Clay said on 15/Sep/08
Kimbo has been measured at 6'2'' thats on record.
Captain Spaulding said on 14/Sep/08
6'2" max, he might seem taller but thats because hes muscular.
Clay said on 12/Sep/08
Id bet on 6'2 for Kimbo before 6'0.
Viper said on 8/Sep/08
Kimbo does not give off a 6-2 impression at all.
Clay said on 7/Sep/08
Kimbo gives a pretty tall impression I dont think 6'2'' is out of question.
Viper said on 6/Sep/08
There was a poster who on here who use to see Lesnar all the time in Minnesota and said Lesnar looked 6-1. There was a guy named "MEK" on here who met Lesnar who said 6-1. So they must be drugged or blind alonng with me Clay ?).
I cant forget the comparison of that guy with those athletes and a 100 pics of them. Where 6-3 measured Brian Urlacher made Goldberg look 6-0 in comparison to him.
Now Ill say whats drug inducing is seeing Kimbo Slice at 6-2. Thats insane
Danimal said on 6/Sep/08
Viper says on 6/Sep/08
Goldberg looking 6-1 with Nascar driver Jeff Green and 6-7 Magic Johnson. Click Here
Awful comparison Viper. Goldberg is leaning in so much he is losing inches there. The very lowest I can see Goldberg is 6'1.5".
Viper said on 6/Sep/08
Goldberg looking 6-1 with Nascar driver Jeff Green and 6-7 Magic Johnson.
Click Here
Viper said on 5/Sep/08
Goldberg in good boots could possibly reach 6-3, maybe. Hes under 6-2 though barefoot.
Clay said on 5/Sep/08
6'1/6'1.5 is just plain drug-induced for Lesnar and Goldberg Viper. You're the only one who see's them there, bud.
Tony said on 5/Sep/08
I remember seeing the WCW about 10 years ago and Goldberg and Hogan were eye to eye. Does this mean Hulk Hogan is only 6 ft 2.25 in ?? LOL
Viper said on 4/Sep/08
Clay is hillarious basically upgrading everyone by an inch or an inch and a half.
Hugh said on 4/Sep/08
Goldberg in good boots can reach 6ft4.
Hugh said on 4/Sep/08
Lesnar 6ft2.25, HHH 6ft2.5, Goldberg 6ft2.75.
Annoyed said on 4/Sep/08
Kimbo is a measured 6'2" for a british dvd on streetfighting and we know this. However there is NOT two inch Gap , it is more like a half inch gap in favour of Goldberg witht he possibility of an inch. In the video i think your reffering to they where training together and stood sideby side , perfectly in line and barefoot and Goldberg was at least 1/2 an inch taller. Id say 6'2.5" is safe , with an outside possibility of just hitting 6'3......i doubt this though, 6'2.5" seems right in light of all the trustworthy evidence.
Bored said on 3/Sep/08
I think hes more like 6'4 cause I saw an interview of him on youtube.. he was with kimbo slice who is listed as 6'2 in mma and he was easily looking taller
Clay said on 20/Aug/08
I think this guy is 6'2.5 he wasnt dwarfed by any means at all by 6'4.5 330 pound Bob Sapp.
Annoyed said on 9/Aug/08
Viper is alright but he is bery liberal with his downgrades. Goldberg could never pull off 6'4" and being called " huge" and "a monster" if he was ANYTHING under 6'2". 6'2" at the least but more than likelly 6'2.5" with a possibility of a weak 6'3".
Clay said on 7/Aug/08
Viper is hilarious downgrading basically EVERYONE by an inch or an inch and a half.
Annoyed said on 4/Aug/08
people have accepted im right at last. 6'2.5" baby!
Annoyed said on 28/Jul/08
Lesnar is 187.5 and Goldberg is 188 cm. FACT.
steve said on 28/Jul/08
lesnar legit is 186cm and goldberg is 187cm maximum but with boots goldberg 191cm
Annoyed said on 28/Jul/08
and also
Mark Henry is underbilled and is 6'1.75" measured in reality. do some research on Kimbo Slice and then look at Kimbo and Goldberg together barefoot.
Mark Henry also wears thicker heeled shoes than goldberg. Barefoot Morning Height in reality for both is Goldberg Morning: 6'2.5" Goldberg evening: 6'2"
Mark Henry Morning: 6'1.75"
Mark Henry evening: 6'1.25"
Annoyed said on 27/Jul/08
Goldberg is clearly only 5'11. ! The man is 6'2.5" get over it!!
Viper said on 13/Jul/08
I dont think Angle was on it.
Viper said on 11/Jul/08
The mentor also had HHH at 186cm.
hulk said on 11/Jul/08
I just looked at that old Mexican menthor's list and there it was.
Goldberg 186 , Hulk 195 (prime) , Kurt Angle 178 , Vader 187
Now, What we know is that this list is correct at least for Hulk ,Angle and Vader becose we've listed them at this height, so why it's so hard to believe that Goldberg is also 186 cm tall, as Mexican menthor is telling us.Or maybe you don't recall this list .
( Rob it would be usefull if we can refresh our memory )
A person said on 9/Jul/08
Nope brock lesnar is taller than triple h.
Click Here
AnnoyeD said on 25/Jun/08
Triple H is at LEAST 6'2 himself!
Vegas said on 25/Jun/08
HHH was the exact same height as goldberg in dress shoes and in wrestling gear
Danimal said on 24/Jun/08
Viper says on 24/Jun/08
I think Goldberg and Brock Lesnar are the same height. 6-1-6-1 1/2.
Sorry Viper old pal, but gotta disagree with you on that one:
Click Here
Viper said on 24/Jun/08
I think Goldberg and Brock Lesnar are the same height. 6-1-6-1 1/2.
AnnoyeD said on 24/Jun/08
my god, i dont know what to say. Im not being offensive, im being honest here. Kimbo Slice is a very well known and measured several times from day one 6'2. and why on earth would anyone think Goldberg is less than 6'2". THE MAN IS 6'2 & 1/2 !!!! NO ONE ON EARTH would call a 6'1" man a Giant and "huge" and people talk about how big Goldberg is ALL THE TIME. He is narrowly taller than Brock Lesnar and an inch taller than elevated 6'1.5"er
Mark Henry. 6'0" for KIMBO SLICE!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont even know what to say to that to be perfectly honest. Ill accept other people views and opinions so im gonna step out of this one now but i know what i saw on the DVD i know what has been shown on film for all the Elite XC promo's leading up to Kimbo v Bo Cantrell, i know what i have saw on all the old goldberg photos and articles from his college days where they say he is 6'3". so i a bowing out in defeat as logic seems to be vacant in this thread. so here is my final take on the truth based on all the evidence:
Billed Height: 6'4" Actual Height: 6'2.5" Haters estimation: 6 FOOT 1 !!!
Viper said on 24/Jun/08
Goldberg could be a full 6-2. Its possible. But no way is he over that.
hulk said on 24/Jun/08
Yes, i agree with Viper, becose not only that this height would explain an inch on Kimbo,but it would also explain just 1cm on Henry, so 186/7 cm For Goldberg, and by the way thats exactly in accordance with that mexican menthor's list.
