JohnMoore-162cm said on 11/Jun/20
1/4" below 5ft5 , just perfect listing
Jam Cherry said on 21/May/20
165 cm fits her better at 5’5”
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Dec/19
If Miranda had been tall, she'd have been naturally pretty enough to play an elf in 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy.
My boyfriend, who's a massive LOTR fan, explained to me that the elves have to be TALL and couldn't believe that some live production were contemplating employing Kylie Minogue to play Galadriel in a stage production.
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 6/Dec/19
5'4.75" at least, maybe even 5'5".

Editor Rob
Seen her again last year in heels up close and would stick with almost 5ft 5. She had a good 3 inch heel and from my perspective looked around 5ft least an inch shorter than jenny that day.
slothee said on 6/Dec/19
She looks 2.5” shorter. Plus 1/3” is just under 3”. 5’8.25” minus almost 3” is just about 5’5.5”. So I think she might be under-listed slightly. Although I can’t see their legs or know their posture.
Lara said on 5/Mar/19
I would say she is 1.65 m.
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Sep/18
Oh no! Miranda doesn't fair too well in this! It is a film wherein there are child actors. What happens to Miranda is awful! It was a most unexpected scene and I reckon that because of that, the film should have been an 18.
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Sep/18
I loved Miranda in 'The Lord of the Rings'; she had deep affection for Aragon, but wasn't jealous of Arwen! Wouldn't the world be a happier place if there were more people with attitudes like this? 👩😁👸👍
I have just invested in a copy of 'Annabelle Creation', which is a promising-looking prequel to 'The Conjuring' movies! I don't half look forward to seeing her in it, but I already have a good idea that this height of 5ft4.75 seems fine for her! Had she been any taller, she might have even been a contender to play an elf, but then Evangeline Lilly isn't much taller and she played an elf in the second two 'Hobbit' movies!
Five four and three-quarters. 😆
Nik said on 5/Jul/18
I think that Miranda can pull off this listing.
ana said on 12/Jan/18
i thought she was more like 167
anyonmious said on 18/Dec/16
More like 5'3" or 160 cm
ben said on 18/Oct/13
yeah 163 cm
LG69 said on 15/Mar/13
Aragorn 5'11 said on 2/Jan/13
164 cm at best.
Godred said on 8/Dec/11
Just goes to prove that most listings are worthless.
Ebbe said on 18/Jul/11
She's beautiful.
Josh B said on 10/Jun/11
6 foot?! have you even seen LOTR, she's obviously shorter than Mortensen. I haven't seen the films in a while but pretty sure she was shorter than Bernard Hill and Brad Dourif. Don't think they had heels during that time ;)
FiveOne said on 7/Jan/09
Wow. I always thought she was taller . . . She certainly looked 5'9" in the LOTR.
Anonymous said on 16/Jan/08
5'4 looking
maximus said on 16/Jan/08
5'5" is not short for a woman......a little above average....just right in my book.
glenn said on 16/Jan/08
another my type.
Brah said on 23/Feb/07
Says "People often say I thought you were much taller. So, I don't know. Maybe it's the way I stand or something. (She laughs) The movie screen just makes you look so much bigger that what you really are. And from [Eowyn], they think of her being towering and stuff like that. But when they meet me in person they sort of put me as relative thin and they're like, "Oh, my God! You're not very tall!" But I'm not really short, I'm sort of medium sized, medium height... Just right for Eowyn."
Click Here
ForensicNYC said on 6/Aug/06
She is 5'7" wearing combat boots...shown here with 6'0" Dennis Quaid...
Click Here
Karma Babe said on 28/May/06
Yeah, I saw her in a play in Sydney last year, she was much smaller than 5'9. 5'5 seems much more logical.