Kane said on 20/Dec/17
On an episode of shark tank the guy said dean Cain was 6’1
Logan said on 20/Dec/17
Show is a strong 6-11 or 6-11.5
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 20/Dec/17
JT said on 20/Dec/17
Click Here I gave Cain a flat 5’11” and not 5’11.5” that Rob has him at.
Time to visit a doc, eah body?!
wtf 10" raised head for Cain, 14" head for Big Show, all to make Big Show over 7ft....
C´mon whats wrong with your Big Show/Andre thing?????
JT said on 20/Dec/17
Click Here I gave Cain a flat 5’11” and not 5’11.5” that Rob has him at.
mrtguy said on 19/Dec/17
Rob, here's a Big Show in 2006 any guess of his weight, he sure looks over 500 lbs??
Click Here

Editor Rob
it looks a distinct possibility he was close to that range during a period like 2006.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 19/Dec/17
Kane said on 18/Dec/17
Ummmm Dean is not higher than shows chin at all. Lol look again. Closer.
Just look at the line...
BTW What was Andres height back then?
Click Here
Kane said on 18/Dec/17
Ummmm Dean is not higher than shows chin at all. Lol look again. Closer.
dicksock said on 17/Dec/17
JT said on 16/Dec/17
Click Here Vince looked a little taller than Arnold Schwarzenegger that same year (1999) so he's maybe ~ 6'1".
Vince looked the same height as 6' Bret Hart in the mid 90s and was definitely a little shorter than 6'1" Bob Backlund. Here is an interview with Andre and Vince from 1979:
Click Here
That was 20 years before that comparison with Big Show, so Vince was likely a little taller with Andre as well. You have been trying to make it seem like Big Show was 7' and Andre was 6'9"-6'10". No way is that true. Andre was in cowboy boots with Vince, but Vince was much older with Show and Show's boots have decent sized heels as well. I bet if you did the same type of comparison with Andre/Vince interview that you did with Vince and Show, Andre would come out over 7' in his cowboy boots.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Dec/17
Vegas said on 16/Dec/17
Rob and Dean Cain Click Here
Show has a full head on Cain (minimum 11 inches), that photo is from 2015 Click Here
Click Here
Not really, Dean is an 1" to 1.25" higher than Shows chin. If Shows head is 11" he´s 6´9.5" there.
I think Shows head is pretty close to if not full 12", so between 6´10" and 6´10.5" today.
6´11-11.25" peak and around 7´0.75 in big soled wrestlingboots, 7´1+" in big cowboyboots
JT said on 16/Dec/17
Click Here Vince looked a little taller than Arnold Schwarzenegger that same year (1999) so he's maybe ~ 6'1".
Logan said on 16/Dec/17
Big show is about 6'11". I have proof that he shrunk. Kane in thick soles and a mask was still 2 inches shorter. In 2015 when Kane wore only big soles he was only a inch shorter. And Kane is 6'8" so plus the soles Show is about 6'11".
Vegas said on 16/Dec/17
There is zero chance big show is 6'8 range. This clip is from just last year
Click Here we also saw him tower strowman this year on tv
Rob and Dean Cain
Click Here
Show has a full head on Cain (minimum 11 inches), that photo is from 2015
Click Here
Johno said on 14/Dec/17
Huber, 6'11 could mean 6'11.75 to and the difference between Shaq and Big Show would be less than 1.5-inches in equal footwear i believe.
Also, Shaq always seems to have the position advantage when he is in the ring with Show like, the camera is always high up thus you can see the surface of the ring at a tilt. Shaq always seems to be at the further end of the ring compared to Show hence looks taller when they are almost face-to-face.
James B said on 14/Dec/17
Rob do you think big show looks 6'9-6'10 compared too the rock here?
Click Here

Editor Rob
he seemed taller back then than he does the last couple of years, more closer to his peak mark.
A Man said on 14/Dec/17
@ Chris Huber, a few years ago I would have laughed at that but based on recent evidence, a 6,8.5" barefoot Big Show genuinely wouldn't surprise me.
Chris Huber said on 12/Dec/17
Shaq said himself hes 6 foot 11 barefoot. Big show is 6 foot 8.5 barefoot.
Sean said on 7/Dec/17
Hi Rob, would like your opinion - Do you think Big Show was ever under 7’0” at peak?
Reading through comments here, looks like many believe he was 6’11” range at peak.
I would agree he did wear big sole boots in the ring, but just can’t see him below 7’0” evening peak height.
Kane said on 6/Dec/17
@zo Nash doesn’t look 5” taller than show... he’s closer to the camera but still looks taller bc show looks up to Nash. Nash has said in the past that he was the true giant in WCW and show wore platforms.
dicksock said on 5/Dec/17
JT said on 4/Dec/17
Click Here Click Here A different angle from 2009 Click Here
That video of Shaq and Big Show from the ESPYs is worthless unless you can see the ground and stances. In some parts of the video he looks 6'8"ish which we know is several inches too short.
I'm sure they were just standing normally. You know like two people talking to each other... It's an award show. Do you honestly think the ground is uneven? You always have excuses for Big Show looking shorter than you want him to be. It is pretty obvious that Shaq has several inches on Big Show. To deny that because you can't see their stance or the ground is comical. We've seen their footwear, and it was similar. Then there is the possibility that Shaq isn't even 7'1" anymore. Show is no more than 6'10.5" these days. Maybe he was closer to 7' in his prime. The idea of him dropping from the 6'11"-7' range down to the 6'10"-6'11" range makes sense.
zo said on 5/Dec/17
Even when it looks like ground is stable a video can play all kind of tricks on you.
At a minute in Nash looks a good 5 inches taller than a WCW Big Show, video is similar to the one Dicksock posted of Shaq and Big Show
Click Here
JT said on 4/Dec/17
Click Here Click Here A different angle from 2009
Click Here
That video of Shaq and Big Show from the ESPYs is worthless unless you can see the ground and stances. In some parts of the video he looks 6'8"ish which we know is several inches too short.
Canson said on 4/Dec/17
@Dicksock: I think it’s the other way around. Shaq is not 3” taller than Big Show. That’s not even 2” between them. I can see show as 6’10 range still today maybe about 6’10.25 Shaq could be 6’11.5-7’ today. He was only measured a hair over 7’0 when he was drafted and a guy his size can vary pretty greatly during the day so he could’ve dipped to 6’11 range easily at night
Click Here
Kane said on 4/Dec/17
@zo you must not be able to to gauge measurements correctly. Show is looking up at shaq, that’s at least 2” pal.
zo said on 4/Dec/17
HeightcrazyRed6ft, please post a close up of the heels of these cowboy boots Big Show is supposedly wearing.
Photos and videos taken outside are generally worthless given the ground is often uneven.
ee said on 4/Dec/17
I'm surprised he's still so big. Normally someone who wrestles lose a lot of height due to the injuries and forceful decompression. He's got so much weight on him I thought he'd be 6'9 by now
Logan Johnson said on 4/Dec/17
Rob is it normal for supper tall ppl like big show to lose more height after 40 then the average man I mean on average isn’t it like half an inch after 40 every 10 years
Johno said on 3/Dec/17
The hèight difference between Show ans Shaq varies between 1.25-2-inches but.i believe that is due to Shaq's large basketball shoes which must be at 2-inches thick.
The height between Khali is always around 1.5-1.75-inches.
Big Show is not under 6'10 essentially, he can low as a flat 6'10 or even 6'9.75 due to his poor posture. He is probably around 6'10.5 on average and hits likely over 6'11 in the morning and his WCW days, taking footwear into consideration and posture, was most likely walking around 6'11+.
dicksock said on 3/Dec/17
zo said on 2/Dec/17
Kane, do you see 3 inches here, that looks less than 1 inch Click Here
That is from over 10 years ago and Big Show had a significant footwear advantage. Go look at Big Show and Shaq from later that night when Show is in his wrestling boots and Shaq is in sneakers. There was easily a 2" difference. If you look at them WM from a few years ago, they had equal footwear and Show looked 2-3" shorter. Look at the clip where Show challenges Shaq to a match at WM. Shaq pretty much dwarfs him.
Click Here
If Shaq is 7'1", there is no way Big Show is any more than the 6'10.5" he's listed as on this site.
Height friq said on 3/Dec/17
When Big Show met Shaq the first time he already lost some height.
He was tallest and probably bulkist when he still had hair, and that was circa 1999 2000, but soon that 530ish pound started to compress his spine.
When he lost some weight recently and versus Strowman he still looked solid 6' 11. But again he was putting on some weight quickly.
Anonymous said on 3/Dec/17
Somehow can't Change the Name from Anonymous in my smartphone

Editor Rob
go into privacy settings and clear any cookies
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 3/Dec/17
zo said on 2/Dec/17
Kane, do you see 3 inches here, that looks less than 1 inch Click Here
Shaq was in dress shoes and Big Show in BIG Cowboyboots, Shaq was still easy an inch taller.
Click Here
At the red carpet both were in dressshoes
Click Here
And the gap exploded to this
Click Here
Big Show is barefoot 6´10" and was about 6´11"peak, 7´0.5" in his big soled Kanestyle boots maybe
Click Here
Logan said on 2/Dec/17
I've seen people who said Big Show was 6'8" WHAT THE*********************. They said Kane and Taker was 7'2" WHAT! And most of you people are dumb.
