Harold said on 11/Apr/16
Jervis, I've never met Ciint Eastwood. And while I do know someone who co-starred with him in a movie, she expressed awe at his horizontal rather than his vertical prowess... But I find it most interesting how Sergio Leone (and others) filmed him from below to make him look towering. As towering, in fact, as the rock spires in Monument Valley. Do I believe he was ever, peak, six foot four? No. Simply because at a legit six four, in cowboy boots, which he wore for many movies, he would have been six five plus or six six. And he never, ever looked that. Up until the late 70's, with movies like, Every Which Way But Loose and Any Which Way You Can, he was lean. Really lean (see Coogan's Bluff), which accentuated the height (along with the cowboy boots). I'd figure him for, peak, six two or so. Which, in boots would help him pass for six four. What many don't understand is a legit six two is actually unusually tall in Hollywood - esp. back in his day. Even today there are not many legit six foot two actors (ahem, Arnold). I believe Clint was once one of them (no longer as time has taken its toll).
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 11/Apr/16
Canson said on 7/Apr/16
Key to everyone is that Arnold was a bodybuilder. You lose height as is but is progressed with that type of wear and tear.
I basicly agree with this, but isn´t it strange that Ralf Möller only lost about a cm from peak?
I think there´re much more keys to find.
Alucard said on 11/Apr/16
Just watched Terminator Genisys, nice flick overall, i think better than T3 and probably Salvation... Jai Courtney, who is around 6' max, if not shorter, was clearly taller than Arnold being barefoot, Arnold with boots, what that makes him? 5'9-5'10? So he lost about 4 to 5 inches of height since his younger days, how is that even possible? Judging from that Conan The Barbarian pic, if Sven-Ole Thorsen is really 6'4-6'5 then Arnold must be upgraded too! They look almost the same, so Arnold was what now, 6'3, 6'4 or even 6'5? Lol, ok... Evidence about him being around 5'11 in his prime? Easy, Lucille Ball's video from 1972 or Arnold in every year he competed as a bodybuilder... Stallone was never over 5'7 all his life, at best, without outrageous lifts and tricks...
jervis said on 11/Apr/16
Harold have you ever met Clint Eastwood?What is your opinion on his height?
mrtguy said on 10/Apr/16
Arnold I think is a weak 6''
Harold said on 9/Apr/16
Canson: "Key to everyone is that Arnold was a bodybuilder."
Well, yes, and the key to that is that 'professional' bodybuilders lie about their height and their measurements in order to fool the most people to spend the most money watching them. If you doubt this, why was Joe Weider, the head of Arnold's bodybuilding federation and Arnold's business partner, required to pay repeated 1/2 million dollar fines to the United States government for false advertising claims concerning his bodybuilding products (he was a convicted snake-oil salesman)? Follow the money, and the money was in the pushing and promoting of fake stats. This is the entertainment business. Not the truth business. So, Arnold was never six foot two in his lifetime, but he pretended he was for fifty years. And for those who say, 'Well, he really wasn't lying because he was six foot one and one-half." No, he wasn't. Ever. Despite a lifetime of getting paid to pretend he was something he wasn't, his acting "skills", such as they are, only extend so far...
jervis said on 9/Apr/16
The younger Arnold looked around the height he is listed here alongside actors like Christopher Reeve,Rodger moore,Stephen Segal,Clint Eastwood,jim Carrey etc.
THE REAL ANNONYMOUS said on 8/Apr/16
Yes Harold I'm aware about Basile's other claims and specialty the one about the young teen in Australia.
It is possible that Arnold might have been 6'1.5 in his youth but it wouldn't surprise me if he was 6' or a tad shorter.
Lol sorry guys I thought I had some interesting information about Basile measuring Arnold back in the day but I noticed Rob has it up at the top already.
Harold since you worked in Hollywood what height would you say Stallone is?? What have you heard.
Harold said on 8/Apr/16
"This page is a elixir of Napoleon complexes, narcissism and jealousy...how about we talk about height?"
Well, Junior31, add to the elixir, Fanboy worship, actor adulation, celebrity veneration, publicity flak gullibility, and idiot idolatry. All those things are red flags of an accurate height estimation.
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 8/Apr/16
Micky Pearce said on 7/Apr/16
Here is Arnold with 6ft 1 Miranda Hart. However Miranda is in flat shoes and probably Arnold had a bit of heel in his shoes. Click Here
I don't believe Miranda Hart is a legit 6'1" either. She's barely taller than
Jude Law who claims 5'9".
Harold said on 8/Apr/16
Yes, Canson, look at the photo of Arnold dwarfed by Barkley and note, in the photo, that it is shot so that footwear is not visibile. How convenient for the Fanboys. Hint: Sir Charles does not wear cowboy boots. Further hint: he never needed to.
184.3cm (Night) said on 8/Apr/16
Lucille reaches his nose as HeightcrazyRed6ft proved with that image. That's 7 inches so 6'1" is relaible if she was 5'6".
There is plenty of proof here supporting anything from 6'0.5"-6'1.5" for peak height. If you guys want to be taken serious with your 5'11-6' peak claims then start posting evidence. I wish you luck.
5'11" flat today though as he can look shorter at times with bad posture and other times taller ( big shoes).
BenRichards said on 8/Apr/16
Off set photo from Conan the Barbarian (1982)
Note that ex NFL player Ben Davidson was 6ft8 whilst Sven Ole Thorson was in the 6ft4-5 range.
Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 8/Apr/16
Click Here
His son with the nanny looks the most like a young Arnie. You can see that kid has strong potential for bodybuilding.
Junior31 said on 7/Apr/16
This page is a elixir of Napoleon complexes, narcissism and jealousy...how about we talk about height?
Micky Pearce said on 7/Apr/16
Here is Arnold with 6ft 1 Miranda Hart. However Miranda is in flat shoes and probably Arnold had a bit of heel in his shoes.
Click Here
Canson said on 7/Apr/16
@Danimal: don't give up. I wholeheartedly agree with you. Someone in his 70s that I know met Arnold in his prime and yes he was 6'1 then. People who say he wasn't are crazy. My relative also was 6'1 (looked him dead in the eye and said "we were the exact same height back then" and has also gotten down to 5'11 and change in his ripe age.
Key to everyone is that Arnold was a bodybuilder. You lose height as is but is progressed with that type of wear and tear. Look at the picture of Arnold with Charles Barkley. That's less than 4" diff.
Alex said on 6/Apr/16
Jesus, just see the video of Arnold with Lucille Ball, he's clearly a 5'11 guy, nothing more. He never was 6'0 or 6'1 in all his life. About Ferrigno, he was a solid 6'3 barefoot, not 6'4.
Harold said on 6/Apr/16
And, if you do your research, The Real Annonymous, you'll see that Vince Basile also calls Schwarzenegger a statutory rapist. That puts you in a tough position; if you believe him on one thing and not the other, you are selective (and thus dishonest) in what you choose to believe. You say Basile 'measured Arnold.' No, you don't know that. What you know is he claims to have measured him. Those are two different things. Reality check, Fanboys; if Arnold ever in his life had been six foot one point five (which is lower than the height he claimed for himself), walking around in his beloved cowboy boots, he would have been around six foot three. And there is not a person on this planet who ever said the guy was ever six foot three. To the Fanboys who claim my stand is 'personal' against their geriatric hero, actually, my stand is against liars, whether they be
height liars, marriage liars, steroid liars, or any other B.S. artists who profit off of the gullibility of the sheep who don't call them out on their lies. The fake tan doesn't make the man. But the fakeness of it all certainly is consistent.
Alucard said on 5/Apr/16
Unbelievable, so everyone naturally can lose INCHES of height just aging, ok... Yes, Arnold had surgeries, but what about the video with Lucille Ball? Better ignore it, the truth can be painful... She was already old, Arnold in his his prime, she was what 5'6 at best? Arnold doesn't look over 5'11, period... Yes, surgeries can be obviously debilitating, but they can put you back on track with prothesis without losing anything in height... Just for your info, Frank Zane was around 5'7, he was just a bit taller than 5'6 Mike Mentzer and very close to Oliva who himself was 5'7-5'8...
Harold said on 5/Apr/16
Don't quit, Danimal176. Just because Arnold went AWOL during his military service and quit when the going got rough, doesn't mean you have to. Fight on, if you believe in your cause. Though using capitals for your verbs as if you're shouting your opinion doesn't help. This is like a child resorting to screaming when he doesn't get his way. Or arguing that your 11.5 year devotion to this site indicates a more valid opinion. Perhaps it indicates the utter absence of a life. But fight on, Fanboys. It gives you something to live for. Something to wake up for. Something to believe in. We honor your commitment. And your utter gullibility.
THE REAL ANNONYMOUS said on 4/Apr/16
Vince Basile who is no fan of Arnold actually measured Arnold at 6'1.5 before a contest. To this day he confirms that measurement as being true even back then even though he does not care for him.
Vince Basile was a member of the Iron Age forum as well as the Get big forum and has confirmed that measurement numerous times!
TruthSeeker said on 4/Apr/16
Arnold is now 5'10"-5'11" max? George St. Pierre is listed at 5'10" from the UFC and in this picture
Click Here they are both the same height in Arnold's home (no point in wearing lifts in his house). So Arnold must of lost 1-2 inches in height due to old age.
5'13.5 said on 4/Apr/16
@Smarty Bodybuilding or having a lot of mass (Muscle andor fat) can easily make someone look proportionally shorter than they truly are, it's just an illusion.
@Josey wales I won't argue with you but in my opinion 5'11" at the very lowest now, 6'1.5" at peak.
@mystry solved "Could"a, woulda, shoulda. Don't make me laugh at your comment, no way his peak was only 5'10" range and there is no way he's 5'9" range now, look at his head size, it doesn't look very well proportioned with the rest of the body because he used to be quite a bit taller. That isn't the head size of an the average man of average height, come awwn, don't bullsh*t me. His head looks at least 9.5 inches to me, that isn't the usual head size of a 5'10" range man (Probably 8.7' for that height range).
@Harold Maybe Arnold was measured near the start of his day when we got the 6'2" "lie"? If he was 6'1.5" (Afternoon) then is it that amazing that he could be measured at 6'2"ish in the morning? You shrink temporarily throughout the day, you know, I think it's in the realm of possibility he could have been measured at an even 6'2" then, I think you are going a little overboard in your argument.
richie said on 3/Apr/16
@Danimal176 Agreed, Schwarzeneggers peak height was 6'1.5" with Ferrigno a weak 6'4", he had close to 3 inches on Arnold, anything less does not read true. Schwarzenegger's best buddy Ken Waller was just 6' and he had a good inch on him so anything less than 6'1" is simply not true...
Smarty said on 2/Apr/16
I believe arnold was ever alway below 6' 0'' in his entire life, he has never looked like a proper 6' 0'' guy. I have many friends who are 6' 0'' tall and none of them look short like Arnold did throughout his career.
