Slim said on 17/Mar/17
I just don't get it. Look how Kane has stacked up to big show all these years now look at Kane with that 6.6 NFL player? Now look at show with this 6.5 NFL player???
RP said on 16/Mar/17
Russell Okung's official NFL Combine measurements:
HT: 6'5.25"
WT: 307 lbs
Okung is a legit 6'5" barefoot ! Big Show looks a legit 7'0" barefoot with him! Unless Big Show is slightly tip toeing ?? One thing is for sure, Since dropping from 435-440 lbs down to 385-390 lbs, his posture has improved by leaps & bounds!!!!
JT said on 15/Mar/17
Click Here The guy on the right (NFL's Russell Okung) measured 6'5". Rob has Kravitz at 5’8.5”. Alex Rodriguez is listed at 6’3” but is shorter than that.
Canson said on 7/Mar/17
6'10-6'10.5. Not a full 6'10.5. He's 1.5-1.75" lower than Shaq who is 7'0 (earlier in the day).
dewie said on 6/Mar/17
Big show peak 7ft0.25 today 6ft11
Slim said on 5/Mar/17
Philip McMullin well your "classing" would be wrong. Inaccurate. Your opinion on 5" being "not so much" is also wrong. 5" taller or longer is significantly BIGGER in every way way. Nobody can deny that. Forgive my hostility but it's insane to think 5" isn't way bigger.
Junior31 said on 5/Mar/17
mrtguy said on 3/Mar/17
Jimmy said on 2/Mar/17
I meet Big Show last summer in Orlando. He is closer to 6'10 then 7'0.
How many times have we heard stories like this...JEEZUS Christ, if there's one thing learn to use proper grammar and show evidence or be specific. Writing stuff like that is something I hear worse than 5 year old.
Don't be ignorant. A lot of people that post on here are from other counties and English is not there first language. Enjoy the site. I'm sorry I'm not a celeb heights policemen but that bothers me.
mrtguy said on 3/Mar/17
Jimmy said on 2/Mar/17
I meet Big Show last summer in Orlando. He is closer to 6'10 then 7'0.
How many times have we heard stories like this...JEEZUS Christ, if there's one thing learn to use proper grammar and show evidence or be specific. Writing stuff like that is something I hear worse than 5 year old.
Jimmy said on 2/Mar/17
I meet Big Show last summer in Orlando. He is closer to 6'10 then 7'0.
Philip McMullin said on 28/Feb/17
hold an iPhone in your hand and thats 5 inches, trust me its not a lot, like i said i class towering at minimum 8 inches maybe even ten inches
Slim said on 27/Feb/17
Philip McMullin so you're telling me my 5'7 friend is wrong when he says I tower him? 5" isn't much? Denial dude.
Philip McMullin said on 23/Feb/17
@Slim, Ive stood next to guys of the same height and there wasnt much ''towering'' going on
Philip McMullin said on 23/Feb/17
@Slim, 5 inches isnt that much its about the same height as the length of an iphone 6plus, he wouldnt tower me, towering, is 10 inches minimum
Danimal said on 22/Feb/17
Es said on 22/Feb/17
I think 207-208cm is big shows barefoot height nowadays
I agree. People (including Rob) is for some reason ignoring the interview between Shaq and Big Show from a few months ago, where Shaq is literally dwarfing him today. Back in the mid-late 90's, they would have been the EXACT same height, if not Big Show having the edge back then. Imo, he's lost a tremendous amount of height. He was 7'0.5"-7'1" in the 90's and is looking to like a flat 6'10" (even 6'9" and change) AT BEST today.
Slim said on 22/Feb/17
Philip McMullin oh now the story changes? You said you didn't have to look up now you're saying "all the way up" 6'4 compared to 6'9 is a HUGE difference. I garuantee you my 6'9" co worker Mark would tower your 6'4" body. Regardless of "broadness"
Es said on 22/Feb/17
I think 207-208cm is big shows barefoot height nowadays
Philip McMullin said on 21/Feb/17
@slim I can talk to anyone of that height without looking all the way up at them, I can make a 6ft8 or 9 guy look 6'6 due to my broadness
Jordan87 said on 21/Feb/17
Slim ,
You asked how is 6'6" not a giant-like, as we were mentioning big cas . We were comparing Andre and show and how they were "giant" on a different level. Again, if you can't recognize show and andre's size as being in a different level then some typical 6'7" guy you have problems .
Slim said on 20/Feb/17
Philip McMullin if you're 6'4 and stood next to guys 6'9 then it is impossible NOT to look up to them.... your math must be off.
Slim said on 20/Feb/17
Jordan87 when did I compare those 2? Lol you must be the slow one.
Jordan87 said on 19/Feb/17
If you can't tell the difference between a guy like big cas and big show then you may be a bit slow.
Philip McMullin said on 19/Feb/17
@Slim, Ive stood next to guys 6ft9 I dont up at any of them and im 6ft4
James B said on 19/Feb/17
Yeah people don't realise how huge a true 6ft6 is because 6ft4 guys often claim it.l
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 19/Feb/17
6ft6in is pretty tall but NOT giant.
Slim guys need to be way taller than that to be giant -7ft+
Massive guys 400lbs+ enter giant territory at 6ft10in ...
Slim said on 19/Feb/17
How is anything over 6'6 not giant like? You guys must be 6'4" and I guarantee I'm probably taller than most of you on here. I work with 2 guys over 6'6" and I know first hand what that looks like. Staring at photos don't do hardly any justice.
mrtguy said on 19/Feb/17
Philip McMullin said on 18/Feb/17
@Jordan87 Big Cass is just Test version 2.0. Giants in wwe are usually 7ft 330+ pounders! 270lbs is hardly giant like. Big Show is the best giant in the last 20 years
Yeah, but you don't necessarily have to be 7 ft tall or 330 lbs to be giant, people with acromegaly show signs of GIANT just look at Big Foot Silva and Maurice Tillet they aren't 7 feet but they do look like giants!
Philip McMullin said on 18/Feb/17
@Jordan87 Big Cass is just Test version 2.0. Giants in wwe are usually 7ft 330+ pounders! 270lbs is hardly giant like. Big Show is the best giant in the last 20 years
Jordan87 said on 17/Feb/17
Correct. Due to their Condition Big Show and Andre were unnaturally Big. If Big Cas is the next gen Giant that they are going to try to push then they are in trouble.
Strowman is one strong dude however. Not in the "Giant" Category, but as far as power, he is right up there with the best of them. We may very well never see a "Giant" again since the modern WWE Wrestlers seem to be getting smaller.
Don't even mention great Khali b/c he was the most uncoordinated, charisma lacking piece of sh!t the WWE has ever hired.
mrtguy said on 16/Feb/17
Comparing Big Show to Andre whether who is better, stronger and agile is getting irritating, both men or GIANTS should say have such natural feats of strength from the condition. In my opinion I don't think there is no one who you could think is more GIGANTIC than those two GIANT of men physically or imposing nowadays!
Jordan87 said on 16/Feb/17
Undertaker Frank,
I have yet to See Pics of Andre looking taller than Big Show next to Mean gene. ( Giant was in WCW he boots were thicker than Andress but not as Thick as they were in WWF/WWE).
Next to The same people Andre has not really looked taller than Big Show.
Im Not saying Show is alot taller than Andre. Maybe an Inch.
Big Sow Maintained a Much More Muscular frame, on top of being faster and More Agile. Andre's Accent killed alot of his Mic. Big Show is quite entertaining at times.
Undertaker Frank said on 15/Feb/17
Jordan i Believe Show was more Agile than Andre but Taller ?? Show wore Big heeled soles & Possibly lifts Andre wore wrestling boots with a .5 heel in the ring I believe they would be real close in height
Jordan87 said on 15/Feb/17
Prime for Prime Big Show was taller, Heavier, stronger, faster, and Better on the Mic Than Andre the Giant. As I have said on the Andre Boards, if Show was around the same time, he would have been by far the better Big Man.
