How tall is Arnold Schwarzenegger - Page 20

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Average Guess (1339 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 1.04in (185.5cm)
Current: 5ft 11.06in (180.5cm)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Nov/16
He looks a decent 6ft there actually. That is if YOU are really 5ft11
grizz said on 12/Nov/16
@Priyom Haider, I say you lie.
Andy said on 12/Nov/16
Just look at the pics of him standing next to Reg Park and Jeff Bridges and all is revealed.
Lucio said on 12/Nov/16
Priyom Haider said on 11/Nov/16
Here is a picture of Arnie and me this year on his Birthday, July 30th, 2016 - Click Here

I'm 5'11, and I say he's 6'1.5 You too me?


Rob, this photo in my opinion is nullifying.
If this guy is really 5'11 as he says, then Arnold and near if not exactly at 6 feet mark.
Arnold is slightly tilted and yet he is taller than the guy. If he was standing straight he would be close to 6 feet, there is no way he is 5'11".
To me, the current height at the top at this page should be changed at 6'0".
Rob could be ask to this guy if he give you the permission to post this photo at the top of the page, what'd you think?
Editor Rob
Lucio, I don't put anybody's photos on the top of the page anymore.

The only exception I made was for Big Jay, who holds an honorary and permanent photo on the Dolph page.
Peter 179cm said on 12/Nov/16
@ Priyom Haider Nice photo,but i'd say you're probably not 5'11,more like 5'9-5'9.5
@ Dean Yeah,Arnold was clearly over 178cm in his peak but not as tall as 187cm,period.
Priyom Haider said on 11/Nov/16
Here is a picture of Arnie and me this year on his Birthday, July 30th, 2016 - Click Here

I'm 5'11, and I say he's 6'1.5 You too me?
Kurtz said on 11/Nov/16
firecracker said on 4/Nov/16
harold, you understand is full of fanboys here. people don't realize how tall is a legit (barefoot) 6'2"(188cm) 6'3"(190cm) 6'4"(193cm) and so on...

here a 20 y.o. schwarz. with claimed 5'10"(178cm) bill pearl: Click Here

Arnold looks 1 inch taller excluding the hair. SO ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER WAS in the 5'11"(180cm) range at his peak, the rest is pure fantasy for fanboys. Rob, update this profile, you know very well he wasn't 6'1.5"(187cm).

This finally.
Arnie was and is a tall person, but of course not as much as he claimed: FACT. There are lot of people that boost their height much more than Arnie makes/made: Fact. So I don't blame him.
182 cm. his peak-179 now days.
Case closed.
HonestSlovene said on 11/Nov/16
186-187 cm peak and 181-182 cm now, no more no less. Posting pictures of peculiar camera angles and uneven ground does not prove anything IMO.
AlexItaly said on 10/Nov/16
There is no need of exaggereting athletes height in body building. Infact noone does and never did. That's just a pretext to say Arnold pumped his height. Remember he was, barefoot, eye level with Jeff Bridges wearing sneakers. So he maybe he was never that giant in height, maybe 186 at night and 187 peak, but he never was under 186 until his forties. He lost a lot of height in the last years and that's ok. Furthermore Ferrigno was a legit 6'4 and Arnold was 2 inches shorter in ever picture with him. And taller than any other bodybuilding of his time. He edged out even on 6'1ers. So, Harold, canalize your hate into something else. You're done here.
Chasgreenberg said on 9/Nov/16
15 years ago skiing at Sun Valley, Arnold was chatting at the top of the hill. I stood a couple feet away, without disturbing Arnold and friends. I asked 2 of my friends who was taller? They said least 2 inches.. I am 5'8 inches.
Peter 179cm said on 9/Nov/16
He was a weak 6'1 at his peak.He was always 3-4 inches shorter than 6'4 peak Ferrigno, but wore thick footwear in his movies to appear 6'1-6'1.5 in some of them(take Predator for example,he looked at least the same height as Carl Weathers who was no less than 6'1 back in the 80's).
Now he's most likely 5'10.5-5'11 anywhere in that range when standing upright.So basically he's shrunk 2 inches at 69 which is not uncommon.
Jordan87 said on 8/Nov/16
Flint, your in my boat. I have him as a 6 footer when young. 5'10 is BS and so is 6'2.
Flint said on 8/Nov/16
Harold, your posts are brilliant and very funny. I agree that Arnold wasn't ever 6'1 1/2 barefoot and that bodybuilding runs along the same lines as wrestling. It dates back hundreds of years in the form of circus entertainment where exaggeration was all part of the recipe. But I think he was taller than many and so I'd guess that he was about 6'0 when young. At his age, shrinkage has taken a couple of inches off peak.
houss183 cm said on 8/Nov/16
i think arnie is 180 cm now
Dean said on 8/Nov/16
Peter 179cm said on 6/Nov/16
@ Dean That's only about 8cm difference,how exactly is that called dwarfing/towering?? DeNiro is actually no more than 170-171 these days,which again puts a present Arnie at around 179cm or 5'10.5.

Looks more than 8cm to me. Nevertheless it's one in the eye for all these people who'll put a peak Arnold at 5'10 and try to call him less these days.
THE REAL ANNOYMOUS said on 7/Nov/16
Lol Christian !....Harold uses the term Fanboy over and over and spews the same dribble blah blah blah.
That's all that pops out to me when I read his posts
King of the hill 91 said on 7/Nov/16
183 cm no more maybe less 186 cm peak maybe 186 .5 cm
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 7/Nov/16
THE REAL ANNOYMOUS said on 6/Nov/16
Christian I agree with your thoughts on fanboy Harold.
I try and not read what he posts but he's like a bad car accident you know you shouldn't look but you do!


Thanks, but how is Harold a fanboy? He's clearly not a fan of Schwarzenegger. I'm not one either, but at least I don't trash talk about him.
Justin said on 6/Nov/16
@Christian yeah just giving my opinion mate based on what I've observed from Arnies movies starting from Hercules in New York. I think the key measurement was made by Vince Basille giving Arnie 6ft1.5 plus the other observations I've made of him. I believe that measurement was accurate and that was when he was in his 20s so wouldn't have lost any height. Harold I don't know what Arnies fling with his housekeeper has to do with his height but everyone is entitled to their opinion
THE REAL ANNOYMOUS said on 6/Nov/16
Christian I agree with your thoughts on fanboy Harold.
I try and not read what he posts but he's like a bad car accident you know you shouldn't look but you do!

It's obvious Basile has no love for Arnold so why would he bother to upgrade him from Harold's BS 5'10 peek to 6'1.5??

I couldn't imagine Daniel Day Lewis being a better terminator than what Arnold portrayed. Lewis is an awesome actor one of the very best but
Annie sold more tickets at the box office.

Hey Harold how is your buddy Goodrum doing over at Getbig?
Peter 179cm said on 6/Nov/16
@ Dean That's only about 8cm difference,how exactly is that called dwarfing/towering?? DeNiro is actually no more than 170-171 these days,which again puts a present Arnie at around 179cm or 5'10.5.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 6/Nov/16
I was initially going to reply to Harold, but it's not worth it. If he wants to keep believing the delusion that Arnold is only 5ft10, then I'll let him. At the end of the day, he's going to be the laughingstock of Celebheights, not Justin, Dean or myself.
Harold said on 5/Nov/16
Oh, Christian, you're being unchristian in launching your attacks,
I have nothing but respect for Arnie. Nothing but respect. Because impregnating your wife and your maid on the same week in the same bed really displays character. Keeping it a secret from your family and the electorate who trusted you enough to vote for you truly confirms their trust. And I am not alone in my respect. Can you imagine how much Daniel Day-Lewis respects an actor of such great range as Schwarzenegger? A peer such as that? That profound respect from the entire movie industry explains the sheer number of Oscars Arnold has won and has displayed on his fireplace mantel. As to your definition of the man as 'one of the most respected bodybuilders,' yes, certainly, compared to Bertil Fox, the 3-time Mr. Universe who murdered his girlfriend and her mother, or Craig Titus, serving life in prison for murder, or Dennis Tinerino, 4-time Mr. Universe, who served time for pimping, or Craig Titus, who murdered his girlfriend, or...well, shall I go on? Yes, in that context, the wannabe six footer Arnie shines supreme. Truly, by comparison, a class act. Tell me, do you also go to Bill Cosby for dating advice? Hint: he doesn't lace their drinks with protein powder. I have no doubt you also greatly respect his lifetime accomplishments. ROTFL.
Justin said on 5/Nov/16
Also if you watch Pumping Iron theirs a scene at the start where Arnold walks into Golds Gym barefoot and shakes the hand of fellow bodybuilder Big Mike Katz and they appear the same height and he's listed 6ft1-2.
Justin said on 5/Nov/16
@ Harold I think if you look at Arnold's early movies such as Stay Hungry from 1976 when Arnold was 29 he looks a similar height to 6ft1.5 to 6ft2 Jeff Bridges and like in Pumping Iron he is barefoot in some scenes. Anything under 6ft1 peak doesn't sound right. I think Arnold now like Clint Eastwood has lost considerable height but you can't forget their peak heights
Harold said on 5/Nov/16
Justin, I promise that pro bodybuilding is no different than pro wrestling in terms of inflated heights. Pro bodybuilding and pro wrestling are similar in that they are not sports, per se, but exhibitions. And the money lies in the exaggeration. The lifters blatantly lying about their heights is part of kay fab. As is their silence on their own steroid use. They are just selling tickets. Whether they are also selling their souls along the way is for the audience to determine.
jervis said on 5/Nov/16
To be fair DeNiro is no more than 5ft7 these days and gets dwarfed by 5ft10 guys.Arnold looks about 4 inches taller putting him in the 5ft11 range. Arnold peak was around 6ft.05 too 6ft1 and now 5ft11 IMO.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Nov/16
I agree with Danimal's estimates for Arnold's peak.
firecracker said on 4/Nov/16
harold, you understand is full of fanboys here. people don't realize how tall is a legit (barefoot) 6'2"(188cm) 6'3"(190cm) 6'4"(193cm) and so on...