Michaeljrocks said on 2/Apr/16
Ok, so I recently saw Arnold again at the Arnold Classic in Australia. This is the 2nd time I have worked that event & the 2nd time I've stood right near the terminator. Both times I have sized him up, checked his foot ware & compared his height to friends of mine who are also standing right next to him. My opinion. Arnold is what you guys would call a weak 6ft. He probably wakes up around the 6ft mark & drops slightly below during the day. Personally I would say Robs 5'11.5 listing is a little low but maybe his evening height? It's true Arnold is slightly shorter than most people would expect when meeting him in real life, but he is not a small man at all. He is still in great shape & so close to 6ft he should claim it. He really did seem to have an inch over my friend who is 5'11 & a solid 3 inches on my 5'9 buddy. In his youth he could have easily measured 6'1 & his hair probably bought him up to his 6'2 claim.
josey wales said on 1/Apr/16
I can buy 5'10.5". I have mentioned that height befire aswell. But i cant accept going lower n that
mystry solved said on 1/Apr/16
Arnold is currently no more than 5' 9.5'' inches. His peak height could be 5' 10.5'' maximum.
184.3cm (Night) said on 1/Apr/16
Ferrigno was more 6'3.5" peak and Arnold was a solid 2 inches shorter so around 6'1"-6"1.25".
Danimal176 said on 1/Apr/16
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Mar/16
Ferrigno at 188-189cm, lol Ferrigno was at least 2in above 6ft2.
It looks like people are defying logic, saying Arnold was only 6'0" and Lou was only 6'2". Don't have the energy to argue with all of these new posters. Just to set the record straight for all the newbies, Arnold WAS 6'1.5"-6'1.75" at his peak. Lou Ferrigno WAS 6'4". Good luck to all the older posters who have the time and energy to offer up pictures and proof of the facts to all of the new influx of people on this site. I've been doing it for 11.5 years on here. I'm done.
Nigel said on 31/Mar/16
Hee hee, that's gold, Harold. :-) . Weider was seen as a bit of joke here in Australia, particularly his laughable "Weider Principles". Talk about naming things that existed for years. By his logic, walking or squating down to have a dump was a Weider Principle.
Anyway.... I still think the 1980 Olympia final 6 photo is one of the best pieces of evidence of his height back then, even though his head is tilting down a little. All six guys are obviously barefoot, and they look to be standing pretty much exactly the same distance from the camera. It's a great front-on shot. Surely we can find out the heights of the other 5 guys.
I like the theory that that his big suits make him look short. Also, I have a theory had he has a huge head, which also makes him look small. :-) This wasn't noticeable when he was young and huge, but since he's atrophied quite a bit, it stands out. I don't really care how tall he is; I just find it amusing.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 31/Mar/16
Click Here
With tilt corrected, imo 5´10.5" today is a pretty good estimation for Arnie, no
trolling range...
Luke said on 30/Mar/16
Wow... You must have had some terrible incident involving Arnold to have such an unhealthy hatred towards him.
Dmeyer said on 30/Mar/16
Arnie 5 ft 11,5 plus 1,5in boots and 1in haïr his haïr could touch 6ft 1,5-2in
Peter 180cm said on 30/Mar/16
Arnold looks more 6'1 than 6'0 if Frank Zane was 5'9,also Ferrigno had a good 3inches on Arnie back in the day from clips and good height-comparison photos,and chances are Lou Ferrigno was a strong 6'3,maybe 6'4 in the 70's-80's and now looks ''only'' 6'2-6'2.5 range with editor Rob.
Dub said on 30/Mar/16
The Lucille Ball video is the best evidence posted here so far. He looks sub 6ft there in 1972 and remember she was already in her mid 60s by that point and barefoot.
184.3cm (Night) said on 30/Mar/16
He looks 5'11" Next to a 6'2" Ferringo and 6'5" Moeller. All current heights. Crazy that the biggest guy has only lost a cm or two while both Ferringo and Arnie have lost inches.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 29/Mar/16
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Mar/16
Ferrigno at 188-189cm, lol Ferrigno was at least 2in above 6ft2.
I don´t think Lou was only 6´2" peak, but 6´4" is stretching it too.
He´s not 2" taller than his stuntdouble 6´2" Manny Perry FACT
Click Here
Harold said on 29/Mar/16
Slyshoes, Bieber boots, high heel cheats,
Munsters, elevators, 'not Arnold!' the Fanboys bleat,
'Cowboy boots aren't lifts!' so they cry,
Sheep to a man, till the day they die.
'He was six foot two! That' s just what he said!'
Forgetting that a padded resume was his butter and bread.
How many lies does the man have to tell?
Before the Fanboys realize 'the king' has a story to sell.
'Arnold wouldn't con, he's a man of honor!'
Forgetting his ego comes with every dollar.
So hold on to your hero, Fanboys, so what if it's fraud,
Arnold, the paragon of health and fitness leaves you awed.
A human wreck, a steroid calamity,
A moral disgrace, the Fanboy's fantasy.
Not a carpetbagger, a charlatan or a sham,
Forget the lies, he's a real man with a fake tan.
Fanboys, take heart, if the truth now makes you cry,
Well, at this point, at least he's taller than Sly.
Harold said on 29/Mar/16
HeightcrazyRedsixfoot: note the sound of silence by the Fanboys following your photo of Little Arnie next to Ferrigno and Ralf Moeller. The silence of the Fanboys speaks volumes. When faced with the evidence, they simply...flee. Man up, Fanboys, your idol is a fraud. But since he's obviously sub six (by quite a margin today), argue about what he claimed he was in yesteryear Hint: he also claimed he was a 'family man.' ROTFL!!!!!
Harold said on 29/Mar/16
Only one problem with the Zane/Schwarzenegger height comparison. Zane is credited with five nine. Thus Schwarzenegger is six foot even. But who measured Zane? Joe Weider? The same lame-o liar that 'measured' Arnie at six foot two (what a joke). Sorry, but 'pro' bodybuilding's figures are just as fudged as 'pro wrestling.' No, it's not a conspiracy. It's simply good business to exaggerate the product. Elevating physical stature is important when you are trying to manufacture physical heroes. The fact that they are not what they are paid to say they are makes them, among other things, mortal. To get back to reality, there is no debate that Arnie is taller than Zane. But there is real debate about how tall Zane ever was, thus figuring out how tall Arnold was. Given Weider and his publicists lied about Schwarzenegger's height and Ferrigno's, and those two bodybuilders were only too happy to oblige the fib, there's no reason whatsoever not to believe that Zane's height is also 'padded.' .
Harold said on 28/Mar/16
Luke: "Who cares how tall he is now..."
Many people, actually. This site isn't called Celebrities: They Are as Tall as They Claim to be. This site is called Celebheights. There are fanboy adulation sites elsewhere. For fantasists and Fanboys Extreme. Now, Junior 31 is quite right about wearing my tinfoil hat. Right now, in fact, my tinfoil hat is telling me that Mildred is desperately trying to get back in touch with Junior 31 in order for him to return 'the Arnold' to her. It's battery-operated and deserves it's resting place in Mildred's nightstand. What Junior31 has been using it for, I couldn't hazard to guess. My tinfoil hat only tells me so much. Wait, wait...Gigi Goyette is calling. I've got to take her call.
NBAer said on 28/Mar/16
Click Here
Here's an interesting link about measurements of Mr Universe contestants in years 1965-1967.Feel free to go to 1966 Amateur Class One level.Arnie is the last one on the list,and listed as standing 6'1,weighing 220 pounds along with other body measurements(neck,arm,chest etc...),aged 19.So 185cm is a safe bet for a young Arnold,it seems,although if the measurements took place earlier in the day,then 184 or solid 6'0.5 isn't ruled out even in the 60's-70's...
David said on 28/Mar/16
How high is Arnold's eye level ?
Darren said on 27/Mar/16
I recently had a pro photo with Arnold at a black tie dinner, I'm a strong 5' 9.5 and had a one inch heal on, bring me to 5'10.5
In the photo, he towers me by at least 2 and a half inches, half of that inch id say was down to his dress shoes which were about 1.5 inch heals. Making Arnold around 6' 1 in the photo with me (ignoring the inch from his hair lol). Bear in mind the guy is 69 this year, I'd say it's safe to say Arnold is currently between 5'11.5 and 6ft. Definitely shrunk over the years, by what I reckon is at least one inch. So 6'1.5 in the 70s could be quite a fair estimate, but I'd personally guess around a 6'1 average through his movie career before he hit his mid 50s. That's my take after being right next to him. And one thing I must say I person, he is so wife even at 68. I'm a 40 inch chest which is average for my height, his chest must easily be 46-48 inches now! Can't bear to imagine how wide he was in his prime!!
Junior31 said on 27/Mar/16
To all those saying it's not possible to lose that much height. Forget looking at others who lost a ton, search Arnold's list of surgeries. It's absurd. And I'm not talking shoulder or foot. We are talking Leg, hip, back, knee, neck. All parts that effect height and posture. It's insane. Coupled with steroid use, a 50+ year body building career and oh yea, being 70, he's lucky only to lose 2.5-3 inches.
6'1 and change peak, and he's a mid 5'10 today.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Mar/16
Ferrigno at 188-189cm, lol Ferrigno was at least 2in above 6ft2.
James St. said on 26/Mar/16
ok, a closer look at Arnie and 175cm Frank Zane consistently shows about 8cm difference. So if correct, that would put Arnold's peak height at 183cm, which is tall for a bodybuilder. He does look shortish in the latest mobile strike add series, as in 178-180 cm.
His military cap almost dwarfs him. What's up with that?
Luke said on 26/Mar/16
Who cares how tall he is now, his peak height is what most people are interested in. By looking at pictures most importantly ones in which he is barefooted, you can tell that his proportions have changed. He looks squatter these days and its because like all old people, his body has lost a couple of inches in height. Every single picture of him when he was younger has not been manipulated in some way to make him appear taller. Like I have said numerous times, even in pictures of him in crowds before his fame he can be seen taller than most and that is in flat footwear. More interestingly is that you have now revealed that you also believe he had a nose job... Don't lose that tinfoil hat now.
Jim Hopper said on 26/Mar/16
Click Here Click Here 2 pictures of frank,arnie IN LINE NO SHOES ON! Not some dodgy angle. 5-9 frank. Arnie is 6-0" flat. Period.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Mar/16
Jim Hopper said on 23/Mar/16
He was 6-0 flat!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch the video with Lucille Ball for F-sake!! Its 100% PROOF!!!!!!!!! Fanboys stop it!
6´1" is possible with perfect straight posture, 6´2" no chance
Click Here
Wipeout said on 25/Mar/16
Arnold peak height: 6'1.5
Current height: 6'0
Harold said on 24/Mar/16
Let's pretend, for the sake of speculation, that Arnie's current height is 5 foot 11 and one-half. If that is the case, in his 50 plus pairs of cowboy boots, with cowboy boots having, on average a one and one-half inch heel, that would put Arnold's walkaround height at six foot one. Forget, for a moment, the absurdity of an Austrian with dyed hair, capped teeth, botox, and a nose job wearing cowboy boots. Let's just concentrate on the added height with the high heels of cowboy boots (that's not including the possible lifts within the cowboy boots themselves). My question to the fawning fanboys is this: does Arnie actually look six foot one or so when he's parading around in his cowboy boots? If he does not look six one or so in his cowboy boots, doesn't this indicate to you that he is not, in fact, five foot eleven and one-half without his 'Munsters'? Come on, guys, some things are so obvious, even a fanboy can see them.
Alex said on 24/Mar/16
Many fans still love to think that Arnold was 187 cm. They think is normal to lose a solid 5 cm of height. This old photo shows Ferrigno next to Arnold. The difference is big. Ferrigno is about 188-189 cm barefoot.
