Joe Max said on 28/May/23
Hey, he looks a bit shorter than Braun here, I wanna say 2 cms shorter. at 4.20
Click Here
Finalbeta said on 2/May/23
Rob do you think he is in the 99.9 percentile US men for height?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Feb/23
Rob, who do you think would measure tallest out of Corbin, Archer and Strowman?

Editor Rob
That's tough to say, initially I might have went with Strowman!
tony t. said on 23/Dec/22
Nvm. Didn't realize they'd been in the same ring together. Haven't seen all the shows recently. I'd say 6'6 for Corbin and 6'4.75-6'5 for Gallows.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 20/Dec/22
he looks exactly similar to undertaker and can’t pick who us taller.
tony t. said on 17/Dec/22
I'm guessing Corbin would be about 0.25-0.5 taller than Luke Gallows
Shane Gray said on 27/Aug/22
He's at least 6'6 1/2" + full height since he measured it in am. So maybe 6'6 3/4" + out of bed. You're literally as tall as anything you can measure at some time in the day. As for this sites afternoon standard, 6'6 to slightly over.
Shane Gray said on 27/Aug/22
@Rob Was just announced as 6'8" on Friday Night Smackdown.
ChristianAnthonyPerkins said on 3/Jun/22
What footwear were you guys wearing?
A better opponent for Corbin would be Undertaker in his heyday IMO.
SeanR said on 15/Apr/22
I saw Corbin here shopping in Florida recently. I’m 6’0” and was near the bottom of his nose.
Anywhere between 6’5 3/4 and 6’6 1/4” is Corbin’s range.
Tarinator said on 8/Feb/22
At most, 6’6.5” for Baron Corbin. He’s quite tall. He’s at 198-199 cm range.
John moss said on 19/Jan/22
I never really thought he was 6'8, I always thought he was 6'6 or below or around it.
recapa said on 6/Nov/21
198-198.5 before bed and 200-200.5 out of bed.
Canson said on 18/Oct/21
Corbin was measured in the morning. He’s 6’6” max. Taker is not taller than him
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 16/Oct/21
Corbin measured 6ft6 1/2 199cm barefoot taker looked 0.5 taller 6ft7 200.7cm.
Harry Sachs said on 23/Sep/21
For the people who keep saying The Undertaker is taller than Corbin. You do realize The Undertaker wears really thick sole shoes while Corbin doesn't not.
RL said on 31/Aug/21
I think Happy Corbin is not quite as tall as 6'6". Probably 197cm-198cm.
James B 171.5 said on 23/May/21
when facing of with kane I did think he looked sub 6'6
James B 171.5cm said on 21/May/21
Rob I assume they don’t measures players in shoes at the NFL combine?

Editor Rob
no, supposed to be socks or barefoot
Canson said on 11/Apr/21
@Christian: could’ve also been hair and body proportions. Gronk’s are more favorable toward looking taller
Resurrection of Edward said on 5/Apr/21
dude,i do believe that taker weights around 270 lbs.i do feel that both corbin and undertaker weights similar.i do think that some one who is well toned or muscular might weight more than someone who is out of shape.taker isnt muscular nowdays.his biceps looks similar possibly even smaller than guys like orton.taker has a skinnier biceps not to mention that he doesnt have broader.i personally think that corbin is in shape and has a well toned physique.i personally think corbin and taker are both awfully close in both height and weight.taker has a bigger head.i do give corbin edge,i personally think corbin is fraction taller than taker current given that taker loses height dramatically every year.surprisingly,taker looks shorter every year.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Apr/21
Corbin may have measured 1/4" taller than Gronk at combine on paper, but it didn't look it on the camera. Now it's possible though, that Corbin maybe was at his extreme low in his staredown with Gronk, because during that era of Smackdown (early-mid 2020 since the pandemic hit and no fans were allowed), wrestlers had very hectic schedules due to filming several shows in advance, where sometimes they would wrestle several times in a single day.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 3/Apr/21
dude,i do believe that corbin is taller than gronkowski.corbin might be at his extreme low when he met gronkowski.on video clips,taker looked 2/3 inches shorter than love but in reality we know it was 1.5 inch difference between them that time.taker might have been at his extreme low whereas love might haven’t shrink that day.i think corbin might have been at his low.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Apr/21
Both Corbin and Gronk may be in that 6'5.75"-6'6" territory.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 2/Apr/21
dude,i personally think taker weights around 270 lbs if anything.the reason why people think taker might look heavy is probably due to his belly though.thanks to his big belly.if you look closer to his biceps,it isn’t bigger enough,it is kinda skinnier and looks similar to that of orton.not to mention that undertaker also doesn’t have a bigger or broader chest.a muscular and well toned dude might end up measuring higher than someone who has much looser muscle mass.taker is out of shape.he has developed a bigger belly and he isn’t muscular or well toned.i personally think he is out of shape.dude,if you’re interested then,here is corbin and taker.
Click Here
undertaker has a very loose muscle mass whereas corbin looks to be in good shape.i personally feel both weight similar.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 1/Apr/21
How much do you think does Undertaker weigh though?
Hammad Raza said on 1/Apr/21
In front of Rob Gronkowski he looks little bit shorter a legit 6'6 seems good for him not more than that plus half inch shorter than strowmann who is 6'6.5
Resurrection of Edwards said on 8/Mar/21
berta said on 3/Mar/21
this guy doesnt weigh 280 pounds. haha that is way to mutch for him.
it does depends on his bone density aswell.i personally feel he is similar to the undertaker in both height and weight if anything.
berta said on 3/Mar/21
this guy doesnt weigh 280 pounds. haha that is way to mutch for him.
Leon11 said on 20/Feb/21
Resurection of Edwards: Nope im not joking, im almost 99% sure that both guys are around the same height right now. Taker can pull 6'6 with good posture. Also as i said before first video of Corbin and Taker from backstage was from 2016, not before.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 17/Feb/21
Leon11 said on 15/Feb/21
Corbin even in 2021 is not taller than Undertaker barefoot.
Also Resurecction of Edwards: There is no Taker and Corbin photo or video backstage from 2014 or 2015, because Corbin debuted on Main Roster at Wrestlemania 32(2016), first backstage video of Taker and Corbin(used in Taker documentary) was from around Summerslam(August 2016).
you must be smoking something if you think taker is taller than corbin.there are clips in taker’s lastride all of those clips,corbin edges out taker.stop joking dude lmfao.
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 17/Feb/21
Leon makes a good point about Corbin’s debut, the video may be incorrectly dated. That said I’m sure Corbin and Taker would look basically equal in height
Leon11 said on 15/Feb/21
Corbin even in 2021 is not taller than Undertaker barefoot.
Also Resurecction of Edwards: There is no Taker and Corbin photo or video backstage from 2014 or 2015, because Corbin debuted on Main Roster at Wrestlemania 32(2016), first backstage video of Taker and Corbin(used in Taker documentary) was from around Summerslam(August 2016).
Resurrection of Edwards said on 18/Jan/21
i’ve seen 3 photo and video clips between baron and taker and in all three corbin was the taller guy.but in 2015 both looked exactly similar but in 2017,2018 and 2020.corbin was the taller guy if i’m not mistaken.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 14/Jan/21
@Editor rob
in your opinion,who could seem to have an edge here?this too was taken from latest taker documentary called “last ride”.if you watch this clip,undertaker is in wrestling gear and he has a footwear advantage over corbin.taker boots looks around 1.75/2” and corbin is in flat footwear.rob,in your opinion,who could seem to have an edge.dont forget undertaker is nearer to camera.this was in 2017-2018 .
Click Here

Editor Rob
Taker might not have edged Corbin out much there
Dred__ said on 3/Jan/21
Undertaker can looks 6ft6 with drew , even a bit over if standed straight, but i think he had a footwear advantage
Kevin Vila said on 1/Jan/21
I can clearly see that Undertaker is taller by like an inch. And Undertaker was taller than drew Mcintyre in there face off in the ring and taker was slouching and Drew was standing up very straight.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 31/Dec/20
That might not be the case. In every pic of them together, they look identical in height, sometimes Strowman even having the slight edge.
Dred__ said on 31/Dec/20
Remeber Vegas said that outside the ring that strowman is taller than Rowan .
But with the rock he looks a 6ft7 range Guy even to me
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 29/Dec/20
Rowan edges Braun by almost an inch. If Strowman is 6’6.25 Rowan is weak 6’7, if Strowman is 6’6.5 Rowan pulls of solid 6’7
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 27/Dec/20
I doubt Rowan's much taller than Strowman, if any. 6'7" is too high for him. I could see both being strong 6'6"ers.
Bensim1993 said on 25/Dec/20
Erick is 6ft 7.25 looked somewhere and he’s that tall
Dred said on 5/Dec/20
Hey Rob
Any idea how tall is erick Rowan ?
Click Here
Edge out in your opinion Guy like baron corbin ?

