QM6'1.5"QM said on 7/Feb/23
He's about 5'11" peak and 5'10.25-5" today.
The avg guess is ridiculous and too high!
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Dec/22
I liked his long hair in ‘House of 1,000 Corpses’ - very fetching! 😋
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Dec/22
@ Rob - My House of 1000 Corpses arrives tomorrow! 😷
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Dec/22
@ Rob - I think that well into my 30s, I was still thinking how big and brave I was to see whichever film was all the rage. Even though I often went to the pictures on my own, I’d still have that funny feeling of satisfaction.
I did walk out of a voodoo film though because it was too scary, and I’m not embarrassed to admit it. Films with sad histories, such as Poltergeist III which I recently saw and discussed, took all the willpower in the world to sit through at the cinema, knowing that Heather O’Rourke died mysteriously during its shooting.
I saw a programme once about cursed films, and they included The Exorcist, The Omen and the Poltergeists. The terrifying explanation was that ‘the Devil doesn’t like his business known and discussed so frivolously’, especially by those who do not worship him.
Scary, ja?
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Dec/22
…..but you watched it Rob! At my school, it was a right of passage, an achievement to see scary ‘X’ films, the nastier the better! If you didn’t, you were a pussy, but no such person existed!
Only one boy had seen The Exorcist, and we all looked up to him, and not just for his height!

Editor Rob
I am a horror fan after all!
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Dec/22
@ Rob - If she doesn’t do so already, tell Jenny to use a poop bag like a glove, then turn it inside out and tie a knot. It makes light work of a truly revolting job! 😌
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Dec/22
I have 16 cats and they all go at least twice each!
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Dec/22
@ I’ll give it a try!
In this freezing weather - it’s snowing here - all the cats stay in and I have at least 32 cat dumps to clear up every single day! Believe me, the smell can be staggering!

Editor Rob
I know Jenny nearly every day is cleaning up the mess her Mother's cats leave and there's just 2, can't imagine with 30 around your place what it's like!
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Dec/22
@ Lee - I’ve heard of Three From He’ll but I don’t think I’ve got a copy or even seen it. I do have The Devils Rejects, but I’ve only sat through it in its entirety once.
Cheers Lee!
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Dec/22
The film House of 1000 Corpses sounds disgusting, and imagine the stench? 😩😤🥴😷

Editor Rob
1000 Corpses was a gruesome film, another never to be watched with Jenny.
QM6'1.5"QM said on 13/Jun/22
When I watched the movie "3 From Hell" (2019) I saw a 3 inch difference between Richard Brake and Bill Moseley.
You also can check it out their photos on google.
Brake is 6'1.5";
Moseley is 5'11 peak and 5'10.5" today!
Littlelee5ft6 said on 13/Jan/20
It's not bad sandy if your into gory Texas chainsaw massacre esque films and you gotta watch the devils rejects and 3 from hell the full trilogy a gory trio of films
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 27/Mar/19
Don't think Bill lose height yet. There is little amount of aging people on earth never lost any height at all.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Mar/19
⭐️ Good idea, Lee! I see Rob has cheerfully obliged!
I haven't seen 'House of 1,000 Corpses'. Is it worth checking out, Lee? 😁
I see Bill is photographed with Wishmaster's Andrew Divoff, who is well in access of 6ft, even today. Bill gets 5ft11, and from what I remember from 'The Devil's Rejects', that's a pretty good estimate for him.
Littlelee168cm said on 20/Jan/19
I think he should be added to the horror actors list after staring in the house of 1000 corpses, Texas chainsaw massacre 2 and night of the living dead (1990)

Editor Rob
I'll give him a photo too, he has been in a fair few horror films over his career.
JJL29 said on 2/Jun/18
Is 5ft 10 ½ - ¾ possible for him nowadays? He is 66 now, an age at which many lose some height...

Editor Rob
He could be down towards that range.
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Feb/17
Yes, that's got to be the same Bill Moseley I saw in a film the other night called 'Babysitter Wanted'. This guy is drawn to horrors, it would seem, and this was a horror with an excellent write-up, but apart from 'the good guy' being misleadingly deformed (from an earlier attack, I believe), the plot was, in my opinion, wholely predicable!
Bill looked 5ft11 or 6ft of friendly pleasantness, but was anything but!
I'll go along with 5ft11.5!
richie said on 11/Sep/16
Bill Mosley is pretty tall, at least 6' and could be 6'1" quite possibly. He was about 2 inches shorter than Sid Haig who stands around 6'3" so 5'11" isn't tall enough
wiltonstilts said on 1/May/13
the devil's rejects dvd cover he looks to be the same height as sid haig but there's just no a way a 5'11 man could look anywhere near as tall as a 6'04 man
5'8 said on 8/Feb/11
He's a flat 5'11, unless Mamun might have been wearing boots and Moseley converse or sandals...then he might be 6', altough I always taught he was taller
RevInstone said on 18/Apr/08
His myspace says 6'0.
Ed said on 6/Dec/06
In the fake wanted ads for The Devil's Rejects, I'm almost positive Moseley was 6ft1 or 6ft2, Sid Haig was like 6ft4 or 6ft5, and Sherri Moon was like 5ft10. I could be wrong, but I remember those numbers.
Danimal said on 21/Nov/06
Average? Baby is 5'10" and he was definitely taller than her. His other co-star in 1000 corpses was 6'4" (the clown).
RICHARD said on 20/Nov/06
I would have to say Bill is either 5'11'' or 6'. He looked average height in Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 and House of a 1000 Corpses. He could possibly be 6'1''
Danimal said on 19/Nov/06
The man is 6'0" imo.