Big Show is a ligit 7 FEET TALL goodness.
Apparently people think Big Show is 5 inches shorter than The Great Khali and Shaq YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!!
Logan said on 2/Dec/17
I've seen people who said Big Show was 6'8" WHAT THE*********************. They said Kane and Taker was 7'2" WHAT! And most of you people are dumb.
Big Show is a ligit 7 FEET TALL goodness.
zo said on 2/Dec/17
Kane, do you see 3 inches here, that looks less than 1 inch
Click Here
Kane said on 1/Dec/17
When has big show looked only 1.5” shorter than shaq? He’s at least 3” shorter than shaq.
Canson said on 30/Nov/17
@A Man: he’s not under 6’10 today. Nothing noticeably at least. He’s still taller than Kevin Durant and only about 1.5” shorter than Shaq in the last picture they had together a while back in the ring. Shaq i see dipping under 7’0” maybe with his weight being closer to 400 but nothing more than maybe 1/4” or so less
RAC said on 30/Nov/17
who cares we still watch the wwe (wwf my youth) and its great family entertainment
JT said on 30/Nov/17
A Man said on 29/Nov/17
I'm confident Show is under 6,10" barefoot these days. There is too much evidence of him outside the ring in normal footwear looking sub 6,10" with other tall men and celebrities.
The only time he looks anywhere near 7 feet is (surprise surprise) when he's in ring gear and wearing massive boots.
Click Here The guy on the far right measured a shade over 6'5" for the NFL draft - that's more than a 5 inch difference. A-Rod is listed as 6'3" but is probably 6'1"ish.
Erik said on 29/Nov/17
Yunno what I'm beginning to doubt my previous peak estimation of Big show in his prime being 6'11.25. I think this would only be possible in wrestling gear which give him about a 3-inch or so footwear advantage. Without it, I would say barefoot in his prime he was NOWHERE NEAR 7ft2 he was probably about 6'9. And the reason why I think this is bc I saw a pic of him next to 6'8 Lebron James and he nearly stands head-to-head with him and Lebron James is hunched down. (And in case you didn't know, spinal curvature makes you shorter) In conclusion, I honestly believe without the smokescreen and the illusion from the wrestling gear etc, I think Big Show nowadays stands no more than 6'8ft.
A Man said on 29/Nov/17
I'm confident Show is under 6,10" barefoot these days. There is too much evidence of him outside the ring in normal footwear looking sub 6,10" with other tall men and celebrities.
The only time he looks anywhere near 7 feet is (surprise surprise) when he's in ring gear and wearing massive boots.
Erik said on 25/Nov/17
He's clearly not currently 7'0 foot and (I hope) everyone can see that. He's lucky if in his prime or youth he was 7 foot. Which very well may have been possible when looking at him in his earlier career in the 2000s. But in the WWE a recurring phenomena is that most of the people signed to raw brand etc sustain body injuries so they have to undergo hip and back surgery that shrinks them. That, and the fact that Big show is indeed older nowadays suggests to me that barefoot at best he's probably 6'10.75-6'11.25ft from losing like 1.75- 2 in.
mike,he has claimed that said on 25/Nov/17
I give 6,11" for big show he has claimed himself to be a little over 7 foot I just don,t see it,especially next to shaq who,s a legit 7,1"
Murt said on 23/Nov/17
You guys are dumb he's 6'11 peak 7'0.775
Anonymous said on 22/Nov/17
Big Show is 6,11-7,0 I say Big Show 2000 might be 7,1 but current is about 6,11.75
Canson said on 21/Nov/17
Well he’s for sure no higher than Rob has him today maybe even just between 6’10-6’10.5 with Shaq. The difference between them isn’t as high as people are saying either. At times looks 1.5”
Click Here
mrtguy said on 6/Nov/17
Rob, how big does does Paul head look??

Editor Rob
sometimes I think 11 inch looks ok for his head length.
Anonymous said on 31/Oct/17
Big Show also sad I'm 7 foot and Andre was about 7ft 1, 7ft 2
Anonymous said on 31/Oct/17
Tall John said on 31/Oct/17
@Tree: 7'1" is still a little over 7', I'll even count 7'2" a little over 7'. In the interview he was trying to clarify that he was not 7'4" as he once billed, so anywhere lower than 7'4" is possible.
Man,if he was 7ft1-7ft2 peak he would brag about it and say i was always 7ft2
If he sad always a been a bit over 7ft means he was MAX 7ft0.5
7ft2 for Big Show is a joke, dude he never ever looked that tall and 7ft2 is not 'just over 7ft' it is 2 inches away from it that is not a small amount.
Jordan87 said on 31/Oct/17
" They all are all, Similar in Height".
Big SHow is clearly taller than Schilt and Struve in the photos you posted.
Tall John said on 31/Oct/17
Big Show looked noticeably shorter than Ron Reis and Great Khali when they stood with a distance. But when they stood near each other their height difference was very limited (especially with Ron Reis). This is due to Big Show's big head, big forehead and lower eye-level.
I have read a post here or somewhere else a few year back there was a guy who ran a baseball card shop and he has met both Big Show (then Paul Wight) and Kareem and he said they were about the same height.
@Tree: 7'1" is still a little over 7', I'll even count 7'2" a little over 7'. In the interview he was trying to clarify that he was not 7'4" as he once billed, so anywhere lower than 7'4" is possible.
Edimar1.84 said on 28/Oct/17
How he is 7ft if side of Shaq he looks 2 inches shorther? I Can see him 6ft11 at peak and now 6ft10.
Kane said on 24/Oct/17
Has anyone realized that big show wears HUGE inner lifts? It’s obvious if you look close. IF shaqs claim of himself being 6’11 on the Howard Stern Show, and him and big show together at that even recently, puts show at 6’10 at BEST today. Show wore platforms when in ring with the yeti Ron Reis, and still was a good 2” shorter than Ron. 6’10 absolute tops for show today.
Big mike from Wirral england said on 24/Oct/17
Paul Wight is 6ft 4 bare feet! 7ft tall is completely fictional! the great khali looks an inch taller!
Swag123 said on 24/Oct/17
Big Show is 7' 2"
tree said on 23/Oct/17
Big Show himself sad that he was ALWAYS just a bit over 7ft,so he was not even 7ft1.
Always been a little over 7 feet tall
Click Here
I posted it for people who say he his peak was 7ft1
tree said on 22/Oct/17
Rob said on 21/Oct/17
I met a bar owner who hired Paul Wight(Big Show)to be a bouncer/doorman. He was telling me they were room mates for awhile. He had pictures of Paul in his office from when Paul worked there. The owner was 6’ 6”. He was dwarved in the picture with Paul Wight. I asked how tall was Paul. He told me he was 482 lbs. and 7’2”. At the time he worked there.
The bar owner was a liar,the absolute most you can argue for big show is 7ft1
Rob said on 21/Oct/17
I met a bar owner who hired Paul Wight(Big Show)to be a bouncer/doorman. He was telling me they were room mates for awhile. He had pictures of Paul in his office from when Paul worked there. The owner was 6’ 6”. He was dwarved in the picture with Paul Wight. I asked how tall was Paul. He told me he was 482 lbs. and 7’2”. At the time he worked there.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 18/Oct/17
Junior said on 17/Oct/17
We can't see their legs and footwear type. I think they look 2.5" not over it. Lets say Shaq is 213cm and Big Show might be 207cm maybe 6'10 at best.
Both in dressshoes, pic is from a vid where it´s clear to see that Big Show is stretching out.
Click Here
Junior said on 17/Oct/17
We can't see their legs and footwear type. I think they look 2.5" not over it. Lets say Shaq is 213cm and Big Show might be 207cm maybe 6'10 at best.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 15/Oct/17
mrtguy said on 12/Oct/17
Big Show is 6'10.7'5'' at average now, maybe 6'11'' but he looks much healthier than he was in the past
If Shaq is really about 7´0"-7´0.25", then Big Show is nowhere near 6´11". Hes 2.5-3" shorter without his big soles.
Click Here
mrtguy said on 12/Oct/17
Big Show is 6'10.7'5'' at average now, maybe 6'11'' but he looks much healthier than he was in the past
tree said on 10/Oct/17
Murt said on 7/Oct/17
I'm Pretty sure now (2017) he is Anywhere from 6'10-6'11
But his peak was for Sure 7'1
If he is 6ft10 today no way he was 7ft1
Imagine him being 3 inches taller than he is today..
JT said on 10/Oct/17
Haystacks and Tenta were pretty close in height
Click Here but Haystacks was still taller in WCW. It's hard to determine if both are standing in the same position vis-à-vis Gene given how large they are. Haystacks was probably 150 lbs. or more heavier than Tenta at this point so he has to look considerably larger next to Gene in any comparison pics.
Click Here If not, Tenta's closer to the camera with Gene.
