click Here
Clooney and Damon are identical and Pitt with a 1" shoes is 1"-1.5" taller! Most likely they are both 5'10 "and these photos together with the other are the concrete proof.
Editor Rob
overall, from everything I've seen, Clooney looks taller than Matt, it's just a question of how much and whether he lost half an inch now.
Pierre said on 20/Jul/17
@Richard=Jennifer Aniston is "listed" 164,at her page in this site some people who write they were standing next to her give him 160.(Jeremy Renner is listed 5"10' in some sites he's max the same height as Rob)
Hijopotamus said on 20/Jul/17
Richard, that pic with Gwyneth doesnt need all those math calculations lol
Thank you!
Pitt and Gwyneth same height
Del Mar said on 20/Jul/17
Alright, I can't help myself. 11 year old pics of 5'11.38" me and Brad doll from Madame Tussaud Amsterdam. Still remember the doll had dress shoes and that might give it an advantage over my sneaks. Not sure though. Hopefully it's somewhat helpful to the discussion. Here it comes:
Click Here
Click Here
Richard said on 20/Jul/17
Hi Rob, I repost what I wrote because I would like to know what you think of these photos:
Pitt with 1,5/2 cm shoes and Aniston with flipflop:
Aniston 164+1,5+12,5=
Brad 178 max 179 cm (with shoes)
Click Here
Pitt cowboy boots and Aniston flipflop:
Brad 183 (with cowboys boots)
Click Here
Click Here
Aniston flipflop (4 cm?) and Brad shoes (3 cm?)
164+4+12/13 cm=
Pitt 181 cm (always with shoes)
Click Here
Click Here
Without the differenze with the step Aniston reach Brad noes so:
164+4+12/13 cm =
Pitt 181 cm with the same 3 cm shoes:
Click Here
Aniston (7 cm heels?)
Brad 182,5 (with 3 cm shoes?)
Click Here
Click Here
Surely you will be tired of reading comments from people who want Pitt to 165 cm and I will probably miss some calculations, but from the photos you can notice that he reaches 180 cm only with the shoes. If he really was 180 cm with the shoes and especially with the boots he should reach 185 cm and Aniston should get it almost to the mouth / chin.

For the last the famous photos with Gwyneth Paltrow:
Click Here
Click Here
Hijopotamus said on 20/Jul/17
Rising 174, Redford was 5'9" in that movie.
We have seen Tom Cruise taller than Redford, obviously Tom wearing custom elevators as always.
Brad looks same height as Robert but we dont know what he is wearing.
Paul Newman looked taller than Redford amd people that met him say he was 5'9 absolutely max and that was at his auto racing shoes which are really flat.
If Brad is over 5'10" he must be the shortest looking 5'11" guy ever because he is not big buffedor fat so he should look taller than what he really is.
Pierre said on 20/Jul/17
@Rising=Just comment one picture of people barefoot can be more intructive than comment a million pictures of these people in lifts.
Johan said on 20/Jul/17
Click Here

Big Brad next to an elderly eastwood who isn't over 6'.

Click Here

Bigger Brad haha.
Rising - 174 cm said on 19/Jul/17
Saying we can only judge someone barefoot is silly since there's not enough barefoot photos or videos of ANYONE to judge them purely based on that. You'd end up with a few dodgy photos to judge from. If you're educated on the subject then you can make educated guesses on footwear. Lifts often aren't undetectable to the trained eye. The reason they're effective is most don't have a trained eye for lifts. I agree that Bernthal could be a legit 5'11", but Rob said that's the most he could be and that 5'10.75" is also possible. Either way, he's 180 cm range, which would make Pitt 179 as Bernthal is pretty clearly taller, imo. I do understand why some still think Pitt is 5'11", but he honestly didn't look it to me in the late 80s/early 90s.

And yes, Sly can look 6'0" or 6'1" in some photos, but that"s photo tricks. Sly really passed for about 5'11" with typically big sneakers with lifts that added 2.5"-2.7" as well as his posture. Stallone did this at a weak 5'9", imo or 174.5-175 cm. While Pitt passes for 182 cm with 1.5"-2" footwear usually and posture. I'd say he does this at 179-180 range. My guess is 179. Of course, with photo tricks like Stallone, he can look taller in photos, but he constantly moves himself closer to the camera. I'd say there's not much evidence he wears more than 2", except for maybe rare exceptions like those thick soled, big heeled Spy Game boots: Click Here

Interestingly, he has the same shirt here, so there's a good chance he has those boots, but doesn't look much taller than Redford: Click Here Click Here

But it could be that the angle makes the heel look a bit bigger than it is. But given the style of boot, I am suspicious Brad requested a bigger heel than usual. Redford was still probably near 5'10" at this point and I do remember Pitt clearly taller in the film.
Original said on 19/Jul/17
Beckham is 5'10.75".
Richard said on 19/Jul/17
Rob you should see these photos with Jennifer Aniston.
Pitt with 1,5/2 cm shoes and Aniston with flipflop:
Aniston 164+1,5+12,5=
Brad 178 max 179 cm (with shoes)
Click Here
Pitt cowboy boots and Aniston flipflop:
Brad 183 (with cowboys boots)
Click Here
Click Here
Aniston flipflop (4 cm?) and Brad shoes (3 cm?)
164+4+12/13 cm=
Pitt 181 cm (always with shoes)
Click Here
Click Here
Without the differenze with the step Aniston reach Brad noes so:
164+4+12/13 cm =
Pitt 181 cm with the same 3 cm shoes:
Click Here
Aniston (7 cm heels?)
Brad 182,5 (with 3 cm shoes?)
Click Here
Click Here
Surely you will be tired of reading comments from people who want Pitt to 165 cm and I will probably miss some calculations, but from the photos you can notice that he reaches 180 cm only with the shoes. If he really was 180 cm with the shoes and especially with the boots it should reach 185 cm and Aniston should get it almost to the mouth / chin and he should tower over her.

For the last the famous photos with Gwyneth Paltrow:
Click Here
Click Here
Del Mar said on 19/Jul/17
I think Brad is the actual 5'11", no more or less
James B said on 17/Jul/17
Next to prince William I think David Beckham looks a weak 5'11
S.J.H said on 17/Jul/17
I'm feeling both 178 and 179cm for Brad Pitt. Sometime strongly feel Pitt is 5'10.5" other time look at him much he doesn't look over 5'10
Pierre said on 16/Jul/17
Another example= James Corden and Gwyneth are in the same range height(video =The dance). David Beckham is listed 5"11'(imo he's a very weak 5"11').Compare pictures of this celebrities barefoot=Brad next to Gwyneth and David next to James.Brad isn't looking as tall next to Gwyneth than David next to James.
Hijopotamus said on 16/Jul/17
Pierre, everyone I showed that pic with Gwyneth says the same thing - they are same height!
Even some friends said "oh the perfect couple, both same hair, nice bodies and even the same height"

But I have to disagree with you, Pierre. That pic with Paltrow is not a valid one because Brad is not wearing his elevators or lifts. Only pics where Brad is wearing shoes are the valid ones for discussion, ;)

It is amazing how fanboys diss that pic because of whatever reasons BUT bring up pics where we cant even see his shoes!