Danimal said on 24/Jun/08
Viper says on 23/Jun/08
Unless anybody provides visual evidence of Kimbo being measured Im going with
Kimbo - 6-0
Goldberg 6-1-6-1 1/2
Goldberg is not as low as 6'2". There is NO evidence to prove otherwise. He was billed at both 6'2" and 6'3" in his PRO-FOOTBALL days.
Viper said on 23/Jun/08
Unless anybody provides visual evidence of Kimbo being measured Im going with
Kimbo - 6-0
Goldberg 6-1-6-1 1/2
Soviet_Rebel said on 23/Jun/08
Viper you have posted images of Kimbo in big shoes and Kaley Cuoco in BIG heels. You can't say nothing from those images. Kimbo, like AnnoyeD said many times and brought you proofs, has officially been measured at 6'2". From my image you can see him and Goldberg, standing next to each other, barefoot, and Goldberg is clearly 1 inch taller than Kimbo. He is a strong 6'3". Full Stop.
@Editor Rob:
Please can you change Goldberg's height to 6'3"? Thank you.
Viper said on 22/Jun/08
Kimbo being measured at 6-2 is hard for me to believe. Ive always thought he looked 6-0 at the most. Here he barely looks 6-0 next to 5-6 Kaley Cuoco in heels.
Click HereClick Here
AnnoyeD said on 22/Jun/08
Viper i have a bootleg DVD about Streetfighting and there is a segment on Kimbo and his preparation to enter MMA and he was measured on an electronic height and weight machine which gave the reading of 6'2" and 1/5 inch ( 6 foot 2 and one fifth of an inch ) He has also been measured when they were shooting the elite xc promos for his fight with Bo Cantrell and his height was given as 6'3" in a police report which tells you that although he isnt 6'3" if this is an estimation it shows he sint even short. What makes you think Kimbo even looks shorter than 6'2"?? He is a well known official and measured 6'2" ! go down and read over other posts here including "Seans" and also just do a bit of research. Kimbo Slice is 6'2" and Goldberg is AT LEAST half an inch taller! Hence, goldberg is OVER 6'2" !
Soviet_Rebel said on 20/Jun/08
Kimbo Slice has been measured snd is 6'2", Goldberg is a strong 6'3". PROOF:
Click Here
Alex2 said on 12/Jun/08
Todd Grisham is billed 6'3" I think, the lowest I could go for him is 6'0" but Kane absolutley dwarfs him whenever he has promos with him :)
AnnoyeD said on 7/Jun/08
also if u pause the Youtube video of Kimbo and Goldberg at 4:27 or 4:28.....u will see when paused that they momentarilly line up against each other , Barefoot, at the exact same distance from the camera, with the exact same posture, and Goldberg does indeed appear to be AT LEAST half an inch taller than Kimbo! Pause it around 4:27/4:28 and u will see this is clear. UPGRADE must be nearing. The least this guy ever gets anywhere else is 6'2.5" . Now i ams eriousley not a Goldberg fanatic but i like to contribute to this site for the sake of accuracy. Kimbo is 6'2 & 1/5 " so Goldberg must be taller than 6'2 & 1/4"!!! btw i think Brock Lesnar 6'2 & 1/4" and Goldberg is 6'2 & 1/2"
But Goldberg IS taller than 6'2 and a 1/4" after seeing Kimbo being electronically measured, i am in NO DOUBT about this.
AnnoyeD said on 7/Jun/08
here guys, major development on this Chap. A guy at my boxing gym gave me a cheap DVD called " Street Fighting Legends ". Which is a UK straight to DVD documentary which cost him like a pound, i dont know where u could buy this as i cant find it on the net anywhere which is only the second time thats ever happened to me ( search Militant Love Baby, a real band who have even done movie sountracks but dont exist as far as the net is concerned) anyway im sittin watchin the DVD which is basically going through all these grainy european and south american street fights and then it goes on to a bit about American Street Fighting and how it is getting better and it goes onto to talk about this 6'2" 250 lbs black killing machine who is totally undefeated ( well at least he was) and the narrator goes " Ladies and Gentleman of Great Kimbo Slice. And it shows a little highlight segment on Kimbo and one section includes a short interview where he is starting his training to enter profesional fighting. So they weigh him and then put him on the height machine, there he is , Barefoot in Underwear!!! Straight against the machine spine and they place the bar on his head, the meter reads out in centimeters and then the guy puts it onto feet and inches and the meter reads " 6 ft 2.02 in " Kimbo goes " 6'2" baby!" so there ya have it, Kimbo Slice is exactly 6 foot 2 and 1/5 inches. This is scientific , conclusive and bang on the money. Now i remember a video with Kimbo and Goldberg where Goldberg appears taller than kimbo, perhaps by a half inch. Now i know upgrading seems to be an impossibility on this site but still, i think this could be the smallest goldberg is but i genuinley think 6'2 and 1/2" i alot more accurate for Goldberg. Here is the video with Kimbo and Goldberg
Click Here
Alex2 said on 3/Jun/08
Thanks Ola, finally we agree on something :)
supes78 said on 2/Jun/08
Goldberg is a legitimately big dude. Here he is with confirmed 5'8" MMA fighter Gina Carano (aka Crush from American Gladiators);
Click HereEven leaning in, he still looks a good 6'2" to 6'3" tall.
Ramona Davis said on 31/May/08
I stood next to Todd Grisham once at a WWE event in Ohio he is 6'1" we're both the same height and I'm pretty tall for a female.
Alex2 said on 30/May/08
Ola would you agree that The Rock is a legit 6'3" or better? I think we can all live with that.
Viper said on 29/May/08
Yeah, I agree that Goldberg is 187cm at most.
hulk said on 28/May/08
And how can we explain the fact that Goldberg was about the same hight like
Mark Henry, i also believe that Bill is big and tall, but the fact is a fact .
I think Goldberg is somewhere like 187 cm, thats sound reasonable to me,but i also think that he can really be that tall.
Hugh said on 27/Apr/08
In boots Goldberg is 192/193cm
Steven Davis of KY said on 16/Apr/08
Bill Goldberg is 6'2 1/2" probably 6'3" when he was in college. BTW just like "Steven Seagal", we have the same name and same height. I myself am a legit 6'4" ,coincidence? you be the judge.
glenn said on 16/Apr/08
steven seagle says otherwise on his height.
glenn said on 16/Apr/08
who is this rob?

Editor Rob
a bald ex wrestler from straight to video Half Past Dead 2, Longest yard aswell.
Steven Seagal said on 15/Apr/08
there's no way in hell Goldberg is 6'4", I met the man and I stood face to face. I clearly had him by an inch or two. I am actually 6'4" so don't try to argue.
No pity for the majority said on 8/Apr/08
yeah right anonymous
Anonymous said on 6/Apr/08
Triple H is 6'2.5" Brock Lesnar is 6'2.5" Goldberg is 6'3"
xander said on 5/Apr/08
goldberg look 6ft3 next to kimbo slice..