Murt said on 7/Oct/17
I'm Pretty sure now (2017) he is Anywhere from 6'10-6'11
But his peak was for Sure 7'1
anyad said on 4/Oct/17
In the daylimotion vid he looks 6ft7 with good posture next to Mean Gene
I am sure the guy was 6ft7.5 peak he was 48 when he faced Big Show,i don't think you can loose more than an inch by 48 even if he was Fat
I know he was a wrestler but the things he done in the ring were not hard to do,he didn't jump from ropes,he was not often slammmed(he was too heavy to be lifted).If he lost height it was not more than 1 inch.
anyad said on 4/Oct/17
I see Haystacks shoes but not Tentas
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 4/Oct/17
anyad said on 4/Oct/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 2/Oct/17
Yesss,we don't even know there footwear there
So you didn´t watch the vids posted below.
anyad said on 4/Oct/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 2/Oct/17
tree said on 26/Sep/17
Haytacks looks an inch taller than 6ft5.5 Tenta in those comparasion pics
Old Haystacks was no less than 6'6.5
Yesss,we don't even know there footwear there
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 2/Oct/17
tree said on 26/Sep/17
Haytacks looks an inch taller than 6ft5.5 Tenta in those comparasion pics
Old Haystacks was no less than 6'6.5
Click Here
tree said on 26/Sep/17
Haytacks looks an inch taller than 6ft5.5 Tenta in those comparasion pics
Old Haystacks was no less than 6'6.5
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 24/Sep/17
****sock said on 21/Sep/17
...Again, I'll stick with 6'6"-6'6.5" for Haystacks in WCW
Haystacks looks heavier but not taller than max 6´6" John Tenta in WCW.
About Heightloss: sure possible, but Haystacks losing 1.5" and Tenta stays at 198cm since his sumo days...
I´m starting to believe Haystacks wasn´t as big as 6´7.5" at his peak
Click Here
dicksock said on 21/Sep/17
Click Here
I know Luger is a little closer to the camera, but I can't imagine Haystacks being 4" taller than him. Luger was 6'3" at best and probably a little under. Again, I'll stick with 6'6"-6'6.5" for Haystacks in WCW and 6'7.5" for him in his prime.
even said on 20/Sep/17
age 25 = 6'11" , age 45 = 6'10"
JT said on 20/Sep/17
tree said on 18/Sep/17
I think older Haystacks has a head and a little on Mean Gene so i think he looked exactly 200 centimeter with him,that is 6ft6.75
Haystacks often hunched in WCW but looked pretty tall with good posture.
Click Here
With Gene
Click Here
Click Here Watch some videos of Andre in wrestling gear with Gene before a live audience and Haystacks measures up pretty well.
tree said on 18/Sep/17
I think older Haystacks has a head and a little on Mean Gene so i think he looked exactly 200 centimeter with him,that is 6ft6.75
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Sep/17
****sock said on 16/Sep/17
tree said on 14/Sep/17
Comparing Haystack with Pat Roach from that video is hard and i can't find any pic or video with Haystacks and John Tenta,it would be cool if somebody could post it.
Another way to tell Haystacks was about 6'6" in WCW is compare him with Mean Gene, who was 5'8" at the absolute most by the mid 90s and probably less. Haystacks was only a tiny bit more than a head taller than him. Now let's assume Haystack's head was a little bigger than the average mans. That would have made him about 10.5" taller than a 5'7.5"-5'8" man. That puts Haystacks at 6'6"-6'6.5" in WCW. So either way, he was around 6'6".
Click Here
Here for comparison 6´4" Big Bossman and 6´5.75" John Tenta next to imo ~5´7"-5´7.5" meane gene
Click Here
dicksock said on 16/Sep/17
tree said on 14/Sep/17
Comparing Haystack with Pat Roach from that video is hard and i can't find any pic or video with Haystacks and John Tenta,it would be cool if somebody could post it.
Another way to tell Haystacks was about 6'6" in WCW is compare him with Mean Gene, who was 5'8" at the absolute most by the mid 90s and probably less. Haystacks was only a tiny bit more than a head taller than him. Now let's assume Haystack's head was a little bigger than the average mans. That would have made him about 10.5" taller than a 5'7.5"-5'8" man. That puts Haystacks at 6'6"-6'6.5" in WCW. So either way, he was around 6'6".
Click Here
Sean said on 14/Sep/17
Timeline of Big Show's height evening barefoot over the years:
1995-1999: 7'0"
2000-2007: 6'11.5"
2008-2010: 6'10.75"
2011-2014: 6'10.5"
2015-2016: 6'9.75"
2017: 6'10.25"
tree said on 14/Sep/17
Comparing Haystack with Pat Roach from that video is hard and i can't find any pic or video with Haystacks and John Tenta,it would be cool if somebody could post it.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Sep/17
tree said on 12/Sep/17
Any proof old Haystacks was 6ft6?He looks over 6ft7 with 6ft2 Big Daddy,we don't know how much height he lost. Click Here
I was talking about OLD Haystacks @6´6.25" in WCW, he did´nt look really taller than 196cm-198cm sumo listed John Tenta in WCW. Young Haystacks looked 6´7"-6´7.5".
Sid was 6´6.5"-6´7" prime, a 6´7.5" WCW Haystacks would make 1987 Andre easy 7ft
Click Here
dicksock said on 12/Sep/17
tree said on 12/Sep/17
Any proof old Haystacks was 6ft6?He looks over 6ft7 with 6ft2 Big Daddy,we don't know how much height he lost. Click Here
He was barely taller than 6'4.5" Pat Roach in the early 90s.
Click Here
He was about 6" Shorter than a 7' billed wrestler (Big Show) even though Show had a footwear advantage.
tree said on 12/Sep/17
Any proof old Haystacks was 6ft6?He looks over 6ft7 with 6ft2 Big Daddy,we don't know how much height he lost.
Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Sep/17
tree said on 8/Sep/17
Well Haystack in the no footwear pic is under Big Shows eyebrowes that normally is a 11cm difference,BUT OUR BIG MAN HAS A LONGER HEAD than a normal fellow so that is a 12cm difference,so if Haystacks was 6ft7 than Big Show was 6ft11.5
Old Haystacks wasn´t 6´7" without footwear, more like 6´6.25"
tree said on 8/Sep/17
Well Haystack in the no footwear pic is under Big Shows eyebrowes that normally is a 11cm difference,BUT OUR BIG MAN HAS A LONGER HEAD than a normal fellow so that is a 12cm difference,so if Haystacks was 6ft7 than Big Show was 6ft11.5
A Man said on 8/Sep/17
Here's what I think
Undertaker 6,6.5" peak, as low as 6,5.75" today
Kane 6,6.75" peak, 6,6.5" today
Big Show 6,10.5" peak, as low as 6,9.75" today
Kevin Nash 6,9" peak, 6,8" today
These guys are, and never have been as tall as most people think. Look at any number of photos with other celebrities, or other tall men. The WWE guys never look as tall as you'd expect.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 7/Sep/17
Click Here
Asuming Old Haystacks in footwear at 6´7" and Big Show in 1.5" heels points to a 6´11" flat Big Show.
In 1.75" boots he´s even shorter than this barefoot.
So 6´11" flat evening is maximum for peak Big Show
Canson said on 7/Sep/17
@Harry Sachs: traditionally yes your center would be your tallest. Not always. Depends on mix of players you have and tempo etc.whether you are running team or half court etc. However I have played on teams just like today's Golden State Warriors or the 70s bullets with unseld or the 00s pistons with the wallaces where your second or third tallest guy may be your center. In high school I played 2 and 3 at 6'4 whereas we had a 6'8 power forward a 6'5/6'6 small forward and a 6'5/6'6 center. I also played in college where our center was only 6'7 (listed 6'9) and our power forward my freshman year was a legit 6'9".
tshark said on 7/Sep/17
I have read a article interviewing him back in his early WCW days and he says he is 6'11" but was going to be billed as 7' when they tried to play him off as the son of Andre the Giant and just called him the Giant.
cdk28 said on 6/Sep/17
Peak barefoot= 6'11.5"
Today barefoot=6'10.25"
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 6/Sep/17
miko said on 5/Sep/17
A 6'10.5 peak Big Show would put Andre well under 6'10 and even I don't believe he was that short.
Look at the evidence, Andre and Big Show come out the same height if Big Show isn´t wearing his 1.75" Monsters.
Big Show isn´t more than 6´10.5" next to Shaq and Strowman Fact
Big Show is a well trained healthier guy than Andre was, why should he lose much height?
I could see Big Show edge Andre by a tad or two. Like Big Show 6´11" and Andre 6´10.5-75".
harrysachs said on 5/Sep/17
It is funny when people fight over stuff they clearly have no clue about. Shaquille O'Neal like most basketball players who played in the last 20 or so odd years round their height up by a inch if not more. Shawn Kemp was my favorite player as a kid. He was listed at 6'10 but next to Hakeem Olajuwon who was measured at 6'10 Kemp looked no more than 6'8. Wilt Chamberlain was measured barefooted in his prime at 7'1 by the time he was in his late 50's early 60s he was measured at around 7'0 tall. There are pictures and videos of Shaq in basketball shoes and Wilt in dress shoes standing side by size and Wilt is clearly a inch taller. Which means Shaq is less than 7'0 tall. Shaq himself said on Howard Stern that he was 6'11 3/4 in his prime. Which means Big Show was never 7'0 tall barefooted. It is hard to tell how tall he was compared to Shaq in his prime because their are no pictures. Clearly Big Show has lost some height because of the weight hit put in and because of age. But he was never 7'1 or even 7'0 in his prime.
harrysachs said on 5/Sep/17
The center is just the taller guy on the team. So if a team plays run and gun and the tallest guy on the team is 6'6 then he is still the center.
dicksock said on 5/Sep/17
JT said on 4/Sep/17
Dicksock, Haystacks was taller than 6’6” in WCW.