After the weight lost recently Show's posture has certainly improved. He looked to be a good 6'10 with Strowman.
berta said on 9/Feb/17
6 foot 11 peak 6 foot 10 now. give ore take half inch. and of course 1 inch taler in morning. that my guess.
No lie said on 7/Feb/17
I got really up close on the big show about 2 years back in San Jose wrestle mania, I'm telling you 110% real truth.. NO WAY BIG SHOW IS 7 FEET.... I WAS CLOSE.... HE WAS NOT MORE THAN ABOUT 6'8 IF YOU ASK ME
dicksock said on 6/Feb/17
Danimal said on 1/Feb/17
dicksock said on 30/Jan/17
I think now Big Show is 6'10.5"-6'11" and about 390 lbs. He is in great shape now.
Do people just want to ignore the fact that 7'0" MAX Shaq has several inches on him recently? How can anyone claim anything over 6'10" for him today (which is being generous)? Click Here
I don't believe Shaq is only 7' max. I think he's more like 7'1" and he's about 2/2.5" taller than Show. No way in the world is Show anything less than a solid 6'10". He looks too tall next to everyone else.
Mita said on 5/Feb/17
Compare big show and vince and andre and vince or triple h and big show and triple h with andre real height statue
Height Fanic said on 3/Feb/17
@ Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25)
Even in that picture the height difference between Show and Khali is very limited.
(A reminder is don't look at the height of their eyes because Show has a huge forehead)
Plus at that time he already put on a lot of weight and started to shrink.
Sean said on 2/Feb/17
Should be interesting to see Show vs Shaq at this years wrestle mania. Show's posture looks to have improved since he has lost weight, so the staredown with Shaq and Show at WM could be telling. IMO the difference will still be max 2" (maybe 1.5") difference:
Big Show: 6'10.5" barefoot, 7'0" in wrestling boots
Shaq: 7'0.5" barefoot, 7'2" in his sneakers
When it comes to Big Show's peak height, especially when he debuted in WCW back in 1995, you can make the case he was legit 7'0" tall and perhaps a little over - 7'0.25"-7'0.5".
mrtguy said on 1/Feb/17
Vegas, that supposed 6'11.5'' listed guy looks more 6'9'' range could be 6'10'', but Big Show looks much BIGGER than him
Danimal said on 1/Feb/17
dicksock said on 30/Jan/17
I think now Big Show is 6'10.5"-6'11" and about 390 lbs. He is in great shape now.
Do people just want to ignore the fact that 7'0" MAX Shaq has several inches on him recently? How can anyone claim anything over 6'10" for him today (which is being generous)?
Click Here
Vegas said on 31/Jan/17
A Man said on 30/Jan/17
It's perfectly believable too. If you want to see what legit 420-440 pounders look like near that height then look at Brian Shaw and
Hafthor Bjornsson. Thicker and more bodyfat.
Shaw and Thor don't look that much bigger than strowman
Click Here while wight still has some mass on strowman
Click Here
I would like to see this guy with wight, he had a tryout with WWE already and is billed 6'11 1/2 and 440lb in strongman
Click Here
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 30/Jan/17
GS1981 said on 30/Jan/17
i think he still is 7ft tall legit, maybe 7ft 2 at his peak
7ft2 is a joke for him. Great Khali is a legit 7ft1 and still he was taller than Big Show back in the day.
Click Here
Takerfan said on 30/Jan/17
Morgan said on 28/Jan/17
I'm 6'8'' and was wearing 1 inch Doc Marten boots. Me and a friend were in the 2nd row at a Raw show in Milwaukee and when Big show came out I was taller than him.
Doc martins with 4 inch heels maybe
dicksock said on 30/Jan/17
I think now Big Show is 6'10.5"-6'11" and about 390 lbs. He is in great shape now.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Jan/17
Rob, how likely is a little over 7ft peak?

Editor Rob
A Man said on 30/Jan/17
Show has said himself he's down to 395lbs and WWE are billing him that way.
It's perfectly believable too. If you want to see what legit 420-440 pounders look like near that height then look at Brian Shaw and
Hafthor Bjornsson. Thicker and more bodyfat.
mrtguy said on 30/Jan/17
But COME ON! Rob he looked significantly taller lately, and I think he could measure 7ft or very close to it if you had him stand on the stadiometer in the ring
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 30/Jan/17
Click Here
Strowman still in normal footwear, Big Show in his big soled and its max 4inches, more like 3.75.
Show has at least 0.5in more sole, could be up to 1 inch.
Strowman is max 6ft7in barefoot
Big Show is 6ft10.25 or a bit less barefoot
GS1981 said on 30/Jan/17
i think he still is 7ft tall legit, maybe 7ft 2 at his peak
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Jan/17
Definitely no less than 450lbs today. At his leanest he got down to 385-390lbs after the WWE threatened to fire him because he'd ballooned to over 500lbs.
rikashiku said on 30/Jan/17
Now a days Show is around 380-400lbs and looks great. Strowman announced on instagram, after weeks of intense cardio, that he dropped 40lbs from 390. He's been about 350 or so pounds for most of last year and hoenstly he suits this look. Very menacing.
mrtguy said on 29/Jan/17
Rob, do you think the 6'11'' listing is fair now or do you have to seem face to face with Shaq in order to change the mark??
Thank you for responding

Editor Rob
you can make a case for anywhere between 6ft 10 and 11.
Alex 2 said on 29/Jan/17
He easily has 12" on 5'11" CT Fletcher.
Mdv said on 28/Jan/17
Rob, do you think that the weight loss for show was useful to recover some height? He made lots of cardio and stretching and he abandoned lifting heavy weights for months...
Click Here
Height Fanic said on 28/Jan/17
@ Jordan87
I think in Monday pictures Strowman's arms were slightly bigger than Show's.
Of course in Show's 500ish pound days he was bigger in every way, but it's arguable who has the bigger built right now.
Morgan said on 28/Jan/17
I'm 6'8'' and was wearing 1 inch Doc Marten boots. Me and a friend were in the 2nd row at a Raw show in Milwaukee and when Big show came out I was taller than him.
Jordan87 said on 27/Jan/17
If Strowman is actually 385 pounds, Then the SHow is still over 400. He has the same build as Strowman and is at least 3" taller. Show says he is 370, Making Strowman about 350 in my book.
miko said on 27/Jan/17
Its hard to argue Show is looking any less than 6'11 with Strowman.
Remember from the eyes to the top of Big Show's head is around 5.5 inches.
Slim said on 26/Jan/17
Khali is taller than show so I didn't need to include him. Nash Morgan and Jones were not closer in height to show than Kane was. As for the other guys you mentioned. Never heard of them or seen them. I've seen Morgan without his lifts with Nash. Nash is taller by far.
RoelC said on 26/Jan/17
Vegas said on 26/Jan/17
As far as Monday night goes wight looked exceptionally tall, definitely more than 6'10. Whether that was due to camera angle, footwear or posture I am not sure
Posture definately played an important part
Click Here
Click Here
mrtguy said on 26/Jan/17
Joe said on 26/Jan/17
I'd say Paul is a good example of a solid 6'9" guy which is made all the more imposing when you factor in his current weight of 370 lbs. He looked noticeably larger than Braun Strowman on Raw this week who stands at 6'6.5" and weighs 360 lbs. He also drawfs Brock Lesnar who is 6'1" and 290 lbs.
WOW You must of had a coma or something, Big Show's height mostly comes from the head proportion, just like Andre 12 and over inch head.
Vegas said on 26/Jan/17
Slim said on 24/Jan/17
I knew all along Kane stacked up taller to big show than anyone else on the roster since the 90s.
Khali, Morgan, jones, nash (in 2002 and 2011) all stacked up better next to wight. Cottonwood, Jackson andrews, giant titan were certainly taller than Kane and Tron the northern Irish nightmare who was under contract for a while is easily taller than Kane in person.