Height Fiend said on 2/Apr/08
youll find that there is a video of goldberg and brock lesnar in a match and head to head they are the exact same height. Goldberg was also a touch bigger than LEGIT 6'2 Kimbo Slice ( KIMBO IS DA MAN AND HE WILL PROVE WHEN HE FIGHTS SOME REAL CHANGES THAT HE S THE REAL DEAL )
Mr anonymous said on 30/Mar/08
Ive seen a video where brock and triple H have a staredown right up in each other's face,and brock is bigger.So Thats crap goldberg being taller than brock.
Anonymous said on 22/Mar/08
I have to agree Goldberg is no more than 6'3" let alone 6'4
Fred Ennis said on 22/Mar/08
Goldberg and Triple H 6'4"? give me a break, they are only 6'4" in platform shoes or high heel boots, they're no more than 6'3" in shoes, btw, I am 6'4 1/2" barefoot, in their boots, i'd easily be six foot six. I met Goldberg, and I have at least two inches on him. I weigh 245 @ 6'5" these fellas need to watch their weight.
Height Fiend said on 21/Mar/08
Goldberg was listed as 6'5 295 lbs for a while, then he was 6'4 280 lbs for the rest of his wrestling days. I have to be honest, i am a Goldberg fan and a short one with no hidden agenda to bring him down closer to my own height ( Being 5'8 thatd be ridiculous....BUT i have saw enough of Goldberg with celebrities and other wrestlers and it is fairly safe to say he is over 6'2! He was on a show with Ant and Dec in the UK some time ago and he was gigantic and i have seen ant and dec with many tall british celebrities including ACTUAL 6'2 James Alexanrou and Goldberg was a bit taller. Id say 6 feet 2 and 3/4 inches and at the very minimum 6'2 AND a 1/2 . Just my honest opinion from what i can see of him ( and that is ALOT ) Im a goldberg fan and a height fanatic ( sad i know ) so id say i can be a good judge.
Anonymous said on 6/Mar/08
if HHH and Goldberg are supposedly 6'4" why do they get listed 6'2" here? what about Adam "Edge" Copeland? I believe he actually is 6'4"
Sureshot said on 23/Feb/08
Finally!! The Kimbo clip before the fight. Goldberg is significantly taller in the training clip. Both in a full shot and barefoot. This suggests Goldberg over 6'.25" or Kimbo is not 6' 2". I'm leaning toward they are both 1-2" shorter than what they say.
Alex2 said on 23/Feb/08
Rob, why take the NFL listing as most reliable and just list that? We know a load of guys are underbuild in the NFL
Anonymous said on 19/Feb/08
Yeh Albi, I saw that also, and Kimbo is probably a legit 6'2 and Goldberg was clearly 1 inch taller , both barefoot. This site has a habit of under writing everyones height.
Viper said on 18/Feb/08
Urlacher is 6-3 John. Going by comparisons with that guy Goldberg would be a couple of inches shorter than him.
Albi said on 17/Feb/08
Definitely 6'3. He was taller than Kimbo Slice on Toe-to-Toe (watch in in Sherdog's profile for Kimbo Slice).
Big Show said on 12/Feb/08
This is the first time I ever posted on this board, so I'm not sure if this pic has ever been posted.
Click HereI'm no baseball fan so I haven't got a clue as to how tall Mark McGwire is. I've seen a height listing of 6'5 which cannot be right as he's the same height as Goldberg here.
Yaspaa said on 6/Feb/08
Always looked an inch shorter than Oliver Platt in Ready To Rumble
Roger said on 18/Jan/08
No way goldberg is 6ft 2 Jason, just watch when the rock call's goldberg for the first time.. goldberg is the same height as the rock is..Just see the movie and then comment
Ivan 6'2.25 said on 12/Jan/08
6'2.25 seems correct, we got the same height!
Vegas said on 10/Dec/07
well henry weighed 410lb (186kg) at the olympic trials in 1996
Click Herefrom other websites what i can determine so far he that
he weighed 185kg (407lb) at the olympics
chest 64", waist 48", neck 24", biceps 24", calf 22
Jason said on 8/Dec/07
JohnP says on 6/Dec/07
''I remember someone said Henry was 184 cm (think it was you, Jason?), and Bill looks about 1 inch taller than Henry in that picture, so that would put Goldie at 186-187 cm at most perhaps.
At least downgrade Goldberg to 6-2, that seems at least a little more fair.''
I've heard both 6'1'' and 6'0'' for what Henry was actually listed at (not described in articles) in the Olympics. I just call it in the middle ... I think he physically looks like a 184cm guy.
JohnP said on 7/Dec/07
cantstop25; that guy is not 5-10, just look at the pic with Tom Arnold (who is 6-1). The tallest that guy could be is probably 5-9, even though shorter is not impossible.
Goldberg would no way ever dwarf the guy as much as Urlacher does if he stood straight up. Urlacher would have an easy 2 inch (at least) advantage over Goldie.
What was Urlacher measured at in the combine? 6-3 1/2 or 6-3 3/4, I recall?
cantstop25 said on 6/Dec/07
vegas in this link
Click Heregoldberg looks really tall adn if he stood up straight he looks like he could almost be the swame ehight as urlachher! THough I do believe urlacher has him beat by about 2 inches when barefoot. But look how much goldgerb dwarfs terry bradshaw. THis guy is also taller then 5'10" listed shannon elizabeth... and o my god is michael wilbon realy that tall!?!?! I had no idea he must have been a basketball player in his day.
Alex said on 6/Dec/07
I agree with Jason on Goldberg, 6'1.75-6'2. Same for Lesnar.
JohnP said on 6/Dec/07
I remember someone said Henry was 184 cm (think it was you, Jason?), and Bill looks about 1 inch taller than Henry in that picture, so that would put Goldie at 186-187 cm at most perhaps.
At least downgrade Goldberg to 6-2, that seems at least a little more fair.
Vegas said on 4/Dec/07
goldberg is clearly not standing straight in your shot, his head is bent down :D plus the camera has moved closer to henry; both are standing tall in my shot
Anonymous said on 4/Dec/07
@Vegas, Here is another shot you may wanna consider.
Click HereYou picked a single moment where Henry was leaning and Goldberg was standing straight. In the video there really is less than 1 cm difference between Henry and Goldberg.
Jason said on 4/Dec/07
Yeah, you might be right. He just seems closer to 6'2'' than 6'1'' to me, or at least in between.
JohnP said on 3/Dec/07
Considering the
Mark Henry video, you could might as well be correct about that Viper.
Viper said on 3/Dec/07
Goldberg is 6-1 1/4 at best. Jason, stop overestimating. :)
Jason said on 3/Dec/07
I would bring him down to 187-188cm.
hulk said on 3/Dec/07
So,why is he listed 189cm ,we should downgrade him to some 6ft1 or at most 6ft2.
Anonymous said on 1/Dec/07
Goldberg appeared to be around 1 cm taller than
Mark Henry on the YouTube vid. The difference was barely noticeable.
hulk said on 26/Nov/07
Yes, i think that Goldberg is just a bit taller than Henry, and if Henry is 185cm, on that clip Goldberg looks 186cm.
JohnP said on 18/Nov/07
sean, The Rock was never listed 6-5 during his college football days, he was listed at 6-4. And he is really about 6-2 1/2 or 6-2 3/4 in reality bare foot. Also, Goldberg was listed at 6-2 in the NFL, so there goes your 6-3 claim.