He didn't look taller than Tenta next to Big Show or Mean Gene.
Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 5/Sep/17
Click Here
Haystacks was shorter than Sid next to Meane Gene, Sid had ~0.5" footwearadvantage but would still slightly edge old Haystacks.
WCW Haystacks looks 6´6.25"-6´6.5"
miko said on 5/Sep/17
A 6'10.5 peak Big Show would put Andre well under 6'10 and even I don't believe he was that short.
JT said on 4/Sep/17
Dicksock, Haystacks was taller than 6’6” in WCW. In the same ring he looked about 2 inches taller than Hogan
Click Here Click Here and again was around 2 inches taller than DDP on his tip toes.
Click Here
ReturnofG said on 2/Sep/17
I seriously doubt Big was ever taller than 7ft. He may have been closer to 6'11
dicksock said on 1/Sep/17
Paul Wight still had about an inch of footwear on Giant Haystacks. He looked about 6" taller than 6'6" old Haystacks. Haystacks was probably 6'6.5" in his footwear and Show was 7'0.5" in his and around 6'11" barefoot in the evening. Show's morning measurement in his prime was probably around 6'11.75" and 7'1" in sneakers. That explains his college listing.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 1/Sep/17
JT said on 1/Sep/17
What part of “center” on Wichita State’s b-ball team didn’t you understand? Click Here Click Here Click Here
Understand this, college listings are no proof. I´ve seen college listings inflated as much as wrestling billings, especially in basketball. What shoes did they wear in your pic???
Haystacks did not wear flat soles with Wight - you’ve already been proven wrong on this one too. Click Here Haystacks was also around 2 inches taller than DDP on his tip toes in that same ring Click Here We’ll now await your downgrade of DDP’s height…..
What do you want to prove with your selected pics, showing Haystacks boots-underside to claim they are big and show a pic were we cant see Wights full heel??? Look at the big boot in the ring corner to see Wights actual soleheight and compare them to Haystacks finger wich can´t be less than ~2.2cm thickness...
Haystacks was in 0,5-0,75 wrestlingboots, easy to tell by the shape of his noots, Wight´s boots look monstrous compared to his barefeet
Click Here Click Here
Wight was 6´11" max evening, in big boots 7´0.5"
Your basket pics are not comparable, to different camera angles just to fit your agenda....
Wight was never as tall or close to the height of Shaq, Wilt and Kareem - Fact
Click Here
Wight had a good inch footwear advantage on Haystacks
Click Here
Sean said on 1/Sep/17
Nice post Gerard! Looks 7'0" compared to Vince and The Rock in that video.
JT said on 1/Sep/17
Click Here
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 27/Aug/17
….That´s all opinions no proofs, who´s this John Smith….
What part of “center” on Wichita State’s b-ball team didn’t you understand?
Click Here Click Here Click Here
You’re really showing your ignorance and stubbornness by claiming a guy listed at two colleges at 6’8” and playing center was really only 6’5” just to fit your agenda. If Smith was only 6’5” prove it.
Smith is probably around Haystacks’ height considering Wight’s posture wasn’t as good as Haystack’s and wasn’t as good as it could have been
Click Here
Haystacks did not wear flat soles with Wight - you’ve already been proven wrong on this one too.
Click Here Haystacks was also around 2 inches taller than DDP on his tip toes in that same ring
Click Here We’ll now await your downgrade of DDP’s height…..
Gerard said on 31/Aug/17
Paul Wight at one point was obviously 7 feet in height, we're also forgetting at one point he had a lot of hair and that made him look a big taller than he was. if you compare bald big show to big show from the night after his debut in the ring with Vince its obvious the hair plays a factor. This video gives a good indication of it:
Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 27/Aug/17
JT said on 26/Aug/17
6’10.5” peak height is not possible. Click Here John Smith (32) was listed at 6’8” at both Wichita State and Virginia Commonwealth and played center for both teams. Big Show’s about 6 inches taller so there’s no way a sub 6’5” guy is playing center on a Division 1 basketball team (and very unlikely a 6’6” guy either). Tony Brown (15) was listed at 6’7” at Wichita State.
Wilt entered high school at 6’11” and left at 6’11.5”. Click Here
That´s all opinions no proofs, who´s this John Smith, he´s shorter than flat booted Haystacks next to big booted Big Show - nothing more than 6´5" barefoot in this pic.
Big Show was 2.5" shorter than Shaq in equal footwear - there´s no reason why he should´ve lost more than 0.5" by now.
6´11"max., 6´10.5-75" very possible peak evening height.
JT said on 26/Aug/17
6’10.5” peak height is not possible.
Click Here John Smith (32) was listed at 6’8” at both Wichita State and Virginia Commonwealth and played center for both teams. Big Show’s about 6 inches taller so there’s no way a sub 6’5” guy is playing center on a Division 1 basketball team (and very unlikely a 6’6” guy either). Tony Brown (15) was listed at 6’7” at Wichita State.
Wilt entered high school at 6’11” and left at 6’11.5”.
Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 24/Aug/17
Click Here
Going by headsize, WCW boot Big Show was 4,5cm/1.75" taller than his barefootheight.
202cm/6´7.5" Akebono barefoot just edging 1.5" booted OMG, so OMG in 1.5" boots was about 6´7.25"
Big Show 210cm, 214,5cm in WCW Giantboots
Akebono 202cm
OMG 197cm, 201cm in big heeled boots
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 24/Aug/17
Click Here Both in dressshoes, Big Show 2.5" shorter. I´m fine with Shaq at 7´0"-7´0.25"
Click Here Without footwearadvantage - 4 inches on 6´6-6´6.5" Giant Haystacks
This is still confusing
Click Here
Big Show in cowboyboots was easy 1" shorter than 7´0.25" Shaq, Andre in Cowboyboots was the same height as 7´0.5" Wilt Chamberlain.
IMO Big Show was always 6´10.5"barefoot, 7´0.5-75" in cowboyboots, 7´0.25" in his WCW 1.75" boots.
Kane said on 22/Aug/17
I'm wrong about what exactly? I stated facts and you can actually look up each one a stated.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Aug/17
Click Here 5min onwards
That´s maximum 4" and Big Show has about 2cm footwearadvantage. Big Show also claimed on german TV that he´s about 3 inches taller than Taker...
Taker was about 6´7"-6´7.25", so early WWE Big Show is about 6´10-6´10.5" barefoot. Imagine a legit 7footer with near 1" footwearadvantage facing Taker, Takers head would maybe come up to the nosetip.
Big Show was also about 3" taller than 6´7.5" Akebono both barefoot.
Big Show in equal footwear was about 2.5"-3" shorter than 7´0.25" Shaq @ the red carpet.
Big Show was with a slight bootadvantage 5 inches taller than 6´5.5" OMG in 1995.
Big Show looked 6´10.5" facing Big Cass, Strowman, meeting Dirk Nowitzki...
6´10.5" is a very realistic listing, can´t see him being 7ft legit ever.
dicksock said on 22/Aug/17
Kane said on 12/Aug/17
Dicksock, seen the pic of Nash and show backstage together in suits? They're the same height. Show has always worn the same size lifts that Kane did. Nash has said he was 6'11 and his basketball stats say that as well... he's 6'9 Now according to him. I've seen him duck way under door frames for him to be under 6'9
You're wrong. I don't know what else to say. Go ask Kevin Nash himself who is really taller. I would bet anything in this world Paul Wight is taller barefoot; especially in the 90s. It is obvious by looking at their frames. Wight was even about 2" taller than Nash when Nash was in cowboy boots. Again, Nash was roughly the same height as 6'8" Tyler Mane in the early 90s and they had the same footwear. Go watch matches of Big Sky (Tyler Mane) and Vinnie Vegas (Kevin Nash). There is no way Nash was above 6'9". He was 6'9" max barefoot and Wight was about 6'11.5".
Height fanatic said on 20/Aug/17
That was two feet. Look again.
Chad said on 19/Aug/17
A guy on the Undertaker page said the detailed heights are as follows:
Undertaker - 6'6.5(1999 height)
Kane - 6'7.4 (1999)
Big Show - 6'10.8 (1999)
Kevin Nash - 6'8.75
Sid - 6'6.3 (1999)
The more i think about it, it makes sense. If Kane had the 1.75 inch boots, he woukd have been over 6'9 in them. He never looked 6'10, so 6'7.4 + 1.75= just about 6'9.25
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/Aug/17
Click Here
Rob, pretty sure OMG was ~6´6" and regarding Big Shows "The Giant" boots...
hard to believe he ever stood his claimed "just over 7 feet"?