Click Here
Alex said on 24/Mar/16
You can lose some height with age, but it happens during 60-70 years old, but they are few cm, like 2 or 3 cm. You can lose more, just if you've got some serious back injuries.
184.3cm (Night) said on 24/Mar/16
Rob saw him around 06' he was already 84 years old by then and still 6'2"-6'3" which means he was for sure 6'4"-6'5" in his prime years and thats just going with average height loss in advancing years.
I think 187cm is pushing it to be honest. He always struck me as more 185-186cm. (Arnold that is not Mr Lee)
Jim Hopper said on 23/Mar/16
He was 6-0 flat!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch the video with Lucille Ball for F-sake!! Its 100% PROOF!!!!!!!!! Fanboys stop it!
James St. said on 23/Mar/16
lol of course (slaps forehead). I didn't even think about body proportions, thx guys.
Actually, 187cm peak height for Arnold does make sense when looking at pics next to 5'9" Frank Zane, both barefoot.
Wow didn't realize we can lose so much height... Rob, do you think it's inevitable to lose height as we get older or, if following optimal diet/exercise (ie. yoga, pilates...) or is it possible to maintain peak height?
josey wales said on 22/Mar/16
Also who knows what the DOP wanted when he filmed insude the truck , what angles he wanted. I think there is enough evidence to sugfest that botj tom and arnold are purty darm close n height , be it 5' or 6' or any in between.
jervis said on 22/Mar/16
Alucard it's a medical fact that people lose height with age look it up.Ag man in his nineties 6ft 2 was for sure 6ft 4 at least in his prime.
berta said on 22/Mar/16
Arnold feels like a guy who can look shorter than he is. when he is measured he is probably 2 c taller than he looks. peak: 186-7 and now 181-2
josey wales said on 21/Mar/16
Or mebe tom arnold had the but lifts ?
Luke said on 20/Mar/16
James St.
Arnold's height is from his long legs. He actually has a proportionally short torso therefore making him look shorter while sitting than actors that are shorter than him while standing.
NBAer said on 20/Mar/16
@James St. You can't compare(generally speaking)height when both people are sitting inside a car,bus,plane etc even if they're right next to each other,torso and leg lengths differ alot amongst people,so naturally if someone say had very long legs,his sitting height would be considerably lower,and people the same height or close can have slightly different proportions,so sitting height usually has nothing to do with standing height,imo.It's the reason why alot of people(mostly women)look much taller when sitting rather than standing.
Jack_Billingsley said on 20/Mar/16
Just watching Formula 1/ Australia. Schwarzenegger was interviewed by German reporter Kai Ebel, who i can assure you is exactly as tall as i am (175-176cm) - Schwarzenegger was about 6-10cm taller so about 185cm seems to be right.
Alucard said on 19/Mar/16
So because Christopher Lee's page says 6'4.5 it must be true... Rob is doing a great job, but he himself would tell you that the heights on this site are based on estimation, answer/response and sometime pictures... Rob himself when he did met mister Lee said that he didn't look more than 6'2-6'3, yes he was old, but do you honestly think that people can lose 2-3 inches of height just with age? That's impossible unless some very serious irreparable spine/bones damage or condition, i don't even know is something like that exist... The same with Arnold, who today looks in the 5'10 range at best, and prople think that somehow magically he lost 3 or 4 inches, lol... Let's be serious here...
Nigel said on 18/Mar/16
To my fellow Aussies, Arnold is here this week for the Arnold Classic and some other things, so get down there to get some in-person evidence :-)
jervis said on 17/Mar/16
Alucard look at Christopher Lees page,6ft4.5 that's it.Read the comments nobody agrees that lee was just 6ft3, I think your on your own with that estimate.As for More,he could have been 6ft flat because he was similar to Christopher Walkan,if he was it puts in to doubt Sean Connerys 6ft2 listing.
Luke said on 17/Mar/16
All of you must remember that Arnold had horrible posture back in the day. Shoulders rounded forward, neck jutting out etc and not only that but his shoulders hang very low in comparison to his clavicle insertion. Poor posture like that can take off an actual few inches off height as well as a perceived height loss and the hanging shoulders can add an additional perceived height loss. The guy was over 6 feet. There is way more proof to argue that he was in fact above 6 feet than under.
Alucard said on 16/Mar/16
Christopher Lee real height was around 6'3, a tall man obviously, just not 6'4 or even 6'5... Yes, Connery was/is around 6'1-6'2... Roger Moore was never over 6' peak, probably shorter, around 182-183cm peak height at most... Arnold was never 6'1 or 6'2, those are billed fantasy celebrity heights, he was around 5'11 peak, nothing more...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Mar/16
Looks near 6ft2 in True Lies and edged out Tom Arnold. Also had about 2in on Bill Paxton. Can't deny his peak height
jervis said on 16/Mar/16
Google Tia Carrere Arnold Schwarzenegger images and you will see plenty of examples of Arnold being at least 5 inches taller than her.
NBAer said on 16/Mar/16
James St. said on 13/Mar/16
James,i watched that scene too,and Tia was wearing moderate-sized heels,probably giving her 5-6cm or so of height.Arnold was wearing dress shoes,with about 2-3cm maybe less footwear than Tia.I thought Tia was looking at Arnold's chin when Arnold didn't looked down on her,so i thought a 10cm(4inch) difference between them...Now,Rob has met Tia Carrere and estimated her at 171,i personally think she's 170 because with 1-inch footwear advantage,she's roughly the same height as Rob.
Combine all this,and Arnold could be just 12-13cm taller,maybe 14 at most,so anywhere in 182-184cm range(5'11.75-6'0.5) for a 90's Arnie is possible.
Jim Hopper said on 15/Mar/16
Click Here Go figure.

Editor Rob
Arnie would never use mario elevators.
curious said on 14/Mar/16
"Jim Hopper said on 13/Mar/16
The video with Lucille Ball is the smoking gun,period. NO magic footwear on. Both pretty much same. 6-0" would be the absolute max on his prime height. A career built on nice ample footwear. Easy to look 6-2+" in those magic shoes/boots etc.2
Actually in that clip Arnold clearly has slightly more thicker footwear than Lucille Ball. So it seems like my estimate of 5' 11.75'' for Arnold's maximum peak height seems validated. His current height is around 5' 10'' - 5' 10.25''. So he did not lose any "magical" height as various fans of him like to believe, his height just dropped by 1.25''-1.5'' which absolutely makes perfect sense.
Patrick said on 14/Mar/16
I stood next to Arnie in a department store in LA about 2 months ago. I and others were really surprised he was so short, definitely not more than 5'9".
184.3cm (Night) said on 14/Mar/16
6'2" - 6'3 " max Christopher Lee??? ha man thats some serious downgrading there. I think i will add a good inch to any listing you give from now on :)
Arnie should get a downgrade on his current height though. Looking more 180-181cm nowadays. A solid 5'11.
jervis said on 14/Mar/16
Moore looks 5ft11 beside 6ft2 to 6ft3 Christopher lee yes,but because lee is 6ft4 to 6ft5 Moore looks 6ft1,making Arnold 6ft1.5 in the photo with More.
jervis said on 14/Mar/16
6ft2 to 6ft3 Christopher lee that has to be a joke.Moore 6ft 1 Arnold 6ft1.5 peak.Connery was about 1 inch taller than Moore and Connery was 6ft2.
jervis said on 14/Mar/16
lee was 6ft4.5
James St. said on 13/Mar/16
Rob, I just watched True Lies and if you look carefully, in the Tango scene with Tia Carrere at the beginning, we can see that she wears shoes with no heels, literally flat shoes. Despite that, her eyes reach the bottom of Arnold's nose. Since he's got at least an inch advantage in shoe and that she's about 5'8", wouldn't that make Arnold 5'9.5"?
What's weird is that Arnie looked half an inch taller than Tom Arnold when standing but looked 1 inch and a half shorter when sitting in the car. Probably lifts... What do you reckon?

Editor Rob
been a while since I watched the film
Jim Hopper said on 13/Mar/16
The video with Lucille Ball is the smoking gun,period. NO magic footwear on. Both pretty much same. 6-0" would be the absolute max on his prime height. A career built on nice ample footwear. Easy to look 6-2+" in those magic shoes/boots etc.
Annonymous said on 11/Mar/16
"Tobias said on 9/Mar/16
I always thought he was 6'2", but this video shows very clearly that his peak hight couldn't actually have been much more than 5'10". Lucille Ball was 5'6.5", and she comes up to nearly his eyes (both nearly barefoot) Click Here"
Exactly, Lucille is Barefoot at one point but Arnold has a slightly relaxed posture. But at no point do i see 7-8 inches between them which means he couldn't have been 6ft 2 or 6ft 1.5. In that youtube clip, he most likely stands at 6ft and he's in very thin soled shoes.
Alucard said on 11/Mar/16
Harold is absolutely right, in my opinion... Regarding Roger Moore, about 6' max peak, maybe shorter, got towered by 6'2-6'3 max Christopher Lee in The Man With The Golden Gun, was clearly shorter than Connery also... Kerry Von Erich didn't look much taller than 5'10-5'11 Ric Flair back in the days, even with lifts involved, i don't believe 6'2 for Von Erich, maybe 6'... Flair was billed at 6'3, lol...
5ft 9.25 said on 9/Mar/16
5ft 11 for Curtis Jackson is more likely.
Tobias said on 9/Mar/16
I always thought he was 6'2", but this video shows very clearly that his peak hight couldn't actually have been much more than 5'10". Lucille Ball was 5'6.5", and she comes up to nearly his eyes (both nearly barefoot)
Click Here
Guest said on 9/Mar/16
One reason Arnold sometimes look squat, and therefore shorter than he is, is the loosely-tailored fit of his jackets. His chest and shoulders being large, he sometimes ends up with jackets that are too big for his frame, and therefore hang quite low on his arms and body, making him look shorter than a more nicely fitted jacket would. The picture at the top of this page is a good example of this point.
curious said on 8/Mar/16
How easy it is to ignore the "special shoes" while determining the height of celebrities.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Mar/16
Von Erich was billed 6ft2 and looked close to it. I reckon 6ft1-2 range for both guys
184.3cm (Night) said on 8/Mar/16
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 2/Mar/16
It was a dansih docu, looking at him next to young Ralf Möller there´s more than 0.5" between them.
Möller has his head down and is still 1.5" taller Click Here
More recent Möller with his head up 2-2.5" taller Click Here
Thorson peak 1,93m, today he didn´t look taller than 6´3" Kevin Sorbo
Yeah your right about it being way over 1/2 inch. To me it looked sometimes 1-1.5 inches in some scenes. So the most Sven could have been is 6'4.5" (194cm)
Still even if he was that still puts Arnie at 6'1.5" 186cm in that pic from Rampage. Sven at 6'4 " puts him at 6'1" .
Crazy people with their 5'11 peak height.
Rattajack said on 7/Mar/16
Respond to Curious: Arnold at his prime was 6' 1.5" and rounded it off to 6' 2''. His bodybuilding career and the natural aging process probably has something to do with his diminished height. Standing alone he still looks tall because of his narrow shoulders, I have to agree that his height now without the help of his "special shoes" is 5' 11.5" Rob got this one right.
Nolifts81 said on 7/Mar/16
Go on Arnold instagram and see a pic of Arnie with 50 cents. 50 Cent's is 1 inch taller than Arnold.