here a 20 y.o. schwarz. with claimed 5'10"(178cm) bill pearl: Click Here

Arnold looks 1 inch taller excluding the hair. SO ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER WAS in the 5'11"(180cm) range at his peak, the rest is pure fantasy for fanboys. Rob, update this profile, you know very well he wasn't 6'1.5"(187cm).
S.J.H said on 4/Nov/16
I have see alot of picture proof arnie look 1.5" shorter than obama. 181cm now is assurd
Jim Hopper said on 4/Nov/16
Click Here He was never 6-2". You know I know it. Here with maximum 6-0" Kelsey.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 4/Nov/16
Harold, you're being ridiculous (no offense) Sure, Arnold wasn't quite 6ft1.5 peak, but to say that he was 5ft10 max? It's getting to the point where you're starting to launch personal attacks on not only Arnold but to anyone who disagrees with your absurd opinion. You even called the man pathetic at one point, and that same man is one of the most respected and acclaimed bodybuilders/actors in modern history. And you have no clear evidence that he ever wore lifts. Arnold at peak was around 185-186cm and currently anywhere from 180-182cm.
Harold said on 4/Nov/16
@Justin: Vince Basille also accuses Arnie of rape. Do you hold Basille's word to be true when it relates to Arnie's height but not to his habits? If Basille's word is credible to you, then you'd have to believe him in every regard. The fact is that pro bodybuilding, like pro wrestling, sells the product by fudging the figures. It's all about the money. Exaggeration sells. If Arnie had ever, in his life, been six one and one-half, his beloved cowboy boots (the equivalent of male high heels) would have made him six three or so. Did he ever, in his lifetime, appear six three plus? No. Never. You then might think, 'but Arnie would never lie about his height.' Really? Because he would hold strict to the truth with his noted personal integrity when it came to his height, but not when it came to hiding a secret family from his own wife and children?
Peter 179cm said on 4/Nov/16
@ Justin Maybe it was a morning measurement or at least earlier in the day,so about 6'1 flat in the 60's is definitely possible, and around 5'10.5 these days. I mean we're talking a 50-year gap,looong after his bodybuilding days.And since people believe Clint Eastwood has shrunk from nearly 6'4 to about 6'0 on a good day at 86 yrs old,then Arnie could be on the same level,more or less.Some people just have the genetic potential to lose a big amount of height throughout their life,while others are luckier and maintain it to a certain degree.
Dean said on 4/Nov/16
Click Here

Dwarfing DeNiro in these pictures.
Dean said on 4/Nov/16
Harold, get your facts straight. Arnold's height and measurements had been recorded in magazines and competitions for many years before 'Pumping Iron' was even made. I'm sure you'll say these measurements were vastly exaggerated too (well, you'll have to really, in order to make your own argument work). If Arnold had never been a tall man then he would never have become known as such, simple as that. You'd have him billed as well below 6 foot even in his younger days, which would automatically - and greatly - downgrade every other bodybuilder of that period. So, what - Frank Zane was 5'6"? Nonsense, look at his body proportions. Franco Columbo was only 5'? I'm pretty sure that some bodybuilding measurements are slightly exaggerated, but I don't believe that height is one of them. There's no need. Many bodybuilders are short and always have been. It's the development of their bodies which is considered impressive, not their natural height. For whatever reason you hate Arnold. That's fine. We get it. Your choice. But until you have concrete proof of his height, you should stop raving so much and attacking everyone who has an opinion. That's all yours is too, whether you like it or not. An opinion.
Justin said on 3/Nov/16
I think if their was one sport where people have inflated heights and weights then it's the sport of wrestling. A example of this is when Kurt Angle started in the wwe/wwf he was billed as 6ft2 lol his actual height is around 5ft10. As much as I like wrestling I wish they gave real heights and weights but I guess that goes with the whole mystery of wrestling
Harold said on 3/Nov/16
The problem with 'peak height' as a category is it is, as we have seen not just with Arnie but with so many others, problematic in terms of accuracy. Perhaps 'billed height' would be an improvement as a category. My two cents.
kurtz said on 3/Nov/16
@ danimal my was a mistake only on his wife... but don't change anything. he is not reliable on his height, unless was meausured by god in "person" that was not the case.
Justin said on 3/Nov/16
I'm a massive Arnold fan and admit Arnie has lost height probably due to excessive lifting and weight training over the years maybe 5ft11.5 is about right for current height I agree with Rob. Peak height I believe he was between 6ft1-2 186 to 187cm seems about right. My evidence apart from his 187cm measurement but if you watch Pumping Iron he's bigger not only in size but height.
Danimal said on 2/Nov/16
Johan said on 24/Oct/16
Yeah he was never a legit 6'2", maybe was close if measuring straight out of bed.

A solid 6'1" at his peak and now around 5'11". A 2 inch loss.

He was 6'1.5"-6'1.75" at his peak and is about 5'10.25" today (over 3" height loss).
Danimal said on 2/Nov/16
Ayush adhikary said on 1/Nov/16
He is much above 5'11"

He's actually below 5'11" today.
Danimal said on 2/Nov/16
Kurtz said on 26/Oct/16
Anyway Arnie is not reliable coz he said is 6ft 1 when meauserd in 2013 by his wife, that is exaggerated.

By his daughter, not his wife and he also more recently said he's 6'0.5" (maybe in 2" shoes).
Danimal said on 2/Nov/16
firecracker said on 2/Nov/16
it should work. with 5'9'' bruno sammartino:
Click Here

First of all, Bruno was universally known as being 5'10" (and even 5'11" at times) in his younger years. He was NEVER as low as 5'9", so way to go to chop off a full inch over what he was known to be in his youth.
Junior31 said on 2/Nov/16
firecracker said on 2/Nov/16
it should work. with 5'9'' bruno sammartino:
Click Here

Arnie in flats and Bruno in heels. If Both barefoot and we got a 6'1 Arnold at his peak.
Harold said on 2/Nov/16
@JamesC(not Cameron!): No one says, "oh, a friend of mine met him and he's really small." Small isn't up for debate. Height is. Because many eyewitnesses do say that he's shorter than advertised. Much shorter. As in Five nine or ten rather than six foot two, as he insisted, for decades. (Perhaps his psychological ailment of "Biggerexia" included height 'isues').

@Rick Rude and firecracker: I warn you, honesty, rather than blind hero worship, doesn't go far on this page. Idolatry has increased the man's size by five inches or so. Rick Rude, I think you are being kind and generous to speculate he was once actually six feet tall. firecracker, you are 100% correct and accurate to call b.s. on arnie's supposed 6'1.5" 'peak' (and even worse, his self-proclaimed insistence he was six foot two (pause for open laughter). The only thing more pathetic than a man with an admitted 50 plus pairs of cowboy boots are the fanboys who swallow his every lie hook, line, and sinker.

Without the cowboy boot and lifts, maybe five ten.

firecracker said on 2/Nov/16
it should work. with 5'9'' bruno sammartino:
Click Here
Dmeyer said on 2/Nov/16
6 ft 1,25 peak now 5 ft 11,25 5cm loss
AlexItaly said on 1/Nov/16
I think it is not hard to SEE in his old movies (lets say until early 90ies) that he was 187-186 cm. tall
Not very tall, but tallish, appearing very tall with the right boots/shoes. Nowdays he is a tad under 183. Nothing strange, my father, who is the same age, was 183 and is now 180. He never weighted lifts and did anything that stressed his body so he is pretty youthful to be a 70 year old man but still he lost a few centimetres of height. I can easily accept Arnold lost about 5 centimetres, from 187 to 182.
firecracker said on 1/Nov/16
time runs but lies resist on this website. Arnold peak 6'1.5"(187cm) was a pure fake!!! he was in the 5'11"(180cm)range barefeet. Anything over 6ft (183cm) is a lie for his peak.
a young arnold with wrestler bruno sammartino:

sammartino was 5'9"(175cm). don't joke to say sammartino was 6ft!!! arnold looks 1-2 inches taller than sammartino, but you can clearly see he was way far from a legit 6'2".

Stop with this comedy schwarzenegger-ferrigno overestimated heights. Stop. Rob, i expect serious changes on your website. (don't let me scream... come on rangers)
Ayush adhikary said on 1/Nov/16
He is much above 5'11"
Rick Rude said on 28/Oct/16
I see him at mass at St. Monica's all of the time. I'm 6'.05" and he comes up to my brow. He was maybe 6'0 once upon a time.
Pierre said on 28/Oct/16
@JamesC(not Cameron)5"11' if no lifts
JamesC (not Cameron!!) said on 27/Oct/16
Absolute balls that Arnold is 5'9 or under. I'm 5'10" and met him at the talks he has done in Britain in the past couple of years. He was taller than me and much bulkier in build. And I'm not a skinny dude. With the build he has, if he was any shorter than me he would look like some kind of Warhammer dwarf. It's so easy for people to pipe up and say 'oh, a friend of mine met him and he's really small'. People are talking out of their backsides. I'd say the general opinion here is spot on. He used to be 6'1 and is now 5'11.
Peter 179cm said on 27/Oct/16
@ 172.4cm guy Yeah but did your friend wore shoes-or more specifically heels? I would take it with a grain of salt,most women don't even know how to compare height in the first place,they sometimes think a man's eyelevel or thereabouts is the top of his head...As crazy as it sounds,it happens.But back on topic,Arnold was probably no more than 182cm back in 2004 anyway.
Kurtz said on 26/Oct/16
Anyway Arnie is not reliable coz he said is 6ft 1 when meauserd in 2013 by his wife, that is exaggerated.
So he is not reliable as much as for his height peak.
172.4cm guy said on 24/Oct/16
Ok, I normally don't report things like this since it's just heresay, but it's not the first time I've been told it. Apparently Schwarzennager is not even 5'11" now...he's 5'9". A friend, who stands at 5'9.5" was swearing that when she met him, he stood just under her, with no shoes on. This was back in 2004. A few years ago, I also heard the same thing from a studio exec. Now I know this seems crazy, especially since Schwarzennager did seem like a 6'0"-ter in Pumping Iron, but I just wanted to throw this out there. If anyone else has stories like this, or actually met with him in person, I'll all ears!
Junior31 said on 24/Oct/16
You guys need to check out the amount and type of surgeries he has had. Your right. The average 70 year old will lose in inch or more but when you have had knee back and neck surgeries. Do yourself a favor and double that.