Editor Rob
could look 6ft 7 range with Rock there
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Nov/20
Next to 5'11.25" listed O'shea Jackson Jr.
Click Here
Canson said on 13/Nov/20
@Edward: very true!
Resurrection of Edward said on 12/Nov/20
those photos were taken in 2014/15 if i’m not mistaken.his hair definitely looks short.undertaker looks noticeably shorter now than he was in 2014/15.that photo was taken 5/6 years ago.there is clip of undertaker with corbin 2017/18 and corbin is the taller guy but barely.everybody knows that he was barely taller than corbin in 2013/14 because a poster by the name “ali baba” met him and said he was 1/2 or half inch taller than ali baba who was 6’6.and ali baba admitted he does measure a fraction or so ynder 6’6 at a low.undertaker would have been 6’6.5 in 2013/13 but in 2020 in guaranteed under 6’6.he might reach 6’6
Busting a Gut but he might also be 6’5.5 “worst case”.
Resurrection of Edward said on 12/Nov/20
Canson said on 11/Nov/20
@Editor Rob: that’s what I assumed. Do you think it’s more due to Taker’s poor posture?
Editor Rob
it may well be.
@ canson and rob
everytime undertaker looks shorter doesn’t mean he always has a bad posture.I'm obviously not seeing what others see, because in my eyes, his posture is perfectly fine with baron corbin and it was 2014 .in 2014,his posture wasn’t that worse compared to how it is in 2020.he's just not as tall as people want him to be.its not bad posture as people are talking.its a height loss too.many people aren’t aware that these guy’s wear lifts and suddenly,when these guy’s stops wearing lifts,people are surprised how short they looks.same goes to kane and show.people need to realize that these guy’s aren’t tall as they think and they see in tv.undertaker bad posture has been extremely exaggerated.i am not saying that he doesn’t have bad posture,he obviously does but not as bad as people keeps talking about.
PLk4521 said on 11/Nov/20
Undertaker was moving his head and neck around in his meetings with Corbin in the photos posted as those photos are from a conversation they were having in a show on WWE network, therefore I posted where they both stood tall.
He isn't tilting his head up, I don't think. He just isn't leaning his neck forwards like the first photo.
Click Here
With a straighter neck he edged out Corbin.
Click Here
In addition, Undertaker is in casual clothes whereas Baron Corbin is in gear so likely wearing wrestling boots. I'd give the edge to Undertaker personally if both were measured on a stadiometer and asked to
Bust a Gut.
Canson said on 11/Nov/20
@Editor Rob: that’s what I assumed. Do you think it’s more due to Taker’s poor posture?

Editor Rob
it may well be.
Resurrection of Edward said on 11/Nov/20
is it me or are that anyone who noticed how tall,big and jacked corbin looked in 2014.nowdays,he looked a bit skinnier and lanky if i’m not would look great if the guy grew his hair back,add some mass(weight) and muscle.
Resurrection of Edward said on 11/Nov/20
in the first clip,taker is closer to the second one,undertaker is tilting his head up and is still closer to camera.i disagree.
Canson said on 10/Nov/20
Resurrection of Edward said on 6/Nov/20
@Editor rob
rob,this photo between corbin and taker is of 2014.corbin was a rookie and had his first wwe contract signed.this photo was taken 6/7 years much difference between corbin and taker in 2014.Click Here
Editor Rob
really close in height there, I mean 1/4 inch maybe against Taker at most
@Editor Rob: who would you give the edge to?

Editor Rob
Corbin slightly
Big Lul said on 7/Nov/20
@Edwards also I agree that Corbin is the taller nowadays. A solid 6’5.75-6’6 guy only .25-.5 max shorter than Braun Strowman.
Big Lul said on 7/Nov/20
Edwards yea that was around 2014-2016 taker and Corbin, but they looked very similar in height with each other. But they were also with each other in 2018-2019 in the documentary and Baron Corbin was barely the taller guy. Also weirdly enough taker and Drew McIntyre looked almost the same height. But it looked like taker had his neck stretched out and a little body tilt towards Drew. And I also agree that taker looked 6’5.5-6’6 max in the “meeting the undertaker” documentary
Resurrection of Edward said on 6/Nov/20
@big lul
dude,that photo between corbin and taker is of 2013/2014 or somewhere near that.give or take a few.undertaker in 2014 didn’t looked taller than can undertaker in 2020 be similar to corbin?undertaker in 2020 might be fraction shorter than baron corbin.corbin i bet is taller than the latter in 2020.surely,i’m ready to bet that.dont forget a beanie wearing undertaker in 2013-14 didn’t looked taller than corbin.that was 6/7 years ago,give or take few can undertaker and corbin be similar in 2020?its just ridiculous,they might be closer in height but if anybody is taller currently or say 2017-currently,then no doubt,corbin is the taller guy.
Resurrection of Edward said on 6/Nov/20
@Editor rob
rob,this photo between corbin and taker is of 2014.corbin was a rookie and had his first wwe contract signed.this photo was taken 6/7 years much difference between corbin and taker in 2014.
Click Here

Editor Rob
really close in height there, I mean 1/4 inch maybe against Taker at most
Resurrection of Edward said on 6/Nov/20
that photo between corbin and taker is of 2014/15 if i’m not mistaken.corbin was a rookie and he had his first contract signed in wwe.he was in nxt.that photo is of 2014.taker looks similar to how he looked with baba.
Big Lul said on 5/Nov/20
@edward 100% agree dude and also I wonder if Drew had a little bit of footwear advantage on taker since common wwe logic: try to make the shorter guy look as close to the bigger guy? I also wonder if that was a 6’5 footwear advantage drew McIntyre up against a 6’6-6’6.25 footwear advantage taker? But like you said nowadays and the years to come I could see taker being only a max 6’5.5-6’5.75 barefoot.
Big Lul said on 5/Nov/20
They’re both very identical in height with each other but if one was taller I’ll give it to Corbin but by a hair. I could see them both being 6’5.75- max 6’6. Or taker being 6’5.5-6’5.75 and Corbin at 6’5.75-6’6
Resurrection of Edward said on 3/Nov/20
i personally think he is one of the few legit tall tall guy’s in wwe that i doubt wears lifts.he might but i have hard time on seeing that.his boots looks normal to me that might give him an inch if i’m not mistaken.unlike other guy’s like undertaker,kane or strowman whose boots looks super thick.lasttime with drew mcintire,undertaker had a footwear advantage over drew but still looked only an inch taller or 1.5 inch at most.possibly only 1.25 between drew and taker excluding footwear.i personally think undertaker is heading towards 6’5.5 in next few years.
i agree with everything you said dude.
Kan said on 1/Nov/20
Who can look taller in your opinion between taker corbin there
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Click Here
Canson said on 26/Oct/20
@Edward and Julian: its odd that Kevin Nash (my apologies I said Kane earlier) edged him by a minimum of 3. Maybe footwear and angle I’m thinking
@Editor Rob: I meant Kevin Nash. My apologies. I was wrong there
Resurrection of Edwards said on 25/Oct/20
i doubt his hair could be an issue.i doubt his hair is even that thick.
Canson said on 25/Oct/20
@Julian: I wonder if it may be a case where he could’ve lost a fraction like Christian mentioned. That pic with Kane stands out to me
@Editor Rob: it’s both of them in the 2nd pic down. Actually 3 people. That’s what I guessed was 3” but maybe footwear is a variable. I have Nash around 6’8.5 afternoon height today
recapa said on 25/Oct/20
6FT6 flat for corbin seems fair if anything maybe he is a little bit under it
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Oct/20
I doubt it. Here's his pic back in 2009 with the Colts, so I'm assuming that this isn't long after the combine.
Click Here He didn't seem to grow his hair out until he left football for WWE, as he had the same hairstyle when he was with the Cardinals.
Julian Cross 188.5cm said on 24/Oct/20
@Canson in pictures his hair doesn’t seem height enhancing at all
Canson said on 23/Oct/20
@Christian: I never realized how long his hair was when he was with Kane. Wonder if his hair was long when he was measured at the combine. If so I can see him being under 6’6 flat afternoon
Canson said on 23/Oct/20
@Editor Rob: how much difference with Kane?
Click Here