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Aug/17
Mike said on 10/Aug/17
big show and nash
Click Here
Nice but we can´t see floor and footwear.... Nash could be on his tiptoes ... we have no clue
Niyaz said on 13/Aug/17
I am 6'8 and I have seen khali..he's at least ५ -5 inches taller than me (barefoot)..so if both khali and big show are wearing sAme lifts even big show will be 6'11 or something..but I don't know whether they are wearing the same lifts
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Aug/17
peak Big Show had 2.5-3" on Nash face to face with footwearadvantage, so 1.5"-2" barefoot.
Nonsense to work with bad cameraangles in one or another direction...
Click Here
Kane said on 12/Aug/17
Dicksock, seen the pic of Nash and show backstage together in suits? They're the same height. Show has always worn the same size lifts that Kane did. Nash has said he was 6'11 and his basketball stats say that as well... he's 6'9 Now according to him. I've seen him duck way under door frames for him to be under 6'9
JT said on 11/Aug/17
There’s a big camera tilt in that backstage video of Nash and Big Show as well as Nash being closer to the camera.
They are in the ring together that same night and Big Show is taller even with the high camera angle favoring Nash.
Click Here
Chad said on 11/Aug/17
I think Tyler Mane was around 6'7.75. Nash had to be about 6'8.75. Kane and Tyler Mane are the same height. Big Show today i cant see anything above 6'10. Prime Giant was 6'11.5. But that makes sense. Undertaker 6'7.25. Tyler Mane 6'7.75. Kane 6'7.75 in his lifts was 6'9.25. That's roughly about the difference him and Taker had at WM14. 2 inches. And between Big Show and Kane - 2.5 inches at King of The Ring 1999.
Sean said on 11/Aug/17
Rob, need your honest feedback - Kevin Nash taller than Big Show at peak??
There's no way this is true. Even if Show wore bigger footwear, there was no less than 2-2.5 inches between both at peak barefoot.
dicksock said on 10/Aug/17
real said on 9/Aug/17
Dicksock, These are just my guesses and I could be wrong. It's really weird where the backstage video of Nash and the Giant on WCW Thunder, and Big Show is clearly looking up at Nash. It wasn't one of those camera tricks
I've seen that clip on Thunder. It only looks like Nash is taller because of their positioning to the camera. Big Show in every other other comparison is taller. Nash was the roughly the same height as 6'8/6'8.5" Tyler Mane in the early 90s. Big Show was 3"-4" taller than 6'8" sumo wrestler, Akebono, when both men were barefoot. So we've seen how tall Big Show was barefoot. He was at least 6'11" barefoot in his prime. Nash was never above 6'9" or else he would have looked taller next to Tyler Mane. Sorry, but there is no valid argument that one could make to try and prove Nash was taller than Big Show. The Thunder clip is useless.
Mike said on 10/Aug/17
big show and nash
Click Here
Kane said on 10/Aug/17
Anyone seen the pic of show and Nash a year or 2 ago backstage? They are dead even.
Markus said on 10/Aug/17
I cant´t see a peak height of a clean 7 ft for Paul Wight. He was most likely a little bit under that mark - 6-11,5 to 6-11,75.
Kane was 2-3" shorter than him in the late 90ies staredowns - Big Show was in his 20ies (!) then. That didn´t work with
a peak height of 7 ft for Show - Kane had to be 6-9 or more then without shoes, but he clearly wasn´t that tall.
real said on 9/Aug/17
Dicksock, These are just my guesses and I could be wrong. It's really weird where the backstage video of Nash and the Giant on WCW Thunder, and Big Show is clearly looking up at Nash. It wasn't one of those camera tricks they do with Cass and Show to try and make Cass the same height (you can still clearly see Show is taller), but this was very strange. Nash IS closer to the camera, but Big Show is CLEARLY looking up at Nash and not just by a margin, but it almost looks like he's looking up at him at least 2 inches. Then 10 minutes later in the ring, Nash is looking up at Show. Makes me wonder if Show used inside and outside lifts and when he came to the ring, he but his inside lifts in. But even that, a man that size wouldn't be able to walk easily in them. Check out the link I posted below where I say that Nash is taller than Wight.
A Man said on 8/Aug/17
Show's definitely getting some major help from lifts while he's in the ring. Look at the recent pics of him with Strowman, you can clearly see Show's boots are more than twice as thick as Strowman's.
It's stuff like this that makes me think he might only be in the 6,9" range barefoot.
dicksock said on 8/Aug/17
real said on 2/Aug/17
From the looks of things:
Prime Show: 6'10 - Wore 1.5 inch platforms to be 6'11.5.
Prime Nash: 6'10.5 - - Never wore lifts. (College Height: 6'11) - usually colleges round up to the nearest inch.
Prime Kane - 6'7.5 - Wore 1.75 inch platforms to be 6'9.25
Prime Taker - 6'7 - Was 6'7.5 in boots.
The idea that Nash is taller than Wight is absurd. You don't know that Wight wore lifts and that Nash didn't. You're just guessing. Wight always looked 2-3" taller than Nash in WCW and WWE. Even Nash in cowboy boots was 2" shorter than Paul Wight in wrestling boots. Nash was about the same height as 6'8" Tyler Mane in WCW so you can forget about anything above 6'9" for him. Meanwhile Big Show was 3-4" taller than 6'8" listed sumo champion Akebono when both men were barefoot. So you're wrong. Sorry, but for a fact you're wrong. I would literally bet the fate of the entire world that Paul Wight was at least 6'11" in his prime. He was most likely closer to 7'0". Even now, he is nearly 6'11" at least.
James B said on 7/Aug/17
Rob do you think he's lost anymore height this year?
Kane said on 7/Aug/17
CHRIST Nash looks taller... if you watch closely, which I'm good at, you can see that big shows eyes looked up to Nash. Anyone remember the promos Nash kept doing and saying he's the "one true giant" against big show? I think show wears inner and outer lifts...
mrtguy said on 4/Aug/17
I also noticed that since Paul lost weight he stands alot better, in the past when he was over 500 pounds he could look 6'9" range.
6'9'' is just ridiculous, he looks minimum 6'10.5'' short
Johan said on 3/Aug/17
Was actually surprised how tall Big Cass looked in their staredown, 2 inches max. Could buy 6'8.5" for him, the 6'9" listing he had before WWE seems reasonable.
I also noticed that since Paul lost weight he stands alot better, in the past when he was over 500 pounds he could look 6'9" range.
A Man said on 2/Aug/17
That's a really strange piece of video. Nash definitely looks the taller backstage but in the ring where (presumably) they're in the same footwear Show looks taller.
In my previous post I wasn't suggesting that I think Nash is genuinely taller, he almost certainly isn't. But there is too much evidence about to suggest Show is barely 6,10" these days, and perhaps he never was any taller than that.
The Akebono pictures I will concede do throw a spanner in the works. Who knows.
real said on 2/Aug/17
From the looks of things:
Prime Show: 6'10 - Wore 1.5 inch platforms to be 6'11.5.
Prime Nash: 6'10.5 - - Never wore lifts. (College Height: 6'11) - usually colleges round up to the nearest inch.
Prime Kane - 6'7.5 - Wore 1.75 inch platforms to be 6'9.25
Prime Taker - 6'7 - Was 6'7.5 in boots.
Big Show: 6'9.25 - Wears 1.5 inch lifts - 6'10.75 in them
Kane: 6'7
Undertaker: 6'6
Nash: 6'7.75.
real said on 2/Aug/17
Guys, Kevin Nash is taller than the Big Show in street clothes.. Show wears 2-3 inch lifts. Take a look at this video from wcw thunder in 1998. Now, anyone can argue that Nash is standing closer to the camera, but you can still see that Nash is no doubt taller when show doesn't wear lifts
Click Here
BIG N said on 2/Aug/17
I don't want to be annoying but 6'10.5" is 2.09 meters tall 2.10 meters tall in feet is 6'10 3/4" .
dicksock said on 2/Aug/17
A Man said on 31/Jul/17
The comments on Big Show looking noticeably shorter out of ring gear on this page and Kane's page are interesting. Look at any number of pictures of him out of the ring with other celebrities; look at him with Rafa Nadal, look at him with Lebron James, look at him with Shaq.
And then there's the picture of him with Kevin Nash where they're both wearing suits, and Nash actually comes out a touch taller (if I knew how to link on this site I would).
This isn't a man who looks in the 7 foot range or anywhere near it, he honestly looks 6,9" in some pictures. It's all well and good seeing him stand 2-3 inches over Big Cass in the ring and saying easy 6,10.5"-6,11", but when you've got no idea what footwear advantage he's being given in the ring it's completely redundant.
He was 3-4" taller than 6'8" sumo wrestler Akebono and that was when both guys were barefoot. Big Show was at least 6'11" at his tallest. I'd bet my life on that.
mrtguy said on 1/Aug/17
Rob, you see 6'' eyelevel in Big Show??

Editor Rob
not that long.
Sean said on 1/Aug/17
There's no doubt that Big Show has lost height. How much height is debatable. Based on pics/videos of him from the past (1995-2000), easily looked 7'0" range. Nowadays his height can be as low as 6'10". 6'10.5" is a good estimate based on pics with Dirk Nowitski, Lebron James, even Shaq from around 2009 (see google images). The pic with Kevin Nash in suits does look like he is the same height, but perhaps the angle of the pic does not capture the true story. IMO Nash is still a good 2" shorter than Show, but I could be wrong.