Some people in here think Im a hater because they think shorter is "worse" than taller.
Pierre said on 16/Jul/17
Imo Brad was not towered listed 5"9' Gwyneth(who seem to be the same height as 5"8' "listed" James Corden) when Brad and Gwyneth were both barefoot in the famous picture=Brad was closer to the camera with a very straight posture,only his head was tilting and even with her relax posture(pelvis knees) Gwyneth's shoulders were around the same height as Brad's shoulders.A 5"11' guy closer to the camera is looking taller than this next to a 5"9' girl in relax posture imo.5"9.75' max if Gwyneth is really 5"9'barefoot...this is why in more classic shoes he was looking smaller than Georges Clooney at 2008 Venise event.
Slim 181 cm said on 16/Jul/17
This may relate as @matt179 imo is a strong 5'10(178.5) and he rounds up to 179(5'10.5) then rounds 5'10.5(179) up to 5'11(180)!

This could mean bad for Pitt and Clooney, as they may do the same. Brad is Not lower than strong 5'10 IMO.
Just a theory, like Mel Gibsons umm favourite hobby.
Slim 181 cm said on 16/Jul/17
G'day rob, of you don't mind add twelve monkeys to brads credits, its one of his highest rated films.

Yes, it's strange that brads never seen barefoot in public. Like McConaughey does it all the time.
As for my first guess for Brad remains 5'10.75, maybe 5'11, definitely not 181+
Slim 181 cm said on 16/Jul/17
Hijopotamus, If you don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living, are you at school or are you working? If working, what's your job?

Brad is desperate to look tall so he wars lifts, already posted on depps page. As a 180 cm man just isn't tall today like he was a few hundred years ago.
Slim 181 cm said on 15/Jul/17
George Clooney: 179 "glory days"🀣 178 now
Brad pitt: 180
Leonardo DiCaprio: 182
Hijopotamus said on 15/Jul/17
Slim, I met both Ronaldos, Beckham, Casillas, Guti, Marcelo, Torres, Ramos etc
I know what time it is in that particular field.
We sll have seen Stallone taller than Bruce Eillies. Dude, you still dont get it. Unless you see Pitt barefoot you have just a guess about his height. If he was 5'12" he would be 6ft with regular shoes and not sithhigh heel cubans or elevators or those trainers packed with lifts that makes his feet look as if wearing heels.
Its very strange he is never on flip flops or barefoot(not even on the beach) or a movie and beside people. Very very strange. Why? I mean, if he was 5'11" there shouldnt be a problem...
Slim 181 cm said on 14/Jul/17
178.5-180. So basically 5'10.5. But RisingForce I do think bernthal is a legit 5'11 so that may boost brad to 5'10.75.
Slim 181 cm said on 14/Jul/17
hijopotumos, and you said Brazilian ronaldo was a flat 6 footer! I guess we're all fanboys to certain extent.
Tho I do think:
Brazilian ronaldo: 181
Cristiano ronaldo: 186
Slim 181 cm said on 14/Jul/17
RisingForce, I agree as brad would of said 5'11.5 in that magazine. 5'11.25 is definitely lower on my list than 179 and 180 but it's higher than 176-177. In all honesty his height ceases to amaze anyone. 5'11 isn't the most common height, but it's not long like 184+
Slim 181 cm said on 14/Jul/17
Unless diesel, Timberlake and brad get measured on a talk show like Gyllenhaal did, we won't know their real heights! They might all be 179-180.
Slim 181 cm said on 14/Jul/17
Hijopotamus, the chance of brad being 180 is higher than that if Harry styles or Johnny Depp!. lol, I checked out those pics of them n*aked and brad was taller! Seriously that so called step brad was standing on was most likely A broken tile or who knows?. I do most of the time see him as 5'10.75 (179.5 u can round to 180.)
Tonyx said on 14/Jul/17
If Brad Pitt claims to be 5ft11in why would he wear lifts and elevator shoes to every single public event since the Inglorious Basterds premiere?
The most thin soled footwear i have seen him wear to an event in our modern times was that Cannes event where he wore a hat and a watching beige suit. He came with George Clooney and Bilbo Swinton. Clooney had boots and a heavy blazer while Swinton was wearing "classy" stripper heels.
Pitt was always taller then Clooney and always will be, but George pretended not to care from time to time and didn't wear lifts, while other times he did wear lifts. Pitt is a consistent lift wearer while Clooney is not. So its hard to judge Brads height from pictures with George when we are basically arguing over a 1 inch difference between 5ft10 and 5ft11. I think now days Brad is 5ft10.5in(179cm and George is 5ft9.5in(176.53cm), since Pitt has aged better.
P.S. Dem 90s barefoot pics with Paltrow doe, hm...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Jul/17
He wore bigger shoes to pass off as a 6ft guy for years. I think he's always been around the 5ft11 mark going way back
James B said on 13/Jul/17
Rob any possibility you might downgrade Brad to 5'10.75?

Brad Pitt is a slim guy but never really pulled of looking over 5'11 unlike David Beckham who cloud pass for 5'11.5 because he is very lean
Editor Rob
James, I wouldn't rule it out entirely, but I feel 5ft 11 is still a good shout for him.

I can't quite see 5ft 10 for him, I'd be shocked if he measured that short.
RisingForce said on 13/Jul/17
We finally disagree, Slim! I think 5'11" is the absolute most he could be. In fact, I think almost any actor, especially an image conscious one like Brad would claim 6' at a legit 5'11". Remember, on the questionnaire where he put his height as 5'11", he even lied about his age putting his birth year as 1965 instead of 1963. I still think 5'11" is possible for Brad, but I think he's more likely 5'10.5"-5'10.75". He looked more 5'10" range early in his career with 5-9ish Rick Schroder and 6' Geena Davis, who looked taller in flats than Brad in cowboy boots. He looks shorter than 5'11" max Jon Bernthal to me as well and Bernthal could easily be 5'10.75" himself. I can see Brad a weak 5'11", maybe even a flat 5'11", but not a strong 5'11" without his heels, posture advantage and/or his camera tricks.
Slim 181 cm said on 13/Jul/17
Tonyx, "177 evening,if he works hard", lol, I don't think this guys lifted a single weight since Troy, and if he has.... Gosh he's small!, I do think 5'10.5-5'11.25 are the closest to the truth.
RichardSpain said on 13/Jul/17
@Tonyx you are funny ha haha
Hijopotamus said on 13/Jul/17
Slim, you are such a fanboy, lad.
This is how fanboys inflate Pitts height.
"Brad is a tad bit taller than 5'9 Gwyneth (no question about this) so I guess he is and inch and a half taller thAn her...minimum so that makes Brad 5'10" and a half but with his great posture and in the mornings (sic) he can reach the 5'11 or 181cm. So his peak was probably very very close to 6'..."
Tonyx said on 13/Jul/17
179 morning
178 evening
177 evening,if he works hard
musicgeek said on 13/Jul/17
A refreshing example of a sub-6 ft guy who's never been ashamed of his height and never felt the need to artificially inflate it, even though if he had pegged himself at 6'0", most people would believe him. For the record, I do believe he might have been slightly taller than 5'11" at peak, since he's always been visibly taller than 5'10.75" Clooney, and has usually looked tall in general, although he's clearly dropped at least a quarter of an inch in recent years and it shows.

