dreus23 said on 23/Jul/22
He looked the same height if not taller than Meg Ryan. I haven't seen him in much else, but he also looked only a bit shorter than Robin Williams.
I think Billy might have been closer to 5'6.5-75 at his peak
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Mar/20
@ Sally - How sweet of you - thank you so much! I'll go out of my way now more than ever to watch 'City Slickers' because you took the trouble to write in and tell me and you set about it in such a pleasant and friendly way.
All the best to you!
Sandy XX 😁💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Mar/20
🎈🎂🎊🎁 Happy Birthday Billy! 🎁🎊🎂🎈
A Very Happy Birthday to Billy Crystal, who today turns 72. Cheers Billy - have a great and memorable day! 👌🌞
5ft6.5 😄🍻😁👍😋🍰
Dingus said on 1/Jul/18
I think he has a slightly taller peak height. Maybe 5'06.50" and now he has lost 1/4 of an inch. At 70 its hard to imagine him being the exact same.
Oanh said on 3/Nov/17
Joe said on 3/Jan/17
He's 5'8
With high heels on.
Sally said on 28/Jul/17
@ Sandy Cowell: Hello, friend! 'When Harry met Sally' is one of my favorite movies. I give it four stars. If hope you have the opportunity to see it someday. 'City Slickers' is also worth watching.
errybodyshutup said on 22/Jun/17
probably peak height
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Feb/17
Well, I'm flummoxed! It looks as though I am wrong with my 5ft5 guess, so I'm sorry about that!
At the end of the film 'Analyze This', you see Billy dancing closely with Lisa Kudrow, who is 5ft8 AND she wears little heels in the scene! The difference is nowhere near as spectacular as it would be if he was only 5ft5, like I had previously thought! Even if he is wearing lifts, which he 99% out of 100 is doing, I'm going to have to up Billy to 5ft6.25. It has shown though that Robert de Niro is definitely nearer the 5ft8.5-9 mark than some people have said on his page!
I think in future I'll stick to the more sensible variety of gangster movie, but it was worth a shot!
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Feb/17
I don't believe he's 5ft6.5, let alone 5ft7! Next to Robert de Niro, he looks tiny and he is noticeably shorter than 5ft7 Lisa Kudrow. I have 'Analyse This' on and I noticed Billy's lack of height before I took in anything else about him! (I haven't seen 'When Harry Met Sally' or anything else of his for that matter!)
My first and only guess is 5ft5!
John said on 12/Jan/17
He's 5'4.5"
mister_lennon said on 5/Jan/17
He is about 169-170
Ian C. said on 16/May/16
Played a policeman in Running Scared. Well come on. If I am ever arrested I want it to be somebody who can beat me up. Is that so unreasonable?
Jug said on 9/May/16
In a film with 5'10 Gregory Hines, he looked about 5'5. He has been in a lot of films with average-height actors and always looked like the shortest guy, sometimes the same height at the female lead. 5'6 at the most. He was thin and well-proportioned in his younger days, so sometimes he looked taller.
hijopotamus said on 30/May/15
Taller than Tom Cruise as everyone else but Prince.
Lorne??? said on 30/May/15
Rob on his new show Josh Gad asks him how tall he is, and after giving him a look, Billy replies "5'7 and a half".
So apperantly he's been going with this 5'7+ claim for decades!
It should be noted, however, that Josh Gad then said (referring to himself) 5ft8; to which Billy replied "in those shoes" with a smile.
So he's no stranger to height-enchanting footwear!

Editor Rob
Billy doesn't strike me a type of guy to wear a lift, but then who is your 'lift wearer'. The person you least expect...
Danimal said on 23/Jan/15
Was 5'7" in his younger days.
edguy282 said on 23/Jun/14
I think Crystal is closer to 5'6" in WHMS. He may have been 5'6.5" at his peak in the 1970s, and now looks about 5'5.5".
Elfoeraan said on 29/Sep/13
He could have lost like half an inch at this time, but he was definitely somewhere between 168 cm and 170 cm in his prime. 169 cm is a safe guess indeed.