Editor Rob
on that page I just seen a Nash photo, which if you meant that, he looked a good 3 inches shorter.
Canson said on 22/Oct/20
@Edward: means a lot! Thanks!
Resurrection of Edward said on 22/Oct/20
@ Editor rob
do you think he is taller than the undertaker currently?both might be equal if taker really has a bad posture like people claims.otherwise,taker generally looks 6’5 to 6’5.5 in the ring most of the time.corbin stacks well against guys like strowman and cass.he doesnt wear lifts unlike undertaker,kane and strowman and is eye to eye to strowman possibly edging taker by a fraction.who do you put your money on today,corbin or the undertaker.
here is corbin next to mick foley who is listed 6’2 in the site.
Click Here
here is undertaker next to mick foley.
Click Here

Editor Rob
Corbin and Taker might be hard to pick apart if they really stood together with same postures, once it gets to within half inch differences, these get gobbled up on camera.
Chriatian 6'5 3/8" said on 22/Oct/20
Canson said on 21/Oct/20
@Christian: possibility. But even with 6’6.5 combine measurement that would yield a 6’6” afternoon height.
Resurrection of Edward said on 21/Oct/20
well said.fully agreed with everything you said dude.🙏
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Oct/20
Not out of the realm of possiblity for Corbin to have lost a tiny fraction since measuring 6'6.5" at combine, especially being that he's in his mid 30's and being a tall heavy guy. If some people believe Lesnar and Cena (both of whom are shorter than him) lost a bit, then I don't see why it wouldn't make sense for Corbin.
Resurrection of Edward said on 11/Oct/20
thanks for all those words dude.i highly appreciate it.i missed you and interacting with you so that’s why i’m back.
Canson said on 4/Oct/20
@Edward: I’m so glad you’re back! I agree with everything you said!
Resurrection of Edward said on 3/Oct/20
I personally can see Corbin being anywhere from 0-1/4" taller than the undertaker today.i wouldn’t be surprised if corbin was a full 6’6,as for taker i doubt he is even full 6’6 today especially after looking his lastride documentary lately.most of the time,taker looks 6’5 flat or 6’5.5 in the documentary but that might be due to his bad posture.even standing fully in military posture,taker looked shy of 6’6.i can buy 6’5 3/4 for taker today and 6’5 7/8 or even full 6’6 for corbin.
Wrasslinfan said on 14/Jul/20
Is it just me or does he look a bit skinny for his billed weight. He’s billed at 275 and didn’t look much over 250
Canson said on 13/Jun/20
@Christian: not Gronk I was referring to Baron Corbin
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Jun/20
When was Gronk reduced to a 6'6" listing on here? He was always listed as 6'6.25" from the start. I don't know, he may have been but I just wasn't aware of it.
Canson said on 9/Jun/20
@Kane99 and Christian: they’d be very close but I think Corbin ever so slightly. But this is proof that the combine measurements are not afternoon measurements because he was 6’6.5” at the combine and Rob didn’t just use the pic with Gronk in arriving at 6’6” flat (he was listed 6’6.25 previously). He used other pics. Gronk actually measured shorter than him but it’s possible Corbin May have lost a small fraction since he was measured or that he edges Gronk by a small fraction or that Gronk was measured slightly later in the morning. But seeing Gronk with Brady he looks what Christian said at absolute best. He looks a weak 6’6”
Canson said on 9/Jun/20
@Kane99 and Christian: they’d be very close but I think Corbin ever so slightly
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 8/Jun/20
That's possible too. Either way, I'd be shocked if Corbin's any shorter than Taker in 2020. I can see Corbin being anywhere from 0-1/4" taller.
Kane99 said on 7/Jun/20
I think corbin and taker are almost identical. Maybe taker give a shorter impression, but we can considerer the bad posture and the very low eyelevel for taker. I think overall this guy could look the same height, but I really believe that taker in perfect posture isn’t shorter than Corbin
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Jun/20
That's a pretty tough one. But I'd bet Corbin, but even then, I can't see him anything over 6'6" flat. He honestly looked no taller than 6'5.75" Gronk. I could see Undertaker being 6'5.5", but no less.
Corbin 6'5.75"-6'6" range
Undertaker 6'5.5"-6'5.75" range
Kane99 said on 30/May/20
I know that corbin and taker are very similar today, but I want to know if you put a money on who measure a tad taller between Corbin and taker who would you bet on
Kane99 said on 18/May/20
If strowman have a 5.2 inches eyelevel, is possible 4.7 inches for corbin?
Click Here
He looks eye to eye if strowman doesn’t tilt up his head..

Editor Rob
Strowman might have a bit longer...if you can find bigger guys in a photo with shorter men, sometimes you can compare easier. Lots of wrestler raise/lower eyes in staredowns.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Apr/20
@The Truth Bitches
6'4" for Corbin is asinine.
Canson said on 1/Apr/20
So this should tell you that many of the pre draft or combine measurements are held very early in the morning. 6’6.5 and struggles to look 6’6” to most now?
Canson said on 27/Mar/20
@Roderick: the difference could’ve gone either way. Gronk didn’t look taller in the video I posted. Gronk next to Brady doesn’t look 6’6.25. I could easily see a case for a weak 6’6 with him. I have always had Gronk at Around 6’5.75. See with Jimmy Graham he is shorter. Maybe the angle because both supposedly measured the same. But I’ve seen Gronk measured 6’6 flat somewhere else.
Click Here
Canson said on 27/Mar/20
@Roderick: the difference could’ve gone either way. Gronk didn’t look taller in the video I posted
Roderick said on 26/Mar/20
Nice downgrade
To be honest Gronk didn't look taller than Corbin on Smackdown IMO they looked to pretty similar. Both 6'5.75" or 6'6"
184guy2 said on 24/Mar/20
Time to an downgrade , looked visible shorter than Gronk and I don't think there was a great footwear swing