Maybe Kimbo is shorter than his claim, MMA fighters also gets upgraded sometimes.
Also take a look at that picture down there RVD240 posted, he wasn't much taller than 6-1
Mark Henry.
sean said on 18/Nov/07
Goldberg is 6'3 w/out shoes, he is around 6'4 1/2 with shoes, just watch the kimbo slice mma fight vs. Bo one youtube, Kimbo is for sure 6'2, and they just measured him for the fight. At the end when Goldberg talks to Kimbo (granted he has shoes on), but he looks 3 inches or more taller. You guys need to realize that true height. The rock was listed in Florida when he played college football at 6'5, but is 6'4 1/2 and goldberg was just under the rocks height. Goldberg stood inches, i mean considerably taller than chuck lidell in the spike award show.
Alex said on 14/Oct/07
I do remember Hogan and Brock coming face to face when Hogan returned to WWE in early 2003 and he looked the same height as Lesnar, maybe 1/2 inch taller at most.
Jason said on 8/Oct/07
Well, if you put it up, I'll have a look at it.
Rusty james said on 7/Oct/07
Whatever u say man. ive just seen a video of brock and hulk hogan meeting backstage,and er hogan isnt taller. i'll put it up sometime.
Jason said on 6/Oct/07
Hogan is taller, mate.
Rusty james said on 4/Oct/07
There's no height difference. no matter how many lines u put above brock's head, hogan still isnt bigger.
I bet none of u have actually seen lesnar in real life. i have. Brock lesnar being 6'1" is just stupid. if he was that height he wouldnt be up to big show's chin or a few inches shorter than undertaker.
Vegas said on 4/Oct/07
sorry rusty; hogan is taller than brock by at least an inch in that summerslam dvd, screenshots
Click Here
Rusty james said on 3/Oct/07
6 ft 2? BULLSH*T ive got the summerslam dvd and brock is taller than hogan. then mysteriously hogan was taller than brock the year later,in that tag match with kurt angle and mr america.
Vegas said on 1/Oct/07
lesnar looked no shorter than 6'2 in a staredown with Hogan in 2002.
here is lesnar with 6'2.5" (combine measurement) 310lb Chris Hovan
Click Here
JohnP said on 30/Sep/07
Goldberg is actually a smidge taller than Lesnar.
Click Here
Don't know if it is because of Goldberg wearing bigger boots though. I would agree with Jasons pegging, Goldberg at 6-1 3/4 and Vipers pegging with Lesnar at 6-1 1/4 perhaps (if it isn't because of Goldberg wearing larger boots).
Alex said on 25/Sep/07
I give Goldberg and Lesnar 6'2 a peice or just under.
Goldberg looked 275-280lbs but I haven't seen him in a while though.
JohnP said on 18/Sep/07
Haha, I'm not a good weight guesser, that's all I can say. :D
Yeah, I'm 230 lbs, maybe 235 at most, but a lot of it is fat right now. A lot of muscle has disappeared since I haven't been able to work out for a while. I probably will recover the most though, thanks to muscle memory (muscle memory has helped me before). But first I'm going to focus on removing some fat, lol.
I'm not really so sure about Goldberg, because of his frame. He never really had much mass (wrestlers like Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley wins over him on that one easily).
Goldberg could have got weight because of his frame though (or just been able to fool people that he was bigger).
His football weight was 266 lbs.
Jason said on 18/Sep/07
I can agree with 6-2 for Goldberg.
Jason said on 17/Sep/07
Jason, you mean this article? Click Here
''It says he is "down to 260". According to Danimal (who himself claims that he is a "good weight guesser), Goldberg was 290 pounds during his WCW days, and 280 during the WWE days.
But I don't think Goldberg ever really was that huge, he had a huge frame, and his shoulders were really big. But he didn't really had much mass on the chest/arms/legs notably more than another "power wrestler", a.k.a Brock Lesnar or Bobby Lashley had. The man was REALLY strong also, he proved that when he jackhammered The Big Show (who was then known as "The Giant"), and he also jackhammered Umaga (who then wrestled as "Jamal").''
Ohh. Yeah, I got it mixed up ... I hadn't seen that article in over a year. I read 235 *somewhere*. Danimal? lol. Come on mate, you're 230lbs, you should know Goldie was no 290. :P
JohnP said on 17/Sep/07
I agree that Goldberg might be a full 6-2 when standing up. He could be a weak 6-2 also, I'm not so sure about that. I wouldn't go as low as a flat 6-1 for him though.
Vegas, actually it is "right" to "downgrade" those players, since they were under a half inches over the measurement. If they were more than 0.5 inches, then that's more discussable.
Vegas said on 17/Sep/07
goldberg is not 6'3 because he was shorter than the Rock, but he is certainly not 6'1 either unless Chuck Liddell and Quinton Jackson are like 5'11 or something
I am sticking with 6'2 for Goldberg "when he stands up fully straight", although the 6'2.25" that Rob has listed here is not impossible as many players are downgraded in the NFL e.g Jason Hunter measured at 6'4.4 at combine; listed at 6'4 by the Packers, Johnny Jolly measured at 6'3.3" at combine; listed at 6'3 by Packers; ken Hamlin measured at 6'2.4" at combine; listed at 6'2 by the Cowboys.
Viper said on 17/Sep/07
I think both Bill and Lesnar are 6-1 1/4.
JohnP said on 17/Sep/07
Well, Goldberg can really get advantages sometimes. He didn't look much shorter than Bob Sapp who is listed 6-4 (although some people claims Sapp is shorter, like 6-3, but that's discussable, I guess). He also looked taller than 6-2 Michael Irvin (who is 6-2). This was all in The Longest Yard. I doubt Goldberg was wearing lifts either, since he was in football wear. Don't know if Goldberg got an angle advantage, though.
But I seriously doubt that a 6-3 guy would get a 6-2 listing in the NFL. Goldberg is about the same height as Brock Lesnar, and he also got a 6-2 listing in the NFL (although, some people claims Brock is 6-1 flat).
Jason, you mean this article?
Click Here
It says he is "down to 260". According to Danimal (who himself claims that he is a "good weight guesser), Goldberg was 290 pounds during his WCW days, and 280 during the WWE days.
But I don't think Goldberg ever really was that huge, he had a huge frame, and his shoulders were really big. But he didn't really had much mass on the chest/arms/legs notably more than another "power wrestler", a.k.a Brock Lesnar or Bobby Lashley had. The man was REALLY strong also, he proved that when he jackhammered The Big Show (who was then known as "The Giant"), and he also jackhammered Umaga (who then wrestled as "Jamal").
Vegas said on 17/Sep/07
that goldberg/barkley photo is from some golf awards ceremony in 2001, the two are onstage presenting an award.
Goldberg is a major sloucher so its hard to compare pictures of him with other people.
Goldberg and 6'2 listed Chuck Liddell
Click Here
Jason said on 17/Sep/07
He was last year, at least. I remember someone posted an online article about him from a Jewish magazine, where they interviewed him, and said he was down to 235 pounds.
JohnP said on 17/Sep/07
Where is that picture from? In Goldbergs book, Barkley was supposed to have looked way taller than Goldberg.