Peak: 5'11.25" (181 cm)
Current: 5'10.75" (180 cm)
Slim 181 cm said on 12/Jul/17
Brad has always had a chance of being a bit taller than 5ft 11. He could still be a guy who simply dropped a fraction and said 5ft 11.
Slim 181 cm said on 10/Jul/17
Hijopotamus, how could brad run with his Cuban heels without tripping over? πŸ˜‚ Rob, love the plot twist of the joke... anyways, back to Bradley's height, I did watch war machine, and unfortunately there were no scenes face to face with a legit 179 topher grace... or with 188 listed will poulter and in fact that probably avoid face to face scenes standing up with brad because a 5'10 and a fraction man isn't tall these days... just like they did with Clooney in that airport movie... they avoid filming taller actors around brad definitely. Except for snatch and Troy where he fought tall fat giants and when he got bashed by "lou" in fight club. Okay what im Trying to explain in a nutshell is they avoid neutral camera angle scenes so brad doesn't look average height. Ps if Edward norton maintained his American history x muscles in fight club I think the movie would of been completely different! In all honesty he would of had a better career if he had a strong chin like Clooney and was atleast more versatile, as in playing less crazy fighting characters and more normal ones.
Slim 181 cm said on 9/Jul/17
Rob, you mean there's a chance!?! Anyways back to brads height, a nice picture with 5'10 and a fraction Matthew McConaughey: Click Here
Editor Rob
remember guys like Stallone and Arnie have done events, though were charging silly money for a photo.
Hijopotamus said on 9/Jul/17
Slim, Brad would run away like a rat if he saw Rob.
Anyway, a pic wouldnt help unless Brad takes off his lifts and shoes and that wouldnt be a possibility.
Editor Rob
any celebrity should be very wary of Big Rob approaching, especially if they notice he has a bulge in his trouser pocket.

it means he's definitely packing a tape measure! πŸ˜‰
Slim 181 cm said on 8/Jul/17
Rob, any chance you'll ever get a photo with Brad?
Editor Rob
the chances are the same as the first word of your nick-name!
RisingForce said on 8/Jul/17
Original, Tarantino's posture is too weird to draw many conclusions from comparing to him. Here's 5'9" Kurt Russell, this year at 66 years old in dress shoes looking only 2.5" max shorter than Tarantino, who admittedly only has maybe 0.6" type shoes: Click Here Now here's Kurt in cowboy boots a couple years back: Click Here He may be a bit closer to the camera, but it's enough to make him look about the same height with Tarantino's posture.

Tarantino almost has a gift for making himself look shorter than he is with that bizarre posture since Kurt will only be about 5'10" in dress shoes and maybe 179-180 range in cowboy boots. Factoring in footwear, it's difficult to find photos where Kurt actually seems 4" shorter than Tarantino because Kurt holds good posture, like Brad Pitt does.

However, Brad did look unusually short at the Inglourious Basterds Berlin photocall - only about 5'10". I don't believe for a second he wears 3" shoes. though.
Slim 181 cm said on 8/Jul/17
Rob and all the debaters. tbh 180 is a bit to high for afternoon. 179 sounds nicer. Making tom cruise 171.5(5'7.5) and Brad 179(5'10.5)
Hijopotomus, I agree he isn't 5'11.
Pierre, 181 cm is my afternoon height and 182 sounded better because it's closer to 6 foot. But in reality my medium height is only 181(5'10.25) it's decent but I'd definitely rather be 187 cm! What's wrong with being honestslovene though?
Hijopotamus said on 8/Jul/17
Well, Rob has clarified and pointed out some people using 2 different names before so you are wring once again. Check our IP if you like. You just cant tske that there are too many people that think Brad is nowhere near 5'11". Big deal for you?
Slim 181 cm said on 8/Jul/17
Micky, thanks man, it's a pleasure to not get shot down all the time.
Slim 181 cm said on 8/Jul/17
While watching war machine, 6ft 2 listed will poulter never had a scene directly next to brad otherwise the former would have dwarfed the latter. in allied, the directors must of casted actors shorter than brad. As for the big short, lift rumours spread. @honestslovene, lol.
@hijopotomus, quality over quantity, one good opinion beats 10 bad ones. And making alt accounts to agree with your opinion doesn't work, I'm sure a lot of users have tried it, just a heads up. @risingforce, I think you take this way too seriously.
Original said on 8/Jul/17
With Tarantino (legit 6'1 / 6'2" with shoes) you can see Pitt looking 5'9.5"/5'10 (around 5'10.5 to 5'11 w/shoes) to 6'/6'0.5" (6'1 / 6'1.25" w/ shoes) is pretty funny actually, for sure he use ~3" shoes, I don't think 4' but ~3' is very probably, there's no way it is only 2' inches shoes or Cuban boots without 1' inside. He is actually ~6'1 in his shoes and 5'9.75" without shoes.
Pierre said on 8/Jul/17
Honestslovene = Slovene guy = Slim 181cm or 182cm (or 192 cm...)?
Micky said on 8/Jul/17
Slim 182 cm said on 6/Jul/17
This is even more interesting, Pitt with Cruise:
Click Here
I think pitt has 3- 3.25 inches on cruise here.


That's because Pitt is about 3 inches taller than Cruise. Pitt is in the 178 - 180 cm range and Cruise is in the 170 - 172 cm range. Higher or lower than those estimates seem fanboy or hater to me. The smart money is Brad at 179 cm and Tom at 171.
Slim 181 cm said on 7/Jul/17
Hijopotamus, lol, rob keeps most things confidential and I won't say anything, it's too mean.
Original said on 7/Jul/17
Gosling could be 182, but imo he is a legit 6' (6'1 w/ shoes) makes Pitt also in ~6'1 range with his elevator shoes
with Bana (probably close to 6'3 w/ shoes) Brad looked at least 6'1 w/ shoes.
with Anthony Hopkins looked the same 6'1 w/ his shoes.

6'1 - (3") = 5'10.
HonestSlovene said on 7/Jul/17
@Slim 182 cm French guy = hijopotamus = Pierre
RisingForce said on 7/Jul/17
Original, the Clooney photo is still pretty solid. A light tilt is balanced by George slouching more. He was taller there, but Brad's shoes look potentially thinner. Brad could be in 2-2.5 cm shoes and George in 3 cm. As for your Bana pic, draw a line at their feet and you'll see Brad's are noticeably in front. Pitt winds up 1 inch shorter there, but with a camera advantage. Gosling is at least as tall as Brad there as well (look at eye level). I agree Gosling could be 182 and Pitt often looks 182 himself.
Hijopotamus said on 7/Jul/17
Slim, I'm sure you agree with other people in here but I dont wonder why. Ask Rob if you are that interested but I'll tell you what, you are wrong.
Pierre said on 7/Jul/17
@Slim 182=If i agree with Hijopotamus and even others people ,there is a simple reason=i'm not the only one who think Brad is clearly under 5"11' barefoot
Slim 182 cm said on 7/Jul/17
I've gotta agree to disagree as Brad and tom have both worn lifts and were probably both wearing them in that photo, I think the angle was in toms favour, because toms neck and jaw look bigger but In reality toms a smaller dude. 5"10.25 isn't impossible for brad.😜🍁πŸ”₯
And even 5"6 minimum for tom. Pierre and hijopotomus awfully agree on a lot of heights? I wonder why?....
RisingForce said on 6/Jul/17
Claudia probably is around 5'11", she's slouching with a bent knee and those flats probably only add a quarter inch or so while Pitt has boots and a hat.
Original said on 6/Jul/17
2.25 on 5'7.5" Cruise, so more like 5'9.75".
Pierre said on 6/Jul/17
@Slim 182=Imo Brad Pitt is closer to the camera than Tom Cruise.real difference 2/2.5 inches(i don't know their shoes).3 inches would be Tom's eyes at same height as Brad's mouth (or even a little under)
Hijopotamus said on 6/Jul/17
Slim 182 cm, dude, most pics dont mean much and the ones you cant see their whole body mean even less and if you dont know what type of shoes (tricky ones) they wear it means even less BUT if its Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt it means NOTHING, right? NOTHING. Every post would be irrelevant.
Original said on 6/Jul/17
@Rising Force

There's no good angles in your picture Rising

Click Here

There's is a actually good angle (Bana little closer to the camera)

Click Here

Also for Gosling I think he is more like 6'0 guy, but could be as low as 182, 181 I don't think so... Tom Felton according Rob is 174cm and in this picture he is clearly 4' shorter than Gosling.. Carrell could be in lifts when he makes Ryan looking 181.