I think that Arnold is no more than 5'11" now.
stan said on 7/Mar/16
Saw pictures of Arnie and 50 cent that was taken a few days ago and they look the same height, on this site 50 cent is listed at 6ft, if Arnie is really under 6ft today then I can't see him anything under his listed height.
curious said on 7/Mar/16
Don't see him more than 5' 10'' today without his "special shoes", peak height was 5' 11.75''
jervis said on 7/Mar/16
Google arnold kerry von erich images and you will see more photos of yhem together
kurtz said on 6/Mar/16
sorry but i don't believe in that lost of height
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 6/Mar/16
Lowest peak I could believe is 185cm /6´0.75" after evening workout with heavey weights.
His normal low was imo 6´1"-6´1.25".
Today, in Robs pic with that 176/177cm guy I can see max 3cm difference, so 179/180 is Arnolds height today.
That also fits with how he looked next to Dennis Wolf.
He looks pretty compressed compared to his peak, so a 2-2.5" heightloss is quite believable.
jervis said on 6/Mar/16
He always looked in the 6ft1 to 6ft2 range with his co stars in movies from the 80s and 90is to me.
JoHn B said on 6/Mar/16
To Rampage Clover the guy in your pic with Arnold is the late Kerry Von Erich former WWE wrestler who was listed 6'2 - talking about wrestlers Kurt Angle just recent met Schwarzenegger and it only looked an inch between them two, Kurt is 5'10 tops Arnold looked 5'11 pushing it...
jervis said on 4/Mar/16
Kurtz what height do you think Holyfield was?Arnold looks a bit taller than him in 97.Holyfield is listed at 6ft1.25 here.
kurtz said on 4/Mar/16
a legit 183 cm.;
no way taller or shorter than this at his peak. honestly a case closed
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Mar/16
I doubt he was shorter. He's not that much closer
josey wales said on 4/Mar/16
I could accept 5'10.5 . He looks very compressed and at times could pass at flat 5'10". I can see him have lost 2" since his 20ies. Bit much for the average joe but nothin much abt arnold is average ;-)
NBAer said on 3/Mar/16
Danimal176 said on 1/Mar/16
Interesting pictures Danimal,although only the first one(1997) shows a good height comparison between them.Actually in that pic Arnold looks taller than solid 6'1 Evander Holyfield (Rob met him and lists him as 186cm afterall),but that's with hair advantage and footwear is clearly not shown...But that's definitely a case of Arnie looking 6'1ish(185-186cm),and he was near 50 years old back in 1997,so maybe he hadn't lost height yet...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Mar/16
Click Here
Rob, how tall do you think this guy is with Arnold?

Editor Rob
being quite close he must be gaining 2 inches in perspective so I doubt he's any taller and might be shorter
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 2/Mar/16
@ 184.3cm (Night)
It was a dansih docu, looking at him next to young Ralf Möller there´s more than 0.5" between them.
Möller has his head down and is still 1.5" taller
Click Here
More recent Möller with his head up 2-2.5" taller
Click Here
Thorson peak 1,93m, today he didn´t look taller than 6´3" Kevin Sorbo
Danimal176 said on 1/Mar/16
HERE'S PROOF of Arnold's height loss:
Arnold and Evander Holyfield (1997):
Click Here
Arnold and Evander Holyfield (2014):
Click Here
Arnold and Evander Holyfield (2015):
Click Here
There you go FOLKS...

Editor Rob
just hit CTRL+F5 if the image doesn't show up there
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Mar/16
Rob, which of these was he most likely within at peak?
A) 189.5cm/187.5cm
B) 189cm/187cm
C) 188.5cm/186.5cm
D) 188cm/186cm
E) 187.5cm/185.5cm

Editor Rob
in the B or C range I'd stick with
Junior31 said on 1/Mar/16
Harold said on 29/Feb/16
Josey, extremism in the interest of truth is no vice. Just consider it a rhetorical device in order to prove a point: that the man in question is not, physically, the height he says he is. Does a deliberate prevarication about his height spill over into other areas of his life? One would have to be blind not to witness, over the last 30 years, that it does. Josey Wales, rebel outlaw, I appreciate your civil tone. You are a great example that one can disagree without being disagreeable. Now Jervis, I honestly don't think I could peg Roger Moore's height. What I will disclose is I worked in Hollywood and I worked in bodybuilding, so my skepticism about Arnold's 'peak height' and current height (or lack thereof) comes from experience with the exaggerations of the entertainment industry (to think that bodybuilding or pro wrestling is not part of the entertainment industry is absurd). Part of this problem of height exaggeration isn't necessarily the actor but his publicists, though all are trying to capitalize off of the action hero image, for those actors who make a living as being larger/stronger/tougher than mere mortals. Clint Eastwood's publicists got in trouble when they tried to promote his movie, Heartbreak Ridge, by lying that Eastwood spent the Korean War in the Special Forces. Actually, he spent the war as a swimming pool lifeguard stateside. Brian Dennehy flat out lied, repeatedly, about his military service and proclaimed he was a Vietnam Vet. He was not. For shame. So Arnie isn't the only actor intent on padding his resume through fraud. What's interesting to me is that people who met him were calling him out on the height issue 30 years ago, but no one really paid attention. I have to wonder, had the economy done better and had he left the governorship of California in triumph rather than personal and professional disgrace, would anyone have even mentioned his height (or lack thereof?). For those who believe I have a psychotic personal vendetta against an actor, I would disagree. What I object to is passing off lies as the truth. And, when getting called out on the lie, continuing to lie. In an actor, it's objectionable. In a politician, it's despicable.
Cool story bro.
Any way he was 6'1 and today 5'10.5-5'11
If you don't think that's possible for a 70 year old body builder/steroid abuser for 50 years of his life who had multiple back and knee surgeries (alla hulk hogan who lost 3 inches in height) you don't know much about height
But you definitely know about human tendencies. Good stuff.
184.3cm (Night) said on 1/Mar/16
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 29/Feb/16
He is 6´4", in his own words 1,93m on tv.
Do you remember when he claimed 193cm? Just curious as he always got listed 6'5 when he was big in the 80's -90's. Rob has him at that mark as well.
I should rewatch The Viking saga with a young Ralf Moeller, would be a good way of comparing.
184.3cm (Night) said on 1/Mar/16
Junior31 said on 28/Feb/16
Yes. Made a mistake. Although I still believe he is 5'10.5 today
That is a fair enough guess, he does look under 5'11 at times but i think its down to age and bad posture sometimes. I still think stretched out he would manage to clear 5'11.
Junior31 said on 29/Feb/16
Harold said on 28/Feb/16
Lucio, don't be dishonest in order to get your point across. Rob quoted his friend as saying 'near 2 inches," not 2. inches (it's plural, by the way). 176-177 plus 2 inches is 176-177 plus 5.08. Let's do the math together: 176-177 plus 5.08 is 181-182. Converted to feet and inches, 181-182 is five eleven and 1/4 to five eleven and, aprox. 1/2. IN SHOES. Do the math, Sunshine, take away the shoes and what have you got? Shall I do the math for you? Five ten? Hello? So we are to believe 'the King' has lost two and one-half inches in three years. Let the farce continue.
Your language is of that of a guy with low self esteem and an issue with people's preference as in body building. Who cares. . I don't like arnold or care much for body building either but it's a height site not Dr Phil. Leg shaving and all that other stuff is clutching at straws to get your point across. We get it. There all about narcissism and over doing but his height is height. Look at pics and compare. There's plenty of people and athletes with similar age and wear and tear and surgeries with the same height loss and even more. Whether he's a clown or a priest who cares if he's a politician or a lier, compare to others who aren't. He's half the guy he was. Chill dude not that serious.
Lucio said on 29/Feb/16
Lucio, don't be dishonest in order to get your point across. Rob quoted his friend as saying 'near 2 inches," not 2. inches (it's plural, by the way). 176-177 plus 2 inches is 176-177 plus 5.08. Let's do the math together: 176-177 plus 5.08 is 181-182. Converted to feet and inches, 181-182 is five eleven and 1/4 to five eleven and, aprox. 1/2. IN SHOES. Do the math, Sunshine, take away the shoes and what have you got? Shall I do the math for you? Five ten? Hello? So we are to believe 'the King' has lost two and one-half inches in three years. Let the farce continue.
Yes, I put decimal point of too, are 2 inches not 2.5, but the result is always 5,08cm.
Maybe you have your own idea of mathematics, probably to your country will be fine, but at my home and everywhere 2 + 2 = 4 not 5.
However do the math together: 176-177 cm + 2 inches (5,08 cm) is 181-182 cm, so that has to do 5'10"(178 cm) or 5'11" ??
5'11" is 180.34 cm not 181 or even 182 cm.
An anglo saxon foot is 30,48 cm and an inch is 2,54 cm at my house.
Try again, Harold.
Harold said on 29/Feb/16
Josey, extremism in the interest of truth is no vice. Just consider it a rhetorical device in order to prove a point: that the man in question is not, physically, the height he says he is. Does a deliberate prevarication about his height spill over into other areas of his life? One would have to be blind not to witness, over the last 30 years, that it does. Josey Wales, rebel outlaw, I appreciate your civil tone. You are a great example that one can disagree without being disagreeable. Now Jervis, I honestly don't think I could peg Roger Moore's height. What I will disclose is I worked in Hollywood and I worked in bodybuilding, so my skepticism about Arnold's 'peak height' and current height (or lack thereof) comes from experience with the exaggerations of the entertainment industry (to think that bodybuilding or pro wrestling is not part of the entertainment industry is absurd). Part of this problem of height exaggeration isn't necessarily the actor but his publicists, though all are trying to capitalize off of the action hero image, for those actors who make a living as being larger/stronger/tougher than mere mortals. Clint Eastwood's publicists got in trouble when they tried to promote his movie, Heartbreak Ridge, by lying that Eastwood spent the Korean War in the Special Forces. Actually, he spent the war as a swimming pool lifeguard stateside. Brian Dennehy flat out lied, repeatedly, about his military service and proclaimed he was a Vietnam Vet. He was not. For shame. So Arnie isn't the only actor intent on padding his resume through fraud. What's interesting to me is that people who met him were calling him out on the height issue 30 years ago, but no one really paid attention. I have to wonder, had the economy done better and had he left the governorship of California in triumph rather than personal and professional disgrace, would anyone have even mentioned his height (or lack thereof?). For those who believe I have a psychotic personal vendetta against an actor, I would disagree. What I object to is passing off lies as the truth. And, when getting called out on the lie, continuing to lie. In an actor, it's objectionable. In a politician, it's despicable.
jervis said on 29/Feb/16
Harold what height do you think Rodger Moore was?Arnold looks taller than him.Do you put Arnolds height down to lifts in his shoes or Moore being shorter than his listed height?
Jim Hopper said on 29/Feb/16
The Dennis wolf picture says it all. No more than 5-11" arnie
CuttingtheCrap said on 29/Feb/16
Lol. Good comment, Harold.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 29/Feb/16
Editor Rob: I'll blank him out but to put it into perspective, I'll show how he appears with Ted DiBiase at the same photoshoot I was at: Is Arnie really 5ft 10?...the guys hair is like 0.5-0.6 thick style in person.
Thx, I think DiBiase is losing quite a lot from posture, Arnie is straight.
How much does Arnies hair ad ? IMO pretty much.