Looking at this site;
Click Here (that Viper posted some time ago), even though Goldberg is slouching, Urlacher (who is 6-3.8, if I remember the listing at the camp correctly) dwarfs that guy way more than Goldberg would do if he stood straight up.
I believe that Goldberg could be a full 6-2, but that he is 6-3 is pretty much out from my book.
And I'm not really sure about this, but the fact that Goldberg wears lifts is not out of question.
Jason: Is he really down to 235 lbs nowadays? He still looks really big.
Vegas said on 17/Sep/07
Pat if you are 6'2 and the top of Goldbergs head was only up to your eyelevel he is between 5'9 and 5'9.5".........
Goldberg looks like he would have 2"+ on 6'1 listed Quinton Jackson if he stood up straight and we removed the hat from Jacksons head
Click Here
Goldberg and Charles Barkley
Click Here
Jason said on 17/Sep/07
He's 235lbs now.
Supermanfan380 said on 17/Sep/07
I have been reading on some other pages that a lot of these folks know they are taller for the first hour of the day. So I'd put bill at about 6'2" mid day, but he wakes at 6'3".
So I am not going to argue with him if he says 6'3".
Heck, I am not going to argue with him.
JohnP said on 15/Sep/07
Goldberg was (and is still) a strong 6-2 at max. Not 6-3. He looked 6-0 with Charles Barkeley, as many people has written...
Danimal said on 13/Sep/07
Goldberg was every bit 6'2"-6'3". Pat, you cannot judge height.
Pat said on 13/Sep/07
hi all, i stood next to goldberg when the wcw came too australia a few years ago i saw him in a gym trainig, personaly i am 189 cm tall, some say thats 6'3 others say 6'4 but if you look it up it is just over 6'2 and when goldberg stood next to me the top of his head where around where my eyes are so i would put him at 5'11 maybe 6 foot even but thats it
Alex said on 1/Sep/07
John, you're right when you're shorter tall guys look taller than they really are. When I was in 7th grade there were these 2 teachers, one was 6'5 and the other 6'6 and I thought both guys were like 6'11-7'0.
Alex said on 1/Sep/07
Lashley is in between 6'0 and 6'1.
Golberg I could give a full 6'2 probably.
JohnP said on 18/Aug/07
Rob, maybe you should put up a page about Bobby Lashley? Would be fun to know what height he is, I've always pegged him at 6-1.
Jason said on 15/Aug/07
I would say 6'1 3/4''.
Viper said on 14/Aug/07
I dont think Goldberg is any taller than 6-1 1/4 personally.
Matt said on 13/Aug/07
Here's a pic with him and The Rock. I know its pretty small but you can see the Rock isnt that much taller than him and the Rock is pegged at 6'3 tops by most people on here. So if thats the case 6'2.5 maybe right for Goldberg
Click Here
JohnP said on 2/Aug/07
If his girlfriend is short, then maybe you should not take that height estimate too serious, even if she did estimate him at some height.
I know that, since I've myself experinced it. I remember when I was 12 years old, I was maybe between 5-3 to 5-5 (I had such a FAST growth spurt so I don't really remember what exactly I was), I estimated a guy "at least 6-5, if not 6-7", it looked like he could hit the roof, I thought, lol. Then a few years later, I met him again fully grown at 6-2, and I could look him in the eye. I almost fainted then, lmao.
Jason said on 20/Jul/07
She didn't say. I would guess he's 6'0 1/2'' or 6'1''.
Viper said on 20/Jul/07
Lashley doesnt have the biggest frame in the world, but hes extremely muscular for his frame. Jason, what did your girlfriend estimate Lashley at height wise?
Jason said on 19/Jul/07
Danimal says on 18/Jul/07
Goldberg weighed a legit 290 + in his WCW days. Around 280 in WWE. His football days he was 270 pounds and Jason knows that very well. Jason picked the lowest common denominator with 266 pounds however. Which is typical Jason.
Yup, he was a legit 290lbs in WCW and they billed him as 290. Typical Danimal. ;)
JohnP said on 19/Jul/07
Lashley has bigger chest than Goldberg, no doubt about that. Goldberg though has bigger shoulders. I think the only thing that really looks huge on Goldberg is his shoulders, his chest or arms does not look huge compared to Lesnar or Lashley. I'm not really an expert on this, but his legs also looks small relative to other "mans mountains".
Click Here
Is this really 280 - 290 pounds? My god, it is impressive in that case...
Danimal said on 18/Jul/07
Goldberg weighed a legit 290 + in his WCW days. Around 280 in WWE. His football days he was 270 pounds and Jason knows that very well. Jason picked the lowest common denominator with 266 pounds however. Which is typical Jason.
JohnP said on 2/Jul/07
Chest, breast, whatever. It rhymes. :p
I've also wondered why Lashley is billed at a smaller weight than Goldberg, when it's obvious that Lashley has more mass than Goldberg. Lashley is also billed at an inch shorter than Goldberg, I think lashley is 6-1 or maybe even as low as 6-0.
By the way, myspace has now started with other languages, so on this computer it says in metric, Goldberg is now 194 cm (6-4 1/2) according to myspace, lol.
Cobra said on 2/Jul/07
Its called chest, not breast, man. Goldberg has very wide shoulders, but he isn`t THAT muscular. The billed weights of WWE contains no sense, i remember in early 2005 Triple H was billed as 265 lbs, and he was for sure heavier than Goldberg. I also would say no more than 260 lbs for Goldberg.
When he feuded against Evolution, Batista was billed as 318 lbs but was a legit 290 lbs back then, and he was way more muscular than Goldberg and even a shade taller.
Or compare with Lashley, he is billed as 273 lbs and is more muscular than Goldberg, but, he is also a good inch or maybe 2 smaller, though.
But Goldberg`s strength was enormous, I remember him military pressing Scott steiner 7 times.
Jason said on 1/Jul/07
I would say 260 even in WCW. I think that football database had him at 266 or something.
JohnP said on 30/Jun/07
What do you guys think Goldberg weighed in his wrestling days? Do you really think he was 290 lbs as he was billed as, and even stated himself? He had enormous shoulders, but that was the only thing I actually thought looked HUGE on him. I mean, he was big, but his arms and breast for an example didn't look THAT big. His thighs wasn't so big either as you would have though. The picture I described was his WWE days, maybe he was bigger in the WCW days?
Viper said on 19/Jun/07
Yeah, a couple of the guys in the NBA pre draft camp had a 3 inch exagerration. Its rare though.
Jason said on 18/Jun/07
BTW, to clear up any ambiguity in my last post about Goldberg, I mean he looks 6'0'' in that photo.
Jason said on 18/Jun/07
I've heard of 3 1/2'' before, though this was for a guy not far off 7 foot. He was listed in college basketball at 7'1'' and then measured at just 6'9 1/2'' at camp.
Vegas said on 18/Jun/07
correct johnP, a 2" exaggeration in wrestling is nothing, there are guys getting (have got) much more than that. I could be here all day naming the wrestlers i have met listed 2" shorter than their billed height.
but having been to college with a number of guys and girls who went on to be sportstars in this country and whose listings were very close to the truth i find it difficult to believe there are colleges in the states fudging heights by as much as 3". 1" from time to time is beliveable but 3" i doubt very much
JohnP said on 18/Jun/07
Vegas, maybe 2 inches exaggeration in college is a little to much (although according to Rob, Goldberg got some 6-4 describes in college too, so if he is 6-2 then they exaggerated by 2 inches), but it's NOT much in wrestling. Chris Benoit is for an example 5-8 1/2 I've heard, and WWE lists him 5-11.