6'1 peak
Weak 5'10 today.
Jordan87 said on 24/Oct/16
He isn't Dave Prowse or Hulk Hogan. A Guy his age typically looses around 1"-1.5". He is around 5'10.5 nowadays so more or less he was 6'0 in his prime. Considerably Tall for a Bodybuilder.
Johan said on 24/Oct/16
Yeah he was never a legit 6'2", maybe was close if measuring straight out of bed.

A solid 6'1" at his peak and now around 5'11". A 2 inch loss.
Roger said on 23/Oct/16
I think Arnold has been refreshingly straightforward in his height claims. He's not saying he's 6'10" or something like that, but that he was almost 6'2" at one time and is now down to close to 6'. If you look at him next to Jesse Ventura in Predator, I think Arnold was indeed 6'1" or 6'2" at one time and maybe has lost an inch, as most people do by the time they get to his age...
Jim Hopper said on 23/Oct/16
To lose approx 3" at his age is B/S. He was never 6-2".
kurtz said on 23/Oct/16
Click Here
Lynn said on 23/Oct/16
Danimal, no offence, you have just written weird numbers. So according to you Arnie has lost 10 cm. Well they seems to me weird numbers
Michael said on 23/Oct/16
Now: 5-11
Peak: 6-1,5
Massive height loss obviously, like Vince McMahon or Hulk Hogan.
Danimal said on 22/Oct/16
S.J.H said on 14/Oct/16
Arnie peak is 6'0 and 5'11 now

No. His peak was 6'1.5"-6'1.75" and he is currently 5'10.25"
Danimal said on 22/Oct/16
Johno said on 19/Oct/16
Kevin Levorne is shorter than Phil heath and Dexter Jackson, he is no taller than 5'8.

MAX 5'9". Been a fan of Kevin since the early 90's.
Dmeyer said on 22/Oct/16
Even in good angle arnie looks 4cm smaller than cavizel counting shoes
Peter 179cm said on 22/Oct/16
@ Harold Hahahaha that was quite amusing,really!! You're commenting like he's the only exaggerator to ever live on the globe...You should run for President or something,think about it. You could create an Anti-Arnold governing party for instance,XD!!
HonestSlovene said on 21/Oct/16
6'1 Jim Caviezel in 2in lifts next next to 5'11 Arnie...yep nothing strange here!
Peter 179cm said on 20/Oct/16
@ Î’en Richards Yeah you're right,there's indeed another pic of Caviezel and Arnie below the videos and if Caviezel is 185 which he always looks it btw,Arnie looks around 182-183 next to him.
Kurtz said on 20/Oct/16
at the end of games i think Arnie was at his peak not more than Jai Courtney now. a strong 183-184,5 cm., BUT by no means 187 cm, never
none of the two.
Arnie in now days 179-181 cm.
Johno said on 19/Oct/16
Kevin Levorne is shorter than Phil heath and Dexter Jackson, he is no taller than 5'8.
THE REAL ANNOYMOUS said on 19/Oct/16
AllofUs... Harold is a troll from the bodybuilding site Getbig.
It's best to ignore his rants...
6'1.5 in his prime
Danimal said on 19/Oct/16
sid said on 16/Oct/16
Heres a video of Arnold and Kevin Levorne, who is 5'10, arnold had 2'5 max on Kevin, which makes him 6'0 Click Here

Kevin is NOT 5'10"!! He's not even considered to be a full 5'9"!!
BenRichards said on 18/Oct/16
@Harold: and the photo shows the YAWN (pathetic, isn't it?) YAWN dwarfed by the six foot one YAWN. Wait, let's hear it from the fanboys: it must be the result of what, deadlifts? Bench presses? A lifetime of 'fitness' (if you call 'fitness' being a steroid-gobbling bathing suit 'competitor' in which the quality of your tan is crucial for winning or YAWN 'fitness' routine results in two hip replacement surgeries, multiple shoulder surgeries, and open-heart surgery). Oh, that's right, the open-heart surgery in his 40's was because of 'genetics.' Well, the fact he was never even six foot tall, peak, is another result of genetics. Read 'em and weep, fanboys. Your idol is a liar.

You are about as hilarious as cancer and are a broken record.
The photo was taken on a slope for a start and at a terrible angle. If you scroll down on the same article there is a pic of both of them from same event stood side by side and there is an inch difference, 2 max.
AllOfUs said on 18/Oct/16
Jesus Harold, take some laxatives or something.
Kurtz said on 17/Oct/16
Click Here
Harold said on 17/Oct/16
@Kurtz: and the photo shows the cowboy-boot wearing (pathetic, isn't it?) Arnie dwarfed by the six foot one Caviezel. Wait, let's hear it from the fanboys: it must be the result of what, deadlifts? Bench presses? A lifetime of 'fitness' (if you call 'fitness' being a steroid-gobbling bathing suit 'competitor' in which the quality of your tan is crucial for winning or your 'fitness' routine results in two hip replacement surgeries, multiple shoulder surgeries, and open-heart surgery). Oh, that's right, the open-heart surgery in his 40's was because of 'genetics.' Well, the fact he was never even six foot tall, peak, is another result of genetics. Read 'em and weep, fanboys. Your idol is a liar.
Peter 179cm said on 17/Oct/16
@Kurtz Yeah that's one photo where Arnie looks considerably less than 182.
Jim Caviezel is 185 maybe 186cm tops and looks ~10cm taller than him...Both in dress shoes and more or less equal posture.I mean you could argue 175-176cm just by this photo.
Me me said on 16/Oct/16
I just saw a photo of my 2 bosses with Arnold in early late 80s/90s. They used to own a gym. One is 6', the other 6'2". No way in hell Arnold was 5'11" back then. Definitely between 6'1" and 6'2". Admittedly, his shoes are not visible in the picture. If his shoes were nornal, for sure at least 6'1" at peak.
sid said on 16/Oct/16
Heres a video of Arnold and Kevin Levorne, who is 5'10, arnold had 2'5 max on Kevin, which makes him 6'0 Click Here
TruthSeeker said on 16/Oct/16
Arnold next to Kevin Levrone (5'9) almost the same height Click Here. Arnold is 5'10 tops today.
Kurtz said on 16/Oct/16
here Jim Caviezel and Arnie:
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Oct/16
No, leave his peak alone. I see a lot of variation in his current height though. Can go from looking barely 5ft10 to still over 6ft. Lifts may likely play a part though
Peter 179cm said on 16/Oct/16
@ door-hinge-number-2 Lol why would you think that?Must have been those Terminator movies,right??
door-hinge-number-2 said on 15/Oct/16
Always thought he was around 6 foot 4.
Truth11 said on 14/Oct/16
183-184cm peak and around 180-181cm now, maybe slightly under.
S.J.H said on 14/Oct/16
Arnie peak is 6'0 and 5'11 now
the Slav said on 14/Oct/16

He's not very tall anymore. Just above average - and he's never been very tall - just tall
Danimal said on 12/Oct/16
Dinny said on 7/Oct/16
peak 6'1, today 5'11

Peak 6'1.5"-6'1.75"
Today 5'10.5"
Wipeout said on 12/Oct/16
Peak height was 6ft 1.5in (187 cm) I agree on. Possibly 6'1.75. But now (2016) I'd say he is 6 ft flat, possibly 5'11.75.
Tiago said on 12/Oct/16
5'11 FT is ridiculous for Arnold. He is a many tall
Run-away-bin said on 10/Oct/16
Looks really tall in the Terminator. If you only saw himin that film you'd probably say he was 6 foot 3.
yaniv maor said on 9/Oct/16
he was 184cm when he was younger and always lied about his height. now he is 5'10
jervis said on 8/Oct/16
There are plenty of photos of Arnold with Clooney and Arnold is taller,looks around 6ft1 next to 5ft10 Clooney.
Dinny said on 7/Oct/16
peak 6'1, today 5'11
patron said on 6/Oct/16
peak height is accurate
Harold said on 6/Oct/16

Three comparison shots and none of them show footwear. Haven't you learned about the cowboy boots with lifts therein?
Vladimir said on 6/Oct/16
Peak height was 6'2" (187-188cm)
Click Here
Click Here
today 5'11.5" (182cm)
Click Here
Harold said on 5/Oct/16

Actually, if "people see arnie in public and say he's 6-2"" then there wouldn't be the amount of speculation there is concerning his height. I'd say most people who see arnie in public say he is nowhere near six foot two, which is why his alleged and supposed and self-proclaimed height is a bone of contention. The only people I've ever heard of on this planet who proclaim Arnie six foot two are the man himself (who made a living exaggerating his physical dimensions) and an ex-bodybuilder from Canada who now lives in Australia. Two voices do not a consensus make...
Peter 179cm said on 5/Oct/16
Anyone between 183-185cm can measure atleast 186-187 range with big-soled dress shoes or boots on. MAX 185cm for Arnold in the 60's-70's era and 183-184cm in his 80's-90's acting career (barefoot estimates).As for now, the guy has looked anything between 177 and 182 depending on his posture and footwear ofcourse so no doubt he's lost a noticeable amount of height since his prime,but he looks 179-180 range more often than not with other celebs so my guess is he's 179 minimum 180 max these days.
Jim Hopper said on 4/Oct/16
BenRichards said on 3/Oct/16
@Jim Hopper

Point is, I never think a 6ft2 inch individual barefoot is a 6ft4 inch individual with shoes on. Probably due to the fact that I dont walk around like Mahatma Gandihi....