As far as Monday night goes wight looked exceptionally tall, definitely more than 6'10. Whether that was due to camera angle, footwear or posture I am not sure
Joe said on 26/Jan/17
I'd say Paul is a good example of a solid 6'9" guy which is made all the more imposing when you factor in his current weight of 370 lbs. He looked noticeably larger than Braun Strowman on Raw this week who stands at 6'6.5" and weighs 360 lbs. He also drawfs Brock Lesnar who is 6'1" and 290 lbs.
Mark said on 25/Jan/17
Strowman is 199 cm (6 6 0.25). In the last video with Show he's about 4 inches shorter than him (take a look at the end of the video...cameras can easily confuse your mind due to different camera angles ). Yet Show has definitely a footwear advantage which brings the difference down to 3 inches or so. Therefore I still believe Show is 6 9 1/2 (207 cm). Maybe as said 6 10 as peak height (208 cm) in the morning/early afternoon. I'm curious to see him again next to Shaq at WM. That will make it more clear....
James B said on 25/Jan/17
Rob although he does look over 6'10 perhaps though strowman would look much taller compared to showif he was not so heavy and stood as well as big show.
I'd imagine strowman walks around at 6'6 with all his extra weight and not perfect posture unlike show.
Slim said on 24/Jan/17
I knew all along Kane stacked up taller to big show than anyone else on the roster since the 90s.
JT said on 24/Jan/17
Click Here Whatever Big Show weighs now, Strowman looks lighter. Not sure if it's weight-related but his posture has improved
Click Here
Strowman is obviously getting a bigger boost from his footwear here
Click Here
A Man said on 24/Jan/17
I wouldn't say he's dwarfing Strowman, the difference looks the same as ever. Maybe a tad more due to Show being able to straighten his back out a bit more now but there's still only about 3 inches in it.
Height Fanic said on 24/Jan/17
Thanks Miko for the footage, that's a very good 4 inches between them. Big Show's boots may give him 1~2cm advantage though.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 24/Jan/17
miko said on 24/Jan/17
Show has lost 70+ pounds and is now apparently down to 370lbs, and as you can see here it has hugely improved his posture.
He is dwarfing 6'7 Braun Strowman here... not something a 6'9 guy would do eh?
Strowman is back to normal soled footwear there and looks easy 4-4.5inches shorter, in bigger footwear it looked less than 3.5 in some matches.
Big Show has the footwearadvantage with his big soles in this staredown but I don´t see him under 6ft10.25in there.
Strowman did look under 6ft7in like 6ft6.5n during his early matches...
RoelC said on 24/Jan/17
miko said on 24/Jan/17
Show has lost 70+ pounds and is now apparently down to 370lbs, and as you can see here it has hugely improved his posture.
I don't know what he's been doing in the gym, but he hasn't look this good since 1997. Where his posture was pretty awful in the last decade, it's near perfect nowadays.
Click Here
Nothing wrong with his posture here. He's tilting his head a bit backwards, creating the illusion that the gap between him and Strowman is a bit bigger than it really is. He also has a slight camera advantage. Although the difference between them is probably close to 5 inches, when adjusting Big Show's head and putting it in a similar position as Strowman's head. Big Show has a footwear advantage, but probably no more than 0,5 inch.
Click Here
If Big Show is now 370lbs, how much would you say Strowman is. Big Show still is noticeably bigger than Strowman. I'd say he could be about 50lbs heavier than Strowman, especially since Big Show's bone structure is much larger than Strowman's.
James B said on 24/Jan/17
Rob how tall does big show look compared to Braun?
Click Here

Editor Rob
over 6ft 10, but how much?
miko said on 24/Jan/17
Show has lost 70+ pounds and is now apparently down to 370lbs, and as you can see here it has hugely improved his posture.
He is dwarfing 6'7 Braun Strowman here... not something a 6'9 guy would do eh?
Click Here
dinka said on 24/Jan/17
youd be super insecure of him if you never had an upper hand with a taller guy
dinka said on 24/Jan/17
7;1 when heavy
Height Fanic said on 23/Jan/17
@ Kunoichi:
You may also see Andre the Giant's life size figure at 7' 4".
Akebono is, or at least was much taller than 196 cm Bob Sapp.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 23/Jan/17
Boss said on 21/Jan/17
Here tallest Sumo measured is Akebono at 200cm.
Click Here
The head mark comes above 200cm, like 201-202cm.
Akebono always looked like Undertaker next to Big Show, so his evening height would be 201-202cm.
I saw him listed as high as 204cm in sumo, wich I think was a morning measurement.
Akebono page Rob?

Editor Rob
Akebono certainly could look a couple of inches over big Bob Sapp.
Vegas said on 21/Jan/17
Knoichi said on 18/Jan/17
I do not know exact Baba's peak height,However the size of the figure is 209 cm.It shows billed height of Baba in Japan.
I compared not Baba and Big Show but Baba's 209cm figure and big show.
That comparison has a 2005 big show at max 201cm
I met wight out of gear in 2005 and he was taller than that..
Boss said on 21/Jan/17
Here tallest Sumo measured is Akebono at 200cm.
Click Here
XMan said on 20/Jan/17
Hey Rob, I'd like to thank you for answering this question, but it's definitely intriguing do you think Big Show has the biggest and widest feet in the world I heard it's like 24 1/2 6E which is quite Huge for someone who is 7 foot??
Click Here

Editor Rob
there might be, but feet sizes aren't something I'm keeping up with, hard enough trying to figure just height 🤙🤙
Kunoichi said on 19/Jan/17
Another picture.
Click Here
Newspaper articles that convey Giant Baba's life-size (209 cm) figure.
Click Here
Kunoichi said on 19/Jan/17
Left rear row billed height 198cm Kaido Höövelson as "Baruto",Middle of the back row billed height 196cm Singh "Heart" Jaideep.
Click Here
Height Fanic said on 18/Jan/17
Akebono is 204cm so that figure cannot be 209cm.
Knoichi said on 18/Jan/17
I do not know exact Baba's peak height,However the size of the figure is 209 cm.It shows billed height of Baba in Japan.
I compared not Baba and Big Show but Baba's 209cm figure and big show.
Click Here
Guanzo said on 17/Jan/17
Knoichi said on 16/Jan/17
Andre the Giant's figure is 7'4''
Click Here
Figures do not show true size
Height Fanic said on 17/Jan/17
He admitted he was 537 lb at heaviest.
Height Fanic said on 17/Jan/17
It's a statue of Giant Baba, not he himself.
Cannot prove anything.
dicksock said on 17/Jan/17
Knoichi said on 16/Jan/17
Akebono and 209 cm Giant Baba's figure in 2016.
Click Here
Click Here
Big Show and Akebono
Click Here
They obviously exaggerated Baba's height and size in that figure. He was several inches shorter than 6'11" max Andre in the late 80s and was the same height as 6'8" Tyler Mane in 1990. Baba was in the 6'8" range in his prime and Big Show was a solid 6'11" guy and possibly 7' in his prime. Akebono is 6'7"-6'8" himself and would only be a little shorter than Baba.
Mark said on 17/Jan/17
JT I already modified my estimation for Big Cass @ 6 8 1/2 (204 cm).
The point is that footwear has big influence on the height of these guys. In my opinion Big Show normally wears boots who can lift him by 2 inches. As a matter of fact when he wears dress shoes or sneakers he is definitely shorter! Same for Shaq O' Neal. I am not changing my mind on Show height (207 cm) and I agree on Shaq height (213 cm as he is shorter than Jabbar by 4 cm today. Kareem is no more than 217 as we was 218 when he was young). Of course my estimations consider an average height of whole day (for Guinness World Record measurement the rule is to take three measurement during the day - morning, afternoon, evening - and then calculate the average height).
Relevant Undertaker he is shorter than Strowman who is a couple of inches shorter than Big Cass (199 cm). My guess for Taker is therefore197 cm. Kane is in between the two (198 cm). When he's next to Taker there is a very small difference (half inch).
