Charlotte Thompson said on 6/Jan/21
I believe you need to do a little research before you print false information. It is true that Audie Murphy was 5'5" when he enlisted in the army at 17 years of age, but like every teenage boy, he grew up. At the time of his death in May, 1971, at the age of 45, he was 5'10" tall according to his driver's license found in the wreckage after the plane crash that killed him.

Editor Rob
it's been mentioned a few times in the comments about 5ft 10 on license.
Well my guess is lower than what he may have measured...
the screencaps shown are army documents and really the question is whether at age 25 did Audie really get a 5ft 8.5 measurement barefoot. I have my doubts, though if that were in boots...well I don't rule it out.
JimM said on 10/Aug/20
I could agree with 5'6" or even a fraction more. His Army height of 5' 5" was when he was only a few days past his 17th birthday and he could have grown an inch or more as he aged. I found this recently which seems valid. He certainly was not a person to be easily intimidated by anyone. He is credited at being 5' 7" in this post of altercation with a 6' 1" 190 lb man.
Click Here
Beau Dare said on 26/Nov/19
When I was Working in Los Angeles as an actor/screenwriter, I use to visit my parents who lived near Canyon Lake a bit north of San Diego, not far from Audie Murphy's ranch where he lived in the 50's and 60's. I went over one day and asked an estate agent near the Audie Murphy estates they were currently building, if they knew where his old house was. Much to my surprise the lady I spoke with knew Murphy personally through her stuntman husband who filmed with him and told me his house was half hidden beneath a rock formation just 100 yards away. She said he was a very modest man and was about 5'6" tall. Of course, Murphy stood tall as a man with extraordinary courage on the battlefield and was a underrated actor who could show deep emotion with just a glance and look in his eyes.
Jack C Scott, said on 19/Aug/19
History records that Audie Murphy was the most decorated person in WWII.
Tex Mac said on 20/Feb/19
If you'd read some of the two dozen books on John Wayne you would know that many of the stars of the forties enlisted and left behind families. Wayne was traipsing around with Marlene Dietrich and not at home worrying about his family. He was also afraid his career would lose momentum so he kept putting off serving till the war ended.
Murphy's father left his family, they almost starved to death. He left part of his siblings with his oldest sister and the others were put in orphan's homes. He enlisted at age 17 by lying about his age. He cared very much about his family and when he came home he bought a house for them to live in at Greenville, Texas.
Wayne was all image--Murphy was the real deal.
Catdaddyd said on 11/Nov/17
It's a well-known fact that a lot of actors Audie Murphy and Alan Ladd stood on crate boxes in their films standing next to women who are taller than them. Some of the female actors said they used to have to walk in a ditch next there man when filming a scene.
Duffer 5ft 11 said on 16/Sep/17
Appears around 5'6" in his movies. His on and off screen bravery is legendary.
Bruno said on 15/Jul/17
Wayne did a lot for the war effort through his films. He was married with 4 children and in his mid 30s. Hard to leave them behind and fight.
Audie was very young when he joined the army and had no ties at all. However he indeed was an immense person for what he did.
I visited Arlington cemetery and his headstone was very plain, it was apparently his wish to have it like an ordinary soldier's one even though he was so highly decorated.
Jonah Lewis said on 19/Mar/17
Audie might have been 5ft.5ins but he stood head and shoulders over John Wayne, who was a draft dodger and coward, that stayed in Mexico until it was safe to go home.
tex said on 3/Nov/16
Audie would have never worn lifts. He could care less if he was short. His western costumes from his movies are in the Audie Murphy Museum in Greenville, Texas. It appears he was about 5'8".
James said on 25/Sep/16
He was wearing lifts in "What's My Line?".