Shaun said on 30/Sep/12
Watching When Harry Met Sally now and yeah I would have guessed 5'6"-5'7". 5'6.5" is spot on I'd say. You're pretty good Rob!!
ACG said on 28/Aug/11
You're quite right about that quote not making any sense, Rob!
5'8.56784 said on 15/Jul/11
He looked 5'8 next to nowadays 6'2 Harold Ramis. He wears lifts and he is honest about it.
JustMe said on 12/Jun/09
Compared to Gheorghe Mure
Jimmy said on 9/Jun/09
In "When Harry Met Sally," to me Meg Ryan looked a tiny bit taller, maybe 1/2 to an inch. I would put Meg Ryan at 5'7", maybe a little shorter, and Billy Crystal at 5'6". He is certainly no shorter than 5'5".
Jen said on 4/Aug/08
A 1978 article in People magazine listed him as 5 feet 6 inches.
MikeM said on 20/Jun/08
hes 5'7, stood right next to him I'm 5'10 flat and I was about 4 inches taller than him in a standard 1 inch heel
Guido G. said on 25/May/08
I believe he was 5'6 at his peak, but definitely shorter now, maybe in the 5'5 range.
Rod said on 8/Apr/08
25 years ago, when I was entering the Fairfax High School track to jog after work, I saw Billy Crystal walking onto the track for a run. I was 5'6.75" and I wore running shoes like Mr. Crystal. He was about an inch taller than me so I'd peg him at 5'8 then. Allowing for shrinkage from age he's probably 5'7" now.
Random Person said on 29/Mar/08
I thought he looked between 5'7" and 5'8" on America's Sweethearts next to legit 6'2" John Cusack. Maybe he was telling the truth. Maybe he does wear a little extra something in his shoes.
dmeyer said on 20/Feb/08
after taking a good look at my boss he is about 5 ft 5.25 aleast 5ft5 max5 ft 5.5 if crystal was straight he would be 5 ft 8
dmeyer said on 18/Feb/08
also rob my boss is very possibly 5'5.5 like 166 cm minimum 5'5.25
dmeyer said on 11/Feb/08
i think 56.75 to 5'7 peak so like 5'7.5 morning as he claim and 5'6 now ,my boss is 5'5.25 and told me billy isthe same or a bit taller so 5'6 seems right
leonari said on 15/Nov/07
Vance: Another wise guy!! Man you are sooo offfff. 5'2" for Crystal...Please tell me you are joking. Please.
Vance said on 14/Nov/07
It seems to be the rule in Hollywood that if an actor,a leading man especially is really short they always claim to be 5'7" when in fact they are between 5' and 5'4".Billy Crystal is 5'2".Remember what Jack Palance said about him at the Academy Awards a few years back......."I've crapped bigger than him".
Jack had a mastery of the English language.
Jen said on 3/Sep/07
Yes I figured Meg was shorter than her own height claim of 5'8" tall. She looks the same height as Billy Crystal and they both wore 1" heeled shoes throughout the movie. I agree about her being toned, she looks it in pictures, but not about being tall.
Anonymous said on 6/Aug/07
i just saw Meg Ryan today on martha's vineyard. she is NO way 5'8. she might be 5'4". She is very petitie. very pretty. she was with her daughter daisy. she is very toned!!!!!
sam said on 15/Jul/07
imagine if this picture was of them both on level ground! Crystal would be 5'10 (lol)
smoov said on 16/May/07
In "running scared" with 5-10 Gregory Hines, definitely looked 5-6 even with Hines' bad posture.
Brad said on 20/Mar/07
No more than 5' 6". Meg Ryan is 5' 6" tops.
Jennifer said on 16/Feb/07
Yes it does sound high for her. That pic of you with Billy Crystal just confirms that he's shorter than 5 foot 8. And like in the "Harry Met Sally" movie they appear to be the same exact height, unless Billy wore lifts in his shoes or heeled shoes. If you ever meet Meg you can see how tall she really is, plus note her footwear (heels or not). I always imagined Billy to be 5'5" or 5'6" but either way, he's still great.