SO if shoe height´s were equal I don´t know what else to say than under 5´11" for Arnie there.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 29/Feb/16
184.3cm (Night) said on 28/Feb/16
Great pic Rampage of Arnold with Sven in younger years. Is he 6 foot 4 you ask? No he isn't
He is 6´4", in his own words 1,93m on tv.
josey wales said on 29/Feb/16
Hey Harold, i have got no problem with youre estimates of Arnolds height. Some of youre arguments could be accepted by me and challenging to try find proof to substantiate my own estimates. even though i still feel youre an inch or so too low...The ranting i just do not get.
Junior31 said on 28/Feb/16
Vladimir said on 27/Feb/16
mr Rob you're correct about his peak height!
Click Here
Yep that says it all. Personally I don't care for Arnold but he was minimum 6'1 at peak and today he is in the 5'10.5 to 5'11 range.
Junior31 said on 28/Feb/16
184.3cm (Night) said on 27/Feb/16
How do you figure that?
Rob says that the guy is 5'9.5" and Arnie was near 2 inches taller. So 5'11., minimum. Im still going with 5'11.25".
Yes. Made a mistake. Although I still believe he is 5'10.5 today.
Harold said on 28/Feb/16
Lucio, don't be dishonest in order to get your point across. Rob quoted his friend as saying 'near 2 inches," not 2. inches (it's plural, by the way). 176-177 plus 2 inches is 176-177 plus 5.08. Let's do the math together: 176-177 plus 5.08 is 181-182. Converted to feet and inches, 181-182 is five eleven and 1/4 to five eleven and, aprox. 1/2. IN SHOES. Do the math, Sunshine, take away the shoes and what have you got? Shall I do the math for you? Five ten? Hello? So we are to believe 'the King' has lost two and one-half inches in three years. Let the farce continue.
jervis said on 28/Feb/16
If Moore was 6ft1.5 then Arnold looks about 1 inch taller.So the question is was Moore just 6ft,was Arnold wearing lifts,or maybe Arnold was 6ft2 after all?
Luke said on 28/Feb/16
So you rely on unproven fact from the "credible" Washington Post and Sarah Douglas but not documented heights? What was the last movie she was even in? Like I said there are no equally or more successful celebrities that trash talk about Arnold's height. Only lesser known ones that are grasping at straws to be in the news. He has definitely shrunk terribly as he has aged though.
abcd: How did you get that email????

Editor Rob
'To: Mr Paul', it's just the email I got back from Vince 10 years ago now and has always been linked to from the top of the page.
NBAer said on 28/Feb/16
Rob,is the picture you're referring to with a fan named Jason Carroll??It's on an Edinburgh hotel, and Arnold looks a good 5cm taller than him i believe.If that's the one,Arnold does look 181-182 cm range next to him,if he's 176-177(the fan).

Editor Rob
no, see my previous post it's just a guy who goes to events and is over 5ft 9 near 9.5.
Dmeyer said on 28/Feb/16
i could see arnie legit 181cm today at night but no smaller , of course he could become 179-80cm within 5-10 years
NBAer said on 28/Feb/16
@Harold 176-177 cm is 5'9.5 range,NOT 5'8.
So if Arnold was around 5cm(2 inches) taller than Rob's friend,that would make him minimum 180 and max 182cm( somewhere in 5'11-5'11.5 range)...Sure, he might have worn lifts, we don't know,but saying Arnie is under 5'10 just doesn't seem realistic,IMO.
184.3cm (Night) said on 28/Feb/16
Great pic Rampage of Arnold with Sven in younger years. Is he 6 foot 4 you ask? No he isn't
He is listed here at 6 foot 5. Arnold does look 187 there...i still think 186 is a good shout for peak.
Harold said on 27/Feb/16
abcd said on 14/Feb/16
Click Here so its tru He was 187
Yes, but this will get ignored by the majority of people
Not ignored, just discredited. Why would anyone believe one crony bodybuilder and swallow his six foot one and one-half inch malarkey and not believe fellow actress Sarah Douglas and her observation that Arnie is her own height (around five ten or so, maybe slightly less)? As soon as you see the crony bodybuilder refers to Arnie as a 'he-man,' that is all you need to know. I wouldn't call a man who shaves his legs, dyes his hair, caps his teeth, and grows his breasts bigger than his own mother a 'he-man.' But perhaps you travel in different circles...
Lucio said on 27/Feb/16
Harold said on 25/Feb/16
Given your friend at a convention recently did the grip and grin photo op with Arnie and Arnie topped out near two inches taller than your 176-7 cm friend, that would make Arnie around five foot ten, or, gasp, slightly less. Time for an adjustment for his title page? Doesn't sound like five foot eleven and1/2 to me.
You don't know even do the math. 176-177 cm + 2.5 inch (5 cm) are about 181-182 cm, so what about 5'10 "??? But come on..
dmeyer said on 27/Feb/16
Rob çan you show us thé pic of arnie and your 176-7cm friend

Editor Rob
I'll blank him out but to put it into perspective, I'll show how he appears with Ted DiBiase at the same photoshoot I was at:
Is Arnie really 5ft 10?...the guys hair is like 0.5-0.6 thick style in person.
jervis said on 27/Feb/16
2 inches is around 5 cm that would make Arnold around 181 or 182 cm,5ft10 is 178cm so Rob is bang on.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 27/Feb/16
But then we still have this
Click Here
Arnie same height or max 1cm taller than 5´11.25"/1,81m Dennis Wolf - but Arnie is in pretty solid footwear!
Barefoot max 179cm/ 5´10.5" there
richie said on 27/Feb/16
Rob's estimation of Schwarzenegger's height is very accurate, although close to 6'2" during his peak years, he has clearly lost height today and is probably closer to 6'
Vladimir said on 27/Feb/16
mr Rob you're correct about his peak height!
Click Here
184.3cm (Night) said on 27/Feb/16
How do you figure that?
Rob says that the guy is 5'9.5" and Arnie was near 2 inches taller. So 5'11., minimum. Im still going with 5'11.25".
Danimal176 said on 26/Feb/16
abcd said on 14/Feb/16
Click Here so its tru He was 187
Yes, but this will get ignored by the majority of people.
Harold said on 26/Feb/16
The Fanboys are in crisis mode at present. "Arnold at five foot ten (or slightly less? How could this be? It must be because of decades of deadlifting! Not lying for 50 years, deadlifting for 50 years!!!" But there is good news to come from what, for Arnie Fanboys, is bad news. From now on, you'll realize the only 'sport' more corrupt than pro wrestling, when it comes to height measurements, is pro bodybuilding. Since neither is actually a sport, your local newspaper won't cover them as a sport. For a reason. Lesson learned. According to Rob's paragraph at the top of the page, Arnie insisted he was over six foot one-half inch in 2013. Has he now dropped two and one-half inches in three years? Uh, how gullible is his audience? I've said it before and I will stick to it: Schwarzenegger peaked at a 'towering' five foot eleven (which is actually really tall for a great bodybuilder, which he was. And he's now around five ten (give or take a cm). The mystery isn't how much he's 'shrunk.' Because he was never near six two to begin with. He simply told his audience what they wanted to hear. And made a fortune from it. Gotta give him credit for knowing his audience. And milking them for all they are worth. As great a bodybuilder as he was for his era, he was an even better salesman. And, I think it's clear, entertainer. Consider yourself entertained.
Harold said on 26/Feb/16
177 cm plus 2 inches is not five ten and one-half. It's five ten. Time for a realistic current height for Arnie at the top of the page. 5'11.5" is only in his dreams. Oh, that's right, he's six foot two, or, "peak, six one and one-half"). ROTFL
Harold said on 25/Feb/16
Given your friend at a convention recently did the grip and grin photo op with Arnie and Arnie topped out near two inches taller than your 176-7 cm friend, that would make Arnie around five foot ten, or, gasp, slightly less. Time for an adjustment for his title page? Doesn't sound like five foot eleven and1/2 to me.
Junior31 said on 25/Feb/16
Editor Rob: was speaking to a convention acquaintance recently who paid the 600 quid for him and his partner to get a photo with Arnie up in Edinburgh. In the photo Arnie was near 2 inches taller and this guy is about 176-7cm.
Yes and that's why he can't be 5'11.5 or 182cm rob. As I said I think he is 5'10.5 today. The 5'11.5 just isn't realistic anymore. The peak debate will keep going on and on and on but today it's clear, he's nothing more then 5'10.5
Jim Hopper said on 25/Feb/16
Get Arnie,Sly,Vin diesel all in a room in their bare-feet................be shocked on how tall they really are. 5-10.5" Arnie,5-7.5" Sly,5-10" Vin. These people hardly ever are photo without "footwear" on,,MOST of the time the custom type. Look in to footwear that gives you added height,3" is easy to achieve. Its hollywood,just remember that old saying,never meet your idol.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Feb/16
Arnold was 187cm and Lou was 193-194cm (more the latter IMHO). There was about 2-3in between them in reality.
They were all barefoot in the gym...Arnold was still the tallest guy there. No it's not propaganda as far as height is concerned lol.
The antics were all scripted though
NBAer said on 25/Feb/16
In an appearance he made on the Conan O'Brien show in 1999 he didn't look that much shorter than Conan...I thought he was about 3 inches shorter than him(Conan), and apparently the famous presenter was and still is 6'4, so that would make a 90's Arnie a 6'0-6'1 range guy peak...I still think Arnold was 6'0.5 peak and around 5'10-5'10.5 now nearing 70.
JM said on 25/Feb/16
That Washington Post quote is a piece of nonsense that doesn't even mention a source. Did they measure Arnold, and provide proof of it? It's one thing to say he's 5'6", 5'10" or 6 foot anything. Just read this page to see any or all of that. Quite another to prove it. People will believe what they want to believe, even the height of a man that they've never met, and one way or another there's no talking sense into them.
josey wales said on 24/Feb/16
I will rather trust Robs estimate of Arnolds height than a sociologist opinion which got grabbed by a journolist and put into a newspaper whose job it is to create interist and or stir the pot in an effort to sell
more papers ... Did this sociologist submit unquestionable proof or evidence of this claim ?

Editor Rob
was speaking to a convention acquaintance recently who paid the 600 quid for him and his partner to get a photo with Arnie up in Edinburgh. In the photo Arnie was near 2 inches taller and this guy is about 176-7cm.
sabot said on 22/Feb/16
Arnolds peak height was 186cm. ~187.5 right out of the bed, so he rounded up to 188cm (6'2).
Today he is no more then 181 cm.
Btw: He was listed 6'1 in a Guinness Book of World Records before becoming famous.
Harold said on 22/Feb/16
This is from the Washington Post from 17 years ago: "Sociologist Ralph Keyes has shown that men often claim to be taller than they are. That goes double for celebrities. Men's Health magazine compared claimed heights to actual heights and discovered that Arnold Schwarzenegger was 5-10, not 6-2, that Charles Bronson was 5-7, not 5-11, and Burt Reynolds 5-8, not 5-11."
So, you can trust your NABBA or IFBB pageant program or you can trust the Washington Post. I'll trust the Washington Post.
Harold said on 22/Feb/16
Nigel, would that be the same Austrian army from which Arnie fled and admittedly went AWOL during his compulsory military service? :-)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Feb/16
I'm not an fanboy but I'm also not jumping on the bandwagon of "Arnold's height is a myth". All the evidence is in Pumping Iron is there.