Guanzo said on 16/Jan/17
Tank said on 16/Jan/17
Brahim Takioullah is 31
JT said on 16/Jan/17
Mark said on 8/Jan/17
My estimation about some tall wrestlers (height in centimeters rounded off):
Big Show: 6 9 1/2 (207 cm)
Big Cass: 6 9 1/2 (207 cm)
Click Here
Tank said on 16/Jan/17
Rob, do you think Big Show deserves world record title for Biggest Feet/Shoes I heard it 22 1/2 10E and Sultan Kosen only wears size 21??
MelvinJones56 said on 15/Jan/17
Do you think Big Show ever weighed 600 pounds?
Big Benz said on 14/Jan/17
No Way Taker even now is 6'5.5, He looked 1-2 cm taller than 6'6 Ali Baba from this site.
Height Fanic said on 13/Jan/17
One question: Can anyone tell me how large his 18 EEEEE shoes are?
How does that compared to, say Shaq's 23 shoes?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Jan/17
He was 570-590lbs at his heaviest.
Si said on 10/Jan/17
I remember reading something years ago about how Big Show in 2006 purposely gained weight in the build up to the Lashley match because he wanted to be his biggest ever. I think he'd been steadily creeping over 510-520 but ate his way over 550 lbs at the end of 2006 and Lashley could barely lift him. He wanted to be huge like Andre I heard, by the look of him he was too
Mark said on 9/Jan/17
Please take a look at the Andre the Giant Battle Royal at Wrestlemania 32. Shaq is way taller than Show and Kane. If Shaq is 7 ft then Kane can't be more than 6 ft 6 (198 cm) and Show can't be taller than 6 ft 9 1/2 (207 cm)...I can say 6 ft 8.25 for Big Cass (204 cm) since he's variously listed at 6 ft 8 or 6 ft 9 and have double-checked his footwear...but can't change my mind for Kane and Show... Talking about tall wrestlers Braun Strawman is 6ft 6 1/2 (199 cm) to me, slightly taller than Taker (197 cm).
James B said on 9/Jan/17
Big Cass also claims 6'10 here at 0:08 but you can tell he's lying by his body language
Click Here
miko said on 9/Jan/17
Cass looks somewhere in the 6'8/6'8.5 range, he had around 2 inches on Strowman.
As Vegas said Big Show looks noticeably taller than him, certainly 3 inch range.
Guanzo said on 9/Jan/17
6'9.5'' barefoot
6'11-6'10.5'' in wrestling boots
mrtguy said on 9/Jan/17
JoeyT said on 8/Jan/17
Big shows way taller than Big Cass who's 6'9 (according to the man himself) and also Kane is well over 6'6. look at him next to Corbin who measured 6'6.5 in the NFL and he's at least an inch taller
Cass is 6'8'' he was listed that height in basketball, the only reason he could pass as taller is with that small head
JoeyT said on 8/Jan/17
Big shows way taller than Big Cass who's 6'9 (according to the man himself) and also Kane is well over 6'6. look at him next to Corbin who measured 6'6.5 in the NFL and he's at least an inch taller
Vegas said on 8/Jan/17
Mark said on 8/Jan/17
My estimation about some tall wrestlers (height in centimeters rounded off):
Big Show: 6 9 1/2 (207 cm)
Big Cass: 6 9 1/2 (207 cm)
Wight and Cass are not same height. They have tagged together and also been filmed/photographed out of gear and wight is noticeably taller
Not sure about in gear but barefoot Cass isn't taker than 6'8 looking at him next to guys in developmental who have verified nfl combine measurements
Mark said on 8/Jan/17
My estimation about some tall wrestlers (height in centimeters rounded off):
Big Show: 6 9 1/2 (207 cm)
Big Cass: 6 9 1/2 (207 cm)
Kane: 6 6 (198 cm)
Undertaker: 6 5 1/2 (197 cm)
Randy Orton: 6 4 1/2 (194 cm)
Current heights, some of them were taller in the past (Show, Kane, Undertaker) but due to age, weight and matches they lost height.
mrtguy said on 4/Jan/17
Big Show and Andre both have very gigantic head's for their height and relatively long torsos so that will do no good for looking taller
dicksock said on 4/Jan/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 4/Jan/17
Click Here
I put Nash one inch taller than Mane, keep in mind Mane had footwearadvantage over old Andre and Nash, Big Show has the biggest sole of them all and is standing as straight as it gets...
Andre and Paul were pretty even regarding their peak evening height, both between 6ft11 - 6ft11.5in
Great job on that. I think that is as good as it gets. It is clearly how they would all stack up next to each other.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 4/Jan/17
Click Here
I put Nash one inch taller than Mane, keep in mind Mane had footwearadvantage over old Andre and Nash, Big Show has the biggest sole of them all and is standing as straight as it gets...
Andre and Paul were pretty even regarding their peak evening height, both between 6ft11 - 6ft11.5in
dicksock said on 3/Jan/17
I found this footage of Big Show and Nash together at the end of WW3 in 1996:
Click Here
It is very interesting. Both were in ring gear, and there are times when Show only looked 1" taller. There are times when he looked 3" taller. We know Nash was no more than 6'9" because of how he stacked up next to 6'8 range Tyler Mane. One thing I can say is this should completely destroy the people who think peak Paul Wight was like 2-3" taller than a peak Andre. Andre in 1990 stacked up as good next to Tyler Mane than a peak Paul Wight did next to Nash. Once again, we know that Nash and Mane were virtually the same height.
Heightcrazyred, you should make some screencaps from this footage. Maybe compare it with Andre and Mane. Based on everything I've seen, I would go with 6'11.5" prime and 6'10.5" now. Just the same as Andre.
dicksock said on 3/Jan/17
Joey said on 1/Jan/17
Big show with the 5'11 bofybuilder Ct Fletcher
Click Here
He looks about 6'11" there (assuming that guy is actually 5'11"). I would say he looks 7', but look at his footwear. His wrestling boots literally give him as much or more of a boost than Andre's cowboy boots gave him.
Joey said on 1/Jan/17
Big show with the 5'11 bofybuilder Ct Fletcher
Click Here
mrtguy said on 1/Jan/17
Oh and here's Adam Scherr next to CT Fletcher, Big Show by far looks much taller next to CT than Adam/Braun Strowman does
Click Here
James B said on 1/Jan/17
LOL you know your are one big mothergoogleer when you makes James Avery look small height wise and weight wise.
Takerfan said on 1/Jan/17
Click Here
You guys do the math.. With 6'5 listed James Avery
Slim said on 31/Dec/16
Kevin Nash has said big show wore "platforms" is nobody going to talk about how much shorter big show is than Shaq? Both are in dress shoes so there is no "wrestling magic" going on with footwear. Even shaqs son looks taller than big show.
Simon said on 30/Dec/16
Shoe certainly was 7'0, but whether he is now i dunno. I'd say he's around 6'10.5 now.
Patrick said on 28/Dec/16
Just over 7' peak and 6'10 1/2" today.
day day said on 26/Dec/16
7'1 peak 6'11 now
mrtguy said on 24/Dec/16
Rob, this quote is worth adding
Click Here
Teo74 said on 24/Dec/16
Didn't Kevin Nash and Reis (forget his first name) accuse him of wearing lifts during WCW? Idk about that but it's certainly interesting.
He was listed as "7'1 and 325 pounds" in his college basketball profile. I'd give him that in his prime. I'd like to believe that he's still a legit 7'0 nowadays but he probably is just a bit under.
I don't agree with people claiming he's 6'9 and under.
mrtguy said on 23/Dec/16
Edimar1.82cm said on 23/Dec/16
He is never 6ft10, he's looks like 6ft9 no more.
You need HELP, Big Show had at least 3'' on Kevin look at the top of both of their heads
Click Here
Edimar1.82cm said on 23/Dec/16
He is never 6ft10, he's looks like 6ft9 no more.
James B said on 21/Dec/16
Vegas I am referring to the challenger that rob measured at 6'5.25
John B said on 21/Dec/16
Big Show losing a bit of height these days, coming up to 45 years of age, he was once billed 7'3 back in the day of WCW, WWE had him 7'4 - 7'3 now 7 foot but he Looked a good 7 feet tall legit....but now 6'10. Same thing happened to Andre The Giant the height just drops off them as they get older.
