Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jun/23
I empathise totally with George C Scott’s Exorcist III character, William Kinderman, when he’s listening to Brad Dourif’s Gemini Killer’s account of his disgusting crimes and his fist starts a-quivering. Even on first viewing, you know it’s only a matter of time before he hits the sicko and then - wallop! The Gemini killer is unperturbed, saying, “A few boos from the gallery, I see!”
That punch was inevitable! 👊
Sandy Cowell said on 23/Nov/22
Lucky you, Dan!
Dan Trojan said on 4/Jun/22
Just met Brad today and I agree with Rob he's 5'9"
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Apr/22
I saw Brad again in the third Exorcist movie on Friday, and after that performance, I’m glad to see that yes, he IS on the Horror Actors page!
5ft9. 👻
ChristianPerkins said on 16/Mar/22
5'8.75" max in the pic.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Mar/21
That was a performance and a half Brad gave in 'Exorcist III' as the ghost of the freshly executed Gemini killer!
Brad will have been 57 years old in this picture, and his height has maintained itself well since. He's done the typically male thing of losing very little height. Brad was starring with the late (officially here) 5ft7" actor Jason Miller, but there aren't any opportunities to compare the two.
5ft9. 👌👻
JohnMoore-162cm said on 8/May/20
Peak: 5ft8 3/4" to 5ft9 (175 cm)
Now: 5ft8-5ft8 1/4"(173 cm)
6'4 and a half leperchaun said on 22/Apr/20
Even in 2008, Brad aged alot since Child's Play and Mississippi Burning. In Mississippi Burning Dourif was in heels. 6'2' Hackman was in flats and he still had 4-5 inches on him. Douriff could be 5'7 and a half. I grew up with Chucky.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Mar/20
I saw the third Chucky/Child's Play movie last night. We don't actually see Brad in these films, except at the beginning of the first, but we do hear him. That stupid puppet; 😝 when he laughs, I could kick him from here to Kingdom Come! Yet you get these oafish dolls for sale on the internet! No thanks....🖕
Brad gets 5ft9. 😁👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Mar/20
🎁🎂 Happy 7️⃣0️⃣th Birthday Brad! 🎂🎁
I don't believe it! B-B--Billy turns the Big 7️⃣-0️⃣ today! What a fantastic actor he's proved himself to be! Love him! Yes I DO!
5ft9. 😁👍
Jammes said on 28/Sep/19
He has lost some height for sure I just saw him in a movie with Mehki Pfifer,who is 5'9 1/4,Brad looked 2 or 3 inches shorter,unliess Pifer had lifts or something
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/May/19
Ooh nice! Brad just popped up as a Random Celeb!
What a privilege to meet him, Rob! Fantastic even! 😍
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Oct/18
Ahhhh! Isn't he creepy as Mr Grima Wormtongue? What a contast to the part he played in 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest'! He was nice in that; loveable even!
Brad can have 5ft9
MrFish said on 30/Mar/18
Rob, is it possible that he's around my height, maybe falling 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch under 5ft 9in?

Editor Rob
It is possible at that time...he could also have lost a small fraction, generally I'd have thought in the 90's he looked roughly 5ft9 in films.
Rory said on 21/Jan/18
Rob, would you say in this picture that's a half inch difference ?

Editor Rob
Yeah, between 1/2 to 3/4 maybe.
Scott said on 13/Dec/17
@ Vexacus, I would say he is two feet and a half counting his Good Guy sneakers ;-)
Vexacus said on 29/Sep/17
5'9 .Hi Rob , how tall do you think Chucky is ? 50 cm ?

Editor Rob
never really thought how tall the doll was :) Very short in any case, but DEADLY!
World Citizen said on 27/May/17
He looks no more than a flat 5 ft 8 on this photo. 5 ft 9 is maybe his peak height.
John said on 31/Mar/17
Flat 5ft 8, maybe 5ft 7.75
berta said on 11/Feb/17
i think he is about robs height maybe weak 174 guy? could be 175 but more chase that he is a littel under?