Nigel said on 19/Feb/16
I'm sure the Austrian Army would've measured him, so we simply need a contact with records from 1965 :-)
josey wales said on 18/Feb/16
Paul pro bodybuilders do net get measured for height and since there is no weight classes not weighed as well. But there are organisations who did measure the height of bodybuilders like NABBA because there was (is?) Height classes. Arnold did compete in that organisation esp when he was competing in Europe.
Harold said on 17/Feb/16
Ah, yes, Luke, yes. Trust the promoters of the IFBB about the height and measurement of their competitors. You'd be a fool not to. Just as you would be a fool not to trust Vince McMahon and the pro wrestling program in your hands. Which is why Hulk Hogan was, what, six seven? And Andre the Giant was what, seven foot four? Because your program tells you so. And so what if Schwarzenegger's business partner, Joe Weider, the man who owned and ran the IFBB, repeatedly paid 1/2 million dollar fines to the US government for fraud. Hey, it's not as if he had to shell out money for lying. Oh, that's right , he did. And those Hollywood publicists? Those so-called, 'liars-for-hire'? They get paid to tell the truth. Really. I've got a tip for you: meet a few bodybuilders and pro wrestlers in person. Then gauge that billed height versus their real height. I don't think anyone would begrudge Arnie, or anyone else for fibbing about an inch or so. But three or four inches? The miracle is the fibbing finally caught up to him.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Feb/16
He could pull off 6ft2 with that 6ft4 bodybuilder in the picture I posted if he was doing the same pose...
Paul said on 17/Feb/16
I always wondered, do professional bodybuilders get their heights measured before a contest?
Harpy said on 16/Feb/16
Here Arnold is with this Youtube blogger guy called Lord Aleem.
Click Here
Arnold looks in the above picture about 2-2.5 inches shorter than Lord aleem. Now Lord aleem has a video with Amir khan (boxer) here
Click Here
In the above video he looks to me about 4-5 inches taller than Amir khan. Which means that Lord aleem is between 6' 0''- 6' 1'' tall. So if we assume that both arnold and Lord aleem were wearing same footwear (which I highly doubt in case of Arnold) then according to above picture he is no more than 5' 10'' tall, but could be even 5' 9.75'' tall in case he has more footwear than lord aleem the chances of which are quite high.
So it is done Arnold is currently no more than 5' 10'' tall and the generous peak height for him would be between 5' 11.5''-6' 0'' assuming that he lost 1.5''- 2'' due to old age which I personally doubt since people usually lose only about 1 inch maximum till the age of 60 unless they suffer from some serious back injuries.
Nigel said on 16/Feb/16
I'm surprised that this topic still gets so much traffic. :-) Arnold's height when he was young should be one of the easiest to figure out, because, as has been said, there are countless photos of him standing barefoot in all those bodybuilding contests next to other reasonably well-known muscle men. Probably the best pic that comes to mind is the front-on shot of the 1980 Mr Olympia final seven. Surely the heights of Frank Zane, Chris Dickerson, Mike Mentzer, et al, could be found out. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Arnold was over 6ft1 when he was younger; what's more interesting than whether or not he ever lied about height is how much, and why, he's shrunk
NBAer said on 16/Feb/16
Now that i'm thinking about it,maybe Arnie wasn't fibbing about his height back in his prime...I mean,what if he really measured at about 187 in some point of his youth years??
Ofcourse,that would be an in-shoes measurement imo,so that still makes it a lie,but if he really measured about 187-188 in big sneakers or boots,it seems fairly logical he would claim 6'2...I personally believe he was 183-184cm peak barefoot,then measured at some point around 186-187 in footwear(probably boots),and simply round it off to "6'2" and claims it ever since.As for nowadays,he honestly looks no more than 178-179cm at most,and next to 182(?) Jimmy Fallon,he looked about 177-178 to me in that QVC clip.
Anonymous said on 13/Feb/16
If anyone would like to watch twins (1988) you can clearly see Arnold and Kelly Preston, she's listed on this site as being 5ft 5.5, add her shoe advantage, 3 inch heels... This makes her 5ft 8.5, possibly 5ft 9. Arnold has 3-4 inches on her and that's with him wearing dress shoes or similar so we can do simple maths. 5ft 8.5 for Kelly wearing heels, add 4 inches. This equals 6ft 0.5 for Arnold, but we have to subtract his shoe advantage of around an inch. 5ft 11.5 - 6ft in 1988.
Check it out, at no point does kelly Prestons head reach less than Arnold's eye brows so he never had more than 4 inches on her.
I agree he has looked taller but there's so much conflicting height fluctuations in films. So I doubt he's lost as much as people think.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Feb/16
Click Here
Rob, could this guy pictured with Arnold be 6ft4?

Editor Rob
he can look that, if they both have similar postures in that pose....possibly arnie's is slightly less?
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Feb/16
Paul said on 11/Feb/16
Legit 6ft4 Lou Ferrigno
Proof? he was barely taller than his Hulk stuntdouble 6´2" Manny Perry
Lou was 2.5" shorter than 6´5.5" Ralf Möller, more than an inch shorter than 6´4.5" John Larroquette.
Peak Lou was easy 2-3 inches shorter than 6´5"listed Michael Cooper and easy 5 inches under 6´8" listed Kurt Rambis and 6´8" Richard Moll.
Arnie wasn´t more than 2" shorter if you shave Lous "Afro"
Click Here
Click Here
Harpy said on 13/Feb/16
Lou Ferrigno being "legit" 6' 4'' is plain ignorant, it is just his billed height that is no different than Arnold's billed height of 6' 2''. Lou Ferrigno was no more than 6' 2'' in his prime , anything more than that for Lou Ferrigno is just based on fantasy.
kurtz said on 12/Feb/16
Shame that Ferrigno was never 6ft4, by no means over 6'3'' 191 cm. MAX
Ambidextrous said on 11/Feb/16
He looks a strong 6'0" to me...he is not shorter than that....there were many people who looked taller than him in his movies....but my estimate is 6'
Paul said on 11/Feb/16
Legit 6ft4 Lou Ferrigno had no more than 3 inches on Arnold during their younger days, so anything under a 6ft1 peak height for Arnold doesn't make sense. So 6ft1-6ft1.5 peak.
Luke said on 11/Feb/16
You come across as hating him greatly Harold. I'm not sure why per say but unless someone was to live in the Philippines, although 6'1 is tall, it is not mind-blowingly or noticeably tall. Yes someone of 6'1 height will stand above a lot of people in a crowd but hardly grants the statement that everyone in Hollywood is shorter than that. How is that truly possible when almost 15% of the U.S population is above 6'. Even more notably, most celebrities are of European decent, the countries that hold the title for the tallest populations in the world so It undoubtedly is even higher than that in the celeb community. You've got conspiracy theories on the brain dude. Arnold was really tall in bodybuilding and above average in height to the rest of the public. Yes he has shrunk, we can all agree that he is shorter than 6'1 or 6'2 now. In bare feet he was tall, in shoes he was tall, in cowboy boots he was tall...
dylan said on 11/Feb/16
6 2 prime days easily bare foot you can see in pumping iron the hole boot think is a joke serouilsy that don't make **** difference really yes he's shrunk a few still can pull off 6 foot today u
trolls on here are pathetic
Bruce Wheelie said on 11/Feb/16
Alex said on 31/Jan/16
The taller height that I can think for Arnold is 184 cm at best. Maybe in the years, some injuries and surgery operations, he lost something.
It's okay if he lost something as long as its not his D1ck lmao
It's okay if he lost something, as long as it's not his D1ck. Lmao
Myth Buster said on 11/Feb/16
The last observation from my side, I am still unable to understand how in real life different people on different occasions have underestimated him to be 5' 6'' or 5' 8'' guy. If he was ever 6' 1''-6' 2'' guy then he should get his name registered in Gains book of world record for being the only 6' 1''-6' 2'' person in the world whose height has been underestimated down to 5' 6''. From my memory I cannot recall a single case in my entire life where even a 5' 10'' guy would have been underestimated to 5' 6''. The maximum the people underestimate a person's height is usually between 1'-3''. I am 5' 9'' and the worst I have been underestimated in my entire life is 5' 8''. I think this is a strong evidence that there is something extremely fishy about Arnold's height calims.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Feb/16
Harold said on 7/Feb/16
But Josey, Arnold himself said he was six foot two and he was unequivocal about
Let's review: "I'm 6'2". I've heard rumors that I'm really much shorter in real life - like 5'6" or something like that - which is ridiculous. I can assure you this is not the case. People look up to me, and not just because I do a lot of work in the community. I mean, most people really LOOK UP to me."
Are you calling the man a liar?
You certainly are. You think he was 5ft10 range in his prime. Dude, that's a ridiculous figure even today
josey wales said on 10/Feb/16
Harold youre always good for a laugh. Sure he is lying about that extra inch (peak height).I bet lotsa people do the same.
Jim Hopper said on 10/Feb/16
Yes he was 6-2"..............in the boots he wore all the time. No taller than bridges in pumping iron film so 6-2" barefoot is impossible
Harold said on 10/Feb/16
This quotation is from Taylor Swift, but if Arnie were honest, it would have come directly from his mouth:
"I'm 5'11'', so when I wear heels, it's definitely a really good view that I have. I'm like 6'2 when I wear heels, so I tend to wear cowboy boots a lot."
John said on 10/Feb/16
Nevermind the 6ft1 max estimations. One guy here, Harold, thinks that Arnie was 5ft11 peak and 5ft9 today!
Harold said on 9/Feb/16
Given Celebrity Heights has introduced the world to neologisms such as "the Bieber Booster" and "Bieber Boots," isn't it high time we award 'the Arnold' to the celebrity most deserving? Now, we know of the Oscar (which is given only to actors who can actually act, so Arnold won't win one this lifetime). And we know of the Pulitzer (which Arnold will never win since you have to actually be able to author a book without a ghost-writer). However, given 'the Arnold' will be awarded, on an annual basis, to the celebrity who most egregiously promotes his height at least three to four inches more than the truth, ladies and gentleman of the academy, may I present the first winner of 'the Arnold' to (the envelope, please, ma'am)...ARNOLD! No one deserves it more. Not Justin. Not Cara Delevingne, not Sly, not JCVD. No, the Arnold has never had a more deserving winner.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 9/Feb/16
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Feb/16
May very well have been 6ft1½-2 at mid-day in the 70's. 6ft1 max is a joke.
No it´s not, He claimed this height himself, also 1,85m in Germany wich I think was his lowest height . 1,87cm early morning yeah
6´2" never ever PERIOD :)
Luke said on 9/Feb/16
Another thing I think confused people back in the day was Arnold's height in comparison with Sylvester Stallone's most notably when they got together for the planet Hollywood events. Sylvester Stallone was always either the same or slightly shorter than Arnold which gave the appearance that Arnold was also short but this was because Sly always wore lifts that made him at least 6 feet.
Myth Buster said on 9/Feb/16
The funny thing is he himself claimed about being 6' 2'' hardly 10-15 years ago which is a crazy claim on his part. How on earth any sensible person in the world would assume that a 6' 2'' guy is only 5' 6'' unless the guy is actually 5' 9'' - 5' 10'' which would mean that Arnold overestimated himself to be 6' 2'' while some senseless person underestimated him to be 5' 6'' during his time as Governor.