Jason said on 17/Jun/07
JohnP says on 16/Jun/07
''I actually believes that Goldberg is 6-1. If you look at this pic with his wife Wanda (that moment doesn't look right for wearing heels) he doesn't look more than 6-1 (she's 5-5 according to her myspace). Click Here''
Is that her real MySpace, though? lol. You can never know!
Actually, if she's 5'5'', I don't think Goldie even looks 6'1'' there. My best estimate of his height is *just* under 6'2''; 6'1 3/4''.
Cobra said on 17/Jun/07
Triple H taller than Goldberg? I always pegged Lesnar and Triple H @ 6ft2 and Goldberg half an inch taller and Batista half an inch taller than Goldberg.
Vegas said on 17/Jun/07
when you type Wanda Ferraton into gettyimages there are 9 photos that come up and goldie looks roughly 8" taller than his wife in all of them (and she is in heels in them all)
JohnP of course wanda is wearing heels there and very very big ones i suspect. The chances of a guy listed at 6'4 and 6'3 in college; being just 6'1 in reality are slim to none imo.
JohnP said on 16/Jun/07
I actually believes that Goldberg is 6-1. If you look at this pic with his wife Wanda (that moment doesn't look right for wearing heels) he doesn't look more than 6-1 (she's 5-5 according to her myspace).
Click Here
Danimal said on 16/Jun/07
You're not taking into account that Austin wore monster boots and Goldberg wore tiny little ankle high shoes.
Vegas said on 16/Jun/07
there is minimum 1.5" but more often 2" between 6ft Austin and Goldberg here from 4.30 mark
Click Here
goldberg's 6'2 nfl listing was spot on it seems.
JohnP said on 16/Jun/07
Goldberg said in an interview that he was 6-3. Strange, since that's lower than his usual exaggeration.
Click Here
On the next page...
" What's next for you?
I have a movie coming out in December, where I play a 6'3", 280-pound Jewish Santa Claus. I have a TV show on the History Channel. My plate is fairly full. I also still wrestle in Japan. "
Steve said on 13/Jun/07
i have met both men several times, and triple H IS taller than goldberg if he stands up straight, but we all know how bad triple H's posture is, and goldberg stands relatively straight, say what you will, but im certain goldberg is about 6'2 and triple H is an easy 6'2.5 straight. goldberg IS shorter.
JohnP said on 10/May/07
Just watched him in Half Past Dead 2. I can't say he is a bad actor really, although he wasn't superb either. But he isn't a bad actor, he could do well in movies if he want to.
Alex said on 9/May/07
There are tons of fake celebrity myspaces. If you look up Eminem watch how many come up. LOL
My friend who is 6'5 has 6'5 on his then another friend who is 5'7-5'8 has 5'10.
You know 6'4-6'5 might pass for 6'7 in person. 6'5 can for sure though. My tall 6'5 friend my mom estimated at 6'4 than a few days later said she thought he was 6'7-6'8 and I'm like he's 6'5 yet he gets estimates as low as 6'2 at times. Funny how people's height get guessed all over the place. What was the lowest and highest you got guessed at. For me it was 5'8 for the lowest and 6'4 for the highest and I'm 6'0 1/4-6'0 1/2 so its crazy.
Jason said on 9/May/07
A bloke I know has 6'7'' on his myspace when he's 6'4''-6'5''. He used to have 6'11'' LOL
Jason said on 9/May/07
Actually, the one I posted isn't Goldberg's real myspace. I saw another one with 10 000 friends or more, too. How do the fakers get so many friends??
Alex said on 8/May/07
Some people like my friend list their real height on myspace. But like in person people will exagerrate their height on myspace as well.
JohnP said on 6/May/07
Indeed, he is an actor nowadays. But he is not so active, right now in the moment, he's doing hosts for some TV programs, I think.
Viper said on 30/Apr/07
He is an actor.
Halb said on 30/Apr/07
It also say's he's an actor:oD
Anonymous said on 30/Apr/07
Appearently, this is Goldbergs real myspace...
Click Here
Although that myspace exaggerates too, saying 6-4.
Viper said on 30/Apr/07
My god, EVERYBODY exagerrates their height on myspace. From wrestlers, pro athletes, regular people even. Hell the only guy Ive ever seen who has told the truth or come close to it on myspace is John Cena, go figure.
Jason said on 29/Apr/07
Click Here
This isn't really Goldberg's MySpace, is it? I just wondered because of the 6700 friends...
Viper said on 29/Apr/07
Goldberg looked no taller than 6-0 with Charles Barkley.
Anonymous said on 28/Apr/07
Actually, I don't think he is much more taller than 6-1. If you look at the pictures with his wife Wanda Ferraton/Goldberg, who says herself that she is 5-5 on her myspace, he doesn't look more than that. Although on some pictures (like The Longest Yard premiere), I bet she wears heels, but still, he looks shorter than 6-2 1/2.
Halb said on 25/Apr/07
I never knew he was listed as 6'2, thats good research.
Alex said on 10/Apr/07
Goldberg would be 1/2 tops taller than HHH but they look the same height to me pretty much. Lesnar is the same as Goldberg as well.
Danimal said on 30/Mar/07
I agree Derek
Derek said on 30/Mar/07
Goldberg looked to be a shade taller than Triple H when he wasn't tilting his head. Triple H looks 6'1-6'1 1/2" to me, which makes Goldberg 6'2", or possibly 6'1 3/4".
Danimal said on 29/Mar/07
Nah, Goldberg is a strong 6'2".
Viper said on 29/Mar/07
There both 6-1 I would say.
Danimal said on 28/Mar/07
How do we know that Goldberg was measured at 6'2"? We don't. He was listed at that height for football. Has there been any mention of him actually being measured at that height? No.
Vegas said on 26/Mar/07
Interesting that Triple H is slightly taller than 6'2 measured Bill Goldberg here
Click Here
Viper said on 23/Mar/07
Come on Texas. Batista barely looks taller than Arnold there. Hes barely scraping 6-1 there If you think Arnold is 6-0 today. Not saying thats reality, but it sure looks it in the picture. I was first taken back by it when I stumbled across it.
Texas Tom said on 22/Mar/07
Bossman was never billed as 6-9. nor any taller than 6-7.
Batista's bent head looms over the top of Arnolds puffy hair, and you give him no more than an inch difference? Where do you get this stuff from?
Viper said on 11/Mar/07
Batista looks barely 6-1 with Arnold, no more than an inch difference. In r eality hes no more than 6-2. Looked 6-2 standing next an actual measured 6-4 1/2 measured basketball player.
Cobra said on 10/Mar/07
Could Batista be 6-1... Viper, what`s wrong with you?
You downgrade from real height as much as WWE upgrade...
Read in a Wrestling Mag the 6ft6 Animal... come on, billed as 6ft6 or 6f5 an being only 6ft1? Bulls***.
