Chinese martial arts actor, best known for films such as Enter the Dragon, Bloodsport, Double Impact, Tiger Claws, Bloodfight and Shootfighter.
Daycringeothon said on 13/Apr/21
The huge Malaysian dude was at least 6’4”-6’5” and 330+ pounds.
I'm mistaken the actors name is David Ho who has starred in movies alongside Jackie Chan.
He actually stands about 6'1''-6'2'' but they made him look colossal in Blood Sport
Daycringeothon said on 18/Mar/21
On the subject of weight. The other fighters in Blood Sport: the Hispanic fighter Paco (the Thai kick-boxer style) he was likely around 5’7” and 155 pounds. The huge Malaysian dude was at least 6’4”-6’5” and 330+ pounds.
Malcolm McCarneth said on 25/Sep/20
Ehy Rob, how do you think of his weight in Bloodsport with JCVD? I think he is on the 200 pounds and Van Damme on the 180 in that film.

Editor Rob
He looked heavier than van damme, easy to think closer to 200 for him.
Robert 5000 said on 12/Mar/20
5'5" 1/2-3/4 5'6 - 5'6 1/4 Peak height
175cmandhappy said on 27/Jan/20
Strong 5'6 ! Maybe a little under in his older years now. Funny, Bolo did not look much shorter than 5'9 Van Damme in Double Impact. Need to get a picture of this guy up on your site Rob. Great martial artist. This guy was never described as small despite being on the shorter side - probably because he was very muscular.
Sotiris Gravas said on 12/May/19
Max 6'8" Nathan Jones w/ David "Bolo Jr." Yeung...
Click Here
Thepowerhouseofthecellboiiii said on 22/Nov/18
Looking at the photos of him and Bruce lee I think he’s more 5’5 range. 5’6.5 at the very most.
Thepowerhouseofthecellboiiii said on 22/Nov/18
I say more 5’5” range. He looks a lot shorter than Bruce lee. Maybe a downgrade rob?
Powerhouse said on 5/Feb/17
Looking at pictures of Bolo and Bruce Lee and i see about 2 inches difference in a couple of the photos. Also Brandon Lee was quite a bit taller than him. I'd guess 5'5.5 min -5'6 max.
RisingForce said on 3/Feb/17
Finally, Bolo added! He looked taller than this next to JCVD in Bloodsport, imo, but I'm sure it's about right since Bruce Lee is easily taller.
TNTinFL said on 30/Jan/17
For some reason, I thought he was taller. They must have used some interesting camera angles on Bloodsport to make him look more imposing. But when I think about Enter the Dragaon, he was shorter than Bruce Lee.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Jan/17
Watching Bloodsport I would not have guessed he was this low!
MrTBlack said on 27/Jan/17
Hey Rob
Looking at him next to Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon, he looks dead on 1/2-1" shorter(and they both are wearing thin martial arts shoes) I think 5'6.5" is possible what do you think?

Editor Rob
I think about 5ft 6 is a fair shout for him, but at times he could look taller/shorter a cm.
A2Z said on 27/Jan/17
Looked shorter than Bruce Lee due to his stocky built, also his son (Brandon Lee) toward over Bolo in a 1986 film.
Ly said on 27/Jan/17
This guy had the most impressive chest