A Man said on 31/Jul/17
The comments on Big Show looking noticeably shorter out of ring gear on this page and Kane's page are interesting. Look at any number of pictures of him out of the ring with other celebrities; look at him with Rafa Nadal, look at him with Lebron James, look at him with Shaq.
And then there's the picture of him with Kevin Nash where they're both wearing suits, and Nash actually comes out a touch taller (if I knew how to link on this site I would).
This isn't a man who looks in the 7 foot range or anywhere near it, he honestly looks 6,9" in some pictures. It's all well and good seeing him stand 2-3 inches over Big Cass in the ring and saying easy 6,10.5"-6,11", but when you've got no idea what footwear advantage he's being given in the ring it's completely redundant.
Johan said on 28/Jul/17
@James B
James even average height guys or tallish guys have a hard time in the WWE. THe Miz is close to 6'1" as is Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and they all had problems in the start of their career.
joe### said on 27/Jul/17
Paul Orndorff beats Vander on WCW days
James B said on 26/Jul/17
James B said on 25/Jul/17
Rob I am guessing if your a 5ft7 wrestler in WWE you ain't going to be respected?
Editor Rob: a guy like Daniel bryan done well being close to 5ft 8, but you will have some height jokes made against you at times
I think the tall and 'unintelligent' wrestlers like Matt Morgan,
Mark Henry or Vader will look down on you if your Daniel Bryan's height in WWE. They love the power of putting down and intimidating short men because there feeling insecure and weak inside am I right?
20 years ago Vader had a go at short guy because he called wrestling "fake"
Click Here
James B said on 25/Jul/17
Rob I am guessing if your a 5ft7 wrestler in WWE you ain't going to be respected?

Editor Rob
a guy like Daniel bryan done well being close to 5ft 8, but you will have some height jokes made against you at times.
Sean said on 21/Jul/17
Rob, wanted your opinion - Why do wrestling companies have a tendency to exaggerate wrestlers heights? Is it because they believe fans truly think that wrestlers are larger than life? Maybe kids don't notice it as much, but why bill someone 3/4 even 5 inches taller than they actually are ( For example: Kane 7'0" billed, 6'7.5" true peak barefoot). Sometimes they get it right (Randy Orton, John Cena) who are billed near their peak height but I always wondered if they worry about losing their audience by actually showing the true measurements of wrestlers.

Editor Rob
maybe ties in with the 'bigger is better' mentality.
I doubt they'd lose audience if they started doing real height/weight measurement videos.
In fact they could incorporate some of it into their shows, do build-ups, have jokes and running Gags...
I highly recommend that the WWE should consider proper Height/Weight components to their entertainment.
Tyson said on 21/Jul/17
The Great Khali 7'0.75
Shaq O'Neal 7'0.25
Big Show 6'11.5
Andre The Giant 6'11
If Big Show was 7'0 so Shaq is a weak 7'1 and Khali a bit over. If Andre was 7'0 so Shaq is a bit over 7'1 and Khali a weak 7'2.
Of course, all this is impossible.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 18/Jul/17
even said on 17/Jul/17
peak : 6'11"
now : 6'10.5"
Not a far off estimation.
peak 6´11"-6´11.5"
Today 6´10"-6´10.5"
even said on 17/Jul/17
peak : 6'11"
now : 6'10.5"
Nik said on 16/Jul/17
@ Sandy Cowell
No problem, I have just answered it! It was a fantastic message and really cheered me up!
I hope you liked my message, I wanted t point it out because I hope it is funny and they are easy to miss sometimes,
Cheers Sandy!
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Jul/17
@ Nik - There is a little something on the
Mark Henry page for you Nik, so now it's your turn to put the kettle on and make yourself some tea! Mine is here and very nice for a change! 👍 ☕
There is also a message
- from Jaffa! 🐝
184guy said on 16/Jul/17
WWE is ridiculously trying to sell Cass at 7' along Show when in the reality he is a good 2inches shorter and neither of them are this mark.The keyfabe factor ruins the industry at same time builds up.
ma said on 15/Jul/17
OMG, look at this wwe article.... lmao
Click Here
Big cass, kane and Big show both listed equally at 7 foot in the rankings of tallest wrestlers , when even a 2 years old kid would have noticed that kane and cass are at least 3 in shorter than big show.
As I stated before, wwe is ridicolus with heights.
Lyle said on 15/Jul/17
Big show is clearly taller, Cass looks to have the lift advantage
Sean said on 14/Jul/17
Peak Big Show: 7'0.25". No way he was 6'11" range at peak.
mrtguy said on 13/Jul/17
Big Show has at least 3 inches on Cass
Click Here
Nik said on 13/Jul/17
@ Sandy Cowell
Cracking comment! That was a real ROFL (two translations) but laughing with you of course!
Why do so many men overplay their height and weight? Am I missing something? - That question is for anyone!
I think that Big Show is a little bit under 6'10.5", but like you said he was never 7'0"!
Cheers Sandy!
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Jul/17
@ Phil - Delighted to be of service! 😁 👍 😊
A Man said on 13/Jul/17
Yes they never really seem to think these things through. Both men billed as 7 feet but Show is clearly taller. Nonsense.
Jordan87 said on 12/Jul/17
Agreed. WWE heights are utter Horsh!t. 7'0 is ridiculous for Big Cas. He is a good athlete however. I mean he has the build of the Undertaker early on in his career whereas Big Show, Strowman, Even Kane are naturally not as Fast, but thicker and stronger.
miko said on 12/Jul/17
Show looked around 6'10.75 with Cass IMO. His posture has vastly improved with his weight loss.
All this 6'8/6'9 talk from a few select people on here has been put to bed with his staredowns with 6'8.5 Cass and 6'7 Strowman.
A Man said on 12/Jul/17
Yep Show looks to have 2 inches there, maybe 1.75" but no less.
Looks like a 6,8" guy looking at a 6,10" guy to me.
ma said on 12/Jul/17
lol Big Cass last night claimed 7 feet...And then a big man, listed here as 6 ft 10.5, arrived in the ring and he was taller by 2.5 in...
I don't know why WWE wants make Cass as 7 foot when he was always listed at 6 ft 10 during NXT.
The only way he looks a legitimate 7 ft is with the other fake billing of Kane (7 foot); I don't know why at this point they don't overbill also big Show by 4 in. They are ridicoulus with heights
Phil said on 12/Jul/17
Kane and Big Cass are ABOUT the same height
JT said on 12/Jul/17
NCL said on 11/Jul/17
Big Show and Big Cass at 3:15 Click Here footwear is close but I think Show has a slight advantage. What's the general consensus for Cass' legit height? Wasn't he measured 6'8" for basketball but claims 6'9"? I see a 2-2.5" difference here
Click Here
mrtguy said on 11/Jul/17
@Editor Rob
Doesn't a young Big Show show significant signs of acromegaly then compared to now, if so Rob you think it's weight gain that made him look proportional in the years??
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
yes the weight gain maybe helped his overall look as it's not as obvious because he's nearly 7ft...he was 19 when he had pituitary surgery I believe, if he didn't the acromegaly would have caused more bone protrusion.
NCL said on 11/Jul/17
Big Show and Big Cass at 3:15
Click Here footwear is close but I think Show has a slight advantage. What's the general consensus for Cass' legit height? Wasn't he measured 6'8" for basketball but claims 6'9"? I see a 2-2.5" difference here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 11/Jul/17
Big Show looked max 6cm taller than Big Cass this monday at raw, both in equal footwear.
Cass always looked a weak 6´8" / 203cm to me, so Big Show is more like 209cm/ 6´10.25" max today
Phil said on 11/Jul/17
@Sandy Cowell , I died at the last part of your comment! hahaha
Miko said on 11/Jul/17
Looks like he had easy height on 6'8.5 Cass last night
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jul/17
Why do these bit guys always seem to plump for the same type of girl?
Mind you, even a girl of 6ft would look petite next to him! I don't know Kelly's height, but she looks tiny next to Powerhouse Paul, who I reckon is 6ft10.5. I don't see him as ever having been a full 7ft. I think his peak was just a wee bit under - 6ft11.75, but probably a comfortable rolling-out-of-bed height for him I think WOULD have been 7ft!
I don't much like the idea of being one of his faithful little pets asleep next to him by his bed, only to find I'm on the receiving end of a drowsy, drunken Paul, falling splat out of bed after a night on the tiles...
hunt said on 8/Jul/17
People who think he was under 6ft11 in his peak are fools or blind
He looked over 7ft with DDP
Sean said on 7/Jul/17
Rob, any chance Big Show was under 7'0" at peak? A lot of comments here believe he was. When he was in WCW 95-99 and early on in WWE, looked 7'0" easily, even with less footwear.
even said on 7/Jul/17
he never been over 210 cm
now is 209 cm
JT said on 7/Jul/17
Click Here pics scaled based on the basketball.
A Man said on 6/Jul/17
I don't believe Paul Wight has ever been 7 feet tall. 6,11" max barefoot. 6,10" today.
mrtguy said on 4/Jul/17
Rob, about Big Show the question to you is how tall do you think he looks in the center of his graduation??
Click Here

Editor Rob
if you said the man was nearly 7ft in the photo, it is a believable figure.