Click Here

Click Here

And there is a angle with Gosling closer to the camera, he is not taller than Pitt there.

Click Here

Resume Pitt is ~6'1" in his bigger shoes (6'1.5" I agree is bit too much but 6'0.5" is also out)

Point is that I think his bigger shoes is at least 3' imo without he looks 5'9.75/flat 5'10 like he did in Across the Tracks and in also many pictures with Paltrow. 176,5 to 178 for Pitt.
ana said on 6/Jul/17
wow i thought he was much taller, at least 185 cms and claudia schiffer, what a joke, she was supposed to be 180 cms (always been referred as the-180-cms-german-beauty in the 90s)
Slim 182 cm said on 6/Jul/17
This is even more interesting, Pitt with Cruise:

Click Here

I think pitt has 3- 3.25 inches on cruise here.
Slim 182 cm said on 6/Jul/17
Rob, You're right about Pitt towering over Lowe in the picture. As for brads highest height I'd say 180.9 cm
Slim 181.5 cm said on 6/Jul/17
I'd go as low as 178 (5"10). 5"9.5 sounds a little fake.
RisingForce said on 5/Jul/17
We can't see feet or ground in the Beckham pics so they should be taken with a grain of salt. I could show you Sly Stallone looking like he'd be 6'2" in shoes in pics where we can't see feet or ground and obviously that's not the case since in one case I have in mind, he only got 2.5"-2.7" from sneakers with lifts. As for Fincher, I don't think Rob has him listed on this site so who knows how tall he is? Plus, Brad is noticeably closer to the camera and he's closer to the camera with Gosling as well, yet with a posture advantage as well, there's still almost no difference between the two. I'm sure they were close in height, but there's a good chance Gosling was still taller: Click Here 5'9" Steve Carrell makes Gosling look 181 cm in this pic with less of a camera advantage than Pitt appears to have: Click Here Here's video of The Big Short premiere: Click Here You can also see them briefly around 7:36. Those couldn't be more than 2" type elevators on Brad either. The angle on 3.25" would be extreme and the shoe would be much bulkier.

There's good angle full photos of Clooney edging out Pitt at Venice, though Clooney may have thicker shoes: Click Here The angle on that photo from the Ocean's Thirteen hand/foot print is really bad, though. Here's video: Click Here Pitt in probable elevator shoes is about an inch taller when George isn't slouching. It depends on which photo you choose: Click Here If you just took this photo, which is no worse than the one you chose, you'd think George was taller that day: Click Here Pitt is way closer to the camera in that 2012 pic as well. Here's more pics from that event: Click Here My pics aren't perfect either, but it shows the difference will vary. Clooney was only about 5'11" or slightly more in shoes by that time, imo and Pitt was 1.5" max taller at that event, maybe just 1" if George actually stood as straight as Pitt, which he never does. As for the Cannes Ocean's 13 premiere, there aren't a lot of good pics to choose from so here's video: Click Here Just to prove my point about pics, here's 2 that contradict that pic of George laughing: Click Here Click Here

If you want to see an accurate representation of how Pitt looked in his Cuban heels with Clooney when Clooney was probably still at peak height, here's the 2008 Venice red carpet: Click Here That's 3 cm max, even assuming George stands as straight as Brad and if George was 179 like I believe then he'd be about 5'11.5" in shoes making Pitt about 184, maybe 185 range. This one can look near 4 cm range, but Clooney is visibly slouching more: Click Here Now since age 50, I think Clooney is 1 cm shorter so about 178 and his posture has gotten even worse, so Brad should be able to pull off at least 1.5" taller. But Brad stands like he's being measured, which would give him 1 cm on many people with pretty average posture, much less a sloucher like Clooney. Add in Brad's habit of getting closer to the camera for pics and you see how Brad and other height conscious celebrities pass off for taller than they even are in heels and/or lifts.

The point being, you can't take single photos as exact representations of height differences, especially photos with tilts, camera advantages and/or no feet/ground visible. I respect our difference in opinion on Brad's height, but if you want to argue he's under 5'10" then you'd be much better off agreeing Pitt reaches 184-185 cm in shoes because there's simply no way Brad is wearing more than 3" elevators, much less regularly.
Hijopotamus said on 5/Jul/17
Even, Brad is 177 max but wears 1 inch lift advantage, minimum, as if he was 179,5 cm which is a good height.

Add cubans or thick shoes or custom elevators and he can stand different heights. Thats why sometimes he looks taller than others.
Slim 181.5 cm said on 5/Jul/17
This is interesting, brad with rob lowe:

Click Here

I think brad has 0.5-0.75 on lowe here.
Editor Rob
not sure, but I'd say the camera was more in front of Lowe, I think Pitt might be more than half inch taller there.
even said on 5/Jul/17
morning = 180 cm
night = 179 cm
Original said on 5/Jul/17
He could be measured as 6'1/6'1.25" in his 3.25" boots that's my opinion, not that he uses 3.25" elevators frequently I think it is more 2.25" that he looks ~5'11 normally (means that he is ~6' w/ shoes) and please Clooney and Damon also use lifts (especially Damon), imo Damon is around 175,5/176 and ~1,5cm shorter than Clooney (177 range, probably ~180cm w/ shoes)

And even in Venice Pitt doesn't looked shorter than Clonney and it is the shortest version of Pitt ever, it is all about bad angles, he looked around 180 w/shoes and probably in his true height (imo about 177 range just like Clooney)

Click Here

now Elevator Pitt is another history

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

And could pass as 6'0 guy.

IMO Clooney and Pitt are ~5'9.75" (5'9.5 to 5'10) and Damon 5'9" (5'8.75" to 5'9.25").
Original said on 5/Jul/17

Probably Pitt is in 185/187 territory in his hollywood shoes, no chance that he is only 184.
David Beckham is 180m probably 182-3 w/shoes, Pitt looks easily 1' taller here
Click Here

Pitt with Beckham and Luca Calvani (listed as 188, prob. at least 185)
Click Here

Same height of Ryan Gosling here (and Gosling is not shorter than 6'1 w/ shoes)
Click Here

with David Fincher (listed as 184)
Click Here
Blaine said on 5/Jul/17
Lol TBH I thought he was 6 foot and even above.
RisingForce said on 5/Jul/17
If Brad was 186-187 cm in shoes then that'd prove 177 was impossible since he's never worn anything near 3.5" elevators. I think he's more like 184, maybe 185 cm in his bigger shoes anyway. I actually don't buy Bloom at 179. He's a flat 5'10", imo and seems shorter than Pitt every time I've seen them together.
Gascon said on 4/Jul/17
Hijopotamus - good observation. Check this pic out in the same setting. Pitt is the only one wearing shoes out of the three. And Matt Damon is still literally shoulder to shoulder to him: Click Here. Here's another one where Damon and Pitt look ALMOST identical. There's no way Pitt has more than an inch to a half over Damon in height - Damon is 5'9. I don't see Pitt being any taller than 5'10.5 inches tall.
Gascon said on 4/Jul/17
I agree with the majority that Brad is no more than 5'10.55-80 inches tall. There's NO doubt he wears lifts. I remember watching him in Meet Joe Black (1998). He looked a good 6ft tall on Anthony Hopkin's character: Click Here. I was genuinely surprised considering Hopkins is a weak a 5'9 at best. Brad with lifts on at Meet Joe Black set production: Click Here. Even when he's not on set, he still wears pretty bulky hiker shoes. The photos don't lie: Click Here.
Original said on 4/Jul/17
In fact Pitt can be as low as 175, but it is very unlikely because in some pics (w/lifts) he could pass for a legit 183+ guy, means that he is most likely 186/187 in his hollywood shoes also.