Editor Rob
Gronkowski seems the more stronger 6ft 6 range when up against corbin.
Canson said on 23/Mar/20
If Corbin falls under 6’6 I doubt it’s by that much. He was supposed to have measured 6’6.5 in the morning at the combine
Canson said on 22/Mar/20
Strowman is not 2” taller than Corbin
The Truth Biatches said on 21/Mar/20
Baron Corbin is 6'4 in the real world and 6'8 in the fake one. Braun is a legit 6'6, Corbin isn't.
Ethan99 said on 21/Mar/20
corbin looks an inch shorter than 6'6.25" gronk on smackdownlive so maybe corbin is 6'5.5" tops
Riccardo5'7 said on 24/Feb/20
Canson and everyone
Well I have to admit that I don't completely get this height loss during the day. I mean that actually I don't understand how it can work on men that tall.
Canson said on 21/Feb/20
@Edwards: yea I’m thinking similar. 6’6 7/8 maybe 6’7 out of bed, 6’6.5 an hour after waking 6’6 3/8 after two hours then 6’6 1/8 may be his lunchtime then 6’6 flat afternoon height. I don’t rule out 6’5 7/8 though being a taller guy who stands to lose a lot more than avg
Canson said on 21/Feb/20
@Riccardo: height around 3pm and evening/night won’t vary by that much even for someone who’s 6’6 though. For me I hit my afternoon height after about 7 hours or so after being awake. Now in Corbin’s case maybe being that tall he could stand to maybe lose a couple more mm. I do agree that maybe he can go down to 6’5 7/8 at night potentially but out of bed prob 6’6 7/8” at least.
edwards said on 21/Feb/20
@ canson
dude,agreed with everything you’ve personal estimation for baron corbin
out of bed=6’7
at a combine=6’6.5
afternoon=6’6 flax or max 6’6 1/8
evening=6’6 or 6’5.75
Riccardo5'7 said on 15/Feb/20
6'6.5 morning
6'6" around 3 pm
6'5"3/4,.5 evening/night
Canson said on 13/Feb/20
I agree with Edwards. 6’6” flat as his combine was 6’6.5 an hour after waking. Out of bed 6’6 7/8 maybe even squeaking in at 6’7” flat. Lunchtime height 6’6 1/8 though not 6’6.25”. A guy size loses more than average. No less than 7/8” I doubt
edwards said on 12/Feb/20
around 6’6 flat .
John wilson brown said on 28/Jan/20
i have met him in person 2-3 times and i wouldn’t go under 6’6 for him.i am 6’5 flat and he was probably around 1.25/1.5 inch taller than me.i am surprised how so many people in this page has underestimated his height.i can bet some money in it that corbin can measure over 6’6.seriously,i can and i will bet some money with those who say he is under 6’6.its laughable that people are comparing him with strowman,its just laughable.corbin always has a normal shoes unlike strowman who wears working boot that gives him around 1.5 to 2” easily.sorry but barefoot wise,i cant see strowman being more than 0.25 taller than corbin.he is easily over 6’6 and as someone who has met corbin.i can bet that
@ editor rob paul
i agree on your listing on corbin.its 100% accurate.i cant imagine corbin being just flat 6’6 or under it.
John wilson brown said on 25/Jan/20
@ editor Rob Paul
Rob I have met him in person I already said‚i am 6'5 and Corbin was 1.5 inch taller than me.the listing is correct I feel.when he goes face to face with guy like strowman‚strowman always has a footwear advanges and still looks only half inch taller.i met him around 11:45 which was in 2012 pestock was in NFL and he was around 1.5 inch at that time.we both had a 1" sneaker.i feel like he was 1.5" taller than me and I was 6'5 flat.i think he can easily hold 6'6.5 till afternoon and may still measure 6'6.25 at a low in evening.need your opinion editor.
Deathvalley99 said on 21/Jan/20
Click Here
Rob, maybe half of an inch difference is more reasonable between strowman and corbin

Editor Rob
I can see why youd have them that distance, it's possible...
edwards said on 1/Jan/20
@ canson
agreed with everything you said.i also agree that 6'6 is what he generally looks in the ring.
Canson said on 30/Dec/19
@Edwards: then again I don’t rule out him being 6’7” out of bed either and losing the half inch before he was measured being as tall as he is. Maybe it was a little over an hour or maybe he lost half inch in the first hour
Canson said on 30/Dec/19
@Edwards: I agree with everything you said! I also have a 6’6 friend who wakes up around 6’6 7/8 I believe. He comes down to 6’6 to 6’6 1/8”. Not sure if he was 6’7 out of bed in his prime or on a better day. But he’s the same in that his extreme low is probably something like 6’5 3/4 to 7/8”. Surprisingly he doesn’t lose Quite the full inch but that’s the same with my 6’7” friend although his may be his extensive back muscles. He is 6’7” flat at his afternoon height and I think 6’7.75 or 7/8 out of bed. Both of them could possibly be 6’7 and 6’8 out of bed on a better day as not sure how many times they’ve taken the measurement. I struggled with my measurement when I first started as it varied and I did it quick and dirty. I thought I was 6’5.25 out of bed all because I was a hair over 6’5” but I’m not. I’m only around 6’5 1/16” out of bed. Guessing my peak was maybe 6’5 1/8. But my actual height has varied from 6’4 3/8 to 6’4.25-.3 which I measure more consistently these days so it’s possible I’ve lost 2mm at 38 years old. But I always classify myself as being 6’4” instead of 6’5”. My guess is Corbin May be similar with my 6’6 friend. But Probably no more than a flat 6’6” afternoon perhaps he could dip under the mark to 6’5 7/8 if he was 6’6.5 an hour out of bed. Some guys that size lose a full inch so 6’6 7/8 to 6’5 7/8 is a possibility but I think Rob listing him 6’6” was much better as he looks that height
edwards said on 21/Dec/19
@ canson
if he was measured 6'6.5 at a combine,that means a first drop of his height is hour after waking.i agree with you dude,i know and i agree on that.i have a biker dude who is in our group and he also measured himself after hour of waking up ,he was 6'6.5 but after only few second of waking up he is straight 6'7 out of bed and night goes down to flat 6'6 or simply 6' extreme low he was measured 6'5.75 but that was extreme low after being on road for 6+ hours and trekking 3 hour's carrying heavy goods.generally,his normal low is 6' i thought,he was same as baron corbin.
Canson said on 21/Dec/19
@Edwards and Rob: it all depends on the size of the person too. Someone like Corbin would probably be at least 6’6 7/8 out of bed and may come down to 6’6” flat best case. Guys 6’6+ may lose more from what Rob says and what I’ve seen with my taller friends. Combine measurements are typically around an hour after waking up from all the extensive data that I’ve seen as well as Viper. Corbin could even be 6’7 out of bed and 6’6 flat or 6’6 7/8 and 6’5 7/8 afternoon. Rob is right about his 1/4” estimate. If I got measured at the combine I would probably get 194.7. But that would likely get rounded to 6’4.75 but on a normal afternoon without working out I’m 193.8 and lunchtime (5 hours) 194 or 194.1 depending on how much I’m on my feet.
edwards said on 20/Dec/19
@ editor rob
rob if corbin was measured 6'6.5 at a combine,then what do you expect hos height after bed.a guy with that height can immediately lose half inch after waking up for one hour.he was likely measured 6'6.5 after 1/2 hour's out of do you think 6'7 is possible for him immediately out of bed given that he loses half inch immediately with in one hour's of waking 6'7 his morning height out of bed ?