184.3cm (Night) said on 9/Feb/16
He looked just as tall as Tom Arnold, Carl Weathers both legit 6'1 men. Noone has ever argued for 6'2 here but anything under 6'0.75 peak is impossible. Unless you want to believe that he was in lifts 24/7, the guy wasn't
Vin Diesel.
Harold said on 9/Feb/16
If you do a little internet digging in terms of detective work, you'll find that Roger Ebert, the much-loved and respected movie critic, when told of Arnold's 'billed height' of six foot two, replied, as one who actually knew him, "No way. Five ten or five eleven." Eventually, it's not a conspiracy. It's simply reality. But then again, who goes to the movies for a strong dose of reality?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Feb/16
May very well have been 6ft1½-2 at mid-day in the 70's. 6ft1 max is a joke. He's tallest guy in Pumping Iron with the exception of Ferrigno.
Harold said on 7/Feb/16
But Josey, Arnold himself said he was six foot two and he was unequivocal about
Let's review: "I'm 6'2". I've heard rumors that I'm really much shorter in real life - like 5'6" or something like that - which is ridiculous. I can assure you this is not the case. People look up to me, and not just because I do a lot of work in the community. I mean, most people really LOOK UP to me."
Are you calling the man a liar?
Harold said on 7/Feb/16
its really embarrassing to what lengths or is it depths folks will go who idolize/worship on the guy. Again, I don't believe he ever touched six foot, but five eleven is possible. He's dipped way under that now. Very likely five nine.
Luke said on 7/Feb/16
All evidence is against it? What evidence?
Harold said on 7/Feb/16
Myth Buster, amen. You've said it all and you've said it well. Sub six foot for Arnold, then and now. There's one word to describe his 'billed height' of six foot two. That word is a lie.
Axel said on 6/Feb/16
There are many pix of him walking or standing with Stallone, and he's barely taller. No way AH-nolt was ever over six feet tall.
kurtz said on 6/Feb/16
to luke
i grow up with arnold's movie and i respect him and love his movies.
But anyway i think that he was at his peak 6'0" and not 6'2".
to be 6 0 or 6 1.5 means always tall dude
Towering said on 6/Feb/16
Peak height no more than 5' 11'' - 5' 11.5''
Current height no more than 5' 9.5'' - 5' 10''
Johno said on 5/Feb/16
With a 5'10 listed George St Pierre, he was 0.5 inches taller but St. Pierre is more a 5'9.5 Pierre so Arnold is in the 5'10-range.
josey wales said on 5/Feb/16
its really embarrassing to what lengths or is it depts folks will go to dish on the guy.... Again, i dont beleive he ever touched 6'2", but 6'1" very likely. He never dipped so sub 5'10" aswell. Very likely 5'11".
Alex said on 5/Feb/16
I'm not a hater Alex, I really think that Arnold never was 187-188 cm. He was always seen next to others bodybuilders, and we all know that they are pretty short, so is "easy" be tall next to them.
MJKoP said on 5/Feb/16
He wasn't under six foot two during his prime years. Even his listed height is undermining reality, albeit slightly. And Danimal176: Yes, he's certainly shrunk a bit, but MORE THAN THREE AND A HALF INCHES?!?!
Myth Buster said on 4/Feb/16
Peak height 5' 11'' - 5' 11.5''
Current height 5' 9'' - 5' 9.5''
I strongly believe that Arnold was only in the range 5' 11''- 5' 11.5'' at his peak in early 70s during his bodybuilding career. It shouldn't be a mystery anymore that he appears "tall" only in his bodybuilding pictures but always appears "somewhat above average" in all his Hollywood movies. He as never given a look of anything like 6'+ , he always looked short to be taken as 6'+.
It is clear to me now that the reason he appears "tall" during his bodybuilding career is because all his competitors were really short in the range of 5' 5''- 5' 6'' which creates an illusion in the minds of some unintelligent people that he was "tall" when in reality he was never taller than 5' 11''- 5' 11.5'' , anyone who thinks that his competitors were anything above 5' 5''- 5' 6'' are just plain ignorant. And the reason why he never looks "tall" in his movies is because most of his co-actors were also in the range of 5' 10'' - 6' 0'' which made him blend flawlessly and not standout. If he was anything like 6' 1''+ then he would have stood out among his peers in hollywood which he never did in the past and never does in the present.
What I don't understand is why many of his fans on this page continue to defend the fake billed 6' 1''+ peak height of Arnold when all the evidence is against it?
jervrs said on 4/Feb/16
Cuttingthecrap do you have an opinion on Clint Eastwoods height loss
Luke said on 3/Feb/16
When I read these comments I really feel you guys truly hate the man. It was not secretive that he was a hustler and womanizer. He was economically smart and was a millionaire far before his first successful movie. He was actually cheating on another woman while seeing Maria at the beginning of their relationship most likely with Maria's knowledge. He's had countless affairs with other people including Brigitte Nielson. There was not a single part of me that was surprised that he had another child with another woman. Now to the average bear he would not be viewed this way but to anyone that knows a little about him this is old news. All of his crazy 6 hour workouts, weight gainer shakes, Weider workout equipment were just sponsorships and contracts to help promote bodybuilding. It doesn't take a genius to see through its ridiculousness. Anybody with brains in their heads realizes that Arnold didn't actually take the sugar and carb loaded weight gainers he advertised. C'mon lets be serious. Everyone points fingers at the man because of a few faux-pas in his character rather than identify the success he's had. He truly is one of the biggest success stories of the 20th century and people get stuck hating on him because he lied to unaware people that wanted to get big at the gym. You cannot really call him a sellout since if it wasn't for his advertising and supporting Joe Weider, god knows where health and fitness would be in our lives currently. The choices he made were in the best interest of the industry. The guy was above 6' and there's nothing other than questionable comments made by nobodies that say differently.
Dmeyer said on 3/Feb/16
Arnie looks easy as tall if not taller than Tom Arnold in true who'm i met And was nothing less that 185-185,5cm 6'1 in person arnie was not 1mm shorter than 185cm peak And by movies aleast 184,5cm , arnie looks easy 5-6cm taller than Robert Patrick who was aleast 180,5cm so again à good 6'1 also à good 5-6cm on Clooney who was nothing less than 179 if not more , also arnie looked barely 2in under seagal who had 1,5cm more shoes so looked à 6'4,5 Guy because of boots arnie had to be 185-6cm to pull that off , also arnie did look aleast 185-6cm in barefeet shots in bb days , i do agree hé can look under 6'1,25-1,5in peak 186-186,5cm but not less than 185cm , now hé looks not less than 5'11 And oftenly looks 182cm And can look 183-183,5cm when hé has boots , still looks taller than flat 5'11 guys today , And looked no less than 6'1 in early stuff
Kurtz said on 3/Feb/16
peak: 6' 0'' - 183 cm.
now: 5' 9.5'' - 177 cm.
Alex said on 3/Feb/16
I am the "original" Alex, not the hater :D
Arnold was clearly near 6'2 in his prime, not a full 6'2 (beyond 188 cm.) but very close. Lets say 187 cm.
It is clear because we have many pics and videos of him barefoot with people who were 6 footer and were shorter and people who were 6'2 and were around his height.
184.3cm (Night) said on 3/Feb/16
One thing is for certain, Arnold attracts some of the most butthurt people i have ever seen on the internet.
He is the King thats why whenever an up and coming action star or bodybuilder is questioned they always drop his name. The guy has achieved alot, the end.
Danimal176 said on 2/Feb/16
Jim Hopper said on 29/Jan/16
Peak 6-0.5. Now 5-11 max.
Peak - 6'1.5"-6'1.75" (measured at both)
Today - 5'10"
kurtz said on 2/Feb/16
176 cm. today
182 cm. peak his prime
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Feb/16
Looked 187cm in Predator and True Lies
CuttingtheCrap said on 1/Feb/16
Luke - The reason why people don´t like Arnold anymore is that as time has passed this cult leader megalomaniac has been exposed for what he is: A MASSIVE fraud and hustler. He even calls himself "hustler" in "Total Recall - My unbelievable life". That´s HIS words not mine!
All the NONSENSE surrounding his bodybuilding mythology has been EXPOSED with the advent of internet boards. Lifters all over the globe today KNOW that lifting 5-6 hours a day as the mighty "King" Arnold supposedly did is HOGWASH. Arnold LIED. The BB industry LIED in order that he could get your hard earned money. Joe Weider is the biggest crook of them all. Arnold says in his book that he ADMIRED Weider for being a quote "hustler". Again HIS words not mine!
What a stand up guy! What a moral example for all to follow!
My point is: Arnold "the king" is really Arnold the CULT-LEADER-HUSTLER-ABUSER OF WOMEN (insert more) and his scheme was only successful back when information wasn´t so widely spread as it is today with the internet. People feel deceived and taken advantage of. With good reason.
All hail the "king". (Laughing hysterically).
6-0 peak. 5-10 today. No mystery.
richie said on 31/Jan/16
Arnie's peak height 5'11" ??? Complete and utter nonsense, the guy was close to 6'2" during his prime and probably stands a little over 6' today. He was around the same height as Johnny Knoxville in The Last Stand who himself is 6'1" so this under 6' theory just doesn't read true....
Luke said on 31/Jan/16
There is waaayyyy more information that suggests he was above 6ft at peak height rather than that he was closer to average height. Pictures, documented height, comparisons to others of well known heights etc. What is there to suggest that he was shorter? A bunch of claims after his Hollywood fame by less successful actors. They probably lied as it would give them more exposure for claiming that the biggest guy in Hollywood was actually smaller and shorter than even them. all the claims that he was 5'11, 5'10, I've even heard of a 5'9 peak height is just a bunch of tabloid nonsense. Now his current height is a completely different story. His proportions are actually slightly different now than they were when he was younger (even when he is barefoot for all of you LIFTS! and COWBOY BOOTS! people) . His torso looks even shorter in comparison to his legs which would be the result of a compressed spine. If there is a noticeably visual difference in his stature, that would mean that he has lost a considerable amount of height and would justify why he looks so much smaller than his documented peak. All of this seems to make sense to me I don't know why so many people always want to throw him under the bus.
Alex said on 31/Jan/16
The taller height that I can think for Arnold is 184 cm at best. Maybe in the years, some injuries and surgery operations, he lost something.
miko said on 29/Jan/16
The more I see of him in his early years, 6'1 max for his peak and probably 5'11 range today.
Ismaeel said on 29/Jan/16
His peak height was 5' 11'' while the current height looks like 5' 9'' inches. Look at the picture above he looks like 5' 9'' guy with overbuilt torso. 5' 11'' was probably considered 6' 2'' in 60s. Hollywood has just successfully projected him a big 6' 2'' guy when he was 5' 11'' something all those years..
ervis said on 29/Jan/16
rob here is arnold next to reg park who despite being listed at 185 cm never looked it and arnold looks roughly the same.
Click Here dont you think a 185 cm peak would suit him better

Editor Rob
I still feel in the 60's and 70's arnie did measure a bit over 6ft 1, how much is the question...
grizz said on 29/Jan/16
Are you sure, Alex?
I mean, that's a high estimate of yours.
In Twins he was still at his peak height and he barely edged out Danny DeVito.