But my point is that! People see arnie in public and say hes 6-2" etc etc etc...Yes in shoes! So he in truth is never 6-2" point and case.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Oct/16
186cm would be the absolute lowest I'd argue for this guy. But 6ft1½ looks fair. He could pull off 6ft2 as often as 6ft1 range. Anywhere between those is arguable.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Oct/16
Csimpson 6ft said on 30/Sep/16
I never would have guessed arnie at 6ft 1.5 for his peak height, probably more 6ft 1.25

LOL, that's only a 0.25 inch diff! Why so certain of such a tiny diff? I got a good look at him recently in Red Heat and thought 186 might be spot on.
BenRichards said on 3/Oct/16
@Jim Hopper

Point is, I never think a 6ft2 inch individual barefoot is a 6ft4 inch individual with shoes on. Probably due to the fact that I dont walk around like Mahatma Gandihi....
MAJID said on 3/Oct/16
not more than 5 11
Jim Hopper said on 1/Oct/16
BenRichards said on 28/Sep/16
@Jim Hopper - He lives in America, not an African village, normal people walk about in shoes, so in general things are leveled out unless you are a woman in stiletto's.....or RDjnr.

So my point is right. People judge him in shoes so stop talking poo please
S.J.H said on 1/Oct/16
Heard enough rumours that arnie is 6'0 peak and 6'1.5 with heel shoes. But i do agree it. At most 6'0.5 peak and 5'11 nowadays
Csimpson 6ft said on 30/Sep/16
I never would have guessed arnie at 6ft 1.5 for his peak height, probably more 6ft 1.25 and maybe 5ft 11-11.25 today
Jim Hopper said on 30/Sep/16
Never was a 6-2" in peak.
HonestSlovene said on 30/Sep/16
Harold he was quite close to 6'2" at his peak and he probably did measure around this mark earlier in the day. He was most likely a weak 6'2/strong 6'1 guy and now more of a strong 5'11 guy. Vince Basile is legit.
HonestSlovene said on 30/Sep/16
Most likely a strong 6'1.5 peak but now he seems to be just a strong 5'11 so a 2 inch loss is a bit above average for his age but nothing drastic, more likely due to steroid abuse.
Harold said on 30/Sep/16
It interests me how the fanboys believe Arnie is just a little bit of a liar and not a big fat whopping liar. So the fanboys give him six foot one as his height (even though Arnie insisted on six foot two) for the majority of his life. Newsflash: the man has been caught lying and exaggerating again and again. The fact that he profited from lies and advanced his career from them doesn't make the lie the truth. It makes the liar successful as a liar and fraud. His business mentor, Joe Weider, never met a lie he didn't like and was fined, repeatedly, by the US government for intetional fraud. Deliberate deceit and media manipulation is what the "six foot two" malarkey has always, always been about. The fifty pairs of cowboy boots that Arnie admits are in his closet are there for a reason: to bump up, artificially, his height. Five eleven peak, if that. Five ten (or less) today. It's less about shrinkage than about lying about his height from day one. Pathetic.
WBK said on 30/Sep/16
I think the truth is that Arnold was about 6'1 as a young fellow - as he himself used to state in interviews before his Hollywood days (and even when he first started out in films). This got rounded up to 6'2 by the usual publicity machine, and just became a figure that he and the rest of the world stuck with ever since. he's lost a couple of inches since then (so maybe 5'11), and his posture isn't always great which can add the illusion of an inch or two less than that. Plus the expectation is that he's a gigantic mythical figure, and of course he isn't. He's a man. Only slightly above average height, and with a slightly stockier overall build. So therefore the first impression people have is that he's not as big as they would expect.
MAJID said on 29/Sep/16
First of all please bear in mind that looking at pics will not give u an accurate view of the persons height. Many times some people slouch when posing while some have a good posture. So you cant make a dead accurate guess looking at pics. As far as Arnold is concerned everyone knows that when they see him in real they are confused to see a much smaller man. Arnold may be in his peak would be 6 feet at max but now a days he is not more than 5 11. Even in the movies when he was in his 40s he never looked 6 feet 2 ( as he claims ).
BenRichards said on 28/Sep/16
@Jim Hopper - He lives in America, not an African village, normal people walk about in shoes, so in general things are leveled out unless you are a woman in stiletto's.....or RDjnr.
GP said on 27/Sep/16
@Krist, Calum is around 6", definitely under 6'1". I see him at Gold's all the time, where that Arnold photo is from.
Case Closed said on 27/Sep/16
MAJID said on 26/Sep/16
The guy has been lying about his height all the while. He is 5 feet 11 on the dot.

There we go then. Case closed. Thanks Majid, that's put an end to it all.
Jim Hopper said on 26/Sep/16
Heres the deal. I stand at just over 6-2". People think Im 6-3/6-4". Why??? Its because if a legit 6-2" person in boots will look that height!! No one has ever said arnie is 6-3/6-4" which he would be if he was 6-2" flat. Think about it!!! People say hes 6-2" and lets be honest the footwear is defo always cowboy boots or boots. So imo he is approx 6-0.5" prime height.
Shredder said on 26/Sep/16
Exactly 6'1 , 6'1.5 in his prime down to 5'11.5.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Sep/16
He looks 179-180cm in solid footwear in the FC Barcelona clips... same as next to Robs 176-177cm friend.
MAJID said on 26/Sep/16
The guy has been lying about his height all the while. He is 5 feet 11 on the dot. Secondly the madam tussaids figure of TERMINATOR is highly exaggerated. That figure is close to 6 feet 4 ...
Janey said on 25/Sep/16
He sat near me in a restaurant. When standing, he was about 5'10 or 5'11" but definitely no taller.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Sep/16
I'd still say over 5ft11 based on that photo....
yabadabadoo said on 25/Sep/16
Speaking of which, Denis Suárez is 176, Arnold looks easily 4 cm taller. Like I said, he is 180-181 today.
Johan said on 25/Sep/16
:D said on 24/Sep/16
Click Here with 5'8 Neymar

Easily looks 5'11" and change there if he is 5'8".
Johnson said on 24/Sep/16
Sorry guys but he doesn't look less than 182 cm with Barcelona players
Peter 179cm said on 24/Sep/16
Ok,i take my opinion back...there's also a video showing Arnold meeting some of the Barcelona players and getting a few pictures with them.Next to listed 173cm Neymar he looked near 180 with similar posture,maybe 179 at worst (5'10.5 range).When Arnold took a selfie along with Neymar though,he stood very loosely while Neyman basically stood well, i guess that's why they looked pretty similar height-wise on that photo.
:D said on 24/Sep/16
Click Here with 5'8 Neymar
yabadabadoo said on 23/Sep/16
180 when he was young is ridiculous, nowadays I agree. Google and you can see he looks 180-181 beside Neymar/Rafinha Alcantara/Javier Mascherano (footballers of F.C.Barcelona, officially 174cm all of them). I think he has lost much height, he looks compressed. My estimation in his youth: 187 morning, 185 night. In that case I'd say he was 186 and that's why he used to say I'm 6'2", a "lie" but not so far from the truth (with shoes on he was that tall).
ptepuia mizo said on 23/Sep/16
he looks always 6.
Krist said on 23/Sep/16
Hi Rob, how tall do you think this Calum Von Moger dude is with Arnold? He is usually listed at 6ft2

Click Here

Click Here
Editor Rob
he might be under 6ft 2
Harold said on 23/Sep/16
If, in actual fact, Arnie was, as listed here, five foot eleven and 3/4's of an inch, that would make him around six foot one in present day in cowboy boots? He is nowhere near that height in present day. Time for an honest assessment of his current height and an updating that is within the realm of reality rather than schoolboy crush fantasy.
EdwardDV said on 23/Sep/16
"Smith said on 21/Sep/16
I saw him from a distance once. He looked small."

Hahahahaha! Genius! :-)
HM said on 22/Sep/16
The Francois pics are taken from a low angle, so not a good comparison. Look at the shoulder level of both men. I imagine if they had been taken from higher up there would have looked more of a height difference.
Danimal said on 22/Sep/16
Arnold and 5'8" former bodybuilder Mike Francois who was MAX 5'8" in his prime. These pics were taken in 2013:
Click Here
Click Here
Danimal said on 22/Sep/16
Arnold and 5'8" former bodybuilder Mike Francois who was MAX 5'8" in his prime. This is a recent pic: Click Here
Smith said on 21/Sep/16
I saw him from a distance once. He looked small.
Danimal said on 20/Sep/16
Jim Hopper said on 17/Sep/16
Truth said on 16/Sep/16
6'1 - 6'1.15" prime
6'0" today LOL today is under 5-11" 100%.