Batista is def no 6ft5, but for sure 6ft3, 6ft4 is also possible
mike said on 10/Mar/07
viper batista looks 6'1"? he,s like 2 inches taller than arnold.
Danimal said on 3/Mar/07
Arnold isn't 6'2" Mike. He wasn't even a full 6'2" when he was in his 20's. Arnold is by no means a short man. He's probably still just over 6'0" nowadays, but I'm sure like Stallone, he's packing lifts to keep up HIS image.
gee said on 3/Mar/07
noway batista less than 6'2,of course not over,but for sure Arnold use lifts in his shoes
mike said on 2/Mar/07
i give batista 6'4" at most i,m thinking arnold may be 6'2".
Viper said on 26/Feb/07
Batista is 6-2 and some change at most, same as Rock.
Danimal said on 26/Feb/07
They ALL wear lifts Viper, just at different times ;).
Viper said on 26/Feb/07
Then somebody is wearing lifts?
Danimal said on 23/Feb/07
Actually Viper, if Arnie is 6'1", Batista is at least 6'2". Arnold's hair is puffed up and Batista has a shaved head and it's clear that he has at least an inch on him and Arnold has been packing some serious lifts for SOME TIME now. I don't see Batista at less than 6'2".
Viper said on 23/Feb/07
Batista only looks 6-1 at best here with Arnold.
Click Here
Could Batista be only 6-1?
mike said on 19/Feb/07
goldberg looks 6,3 to 6,4" with lesnar.i,d stick with 6,3"
Danimal said on 18/Feb/07
Alex, check this out.
Click Here
Goldberg WAS taller than Lesnar, I used to say on here.
Max said on 18/Feb/07
Viper, That's what I meant, Batista is 6'2". I am 6'5" and I am 3 inches taller than Batista.
Viper said on 17/Feb/07
Max, Batista looked no more than a flat 6-2 next to a measured 6-4 1/2 basketball player.
Max said on 17/Feb/07
I agree with drago, I am 6'5" and I had a solid 3 inches on Batista when I meet him.
drago said on 13/Jan/07
batista is 6foot 2 inch. I am from albania, and isaw him once and he was half finger taller than me. I am 6 foot 1 inch and i weight 231lb. My neck is 21 inches and i bench 475lb.
Viper said on 1/Jan/07
Both of those guys are 6-1 in their barefeet.
Alex said on 29/Dec/06
Road Dogg Jesse James could be as short as 6'0 but I doubt that. 6'1 seems most accurate to me. He was listed at 6'2. He's one of those guys who are very close to their billed height.
Jason said on 22/Dec/06
Mike, I posted further down that Jesse James looked ~ 6'1 1/2'' to me in person. 5'11'' you think? I wasn't in an ideal position to get the best estimate, so I coulda been off a little, but he did appear a good 6'1'' from what I could see.
Viper said on 22/Dec/06
Alex, 6-3.3 could shrink down to 6-3.1, then to 6-3.2, ect.
Editor Rob said on 22/Dec/06
In the 1995 expansion draft goldberg really is listed 6ft 2 and 266lbs.
Actually he did get a few 6ft 4 college descriptions aswell, so another of those college inflations.
Mike said on 19/Dec/06
FFS-anyone who knows jesse james height?...lokk at hom and sandra bullock och him and travis barker for example...for sure not taller than kid rock...5ft 11?
Almost 6foot?
Alex said on 13/Dec/06
6'3.5 is 6'3 1/2 so 6'3.3 would be just about that if you ask me. 6'3.3 can't be under 6'3, lol.
Viper said on 11/Dec/06
6-3.3 is closer to 6-2 and change though. That guy is no taller than 5-7. Nick Lachey is taller than him. Also 5-9 Icchuro Suzuki has 2 inches on him.
Alex said on 9/Dec/06
Viper, 6'3.3 would be basically 6'3 1/2. This guy who is in those pictures with these athletes,his height is unknown though. His height is fishy in these pictures as he's towered over by Urlacher who is 6'3 1/2 by a head taller but looks about the same height as 5'11 Jerome Bettis. Can't peg his height down.
Golberg would have at least 4 inches on him if he stood up more straight.
Jason said on 9/Dec/06
Mike, Road Dogg looked about 6'1 1/2'' to me in person. I saw him at a World Wrestling All-Stars show in 2001.
Viper652 said on 7/Dec/06
Ok, look at this guy with Goldberg. And then compare him the next pic down with a legit 6-3 guy in Brian Urlacher. Urlacher has a TON of height over him where Goldberg doesnt even come close, even If he stood fully straight. Even 6-0 Derrick Brooks has more height on the guy then Goldberg.
Click Here
Mike said on 2/Dec/06
anybody who knows jesse james height?...for examlpe him an kid rock-kid is longer bur how tall is jesse anyway?
Jason said on 20/Nov/06
That's just an upward camera angle.
bierbuik said on 18/Nov/06
I think he is atleast 6'2.5. Every time he gets out his dressingroom he just fits under the door and I don't think they have lower doors then usual. I am 6'1.5 and I don't reach that high.
Alex said on 14/Nov/06
HHH- 6'1.5
Danimal said on 12/Nov/06
I give Goldberg 6'2.5" and HHH 6'1 1/4".
Alex said on 12/Nov/06
If I was really right next to them then I could maybe round to quarter inches but from looking at pictures I just look at full or half inches.
Jason said on 11/Nov/06
I get the feeling they're not a full 6'2'' so give them just a hair beneath. I'm not the only one here who rounds to quarter inches. :)
Alex said on 11/Nov/06
I'm sticking with 6'2 for Goldberg. HHH maybe 6'1.5.
Jason how do you get 6'1 3/4 which is a very accurate measurement by just looking at him. Is tough to tell the difference between 6'1 3/4 from 6'2 I'd say for sure.
Viper652 said on 10/Nov/06
Both of those guys are 6-1.
Jason said on 10/Nov/06
I think Goldberg and Triple H are both 6'1 3/4''.
Alex said on 9/Nov/06
I think Goldberg needs to be bought down to 6'2 here.
Dude said on 29/Sep/06
barefoot Goldberg is 6'2 max
Cobra said on 28/Sep/06
I thinkt Goldberg is closer to 6ft3... 190 cm maybe.
Mr. E said on 28/Sep/06
After seeing viper's picture it tells two things: 1. Goldberg and HHH are the same height. 2. Trips is getting fat.
Ola said on 17/Sep/06
interesting pic!... but he has his head bend, so i still believe he is 6'3!
(ps: i didnt need a myspace to watch the pic) whats the hell is myspace anyway?!
Derek said on 15/Sep/06
He's 6'2 1/2":
Click Here You need a myspace to view it but this guy claims hes 6'3" and he has 1/2" on Goldberg.
Ola said on 24/Aug/06
Forget about the 2 inch thick boots. only hogan uses them (in one raw event he must have forgot to put them on couse he wasnt taller than the rock)
About Goldberg... i would say 6'3. when he was in a monster garage episode he was in the same high as jessie james(how tall is he anyway?)
The Rock 6ft4.5
Triple H 6ft4
Booker T 6ft2
Ultimate warrior 6ft2
Sting 6ft2
Rocker said on 2/Aug/06
If you put HHH and Goldberg in the ring in bare feet theres no way they would be the same height.