Editor Rob
roughly 5ft 9 I feel, at times he can look under it.
Giorgi said on 19/Dec/16
Rob, this guy looks hardly any taller than you, especially given the shoe difference.
Sandy Cowell said on 20/Oct/16
@ Just another guy. Well observed! I saw that 'X File' recently, enjoyed it, turning it back to the good bits a couple of times, yet I didn't take in his height like you did!
Sandy Cowell said on 18/Oct/16
I first saw Brad in the truly fantastic 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' playing a timid, innocent young lad who had clearly been brought up by a matriarchal monster of a mother. His part was equally as disturbing as Jack Nicholson's and it upset me so much to see what he was prepared to do - and did - in order to escape his mother's cruelty. So sad.
After making such an outstanding entrance to the film world, he tended to plump for horror/sci-fi roles, not unlike fellow Cuckoo's Nest actor Christopher Lloyd, but by no means only. I was impressed to see him play a college lecturer in a recent film I saw (a horror!), but I have seen him tackling more sensitive roles and being good at them.
As regards his height, I would have given him 5ft10 or a tad more at the outset of his acting career, though my guess might be coloured by the fact that he looked tall against many of the other actors from Cuckoo's Nest. Now, of course, it makes sense that he'll have lost a bit over the years of his very impressive career.
Justanotherguy said on 2/Feb/16
I am watching the entire X-Files series and hes in a great episode called Beyond the Sea. He plays a convict on death row and there is a mugshot of him where he is standing at exactly 5'9.
Rey said on 24/May/15
I thought the photo was Chris Kattan for a moment. Brad is a gifted actor.
TNTinFL said on 2/May/15
In my opinion, one of the most under-rated actors in Hollywood. Any performance he has ever done was spectacular. Even the minor roles in TV Shows like Voyager of Babylon 5.
120 said on 31/Mar/15
175 cm is spot on
Hypado said on 29/Oct/14
Brad Dourif, 175cm, great actor.
flyeaglesfly said on 5/Jan/14
Rob, in this picture he looks more than 175cm, because you stand a littlebit taller than him, and he is still 2-3cm taller, so I'd say 176 min.
Mike T said on 4/Dec/13
Peak: 5'9"(175cm)
Now: 5'8-5'8.25(173cm)
Wilson said on 17/Jul/13
Love this guy. I think his slouch hides the extra inch.
thorterr said on 30/Apr/13
strange how you posted him as 5ft 9 rob,,hes the same size and thicker shoes
Shaun said on 3/Oct/12
Creeps me out, he looks like an old dinner lady in my old primary school. Something was up with her, like Mrs Doubtfire....
LAN Jiao said on 30/Sep/11
his great actor but just average american height. not over 5'9
180cm said on 13/Aug/11
absolutely love Brad Dourif, great actor, just class.
looks a legit 174-175cm to me but not anything over.
MAMUN said on 11/Jul/11
Thank you again King ROB for backing me up ! Guess what ? I have an interview tommorrow with Jay Leno in Universal Studios so wish me luck as I may end up on tv!
Mr. Tempus said on 9/Jul/11
with all respect to the good mamun, is he really 5'8.25? cause most of the pictures rob looks slightly taller than mamun, i think mamun is more 5'7.5 and brad looks 5'9 in those pics.