Yup, he's under 5'11" today. I'd give him just over 5'10.5" today. 3" height loss since his prime.
Danimal said on 19/Sep/16
Somewhere between 1979-1982, Arnold standing next to LISTED 6'0.5" (and even some 6'1.5") Dennis Tinerino: Click Here
the Slav said on 19/Sep/16
6'1.5 2-3 hours out of bed at his peak and 6'1 at bed time.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Sep/16
Out of bed: 188-189cm
Before bed: 186-187cm
Jim Hopper said on 17/Sep/16
Truth said on 16/Sep/16
6'1 - 6'1.15" prime
6'0" today LOL today is under 5-11" 100%.
GP said on 16/Sep/16
Nowadays he is under 5'11". I have seen him in the gym several times. I remember that I met him when he was still a governor and he looked 5'11"-5'11.5" but he was wearing his favorite brown cowboy style boots. From talking to people who had known him in his hey days, they all say that he was under 6'2" and more so between 6"-6'1". I have always pegged him at 184 in his prime with great posture and puffy hairstyle.
Voice of Reason said on 16/Sep/16
Apart from the odd off-the-wall whacko, someone who claims to have seen Arnold and towered above him because really he's only 5'6", and not even mentioning Harold with his never-ending supply of capes, Conan swords and fanboy taunts to scatter around like confetti he's got a warehouse full of.... apart from all of that I think the general agreement is that a peak Arnold was 6'1" and he's now 5'11".
Truth said on 16/Sep/16
6'1 - 6'1.15" prime
6'0" today
Dmeyer said on 14/Sep/16
Alex if you are 5 ft 10 shoes on hé was 5 ft 11,5-6ft loafers on so 5 ft 11-11,25 for him
Danimal said on 14/Sep/16
Wallace said on 5/Sep/16
He's only about as tall as I am five eleven. Must have caught him on a day without lifts

He is 69 years old and has dramatically shrunk since his prime. He would have had over 2" on you in his younger years.
Pierre said on 14/Sep/16
@Alex=if Arnold is 2 inches max over you(" 5"9' on the money ") ,he's not 6"0' max but 5"11' max(if he has not lifts)
Giorgi said on 12/Sep/16
I don't know. He seemed about and inch over James Belushi in Red Heat. I think hi must've been 183-184 at his peak.
Harold said on 11/Sep/16
Are there any fanboys left who actually believe little Arnie's lie that he was six foot one half inch in 2013? What you've got to admit is the man, however deluded (or is it calculatingly and deliberately deceiving) is consistent. Now, as to six foot and one half inch, do you think he means with cowboy boots and lifts therein, or do you think he means standing on a stepladder during the measurement? Oh, wait, Vince Basile must have measured him...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Sep/16
6ft1 flat is too low peak
Jordan87 said on 7/Sep/16

See below Pic. In Loken's Case I dont think her Hairline is much off her actual top of her head, for what ever reason. Maybe an 1/2" but her Hairline in Rob's Pic is only around 5'9, now compare that with her pic with Rob and she is lucky to get 5'10. Arnold was 5'10.75 at age 55 IMO based on his pics with her and 6'0 in his prime to me.

Click Here
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 6/Sep/16
"Arnold Schwarzenegger's Height is 5ft 11.25in (181cm)"
"Peak Height was 6ft 1in (185.4cm)"
Josh Jeffords said on 5/Sep/16
Whoa that can't be true can it arne has often looked over 6 3 in shoes.
Even in term 1 he was tall well over bien who claims 6ft.
And 2 or more over rob pat who claims average or better.
All the jerking iron must a shrunken him and the roids.
jwwjr said on 5/Sep/16
I met a man at work who met Arnold at one of those comic con events.He said Arnold was about my height.I'm 5ft. 11 and 1/8.
Wallace said on 5/Sep/16
He's only about as tall as I am five eleven. Must have caught him on a day without lifts
Shredder said on 5/Sep/16
Jordan87 , I noticed that you are looking at the charts wrong , you are looking at where their hair line begins and not the actual top of their heads.

Loken 's hair is really adding nothing and she looks close to 5'11 , maybe a tad less might fit her. Patrick's hair starts at 5'10 but ends at barely 5'11 , I disagree with Rob and think Patrick is max 5'10.75 , I'll give you that.

As for Biehn I have no reason to lie about what I saw or upgrade or downgrade anybody. Biehn had more footwear over me and looked 6 ft and change , so he still would be around the listed height if I saw him in the same footwear as me. Come on now , why would Rob give him 5'11.75 if he thought he looked under 5'11?
Jordan87 said on 4/Sep/16
Shredder , I respectively disagree. Patrick doesn't look over 5'10 with rob ( taking into account that rob mentions Patrick has more footwear.

As far as loken goes , the top picture is what we should all go by since they have equal footwear. To me she doesn't look over 5'10 there , her hair gets her to like 5'10'.75.

As far as Mike bieghn , if he was 6'0 to you shredder I'm not calling you a liar , though you must agree he doesn't look 6 foot in robs pic ?
Shredder said on 4/Sep/16
Loken is at worst 5'10.5 to 5'11 , Patrick isn't over 5'11 now , but 5'10 is too low , Arnold was measured 6'1.5 in his prime , so minimum 6'1 " and Biehn face to face was closer to 6' . than 5'11 , let alone 5'10.5 and Rob agrees. You are way off on all of these Jordan.
Jim Hopper said on 4/Sep/16
He wasnt 6-1,5 peak. He was 6-2" in boots peak. Go figure. 6-0.5 peak max.
Jordan87 said on 1/Sep/16
Christian , look at the pics of loken and rob and get your facts straight . Rob says in the picture above that the footwear is even unlike the below picture.

She is not 5'11 in the picture she is 5'9.75.Get your facts straight and look at the picture again , then come back to this page and says she looks 5'11. Hair doesn't count little buddy ;)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Sep/16
I think he may have been 188/189cm out of bed peak
THE REAL ANNONYMOUS said on 1/Sep/16
Harold... Please go back to Getbig!

Danimal I agree with your views on the Vince Basile measurement
The pic you posted with Mentzer and Jusup was from the 78' Mr. universe... The other bodybuilder in it was Reid Shcindle. I've trained in the same gym with Reid and he is about 5'10-11
GP said on 1/Sep/16
The photos with Wilkosz that Danimal posted, I hope people can see that Wilkosz is posing and Arnold is not. So I don't understand how can anybody even use that to compare their heights. And this entire Basile story is most likely not true. Vince has been accused of making up lot of stories including him getting "Arnold Lifetime Achievement Award", lol.
Jordan87 said on 1/Sep/16

Click Here

A Picture is worth a Thousand words, much more then a Claim. Robert Patrick is 5'10, no taller. He is pictured with Rob at 5'10.5 on this site and Rob said Robert's footwear was 1/2" Thicker, So Robert Patrick is 5'10. Arnold is 1.25" taller than Him in the picture I posted. Yes he is a good deal younger in the pic then he is now, likely around 60yo. I cannot believe he shrank more then 2" at age 60. A Man his age ( In the Photo) Shrinks around 1" Tops. Arnold was maybe 6'0.25 in his prime. To argue for another inch Danimal is stupid but I am certainly ruling out that he was some vanilla 5'10 guy in his prime. No way I believe that. He was a tall man in his prime, hovering around 6 foot again I have him for a 5'11.5 to 6'0.5 range as a young man.

I would go what Arnold appears in pictures more than a guy who has claimed to have measured him. I never Got the impression Arnold was 6'1.5 in his prime.
Christian-196cm (6ft5.25) said on 31/Aug/16
Danimal said on 31/Aug/16
Jordan87 said on 24/Aug/16
Arnie is not taller than 5'10.5 today( late 60's). I believe he was 6'0 tall In his prime more or less. He was only 1/2" taller than 5'10ish kristanna loken when he was 55 years old. Could not have shrunk more than 1.5" by his mid 50's people sorry. He was right around 6 foot in his prime . Still tall.

Again, I don't know why people don't understand that he was measured in 1969 by a man who did not even like him and still doesn't to this day (Vince Basile). He measured him barefoot at night at 6'1.5".


Kristianna Loken is 5ft11, not 5ft10. And there's even a pic of her with Rob to prove it. So that would make Arnold 5ft11.5 at 55 yrs old. Please get your facts right first.
Harold said on 31/Aug/16
re: "Again, I don't know why people don't understand that he was measured in 1969 by a man who did not even like him and still doesn't to this day (Vince Basile). He measured him barefoot at night at 6'1.5". "
Ah, yes, because it would be incomprehensible to question the word/veracity of a steroid-using bodybuilder on another steroid-using bodybuilder on a supposed incident that supposedly took place 47 years ago. It's not as if Vince Basile is treated as a joke on every single bodybuilding website. Oh, wait... But I understand where you're coming from: Vince also refers to Arnold as a 'real he-man.' Arnold six one and one-half? Only in your dreams, Sunshine.
Danimal said on 31/Aug/16
Jordan87 said on 24/Aug/16
Arnie is not taller than 5'10.5 today( late 60's). I believe he was 6'0 tall In his prime more or less. He was only 1/2" taller than 5'10ish kristanna loken when he was 55 years old. Could not have shrunk more than 1.5" by his mid 50's people sorry. He was right around 6 foot in his prime . Still tall.

