toddd0461 said on 4/Oct/21
At least she's more honest about height than most. If I stood next to her we would probably be very close in height.
Nik said on 3/May/20
@ Aidan strong 5'10 - She's taller than most adults!
6'4 1/2" leperchaun said on 2/May/20
5'9" Ann doesn't lie about her height. The internet adds 3 inches. Bill Maher might be 5'5".
Nik said on 12/Apr/20
I like her kitten heels!
Nik said on 12/Apr/20
@ Sandy Cowell - What about 5'8"?
She is as tall as an average man!
Aidan strong 5'10 said on 8/Apr/20
she is my height when i was 13
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/Feb/20
@ Nik - I'm not so greedy. I'll settle for 6ft!
Ann can have 5ft9 and an eighth. 😁👍
Nik said on 12/Feb/20
Richard Branson is quite tall!
Nik Ashton said on 12/Feb/20
I may start claiming to be 6’2”!
Bos said on 10/Feb/20
I always bought her super off 6'0 listing you see on goggle since she lives in 1-2 inch kitten heels, which to me signified that she never wanted to be taller than 6'2. Plus for some reason I never compared her with other people like I do for everyone else. Her being so thin and having long proportions must have made it believable to me, plus I wouldn't expect anywhere to list a 5'9 woman 3 inches higher, especially if she didn't quote it herself.
She would be under 6'1 in 4 inch heels and be just under 6'0 in 3 inch heels and not ridiculously tall so, I'm guessing the real reason she doesn't wear bigger heels is for medical reasons or because she just doesn't like wearing them.
Ian555 said on 17/Feb/19
Google lists her at 6’ 0”??? Also Rob do you agree with her statement that 5’ 5” men claim to 6 feet and 6 footers claim 6’ 4”.

Editor Rob
Maybe she exaggerates a bit.
But, you probably get some people who make outlandish claims, with a smile and a firm belief they are what they claim.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 24/Aug/18
Peyton i agree with 6'5 since he was measure at 6'5.25" and daring to claim 6'5 1/2 so Ann is probably solid 5'9.
Jed said on 23/Aug/18
Coulter has a point here. I'm 6'1 1/8th, I've been about that since I was 19/20. I can only recall two occasions (1 the other night) where a guy within 2 inches of my height either way wasn't at least 1" shorter than they thought they were. It's often 2". There's a global pandemic of delusion when it comes to people are their height. The women seem to be just as bad. My '5'11' girlfriend was 5'9.5. My '5'9' girlfriend was 5'7.5.
The worst case I've seen is in the Netherlands. I had two blokes in my office claiming 6'3 - saying 'I was tall for a British guy' which is how we got onto the conversation - who were slightly shorter than me. I remember being in bars and being taller than 7/10 dudes there. They're taller than Brits, but they're not averaging over 5'11 (which, incidentally, is the average taken from GP practises).
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 22/Aug/18
Why is she keep listed at 6'0 on many sites? Weird huh.. And 5'5 guy don't dare claiming 6'0 at most 5'10 came out their mouth. She clearly lies on the joke.

Editor Rob
It's just guesses. One person guessed six foot, others copied.
The link I posted a while ago didn't work, so here it is again
Click Here - beside Peyton Manning who has a massive head.
I think she seems quite honest, 5ft 9 and a bit like she measured.
Nicholas Steel said on 28/Apr/18
She is frequently listed as being about 140lbs. But she has said on her website she is 110lbs. Much inaccuracy in celebrity data.
Nik said on 25/Mar/18
This is another good listing!
M.P. said on 23/Mar/18
I thought she was six feet?
MJKoP said on 9/Nov/17
Repeatedly claiming six feet? Wow, someone who makes fun of men for their height but tells a major lie about her(?) own. Oh, and Richard Branson is 5'11", not that I expected Coulter to do any legit research before opening that mouth.
tshark said on 7/Sep/17
She has said on may occasions that she is 6'

Editor Rob
I'd be surprised if she was near 6ft, you can see her standing
With Peyton Manning who is a solid 6ft 5 guy...
Scott said on 21/Jul/17
Wow! I thought she was 6'???
RisingForce said on 14/Jul/17
She's always making fun of men's heights. Such as Rand Paul(about 5'7") and Marco Rubio(about 5'9"). No wonder she likes Trump so much, she and Trump are both heightists, to use Rob's term for it. Oddly I did hear the 6 feet for Ann that's been mentioned. Strange since she's obviously nowhere near it, except with heels.
MJKoP said on 13/Jul/17
Coulter is of dead-on average height, if you catch my drift. ;)
Liberty183.3 said on 12/Jun/17
With Milo Yiannopolous (6'2''), she looks 5'10/11''
Christopher said on 12/Feb/17
She looks 5'10 ish
Inteval said on 9/Feb/17
Rob why Is she listed 6 feet?

Editor Rob
listed on other sites at 6 foot? Never looked that tall.
anyonmious said on 23/Nov/16
I would say more like 5'8" in barefoot. 6 foot may be with heels
Swish said on 21/Nov/16
She is listed as Six feet tall on Google but I would agree she looks under that.
Click Here
Ann looks around the mouth of Peyton Manning.