Editor Rob
Just depends how early the measurement, but I think for most combine's, a 1/4 under could be afternoon to teatime range, in some cases for those who managed to get within 1 hour of wakening, maybe 1/2 range
Xion 5'8 said on 19/Dec/19
A guy like him can loss 1/4 inch after of 6 hours out of bed, Strowman is a solid 198.5 cm and Corbin a solid 198 cm for me
edwards said on 18/Dec/19
@ xpac99
agreed on what you said.
Xpac99 said on 16/Dec/19
Today he should be taller than undertaker. A fraction over 6ft6 flat is possible. For me 6ft6 1/8 is fair for corbin
edwards said on 14/Dec/19
@ xpac99
flat 6’6 would have been better listing
Xpac99 said on 13/Dec/19
Baron corbin i don’f know if he easily taller than 6ft6. Baron corbin is meauserd 6ft6 1/2 (morning height). He is somewhere in 6ft6 up to 6ft6 1/4 at absolute max, but maybe 6ft6 1/8 is more likely
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Dec/19
Yeah, I'd have said somewhere around 3.75", but no more. Edge's posture is slightly better, but not it's not perfect either.
Canson said on 10/Dec/19
@Christian: reigns also claims 6’3 when he’s prob not more than 6’2. To his credit he got 6’2 5/8 tho
edwards said on 9/Dec/19
looks around 5 inch taller than triple h here
Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 7/Dec/19
Roman Reigns describes Corbin as "6'6 almost 6'8"", which doesn't make sense mathematically, lol.
Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Dec/19
Unless Edge was over 6'2" that time, then Corbin looks under 6'6". (the pic must be anywhere from 2013-2018)
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TheBat said on 30/Nov/19
6'6.25" seems legit. Baron definitely isn't 6'8" like he claims.
edwards said on 24/Nov/19
@ canson
agreed with everything you said.i want to ass something,i personal feel corbin is taller than gronk if measured.i'm also sure that corbin is fraction taller than undertaker.corbin never wears any lifts or thick shoes like undertaker and kane.undertaker probably has a bigger footwear advantages on corbin but still looks half inch shorter.he is only of the few guy's in wwe that dosent wear lifts often.dude,i also agree That it is weird because he towers him more than rob Gronkowski did.corbin can look above 6'6 at times or say sometimes but that dosent mean he is above it.i believe he will surely edge gronk if measured.
Canson said on 20/Nov/19
@Edwards: Corbin appears to have a bit more footwear but I see what you’re saying. That’s weird because he towers him more than Gronkowski did. And even with Gronk who’s probably just a weak 6’6” guy or maybe 6’5.75 he looks 4” shorter than him so the weak 6’2” you mentioned looks accurate. Rock looked a weak 6’2” with Barkley at times
ken6-3 said on 15/Nov/19
Seems to me, Corbin never wears anything that gives him footwear the ring or out.
edwards said on 15/Oct/19
baron corbin would easily be over 6'6 if rock is 6'2 given that there is almost 4.5 inch difference
pause at 1:13
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i feel rock is 6'1.5 that makes corbin 6'6
Roderick said on 13/Oct/19
I find it interesting how in an Instagram post he said "I'm so much taller than Randy Orton!" lol.
If Corbin is 6'5.75"-6'6" and Orton is 6'3.5"-6'3.75", then there is a max 2.25" difference between the two, Lol.
Canson said on 24/Sep/19
edwards said on 23/Sep/19
I think corbin and taker should have been listed at flat 6’6 and kane and strowman to 6’6.5
Agreed. Taker and Corbin are at best both 6’6”. Corbin measured 6’6.5 early morning. His initial listing was perfect for him. Kane and Strowman are both a bit taller than those two.
edwards said on 23/Sep/19
I think corbin and taker should have been listed at flat 6’6 and kane and strowman to 6’6.5
edwards said on 23/Sep/19
Corbin seems to edge taker considering today.
Taker with mick foley
Click Here
Corbin with mick foley.
Click Here
edwards said on 22/Sep/19
@editor rob kudos,how tall do you think corbin is if he got measured at 11-12 am at doctor's clinic?
here,corbin looks almost 3 inch taller than titus o nel,how tall do you think o neil is?
Click Here ,
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more than or atleast 5 inch taller than seth rollins
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4 inch or even more taller than roman reign
Click Here ,
edwards said on 14/Sep/19
Yeah 100% agreed dude,taker should be downgraded to 6’6 flat and kane to 6’6.5 if rob want a great start.even so,kane has footwear advantage and wig advantage over corbin and dosent look more than half inch taller.if both stood side by side barefoot i wouldnt be surprised if kane was only 0.25 to max half inch taller than corbin.the listing is quite inaccurate.i woudnt be surprised if taker is 6’5.75 and kane 6’6.25 now.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Sep/19
Yeah, I really can't see Kane being much taller than a 6'6.5" morning measured Baron Corbin. If Kane's still 6'7" or 6'7.5" today like some people here say, then that means Corbin would be around 6'7" as well, which is impossible. Here's a screenshot of the two.
Click Here
edwards said on 11/Sep/19
here,baron corbin looks similar to kane.pause at 48:30
Click Here
ofcourse,kane has higher shoulder but the heads are equal
Xpac99 said on 4/Sep/19
Yes but the first drop of height is after an hour of waking.. it means that corbin is over 6ft7 when he wake up. I think not under 6ft6. Maybe 6ft6 1/8 but i don’t think he lost more than hall and inch
Canson said on 2/Sep/19
@KA188: agreed
@Xpac99: some measurements are more like an hour after waking. I agree with KA188 in that the 6’6” listing he had before is probably more accurate for him than 6’6.25”.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Sep/19
Combine usually takes place around 1 hour out of bed, not 2-3.
K.A 188 said on 2/Sep/19
Ad listed 6ft6
Xpac99 said on 31/Aug/19
Corbin is 6ft6 for sure. He measured 6ft6 1/2 after 2/3 hours he wake up. Strong 6ft6 zone
edwards said on 28/Aug/19
people may think i am a corbin fanboy from the way i am focusing on baron corbin but tbh i am not,i know 4 or 5 dudes who have met corbin personally and all have pegged him not less than flat 6'6 flat,thats why i am focusing more on corbin.idc how tall he measures.some have even got photos personally with corbin and i will post that by taking permission or recommend them celebs height to post picture.i personally still believe corbin is still 6'6 maybe 6'5.75 at worst at night.i have even looked a photo of dude who is 6'1 and i personally know him and corbin towers him by 5 inch or even 5.25 inch.
edwards said on 28/Aug/19
pause at 1:26
there is 6 to almost 7 inch difference between dolph ziggler and baron corbin.i dont know how tall is dolph
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edwards said on 26/Aug/19
again corbin here is with 6'8 big cass,i feel he is not less than 6'6 flat.
Click Here
edwards said on 25/Aug/19
@canson and christian
here is corbin with big cass
my bad and you dudes are right but personally i still feel corbin is still solid 6'6
Click Here
edwards said on 22/Aug/19
@canson and christian
i agree with both of you dudes.
i agree with you too
edwards said on 22/Aug/19
@canson and christian
yes i agree in both of you dude that upgrade wasnt necessary buy personally dont think strowman is over 6'6.5,i agree on all if what you dyxe's saud but strowman always had a footwear advantage on corbin.of course,i maybe wrong.rob listing for corbin at 6'6 would be reasonable.same goes for taker today,flat 6'6 would be a great start.
Canson said on 22/Aug/19
@Christian: also because he has Taker listed 6’6.5 still. Agree with everything you said. He upgraded him at Rampage’s suggestion it appears
Importer said on 21/Aug/19
He’s probably referring to Mike Tyson with his quote below the photo above.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Aug/19
I don't agree with Rob upgrading Corbin either, but I understand why. He probably felt that he needed to make up for his 6'6.75" listing for Strowman, since the two of them don't look more than a half inch apart. I'd rather have him kept Corbin at 6'6" and lowered Strowman to 6'6.5"
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Aug/19
But Corbin's nearer to the camera though.
Xpac99 said on 20/Aug/19
Corbin didn’t edge strowman in this pic you posted. Corbin is near to the camera and looks taller, but if you imagine strowman at the same distance he was taller
Canson said on 19/Aug/19
@Edwards: that’s rare. Normally other way around. But Corbin should not have the listing he does. It should be no higher than 6’6” flat imho especially given he only measured 6’6.5 at the combine. A guy his size is almost a lock to lose another half inch. Look at Marcedes Lewis he lost 1/2” and he and Corbin are essentially the same height. Lewis measured 6’6 3/8 at the combine then later in the day 6’5 7/8 at the Senior Bowl back when it was an afternoon measurement. Now it’s morning too. The upgrade to 6’6.25 was not necessary by any means
edwards said on 13/Aug/19
Corbin edges strowman
Click Here
Canson said on 11/Aug/19
@Christian: I’m usually about .9cm in the first hour.
edwards said on 11/Aug/19
I maybe wrong but it looks like corbin has full head on kurt angle,angle maybe 5’9.5 as listed
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Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Aug/19
Both could be the same at around 6'5.75"-6'6" IMO.
I typically lose around 0.3 inch in an hour out of bed, which would be between 1/4"-1/3"
edwards said on 8/Aug/19
Yes dude i agree on that but i was talking about late 2018 or 2019
Canson said on 8/Aug/19
@Christian: what you said is absolutely possible. My guess for Corbin tho is maybe he dips to 6’5 7/8 only because at the time of the measurement he may have already lost 3/8” but 6’5 3/4 is possible since some of them only lose 1/4” in the first hour. I know in your case you lose 1/4” whereas I’m around a 1/3” to 3/8”. I didn’t realize that people thought Strowman was only 6’6”. My estimate on him may be too high as I had him 199 or so. Maybe he’s closer to 6’6 1/4” and Corbin did look a tad shorter than him. I will say this though. The upgrade on Corbin was completely unnecessary especially being that tall and the fact that he likely would lose another half inch from his listing. I don’t know why Rob made the upgrade to begin with. 6’6” flat seemed like the Catch all
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 7/Aug/19
Sorry but I can't see Corbin being taller than Taker. At least not in 2017 when they met. Keep in mind that Taker had worse posture than Corbin. Depending on how rapid Taker's height loss is, it's possible that he could be shorter than Corbin in 2019 though.
edwards said on 7/Aug/19
I was about to say that taker and corbin are similar today but if taker is still 6’6 which i think he is, corbin may measure hair over 6’6 if taker is 6’6.but both of them dudes are similar if measured.
edwards said on 6/Aug/19
@christian dude
Corbin has clearly edged 6’6 guys like taker so even by simple logic that put corbin over 6’6 if taker is 6’6.there os not much difference between corbin and taker,both of them guys are awfully closed but taker is bit shorter.if 6’6 is still 6’6 then this applies.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 3/Aug/19
Well, a few people on CH met Strowman and said that he looked just 6'6", yet Strowman edges out Corbin.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 3/Aug/19
@Canson and Edwards
In Sotiris' defense though, I can see Corbin being a bit under 6'6", maybe 6'5.75" at worst. Some football players get measured 3/4" taller than they are at night, especially when hair gets in the way. Plus Corbin is very tall so that means his spine is long, so the height loss is bigger than the average person which is about 3/4", while his could be a full inch. And who's to say that he couldn't have lost any height since being measured? Football is a very rough sport that takes a toll on the body.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 3/Aug/19
@Canson and Edwards
In Sotiris' defense though, I can see Corbin being 6'5.75" at worst. Some football players get measured 3/4" taller than they are at night, especially when hair gets in the way. Plus Corbin is very tall so that means his spine is long, so the height loss is bigger than the average person which is about 3/4", while his could be a full inch.
Canson said on 1/Aug/19
@Sotiris: how much under 6’6” are we talking? If we said 6’5 7/8 I could conceivably see that at a normal low but he looks 6’6” in the ring and he edges Taker bro. That could be attributed to Taker’s posture but He’s not less than that I doubt and he probably doesn’t fall under the 6’6” mark. Look at him with Strowman. Strowman is barely taller than him. He’s probably also overlisted but not by that much maybe a CM. My guess is Corbin 6’6” maybe 6’6 1/8 is tops 6’6 3/8 or 6’6.5 for Strowman. 6’5.5 to a full 6’6” for Taker
edwards said on 30/Jul/19
@sotiris gravas
Dude no way is corbin shorter than 6’6 not even at worst,i know too many people who have met corbin personally,and there is one gentleman who have met corbin more than 5 times and the dude is 6’1 and he says corbin is easily 5 inch taller than way under 6’6,i say no way.
edwards said on 25/Jul/19
do you agree on fact that corbin,taker and strowman are similar today and these dudes really needs to be measured to know who is taller,at times corbin looks similar to strowman and you couldnt seprate who is taller and maybe strowman is max 1 cm taller than corbin and again undertaker looks exactly same as corbin.i think these dudes are in same 6'6 range,do you agree on this?strowman maybe max 1 cm taller than taker and corbin.