Height Fanic said on 20/Dec/16
Guanzo unless you didn't notice the camera was not held horizontally...
mrtguy said on 20/Dec/16
Vegas,Big Show easily has 5-5.5 inches on Trace
zaq said on 20/Dec/16
look at a pic of big show with braun strowman, they seem to be the same height almost, Braun is billed at 6'8 so somethings not right here, i dont see more than a inch difference with braun and big show
Vegas said on 19/Dec/16
James B said on 18/Dec/16
Rob in regards to marks pic of orton and big show.......I bet if challenger 15 stood next to big show with perfect posture in that photo there would not be a big difference between them would there?
JT posted a recent photo of a 6'5.3 barefoot measured guy and big show (same as challenger 15)
Click Here
I doubt challenger 15 is taller than Trace Adkins
Click Here
mrtguy said on 19/Dec/16
Si said on 19/Dec/16
I think Big Show was pushing 550 back in 2005-06. Towards the end of Ecw run he was getting so huge he barely fit in his black singlet. I always thought he looked more of a giant when he was BIG, I liked the monstrously sized Show but was not good for health reasons to be that big obviously
Yeah, I agree with you Big Show definitely looked heavier than Big Daddy V for sure, his arms looked unreal
Click Here
George MacAree's chest was 76''
Click Here and he is short. I reckon Big Show's chest had to be 80 inches especially with his width and acromegalic build. Big Show was probably around 555-570 Pounds at his heaviest if you seen his match with Lashely it just says it all
Si said on 19/Dec/16
I think Big Show was pushing 550 back in 2005-06. Towards the end of Ecw run he was getting so huge he barely fit in his black singlet. I always thought he looked more of a giant when he was BIG, I liked the monstrously sized Show but was not good for health reasons to be that big obviously
James B said on 18/Dec/16
Rob in regards to marks pic of orton and big show.......I bet if challenger 15 stood next to big show with perfect posture in that photo there would not be a big difference between them would there?
Mark said on 17/Dec/16
Please take a look at this recent pic
Click Here.
Randy is said to be 193 cm tall on this website (in my opinion he's 194 cm tall) but anyway how can anyone say that Show is 16 or 17 cm taller than him?
Show is 207 cm (6ft 9.5 in) tall.
Slim said on 17/Dec/16
Holly Hell at the vid of Nash being taller than show. "Forced perspective"? Why would they TRY to make Nash look taller than their GIANT? Is this why Nash always said he was the one true giant??? Yeah... show wore platforms as Nash has stated in an interview. Nash never wore those and he was close to shows height so show without lifts, is possibly shorter..
RP said on 15/Dec/16
DickSock! Pro wrestling has a history of sticking guys at their designated billed weights, even if they lose a bunch of weight...or gain in some cases such as Adrian Adonis. Big Show had been down to 415-420 lbs for several months, but...WWE was still billing him @ 450 lbs & 441 lbs! Back several years ago when he got huge & gained massive weight & was in the 470-500 lbs range, WWE were billing him @ 475/485, sometimes 500! They Kept him at those billings for over a year after he dropped back down to 440-450. Was just saying it was refreshing to see them actually announce someone at the true legit current weight. They've only done that a handful of times over the 30-40 years. Especially when they want to portray a 7'0" & 450 lbs giant... Like I said, it was refreshing to see, since they had still been billing him at 450 & 441 for months,...when he was actually 420-ish. Just like with Andre who was legitimately 500 lbs to 520 lbs in 1986-early 1988...however, in late 1988/early 1989 Andre had briefly dropped back down to 470-480 lbs...but, was still being billed @ 520 lbs. So, yes ...a lot of times pro wrestlers true weights are a "secret"...just like there true heights. Even Big Show laughed his ass off at the thought of WCW billing him @ 7'4" back in the 1990's!
mrtguy said on 14/Dec/16
Mark said on 13/Dec/16
Show is 207 cm tall (6ft 9.5in). If you take a look at him next to Randy Orton in recent pics he's roughly 13 taller than him. I met Randy a few years ago. He's 194 cm tall (6ft 4.5 in).
Moreover at a recent show Shaq was clearly taller than him. If you consider that Shaq is 213 cm tall (7ft) Show can't be taller than 207 cm. He lost height throughout the years due to weight and wrestling matches...He was 211 cm tall (6ft 11in) at his peak. Rob what is your opinion? Thanks
6'9.5'' is too low for Big Show now
Mark said on 13/Dec/16
Show is 207 cm tall (6ft 9.5in). If you take a look at him next to Randy Orton in recent pics he's roughly 13 taller than him. I met Randy a few years ago. He's 194 cm tall (6ft 4.5 in).
Moreover at a recent show Shaq was clearly taller than him. If you consider that Shaq is 213 cm tall (7ft) Show can't be taller than 207 cm. He lost height throughout the years due to weight and wrestling matches...He was 211 cm tall (6ft 11in) at his peak. Rob what is your opinion? Thanks
Viktor said on 13/Dec/16
Big Show had at least 5 inches on Rollins last week. Rollins is 6´1
Big Show looked like he was 7'0 in that staredown. He looked really tall. His posture was better so he may have add an inch to his height.
Vegas said on 12/Dec/16
That nash and wight video is interesting because it does show that not even video can be trusted fully
If that was an NBA player there instead of nash I bet reaction would be completely different
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 12/Dec/16
Guanzo said on 10/Dec/16
Kevin Nash is taller than Big Show go watch 01:00
Watch the whole vid, in ring Big Show is ~ 2inches taller
Aza said on 12/Dec/16
He looks fantastic....great credit to The Show!
Grizzly said on 12/Dec/16
Rob, do you think Big Show can chokeslam Sultan??
Strong 5ft9 said on 11/Dec/16
@Guanzo not a very good angle to estimate people's height. Search up forced perspective, and you'll know what the hell i am talking about.
A Man said on 11/Dec/16
@ Guanzo, that is an interesting piece of footage. There is too much other evidence of Show being taller than Nash to ignore though. I suspect some camera and footwear trickery here.
Viktor said on 11/Dec/16
Rob what does that mean exactly?

Editor Rob
Viktor, it's a bit of humour 😉
miko said on 11/Dec/16
He did look at least 10 inches taller than Rollins on RAW last week. And Rollins is nothing under 6'1.
Guanzo said on 10/Dec/16
Kevin Nash is taller than Big Show go watch 01:00
Click Here
mrtguy said on 10/Dec/16
Big Show wears a size 20 Shoes
dicksock said on 10/Dec/16
RP said on 7/Dec/16
Even WWE on Monday Night Raw on 12/05/16 openly admitted that Big Show is now down to 395 lbs !!!!
Was it supposed to be a secret? I'm sure Big Show and WWE are proud of his weight loss. He looks good.
RP said on 7/Dec/16
Even WWE on Monday Night Raw on 12/05/16 openly admitted that Big Show is now down to 395 lbs !!!!
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 7/Dec/16
cobra said on 3/Dec/16
If you actually look at what they are wearing in the ring, Big Show does not have a footwear advantage.
You can say Big Shows sole is at least, what he gets in height.
You can NOT say how much Shaqs shoes add really, its design outside, not the height the shoes are inside.
We know they were both in dress shoes
Click Here at the red carpet,
we know the gap
Click Here was more than in ring...
so that´s a big point to Show having footwear advantage in ring...
cobra said on 3/Dec/16
"@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 2/Dec/16
They were both in dress shoes at the red carpet and the gap was bigger than in ring, so Big Show has the footwear advantage in ring."