Heather said on 18/Jul/16
Information on his driver's licence found on his body following the plane crash (the licence was issued in May 1970 and he died in May 1971), states his height was 5'10". As he was only 17 when he joined the Army in 1942 when his height was recorded at 5'5, it's entirely possible that Audie simply didn't finish growing until he was in his very late teens/early 20s.
jwwjr said on 27/Apr/15
Audie Murphy should be upgraded. On whats my line 1955. As he walks across to shake hands with the panel he is about an inch and half below the Top of sign in Board.The sign in board is about 5ft 8 .possibly a little more.
Tex said on 5/Feb/15
Murphy's sister is still alive and lives in Princeton, TX. She says Audie was about 5'9" when he died. He suffered from malnutrition when young and grew his whole life. His brothers were all tall. His height didn't keep him from winning every medal the US Army gives out for valor--some twice. He was credited with killing over 250 German soldiers.
Arch Stanton said on 17/Jul/14
Honestly I had no idea he was this short in To Hell and Back.
Jimmy said on 23/Mar/14
Murphy looked 5'5" next to 6'3" James Stewart in "Night Passage", where they were improbably cast as brothers.
MmannieB said on 1/Oct/13
I knew Audie briefly in the late 1960s. We were neighbors and both drove Shelby Cobras. He was about 5'9" and joked that he was acrually sixteen when he joined the service and lied about his age. He was 5'5" when he enlisted and everyone kept saying he was 5'5" up to his death. He was also deceptivelt muscular and strong.
tex said on 11/May/13
Murphy was actually 17 when he entered the service and suffered from malnutrition. He grew his entire life. His sister told me he was about 5'8" when he died. He wasn't 5'5" when he made movies in the 1960's. Look at him next to other actors.
Tex said on 8/Apr/13
There is also an article in Esquire Magazine written right before Murphy died. The writer says he was surprised at meeting Audie at his height. About 5'9". Murphy laughed at him and said "I have never stopped growing my entire life". Another indication he suffered from malnutrition when he was young.
macdaddy said on 24/Jul/12
Also, If you see the movie "Beyond Glory" where Audie is featured with Alan Ladd, Murphy is taller than Ladd who is listed as 5'6" on this website.
macdaddy said on 5/Dec/11
Audie was only seventeen when he inlisted. He also suffered from malnutrition. My godmother was Audie's sister. She says he "grew his whole life" and was about 5'8" when he died in a plane crash.
... said on 13/Dec/10
Macdaddy- Would Addie really leave his squad and platoon or both in the night and bring back Germans?? I am wondering because i am doing a project on him in history class and this would be helpful! Thanks
Amok said on 28/May/09
Proving that you don't need to be tall or big to be a killer in modern warfare. Look up Simo H
Ahleks said on 26/May/09
I just watched The Quick Gun and I could've never guessed that he was only 5'5. Looked at the very least 5'8 to me.
Robert.R said on 18/Jan/07
Audie Murphy was short yet he was one of the most decorated soldiers in the war. In the film "To Hell And Back" which I saw when I was a boy, he played himself and you knew he wasn't just acting, he had actually been through it all.
Phil said on 3/Jan/07
Audie could not get into any branch of the military other than the army due to height restrictions, which were in the 1940's 5'4", so he was shorter than that to get into the armed service
Jay said on 27/Sep/06
Audie Murphy is a hero of mine. I watch his movies all the time and I don't see that he was surrounded by other short actors. On the contrary, most of his co-stars were taller and most of the women co-stars were either eye to eye or only slightly shorter. As someone who is also short (5.4 on my Army enlistment) I pay attention to these things very closely. As the most decorated hero of WWII, he proved that size (or a lack thereof) is not necessarily a detriment.
Regus said on 1/Jul/06
I can remember seeing his military uniforms at the Audie Murphy museum in McKinney TX(or Farmer's Branch, I forget which)--he was quite small. I'm 5-7 and taller than him.
animalito said on 20/Jun/05
If Murphy was really no more than 5.5 where did Hollywood get so many actors to populate his flicks, most of whom were his height or looked even shorter? Granted that height "inflation" is common in Hollywood, but, I ratheer doubt it that it's a place full of squirts...(no offense boys..tough-guy term, 1920s)