Bana looks 187-188, w/ shoes probably reach 190.

And Bana isn't shorter than that because if he is 183 like many people think here, Orlando Bloom is ~173 and Bloom is the same height of Jake Gyllenhaal (measured without shoes as ~179) Resume Bloom is actually ~179 and Bana at least 187.
RisingForce said on 4/Jul/17
I don't remember Pitt with the other two barefoot. I remember Clooney and Damon in socks and Pitt in slippers, but Pitt looked the tallest. As for those pics coming off the jet, I'm almost positive those are walking pics, which are worthless for height comparisons, but Pitt did genuinely look shorter than Clooney at Venice '08.
Hijopotamus said on 4/Jul/17
Do you guys remember the pics from that Montecatlo trip of Pitt-Damon-Clooney? Pitt looked shorter than Clooney coming off their jet and the other pic of the three BAREFOOT...but Pitt (I wonder why, not really).
Another "strange" one is at the Troy set and movie that EVERYONE wore a type of sandal but Brad that wore his boots. I wonder if Aquiles had a personal shoe designer back then.
Just some thoughts ...
Original said on 3/Jul/17
Clooney is 0.75-1' taller than Matt Damon (5'9 for me).
RisingForce said on 3/Jul/17
I always found this pic weird, Pitt and Damon oddly look the same height: Click Here

I'm pretty convinced Damon is 5'9.5" and Pitt is at least 5'10.5". The difference between the two often looks bigger than that, but Pitt is the only one of the two I'd really describe as wearing larger than typical or suspicious footwear. The pic is probably an anomaly seeing Pitt in slippers with Damon in socks or 90% of their other appearances together.
Johno said on 3/Jul/17
I would say Clooney and Pitt are about the same height without shoes.
Pierre said on 2/Jul/17
Pictures Brad/Eric Bana=Read the old comments at Eric Bana's page in this site.Some people who wrote they were standing next to Eric gauge him to 6"0' max
Hijopotamus said on 2/Jul/17
My sister's husband, commercial pilot, met Pitt in late 90s. This guy is 181 cm and guessed my height easily. Every time someone asks him about Brad he says "Short and with acne" and my sister always adds "and better looking than you"
even said on 2/Jul/17
180 cm when he wakes up
S.J.H said on 2/Jul/17

Over this few years i have heard from three different person include my american cousin who met George Clooney in person. They all mention the same 5'9.5 just about 177cm they described they see him. I don't think he ever was 5'10 maybe have lost a fraction and peak was 5'9.75 , but 5'10 can argue as a morning height at peak
Original said on 30/Jun/17
BP is 177.
RisingForce said on 30/Jun/17
I understand 5'10" guesses since Jude Law was listed here at 5'11" before Rob found his 5'10" claim. Pitt being in the same range as Jude doesn't sound ridiculous, but the 5'9" range guesses are really hard for me to see. I think Clooney probably did look about 5'9.5" or so to Mr. R, but with bad posture. Now Clooney seems to be shrinking and can really look 5'9" range in some pics, with bad posture of course.
HonestSlovene said on 29/Jun/17
@S.J.H I'd say for Pitt anything 5'10.25"-5'11" is possible. Has 0.5 of an inch on Clooney, who is 5'10"-5'10.25" as of today max.
JordanG said on 29/Jun/17
Hey Slim 181 cm!!!
"Brad with George and Tilda swinton and the 65th Venice film festival, george must have hidden brads lifts as one of his pranks! You can see it all over his face! With brad shi**ing himself thinking "this hat will make me taller"

That's way too funny! That has to be what's going on here! George looks like he's laughing and Brad looks confused! I love it! Good find!! :)
S.J.H said on 29/Jun/17
I still think Pitt maybe 5'10.5 but also look more like 5'10 barefoot since Mr.R pointed he met George Clooney in person at 5'9.5 i trust him. Even without lift Pitt will edge Clooney by a half inch. 5'10 a shout
RisingForce said on 29/Jun/17
Hijopotamus, he seemed shorter than Bruce, but Bruce could look 5'11.5" back then as he's listed at here. I remembered him similar to Ford in The Devil's Own as well and Ford should have still been around 6 feet at 53. You don't really think I'm a Pitt fanboy, do you? I don't understand the significance of the fact that Pitt would be about 182 cm in regular shoes since everyone else wears regular shoes as well, don't they? As for Bana, it seems most people think he's a 6'2" guy and Pitt has measured up pretty well to him. Here it looks like Pitt would be at least 6'1" in footwear: Click Here Brad has a camera advantage, but he winds up looking quite close in height. As for Paltrow. Maybe she's 5'9" or maybe she is 5'8" range seeing her with a 5'8" James Corden and I agree Brad doesn't look 2 inches taller there, but he does look taller and I'm not seeing the step since it's too grainy for me to make out much of the area he's standing: Click Here Going by their eye levels and hairlines, I see a difference of somewhere from 0.5" to 1.5", but Pitt appears to be tilting his head down more so this would be lower relative to the top of their heads. It just isn't that great a comparison, especially when the frame cuts off before the top of their heads. I would agree in all the comparisons I've seen of the 2 from the mid 90s, Pitt doesn't seem 2" taller. But then I haven't been claiming the full 5'11" for Pitt. I've said I can see how he looks 5'10" tops in some early roles, like Across The Tracks, maybe 5'10.5" if Schroder really was 5'9.5" by that time, but seeing Pitt for years, he really looks too tall for me to believe he's a 5'10" flat guy, much less below. As for footwear, how much do you think his footwear really adds? He'll often wear roughly 1.5" heels, so that's anywhere from 1-2 cm advantage over other shoes, then he'll squeeze out an extra 1 cm over others with his posture, so we can see how a 179 guy winds up looking 182. If he has worn lifts or elevators at times, I don't think they're more than the roughly 2" type. I have to believe Pitt is taller than Orlando Bloom, who I don't believe is 5'10.5", but I do believe is about 5'10". Look at how close in height Bloom looked to Alec Baldwin, who definitely is near 5'11". I think it'd be interesting to see how tall Geena Davis would say Pitt is.
Hijopotamus said on 28/Jun/17
RisingForce, we all have seen Pitt with footwear advantage and shorter than Bruce Willies slouching and Harrison Ford with his relaxed posture. If Pitt was close to 5'11" as most fanboys claim he would be 6ish with regular shoes....and 6'1" with his lifts and he never came close as we saw him beside 6'1" ish Bana or Tarantino.
Gwyneth- In any case, Gwyneth is not a full 5'9" so Pitt ahould be 177 or 178 at the most at his very peak after a good long sleep and that is very far from 5'11" (180,34 cm). And also BOTH are in the same situation and we dont see one taller than the other, right? And ONE MORE thing once again, didnt you really see the step Pitt stands on? This is getting too funny how some fanboys ignore reality.
Peter175 said on 28/Jun/17
Lowest I'd go for brad is just below 5'11. He has looked below 5'11 more than above it but I'm certain he'd measure near to this listing anyhow
RisingForce said on 28/Jun/17
Hijopotamus, the kissing pic is terrible as they're not even close to standing straight. Two people, naturally, make themselves closer in height to kiss. Doesn't really work if you're inches apart. The only decent one of those pics is when they're standing side by side with towels, but even then it's not that good of a pic since Brad's head is cut off in the frame(so at best, you can compare eye level or hairline), both seem to be slouching and the pic is taken from the side. But yeah, Sly Stallone could pass for 5'11", pretty frequently and I do think he was 174-175 range as Brigitte Nielsen said. But I'm not convinced Brad wore footwear that big. Brad can pass for near 6 feet at times, though.