If you actually look at what they are wearing in the ring, Big Show does not have a footwear advantage. They've never looked as far apart in the ring as they did on the red carpet, so my only conclusion is big show was slouching heavily which he tends to do given his weight, and which people can do in tight suits.
day day said on 3/Dec/16
he said he weighs 396lbs now and was a shade over 7ft wcw days
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 2/Dec/16
They were both in dress shoes at the red carpet and the gap was bigger than in ring, so Big Show has the footwear advantage in ring.
cobra said on 1/Dec/16
Comparisons with Shaq need to be taken with a grain of salt when Shaq wears basketball shoes. His basketball shoes are the biggest I've ever seen, he has to be getting 2-3 inches from them.
Slon said on 30/Nov/16
Hi Rob, in comparison , you wouldn't think his head is bigger than Big Show... right??
Click Here
Click Here
Slon said on 30/Nov/16
Rob, at any rate Big Show and Brahim Takioullah's head length are similar the reason Brahim's head can give longer impression is because his head is thinner and has a very thin physique. Big Show on the other hand, has a chest as wide as 70'' and is very bulky guy so in pictures it will obviously will not look massive, but in person you'd be surprised how HUGE Big Show's head is.
Slon said on 26/Nov/16
Rob, doesn't this picture look similar to the top picture of Big Show, but only MUCH taller
Click Here ??

Editor Rob
in a way it does Slon, but Big Show's head is smaller than his.
James B said on 25/Nov/16
Do you think big show was a little over 7'0 peak rob?

Editor Rob
he might have measured that mark James, but it could be 10-11am.
RoelC said on 25/Nov/16
Vegas said on 23/Nov/16
Roel have you heard of big show having any major surgery like Danimal is claiming?
No I haven't. I believe he had some knee surgery in the past, but certainly no neck surgery, back surgery or a hip replacements. Those surgeries would've sidelined him for a number of months (neck surgery even close to a year). The only time Big Show ever took that amount of time from wrestling was in 2007. And he didn't have any surgeries during those months.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 25/Nov/16
cobra said on 24/Nov/16
Big Show talks about his height here at 2:30:
Click Here
Nice find.
I could believe that for a morning measurement or height in footwear.
He is obviously nowhere near seven feet next to Shaq, let alone over it.
He is also not talking about his heightloss, wich is also obvious.
Elite said on 24/Nov/16
Seems 2 inches shorter than Shaq. Show 6'9.5 Shaq 6'11.5
berta said on 24/Nov/16
i dont know, he has never looked 7 foot to me more like the height he is listed tehse days
cobra said on 24/Nov/16
Big Show talks about his height here at 2:30:
Click Here

Editor Rob
it's a very specific mention, not unbelievable he did measure that mark.
cobra said on 24/Nov/16
Big Show talks about his height here at 2:30:
Click Here
Slim said on 23/Nov/16
Whaaaaaaatt???? Look how much taller shaq is than show. That is MORE than 2" difference. I'll put my life on that. Shaqs son even looks taller than show. Wth????
Vegas said on 23/Nov/16
Haystacks a year prior to him debuting in wcw, Gary lineker the guy on the right was a very famous English soccer (football) player was both listed and claimed 5'9..haystacks doesn't look minimum 6'7 there next to a 5'9 guy
Click Here
Roel have you heard of big show having any major surgery like Danimal is claiming?
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Nov/16
JT said on 21/Nov/16
Big Show had around 3 inches on Nash in comparable footwear back in the early 2000s. Click Here Big Show has lost height but most is probably posture-related. There's a good deal of whiplash head movement in wrestling so he may have developed some osteoarthritis and resulting kyphosis in his neck.
osteoarthritis and resulting kyphosis in his neck??
That counts double or triple for Andre, you can´t have it both ways.
Big Show with his biggest WCW-boots had never more than 3inches on Nash, if that.
So how can he be 3inches taller in comparable footwear?
Big Show was max 2inches taller than Nash, both barefoot.
If it was Andre you would´ve said he lifts a foot up and gains height in your pic.
Big Show has lost height, I agree
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Nov/16
Kunoichi said on 21/Nov/16
I tried an app that estimates the height from the image.With Akebono's height was 200 cm,Show's height was 208cm,
Ring gear Haystacks's height was 197cm.
Click Here
Wich heights do you have again for Akebono?
Imo he wasn´t full 2,03m /6´8.25"evening facing Big Show, more like 2,02m,
Haystacks wasn´t under 1,98m /6´6" barefoot, 2m /6´6.75 in ring gear there,
Big Show was 2,11m /6´11" barefoot and in WCW gear 2,15m-2,16m.
The App sounds good regarding the gap.
Slon said on 22/Nov/16
JT, here's a pic of Sultan Kosen and a guy in the blue shirt is 6'10'' is this how you really picture Big Show next to Kosen ??
Click Here
JT said on 21/Nov/16
Big Show had around 3 inches on Nash in comparable footwear back in the early 2000s.
Click Here Big Show has lost height but most is probably posture-related. There's a good deal of whiplash head movement in wrestling so he may have developed some osteoarthritis and resulting kyphosis in his neck.
Boss said on 21/Nov/16
Big show wore lifts.
Kunoichi said on 21/Nov/16
I tried an app that estimates the height from the image.With Akebono's height was 200 cm,Show's height was 208cm,
Ring gear Haystacks's height was 197cm.
Click Here
Shuvayu said on 21/Nov/16
Click Here vegas see this pic.... kane's just 3 inches shorter
Danimal said on 20/Nov/16
RP said on 17/Nov/16
Those stock exchange pics are showing Paul is now only 6'10" barefoot
It's crazy considering how much height Big Show had on Kevin Nash (who I believe was 6'10" at the time in the WCW in the mid-late 90's. Hogan at that time was same height as 6'5" Scott Hall and Ted Dibiase was 6'3". He also TOWERED over minimum 6'7" Lochness.
Big Show was a legit 7'0.5" (could pull off a full 7'1") guy back then (he was listed as 7'1" in college basketball). His neck was very long (today he had no neck due to neck surgery). His upper torso was longer back then (he's had back surgeries). His legs were longer then too (he's had hip replacement surgery as well).
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
RP said on 20/Nov/16
Vegas, first time I've seen that pic of Show & Kane...others were from different angles that pic, Show looks exactly 5" taller than Kane.
andre said on 20/Nov/16
I doubt big show is taller then 6ft9.5 barefeet those days
Vegas said on 19/Nov/16
RP said on 17/Nov/16
Those stock exchange pics are showing Paul is now only 6'10" barefoot, if Glen is 6'7" barefoot
Its funny because if someone posted this and the guy on the left was a measured 6'10 nba star I bet many here would be estimating kanes heights in 6'4 range based on that single shot :)
Click Here
Kane to me looks more than 14cm taller than Miz in this photo
Click Here
miko said on 18/Nov/16
Just remember though, lets say Show is a flat 6'10 these days, which isn't impossible of course, it would in turn affect other wrestlers heights adversely.
Kane would be pushed down to 6'6 range for starters. Khali would be barely over 6'11, Show was around 1 inch shorter than him in most staredowns 5 years ago, and most would say that he always looked 7'1 range.
I still believe that in maximum posture he is closer to 6'11 than 6'10, he always manages to squeeze out extra height in staredowns if he is nose to nose with somebody and giving it everything, like he did with Khali, and Shaq a few years ago. In normal posture/slouching he can look a lot shorter.
Someone mentioned him being 6'9 on this site recently, now that is a joke.
RP said on 17/Nov/16
Those stock exchange pics are showing Paul is now only 6'10" barefoot, if Glen is 6'7" barefoot?... Also looks 6'10" to 6'10.5" with The Miz.
cobra said on 17/Nov/16
Hard to gauge his height given footwear and the fact that it appears he slouches a lot(400+ pounds will do that).
In his youth probably 7 foot. Nowadays anywhere from 6-10 to 6-11.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Nov/16
Vegas said on 17/Nov/16
Big show and Kane out of gear and in dress shoes in August this year
Video Click Here
Big Show looks ~9cm taller than Kane - Show is a bit closer to the camera,
Kane looks max 14cm-15cm taller than the Miz.