Again, I don't know why people don't understand that he was measured in 1969 by a man who did not even like him and still doesn't to this day (Vince Basile). He measured him barefoot at night at 6'1.5".
Danimal said on 31/Aug/16
Arnold with legit 6'0" Jusup Wilkosz about 35 years ago:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Here's Jusup with 5'11" Lee Haney: Click Here & Click Here
Jusup with 5'8" Mike Mentzer at the end: Click Here & Click Here
Jusup in the back row next to listed 6'0.5" Dennis Tinerino and 5'9"-5'9.5" Frank Zane at the end: Click Here
Danimal said on 29/Aug/16
And another picture of Arnold in shoes with barefoot 6'0" Jusup in the early 80's:
Click Here
mrtguy said on 28/Aug/16
Nowadays he looks much shorter than he was in his prime
Peter 179cm said on 28/Aug/16
@ Jordan87 You could argue anywhere between 6'0-6'0.5 for a peak Arnold,imo. And maybe closer to 6'1.5-2 with big shoes or boots.
184guy said on 28/Aug/16
Hahaha Rob
And David Ayer is supposedly to be 6'2.5 and he can look 6'2 Range with Arnold
That obviou to inflate and make more impressive the ego of the actors
Editor Rob
I was looking for a ;) in his tweet, but I think the guy was serious!
Jordan87 said on 24/Aug/16
Arnie is not taller than 5'10.5 today( late 60's). I believe he was 6'0 tall In his prime more or less. He was only 1/2" taller than 5'10ish kristanna loken when he was 55 years old. Could not have shrunk more than 1.5" by his mid 50's people sorry. He was right around 6 foot in his prime . Still tall.
Jim Hopper said on 24/Aug/16
Next to Harrison Ford recently he looks 5-10.5" max.
the Slav said on 24/Aug/16
6'1 peak at evening - 6'1.5 not impossible though but a bit unlikely
Fog5'11 said on 23/Aug/16
I think an inch was added on by arnie in that last sentence. Really it should be : 'Arnold has also recently said that he was "6ft and 3/4" but now has shrunk to 6ft 0, as measured by his daughter and in 2013 mentioned he was down to a worrying 5ft 11.5 inch'. :P

Joking aside though i thought he looked a solid 6'1 at peak - probably would measure 1.86 range in the evening.
Alucard said on 22/Aug/16
Like i said, check out Terminator Genisys... The scene where Reese, Arnold and Connor are walking to and into the bunker with all the weaponry around... Courtney is what? A legit 6' footer probably, 180cm or over it, he's barefeet, Arnold with boots, and Arnold is still fairly shorter than him... Arnold today is no more than 5'10 at best, i'm probably generous, and i don't believe he lost 3 or 4 inches of height since his younger days, that's absurd... Arnold was around 5'11 in his prime...
Lucio said on 22/Aug/16
Danimal said on 22/Aug/16
Andy said on 21/Aug/16
If you look at all the old photos of him standing next to Reg Park, you'll see that (with Park at 6ft 1''), that he was 6ft 0.5'' at best.

Click Here
Click Here

Btw, like Arnold himself, Reg lost A LOT of height through the years: Click Here

Danimal, in the first photo you've posted, Reg is leaning on one leg, so he is not at its tallest.
Anyway I think that Arnold was exactly the same height of Reg Park at peak, that is 6'1" (several photos prove it).
Maybe Arnold was an half a centimeter taller, but we are there.
Click Here

As regards his hip replacement surgery is not officially documented, and even if it were, it would be only his right leg (look at his pictures of 2008 in Cancun, Mexico.
Btw, even to me he gives the impression even his legs are slightly shorter. Say due of what, I don't know.
Editor Rob said on 22/Aug/16
Saw the director David Ayer claim on twitter "Arnold is 6'2. Joe is 6'7"
Danimal said on 22/Aug/16
James B said on 9/Aug/16
Rob could have the 6'1.5 measurement been in shoes?

No James, Vince Basille was quite clear that the measurement was BAREFOOT and done at night.
Danimal said on 22/Aug/16
Jordan87 said on 12/Aug/16
Lundgren is 6'1.5 nowadays . Peak 6'3ish

Actually, I think Lundgren was as high as 6'4" peak and has lost a lot of height over the years. 6'2" at best today.
Danimal said on 22/Aug/16
Andy said on 21/Aug/16
If you look at all the old photos of him standing next to Reg Park, you'll see that (with Park at 6ft 1''), that he was 6ft 0.5'' at best.

Click Here
Click Here

Btw, like Arnold himself, Reg lost A LOT of height through the years: Click Here
Andy said on 21/Aug/16
If you look at all the old photos of him standing next to Reg Park, you'll see that (with Park at 6ft 1''), that he was 6ft 0.5'' at best.
Danimal said on 21/Aug/16
Look how tiny/short/compressed Arnold looks today. His upper torso is so short and compressed and his legs are even shorter, possibly due to his hip replacement. He used to be a TALL looking man:
Today at 5'10" and change: Click Here
Peak at 6'1.5"-6'1.75": Click Here
Christian-196cm (6ft5.25in) said on 20/Aug/16
MJKoP said on 20/Aug/16
At his peak I don't think he ever dipped below 6'2", no matter what the time of day was. I could easily see him hitting or even slightly surpassing the 6'3" mark directly out of bed.


Arnold at over 6ft3? Only in your dreams dude. In reality, he was no more than 187cm, and even that was his out of bed height. By nighttime, he would drop to 185cm. Usually I would agree with Rob's listings, but this is one of the few exceptions, just like Joe Manganiello's 6ft5 listing when I believe he's only 6ft4.5
Peter 179cm said on 20/Aug/16
@ MJKop You're delusional if you think he could hit 6'3 out of bed...If that was the case,he would eventually claim it instead of 6'2...
MJKoP said on 20/Aug/16
At his peak I don't think he ever dipped below 6'2", no matter what the time of day was. I could easily see him hitting or even slightly surpassing the 6'3" mark directly out of bed.
sid said on 20/Aug/16
Heres a video of Arnold looking tall, he looks 6'0 ft there, check it out Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Aug/16
@Jared: he could have been brushing that mark first thing out of bed in his prime.
Jared said on 17/Aug/16
Rob, could a peak Arnold have woken up out of bed as 6ft2.5? The reason I ask is because bodybuilders tend to weigh more than the average person, thus putting more pressure on the spine, making it compress more throughout the day.
Editor Rob
if he was 6ft 1.5 at his low, then you certainly wouldn't rule out a chance of a full inch lost.
Brandon said on 15/Aug/16
I can tell you right now antman is not being serious, he is an obvious troll. Lol
Arnie was 6'0.75"-6'1" peak and is 5'11" today. He's like 70 years old and had done heavy weightlifting/bodybuilding for decades. 2 inches loss makes sense.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Aug/16
Rob, is it still safe to assume that Arnold held 6ft2 for a short while in the morning?
Editor Rob
I think he would have hit that mark for sure out of bed, but how much he cleared it is a question...if he is only a 186cm guy peak then he might not have been more, but if 6ft 1.5 then maybe a fraction more.
Jordan87 said on 12/Aug/16
Lundgren is 6'1.5 nowadays . Peak 6'3ish
Jordan87 said on 12/Aug/16

Easy, Michael is leaning big time in that picture.
The Man said on 11/Aug/16
Antman said on 8/Aug/16
Lundgren at 6'1" peak? You need glasses.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 11/Aug/16
Vladimir said on 10/Aug/16
Someone Explain This Picture Click Here
6'3" Michael Koklyaev Russian weightlifting champion

Why explain a pic with one standing good and the other slouching, bending down as hell, withoutseeing footwear???
unusable for height estimation period
Antman said on 10/Aug/16
AlexMahone you really need to calm down we are talking about the heights of celebrities here not debating the existence of an afterlife. It doesn't really matter and is just an enjoyable discussion to me. And a persons height is a far simpler subject to deal with as you merely stand next to them and based on your own height are able to make a reasonable estimate. I do not care whether you believe me or not but I stood next to Dolph Lundgren at LLFC and 6ft was a reasonable estimate for his height. I also met Michael Emerson, Harold Perrineau and Carl Weathers and have confirmed their height estimates on their respective pages on here as accurate so I am not a troll, the most childish and pointless of internet pursuits. If you who have never met Dolph Lundgren think that looking at him in pictures with other people you have also never met makes your opinion more valid I am pleased for you. And I am unable to find any comment from me where I said Brandon Lee was 5ft 7. I said I did not know his height as I have never met him. Please re-read my comments.
Vladimir said on 10/Aug/16
Someone Explain This Picture Click Here
6'3" Michael Koklyaev Russian weightlifting champion
AlexMahone said on 10/Aug/16
@Antman: I didn't decided yet that you are a terrible height judger or a simple troll who self made causes why you downgrade celebs to ridiculous level. Please next time take a photo or a spy photo from Mr. Lundgren (for example) because now you have nothing in your hands. Except your words and we should believe you this nonsense. You downgrade Brandon Lee to the ridiculous 5'7" level because of the height difference between Lundgren and Brandon. If Lee was only 5'7" then you can argue for a 185cm Dolph. I think you are incapable of believing that there are people who taller than 6'3".
You saw for sure the promo pictures where Lundgren and Terry Crews are together. Dolph is TALLER in every single picture in similar dress shoes. I'm really curious what do you think, what is Terry Crews height? 5'8"? Wait, I think I forgot that Dolph wore 8cm lifts in his dress shoes....if nowadays he's only about 180cm....

You can argue for Lundgren lost heightand now he's about 6'2" but not 5'11"-6'.

(Excuse me I Know this is the Arnold forum but this guy wrote everywhere his claim...)
James B said on 9/Aug/16
In Kevin sorbos defense ex poster mamun mentioned that Arnie looked no taller than 5'10-5'11 when he met him in person but I guess his posture must be horrendous after all those years of seriously heavy weight lifting.
James B said on 9/Aug/16
Rob could have the 6'1.5 measurement been in shoes?

I remember Vegas mentioned that in 1998 6'4 billy gunn had at least 3 inches on Arnie who had on big heeled boots.