Richard, Banderas does wear heels all the time, bigger than the ones Pitt wears, but Antonio is also a confirmed lift wearer. Brad's heels typically don't seem above 3.5-4 cm to me, except maybe Spy Game as one exception. I do think there's a good chance he's worn lifts or elevator shoes at times as well, but I still can't be sure while almost every other celeb whose footwear is mentioned this much can be confirmed easier.
Slim 181 cm said on 27/Jun/17
Okay, thanks for the apologies and I'm sorry for any confusion and conflict I made. debatings not for everyone right?
RichardSpain said on 27/Jun/17
@slim 181cm: vans give only 2 cm max and "vans" doesn't wear lifts hidden. Sorry I haven't any proof about it.

Usually as everyone know only elevator shoes and elevator boots wear inside lifts but as said hijopotamus we unknow what size because size is variable maybe 4 cm maybe 5 cm some lifts give 6 cm but not much more. Cuban boots give 5-6 cm , my compatriot Antonio Banderas sometimes wears Cuban boots.

And you must understand we are here to enjoy and give estimations about celeb. or famous people. we don't hate anybody brother!! please... I am very friendly with everybody. Believe me. Regards and love brother!.
Pierre said on 27/Jun/17
@Slim 181 cm=this proofs Brad is between 177 and 181 are really only opinions,no real proofs.No better proof than the others,nobody is in Brad's shoes and compare him with others "supposed legit 5"11' or 6"0' or... celebrities" isn't really proofs,just pictures
Hijopotamus said on 27/Jun/17
Slim, Im a big fan of Snatch and FightClub. He did a great job. I can't hate the guy but anyway, i guess this is the criteria:
Under 178 ~ hater
179~ whatever
Over 179- fanboy

Once again, the pic with Paltrow both kissing barefoot Brad has ground advantage.
Why fanboys ignore this???
Slim 181 cm said on 27/Jun/17
Gently pegging him at 5'10.5 that way he's inbetween 5'10 and 5'11 cause that's clearly where he stands as RisingForce and honest Slovene have proven he stands above 177 but below 181.
Slim 181 cm said on 27/Jun/17
Pierre, this is celebheights logic, if you want to downgrade someone, you're a hater, and if you want to keep their height or upgrade them, you're a "fanboy" end of lecture.
Pierre said on 27/Jun/17
@Slim 181= when a guy can give pictures which could proof the contrary of your estimation he's a hater...not very credible
Hijopotamus said on 26/Jun/17
Slim 181cm, we will never know a major variable of the equation- the SIZE of the lift or if the shoes are custom tricky ones.
Sly Stallone could reach 5'11" when he is probably 174...
Pierre said on 26/Jun/17
@ Slim 181 = Click Here = Rick Schroder by this picture is 5"9' with the hairs(in this movie Rick must play a young guy who is looking older than his real age then maybe the mug shot is a little advantageous ...)
handsome guy said on 26/Jun/17
176~7cm. trust me.
King of the hill 91 said on 26/Jun/17
181cm peak
Slim 181 cm said on 26/Jun/17
@richardspaim, thank you, but a picture of brad with lifts stuffed in his vans would be very useful and showing pictures of brad short and tall to prove you're not a hater like hijopotumus and Pierre.

More proof that george matches Pitts height: Click Here
I've also found a collection of brad at the MTV a few years ago 2012 or 2013, his footwear of course:Click Here . Now next to a 187 listed tom Hiddleston: Click Here ,
Click Here . Antother angle from the Venice film festival with Tilda swinton in 4.5 inch shoes and brad in 1 inch shoes: Click Here , Click Here , Click Here . Click Here
Pierre said on 26/Jun/17
@slim 181 cm= Rick Schroders shoes are looking very much like Converse which are not very good to look tall
Pierre said on 26/Jun/17
@slim 181 cm=Quentin seem to have very flat(horizontal) shoes here compared to Brad's shoes
Canson said on 26/Jun/17
The Average is right on the money. 5'10.5 agree with Risng force Honest Slovene and Christian
Slim 181 cm said on 26/Jun/17
definitely a strong 5'10 (178.5 to a weak 5'11 (179.5)
And it makes sense as he's like only an inch above 176.5 which might be the weak average so he doesn't appear tall without his lifts.
Slim 181 cm said on 26/Jun/17
The amazing Quentin Tarantino with ummm Brad:

Click Here

IMPECCABLE POSTURE AT ITS FINEST, 3.5 inch difference making Quentin 6'1" and Brat 5'10.5
Slim 181 cm said on 26/Jun/17
Brad and rick Schroeder in "across the tracks": Click Here
Rick is 5'9.5 btw.

Brad with George and Tilda swinton and the 65th Venice film festival, george must have hidden brads lifts as one of his pranks! You can see it all over his face! With brad shi**ing himself thinking "this hat will make me taller" πŸ˜‚ Click Here
RichardSpain said on 26/Jun/17
Boots give 3 cm and maybe 5 cm if boots have inside lifts but not more. So if Pitt is 179cm we can conclude :

Pitt 8 AM, out of the bed: 180/181cm
Pitt barefoot ; 179cm (during the day)
Pitt with normal boots; 182cm
Pitt with normal footwear; 181 cm (for example converse , vans..)
Pitt with elevator boots or elevator shoes, 184cm

End of the mistery my friends!
Hijopotamus said on 26/Jun/17
RisingForce, just watch as Brad's feet. He is standing on a little step beside Gwyneth.
So now, what?
hm said on 25/Jun/17
i dont know... but 1.80, really ? have you looked at the measuring tape how tall 1.80 is? i bet all actors here are at least 2 cm shorter than listed here. brat and clooney, maybe 1.78.5 max! 1.80 is tremendous height, i mean the real 1.80.
RisingForce said on 25/Jun/17
Brad was, predictably, taller than Gwyneth in the one decent barefoot photo where both were still slouching. In barefoot photos, the same photo tricks and illusions apply that apply in any other photo. I don't know why people suddenly think nothing else can alter perception when two people happen to be barefoot. Posture, camera lenses, angles etc. all still apply. Eliminating one variable doesn't mean you eliminate them all. And no, you don't just take the photos or videos where Brad looks shorter. That's confirmation bias and will lead to a warped perspective. This is why Rob doesn't upgrade or downgrade that often. He considers it all.
Hijopotamus said on 25/Jun/17
Pierre, she is same height as James Corden and nobody can deny that. So now for Pitt fanboys Corden must be 5'10" looooool
Slim 181 cm said on 25/Jun/17
@Pierre- Dude, Brads been very hard to downgrade, even with all the Genuine evidence RisingForce has provided, downgrading Gwyneth won't change a thing.
Pierre said on 25/Jun/17
(i want to say people who write)
Pierre said on 25/Jun/17
People who read(at Gwyneth's page in this site) they were standing next to Gwyneth give her around 5"7' range barefoot not 5"9' .Oups
Slim 181 cm said on 25/Jun/17