If Big Show is 6ft10 flat, Kane is 6ft6.25in and Miz 6ft0.25in - sounds pretty legit
Vegas said on 17/Nov/16
Big show and Kane out of gear and in dress shoes in August this year
Click Here
Click Here
Danimal said on 16/Nov/16
Rob are you just going to ignore this insane height difference between Shaq (who is 7'0" barefoot) and Big Show today? You're telling me there is 1.5" height difference between the 2 of them? Really?
Click Here

Editor Rob
I think it is probably fair to say it looked a good 2 inches, whether Show is only 6ft 10 or Shaq is a bit over 7ft is harder to say.
Show at 6ft 10 flat is entirely possible.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 12/Nov/16
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 11/Nov/16
That was a long time ago, before either of them lost any height. Nash was at least 6ft9.5 at the time, plus he had a camera angle advantage over Show. He had a good 2.5 inches over Nash.
Wrong, watch the whole vid I posted, noway 2.5in between them if footwear is equal.
Barefoot it's 1.5-2in between them.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 11/Nov/16
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Nov/16
Rob, this is not a legit 7ft man next to 6ft9in Nash.
Click Here
please change to 6ft11in
That was a long time ago, before either of them lost any height. Nash was at least 6ft9.5 at the time, plus he had a camera angle advantage over Show. He had a good 2.5 inches over Nash.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Nov/16
Rob, this is not a legit 7ft man next to 6ft9in Nash.
Click Here
please change to 6ft11in
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 9/Nov/16
Vegas said on 27/Oct/16
,,,taker have no combat experience to my knowledge so they would have to learn everything from scratch and that would take years
Taker is a black belt in BJJ trained by Rolles Gracie.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 9/Nov/16
Click Here
Without his big soled boots he struggeld to look much taller than 6'9in Nash in WCW.
peak 6ft11.25in
today 6ft10in-6ft10.25"
Guanzo said on 7/Nov/16
Kevin Garnett is 7 ft with shoes
Captain YG said on 7/Nov/16
Rob, when you picture Big Show next to Sultan do you think it will look short but NOT small??

Editor Rob
it will be a big enough difference, but the bulkiness of Big Show might still be an impressive sight beside Sultan.
S.J.H said on 6/Nov/16
People have their choice to manipulate the truth. But not just i see 2" differences from shaq and big show and even my cousins i asked and my friend agree big show look 6'10 at most with shaq besides that big show have boots on and shaq dress shoes. People should keep in mind a fact..
drummer7777 said on 4/Nov/16
True that is photo shop and it would seem to prove accurate according to "DraftExpress" showing Shaq to be 7'0 feet without shoes and that photoshop picture showing Shaq in the 7'1 range with shoes on..... heights will vary with shoes...
S.J.H said on 4/Nov/16
I thought big show look 2" shorter than a 7 footer shaquille o'neal. If anyone buy this 6'10.5 then shaquille o'neal would be 7'0.5
Big Show 208cm
Shaquille O'neal 213cm
Captain YG said on 4/Nov/16
Rob, don't you think Michael Kingma can be 6'8'' I mean he looks it with you but he has giant head, but not as big as Andre's or Big Show??

Editor Rob
I think he'd measure over it a bit.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 1/Nov/16
"Big Show's Height is 6ft 10.75in (210.2 cm)"
"Peak Height was 7ft 0in (213.4 cm)"
@Heightcrazyred6ft said on 29/Oct/16
Vegas I'm pretty sure Lesnar was raised with roids...
sid said on 28/Oct/16
Vegas kane wrestled in Japan, using combat moves. If I had a link I would show you
JT said on 27/Oct/16
drummer7777 said on 24/Oct/16
Click Here
That's a photoshopped pic.
Click Here
Vegas said on 27/Oct/16
lesnar was a worldclass amateur wrestler with an insane 106-5 ncaa division 1 record so mma came natural to him especially takedowns
Kane and taker have no combat experience to my knowledge so they would have to learn everything from scratch and that would take years
JT said on 26/Oct/16
Recent pic of Big Show with football players who measured 5 ft. 7.6 and 6 ft. 5.3
Click Here
Vegas said on 26/Oct/16
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Oct/16
He's not agile at all...
For a guy in his mid 40s and 400lb+ he is pretty freaking agile including pulling off flying top rope elbow drops
He wouldn't do much in mma though as he isn't trained in any martial art or real wrestling. Akebono and Giant Silva were useless in mma. The pro wrestlers that have done well in mma (Shamrock, Severn, Lesnar, Lashley) all had strong amateur backgrounds. Angle in his peak, swagger, ziggler would have done well in mma most likely..undertaker, Kane, nash, rock and austin not so much
dicksock said on 25/Oct/16
drummer7777 said on 24/Oct/16
Click Here
That ruler also has 8'11"
Robert Wadlow at 8'7" if you take away his hair and 8'8" if you count his hair.
Guanzo said on 24/Oct/16
Click Here
watch 0:00 to 0:07 with slow motion (0.25s) big show's shoes are big soled
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Oct/16
He's not agile at all...
James B said on 22/Oct/16
mrtguy- and the guy who's jaw was broken was 6'6
Guanzo said on 22/Oct/16
Akebono measured 6'8 1/3" for sumo. Even if he'd lost a little height by then, his posture is better than Big Show's
Click Here
That makes a 6'11-1/2" barefoot Paul Wight .
Guanzo said on 22/Oct/16
Shaq peak is 7'2'' (morning with big boots)
Shaq today 214-215cm
Shaq night 213-213.5cm
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Oct/16
@James B: He probably wouldn't survive on size alone in a fight. A trained MMA fighter whose a foot shorter than him could take him down
dewie said on 21/Oct/16
Khali 7ft1 show 7ft0 taker 6ft8.5 kane 6ft8 peak height barefoot
joe### said on 20/Oct/16
shaq is not 7'2 it is shorter kareem abdul jabba
Guanzo said on 19/Oct/16
Who said he was 6'8?
Alex 2 said on 17/Oct/16
No way he is below 6'11" today when standing fully upright compared to 7'1" Shaq, and was likely a hair above 7'0" at his peak. There is NO chance he has lost 2" by his age is rediculous.
Lars said on 15/Oct/16
I have doubt Shaq was under 7'2'' on the red carpet, as he was still noticeably taller than his 6'8'' son who had his hair pointing upward.
James B said on 14/Oct/16
Call him pig show to his face Leonard and tell us the story of how you kicked his ass :-)
Duhon said on 13/Oct/16
How would
Hafthor Bjornsson (The Mountain) from Game of Thrones stack up next to Big Show at this point? Would Big Show look very noticeably bigger?

Editor Rob
he might not look much taller than hafthor.
aza said on 12/Oct/16
he's a little shorter than 7''2' shaq
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 12/Oct/16
Danimal said on 1/Oct/16
Rob, Big Show is being dwarfed by 6'11.75" Shaq. He's struggling with 6'8" here. No way is he 6'10.5". Do you honestly see only 1.5" difference Rob? This is a very recent video. It's right there for you to see his tremendous height loss: Click Here
Shaq isn't under 7'0".
RP said on 6/Oct/16
I heard that it was later admitted that the person misheard & misspoke Big Show's size...said (6'7") when it was supposed to be (6'11")...and said (325), when was supposed to have said (425)... And 6'11" & 425 is very, very believable & most likely the accurate truth right now.
kingkong56 said on 5/Oct/16
Claims for BS under 6'10 are ridiculous.
Michael said on 4/Oct/16
Shaq is 7-2 in sneakers without(!) standing fully stretched out.
I´m 5-9,75 and I´m 0,75" to 1" taller when I´m standing fully stretched out.
Strong 5ft9 said on 3/Oct/16
Big Show may not look like he can clear 7 feet these days but there's no way he's 6'7" and 325 lbs. Looks way bigger than that.
kingkong56 said on 3/Oct/16
Looked every bit a giant during his early years. Possibly could have maxed at 7'0.5. Gives a 6'10.5 impression now mainly owing to poor posture, but still a good 6'11 potentially.