Jim Hopper said on 29/Jan/16
Peak 6-0.5. Now 5-11 max.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Jan/16
Re@l heights said on 24/Jan/16
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Peak:6 ft
My height is around 6 ft. I met with him, he is around my ears though.
This is getting ridiculous
Fran77 said on 27/Jan/16
you´re right Alex. I could buy 6 feet in his twenties totally stretched out of bed in the morning, absolut max 1.83 and going under the rest of the day. 1.81, 1.82 was TALL in sixties and seventies.
dmeyer said on 27/Jan/16
Arnie look Closer in height with 5'11.5-6ft 50 cent than 5'11-11.25 gylenhaal
Alex said on 26/Jan/16
Arnold never was over 182 cm or so in all his life, neither in his youth. For years was said that he was 187-188 cm, but that's BS.
Michael Duffy said on 24/Jan/16
I was in LA in 2002 and went horseback riding near the famous HOLLYWOOD sign. Our guide was telling us Arnold was recently at her stable filming a movie. She said, I didn't know he was so short when she met him. She was tall at 5'10", she told us she looked down on him. Her guess was he was 5'8".
Junior31 said on 23/Jan/16
josey wales said on 23/Jan/16
Junior31 i wouldnt use that pic to try proof much. His hair even makes arnies look flat and who knows footwear angles etc. Id call it half n inch diffs makin robs listing still very valid.
I'm sorry guys I find it very hard to believe he is more then 5'11 today. This pic couples with the GSP pic do it for me. I think he was 6'1 peak but today struggles with 5'11 and that's generous
josey wales said on 23/Jan/16
Junior31 i wouldnt use that pic to try proof much. His hair even makes arnies look flat and who knows footwear angles etc. Id call it half n inch diffs makin robs listing still very valid.
184.3cm (Night) said on 23/Jan/16
@Adam So your a 6 foot guy then and your friend is 5'10. That makes Arnie a 5'11 man just as he is listed. Your shoe height is irrelevant, i reach 6'2.5" in big boots that doesnt make me a big 6'2 guy.
I saw a video of Arnie cycling on the wrong side of the road in Edinburgh other day so this claim seems legit. Thanks for the eye witness account Adam.
Junior31 said on 22/Jan/16
Pic you have to see on Carl Frochs recent Twitter yesterday. He and Arnie side by side and froch owns him. You have a photo with froch and list him at 6'0 even. Based upon that and the photo with Arnold , Arnold appears to be a solid 1.5 inches shorter then him. 5'10.5 tops. Someone please post this. Or rob please post this.

Editor Rob
that photo, I wouldn't even say it was an inch worth.
joe joe said on 22/Jan/16
@Luke. wow
Adam said on 21/Jan/16
A friend of mine just met Arnold at an event in Edinburgh and posted a picture of himself with Arnold. I'm pretty sure my friend is at least 5'11" in shoes, I'm about 186cm in shoes and he is no more than a couple of inches smaller. Anyway in the picture Arnold has a good inch on my mate, could he still be 6'0"-0.5"?
Dmeyer said on 19/Jan/16
Arnie can pull off solid 5'11.5 with right posture today
jervis said on 19/Jan/16
Cutie dont belive everything you read.
Alucard said on 19/Jan/16
Except that Nubret was never 5'11 in his life, try around 5'8, absolutely not taller than Oliva who was that height, and Ferrigno was never more than 6'2 all his life, look at him next to 6'2 Mike O'Hearn... Luke how tall are you? Bodyfat? People usually do the same mistake over and over, for example they measure their arm at 19 inches and they can't believe that Arnold at his peak had 19-20 inches arms max because his looked so much bigger... But that's the illusion of low bodyfat and gifted muscle bellies, Arnold never had 22 inches arms... I somewhat agree that back in the 60s and 70s there were taller bodybuilders on average, but doesn't mean that there were lots of guys over 6', Reg Park for example was exactly the same height as Arnold, around 5'11, then after we had Ferrigno at 6'2, one of the few legit tall bodybuilders... Professional bodybuilding has always been a "sport" for short and medium guys, the few who were taller than average, like Arnold and Ferrigno for example, did stand out as giants...
jervis said on 19/Jan/16
Cutie explain how he looked as tall or taller than Kevin Kline then.In the films I saw him in in the 80s and 90s he looked in the 6ft1 or 2 range also in pics with other stars at that time.
Aaron zamora said on 18/Jan/16
Rob, I think that Arnold is still around 6'+ I found this guy on Instagram and this is him next to Ronnie Coleman who you have listed as 5'10 on here and a picture of him next to Arnold. Arnold towers over him and Arnold's shoes look small too!
Click Here Click Here
Cutie said on 18/Jan/16
I found this article of Washingtonpost from 1999 where it is disclosed that Arnold's actual height is 5' 10'' and not 6' 2'' that is often claimed. Interesting it seems that my own barely 6' 0 peak height for Arnold also needs some revision.
Click Here
Cutie said on 18/Jan/16
Peak height barely 6' 0, current height barely 5' 10''. If he looked taller than other bodybuilders in 70s, the reason should be clear that all those bodybuilders were really short in person irrespective of what their height was listed in bodybuilding show-business competitions.
Tunman said on 17/Jan/16
Yeah,5'11 and 6' at peak are really jokes,but 6'1 is really arguable.Really he doesn't look taller than 6'1 Weathers.Also in Terminator 2 he doesn't look over 185.He was only 43,so has he already lost a strong 0.5"?Not sure,few mms if anything,still one could argue 186 as the best answer in my opinion,he looked too often closer to 6'1 than 2 honestly.Basile certainly measured him around 6'1.5 but when and how exactly we don't know.After all a fraction less isn't something you can rule out.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Jan/16
5ft11 and 6ft are a joke for Arnold's peak, not a chance. Even 6ft1 flat is underselling him. His 6ft1¾ and 6ft2 claims aren't ridiculous at all. He probably did hit both of those marks earlier in the day and probably even cleared 6ft2 out of bed. He was impressively tall for a bodybuilder and his measurements were not inflated either.
me said on 15/Jan/16
for those who assure he's 5'11", just watch the first seconds of this clip:
Click Here
jervis said on 14/Jan/16
Those who say he was not 6ft1.5 peak,how do you explain the youtube clip with Kevin Kline?because he looks equal in height or maybe a bit taller than Kline.Do you put it down to lifts,or do you doubt Kline was 6ft1.5 too?At almost 70 Kline looks around 6ft1now if you compare him to Morgan Freeman.
JM said on 14/Jan/16
Let's not forget this man spent the first half of his life wearing next to no clothes and standing in front of crowds all round the world. If he really had been a short (or even average height) man, he would have become known early on as one. He didn't.
josey wales said on 12/Jan/16
Good idea. But mebe these giys wont be that strait as you think. Their loyalty to arnold far outweighs their loyalty to the industry. They may had been competitors but they were also very close. Tjeyre from the golden era before it became mainstream . Theyre not about to make any of their own look small.
Luke said on 11/Jan/16
Someone else posted the stuff about my stats. Its always nice having someone make fun of me by putting me off as a novice lifter when I bring facts into the discussion. I'm not sure why that was even passed as a post as it has nothing to do with the discussion. Sorry to disappoint whoever it was making fun of me like that. Back to the topic though, all of these proclaimed heights of Arnold are all made by actors from 1980 and onward. I would like to see one of Arnold's training partners give their perspective on his height. Frank Zane, Dave Draper, Franco Columbo etc. they're all still alive and have little to no association with the bodybuilding scene anymore so they wouldn't have a bias or change their opinion to match the industries expectations. They also almost lived with each other so you would be hard pressed to find someone else that knew him so well. I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard to get an interview with one of them as they are far less famous than any of these celebrities that called Arnold short.
josey wales said on 10/Jan/16
Luke, arms are small muscles and overtrsin easy. Stick to basic exersises. Strait bar curls and preacher bench and french press and close grip bench press. Not to many cable work. They define not build. Arms two times a week, three working sets 8-10 reps failure each set. Flex alot (at home not gym it looks goofy). It really brings out the shaoe and helps illusional size lolTrain and enjoy. Size and
weight relative. Were roughly the same height . I stopped training hard but do miss it
Luke said on 9/Jan/16
I'm a recreational weightlifter, I lift weights 3 times per week & I am 5'8.5 barefeet 175 lbs
I have 14.5 inch arms flexed at their fullest cold and around a 44 chest cold
Arnolds supposedly 6'1 240+ with 20 arms cold not pumped and a 50+ chest cold
I would really like my arms to be bigger they're stubborn
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jan/16
@Vladimir: Kline is listed here as being 6ft1½ peak and 6ft1 today. A lot of people insist he was 6ft2 though which looking at earlier stuff he was in (The Big Chill, Sophie's Choice) he could look it. Arnold bizarrely looks a bit taller in that clip!
Rob, have you checked that out?
G dragon said on 8/Jan/16
How long is Arnie's eye level?
richie said on 8/Jan/16
@Alucard...I suggest you watch "Pumping Iron" where Schwarzeneggers height of 6'1.5" is revealed. The final pose down between himself, Ferrigno(6'4") and Nubret(5'11"). He had a good 2 inches on Nubret and was a good 2 inches shorter than Ferrigno, his peak height was definitely somewhere between 6'1 and 2" without question. Rob's estimation was very accurate.
Vladimir said on 6/Jan/16
How tall is Kevin Kline? In this video they are roughly the same hight:
Click Here
Sammy Derrick said on 6/Jan/16
On a lighter note in the Movie Terminator Genisys his character is seen in a mugshot to be 6'6!!!!(Hollywood Magic)
Click Here
I found this clip and thought it would be HILARIOUS
Click Here
richie said on 4/Jan/16
Harold@..Schwarzenegger was definitely 6'1" minimum during the 70's, check his photos with Jeff Bridges and Clint Eastwood, he was marginally shorter than those guys who were 6'2"/3" respectively,strong 6'1" without a doubt....
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Jan/16
He was taller than Jeff Bridges in Stay Hungry, IMO. That scene where he's lifting the weights he was barefoot while Bridges was in sneakers.
They looked roughly the same maybe Bridges a fraction taller because of the advantage.
Luke said on 2/Jan/16
(previously guest) Harold I am sorry but to say bodybuilding proportions are exaggerated is just completely false and to compare it to wrestling is even more false. Measurements are very important and were strictly used in the early days to judge competition. Height has never been a contributing factor to judge a person's physique in bodybuilding. Shorter bodybuilders are usually more successful as they can pack on the same amount of size as a taller competitor but look 2 times as big due to their smaller stature and bones. There is no reason to lie about a young boy's height from Austria. He was at least 6'1. Not only do we have hard evidence in print of his height as a late teen, we have countless other well known bodybuilders with well known heights to compare him to unless of course every single person ever to grace the bodybuilding stage has had an exaggerated height as well. Unfortunately I do not know how to provide links so I cannot gather some good photos to prove this but everyone has probably already seen all of them anyways. I have no doubt Arnold has liked wearing big boots because it fits the tough guy persona and makes him look even bigger than he already does similar to what John Wayne used to do. He dwarfed everyone except Lou Ferrigno on stage and he dwarfed everyone in almost every movie he's played in. He has nothing to prove and was the biggest guy in Hollywood for the longest time. Its common for most people to round up to the nearest inch in height so to give someone a hard time for rounding a half or quarter of an inch is a little outrageous. Like it or not this age old argument has been debunked time and time again.