180 and over: 0.5%
179: 49.5%
178: 49.5%
177 and under: 0.5%

TBH after seeing him next to Quentin Tarantino and Tilda swinton and bearly having a inch and a fraction on Paltrow in the playgirl n*de photos.
Hijopotamus said on 25/Jun/17
Guest66, go check Brad and Gwyneth pic both barefoot and come back and tell us.
Why you all keep complicating things? RisinForce if you see Pitt look 5'10" on one pic and 5'11" in another pic it means he is the shorter not the taller, dude.
Gwyneth is 5'9" absolutely MAX and Pitt same height.
Obviously he HAD to be taller than her and he made it possible...but barefoot you cannot trick anyone.
Thank you very much!
Slim 181 cm said on 25/Jun/17
Guest66, it's common sense, hiking boots are bigger than runners because they have to protect your feet from the harsh environment and weather.. πŸ˜‚
Don't forget that you and 1 other guy are the only ones left who thinks Brad is 180+
Guest66 said on 24/Jun/17
Slim 181 cm, I have no idea what you were trying to say by that fanboy crap, but take another look at Paltrow's flip flops sole size before acting smarta$$ again.
Pierre said on 24/Jun/17
@Slim 181 cm picture 24 /Jun/17=
If you take in consideration Brad is closer to the camera than Matt and Georges,and Georges is in very relax posture =if Georges 179 Brad and Matt always around 176 like in the other picture...thank you for the picture
RisingForce said on 24/Jun/17
Full photo from the Fury Paris photocall of Bernthal clearly taller than Pitt: Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here First pic is a pretty solid full pic and note 5'7" Michael Pena is comfortably above Pitt's eyebrows. Video of the them posing together showing Bernthal taller again: Click Here

Bernthal was taller at 2 or 3 events while Pitt appeared taller at one. At one of those events, Pitt was no more than 3 inches taller than 5'7.5" Logan Lerman while at another he could have been just slightly more, perhaps 8 cm, but had a visibly thicker boot. And at one of those events, Pitt had less than 2" on Shia Labeouf, who isn't more than a weak 5'9". This was one of the events he looked less than 5'11": Click Here

It's surprising because Pitt the last 20 years has for the most part pulled off 5'11" or so with the odd exception like Inglourious Basterds Berlin photocall and Burn After Reading photocall @ Venice Film Festival, but for Fury he was appearing 5'10" range more often than he had since his early career. Bernthal isn't a strong 5'11", more like a weak to flat 5'11". 5'10.75" wouldn't be surprising.

But I'd expect him taller given the boots he wore to the West Hollywood screening/Q & A for Fury: Click Here Click Here

Pitt is 5'10.5"-5'10.75", imo and Bernthal 5'10.75"-5'11".
Slim 181 cm said on 24/Jun/17
Hijopotamus, in consideration Gwyneth dropped posture, stood further from the camera etc the list goes on and I think brads height is now a coin flip between 178, 179 and the middle of the coin being 180(it'll never land on it duh)
Hijopotamus said on 24/Jun/17
Guess66, those shoes Brad is wearing are another evidence the guy is under 5'10"
Big soles with big lifts inside. Wow unless he has elephant feet.
Slim 181 cm said on 24/Jun/17
@richardspain- 178cm Clooney / 179cm Pitt
Easily as brad is not above 5'10.75.
Slim 181 cm said on 24/Jun/17
@Guest66- Dude, Pitts wearing hiking boots! Gwyneths wearing flip flops! That's not the same footwear!!!
Fanboys gonna fanboy amirite?
Slim 181 cm said on 24/Jun/17
MJKoP, lol so do you think george Clooney is 181.5- 183 and Gwyneth Paltrow is 179-180?!
There's no need to defend pitt, evidence says he's in the 5'10 range.
Slim 181 cm said on 24/Jun/17
Good news, another angle of the oceans eleven premiere that Pierre hasn't posted: Click Here
Honest opinon, same height as 179 george maybe 0.5 cm shorter and 1-2 cm on a debatable 176-177 Matt Damon.
Slim 181 cm said on 24/Jun/17
Sorry, I meant to say 65th Venice film festival.
Slim 181 cm said on 24/Jun/17
Brad with george and Tilda Swindon at the "Burn after reading" premiere, arguably they're all the same height!
Click Here
Guest66 said on 23/Jun/17
Click Here

I thought that might be an interesting shot, footwear is about the same I feel.
MJKoP said on 23/Jun/17
I don't see why people think Jon Bernthal is taller than Pitt. At the very worst, they're dead-on even....but most likely Pitt edges Jon out.
Pierre said on 23/Jun/17
@Slim 181 cm=this boots are not looking the same imo and Brad seem to have very long feet with this boots!Strange.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 23/Jun/17
Pitt is 5'10.5" but sometimes uses lifts. Usually the easiest ways to detect lifts are abnormally long shins, bulky looking shoes, and high-angled feet. (similar to the angle of the foot when women wear high heels)
RisingForce said on 23/Jun/17
Canson, I agree on Pitt. He's 5'10.5". Angelina Jolie should be about 5'9" in heels and Pitt seems pretty much exactly 3 inches taller: Click Here He seems six feet in his dress boots there and his heels are a bit larger than typical: Click Here Click Here If he doesn't have an extra lift then I'd assume he gets near 1.5", at least 1.4". Slim 181, I agree with 179. I think his footwear on Conan in 2004 was a bit more interesting: Click Here As for Cain, 181 cm is very possible.
RichardSpain said on 23/Jun/17
Between 179 cm -180cm is the Brad Pitt's height.

Pit as everybody knows, wears heels and elevator shoes. Sometimes he looks 183 cm, sometimes he looks 185 cm. But it isn't his real height

Clooney and Pitt, could be the next references;

178cm Clooney / 179cm Pitt
179 cm Clooney/ 180 cm Pitt
178 cm Clooney/ 180 cm Pitt

Maybe is the third option.. Rob and people : what do you think ?

Barefoot of course..
Slim 181 cm said on 23/Jun/17
I think it's safe to say he's 179 cm posing as 182 with heels πŸ‘  πŸ˜‚ he's definitely wearing boots like these
Click Here
As seen here at Leno 2001(thanks RisingForce) Click Here
HonestSlovene said on 22/Jun/17
@Canson I agree that 5'10.5" and 5'11.25" is pretty close to what those two are.
Slim 181 cm said on 22/Jun/17
@Hijopotamus- nice πŸ‘πŸ» If you find that picture and post it we might have a chance to downgrade this lad to his real height.