Juggernaut said on 2/Jul/17
I remember watching wwe Smack down in 2012,In a backstage segment w Bigshow & Khali..Show was atleast 2 inches shorter..Khali was also bigger than Show..6'10'5 for today..
Rick said on 1/Jul/17
Got to be at least 7'4" at peak. Maybe 7'2.5" now.
hunt said on 30/Jun/17
Peak Between 7ft and 7ft1 because ddp was 6ft4 period
hunt said on 30/Jun/17
Jordan87 said on 29/Jun/17
Hunt, 6'11.5 Yes, 7'1 like you previously said, No.
I sad close to 7ft1 like 215cm
Imperial is soo stupid,metric rules.
Chad said on 30/Jun/17
Big Show peak: 6'11.5. Today: 6'10.25
Strowman: 6'7.25
Cass: 6'8.25
Kane: Peak: 6'7.75 + 1.75 inch lifts: 6'9.5 in boots | Today: 6'7
Taker: 6'7.25 (prime) (6'7.75 in boots) | Today: 6'6
Sid: 6'7
Nash: 6'9 peak | today: 6'7.85
Kurgan: 6'10 | Today: 6'8.5
Jordan87 said on 29/Jun/17
Hunt, 6'11.5 Yes, 7'1 like you previously said, No.
hunt said on 27/Jun/17
DDP WAS 6FT4!When Rob met him he sad he looked atleast 6ft3.5, Rob is pretty good at guessing height, and he only reached DDP's mouth that would make him 6ft4.
But even if DDP was only 6ft3(which he wasn't) that would still make show look atleast 6ft11.5 because his head is longer than average.
Jordan87 said on 26/Jun/17
DDP's picture with Rob has him at 6'2.75, Not 6'4. Look at the picture again, DDP is not 6'4. So Recalculate what you Are talking about between DDP and BIg Show.
mrtguy said on 26/Jun/17
Rob, Does a young Big Paul strike you as Giant 7'1'' or with shoes at peak??
Click Here
mrtguy said on 26/Jun/17
184guy said on 25/Jun/17
With DDP he looks somewhere in the 6'11-7' range . It depends how long his head really is
Big Show's head is 12 inches he looks at least 7ft there
hunt said on 26/Jun/17
DDP reaches his mouth that is an 8 inch difference but shows head is longer than normal so he can look close to 7ft1 there.
184guy said on 25/Jun/17
With DDP he looks somewhere in the 6'11-7' range . It depends how long his head really is
Jrv said on 25/Jun/17
I always thought DDP was 6'3" I met him at WrestleMania 18 . I know I'm going to take some heat for this but Hogan was 2 inches taller to at the time. I will try to dig up pics .
hunt said on 24/Jun/17
Rob met DDP he is 6ft4 and the Big Show looked a bit over 7ft with him
Click Here
Phil said on 20/Jun/17
@JD if Show is 6'7 then Kane is 6'4or5
Jd said on 18/Jun/17
To me big show never struck me as a 7 foot guy. Maybe 6foot 7. But then again I could be wrong.
Jordan87 said on 14/Jun/17
It's a good idea to Order Rob Around like that. " Rob Change this picture" That's a good way of getting what you want. Let me guess, Only Child? lol
Guanzo said on 13/Jun/17
Rob change this picture. add good looking height picture like Kevin Nash.
Canson said on 13/Jun/17
6'10-6'10.5 range and 1.5" shorter than shaq. An inch taller than Durant is
Sudad said on 13/Jun/17
Rob is Kelly Kelly tippy toeing in that picture because if she is than big show is taller than 6 foot 9 but if she is not tippy toeing than big show is 6 foot 9

Editor Rob
I don't think so, just one leg planted and the other more on it's toe so it bends a bit at the knee.
I think she is standing normally.
dicksock said on 12/Jun/17
Based on what I've seen here, I think Strowman is 6'6.5-6'7", Cass is 6'8", and Big Show is 6'10.5"-6'11".
hunt said on 12/Jun/17
Actually Thor Bjornson is more impresive than Big Show
Thor is 6ft8 and 200kg of pure muscle,nowadays show is 6ft10.5 but only 170kg and its not all muscle.
mrtguy said on 11/Jun/17
Rob, why does a 5 footer always look a little below or at shoulder level with Big Show, but any other pictures a 5 footer will come in a the waist of 7 ft or very close to it man??
Six five and a half guy said on 9/Jun/17
Ive sean his height anywear from six seven to seven two
miko said on 9/Jun/17
In all photos so far of Cass/Show together outside the ring, Show has looked anywhere from 2 to 3 inches taller than him. None have been particularly great in terms of them standing right next to each other but Show is clearly taller.
Cass seems to be 6'8.5 range barefoot as he had close to a couple of inches on 6'7 Strowman not so long ago:
Click Here - Strowman/Cass
Click Here - Strowman/Show
Click Here - Cass/Big Show
Show in a full posture staredown would likely have a little over 2 inches on Cass, it all depends on how he stands when it eventually happens.
mrtguy said on 9/Jun/17
Jrv said on 6/Jun/17
Click Here
Hard to see a difference here.
At least 2.5 maybe 3 inches
A Man said on 8/Jun/17
@ Jrv, yep I agree. The camera doesn't help but at certain points during the video you can make a case for either man being the taller.
More evidence that Show is probably struggling for 6,10"
Slim said on 7/Jun/17
Hard to see a difference? I see what the camera angle is doing here but big show is considerable taller. You can tell..
Jrv said on 6/Jun/17
Click Here
Hard to see a difference here.
Logan said on 29/May/17
He is 7,0 maybe 7,1
Standing next to Shaq he looks 6,10.5
But standing next to The Great Khali he looks 7,0 so my guess is 6,11-7,0
In SVR 2009 they make Khali look 7,4 and Big show look 7,0 here are the height in SVR 2009
Big Show 6,11-7,0 Great Khali 7,4 Kane 6,9 Undertaker 6,10 Big Daddy V 6,5 Umaga 6,4 Here are there real heights
Big Show 7,0 Great Khali 7,1 Kane 6,8 Undertaker 6,8 Big Daddy V 6,7 Umaga 6,3
Here is a List I made of some of the tallest men in WWE 10. Giant Baba 6,10 9. Andre the Giant 6,11 8. Big Show 7,0 7. Great Khali 7,1 6. Giant Silva 7,2
5. Raja Lion 7,2 4. Gargantua 7,3 3. John Harris 7,3 2. Paul Bunyan 7,7 1. Giant Gonzalez 7,7.5
Logan said on 28/May/17
I think he is 7,0 maybe 7,1 at his peak,
my guess is 6,11-7,1 he was never 7,2 or 7,4 as Jim Ross said
YG said on 25/May/17
@Editor Rob, This quote falls into the description of Big Show and are you considering adding to the wee box??
"The Giant, who was bigger than his 4'10" kindergarten teacher. And when The Giant graduated from Wyman King Academy (in South Carolina) in 1990, he was 7 foot 2, 320 pounds."
Click Here

Editor Rob
the words out Big Show's are pretty much a maximum for him, a bit over 7ft is all he claimed.
A AK said on 21/May/17
not taller than 6'9
if this lady 5'5 with heel become 5'8 and hes shoe is one inch , and between them a feet and inch so he is really 6'9
Martin 6'2 said on 9/May/17
After seeing The Big Show (Paul White) standing next to Shaq, who is apparently 7'1" I'd say Big Show is about 6'10" maybe 6'10.5" there was a good 2.5 - 3 inches between them, because you have to take into account Big Shows wrestling boots, he usually has a good 2 inch sole like Kane does.
Tejender singh said on 9/May/17
My uncle who is 6'6 has met big show and he was 4.5 inches taller than him big show eye level reached almost close to my uncle's head and big show was wearing normal giant shoes
JW said on 8/May/17
When he and Shaw and he paired off Shaq was definitely taller.
mrtguy said on 6/May/17
Rob, do you ever think Big ever hit the 7'1.5'' mark out of bed at some point??

Editor Rob
with guys his size, there is definitely more potential to lose over an inch, maybe even near 2 inches because of the extra length in the spine compared to a mere 5ft 9 average height man.
a knaw knee moose said on 4/May/17
i think it's definitely reasonable he was a little over 7 foot cause the guy is just MASSIVE anyway so there was probably some compression going on
berta said on 26/Apr/17
i wonder if he really alsways been 1/4 OVER 7 FEET AS HE SAYS but it sounds to mutch to me a guy lik shaq was atleast 1 inch taller. i think this guy was 6`11 and a half peak and in the morning little over 7
miko said on 18/Apr/17
Wight being a flat 6'11 prime would throw a lot of things off. A shade under 7'0 is possible but under that I just can't see.
He did wear big boots in WCW, but lets be realistic the most advantage he'd be getting over a regular 1.25' wrestling boot would be half an inch to 0.75'? Anything over 2 inches is broken ankle territory, 2 inch boots were the kind of stuff Kane wore in the late 90's and they looked huge.
His boots today look a little smaller than say 15 years ago but it's not drastic. At a 7'0 prime he was likely 7'1.75 in his biggest WCW boots and at 6'10.75/6'11 today he's probably just over 7'0 in his boots today.