Editor Rob
It is hard to pick these guys apart at times, to the extent that they could all be within 1/4 inch range.
Nik said on 21/May/19
44 voters have total faith in our Rob!
edwards said on 2/May/19
braun strowman maybe taller than corbin if measured but corbin looked similar to strowman in raw.
edwards said on 12/Apr/19
yes dude its hard to believe that corbin being over 6'6 but at the same time he edge taker at msg last year.if taker is still 6'6 then it is obvious that corbin is hair over 6'6 but not by much maybe a half cm or even full cm.but this applies if taker is still 6'6
edwards said on 10/Apr/19
yes dude,i agree in that corbin cant be over 6'6 flat but he edged undertaker at madison square garden last year.if corbin may only be 6'6 then taker should be a bit lower maybe a cm lower than 6'6 or maybe atleast a tad lower than corbin.
Canson said on 7/Apr/19
@Christian: agreed. He may only be 6’5.75 at a low. But I don’t know why Rob upgraded him.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 5/Apr/19
To be honest, I wouldn't rule out 6'5.75" for him, as some athletes end up being 3/4" shorter than measured, especially taller and bigger guys since they tend to lose more height. He has looked a bit under 6'6" on some occasions.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 5/Apr/19
To be honest, I wouldn't rule out 6'5.75" for him, as some athletes end up being 3/4" shorter than measured. He has looked a bit under 6'6" on some occasions.
Canson said on 3/Apr/19
Corbin isn’t over 6’6 flat
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Apr/19
I remember one time he looked only 3.5" taller than Roman Reigns.
Mahal needs a downgrade regardless.
James Brett 172cm said on 2/Apr/19
Corbin might have footwear advantage over Jinder Mahal
edwards said on 23/Mar/19
dude i personally think taker is still 6'6 but not more and corbin is 6'6.25,those are my personal estimation.taker 6'6 and corbin 6'6.25.
Xpac99 said on 21/Mar/19
Click Here
Rob 4:18
Maybe if corbin isn’t taller than 6ft 6 1/4, jinder mahal is 6 ft 4 or 6ft 4 1/4. Do you agree?

Editor Rob
A couple of inches between them seems possible that face-2-face moment.
Canson said on 19/Mar/19
If Sid were taller it was not by a lot. I doubt Sid was more than about 6’6.25 or a full 199cm. Corbin at a low is likely a solid 6’6” like Rob used to list him
Canson said on 19/Mar/19
If Sid were taller it was not by a lot. I doubt Sid was more than about 6’6.25. Corbin at a low is likely a solid 6’6” like Rob used to list him
Xpac99 said on 18/Mar/19
Rob is possible corbin to have the same height of peak sycho sid?