Although Arnold didn't look that much shorter than clint Eastwood in the early 90s (not impossible that Arnie wore lifts next to clint).
Sam said on 9/Aug/16
6'1 peak, he generally looked tall in movies. Fair dues he probably wasn't near 6'2 but why are so many people downgrading this legendary figure? It seems like lots of downgraders are attracted to Arnie's page for some reason. Where are you guys on Brad Pitts page? He does look noticeably shorter today though, but was tall in his prime.
jervis said on 9/Aug/16
So Antman,you put it down to Brandon being more 5ft9 range than Lundgren being 6ft4.If he was 5ft9 that would add up,but youre not going to get many people agreeing with you here.
Anthony said on 9/Aug/16
Agreed, Arnold in the last Terminator film being shown as 6'6 was pretty dumb. The Terminator was never intended to be a gigantic robot. It was an infiltration unit, not Ted Hughes's The Iron Man. Especially silly, as throughout Terminator Genisys Arnold was obviously not exceptionally tall when compared to other actors.
FrankR1 said on 8/Aug/16
Arnold's peak height had to be no more than 6' and 1/2" (184 cm). He looks up at Ultimate Warrior (Jim Hellwig) in a photo, and Warrior was between 6'2" and 6'2 and 1/2" at his absolute tallest. There's no way that Arnold was even 6'1." I find it "comical" that his T-800 character is depicted at 6'6".
Arch Stanton said on 8/Aug/16
Brandon Lee was 5'11.5 I think, Dolph was 6'4.5. About 5 inches as you say Jervis.
Arch Stanton said on 8/Aug/16
Saw Red Heat the other night, I'd forgotten how impressive Arnie looked in the 80s. Certainly looked every inch a Russian assassin type. About as chiselled looking as you can get.
Antman said on 8/Aug/16
Hi Jervis. I am not sure what height Brandon Lee was but as the son of 5ft 5 Bruce Lee - never the height of 5ft 7 he is always claimed to be - I would imagine nowhere near the 6ft I have seen him estimated. I know though that I am 5ft 9 and having stood next to Mr. Lundgren also know he is no taller than 6ft. He was wearing sneakers so had no obvious assist there. I think he was 6ft 1 at his peak and I have seen him in some clunky footwear over the years that would have boosted him close to his imaginary height of 6ft 4.
Jordan87 said on 8/Aug/16

I always had Sly at around 5'8, no taller. Keep in mind years ago the 5'6.75 Glen was something like 1.5 inches shorter than Sly in their Miserable Picture together.

With Normal Shoes Sly was barely taller than Burt Young. Lundgren Does Claim 6'3 but to be honest on this site he is pictured with a 5'7.75 fella and is 6'2 TOPS!
jervis said on 8/Aug/16
Richarard E Grant is 6ft2 not 6ft4.If you watch the player he is about 3 to 4 inches shorter than Tim Robbins.
berta said on 8/Aug/16
still Think Arnold was more in the 185-86 range but could be 187 a good day
jervis said on 8/Aug/16
Antman,what height do you think Branden lee was? Lundgren had about 5 inches on him.
themthen said on 7/Aug/16
Click Here
Click Here
lou 190 arnold 182 ralf 197
Johan said on 6/Aug/16
Lundgren is still nothing less than 6'2.5"-6'3". He still stands around an inch taller than Adam Copeland who Rob met and lists 6'2.5". I think more 6'2" flat.

Jeez guys go watch Showdown in Little Tokyo where he is barefoot next to Brandon Lee and Tia Carrere. He dwarfs her in heels ( she is 5ft 7 confirmed by Rob) and Lee was supposedly near 6ft. He can even pass for 6ft 5 at times in that film.

Lundgren himself claims 6'3" today and 6'4" range at peak.

I agree though with Van Damme, I have seen the guy and he looked short to me. He had a statue presented a few years back in Belgium. Life size 174 cm or 5ft 8.5".

I still think Arnie was 6ft 1 at peak and around the 5ft 11 mark nowadays.
Antman said on 6/Aug/16
Peter I stand by this estimate for Lundgren's peak height. Now he is barely 6ft and you don't lose all that height unless you have your foot removed! Watch Rocky IV particularly the Drago v Apollo fight. When both actors are fighting and the camera illusions are gone both guys look close in height. They certainly where when I met them recently. As for Stallone I met Mr T a few years ago and he was barely my height 5ft 9. He was 2 inches taller than Stallone in Rocky III! As for Arnold in Predator you can never judge height well in movies that are shot outdoors because of the uneven ground and also no way was Schwarzenegger gonna allow Weathers to look bigger than him. The clincher re Arnold's height is the movie Stay Hungry were Arnold looks 5ft 11 next to Jeff Bridges. Movie magic is so convincing it even fools the actors about their own height!
Peter 179cm said on 5/Aug/16
@Antman Weathers looked atleast 6'0 next to Rob,he was probably closer to legit 6'1 back in the 80's and Arnold looked about the same height in the Predator.Also Stallone might be 5'7 nowadays but he was certainly no less than 5'8 when he was younger.Lundgren on the other hand struggles to look even 6'2 these days,but in his prime he was a strong 6'3 maybe even near 6'4 with an impossing figure ( buffed with muscles and quite slim), 6'1 seems like a joke for him even now.I'm not sure on Van Damme though, i never believed his 5'10 claim-more like about 5'9 peak and around 5'8.5 now.
Peter 179cm said on 5/Aug/16
I bet if Rob updated Arnold's height to currently 5'10 and peak 5'11,Harold would be much satisfied lol...But seriously now,based on shown evidence i believe Rob is off by an inch with this listing... I mean it's more arguable Arnold was 183-184 peak rather than 186-187cm and closer to 178-179cm than 182 nowadays, and that's based on several pics on the net, aswell as clips.But that's just my personal opinion...
Jordan87 said on 5/Aug/16
Arnold is 5'10.5 today ( look at pics with him and joe mangeolo ( 6'4.5 with rob , look at his eye level and Arnold's height )

Arnie is not over 6 foot today he is about 5'10.5. He was 6'0, 6'0.5 in his prime . People that think he shrunk 4" are just as full of crap as the people who think his peak height was 5'10.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 5/Aug/16
Danimal (176-178cm) said on 2/Aug/16
richie said on 24/Jul/16

Over 6'0" today? Then what does that make Jimmy Fallon? 6'2"? Arnold is in the 5'10" and change camp MAX today: Click Here


If Fallon is 5´11.5" Arnie is 5´10.25" max. Agree with 5´10"-5´10.5" range today for Arnie.
Click Here
Anthony said on 5/Aug/16
And why do certain people keep insisting that all bodybuilders pretend to be tall? Look back through history and right up to the present day to find examples of many bodybuilders who were very short or average height at most. It is not an industry that rewards height. So if Arnold was known as a tall guy back in his bodybuilding days then it's probably for the simple reason that he was.
THE REAL ANNONYMOUS said on 4/Aug/16
Good post richie!
I agree 100%
Antman said on 4/Aug/16
Having recently stood next to Dolph Lundgren and Carl Weathers I think I can now rank the peak heights of all the 80's action heroes through actual experience and comparison with pictures. Okay here goes; Stallone- 5ft 7, Van Damme - 5ft 8, Schwarzenegger- 5ft 11, Carl Weathers - 6ft, Lundgren - 6ft 1. I realise some of these might seem a little shocking but I am pretty sure they are accurate. The illusion of the movies and the imagination of the actors can be very convincing but seeing is believing.
richie said on 4/Aug/16
@Harold: Nah, the reality check is well and truly in your corner, bud. This isn't a personal issue more so a disagreement and there is simply no need for the patronising and condescending tone, school boy behaviour more like, someone should report you to the headmaster....Cowboy boots???? Schwarzenegger, unlike his counterparts Stallone, Van Damme, Norris, Reynolds, McQueen and yes the list is endless, was never a lift wearer as any guy standing over 6', which indeed Arnold did, would simply not feel the need for a boost. The evidence in Arnold's favour concerning his estimated height of 6'1"is overwhelming and there are simply too many scenarios to mention, i suggest you check out the pictures, of which there are many, the one with Clint Eastwood is pretty decent, shot back in 95', where Clint had probably stooped to 6'2", both himself and Schwarzenegger are pretty much identical in height and Jeff Bridges who was close to 6'3" back in the day, was only slighter taller than Arnie, who was incidentally bare foot in several of those scenes, so much for the lift theory.Fellow bodybuilders and Pumping Iron stars Ken Waller and Mike Katz, both of whom were 6', fell short in stature to the Austrian, the list really is endless, so this clearly has little to do with myself keeping it real but in truth your failure at being able to deal with the fact that Arnold Schwarzenegger, certainly during his peak years, was just shy of 6'2"....
THE REAL ANNONYMOUS said on 3/Aug/16
Harold... Keep trolling and make the boys at Getbig proud😉
I didn't bother reading your latest manifesto regarding Arnold's height. It's more of the same blah blah fanboys,Hollywood,cowboy boots,billed heights.... Blah blah blah and blah blah blah
Danimal (176-178cm) said on 2/Aug/16
richie said on 24/Jul/16
There is a very recent photograph of Schwarzenegger locked in Predator style hand wrestle with fellow actor Carl Weathers, and the two actors were practically identical in height and Weathers is one of the few old school 70's actors who does not appear to have lost height and his estimated stature of 6'1" is very plausible, what does that tell you about Arnie's height ???? The Austrian actor is still over 6', not quite as tall as 30 years ago but certainly not as low as 5'11"

Over 6'0" today? Then what does that make Jimmy Fallon? 6'2"? Arnold is in the 5'10" and change camp MAX today: Click Here