Also Brad really doesn't surpass the 5"10 range and it makes more sense deeper into the debate as I know 2 guys who were( they grew taller) 181 and 182 but claimed 6 foot regardless, And brad doesn't so there's no way he's above 179.9
Slim 181 cm said on 22/Jun/17
Rob, have you considered downgrading Brad to 5"10.75??? We all know that's closer to the truth than 180.5(5"11) cause the guys clearly not over 180.0 cms.
Hijopotamus said on 22/Jun/17
Theres a pic beside 6'2" Eric Bana and Pitt appears 3 inches minimum shorter...and wearing lifts, because he always wears some type of trick.
Slim 181 cm said on 21/Jun/17
As you can see in the photo I provided he is wearing elevator shoes along with oversized clothes to mimick a long leg/short torso appearance.
Slim 181 cm said on 21/Jun/17
Click Here

Just in case my previous link failed. πŸ˜‚
Slim 181 cm said on 21/Jun/17
I wouldn't rule out a 179 downgrade because there's no proof that he has long legs like Arnold to counter his lift wearing as seen in the Troy premiere his upper legs looked too long to be normal.
Canson said on 19/Jun/17
I'd say Pitt 5'10.5 Cain strong 5'11" tops. You're both right he is taller prob
Canson said on 19/Jun/17
@Rising Force: I'm not sure on Cain some days. I would've had Denzel close to 6'1 peak and I thought he was a couple inches taller in Out of time but maybe not. Maybe Cain is bang on 5'11 and Denzel maybe a strong 6'0" or weak 6'1" if that's the case
Pierre said on 19/Jun/17
shorter than Georges.What else?
Hijopotamus said on 19/Jun/17
Slim 181cm, we cannot even see the shoes they are wearing!
Slim 181 cm said on 18/Jun/17
Rob, Downgrade Leo to 180 or upgrade Brad to 181
Click Here
Its the only picture of them I can find....
Editor Rob
the thing is, the camera is on Brad's side here, so he probably has a fraction advantage...
HonestSlovene said on 18/Jun/17
Yeah Cain is taller by 0.5-1 inch or so. Pitt is 5'10.75", Cain 5'11.5"-5'11.75".
RisingForce said on 17/Jun/17
Canson, I believe Pitt is 5'10.5", possibly 5'10.75", but Dean Cain definitely seems taller to me. I'd bet on Cain being 5'11" before Pitt, especially since Cain did what almost any other 5'11" actor would do and claimed 6 feet, unlike Pitt. A 5'11" guy like Jon Bernthal is taller than Pitt.
Ted said on 16/Jun/17
A weak 5' 11'' guy.
Dan said on 16/Jun/17
In all of the pics there, Pitt is wearing lifts.
Canson said on 13/Jun/17
5'10-5'11 like Dean Cain
Del Mar said on 13/Jun/17
You're right. I figured I could post them again for perhaps an interesting discussion (especially now I figure I'm not a full 6' after all), but it wouldn't really make much of a point when I don't even know if the doll's accurate. It seemed close though, probably a 5'11" if you disregard the shoes
Del Mar said on 12/Jun/17
Rob, back in 06 I posted pics with me and Madame Tussaud Brad Pitt doll. Do you remember this and how accurate do you think those dolls acutally are?
Editor Rob
I can't remember it, but I think some of those waxworks will be quite correct, but how many are guesses? Impossible to tell!
Original said on 12/Jun/17
I do not say that Pitt is 175cm, but 177cm is very probably.
Hijopotamus said on 12/Jun/17
HonestSlovene, what about that other pic of Pitt, Clooney, Damon and Andy GarcΓ­a where Clooney is taller than Brad and Brad is closer to the camera?
There is a guy in the Mickey Rourke rating that says that met Pitt when he was dating Aniston and Brad is 175 cm...
MJKoP said on 12/Jun/17
HonestSlovene said on 11/Jun/17
@Pierre Clooney is closer to the camera and I have seen this picture here about 43284732 times now...have any better "evidence"?

Hey, at least it's not that toweled voyeur shot with a nakey Paltrow.
RisingForce said on 11/Jun/17
If Brad appeared on more talk shows or at more basketball games, we could probably determine whether he does wear lifts or not. I'll include all the talk shows and anyone can judge for themselves.

On Conan 2004: Click Here
You see him in those shoes with Conan in socks for the last 40 or 50 seconds of this video: Click Here
Leno 2001: Click Here
Oprah 2008: Click Here Click Here Click Here
Ellen: Click Here

With the dress boots that cover more and then the sneakers, it's tougher to judge, so if there is something there to find, it will probably be the Conan appearance, but there weren't that many, so it made sense to post them all.
Pierre said on 11/Jun/17
@HonestSlovene = And you ,have you some good pictures then?
Hijopotamus said on 11/Jun/17
HonestSlovene, a better evidence? A pic of Pitt barefoot beside a 5'9 girl barefoot too, maybe?
You are hilarious...
HonestSlovene said on 11/Jun/17
@Pierre Clooney is closer to the camera and I have seen this picture here about 43284732 times now...have any better "evidence"?
RisingForce said on 10/Jun/17
Yeah, Pitt is definitely walking with Clooney in that pic. Both 5'10.5" men, imo. Brad still is, though I believe George has lost some height. I agree, Mask. 5'9" is ridiculous. Damon would be about 5'8" then. I can't recall Pitt ever looking just 5'9". Pitt in his "short" appearances tends to look about 5'10"-5'10.5".
Pierre said on 10/Jun/17
@MaskDeMasque=5"9' is probably more likely than 5"11'...
MaskDeMasque said on 9/Jun/17
People who are guessing 5'9 range clearly cant judge height lol. I Just cant see 5'11 for Pitt, about 5'10.5 seems right.
RisingForce said on 9/Jun/17
I didn't realize Pitt and Norton were walking there, good catch Rob. I had thought Pitt was standing and Norton maybe lifting a leg up while also standing, but that makes sense. I think Pitt is 179 cm and Norton probably 182 cm, so I'd expect them the same height with Pitt's footwear advantage, hat and better posture if they were standing. Pics taken while 2 people are walking are wildly inaccurate for comparing height.
Pierre said on 9/Jun/17
Click Here
HonestSlovene said on 8/Jun/17
@ Slim 181 cm Exactly, but he will keep denying on though LOL.
Spaghtettay said on 8/Jun/17
So Rob, you don't believe that picture presents Brads height as anything in comparison to Nortons?
I think it pinpoints him at 5'10.5 at most. Especially considering the heels on Pitts shoes.
Editor Rob
I think people walking can throw heights up and down, when one is mid-stride and at their maximum and the other near full-stride and will be lower than their normal height.
pauly e said on 8/Jun/17
RisingForce said on 6/Jun/17
Another one of those shorter early career appearances for Pitt is in cowboy boots at the True Romance premiere with 6'2"-6'2.5" Michael Rapaport: Click Here Click Here Unfortunately, I don't know of full pictures from that day, but still interesting.

He looks little there. Is Rapaport really 6'2 - 6'2.5? if so Pitt might be 5'10 on a good day
Hijopotamus said on 8/Jun/17
Slim 181 cm, 3-4 cm? lol
Maybe 1cm and Gwyneth is 5'9 max.
You fanboys are hilarious.
Slim 181 cm said on 8/Jun/17
Hijopotamus, brad has a minimum of 3-4 cm on Gwyneth.
IMO of course. On google you'll find pictures of them with an even angle and his eye level is above hers. Barely, but still above.
Spaghtettay said on 7/Jun/17
Hey Rob, what do you think of this: Click Here
Can't find the best source on the image but what do you think nonetheless.
Editor Rob
I'm not sure it is that helpful in revealing his height.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.