MIncer said on 2/Oct/16
Who said he was 6'7?
miko said on 2/Oct/16
6'8 Big Show is hilarity...
dicksock said on 1/Oct/16
Danimal said on 1/Oct/16
Rob, Big Show is being dwarfed by 6'11.75" Shaq. He's struggling with 6'8" here. No way is he 6'10.5". Do you honestly see only 1.5" difference Rob? This is a very recent video. It's right there for you to see his tremendous height loss: Click Here
We have been commenting on that video for months now. I don't where you're getting 6'11.75" for Shaq when he is 7'2" in sneakers. Shaq is 7'1" and Show is about 6'10.5" and was never above 7'. 6'8" is absurd for Big Show. He is still about 4" taller than 6'6" minimum Kane.
Danimal said on 1/Oct/16
Rob, Big Show is being dwarfed by 6'11.75" Shaq. He's struggling with 6'8" here. No way is he 6'10.5". Do you honestly see only 1.5" difference Rob? This is a very recent video. It's right there for you to see his tremendous height loss:
Click Here
Danimal said on 1/Oct/16
Rob, Big Show is being dwarfed by 6'11.75" Shaq. He's struggling with 6'8" here. No way is he 6'10.5". Do you honestly see only 1.5" difference Rob? This is a very recent video. It's right there for you to see his tremendous height loss:
Click Here

Editor Rob
he can look a couple of inches smaller, but I wouldn't have said 3 inches though.
buklau said on 29/Sep/16
in that wwe faceoff big show was about an inch to an inch and a half shorter than shaq, whos listed as 7 feet 1 with shoes on. No way big show is 7 feet tall.
NCL said on 27/Sep/16
I posted something similar on the Andre page:
I've been seeing the Shaq photo floating around celebheights (credit to whomever posted it first). I was actually just at Ripley's last weekend. Here is a photo of myself in sneakers next to the height ruler:
Click Here and myself barefoot next to the height ruler:
Click Here and here is Shaq next to the height ruler:
Click Here
My photos were taken around 11:30am. I believe barefoot I'm about 5'10.25" and in my sneakers somewhere around 5'11.5"-5'11.75" (I may appear a bit taller but it's because of my hair. If you look closely you can see the top of my scalp LOL)
I propose anyone here who is good at photoshop to use these pictures to help with debating Big Show's height. It looks like there's a 2" difference between Shaq and Show here, right?
Click Here anyone good at photoshop want to superimpose Big Show against the height ruler and match it up with photos with guys that are around 5'10"-6'?
I'd recommend using my barefoot photo (where I'm a little over 5'10") cuz I think it's a better angle.
I'm not good at photoshop so I don't know how feasible this is with camera angles and everything, but I figured it'd be worth a shot to ask.
Dustin said on 26/Sep/16
Show wore big ass boots as the Giant in WCW.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Sep/16
dewie just curios, how old are you?
dewie said on 25/Sep/16
Big show 7ft2 nash 6ft9 in the 90s pics
Danimal said on 24/Sep/16
Kevin Nash and Big Show back in the mid-late 90's:
Click Here
Kevin Nash and Big Show in recent times:
Click Here
dicksock said on 23/Sep/16
It should be 100% obvious to anyone that Shaq is at least 2" taller than Big Show. If you can't see that, you're delusional. Just look at them together at the ESPYs. Enough bs excuses. It's beyond obvious that Shaq is at least 2" taller and maybe closer to 3.
Guanzo said on 23/Sep/16
big show 6'11
shaq 7'0.5
this video;
big show 6'9-10
Shaq 7'1
Click Here
Nelson said on 22/Sep/16
He was 2.12 cm in the past but now looks only 2.09 while Shaq is almost 2.15 cm
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Sep/16
JT said on 21/Sep/16
The same question could be asked of you. The high camera angle in your pic favors Shaq. Why do you keep avoiding the full body screen shot where they are equidistant from the camera? Click Here Click Here
You can speculate all you want about footwear but they looked pretty close in height Click Here
Why do you still post your BS comparison with slouching Shaq???????????
The camera angle in my pic doesn´t favour Shaq because Kane who should have the biggest advantage by YOUR theory, still comes out where he should be - so NO Cameraangle advantage to Shaq.
I´m closer to the their footwearheight than your biased 7ft Big Show/ 6´10" Andre wet fantasy
Do YOU watch the pics posted here???
RoelC said on 14/Aug/16
This is about the tallest Shaq stood in that match vs. the tallest Big Show stood.
Click Here
John Payne said on 21/Sep/16
Wow I wish I was 7"0 tall
JT said on 21/Sep/16
Canson said on 18/Sep/16
@HeightcrazyRed6ft: they're in the ring in front of each other and shaq is only about 1.5" taller. I'd give Shaq 6'11.75' and Show as 6'10.25. Give or take 1/4" for both
Then how can you have Hogan at 6’5” or more?
Click Here shaq's in sandals and Hogan in b-ball shoes.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 20/Sep/16
That´s way more than 1.5" and Show has bigger footwear. Do you actually watch the posted pics in this thread??
Click Here
The same question could be asked of you. The high camera angle in your pic favors Shaq. Why do you keep avoiding the full body screen shot where they are equidistant from the camera?
Click Here Click Here
You can speculate all you want about footwear but they looked pretty close in height
Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 20/Sep/16
Canson said on 18/Sep/16
@HeightcrazyRed6ft: they're in the ring in front of each other and shaq is only about 1.5" taller. I'd give Shaq 6'11.75' and Show as 6'10.25. Give or take 1/4" for both
That´s way more than 1.5" and Show has bigger footwear. Do you actually watch the posted pics in this thread??
Click Here
Vegas said on 20/Sep/16
Canson said on 18/Sep/16
@HeightcrazyRed6ft: they're in the ring in front of each other and shaq is only about 1.5" taller. I'd give Shaq 6'11.75'
If Shaq is sub 7 foot then hakeem was no more than 6'9, Garnett is no more than 6'10, LeBron no more than 6'6
When he stands straight a ~6'5 barefoot measured guy comes up to shaqs mouth
Click Here
Canson said on 18/Sep/16
@HeightcrazyRed6ft: they're in the ring in front of each other and shaq is only about 1.5" taller. I'd give Shaq 6'11.75' and Show as 6'10.25. Give or take 1/4" for both
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/Sep/16
Truth said on 16/Sep/16
Shaq is 7'0.25"
Show is 6'11.25"
Not the truth
Shaq clearly had Show by 2-2.5", no excuses...
Shaq is not under 7´0.5" and Show is not much taller than 6´10"
Truth said on 16/Sep/16
Shaq is 7'0.25"
Show is 6'11.25"
dicksock said on 15/Sep/16
Nick cantan said on 14/Sep/16
This is an interesting pic
Click Here
This shows shaq at 7'2. Obviously can't see footwear but possible trainers. This could explain why big show looks surprisingly shorter?
Great find. So Shaq is about 7'2" in what we can assume are sneakers. That would put him at about 7'1" barefoot or maybe a tad under. Shaq needs an upgrade to 7'1" in my opinion and Show should stay right were he is at 6'10.5".
Nick cantan said on 14/Sep/16
This is an interesting pic
Click Here
This shows shaq at 7'2. Obviously can't see footwear but possible trainers. This could explain why big show looks surprisingly shorter?
Chaz said on 14/Sep/16
Piers Morgan is always saying he's 6'1'',and the photo is taken from a funny height so it's of no use,telling height.
dicksock said on 13/Sep/16
Logic said on 12/Sep/16
mrtguy said on 7/Sep/16
Rob, how tall would you say Big Show is based on this pic?? Click Here
I would say that Piers height is probably between 5-11" to 5-11.5". Piers seems like he could stand up a little straighter. So, Big Show probably has actually has around 11" on Piers. So, to me the Big Show is looking around 6' 10.5" in that photo.
Not to mention the size of Show's boots. Show looks about 1' taller, but I'm sure he had a sizable footwear advantage.