Arnold and 5'9"-5'10" GSP: Click Here
Canson said on 2/Aug/16
@Richie: unless he wore lifts like every time out in public he was around 6'1" legit and I'm the last person to upgrade someone (I know reality and right from wrong). But an older relative of mine met him and said they were the same exact or near the same height. So you have merit to your argument definitely. But on Harold's comment, I have to agree that his (of course not what he directed at you) comment has merit. Tons of people on this site inflate celebs just to make them fit their "fantasy" for them and then when you don't go along with it or state your opinion (usually within a cm or two they go ballistic). It's a stark reality that the majority of celebs on this site here (while they may have claimed a height repeatedly) are in fact claiming their shoe height and it's based on how they look with another inflators that people draw the conclusion and when they are shown up by someone claiming their true height, it's never that person A isn't as tall as they claim. It's that the honest person (person B) is downplaying themselves and is magically taller than they claim
richie said on 1/Aug/16
@Harold.... I'm not a fanboy and call it how i see it basically, neither do i purposely look to down grade an actors height to make myself feel more adequate. Rob's estimation of celebrity heights i believe is pretty accurate and i would agree with the majority of readings on this site. There is no doubting Schwarzenegger's peak height of 6'1.5", he shared the screen with many a tall actor during the 70/80's and more than held his own as he was indeed very close to 6'2", of course he has lost height today but lets be fair, the guy is almost 70 and most people have lost a good inch by that stage in their lives, probably standing close to 6' would be plausible, but certainly no less, as we saw in the recent Expendable outings he still towers Stallone by several inches and shades Willis who himself is close to 6',so the mentioning of 5'10/11" or less, is borderline ridiculous, get a grip......
markb said on 31/Jul/16
[Long time reader (over 10 years), formerly posted very occasionally as 'cake-taker'. Won't change from 'markb' now]

It's been asked before, probably many times, but it's worth revisiting:

Editor Rob -- as far as you can estimate, do you still think the prime Arnold (22 years old, for the sake of argument) would have measured 188cm in the morning? Or do you now lean more to a strong 6'1'' at best?

Editor Rob
I do think a primer Arnold would have hit that 188 mark comfortably straight out of bed.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/Jul/16
Rob is the 6ft1¾ arguable for his peak?
Editor Rob
I don't know, I think the Vince measurement is about as honest as we are going to get...
Ryan Allen said on 30/Jul/16
I agree with junior31 in my personal experience 6'0 is not what is used to be , especially here in New York , as a six footer my self I tend to feel in the slightly above average range .
Danimal (176-178cm) said on 29/Jul/16
Candyman said on 26/Jul/16
Actors lie in movies. Its kinda their thing.

He was a barefoot professional bodybuilder before he was an actor.
The Man said on 28/Jul/16
181cm for Arnold nowdays, and 184-185 at his prime. He didn't lose as much height as most users here think he did. I disagree with both peak 6'0" and 6'1.5" estimations.
THE REAL ANNONYMOUS said on 27/Jul/16
Junior31...Harold is a troll from Getbig! The more you feed him the more he trolls
I'm on the same page as you regarding Arnold's height 6'1-6'1.5
Jordan87 said on 27/Jul/16

I Live in Eastern Pennsylvania and to be honest I am a Legit 5'10.5 ( Been that way since high school) and most of my friends out here that are white males
( Mostly of PA Dutch, Polish and Irish Stock) are taller than I am. Even my sister's friends ( she is only 19) are taller than I am. Other night we had a House party, Combined 40 people ( id say around 32, 33 were white) and I was not one of the taller males there. I am 5'10.5. Most white males I see in Pennsylvania are taller than Myself.

I'm not sure about the average height for males in general for the planet, But these boys in PA must be corn-fed or something b/c most are over the 5'11 mark easily. My Father says that people were shorter back in his day. He was 5'11 in his youth and more often then not was the tallest male in the room. Nowadays he would fit right in with most white men I see ( younger generation 20-30).
Junior31 said on 27/Jul/16
Jordan87 said on 26/Jul/16

I have been saying he was around the 6 foot mark ( Prime)for awhile now and yes that Video would seem to support my Theory further. People also act like 6 foot isnt tall enough. Agree, Most modern Males I see in the 20-30 age group are in the 5'11-6'0 range but 30 years ago a legit 6 foot was tall and would stand out. Especially One with Arnol'ds build.

If we look Back at the Kristanna Loken Pics, he was 1.5 inches taller than her and clearny had 1" Shoe advantage so in reality he was around 1/2" taller then her when he was 56 years old making him 5'11ish. ( She is 5'10.5 Tops on this site pictured with Rob). I could see him loosing 3 inches by 56, hell not even now.

He was 5'11ish at age 56 and 6'0-6'0.5 Tops in his youth.

Wait what. Most modern males between 20-30 5'11 and 6'0? In what country. That average height is 2 inches or more shorter then that for the world. We are talking 30-40 years ago. Not an evolutionary century. A 6ft male stands out quite often because it's not average. I disagree with that. As for his height I can buy 6'0.5. I'm of the belief he was 6'1.
Johan said on 27/Jul/16
Kyuss123 said on 25/Jul/16
Click Here Pause the video on 0.33. Mrs Ball is 5.6-5" tall. Now if you see arnie being 6-2" you are on acid,lots of it. Btw footwear is both flats so its even in that dept. Arnie was never 6-2". Imo here is he just over 6-0.

I don't see 6ft 2 there but if she is really 5ft 6.5 then a good 6ft 1 in his prime is definetly arguable. He has around 7 inches on her at 0.32. Draw the lines, her head is under his nose.

He is fully stretched out though while she isn't at full posture so 6ft 1 flat is still my guess.
Jordan87 said on 26/Jul/16

I have been saying he was around the 6 foot mark ( Prime)for awhile now and yes that Video would seem to support my Theory further. People also act like 6 foot isnt tall enough. Agree, Most modern Males I see in the 20-30 age group are in the 5'11-6'0 range but 30 years ago a legit 6 foot was tall and would stand out. Especially One with Arnol'ds build.

If we look Back at the Kristanna Loken Pics, he was 1.5 inches taller than her and clearny had 1" Shoe advantage so in reality he was around 1/2" taller then her when he was 56 years old making him 5'11ish. ( She is 5'10.5 Tops on this site pictured with Rob). I could see him loosing 3 inches by 56, hell not even now.

He was 5'11ish at age 56 and 6'0-6'0.5 Tops in his youth.
Candyman said on 26/Jul/16
Actors lie in movies. Its kinda their thing.
Jordan87 said on 25/Jul/16
Carl is 2" taller nowadays in most pictures. Richie not sure where you are getting they are the same height . Post it please.

Imo Carl is 6 foot nowadays ( look at his photo on this site) and Arnold is 5'10.5. 6 foot for Arnold's peak height .
Kyuss123 said on 25/Jul/16
Click Here Pause the video on 0.33. Mrs Ball is 5.6-5" tall. Now if you see arnie being 6-2" you are on acid,lots of it. Btw footwear is both flats so its even in that dept. Arnie was never 6-2". Imo here is he just over 6-0.
Harold said on 25/Jul/16
@ Richie

a. the photo shows Carl Weathers to be taller.

b. the photo (crucially) shows no footwear.

The fanboys will do anything to cling to their illusion that their hero is over six foot . Anything. So we are to believe the five foot ten or so Arnie has shrunk, what, four inches from his billed, play pretend height of six foot two? And, according to the fanboys, we are to believe having open heart surgery reduces your height. Or, wait, is it torn rotator cuff surgery that reduces your height? Oh, now I've got it, it's bodybuilding itself which caused you to shrink when one lifts 'inordinate' amount of heavy weight (yo, if that were true, Kazmaier, 100X stronger than Arnie, would be about four foot two by now). Let's give Arnie the benefit of the doubt and say double hip replacement surgery means height loss, since his lifetime of 'health and fitness' has led to that, but four inches???!!!! The man is not 90. He's in his late 60's. And, to anyone in the bodybuilding world who knows, he hasn't lifted heavy since 1975 (his 1980 title was a one-off out of retirement) and zero heavy lifting since open heart surgery in the mid 1990's. Dream on fanboys. Not only was Arnie nowhere near six foot two in this lifetime, but you swallowed his height lie hook, line and sinker.
nick92 said on 24/Jul/16
rob how tall do you think simeon panda is the well known body builder he claims "6ft1" but I personally think he's 6ft flat
Click Here
Editor Rob
not seen enough of him to tell if he's over 6ft
richie said on 24/Jul/16
There is a very recent photograph of Schwarzenegger locked in Predator style hand wrestle with fellow actor Carl Weathers, and the two actors were practically identical in height and Weathers is one of the few old school 70's actors who does not appear to have lost height and his estimated stature of 6'1" is very plausible, what does that tell you about Arnie's height ???? The Austrian actor is still over 6', not quite as tall as 30 years ago but certainly not as low as 5'11"
Kyuss123 said on 24/Jul/16
Arnie was a 6 footer peak. My guess 6-0.5 Max. Looks every bit 6-2" in terminator 1 and 2..........In biker books that is.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 23/Jul/16
Dmeyer said on 19/Jul/16
Of course arnie can look 179-80 bit with good posture still looks 5 ft 11,25-11,5 , i have seen pics of him with à friend of mine this year hé looked à solid 182cm

He does look to have good posture with Robs 176-177cm friend and looks max 3cm taller.
Lynn said on 21/Jul/16
About Nubret I am going to add that is pretty normal for a REAL 176 cm guy round up to 180 cm.

For istance I was 176 cm in the Army , 177 cm at the medical office but I have 180 cm on my Identity Card.
I confirm the feeling that Nubret was no taller than me.
Mike said on 21/Jul/16
It's common for body builders to shrink as much as a few inches. I personally shrank 3/4" due to 3 herniated discs. It happened from lifting inordinately large weights. I find it appalling that people still feel like they have the right to pick on others. I assume they have shortcomings that attack their psychological well being and this is the cause. I hope they find help and feel better without causing others disharmony.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.