Editor Rob
Many would estimate Sid as being taller than even the figure I give him, I think Corbin is probably a fraction or so less than peak sid.
edwards said on 23/Feb/19
@canson totally agreed dude
Canson said on 16/Feb/19
@Edwards: they could be similar. My guess is that Taker may still be the full 6’6” like Bros of Destruction said but no higher. Even if they appear the same height, there could be about 1/4” difference since that would be very difficult to see between two people meaning Taker may be 6’5.75. But I doubt he’s much less than that if he even drops that low. Corbin, on the other hand, there’s almost no chance that he’s 6’6.25 if he measured 6’6.5 at the combine assuming he hasn’t grown. Most players lose 3/8 or 1/2” from their combine listing to the afternoon and a 6’6” guy would stand to lose the latter. 6’6.5 would make him 6’6” most likely. I think the previous listing was much better than this one. If anything Rob should probably assume 6’6 1/8 if he’s using a lunchtime listing. I don’t rule out him dropping to 6’5 7/8 at that size but I think the solid 6’6” is fine. I saw that Jason witten measured 6’5.75 at the combine but a flat 6’5” another time. He coincidentally doesn’t look more than 6’5” next to Booger McFarland on MNF. Booger has said a couple times throughout the past football season that he’s exactly 6’0” tall I remember it clearly when Drew Brees broke the record earlier he said he’s exactly 6’0” and that he was taller than Brees. That just shows that the combine measurements are typically a lot higher than someone will measure at a more normal time of the day or in the afternoon specifically
Canson said on 16/Feb/19
@Edwards: they could be similar. My guess is that Taker may still be the full 6’6” like Bros of Destruction said but no higher. Even if they appear the same height, there could be about 1/4” difference since that would be very difficult to see between two people
edwards said on 6/Feb/19
@ canson dude but taker and corbin seems to be same height at royal rumble 2017,dont no about now but both were equal at royal rumble
edwards said on 6/Feb/19
@ Canson yes dude,yes i agree .If Taker measures under then he may edge him but for someone that size I doubt he loses just 1/4” from his combine listing which takes place early morning .yes dude same estimation here
Phenom89 said on 1/Feb/19
Click Here
Corbin and Graves, listed 1,85.
Phenom89 said on 29/Jan/19
Between 198-199
Canson said on 28/Jan/19
@Edwards: they would be awfully close. I have Corbin as a straight 6’6” at a low. If Taker measures under then he may edge him but for someone that size I doubt he loses just 1/4” from his combine listing which takes place early morning I think the 6’6 Rob had him at initially was the best call. Most guys over 6’0” lose 3/8” or 1/2”. Even some under 6’0” do
Canson said on 28/Jan/19
@Edwards: they would be awfully close. I have Corbin as a straight 6’6” at a low. If Taker measures under then he may edge him but for someone that size I doubt he loses just 1/4” from his combine listing which takes place early morning. Most guys over 6’0” lose 3/8” or 1/2”. Even some under 6’0” do
Canson said on 12/Jan/19
No chance you maintain the same height all day
edwards said on 10/Jan/19
i personally think that he is 1 cm taller than undertaker not more than 1 cm.i think he is 198.5 cm and undertaker can be 197
Smoosh said on 8/Jan/19
People emphasise on losing heihgght during the day too much here. Im the same height morning noon or night.
Canson said on 6/Jan/19
@Burn: what you said makes sense if he measures 6’6.5 at around an hour after waking up he would probably be 6’6.25 at lunch or 6’6 1/8. Problem is that someone that height loses more than someone a bit shorter. He may lose an inch in a day or 7/8. Judging where he measured he would be 6’6 or 6’6 1/8 on his low. I think 1/8” would’ve been a better listing
Sotiris Gravas said on 1/Jan/19
W/ 5'6", maybe 5'6.5" Tom Savini...
Click Here
Kane and 5'6" Rand Paul...
Click Here
Canson said on 24/Dec/18
@Burn: rob lists them at a low is what it’s supposed to be at least. He classifies his own height as his low 5’8 1/8. He measures 5’8.25 at lunchtime. But goes with the former since it’s his normal low. Now for Corbin, if 6’6” were his low then 6’6 1/8 would constitute more lunchtime. The variance isn’t all that much as many people say. You wouldn’t likely drop 1/4” from lunch until late afternoon. More 1/8”
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 24/Dec/18
@Canson But aren't they listed by lunchtime/afternoon heights on here? He would probably be 6'6" but only at a low in the evening which is why for this site a little over 6'6" makes more sense.
Canson said on 23/Dec/18
@Burn: very fair. Just not a low for him
edwards said on 22/Dec/18
i am wrong at ,i said 2015 mistakely .at 2017 royal rumble,taker and corbin were of same height,but few months ago at madison square garden,when taker was about to chokeslam baron corbin taker seems half a inch if not full shorter than baron corbin.maybe due to surgeries.
edwards said on 21/Dec/18
at 2015 royal rumble,taker and corbin were of same height,but few months ago at madison square garden,when taker was about to chokeslam baron corbin taker seems half a inch if not full shorter than baron corbin.maybe due to surgeries
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 21/Dec/18
6'6.25" is still fair because he would measure it.
Canson said on 19/Dec/18
I think 6’6” flat like Rob had him initially was the catch all. He isn’t below that based on appearance and he would likely fall to that from his combine measurement. Maybe 6’6 1/8 is a better fit as it’s the most I could see at his low. A 6’6 1/8 at a low is no different in appearance however
JamesB172cm said on 11/Dec/18
Sid Eudy was 6’6.5 and Corbin looks shorter than he did.
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Dec/18
@ Canson - Thanks! The same right back to you! 🍻🎄
Canson said on 10/Dec/18
He’s well over 6’4” with other wrestlers. He measured 6’6.5 at the combine and it doesn’t appear to be a mistake like Merriman. Just a morning measurement. He’s 6’6
Canson said on 10/Dec/18
@Sandy: why thank you! Happy holidays!
Canson said on 10/Dec/18
@JamesB: that’s common though for a legit 6’6” guy. They would measure near if not all the way up to 6’7” out of bed and be 6’6 at their low. He definitely looks that sort of height.
JamesB172cm said on 10/Dec/18
Surprised he measures over 6ft6
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Dec/18
@ Canson - Your reply to Burn must be your all-time masterpiece!
Big Boy Baron Corbin gets an average 6ft6.25.
y2flu said on 8/Dec/18
This guy isn't a tad over 6'4". I was right next to him at a WWE live event and I couldn't tell any difference in height between him and me (I'm 6'3"). He might have been a smidgeon taller.
Canson said on 8/Dec/18
@Rob: I agree if it’s after 2 hours. But most NFL players are measured about an hour or within an hour after waking. And normal variance is 3/8-1/2. I’ve seen some guys gain 1/4” from pro day or senior bowls but they likely were laying around if so. I’m sure a few may have less variance from their measurement but not many and a guy Corbin’s size is gonna lose more than average. You can see Marcedes Lewis for example. Lewis measured 6’6 3/8 combine and 6’5 7/8 senior bowl. Also a case like Jason Witten where he’s 6’5.75 at the combine and 6’5 flat later
Canson said on 8/Dec/18
@Rob: I agree if it’s after 2 hours. But most NFL players are measured about an hour or within an hour after waking. And normal variance is 3/8-1/2. I’ve seen some guys gain 1/4” from pro day or senior bowls but they likely were laying around if so and a guy Corbin’s size is gonna lose more than average. You can see Marcedes Lewis for example as well as Martellus Bennett. Lewis measured 6’6 3/8 combine and 6’5 7/8 senior bowl. Also a case like Jason Witten where he’s 6’5.75 at the combine and 6’5 flat later
Canson said on 8/Dec/18
@Burn: That’s what I think. I’ve been saying that for a while on Taker’s page that he looks that way because of his poor posture. I know one poster here, Alan32080, claims to have met him and said from the few seconds he eyeballed him looked 6’7ish still but this was some years back. And he admitted he didn’t really size him up. With Ali Baba, he didn’t look quite that tall. I would’ve said 199 back then but barring some significant height loss still 6’6”. Worst I would argue for Taker is 6’5.5-6’6 or a weak 6’6”. That’s possible especially given that Kevin Love in pics doesn’t look close to 6’8”. He looks 6’7”. Next to Carmelo Anthony or Lebron or Bosh he looks 201 which is consistent with the one post I put up on Takers page of the guy who met him and Dan Majerle calling him 6’7”. While Love did edge Taker, I doubt it was really by as much as the pictures suggest. I would say more like 3 cm maybe 1.5”. A 6’7.25 Love would make Taker more like 6’5.75. Anything 6’5.5-6’6 fits really. Also as you mentioned Taker still looks around 6’6” with guys on the mat. I think Strowman would edge him today albeit not a full 200cm himself with Corbin but probably 199ish. As for Corbin, I feel 6’6” was enough for him especially given how early in the morning that I’ve proven (and even Rob also said below) that the combine takes place. For there to only be 1/4” difference in measurements would be for a shorter guy who doesn’t lose as much height. Not a 6’6” guy however. While I did say 6’6 1/8” os possible when I posted his combine measurement a couple weeks ago, I feel that with him having the potential to lose more height given how tall he is that 6’6” was likely enough. I don’t think he would fall much below that mark and I don’t feel that he would be much above it on a normal day. Someone his size compared to others in the NFL his size who I’ve compared combine measurements and Senior Bowl or Pro Days for loses half inch from one of the latter to the former. That said Corbin at 6’6’ was a good shout. I think 6’6.25 is ok because he would measure it but that’s not a low for him
Canson said on 8/Dec/18
I don’t think the upgrade was necessary especially since he measured the 6’6.5 early morning. A solid 6’6 was likely at a low