Editor Rob
unlike G, I believe Brad/Alex/Frank who have had the honour to meet him say he is the height he measured, at a solid 5ft 8 range. Maybe mamun wears sandals sometimes that aren't particularly thick.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/May/11
Looks 173/174cm in both pictures
James said on 24/Feb/11
174cm these days
jtm said on 21/Nov/10
i thought he was clearly shorter than jack nicholson in ofotcn and i don't think nicholson was even 5'9 at his prime but maybe he wore lifts in that movie.
Alex5 said on 1/Jul/09
He did a great job in Myst III as Saveedro.
rob89 said on 15/Jun/09
I don't know about 5'9, he doesn't look a full inch taller than Rob to me. I'd say 5'8.5 based on this pic.
ZAQ said on 8/Jun/09
You are both eye level, and he has a slight 1/4 inch advantage on top of his head but that should be cancelled out by his footwear leaving him at 5'8
he is 5'8
but since he is old i guess 5'8 1/2 in his prime would sound about right
MAMUN said on 1/May/09
ROB what happened to my picture here?
Mamun said on 6/Jan/09
Anonymous said on 3/Jan/09
why is mamun always wearing something superman related lol
staley said on 2/Nov/08
Cool!!! the actor who does the voice of chucky is my height!!! 5'9" Rocks!!lol
Lego said on 30/Oct/08
my favorite actor, his best movie imo was Spontaneous Combustion which i highly recommend.
looks 175cm on the money.
Tony said on 30/Oct/08
One of the best actors ive scene on film
RICHARD said on 29/Oct/08
He's 58 now so he's shrunk some. 178cm peak,now 175cm. He does an excellent voice for Chucky
Deb said on 27/Jul/08
I just found some pictures of Brad Dourif. He looks like a pychopath,and fits the chucky movies great!!!

Editor Rob
I've got a photo with him in my collection, nice guy in fact, very chatty and more intelligent than he lets on sometimes.
Deb said on 27/Jul/08
Does anyone know where i can see pictures of this actor? i have seen so many chucky movies,as he does the voice.
lesley said on 29/Feb/08
brad looks very tall in childs play and also in fatal beuty but he is very skinny but i love brad hes an amzing actor and in the 80s a hot guy aswell so sither way hes lush but needs more meat on him x x
AshnarLynx said on 24/Dec/07
He does look short in LOTR, but in Blue Velvet he doesn't. He looks just a couple inches shorter than Kyle MacLachlan.
RICHARD said on 13/Aug/07
Looked tall(like 5'11 or 6'0) in the beginning of Child's Play. Had no idea he was only 5'8/5'9
ras said on 7/Aug/07
Spikewoman, Dourif is indeed 5 ft 8 prolly 5 ft 9 in his prime. But Serkis is closer to 5 ft 6 IMO.
ras said on 6/Jul/07
No way is this guy 5'8, because that would put Jack Black at 5'8.5, look at his shoes, he can't be more than 5'6.
Click Here
TNTinCA said on 10/Feb/07
I still say 5'8" is accurate. He's been a Sci-Fi genre actor for years and never struck me as that tall. He did one episode of Babylon 5 and appeared shorter than the majority of the cast.
Me said on 29/Jan/07
He's definitely taller than 5'8" - either 5'9" or 5'10".
In those pictures with Serkis, you can tell - no matter how straight Serkis were to stand, he'd be about two inches shorter than Dourif.
Alex said on 5/Jan/07
I believe he's really only around 3 feet. In Childs Play he is! LOL
Spikewoman said on 9/Nov/06
Here's some shots of Brad with Andy Serkis who you've also got listed at 5'8". Even taking camera angle into account He's got to be a good couple of inches taller than Andy.
Click Here Brad and Andy on far right
Click Here Brad and Andy
Click Here Back row Brad next to Billy Boyd who you have listed as 5'6", he must be 3ins taller?
Click Here with David Hyde Pierce listed 5'10.5"
Spikewoman said on 5/Nov/06
I've met Brad at a convention and he's a good 4ins taller than me, that would put him 5'9" to 5'10" but I wouldn't say any more. He's definately not as short as 5'4" but he does tend to stoop and crouch some in many of his roles which give that illusion of shortness
Anthony said on 2/Nov/06
Amazing actor. I think 5'9 is more accurate. But he's pretty skinny, so that could make him look taller.
TNTinCA said on 2/Nov/06
He does appear to be this height in the various roles I have seem him in.
And I agree 100% with Mr. T. He is an outstanding actor. In my opinion, one of the best in hollywood. I put him on par with the likes of Anthony Hopkins, Al Pacino and Ian McKellan.
Mr. T said on 1/Nov/06
Great actor. Thought he was more 5'9".