Poorer posture, lack of hair, smaller boots contribute to him looking a tad smaller than he did in the 90's, but him having 4+ inches on a 6'7 guy a few weeks ago (after 100lbs weight loss/improved posture) is something a alleged 6'8 guy (which yes is stupid) could not do in regular wrestling boots.
Slim said on 16/Apr/17
How about we figure out how tall an elevator door is? We seem him have to duck going in one right? pictures can't do justice bc we weren't actually there. My 6'6.5 friend doesn't look 6'6 in his pictures. Does that make him less than 6'6.5? No. Too many odd angle photos to think we KNOW his height. Also, you NEVER know if another people he's standing with are wearing hidden lifts. It's super common.
Backstage said on 13/Apr/17
Paul Wight - 6'10.25 (wore boots that made him 6'11.5 - 6'11.75 to claim 7 feet)
Nash - 6'8.5
Kane - 6'7.98 - Wore lifts that made him between 6'9 and 6'9.25
Taker - 6'7.5
Kurgan - 6'9.5
Sid Vicicous - 6'7.25
Crush - 6'6.25
Wrath - 6'6
Skull and 8-Ball: 6'6.75
Canson said on 10/Apr/17
Strong 6'10" barefoot 6'10-6'10.5. Probably more 6'10.25. He's about 1.5" shorter than Shaq who likely dips a fraction below 7'0" as well at his low
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Apr/17
Kei said on 9/Apr/17
@ A MAN him and Kevin in his prime, and trust me Kevin is a strong 6'9 or even a weak 6'10 now.
Never trust backstage pics and Wights boots
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Akebono was more like 6´7"-6´7.5" evening, putting him at 6´8"
Click Here
Wight wasn´t more than 6´11" evening, Nash wasn´t 6´10" barefoot as a wrestler.
Nash was barely 2" taller than 6´7" Undertaker and barely 1" taller than 6´8" Tyler Mane
Paul was barely 4" taller than 6´7" Undertaker
Paul was barefoot max 2" taller than Nash, with his giant Big Boots he could look 2.5"-3" taller...
Pauls "always been a little over 7ft" claim is either in shoes or early morning measurement...
...maybe even as bad as Glenn claiming 5´8"
Kei said on 9/Apr/17
@ A MAN him and Kevin in his prime, and trust me Kevin is a strong 6'9 or even a weak 6'10 now.
Click Here
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 8/Apr/17
I don't think Big Show's still under 6ft10.5 even today. Extremely tall guys like him cover up more height when they have loose posture compared to normal people. He doesn't have the best posture in the world, hence why he may appear sub-6ft10.
NCL said on 8/Apr/17
My best guess is for Big Show is probably 6'10" now and I'd say 7' or a little over at his peak.
The Shaq pictures have been a big source of debate here. Trying to narrow down Shaq's height I still think he's 7'1" based on all the pics that have been posted as of late of him in front of height rulers. The height rules put him at nearly 7'3", which makes sense if he wears basketball shoes that give him about a 2" boost.
Click Here
Click Here
I know he apparently said on Howard Stern that he was measured 6'11" or 6'11.5" and was told to exaggerate his height. I can't find that video anyone have a link?
He apparently entered the NBA when he was 20 years old, so it's possible he could have grown another inch or two.
Click Here
This could explain the height difference between him and Wilt Chamberlain or that could be a footwear thing:
Click Here anyone know what year this was?
Credit to Red78_01's photobucket I think this is pretty accurate:
Click Here
Their footwear looks comparable, a 2" boost for each.
Ere said on 8/Apr/17
Just wondering if Big Cass is more 6'8, how tall does that make Aiden English? Here at 1:50 - 1:55 he looks a good 3.5 inches shorter like a weak 6'5. What do you guys say
Click Here
A Man said on 7/Apr/17
I defy anyone on here to show me a picture where Show ever looked a legitimate 7 feet tall.
If you accept that Taker and Kane were never any more than 6,7" and 6,7.5" respectively, then none of the staredowns they ever had with Show ever make him look more than 6,11".
Some further evidence; he looks no more than 6,10" opposite Strowman, who himself looked only a quarter inch shorter than 6,8" billed strongman Brian Shaw. And that is if you accept Brian Shaw is 6,8", which Celebheights own evidence does NOT support. Rob has
Hafthor Bjornsson at 6,7.75", and Brian always comes out half to three quarters of an inch shorter than Thor in the multiple photos of them together.
And yet further; Show never looked more than 2" taller than Kevin Nash who Celebheights has at 6,9", but if you look at the photo of Nash with Rob you're going to have to have a pretty good imagination to see him stretching out to anything over 6,8.5".
I don't believe Paul Wight has ever been 7 feet. I think a 6,10.75"-6,11" peak in the 90s and today is barely scraping 6,10".
Strong 5ft9 said on 6/Apr/17
I think with his claim, it could mean he is a quarter or half inch over 7 feet. Also said something about his Acromegaly, he's a bit skeptical about being taller if it didn't get removed, but believes he would be more wacky looking if he still had it. Which i think might be the case.
Strong 5ft9 said on 6/Apr/17
I think with his claim, it could mean he is a quarter or half inch over 7 feet.
Strong 5ft9 said on 6/Apr/17
Hey Rob, mind adding his claims in a Howard Stern interview back in 1999.
Click Here. At 3:18 when Howard asked How tall he was when he was 12. Paul replied "6'2", 220 (pounds)". At 3:28, when asked how tall he is now. Paul replied "I'm a little over 7 foot, about 420 (pounds)". I think it is quite important to know, he still says the same thing 17 years later.

Editor Rob
the description kind of covers it, he's always been a little bit over 7ft.
miko said on 6/Apr/17
A 6'8 Big Show is almost as hilarious as a 5'11.5 Will Smith.
Strong 5ft9 said on 6/Apr/17
Hey Rob, in a 1999 interview. Show claims "I'm a little over 7 foot, about 420 (pounds)" at 3:28. So even almost 20 years ago, he still says he is a little over 7 feet.
buddy revell said on 3/Apr/17
I've met him. He's not close to 7 feet.
GS1981 said on 2/Apr/17
I noticed people here like to get the heights down to minimul then keep going, he is easily 6ft 11.5, 7ft 0.5 in his peak
NCL said on 2/Apr/17
Would anyone like to try photoshopping the height difference between Shaq and Show against one or both of these pictures?
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Annonymous said on 1/Apr/17
Is Braun Strowman 6'4.75, then Danimal?? You suck.
Tarinator 5'11.5 said on 31/Mar/17
Looks 213 cm in his prime and 211 cm as his current height. Kane was maybe 3.5-4 inches shorter than Big Show's peak height and 1-2 cm taller than the Undertaker. The Undertaker is now probably 201 cm and Kane is 203 cm so maybe 2 cm lost from their peak heights. What say, Rob?
KalemlovesApple said on 31/Mar/17
Rob, Big show may not have the longest hands, but they sure could be the thickest/biggest do you think his handspread from thumb to pinky is 20''??
Guanzo said on 29/Mar/17
If Big Show 6'8'' then Kane is what? 6'5''?? no way
A Man said on 27/Mar/17
It's such a shame Show vs Shaq isn't happening at Wrestlemania now because there'd have definitely been some staredowns between the two. Would have been interesting to see how Show stacked up now he's lost some weight and can stand up straight again.
Kaneff 6'0.25 said on 27/Mar/17
I reckon Big Show is about 6'10" nowadays. He's lost a lot of height but let's not get carried away.
Danimal said on 27/Mar/17
Recent pic of Big Show next to Shaq. He's looking about 6'8"-6'9" these. He's had hip replacement (shortened femur) and has had back and neck surgery (fusion). In his PRIME (WCW days), he would have stood as tall Shaq (7'0"), if not having edged him out slightly (7'0.5"). He has lost tremendous height. Recent pic of them together from this year. Big Show is closer to the camera AND is wearing bigger heeled boots than Shaq. Claiming he is 6'10.5" next to MAX 7'0" Shaq is utterly ridiculous.
Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Mar/17
Peak 7´0.5"-6´11" out of bed - evening
Today 7´0"-6´10.5 out of bed - evening
John said on 26/Mar/17
Peak: 7'0.5
Now: 6'11.75
CDK said on 25/Mar/17
PEAK= 7'0"
TODAY= 6'11"
Sean said on 24/Mar/17
James B -7'0.25" peak, good call out. 7'0.5"? Can't rule that out either.
James B said on 23/Mar/17
Rob 7ft.25 peak?
mrtguy said on 22/Mar/17
Rob, I think 6'10.75'' to 6'11.25'' seems more fair than just 6'10.5'', the problem is Big Show's very big head and wide figure fools people to give illusion he's shorter I still think he could measure 7 ft depending on his day lol

Editor Rob
imagine Big Show had an extra 2cm with a '
Bust a Gut' measurement...I think the mark he is on is the lowest I'd go for today.
Adijos said on 21/Mar/17
Peak: 7'0.25" (214 cm)
Today: 6'10.75" (210 cm)
A Man said on 20/Mar/17
There's two more photos of Show with Big Cass at the same event (don't know how to link on this site)
Show doesn't come out more than an inch taller in any of them.