Glenn said on 17/Jan/07
5-8 does sound a little high for Meg.
Jen said on 17/Jan/07
Yet Meg Ryan claims to be 5 foot 8 like Glenn. However in "When Harry Met Sally" she was the exact same height as Billy Crystal who, as it says, is standing on a step with 5 foot 8 inch Glenn. I always believed (and still do) that Billy was short (not that there's anything wrong with that), but I never believed Meg was as tall as she claims.
sleuth said on 4/Dec/06
taller than Meg Ryan
Brad said on 12/Oct/06
Saw him in 1973 opening for Sha Na Na at a high school. He was really small.
antron said on 4/Oct/06
Here he is with Whoopi Goldberg and Robin Williams. I think Williams is getting some sort of help...but anyhow, Goldberg is 5'5" on here and Crystal looks max an inch taller than her. I'd say he's about 5'6" (167cm would be more accurate).
Click Here
Editor Rob said on 8/Sep/06
In 1998 Chicago Times he claimed a height, well, bizarre quote:
"Nah [I'm not 7ft], I'm 5-foot-7 and a little bit. But when I put something in my shoes, I'm 5-foot-7 and a little bit"
leonari said on 30/May/06
dmeyer: your comments are more and more anoying to say he least. 5'7" is absolutely out of the doubt for Billy Crsystal and you go: "No more than 5'7"...MAN! Wake up. Watch some movies of the guy. Tom Cruise is 5'7", maybe Robin Williams is 5'7" on a good day ,but Crystal is 5'5". Btw: dmeyer:look around the forum. I am not the only one who finds your comments totally irrelevant.
dmeyer said on 29/May/06
he apears 3" smaller than deniro so no more than 5'7
leonari said on 29/May/06
Dear ROB,
Now even Glenn is on my side. PLEASE 5'6.5" is way too much...Please downgrade...
leonari said on 28/May/06
Guys do methe favor and watch "Forget Paris". His co-star Debra Messing is 5'4" and he is an inch taller. Not more. She wears real flat shoes, so does he most of the time. The are seen from head to toe, standing, walking. Billy is an absolute max of 5'5", I am totally convinced.
Glenn said on 10/May/06
He got me with the old stand up inside the stage door trick for a couple of inches on me Frank.
trueheight said on 9/May/06
did he just suddenly drop? O don't think this is so. He looks at least 5'7 and was just marginally shorter than Deniro in the Anlyze films
Frank2 said on 8/May/06
That's for sure.
Rob, you need to downgrade his height. Maybe a good compromise would be claiming he's 5'5.5".
Glenn said on 8/May/06
One thing is for sure.he isnt 5-7.
Frank2 said on 8/May/06
But then, thinking back, he did look shorter so maybe 5'5" is more accurate. Sorry Glenn. I could not only look over the top of his balding head, but down onto it. So 5'5" should be his correct height. His producer who I know is also a shrimp. I'd mention him, but he might read this and realize who I am.
Frank2 said on 8/May/06
I have to agree with Glenn. Billy is about 5'6".
sam said on 7/May/06
5' 5" max. I met him in Palm Beach a few years back and he is tiny.
Polska said on 16/Apr/06
Glenn is clearly leaning backwards. Clearly not 5'7".
Glenn said on 23/Jan/06
he is 5-6.
Anshelm said on 31/Oct/05
Looked more like 165–168 cm/5'5"–5'6" to me, when he was visiting Jay Leno's show.
Denardo said on 6/Aug/05
Saw him a few years back and I stand 5'-9" an d there's no way in heaven he's 5 ft 7.25. Without question, he's no more than 5'-5" on a good day. Look at him next time when he stands next to Robin Williams (5'-6")
EJ said on 9/Mar/05
In "Analyze That", Crystal looks a solid 3 (maybe 2 1/2) inches shorter than DeNiro, who is probably 5'8"-5'9" by now.