Viper652 said on 31/Jul/06
Goldberg looking the same height as Triple H
Click Here
Viper652 said on 20/Jul/06
Hes the same height as Triple H, hes 6-1 flat.
Jordan said on 19/Jul/06
He was shorter than 6'4 Bill romanowski in Logest Yard by 1 or 2 inches
TheMan said on 22/Jun/06
Goldberg is about 190cm he had about 2 cm on lesnar so i guess he's nearly 6,3 but just misses it well from what ive seen.
hero said on 8/May/06
open your eyes guys,almost all wrestlers wear lifts,i mean do you gues really believe that goldberg is 6'4,like wcw wwe said,of course not.and the thing is that hhh is deff at the same height of goldberg....6'2 or 6'2.5
Anonymous said on 8/May/06
Goldberg s taller than triple h. Bill don t wear lifts.
dan said on 3/May/06
goldberg aint 6'3 and deff never 6'5,i mean hhh is 6'2.5 and yeah is a bit taller or maybe the same height as goldberg so please..
Derick said on 2/May/06
Goldberg is at least 6'1, i have a picture takin with him before and i still have it, Im am 6'1 barefeet and i was wearin sneakers and he still was taller than i am, im about up to his eyebrow so he is about 6'3-6'5.

Editor Rob
why not email it to me, your face could always be blanked out
loui said on 29/Apr/06
mmmm wrong,hhh is taller than goldberg and both guys weras lifts to look 6'4 during their matches...
Jiga said on 18/Apr/06
mack goldberg is taller in that interview staredown and btw hhh wears lifts
J. said on 8/Apr/06
“I’m a 6-foot-4, 290-pound Jewish kid having his name chanted by thousands of people and yeah, I think that’s funny,”- from May 2005 interview with San Diego Jewish Journal (
Click Here)
element said on 29/Mar/06
He might not be the exact height he says, but I still don't want to make him angry. It looks like he switched strenght with a bear or something.
henry said on 20/Mar/06
hey mack that's a perfect example of goldberg being 6'2 tops,cuz we know that hhh is 6'2.5 and there is a little difference between both guys....
Jiga said on 18/Mar/06
there is no way that Goldberg is anything under 6'1, i mean he's taller than HHH everyone reduces the wrestlers by heaps and then every other wrestler gets compared to the underheighted(not underated) superstars
Brett said on 16/Feb/06
so hes somewhere between 6'1 and 2, I mean Isaw on the man show with Jimmy kimmel and the other host, they had Goldie on there, and he wasnt taller then the other host, what ever his name is. So 6'1- 2 could be about right.
Anonymous said on 15/Feb/06
No Viper, that Mexican mentor did not have Goldberd as 6'1". My friend, that list was from 1996 and Goldberg was not even a wrestler at that point. Get your facts straight.
Viper652 said on 14/Feb/06
I agree Jason, Goldberg at the very least is 6-1. Even that Mexican list had Goldberg as a solid 6-1.
Jason said on 14/Feb/06
Goldberg looks 6'0'' next to Barkley like you said. I think the likely explanation is Goldberg was in bare feet (seeing as it was back stage) and Barkley was of course in shoes. If that's correct, even if they were both in shoes ... Barkley would still be 3 inches taller, though. I think Goldie's about 6'1 1/2''. I've flicked through that book a few times before in book shops, that's where I saw the pic.
Brett said on 14/Feb/06
haha not really into wrestling, got the book for a present a while back. So after seeing the pic Jason what would you say Goldberg is ?
kittu said on 14/Feb/06
i hav seen bill goldberg he is a huge guy m 6'2 n he is taller thenme may b 2ince i think he is 6'4 v were talking face 2 face nyes he is 6'4
Jason said on 13/Feb/06
I've seen the pic. Barkley (who's 6'4 1/2'') towered over Goldie. I could only assume Goldberg was bare foot and Barkley was in shoes (it was taken back stage), but even so, Barkley would still be a few inches taller.
Alex said on 13/Feb/06
Brett, try to scan the picture and post it on this page.
Jason said on 13/Feb/06
You're a wrestling fan, Brett?
Brett said on 13/Feb/06
Seriously Rob, I have the book " Im Next" written by goldberg himself. In the middle of the book, there is a photo with Charles Barkley and Goldberg, together, with barkelys arm of Goldbergs shoulder, and Barkleys eyeline is higher then , or at very least inline with Goldbergs head. You have to find this pic, because it really shows the possibility of Goldberg being closer to 6ft then 6'3". I mean Charles is at max 6'5", so really the most Goldberg could be is 6'1" according to this shot, but he really looks dwarfed by Charles.
Alex said on 12/Feb/06
Also in that pic DDP isn't even standing straight.
Alex said on 12/Feb/06
DDP looks at least 6'3-6'3.5 putting Goldberg at 6'2 IMO.
Jason said on 12/Feb/06
Yeah, I think Goldberg is 6'1 1/2'' (and DDP 6'2 1/2''). What makes you think Goldberg's a flat 6'1''? He's a big dude, and not just in build.
Viper652 said on 11/Feb/06
DDP is between 6-2 and 6-3, so that pic puts Goldberg no taller then 6-1.5. I still think he is a flat 6-1 overall.
6 foot 1, 16, still growing said on 17/Jan/06
seems correct. see, i've seen pictures of him playing football, and he's not very tall. as a lineman myself, 6 foot 2.5 inch is short for a lineman. In fact, the average for NFL Linemen is closer to 6 foot 3.5, including nose tackles, who are the shortest. O-tackles average probably around 6 foot 4 to 6 foot 5. I am a nose tackle myself. I'm VERY SHORT at 6 foot 1. To be playing big time college level and to catch recruiter's eyes I gotta become at least 6 foot 3. There are giants out there like 6 foot 9 guys on teams these days. In football and basketball, tall people in real normal society are considered short. We got a good 5 foot 11, 245 pound guy on our team. He's a big, strong guy. But sometimes our opponent linemen who are like 6 foot 5 make fun of him and underestimate him because he's so called "short". But not to say that short guys can't play football. WE got a 5 foot 8 linemen who can do so much damage. He's probably the best linemen we've got in tight game situations. Unfortunately, college recruiters and NFL recruiters probably won't even mention him as a lineman, he'll probably have to switch positions.
CoolJ said on 14/Jan/06
Brock is no lower than 6'2

Editor Rob
Brock does look like one of the few legit 6ft 2 guys in wrestling...he could even get away with 6ft 2 and 3/8th's ;-)
Viper652 said on 13/Jan/06
Alex, Brock is 6-1 Max. So that proves mt theory that Goldberg is no more then 6-1 as well.
CoolJ said on 13/Jan/06
Ah hmm.. well dont know then! Whatever the case may be.. I think Goldberg is 6'1.5 at an absolute minimum - a Drop to 6'2 might be inevitable :-p
CoolJ said on 8/Jan/06
I've got the video from Hogan vs. Goldberg from .. '98 I believe?
If Hogan was 6'4" then.. I'm starting to lean toward 6'2" even for Goldberg.. but I think thats about as low as we can go..