Editor Rob
If Corbin got measured 1-2 hours out of bed then 6ft 6 and change early afternoon seems quite believable.
Canson said on 7/Dec/18
@Christian: I can see that. My thinking is that even at that weight he’s still very heavy for a 6’6 range guy (maybe at a stretch 6’6-6’7). Corbin’s proportions do more justice too imho.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Dec/18
Rob, how likely is 6ft6½?
Certainly has to around that earlier in the day

Editor Rob
I think giving him 6ft 6 and change is reasonable if he managed to hit that mark earlier in the day. Depends on just how early somebody gets measured. Some will be within 1 hour of wakening...
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 7/Dec/18
@Canson If measured Strowman may have the slight edge but not by a lot. Weight does come into aswell as you touched on so we don't know how much they're losing during the day. As for Taker people seem to be judging him by his poor posture and while physically he doesn't quite look 6'6" I'm confident if measured he wouldn't be much below it.
Sakz said on 6/Dec/18
@Canson Agreed.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 6/Dec/18
Strowman's no 400lbs. He was around that weight when he was a strongman. Nowdays more like 350-360. He's also billed by WWE at 385.
Canson said on 5/Dec/18
@Burn: I would say he’s one of the most legit 6’6” guys on this site. There’s always a possibility with someone his size that they lose more height than a shorter person even 6’4-6’5 guys lose a bit less than someone 6’6 or above from what I’ve seen. I myself lose about 2cm on a Normal day (a full inch is possible for An extreme low for me). but a lot is due to how much I’m on my feet. I’ve seen a couple guys even 6’5 range lose a full inch. Jason Witten shows a combine 6’5.75 (presumably 6’6” out of bed) but then showed another measurement of exactly 6’5”. If Corbin loses any more than I mentioned (6’6” to me is reasonable), it may be something like 6’5 7/8 or worst case 6’5.75 but we can agree that unless Braun Strowman is overlisted by more than we think he is, that Corbin is likely a full 6’6”. Half inch from his combine listing especially with his body and muscle would likely be about right if we are talking waking up 6’6.75 or 6’6 7/8 and then coming down to 6’6 flat. But I do agree with you that he looks more legit a 6’6” than many of the others here on the site. Taker may still be right there but his posture takes away from how tall he actually looks and is. Strowman may be another candidate. His 400 plus pounds may sink him down and he may be able to stretch out a bit. If I didn’t count that, I would say that he’s around 199 cm tops and could even just look maybe half a cm to a cm taller than Corbin really
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 5/Dec/18
@Canson Yeah he does stand very well so that works in his favour. He even lifts his head up slightly which gives the illusion of him being taller.
Canson said on 4/Dec/18
@Christian: after seeing the stare down I agree there isn’t much there. I almost wonder if Braun could get more height standing better (typical of a very heavy guy). But I only see maybe him being up to a CM taller if anything.
RP said on 4/Dec/18
Rob, are you not going to mention his 6’6-1/2” measurement at The NFL Combine in his profile?

Editor Rob
Yes I mentioned that now.
Canson said on 28/Nov/18
@Christian: if he measures 6’6 1/8 which is possible, 200 is almost possible for Strowman. Maybe more like 199.5 or 199.7 tho really (half inch). Strowman May have lost height but also possible Corbin is only solid 6’6”. Then Strowman May be overlisted more. I will day that even if it’s 1/4” or 3/8”, a lot of other celebs are listed a lot higher than their actual height such as Shawne Merriman. I will say Rob has him listed very close to his normal low. Even if he’s 1/8” under that’s still within realm of a legit 6’6 as we see many others that may measure 1/4” under still listed at the full number
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Nov/18
He's at worst a cm shorter than Strowman, maybe even less. Sometimes the two can even look the same height. Goes to show you that Strowman may not be as tall as 200cm like he's listed here.
Canson said on 22/Nov/18
@James B and Rob: I don’t think he’s under 6’6 or 6’5 7/8 maybe if he has lost anything. Even with the life he lead he is young to have lost any significant height
Canson said on 22/Nov/18
Measured 6’6 1/2 at the combine so he’s still a full 6’6” at a low if not 1/8” over. Rob couldn’t have done much better here
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Canson said on 22/Nov/18
Definitely 6’6”
miko said on 28/Jun/18
Matt Bloom (A-Train) was about 6'6 at his tallest. He could look taller though but he did wear some big boots and his posture was impeccable in staredowns. He held his own around Undertaker/Matt Morgan.
shuvayu chakraborty said on 21/Jun/18
He is shorter than Braun Strowman ... check the latest tag team match that they had in raw
Slim said on 22/Apr/18
Rob have you seen the most recent photo of Matt Bloom with Dan Matha for WWE training? He towers Matt and internet has both of them at 6’7.

Editor Rob
I never seen it
Garz said on 15/Apr/18
Rob how tall is a-train (matt bloom) ?? He looks taller than corbin. He’s possibile for him 6ft 6 1/2 today??

Editor Rob
Called himself 295 pounds at 6ft 7, might be a bit less though
James B 170.8cm said on 11/Mar/18
Rob could 6ft5.75 or 6ft5.5 be a possibility?

Editor Rob
That would be the lowest I'd make a case for.
James B 170.8cm said on 9/Mar/18
Rob if you compare him too a prime hogan or sid he doesnt look as tall does he?
If i didnt know his height i would have gussed somewhere in the 6'4.5-6'5.5 range. He actually reminds me of drew mcintyre in terms of height.

Editor Rob
I think he still seems over 6ft 5 though
rikashiku said on 1/Mar/18
With 6'8" claimed 6'7" stated, 6'6" listed here Braun Strowman
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At least two inches between then, and there's no way baron corbin is 6'4" considering how much height he has over Jinder Mahal.
I've posted pictures of Strowman from his Instagram here before. One with him and a 6'5" bodybuilder, the bodybuilder said Strowman was 6'7" and over 400lbs going into WWE and for the most part, there was 2" between them or maybe slightly more.
Adam Scherrs Instagram profile is actually a wealth of pictures with him and other tall wrestlers.
heightchecker34 said on 15/Feb/18
nice add Rob, yeah I always thought he was a legit 6'6 guy. Towers over the majority of the roster, which is not hard these days, with over 80% of them being under 6 ft 1. Impressive how much weight he lost from his NFL days, especially at that height. The train regimen is completely different. I read in an interview of his, that he had to cut out pizza and other junk. Probably wakes up 200 cm and settles with 198 cm the rest of the day. I hope he gets treated like a serious threat, cause they need more large bad guys, and he legit carries himself like a bad ass star. He is an actual golden glove champion and grappling champion, so I wouldn't mind having him by my side in a fight!
Logan said on 10/Feb/18
Nash is around 6'9" that makes Corbin a solid 6'6"
Zahid said on 7/Feb/18
With Kevin Nash, he doesn't look more than 6'5.5".
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Jake T. said on 6/Feb/18
I suppose he can look good between 275 and 285 lbs because of his height
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Feb/18
260-270lbs is my guess...
Canson said on 5/Feb/18
As listed at best
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 5/Feb/18
I doubt he’s even 275. He looks 265 at best, but that depends on his bone density.
Mayfield said on 5/Feb/18
Jake T., he has slimmed down considerably, but he was around 317 in the football days. He was an offensive lineman, and they tend to be on the fat side. Compare him today to this when he was in football:
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RP said on 4/Feb/18
Jake T...Baron Corbin aka Tom Pestock was a legit 6'6" & 310-320 lbs his SR year in College & his brief pro football stint...played Offensive Gaurd...he lost weight for pro wrestling look leaner & better on camera. He's 275 lbs now.